/****^ *********************************************************** * * * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Bull Inc., 1987 * * * * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 * * * * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of * * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. * * * *********************************************************** */ /* format: style4,delnl,insnl,^ifthendo */ polled_vip_mpx: proc; /* This procedure contains the non-privileged entries of the polled vip multiplexer. These entries can be invoked at interrupt time and therefore must be wired. Coded December 1978 by J. Stern */ /* Modified August 1982 by Robert Coren to handle "MASKED" interrupt */ /* Parameters */ dcl pm_chain_ptr ptr; /* ptr to write chain (input) */ dcl pm_code fixed bin (35); /* error code (output) */ dcl pm_infop ptr; /* ptr to control order info structure (input) */ dcl pm_int_data bit (72) aligned; /* interrupt data (input) */ dcl pm_int_type fixed bin; /* interrupt type (input) */ dcl pm_mclp ptr; /* ptr to modes change list */ dcl pm_modes char (*); /* mode string (output) */ dcl pm_more_input bit (1) aligned; /* ON if more input available after read (Output) */ dcl pm_order char (*); /* control order name (input) */ dcl pm_pvmdp ptr; /* ptr to multiplexer data base (input) */ dcl pm_subchan fixed bin; /* subchannel number (input) */ /* Automatic */ dcl adr bit (9); dcl bmp ptr; dcl chain_ptr ptr; dcl code fixed bin (35); dcl end_chain bit (1); dcl eop_sw bit (1); dcl ff_sent bit (1); dcl found_text bit (1); dcl 1 frame_header aligned like frame_header_template; dcl 1 frame_trailer aligned like frame_trailer_template; dcl headp ptr; dcl i fixed bin; dcl infop ptr; dcl input_framep ptr; dcl int_data bit (72) aligned; dcl int_type fixed bin; dcl 1 lc_info aligned, /* info structure for line control order */ 2 type fixed bin (17) unal, 2 arg1 fixed bin (17) unal, 2 station_mask (0:35) bit (1) unal; dcl leftover_chain_ptr ptr; dcl 1 ls_info aligned, /* info structure for line status interrupt */ 2 type fixed bin (17) unal, 2 adr fixed bin (9) unsigned unal, 2 sta char (1) unal, 2 unused bit (36); dcl meter_ptr ptr; dcl nchars fixed bin; dcl nmsg fixed bin; dcl order char (32); dcl output_restarted bit (1); dcl prev_blockp ptr; dcl saved_write_chan fixed bin; dcl subchan fixed bin; dcl tailp ptr; dcl text_lrc bit (9); dcl ttybp ptr; dcl xflag bit (1); /* Based */ dcl 1 abort_info aligned based (infop), 2 resetwrite bit (1) unal, 2 resetread bit (1) unal; dcl 1 break_msg based (bmp), 2 soh char (1), 2 adr char (1), 2 sta char (1), 2 fc1 char (1), 2 fc2 char (1), 2 stx char (1), 2 text char (6); dcl 1 input_frame aligned based (input_framep), 2 msg (nmsg) unal, 3 soh char (1), 3 adr char (1), 3 sta char (1), 3 fc1 char (1), 3 fc2 char (1), 3 stx char (1), 3 etx char (1), 3 lrc char (1), 2 eot char (1) unal; dcl 1 write_status_info aligned based (infop), 2 ev_chan fixed bin (71), 2 output_pending bit (1); /* Internal static */ dcl et_action_not_performed fixed bin (35) int static; dcl et_bad_mode fixed bin (35) int static; dcl et_invalid_state fixed bin (35) int static; dcl et_noalloc fixed bin (35) int static; dcl et_undefined_order_request fixed bin (35) int static; dcl et_unimplemented_version fixed bin (35) int static; /* External static */ dcl error_table_$action_not_performed fixed bin (35) ext static; dcl error_table_$bad_mode fixed bin (35) ext static; dcl error_table_$invalid_state fixed bin (35) ext static; dcl error_table_$noalloc fixed bin (35) ext static; dcl error_table_$undefined_order_request fixed bin (35) ext static; dcl error_table_$unimplemented_version fixed bin (35) ext static; dcl tty_buf$ ext static; /* Builtins */ dcl (addr, bin, bit, bool, divide, hbound, lbound, length, max, min, mod, null, ptr, rel, string, substr, translate, unspec, verify) builtin; /* Entries */ dcl pxss$ring_0_wakeup entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (71), fixed bin (71), fixed bin (35)); dcl syserr entry options(variable); dcl wire_proc$wire_me entry; /* Constants */ dcl ( ACK char (1) init (""), ADR_MASK bit (9) init ("740"b3), AWAIT_FIRST_RESPONSE fixed bin init (6), COMMON_LRC bit (9) init ("001"b3), DISPLAY bit (9) init ("140"b3), ETB char (1) init (""), ETX char (1) init (""), ETX_XOR_ETB bit (9) init ("024"b3), FF char (1) init (" "), NAK char (1) init (""), NL char (1) init (" "), NUL char (1) init (""), POLL bit (9) init ("040"b3), PRINTER bit (9) init ("150"b3), PRT char (1) init (""), RESTART_CHARS char (4) init ("@ "), /* @ CR LF FF */ SELECT bit (9) init ("100"b3), SOH char (1) init (""), STATION_POLL fixed bin init (1), WRITE_ABORT bit (2) init ("10"b), XOR bit (4) init ("0110"b) ) internal static options (constant); dcl 1 frame_header_template aligned int static options (constant), 2 select_msg unal, 3 syn (4) char (1) init ((4) (1)""), 3 soh char (1) init (""), 3 adr char (1), 3 sta char (1) init (""), 3 fc1 char (1) init (" "), 3 fc2 char (1) init (" "), 3 stx char (1) init (""), 3 etx char (1) init (""), 3 lrc char (1), 2 text_msg unal, 3 syn (4) char (1) init ((4) (1)""), 3 soh char (1) init (""), 3 adr char (1), 3 sta char (1) init (""), 3 fc1 char (1) init (" "), 3 fc2 char (1) init (" "), 3 stx char (1) init (""), 3 ff char (1) init (" "), 3 nul char (1) init (""); dcl 1 frame_trailer_template aligned int static options (constant), 2 text_msg unal, 3 etx char (1) init (""), 3 lrc char (1), 2 poll_msg unal, 3 syn (4) char (1) init ((4) (1)""), 3 soh char (1) init (""), 3 adr char (1), 3 sta char (1) init (""), 3 fc1 char (1) init (" "), 3 fc2 char (1) init (" "), 3 stx char (1) init (""), 3 etx char (1) init (""), 3 lrc char (1), 2 end_frame unal, 3 syn (4) char (1) init ((4) (1)""), 3 eof char (1) init (""); /* gets converted to EOT */ %include polled_vip_mpx_data; %include polled_vip_load_info; %include mcs_interrupt_info; %include lct; %include tty_buffer_block; %include mcs_modes_change_list; %include channel_manager_dcls; %include tty_space_man_dcls; %include polled_vip_mpx_meters; %include pvip_subchan_meters; %include get_comm_meters_info; /* Entry to perform control orders. */ control: entry (pm_pvmdp, pm_subchan, pm_order, pm_infop, pm_code); call setup_subchan; order = pm_order; pm_code = 0; if order = "listen" /* listen for subchan to dial up */ then do; pvste.listen = "1"b; if pvmd.mpx_started & ^pvste.dialed & pvste.slave /* have green light for dialups */ then call signal_dialup; end; else if order = "hangup" /* pull the plug on this subchan */ then do; pvste.listen, pvste.dialed = "0"b; call free_write_chain; call channel_manager$interrupt ((pvste.devx), HANGUP, ""b); end; else if order = "wru" /* who are you */ then call channel_manager$interrupt ((pvste.devx), WRU_TIMEOUT, ""b); /* no answerback, simulate timeout */ else if order = "abort" then do; infop = pm_infop; if abort_info.resetwrite then call free_write_chain; end; else if order = "write_status" then do; infop = pm_infop; if (pvste.write_chain ^= 0) | (pvmd.write_chan = subchan) then write_status_info.output_pending = "1"b; else if pvste.printer & pvste.hold_output /* write data sent, now waiting for line status */ then write_status_info.output_pending = "1"b;/* in effect, we still have write data */ else write_status_info.output_pending = "0"b;/* nope, no write data */ end; else if order = "copy_meters" then pvste.saved_meters_ptr -> pvip_subchan_meters = pvste.meters; else if order = "get_meters" then do; infop = pm_infop; if infop -> get_comm_meters_info.version ^= GET_COMM_METERS_INFO_VERSION_1 then pm_code = et_unimplemented_version; else do; meter_ptr = infop -> get_comm_meters_info.parent_ptr; if meter_ptr ^= null () then if meter_ptr -> pvip_subchan_meter_struc.version ^= PVIP_SUBCHAN_METERS_VERSION_1 then pm_code = et_unimplemented_version; else do; meter_ptr -> pvip_subchan_meter_struc.current_meters = pvste.meters; meter_ptr -> pvip_subchan_meter_struc.saved_meters = pvste.saved_meters_ptr -> pvip_subchan_meters; meter_ptr -> pvip_subchan_meter_struc.printer = pvste.printer; end; end; end; else pm_code = et_undefined_order_request; return; /* Entry to validate a proposed mode setting */ check_modes: entry (pm_pvmdp, pm_subchan, pm_mclp, pm_code); call setup_subchan; mclp = pm_mclp; do i = 1 to mcl.n_entries; mclep = addr (mcl.entries (i)); mcle.mpx_mode = (mcle.mode_name = "hndlquit"); end; pm_code = 0; return; /* Entry to set modes ON or OFF */ set_modes: entry (pm_pvmdp, pm_subchan, pm_mclp, pm_code); call setup_subchan; pm_code = 0; mclp = pm_mclp; if mcl.init /* all modes off */ then pvste.hndlquit = "0"b; do i = 1 to mcl.n_entries; mclep = addr (mcl.entries (i)); if mcle.mpx_mode /* this is a mode we want to set */ then if mcle.mode_name = "hndlquit" then pvste.hndlquit = mcle.mode_switch; else do; /* should never happen, but ... */ mcle.error = "1"b; pm_code = et_bad_mode; end; end; return; /* Entry to obtain multiplexer-specific modes */ get_modes: entry (pm_pvmdp, pm_subchan, pm_modes, pm_code); call setup_subchan; pm_modes = ""; pm_code = 0; return; /* Entry to read input from a specified subchannel */ read: entry (pm_pvmdp, pm_subchan, pm_chain_ptr, pm_more_input, pm_code); pm_chain_ptr = null; /* we never hold input */ pm_more_input = "0"b; pm_code = 0; return; /* Entry to write output to a specified subchannel */ write: entry (pm_pvmdp, pm_subchan, pm_chain_ptr, pm_code); ttybp = addr (tty_buf$); call setup_subchan; chain_ptr = pm_chain_ptr; if ^pvste.dialed then do; call tty_space_man$free_chain ((pvste.devx), OUTPUT, chain_ptr); pm_chain_ptr = null; pm_code = 0; return; end; if (pvste.write_chain ^= 0) | pvste.hold_output | (pvmd.write_chan = subchan) /* can't take any output now */ then do; /* so give it all back */ pm_code = 0; return; end; nchars = 0; blockp = chain_ptr; prev_blockp = null; end_chain = "0"b; /* see how many chars in this write chain */ do while (^end_chain); nchars = nchars + buffer.tally; if nchars > pvmd.max_text_len | buffer.next = 0 then end_chain = "1"b; else do; prev_blockp = blockp; blockp = ptr (ttybp, buffer.next); end; end; if nchars > pvmd.max_text_len /* more than maximum text length */ then do; /* take only part of the chain */ tailp = prev_blockp; tailp -> buffer.next = 0; /* break chain here */ leftover_chain_ptr = blockp; /* we'll give back the rest */ end; else do; tailp = blockp; leftover_chain_ptr = null; end; eop_sw = tailp -> buffer.end_of_page; /* get end-of-page indicator */ tailp -> buffer.end_of_page = "0"b; /* turn it off in the buffer */ /* Construct a standard VIP data frame consisting of: (1) select message (2) text message (3) poll message (4) EOT The write chain we were given constitutes the body of the text message. A small buffer will be allocated to hold that part of the frame which precedes the text. The last text buffer should always contain enoug unused space to accomodate all post-text control data. */ call tty_space_man$get_buffer ((pvste.devx), 16, OUTPUT, headp); if headp = null then go to noalloc; headp -> buffer.next = bin (rel (chain_ptr), 18); /* thread new buffer on head of chain */ call get_frame_header (nchars); substr (string (headp -> buffer.chars), 1, nchars) = substr (string (frame_header), 1, nchars); /* put frame header in buffer */ headp -> buffer.tally = nchars; blockp = chain_ptr; /* compute lrc for actual text buffers */ end_chain = "0"b; do while (^end_chain); call verify_text; /* get rid of any illegal chars */ text_lrc = bool (get_buffer_lrc (), text_lrc, XOR); if buffer.next = 0 then end_chain = "1"b; else blockp = ptr (ttybp, buffer.next); end; nchars = (bin (tailp -> buffer.size_code, 3) + 1) * 16; /* get size of last buffer (words) */ nchars = (nchars - 1) * 4; /* get max number of data chars */ i = bin (tailp -> buffer.tally, 9); nchars = nchars - i; /* get room left in buffer */ nchars = min (nchars, length (string (frame_trailer))); /* need only enough room to hold frame trailer */ call get_frame_trailer; if pvmd.etb_mode & ^pvste.printer & ^(eop_sw | tailp -> buffer.break) then do; /* not at end of user msg, use ETB instead of ETX */ frame_trailer.text_msg.etx = ETB; unspec (frame_trailer.text_msg.lrc) = bool (unspec (frame_trailer.text_msg.lrc), ETX_XOR_ETB, XOR); end; if nchars > 0 /* have some room in last buffer, use it */ then substr (string (tailp -> buffer.chars), i + 1, nchars) = substr (string (frame_trailer), 1, nchars); tailp -> buffer.tally = i + nchars; /* update buffer tally for added chars */ nchars = length (string (frame_trailer)) - nchars;/* get length of uncopied part of frame trailer */ if nchars > 0 /* could not fit everything in last buffer */ then do; /* so we need another buffer */ call tty_space_man$get_buffer ((pvste.devx), 16, OUTPUT, blockp); if blockp = null then do; tailp -> buffer.tally = i; /* reset tally of last buffer */ go to noalloc; end; tailp -> buffer.next = bin (rel (blockp), 18); /* thread in new buffer */ tailp = blockp; tailp -> buffer.next = 0; i = length (string (frame_trailer)) - nchars + 1; /* get index of first uncopied char */ substr (string (tailp -> buffer.chars), 1, nchars) = substr (string (frame_trailer), i, nchars); tailp -> buffer.tally = nchars; end; pvste.eop = "0"b; /* have put FF in this frame if needed */ headp -> buffer.end_of_page = eop_sw; pvste.write_chain = bin (rel (headp), 18); if pvmd.write_chan = 0 then call write_frame (code); pm_chain_ptr = leftover_chain_ptr; pm_code = 0; return; noalloc: if headp ^= null then call tty_space_man$free_buffer ((pvste.devx), OUTPUT, headp); if leftover_chain_ptr = null then tailp -> buffer.next = 0; else tailp -> buffer.next = bin (rel (leftover_chain_ptr), 18); tailp -> buffer.end_of_page = eop_sw; pm_code = et_noalloc; return; /* Entry to process interrupts */ interrupt: entry (pm_pvmdp, pm_int_type, pm_int_data); ttybp = addr (tty_buf$); pvmdp = pm_pvmdp; int_type = pm_int_type; int_data = pm_int_data; if int_type < lbound (INTERRUPT, 1) | int_type > hbound (INTERRUPT, 1) then return; go to INTERRUPT (int_type); INTERRUPT (1): /* DIALUP - major channel has dialed up */ pvmd.dialup_info = int_data; pvmd.mpx_loading = "0"b; /* indicate multiplexer bootload complete */ pvmd.mpx_loaded = "1"b; call pxss$ring_0_wakeup (pvmd.load_proc_id, pvmd.load_ev_chan, PV_MPX_UP, code); return; INTERRUPT (2): /* HANGUP - major channel has hung up */ call crash_mpx; /* it's all over */ call pxss$ring_0_wakeup (pvmd.load_proc_id, pvmd.load_ev_chan, PV_MPX_DOWN, code); return; INTERRUPT (3): /* CRASH - parent multiplexer has died */ call crash_mpx; /* simulate a crash */ return; INTERRUPT (4): /* SEND OUTPUT - it's safe to write next output frame now */ if ^pvmd.mpx_loaded then return; pvmd.send_output = "1"b; if pvmd.writep ^= null /* we're in the middle of writing a frame */ then do; call write_bchain (code); if code = 0 then return; end; saved_write_chan = pvmd.write_chan; /* remember channel for which output just completed */ pvmd.write_chan = 0; call send_next_frame (saved_write_chan); /* write next output frame */ if saved_write_chan ^= 0 /* we were waiting for output completion */ then do; /* request subchannnel to send more output now */ pvstep = addr (pvmd.subchan_table (saved_write_chan)); if pvste.pgofs > 0 /* bad status on previous write */ then do; pvste.writes = pvste.writes + 1; /* update frames written */ if pvste.writes > pvste.pgofs /* wrote a frame without bad status */ then pvste.pgofs, pvste.writes = 0; /* assume full recovery */ end; if pvste.dialed & ^pvste.hold_output /* ready for more output now */ then call channel_manager$interrupt ((pvste.devx), SEND_OUTPUT, ""b); end; return; INTERRUPT (5): /* INPUT AVAILABLE - ignore */ return; INTERRUPT (6): /* ACCEPT INPUT - process an input frame */ if ^pvmd.mpx_loaded then return; unspec (rtx_info) = int_data; headp = ptr (ttybp, rtx_info.chain_head); input_framep = addr (headp -> buffer.chars); /* If the first message of the input frame is a poll message, then we can determine the station address from the poll address. Otherwise, the station address must be retrieved from the address field of the text message. The input frame may contain one or two status messages before the text message. Status messages are ignored. */ i = 2; /* start text search at msg 2 */ adr = unspec (input_frame.msg (1).adr); /* get first message address */ if (adr & ADR_MASK) ^= POLL /* it's not a poll msg */ then do; adr = ""b; /* don't know station addr yet */ i = 1; /* start text search at msg 1 */ end; found_text = "0"b; /* find the text message */ do i = i to 4 while (^found_text); if input_frame.msg (i).soh ^= SOH /* no more good messages */ then go to discard_input; if input_frame.msg (i).sta = NUL /* this is a text message */ then do; found_text = "1"b; if adr = ""b then adr = unspec (input_frame.msg (i).adr); nmsg = i; /* remember number of messages */ end; end; if ^found_text then do; discard_input: call tty_space_man$free_chain (pvmd.devx, INPUT, headp); return; end; i = bin (substr (adr, 5, 5), 5); /* get station address */ subchan = pvmd.station_to_subchan (i).display; /* get display subchan for station */ if subchan = 0 /* not configured */ then go to discard_input; pvstep = addr (pvmd.subchan_table (subchan)); if ^pvste.dialed then do; if pvmd.mpx_started & pvste.listen & ^pvste.slave then call signal_dialup; go to discard_input; end; ff_sent = "0"b; output_restarted = "0"b; xflag = (substr (pvste.name, 1, 1) = "x"); /* Check for quit indication */ if ^xflag & (input_frame.msg (nmsg).fc1 = pvmd.quit) then do; quit: call channel_manager$interrupt ((pvste.devx), QUIT, ""b); if pvste.hndlquit /* discard any write data */ then do; if pvste.hold_output then do; pvste.hold_output = "0"b; /* unblock output */ pvste.eop = "1"b; /* clear screen on next output */ end; call free_write_chain; end; go to discard_input; end; if ^xflag & pvmd.gcos_break then do; bmp = addr (input_frame.msg (nmsg)); /* get break msg ptr */ if headp -> buffer.next = 0 /* whole frame in one buffer */ then if bin (headp -> buffer.tally) = length (string (input_frame)) + 6 then if break_msg.text = "$*$BRK" /* isn't that cute */ then go to quit; end; /* Check if output should be restarted */ if pvste.hold_output /* we've been waiting for this */ then do; pvste.hold_output = "0"b; /* don't hold back output any longer */ pvste.eop = "1"b; /* put FF in front of next output */ call channel_manager$interrupt ((pvste.devx), SEND_OUTPUT, ""b); if pvste.eop /* still ON if no output happenned */ then call write_ff (ff_sent); /* so we should echo the formfeed */ output_restarted = "1"b; end; /* Check for formfeed function code */ if ^xflag & (input_frame.msg (nmsg).fc1 = pvmd.formfeed) then do; if output_restarted /* FF was for this purpose only */ then go to discard_input; call write_ff (ff_sent); /* echo the formfeed */ if headp -> buffer.next ^= 0 /* discard all but first buffer */ then call tty_space_man$free_chain (pvmd.devx, INPUT, ptr (ttybp, headp -> buffer.next)); blockp = headp; buffer.next = 0; buffer.chars (0) = FF; /* put formfeed char in buffer */ unspec (buffer.tally) = bit (bin (1, 9), 9); rtx_info.input_count = 1; rtx_info.formfeed_present = "1"b; rtx_info.break_char = "0"b; end; /* Only actual text from the text message is retained. The rest of the input frame is discarded. To accomplish this, the first and last buffers of the input frame are adjusted accordingly. */ else do; i = length (string (input_frame)) - 3; /* get input frame header length */ nchars = bin (headp -> buffer.tally, 9) - i; /* shrink first buffer */ if nchars < 3 /* must be at least ETX, LRC, EOT left */ then go to discard_input; if nchars = 3 then if output_restarted | pvmd.omit_nl | xflag then go to discard_input; /* drop empty input msg */ substr (string (headp -> buffer.chars), 1, nchars) = substr (string (headp -> buffer.chars), i + 1, nchars); unspec (headp -> buffer.tally) = bit (bin (nchars, 9), 9); if output_restarted & (headp -> buffer.next = 0) then do; if verify (substr (string (headp -> buffer.chars), 1, nchars - 3), RESTART_CHARS) = 0 then go to discard_input; /* just wanted to restart output, not really input */ end; prev_blockp = null; blockp = headp; end_chain = "0"b; do while (^end_chain); if buffer.next = 0 then end_chain = "1"b; else do; prev_blockp = blockp; blockp = ptr (ttybp, buffer.next); end; end; if pvmd.omit_nl | xflag /* we can strip last 3 chars (ETX, LRC, EOT) */ then i = 3; else if buffer.chars (nchars - 3) = ETX /* end of text msg (not ETB) */ then i = 2; /* change ETX to NL and toss last 2 chars */ else i = 3; nchars = buffer.tally; /* get tally of last buffer */ if nchars <= i /* we can throw away the whole buffer */ then do; call tty_space_man$free_buffer ((pvste.devx), INPUT, blockp); blockp = prev_blockp; buffer.next = 0; nchars = buffer.tally + nchars; end; nchars = nchars - i; /* strip final 2 or 3 chars (ETX, LRC, EOT) */ unspec (buffer.tally) = bit (bin (nchars, 9), 9); if i = 2 then buffer.chars (nchars - 1) = NL; /* change final ETX to NL */ rtx_info.break_char = "1"b; rtx_info.formfeed_present = "0"b; rtx_info.input_count = rtx_info.input_count + 1 - length (string (input_frame)); /* account for control data removal */ end; rtx_info.output_in_fnp = "0"b; if ff_sent then rtx_info.output_in_ring_0 = "0"b; /* formfeed echo doesn't count */ else rtx_info.output_in_ring_0 = (pvste.write_chain ^= 0) | (pvmd.write_chan = subchan); rtx_info.chain_tail = rel (blockp); call channel_manager$interrupt ((pvste.devx), ACCEPT_INPUT, unspec (rtx_info)); return; INTERRUPT (7): /* INPUT REJECTED - ignore */ return; INTERRUPT (8): /* QUIT - ignore */ return; INTERRUPT (9): /* LINE STATUS - process fnp status message */ if ^pvmd.mpx_loaded then return; unspec (ls_info) = int_data; if ls_info.type < lbound (LINE_STAT, 1) | ls_info.type > hbound (LINE_STAT, 1) then return; go to LINE_STAT (ls_info.type); LINE_STAT (1): /* PRINTER STATUS */ ls_info.adr = mod (ls_info.adr, 32); /* turn off poll/select bits in station addr */ subchan = pvmd.station_to_subchan (ls_info.adr).printer; /* get printer subchan for station */ if subchan = 0 then return; pvstep = addr (pvmd.subchan_table (subchan)); if ^pvste.dialed then return; if ^pvste.hold_output /* not expecting any status */ then return; if ls_info.sta = ACK /* last output frame successfully printed */ then do; ack: pvste.hold_output = "0"b; pvste.naks = 0; /* reset counter */ call free_write_chain; /* last frame was retained until now */ /* ready for more output */ end; else if ls_info.sta = NAK /* error on last output frame */ then do; if pvste.write_chain = 0 then go to ack; pvste.naks = pvste.naks + 1; /* count 'em */ pvste.printer_naks = pvste.printer_naks + 1; /* and meter the count */ if pvste.naks >= 3 /* give up */ then do; pvste.discarded_printer_frame = pvste.discarded_printer_frame + 1; go to ack; end; pvste.hold_output = "0"b; if pvmd.write_chan = 0 then call write_frame (code); end; else do; /* punt */ call channel_manager$interrupt ((pvste.devx), QUIT, ""b); go to ack; end; return; LINE_STAT (2): /* INPUT TIMEOUT */ pvmd.input_timeouts = pvmd.input_timeouts + 1; if pvmd.controller_poll then do; /* tell FNP to wait for first poll response */ lc_info.type = AWAIT_FIRST_RESPONSE; call channel_manager$control (pvmd.devx, "line_control", addr (lc_info), code); end; else do; /* stop polling the "dead" station */ i = mod (ls_info.adr, 32); /* mask out poll/select bits */ if i < 0 | i > 31 then return; if ^pvmd.cur_station_mask (i) then return; pvmd.cur_station_mask (i) = "0"b; pvmd.cur_nstation = pvmd.cur_nstation - 1; if pvmd.cur_nstation = 0 /* no stations left to poll */ then do; /* assume whole subsystem disabled, but line still up */ lc_info.type = AWAIT_FIRST_RESPONSE; /* wait for subsystem to come back */ call channel_manager$control (pvmd.devx, "line_control", addr (lc_info), code); if code ^= 0 then return; pvmd.cur_station_mask = pvmd.station_mask; pvmd.cur_nstation = pvmd.nstation; end; lc_info.type = STATION_POLL; lc_info.arg1 = pvmd.cur_nstation; lc_info.station_mask = pvmd.cur_station_mask; call channel_manager$control (pvmd.devx, "line_control", addr (lc_info), code); end; return; LINE_STAT (3): /* INPUT LOST */ pvmd.input_frames_lost = pvmd.input_frames_lost + 1; return; LINE_STAT (4): /* OUTPUT LOST */ pvmd.output_frames_lost = pvmd.output_frames_lost + 1; return; LINE_STAT (5): /* BAD OUTPUT FRAME */ pvmd.bad_output_frames = pvmd.bad_output_frames + 1; return; LINE_STAT (6): /* OUTPUT TIMEOUT */ pvmd.output_timeouts = pvmd.output_timeouts + 1; return; LINE_STAT (7): /* DISPLAY STATUS */ ls_info.adr = mod (ls_info.adr, 32); /* turn off poll/select bits */ subchan = pvmd.station_to_subchan (ls_info.adr).display; if subchan = 0 then return; pvstep = addr (pvmd.subchan_table (subchan)); if ^pvste.dialed then return; pvste.pgofs = pvste.pgofs + 1; /* page overflow is the only display status */ pvste.display_pgofs = pvste.display_pgofs + 1; if pvste.pgofs >= 3 /* better put a stop to this */ then do; pvste.pgofs, pvste.writes = 0; pvste.pgof_limit_reached = pvste.pgof_limit_reached + 1; call channel_manager$interrupt ((pvste.devx), QUIT, ""b); pvste.hold_output = "0"b; pvste.eop = "1"b; call free_write_chain; /* dump any output */ end; return; LINE_STAT(8): /* BUILD MESSAGE FAILURE, fnp will hang up channel */ call syserr(0, "Too many errors while trying to build a message, channel ^a will be hung up.", pvmd.name); return; INTERRUPT (10): /* DIAL STATUS - ignore */ return; INTERRUPT (11): /* WRU TIMEOUT - ignore */ return; INTERRUPT (12): /* SPACE AVAILABLE - some buffer space was freed that we need */ if ^pvmd.mpx_loaded then return; /* We only get this interrupt if we previously failed to write an output frame due to lack of space. So try again now. */ if ^pvmd.send_output then return; if pvmd.writep ^= null /* we have a frame waiting to be written */ then do; call write_bchain (code); if code = 0 then return; end; call send_next_frame (min (pvmd.write_chan - 1, 0)); /* starting with write_chan, find subchan with frame to write */ return; INTERRUPT (13): INTERRUPT (14): INTERRUPT (15): INTERRUPT (16): /* various interrupts not used by this multiplexer */ return; INTERRUPT (17): /* MASKED - treat like HANGUP but use different wakeup message */ call crash_mpx; /* it's all over */ call pxss$ring_0_wakeup (pvmd.load_proc_id, pvmd.load_ev_chan, PV_MPX_MASKED, code); return; /* Special entry to handle subchannel dialup (called by priv_polled_vip_mpx) */ dialup: entry (pm_pvmdp, pm_subchan); pvmdp = pm_pvmdp; subchan = pm_subchan; pvstep = addr (pvmd.subchan_table (subchan)); call signal_dialup; return; /* Special entry to crash the multiplexer (called by priv_polled_vip_mpx) */ crash: entry (pm_pvmdp); ttybp = addr (tty_buf$); pvmdp = pm_pvmdp; call crash_mpx; return; /* Special entry to perform per system (rather than per channel) initialization (called by priv_polled_vip_mpx) */ system_init: entry; /* copy error codes to wired linkage for reference at interrupt time */ et_undefined_order_request = error_table_$undefined_order_request; et_noalloc = error_table_$noalloc; et_action_not_performed = error_table_$action_not_performed; et_bad_mode = error_table_$bad_mode; et_invalid_state = error_table_$invalid_state; et_unimplemented_version = error_table_$unimplemented_version; call wire_proc$wire_me; /* eat up some memory */ return; ERROR_EXIT: return; /* Subroutine to initialize subchannel data pointer from external entry parameters */ setup_subchan: proc; pvmdp = pm_pvmdp; if ^pvmd.mpx_loaded then do; pm_code = et_action_not_performed; go to ERROR_EXIT; end; subchan = pm_subchan; pvstep = addr (pvmd.subchan_table (subchan)); if ^pvmd.cur_station_mask (pvste.station_addr) then do; pm_code = et_invalid_state; go to ERROR_EXIT; end; end; /* Subroutine to handle subchannel dialup */ signal_dialup: proc; pvste.pgofs, pvste.writes = 0; pvste.hold_output, pvste.hndlquit = "0"b; if pvste.printer then pvste.eop = "0"b; else pvste.eop = "1"b; pvste.dialed = "1"b; unspec (dialup_info) = pvmd.dialup_info; dialup_info.buffer_pad = dialup_info.buffer_pad + length (string (frame_trailer)); dialup_info.max_buf_size = min (dialup_info.max_buf_size, max (16, divide (pvmd.max_text_len + dialup_info.buffer_pad + 4, 64, 17, 0) * 16)); if pvste.printer /* make sure printer delays come out right */ then dialup_info.baud_rate = pvste.baud_rate; call channel_manager$interrupt ((pvste.devx), DIALUP, unspec (dialup_info)); call channel_manager$interrupt ((pvste.devx), SEND_OUTPUT, ""b); /* authorize first output */ end; /* Subroutine to "erase" illegal characters from a buffer */ verify_text: proc; dcl btally fixed bin; dcl bchars char (btally) based (addr (buffer.chars)); btally = buffer.tally; bchars = translate (bchars, "", ""); /* SOH, STX, ETX, EOT, SYN, ETB -> NUL */ end; /* Subroutine to find and send the next write frame (if any) */ send_next_frame: proc (pm_last_write_chan); dcl pm_last_write_chan fixed bin; /* chan for which output just completed, else 0 */ dcl last_write_chan fixed bin; dcl found_chan bit (1); dcl code fixed bin (35); last_write_chan = pm_last_write_chan; retry: found_chan = "0"b; /* look for a subchan with pending output */ do i = last_write_chan + 1 to pvmd.nchan while (^found_chan), 1 to last_write_chan while (^found_chan); subchan = i; pvstep = addr (pvmd.subchan_table (subchan)); if pvste.write_chain ^= 0 & ^pvste.hold_output then found_chan = "1"b; end; if ^found_chan then return; call write_frame (code); if code ^= 0 /* write failed, look for another frame */ then do; last_write_chan = subchan; go to retry; end; end; /* Subroutine to compute the longitudinal redundancy check (LRC) char for the text in a buffer */ get_buffer_lrc: proc returns (bit (9)); dcl lrc bit (9); dcl (nwords, nchars, btally, i) fixed bin; dcl temp bit (36) aligned; dcl p ptr; dcl bwords (nwords) bit (36) aligned based; dcl bchars (nchars) bit (9) unal based; dcl temp_chars (4) bit (9) based (addr (temp)); btally = buffer.tally; nwords = divide (btally, 4, 17, 0); nchars = mod (btally, 4); lrc = ""b; if nwords > 0 then do; /* for whole words, compute lrc word by word */ temp = ""b; p = addr (buffer.chars); do i = 1 to nwords; temp = bool (temp, p -> bwords (i), XOR); end; do i = 1 to 4; /* collapse temp into single char lrc */ lrc = bool (lrc, temp_chars (i), XOR); end; end; if nchars > 0 then do; /* pick up leftover chars */ p = addr (buffer.chars (btally - nchars)); do i = 1 to nchars; lrc = bool (lrc, p -> bchars (i), XOR); end; end; return (lrc); end; /* Subroutine to write a formfeed */ write_ff: proc (ff_sent); dcl ff_sent bit (1); /* ON if we succeed */ dcl p ptr; dcl (hlen, tlen) fixed bin; ff_sent = "0"b; pvste.eop = "0"b; if pvmd.omit_ff | (substr (pvste.name, 1, 1) = "x") then return; if (pvste.write_chain ^= 0) | pvmd.write_chan = subchan then return; /* don't clear screen during output */ call tty_space_man$get_buffer ((pvste.devx), 16, OUTPUT, p); if p = null /* did not get buffer, tough luck */ then return; pvste.eop = "1"b; /* so frame header will have formfeed */ call get_frame_header (hlen); pvste.eop = "0"b; substr (string (p -> buffer.chars), 1, hlen) = substr (string (frame_header), 1, hlen); call get_frame_trailer; tlen = length (string (frame_trailer)); substr (string (p -> buffer.chars), hlen + 1, tlen) = string (frame_trailer); p -> buffer.tally = hlen + tlen; pvste.write_chain = bin (rel (p), 18); if pvmd.write_chan = 0 then call write_frame (code); ff_sent = "1"b; end; /* Subroutine to build a frame header */ get_frame_header: proc (nchars); dcl nchars fixed bin; /* number of chars in frame header */ dcl adr bit (9); frame_header = frame_header_template; /* init invariant part of frame header */ adr = bit (pvste.station_addr, 9) | SELECT; /* get select address */ unspec (frame_header.select_msg.adr) = adr; unspec (frame_header.select_msg.lrc) = bool (COMMON_LRC, adr, XOR); /* compute LRC */ if pvste.printer /* get text message address */ then adr = PRINTER; else adr = DISPLAY; unspec (frame_header.text_msg.adr) = adr; text_lrc = bool (COMMON_LRC, adr, XOR); /* factor adr into text msg lrc */ if pvste.printer then do; frame_header.text_msg.sta = PRT; /* make this a transparent printer message */ text_lrc = bool (text_lrc, unspec (PRT), XOR); end; nchars = length (string (frame_header)); if pvste.eop & ^pvmd.omit_ff & ^(substr (pvste.name, 1, 1) = "x") /* cursor at end of page, must clear screen */ then text_lrc = bool (text_lrc, unspec (FF), XOR);/* account for added FF */ else nchars = nchars - 2; /* remove FF from frame header */ end; /* Subroutine to build a frame trailer */ get_frame_trailer: proc; dcl adr bit (9); frame_trailer = frame_trailer_template; /* init invariant parts of frame trailer */ unspec (frame_trailer.text_msg.lrc) = text_lrc; adr = bit (pvste.station_addr, 9) | POLL; /* get poll address */ unspec (frame_trailer.poll_msg.adr) = adr; unspec (frame_trailer.poll_msg.lrc) = bool (COMMON_LRC, adr, XOR); /* compute lrc */ end; /* Subroutine to write an output frame for a specified subchannel */ write_frame: proc (code); dcl code fixed bin (35); code = 0; pvmd.write_chan = subchan; if pvste.printer then do; call duplicate_write_chain (); if pvmd.writep = null /* couldn't get the space */ then do; call tty_space_man$needs_space (pvmd.devx); /* find out when more space is available */ return; end; pvste.hold_output = "1"b; /* no more output until printer sends ACK */ end; else do; pvmd.writep = ptr (ttybp, pvste.write_chain); pvste.write_chain = 0; pvste.hold_output = pvmd.writep -> buffer.end_of_page; /* if at EOP, hold output until next input */ end; pvmd.writep -> buffer.end_of_page = "0"b; call write_bchain (code); end; /* Subroutine to write the current write buffer chain */ write_bchain: proc (code); dcl code fixed bin (35); call channel_manager$write (pvmd.devx, pvmd.writep, code); if code ^= 0 then do; if code = et_noalloc /* parent multiplexer ran out of space */ then do; code = 0; call tty_space_man$needs_space (pvmd.devx); /* find out when more space is available */ end; else do; /* abort current write frame */ subchan = pvmd.write_chan; pvstep = addr (pvmd.subchan_table (subchan)); pvste.hold_output = "0"b; call free_bchain; call free_write_chain; end; return; end; pvmd.send_output = "0"b; end; /* Subroutine to free the current write buffer chain */ free_bchain: proc; call channel_manager$control (pvmd.devx, "abort", addr (WRITE_ABORT), 0); call tty_space_man$free_chain (pvmd.devx, OUTPUT, pvmd.writep); pvmd.writep = null; pvmd.write_chan = 0; end; /* Subroutine to duplicate a write buffer chain */ duplicate_write_chain: proc; dcl (p, newp, prev_newp, new_headp) ptr; dcl end_chain bit (1); dcl nwords fixed bin; dcl bwords (nwords) fixed bin based; p = ptr (ttybp, pvste.write_chain); /* get ptr to head of write chain */ prev_newp = null; end_chain = "0"b; do while (^end_chain); nwords = (bin (p -> buffer.size_code, 3) + 1) * 16; /* get number of words in buffer */ call tty_space_man$get_buffer ((pvste.devx), nwords, OUTPUT, newp); if newp = null /* failed to get buffer */ then do; if prev_newp ^= null then do; prev_newp -> buffer.next = 0; call tty_space_man$free_chain ((pvste.devx), OUTPUT, prev_newp); end; return; end; newp -> bwords = p -> bwords; /* duplicate buffer */ if prev_newp = null /* this is first buffer of chain */ then new_headp = newp; else prev_newp -> buffer.next = bin (rel (newp), 18); prev_newp = newp; /* thread new buffer onto duplicate chain */ if p -> buffer.next = 0 then end_chain = "1"b; else p = ptr (ttybp, p -> buffer.next); end; pvmd.writep = new_headp; return; end; /* Subroutine to free the write chain for a specified subchannel */ free_write_chain: proc; if pvste.write_chain ^= 0 then do; call tty_space_man$free_chain ((pvste.devx), OUTPUT, ptr (addr (tty_buf$), pvste.write_chain)); pvste.write_chain = 0; end; if pvste.dialed & ^pvste.hold_output & (pvmd.write_chan ^= subchan) /* solicit more output */ then call channel_manager$interrupt ((pvste.devx), SEND_OUTPUT, ""b); end; /* Subroutine to handle a mutliplexer crash */ crash_mpx: proc; dcl mpx_loaded bit (1); mpx_loaded = pvmd.mpx_loaded; pvmd.mpx_loading, pvmd.mpx_loaded = "0"b; if mpx_loaded then do; if pvmd.writep ^= null then call free_bchain; do subchan = 1 to pvmd.nchan; /* clean up all the subchans */ pvstep = addr (pvmd.subchan_table (subchan)); pvste.dialed = "0"b; call free_write_chain; call channel_manager$interrupt ((pvste.devx), CRASH, ""b); end; end; end; end; /* polled_vip_mpx */