05/12/82 The audit_ editor. The audit_ editor is invoked by typing the edit request when auditing. The edit request comprising a three character sequence; trigger character || "e" or "E" || new-line The default trigger character is "!". Editor request list: [[ADR,]ADR]p print s/REGEXP/STRING/ substitute ADR location ..STRING execute q quit : defeat default search tag ? (or .?) list editor requests expand (or .expand) expand abbrev off (or .off)) audit off on (or .on) audit on l (or .l) last returned line r[STRING] (or .r[STRING]) return line n (or .n) return newline type (or .type) print type exec (or .exec) execute edit line d/STRING/ (or .d/STRING/) default search tag = print current entry number Explanation of editor requests: The audit editor requests are presented in two categories, familiar requests and special requests. The editor syntax is basically that of qedx. Any number of requests may be on the same line and spaces are ignored. Addressing, where appropriate, is done the same as in qedx with two notable exceptions. First, the "." is a request for self-identification rather than an indicator for the current address. Second, addresses are in terms of entries in the audit file rather than lines in a buffer. If the default search tag is in use, as is the case unless specifically defeated, the absolute entry number refers to the number of entries with the default search tag from the beginning of the file. Similarly, a relative entry address refers to the number of entries with the default search tag before or after the current address. Addressing: An address can consist of one or more of the following three types of address, the relative address, the absolute address, and the search address. An absolute address refers to an entry by its entry number. This entry number is determined by counting, from the beginning of the file, the number of entries which match the default search tag. The use of a colon (":") means every entry is counted. A relative address is a number preceded by either a "+" or a "-". It refers to the entry which is the specified number of entries with the default search tag before , "-", or after, "+", the entry currently in the edit buffer. A search address is a regular expression which may be preceded by a less-than ("<"). A regular expression is a character string beginning and ending with a slash ("/"). A search address which is a regular expression alone refers to the next entry in the file after the one currently in the edit buffer, which contains a match for the regular expression. A search address which comprises a regular expression preceded by a less-than, "<", does a backward search for the first entry previous to the current entry containing a match for the regular expression. N is a positive integer, and /REGEXP/ is a regular expression. The three types of addresses and their variations are: N -N +N /REGEXP/