The Company Orchestra (panorama): Andrew Greenhut, Joanna Bobrow, Ian Cohen, Adam Marquez, Sara Honeywell, James Soland, Nate Pearson, conductor Elaina Cope on piano, Dave Berger, Elliot Brandow. Flautist Lisa Song is not pictured. (credit: Jax Kirtley)
"Company": Left
to Right: Harry (Aaron Moronez '04), Sarah (Heather Doering
'05), April (Eleanor "Nori" Pritchard '06), Jenny (Allison
Linker W'05), David (Tim Abrahamsen '06), Bobby (Matt Ciborowski
'08), Susan (Michelle Fogerson '07), Larry (Joe Lowery G), Peter
(TR Jordan '07), Joanne (Kristin Hughes), Kathy (Kathleen
McEnnis '07), Amy (Dana Ozik G), Paul (Matt Stern '08), Marta
(Cinda Anne Rousculp) (credit: Jax Kirtley)
Harry (Aaron
Moronez '04) and Sarah (Heather Doering '05) demonstrate their
wrestling talents to Bobby (Matt Ciborowski '08) (credit: Jax Kirtley)
Jenny (Allison
Linker W'05), David (Tim Abrahamsen '06), and Bobby (Matt
Ciborowski '08) attempt to relive their old college
days. (credit: Jax Kirtley)
David (Tim
Abrahamsen '06), Bobby (Matt Ciborowski '08), and Jenny (Allison
Linker W'05) show off the set design by Jax Kirtley '96 (credit: Jax Kirtley)
April (Eleanor
"Nori" Pritchard '06) Tells Bobby (Matt Ciborowski '08) a
story. (credit: Jax Kirtley)
Matt (Matt
Ciborowski '08) and Marta (Cinda Anne Rousculp) (credit: Jax Kirtley)
Dance Break:
(Left to Right): Harry (Aaron Moronez '04), Sarah (Heather
Doering '05), Peter (TR Jordan '07), Susan (Michelle Fogerson
'07), Larry (Joe Lowery G), Bobby (Matt Ciborowski '08), Joanne
(Kristin Hughes), David (Tim Abrahamsen '06), Jenny
(Obscured)(Allison Linker W'05), Paul (Matt Stern '08), Amy
(Dana Ozik G) (credit: Jax Kirtley)
Bobby (Matt
Ciborowski '08) and April (Eleanor "Nori" Pritchard '06) enjoy a
quiet evening together. (credit: Jax Kirtley)
Joanne (Kristin
Hughes) and Bobby (Matt Ciborowski '08) share a drink. (credit: Jax Kirtley)
Bobby (Matt
Ciborowski '08) contemplates life. (credit: Jax Kirtley)
"It's the little
things you do together": (Left to Right) Back Row: David (Tim
Abrahamsen '06), Jenny (Allison Linker W'05), Paul (Matt Stern
'08), Amy (Dana Ozik G), Peter (TR Jordan '07), Susan (Michelle
Fogerson '07) Front: Joanne (Kristin Hughes), Larry (Joe Lowery
G) (credit: Jax Kirtley)
April (Eleanor
"Nori" Pritchard '06), Kathy (Kathleen McEnnis '07), and Marta
(Cinda Anne Rousculp) explain to Bobby how it is that he can
"Drive a Person Crazy" (credit: Jax Kirtley)
Susan (Michelle
Fogerson '07) looks on while the husbands Paul (Matt Stern '08),
Harry (Aaron Moronez '04), Peter (TR Jordan '07), David (Tim
Abrahamsen '06) and Larry (Joe Lowery G) try to set up Bobby
(Matt Ciborowski '08) with a girl. (credit: Jax Kirtley)
"Another Hundred
People": Marta (Cinda Anne Rousculp) (credit: Jax Kirtley)
Amy (Dana Ozik G)
and Paul (Matt Stern '08) prepare for their upcoming
wedding. (credit: Jax Kirtley)
Every musical
needs a kickline: (Left to Right): Tim Abrahamsen '06, Allison
Linker W'05, Matt Stern '08, Dana Ozik G, Joe Lowery G, Kristin
Hughes, TR Jordan '07, Michelle Fogerson '07, Aaron Moronez '04,
Heather Doering '05 (credit: Jax Kirtley)
Bobby (Matt
Ciborowski '08) brings his new girlfriend Marta (Cinda Anne
Rousculp) to his friends Susan (Michelle Fogerson '07) and Peter
(TR Jordan '07) (credit: Jax Kirtley)
Finale (Left to
Right): David (Tim Abrahamsen '06), Jenny (Allison Linker W'05),
Sarah (Heather Doering '05), Harry (Aaron Moronez '04), Peter
(TR Jordan '07), Susan (Michelle Fogerson '07), Bobby (Matt
Ciborowski '08), Joanne (Kristin Hughes), Larry (Joe Lowery G),
Paul (Matt Stern '08), Amy (Dana Ozik G) (credit: Jax Kirtley)
Harry (Aaron
Moronez '04) and Sarah (Heather Doering '05) attempt to
vicariously enjoy a brownie and bourbon through Bobby (Matt
Ciborowski '08) (credit: Jax Kirtley)
Director Jamez
Kirtley watches a rehearsal, assisted by faithful leonine companion
Jeffrey. (credit: Jax Kirtley)
April (Eleanor
"Nori" Pritchard '06), Kathy (Kathleen McEnnis '07), and Marta
(Cinda Anne Rousculp) explain to Bobby (Matt Ciborowski '08) how
it is that he can "Drive a Person Crazy" (credit: Jax Kirtley)
Bobby (Matt
Ciborowski '08) muses on the perfect girl, a combination of his
friends (Left to Right:) Amy (Dana Ozik G), Sarah (Heather
Doering '05), Susan (Michelle Fogerson '07), Joanne (Kristin
Hughes), and Jenny (Allison Linker W'05) (credit: Jax Kirtley)
Kathy (Kathleen
McEnnis '07) and Bobby (Matt Ciboroski '08) (credit: Jax Kirtley)
Amy (Dana Ozik G)
has second thoughts about her wedding in front of the chorus
(Left to Right: Tim Abrahamsen '06, Aaron Moronez '04, Heather
Doering '05, Cinda Anne Rousculp, Michelle Fogerson '07, Allison
Linker 'W05, Kathleen McEnnis '07, Eleanor "Nori" Pritchard '06,
TR Jordan '07, Kristin Hughes, Joe Lowery G) (credit: Jax Kirtley)
"What would we do
without you?": (Left to Right) Joe Lowery G, Michelle Fogerson
'07, Tim Abrahamsen '06, TR Jordan '06, Allison Linker W'05,
Matt Ciborowski '08, Dana Ozik G, Matt Stern '08, Aaron Moronez
'04, Heather Doering '05, Kristin Hughes (credit: Jax Kirtley)
Larry (Joe Lowery
G) finds a pretty girl to dance with (Kathleen McEnnis
'07) (credit: Jax Kirtley)