MULTICS SOFTWARE RELEASE BULLETIN RELEASE 12.3 PREPARED BY: MULTICS SUPPORT November 30, 1989 Copyright, (C) Bull H N Inc., 1989 TRADEMARKS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Megacalc is a registered trademark of The Mega Group, Inc. Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Tektronix is a trademark of Tektronix, Inc. DEC and VT100 are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. VersaTerm is a trademark applied for by Lonnie R. Abelbeck. IBM is a registered trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation. VisiCalc is a registered trademark of Visicorp, Inc. MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories. SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION Multics Release 12.3 (MR12.3) is a complete release and assumes the prior installation of MR12.2. That is, the library tapes are self-supporting and do not require any other information to run Multics. This document includes descriptions of features included in Multics Release MR12.3. A separate document, Software Installation Bulletin (SIB), is supplied with the release tapes. The SIB describes the contents of the release tapes and includes procedures for installation of MR12.3. Additional documentation, including a list of bugs fixed in MR12.3, is provided with the release tapes, either as printable segments on the tape (in a special directory >doc>MR12.3), or as paper copy. Following is a summary of the remaining of sections in this document. Section 2 summarizes important highlights Section 3 describes significant software changes Section 4 describes incompatible changes Appendix A contains a partial list of new commands, active functions, and subroutines DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 1-1 11/14/89 SRB12.3 Appendix B contains a list of Priced Software Products. These items are available only through contractual actions with a Honeywell Bull, Inc. sales representative Appendix C describes the associated documentation DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 1-2 11/14/89 SRB12.3 SECTION 2 HIGHLIGHTS OF MR12.3 This section contains a brief summary of the most important items in this release. Refer to Section 3 for a more detailed description. A brief description of known bugs fixed in this release is available in the segment >doc>MR12.3>TRs_fixed_in_MR12.3. _S_O_F_T_W_A_R_E _C_H_A_N_G_E _P_R_O_P_O_S_A_L_S ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP command ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 2-1 11/14/89 SRB12.3 ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP arguments ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP ox SCP _A_D_D_I_T_I_O_N_A_L _H_I_G_H_L_I_G_H_T_S ox ox ox DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 2-2 11/14/89 SRB12.3 Modified the system command to use the process date_time format rather than the concatenation of the process date and time format for all keywords starting with date_time_**. Added the capability to specify starnames as input to the dsmla command. The dsmla command will now display aliases associated with the specified name as well as the specified name itself. Modified the listing of memos created with a -repeat_when_processed control_argument. The change (in the flags description) is from per_process to repeat_when_processed. When copying a non-empty mailbox along its max_length characterisic, the copy would prematurely terminate with an error of "The requested action was not performed". This is being changed to allow the copy to continue. The consequences are that under this condition, the max_lenght of the target of the copy will keep the default max_lenght from when it was created, as opposed to the expected value from the source. The following commands and subroutines will be affected -copy, move, copy_dir, move_dir, copy_, copy_seg_ and copy_dir_. Added the gate entry mail_table_priv_$delete_alias_case_ins to permit case-insensitive alias deletions by the update_mail_table_entry command. 1) Modified the display format for display_volume_log to print at 79 characters per line. Also the ability to display the disk label of the volume presented in the volog is added through the -label, -no_label and -all control arguments. 2) Modified display format of display_pvolog to print in columnized output of 79 characters per line. 3) Changed the set_volume_log command to allow the setting of the number of consolidated and inceremental reload groups through the -incr_sets and -cons_sets control arguments. 4) Enhanced the purging mechanism to provide better control over reload groups. 5) Removed the -incr_skip_count argument for the volume dumper commands. The nw -purge_volume_log (-pvl) control argument is now used instead. Please use the set_volume_log command to establish the correct reload groups for your site. Please type: "help set_volume_log" for details. Modified the C_compile command's control argument -table (-tb) so it will no longer cause the generation of a linkage editor listing, use the -list (-ls) control argument instead. The C_compile command now finds the default C funtime library using standard search rules. Modified the C runtime system and the execution family of routines to properly set their return values. This value contains information about nonstandard operation of the child process. Added the -version (default) and -no_default control arguments to the PL/1 Compiler. Modified the PL/1 Compiler to generate warnings when an options (constant) variable occurs on the LHS of an assignment statement. Added the control DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 2-3 11/14/89 SRB12.3 order get_event_channel to mowse_io_ so that programs which require the use of a foreground data event channel, such as dial_out, may request the identification of the ipc_event channel. Modified the PL/1 Compiler to allow use of the named constants as replication factors. Changes to WSTERM: 1) A new keyboard input routine will be added which will allow some EMACS-like editing capabilities on keyboard input before sending a line to the host; 2) Input going to and coming from the host will be trapped by WSTERM to allow the data to be stored to a file and/or printed as it is being displayed; 3) Lines of input will be saved in a circular buffer each time they are entered to allow them to be retrieved later; 1. f (rmail-forward) to forward the current message to an address (list) that will be prompted for. A numeric argument will allow the user to enter redistribution comments via a comments buffer. 2. x (rmail-toggle-seen) to toggle the seen switch on the current message. This switch is displayed to the user as the minor mode "Seen" and will be turned on immediately a message is brought into the RMAIL buffer to be displayed. 3. ? (rmail-help) to display brief information about each of the RMAIL mode (additionally the reply and comment buffers) requests that are available. 4. q (rmail-quit) is being modified to only question a user quitting when no rmail commands have been entered between the arrival of new mail and requesting of rmail-quit. Modified emacs -line_length NN control argument so that NN will be expected to describe the useable number of columns on the screen. The value of NN used to be required to be one grater than the screen capability. Modified qedx to allow whitespaces between the "q" request and the NL character. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 2-4 11/14/89 SRB12.3 SECTION 4 INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES This version of the assembler contains a new pseudo-op "error", several bug fixes, and discontinuation of the obsolete "followon" pseudo-op. It's use will now incur a B error. The "error" pseudo-op causes the fatal error flag to be set which results in the "Translation failed." message being issued at the end of the assembly. "-nsb" will now be accepted as an abbreviation for "-no_symbols". The assembler will now prevent itself from being invoked recursively. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED 4-0 11/14/89 SRB12.3 APPENDIX A COMMANDS AND SUBROUTINES This is a partial listing of new commands for MR12.2. There are no new subroutines for MR12.2. A brief description of the command functionality is included. Refer to info segments or the appropriate manuals for more information. _N_E_W _C_O_M_M_A_N_D_S to return a list of current attachment(s) to a LV, set of LVs, or all LVs that have attachments to specify a directory for temporary segments created during lisp environment terminates the MOWSE I/O protocol communications and detaches the mowse_io_ switch to dump contents of an active process directory for display by the analyze_multics (azm) subsystem to return specific information about requests queued in the absentee, output, retrieval, imft, or any other specific request type message queues DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED A-0 11/14/89 SRB12.3 APPENDIX B MULTICS PRICED SOFTWARE PRODUCTS PRODUCT NUMBER TITLE _O_P_E_R_A_T_I_N_G _S_Y_S_T_E_M _S_O_F_T_W_A_R_E SGS6800 Multics Operating System EXEC (see Note 1 below) SGS6801 GCOS (III) Timesharing Environment Facility SGS6803 FAST/DFAST (Fast Access System for Timesharing) SGS6804 GCOS (III) Batch Environment Facility (see Note 1) _O_P_E_R_A_T_I_N_G _S_Y_S_T_E_M _S_O_F_T_W_A_R_E _E_X_T_E_N_S_I_O_N_S SGC6823 Inter Multics File Transfer Facility SGE6800 Multics System Software Extensions (see Note 4) SGE6802 Remote Job Entry Facility _C_O_M_M_U_N_I_C_A_T_I_O_N_S _S_O_F_T_W_A_R_E SGC6800 Multics Communications System (Multics CS) SGC6801 Autocall Support Option to Multics CS SGC6802 3270 Support Option to Multics CS SGC6803 Basic Bisync Support Option to Multics CS SGC6804 G115 Support Option to Multics CS SGC6805 File Transfer Facility SGC6807 Multics HASP Facility SGC6822 Multics Communications Support for X.25 SGC6827 Personal Computer Support Facility SGC6828 Multics Online Workstation Environment _P_R_O_G_R_A_M_M_I_N_G _L_A_N_G_U_A_G_E _S_O_F_T_W_A_R_E SGL6801 FORTRAN Compiler and Runtime Facility SGL6802 Basic Compiler and Runtime Facility DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED B-1 11/14/89 SRB12.3 SGL6803 COBOL-74 Compiler and Runtime Facility SGL6805 MRPG (Report Generator) Facility SGL6806 APL (Version 5.02) SGL6807 Pascal Compiler and Runtime Facility SGL6808 C Compiler and Runtime _O_P_E_R_A_T_I_N_G _S_Y_S_T_E_M _U_T_I_L_I_T_I_E_S _A_N_D _T_O_O_L_S SGD6806 Executive Mail System SGD6807 Format Document Facility SGU6800 WORDPRO Comprehensive Facility SGU6801 SORT/MERGE Facility SGU6803 LISTER Facility SGU6804 SPEEDTYPE Facility SGU6805 Dictionary Tools SGU6807 Extended Mail Facility SGU6820 Compose Facility SGU6833 TED (Text Editor) SGU6834 Emacs Text Processing Facility SGU6835 Offline Page Printing System Support Facility _D_A_T_A _M_A_N_A_G_E_M_E_N_T _S_O_F_T_W_A_R_E SGC6824 Multics Forum Facility SGD6800 MRDS (Multics Relational Data Store) SGD6801 LINUS (Logical Inquiry and Update System) SGC6826 Multics Executive Forum Facility _A_P_P_L_I_C_A_T_I_O_N_S _S_O_F_T_W_A_R_E AGS6801 Timesharing Library (see Note 3) AGS6802 ISTAT (Interactive Statistics) (see Note 3) AGS6803 Graphics Facility AGS6805 SCICONIC Mathematical Programming Package AGS6806 SCICONIC Matrix Generator Facility SGH6801 Simplified Computing and Filing Facility SGH6802 TEXTO Document Management System and LOGOTEL User Interface for TEXTO SGH6804 MegaCalc Spread Sheet Package Notes: 1. Licensed for use without separate charge to users acquiring a central processor system from Honeywell. 2. Class II - Maintained only. 3. Class III - Unsupported. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED B-2 11/14/89 SRB12.3 4. Required for normal Multics operation and to support any additional separately priced software products. DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED B-3 11/14/89 SRB12.3 APPENDIX C DOCUMENTATION CHANGES _C_U_R_R_E_N_T _M_U_L_T_I_C_S _D_O_C_U_M_E_N_T_A_T_I_O_N _S_T_A_T_U_S A complete list of manuals (including current availability status) is provided in >doc>info> as part of MR12.2. Subsequent to this release a SiteSA may obtain an updated list of available manuals at >doc>info> on System M. _1_2_._1 _D_o_c_u_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n The following new and updated publications support MR12.1. Order No. Document Title AG91-04B Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG92-06B Multics Commands and Active Functions AG93-05B Multics Subroutines and I/O Modules AK50-03B Multics System Administration Procedures AM81-04A Multics System Maintenance Procedures AW53-04E Multics Relational Data Store Reference Manual CC70-01E Multics FORTRAN User's Guide CC75-02A Multics Communications Administration GB60-00A Multics HASP Service and Utility Manual GB61-01B Operator's Guide to Multics GB64-00B Multics Admin, Maint, and Operations Commands GB66-00 Multics On-Line Work Station Env User's Guide HH07-00A Multics C Compiler User's Guide DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED C-1 11/14/89 SRB12.3 For the convenience of new user sites, a complete list of Multics manuals, is provided below. For information about how to order manuals, type "help order_manuals," on your system. AG90 Introduction to Programming on Multics AG91 Multics Programmer's Reference Manual AG92 Multics Commands and Active Functions AG93 Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules AG94 Multics PL/I Language Specification AK50 Multics System Administration Procedures AK51 Multics Project Administrator's Guide AK95 Multics APL User's Guide AL39 Multics Processor Manual AM81 Multics System Maintenance Procedures AM82 Multics BASIC AM83 Multics PL/I Reference Manual AN05 Multics GCOS Environment Simulator AN50 Guide to Multics Manuals AS40 Multics Graphics System AS43 Multics COBOL User's Guide AS44 Multics COBOL Reference Manual AT58 Multics FORTRAN Manual AT59 Multics DFAST Subsystem User's Guide AU25 Multics FAST Subsystem Reference Guide AU77 Multics Online Test and Diagnostics Reference Manual AW17 Multics Commands and Active Functions Quick Reference Guide AW32 Multics SORT/MERGE AW53 Multics Relational Data Store Reference Manual AZ49 Multics Logical Inquiry and Update System Reference Manual AZ98 Multics WORDPRO Reference Manual CC69 Multics Report Program Generator Reference Manual CC70 Multics FORTRAN User's Guide CC75 Multics Communications Administration CG40 Multics qedx Text Editor User's Guide CH23 Multics Extended Mail System User's Guide CH24 New User's Introduction to Multics--Part I CH25 New User's Introduction to Multics--Part II CH26 Multics Error Messages: Primer and Reference Manual CH27 Emacs Text Editor User's Guide CJ52 Multics Emacs Extension Writer's Guide CJ97 Multics Page Processing System Utility Manual CP31 Level 68 Introduction to Emacs Text Editor CP50 Multics Text Editor (Ted) Reference Manual CP51 Multics Menu Creation Facilities CX20 Fundamentals of Multics Executive Mail CX72 Executive Mail Editing Operations (Reference Card) CY73 Inter-Multics File Transfer Facility Reference Guide CY74 Multics Forum Interactive Meeting System User's Guide DJ18 Guide to Multics WORDPRO for New Users DU06 Fundamentals of Multics Forum Interactive Meeting System DW19 Multics MegaCalc User's Guide DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED C-2 11/14/89 SRB12.3 DX71 Fundamentals of Multics Executive Forum GB58 Multics Common Commands GB59 DPS 6/Multics Satellite 6M Reference Manual GB60 Multics HASP Service and Utility Manual GB61 Operator's Guide to Multics GB62 Multics Pascal User's Guide GB63 Multics Report Writer Reference Manual GB64 Multics Administration, Maintenance, and Operations Cmds GB65 Mulitics/Personal Computer File Transmission Facilities GB66 Multics On-Line Work Station End User's Guide GL71 Multics Simplified Computing and Filing Facility GN08 Multics Emacs Reference Card HH07 Multics C Compiler User's Guide DRAFT: MAY BE CHANGED C-3 11/14/89 SRB12.3 CONTENTS Page Section 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Section 2 Highlights of MR12.3 . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Software Change Proposals . . . . . . 2-1 Additional Highlights . . . . . . . . 2-2 Section 4 Incompatible Changes . . . . . . . . . . 4-0 Appendix A Commands and Subroutines . . . . . . . . A-0 New Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-0 Appendix B Multics Priced Software Products . . . . B-1 Operating System Software . . . . . . B-1 Operating System Software Extensions . B-1 Communications Software . . . . . . . B-1 Programming Language Software . . . . B-1 Operating System Utilities and Tools . B-2 Data Management Software . . . . . . . B-2 Applications Software . . . . . . . . B-2 Appendix C Documentation Changes . . . . . . . . . . C-1 Current Multics Documentation Status . C-1 12.1 Documentation . . . . . . . . C-1 iii SRB12.3 ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved