10/31/92 GB64 (Multics Administration, Maintenance and Operations Commands) Errata Information for MR12.5 as_who: | | Make the following change for the "as_who" command. | | pg 2-46.1; add the following text to the end of the NOTES section. | | Specification of any User_id will cause the headers to be | suppressed. | edit_proj: | | Make the following change for the "edit_proj" command. | | 2-208.4; under EXAMPLES insert the following before the line | beginning with "Alias:" | | Project Alias: type "." to delete current alias from SAT. | io_error_summary: | | Make the following change for the "io_error_summary" command. | | pg 2-288; add the new control argument '-channel' and revise the | desciption of the '-cylinders' control argument. | | -channel, -chn | reports per channel status information for each device. | The channel is displayed following the device name. | -cylinders, -cyl | separates the disk device error by cylinder, head, sector | and record. Only disk control syserr messages can be | separated. | new_user_$cga: | | Make the following change for the "new_user_$cga" entry point. | | pg 2-357; under "+FLAGS" add the following to "lock". | | The affected user, if logged in when the flag is switched on, | will be immediately bumped. | | pg 2-357-2-357.1; the headers should say "new_user" and not | "list_proc_required". | print_sys_log: | | Make the following changes for 'print_sys_log': | | pg 2-383; replace the 'log_selector' argument with the following: | | log_selector | is either the pathname of a named log or log family to be | monitored, or one of the 'log selection' control arguments | listed below. | pg 2-383; add the following to the list of control arguments for | log selection: | | -pathname log_path, -pn log_path | specifies that the named log or log family is to be | examined. | poll_mpc: Make the following change for the "poll_mpc" command. pg 2-363; add the following text as the second paragraph in the NOTES section. If, when the system is reconfigured to add an MPC, you want that MPC to be polled, you must issue poll_mpc [mpc-name] -start". complete_volume_dump: Make the following changes for the "complete_volume_dump" command. pg 7-3; delete the description of the "-incr_skip_count" control argument. pg 7-4; add the following control arguments. -no_purge_volume_log, -npvl specifies that the volume log of each physical volume dumped is NOT to be purged using the values set with the set_volume_log command. (Default) -purge_volume_log, -pvl specifies that the volume log of each physical volume dumped is to be purged using the values set with the set_volume_log command. consolidated_volume_dump: Make the following changes for the "consolidated_volume_dump" command. pg 7-6; delete the description of the "-incr_skip_count" control argument. pg 7-6 to 7-7; add the following control arguments. -no_purge_volume_log, -npvl specifies that the volume log of each physical volume dumped is NOT to be purged using the values set with the set_volume_log command. (Default) -purge_volume_log, -pvl specifies that the volume log of each physical volume dumped is to be purged using the values set with the set_volume_log command. display_pvolog: Make the following change for the "display_pvolog" command. pg 7-9; add the following control argument. -header, -he specifies to display the header (Default). display_volume_log: Make the following changes for the "display_volume_log" command. pg 7-9; add the following control arguments. -all, -a specifies that information about all types of volume dumps, the disk label information recorded at the time of the dump, and processing statistics are to be displayed. -header, -he specifies that the dump volumes will be displayed with the output header (Default). -label, -lbl specifies that the disk label information stored at the time of the dump is to be displayed. -no_label, -nlbl specifies that the disk label information stored at the time of the dump is not to be displayed. -status, -st specifies that processing totals for segments, directories and volumes are to be displayed. pg 7-9; replace the description of the "-no_header" control argument with the following. -no_header, -nhe specifies that the dump volumes will be displayed without the header. purge_volume_log: Make the following changes for the "purge_volume_log" command. pg 7-17; delete the description of the "-incr_skip_count" control argument. pg 7-17; change the description of the "-test" control argument to read as follows. -test runs in test mode and reports what would have been done. No databases are affected except for pvolog locks which are reset. pg 7-18; replace the NOTES section with the following. After purging, two reload groups are left in a volume log unless the number of reload groups has been changed (see the set_volume_log command). A reload group consists of the following: all incremental volume dumps not superseded by consolidated volume dumps; all incremental and consolidated volume dumps not superseded by a complete volume dump; and a complete volume dump. By default all consolidated dumps and those incremental dumps which are not superseded by a complete dump are retained. To modify the number of incremental and consolidated dump sets retained see the -incr_sets and -cons_sets control arguments of the set_volume_log command. set_volume_log: Make the following changes for the "set_volume_log" command. pg 7-24; replace the CONTROL ARGUMENTS and NOTES sections with the following. Control arguments: -cons_sets SET_VALUE, -cs SET_VALUE sets the number of consolidated dump volume sets to retain in the volume log whenever it is purged. The value of SET_VALUE may be a non-zero positive integer or the word "all" or the letter "a". A consolidated dump set is defined as all volumes that are used in one cycle of the consolidated volume dumper. By default all consolidated dump volumes are kept for each reload group. The default operation will result if the SET_VALUE is set to "all" or "a". See the "Notes" section for further explanation of the rules on how volume sets are retained or purged. -incr_sets SET_VALUE, -is SET_VALUE sets the number of incremental dump volume sets to retain in the volume log whenever it is purged. The value of SET_VALUE may be a non-zero positive integer or the word "all" or the letter "a". An incremental dump set is defined as all volumes that are used in all cycles of the incremental volume dumper that take place between cycles of the consolidated volume dumper. By default all incremental dump volumes are kept for each reload group. The default operation will result if the SET_VALUE is set to "all" or "a". See the "Notes" section for further explanation of the rules on how volume sets are retained or purged. -reload_groups N, -rg N sets the number of reload groups to N, where N>1. The default value, to be set at volume log creation, is 2. (A reload group consists of the following: all incremental volume dumps not superseded by consolidated volume dumps; all incremental and consolidated volume dumps not superseded by a complete volume dump; and a complete volume dump.) Notes: 1) All incremental volume sets are retained by default and are purged when the reload group they are in is purged. This default operation is set up when the volume log is created. This default operation can also be set with the following command line: set_volume_log vlname -is all -cs all -reload_groups 2 When the incr_sets (-is) value is a non-zero positive integer, then that number of incremental volume sets are retained. All other incremental volume sets are purged, even if they are in the current reload group. 2) All consolidated volume sets are retained by default and are purged when the reload group they are in is purged. This default operation is set up when the volume log is created and can also be set up with the following command line: set_volume_log vlname -is all -cs all -reload_groups 2 No consolidated volume sets are purged in the current reload group. Using the number of consolidated dump sets in all reload groups, consolidated volume sets are purged from previous reload groups to satisfy the value given with the -cons_sets (-cs) option (if this value is a non-zero positive integer). 3) No incremental or consolidated volume set is retained if it exists outside of the configured number of reload groups. If it is desired to keep more consolidated or incremental volumes sets, the number of reload groups must be increased. Examples: 1. set_volume_log vlname -is 1 -cs 5 -reload_groups 8 This will be the result on the Wednesday before the consolidated dump of the eighth week assuming, you are running less incremental runs than consolidated runs, consolidated runs are done once per day (M-F), and a complete is run on Saturday. group SA SN MN TU WD TH FR 1 |comp| 2 |comp| 3 |comp| 4 |comp| 5 |comp| 6 |comp| 7 |comp| |cons||cons||cons| 8 |comp| |incr||incr... |cons||cons| 2. set_volume_log vlname -incr_sets 5 -cons_sets 10 -reload_groups 8 This will be the result on the Wednesday before the consolidated dump of the eighth week assuming, you are running less incremental runs than consolidated runs, consolidated runs are done once per day (M-F), and a complete is run on Saturday. group SA SN MN TU WD TH FR 1 |comp| 2 |comp| 3 |comp| 4 |comp| 5 |comp| 6 |comp| |cons||cons||cons| 7 |comp| |incr||incr||incr| |cons||cons||cons||cons||cons| 8 |comp| |------incr------||incr||incr... |cons||cons| 3. set_volume_log vlname -incr_sets 2 -cons_sets 10 -reload_groups 2 This will be the result on the Wednesday before the consolidated dump of the second week. The consolidated runs are done once per day (M-F) and a complete is run on Saturday. group SA SN MN TU WD TH FR 1 |comp| |cons||cons||cons||cons||cons| 2 |comp| |------incr------||incr||incr... |cons||cons| Notice that there are only 7 consolidated volume sets at this point in the week. This is restricted by the number of reload groups specified (i.e. 2). If a full set of 10 consolidated dumps is desired at all times, then 3 reload groups must be configured (as in the following example). 4. set_volume_log vlname -incr_sets 2 -cons_sets 10 -reload_groups 3 This will be the result on the Wednesday before the consolidated dump of the second week. Again, consolidated runs are done once per day (M-F) and a complete is run on Saturday. group SA SN MN TU WD TH FR 1 |comp| |cons||cons| 2 |comp| |cons||cons||cons||cons||cons| 3 |comp| |------incr------||incr||incr... |cons||cons| ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved