& ****************************************************** & * * & * * & * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of * & * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. * & * * & * * & ****************************************************** & & setup_arpanet.ec: Set up the ARPA network support on Multics. & Written by C. Hornig, February 1980. & &if [nequal &n 0] &then &else &goto args_ok & &print Usage: ec setup_arpanet &HOST {test} &quit & &label args_ok &attach & &if [equal x&r2 x] &then &else &goto testing change_wdir > & &goto &ec_name & &label testing & new_user$new_user_test [wd]>udd>SysAdmin>admin install$install_init [wd]>system_control_dir copy >system_library_network>net_host_table_ system_library_network>== -all -acl initiate system_library_network>net_host_table_ -force initiate >system_library_network>nhi_update_ net_admin_ -force & &goto &ec_name & &label setup_arpanet & &print $ Begin ARPA setup for host &1. & & set up process environment & add_search_rules >system_library_tools >system_library_network & & Register daemon users & new_user *System, Network Operation Machine Room none Daemon nd nd Network_Daemon yes yes *System, Network Services Machine Room none Daemon ns ns Network_Server yes yes *System, Network Mail Machine Room none Daemon NETML NETML NETML yes no & & Make links so that Initializer can run net stuff & do "(link copy_names) system_library_network>&(1) system_library_tools>==" (bound_net_status_ bound_network_logger_) & & set up >udd>Daemon & add_name udd>Daemon CNet change_wdir udd>Daemon & answer yes create_dir mailboxes move_quota mailboxes 1 set_acl mailboxes s *.*.* & answer yes create_dir send_mail_pool move_quota send_mail_pool 100 set_acl send_mail_pool sma Network_Server.* sa *.* set_iacl_seg send_mail_pool r Network_Server.* & &if [exists entry Network_Server] &then &else answer yes create_dir Network_Server & add_name Network_Server ns set_acl Network_Server sma Network_Server.* set_iacl_seg Network_Server rw Network_Server.* change_wdir Network_Server & create net_mailer_com_seg add_name net_mailer_com_seg server_com_seg set_acl net_mailer_com_seg rw Network_Server.* r *.* & create mailing_list set_acl mailing_list rw Network_Server.* debug /mailing_list/ 1=34100 2=1604 3=2 4=16040 5=30 .q & qedx i !&!command_line off run_net_mailer !&!quit \f 1,$s/!// w start_up.ec q set_acl start_up.ec r Network_Server.* & ms_create outgoing_mail ms_set_acl outgoing_mail adros Network_Server.* aos *.* & change_wdir < create Network_Server>net_log & &if [exists entry Network_Daemon] &then &else answer yes create_dir Network_Daemon & add_name Network_Daemon nd set_acl Network_Daemon sma Network_Daemon.* set_iacl_seg Network_Daemon rw Network_Daemon.* create Network_Daemon>net_log & &if [exists entry NETML] &then &else answer yes create_dir NETML & set_acl NETML sma NETML.* set_iacl_seg NETML rw NETML.* create NETML>net_log & change_wdir << & & set up >sc1 & change_wdir system_control_dir answer yes create net_log answer yes create log_tbl ed_installation_parms c ARPA &1 w q & answer yes create_dir ncp set_acl ncp s *.* change_wdir ncp & create connect.acs set_max_length connect.acs 0 set_acl connect.acs rw *.* & create AS_logger set_max_length AS_logger 0 delete_acl AS_logger -all delete_acl AS_logger *.SysDaemon.* set_acl AS_logger rw Initializer.SysDaemon.z null *.*.* & add_name AS_logger socket.(1 3 23).acs add_name AS_logger socket_group.([index_set 255]).acs & change_wdir << & & set up admin databases & change_wdir udd>SysAdmin>admin qedx r CMF /^end;/i name: net001-net010; service: login; baud: none; line_type: TELNET; name: ftp201-ftp210; service: ftp; baud: none; line_type: TELNET; \f w q cv_cmf CMF install CMF.cdt & & Register on the Daemon project & change_wdir udd>SysAdmin>admin archive x pmf Daemon qedx r Daemon /^end;/i personid: Network_Daemon; initproc: network_exec_; personid: Network_Server; personid: NETML; initproc: netml_responder_; attributes: ^vinitproc, ^vhomedir, ^nostartup, ^daemon, multip; \f w q cv_pmf Daemon install Daemon.pdt delete Daemon.pdt archive ud pmf Daemon & & make the host table & qedx a /* Initial ARPANET host table */ Host: 167772166; official_name: MIT-Multics; abbreviation: mit; attribute: Communicate, Server, Multics; Host: 168034335; official_name: MIT-devMultics; abbreviation: cisl; attribute: Communicate, Server, Multics; \f w net_host_table.ascii q update_host_table net_host_table.ascii -reset -all & change_wdir <<< & &quit & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & This part reverts everything done above & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &label revert_ARPAnet & delete_dir udd>Daemon>send_mail_pool -force delete_dir udd>Daemon>mailboxes -force delete_dir udd>Daemon>NETML -force delete_dir udd>Daemon>Network_Server -force delete_dir udd>Daemon>Network_Daemon -force & delete_name udd>CNet & change_wdir udd>SysAdmin>admin archive x pmf Daemon qedx r Daemon /NETML/d /Network_Server/d /Network_Daemon/d w q cv_pmf Daemon install Daemon.pdt archive ud pmf Daemon & remove_user NETML remove_user Network_Server remove_user Network_Daemon & change_wdir <<< & &quit & & & ----------------------------------------------------------- & & & & Historical Background & & This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated & to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group Bull including Bull HN Information Systems Inc. & as a contribution to computer science knowledge. & This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, & Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell Bull Inc., Groupe Bull & and Bull HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. & Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), & renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership & of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for & managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems & incorporated Multics principles. & Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., & as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . & & ----------------------------------------------------------- & & Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without & fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies & and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting & documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, Bull or Bull HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining & to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. & Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. & Copyright 2006 by Bull HN Information Systems Inc. & Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS & All Rights Reserved & &