"BEGIN INCLUDE FILE history_regs_dps8.incl.alm "Created 03/15/83 1430.7 est Tue by convert_include_file, " Version of 11/07/82 1445.1 est Sun. "Made from >user_dir_dir>Multics>Bush>history_regs_dps8.incl.pl1, " modified 03/15/83 1430.6 est Tue equ du_ou_offset,0 " MANIFEST equ cu_offset,32 " MANIFEST equ au_offset2,64 " MANIFEST equ au_offset1,96 " MANIFEST " " Structure cuhr " equ cuhr.pia_word,0 bool cuhr.pia,400000 " DU equ cuhr.poa_word,0 bool cuhr.poa,200000 " DU equ cuhr.riw_word,0 bool cuhr.riw,100000 " DU equ cuhr.siw_word,0 bool cuhr.siw,040000 " DU equ cuhr.pot_word,0 bool cuhr.pot,020000 " DU equ cuhr.pon_word,0 bool cuhr.pon,010000 " DU equ cuhr.raw_word,0 bool cuhr.raw,004000 " DU equ cuhr.saw_word,0 bool cuhr.saw,002000 " DU equ cuhr.rtrgo_word,0 bool cuhr.rtrgo,001000 " DU equ cuhr.xde_word,0 bool cuhr.xde,000400 " DU equ cuhr.xdo_word,0 bool cuhr.xdo,000200 " DU equ cuhr.ic_word,0 bool cuhr.ic,000100 " DU equ cuhr.rpts_word,0 bool cuhr.rpts,000040 " DU equ cuhr.portf_word,0 bool cuhr.portf,000020 " DU equ cuhr.internal_word,0 bool cuhr.internal,000010 " DU equ cuhr.pai_word,0 bool cuhr.pai,000004 " DU equ cuhr.pfa_word,0 bool cuhr.pfa,000002 " DU equ cuhr.master_mode_word,0 bool cuhr.master_mode,000001 " DU equ cuhr.op_code_word,0 equ cuhr.op_code_shift,8 bool cuhr.op_code_mask,001777 equ cuhr.inhib_word,0 bool cuhr.inhib,000200 " DL equ cuhr.its_flag_word,0 bool cuhr.its_flag,000100 " DL equ cuhr.tag_word,0 equ cuhr.tag_shift,0 bool cuhr.tag_mask,000077 equ cuhr.ca_value_word,1 equ cuhr.ca_value_shift,12 equ cuhr.pcmd_word,1 equ cuhr.pcmd_shift,7 bool cuhr.pcmd_mask,000037 equ cuhr.xint_word,1 bool cuhr.xint,000100 " DL equ cuhr.ins_fetch_word,1 bool cuhr.ins_fetch,000040 " DL equ cuhr.cache_rd_word,1 bool cuhr.cache_rd,000020 " DL equ cuhr.mem_rd_word,1 bool cuhr.mem_rd,000010 " DL equ cuhr.mem_sto_word,1 bool cuhr.mem_sto,000004 " DL equ cuhr.pib_word,1 bool cuhr.pib,000002 " DL equ cuhr.cache_flush_word,1 bool cuhr.cache_flush,000001 " DL " " Structure du_ouhr " equ du_ouhr.fanld1_word,0 bool du_ouhr.fanld1,400000 " DU equ du_ouhr.fanld2_word,0 bool du_ouhr.fanld2,200000 " DU equ du_ouhr.fanstr_word,0 bool du_ouhr.fanstr,100000 " DU equ du_ouhr.fldwrt1_word,0 bool du_ouhr.fldwrt1,040000 " DU equ du_ouhr.fldwrt2_word,0 bool du_ouhr.fldwrt2,020000 " DU equ du_ouhr.fnld1_word,0 bool du_ouhr.fnld1,010000 " DU equ du_ouhr.fnld2_word,0 bool du_ouhr.fnld2,004000 " DU equ du_ouhr.endseqf_word,0 bool du_ouhr.endseqf,002000 " DU equ du_ouhr.fdud_word,0 bool du_ouhr.fdud,001000 " DU equ du_ouhr.fgstr_word,0 bool du_ouhr.fgstr,000400 " DU equ du_ouhr.endseq_word,0 bool du_ouhr.endseq,000200 " DU equ du_ouhr.nine_word,0 bool du_ouhr.nine,000100 " DU equ du_ouhr.six_word,0 bool du_ouhr.six,000040 " DU equ du_ouhr.four_word,0 bool du_ouhr.four,000020 " DU equ du_ouhr.du_bit_word,0 bool du_ouhr.du_bit,000010 " DU equ du_ouhr.du_word_word,0 bool du_ouhr.du_word,000004 " DU equ du_ouhr.ptr1_word,0 bool du_ouhr.ptr1,000002 " DU equ du_ouhr.ptr2_word,0 bool du_ouhr.ptr2,000001 " DU equ du_ouhr.ptr3_word,0 bool du_ouhr.ptr3,400000 " DL equ du_ouhr.fpop_word,0 bool du_ouhr.fpop,200000 " DL equ du_ouhr.fgeac_word,0 bool du_ouhr.fgeac,100000 " DL equ du_ouhr.fgeae_word,0 bool du_ouhr.fgeae,040000 " DL equ du_ouhr.fgeaf_word,0 bool du_ouhr.fgeaf,020000 " DL equ du_ouhr.fgeah_word,0 bool du_ouhr.fgeah,010000 " DL equ du_ouhr.fgldp1_word,0 bool du_ouhr.fgldp1,004000 " DL equ du_ouhr.fsweq_word,0 bool du_ouhr.fsweq,002000 " DL equ du_ouhr.fgch_word,0 bool du_ouhr.fgch,001000 " DL equ du_ouhr.dfrst_word,0 bool du_ouhr.dfrst,000400 " DL equ du_ouhr.exh_word,0 bool du_ouhr.exh,000200 " DL equ du_ouhr.fgadd_word,0 bool du_ouhr.fgadd,000100 " DL equ du_ouhr.intrptd_word,0 bool du_ouhr.intrptd,000040 " DL equ du_ouhr.dcode_word,0 equ du_ouhr.dcode_shift,0 bool du_ouhr.dcode_mask,000037 equ du_ouhr.gldp2_word,0 bool du_ouhr.gldp2,000020 " DL equ du_ouhr.gemc_word,0 bool du_ouhr.gemc,000010 " DL equ du_ouhr.gbda_word,0 bool du_ouhr.gbda,000004 " DL equ du_ouhr.gsp5_word,0 bool du_ouhr.gsp5,000002 " DL equ du_ouhr.dcode_pad_word,0 bool du_ouhr.dcode_pad,000001 " DL equ du_ouhr.ict,1 " UPPER equ du_ouhr.rs_word,1 equ du_ouhr.rs_shift,9 bool du_ouhr.rs_mask,000777 equ du_ouhr.ir_reg_word,1 equ du_ouhr.ir_reg_shift,1 bool du_ouhr.ir_reg_mask,000377 equ du_ouhr.zero__word,1 bool du_ouhr.zero_,000400 " DL equ du_ouhr.sign__word,1 bool du_ouhr.sign_,000200 " DL equ du_ouhr.carry__word,1 bool du_ouhr.carry_,000100 " DL equ du_ouhr.ovfl__word,1 bool du_ouhr.ovfl_,000040 " DL equ du_ouhr.eovfl__word,1 bool du_ouhr.eovfl_,000020 " DL equ du_ouhr.eufl__word,1 bool du_ouhr.eufl_,000010 " DL equ du_ouhr.oflm__word,1 bool du_ouhr.oflm_,000004 " DL equ du_ouhr.hex__word,1 bool du_ouhr.hex_,000002 " DL equ du_ouhr.dtrgo_word,1 bool du_ouhr.dtrgo,000001 " DL " " Structure apuhr1 " equ apuhr1.esn_word,0 equ apuhr1.esn_shift,21 bool apuhr1.esn_mask,077777 equ apuhr1.piapgbsy_word,0 bool apuhr1.piapgbsy,000004 " DU equ apuhr1.piaoosb_word,0 bool apuhr1.piaoosb,000002 " DU equ apuhr1.fdsptw_word,0 bool apuhr1.fdsptw,000001 " DU equ apuhr1.mdsptw_word,0 bool apuhr1.mdsptw,400000 " DL equ apuhr1.fsdwp_word,0 bool apuhr1.fsdwp,200000 " DL equ apuhr1.fptw_word,0 bool apuhr1.fptw,100000 " DL equ apuhr1.fptw2_word,0 bool apuhr1.fptw2,040000 " DL equ apuhr1.mptw_word,0 bool apuhr1.mptw,020000 " DL equ apuhr1.fanp_word,0 bool apuhr1.fanp,010000 " DL equ apuhr1.fap_word,0 bool apuhr1.fap,004000 " DL equ apuhr1.mtchsdw_word,0 bool apuhr1.mtchsdw,002000 " DL equ apuhr1.sdwmf_word,0 bool apuhr1.sdwmf,001000 " DL equ apuhr1.bsy_word,0 equ apuhr1.bsy_shift,7 bool apuhr1.bsy_mask,000003 equ apuhr1.ptwmf_word,0 bool apuhr1.ptwmf,000100 " DL equ apuhr1.mtchptw_word,0 bool apuhr1.mtchptw,000040 " DL equ apuhr1.ptwaddr_word,0 equ apuhr1.ptwaddr_shift,1 bool apuhr1.ptwaddr_mask,000017 equ apuhr1.flt_word,0 bool apuhr1.flt,000001 " DL equ apuhr1.finadd_word,1 equ apuhr1.finadd_shift,12 equ apuhr1.trr_word,1 equ apuhr1.trr_shift,9 bool apuhr1.trr_mask,000007 equ apuhr1.sdwerr_word,1 bool apuhr1.sdwerr,000400 " DL equ apuhr1.sdwlvl_word,1 equ apuhr1.sdwlvl_shift,6 bool apuhr1.sdwlvl_mask,000003 equ apuhr1.cache_used_word,1 bool apuhr1.cache_used,000040 " DL equ apuhr1.ptwerr_word,1 bool apuhr1.ptwerr,000020 " DL equ apuhr1.ptwlvl_word,1 equ apuhr1.ptwlvl_shift,2 bool apuhr1.ptwlvl_mask,000003 equ apuhr1.flthld_word,1 bool apuhr1.flthld,000002 " DL equ apuhr1.apu_pad2_word,1 bool apuhr1.apu_pad2,000001 " DL " " Structure apuhr2 " equ apuhr2.CA,0 " UPPER equ apuhr2.opcode_word,0 equ apuhr2.opcode_shift,8 bool apuhr2.opcode_mask,001777 equ apuhr2.inhibit_bit_word,0 bool apuhr2.inhibit_bit,000200 " DL equ apuhr2.pr_flag_word,0 bool apuhr2.pr_flag,000100 " DL equ apuhr2.TAG_word,0 equ apuhr2.TAG_shift,0 bool apuhr2.TAG_mask,000077 "END INCLUDE FILE history_regs_dps8.incl.alm " " " ----------------------------------------------------------- " " " " Historical Background " " This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated " to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group Bull including Bull HN Information Systems Inc. " as a contribution to computer science knowledge. " This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, " Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell Bull Inc., Groupe Bull " and Bull HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. " Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), " renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership " of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for " managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems " incorporated Multics principles. " Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., " as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . " " ----------------------------------------------------------- " " Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without " fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies " and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting " documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, Bull or Bull HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining " to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. " Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. " Copyright 2006 by Bull HN Information Systems Inc. " Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS " All Rights Reserved " "