// Declarations for the semantic translator. // Last modified on 04/02/74 at 16:02:39 by R F Mabee. // Revised during 6180 bootstrap, and installed as Version 3.4 by R F Mabee. // First installed as Version 2.7 by R F Mabee. get "bcpl_compiler_head" get "bcpl_symbols" get "bcpl_trans_codes" external $( Transbody = "bcpl_trans1$Transbody" // The routines of Trans. Transdef = "bcpl_trans2$Transdef" Addlocal = "bcpl_trans2$Addlocal" Declitem = "bcpl_trans2$Declitem" Declnames = "bcpl_trans2$Declnames" Decllabels = "bcpl_trans2$Decllabels" Checkdistinct = "bcpl_trans2$Checkdistinct" Cellwithname = "bcpl_trans2$Cellwithname" Removenames = "bcpl_trans2$Removenames" TransConditional = "bcpl_trans3$TransConditional" TransFor = "bcpl_trans3$TransFor" WalkList = "bcpl_trans3$WalkList" ListSize = "bcpl_trans3$ListSize" Assignlist = "bcpl_trans3$Assignlist" Target = "bcpl_trans3$Target" TransLoop = "bcpl_trans3$TransLoop" CompileExpression = "bcpl_trans4$CompileExpression" CompileOperand = "bcpl_trans4$CompileOperand" SetResult = "bcpl_trans4$SetResult" Evalconst = "bcpl_trans5$Evalconst" PartialEvalconst = "bcpl_trans5$PartialEvalconst" IsConst = "bcpl_trans5$IsConst" EvaluateOperator = "bcpl_trans5$EvaluateOperator" CountTemporaries = "bcpl_trans5$CountTemporaries" IsRelational = "bcpl_trans5$IsRelational" ResetSSP = "bcpl_trans6$ResetSSP" AllocateLocal = "bcpl_trans6$AllocateLocal" DeallocateLocal = "bcpl_trans6$DeallocateLocal" MakeTemp = "bcpl_trans6$MakeTemp" MakeCopy = "bcpl_trans6$MakeCopy" PutBackTemps = "bcpl_trans6$PutBackTemps" TransFnap = "bcpl_trans6$TransFnap" TransSystemCall = "bcpl_trans6$TransSystemCall" GenerateLabel = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateLabel" GenerateJump = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateJump" GenerateRtdefBegin = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateRtdefBegin" GenerateRtdefEnd = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateRtdefEnd" ReserveArglist = "bcpl_cg_interface$ReserveArglist" GenerateArg = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateArg" GenerateFnap = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateFnap" ReserveSystemArglist = "bcpl_cg_interface$ReserveSystemArglist" GenerateSystemArg = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateSystemArg" GenerateSystemCall = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateSystemCall" GenerateResultBlock = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateResultBlock" GenerateResultValue = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateResultValue" GenerateClaimResult = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateClaimResult" GenerateGoto = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateGoto" GenerateFinish = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateFinish" GenerateSwitch = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateSwitch" GenerateMonadicOperator = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateMonadicOperator" GenerateDiadicOperator = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateDiadicOperator" GenerateOffsetOperator = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateOffsetOperator" GenerateMonadicConditional = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateMonadicConditional" GenerateDiadicConditional = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateDiadicConditional" GenerateSSP = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateSSP" GenerateLineNumber = "bcpl_cg_interface$GenerateLineNumber" StoreAll = "bcpl_cg_interface$StoreAll" CgFinish = "bcpl_cg_interface$CgFinish" $) global // 250 - 299 are reserved for Trans. $( ArgInfo : 250 BreakLabel : 251 CaseFirst : 252 CaseList : 253 DefaultLabel : 254 DefList : 255 DvecC : 246 DvecP : 257 EndcaseLabel : 258 EnvBase : 260 FreeLocalList : 261 InsideRtdef : 262 LHSpointer : 263 LoopFlag : 264 LoopLabel : 265 PendingTemps : 266 ReturnLabel : 267 RtdefList : 268 RtdefNesting : 270 SSP : 271 StaticAllocationCounter : 272 StaticFirst : 273 StaticList : 274 SwitchFlag : 275 TableCell : 276 ValofFlag : 277 ValofLabel : 278 $) manifest $( DescSize = 2 DvecSize = 4 $) // // // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // // Historical Background // // This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated // to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group Bull including Bull HN Information Systems Inc. // as a contribution to computer science knowledge. // This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, // Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell Bull Inc., Groupe Bull // and Bull HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. // Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), // renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership // of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for // managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems // incorporated Multics principles. // Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., // as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . // // ----------------------------------------------------------- // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without // fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies // and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting // documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, Bull or Bull HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining // to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. // Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. // Copyright 2006 by Bull HN Information Systems Inc. // Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS // All Rights Reserved //