An Introduction to Using Multics Emacs 10/27/79 **This file is intended to be perused via dprint, print, or via an** **editor. It is not intended to be perused with the help command ** Multics Emacs is an integrated editing, text-preparation, and screen management system designed to take advantage of the features of modern display terminals to aid in interactive text entry and editing. In some sense, it is an editor: yet a more appropriate description would be a "text processing subsystem": continuous interaction with text is its mode of operation, not "editing" via carefully structured "editing requests". Although it is possible, and valuable, to use Multics Emacs from a "printing terminal", i.e., one that uses paper and ink, it is oriented towards video terminals, and its usage is best learned on a video terminal, preferably at 1200 baud or better. Sit down at a video terminal logged into Multics. Invoke Emacs by typing its name at the command processor: emacs Depending upon the facilities available at your site, Emacs may or may not ask you: What type terminal do you have? If Emacs poses this question, which it will only ask you once per login session, as opposed to clearing the screen, type in the name of the type of terminal that you have. If you do not know this, ask your Site Support personnel. If you type a bad name, Emacs will type out the names of all terminals it knows how to support, so that you can type the right name. Or type "quit" to give up. Terminate the name of the terminal with a carriage-return, as you would any Multics input. Now Emacs will take several seconds to get started up; it has a lot to do at start-up time. When it has started up, it will clear the screen, and display the line Emacs (Fundamental) - main at the lower left of the screen. This line is called the _m_o_d_e _l_i_n_e. It tells you several things, most important of which is that you are talking to Emacs, as opposed to the command processor, or some other editor. "Fundamental" is called the _m_o_d_e. There are various _m_o_d_e_s best suited to preparing text, programs in different languages, and other tasks. Fundamental mode is the first and simplest mode. It has no specialized features at all. "main" is the _b_u_f_f_e_r _n_a_m_e. You can be editing many things at once with Emacs, like qedx. Each separate thing being edited is edited in a separate "sub-editor" called a _b_u_f_f_e_r. The buffers have names; "main" is the name of the buffer you start out in. The region between the top of the screen and the mode line is where text appears, and where we deal with text. This area of the screen is called the _w_i_n_d_o_w. It will always display 20 or so consecutive lines of the document or program you are editing. The region below the mode line has two areas, the _p_a_t_h _l_i_n_e and the _m_i_n_i_b_u_f_f_e_r, which we will deal with later. You will note the blinking _c_u_r_s_o_r in the upper-left-hand corner of the screen. The cursor may be a blinking underline on some terminals, or a blinking or solid box on others. The cursor is always on some position on the screen. The cursor is the single most important object in Emacs: we must familiarize ourselves with it, and must always concern ourselves with its whereabouts on the screen. All "action" happens at the cursor: all text we enter is entered "at" the cursor (and the cursor moves), and text we delete is deleted at the cursor, as well. Now we are going to enter some text. We do not have to tell Emacs that we are going to type. There is no "input mode" or "edit mode": we just type. Type these words on the terminal, do _n_o_t end it with a carriage return, line feed or other special character, the period should be the last character you type: This is sample text. You will note that you do not see what you have typed immediately, but soon after you start typing, the text on the screen will "catch up" with you. This is because you have waited a few minutes since the last time you typed, and Multics has "forgotten" about you temporarily. In general, you may see what you type as soon as you type it, or sometimes a little later, depending on the load on Multics. This is very different than other Multics programs; other programs rely on the terminal to type out what you type in, but Emacs must type it out for you. You will also note a little star come on under the word "Emacs": this is called the "modified" star. When it is there, it means that the text in your buffer is different than the text you read in, if any, or is new text (as is the case here), and hasn't been written out to a file. When the "modified" star is on, you know that you wil have to write your text out before exiting Emacs. You will see the text you typed at the top of the screen. It just appeared there as you typed it. You did not have to issue a "print request": The line you are looking at at the top of the screen is the beginning of your document: you are looking at your document, not an "input line", or an "output line" or a "printout". At all times, you are looking at your document. Look at the screen. You will see the cursor to the right of the period in the sentence "This is sample text". You should begin to think "We are to the right of the period on that line." At all times, the person using Emacs must think of himself or herself "at" some point in his or her document, that "point" being indicated on the screen by the cursor. Now let us add another line. Type the "carriage return" key on your terminal to end this line and start another one. "Carriage return" is a character, just like "T", "h", "i", or "s", or a space. Typing it will put a "carriage return" character into your text, and move the cursor to _b_e_y_o_n_d the carriage-return character, which is to say, the beginning of the next line. Having entered the carriage return, type: Here is more text yet. Again, the text appears on the screen as we type it. The line we had typed earlier stays where it is, we now have a two-line document. Using what we know already, we can type in a whole document! It is just like using a typewriter. This is fine, until we make an error. We have to fix errors as we note them. Let us type a line with an error in it on purpose. Go to the next line, by typing a carriage return, and type: Multix We have made an error. The "x" in "Multics" should have been a "cs". What do we normally do in Multics if we type a wrong letter? We use #, the _e_r_a_s_e _c_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r. The same is true in Emacs, but watch what happens. Type the "#" (pound sign, or number sign) character. Observe that the "x" in "Multix" physically disappears off the screen, leaving no trace of itself or the pound sign! The character has been erased; our document is on the screen. The "x" is no longer in our document. What is more, there is no trace or record of the mistake we made, or what we did to correct it. The document is correct on the screen, as always. Now, to put in the c and the s, just type the c and type the s, and the word "Multics" will appear correct. We can continue in this fashion, entering text just by typing it, ending lines with carriage returns when we want to go on to the next line, until our whole document is entered, correcting mistakes with #, but soon we may find a need to change, or modify, some text we had already entered. For example, let us change the line we entered that said: This is sample text. to say: This is some sample text. adding the word "some" after the word "is". The way we do this in Emacs is to "go" to the place in the text after the word "is", to _m_o_v_e or _p_o_s_i_t_i_o_n ourselves there, by moving the cursor there. We want to go up two lines and over a few characters. First, let us "get to" the right line. We will go there one line at a time. We will tell Emacs "Go to the previous line". Look on your keyboard for a key labelled "CTL", "CTRL", "CONTROL", "CNTRL", or the like. This is a very important key for Emacs; it is called the _c_o_n_t_r_o_l key. It is like a shift key: you hold it down, and while holding it down, you type one or more normal characters. Like a shift key, pressing it and releasing it has no effect. When you press the "p" key (DON'T do it now), you get a lower-case "P". If you press the "p" key while holding the "SHIFT" key, you get an upper-case "P". If you press the "p" key while holding the "CONTROL" key, you get something called a "Control P". It is a different _v_a_r_i_e_t_y of P, just like p and P, except instead of being an upper case letter or a lower case letter, it is a called a "control character". All control characters are commands to Emacs. You have seen what happens when you type normal upper and lower case characters; they go into the document. Control characters are used to control Emacs, to manipulate the cursor and manipulate text. To make Emacs move the cursor to the P_revious line, we use the control character "Control P", the P_ being for P__r_e_v_i_o_u_s. Do so: hold down the "CONTROL" key, like a shift key, and press the "P" key, while still holding the "CONTROL" key, then release both. Now watch the screen: you will observe that the cursor will indeed move up to the previous line, to a place right above where it had been. This happens as soon as we type the Control P, we do not have to type (and must not type!) a carriage-return or other character to make it happen. Note also that when we type Control P, we do not "see" our command anyplace on the screen, all we see is what it did. This is a very important principle in Emacs: what you see on the screen is what you have in your document, and it does not matter what you used to achieve that state. Now let us go up one more line, to the first line. Hold down the control key again, and press "P" while holding it. Again, the cursor will jump up a line. Now that we are on the correct line for the change we wish to make, we can move around on that line to get to the correct place. We can move _b_a_c_k_w_a_r_d_s on that line by telling Emacs to "go backwards": as you guessed, this is done with a "Control B", B_ for B_ackwards. Hold down the control key. Now, slowly, press the "B" key, while still holding the control key, eight or nine times. You will see the cursor move backwards, that is, to the left, one position for each time you press the "B" key. Soon you will reach the beginning of the line, at which time, you cannot go any further back, because that is the beginning of your text. Emacs will cause your terminal to beep at you, to indicate that you have made an error. Wait for all the beeping to finish, and release the control key. We now want to move forward to the place after the word "is", in order to insert the word "some". Hold down the control key, and type the letter "F" several times. "Control F" is the Emacs command for "forward", i.e., move the cursor forward one character. While still holding down the control key, type F's until the cursor is under (or covering, on some terminals), the letter "s" of the word "sample". If you type the Control F too many times, simply type Control B's until you get to the right place. What you are doing now is the most important form of interaction with Emacs- issue commands until you are "at the right place", or "the right thing has happened", doing one command at a time and observing its effect, and repeating that process until you have achieved what you want. This is _i_n_t_e_r_a_c_t_i_v_e editing, as opposed to counting the number of lines or characters, etc., and issuing commands to move 15 lines and 4 characters, etc. (although you can do this too in Emacs if you really need to). Visual feedback is the most important single feature of Emacs. Now we are at the "s" of sample, and we wish to put the word "some" right there (i.e., at the cursor). That is trivial: simply type the four letters s, o, m, and e. You will watch Emacs move the rest of the line over and you now have on that line: This is somesample text. with the cursor still under the "s" of "sample". Immediately, we perceive a problem: there is no space between "some" and "sample". We did not enter a space, this is exactly what we told Emacs to do. Let us enter a space: simply hit the space bar. Now we have: This is some sample text. with the cursor still under the "s" of "sample". We have now fixed the text we wished to. Note that in order to type in the new word, "some", we did not have to say anything special, we just moved the cursor to the right place, and started typing. Whenever we type a non-control character (other than #, @, and \), it goes into the text at the cursor, and moves the cursor over one to the right. If you think for a little while, you will notice that that is what it did when we were simply typing in the lines on the screen! Now we must get back to the end of the document, where we had left off when we decided to add the word "some" to the first line. We can do this by going to the N_ext line, and the N_ext line, until we are where we want to be. As you doubtless surmise, we do this with the "Control N" command, N_ for N_ext. Hold down the control key (as you have seen, if you do _n_o_t, the characters you type will go into your text!), and press "N" twice. Each time, the cursor will move one line down. We are now on the right line. You will find that you are at the end of that line; Emacs tries to keep you in the same "column" when going between lines, but the line with "Multics" on it is much shorter than the line you started from (the first line, which now says, "This is some sample text."), so you are as far as you can be on this line. Now let us finish the sentence "Multics is a computer system." We see that the cursor is right after the "s" in Multics": if we just type "is", we will get Multicsis which is surely not what we want. So type a space, and the cursor moves to the right as a space goes into your text. Now continue entering the words is a computer system. and sure enough, your entire text appears correct before you: This is some sample text. Here is more text yet. Multics is a computer system. You may want to continue experimenting with the things you have just learned: when you are done, you will have to leave the editor: this is done as follows: type a "Control X" followed by a "Control C" (C_ for C_ommand level). This is not an easy command to type or remember, but that is reasonable, because you may be editing for hours, and you will only type it once. One way to type it is to hold down the control key, and type an "X" and a "C" while holding it. Emacs will respond, Modified buffers exist. Quit? because you have done work that you have not written out (we will learn about writing out work later). Answer "yes" (type the letters y, e, and s, and a carriage return). Emacs will clear the screen, and leave you at Multics Command level. We have now learned the six most important Emacs commands: # Erase the last character Control F Go F_orward one character. Control B Go B_ackward one character. Control N Go to the N_ext line. Control P Go to the P_revious line. Control X Control C Quit the editor. Practice using them until you are thoroughly familiar with them. They are the most important and useful commands. With these commands, and one or two others, you can do just about anything you will ever be called upon to do. All the other commands just make it easier to do more complex things, but you can always move around and type in text with these commands. Deleting and Killing. Next we will learn how to delete text. We already know something about this subject; we know how to use "#" to delete characters that we type in as we type them in. Here we will learn to remove other portions of the text. Enter Emacs as before. Type in the following text, as we did before. So that you can follow the lesson properly, be careful to break the lines (type carriage return) exactly as you see here: Once upon a time there were four bears. They lived in a house on the edge of the forest. There was a father bear, a mother bear, and a baby bear. One day the bears went out in the woods. The last thing you should have typed should have been "woods.", and the cursor is to the right of the period in "woods.". Let us now fix the obvious designated excess of bears: we want to change the word "four" to "three" in the first line. As all else in Emacs, the way we do this is to "go" to the place in question, with the cursor, and then perform local surgery on the text at the cursor. Let us use what we have learned before, and use the "previous line" command (invoked by striking "Control P") twice, to get up to the first line. We now find we are in the middle of the word "They", and we wish to go backward on this line until we are at the word "four". So we use the "backward characters" command, invoked by striking "Control B", for "backwards". We probably have to strike it about a dozen times, so we should hold down the "control key" (like a shift key) with one finger and hit "B" about a dozen or so times until the cursor is right at the letter "f" of the word "four". If we go too far, go "forward by characters" with "Control F" until we are at the "f" of "four". This may have seemed long and difficult to get to that word; there are easier ways, and we will learn them in time, but for now, we will continue to present the fundamental concepts and commands in the order which will allow you to do the most as soon as possible. We now wish to change the word at the cursor to the word "three". In Emacs, we do not "change" or substitute. We get rid of what we don't want, and type in what we do want. So what we will do is _d_e_l_e_t_e the word "four", and type in the word "three" (which we already know how to do!). The way we will delete the word "four", for now, is by destroying it one character at a time. We will use the "delete character" command, which is invoked by hitting "control D", "D" for D_elete. Do this once, by holding down "control" and pressing "D" _o_n_c_e while "control" is down. Watch the screen. You will see that the first line is now changed: Once upon a time there were our bears. They lived in a house on the The "f" has disappeared! It has been _r_e_m_o_v_e_d from the line; the cursor is now under the "o". Note that if we type a (D_O_N_'T_ do it) "t" now, it will say Once upon a time there were tour bears. They lived in a house on the So let us get rid of the rest of the word "four" by hitting "Control D" three more times, slowly, watching the screen. We now have, when this is done: Once upon a time there were bears. They lived in a house on the The cursor is under the _s_e_c_o_n_d of the two spaces now between the words "were" and "bears". The rest is easy; we type the letters t, h, r, e, and e, and the word "three" appears letter by letter, between "were" and "bears", pushing over the rest of the line as we type it. So we have now learned the "delete character" command, which is used by typing "Control D", which physically removes the character at the cursor from the screen and our text. Often we need to delete a lot more than a few characters; we want to remove large pieces of lines, or many lines. We will now learn the "kill lines" command, which is invoked by striking "Control K", K_ for K_ill Lines. We wish to change the last sentence, One day the bears went out in the woods. to The bears often ate porridge. Again, the way we do this is to position the cursor to the point we want to change, and then operate upon the text. We want to get to the letter "O" in the word "One" on the last line. Use the Backward Character, Forward Character, Next Line, and Previous Line commands (Control B, Control F, Control N, Control P) any way you know how until the cursor is under the "O" of the word "One". Now type a Control K, and watch the screen. All the text between the cursor and the end of the line wil vanish from the screen and from the text. Although we could just type in the new sentence right here and now, there is a very important feature to be learned at this point. Type a Control Y. This invokes the "Yank" command: watch the screen. The text we had just killed is brought back. The "Yank" command brings back anything we just killed, if we decide that killing it was a mistake. In this way, we can fix damage that we do by accident by mistaken or inadvertent killing of text. Almost every command in Emacs that deletes text puts the text it deletes into a special safe place called the _k_i_l_l _r_i_n_g, where the Yank command can find it. What is more, killed text _s_t_a_y_s in the kill ring so that you can yank it back many commands later, or even somewhere else in your text after you accidentally or purposefully killed it; this way, you need not notice your mistake as soon as you make it. The "Delete Character" command does not put the characters it kills in the kill ring; if you accidentally delete a character, it is easy enough to retype it; if you delete many characters by hand, it is probably not a mistake. The Yank command has left the cursor after the sentence it has retrieved; let us re-position the cursor, with the cursor-moving commands we know, back to the "O" in "One", and use "Control K" again to remove the sentence. Now type in the new sentence, The bears often ate porridge. and the correction is made. "Kill Lines" (Control K) is a very versatile command, that does different things depending upon whether it is used in the end of a line or not. Let us enter some new text. Type "Control N" (Next Line) about four times to get to a fresh place on the screen. Note that the cursor is at the left margin; these lines are empty. Type the following well-known verse: I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high over vales and hills. And all at once, I saw a crowd A host of lovely daffodils. Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Position the cursor to under the "I" which starts the verse, using all the cursor positioning commands that you know about. Now delete all the text on that line, that is "Kill to the end of the line", by typing a Control K. Observe the screen: the line becomes blank. Now type Control K again, and watch the screen. All the rest of the poem moves up. We now state what Control K does, and this explains why: When not at the end of a line (i.e., at the beginning, or in the middle, Control K deletes all text between the cursor and the end of the line, leaving the cursor at what is now the end of the line. When at the end of a line, Control K "removes the carriage-return", or "sticks the next line on to the end of this one", making one line. If the line that the cursor is on has nothing in it (except the carriage return), this means make this line go away. Now type Control K again. The line That floats on high over vales and hills will empty out. Type it once more, and that (now empty) line will disappear, and the cursor will be at the beginning of the next line of the poem. You can now see that typing Control K many times will delete lines one by one, off the screen, as you type it. Now we will show some magic. Invoke the "Yank" command again, by striking a Control Y, and watch the screen. Both lines we deleted came back, intact! There has been something going on behind the scenes on the kill ring as we have been typing Control K's: If we type an unbroken succession of Control K's, the "killed text" is _m_e_r_g_e_d on the kill ring, so that one yank gets it all back. Because of this feature, we do not have to painstakingly reconstruct text that we killed line-by-line as we have done. If we did not want to bring all of it back, it is no problem to go back and kill some of the text that we yanked back and didn't want, but this is a lot easier than having to retype text that we killed and couldn't yank back. Almost all Emacs commands that delete text participate in this _k_i_l_l _m_e_r_g_i_n_g with themselves and each other to help you recover accidentally deleted text easily, no matter how you deleted it. We have now learned three new commands, for deleting text: Control D Delete Character at cursor. Control K Kill to end of line, if not already at end of line. If at end of line, merge line with next line. Control Y Yank back text that we accidentally killed. All these commands, of course, delete what is at the cursor, or bring back text at the position of the cursor. Type some text, and experiment with these commands until you feel comfortable using them, and then exit the editor as we did earlier. Reading and writing files. One of the most important things to know how to do is to read in Multics Files, and write them out. There are three commands for doing this, and we will now learn about them. When we read in a file, it is read into a _b_u_f_f_e_r. Each file will be read into its own buffer. When we read a file in, the first twenty or so lines will appear on the screen, just as though you had typed them in. You only see as many lines at one time as fit on the screen, however, the whole file is there, and if you try to position the cursor to some line that is not on the screen, either by doing Control N's so that the cursor tries to go off the bottom, or Control P's so that the cursor tries to go off the top, or any other way, Emacs will choose such lines to display on the screen such that the line you want the cursor to be on is indeed shown. Let us read in a file. For this we use the "Find File" command. Enter Emacs in the usual fashion. Because we do not read in files that often while editing, the Find File command requires two keystrokes. It is invoked by the two-key sequence "Control X Control F" (the F is for F_ind F_ile). Type this by holding down the control key, and typing an X and an F while it is down. You will see the cursor go to the bottom of the screen, below the mode line, and Emacs will say Find File: with the cursor at the end of the word "File: ". This is called a _p_r_o_m_p_t: Emacs is waiting for you to type an "answer" to its question, in this case, the pathname of the file to be read in. You are now in the _m_i_n_i_b_u_f_f_e_r, a little one-line window below the mode line, used for answering prompts. We were prompted in the minibuffer previously when we tried to exit Emacs with modified buffers. Type the pathname of a file: a good pathname is >doc>subsystem>emacs> which is the command writeup for Emacs. Type this pathname: you need not put any spaces before or after it. If you make a mistake while typing, you can use #, Control B, Control D, Control F, or any other command to edit the pathname itself while you are typing it! End the pathname with a carriage-return. Assuming you have typed the pathname correctly, Emacs will now print the word "Reading.." in the minibuffer, letting you know that it is reading in this file, and strike it out when it has finished reading it. A little later, you will see the screen start to fill up with the first windowful of the file. The cursor will be at the first character of the first line. Now look at the mode line. You will see that the buffer name is no longer "main", but "editor". The buffer name is taken from the first component of the entry name of the file read in (in this case, the file was "", so it is "editor"). Below the mode line is something new, the full pathname of the file in this buffer. This is called the _p_a_t_h _l_i_n_e, and tells us exactly what file we are editing. Of course, we are not really editing that file, but a copy of it, and the changes we may make will not be reflected to that file unless we try to write out the buffer to the file. Now type a Control X, and an Equal Sign (=). Be sure to release the control key before striking the equals sign. Be careful to remember to hold the shift key if equal-sign requires a shift on your terminal. Emacs will print in the minibuffer, 513 lines, current = 1 or something similar. Control X = is the Line Counter command. It tells you how many lines there are in your document, and what line number the cursor is currently on. Control X = is a handy command to know. Now type Next Line commands (Control N) slowly until the cursor is on the line right above the minibuffer. Be very careful, just this time, to do this slowly enough, so that the cursor stays in the main window. Now note carefully the contents of the line it is on. I cannot tell you what line that is, because I don't know how many lines your terminal has on its screen, and that governs what line your cursor will be on now. Now strike control N once more. You will see Emacs rewrite many lines on your screen, and, if your terminal has the capability to do so, move many lines around. When it is finished, the cursor will be at the beginning of a line in the middle of the screen. Look at the line above that. You will note that it is the same line that was at the bottom of the screen a second ago. Control N indeed went to the next line of the text after the line the cursor was on, as it is supposed to. Now do another Control X =. Emacs will say something like 513 lines, current = 22 If you look at the screen, you will see that the cursor is on the twelfth or so line of the screen, not the 22nd! However, you are editing the file (or the buffer) and not the screen! The line you are on is indeed the twenty-second line of the file. If you were near the end, you might be on the 500th line or so, even though there are only 21 lines or so in the main window. Since you can only display about 21 lines at once, Emacs chooses _w_h_i_c_h 21 lines automatically to make sure the line that you want the cursor to be on is on the screen. You can now edit this file as though you had typed it in, using all the commands that you know. You can move the cursor about, delete characters, kill lines, or enter new text at will. Try putting in a new word or killing a line. At once, the word Modified will appear in the minibuffer, letting you know that you have changed the file since you read or wrote it, and will have to write it out if you want your work to be saved. It is not easy to do five hundred Control N's to get through the file; we will learn more ways later of moving around buffers faster. Having made some editing changes to the file, we want to write it out. The command that writes back a file that you read it is called "Save same file": it is invoked by the two-character sequence Control X Control S (S for S_ave). Try it. You will get the error message Incorrect access on entry. You cannot write out this file, because it is my file, and I did not give you the access required to write on my file. So let us write it out to a copy in our own directory: For this, we use the Write File command, which is invoked by the two-character sequence Control X Control W (W for W_rite File). Enter this sequence. Emacs will prompt in the minibuffer: Write File: Now type the pathname of a place you want to write it to: End with a carriage return. You will see the path line change to indicate the new pathname. As Emacs is writing it, you will see the word "Writing.." appear in the minibuffer. When the word "Written." replaces the word "Writing..", you know that the file has been successfully written out to the Multics Storage System. Now you can edit some more, and move around within the buffer, and when you wish to write the file out again, to the same place it was last written to, Save Same File (Control X Control S) will do the trick. Again, the Writing../Written in the minibuffer lets you know when Emacs is done writing. We have now learned four new commands: Control X Control F Find file, read in a file. Asks for pathname in the minibuffer. Control X Control S Save Same File, writing out the buffer to the last place it was read from or written to. Control X Control W Write File: Write a file to a new place. Asks for pathname in the minibuffer. Control X = Line Counter: tell how many lines in the buffer, and what line we are on. Searching A fundamental ability that is needed in editing is that of looking for a particular sequence of characters, or _s_e_a_r_c_h_i_n_g. In the context of E__m_a_c_s, this means finding a given sequence of characters in the buffer, and moving the cursor to that point. There are two simple commands for searching in Emacs: we will learn them next. Enter Emacs as usual. Enter the following text: Now is the time and the only time for those who have their time to give their time. Using Control P (Previous Line) and Control B (Backward Character) move the cursor to the upper left hand corner (under the "N" of "Now") of the screen. We will now search for the word "time". We use the String Search command, which is gotten by typing a Control S. Do it. Emacs responds in the minibuffer: String Search: We now enter the four letters t, i, m, and e. End the string with a carriage return. You will see the cursor return to the main window, but now it will be immediately after the first occurence of the word "time". Let us replace the word "time" here by "day". We will learn a little trick. By all rights, we should go backwards (Control B) four times, and then delete characters (Control D) four times to delete the word "time". That would work; however, there is an easier way. Type a pound sign (#). Note that the "e" of "time" goes away. If we type the "#" another three times, the t, i, and m will go away too! This is what pound sign always does: it deletes the character to the left of the cursor, whether you just typed it in or not. Think about it. When you type in a character, the cursor moves to the right of it, and it is now to the left of the cursor. Typing pound sign makes it go away because pound sign deletes the character to the left of the cursor. This is distinct from Control D, which deletes the character _a_t the cursor. Finish deleting the first occurence of the word "time", and type in "day". Now let us look for "grime". Type a Control S, and in response to the prompt "String Search: ", type the letters g, r, i, m, and e, and a carriage return. Emacs will respond Search fails. in the minibuffer, because it could not find the string "grime", and the cursor remains in the place where it was when the Control S was typed. Now let us again look for "time". Type a Control S, the letters t, i, m, and e, and carriage-return. The cursor advances to the next "time" in the buffer. Do it again, and the same thing happens. Note carefully that Control S only searches forward in the buffer, from where the cursor is at the time it is used to the end of the buffer. It will not look backwards. That is why it puts you _a_f_t_e_r the string it finds, so that it will not find the same one all the time. Note how easily we can find the same string many times in a line. Now go back to the beginning of the buffer, with Control P's and Control B's. We are going to look for the string "time" again, but this time, a little bit differently. Type a Control S. Emacs again prompts, String Search: Type a carriage return.. You will see Emacs put the word "time" right in the minibuffer, as though you had typed it, and find the first "time". When you answer a search command's prompt with an "empty search string", that is to say, typing carriage return, Emacs will re-use the last "search string" (sequence of characters) you were searching for. This applies to all the various search commands. Using this, we can search many times for the same thing, without having to retype it into the minibuffer. Search two or three times for "time" again (please do this, so that this lesson will continue to work). Now we will learn a very important Emacs command, "Get out of what you are doing", which is gotten by issuing a Control G. Try it. Your terminal will beep at you. Control G always causes your terminal to beep at you. Now type a Control S again. Emacs will prompt in the minibuffer, as always, String Search: Suppose we decide that we didn't want to search for anything, and that typing the Control S was a mistake. Now type a Control G: the cursor will exit the minibuffer, and the terminal will beep. The search command has been aborted. Control G can always be used to exit the minibuffer to abort any command that you change your mind about in midstream, such as Find File, or Write File, etc. It can also be used after typing a large number of cursor movement commands to cause your terminal to "beep" when they are all done. Sometimes, this is useful when the system is slow, as a way of letting you know that Emacs has "caught up" to what you told it to do. Control G is very important, it is an "out" whenever you start doing something that you change your mind about, or aren't sure what you typed. If you ever find yourself in the minibuffer with a prompt that you think you didn't ask for, or don't understand, like Eval: you can be sure that typing a Control G will get you out of it without doing any harm. The next command we will learn about is Reverse String Search: it is invoked by striking a Control R. Try it. Strike a Control R. Emacs will prompt in the minibuffer: Reverse String Search: Type carriage return, like for Control S (String Search). The string "time" will appear in the minibuffer, as we had promised. The cursor will be left _b_e_f_o_r_e (i.e., under the first character of) the first occurence of "time" going backwards from where the cursor was when you typed the Control R. If the cursor was right after a "time", it will now be at the front of the same one. Do it again. The cursor will go one "time" back each time, until there are no more between the cursor and the beginning of the buffer, at which time Emacs will respond Search Fails. in the minibuffer. If we want to change one of these "time"s to an "hour", we need only type four Control D's (Delete Character) and the word "hour" after finding one. Reverse String Search is just like String Search, except 1. It goes backward to the beginning of the buffer, while forward search goes forwrd to the end. 2. It leaves the cursor _b_e_f_o_r_e (at the front of) the found string, while String Search leaves it _a_f_t_e_r. Otherwise, String Search and Reverse String Search both prompt in the minibuffer, take a string terminated by a carriage return to use for a search target, and use an empty string (a carriage return as answer) to indicate that the last search string used should be used again. When you are searching for something in Emacs, you have to know if you want to search forward or backward for it, from where you are now; usually, you know this. If you don't, you should search forward. If the search fails, just hit a Control R and a carriage return, and Emacs will search backward for the same string. If _t_h_a_t search fails, the string is really not in the buffer. We now have learned three new commands: Control S String Search. Prompts for a string in the minibuffer, which must end with a carriage return. An empty string uses the last string over again. Searches forward for that string to the end of the buffer, and leaves you after it. Control R Reverse String Search. Same as above, but goes backward. Leaves you at start of found string. Control G (Command Quit) Get out of anything, and beep the terminal. Often used to get out of minibuffer prompts that you change your mind about. Two Very Useful Commands We will now learn two useful commands that you will use all the time. We will not give any examples here, because what they do is so simple. Try them yourself any way you want, but learn them. Control A Go to beginning of line. Moves the cursor to the beginning of whatever line it is on. The way to rememeber it is that "A is the first letter at the beginning of the alphabet". We could not use "B" for "Beginning", because, as we know, Control B is for "Backward Character". Control E Go to end of line (E for E_nd). Moves the cursor to the end (after the last character, before the carriage return) of whatever line it is now on. On a line with nothing on it (nothing _i_n it but a carriage return), this does nothing. Wiping, the Mark, and the Region We will now learn three new concepts, and three new commands. We will learn them in order to be able to delete arbitrary extents of text (i.e., "from here to there", or "all that stuff") as opposed to killing lines and characters carefully to get rid of exactly what we want. Enter Emacs. Type in a paragraph or so of text, of your choice. Choose a few words next to each other somewhere. It is all right if they are not on the same lines. Let us delete this "extent", that "much" of the text. The command we will be using is Wipe Region, which is invoked from Control W (for W_ipe Region). We tell it what to "wipe", that is, wipe off the screen and out of the text, or delete, by giving it the "here" and "there", that is, the "limits" or "boundaries" of the region to delete. It will delete all the text between the two points we tell it to. How do we specify the "region" of our buffer that control W is to delete? By its limits. How do we specify the limits? One limit will be the cursor at the time we strike the Control W. The other is specified by an "invisible cursor" called "the mark". There is at most one "mark" in each buffer. Until we "set the mark", there is no mark in the buffer. Type a Control W. You will find that Emacs will complain that there is no mark, and nothing will happen. We "set the mark" by moving the cursor to the place we want "the mark" to be, and issuing the command "Set the Mark", which is invoked by Control @. This is a very tricky command to type. It is typed, like any control character, by holding the control key, and typing, in this case, the character @. On some terminals, you may even have to hold Control and Shift at once to make this happen, if you normally have to hold the Shift key to get an @. If you have trouble with this, ask someone familiar with the terminals in use at your site; tell him you are trying to "Generate an ASCII NULL, or a Control At Sign", and hopefully he or she can show you how to type one. Move the cursor to be under the _f_i_r_s_t character of the first word that you have singled out for deletion. We will set "the mark" here. Type the Control @. Absolutely nothing will happen: this command doesn't "do" anything visible. Now move the cursor to right _a_f_t_e_r the _l_a_s_t letter of the _l_a_s_t word in the group we singled out for deletion. We are now ready, in principle, to issue the Control W (Wipe Region) command, but let's not. There is usually something we want to do right before issuing a Control W: We want to check that "the mark" is where we think it is, because it might have been some time ago that we set it. For this we use the command "Exchange Point and Mark" ("point" is the name for the place in the buffer that the cursor is located at. If you don't understand the difference between that and the cursor itself, ignore it for now.) This command switches the cursor and "the mark" around, putting the cursor where the mark was and the mark where the cursor was. The visible effect of this is to move the cursor to where the mark was, so we can see where it was. The "Exchange Point and Mark" command is issued by typing Control X Control X (i.e., two Control X's in a row). Remember "X" for E_xchange. Do it. The cursor will move to under the first character of the region we are trying to delete, the place where we had set the mark. Now before doing any other commands, do another Exchange Point and Mark (Control X Control X) to get back. It is very important that you do not move the cursor at all before typing the second pair of Control X's, or you will exchange the mark with the wrong point! It is very common to type Control X Control X, Control X Control X in this way, to "verify" the "region" between the "point" and "the mark". Now issue the Control W (Wipe Region) command. You will see that all the text you singled out for deletion disappears from the screen (and thus from your text). If there was a carriage return in the middle of them, you will see that that too has gone, and one big line now replaces the two lines between which the carriage return had been. Like The Kill Lines command (Control K), the Wipe Region command (Control W) puts what it removes in the kill ring. Type a Control Y now (the Y_ank command). All the text you had deleted reappears. If you ever hit Control W by accident (for instance, instead of Control E), and see loads of text mysteriously vanish, just type Control Y and it will all come back. As a matter of fact, if you ever see text vanish off your screen or out of your buffer for a reason that you don't think you understand, the chances are better than even that simply typing a Control Y will fix it all up. A useful feature of the Yank command is that it puts "the mark" at the _b_e_g_i_n_n_i_n_g of the text it retrieves, and (as can be seen), leaves the cursor after it. This has two implications that should be noted: 1. After you have yanked some text, no matter for what reason, you can make it go away again simply by typing Control W (Wipe Region), since the cursor and the mark exactly specify the boundaries of what was yanked. 2. After you have yanked something, no matter for what reason, you can get to (move the cursor) to the beginning of the yanked text by exchanging the cursor and the mark, simply by typing two Control X's, the "Exchange Pont and Mark" command. If we had known the second of these facts when we were learning about Control K (Kill Lines), we could have gotten to the beginning of the sentence One day they went out in the woods. after we had yanked it back simply by typing Control X Control X. The text in the buffer between the cursor and the mark is called "the region". There are many Emacs commands besides Wipe Region (Control W) which use the region, and the commands we learned for setting the limits of the region and testing what they are are useful for all of them. We have learned three new commands: Control @ Set the mark to be where the cursor is now. Control X Control X Switch the cursor and the mark around, to show us where the mark was. The mark is now where the cursor was, and the cursor is now where the mark was. Control W Wipe Region. Remove the text between the mark and the cursor from the text and the screen. Save it on the kill ring for possible subsequent yanking. Numeric Arguments Next we learn about how to say "go FIVE characters forward", or "go FOUR next lines down" and so forth. Commands for which it is meaningful and useful to specify "how many times" to do them usually will accept what is called a "numeric argument", which is essentially a repetition count. For instance, if we give the "Next Line" command (Control N) a numeric argument of 25, it will go 25 lines down instead of one line down as it usually does. If we give the "Delete Character" command (Control D) a numeric argument of 6, it will delete 6 characters, instead of the one it usually does. Search around on your keyboard for a key labelled "ESC", "ESCAPE", "ALT", or "ALTMODE", or something like that. This is called the "ESCAPE" key, which generates a character called the "ESCAPE character". We will refer to it by the letters ESC; this means strike and release the ESCAPE key, do _n_o_t type the letters E, S, and C! We specify a numeric argument to a command by typing an ESC character (hitting and releasing the ESCAPE key once), the number we want, and the command we want to receive the argument. For instance, to delete six characters, we would type the _t_h_r_e_e keys ESC 6 Control-D That is, strike the escape key, the 6 key, and a Control D in that order. All the characters will disappear at once: you will not see them go one by one. Similarly, if you said ESC 249 Control-N while on the first line of a large file, the screen would fill immediately with lines 240 to 261 (roughly) of the file, with line 250 and the cursor in the middle. You will be spared watching the cursor and the screen step through 250 lines one by one; it is done all at once. The following commands that we have already learned about accept a numeric argument to mean "Do it that many times". The complete list is given in the Emacs reference document: Control B Backward Character Control D Delete Character Control F Forward Character Control N Next Line Control P Previous Line If you give a numeric argument to Control K (Kill lines), it does _n_o_t do that many Control K's, it does something more useful. Starting with the current point on the current line, it kills entirely (removes) that many _e_n_t_i_r_e lines. Thus, if you are at the beginning of a line (doing a Control A, Go to Beginning of Line can ensure this), ESC 4 Control-K will delete this and the next three lines entirely. Of course, these lines will be put as one on the kill ring, and will "_k_i_l_l _m_e_r_g_e" with preceding or following "kill type" commands as described above. The "Yank" command also does something useful and different with a numeric argument. The kill ring is so called because it is like a ring of text excerpts that were deleted. Whenever you kill some text, the "ring" is rotated one of its ten positions, and the newly killed text goes in the front position, replacing what had been in the tenth position. It is like a merry-go-round with ten horses, and one on/off point. The ten positions on the kill ring thus contain the last ten text excerpts that you killed. (When kill merging occurs, this does not happen, as the new text gets "stuck on to" the text in the ring at the on/off point). When you use a "Yank" command (Control Y), it is always the latest thing that you killed (i.e., the excerpt at the on/off point) that is retrieved. If you want the _s_e_c_o_n_d latest thing instead, simply give the Yank command a numeric argument of 2 by typing ESC 2 Control-Y instead of just Control-Y and that will happen. There is a wonderful command that expresses the following situation. "I deleted some text. Then I went somewhere else, and I deleted some more text. Then I decided that the first text I deleted was really O.K.; deleting it was a mistake. So I went back to the point where I deleted it from, and used the Yank command (Control Y). However, that was a mistake, because it brought back the text from the second thing I had deleted, which was, indeed, the last thing I had deleted. I wish I could say "Get rid of that stuff, and bring back the previous saved text in the kill ring." " There is such a command. It does precisely that. It gets rid of the text between the cursor and the mark (which was, presumably just yanked by mistake), without saving it on the kill ring, "rotates" the kill ring one position _b_a_c_k_w_a_r_d_s, and retrieves the text at the on/off station. It is typed by the two-character sequence ESC y That is to say, press the two keys, ESCAPE and Y (lower case or capital, it does not matter) one after the other. (Be careful to type the two-key sequence deliberately and firmly; do NOT hold down the ESC key while typing Y: it is NOT like the CONTROL key.) It is called the "Wipe this and Yank Previous" command: ESC Y Wipe this and Yank Previous. I don't like what I just yanked. Get rid of it, and bring out the previous thing I killed. By doing many ESC Y's in a row, until you "find the kill that you want", you can "go shopping" in the kill ring for saved text. Whether you realize it or not, normal letters and numbers are actually Emacs commands, too! For instance, we know that Control D means "Delete the character at the cursor". But what does an ordinary "D" mean? What happens when you type an ordinary "D"? What happens when you type any number or letter or punctuation mark? It goes into the buffer, and appears on the screen. The first thing we ever did was to type ordinary text into Emacs. Printing characters (other than #, @, and \), are said to be _s_e_l_f-_i_n_s_e_r_t_i_n_g, because if you type one, it inserts itself into the text. We mention this now because giving a numeric argument to a self-inserting character causes it to insert itself that many times. For instance, if we type ESC 2 4 Q we will see twenty four Q's appear on the screen all at once. This is a good way to get lines of dashes, underscores, stars, etc. If ever you type a numeric argument, or are in the middle of typing a numeric argument, or have just typed ESC, and you decide that you didn't mean it, or you are not sure as to whether you typed the numeric argument or not, type a Control G, which G_ets you out of anything. The reassuring beep of Control G will verify that any possible numeric argument has been discarded. The First Help Command, and Local Displays There is a command that will tell you what command a given key performs. This is a good command to use if you are not sure what a given key does, and you do not have the documentation on hand. It displays the documentation for a given command on the screen. It is called Describe Key, and is invoked by striking the two-key sequence ESC ? Try it. Let's find out about what Control E is and does. Type an ESC, and then a question mark. Emacs will prompt in the minibuffer with Explain Key: Now actually type a Control E, in the usual manner. Emacs will probably wait a little while before responding, especially if this is the first time you have used ESC ? since entering Emacs and system load is heavy. Be patient. The documentation for Control E, Go to End of Line, will appear at the top of the screen, replacing whatever text you were editing on the screen. Bu do not worry, it did not destroy your text; it is just being "displayed" to you on the screen "in front of" your text. The line of dashes and stars: -- * * * * * * * * * * * * -- is there to let you know that your buffer has not been destroyed, but simply that there is information being displayed for you to see "in front of" it. Such a display is called a L__o_c_a_l D__i_s_p_l_a_y. We will shortly learn how to get rid of the local display, when we are finished viewing it, and restore the window on our buffer to the screen. The documentation for Control E begins with the line ^E go-to-end-of-line "^E" is the shorthand for "Control E" which is used in the reference document, and in displays and error messages produced by Emacs. It is a good shorthand, because "Control X Control Q ESC B Control D" etc., can get long-winded. We will use this convention from hereon in. When we say "^A", we will mean "Control A", i.e., hold down the control key and strike an A", _n_o_t the character "^" followed by an "A". "go-to-end-of-line" is the _c_o_m_m_a_n_d _n_a_m_e associated with ^E. At this stage, it serves only to remind us of what ^E does. When a great deal of proficiency in using Emacs has been acquired, these command names can be used in computer programs to build commands of your own. As a matter of fact, once you know the command name, you can "connect" any key of your choice to any command of your choice if you don't like the default layout of what key does what (see the writeup of the "set-key" and "set-permanent-key" extended commands if you want to learn about this). The documentation describing go-to-end-of-line follows the line giving the key name and command name. The documentation is the same that you would find in the Emacs reference document; it describes everything there is to know about the command in question. When we have finished viewing the local display of the command documentation, we wish to remove it from the screen. If you just start editing again, typing editor commands, the display will vanish as soon as you start typing, putting back on the screen what had been there. However, you might not know where the cursor was "supposed to be", because the local display is standing there in front of it. For this reason, a command is provided that does _n_o_t_h_i_n_g _a_t _a_l_l. Since typing _a_n_y editor command makes the local display go away, this command may be used for making local displays go away without doing anything else. It is invoked by striking the Linefeed key on your terminal. The "noop" (No Operation) command is invoked by Linefeed (which is the same as Control J on all terminals). For reasons too complex to describe here, it is recommended, and cannot hurt, to hit Linefeed two or three times to get rid of a local display. Sometimes, local displays will take more than one screen. In this case, the last line of the screen will say --More?-- (Space = yes, CR = no) If you see this on the last line of the window, hit the space bar once to see each successive screen of the local display. When you are at the last screen of the local display, the line of dashes and stars -- * * * * * * * * * * * -- will appear, and Linefeeds may be used to restore the buffer to the screen. If, during a multi-screen local display, you decide that you do not want to see the rest of the display, typing a carriage return instead of the space bar will terminate the display and restore the buffer to the screen. Occasionally, you may forget what command a given key invokes, or need to find out "what you just did by accident". You can ask for the name of the command invoked by a given key without the documentation. This can be preferable at low terminal speeds, or on a slow system, where the local display can take some time, or if you just need a reminder of what is "connected" to some given key. This can be done with the Describe Key command by giving it a numeric argument, i.e., ESC 1 ESC ? (a four-key sequence). Type that. Emacs will prompt: Show Key Function: Type, for instance, a Control W. Emacs will respond in the minibuffer, ^W = wipe-region which is precisely what we wanted to know. We now know two new commands: ESC ? Describe Key. Prompts for you to type a key, and supplies the documentation for that key as a local display. If given a numeric argument, tells what command is invoked by that key. Linefeed No Operation. Type it two or three times to remove a local display from the screen. T__h_e B__u_f_f_e_r _a_n_d _t_h_e S__c_r_e_e_n Very often we wish to "page" through a document, reading through it like a book, either to actually read it, or to "flip through" until we arrive at the place we want to see or edit. Using Emacs, this is accomplished by "paging" through the text in the buffer screen by screen. That is to say, after we finish reading or looking at the text on the screen, we want to see the next screenful (actually, the next windowful). The next windowful of text is that text in the buffer which immediately follows the text now in the window. That is the text we wish to progress to, and fill the window with. The command for doing this is "Next Screen", which is gotten by striking Control V (for V_iew Next Screen). This is a very easy key to type with your left hand alone; use your thumb, while holding down the control key, to page through successive windowfuls of a document. Read in some file and "^V through it". You will note that each time you strike a Control V, the cursor will be left at the upper left-hand corner of the screen: not only has the window been filled with new text, but the cursor is now in a different place in the buffer, at the beginning of the text which fills the window. The text now in the window, of course, is not the only part of the buffer you may edit. If, for instance, after using ^V, you use a ^P to go to the previous line, you will observe Emacs choosing a different portion of the buffer to display in the window. Emacs usually chooses its window, (i.e., what part of the buffer to show in the window) automatically, governed by where in the _b_u_f_f_e_r you moved the cursor. ^V is one of several ways, and the first we have learned thus far, to explictly select what will be displayed in the window. Note that when you use ^V, the first line of the new screen will be the same as the last line of the old screen. This is to give you some context, and a sense of continuity, so you will know you haven't missed anything, or forgotten what you were reading while the screen was being refilled. As we can page "forward" through a buffer, so we can page "backward" as well. As this is less common, it takes two keystrokes. The two-key sequence ESC V invokes the "Previous Screen" command. Remember, C__o_n_t_r_o_l V for the next screen, E__s_c_a_p_e V for the previous one. ESC V will make the last line of the new screen be the same as the first line of the old one. Now we can go forward and backward through the buffer line by line (^N and ^P), character by character (^F and ^B), windowful by windowful (^V and ESC V), or by searching (^S and ^R), and we will learn many more ways yet. However, among the most common of needs are to go to the _b_e_g_i_n_n_i_n_g of the buffer, the _e_n_d of the buffer, and to a given line number. The command "Go to Beginning of Buffer" is invoked by the two-key sequence ESC <. Think of the "less than sign" as an arrow pointing backward to the beginning of the buffer. Using ESC < will place the first windowful of the buffer on the screen, and place the cursor at the very first character of the buffer. This is often useful when going through the entire buffer looking for something or changing things one by one as you see them. As you might have guessed, ESC > is "Go to End of Buffer". The "greater than sign" may be thought of as a little arrow pointing to the end of the buffer. It places the last windowful of the buffer on the screen, and places the cursor on the newline character (the "carriage return") which ends the last line of the text in the buffer. That is the furthest place in the buffer that the cursor can go; it is the end of the last line in the buffer. There is no way to move the cursor to beyond that character. If, after using ESC >, you see the cursor on a line by itself, that simply means that there is an "empty line", i.e., one with nothing but a newline in it, at the end of the buffer. When editing Multics programs, it is often very useful to go to a given line number (e.g., the 240'th line of the buffer), because many Multics tools give diagnostics in terms of line numbers in their input files. If you happen to be positioned on the first line of the buffer, going to the 241's line is easy; just do 240 ^N's by typing ESC 2 4 0 ^N If you are not on the first line, you could use ^X= (Line Counter) to figure out where you are, subtract, and use ^P or ^N with the right numeric argument, but this is hardly reasonable. Therefore, Emacs provides the "Go to Line Number" command, which is invoked by the two-key sequence ESC G (G for G_o). The numeric argument to ESC G tells it what line number to go to. For instance, ESC 2 5 9 ESC G will move the cursor to (the beginning of) line 259 of your text, no matter what line you are on now. As is the case with searching, ^N and ^P, and any Emacs cursor movement commands, if the target of the motion (the place in the _t_e_x_t being gone to) is not on the screen, a new window will be selected and displayed automatically such that the target of the motion _i_s on the screen. When editing multiple files, each use of ^X^F (Find File) will result in a new buffer. You may switch between buffers with the "Go Buffer" command, which is invoked by ^XB (B for B_uffer). Be careful when typing this command: be sure to release the control key before typing the "B" (the B need not be capitalized; Emacs does not distinguish between upper and lower case letters in editor commands (other than self-inserting characters)). When you type a Control X and a B, Emacs will prompt for a buffer name to go to. Type the name of the target buffer, ended by a carriage return. If you give the name of a buffer that does not exist, Emacs will create such a buffer, and display it on the screen (you will see an empty window). If you give the name of a buffer that does exist, Emacs will refresh the screen with the last windowful of that buffer that you were editing, that is to say, such a window of that buffer that the last point you were at with the cursor when editing in it is now on the screen, and the cursor will be placed at that point. Note that when you switch buffers with "Go Buffer", the mode line changes, to indicate the new buffer name (and the new buffer modes, if they have changed as well, because modes may be different in different buffers, and are "remembered" in that buffer. We will learn later about some useful modes.) The path line (the line under the mode line) will change as well, to let you know the pathname of the file which was read into this buffer (or last written out from it). You may list all of the buffers in a given invocation of Emacs with the "List Buffers" command, ^X^B (Control X, Control B). The listing of buffers will be displayed as a local display; hit linefeed two or three times to get rid of it, as all local displays. The name of each buffer, and the pathname of the file in it, if any, will be displayed. To the left of the buffer names will be two symbols, for some buffers, ">" and "*". The "greater than" sign will be placed to the left of the name of the buffer in which you are now editing. The star will be next to the name of any buffer which is "modified", i.e., has never been written out (but isn't empty), or has been modified since last read in or written out. Only when there are "no stars" will ^X^C allow you to exit Emacs without querying you. Go Buffer (^XB) provides a convenient service for going back to the last buffer you came from. If you answer its prompt Buffer: with _j_u_s_t a carriage return, i.e., no buffer name, Go Buffer will go back to the last buffer you had been in before entering the current buffer. This may be used to "visit" another buffer and come back easily. Occasionally, you may not believe what you see on the screen. Sometimes bad telephone lines, or unexpected messages from Multics, or things you just don't understand ("I _k_n_o_w that's not there!) may cause the screen contents to become invalid. This may be due to hardware problems, bugs in new versions of Emacs, or bugs in your terminal. At any rate, there is a need to clear the entire screen and put it back the way it should be, without any regard for what was there. This is like clearing one's throat, or clearing the top of the table. This is accomplished with the Redisplay Command, which is gotten by striking ^L. ^L is used for this purpose because many terminals, and some parts of the Multics Communications System, associate the Control L character with the clearing of screens. Try striking ^L; you will see the screen clear, and be refilled, with the cursor in the middle of the screen (unless you are at the top of your text buffer, in which case it will be at the top). On fast terminals, ^L can be used just to "reposition the window" such that the line with the cursor on it is at the middle of the window. (this will work on all terminals, but may be too slow to be useful on slow lines). ^L will also make local displays go away, and on fast terminals, is often used for this purpose as well. ^L with a numeric argument is used to reposition the window, i.e., keep the cursor at the same point in the buffer, but "move the window around" so that the line with the cursor on it is at a place of your choosing in the window; a numeric arguemtn of zero is the top of the window, and so forth. See for more information on this. We have now learned seven new commands for manipulating screens and buffers: Control V Next Screen. View the next screen of the buffer in the window, and leave the cursor at its top. ESC V Previous screen. View the previous screen of the buffer in the window, leave the cursor at its top. ESC < Go to the beginning of the buffer. ESC > Go to the end of the buffer. Control X B Go Buffer. Prompt for the name of another buffer, and switch to it, displaying it on the screen at the last point you left off editing it. If you give ^XB no buffer name, it will go to the previous buffer you had been in. Control X Control B List Buffers. Show as local display the names, file pathnames, and modified/not modified status of all existent buffers. Control L Redisplay Command. Clear the screen and refresh it, eliminating possible non-understood garbage. With a numeric argument, reposition the window. ESC G Go to Line Number. Go to the beginning of the line whose line number is supplied as a numeric argument. A__p_r_o_p_o_s _a_n_d E__x_t_e_n_d_e_d C__o_m_m_a_n_d_s Some commands are issued by a single keystroke, such as ^D, which invokes the Delete Character comand, delete-char. Other, less common ones, are invoked by two-key sequences beginning with ESC, such as ESC G, which invokes the command go-to-line-number. Others, less common yet, are invoked by two-character sequences beginning with ^X (X for E_xtended key). Commands that are the least common have to be invoked by actually typing in the name of the command. By "less common", we do not mean that a command is obscure, little-used, less important, or not widely known or understood. What we do mean is that during the course of normal editing, you will use it fewer times than more common commands. For instance, you only use ^X^C (quit-the-editor) once per editing session, but it is one of the first and most important commands you must learn! The commands that you must type most often are made the easiest to type. The simplest commands to type (the single key "control"'s) are those that you would want to type _r_a_p_i_d_l_y. A fine example of this is ^T, twiddle-chars, which exchanges the last two characters typed. It is not a necessary command, as two pound signs and two more characters can do whatever it does. But given that ^T can be typed in one character, it is useful. The commands known as "Extended Commands" are those invoked by typing their command names at Emacs. An example of an extended command is "fillon", which enters "fill mode" in a buffer. Fill mode is a setup of a buffer such that you do not have to worry about the ends of lines when typing text, and never type carraige return (except, of course, when ending prompts, or where you want explicit control over the format and line-breaks of your document). Fill mode is ideal for typing in text from a written page, or composing a document spontaneously. One types and types and lines get broken automatically. To invoke the "fillon" command, we clearly cannot just type the characters "fillon" at Emacs, or they will go into the buffer like any other characters. We must somehow tell Emacs that we wish to type the name of an extended command. The "Extended Command" command, which is invoked by ESC X, does this. The "X" is for E_xtended. Type the two-key sequence Escape X. Emacs will prompt in the minibuffer, Command: Now type the word "fillon" (no quotes, just the six characters), followed by a carriage return. You will see the name of the "fill" _m_i_n_o_r _m_o_d_e appear in the mode line after the name of the current _m_a_j_o_r _m_o_d_e (Fundamental). In general, we invoke an extended command by typing ESC X, the name of the command (and then any arguments, if the extended command takes command arguments), and a carriage return. Now try fill mode. Type in a long, very long sentence, consisting of very many real, separate words. Watch what happens when you get to the end of the screen, as you type successive words. Do not worry about typing carriage return; your lines will be automatically "filled" as they become too long. The most important extended command is the "apropos" extended command. "Apropos is a word (from the French) meaning "about, or having to do with". It is used to find the names, and keys, of all commands that have to do with a given topic. It is used if you remember something about a particular command, but you cannot remember the key that invokes this particular command, or what its name is. The "apropos" extended command will find all commands that have a given character string in their name, and tell you what keys invoke them. For instance, suppose you forgot the name of the key that went to the end of a line. Type ESC X apropos end CR (The "CR" means "carriage return"). Apropos will display, as a local display, the names of all commands available in this buffer whose names contain the character string "end". It will tell you of ^E (go-to-end-of-line), ESC > (go-to-end-of-buffer), and a few surprises (such as ^XM, s_e_n_d-mail), and others. Once we learn from apropos what commands are available, we may be jolted into recognition ("Oh, yes, ^E was go-to-end-of-line!"), or need more information ("Hmm, ^E looks right. I'd like to know more about it."), and use ESC ? (Describe Key), by typing, say ESC ? ^E, to get the full documentation on a particular command. Apropos will also list all relevant extended commands, when listing commands whose names speak of a particular topic. We cannot use ESC ? (Describe Key) to find out about extended commands, for it prompts for a single key, and tells about it. If we typed "fillon" to ESC ?, it would read the "f", and tell us about "f" ("f" puts an f into the buffer, etc.), and put "illon" into our buffer. So, there exists an extended command to retrieve documentation for extended commands: it is called "describe". To find out about the "fillon" extended command, we type ESC X describe fillon CR The command documentation will be shown as a local display. We can find out about describe itself, ESC x describe describe CR or about apropos ESC X describe apropos CR if that is what we want to do. We now know the three commands that constitute the core of the Emacs self-documentation and help system: ESC ? Describe Key. Prompts for a one or two key sequence, and gives as local display the documentation for the command invoked by that key. ESC X describe CR Gives as local display the documentation for the extended command whose name is given. ESC X apropos CR Gives as local display a list of commands whose names contain the character string given as , and tells what keys invoke them, in the current buffer. Relevant extended commands are also listed. The "<" and ">"'s in the above descriptions do not mean that you should type <'s and >'s. They are being used as "pointy brackets". That is to say, "" means any character string, being some topic you want help on. We use the "pointy brackets" so that you will not be misled into typing the character string "topic". We have also learned of the "fillon" extended command: ESC X fillon CR Enters "fill" minor mode in the current buffer. This causes overlength lines to be wrapped around and broken as they cross the "fill column". Ask the "describe" extended command to tell you more about fill mode. W__o_r_d C__o_m_m_a_n_d_s Some of the most useful commands in Emacs are those which relate to words. Even if we are typing computer programs or other non-English text material, the facility to move around word by word, delete words, etc., is a very useful one. The word movement and deletion commands have a deliberate parallelism with the character movement and deletion commands: ^F, ^B are Forward Character, Backward Character, and ESC F, ESC B are Forward Word, Backward Word. Similarly, ^D and # are Delete Character and Rubout Character, while ESC D and ESC # are Delete Word and Rubout Word. A "word" in Emacs consists of an unbroken string of upper and lower case alphabetics (a-z and A-Z), underscores and backspaces. For instance, "new_payroll" is a word, "_b_e_g_i_n" is a word, "delete-char" is two words, and "segname$entry" is two words. "March, I said." is three words. The "Forward Word" command (ESC F) moves the cursor forward over one word. If the cursor is currently on a character that is part of some word, the cursor will be moved to the first character after that word. For instance, if the cursor is on the "e" of the word "Yes" in the fragment "Yes, it is true," he said. and the Forward Word (ESC F) command is issued, the cursor will be left positioned on the comma after the word "Yes". If the cursor is now on a character between two words (even if they are separated by many blank lines, or many lines full of punctuation, breaker bars, etc.), Forward Word will position the cursor to the first character after the _n_e_x_t word in the buffer. Thus, if the cursor is on the comma after the word "Yes" in the above example, and the Forward Word command is issued, the cursor will be moved to the space after the word "it". Moving around by words is often the fastest way, or the most convenient way to move the cursor to where you want to go from where you are. It is quite common to type ESC F ESC F ESC F etc. to move a word at a time, watching the cursor. You might also judge "I want to go six words forward, roughly", and issue the key sequence ESC 6 ESC F which is allowed, because Forward Word accepts a numeric argument as a repetition count. However, doing ESC F's one at a time to move forward word-by-word is still an often-needed technique. There are some problems in that technique, however, because any slip-up in typing ESC F ESC F ESC F ESC F and you may have ESC F ESC F ESC ESC F F ESC F or similar, which is not what you want. (If, by the way, you fall into this trap, and ESC ESC gives you "Eval:", do a ^G to get out of it.) Therefore, the command Re-execute Command (^C) is provided to make this and similar operations easier and less error-prone. Typing a Control C re-executes the last editor keystroke command entered. Thus, after typing ESC F to go forward a word, each typing of the single keystroke ^C will go forward another word. With good system response, this can be very effective. To go backward by words, Backward Word (ESC B) is provided. It is similar to Forward Word, and most other Emacs forward/backward motion commands. If the cursor is on some character of a word, other than the first character, it will be moved to the first character of the word. If on the first character of a word, or between words, Backward Word will move to the first character of the previous word (i.e., further back in the buffer). If we have the fragment He said, "Come, let us reason together." and the cursor is on the "e" of "let", Backward Word would move it to the "l" of "let". Successive Backward Word's would move it to the "C" of "Come", the "s" of "said", and the "H" of "He". ^C (Re-execute Command) may be used to repeat Backward Word (or any other Emacs command) in the same way as we described for Forward Word. Here is a good example of the interaction between Forward Word and Backward Word. To put parentheses around the sobriquet "Tony" in Anthony Tony Burns. assuming that the cursor is at the "." after "Burns", we type ESC B ESC B to put the cursor at the "T" of "Tony. Then we type an open-parenthesis, which inserts itself at the cursor, leaving us with Anthony (Tony Burns. and the cursor still on the "T" of "Tony", which has now moved over. Now ESC F puts the cursor on the space after "Tony", and typing the close parenthesis finally gives us Anthony (Tony) Burns. with the cursor on the space after "(Tony)". The total keystroke sequence was ESC B ESC B ( ESC F ) How easy. Deleting words is perhaps the second most common editing operation (after deleting characters) when entering text. Most often, we type a word, and decide that we did not want that word, or mistyped it sufficiently thoroughly that we wish to retype it entirely. We wish to delete the last word we typed, which is to say (note the similarity to the use of #), the word to the left of the cursor. Parallel to #, ESC #, Rubout Word, is used for this purpose. It deletes the word, or what is left of a word, if the cursor is in the middle of a word, to the left of the cursor. Its action can best be described as though it were doing ^@ Set the Mark ESC B Backward Word ^W Wipe Region That is to say, Rubout Word does a Backward Word, and removes all text between where the cursor winds up and where it started. Successive Rubout Word's remove words farther and farther back. Like all deleting commands (other than character deleting), Rubout Word participates in kill-merging, which is to say, that after one or any number of successive words have been removed by Rubout Word, a yank (^Y) will get them all back. If successive words, and the punctuation and whitespace between them, are deleted by Rubout Word, a single Yank command will get back the whole deleted area, intact, punctuation, whitespace, and all, as it initially stood. Rubout Word accepts a numeric argument as a repetition count, and, like all commands, can be repeated with ^C. Note that when issued in the middle of a word, Rubout Word will delete that part of the word to the left of the cursor. If immediately after a word, it will delete only the characters of the word. At any other point, it will delete all characters between the cursor and the previous word, and that word. All these facts follow from the definition given above. Forward word deletion may be performed by Delete Word, invoked by ESC D. It deletes the word, or part of a word, to the right of (including the character at) the cursor. It deletes forward, from the point where the cursor is, to the point where Forward Word, ESC F, would go. Successive ESC D's will participate in kill-merging, and delete text word-by-word, all capable of being retrieved in one Yank (^Y). If issued with the cursor on the first character of a word, Delete Word will remove the entire word. If issued in the middle of a word, Delete Word will remove all the characters from the one at the cursor up to and including the end of the word. If issued between words, it deletes all whitespace and punctuation up until the next word, and the next word along with it. Consider the sentence We have not any melons today, Mrs. Johnson. with the cursor under the "r" of "Mrs.". To replace "melons" by "pears", we type ESC B ESC B ESC B to put us on the "m" of "melons", and the ESC D, to delete the m, e, l, o, n, and s, leaving us with We have not any today, Mrs. Johnson. with the cursor on the second of two spaces between "any" and "today". We then type the word "pears". A unique set of capabilities is provided by three commands which control the "case" of words, i.e., lower case ("jack"), upper case ("JACK"), or "Capitalized Initial", ("Jack"). These three commands are: ESC L Lower Case Word ESC U Upper Case Word ESC C Capitalize Initial Word Each of these commands may be issued with the cursor _o_n a word, that is, on any character of it, or _i_m_m_e_d_i_a_t_e_l_y _a_f_t_e_r a word to alter the case of that word. For instance, suppose we had just typed thomas with the cursor immediately after the "s" of "thomas". To capitalize "thomas", we need only issue the two-key sequence ESC C, and we have Thomas The cursor is always left immediately after the word whose case was transformed. If we wish to capitalize several words, say thomas alva edison we can move the cursor to any letter of the word "thomas", type ESC C, leaving us on the space after "Thomas", ^F to put us on "alva", ESC C, leaving us between "Alva" and "edison", and ^F and ESC C one last time, leaving us after "Edison". The three word-case-altering commands all leave the cursor immediately after the word whose case is altered. Since the character immediately after a word is a good place from which to issue a word-case-altering command, we can position the cursor immediately after the word "thomas", and type ESC C ESC L ESC U ESC C ESC L etc., and watch Thomas, thomas, THOMAS, Thomas, thomas, etc., replace each other on the screen until we find the one we like. A word-case-altering command may be issued from anywhere within a word or immediately after it, but it will leave the cursor immediately after the word. The word-case-altering commands deal with all the characters in a word, not just the first. Thus, a word like "MaGicAl" can be converted to "Magical", "magical", or "MAGICAL" by use of these commands. Thus, the word-case-altering commands can be used to fix typos caused by holding down a shift key too long. For instance, in trying to type "Joralemon", we might type "JOralemon". An easy job for ESC C, Capitalize Initial Word. Issuing this command after we type the "n" gives us at once "Joralemon". If a word-case-altering command is issued between two words, but _n_o_t _i_m_m_e_d_i_a_t_e_l_y after the first word, it will alter the case of, and move to the end of, the next word. Thus, sequences of ESC C ^F ESC C ^F, etc., will capitalize successive words, regardless of how much punctuation or whitespace separates them. Related to the word-case-altering commands are the underlining and underline-removing commands, ESC _ and ESC -. These commands are used to cause a word to be underlined, or to remove the underlining from an underlined word. It is important to note that most current video terminals either do not have the ability to underline text at all, or can only do it in ways that are either very limited or not useful. Therefore, underlined text in Emacs appears as H\010__\010e_\010l_\010l_\010o where H__e_l_l_o is wanted. The "\010"'s are backspaces; they are shown in this way because almost no video terminals can overprint characters, even among those that have limited underlining capability. The text in the buffer, which will be written out to your file, actually contains the proper number and placement of backspaces: the "\010" representation is only the way they _a_p_p_e_a_r on the screen. Typing in backspaces in order to underline words when talking to Multics is confusing, difficult, and error-prone enough when using a printing terminal: the familiar sequence of "H e l l o backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace _ _ _ _ _" or worse is even less convenient on a video terminal that cannot overstrike. A word can be automatically underlined correctly by use of the Emacs Underline Word command, ESC _ (the two-key sequence, Escape Underscore. Be careful to remember to use the shift key to get the underscore if, on your terminal, you would use the shift key any other time to get an underscore!) To use this command, position the cursor to any place within a word to be underlined, or immediately after, just as for the word-case-altering commands. ESC _ will then cause this word to be underlined correctly, and leave the cursor positioned immediately after it. Just as with the word-case-altering commands, to type in a word and underline it, say "_b_e_g_i_n", we type the seven keys b e g i n ESC _ The fact that we issued the Underline Word command immediately to the right of a word (which we had just entered) causes that word to be underlined. The command ESC - (Escape Minus-sign), Remove Underlining From Word, is used to take out underscores and backspaces (i.e., de-underline) a word that is underlined. Like the word-case-altering commands and Underline Word, it may be issued with the cursor at any point within the word of interest, or immediately after it. Just as with the word-case-altering commands, successive ESC _'s and ESC -'s will add and remove underlining from the same word, in alternation. As with the word-case commands, to underline successive words, ESC _ ^F ESC _ ^F ESC _ ^F will do the job. A thoroughly unique ability of Multics Emacs is the ability to search for _w_o_r_d_s as opposed to _s_t_r_i_n_g_s, when required. Suppose we had the sentence Yes, I know, Miss Smith's theater is the One for _m_e! Let us assume that the cursor was on a previous line, or in the word "Yes", and we wanted to find the word "is". We could use String Search, ^S, and reply i s ESC to the prompt String Search: but this would get us to the "is" in "Miss", which is not what we want. We could search again, but there is a better way. Use of the Word Search command, ^XW, will find a _w_o_r_d, not a part of a word. If we had typed ^XW when trying to find the word "is", Emacs would have prompted: Word Search: We then type the word, "is", as we would have for String Search, and a carraige return. Word Search can find words regardless of capitalization or underlining. For instance, using Word Search to find the words "one" or "me" in the above sentence would find "One" and "_m_e". Word Search can also find _s_e_q_u_e_n_c_e_s of words, which is to say, several sequential words, separated by any amount of punctuation or whitespace. If the cursor were far above the above fragment, in the document in which it appeared, we could find our fragment by answering ^XW's prompt, Word Search: i know miss smith CR and the cursor will be left immediately after the "h" of "Smith", for the words: I know, Miss Smith appear in sequence. The comma between "know" and "Miss", as well as all spaces, and the capitalization of I, Miss, and Smith, are ignored by Word Search. In fact, we could have searched: Word Search: theater is the CR and the cursor would be left after the word "the", in the second line of the fragment. The newline (carriage return) separating "theater" from "is" is simply whitespace, which is ignored by Word Search. When we say that whitespace and punctuation is ignored by Word Search, we do not mean that having whitespace or punctuation is the same as not having _a_n_y: what _i_s meant is that any amount of whitespace or punctuation will be treated the same, as separating one word from the next. Thus, ^XW jack knife CR will find jack knife Jack, knife J__a_c_k... "KNIFE!!" but not jackknife which is one word, not two. Word Search can also help searching by searching for words that start with a given string. This is useful for searching for long word. To indicate that a word-prefix is being searched for, we type the first letters of the word followed by an asterisk, for example, anted* to search for "antediluvian" We can use an abbreviated word in this way as part of a word-sequence being searched for, for example, ^XW the anted* era CR to search for T__h_e "A__n_t_e_d_i_l_u_v_i_a_n" E__r_a Word Search is clearly an extremely powerful and useful command. Like most other Emacs search commands, typing simply carriage return to its prompt, i.e., a null, or empty search string, re-uses the last search string. Word Search searches from the current point in the buffer (where the cursor is) to the end of the buffer, indicating the usual Search Fails. with its characteristic beep if the word or words being searched for could not be found. There is no reverse word search; however, Word Search with an argument, for example ESC 1 ^XW will search from the beginning of the buffer to the end. A word of caution, however. Because Word Search is such a powerful command that checks for so many different occurences, it can be slow, especially on a large file, and on a slow system. Searching from the beginning of a file will almost always make it slower, taking a long time. In general, the ordinary String Search (^S) should be used for best response if you can tell (as with other editors) what exact characters you are looking for; use word search when you do not know what characters you are looking for, but you do know what words. Perhaps the best example of a use for Word Search is the editing of an input segment to a text justifier, like compose or runoff, when you have a hard-copy of the output (.compout or .runoff) segment before you. You can use Word Search to search for a group of words that you see in the output segment: they will be found in the input segment, even if compose or runoff inserted or deleted many spaces or moved them around on different lines when filling or justifying text. We now summarize the various commands for manipulating words: Word Motion of cursor: ESC F Move forward a word, to the end of the current word, or (if now at the end of a word or between words) to the end of the next word. ESC B Move backward a word, to the beginning of the current word, or (if now at the beginning of a word or between words) to the beginning of the previous word. Deleting words and parts of words: ESC D Delete forward from the cursor to the end of a word. If between words, this will delete the word to the right of the cursor. ESC # Delete backward from the cursor to the beginning of a word. If between words, this will delete the word to the left of the cursor. Changing qualities of words: These commands apply to the word in which the cursor appears, or the word which IMMEDIATELY preceds the cursor: ESC U Convert the word to all UPPERCASE. ESC L CONVERT THE WORD TO ALL lowercase. ESC C lowercase the word, and then give it An Initial Capital Letter. ESC _ U__n_d_e_r_l_i_n_e the word. ESC - De-underline _t_h_e _w_o_r_d. Searching for words or groups of words: ^XW Word Search. Search forward for the word or sequence of words in the search string. The search string is ended by the ESC character. ------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================ Further Sections that should be written: Indentation and whitespace commands: ESC M, ESC I, ^O, ESC ^O, ^X^O, ^M action, ESC \, ESC ^. Fill prefix, fill mode. ESC Q, ESC ^I Text movers: ESC W, ESC ^W, ^XX, ^XG. Buffersmen: ^XH, ^XI, ^XK. 2-window mode, ^X1 ^X2 ^X3 ^XO, ESC ^V. Sentences and Paragraphs: ESC A, ESC E, ESC K, ^X#. ESC [, ESC ], ESC H. Keyboard Macros, ^X(, ^X), ^X*, ^XE, ^XQ, save-macro. Miscellany: ^U, ^U^U, @, Comout (^X^E), \, ESC ^Y, Regexp and global searches. Dired, Rmail. accept-msgs. Utter random miscellany: ^X^M, ^X^R, ^X^L, ^X^U, ^X ESC. ESC ^F, ESC ^B. make-wall-chart. set-screen-size. opt. "Hairy" searches. Printing terminal usage. ^XV. ------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================ This document is not finished. It may never be finished, because as fast as I can describe Emacs, it keeps growing. Please look through for whatever looks like it might interest you. Look through for any commands that look interesting. Try them and see what they do. Make use of the builtin help facility, apropos, describe, and ESC ?. Dprint and look at any of the info segments you think may interest you; there is a complete list of available info segments in in >doc>subsystem>emacs. -Bernard S. Greenberg ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved