"Stay the Course" 2004 Lewy & Felder

Lyrics by Michael Lewy

Music by Malcolm Felder


Stay the course © 2004 Lewy & Felder

I know we didn't find any WMDs
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't stick with me
Been through it many many times before
I know it's hard work but just don't walk out that door
I said
Stay the course
Don't be an Osama bin Laden
I said
Stay the course
I don't want to hear your political jargon
Stay the course
Got some hard work to do
Stay the course
Yes, I believe in you
You heard it right, I said mission accomplished
But that doesn't mean I got the job done
I know you still believe in me
You know you might be the only one
Who's gonna
Stay the course
Our love is important
And freedom's on the march
So stay the course
Together we will walk through that golden arch
So stay the course
Don't you dare cut and run
Stay the course
We can still have a little fun
You know we gotta lotta hard work to do
But our love is going to see us through
So just stay the course
It's still a mystery
We will make history
So stay the course
Yeah, I am gonna say it again
You gotta
Stay the course
Stay the course
Stay the course