Estes Viking

Length: ??cm
Diameter: ??mm
Dry Weight: ??oz

Flight  Date  Motor  Comments

1  2001.10.20  A8-3  Perfect flight.
2  2001.10.20  B6-6  Flight duration: 34.0 s
NARTREK Streamer Duration
Flight Success
3  2001.10.20  C6-7  Unstable, Pranged, DESTROYED

Bought this after six unsuccesful attempts at getting the Pip Squeak to stay in the air for 30 seconds. This rocket took over as my NARTREK Bronze streamer duration rocket. On October 20, 2001 it succeeded in a 34 second flight on its first try, sufficient for the NARTREK Bronze requirement.

After that, I tried to drag race the rocket with my friend Mikkel's Viking - both on C6-7s. His rocket went so high that no one ever saw it eject or descend. My rocket was unstable for some reason, and ended up powering into the ground right next to the cars. With the entire nosecone and an inch of the body tube firmly embedded in the dirt, the ejection charge overpressured the body tube and the rocket exploded.