THIS FILE IS DAMAGED L,W֧ JZ#BDescribes the process of writing applications programs on Multics.8Applications programmers learning to program on Multics. The Multics Approach Programming on Multics Dynamic Linking Input/Output Processing A Debugging Tool A Performance Measurement Absentee Facility Reference to Commands by Function Using Multics to Best Advantage A Simple Text Editor Multics Subsystems The Edm EditorjThis manual has been completely rewritten; its purpose, audience, and table of contents have all changed. L,YJ Z%B#ADocuments the overall mechanics, conventions, and usage of the Multics system. It contains general information about the Multics command and programming environments, and describes the command language, storage system, and the I/O system. In addition, it contains a glossary of Multics terms.\Programmers who need to understand the overall mechanics, conventions, and usage of Multics.o Multics Concepts and Characteristics Multics Storage System Naming, Command Language, and Terminal Usage Multics Programming Environment Input and Output Facilities Access Control Handling Unusual Occurrences Backup Administrative Controls Multics Character Sets Defining Terminal and Naming Communication Channels Punched-Card Input and Output and Returned Output Control Records Standard Data Types List of Names with Special Meanings Standard Magnetic-Tape Format Standard Object Segment with Symbol Table Organization Standard Execution Environment Data Base Descriptions Standard Request Tables and Standard Requests| Revision 4 changes: New data management facility--FAMIS New tape I/O Date/time strings New file system entry typesL,YlJ 2#bDescribes the standard Multics commands and active functions and shows the proper syntax for each.MProgrammers and nonprogrammers who use Multics commands and active functions. Manual Use and Term Definition Commands and General Information Commands and Active Functions Access to the System Appendix A - Obsolete Commands Addendum B changes: The following commands and active functions are new: access_class (s4) calendar_clock clock check_file_system_damage date_time_interval format_string pascal get_effective_access pascal_area_status pascal_convert_source pascal_display_area pascal_create_area pascal_file_status pascal_reset_area pascal_set_prompt pl1_macro sort_strings terminal_id display_time_info print_time_default(s) watchL,ZLJR #Describes the standard Multics subroutines, including the declare statement, calling sequence, and usage of each. It also contains a section describing the I/O modules.-Programmers using Multics system subroutines.Z Introduction to Standard Subroutines Subroutine Descriptions System Input/Output Modules Revision 5 changes: New subroutines, entry points, and I/O modules: aim_util_ metering_util_ spg_util_ meter_gate_ spg_ring_0_info_ convert_date_to_binary request_id_ decode_clock_value_ cv_fstime_ encode_clock_value_ file_manager_ before_journal_manager_ file_manager_ transaction_manager_ get_process_authorization_ hcs_$validate_processid Changed subroutines and entry points: date_time_ Subroutines with new names: convert_authorization_ is now convert_access_class_ convert_authorization_ is now display_access_class_ get_authorization_ is now get_process_access_class_ get_max_authorization_ is now get_process_max_authorization_L,ZtJ j#Provides detailed information on the syntax and semantics of Multics PL/1. This manual is very useful for the programmer who is already familiar with PL/1. It is not recommended as a tool for learning the PL/1 language; however, it is the final word in the description of Multics PL/1.$System and applications programmers.> Structure of a PL/1 Program Dynamic Behavior of a PL/1 Program Data of PL/1 Declarations References Expressions Conversion of Data Types Promotion of Aggregate Types Conditions, Signals and On-Units Input/Output Syntax And Semantics of Statements Built-In Functions Differences Between Multics PL/1 and Standard PL/1 Addendum E changes: Clarification (manual only) of operand conversion for the exponentiation operator. Clarification (manual only) of the by-name option in an assignment statement. L,[SJ "#Presents technical papers that describe the theory of Multics virtual memory implementation. This manual is of historical value only, i.e., the concepts are valid, but the implementation has changed.9Users interested in the theory of Multics virtual memory.f General Properties of the Multics Virtual Memory Overview of the Implementation Directory Structure Making a Segment Known to a Process Segment Fault Handling Page Fault Handling Secondary Storage Management Device Interface Modules Access Control to the Multics Virtual Memory Series 6000 Features for the Multics Virtual Memory Abbreviations and AcronymsTThis manual is a collection of technical papers and has not been changed since 1972.HL,[/J *Z4#lDescribes procedures used in administering the resources of a Multics system. This guide to the overall administration discusses the contents of administrative directories and data bases, special user identities, installation parameters, system logs, and the tasks of the system administrator. The function of the system security administrator is also explained.SAdministrators of Multics systems, whether they have programming experience or not. Introduction Overview of System Administration Responsibilities Hardware Overview Overview of System Tables/Data Bases Software Overview Understanding Resources Managing I/O Resources--RCP Managing I/O Resources--RCPRM Managing the Resource Type Master File Managing I/O Resource Registries Setting Prices for Resources Understanding System Directories Managing Quota Managing Storage System Disk Volumes Managing Logical Volume Access Using a Logical Volume Using a Quota Account Assuring the Security of the File System Assuring the Security of RCPRM Assuring the Security of Communication Channels Assuring the Security of the I/O Daemons Assuring the Security of the Absentee Facility Assuring the Security of Privileged Operations Logging and Auditing Miscellaneous Security Tasks Understanding I/O Daemons Setting Up the I/O Daemon Managing I/O Daemon Output Managing I/O Daemon Input Running I/O Daemons Project Registration Managing Users Managing Shifts Managing System Load/Allocating Processor Resources Managin Revision 3 changes: This manual has been reorganized. It now contains all procedural descriptions previously contained in the MAM-System, Resource Control, Registration and Accounting, and Bulk I/O manuals. L,\\,J2 :#Describes the capabilities and functions of the project administrator. This guide to the operation of programs related to project administration is also helpful to both accounting and system administrators._Administrators of Multics projects or systems, whether they have programming experience or not.W System Administration Project Administration Glossary Directory Structure and Data Bases Project Master File Project and User Registration and Deletion Resource Control Load Control and Preemption Tailoring the User Environment Logical Volume Quota Manipulation Master Directory Creation and Deletion Commands Used by a Project Administratorw Addendum F changes: Ring and ring special environment keywords redefined cv_pmf command has -severity control argL,](J # This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93).This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93). This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93). This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93). The last edition of the manual is AK92-02D. L,][J r# Describes the Multics APL language. (Currently, this manual is unavailable; a revision describing the new version of APL is being prepared.)`Applications programmers with basic knowledge of Multics but not necessarily knowledge of APL. v Introduction Communicating With Multics APL The APL Language Functions System Commands File System Glossary Commands Addendum A changes: Internal codes: Octal 042, 044, 134, 136, 204, 245, 253, 303 Factorial Operator Binomial Coefficients Operator Catenate Operator Format Operator Execute Pseudo-Operator The )ERRS System command apl and apl_start commandL,^ǭJ b# 0Describes the processor used by the Multics system. It includes processor capabilities, modes of operation, functions, machine instructions, data representation, program-addressable registers, virtual memory addressing concepts, faults and interrupts, hardware ring implementation, and cache operations.System programmers writing interfaces with virtual memory and fault and interrupt hardware, and those writing machine instructions; also site support personnel who analyze crash conditions in system dumps. Introduction Data Representation Program-Accessible Registers Machine Instructions Addressing--Segmentation And Paging Virtual Address Formation Faults and Interrupts Hardware-Ring Implementation Cache Memory Operation Operation Code Map Alphabetic Operation Code List Address ModifiersK Addendum B changes: Section 3--register information on DPS 8M processorL,_B8Jj' # Provides the reference material needed to ensure successful system operation. The manual emphasizes detailed descriptions of operations concepts and functions.System maintainers, system administrators, system programmers, machine room supervisors, and very experienced operators who have an interest in learning more about operating Multics or need in-depth information about a given topic. Introduction System Description Configuration I/O Device Operation Bootload Operating System Bootload Command Environment Multics Configuration Description System Startup and Shutdown The Multics Backup Systems Recovery from System Failure Dynamic Reconfiguration Procedures Storage System Maintenance Operations System Messages Metering and Tuning Bulk Input Output Summary of Selected Privileged Multics Commands Summary of Initializer Commands Summary of BOS Commands Summary of BCE Commands Summary of Configuration Cards DPU and DPM/VIP Operating Procedures Operator's Startup Checklist of Switch Settings Names of Communication Channels Continuous Operation Exec_Coms Sample System Startup Volume Management Revision 3 changes: This manual has been reorganized. It now contains material previously included in the MOH and the System Metering manual, except for commands, which have been moved to a new manual--Multics Administration, Maintenance, and Operations Commands (GB64). Bootload Command Environment (BCE) New restrictions on unauthorized operator input on bootload consoles New dbmj card and new parameter for parm card L,`aJz# Describes the Multics BASIC language, including capabilities, rules and definitions, user interfaces, statements, and input/output.CApplications programmers and end users with programming experience. Structure of a BASIC Program Types of Data Expressions Files Statements Print-File-Using-Statement Array Statements Sample Programs Fundamentals of Multics for BASIC Programmers ASCII Character Set Compatibility with Non-BASIC Programs BASIC File Attachments Addendum A changes: Basic programs without line numbers String function "pos" with optional number of arguments New string functions: mid$(a$,i,j) left$(a$,i) right$(a$,i)L,`pJ2 #NProvides expanded detail and examples of Multics PL/1 usage as defined in AG94$System and applications programmers. Introduction Values Value Storage Value Conversion Program Syntax Declarations Storage Management Expressions Operations Value Assignment Program Flow Procedure Invocation Condition Handling Stream Input/Output Record Input/Output Addendum A changes: begin statement on statement procedure statement translate built-in search built-in verify built-in Additions: acos, asin built-ins maxlength built-in clock, vclock built-ins octal, hexadecimal constants collate9, high9 built-ins options(constant) currentsize built-in stacq built-in fixed, scaled constants read statement ltrim, rtrim built-ins write statement 4-bit decimal stackbaseptr codeptr stackframeptr environmentptr stop statement nonvar keyword unsigned binary options(main) L,aJ #YProvides an introduction to the GCOS Environment Simulator and instructions for using it.eSystem programmers as well as applications programmers and general end users with Multics experience.P GCOS Simulation Within Multics GCOS Batch-Environment Simulator Design and Operation User Utility Commands Master Mode Entries Control Cards GCOS Time-Sharing-Environment Simulator Multics GCOS Daemon GCOS Administrator Utility Commands GCOS Environment Simulator and Native GCOS Differences Administration of GTSS Installation Values{ Addendum B changes: Revised command: gcos gcos_tss gcos_create_file Sections 4, 5, 6 reformattedL,b[;J2 #ODescribes the contents of all Multics manuals and lists all documented modules. Multics usersr Description of Multics Manuals List of Modules Topical Headings of Interest Alphabetized List of Multics Manuals Revision 7 changes: New manuals: Operator's Guide to Multics Multics Satellite 6M Reference Manual Multics HASP Service and Utility Manual Hardware Diagnostic Aids renamed Multics System Diagnostic AidsL,chJR#JDescribes techniques and tools used to meter Multics supervisor functions.JSystem and project administrators, with or without programming experience.> Introduction Data Bases Metering Design Commands Subroutines This manual is obsolete. Commands previously contained in it are now in Multics Administration, Maintenance, and Operations Commands (GB64) and all other material is in Multics System Maintenance Procedures (AM81). L,c LJ*2 b#iDescribes the facility used to transfer segments and directory subtrees from one Multics site to another.]Site support personnel such as operators, with or without Multics and programming experience.R Introduction Carry Administrator Sample Carry Facility Sample exec_coms Commands Revision 2 changes: New Section 2--Carry Administrator Section 3 and 4--changes in exec_coms New control arguments to following commands: carry_load carry_retrieve cancel_carry_request enter_carry_request list_carry_requests L,cTJ  #\Describes the standard Multics commands and facilities useful in diagnosing system problems.>Operators, with or without Multics and programming experience.7 Contents of Syserr Log Multics Commands Multics HEALSS Addendum A changes: New Commands: monitor_cache display_cache_thresholdL,doJ #Describes the Multics graphics system. This primer/reference manual includes information on commands and subroutines used to create, edit, store, display, and animate graphics constructs.SApplications programmers and general end users, with or without Multics experience. Introduction Graphics Users' Guide Structure of the System Commands Subroutines Graphic-Device Tables Graphic-Character Tables Graphic-Include Files Subroutine Abbreviations Addendum A changes: Programming considerations for Fortran New description of Search List Specification of the Virtual Graphic Terminal expanded Graphic-Support Procedures changed Graphic Character Table describes special format characters New subroutine: graphic_gsp_utility_ Changed subroutines: graphic_chars_ graphic_compiler_ graphic_error_table_ graphic_manipulator_ gui_ New GDT: RetroGraphics 512 Changed GDTs: tek_4002 tek_4012 tek_4014 tek_4662 L,eWxJ*Z#lProvides information on creation of Multics COBOL programs and efficient techniques for using Multics COBOL.RApplications programmers and other end users with programming experience in COBOL. Introduction COBOL Source Program Compiling the COBOL Program Input/Output Processing Executing a COBOL Program Error Processing and Debugging Efficiency Considerations COBOL Message Control System File Ordering--Sort and Merge Debug Facility Report Writer Order of COBOL Source Programi Addendum E changes: New command: expand_cobol_source New section: Section XI--Report Writer HL,e\Y(Jz2#RDescribes the Multics COBOL language, including rules, syntax, formats, and usage.RApplications programmers and other end users with programming experience in COBOL. Introduction Language Concepts Reference Format Notation Used in Formats and Rules Control Division Nucleus of Multics COBOL Procedure Division for the Nucleus Table Handling File Input/Output Sort/Merge Segmentation Library Facility Debug Facility Interprogram Communication Communication-Facility Reserved Words Report Writer Reserved Words Glossary Collating Sequence and Bit Configuration Charts FIPS Leveling Addendum E changes: Level 68 extensions to American National Standard COBOL New section: Section XVI--Report Writer Revised section: Appendix A--Reserved Words HL,fJ B#Describes commands and procedures used by registration and accounting administrators. This guide to the operation of Multics billing and accounting programs is also helpful to system administrators.JSystem and project administrators, with or without programming experience. Introduction Project Registration and Administration User Registration Daily Processing Billing Administrator Commands Sample Forms This manual is obsolete. Commands previously contained in it are now in Multics Administration, Maintenance, and Operations Commands (GB64) and all other material is in Multics System Administration Procedures (AK50). L,f3J*b#Describes the Multics FORTRAN language, including fundamental concepts and definitions of the syntactic form and meaning of each language construct.TApplications programmers and other end users with programming experience in FORTRAN.6 Basic Elements of a FORTRAN Program Data Modes Expressions Executable Statements Input/Output Declarative Statements Functions Subprograms Multics FAST Subsystem Environment FORTRAN and the Multics Input/Output Examples FORTRAN Comparison Differences Between Ansi66 and Ansi77 Hexadecimal Floating Point Mode_ Addendum C changes: Addition of hexadecimal floating point Addition of typeless data type L,gz0J  2#Describes the Multics DFAST subsystem, a time-sharing facility supporting BASIC and FORTRAN program development. The command language and repertoire are based on the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System; the programmer need not be familiar with Multics.QApplications programmers and other end users with experience in BASIC or FORTRAN.v Introduction Sample Session Command-Language Overview Command Descriptions Text Editing Command Summary DFAST BASIC@This manual has not been changed since its original publication. HL,hDJ " *#Describes the Multics FAST subsystem, a time-sharing facility supporting BASIC and FORTRAN program development. Though the command language and repertoire of this subsystem are based on that of the Multics system, the programmer need not be familiar with Multics.]Applications programmers and other end users with programming experience in BASIC or FORTRAN.v Introduction Using the Multics Fast Subsystem Multics Storage System Access Control Commands Multics edm Text Editor6 Addendum A changes: New commands: help runL,hJZ B#DDescribes the online maintenance capabilities of the Multics system.;Site support personnel, with or without Multics experience. Introduction TOLTS Installation TOLTS Executive MOLTS Executive POLTS Executive ISOLTS Executive COLTS Executive Firmware Loading Facility Addendum B changes: New section: COLTS Executive Media Test and Analysius Routines MTR/RMC Options MTR/RMC User Communications MessagesL,iߔJ #IDescribes commands and active functions in an abbreviated pocket edition.Programmers and nonprogrammers who use commands and active functions and are familiar with the Multics command environment conventions.Z Introduction How to Use This Document Commands and Active Functions Access to the SystemRevision 5 incorporates the changes made in the Pocket Guide's parent document--Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92-05A)L,isJj #Describes the generalized file-sorting and file-merging capability on the Multics system. Relevant commands and subroutines are included.VApplications programmers and other end users who are familiar with the Multics system.P Functions Commands Subroutines Sort/Merge Description Exit Procedures Examples@This manual has not been changed since its original publication.L,j,J #Describes the Multics Relational Data Store. This primer/reference manual includes information on the functions and subroutine interfaces to that part of the Multics data-base manager that supports the relational type of data-base organization.Applications programmers and other end users, with or without programming experience, though a basic understanding of the simpler features of PL/1 is assumed. Introduction Users' Guide Commands Data Sublanguage Subroutines Built-In and Installation-Defined Functions Subsystem Writers' Guide Security Data Base Backup Data Base Development Tools Obsolete Interfaces Changes in MRDS Effect of Data Base Version on Commands & Subroutines Performance Considerations Error Tables MRDS Data Bibliography Set Operators Administrator-Written Procedures MRDS Include Files Addendum A changes: Revised commands and subroutines create_mrds_dm_include create_mrds_dm_table create_mrds_dsm display_mrds_dm dsl_$declare New commands restructure_mrds_dbL,jJ #This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93).This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93). This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93). This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93). The last edition of this manual is AX49-01C.L,kJ # This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93).This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93). This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93). This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93). The last edition of this manual is AZ03-02A. L,kfJ "j#!Describes the Multics Logical Inquiry and Update System (LINUS), a facility used to access Multics Relational Data Store data base and to prepare data for report generation.QApplications programmers and general end users with a basic knowledge of Multics.~ Selection Language Built-In and Installation-Defined Functions Data-Base Creation Command Description Static Data Parameters Addendum A changes: linus command LINUS requests changed: ign_values create_list ine_temp_table delete ete_temp_table cute lila list_db list_scope print set_scope store New appendix Static Data ParametersL,l0J :j#"Describes the Multics word-processing system (WORDPRO), including: text editor, speedtype, text composer, dictionaries for hyphenation and spelling, list processing, and electronic mail.sNonprogrammers and programmers, with basic knowledge of Multics system, who need to edit, format, and process text. General Information Wordpro Text Formatter Wordpro Commands WORDPRO Dictionaries Speedtype List Processing Compose Metacharacter Table Reference to Commands/Subroutines by Function Device Support Tools Glossary Revision 2 changes: The following commands and subroutine have either changed, been deleted, or are new in this version. REVISED NEW DELETED add_symbols append_list qedx change_symbols compdv compose compose_index process_list convert_runoff sort_list describe_list display_comp_dsm display_list expand_device_writer expand_list format_document hyphenate_word_ modify_list process_compout Many of the formatting controls in Section 2 were revised and are not identified in the following list. Only deleted and new controls are included. The deleted controls were undocumented in this release, but will remain fully supported for an indefinite period. DELETED NEW .~ .fl .spc .+ .cfl .ett .pfl .bb L,m!PJz##Provides information on the creation and debugging of Multics FORTRAN programs and efficient techniques for using the language.TApplications programmers and other end users with programming experience in FORTRAN. Introduction to Multics Entering Your FORTRAN Source Program Compiling and Executing the FORTRAN Constraints Input/Output in Multics FORTRAN Conversion to FORTRAN 77 Debugging Optimization Compatibility with Non-FORTRAN Programs Error MessagesU Addendum C changes: Implementation of Large Arrays and Very Large Arrays Addition of managed storage Addition of -long_profile control argument Several machine-dependent global optimizations now performed by the compiler: Global Pointer Register Use Global Index Register Processor Instruction Fetch Padding L,n ,J"#$vDescribes the commands and procedures to be used with the Resource Control Package (RCP) Resource Management Facility.JSystem and project administrators, with or without programming experience. Introduction Administrative Interfaces Resource Type Master File Administrative Commands User Commands Registry Checkpoint and Recovery Administrators' Guide to Tapes at a Sample Site~ This manual is obsolete. All material previously contained in it is now in Multics System Administration Procedures (AK50). HL,o4J"b#%Provides information needed by system administrators for the management of Multics communications systems and communications channels.ISystem and project administrators with or without programming experience.I Overview of Multics Communication System Terminal Types and Line Types Modems and Terminal Connections Channel Master File Modifying Communications Channels FNP Core Images Commands Subroutines Directions for Setting Up System-Supplied Multiplexers Multics Communication System Memory Configurator Space Requirements in tty_bufx Addendum C changes: access_class statement in channel master file check_acs statement replaces check_acs attribute L,o& Jj #&Defines the Multics Report Program Generator (MRPG) language used to prepare, generate, and execute programs that produce formatted reports.pApplications programmers and other end users with basic knowledge of Multics, including one of the text editors.4 Introduction A Complete Example Language Concepts Notation Definition and Explanation Definition of the Language Data Types Expressions Program Preparation, Generation, and Execution Physically Printing a Report The Reserved Keywords Additional Sample Programs The report_I/O Module General Format Diagrams Addendum A changes: Built-in funtions %MONTH %DAY Group Names Declare_Input_File Detail Heading Report_Control Report_Field_DefL,p5J #'This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93).This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93). This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93). This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93). The last edition of the manual is CC92-01A.L,q^J #(hDescription of the Multics Transaction Processing Subsystem for performing data-base-related operations.@Programmers and other end users with basic knowledge of Multics. Introduction Running and Operation TP Commands and Subroutines vfile_ Transaction Interfaces Error Handling and Recovery Guidelines for Writing TPRsJBecause Revision 1 is so old, its changes are no longer listed separately. L,qTJj#)Detailed description of the Multics qedx text editor, including a comprehensive discussion of the related requests and editing techniques.aNew as well as experienced users of the qedx text editor, with basic knowledge of Multics system. Introduction Entering New Text Editing an Existing Document Sample Terminal Session Advanced Edit Requests Glossary qedx Command Summary of Addressing Conventions Request Descriptions qedx Error Messagesg Addendum A changes: Buffer check before quiting Recursive invocation of qedx Force when quitingHL,r J #*-The basic introduction to the Multics system.1Users who are new to computers and/or to Multics. The Multics System Manual Conventions Multics Conventions Entering and Leaving Multics Basic Multics Commands Creating and Editing Text emacs Editor--Video Terminals Segments Access\This is a new manual. When revisions and addenda are published, changes will be noted here. L,rlJz#+hProvides a more advanced introduction to Multics than CH24, including a basic introduction to exec_coms.gUsers who are new to computers and/or to Multics and who have read the New Users' Introduction--Part I. Introduction Multics Command Language Active Functions Important Command-Language Features Abbreviation and Argument Substitution exec_com Additional Concepts Glossary Functional Breakdown of Selected Multics Commands Functional Breakdown of Selected Active Functions]This is a new manual. When revisions and addenda are published, changes will be noted here. L,sxJB !b#,Tutorial introduction to the emacs text editor, fully describing the editing requests available and instructions for using special features of emacs.bNew as well as experienced users of the emacs text editor, with basic knowledge of Multics system. Introduction Getting Started Entering Text and Simple Cursor Movements Simple Deleting and Killing Writing and Reading Files Locating a Sequence of Characters Working with Blocks of Text Repeating and Undoing Requests Working With Words Manipulating Screens and Buffers Help Sentences and Paragraphs Indentation and Spacing Moving Blocks of Text Keyboard Macros Multiple Windows and the Buffer Editor Summary of Emacs Fundamental Mode Requests The Multics emacs Command Emacs Mail Programming-Language Modes Macro Edit Mode Using Emacs on Printing Terminals and Glass Teletypes The Message Facility Emacs Start-ups Pop-up Windows Listing Emacs Terminal Types Overwrite Mode Addendum E changes: Emacs Send Mail now recognizes following address forms: Entries in the Mail Table Mailing lists Forum meetings Inter-system ARPANETL,sJZj#-DDescribes techniques for analysis of system failure and malfunction.System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and others who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system operation. Crash Procedures Crash Analysis Crashes with No Message Crashes with a Message Major System Data Bases Types of Crashes System Performance Degradation Command and Subroutine Descriptions0This manual is obsolete and no longer available. L,t/J"#.7Describes the operation of the I/O switching mechanism.System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and others who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system operation. Introduction Design Procedures in the I/O Switching Mechanism Design of the IOS Compatability Package Procedures in the IOS Compatability Package Synonym I/O Module Teletype I/O Module Discard I/O Module The vfile_ I/O Module Design of the ANSI Standard and IBM Physical I/O Section Procedures in the ANSI Standard and IBM Standard I/O Modules The tape_mult_ I/O Module The tape_nstd_ I/O Module The rdisk_ I/O Module The record_stream_ I/O Module0This manual is obsolete and no longer available.L,ujmtJ 2#/Describes the construction, modularization, operation, and interaction of those supervisor subsystems (segment control, page control, and volume management) that implement the Multics virtual memory.System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and others who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system operation. Introduction Segment-Control Overview and Concepts The VTOC Manager Services of Segment Control Page-Control Overview and Concepts Page-Control Data Bases Address Management Policy Mechanisms Services of Page Control Peripheral Services of Page Control Quota Management Ring-Zero Volume Management Data Bases of Ring-Zero Volume Management Operations of Ring-Zero Volume Management Physical Volume Salvager Interaction Scenarios Glossary Changes for MR 6.00This manual is obsolete and no longer available.HL,uhJ #06Describes the implementation of the Multics assembler.System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and others who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system operation.M Overview Overall Operation Details of Internal Operation Subroutine Summary0This manual is obsolete and no longer available.HL,uJ #1xDescribes the internal interfaces of the Multics message segment facility. (The user interfaces are described in AK50.)System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and others who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system operation. Introduction Design Goals Properties and Structure The Primitive Message-Segment Facility Message-Segment Applications extended_access_data0This manual is obsolete and no longer available.L,vJ* Z#2iDescribes the procedures, data bases, strategies, and policies used during Multics system initialization.System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and others who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system operation.J Overview Collection 1 Collection 2 Shutdown Module Descriptions abs_segs0This manual is obsolete and no longer available. L,w/[0J"  #3Describes the implementation and design of the Multics dynamic reconfiguration software for the major hardware modules of the system.System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and others who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system operation. Introduction Terminology Data Structures Data-Base Initialization Hardcore Reconfiguration Entries Processor Reconfiguration Memory Reconfiguration Bulk-Store Reconfiguration The Command Interface0This manual is obsolete and no longer available.HL,xMhJ "#4~Describes the software residing in the central system and the Front-End Network Processor that manages communications devices.System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and other who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system operation. Overview of Ring-Zero Multics Communication Hardcore Data Bases Multiplexing FNP Interface Module Interfaces to the User Ring Hardcore Utilities Initialization of Hardcore Data Bases Tools and Debugging Aids Overview of the FNP Software FNP Data Bases Scheduler Terminal and Line Control FNP Hardware Managers FNP Utility Functions Loading and Initialization FNP Crash Analysis FNP-Related Commands Mailbox Operation Codes Command Descriptions FNP Memory Configurator Layout of FNP Memory Automatic Baud Rate Detection0This manual is obsolete and no longer available.L,yJ #5xDescribes the formats of status words, control-unit data, fault codes, and other information read or shared by hardware.System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and other who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system operation. Level 68 Processor Series 60 System Controller and Memory Level 68 Input/Output Multiplexer Level 68 Bulk Store Peripherals DATANET 6600 Front-End Network Processor Multics Environment0This manual is obsolete and no longer available. L,z,vpJB#6bDescribes the Level 6 Remote Batch Facility and its interaction with Multics operating procedures.-Applications programmers and other end users.r Introduction Description of RBF Capabilities Description of RBF Software Installing RBF Software Multics User Interface Operating Instructions Using the Card Reader for Command Input Remote-Site Optional Multics Commands Implementation Notes, Limitations, Problems Printable Characters Punch Code Representations CLM Examples Modem Checkout Examples of an;This manual has not changed since its original publication.L,zcJ2 J#7MDocuments the Multics software used on the Honeywell Page- Processing System.rApplications programmers and other end users familiar with the procedure for making input/output tape attachments. Introduction Use of the pps_ I/O Module Limitations of PPS Support on Multics Multics Commands Used With PPS PPS I/O Module Multics PPS Character Sets Multics PPS Tape Format;This manual has not changed since its original publication. HL,{5hJ: #82Describes the most general purpose emacs requests..New or general users of the emacs text editor. Introduction Entry and Editing of Text Requests for Moving the Cursor Deletions Files Spacing and Formatting Searches and Substitutions Typing Shortcuts Help Alphabetized List of Fundamental Mode Requests List of Fundamental Mode Requests by Function Glossary Addendum A changes: New and changed requests: ^S string-search now accepts numeric args ^R reverse-search-string also accepts numeric args ESC % query-replace now accepts six new responses L,{AJ: #9Describes how to write user extensions to the Multics Emacs editor. Also describes the methods for writing terminal control modules (CTLs) to support additional terminal types.}Users who are thoroughly familiar with the Emacs editor, proficient in its use, and acquainted with its visible organization. Introduction An Introduction to Lisp Writing Emacs Extensions Ldebug Mode Writing Emacs Terminal Control Modules The Backquote Facility Quick Reference Addendum A changes: New Emacs functions: kill-pop kill-ring-top reverse-regexp-search rotate-kill-ring New defcom keywords: &cleanup &epilogue &inverse &numeric-function L,{BJ #:This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93).This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93). This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93). This manual is obsolete. Its material has been distributed between the Multics Programmer's Reference Manual (AG91), Multics Commands and Active Functions (AG92), and Multics Subroutines and Input/Output Modules (AG93). The last edition of this manual is CT38-00. L,|P0lJ #;GProvides a tutorial introduction to the Multics Electronic Mail System.PProgrammers and nonprogrammers who have a basic knowledge of the Multics system. Introduction The print_mail Command The send_mail Command The read_mail Command More on Sending a Message Storing Your Mail Advanced Mail Features The Mail Table Mail System Commands Mailbox Commands Glossary Addendum A changes: Mail system supports 3 new types of addresses: Entries in the Mail Table Mailing lists Forum meetings New User commands: display_mailing_address set_mailing_address L,}\Jr z#<Explains how to transfer files from one Multics site to another. It also contains the information necessary for a system administrator to configure IMFT, a system operator to run IMFT, and a user to delete, list, and move IMFT requests.^System administrators, system operators, and all users, nonprogrammers as well as programmers.U Introduction Administration of an IMFT Connection Operator Procedures User Commands Revision 1 changes: Use of X.25 multiplexed channel Updated material on running IMFT driver processes Users can now pull file from foreign site to host The print_imft_sites command is newL,~J J#=Explains how to attend an interactive meeting and how to read and add comments to a meeting. Also explains the procedures for chairing an interactive meeting and for installing and maintaining the Forum facility.All users, whether they have experience with Multics or not, though they are expected to be familiar with the basic Multics concepts. Introduction What Is Multics Forum? Getting Started Listing and Printing Transactions Speaking How To Get Help Advanced Forum Features Forum Request Descriptions Users' Commands Duties of the Chairman Chairman's Commands Administrative Information Subroutine Descriptions Revision 2 changes: New commands: forum_add_meeting forum_announce_meeting forum_check_meetings forum_remove_meeting New requests: add_meeting announce_meeting announcement_info check_meetings mail next_meeting remove_meeting L,pJ #>Provides a detailed description of Ted, including all the information necessary to edit text and programs online, describe text processing, perform arithmetic manipulation and evaluation processing.QProgrammers and non-programmers who have a basic knowledge of the Multics system. Introduction General Information ted_coms Using Debug Features Evaluations Ted Command ted Requests Abbreviations, Metasymbols, and Special Characters Error Messages Writing an External RequestbThis is a new manual. When revisions and addenda are published, their changes will be noted here. HL,IJr Z#?Describes the terminal-management software that provides a means of dividing the terminal screen into different regions and of performing real-time editing. Describes the commands, subroutines, and I/O modules that support this function.NApplication programmers who are building menu interfaces to existing software. Introduction to the Menu System Introduction to the Video System Menu Applications Video System Details Commands Subroutines I/O Modules I/O Attachments Addendum D changes: window_status info structure Video system support for edited mode, vertical windows, and user settable output conversion tables HL,(JZr #@BExplains the basic operations of Multics' Executive Mail facility.%Users of the Executive Mail facility. Getting Help Getting Out Prompts Function Keys Mail Files Mailing Lists Current Messages Selecting Current Messages Editing Mail Revision 5 changes: New options for personalizing Exec Mail: Destroy menu window Choose escape sequences over function keys Saveboxes Automatic dynamic menus Multics command mode Full name in outgoing mailbox New editor features: ESC ? Insert file capability Go to start and end of text Other: Blind carbon copies Writing messages to segments Automatically list current messages Improved Multics modeL,QJZrJ#ADLists the editing requests available in the Executive Mail facility.%Users of the Executive Mail facility. NoneT Revision 5 changes: ESC ? Insert file capability Go to start and end of textL,J" 2#BsPromotional brochure that briefly describes the salient features of the Multics Forum Interactive Meeting Facility. Multics users Accessing Forum Listing Meetings Attending a Meeting Listing Transaction in a Meeting Reading Transactions Searching a Meeting Speaking in a Meeting Online Help and Documentation Exiting ForumAThis manual has not been changed since its original publication. L,7J"#CcExplains how to use the Satellite 6M product and how to configure it on both the DPS 6 and Multics. Users and system administrators. Introduction to Satellite 6M File Transfer Facilities Packet Assembler/Disassembler Facility Using Multics Remote Batch Facility Using DPS 6 Remote Batch Facility Introduction to Satellite 6M--Configuration Configuring the DPS 6 X.25 Protocol Handler Multics X.25 Protocol Configuration RBF Configuration RBF Configuration Requirements for Multics Pad Reference Tables Remote Batch Commands DPS 6 X.25 Utilities X.25 Console MessagesNThis is a new manual. When the manual is updated, changes will be shown here. L, J r:#DpContains selected commands that implement frequently used procedures such as system access, file/directory creation and management, I/O operations, absentee usage, use of display and reporting capabilities, and protection implementation. Also describes tools for sending messages and mail, obtaining accounting information, and using file/directory search facilities.@Users who require concise reference information for basic tasks.s Manual Use and Term Definition Functional Grouping of Commands and Active Functions Commands and Active Functions\This is a new manual. When addenda and revisions are published, changes will be noted here. HL,ܠJBr#E8Describes how to use the Multics Word Processing System.YAll users, with or without Multics experience, who wish to use wordprocessing facilities. Logging in and Logging out Creating a File Editing a File Editing Refinements Formatting a File Using the WORDPRO Text Formatter Formatting Header and Footers Formatting Footnotes and Tables Formatting Refinements Dictionary Usage Speedtype List Processing Using Listed Records Electronic Mail Summary of Qedx or Ted Requests Summary of format_document Command Control Lines and Control Arguments Helpful Hints for New WORDPRO Users Speedtype Symbol Dictionary Start4Revision 1 is for formatting changes to the manual. L,J #FwDescribes the standards, conventions, and guidelines used in the development of all Multics software and documentation.System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and others who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system operation, and also application programmers and subsystem writers.o Introduction Interface Standards General Programming Standards Modularity Environment Independence Program Format Include File Format and Constraints PL/I Language Conventions Storage Management Documentation Standards Info Segments Rules for Translator Writers Registered Control Arguments Registered Suffixes Registered I/O Switch Names Registered Condition Names0This manual is obsolete and no longer available.L,,1J j #GExplains the standard Multics error reporting mechanism, the meaning of error messages, possible causes of errors, and when applicable, methods for recovering from or circumventing an error.ENew users and programmers new to the Multics programming environment.p Introduction Common Error Messages for Everyone Common Errors for Programmers Alphabetical Reference to Errors\This is a new manual. When addenda and revisions are published, changes will be noted here. L,NJ #HuDescribes modules that serve as internal interfaces and perform special system functions. This SDN used to be a PLM.System maintenance personnel, development personnel, and others who are thoroughly familiar with Multics internal system operation. Introduction to Library Maintenance Library Organization The Multics System Library The Library Descriptor Commands Maintaining User Libraries with the Library Tools Protecting Library Software Online Library Modification Supervisor Library Modification Bootload Library Modification When the System Libraries Self-Destruct Library Maintenance exec_com's Library Tools Library Subroutines and Data Bases Planned Documentation Additions0This manual is obsolete and no longer available.HL,_JJz#I{Describes the Multics specific features of the standard Pascal language. It is not meant as a reference manual for Pascal.SApplications programmers and other end users with programming experience in Pascal. Introduction Compiling and Executing a Pascal Program Multics Pascal Extensions Pascal in the Multics Environment Multics Deviations from Standard Pascal French Symbol TranslationsNThis is a new manual. When the manual is updated, changes will be shown here.L,YJ*:#JProvides practical information needed to operate Multics a on daily basis, emphasizing step-by-step instruction for performing the most common operator tasks. Operators Introduction Hardware Overview Software Overview Your Responsibilities Using The Bootload Console Using An Initializer Terminal Dealing with System Messages Powering On the Machines Checking Switch Settings Bootloading BOS Bootloading BCE Editing the Config Deck to Change Hardware States Bootloading Multics Logging in the Daemons--I/O Logging in the Daemons--Incremental Backup Bringing the System Up--The Whole Procedure Shutting the System Down Powering Off the Machines Managing Tapes Managing User I/O Disks Managing Storage System Disks Managing I/O Daemons--Printers Managing I/O Daemons--Card Punches and Readers Managing Remote Devices at the Central Site Managing Remoste Devices at a Remote Site Managing Backup Daemons--Dumps Managing Backup Daemons--Retrievals Communicating with Users Managing User Logins, Logouts, and Channels Managing Absentee Jobs Setting Attended/Unattended Mode and Manual/Automatic Mode Doing Dynamic Reconfiguration Leaving a Note in the System Log Book Using the DPU and the DMP/VIB Revision 1 changes: Bootload Command Environment (BCE), a new phase of initialization Some information moved from obsolete Bulk I/O manual (CC34) Log in/start up procedures for printer, puch, and reader I/O daemons Adding and deleting tape drives, disk drives, IOMs, and logical channels Data Management daemonL,RJ"2 #KContains information necessary for setting up a HASP workstation, using the Multics system as the host or as a workstation simulator.DSystem administrators, site support personnel, and system operators. Introduction Administrative Setup--Communications Administrative Setup--I/O Daemons Operating a HASP Workstation Commands for Device/Drivers I/O Modules Test Mode ChecklistNThis is a new manual. When the manual is updated, changes will be shown here.L,J*Z#LjExplains in detail how to use the Multics card system for filing information and the Multics spread sheet.RAll users, whether or not they have experience with Multics or any other computer. Introduction to the Multics Simplified Filing Facility Accessing the Multics Simplified Filing Facility Creating Card Files Reordering a Card File Information Selection and Retrieval Open and Active Card Files Numerical Calculations Report Generation Card Files From Multics Segments Multics Simplified Filing Facility Programs Card File Command Abbreviations Encoding Information Introduction to the Multics Spreadsheet Program Using the Multics Spreadsheet Program MSP Functions, Commands, and Controls Defining an MSP Model Financial Computation Graphic Plotting Debugging Facility The Memo Facility The Filing Facility to Spreadsheet Connection Command SummaryNThis is a new manual. When the manual is updated, changes will be shown here.L,\J: B#MDescribes commands used for system and project administration, bulk I/O, communication, registration and accounting, system metering, system maintenance, and machine operations.]System and project administrators, machine operators, and other system maintenance personnel. Command Environments Privileged Multics Commands Registration and Accounting Commands Initializer Commands Exec Commands Daemon Commands BCE Commands BOS CommandsxThis is a new manual made up of commands previously contained in the System Administrators Manual, Registration and Accounting, Bulk I/O, System Metering manuals, and the Multics Operators Handbook. In addition, it contains commands that are also contained in the Project Administrators Manual and MAM-Communications. When the manual is updated, changes will be noted here.L,Jr: 2#NnProvides reference material, tutorials, and command and subroutine descriptions for the Multics Report Writer.?Casual and experienced users with a basic knowledge of Multics. Report Writer System Report Writer Tutorial Subroutine Tutorial Command Descriptions Subroutine Entrypoint Descriptions Display_Employee PL/I ExampleFThis is a new manual. When it is updated, changes will be noted here.