09/21/87 fortran Known errors in the current release of fortran. # Associated TR's Description 503 phx20525 When attempting to read a nonexistent record from a formatted file with the "iostat=" keyword in the read statement, the returned error status is incorrect. When executing the program without the "iostat=" keyword, a correct error message is printed by fortran_io_. The reason for this appears to be that a "read" statement in fortran makes several calls to fortran_io_. In the case that fails, the first call to fortran_io_ returns the correct error status but subsequent calls return an incorrect status which over writes the correct status code. Example: %global ansi77 external com_err_ (descriptors) integer index, status c Create a formatted file containing odd numbered records open (50, form = "formatted", access = "direct", & mode = "inout", recl = 100) do 10 index = 1, 20, 2 10 write (50,20 , rec = index) index 20 format (i10) c Read an even numbered record read (50, 20, rec = 2, iostat = status) index call com_err_ (status, "") stop end 501 phx20337 Code that checks for zero trip do-loops is incorrect. Consider the following do-loop: do 10 i = j, k, l a(i) = i 10 continue In '77 mode, the parser will emit the following code to represent the loop: m = l i = j n = (k - j)/m + 1 if (n .le. 0) goto 11 9 a(i) = i 10 i = i + m n = n - 1 if (n .gt. 0) goto 9 11 continue Note that the variables that I called 'm' and 'n', and the labels '9' and '11' in the above code are generated by the compiler in such a way that they will not conflict with the user's variables and statement labels. The problem with the above code is that the expression for calculating 'n' in the third line is incorrect. That line should read: n = (k - j + m)/m The two expressions for 'n' look to be equivalent, but they are not since the division is an integer division which discards the remainder. Actually, the expressions give the same value except for some cases where the termination condition for the loop is initially satisfied, in which case the incorrect expression sets 'n' to 1, whereas the correct expression will set it to zero. In other words, the incorrect expression will give the right answer if the body of the loop should be executed at least once, but sometimes when the body should not be executed at all, the incorrect expression will cause it to be executed once. 500 phx20217 The compiler very strictly enforces the ANSI 77 restriction that you can not execute a goto into a do loop from outside the loop. This strict enforcement results in the compiler complaining about legal references to a label within the loop, as in the example below. %options ansi77; print*, "Results of both runs:" print*, "First run:" do 50, j = 1, 2 assign 20 to jump do 30, i = 1, 20 goto jump, (20, 10) 20 k = i * 2 print*, k, "*" 10 k = i * j + 2 print*, k, "^" 30 continue assign 10 to jump print*, "Second run:" 50 continue stop end The compiler complains about the 'assign 10 to jump' as being illegal when its use here is perfectly valid. 499 phx20212 The following program generates a compiler error on line 11 as a result of the error on line 4. c Test Program. implicit logical(a-z) read *, ifn if ( ifn .eq. 2 ) then ok = .true. else ok = .false. endif stop end 491 phx20130 Functions which perform input/output cannot be evaluated by input/output statements. Example: character*10 f read(5,*) k write(6,10) func(k) 10 format(1x,a10) stop end character*10 function func(l) write (6,20)l 20 format (1x,a10) func = l return end According to the fortran language definition, a function may not be referenced within an expression appearing anywhere in an input/output statement if such a reference causes another input/output statement to be executed. 489 phx19348 Code generator gives fatal error 419 (the offset of an expression cannot be found in storage) for do loops, as shown on line 5 in the following example. %global ansi77 integer array(3,3), i, n n = 2 array(2,2) = 2 do 10 i = array(2,n), 4 10 continue end 487 phx16544 phx17646 The fortran optimizer fails with a null pointer fault when compiling a subroutine with a complex looping structure containing a number of goto's and continue's. The following example was derived from the IMSL routine ZX4LR. %options card,ansi77 subroutine null_ptr_bug (i1, i2, i3, i4) 10 go to 505 290 go to 380 360 continue 370 go to 395 380 go to 385 385 continue 395 go to 10 435 go to 9000 505 if (.not.(i1.le.i2)) go to 520 go to 1315 520 go to 610 610 continue 1315 go to (520), i4 9000 return end 486 phx17566 The optimizing code generator fails with fatal error 450 (an operand which should be in the eaq was not found by get_eaq_name) on line 13 of the following program: subroutine drcvrt(kdat) logical deci common /ccmisc/ kdig(10),kdot deci = .false. 1000 do 2000 j = 1, 10 if (kdat .ne. kdig(j)) go to 2000 kdat = j go to 3000 2000 continue 2100 if (kdat .ne. kdot) go to 3000 deci=.true. go to 1000 3000 if (.not.deci) go to 1000 return end 485 phx19253 The optimizing code generator gives fatal error 418 (no index or pointer registers available for allocation) for line 10 of the following program: subroutine s(am,m,t) dimension m(5,*),a(4),dd(6,4),d(4,4),t(3,*) i=1 do 1 j=1,4 a(j)=0. call x(t(1,j)) call y(dd(1,j)) call z(d(1,j)) k=m(i,j) t(1,k)=t(1,k)-m(1,j) 1 continue return end 484 phx19005 The optimizer eliminates a loop that is needed to initialize values in an array. In the following example the do loop is incorrectly eliminated. dimension h(10) do 1 i = 1,10 h(i) = -1.e20 1 continue read (5,*) n, (h(i), i=1,n) write (6,2) n, (h(i), i=1,10) 2 format (" Num of values read: ", i4, /1x, "values: ",/1x,10e10.2) end 483 phx18022 Probe does not work correctly on Fortran programs beginning with a block data subprogram. Sometimes variables cannot be displayed and sometimes probe aborts when it tries to execute a break that has been set. block data common /aa/ a,b,c data a,b,c /1,2,3/ end subroutine sub common /aa/ a,b,c print *,a end 475 phx17684 The compiler does not allow statement functions of type character. This is allowed in the Fortran ANSI 77 standards. character*2 c character*2 b b()="ab" c=b print*,c stop end 466 phx18762 The optimizer fails to reload PR7 (used when addressing arrays larger than 16K elements) after a WRITE statement which causes an out_of_bounds error when the program tries to reference another array element at the beginning of a loop. dimension iam (50000) do 9 ll = 1,2 do 7 ii = 1,3 j2 = iam (1) if (j2 .eq. 0) iam (1) = 1 write (6,*)ll 7 continue 9 continue end 438 phx18001 Optimizer fails when a format statement, whether used or not, immediately follows an if-block. When the if-block contains goto statements, the optimizer mistakenly analyzes source lines following the format statement as unreachable or unnecessary. subroutine sub (i) print 10, i if (i .gt. 0) then goto 20 endif 10 format (1x, i3) print 10, i 20 return end 437 phx17992 Referencing variable extent arrays may cause fatal compiler error 454 in the optimizer. Incorrect code is generated when using the non-optimizing version of the compiler as indicated by problem number 426 of the error list. subroutine sub (n,w,x,y) integer w(n), x(n), y(n), z z(n) = x(n) y(z(n)) = w(n) end 436 phx18005 fort_optimizer fails with a not_in_read_bracket condition when a format statement immediately follows an assigned goto statement. assign 10 to i goto i 1000 format (1x) 10 stop end 429 phx17778 Bad code is generated in '77 mode in SUBROUTINE, FUNCTION and ENTRY statements which contain a dummy argument that is used in the specification of a bound of a variable dimension array, if that dummy argument appears in another such statement of the subprogram, but in a different position in the argument list. The bad code will either result in some type of addressing error (such as an out-of-bounds fault) or incorrect dimensioning of variable dimension arrays. For example, execution of the following program results in an out-of-bounds fault in the SUBROUTINE statement: %global ansi77 integer iv(3) data iv/1, 2, 3/ call showiv(iv, 3) end subroutine showiv(iv, n) integer iv(n) print *, iv return entry showi(n) print *, n end 426 phx17415 phx17849 The nonoptimizing version of the 10.2 'fortran' compiler generates incorrect code in statement functions for referencing variable extent arrays. The following program demonstrates this problem. The 'pick' statement function should return the value of the indicated element of the array 'x', but instead it returns the value of the following element. real x(2) data x/1.0, 2.0/ call sub(x, 2) end subroutine sub(x, n) real x(n) pick(idx) = x(idx) print *, pick(1), x(1) end 422 phx17020 The following program generates bad code for calculating array subscripts in the do loop containing the elseif statement when compiled with the -optimize control argument. subroutine x integer n parameter (n=5) integer a(2, n) integer count a (1, 2) = 5 do 30 count=1,n print,"count=",count,"a(1,",count,")=",a(1,count) if (a (1, count) .eq. 5) then goto 40 elseif (a (1, count) .eq. 1) then goto 40 endif 30 continue print, "array full when loop index is ", count do 10 i=1,n print, "a (1, ", i, ") =", a (1, i) 10 continue return 40 continue print, "found one" end 421 phx16459 The following program causes the compiler to go into an infinite loop in the optimizer when compiled with -ot -ansi77 and -card. character*2 function prbnam(idext) character class*6, digit*10 data class/'abcdef'/, digit/'1234567890'/ prbnam = class(kclass:kclass)//digit(iid:iid) return end function n(i) n=i return end 420 phx16007 phx16249 The following programs cause fort_optimizing_cg to give fatal error 453 (Attempt to load global item in a reserved register) when compiled optimized. Program 1: common /com1/ n(10) common /com2/ a(10, 10) common /com3/ b(10, 10) common /com4/ i6 do 10 i = 1, n(1) n(i) = 1 do 10 j = 1, 1 write (i6, 1000) a(j, i), b(j, i) call sub (1) call sub (1) 10 continue 1000 format(v) end subroutine plot real t1(8133), t2(8133) t1(1) = 0 t2(1) = 0 return end Program 2: double precision a, ul, c, x, r, eps, wd, e, z dimension a (110,110), ul (110,110), c (110), x (110), r (110) common eps, e do 10 ijk = 1, 15 n = 99 wd = .010d0 eps = 1.0d-15 do 1 i = 1, n z = i*wd 1 c (i) = yy (z) call inia (a, n) 2 call test (a, n, ul, c, x, r) if (e .le. eps) go to 10 go to 2 10 continue stop end 413 phx16547 Although the limit on the size of a FORTRAN source program is ostensibly one segment (1044480 characters), it is not usually possible to compile programs even half that size. This is because the compiler has several internal tables that it builds and each of these tables is limited to a segment in size. A very large program cannot be compiled in one piece because one or more of these internal tables will overflow. 397 phx15693 When do-loops are nested, the compiler does not check that each loop has a different index variable. For example, the following obviously incorrect program is compiled without comment: do 20 i = 1, 3 do 10 i = 1, 2 print *, i 10 continue 20 continue end 395 phx15639 The FORTRAN/77 Standard (cf 15.7.4) requires that entry points of a character function be of type character with the same length as that of the function, but allows entry points of noncharacter functions to be of any type other than character. Our FORTRAN compiler always requires the type of an entry point to a function to be the same as that of the function. 393 phx15638 phx16947 phx20352 The optimizer dies with a reference through null pointer when the following routine is compiled: subroutine bug(m, n) if (m.eq.1) then n = n + 1 endif 10 format(a) end 378 phx15112 The 'ansi77' representation of character variables is incompatible with the 'ansi66' representation. The difference (in PL/I jargon) is that character variables are 'aligned' in '66 mode, but 'unaligned' in '77 mode. This difference means that a 'fortran' or 'pl1' subprogram with character arguments that works when called from a 'fortran' routine compiled in one mode will usually not work correctly when called from a 'fortran' routine compiled in the other mode. 368 phx14553 Common sub-expression removal, of constant sub-expressions, which are common from within a loop, and outside all loops in a program may produce a situation where a temporary gets re-used. This problem will only show up if the execution flow is convoluted to by-pass the program area where the sub-expression would be used, and to enter the area where the temporary is re-used first, then flow back to the area where the sub-expression is used. 356 phx13581 The fortran compiler produces an error 445 indicating a node has an invalid data field. This occurs in the non-optimizing code generator. This error occurs when an error is declared in a block-if statment such that the block-if is not processed, but the 'else' is processed. This disrupts the internal processing stack causing the compiler error. 178 The -table option may not produce the desired results if the -optimize option is also used. [This is not a bug. Optimized code is not intended to be debugged.] 164 Error messages may not include a line number. [This is not a bug. A line number is irrelevant to some errors.] 121 phx14792 The numbering of records of direct access files in '77 mode is in violation of the FORTRAN/77 Standard. According to the Standard, record numbers are positive integers (cf Section such that if a file supports both sequential and direct access, the direct access record number of a record is the same as the ordinal of that record when the file is accessed sequentially (cf Section (For example, the record which is first if a file is accessed sequentially is record number 1 when the file is accessed directly.) The current implementation allows zero as a valid record number and uses one less than the sequential ordinal of a record as its direct access record number. (For example, the record which is first if a file is accessed sequentially is record number 0 when the file is accessed directly.) It is quite easy to change the first record to record 1 instead of record 0 to meet the ANSI 77 standard (ANSI X3.9, However, if we were to follow this standard for the numbering of records right away, a lot of existing programs would end up giving incorrect information. It is because according to the current Multics Fortran standard (AT58-03, 5-3, 5-7, 5-12), record 0 can be used as the direct access record number which is one less than the sequential access ordinal of a record. The status of this entry is changed to LIMITATION. In the future if we were going to follow the ANSI77 standard, the changes will be made in the procedure "get_record" in fortran_io_.pl1 as follows: Around line 2311 change from if PS.record_number <0 | PS.record_number > 99999999 then call print_error (error_table_$no_record); To if PS.record_number < 1 | PS.record_number > 99999999 then call print_error (error_table_$no_record); Around line 2328 change from record_key = PS.record_number; To record_key = PS.record_number - 1; ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved