correct, indicating damage to the VTOCE. The checksum is corrected. Other damage, if found, is reported. Action: No operator action is required. [scavenge_volume.pl1] scavenge_volume: NNN errors reading VTOCEs on dskX_NN{S} Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: During a physical volume scavenge of dskX_NN{S} Meaning: Errors were encountered reading VTOCEs. A message describing each error was recorded into the syserr log. The VTOCEs with errors are skipped, and lost records are not recovered. Action: When the volume has been repaired, rerun the scavenger to recover the lost records. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 731 11/13/89 scavenge_volume -731- 11/13/89 [scavenge_volume.pl1] scavenge_volume: NNN VTOCEs on dskX_NN{S} damaged. MMM damaged during this scavenge. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: At the completion of a volume scavenge of dskX_NN{S} Meaning: The scavenger found a total of NNN damaged segments on the volume. Of these, MMM were damaged by the scavenger due to inconsistencies in the VTOCEs for these segments. A message for each was recorded into the syserr log. Action: Examine the syserr log to find the damaged segments and recover them. [scavenge_volume.pl1] scavenge_volume: Out-of-service address in stock for dskX_NN{S} Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: During a scavenge of dskX_NN{S} Meaning: While examining the record stock, and out-of-service address was encountered. Due to the volume map locking protocols used, this should never happen. It indicates hardware or software malfunction. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. Message: scavenge_volume: Processing vtocx NNNNN on dskX_NN{S} Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: During a volume scavenge of dskX_NN{S} Meaning: This message is printed every 2000 (octal) VTOCEs during the scan of the VTOC by the scavenger if scavenge_vol was invoked with the -debug option. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 732 11/13/89 scavenge_volume -732- 11/13/89 [scavenge_volume.pl1] scavenge_volume: Overflow on scavenge of dskX_NN{S}. Restarting. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: During a physical volume scavenge of dskX_NN{S}. Meaning: An internal table which tracks reused record addresses overflowed. All conflicts detected so far are resolved, and the scavenge is restarted from the beginning. Action: No operator action is required. [scavenge_volume.pl1] scavenge_volume: setting damaged switch on NAME at VTOCX (dskX_NN{S}). Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: During a physical volume scavenge of dskX_NN{S} Meaning: An inconsistency has been detected in the VTOCE and the damaged switch has been set. A message describing the inconsistency has been recorded in the syserr log. The binary information associated with this message includes the segment UID-path. Action: Recover the segment. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 733 11/13/89 scavenge_volume -733- 11/13/89 [scavenge_volume.pl1] scavenge_volume: Unable to resolve conflict for address RRR on dskX_NN{S}. astep=PTR Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: During a physical volume scavenge of dskX_NN{S} Meaning: During the scan of the VTOC, the scavenger found several VTOCEs which claimed the same record address RRR. It could not resolve the conflict, since the segment with the ASTE indicated was active and could not be deactivated. Action: Rerun the scavenger at a later time. It may be necessary to wait until the next bootload. [scavenge_volume.pl1] scavenge_volume: Unable to resolve conflict for address RRR on dskX_NN{S}. Error at vtocx NNNN. ERRORMESSAGE. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: During a physical volume scavenge of dskX_NN{S} Meaning: During the VTOC walk, the scavenger found several VTOCEs claiming the save address RRR. It was unable to resolve the conflict due to a VTOCE read error. Action: After the volume has been repaired, rerun the scavenger. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 734 11/13/89 scavenge_volume -734- 11/13/89 [scavenge_volume.pl1] scavenge_volume: vtoce NAME at VTOCX (dskX_NN{S}). cur len changed from X to Y Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: During a physical volume scavenge of dskX_NN{S} Meaning: The current segment length field in the VTOCE has been corrected. The segment has been damaged. Action: Recover the segment. [scavenge_volume.pl1] scavenge_volume: vtoce NAME at VTOCX (dskX_NN{S}). max len changed from X to Y Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: During a physical volume scavenge of dskX_NN{S} Meaning: The max length field in the VTOCE has been corrected. The segment has been damaged. Action: Recover the segment. [scavenge_volume.pl1] scavenge_volume: vtoce NAME at VTOCX (dskX_NN{S}). rec used changed from X to Y Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: During a physical volume scavenge of dskX_NN{S} Meaning: The records used field in the VTOCE has been corrected. The segment has been damaged. Action: Recover the segment. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 735 11/13/89 scavenge_volume -735- 11/13/89 [scavenge_volume.pl1] scavenge_volume: vtoce NAME at VTOCX (dskX_NN{S}). ref to pageno PPP at addr RRR deleted Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: During a physical volume scavenge of dskX_NN{S} Meaning: Address RRR was claimed by more than one VTOCE. The page indicated has been changed to a null page, and the segment has been damaged. Action: Recover the segment. [scavenge_volume.pl1] scavenge_volume: vtoce NAME at VTOCX (dskX_NN{S}). time-record-product reset to zero Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: During a physical volume scavenge of dskX_NN{S} Meaning: An invalid value was found in the time-record-product field of the VTOCE indicated. This field has been reset to zero. Action: No operator action is required. [scavenger.pl1] scavenger: Begin scavenge of dskX_NN{s} by PERSON.PROJECT.TAG Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: When a physical volume is being scavenged Meaning: This is an informational message at the beginning of a volume scavenge. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 736 11/13/89 scavenger -736- 11/13/89 [scavenger.pl1] scavenger: Invalid block reset. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: When a physical volume is being scavenged. Meaning: A process attempted to clean up a scavenger block which was not assigned to it. This indicates a software malfunction. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [scavenger.pl1] scavenger: Meters from scavenge of dskX_NN{s}. METERINGDATA. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: When a physical volume is being scavenged. Meaning: Various peformance measurements of the scavenge are recorded if the appropriate scavenger control flag is set. Action: No operator action is required. [scavenger.pl1] scavenger: Process table entry not owned by this process. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: When a physical volume is being scavenged. Meaning: The scavenger attempted to release a process table entry which did not belong to this process. This indicates a software malfunction. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 737 11/13/89 scavenger -737- 11/13/89 [scavenger.pl1] scavenger: Scavenge of dskX_NN{s} by PERSON.PROJECT.TAG completed with error. ERRORMESSAGE. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: When a physical volume is being scavenged. Meaning: Scavenging could not be completed because of the error indicated. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [scavenger.pl1] scavenger: Scavenge of dskX_NN{s} by PERSON.PROJECT.TAG completed. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: When a physical volume is being scavenged. Meaning: This is an informational message to indicate successful completion of a scavenge. Action: No operator action is required. [scavenger.pl1] scavenger: Scavenge of dskX_NN{s} stopped. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: During system shutdown. Meaning: The system is being shutdown, and a scavenge of dskX_NN{s} is in progress. The scavenge is terminated and likely had no effect. Action: Rerun the scavenge. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 738 11/13/89 scavenger -738- 11/13/89 [scavenger.pl1] scavenger: XXXXXX condition signalled during scavenge of dskX_NN{s} by PERSON.PROJECT.TAG Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: When a physical volume is being scavenged. Meaning: An unexpected XXXXXX condition was signalled during a volume scavenge, causing abnormal termination of the scavenge. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [scr_util.pl1] scr_util: error setting configuration register. SCU X must be set manually. Set the following switches on SCU X < Diagram of SCU Maintenance Panel is Printed Here> After setting the switches for SCU X place SCU S into Manual Mode and then into Program Mode Stream: BOS Typewriter (sounds beeper) Time: Reconfiguration (e.g., adding or deleting a CPU) Meaning: The supervisor was unable to set the configuration register in the SCU indicated after 10 attempts. To avoid a system crash, the SCU must be cleared manually. In this message, the supervisor will print a diagram of the SCU Maintenance Panel, indicating how each switch should be set. Action: The operator should copy the diagram of the SCU Maintenance Panel printed by the supervisor (or take the copy printed, if possible). The operator should then go to the Maintenance Panel of the SCU indicated and set each switch on the diagram to the indicated position, and then verify that each switch is in the correct position. Following this, the operator should set the Program/Manual switch into the Manual position briefly, and then return it to the Program position. If this procedure does not remedy the problem, the message will be repeated, and the System Programming Staff should be contacted. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 739 11/13/89 scr_util -739- 11/13/89 [scs_and_clock_init.pl1] scs_and_clock_init: No CLOK card. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: No CLOK card was found in the config deck. One is required. Action: Add a CLOK card to the config deck. [scs_and_clock_init.pl1] scs_and_clock_init: No SCU port is assigned address zero. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: None of the system controllers in the config deck appear to have a base address of zero. Action: Check the config deck and bootload processor port assignment and address switches. [scs_and_clock_init.pl1] scs_and_clock_init: SCU clock on port NUMBER MALFUNCTION. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The calendar clock in the bootload SCU seems to be malfunctioning, as specified by MALFUNCTION. Action: Fix the SCU, or configure another SCU as low order. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 740 11/13/89 scs_and_clock_init -740- 11/13/89 [scs_and_clock_init.pl1] scs_and_clock_init: The zone on the CLOK card is not in time_info_. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The zone named on the CLOK card is not found in time_info_, the system's time information database. The system cannot run unless a known zone is specified. Action: Update the CLOK card so that it contains a proper zone name. If the zone you need is not known to the system, time_info_.cds will have to be updated, a new system tape generated, and then booting from that tape. time_info_ contains at least 1 name for each hour around the world. You may select a named zone near the one you need, just to get the system up to be able to change time_info_. [scas_init.pl1] scs_init: CPU/IOM port range overlap. Using manual settings for cycle port priority. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The cycle port priority on the SCUs cannot be set optimally because the range of port numbers for CPUs and IOMs overlap. The manual settings of the cycle port priority switches on the SCUs will be used instead. The system may experience problems as a result, with the typical symptom being op-not-complete faults at random times by CPUs with higher port numbers (lower SCU port priority). Action: Continue to operate the system normally, but consult with Field Engineering personnel. If possible, the system should be reconfigured so that the range of port numbers of IOMs and CPU do not overlap. Further, CPU should be on higher-numbered ports than IOMs and Bulk Stores. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 741 11/13/89 scs_init -741- 11/13/89 [alm_syserr_caller.pl1] search_ast: double uid UID. vtocx VTOCX on DRIVE(PVID). active vtocx VTOCX2 on DRIVE2(PVID2). Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A mismatch has been detected between the branch and the ASTE for a segment. The two segments indicated by VTOCE index and physical volume location/identifier claim to have the same file system unique identifier. The operation either proceeds or returns a connection failure to the user process, as appropriate. This message is logged for the use of system programmers. This error can occur if damage to a directory branch has caused its unique ID to become incorrect, and if the incorrect unique ID happens to be identical to the unique ID of a segment already active. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [alm_syserr_caller.pl1] search_ast: hash error Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 742 11/13/89 search_ast -742- 11/13/89 [seg_fault.pl1] seg_fault: illegal segfault on cpu X Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The SCU data stored by processor X indicates that a segment fault has occurred but the SDW indicated by the SCU data has no directed fault indicator. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. The system attempts to retry the faulting instruction. Action: Inform field engineering personnel. If this message persists, attempt to delete the CPU. [seg_fault.pl1] seg_fault: trailer list trap Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: An attempt was made to set sst$tfreep to zero. The supervisor checks for this situation and crashes here when one entry remains in the trailer segment in order to trap an elusive bug which used to cause "trailer storage area exhausted" crashes when the trailer segment was not full. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. This error crashes the system. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. Be sure to get a dump. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 743 11/13/89 seg_fault -743- 11/13/89 [seg_fault.pl1] seg_fault: trailer storage area exhausted Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: There are no more free entries available in the system trailer segment, str_seg. This may be indicative of software- or hardware-induced damage to the SST or str_seg, or may be indicative of a number of logged-in processes which is vastly too large. A more likely cause is insufficiently large str_seg. The size of the str_seg can be changed by the TBLS STR card in the config deck. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. This error crashes the system. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. It may be necessary to increase the size of the str_seg by the TBLS STR card in the config deck. Be sure to get a dump. [segment_loader.pl1] segment_loader: bad header size: SSS Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: A bad segment header was found in the mst source. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. The Multics System Tape may be incorrect. If the problem persists, try another MST. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 744 11/13/89 segment_loader -744- 11/13/89 [segment_loader.pl1] segment_loader: error from slt_manager$build_entry Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. The Multics System Tape may be incorrect. If the problem persists, try another MST. [segment_loader.pl1] segment_loader: Missing linkage or defs. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: A linkage or definitions section which should be in the mst source appears to be missing. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. The Multics System Tape may be incorrect. If the problem persists, try another MST. [segment_loader.pl1] segment_loader: unexpected control type: TTT Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: A segment control word was found out of sequence in the mst source. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. The Multics System Tape may be incorrect. If the problem persists, try another MST. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 745 11/13/89 segment_loader -745- 11/13/89 [segment_loader.pl1] segment_loader: Unexpected DEFS/LINKAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: A linkage or definitions section was found out of sequence in the mst source. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. The Multics System Tape may be incorrect. If the problem persists, try another MST. [segment_loader.pl1] segment_loader: unknown control type TTT Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: A bad segment control word was found in the mst source. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. The Multics System Tape may be incorrect. If the problem persists, try another MST. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 746 11/13/89 segment_loader -746- 11/13/89 [segment_mover.pl1] segment_mover: critical segment out of disk on DRIVENAME, segno/astep = sss/aaa Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: There are no more free pages on the physical volume where a critical segment resides, and an extra page can not be found for that segment. Such a critical segment may be a physical buffer segment for a peripheral device attached via IOI. The user process receives a seg_fault_error signal. Action: The logical volume containing the pack residing on DRIVENAME may be too full, or may need rebalancing with the sweep_pv tool. Contact the system administrator. [segment_mover.pl1] segment_mover: Failed to seg move UUU(ENTRYNAME) from DRIVENAME1 to DRIVENAME2 for USERNAME Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The system could not perform a cross-pack segment move because no pack in the logical volume had enough space to hold the segment. UUUU is the unique ID of the segment, and ENTRYNAME its primary name. Action: If this message persists, the logical volume containing the packs on the drives noted is near full. In this case, contact the system administrator. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 747 11/13/89 segment_mover -747- 11/13/89 [segment_mover.pl1] segment_mover: finishing truncation of pvtx PPP vtocx VVV Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The segment mover encountered an unexpected error in truncating either the old copy of a segment being moved cross-packs or in a new copy which was aborted for lack of space. This may be a physical device error, or may be indicative of a logic problem in the supervisor, or may be symptomatic of main memory or CPU problems. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [segment_mover.pl1] segment_mover: freeing vtocx VVV on new pvtx PPP. ERRORMESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The segment mover encountered an unexpected error in freeing the VTOC entry of a segment being moved on a volume to which an abortive attempt to move the segment was made. This may be a physical device error. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 748 11/13/89 segment_mover -748- 11/13/89 [segment_mover.pl1] segment_mover: freeing vtocx VVV on old pvtx PPP ERRORMESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: During a cross-pack segment move, the system encountered an unexpected error in freeing the VTOC entry of the segment on the old pack This may be a physical device error, or may be indicative of a logic problem in the supervisor, or main memory or CPU problems. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [segment_mover.pl1] segment_mover: get_pvtx (PPP) fails under ast lock Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The segment mover found that a physical volume appears to have been demounted during the time that the segment mover has had the active segment table locked. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 749 11/13/89 segment_mover -749- 11/13/89 [segment_mover.pl1] segment_mover: Moved UUUU(ENTRYNAME) from DRIVENAME1 to DRIVENAME2 for USERNAME Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The system has successfully moved a segment from the pack on DRIVENAME1 to the pack on DRIVENAME2, on a request for a new page on behalf of the user whose process group ID is USERNAME. UUUU is the unique ID of the segment, and ENTRYNAME its primary name. Action: If a large number of these messages occur, the logical volume containing the packs specified by the drive names may be nearly full or poorly balanced. If these messages persist, contact the system administrator. [segment_mover.pl1] segment_mover: Moving QUOTA-TYPE quota account from pvtx PPP, vtocx VVV ERRORMESSAGE Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An error code was returned from the entry vtoc_attributes$get_quota when attempting to get terminal quota information from the old vtoce before new vtoce is created. In this case the terminal quota attributes for this QUOTA-TYPE (either segment or directory) quota account is lost. Action: If this occurs, the quota account for the segment that has been moved must be corrected manually by the System Administrator or other qualified site personell. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 750 11/13/89 segment_mover -750- 11/13/89 [segment_mover.pl1] segment_mover: threading error Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The segment mover encountered bad threads while rethreading the old or new AST entries of a segment involved in a cross-pack segment move. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [segment_mover.pl1] segment_mover: unexpected segfault Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A segment fault occured during the cross-pack moving of a segment, but this segment fault was not on the segment on which the segment mover was expecting one. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. There may be inconsistencies in the physical volumes involved. These can be corrected by a physical volume salvage. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 751 11/13/89 segment_mover -751- 11/13/89 [set_procs_required.pl1] set_procs_required: Changing system default CPUs required from XXXX to YYYY for PERSON.PROJECT.TAG Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The default set of CPUs has been changed from XXXX (CPU tags) to YYYY (CPU tags) by PERSON.PROJECT.TAG. These are the only CPUs on which processes will run which have not requested to be run on specific CPUs. Action: No operator action is required. [set_procs_required.pl1] set_procs_required: Failed to check access for USER. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: Access on >sc1>admin_acs>set_proc_required.acs could not be checked. Action: Verify that the ACS seg exists. [setfaults.pl1] setfaults: deleted trailer Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A trailer entry (record of a process's connection to a segment) for some segment was marked as free. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 752 11/13/89 setfaults -752- 11/13/89 [setfaults.pl1] setfaults: illegal cache access trailer Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: It was found that no record of processes connected to a segment (trailers) existed when the encacheability state of a segment had to be changed. Such change can only occur if processes are connected to the segment. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Be sure to get a dump. Follow normal recovery procedures. Contact the system programming staff. [setfaults.pl1] setfaults: illegal trailer Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A trailer entry (record of a process's connection to a segment) for some segment specifies a second segment as the descriptor segment for some process connected to that segment, but that second segment does not have certain bits on in its AST entry which would be on in the AST entry of a descriptor segment. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 753 11/13/89 setfaults -753- 11/13/89 [setfaults.pl1] setfaults: missing trailer Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: Upon terminating a segment, it was found that no record of the process's connection to that segment (trailer) existed, even though an SDW for that segment appeared in the process's descriptor segment (i.e., the process was connected to it). This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. Contact the system programming staff. [wired_shutdown.pl1] shutdown complete Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: Emergency shutdown Meaning: Emergency shutdown is complete; this message was preceded by either "esd before fs enabled" or "system already shut down": no ESD was necessary. Action: Reboot the system. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 754 11/13/89 shutdown complete -754- 11/13/89 [shutdown_file_system.pl1] shutdown complete Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System shutdown Meaning: System shutdown, emergency or regular, has completed successfully. The system will return to bce. If any problem arises such that the system does not return to bce, or other error condition, the storage system will probably not be affected. If such problem arises, attempt ESD. The message "system already shut down" will be printed if there is no problem. When the "shutdown complete" message is issued, there is no more Multics information in main memory. [shutdown_file_system.pl1] shutdown complete except for devices suspended. Stream: BOS Typewriter (sounds beeper) Time: System shutdown Meaning: Some disks could not be shut down due to hardware problems. Messages have occurred identifying these drives and the problems. All other drives have been shut down- their contents are not in main memory or on the paging device. The RPV has not been shut down either, so that the system will perform some salvaging when it comes up. Action: Attempt to ready those drives that are not ready. When this has been done, retry ESD. If the drives have been made accessible, ESD will succeed with a normal "shutdown complete" message. If they cannot be made ready, the paging device (if any) is unflushed. See the description of the "warning: paging device unflushed" message. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 755 11/13/89 shutdown complete except f -755- 11/13/89 [shutdown.pl1] shutdown: Cannot run on CPU X (bootload CPU). Dump and try ESD. ERRORMESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System shutdown Meaning: During an attempt to shut down the system, the system could not run on the bootload CPU. This problem may be due to hardware or software problems. The system will attempt to crash, which it may not complete. Action: If the system does not complete its attempt to crash, it should be crashed manually. It may be necessary to change the bootload CPU manually. This can be done by putting all CPUs into STEP mode, manually assigning an interrupt mask to the new bootload CPU from the bootload SCU maintenance panel, taking only the new bootload CPU out of STEP mode, and doing an EXECUTE SWITCHES on that CPU. Once the system has crashed successfully, an ESD should be attempted. This will most likely succeed. [shutdown.pl1] shutdown: Condition CCCC signalled during shutdown. Normal shutdown failed. Get a dump, and try an ESD. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System shutdown Meaning: During the attempt to shut down the system, an unexpected condition has been signalled. This may result from hardware problems, or a logic error in the supervisor. The system crashes and returns to BCE, whereupon an ESD should be attempted in order to finish flushing Multics information from main memory. Because of the difference in implementation between normal shutdown and ESD, it is possible that ESD will not encounter the same problem, and instead be successful. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 756 11/13/89 shutdown -756- 11/13/89 [shutdown.pl1] shutdown: Could not stop CPU TAG. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System shutdown. Meaning: Shutdown stops all but the bootload processor. The CPU whose tag is TAG could not be stopped. Action: Note for system programmer action. If shutdown fails, put all CPU's other than the bootload processor in step, return to BCE manually, and attempt an ESD. [shutdown_file_system.pl1] shutdown_file_system: Error deactivating. Quota may be bad. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System shutdown Meaning: The attempt to deactivate all segments in the file system by a tree-walk of threaded ASTEs failed, likely due to inconsistent threading in the SST. The segments will be deactivated by a linear walk of the SST. Quota inconsistencies may be introduced by this. These can be corrected by a quota salvage of the hierarchy. Action: At a convenient time, run a quota salvage of the hierarchy. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 757 11/13/89 shutdown_file_system -757- 11/13/89 [shutdown_file_system.pl1] shutdown_file_system: from demount_pv on PVTX ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System shutdown Meaning: A problem was encountered in shutting down the disk whose PVT index is PVTX. Most likely, other messages identifying the pack, drive, and/or problem have preceded this message. Action: Note for system programmer action. If other messages have preceded this message, take remedial action as necessary. Attempt emergency shutdown after readying appropriate disk drives, if this is the problem. [shutdown_file_system.pl1] shutdown_file_system: NN locks set Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System shutdown Meaning: Not all data base and directory locks were unlocked by the system before shutdown started. During emergency shutdown, this is to be expected. During normal shutdown, this may be symptomatic of software problems. Action: If this message occurs during normal shutdown, note for system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 758 11/13/89 shutdown_file_system -758- 11/13/89 [start_cpu.pl1] start_cpu: Added CPU CPUTAG Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: In response to an operator "rcf add cpu CPUTAG" command, or at bootload time. Meaning: The system has successfully added the CPU whose tag is CPUTAG to the configuration. Action: No operator action is required. [start_cpu.pl1] start_cpu: CPU CPUTAG data switches are XXXXXXXXXXXX, should be YYYYYYYYYYYY Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: In response to an "rcf add cpu CPUTAG" command Meaning: The data switches on the CPU indicated are not set properly. The proper value is given. Action: The incorrect value will prevent returning to BCE on that CPU by means of EXECUTE SWITCHES. Certain incorrect values will activate software debugging traps. The switches should be corrected. This can be done while the CPU is running. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 759 11/13/89 start_cpu -759- 11/13/89 [start_cpu.pl1] start_cpu: CPU CPUTAG: Model #: MODEL; Serial #: SERIAL; Ship date: YY/MM/DD. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: When a DPS8 CPU, whose tag is CPUTAG is added to the system. Meaning: The MODEL, SERIAL and YY/MM/DD information is read from the DPS8 cpu's ID PROM. It is intended to be used as historical information for identifing CPUs, regardless of what their current tag is assigned as. Action: No operator action is required. [start_cpu.pl1] start_cpu: Unable to run on CPU x ERRORMESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: In response to an "rcf add cpu CPUTAG" command or at bootload Meaning: After adding a CPU, the system was unable to run on that CPU. This indicates hardware or software failure. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [page_error.alm] stock: deposit zero address. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: An attempt was made to deposit address zero into a record stock. This is an invalid address, and it indicates hardware or software failure. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 760 11/13/89 stock -760- 11/13/89 [stock_man.pl1] stock_man: Attempt to free non-empty stock on dskX_NN: pvtep=XXX|XXXXXX record_stockp=YYY|YYYYYY Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: During initialization immediately before the File System is activated, or when demounting a physical disk volume. Meaning: Not all free addresses have been deposited to the Volume Map successfully for the disk volume indicated. This is indicative of a software malfunction. The pointers printed are useful to site system programmers in analyzing the problem. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. The free addresses which are lost may be recovered by a physical volume salvage. [stock_man.pl1] stock_man: Attempt to free non-empty stock on dskX_NN: pvtep=XXX|XXXXXX vtoce_stockp=YYY|YYYYYY Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: When demounting a physical disk volume. Meaning: Not all free VTOCEs have been deposited to the VTOC Map successfully for the disk volume indicated. This is indicative of a software malfunction. The pointers printed are useful to site system programmers in analyzing the problem. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. The free VTOCEs which are lost may be recovered by a physical volume salvage. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 761 11/13/89 stock_man -761- 11/13/89 [stock_man.pl1] stock_man: PVTE out of synch with record stock on dskX_NN: pvtep = XXX|XXXXXX record_stockp = YYY|YYYYYY Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: During initialization immediately before the File System is activated, or when demounting a physical disk volume. Meaning: The supervisor databases pvt and stock_seg are not in proper synchronization. The pointers printed are the locations of the databasse elements for which this condition has been detected. These pointers are useful to the site system programmers for analyzing the problem, which is probably a software malfunction. dskX_NN is the physical volume whose tables are affected. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. The free addresses which are lost may be recovered by a physical volume salvage. [stock_man.pl1] stock_man: PVTE out of synch with VTOCE stock on dskX_NN: pvtep = XXX|XXXXXX vtoce_stockp = YYY|YYYYYY Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: When demounting a physical disk volume. Meaning: The supervisor databases pvt and stock_seg are not in proper synchronization. The pointers printed are the locations of the databasse elements for which this condition has been detected. These pointers are useful to the site system programmers for analyzing the problem, which is probably a software malfunction. dskX_NN is the physical volume whose tables are affected. Some free VTOCEs may be lost. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. The lost VTOCEs can be recovered by a physical volume salvage. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 762 11/13/89 stock_man -762- 11/13/89 [stop_cpu.pl1] stop_cpu: Removed CPU CPUTAG. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: In response to an operator "rcf dl cpu CPUTAG" command. Meaning: The system has successfully deleted the CPU whose tag is CPUTAG from the configuration. The CPU is now halted at a DIS instruction. Action: The operator can, but need not, physically remove the CPU from the configuration by disabling appropriate ports if desired. [stop_cpu.pl1] stop_cpu: Unable to run on CPU X ERRORMESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: When deleting a CPU. Meaning: The system has just deleted a CPU which owned an interrupt mask. In trying to assign the mask to a different CPU (X), it was unable to run on that CPU. This indicates hardware or software malfunction. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 763 11/13/89 stop_cpu -763- 11/13/89 [stop_cpu.pl1] stop_mpx: CPU CPUTAG is now the bootload processor. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: In response to an operator "rcf dl cpu CPUTAG" command. Meaning: The CPU whose tag is CPUTAG is now the processor on which BCE will run at system shutdown or crash time, unless some other processor is so designated in this way before the next shutdown or crash time. Unless BCE is rebooted after shutdown, that CPU will be the bootload processor of the next bootload. Action: No operator action is required. [stop_process.pl1] stop_process: attempt to stop initializer process Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [sum.pl1] sum: dirmod failed to activate XXX|0 Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: Directory control could not activate a directory. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. It is possible that the AST is damaged. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 764 11/13/89 sum -764- 11/13/89 [sum.pl1] sum: mylock error on XXX|0 Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A directory which should not be locked is found locked. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [sys_trouble.alm] sys_trouble: Out-of-Segment-Bounds on prds. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: While running with the prds as a stack, an attempt was " made to reference beyond the end of the prds. The likely " cause was stack overflow, due either to a recursive loop " in the procedures running on the prds or insufficient " space allocated for the prds. If the latter, the size of " the prds should be increased by means of the TBLS Configuration " Card. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [sys_trouble.alm] sys_trouble: Execute fault by operator. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: Operator depressed execute pushbutton on processor. Action: $recov DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 765 11/13/89 sys_trouble -765- 11/13/89 [sys_trouble.alm] sys_trouble: Fault in bound_interceptors. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A fault occured while handling another fault. Action: $recov [sys_trouble.alm] sys_trouble: Fault in idle process. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: $recov [sys_trouble.alm] sys_trouble: Fault/interrupt while on prds. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: $recov DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 766 11/13/89 sys_trouble -766- 11/13/89 [sys_trouble.alm] sys_trouble: Fault/interrupt with ptl set. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: $recov [sys_trouble.alm] sys_trouble: Interrupts Masked in User Ring. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: During processing of a fault, it was noticed that interrupts " were masked in user-ring, an invalid condition. This is a " debug trap crash, enabled by the hidden tuning parameter " trap_invalid_masked. Action: Contact the Multics System Development staff. [sys_trouble.alm] sys_trouble: Page fault while on prds. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: $recov DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 767 11/13/89 sys_trouble -767- 11/13/89 [sys_trouble.alm] sys_trouble: Ring 0 derail. {MESSAGE} Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A supervisor software module discovered an untenable situation, and " crashed the system by executing a derail (DRL) instruction. " If MESSAGE is also present, it will be of the form: "module: explanation", and further details can be found in " this documentation in the description of "module". Action: $recov [sys_trouble.alm] sys_trouble: Unexpected fault. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: $recov [sys_trouble.alm] sys_trouble: Unrecognized fault. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: Unexpected or unrecognized fault subcondition. " Probable hardware malfunction. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 768 11/13/89 sys_trouble -768- 11/13/89 [syserr_log_man_.pl1] Syserr msg #NNNNN: MESSAGE-TEXT Segment: PATHNAME Volume: VOLUME-NAME Stream: as (severity0) Time: While system is running. Meaning: This message is a repetition of a syserr log message which reported damage to a segment or a physical volume. There will always be two such messages in sequence, a "Syserr msg. #XXX" message and either a "Volume:" or "Segment:" message. The first message is a copy of the logged syserr message of the given number; the second message identifies the volume or segment mentioned. This allows segments damaged by system action, or segments in which the physical volume salvager observed damage, to be identified unambiguously. These messages are logged in the Answering Service log at answering service startup time and every accounting update. Action: Correlate volume salvager messages with previous printed volume salvager output to obtain more information about segment damage detected by the volume salvager. For those segments which are mentioned, which have not been deleted, or are not in deleted directories (the "Segment:" message says if this is the case) contact persons responsible for the ownership of that segment, and undertake recovery procedures if needed. [syserr_real.pl1] syserr: Bad ring 1 call. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A bad call to syserr was made from ring 1. The system keeps running. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 769 11/13/89 syserr -769- 11/13/89 [syserr_real.pl1] syserr: Mylock error. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [alm_syserr_caller.pl1] syserr_caller$search_ast_double_uid spurious call, aste=desired, uid=UID, pv=DRIVE(PVID), vtocx=VTOCX. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A call was made to indicate a double unique_id, but it was not possible to reconstruct the error. The unique id, physical volume location/identifier, and vtoce index are provided. Action: No operator action is required. [alm_syserr_caller.pl1] syserr_caller$search_ast_double_uid spurious call, astep=null, uid=UID, pv=DRIVE(PVID), vtocx=VTOCX. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A call was made to indicate a double unique_id, but it was not possible to reconstruct the error. The unique_id, physical volume location/identifier, and VTOCE index are provided. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 770 11/13/89 syserr_caller$search_ast_d -770- 11/13/89 [syserr_copy.pl1] syserr_copy: Cannot add message to paged syserr log PTR. ERROR-MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. This may indicate that the syserr log partition has been damaged. If this is the case, the LOG partition should be reinitialized using the BCE test_disk command. Some messages will be lost if this happens. Action: Re-boot the system. Reinitialize the LOG partition if necessary. [syserr_copy.pl1] syserr_copy: LOG partition full. Further copying temporarily disabled. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: Both halves of the ring zero syserr log buffer are full. This generally indicates that the Answering Service is not copying messages from ring zero into >sc1>syserr_log; there will have been a previous message left in the Answering Service log describing why. Action: If the problem is correctable, copying from ring zero should be restarted (see the documentation for "syserr_log_man_: Automatic log copying disabled" for instructions); otherwise, messages will be lost. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 771 11/13/89 syserr_copy -771- 11/13/89 [syserr_copy.pl1] syserr_copy: LOG partition mostly full. Severity 5 messages will be lost. Stream: BOS Typewriter (sounds beeper) Time: While system is running. Meaning: Both halves of the ring zero syserr log buffer are nearly full. This generally indicates that the Answering Service is not copying messages from ring zero into >sc1>syserr_log; there will have been a previous message left in the Answering Service log describing why. Action: If the problem is correctable, copying from ring zero should be restarted (see the documentation for "syserr_log_man_: Automatic log copying disabled" for instructions); otherwise, messages will be lost. [syserr_copy_wired_log.pl1] syserr_copy_wired_log: Bad lock WWWWWWWWWWWW at SSS|OOOOOO Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. The contents of the lock word and its address are printed, as an aid for debugging. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 772 11/13/89 syserr_copy_wired_log -772- 11/13/89 [syserr_copy_wired_log.pl1] syserr_copy_wired_log: Fault occurred while copying into LOG partition. Messages NNNN to NNNN may be lost. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. A fault has occurred while copying data from the wired syserr log buffer to the paged syserr log. This usually results from a disk error on the LOG partition, which would also generate disk error messages. The sequence numbers of the affected messages are given because those messages may not appear in the LOG partition. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [syserr_copy_wired_log.pl1] syserr_copy_wired_log: Too many faults, log copying disabled. Stream: BOS Typewriter (sounds beeper) Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. If too many errors occur updating the LOG partition, log copying will be disabled, which causes all further messages to be printed on the console but not entered in the log. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 773 11/13/89 syserr_copy_wired_log -773- 11/13/89 [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Attempting to swap syserr log segments. ERROR MESSAGE Stream: as (severity1) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Automatic syserr log copying disabled. Stream: as (severity1) Time: While system is running. Meaning: Automatic copying of syserr messages into >sc1>syserr_log has been stopped, due to an error in the copying process. Another message will have been printed prior to this one, describing the problem. An Answering Service dump usually will have been created, as well. Action: If the error is recoverable (temporary disk error, record quota overflow, etc.-- see the previous message(s) to make that decision), syserr copying can be restarted by issuing the following command in admin mode (ur using send_admin_command): syserr_log_man_$restart_copying If the problem persists, delete the first segment (first in the list produced by the list command) in >sc1>syserr_log, and restart copying. If the problem still persists, rename or delete >sc1>syserr_log and reboot; the directory will be re-created automatically. The display_log_segment command can be used to examine individual log segments for damage. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 774 11/13/89 syserr_log_man_ -774- 11/13/89 [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Bad syserr_copy_interval value NNN seconds, using 3600 seconds instead. Stream: as (severity1) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The syserr copy interval in installation_parms is invalid. Action: Use ed_installation_parms to correct it. A default will be used until then. [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Called too early. Stream: as (severity2) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Calling hphcs_$new_syserr_reuse_log ERROR MESSAGE Stream: as (severity1) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 775 11/13/89 syserr_log_man_ -775- 11/13/89 [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Cannot initiate log LOG-PATHNAME. ERROR MESSAGE Stream: as (severity1) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Cannot open history log LOG-PATHNAME. ERROR MESSAGE Stream: as (severity1) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Contact the system programming staff. Message: syserr_log_man_: Cannot migrate message #NNNNNNN Stream: as (severity1) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 776 11/13/89 syserr_log_man_ -776- 11/13/89 [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Cannot rename PATHNAME to NEW-NAME. ERROR MESSAGE Stream: as (severity1) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Cannot replace ACL on >sc1>syserr_log. ERROR MESSAGE Stream: as (severity1) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Cannot replace initial ACL on >sc1>syserr_log. ERROR MESSAGE Stream: as (severity1) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 777 11/13/89 syserr_log_man_ -777- 11/13/89 [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Could not create >sc1>syserr_log. Automatic syserr log copying not initialized. ERROR MESSAGE Stream: as (severity1) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The syserr history directory was found to be missing during initialization, and a new one could not be created; this probably indicates file system damage. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Could not create event channel. Automatic syserr log copying not initialized. ERROR MESSAGE Stream: as (severity1) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 778 11/13/89 syserr_log_man_ -778- 11/13/89 [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Could not use old syserr history dir: >sc1>syserr_log ERROR MESSAGE Stream: as (severity1) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The syserr log history directory (>sc1>syserr_log) cannot be used; the reason is indicated by the error message. The system will attempt to rename it and create a new one; any existing log segments may be moved from the old directory into the new (current) one once the system comes up if the renaming is successful. Action: Contact the system programming staff. The condition causing the error should be corrected, and the system re-booted. [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Created >sc1>syserr_log Stream: as (severity0) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The syserr history directory, >sc1>syserr_log, was created automatically when it was found missing during initialization. This is normal during a cold boot, but an error at all other times, since it indicates that the directory was missing. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 779 11/13/89 syserr_log_man_ -779- 11/13/89 [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Error obtaining syserr log history. MESSAGE Stream: as (severity2) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: To verify syserr message sequence numbers will continue to increase despite clearing of the log partition, the AS must look at the existing log segments. However, some inconsistancy in the first history directory prevented this. (>sc1>syserr_log). Action: Fix any problems and issue the command "syserr_log_man_$restart_copying" from admin mode in the initializer process. [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Error verifying log partition sequence numbers. Stream: as (severity2) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. There is some error in the log partition which prevents adjustment of the sequence numbers. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 780 11/13/89 syserr_log_man_ -780- 11/13/89 [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Renamed >sc1>syserr_log to NEW-NAME Stream: as (severity1) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: Indicates that the history directory has been renamed after an error in attempting to use it. Old log segments can be moved from here back into >sc1>syserr_log. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Syserr thresholds: NNN pages (COMMENT), NNN seconds (COMMENT) Stream: as (severity0) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: These are the thresholds for when Answering Service syserr copying will be performed. Each value may be followed by a comment; the comment "(default)" indicates that the installation_parms value was zero, indicating that a default value is used. The comment "(disabled)" indicates that the installation_parms value was set to disable this log copying mechanism. The comment "(installation_parms value invalid)" means just that; the value in installation_parms must be updated, and meantime, a default is applied. Action: Note for system programmer action. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 781 11/13/89 syserr_log_man_ -781- 11/13/89 [syserr_log_man_.pl1] syserr_log_man_: Unable to open syserr log in PATH. Stream: as (severity2) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: To verify syserr message sequence numbers will continue to increase despite clearing of the log partition, the AS must look at the existing log segments. However, some inconsistancy in the first history directory prevented this. (>sc1>syserr_log). Action: Contact the system programming staff. Fix any problems in the syserr log history dir and issue the command "syserr_log_man_$restart_copying" from admin mode in the initializer process. [syserr_seg_manager.pl1] syserr_seg_manager: Attempt to rename invalid log index NNNN Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. Reinitialize the LOG partition with the BCE test_disk command if this persists DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 782 11/13/89 syserr_seg_manager -782- 11/13/89 [syserr_seg_manager.pl1] syserr_seg_manager: Attempt to rename log #NNNN already named NAME Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Note for system programmer action. [syserr_seg_manager.pl1] syserr_seg_manager: Cannot rename syserr log #NNNN from OLD-NAME to NEW-NAME for USER-NAME Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Note for system programmer action. [syserr_seg_manager.pl1] syserr_seg_manager: Crawlout with syserr log locked. Automatic syserr log copying disabled. Stream: BOS Typewriter (sounds beeper) Time: While system is running. Meaning: An fault has occurred in the Answering Service while copying syserr messages from ring zero, and copying from ring zero has been disabled. This probably indicates a supervisor logic error. This will be followed by a message from verify_lock identifying the fault. Action: Attempt to restart copying, or re-boot the system. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 783 11/13/89 syserr_seg_manager -783- 11/13/89 [syserr_seg_manager.pl1] syserr_seg_manager: No messages in live syserr log PTR. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. When attempting to verify the message sequence numbers in the live syserr log, it was found that no messages were present. This should not hapen at this point because syserr log initialization (init_syserr_log) always places a message in the log. Action: Contact the system programming staff. Messaage: syserr_seg_manager: Log message sequence numbers adjusted (in PTR) beginning at SEQUENCE. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The sequence numbers in the log partition were found to preceed the sequence numbers found in the log history. Thus, the numbers in the partition (and the wired log) were adjusted appropriately. This message indicates the new sequence number where the adjustment started for each of the two ring 0 paged logs. (This will occur after the log partition has been damaged or manually cleared). Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 784 11/13/89 syserr_seg_manager -784- 11/13/89 [wired_shutdown.pl1] system already shut down Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: Emergency shutdown Meaning: An attempt to perform emergency shutdown was made after a previous attempt, or normal shutdown, succeeded. No ESD is necessary in this case. The "shutdown complete" message follows. Action: No operator action is required. [system_control_.pl1] system_control_: fault during init Stream: ring 4 system control. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: Some error condition has occurred unexpectedly while starting up the ring 4 initializer environment. The system will return to bce. Action: Contact the system programming staff. Follow normal recovery procedures. [system_startup_.pl1] system_startup_ Renamed >XXXXX to >XXXXX.!BBB..... Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The segment >disk_table or the directory >lv (as specified by XXXXX in the message) was renamed in response to the "nodt" or "nolv" option on the bce "boot" command line. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 785 11/13/89 system_startup_ Renamed >X -785- 11/13/89 [system_startup_.pl1] system_startup_: error on initializer io streams Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: This error crashes the system. The system will return to bce. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. Try another boot tape and check that the hardware is running correctly. [system_startup_.pl1] system_startup_: Recursive error condition. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: This error crashes the system. The system will return to bce. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. Boot another system, and examine the dump. [system_startup_.pl1] system_startup_: The config deck is empty. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: This error crashes the system. The system will return to bce. This error should not occur, because earlier steps in initialization depend upon the config deck. If it does, however, type GO after putting a config deck in place. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. Use another boot tape, or check that the hardware is operating correctly. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 786 11/13/89 system_startup_ -786- 11/13/89 [system_startup_.pl1] system_startup_: The config_deck segment is missing. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: This error crashes the system. The segment config_deck is missing. This error should not occur, because earlier steps in initialization depend upon the config deck. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. Use another boot tape, or check that the hardware is operating correctly. [system_startup_.pl1] system_startup_: The root logical volume is not complete. "boot rlvs" level 2 directory salvage aborted. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: One or more physical volumes of the Root Logical Volume (RLV) registered in the volume registration database are not specified on the root config card, and are therefore not mounted. Level 2 directory salvage cannot take place with an incomplete RLV. Action: Mount the missing packs with the add_vol command, and then use the salvage_dirs command. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 787 11/13/89 system_startup_ -787- 11/13/89 [system_startup_.pl1] system_startup_: unclaimed COND (machine conditions in octal) Stream: BOS Typewriter (sounds beeper) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: Some error condition has occurred unexpectedly inside the ring 1 environment. Diagnostic information is typed after this line. The system should return to Initializer command level, still in ring 1, and be able to continue running. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [system_startup_.pl1] system_startup_: unclaimed {condition-name} condition. Stream: BOS Typewriter (sounds beeper) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: An error has occurred while executing in the ring 1 Initializer environment. The system returns to ring 1 command level. For some errors machine conditions are displayed in subsequent messages. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [system_startup_.pl1] system_startup_: Will not reload Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: Response to operator reload command. Meaning: One or more volumes cannot be mounted. Reloading cannot proceed. The system returns to ring 1 command level. Action: Correct the problem and try again. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 788 11/13/89 system_startup_ -788- 11/13/89 [system_startup_.pl1] system_startup_: XYZ is not a legal command. Type help for a list of commands. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The operator has issued a command to the ring 1 environment that cannot be executed. No action was taken on the illegal command. Action: If the command is misspelled, retype it correctly. If the command is intended for the ring 4 Answering Service, type "standard" first to leave the ring 1 environment and then retype the desired command. [tape_reader.pl1] tape_reader: bad_major_status: SSS Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The bootload tape is unreadable. Action: The Multics System Tape may be incorrect. If the problem persists, try another MST. Try another tape drive. [tape_reader.pl1] tape_reader: unable to read system tape Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The bootload tape is unreadable. Action: The Multics System Tape may be incorrect. If the problem persists, try another MST. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 789 11/13/89 tape_reader -789- 11/13/89 [tc_init.pl1] tc_init: cannot create cpu_X.prds. This CPU may not be added. ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: A difficulty was encountered in creating the PRDS for a configurable CPU. Later attempts to add this CPU will fail. It will be marked as "off" in the CONFIG deck. Action: Contact the system programming staff. When the problem has been remedied, shut down and reboot, and then add this CPU. [tc_init.pl1] tc_init: Cannot start up first idle process. Check switches. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The idle process for the bootload CPU could not be started. This may be an error in setting of configuration switches, or may be indicative of a logic problem in the supervisor. Action: Perform an emergency shutdown. Check all main module configuration switches. If a problem was corrected, reboot. Otherwise, be sure to get a dump and contact the systems programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 790 11/13/89 tc_init -790- 11/13/89 [tc_init.pl1] tc_init: Could not delete old PRDSNAME. ERRORMESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The old PRDS PRDSNAME from the previous bootload, in >system_library_1, could not be deleted. When the CPU whose tag is part of PRDSNAME is added, the old PRDS will be used. ERRORMESSAGE is a standard error_table_ message. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [tc_init.pl1] tc_init: Could not rename prds to PRDSNAME. ERRORMESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The segment "prds" in >system_library_1 could not be renamed to PRDSNAME, which is the correct name for the PRDS for the bootload processor. ERRORMESSAGE is a standard error_table_ message. Action: Notify the system programming staff. Action should be taken by the programming staff to rename this segment. If the problem cannot be sorted out, avoid reconfiguring the bootload CPU during this bootload. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 791 11/13/89 tc_init -791- 11/13/89 [tc_init.pl1] tc_init: Could not start CPU CPUTAG. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The CPU whose tag is CPUTAG could not be automatically started by system bootload. Action: Check all configuration switches on CPU and main memory modules, especially the CPU STEP switch on the CPU which could not be added, and its port enable switches. If all switches were correct, add the CPU via the addcpu command. [tc_init.pl1] tc_init: Inconsistent SCHD config card values. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The SCHD config card is not in the correct format, or some values are out of acceptable range. In particular, the value of min_eligible cannot exceed that of max_eligible; also, the value of max_eligible plus the max number of stopped stack_0's (default = 4) cannot exceed max_max_eligible. Action: Check the SCHD config card (refer to the MOH) and correct. Re-boot the system. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 792 11/13/89 tc_init -792- 11/13/89 [tc_init.pl1] tc_init: No valid processor tags on CPU cards. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: No CPU CONFIG cards contained valid (A - H) CPU tags. Normally this message will not appear if the bootload CPU is mis-specified, as this error will be detected by scas_init, and thus this may be indicative of a supervisor logic problem. Action: Check that all CPU CONFIG cards are correct. If not, perform an emergency shutdown, correct them, and reboot. If so, be sure to get a dump and contact system programming personnel. [tc_init.pl1] tc_init: Size of PRDS on TBLS card too small; XXX KW will be used. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The size of the PRDS specified on the TBLS card in the Configuration Deck is smaller than the size of the PRDS defined in the MST header. The size of the PRDS will be that defined in the MST header. Further, the TBLS card in the Configuration Deck has been changed to reflect the minimum size of the PRDS DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 793 11/13/89 tc_init -793- 11/13/89 [verify_lock.pl1] Terminating user process NAME: Fatal salvaging of process directory. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Terminates user process) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A process is attempting to crawl out. The system discovered that the process was interrupted while its process directory was locked, and has salvaged the process directory. Salvaging the process directory may delete critical process segments and cause the process to terminate, so the process is terminated cleanly instead. Action: No operator action is required. Message: verify_lock: COND condition by USER while salvaging directory. Stream: $announce Time: During salvaging. Meaning: A fault occurred while salvaging a directory found locked at crawlout. This indicates a serious problem with the directory. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [truncate_vtoce.pl1] truncate_vtoce: attempt to destroy hc_sdw seg astep PPP Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: An attempt has been made to truncate a supervisor segment. The AST entry is located at PPP. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 794 11/13/89 truncate_vtoce -794- 11/13/89 [tty_index.pl1] tty_index: USER (ACCESS_CLASS) attempted invalid attachment of CHANNEL (ACCESS_CLASS) Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A process of USER (with authorization ACCESS_CLASS) attempted to use a communications channel which does not correspond to the user's authorization and the user does not have the communications privilege enabled. The request was refused. This may indicate a system error. Action: Contact the system security administrator. [tty_interrupt.pl1] tty_interrupt: unrecognized interrupt type (N) for devx D Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: An unrecognized interrupt type has been reported for the nonmultiplexed channel whose device index is D. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [tty_lock.pl1] tty_lock$verify: attempted crawlout with queue lock set. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: There was an attempt to crawl out while the tty queue lock was locked. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 795 11/13/89 tty_lock$verify -795- 11/13/89 [tty_lock.pl1] tty_lock$verify: attempted crawlout with special channel lock set. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: There was an attempt to crawl out while a channel lock that is also a processor lock was locked. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [tty_lock.pl1] tty_lock$verify: attempted crawlout with tty_buf lock set. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: There was an attempt to crawl out while the tty_buf lock used by tty_space_man was locked. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [tty_lock.pl1] tty_lock: attempt to lock channel already locked by same process. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A locking error was detected when a process tried to lock a channel that it had already locked. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 796 11/13/89 tty_lock -796- 11/13/89 [tty_lock.pl1] tty_lock: attempt to lock unused channel for interrupt. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A locking error was detected when an interrupt handler tried to lock an ununsed channel. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [tty_lock.pl1] tty_lock: attempt to unlock channel not locked by same process. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A locking error was detected when a process tried to unlock a channel that was either not locked or locked by another process. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [tty_lock.pl1] tty_lock: attempt to unlock queue not locked by same process. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A locking error was detected when a process tried to unlock the global queue lock which was either not locked or was locked by another process. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 797 11/13/89 tty_lock -797- 11/13/89 [tty_lock.pl1] tty_lock: Cannot get space for queue entry. (devx = N) Stream: BOS Typewriter (sounds beeper) Time: While system is running. Meaning: An attempt to queue an interrupt for the channel with devx N failed due to lack of space. The interrupt was lost which may cause loss of data or improper channel operation. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [tty_space_man.pl1] tty_space_man: Address not in buffer pool. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: An attempt was made to free space at an address not included in the free space pool of tty_buf. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [tty_space_man.pl1] tty_space_man: Lock already locked to process. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A process that had the global tty_buf lock locked attempted to lock it again. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 798 11/13/89 tty_space_man -798- 11/13/89 [tty_space_man.pl1] tty_space_man: Lock not locked to process. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A process attempted to unlock the global tty_buf lock when that process did not have it locked. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [tty_space_man.pl1] tty_space_man: Tried to free space already free. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: An attempt was made to free space in tty_buf that was included in or overlapped space that was already free. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [tty_tables_mgr.pl1] tty_tables_mgr$add: Invalid table type. N Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: An attempt to add a table to the tty_tables segment has failed due to an invalid table type of N. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 799 11/13/89 tty_tables_mgr$add -799- 11/13/89 [tty_tables_mgr.pl1] tty_tables_mgr$delete: Invalid table offset. N Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: An attempt to delete a table from the tty_tables segment has failed due to an invalid table offset of N. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [turn_on_mc_.pl1] turn_on_mc_: MESSAGE. attach STREAM Stream: sc (error_output). Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The system attempted to start the Message Coordinator but the stream STREAM cannot be attached to the message routing dim. The system continues to operate but the Message Coordinator is not used. Probably, the daemon processes will also encounter trouble. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [turn_on_mc_.pl1] turn_on_mc_: MESSAGE. detach STREAM Stream: sc (error_output). Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The system attempted to start the Message Coordinator but the stream STREAM could not be detached from its initial dim. The system continues to operate but the Message Coordinator is not used. Probably, the daemon processes will also encounter trouble. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 800 11/13/89 turn_on_mc_ -800- 11/13/89 [turn_on_mc_.pl1] turn_on_mc_: MESSAGE. error from mc_init Stream: sc (error_output). Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The system attempted to start the Message Coordinator but it cannot be initialized. The system continues to operate but the Message Coordinator is not used. The daemon processes will probably also encounter trouble. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [turn_on_mc_.pl1] turn_on_mc_: MESSAGE. open STREAM Stream: sc (error_output). Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The system attempted to start the Message Coordinator but the stream STREAM cannot be opened by the message routing dim. The system continues to operate but the Message Coordinator is not used. Probably, the daemon processes will also encounter trouble. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [mc_commands_.pl1] Unable to locate a CDT entry for XXXX while attempting to drop it. Stream: as (severity 1) Time: In response to a drop operator command. Meaning: Notification that the CDT entry cannot be found to free it as a result of dropping the tty channel from the message coordinator. The mc_anstbl entry is freed at this point however. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 801 11/13/89 Unable to locate a CDT ent -801- 11/13/89 [obs_reconfigure.pl1] unlock: Reconfiguration data locked by PERSON.PROJ.T Stream: Initializer process output. Time: In response to an operator command. Meaning: This message is typed by reconfigure$force_unlock if the reconfiguration data base was locked. Action: No operator action is required. [obs_reconfigure.pl1] unlock: Reconfiguration data not locked. Stream: Initializer process output. Time: In response to an operator command. Meaning: This message is typed by reconfigure$force_unlock if the reconfiguration data base was not locked. Action: No operator action is required. [dn355_boot_interrupt.pl1] Unrecognized bootload status N for FNP X Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: When bootloading an FNP Meaning: The status reported by an FNP in response to a bootload attempt was not one of the ones recognized. N is the reported status (in octal). Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 802 11/13/89 Unrecognized bootload stat -802- 11/13/89 [up_mgt_.pl1] up_mgt_: ERROR_MESSAGE During work class reassignment Stream: as (severity2) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The error described by ERROR_MESSAGE occurred while a system administrator was attempting to install a new mgt. The operation was tried twice and failed both times. More detailed reasons for the failure are given in messages immediately preceding this one. The new mgt has been installed. Hardcore is operating with a set of parameters inconsistent with the new mgt. Action: Contact the system administrator. [up_pdt_.pl1] up_pdt_: bumping NAME.PROJ, omitted from new pdt Stream: as (severity1) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The supervisor of project PROJ has removed the user named NAME from the project while he was logged in. He is no longer authorized to be logged in on that project and is bumped. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 803 11/13/89 up_pdt_ -803- 11/13/89 [up_pdt_.pl1] up_pdt_: bumping NAME.PROJ, user authorization now outside range. Stream: as (severity1) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A project administrator has installed a new pdt that changes the authorization range for the user identified by NAME on project PROJ. The user NAME.PROJ is currently logged in with an authorization outside the new range. Therefore, the user is being bumped from the system. Action: No operator action is required. [up_pdt_.pl1] up_pdt_: ERROR_MESSAGE. PROJ.pdt will be installed with no hash table Stream: as (severity2) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A new PDT is being installed for project PROJ. An error described by ERROR_MESSAGE occurred while its hash table was being built. The PDT will be installed without a hash table. Logins on that project will take longer and place an extra load on the system. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 804 11/13/89 up_pdt_ -804- 11/13/89 [up_pdt_.pl1] up_pdt_: PROJ.pdt has N users, leaving insufficient room for a hash table. Stream: as (severity1) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A new project definition table (PDT) for project PROJ is being installed. It has so many users that there is no room in it for a hash table. The PDT will be installed without a hash table. Logins on that project will take longer and place an extra load on the system. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [up_pdt_.pl1] up_pdt_: PROJ.pdt NAME on free list state nonzero Stream: as (severity2) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A new project definition table for PROJ is being installed. The thread of free entries appears to include some user whose state is not zero. The program abandons the free chain and continues. Action: Contact the system administrator. [up_pdt_.pl1] up_pdt_: synch error NAME.PROJ Stream: as (severity2) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A new project definition table for PROJ is being installed. The answer table entry for NAME.PROJ should contain a pointer to the user's PDT entry but the pointer is incorrect. Accounting figures may be scrambled. The system continues operation. Action: Contact the system administrator. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 805 11/13/89 up_pdt_ -805- 11/13/89 [up_rtdt_.pl1] up_rtdt_: Adding resource type RESOURCE_TYPE to the system. Stream: as (severity1) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The named resource type has been newly defined and will be accessible by system users. This is an advisory message. Action: None. [up_rtdt_.pl1] up_rtdt_: Deleting resource type RESOURCE_TYPE from the system. Stream: as (severity1) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The named resource type is no longer accessible by system users. This is an advisory message. Action: None. [up_rtdt_.pl1] up_rtdt_: ERROR_MESSAGE Cannot create RCP registry for RESOURCE_NAME. Stream: as (severity2) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The error described by ERROR_MESSAGE occurred while a system administrator was attempting to install a new rtdt. The rtdt contained a new resource type, but the resource management registry for that resource type could not be created. The rtdt is not installed. Some other registries may already have been modified according to information in the new rtdt. Action: Notify the system administrator. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 806 11/13/89 up_rtdt_ -806- 11/13/89 [up_rtdt_.pl1] up_rtdt_: ERROR_MESSAGE Cannot recover by renaming old RTDT either. Stream: as (severity2) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The program that installs rtdt's cannot recover correctly from an earlier error in renaming, for which an error message is also printed. Although the current rtdt is not destroyed, it is no longer accessible to users. This will affect the operation of resource management and RCP. Action: Notify the system administrator. [up_rtdt_.pl1] up_rtdt_: ERROR_MESSAGE Cannot rename new rtdt. Stream: as (severity2) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The new rtdt being installed could not be renamed to "rtdt". The rtdt is not installed. Action: Notify the system administrator. [up_rtdt_.pl1] up_rtdt_: ERROR_MESSAGE Cannot rename old RTDT. Stream: as (severity2) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The current rtdt could not be renamed to accomodate the installation of a new rtdt. Action: Notify the system administrator. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 807 11/13/89 up_rtdt_ -807- 11/13/89 [up_rtdt_.pl1] up_rtdt_: ERROR_MESSAGE Cannot update RCP registry for RESOURCE_NAME. Stream: as (severity2) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The error described by ERROR_MESSAGE occurred while a system administrator was attempting to install a new rtdt. The rtdt contained changes to a resource type, but the resource management registry for that resource type could not be modified. The rtdt is not installed. Some other registries may already have been modified according to information in the new rtdt. Action: Notify the system administrator. [up_sat_.pl1] up_sat_: adding PROJ project with authorization AUTH Stream: as (severity0) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A system security administrator has added the project PROJ with an authorization greater than system low. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 808 11/13/89 up_sat_ -808- 11/13/89 [up_sat_.pl1] up_sat_: bumping NAME.PROJ, over max users on project Stream: as (severity1) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The user named has been bumped because the system administrator has reduced the maximum number of users that can be logged in on the project PROJ. Action: No operator action is required. [up_sat_.pl1] up_sat_: bumping NAME.PROJ, project authorization reduced Stream: as (severity1) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A system security administrator has installed a new SAT that reduces the authorization for the user identified by NAME on the project PROJ below the current value assigned to this project. Therefore, the user is being bumped from the system. Action: No operator action is required. [up_sat_.pl1] up_sat_: bumping NAME.PROJ, project deleted Stream: as (severity1) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The system administrator has deleted the project PROJ. All of its users are bumped. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 809 11/13/89 up_sat_ -809- 11/13/89 [up_sat_.pl1] up_sat_: changing authorization of PROJ project from OLD to NEW Stream: as (severity0) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A system security administrator has installed a new SAT that changes the authorization of the project PROJ. OLD is the previous authorization for the project; NEW is the authorization now assigned to the project. Action: No operator action is required. [up_sat_.pl1] up_sat_: ERROR_MESSAGE. cannot make temp Stream: as (severity1) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A temporary segment could not be created while attempting to install a new system administrator's table. The system attempts to proceed. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [up_sat_.pl1] up_sat_: ERROR_MESSAGE. Stream: as (severity2) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The system was unable to replace the SAT hash table, during installation of a new SAT. The new SAT has been installed, but the old hash table is still in use, so any new projects are unusable. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 810 11/13/89 up_sat_ -810- 11/13/89 [up_sat_.pl1] up_sat_: ERROR_MESSAGE. Stream: as (severity2) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A temporary segment could not be created while attempting to build a hash table for a new system administrator's table (SAT). The new SAT has been installed, but the old hash table is still in use, so any new projects are unusable. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [up_sat_.pl1] up_sat_: project PROJ on free list state nonzero Stream: as (severity2) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The free chain for the SAT seems to include a project that does not have state zero. The system abandons the free chain and attempts to proceed. Action: Contact the system administrator. [up_sysctl_.pl1] up_sysctl_$check_acs: MESSAGE. Unable to create PATHNAME. Stream: as (severity1) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The named segment does not exist, and it was not possible to create it. Any table installations controlled by this segment will be ignored. (The table submitted for installation will be deleted.) Action: Contact the system programming staff. Notify the system administrator. Normal servicing of table installations will not proceed until this situation is rectified. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 811 11/13/89 up_sysctl_$check_acs -811- 11/13/89 [up_sysctl_.pl1] up_sysctl_$check_acs: PATHNAME not found. It will be created. Stream: as (severity1) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The named segment, which controls a table installation operation, does not exist. The segment will be created with an ACL allowing *.SysDaemon.* and *.SysAdmin.* to perform the appropriate table installation. Action: Contact the system programming staff. The system administrator should be notified, so that the ACL of the segment may be adjusted to reflect those users that may install the table. [up_sysctl_.pl1] up_sysctl_$init: ERROR_MESSAGE. cannot find/create >system_control_1>update Stream: as (severity2) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: The directory used to update system tables is missing and cannot be created. No installations of new system tables cannot be done. Logins and logouts can go on as usual. Action: Contact the system administrator. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 812 11/13/89 up_sysctl_$init -812- 11/13/89 [up_sysctl_.pl1] up_sysctl_$init: ERROR_MESSAGE. Cannot make IPC channel. Stream: as (severity2) Time: System Intialization. Meaning: It was not possible to establish the IPC channel which is used to allow users to indicate that an Answering Service table installation is to be performed. Installations will not occur. Action: Contact the system administrator. [up_sysctl_.pl1] up_sysctl_: CONDITION installing TABLE for USER Stream: as (severity1) Time: While system is running. Meaning: Some unexpected error occurred while installing a system table. An Answering Service dump was performed. Further attempts to install system tables may fail until a reset or force is done, but logins and logouts should be able to proceed normally. Action: Contact the system administrator. [up_sysctl_.pl1] up_sysctl_: error - event calls were masked Stream: sc (error_output) Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. The system attempts to recover and keep running. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 813 11/13/89 up_sysctl_ -813- 11/13/89 [up_sysctl_.pl1] up_sysctl_: Error: REASON Stream: as (severity2) Time: While system is running. Meaning: Some error occurred while installing a system table. An Answering Service dump was performed. Further attempts to install system tables may fail until a force or reset is done, but logins and logouts should be able to proceed as usual. Action: Contact the system administrator. [up_sysctl_.pl1] up_sysctl_: installed TABLE for USERID Stream: as (severity1) Time: While system is running. Meaning: An mgt, sat, cdt, pdt, or rtdt has been installed. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 814 11/13/89 up_sysctl_ -814- 11/13/89 [up_sysctl_.pl1] up_sysctl_: NAME wakeup with N installs pending up_sysctl_: NAME wakeup from PERSON.PROJECT with N installs pending Stream: as (severity0) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A request to perform a table installation was received. There were N tables found ready for installation at the time of the wakeup. If N is 0, the PERSON.PROJECT of the originator of the request is also logged. This message is normally severity0, but the administrator may cause it to be severity1. Action: Contact the system programming staff. The administrator may request that he be notified if this occurs. If a large number of these messages are logged with N = 0, it may indicate that a user is harassing the installation mechanism. [up_sysctl_.pl1] up_sysctl_: Unable to install TABLE for USERID. TEXT Stream: as (severity1) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The user USERID attempted to change the system table TABLE but something was wrong. The reason is given by TEXT. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 815 11/13/89 up_sysctl_ -815- 11/13/89 [up_sysctl_.pl1] up_sysctl_: Unable to install TABLE for USERID. userid should be USERID1 Stream: as (severity1) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A user attempted to install a system table by pretending to be some other user. Action: Contact the system administrator. [validate_cpu_card.pl1] validate_cpu_card: CPU cache size for CPU CPUTAG is incorrect, should be "CACHE_SIZE." Stream: BOS Typewriter (sounds beeper) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The CACHE_SIZE as determined from cpu registers, did not match the CACHE_SIZE in the cpu cache size field of the config card image for CPU CPUTAG. Action: No operator action is required. [validate_cpu_card.pl1] validate_cpu_card: CPU model for CPU CPUTAG is incorrect, should be "CPUMODEL." Stream: BOS Typewriter (sounds beeper) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The CPUMODEL as determined from RSW (2) information, did not match the CPUMODEL in the cpu model field of the config card image for CPU CPUTAG. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 816 11/13/89 validate_cpu_card -816- 11/13/89 [validate_cpu_card.pl1] validate_cpu_card: CPU type for CPU CPUTAG is incorrect, should be "CPUTYPE" Stream: BOS Typewriter (sounds beeper) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The CPUTYPE as determined from RSW (2) information, did not match the CPUTYPE in the cpu type field of the config card image for CPU CPUTAG. Action: No operator action is required. [validate_cpu_card.pl1] validate_cpu_card: CPU type, model, and/or cache size discrepencies will be corrected Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The indicated discrepencies in the cpu type, model, and cache size fields, will be corrected by validate_cpu_card. Action: The type, model, and/or cache size fields of the indicated cpu config card image should be corrected at BCE, before the next bootload. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 817 11/13/89 validate_cpu_card -817- 11/13/89 [verify_lock.pl1] verify_lock: block_lock_count XX, should be 0 Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A process has encountered a condition in ring 0, and is in the process of attempting a crawlout. The system must unlock all locks before it performs the crawlout; all known locks have been unlocked but the process' lock counter is still nonzero. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. This error crashes the system. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [verify_lock.pl1] verify_lock: Crawlout error on directory cleanup. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A process encountered a signalled condition with one or more directories locked. Before the system causes a crawlout, it unlocks and salvages all locked directories for the process. This process of cleanup encountered an unrecoverable error. This error crashes the system. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 818 11/13/89 verify_lock -818- 11/13/89 [verify_lock.pl1] verify_lock: Crawlout stop specified on PARM card. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The system PARM card specified the CRWL parameter. A process is attempting to crawl out. This message will occur so that system programmers can take a dump. Action: Take a dump. Issuing the BCE go command will cause the system to continue. [verify_lock.pl1] verify_lock: Crawlout while in directory salvager, dir (UID,PTR). Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A process faulted while salvaging a dir on crawlout. Action: No operator action is required. [verify_lock.pl1] verify_lock: Crawlout while masked. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: This error crashes the system. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 819 11/13/89 verify_lock -819- 11/13/89 [verify_lock.pl1] verify_lock: Crawlout with AST lock set. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A user process encountered a condition while processing with the AST locked. This condition may have been due to a hardware or software failure. This error crashes the system. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [verify_lock.pl1] verify_lock: dir.modify PPPP WWWW ^^= processid. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A process is attempting to crawl out. The system has discovered that a directory which is marked locked to the process has its "modify" field not equal to the processid of the process. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. This error crashes the system. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 820 11/13/89 verify_lock -820- 11/13/89 [verify_lock.pl1] verify_lock: Force unlocked Volmap lock (dskX_NN) on crawlout for PERSON.PROJECT.TAG Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The Volmap Lock for the device indicated was found locked to a process on crawlout. The lock has been reset, and the count of volume inconsistencies for the device has been incremented by one. Action: Any free records or VTOCEs lost because of the crawlout can be recovered by a volume salvage. [verify_lock.pl1] verify_lock: Force unlocked VTOC Map lock (dskX_NN) on crawlout for PERSON.PROJECT.TAG Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The VTOC Map lock for the device indicated was found locked to the process on crawlout. The lock has been reset, and the count of volume inconsistencies has been incremented by one. Action: Any free records or VTOCEs lost because of the crawlout can be recovered by a volume salvage. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 821 11/13/89 verify_lock -821- 11/13/89 [verify_lock.pl1] verify_lock: more than N directory locks locked to process. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The process held more dir locks than verify lock could store for later salvaging. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor. Action: This error crashes the system. Follow normal recovery procedures. [verify_lock.pl1] verify_lock: NAME condition by PERS.PROJ Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: User PERS.PROJ encountered a NAME condition in ring 0. The system attempts to unlock and reset all ring 0 data bases locked by the process. Action: These messages almost always indicate benign errors in the supervisor. They should be reported, nonetheless. They are accompanied by the binary machine condition information. This message is logged only when the condition occured while some ring-0 lock was set. One or more messages preceeding this one will indicate which locks were held by the process and forcibly reset. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 822 11/13/89 verify_lock -822- 11/13/89 [verify_lock.pl1] verify_lock: Salvaging dir PTR UID on crawlout. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This message is displayed for each directory found locked on a crawlout. The online salvager will be called and the directory unlocked. Action: No operator action is required. [verify_lock.pl1] verify_lock: Unlocked LOCK. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The lock LOCK was found locked at crawlout and unlocked. Action: No operator action is required. [verify_lock.pl1] verify_lock: Unlocking dir UUUUUUUUUUUU. Locked for READ_OR_WRITE {,salvage}. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The directory with UID UUUUUUUUUUUU was found locked at crawl-out time. It is salvaged and then unlocked. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 823 11/13/89 verify_lock -823- 11/13/89 [vm_vio.pl1] vm_vio: get_vtocep: invalid pvtx: PPPo Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: Volume salvaging or disk rebuilding. Meaning: The Volume Salvager virtual access package has been given a bad PVT index parameter, PPP (shown in octal). This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Salvaging will not proceed. The Multics System Tape may be incorrect. If the problem persists, try another MST. [vm_vio.pl1] vm_vio: get_vtocep: invalid vtocx VVVo on pvtx PPPo Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: Volume salvaging or disk rebuilding. Meaning: An out-of-range VTOC index (VVV) has been given to the Volume Salvager virtual access package while processing PV at pvtx PPP. The vtocx and pvtx are shown in octal. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Salvaging may fail. Note for system programmer action. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 824 11/13/89 vm_vio -824- 11/13/89 [vm_vio.pl1] vm_vio: no AST pointer at readahead. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: Volume salvaging or disk rebuilding. Meaning: No AST entry pointer was found for a VTOC-addressing segment used by the Volume Salvager virtual access package. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. Note for system programmer action. [page_error.alm] volmap: Attempt to deposit in-use address YYYYYY on dskX_NN{S}. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An attempt was made to return disk address YYYYYY to the free pool on dskX_NN{S}, but the address was already marked as free. This indicates damage of some sort to the Volume Map. This damage can be repaired by a volume salvage. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [page_error.alm] volmap: Invalid Volume Map address computation for YYYYYY on dskX_NN{S}. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: In attempting to place the disk address YYYYYY into the free pool for dskX_NN{S}, an error occurred in translating the address into a location within the Volume Map. This indicates a software error. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 825 11/13/89 volmap -825- 11/13/89 [page_error.alm] volmap: Invalid volume map word on dskX_NN{S}. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: An attempt to withdraw a disk address from the pool of free addresses on dskX_NN{S} resulted in finding a volume map word with at least one of bits 0, 33, 34, and 35 on. These bits are invalid for volume map words. This indicates hardware or software failure. Action: Perform an ESD. Reboot the system and perform a volume salvage (not a scavenge) of the disk volume dskX_NN{S}. This may be performed at Initializer ring-1 or ring-4 command level. Perform the salvage before adding the storage system volume back to the system. The volume scavenger will not detect volume map words with invalid bits enabled, so the salvager must be used. Once the salvage is complete, the volume may be added back to the system. [page_error.alm] volmap: record stock inconsistent on dskX_NN{S}. stockp=YYY|YYYYY. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: An attempt to deposit a record address from the Volume Map to the record stock failed unaccountably. This indicates probably software failure. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 826 11/13/89 volmap -826- 11/13/89 [page_error.alm] volmap: Volume Map inconsistent on dskX_NN{S}. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: An attempt to withdraw a disk address from the pool of free addresses on dskX_NN{S} failed, although the control structures describing the Volume Map indicated that addresses were available. This indicates hardware or software failure. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [page_error.alm] volmap_page: Async error for dskX_NN{S}. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: When attempting to write an updated page of the Volume Map on dskX_NN{S}, it was found not to be in memory. This indicates a software failure. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [page_error.alm] volmap_page: Async state on dskX_NN{S} changed to S on poll. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An interrupt for a volume map I/O was lost and was recovered by a periodic polling routine. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 827 11/13/89 volmap_page -827- 11/13/89 [page_error.alm] volmap_page: Invalid async state on dskX_NN{S}. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: An inconsistency was discovered in the asynchronous update state of the Volume Map on dskX_NN{S}. This is likely a software error. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [page_error.alm] volmap_page: Invalid call. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: One of the conditions required for a call to a volmap_page entry point was not present. This indicates a software failure in the caller of volmap_page. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [page_error.alm] volmap_page: PTL not locked to process. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: An entry in volmap_page was called which required that the Global Page Table lock be held by the calling process. It was not held by that process, indicating software failure. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 828 11/13/89 volmap_page -828- 11/13/89 [page_error.alm] volmap_page: Unrecoverable I/O error on Volmap page M of dskX_NN{S}. Addresses lost. Stream: BOS Typewriter (sounds beeper) Time: While system is running. Meaning: There was an unrecoverable I/O on a page of the Volume Map, which describes free records on the volume. As a result, all free records described by that page of the Volume Map have been lost. Action: It may be possible to recover the lost addresses by a volume salvage. However, a hard device error will prevent the volume salvage from succeeding. In this case, it will be necessary to recover the volume to a good pack. [volmap_util.pl1] volmap_util: Address XXXXXX out of paging region on dskX_NN. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: During a physical volume scavenge Meaning: The scavenger attempted to remove an invalid address from the volume map. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [volmap_util.pl1] volmap_util: Invalid address XXXXXX on dskX_NN. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: During a physical volume scavenge Meaning: In attempting to deposit address XXXXXX on device dskX_NN, an invalid volume map offset was computed. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 829 11/13/89 volmap_util -829- 11/13/89 [init_disk_pack_.pl1] volume PVNAME XX records Stream: Initializer process output. Time: In response to an operator command. Meaning: The physical volume PVNAME has been successfully initialized. There are XX (decimal) records in the paging area. Action: No operator action is required. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$add_lvr: Added new LV "LVNAME". (GROUP_ID) Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A new storage system logical volume has been registered on the system. Action: No operator action is required. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$add_lvr: Added new PV "PVNAME" to LV "LVNAME". (GROUP_ID) Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A new storage system physical volume has been registered on the system. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 830 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$a -830- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$add_lvr: Could not append link for {LV name | LVID | PV name | PVID}. (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A link could not be added into >lv whose target is a database segment located under the root directory. Future database references may not be possible. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$add_lvr: Unable to back out database "lv.LVNAME". (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: When attempting to register a new logical volume, some error occurred. The entry then attempted to remove the database segment just created. This removal failed. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$add_pvr: Added new PV "PVNAME" to LV "LVNAME". (GROUP_ID) -log- Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A new storage system physical volume has been registered on the system. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 831 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$a -831- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$add_pvr: Could not append link for {PV name| PVID}. (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A link could not be added into >lv whose target is a database segment located under the root directory. Future database references may not be possible. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$add_pvr: Extra PV entry "PVNAME" in database "lv.LVNAME". (GROUP_ID) Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. An entry for the specified PV was found in the database segment for the specified LV where no segment addname indicated its existance. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 832 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$a -832- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$add_pvr: Unable to back out database addname "pv.PVNAME". (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An error occurred while registering a new PV. The entry attmpts to undo all work up to the point of the error. In this case, it was unable to undo its manipulations and left a spurious addname "pv.PVNAME" on the database segment. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_lvr: Changed ACS pathname for LV "LVNAME" to "PATH". (GROUP_ID) Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The registered ACS pathname of a storage system logical volume has been changed as indicated. Action: No operator action is required. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_lvr: Changed LV "LVNAME" to {PRIVATE | PUBLIC}. (GROUP_ID) Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The access type of the specified logical volume has been changed. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 833 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$c -833- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_lvr: Changed LVID of LV "LVNAME" from "LVID1" to "LVID2". (GROUP_ID) Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The registered logical volume unique ID has been changed for the specified LV. Action: No operator action is required. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_lvr: Changed name of LV "LVNAME1" to "LVNAME2". (GROUP_ID) Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The registered name of a storage system logical volume has been changed as indicated. Action: No operator action is required. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_lvr: Changed owner of LV "LVNAME" from "Person1.Project1" to "Person2.Project2". (GROUP_ID) Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The owner of a storage system logical volume has been changed as indicated. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 834 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$c -834- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_lvr: Changed {max | min} access class of LV "LVNAME" from "AUTH_STR1" to "AUTH_STR2". (GROUP_ID) Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The access class of a storage system logical volume has been changed as indicated. Action: No operator action is required. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_lvr: Couldn't {delete | create} link for {old | new} {LV name | LVID}. (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A link for the specified database segment residing under the root directory could not be created in >lv. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 835 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$c -835- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_lvr: Unable to back out LVID change to "LVNAME.mdcs". (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. While changing attributes of the logical volume LVNAME, an error was encountered. The entry then attempted to remove some changes already made to the registration database. In this case, it could not remove the LVID change to the master directory control database LVNAME.mdcs. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_lvr: Unable to change name "lv.LVNAME1" back to "lv.LVNAME2" (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. While changing attributes ot the logical volume LVNAME, an error was encountered. The entry then attempted to remove some changes already made to the registration database. In this case, it could not remove theLV name change. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 836 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$c -836- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_lvr: Unable to change name "lvid.UNIQUE1" back to "lvid.UNIQUE2". (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. While changing attributes ot the logical volume LVNAME, an error was encountered. The entry then attempted to remove some changes already made to the registration database. In this case, it could not remove LVID name change. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_lvr: Unable to convert {max | min} auth to name_string. (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. A binary authorization string could not be converted to its readable representation. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 837 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$c -837- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_lvr: Unexpected error changing name on "lv.LVNAME". (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. An unexpected error occured while changing the name on an LV registration data segment. The message explains the trouble. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_lvr: Unexpected trouble changing name "lvid.UNIQUE". (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. An unexpected error occured while changing the name on an LV registration data segment. The message explains the trouble. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 838 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$c -838- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_pvr: Changed date_registered of PV "PVNAME" from "DT1" to "DT2". (GROUP_ID) Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The registered date for the specified PV has been changed as indicated. Action: No operator action is required. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_pvr: Changed location of PV "PVNAME" from "LOC1" to "LOC2". (GROUP_ID) Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The registered location of the specified PV has been changed as indicated. Action: No operator action is required. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_pvr: Changed mfg_serial of PV "PVNAME" from "STR1" to "STR2". (GROUP_ID) Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The registered serial of the specified PV has been changed as indicated. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 839 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$c -839- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_pvr: Changed model of PV "PVNAME" from "TYPE1" to "TYPE2". (GROUP_ID) Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The registered model number of the specified PV has been changed as indicated. Action: No operator action is required. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_pvr: Changed name of PV "PVNAME1" to "PVNAME2". (GROUP_ID) Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The registered name of the specified PV has been changed as indicated. Action: No operator action is required. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_pvr: Changed password of PV "PVNAME". (GROUP_ID) Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The registered password of the specified PV has been changed as indicated. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 840 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$c -840- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_pvr: Changed PVID of PV "PVNAME" from "PVID1" to "PVID2" (GROUP_ID) Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The registered physical volume unique IFD has been changed as indicated. Action: No operator action is required. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_pvr: Couldn't {delete | create} link for {old | new} {PV name | PVID}. (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A link for a database segment residing in the root directory could not be created in >lv. This may make some registration data inaccessible. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_pvr: PV entry missing from database "pv.PVNAME". (GROUP_ID) Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. An entry for the specified PV could not be found in the data segment although an addname for that PV exists on the segment entry. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 841 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$c -841- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_pvr: Unable to back out PVID change. (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: While making changes to the registered PV attributes an error was encountered. The module attempts to remove any work already done on other attributes. For reasons given in ERROR_MESSAGE the PVID change could not be removed. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_pvr: Unexpected trouble changing name "pv.PVNAME". (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: While making changes to the registered PV attributes an error was encountered. The module attempts to remove any work already done on other attributes. For reasons given in ERROR_MESSAGE the PV name change could not be removed. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 842 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$c -842- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$change_pvr: Unexpected trouble changing name "pvid.UNIQUE". (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An unexpected state made the program unable to change the database name associated with the PV unique ID. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$check_volume_registration: ERROR_MESSAGE. PATH Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: An error occurred when trying to reclassify a new lv.** seg as a multi-class system segment. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 843 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$c -843- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$check_volume_registration: Code N. lv.LVNAME disagreed with disk_table. It was rebuilt. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: When the system is bootloaded, it checks the list of packs which were mounted during the last bootload to make sure that each one has a valid logical and physical volume registration. The registration file lv.LVNAME was found but disagreed with the disk_table_, and so it was corrected. The meaning of the codes can be determined from the listing of volume_registration_mgr_; it is rarely important. Action: Use list_vol_registration to examine the remade registration, and correct it with change_vol_registration if necessary. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$check_volume_registration: ERROR_MESSAGE. Cannot add SysAdmin access to >lv. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: After creating a new >lv directory, an attempt is made to add "sma" access for *.SysAdmin.*. This failed. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 844 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$c -844- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$check_volume_registration: ERROR_MESSAGE. Cannot make mdcs for LVNAME Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: When the system is bootloaded, it checks the list of packs which were mounted during the last bootload to make sure that each one has a valid logical and physical volume registration. An error occurred while reconstructing LVNAME.mdcs. Operation on master directories for LVNAME may encounter problems. Action: Contact the system administrator. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$check_volume_registration: ERROR_MESSAGE. cannot re-create >lv Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: When the system is bootloaded, it checks the list of packs which were mounted during the last bootload to make sure that each one has a valid logical and physical volume registration. If the registration does not exist, the registration files are reconstructed. These registration files reside in the directory >lv, which is also remade if it was lost or did not exist. This message indicates that there is a problem in re-creating >lv. Other error messages will follow and reregistration will fail. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 845 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$c -845- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$check_volume_registration: ERROR_MESSAGE. Cannot reregister lv LVNAME Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: When the system is bootloaded, it checks the list of packs which were mounted during the last bootload to make sure that each one has a valid logical and physical volume registration. The system was unable to append a branch for >lv>lv.LVNAME. The logical volume will have to be re-registered manually. Action: Use the add_vol_registration command to re-register the volume manually. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$check_volume_registration: ERROR_MESSAGE. Cannot reregister pv PVNAME Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: When the system is bootloaded, it checks the list of packs which were mounted during the last bootload to make sure that each one has a valid logical and physical volume registration. The system was unable to re-register the physical volume PVNAME because its logical volume entry could not be located in the old disk_table and its physical volume registration file could not be found. The volume will have to be re-registered manually. Action: If PVNAME is garbage, ignore this message. Otherwise, use add_vol_registration to re-register the volume. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 846 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$c -846- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$check_volume_registration: ERROR_MESSAGE. Cant add name lvid.UNIQUE to lv.LVNAME Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: When the system is bootloaded, it checks the list of packs which were mounted during the last bootload to make sure that each one has a valid logical and physical volume registration. The registration file for LVNAME did not have the additional name constructed from the volume unique ID, and an error was discovered trying to add it. If this name is on another segment, confusion will result. Action: Contact the system programming staff. Enter admin mode and do a "list >lv>**" command. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$check_volume_registration: ERROR_MESSAGE. Cant add name pv.PVNAME to LVNAME Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: When the system is bootloaded, it checks the list of packs which were mounted during the last bootload to make sure that each one has a valid logical and physical volume registration. An error occurred adding the name pv.PVNAME to >lv>lv.LVNAME. If this name is missing or on another segment, confusion will result. Action: Contact the system programming staff. Enter admin mode and do a "list >lv>**" command. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 847 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$c -847- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$check_volume_registration: ERROR_MESSAGE. Cant add name pvid.UNIQUE to LVNAME Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: When the system is bootloaded, it checks the list of packs which were mounted during the last bootload to make sure that each one has a valid logical and physical volume registration. An error occurred adding the name pvid.UNIQUE to >lv>lv.LVNAME. If this name is missing or is on another segment, confusion will result. Action: Contact the system programming staff. Enter admin mode and do a "list >lv>**" command. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$check_volume_registration: ERROR_MESSAGE. Putting LV dir on RPV Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: When the system is bootloaded, it checks the list of packs which were mounted during the last bootload to make sure that each one has a valid logical and physical volume registration. While re-creating >lv, the system attempted to set the directory flag which means "RPV only" and failed to do so. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 848 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$c -848- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$check_volume_registration: Registration for PVNAME was different from disk_table Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: When the system is bootloaded, it checks the list of packs which were mounted during the last bootload to make sure that each one has a valid logical and physical volume registration. The physical volume ID or model number of PVNAME was wrong in the registration files and was corrected. Action: Contact the system administrator. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$check_volume_registration: Reregistered pv PVNAME pvid WWWW in lv LVNAME Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: When the system is bootloaded, it checks the list of packs which were mounted during the last bootload to make sure that each one has a valid logical and physical volume registration. Registration for PVNAME was added to the registration file for LVNAME. This message is always produced for the root physical volume, rpv, during a cold boot of the Multics hierarchy. Action: Use the list_vol_registration command to check the registration. If necessary, correct it with change_vol_registration. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 849 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$c -849- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$check_volume_registration: Reregistered TYPE lv LVNAME lvid WWWW Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: When the system is bootloaded, it checks the list of packs which were mounted during the last bootload to make sure that each one has a valid logical and physical volume registration. The registration file for LVNAME did not exist and was reconstructed. This message is always produced for the root logical volume during a cold boot of the Multics hierarchy. Action: Use the list_vol_registration command to list the registration and check it against the re-created copy. Correct it with change_vol_registration if necessary. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$delete_lvr: Could not remove {PV name | PVID | LV name | LVID} database link. (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An unexpected state prevented the program from removing the database links associated with an LV just deleted. The links (in >lv) should be removed by hand using Ring_1_Repair. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 850 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$d -850- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$delete_lvr: Deleted LV "LVNAME". (GROUP_ID) Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The registration for the spcified logical volume has been removed. Action: No operator action is required. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$delete_lvr: Deleted PV "PVNAME" from LV "LVNAME". (GROUP_ID) Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The registration for the specified physical volume was removed while removing the entire logical volume registration. Action: No operator action is required. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$delete_lvr: Unable to delete MDCS "LVNAME.mdcs". (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: After deleting the registration for a logical volume the module was unable to delete the corresponding master directory control database indicated in the message. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 851 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$d -851- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$delete_pvr: Could not remove {PV name | PVID} database link. (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An unexpected state prevented the removal of database links associated with a PV registration that was just deleted. The links should be deleted by hand using Ring_1_Repair. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$delete_pvr: Deleted PV "PVNAME" from LV "LVNAME". (GROUP_ID) Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The registration fo the specified PV has been deleted. Action: No operator action is required. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$delete_pvr: PV entry missing from database "pv.PVNAME". (GROUP_ID) Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. The entry for the specified PV could not be located in the database segment although its name appears on the segment entry. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 852 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$d -852- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$delete_pvr: Trimming registration. (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An unexpected state prevented the trimming of a registration database segment. This will not hinder subsystem performance. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$delete_pvr: Unable to replace database name "pv.PVNAME". (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. While deleting the registration for the specified PV an error occurred. The program attempts to undo any changes to "leave things as they were." The attempt to put back the database segment name (as indicated) failed. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 853 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$d -853- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$ENTRY: Attempting to get second temp segment. (GROUP_ID) Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. All entrypoints to volume_registration_mgr_ require at most one temporary segment. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$ENTRY: Database - {lvid.UNIQUE | lv.LVNAME | pvid.UNIQUE | pv.PVNAME}. (GROUP_ID) Segment already known to process. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. The inner ring module always trerminates references to the database segments upon return to its caller. It found the specified segment already initiated upon entry to the specified routine. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 854 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$E -854- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$ENTRY: Unable to release temp segment. (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Some unexpected state is preventing the module from releasing its temporary segment. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$ENTRY: Unable to terminate database reference. (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Some unexpected state is preventing the module from terminating reference to a database segment. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 855 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$E -855- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$ENTRY: Unexpected error occurred. Database may be in an inconsistant state. (GROUP_ID) Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Some unexpected condition was signalled while the module was executing. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$find: PV entry missing from "pv.PVNAME". (GROUP_ID) Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. The entry for the specified PV could not be found in the registration database segment although the name appears on the segment's entry. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 856 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$f -856- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$find_volname: PV entry not found in database "pvid.UNIQUE". (GROUP_ID) Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. The entry for the specified PV could not be found in the registration database segment although the name appears on the segment's entry. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$get_access: ACS not segment - "PATH". (GROUP_ID) Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The ACS indicated in the logical volume registration database is not a segment. The database entry should be corrected using "change_volume_registration". Action: Contact the system administrator. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 857 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$g -857- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$get_access: Bad ACS path in database "lv.LVNAME". (GROUP_ID) ERROR_MESSAGE Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. The ACS pathname entry in the LVNAME database is illegal. This should not happen normally because the ring-1 primitives check all paths before entering them into the database. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$pvname_info: PV entry not found in database "pv.PVNAME". (GROUP_ID) Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. The entry for the specified PV could not be found in the registration database segment although the name appears on the segment's entry. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 858 11/13/89 volume_registration_mgr_$p -858- 11/13/89 [volume_registration_mgr_.pl1] volume_registration_mgr_$read_pvr: PV entry missing from database "pv.PVNAME". (GROUP_ID) Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. The entry for the specified PV could not be found in the registration database segment although the name appears on the segment's entry. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [vrm_lock_.pl1] vrm_lock_$lock: LOCK ERROR MESSAGE. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A logical volume registration operation failed because of a problem with the vrm control lock. Action: No operator action is required. [vrm_lock_.pl1] vrm_lock_$unlock: LOCK ERROR MESSAGE. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: At the completion ofa logical volume registratin operation, some error occured unlocking the vrm control lock. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 859 11/13/89 vrm_lock_$unlock -859- 11/13/89 [vrm_lock_.pl1] vrm_lock_$vrm_data_init: Unable to create PATHNAME. REASON. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: Logical volume registration control (vrm) was unable to create the segment PATHNAME, to be used for the vrm control lock, for the REASON given. Subsequent logical volume registration control operations may fail. Action: No operator action is required. [vrm_lock_.pl1] vrm_lock_$vrm_data_init: Unable to reclassify PATHNAME. REASON. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: Logical volume registration control was unable to reclassify the segment PATHNAME to its proper access class for the REASON given. This segment is to be used for the logical volume registration control lock. Subsequent logical volume registration control operations may fail. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 860 11/13/89 vrm_lock_$vrm_data_init -860- 11/13/89 [vrm_lock_.pl1] vrm_lock_$vrm_data_init: Unable to truncate PATHNAME. REASON. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: System Intialization. Meaning: Logical volume registration control was unable to truncate the segment PATHNAME for the REASON given. This segment is to be used for the logical volume registration control lock. Subsequent logical volume registration control operations may fail. Action: No operator action is required. [vrm_lock_.pl1] vrm_lock_: Unable to initiate PATHNAME. REASON. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: Logical volume registration control (vrm) was unable to initiate PATHNAME, which contains the vrm control lock, because of REASON. The logical volume registration control operation requested was not performed. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 861 11/13/89 vrm_lock_ -861- 11/13/89 [vtoc_interrupt.pl1] vtoc_interrupt: bad core address Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The disk dim reported a main memory address to the VTOC manager which was not in the VTOC buffer segment, or was not designating a legal buffer boundary. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [vtoc_interrupt.pl1] vtoc_interrupt: Buffer not os at interrupt Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: An I/O completion was received for a VTOC buffer which was apparently not undergoing I/O. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [vtoc_interrupt.pl1] vtoc_interrupt: Write error on dskX_NN vtocx XXXXXX Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A bad I/O status was received by the VTOC manager for a write operation. The unwritten vtoce-part will remain in main memory until the next attempt is made to write it out, or demount or shutdown time. Too many of these can cause the system to crash. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 862 11/13/89 vtoc_interrupt -862- 11/13/89 [vtoc_man.pl1] vtoc_man: Attempt to write less than entire VTOCE to MODEL device. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: An attempt has been made to write less than the entire VTOCE to a device MODEL that only supports a 512_word sector. For these devices the entire 192 word VTOCE must be written at one time. A likely software error n VTOC buffer management. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [vtoc_man.pl1] vtoc_man: Buffer out-of-service during cleanup Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: When a volume is being demounted or during system shutdown. Meaning: A likely software error in VTOC buffer management which caused an inconsistency in the VTOC buffer. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [vtoc_man.pl1] vtoc_man: buffer out-of-service on write Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A likely software problem has caused an inconsistency in the VTOC buffer. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 863 11/13/89 vtoc_man -863- 11/13/89 [vtoc_man.pl1] vtoc_man: Hot buffer abandoned during cleanup vtocx XXXXX dskX_NN{s} Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: When a volume is being demounted or during system shutdown. Meaning: An update to VTOCE XXXXX on dskX_NN{s} could not be completed due to I/O errors. The VTOCE may be inconsistent or damaged. Action: The VTOCE should be examined by means of dump_vtoce the next time the volume is online. Any inconsistency can be corrected by a volume salvage. [vtoc_man.pl1] vtoc_man: Invalid free vtocx XXXXX on dskX_NN{s} Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A free VTOCE was allocated which has an invalid VTOCE index for the volume. This is indicative of damage to volume control structures. This damage can be corrected by a volume salvage. Action: No operator action is required. [vtoc_man.pl1] vtoc_man: Invalid write Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A likely software error in the calling sequence for output of a VTOCE. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 864 11/13/89 vtoc_man -864- 11/13/89 [vtoc_man.pl1] vtoc_man: Out of buffers try number N Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: There may be a disk problem which prevents the vtoc buffers from being written to disk, or there may be a disk tuning problem. The system may crash within the next few minutes. Action: Contact the system administrator. [vtoc_man.pl1] vtoc_man: read reset of crawlout by PERSON.PROJECT.TAG for dskX_NN{s} vtocx XXXXXX Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The process of PERSON.PROJECT.TAG crawled out of ring-0 or terminated with the VTOC buffer lock held. A buffer was marked out-of-service for read to VTOCE XXXXX on dskX_NN{s} for which no I/O had been queued. The read I/O was abandoned. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 865 11/13/89 vtoc_man -865- 11/13/89 [vtoc_man.pl1] vtoc_man: UID ^= 0 in free VTOCE vtocx XXXXX dskX_NN{s} Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The contents of VTOCE XXXXX on dskX_NN{s} are incorrect, as free VTOCEs should have a zero UID. The system attempts to find another free VTOCE. This may indicate damage to volume control structures. This damage can be corrected by a volume salvage. Action: No operator action is required. [vtoc_man.pl1] vtoc_man: Update in progress on crawlout by PERSON.PROJECT.TAG dskX_NN{s} Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The process of PERSON.PROJECT.TAG crawled out of ring-0 or terminated with the vtoc buffer lock held and an update in progress for a VTOCE on dskX_NN{s}. The VTOCE may be inconsistent. Any inconsistency can be corrected by a volume salvage. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 866 11/13/89 vtoc_man -866- 11/13/89 [vtoc_man.pl1] vtoc_man: Write I/O being retried by PERSON.PROJECT.TAG for dskX_NN{s} vtocx XXXXX Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A buffer previously marked as "hot" is being requeued for I/O. Action: No operator action is required. [vtoc_man.pl1] vtoc_man: write I/O recovered on crawlout by PERSON.PROJECT.TAG for dskX_NN{s} vtocx XXXXX Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The process of PERSON.PROJECT.TAG crawled out of ring-0 or terminated with the VTOC buffer lock held. A buffer was marked out-of-service for write to VTOCE XXXXX on dskX_NN{s} for which no I/O had been queued. The write I/O was requeued. Action: No operator action is required. [vtoce_stock_man.pl1] vtoce_stock_man: Attempt to deposit free vtocx YYYYYY on dskX_NN Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A VTOCE was returned to the free pool of VTOCEs on the device indicated, but the VTOCE was already marked as free. This indicates possible device damage. This damage can be corrected by a physical volume salvage. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 867 11/13/89 vtoce_stock_man -867- 11/13/89 [vtoce_stock_man.pl1] vtoce_stock_man: Attempt to deposit invalid vtocx YYYYYY on dskX_NN Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: There was an attempt to return a free VTOCE to the pool of free VTOCEs for the device indicated, but the index of the VTOCE was not valid. This indicates possible damage to the device. Such damage can be corrected by a physical volume salvage. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [vtoce_stock_man.pl1] vtoce_stock_man: MYLOCK of VTOC Map for dskX_NN Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A process attempted to acquire a lock on the VTOC Map for the device indicated while already owning the lock. This is probably a software error. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [vtoce_stock_man.pl1] vtoce_stock_man: PVTE and VTOCE stock out-of-synch on dskX_NN Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: There is an inconsistency between the Physical Volume Table Entry and the VTOCE Stock for the device indicated. This is probably a software error. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 868 11/13/89 vtoce_stock_man -868- 11/13/89 [vtoce_stock_man.pl1] vtoce_stock_man: STACQ fails for VTOC Map lock on dskX_NN Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A process was unable to unlock the VTOC Map lock for the device indicated. This is probably a hardware failure, either in the CPU or in main memory. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [vtoce_stock_man.pl1] vtoce_stock_man: VTOCE stock inconsistent on dskX_NN Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: There is an internal inconsistency in the stock of free VTOCES on the device indicated. This is probably a software malfunction. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [wdx.pl1] wdx: ERRORCODE Unable to send wakeup on master channel. Stream: BOS Typewriter. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The ring-1 logical volume mount software was unable to send a wakeup to the ring-4 software for the reason indicated. Some mount requests may have been lost. Action: Contact the system administrator. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 869 11/13/89 wdx -869- 11/13/89 [wire_proc.pl1] wire_proc: lock not locked Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: The lock on temp-wiring in the SST was found unlocked at the time an attempt was made to unlock it. The SST may be damaged. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. [wire_proc.pl1] wire_proc: too many temp wired segments. Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: While system is running. Meaning: A request has been made to the supervisor to temp-wire an eighth hardcore segment. Only seven are allowed. Temp-wiring is used for supervisor programs, not I/O buffers. This indicates a logic error in the supervisor, or CPU or memory hardware problems. Action: Follow normal recovery procedures. The Multics System Tape may be incorrect. If the problem persists, try another MST. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 870 11/13/89 wire_proc -870- 11/13/89 [wired_shutdown.pl1] wired_shutdown: FFF fault during emergency shutdown Stream: BOS Typewriter (Crashes system) Time: Emergency shutdown Meaning: An unexpected fault has occured during emergency shutdown. Emergency shutdown cannot complete. Action: Get a dump for system programmers. If an disk dump was taken of the preceding crash, get a dump to paper via the bce dump facility. Re-attempt ESD as many times as necessary. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Call Confirm in state STATE. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An unexpected Call Confirm packet was received. The call is cleared. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Clear Confirm in state STATE. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An unexpected Clear Confirm packet has been received. The call is cleared. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 871 11/13/89 x25_mpx(CHN) -871- 11/13/89 [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Clear Indication CAUSE/DIAGNOSTIC. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A Clear Indication with non-zero cause or diagnostic fields has been received. The call is cleared. Action: No operator action is required. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Data packet received in state STATE. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An unexpected data packet was received. The call is cleared. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Diagnostic type TYPE. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A diagnostic packet of type TYPE was received. Normal processing continues. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 872 11/13/89 x25_mpx(CHN) -872- 11/13/89 [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Error CODE from write. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An error occurred writing to the LAP channel. The LAP channel will be disconnected. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [lap_simplex.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Error from write of XXX chars. ERROR Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The ERROR occurred writing XXX characters to the LAP channel. The LAP channel will be disconnected. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Failure, Link state: STATE, Current Action: FUNCTION, in ESTATE, Primary state: PSTATE, Secondary state: SSTATE. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: Normal request to crash the line when the link has been disconnected by the FNP. STATE is the main state of the link. FUNCTION is the last function the link processed. The ESTATE is the execution state of the last function. PSTATE and SSTATE are the link up substate. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 873 11/13/89 x25_mpx(CHN) -873- 11/13/89 [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Invalid channel number LCN. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An X.25 packet with an invalid logical channel group number or logical channel number has been received. The packet is ignored. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Invalid packet type TYPE on LC 0. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An invalid packet of type TYPE was received on logical channel zero. The packet will be ignored. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Invalid X.29 command CMD. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An invalid X.29 command was received. An error indication is returned to the sender. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 874 11/13/89 x25_mpx(CHN) -874- 11/13/89 [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Link disconnected due to mis-matched frame sizes. CMDR/FRMR frame: FRAME. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The FNP has received a command reject (LAPB) or frame reject (LAP) which specified a reason of "wide frame" on channel CHN. The actual level 2 command is FRAME. This means the frame received by the other end was too long. Instead of looping continuously trying to send this frame, the link will be disconnected. The maximum frame size in the Multics TTF for this link should be checked against the size expected by the other end of the link, and corrected. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): No buffers available. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: x25_mpx was unable to allocate a buffer for a protocol packet. This indicates a severe space problem in tty_buf. The multiplexer will sends itself a "hangup" order after freeing any space it has for protocol packets in tty_buf. If this multiplexer is not the cause of the problem then the system is likely to crash soon. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 875 11/13/89 x25_mpx(CHN) -875- 11/13/89 [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Packet INOUT: PACKET Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A packet has been received or sent and is logged. This occurs when the packet tracing facility is turned on. INOUT is the direction and PACKET is the packet octets dumped in hexadecimal. Action: No operator action is required. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Packet too short. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A packet less then 3 characters long was received. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Received REJ packet. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An X.25 REJ packet was received. Multics does not support this feature. The virtual circuit is reset. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 876 11/13/89 x25_mpx(CHN) -876- 11/13/89 [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Reset Confirm in state STATE. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An unexpected Reset Confirm packet has been received. The call is reset. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Reset received CAUSE/DIAGNOSTIC. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A RESET REQUEST packet has been received. Action: No operator action is required. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Sequence error P(S) = N, V(R) = N. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An X.25 packet was received with an incorrect value for P(S). The logical channel is reset. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 877 11/13/89 x25_mpx(CHN) -877- 11/13/89 [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Sequence error: P(R) (= N) is not between previous P(R) (= N) and V(S) (= N). Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An X.25 packet was received with an incorrect value for P(R). The logical channel is reset. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Unexpected Interrupt Confirm. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An unexpected Interrupt Confirm packet has been received. The call is reset. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Unexpected interrupt TYPE DATA received. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An unexpected MCM interrupt was processed. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 878 11/13/89 x25_mpx(CHN) -878- 11/13/89 [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Unexpected packet type TYPE on idle VC. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An unexpected packet has been received on an idle channel. The channel is cleared. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Unexpected packet type TYPE. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An unexpected packet has been received. The packet is ignored. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): Unrecognized general format ID GFID. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A packet with a bad format ID was received. The packet will be ignored. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 879 11/13/89 x25_mpx(CHN) -879- 11/13/89 [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN): X.29 ERROR CODE/REASON. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An X.29 ERROR packet with error code CODE and reason REASON was received. The packet is ignored. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN/LC): Call Request in state STATE. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: An unexpected Call Request has been received. The call is cleared. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN/LC): Clear Indication CAUSE/DIAGNOSTIC in idle VC. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: A Clear Indication has been received on a channel with no call in progress. A Clear Confirm is returned. Action: No operator action is required. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 880 11/13/89 x25_mpx(CHN/LC) -880- 11/13/89 [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN/LC): No listening channels. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: There were no listening channels available for a network call. The call is refused. Action: Contact the system programming staff. [x25_mpx.pl1] x25_mpx(CHN/LC): Time out in state STATE. Stream: Logged in SYSERR log. Time: While system is running. Meaning: The network did not respond to a call, reset, or clear request. The call will be cleared. Action: Contact the system programming staff. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 881 11/13/89 x25_mpx(CHN/LC) -881- 11/13/89