"BEGIN INCLUDE FILE toehold_save_dcls_.incl.alm " HISTORY COMMENTS: " 1) change(83-08-01,Margulies), approve(), audit(), install(): " Initial coding by Margulies and Loepere. " 2) change(85-01-09,Fawcett), approve(85-09-09,MCR6979), " audit(86-01-31,GDixon), install(86-03-21,MR12.0-1033): " Support of FIPS 3380 cylinder size. " END HISTORY COMMENTS "Created 01/29/86 1201.9 mst Wed by convert_include_file, " Version of 01/09/85 0754.4 mst Wed. "Made from >dumps>old>dipper>audit_dipper>incl>toehold_save_dcls_.incl.pl1, " modified 01/29/86 1201.6 mst Wed " " Structure toehold " equ toehold_size,2048 equ toehold.entry_sequences,0 " DOUBLE equ toehold.flagbox,32 equ toehold.handler_mc,96 " LEVEL 2 equ toehold.paths,144 " LEVEL 2 equ toehold.n_paths_used,160 equ toehold.memory_state,161 equ toehold.bce_dbr,162 " DOUBLE equ toehold.bce_mode_reg,164 equ toehold.bce_cache_mode_reg,165 equ toehold.esd_segnum,166 equ toehold.dcw_list_size,167 " UPPER equ toehold.dcws_per_cyl,167 " LOWER equ toehold.seeks_used,168 equ toehold.save_dcws,169 equ toehold.handler_dcws,429 equ toehold.handler_code,944 " DOUBLE equ toehold.multics_state,1520 " LEVEL 2 " " Structure dcw_list " equ dcw_list.seek_addresses,0 equ dcw_list.seek_idcw,1 equ dcw_list.seek_dcw,2 equ dcw_list.data_idcw,3 equ dcw_list.data_dcws,4 equ BCE_PART_LTH,2200 " MANIFEST equ SAVED_IMAGE_RECORDX,0 " MANIFEST equ CRASH_HANDLER_RECORDX,512 " MANIFEST equ BCE_PAGING_AREA_RECORDX,1024 " MANIFEST equ BCE_PAGING_AREA_LTH,128 " MANIFEST equ MST_AREA_RECORDX,1152 " MANIFEST " " Structure toe_hold " equ toe_hold_size,2048 equ toe_hold.entry_sequences,0 " DOUBLE equ toe_hold.flagbox,32 equ toe_hold.paths,144 " LEVEL 2 equ toe_hold.n_paths_used,160 equ toe_hold.memory_state,161 equ toe_hold.bce_dbr,162 " DOUBLE equ toe_hold.multics_state,1520 " LEVEL 2 " " Structure io_path " equ io_path_size,4 equ io_path.pcw,0 " DOUBLE equ io_path.port_number_word,2 equ io_path.port_number_shift,33 bool io_path.port_number_mask,000007 equ io_path.iom_number_word,2 equ io_path.iom_number_shift,18 bool io_path.iom_number_mask,077777 equ io_path.channel_number,2 " LOWER equ TOE_HOLD_CRASH_ENTRY,0 " MANIFEST equ TOE_HOLD_ESD_ENTRY,1 " MANIFEST equ TOE_HOLD_DUMP_ENTRY,2 " MANIFEST equ TOE_HOLD_MULTICS_ENTRY,3 " MANIFEST equ TOE_HOLD_RESTART_ENTRY,4 " MANIFEST equ TOE_HOLD_BOOT_ENTRY,5 " MANIFEST equ TOE_HOLD_BOS_ENTRY,12 " MANIFEST equ TOE_HOLD_BOS_NO_SAVE_ENTRY,13 " MANIFEST equ TOE_HOLD_BOS_MULTICS_ENTRY,14 " MANIFEST " " Structure mc_state " equ mc_state_size,528 equ mc_state.mc_,0 " LEVEL 2 equ mc_state.masks,48 equ mc_state.interrupt,64 " DOUBLE equ mc_state.mode_reg,66 equ mc_state.cache_mode_reg,67 equ mc_state.dbr,68 " DOUBLE equ mc_state.cfg,70 " DOUBLE equ mc_state.bar,72 equ mc_state.old_memory_state,73 equ mc_state.ou_history_registers,80 " DOUBLE equ mc_state.cu_history_registers,112 " DOUBLE equ mc_state.du_history_registers,144 " DOUBLE equ mc_state.apu_history_registers,176 " DOUBLE equ mc_state.ptwam_ptrs,208 equ mc_state.ptwam_regs,272 equ mc_state.sdwam_ptrs,336 equ mc_state.sdwam_regs,400 " DOUBLE equ Initial_undefined,0 " MANIFEST equ At_bce__early,1 " MANIFEST equ At_bce__boot,2 " MANIFEST equ Multics,3 " MANIFEST equ Undefined_saving_state,4 " MANIFEST equ Undefined_reading_bce,5 " MANIFEST equ At_bce__crash,6 " MANIFEST equ At_bce__shutdown,7 " MANIFEST equ Undefined_continue,8 " MANIFEST equ Undefined_saving_mem,9 " MANIFEST " " Structure mc " equ mc_size,48 equ mc.prs,0 equ mc.regs_word,16 equ mc.regs_shift,858 equ mc.x,16 " UPPER equ mc.a,20 equ mc.q,21 equ mc.e_word,22 equ mc.e_shift,28 bool mc.e_mask,000377 equ mc.t_word,23 equ mc.t_shift,9 equ mc.ralr_word,23 equ mc.ralr_shift,0 bool mc.ralr_mask,000007 equ mc.scu,24 equ mc.mask,32 " DOUBLE equ mc.ips_temp,34 equ mc.errcode_word,35 equ mc.errcode_shift,0 equ mc.fim_temp_word,36 equ mc.fim_temp_shift,0 equ mc.unique_index,36 " UPPER equ mc.resignal_word,36 bool mc.resignal,400000 " DL equ mc.fcode_word,36 equ mc.fcode_shift,0 bool mc.fcode_mask,377777 equ mc.fault_reg,37 equ mc.cpu_type_word,38 equ mc.cpu_type_shift,33 bool mc.cpu_type_mask,000003 equ mc.ext_fault_reg_word,38 equ mc.ext_fault_reg_shift,18 bool mc.ext_fault_reg_mask,077777 equ mc.fault_time,38 " DOUBLE equ mc.eis_info,40 equ apx,0 " MANIFEST equ abx,1 " MANIFEST equ bpx,2 " MANIFEST equ bbx,3 " MANIFEST equ lpx,4 " MANIFEST equ lbx,5 " MANIFEST equ spx,6 " MANIFEST equ sbx,7 " MANIFEST " " Structure scu " equ scu_size,8 equ scu.ppr_word,0 equ scu.ppr_shift,17 equ scu.prr_shift,33 bool scu.prr_mask,000007 equ scu.psr_shift,18 bool scu.psr_mask,077777 bool scu.p,400000 " DL equ scu.apu_word,0 equ scu.apu_shift,3 bool scu.apu_mask,037777 bool scu.xsf,200000 " DL bool scu.sdwm,100000 " DL bool scu.sd_on,040000 " DL bool scu.ptwm,020000 " DL bool scu.pt_on,010000 " DL bool scu.pi_ap,004000 " DL bool scu.dsptw,002000 " DL bool scu.sdwnp,001000 " DL bool scu.sdwp,000400 " DL bool scu.ptw,000200 " DL bool scu.ptw2,000100 " DL bool scu.fap,000040 " DL bool scu.fanp,000020 " DL bool scu.fabs,000010 " DL equ scu.fault_cntr_word,0 equ scu.fault_cntr_shift,0 bool scu.fault_cntr_mask,000007 equ scu.fd_word,1 equ scu.fd_shift,16 equ scu.iro_word,1 bool scu.iro,400000 " DU equ scu.oeb_word,1 bool scu.oeb,200000 " DU equ scu.e_off_word,1 bool scu.e_off,100000 " DU equ scu.orb_word,1 bool scu.orb,040000 " DU equ scu.r_off_word,1 bool scu.r_off,020000 " DU equ scu.owb_word,1 bool scu.owb,010000 " DU equ scu.w_off_word,1 bool scu.w_off,004000 " DU equ scu.no_ga_word,1 bool scu.no_ga,002000 " DU equ scu.ocb_word,1 bool scu.ocb,001000 " DU equ scu.ocall_word,1 bool scu.ocall,000400 " DU equ scu.boc_word,1 bool scu.boc,000200 " DU equ scu.inret_word,1 bool scu.inret,000100 " DU equ scu.crt_word,1 bool scu.crt,000040 " DU equ scu.ralr_word,1 bool scu.ralr,000020 " DU equ scu.am_er_word,1 bool scu.am_er,000010 " DU equ scu.oosb_word,1 bool scu.oosb,000004 " DU equ scu.paru_word,1 bool scu.paru,000002 " DU equ scu.parl_word,1 bool scu.parl,000001 " DU equ scu.onc_1_word,1 bool scu.onc_1,400000 " DL equ scu.onc_2_word,1 bool scu.onc_2,200000 " DL equ scu.port_stat_word,1 equ scu.port_stat_shift,6 bool scu.port_stat_mask,001777 equ scu.ial_word,1 equ scu.ial_shift,12 bool scu.ial_mask,000017 equ scu.iac_word,1 equ scu.iac_shift,9 bool scu.iac_mask,000007 equ scu.con_chan_word,1 equ scu.con_chan_shift,6 bool scu.con_chan_mask,000007 equ scu.fi_num_word,1 equ scu.fi_num_shift,1 bool scu.fi_num_mask,000037 equ scu.fi_flag_word,1 bool scu.fi_flag,000001 " DL equ scu.tpr,2 " UPPER equ scu.trr_word,2 equ scu.trr_shift,33 bool scu.trr_mask,000007 equ scu.tsr_word,2 equ scu.tsr_shift,18 bool scu.tsr_mask,077777 equ scu.cpu_no_word,2 equ scu.cpu_no_shift,6 bool scu.cpu_no_mask,000007 equ scu.delta_word,2 equ scu.delta_shift,0 bool scu.delta_mask,000077 equ scu.word3,3 " UPPER equ scu.tsr_stat_word,3 equ scu.tsr_stat_shift,6 bool scu.tsr_stat_mask,007777 equ scu.tsna_word,3 equ scu.tsna_shift,14 bool scu.tsna_mask,000017 equ scu.tsnb_word,3 equ scu.tsnb_shift,10 bool scu.tsnb_mask,000017 equ scu.tsnc_word,3 equ scu.tsnc_shift,6 bool scu.tsnc_mask,000017 equ scu.tpr_tbr_word,3 equ scu.tpr_tbr_shift,0 bool scu.tpr_tbr_mask,000077 equ scu.ilc,4 " UPPER equ scu.ir,4 " LOWER equ scu.zero_word,4 bool scu.zero,400000 " DL equ scu.neg_word,4 bool scu.neg,200000 " DL equ scu.carry_word,4 bool scu.carry,100000 " DL equ scu.ovfl_word,4 bool scu.ovfl,040000 " DL equ scu.eovf_word,4 bool scu.eovf,020000 " DL equ scu.eufl_word,4 bool scu.eufl,010000 " DL equ scu.oflm_word,4 bool scu.oflm,004000 " DL equ scu.tro_word,4 bool scu.tro,002000 " DL equ scu.par_word,4 bool scu.par,001000 " DL equ scu.parm_word,4 bool scu.parm,000400 " DL equ scu.bm_word,4 bool scu.bm,000200 " DL equ scu.tru_word,4 bool scu.tru,000100 " DL equ scu.mif_word,4 bool scu.mif,000040 " DL equ scu.abs_word,4 bool scu.abs,000020 " DL equ scu.hex_word,4 bool scu.hex,000010 " DL equ scu.ca,5 " UPPER equ scu.cu_word,5 equ scu.cu_shift,6 bool scu.cu_mask,007777 equ scu.rf_word,5 bool scu.rf,400000 " DL equ scu.rpt_word,5 bool scu.rpt,200000 " DL equ scu.rd_word,5 bool scu.rd,100000 " DL equ scu.rl_word,5 bool scu.rl,040000 " DL equ scu.pot_word,5 bool scu.pot,020000 " DL equ scu.pon_word,5 bool scu.pon,010000 " DL equ scu.xde_word,5 bool scu.xde,004000 " DL equ scu.xdo_word,5 bool scu.xdo,002000 " DL equ scu.poa_word,5 bool scu.poa,001000 " DL equ scu.rfi_word,5 bool scu.rfi,000400 " DL equ scu.its_word,5 bool scu.its,000200 " DL equ scu.if_word,5 bool scu.if,000100 " DL equ scu.cpu_tag_word,5 equ scu.cpu_tag_shift,0 bool scu.cpu_tag_mask,000077 equ scu.even_inst,6 equ scu.odd_inst,7 " " Structure scux " equ scux_size,8 equ scux.fd_word,1 equ scux.fd_shift,0 equ scux.isn_word,1 bool scux.isn,400000 " DU equ scux.ioc_word,1 bool scux.ioc,200000 " DU equ scux.ia_am_word,1 bool scux.ia_am,100000 " DU equ scux.isp_word,1 bool scux.isp,040000 " DU equ scux.ipr_word,1 bool scux.ipr,020000 " DU equ scux.nea_word,1 bool scux.nea,010000 " DU equ scux.oobb_word,1 bool scux.oobb,004000 " DU equ scux.tsr_stat_word,3 equ scux.tsr_stat_shift,6 bool scux.tsr_stat_mask,007777 equ scux.instr,6 "END INCLUDE FILE toehold_save_dcls_.incl.alm " " " ----------------------------------------------------------- " " " " Historical Background " " This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated " to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group Bull including Bull HN Information Systems Inc. " as a contribution to computer science knowledge. " This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, " Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell Bull Inc., Groupe Bull " and Bull HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. " Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), " renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership " of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for " managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems " incorporated Multics principles. " Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., " as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . " " ----------------------------------------------------------- " " Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without " fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies " and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting " documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, Bull or Bull HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining " to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. " Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. " Copyright 2006 by Bull HN Information Systems Inc. " Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS " All Rights Reserved " "