AM81 (System Maintenance Procedures) 03/17/89 Errata Information for MR12.2 Section 6, Page 6-2; add the following note in the section titled "Cold Booting BCE" after the sentence which states "Proceed as if you were doing a regular boot." If default_rpv_data is defined on the boot tape, you will receive a prompt of the form "Find_rpv_subsystem: Default RPV data is ... Is this correct?". You must answer "no" to be able to input the "cold" rpv information. Section 15: The documentation for the iod_tables_compiler will be changed as follows: Page 15-8; add the following information before the section titled "Substatements for Request Types" DEVICE DEFINITION VARIABLES The following keywords are allowed in the definition of a device. They will apply to all current device definitions, but the defaults have been chosen to avoid any changes to current tables. comment: ; defines a comment of up to 128 characters which may be used to describe the device definition. It must be a quoted string. The default is a null string. head_sheet: ; defines the name of a module to be used to produce the front banner page on each listing. The name given is a virtual pathname. The default is the system program "head_sheet_". tail_sheet: ; defines the name of a module to be used to produce the trailing banner page on each listing. The name given is a virtual pathname. The default is the system program "tail_sheet_". paper_type: single | continuous; defines whether the output paper is single sheet or continuous forms. The default is "continuous". forms_validation: ; defines the name of the module to be used to validate and generate information for the given forms option. The name given is a virtual pathname. If forms_validation is not given, iod_forms_$validate is called. forms_info: ; defines a Forms_table entry name to be used for forms validation & evaluation. If this entry is defined, the default_form entry must also be given. default_form: ; defines a default forms string for the device to be used for the -forms option if the user did not provide one. If this entry is defined, the forms_info entry must also be given, since that defines how to interpret the default_form definition. font_dir: ; defines the directory containing downloadable fonts. The default is a null string. Page 15-32; add the following after the section titled "Syntax for the Request Type Info Source Segment" REQUEST_TYPE DEFINITION VARIABLES The following keywords are allowed in the definition of a request type. They will apply to all current definitions. comment: ; defines a comment of up to 128 characters which may be used to describe the request type. It must be a quoted string. The default is a null string. forms_validation: ; defines the name of the module to be used to validate and generate information for the given forms option. The name given is a virtual pathname. If not given, iod_forms_$validate is called. forms_info: ; defines a Forms_table entry name to be used for forms validation & evaluation. If this entry is defined, the default_form entry must also be given. default_form: ; defines a default forms string for the request type to be used for the -forms option if the user did not provide one. If this entry is defined, the forms_info entry must also be given since that defines how to interpret the default_form definition. font_dir: ; defines directory containing downloadable fonts. The default is a null string. NOTE Since the definitions for forms_validation, forms_info, default_form and font_dir may be in both the Device and Request_type definitions, a conflict may result. If there is a conflict, it is resolved in favor of the Device values. If we had a Request_type queue which was being serviced by both an Apple LaserWriter device and a Bull laser printer device, each would have to use their own special control strings to service their own unique device. The default_form value only takes effect when the user has not supplied any forms option. A situation where this might have an effect is if the system printer queue, which takes no forms options, were to be serviced by a device defined as a laser printer. The laser printer defaults to a portrait mode when turned on. The default_form option for the device could convert the device into a landscape mode. Page 15-6; add to the section titled "Substatements for Lines". The following keyword is allowed in the definition of a communications line. It will apply to all current line definitions. comment: ; defines a comment of up to 128 characters which may be used to describe the communications line definition. It must be a quoted string. The default is a null string. Page 15-6; add to the section titled "Statements" The following is a major statement which may appear anywhere within the source file. It is terminated by a Line, Device, Request_type or another Forms_table keyword. The Forms_table defines the forms options allowed by the referencing Device or Request_type entry. Forms_table: ; defines the name of a table containing definitions of various forms options. Any subsequent substatements apply to this specific forms table until the next Line, Device, Request_type or Forms_table statement is encountered. Any may be chosen; it can be a maximum of 32 characters and cannot contain periods or spaces. This is the name which is referenced by the forms_info keyword in the Request_type definition. The following substatements for the Forms_table statement describe the various attributes of forms information. name: [,...,]; defines the name of a given forms option. If more than one name is given, the subsequent names are synonyms for the first. All statements following this entry apply to this entry until the next name substatement or the next Line, Device, Request_type or Forms_table statements. comment: ; defines a comment of up to 128 characters for this forms option. It must be a quoted string. type:
; defines what type of forms definition this is. Allowed definitions are "orientation", "font", "line_height", "uses" and "special". See the notes on types below for further information. string: ; defines the string to be tied to this option to enable it. See the notes on strings below for further information. page_height: ; defines the effective height of the printed page for the forms option. See the notes on sizes below for further information. page_width: ; defines the effective width of the printed page for the forms option. See the notes on sizes below for further information. char_height: ; defines the effective height of the characters for the forms option. See the notes on sizes below for further information. char_width: ; defines the effective width of the characters for the forms option. See the notes on sizes below for further information. line_height: ; defines the effective height of the line for the forms option. See the notes on sizes below for further information. uses: [,...,]; defines that this forms option is a combination of the given name options. NOTES ON STRINGS: The TTF convention for initial_string and/or additional_info is used when defining the escape string for the "string" field. The string is specified as one or more substrings where each substring may be one of the following: 1) A quoted string; e.g., "sR". If a quoted string is to contain a quote character, that quote must be doubled. (e.g., "s""R" is s"R). 2) A single unquoted character such as X, A, p, $ or @. This notation is only allowed for "simple" characters. This notation may not be used for control characters, white space, ASCII digit characters, "(", ")", "<", ">", " ", ":", ",", ";", or the double quote character. 3) A single quoted character such as "X", ";", "B", or "0". Any ASCII code can be entered this way. Note that digits should be specified as "0", not 0. 4) A 1 to 3 digit octal number such as 177, 14, or 007. This enters the character whose octal representation is as specified. Note that 0 is interpreted as octal 000. If the ASCII digit "0" is desired, it must be specified as "0" or 060. 5) The name of a control character, such as DEL. These may be either upper or lower case. All standard control characters are accepted, including: NUL SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL (000 - 007) BS TAB LF VT FF CR SO SI (010 - 017) DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB (020 - 027) CAN EM SUB ESC FS GS RS US (030 - 037) In addition, SP (040), DEL (177), NL (012), and HT (011) are also accepted. 6) Control characters may also be entered in the form ^A, which is read as control-A, and is the character sent when the control-A function is used on an ASCII keyboard. ^A is equivalent to SOH, or 001. The letters A-Z (upper or lower case equivalent) preceded by a "^" may be used for 001 through 032. Also accepted are ^@!(000), ^[!(033), ^\!(034), ^]!(035), ^^!(036), and ^_!(037). NOTES ON SIZES: The definition of the value is []. The value of may include a decimal point. The default for units is "inches" which may be shortened to "in" or "i". In addition, the values of "points", "pt" or "p"; "centimeters", "cm" or "c"; or "lpi" (for lines per inch) are also accepted. NOTES ON TYPES: Each of the types has a unique function in defining the complete format option. The complete format option defines: o the orientation of the printing on the page, o the font and the size of the characters to be output, o the number of lines on the page to be displayed. The following table describes required and optional keywords for each form type where R is Required, O is optional and - is not used. orientation font_desc line_desc uses special name R R R R R comment O O O O O type R R R R R string R R R R R page_height R - - - - page_width R - - - - char_height - R - - - char_width - R - - - line_height - O R - - uses - - - R - Page 15-22; add the following paragraph after "Remote Driver Arguments". VARIABLES FOR REMOTE_DRIVER_ The following variable will be allowed in the args or minor_args definition of a device. indirect= ; defines the pathname of a segment or archive component containing text to be used in place of the arg or minor_arg strings. The following variables are allowed in the remote_driver_ minor_args definition. model= ; defines name of particular model of printer. In the initial release, the model names of "hblp", for the Bull Model 80 laser printer, and "applelw", for the Apple LaserWriter will be the only models supported. If the "paper_type: single;" keyword is used, this field is required. There is no default. Page 15-22; add the following after the section titled "Setup for Stations That Connot Input Commands (Type II Stations). EXAMPLE OF AN I/O TABLE DEFINITION The following is an example of an I/O daemon table definition for a Type II station driving a Bull Model 80 laser printer with the added keywords. Device: stms_laser_1; comment: "Bull Ricoh printer in room 3-325"; driver_module: remote_driver_; args: "station= stms_laser_1, slave= no, model= hblp, desc= -terminal tty_printer_ -comm tty_"; ctl_dial_id: stmslw1; line: a.h123; head_sheet: iodd_hblp_support_; tail_sheet: iodd_hblp_support_; paper_type: single; admin_mbx: >udd>m>ecb>hblp_problems.mbx; forms_validation: iod_forms_$validate; default_form: portrait,courier,6lpi; forms_info: hblp_forms; minor_device: noholes; comment: "Device running regular paper"; minor_args: "dev= printer"; default_type: stms_laser_noholes; Device: stms_laser_2; comment: "Bull Ricoh printer in room 2-325"; driver_module: remote_driver_; args: "station= stms_laser_2, slave= no, model= hblp, desc= -terminal tty_printer_ -comm tty_"; ctl_dial_id: stmslw2; line: b.h123; head_sheet: iodd_hblp_support_; tail_sheet: iodd_hblp_support_; paper_type: single; admin_mbx: >udd>m>ecb>hblp_problems.mbx; forms_validation: iod_forms_$validate; default_form: portrait,courier,6lpi; forms_info: hblp_forms; minor_device: holes; comment: "Device running prepunched paper"; minor_args: "dev= printer"; default_type: stms_laser_holes; Device: stms_laser_3; comment: "Apple LaserWriter in room 2-324"; driver_module: remote_driver_; args: "station= stms_laser_3, slave= no, model= applelw, desc= -terminal tty_printer_ -comm tty_"; ctl_dial_id: stmslw3; line: c.h123; head_sheet: iodd_applelw_support_; tail_sheet: iodd_applelw_support_; paper_type: single; admin_mbx: >udd>m>ecb>applelw_problems.mbx; forms_validation: iod_forms_$validate; default_form: portrait,courier,6lpi; forms_info: applelw_forms; minor_device: noholes; comment: "Device running regular paper"; minor_args: "dev= printer"; default_type: stms_applelw_holes; Request_type: stms_laser_noholes; comment: "Regular (non-holed) paper"; generic_type: printer; driver_userid: RJE.SysDaemon; device: stms_laser_1.noholes; device: stms_laser_3.noholes; forms_validation: iod_forms_$validate; default_form: portrait,courier,6lpi; forms_info: hblp_forms; Request_type: stms_laser_holes; comment: "Prepunched 3-hole paper"; generic_type: printer; driver_userid: RJE.SysDaemon; device: stms_laser_2.holes; forms_validation: iodd_hblp_support_$validate_forms; default_form: landscape,gothic_land,8lpi; forms_info: laser_forms; Forms_table: hblp_forms; comment: "This defines forms info for the Bull Model 80 (Ricoh) printer"; name: landscape,land; comment: "Landscape - Print parallel to long edge"; type: orientation; page_height: 8inches; page_width: 10.5in; string: ESC DC2 "D2 "; name: portrait,port; type: orientation; comment: "Portrait - Print parallel to short edge"; page_height: 10.5inches; page_width: 8in; string: ESC DC2 "D1 "; name: Courier_10,courier,pica; comment: "Courier font - 10 CPI"; type: font; char_height: 12pt; char_width: 7.2pt; string: ESC DC2 "S01 "; name: Prestige_Elite_12,elite; comment: "Elite font - 12 CPI"; type: font; char_height: 9.84pt; char_width: 6pt; string: ESC DC2 "S02 "; name: Letter_Gothic_15,letter,gothic; comment: "Letter font - 15 CPI"; type: font; char_height: 9.84pt; char_width: 4.8pt; string: ESC DC2 "S04 "; name: Letter_Gothic_15_Landscape, letter_land,gothic_land, land_font,landscape_font; comment: "Font for landscape mode printing"; type: font; char_height: 9.84pt; char_width: 4.8pt; string: ESC DC2 "A08,2@Letter Gothic 15R" ESC SP ESC DC2 "S08 "; name: 8lpi,8l; comment: "8 Lines Per Inch"; type: line_height; line_height: 9pt; string: ESC RS 7; name: 6lpi,6l; type: line_height; comment: "6 Lines Per Inch"; line_height: 6lpi; string: ESC RS 9; name: listing,list,ls; comment: "defaults for compilation listings"; uses: landscape,gothic_land,8lpi; name: memo; comment: "default string for interoffice memoranda"; uses: portrait,courier,6lpi; name: control,ctl; comment: "Just send text out as is in raw mode"; type: special; string: "control"; name: compose,comp; comment: "Special output file generated by compose"; type: special; string: "compose"; name: tex,TeX,Tex; comment: "Special output file generated by TeX"; type: special; string: "tex"; Forms_table: applelw_forms; comment: "This just shows how a new table is given."; name: landscape,land; comment: "this defines the landscape mode"; type: orientation; page_height: 8inches; page_width: 10.5in; string: "0 792 translate -90 rotate"; name: portrait,port; type: orientation; comment: "this defines the portrait mode"; page_height: 10.5inches; page_width: 8in; string: "0 792 translate"; name: Courier_10,courier,pica; comment: "Normal 10 CPI font"; type: font; char_height: 12pt; char_width: 7.2pt; string: "/Courier findfont 12.0 scalefont setfont"; name: control; type: special; string: "control"; name: compose; type: special; string: "compose"; name: tex; type: special; string: "tex"; ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved