Session 88

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 5 Day 16 TE 6057

Our party is once more in SelKai. We get reports that there is hunger in Nuyam Kom, but there's not a lot we can do about it. Imre's new friend Nusmoi is staying at our place (nudge nudge) and spends a fair bit of time talking to the dragon.

Imre's mom sends him a note checking on how he is.

He has some dates with his new friend. The Changramai are still embarassed, but have upped internal security.

Haeraan writes home. So does Imre.

Oathar gets more uniforms for his troops, er... sailors.

Imre has yet another date with Nusmoi. This time in Eidolon.

Orhan 5 Day 40 TE 6057

We arrive at the High Temple of Neela in the Rashells. It's a tropical island. Oathar makes a pilgramage to the temple of Neela. We go on up into the little tropical villiage. In the center of the island is a big stone building, which is the temple. We're invited in and Oathar speaks to the high priestess, while the rest of the party is taken to the villiage.

Oathar's meeting with the High Priestess goes well. She says there really aren't going to be paladins, but Oathar is essentially given permission to pursue his ideas on commerce. He is dipped in the holy pool and almost hears the voice of Neela, but can not make it out. The high priestess says, "Go my child, may you travel on the waters long and often."

Imre thanks her, and goes to the temple. He then tithes 1000 gold to the temple, prays for a bit for Neela's blessing on his path, and then heads down to meet the party in the villiage.

Meanwhile, the party is looking for the well known magical herbs that grow in the Rashell island chain. Haeraan finds several small rocks. Alynna and Kyrik find herbs of Nerve Repair. Imre finds an herb of Nerve Repair, and two "booster" herbs. They temporarily raise any one magical stat by +2 and give you 20 extra power points, and give a +5 bonus to ESFs which lasts for an hour.

Orhan 5 Day 60 TE 6057

We sail on towards the lost continent of Terrania. A storm is coming. It starts raining. The seas get very rough. Imre calms them down. But it's dark and it's raining, and the lookouts strain to see through the darkness. Suddenly, Kyrik calls out, "Rouge Wave to Starboard!" Oathar yells, "Brace yourselves!" and tries to turn the ship into the wave! Alynna, and Kyrik are battered badly with broken bones, but manage to stay on board. Haeraan and a pair of crewmen are swept overboard, but Haeraan manages to save them. Imre is fine, but distracted by strange visions as the wave sweeps over. Oathar manages to turn the ship to safety, and it is safe, but Oathar is gone.

The party notices that Oathar is unconsious, but strangely not losing hit points. Haeraan finishes rescuing the sailors and then dives to try and find Oathar.

Oathar's first officer takes charge and finishes saving the ship, but now that the wave has passed the seas are calming and the storm is dissipating.

Haeraan and Kyrik look around for Oathar in the water, but finds nothing.

Imre considers and realizes that Oathar is fine, though missing and instructs the first officer to hold course and head steady on.

Meanwhile, there's Oathar. He wakes up on a beach. Struggling to his elbows, he discovers a young 16 year old girl. Look! It's an avatar of Neela. She's got his Navigator necklace (portable obelisk) and asks if she can have it. Oathar nods his acquiesence. He asks after his ship and crew. She assures him that they are fine and will be here soon. She examines him closely. "You're kind of scruffy looking." Oathar asks her if she finds his activities acceptable. She asks why he is doing them. "To be ready for the coming troubles?" "Eissa is watching you. Rianne thinks the big one has potential, but doesn't like to brag." "Don't be too concerned about the gold, it'll all work out in the end." Oathar and Neela have a nice conversation. She asks him to give her shiny things now and then.

Orhan 5 Day 61 TE 6057

The ship arrives at the beach and a boat is sent for Oathar. Imre ministers to him, while Oathar tries to relate his religous experiences, but they thinks he's a bit dilusional. Well, it becomes clear he's not, but Imre gives him a sleeping draught anyways, and he relates a sort of muddled version of his vision before falling asleep.

Orhan 5 Day 62 TE 6057

We begin our exploration of the lost continent of Terrania. It's kind of junky, and just rock with a little bits of vegetation here and there. Mostly, just rock and sand and junk like that. We map as best we can, but it's hard as there are few landmarks.

Orhan 5 Day 65 TE 6057

Along the shore, we find a shipwreck of a cargo ship. Investigating, we find it was a merchant ship from Kaitaine. There are skeletons spralled out on the beach near it. We check its cargo, but the crates are pretty darned skanky. Yuk! Alynna gets pretty nauseous. Yuk.

Imre does manage to find several bolts of strange water repellant cloth and a locked box. Inside the locked box is a metal lined compartment containing a metal box with a handle. Inside are a bunch of rocks.

Oathar determines the cloth was made recently (50 years), by humans, on Earth. Where the heck is Earth? "on Earth", it must be an island, or something.

We continue our explorations.

Orhan 5 Day 70 TE 6057

Imre holds services! Yay, New Years Eve!

That night we are camping among the desolate wasteland and a slow fog creeps up from the ground.

We prep for combat as Haeraan's morning star is going into action mode. Three highman ghosts come out of the fog and wail. Yuk.

Imre challenges them and they respond in ancient Terranian. Sigh. We try Erlin and then manage to get something across. "For aeons we have suffered. Now the light of day tortures us again! We must extinguish you and your light. We can never rest. No peace!"

We fight. We smite them. Sigh.

