" BEGIN INCLUDE FILE gtss_prgdes_macros_.incl.alm " " Created: Kepner 1978 " Modified: Ron Barstad 82-08-09 To add .BCACH def " Add qstring macro " Modified: Ron Barstad 83-05-19 To add .BSCF def " macro BIN zero 0,3 &end macro CALLP vfd 18/&=&1,0&[0&;(&1-.TPD)/12+1&],6/&=1&2,1&[0,6/0&;1,6/&2&],6/1 &end macro EVEN even &end macro EXEC zero 0,2 &end macro IFALSE vfd 18/&2-BASNM,12/&1,6/8 &end macro IFTRUE vfd 18/&2-BASNM,12/&1,6/9 &end macro NULL null &end macro POPUP zero 0,4 &end macro PRGDES " word 1 ss_name ife 1&8,1 zero ifend ine 1&8,1 qstring &8 ifend " word 2 program_size, load_size zero &4,&5 " word 3 entry_point, parameters zero &6,&11 " word 4 seek_address,initial_load_address zero &3,&7 " word 5 command language offset and length ine 1&9,1 &(9&=&x,1&[ zero &i-BASNM&]&=&x,2&[,&i&]&) ifend ife 1&9,1 zero ifend " words 6-9 statistics dec 0,0,0,0 " word 10 BCI catalog name ife 1&10,1 zero ifend ine 1&10,1 bci "&10",6 ifend " word 11 library, component zero &1,&2 " word 12 ss_name length ife 1&8,1 zero ifend ine 1&8,1 zero ,&l8 ifend &end macro STFALS vfd 18/&2-BASNM,12/&1,6/10 &end macro STRUE vfd 18/&2-BASNM,12/&1,6/11 &end macro SYSTM zero 0,7 &end macro XCALL CALLP BSED,17 CALLP &1 ife &2,BIN BIN ifend &end macro ZEROP zero &1-BASNM &end macro qstring ife &1,@ aci ~"~,4 ifend ine &1,@ aci "&1",4 ifend &end " " .LSWTH SYMBOLIC BIT POSITION DEFINITIONS. " equ .SW0,0 equ .SW1,1 equ .SW2,2 equ .SW3,3 equ .SW4,4 equ .SW5,5 equ .SW6,6 equ .SW7,7 equ .SW8,8 equ .SW9,9 equ .SW10,10 equ .SW11,11 equ .SW12,12 equ .SW13,13 equ .SW14,14 equ .SW15,15 equ .SW16,16 equ .SW17,17 " .LSWT2 DEFINITIONS (PRESENTLY IN USE). equ .SW36,36 databasic - update primitive flag. equ .SW37,37 databasic - rerun primitive flag. equ .SW38,38 vip terminal ucase/lcase control. equ .SW39,39 vip terminal form/nform control. equ .SW40,40 set by runy to invoke fortran compiler. equ .SW41,41 cf processing $*$trap control. equ .SW42,42 tex - term ss on any T.ERR occurrence. " PROGRAM DESCRIPTOR PARAMETER BIT FLAGS bool .BPRIV,1 PRIVILEGED SUBSYSTEM. D.2 bool .BMAST,2 MASTER SUBSYSTEM. D.2 bool .BPTCH,4 SUBSYSTEM MUST BE PATCHED WHEN LOADED. D.2 bool .BLUSE,10 LOW USE SUBSYSTEM (# Q FILE) D.2 bool .BCMCL,20 SUBSYSTEM USES COMMON COMMAND LIST. D.2 bool .BASIC,40 BASIC OR DATABASIC D.2 bool .BLSMC,100 SUBSYSTEM CAN READ SYSTEM MASTER CATALOG.D.2 bool .BEXEC,200 EXECUTE PERMISSION ALLOWED FOR FILE I/O. D.2 bool .BGSPC,400 SUBSYSTEM ALLOWED USE OF GET-SPECIFIC. D.2 bool .BNSYS,1000 SS NOT CALLABLE AT SYSTEM LEVEL. SR-H bool .BTFSW,2000 SPECIAL FILE SWITCH (PERM/TEMP) ALLOWED. SR-H bool .BHUSE,4000 HIGH USE PROGRAM FILE, #P SR-H bool .BSPO,10000 SPECIAL PRODUCT OFFERING. SR-H bool .BCMOV,20000 DRL T.CMOV PERMISSION SR.3/I bool .BMASX,40000 DRL T.EXEC PERMISSION. SR.3/I bool .BSPSZ,100000 SPECIAL SIZE REQUEST SR.3/I bool .BSCF,200000 4JS3 bool .BCACH,400000 CACHE 4JS3 " END INCLUDE FILE gtss_prgdes_macros_.incl.alm " " " ----------------------------------------------------------- " " " " Historical Background " " This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated " to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group Bull including Bull HN Information Systems Inc. " as a contribution to computer science knowledge. " This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, " Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell Bull Inc., Groupe Bull " and Bull HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. " Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), " renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership " of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for " managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems " incorporated Multics principles. " Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., " as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . " " ----------------------------------------------------------- " " Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without " fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies " and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting " documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, Bull or Bull HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining " to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. " Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. " Copyright 2006 by Bull HN Information Systems Inc. " Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS " All Rights Reserved " "