" BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... probe_et_.incl.alm " HISTORY COMMENTS: " 1) change(88-09-20,WAAnderson), approve(88-09-20,MCR7952), " audit(88-10-18,JRGray), install(88-10-24,MR12.2-1184): " Added Error Codes for C-Probe Support. " END HISTORY COMMENTS " The error codes for probe_et_. This list is kept in alphabetical " order: use 'sort_seg probe_et_.incl.alm -block 2' to do it. "" It is IMPERATIVE that -block 2 be specified when sorting. If it "" is omitted, the result will be absolute chaos. """ """ Modified 7 Sept 79 JRD to add bad_ctl_arg and bad_decimal """ Modified 22 Sept 79 JRD to add bad_line_syntax """ Modified 19 Feb 80 JRD to add probe variables error codes """ Modified June 83 JMAthane to add size error ec ambiguous_ref, " Ambiguous reference to a symbol (Ambiguous reference.),(Ambiguous reference to ^a.) ec array_arg, " Array argument used (),(Restriction: cannot convert to array.) ec bad_assign, " Types for assignments are incompatible (Cannot convert types.),(Cannot convert types in assignment of ^a to ^a.) ec bad_builtin, " Incorrect use of a builtin function (),(Incorrect use of ^a.) ec bad_command, " Illegal command specified (Command not recognized.),(Command ^a not recognized.) ec bad_comparison, " Certain comparisons only allow = or ^= (Bad comparison operator),(Bad comparison operator, only '=' or '^=' allowed.) ec bad_constant, " Incorrect use of a constant (Incorrect use of constant.),(A constant or temporary cannot be used in this context.) ec bad_ctl_arg, "Not one we like (Bad control arg.),(The control arg ^a cannot be used with this request.) ec bad_dcl_type, " unknown type in dcl probe variable (Bad type.),(Not a valid probe variable type: ^a) ec bad_decimal, " Contains illegal characters (Bad decimal data.),(Decimal data ^a contains illegal characters. It may be uninitialized.) ec bad_entry, " Entry variable not allowed in generation (Entry variable not allowed.),(Entry variable not allowed in generation.) ec bad_expression, " Syntax error in expression (Incorrect syntax.),(Incorrect syntax in expression.) ec bad_format, " bad format name in display request (Invalid display format),(Invalid format mode for displaying: ^a) ec bad_integer, " probe_get_$integer couldn't (),(This argument must be an integer.) ec bad_label_frame, " Goto to statement with no frame (Procedure not active.),(Procedure containing statement is not active.) ec bad_line, " Cannot, for some reason, get line of source (),(Cannot get source line.) ec bad_line_syntax, (Bad syntax in LINE),(Bad syntax in LINE. Type "help LINE".) ec bad_location, " Cannot find location in object segment (Cannot find location.),(Cannot find location.) ec bad_locator, " Variable on left of "->" is not ptr or offset (Bad locator value.),(The variable ^a is not a valid locator.) ec bad_operand, " Non-arithmetic operand in expression (Bad operand.),(The operand ^a is not arithmetic.) ec bad_operator, " operator appears where not allowed (Misplaced operator.),(The operator ^a cannot appear where it was used.) ec bad_pointer, " Constant used as pointer is not pointer (Bad locator value.),(The constant is not a pointer.) ec bad_predicate, " Syntax error in if or while predicate (Incorrect predicate.),(Incorrect predicate.) ec bad_return_val, " Function returns value with "*" extent (),(Restriction: return (*) values not supported.) ec bad_section, " Incorrect use of an array cross-section (Cross-section not allowed."),(n array cross-section is not allowed in this context.) ec bad_subscript, " Non-arithmetic subscript (Bad subscript.),(The subscript ^a cannot be converted to arithmetic.) ec bad_symbol, " Syntax error in symbol referenceterest is bound in (Incorrect syntax.),(Incorrect syntax in symbol.) ec bad_type, " Types for comparison are not compatible (Incompatible types for comparison.),(The types of ^a and ^a are not compatible for comparison.) ec bad_value, " Cannot find variable length or precision (Bad length or precision.),(Bad value for the length or precision of ^a.) ec bad_value_format, " Bad type format in value (raw form), request (Bad format.),(Bad data format '^a' in value request.) ec bad_varying, " Bad varying string (Bad data.),(Varying string ^a has length < 0 or > declared maximum.) ec breakless, " No break set at or about a given line (No break.),(No break set ^a ^a) ec breaks_exist, " Breaks set in segment by debug (Debug break map.),(Segment ^a has a break map created by debug.) ec c_string_assign, " Assigning a string in C (Bad assignment.),(A character array cannot be assigned a string value.) ec cannot_set, " On instruction with *ic modifier (Cannot set break.),(Cannot set break.) ec complex_expr, " Uses too much temp storage (),(Restriction: this expression is too complicated) ec constant_target, " Constant used as target of assignment (Constant target.),(A constant cannot be the target of an assignment.) ec convert_err, " Illegal operand, conversion at top level (),(Conversion error.) ec dim_limit, " No more than 16 dims or subr args (),(Restriction: no more than 16 array subscripts or subroutine args.) ec e_syntax_err, " Bad "e" request syntax. (Syntax error.),(The Multics command lines must be enclosed in quotes.) ec error_in_break, " break request list failed (),(The break request list encountered an error, and has been aborted.) ec file_modified, " Source file was changed after compilation (File modified.),(The file ^a may have been modified since compilation.) ec function_locator, " Restriction: functions cannot be used as pointers (Bad locator value.),(A function cannot be used as a locator.) ec function_ref, " Procedure reference occurs in wrong context (),(A function reference is not allowed in this context.) ec illegal_char, " Illegal character found in input (),(Illegal character.) ec input_exhausted, " Internal code -- indicates scan_input wants more chars (),(Internal error: input stream exhausted.) ec int_proc, " Attempt to call interanl procedure (),(Attempt to call internal procedure.) ec invalid_request, " Means the request name is screwed up. (),(Invalid request name.) ec missing_colon, (missing colon),(The relational expression and the requests to be executed must be separated by a colon) ec misused_equal, (Bad predicate.),(The = operator is not a conditional operator in C. Use == instead.) ec misused_not_equal, (Bad predicate.),(The ^= operator is not a valid C operator. Use != instead.) ec no_address, " Cannot get address of variable (Cannot get address.),(Cannot get address of ^a.) ec no_block, " No information about current block (No symbol table.),(Block has no symbol table.) ec no_breaks, " No breaks set in a particular segment (No breaks in procedure.),(No breaks set in procedure ^a.) ec no_breaks_set, " No breaks set in any segments (),(No breaks set.) ec no_dcl, " No declaration for specified symbol (Symbol not declared.),(Symbol ^a not declared.) ec no_frame, " Cannot "return" to procedure that has no frame (No active frame.),(No active frame for ^a.) ec no_map, " No statement map for segment (Cannot find statement map.),(Cannot get statement map for this procedure.) ec no_procedure, " For some reason, we cannot get name of procedure (),(Identity of procedure cannot be determined.) ec no_return_desc, " Procedure without descriptors used as function (),(There is no return argument descriptor for ^a.) ec no_saved_string, " tried to 'ps ""' without one (),(There is no saved string to position with.) ec no_source_map, " No source map exists for segment (Cannot get source map.),(Cannot get source map for procedure ^a.) ec no_statement_map, " No statement map (Cannot get stmt map.),(Cannot get statement map for this procedure.) ec no_table, " The segment does not have a symbol table (Cannot find symbol table.),(Cannot get symbol table for this procedure.) ec no_vars, " none at all (No variables.),(No probe variables are defined.) ec noarg, " Need another argument. (),(Expected argument missing.) ec non_standard, " Non standard object segment (Non-standard segment.),(This segment is not a standard object segment.) ec none_active, " $b (etc.), no break to talk about (),(No active break.) ec not_based, " Variable on right side of -> isnt based (Isn't based),(^a is not a based variable) ec not_function, " Procedure improperly called as function (The procedure is not a function.),(The procedure ^a is not a function.) ec null_ptr, " Attempt to use null -> ... (Null pointer.),(The pointer ^a is null.) ec old_break, " Old style break slot encountered. (),(Old break ignored. Please 'reset *' and reissue break requests.) ec old_break_map, " Old style break map encountered. (),(Old break map. Please 'reset *' and reissue all break requests.) ec old_format, " Old style object map (Obsolete object segment.),(The object segment is in an obsolete format.) ec print_err, " One cannot print an area for example (Cannot display value.),(Cannot display value of ^a.) ec program_interrupt, " Just used to indicate pi by user (),(Internal status code: program_interrupt signalled.) ec ptr_condition, " Something bad like fault_tag_1 happened (),(Condition ^a occurred. Possible invalid pointer.) ec recorded_message, " Special internal code indicating message left by previous program (),(Internal status code: A previous routine has left a message for later printing.) ec rotten_ptr, " Does not look like an its pointer (),(Invalid pointer.) ec stmt_guess, " Making a guess for line number (Using ^a.),(Using ^a instead.) ec string_long, " Temporary string has more than 256 characters (),(Temporary strings cannot execeed 256 characters.) ec string_search_failed, " Couldn't ps "foo" (Search failed.),(String search failed.) ec struc_arg, " Structure argument used (),(Restriction: structures are not permitted in calls.) ec syntax_error, " Syntax error in request -- replaced syntax_err and bad_syntax (),(Syntax error.) ec too_complex, " Nesting of command lists is too great (Nesting level is too great.),(Nesting of command lists exceeds 32 levels.) ec too_long, " Name length > 256 (Identifier too long.),(Identifier name is greater than 256 characters.) ec too_many_args, " cruft sitting at the end (),(Too many arguments for this request.) ec too_many_levels, " Number of structure levels in name > 64 (Too many structure levels.),(Too many structure levels in ^a.) ec unbalanced_parens, " Parentheses in command lists do not balance (),(Parentheses do not balance.) ec unbalanced_quotes, " An input line cannot end in open quotes (),(Unbalanced quotes.) ec unimplemented_request, " Just what it says. (),(This request has not yet been implemented.) ec unknown_request, " Again, just what it says. (),(Unknown request.) ec var_doesnt_exist, " asked for probe variable (Variable doesn't exist.),(No probe variable named ^a.) ec var_exists, " already exists? rename it (Variable already exists.),(There already is a variable named ^a.) ec wrong_dims, " Wrong number of dimensions for symbol (Wrong number of dimensions.),(Wrong number of dimensions for ^a.) ec wrong_no_args, " Wrong number of arguments supplied to procedure (Wrong number of arguments.),(Wrong number of arguments supplied to ^a.) ec size, " Size condition occured.. (),(Size condition occured during execution of request.) " End of include file probe_et_.incl.alm " " " ----------------------------------------------------------- " " " " Historical Background " " This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated " to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group Bull including Bull HN Information Systems Inc. " as a contribution to computer science knowledge. " This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, " Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell Bull Inc., Groupe Bull " and Bull HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. " Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), " renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership " of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for " managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems " incorporated Multics principles. " Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., " as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . " " ----------------------------------------------------------- " " Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without " fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies " and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting " documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, Bull or Bull HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining " to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. " Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. " Copyright 2006 by Bull HN Information Systems Inc. " Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS " All Rights Reserved " "