Green Islands Project
Spring 2011 Research Integration Workshop


On May 25-27, MIT hosted the Green Islands Research Integration Workshop which brought together over thirty researchers across eight universities from the United States, Portugal and the Netherlands. The focus of the Workshop was to discuss innovative research on sustainable energy design and practice with an emphasis on the "green" islands of the Azores as a leading regional case study.

The workshop was organized around thematic research clusters, including the following topics: Renewable Resource Dynamics, Smart Islands Grids, Smart End-Uses, Mobility and Electric Vehicles, and Integrated Regional Strategic Energy Planning. The agenda with copies of the presentations are below.


Research Integration Workshop - May 25-27, 2011 @ MIT

Agenda and Presentations  (download presentations here)

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Workshop Overview

- MIT-Program Welcome  (Dava Newman, MIT)

- Green Islands Challenges  (Steve Connors and Ned Spang, MIT)

- GIP Mobility Case Study: The Impact of EVs on Urban Form  (Tomaz Dentinho, UAC)

Renewable Resource Dynamics

- Applying GIS to Solar Resource Analysis  (Miguel Brito, FCUL)

- Wind Power Planning for Isolated Systems  (Kiti Suomalainen, IST)

- Maximizing Available Wind and Hydro Resources  (Pam DeAmicis, MIT)

Smart Island Grids

- IT-Enabled Island Grids (Marija Ilic, CMU)

- Loss Minimization & Grid Stability in the Azores (Masoud Nazari, CMU)

- Fast Energy Storage (Olivia Leitermann, EECS-MIT)

- High Penetration Renewables and Demand Response in Island Systems (Karl Critz, MIT)

- Integrating Wind and EVs for Green Islands (Remco Verzijlbergh, Delft)

- Cost & Environmental Impact of EVs in the Azores (Max Parness, MIT)

Thursday, 26 May 2011

GIP Buildings Research

- Azores Building Stock Survey (Mario Fortuna, UA)

- Net-Zero Energy Schools (Pedro Silva & Vitor Leal, FEUP)

- Eco Bairros Demonstration Project (Armando Mendes, UAC via Video)

Smart End-Uses

- MIT Building Technology Program (Leon Glicksman, MIT)

- Buildings for Sustainable Energy (Vitor Leal, FEUP)

- CityHome: Designing for Smart Demand  (Kent Larson, MIT Media Lab)

- Energy Box and Islands  (Dan Livengood & Woei Ling Leow, ESD-MIT)

- Wind Energy and Intelligent Building Research of the Evolutionary Design and Optimization Group, CSAIL (Una-May O'Reilly and Kalyan Veeramachaneni, MIT and Pedro Fazenda, IST)

Electric Vehicles, Mobility and Emissions

- CityCar: Lightweight Electric Mobility  (Ryan Chin, MIT Media Lab)

- Life-Cycle Assessment of Electric Vehicles  (Pedro Marques and Fausto Freire, FCTUC)

- Multi-Criteria Analysis of LDV Technologies (Reza Fazeli, FEUP)

- Designing EV Charging Networks (Carlos Silva, IST)

- Tradeoffs in the Systems Design of the Electric Vehicle Industry (Aravind Ratnam, MIT)

Friday, 27 May 2011

GIP Research / Demonstration Project Update

- Update on Other UA Green Islands Research Projects (Ze Maria, ARENA)

- The Corvo Project: 100% Renewable Island (Carlos Silva, IST)

Integrated Regional Strategic Energy Planning

- Next-Generation Energy Efficiency Program Design  (Gustavo Souza & Vitor Leal, FEUP)

- Integrated Energy Modeling (Andre Pina & Carlos Silva, IST)

- New Research Platforms and Test Beds for Sustainable Energy and Transportation Systems
      (Steve Connors, MIT)