&version 2 &- *********************************************************** &- * * &- * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1984 * &- * * &- * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of * &- * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. * &- * * &- *********************************************************** &- &- Modification history: &- Modified 1984-12-11 BIM for new value segments. &- &- Multics billing operations &- ------------------------------ &- &trace &command off &trace &input off &goto &1 &- &label prepare &trace &command on &- &- Usage: ec biller prepare access-name-to-run-bills &default &"" &[user name].&[user project].a print billing_footnote &print $$$ if file not up to date, edit it st -dt disk_stat &print $$$ if disk report not current, 'ec master drp' &- &print Checking access to segments and directories for &2 ec util check_access >sc1>sat rw &2 ec util check_access >sc1>pdt sma &2 ec util check_access ([segs >sc1>pdt>*.pdt -absp]) rw &2 &- &print $$$ arguments for bill run are mm dd yy bxxxxx &quit &- &- --------------------------- &- &label run &- &- If this installation requires card output from billing runs, then &- the following line should be commented out: &if &[exists argument &4] &then &goto cards_not_required &if &[not [exists argument &5]] &then exec_com err noarg &if &[not [or [equal [substr &5 1 1] "B"] [equal [substr &5 1 1] "b"]]] &then exec_com err badarg &5 not voucher &label cards_not_required &print $ now doing billing for &2/&3/&4 (&5) value_set -pn sys_admin abort_crank true &print $ crank will abort now until "bill accept" has run sort_reqfile sort_projfile compute_bill safe_pdts>sat safe_pdts daily_summary -nosum -nocutr &- above commands make sure got all charges if diskreport ran after crank. exec_com util del (mailing_copy long_bill short_bill bill msum cards miscs.print) iocall attach sumry file_ msum w write_billing_summary &2 &4 iocall detach sumry &if &[not [exists argument &5]] &then &goto no_cards iocall attach cards file_ cards w punch_MIT_deck &2 &3 &4 &5 iocall detach cards &print $ now dprinting cards and sumry setacl cards r IO.SysDaemon &if &[exists file cards] &then dpn1 -ds "***SPECIAL***" -he [value_get -pn sys_admin accts0_addr] -mcc cards &label no_cards exec_com util dp (msum cards) accts0 1 exec_com util dp (msum cards) default 1 iocall attach acct_bill file_ bill w iocall attach mailing_copy file_ mailing_copy w iocall attach bill broadcast_ acct_bill w iocall attach bill broadcast_ mailing_copy w write_acct_bill &2 &4 iocall detach bill iocall detach acct_bill exec_com util dp bill accts0 1 exec_com util dp bill default 1 iocall attach long file_ long_bill w iocall attach long_bill broadcast_ long w iocall attach long_bill broadcast_ mailing_copy w iocall attach short_bill file_ short_bill w iocall attach both_bills broadcast_ long_bill w iocall attach both_bills broadcast_ short_bill w write_user_usage_report safe_pdts>sat safe_pdts reqfile projfile miscfile iocall detach (both_bills long_bill short_bill mailing_copy long) file_output miscs.print misc$print_all_miscs revert_output &print $ now dprinting long bill exec_com util dp long_bill accts0 1 exec_com util dp long_bill default 1 &- exec_com util del system_month.report file_output system_month.report; system_monthly_report today.use_totals last_month.use_totals; revert_output exec_com util dp system_month.report admin0 2 exec_com util dp system_month.report default 1 &- &quit &- &- ------------------------ &- &label accept &- &if &[not [exists argument &2]] &then exec_com err noarg copy projfile HF>&2.projfile -brief copy reqfile HF>&2.reqfile -brief copy miscfile HF>&2.miscfile -brief copy today.use_totals HF>&2.use_totals exec_com util del last_month.use_totals copy today.use_totals last_month.use_totals usage_total safe_pdts>sat safe_pdts projfile last_month.use_totals reset_use_totals today.use_totals daily_report.control &- up_ctr clear_reqfile clear_projfile clear_sat smf.cur.sat reset_usage >system_control_dir>sat >system_control_dir>pdt safe_pdts>sat safe_pdts misc$reset_misc &- truncate instead of deleting and creating, to preserve the acl truncate miscfile reset_disk_meters value_set -pn sys_admin abort_crank false &print $ crank is now free to run &- &- Comment this back in when console_report and sys_full_report are ready. &- exec_com util del system_full.list &- file_output system_full.list &- sys_full_report -print &- revert_output &- delete sys_full_report_seg &- exec_com util del console.list &- console_report -sort &- file_output console.list &- console_report -print &- revert_output &- console_report -clear exec_com util dp (console.list system_full.list) admin0 2 exec_com util dp (console.list system_full.list) default 1 &- &label rqbill &if &[exists file cards] &then dpn2 -bf -he [value_get -pn sys_admin accts0_addr] -ds [value_get -pn sys_admin accts0_dest] -mcc cards exec_com util dp (mailing_copy bill long_bill msum bill cards diskreport miscs.print) accts0 exec_com util dp system_month.report assurance1 &- exec_com util dp system_month.report director2 exec_com util dp system_month.report director3 exec_com util dp system_month.report director4 exec_com util dp system_month.report director5 exec_com util dp system_month.report director6 exec_com util dp (system_month.report short_bill diskreport bill msum cards miscs.print) director7 &- exec_com util dp (system_month.report short_bill diskreport long_bill msum bill cards miscs.print) admin0 &- exec_com util dp (system_month.report short_bill diskreport long_bill msum bill cards miscs.print) admin1 exec_com util dp system_month.report sysprg0 exec_com util dp system_month.report sysprg1 exec_com util dp system_month.report sysprg2 exec_com util dp (mailing_copy miscs.print short_bill) default 1 &quit &- &- ---------------------- &- &label delete exec_com util del (mailing_copy long_bill short_bill bill msum cards miscs.print) &quit &- &- ------------------------- &- &label &1 exec_com err illegal_arg &1 &quit &- ---- & & & ----------------------------------------------------------- & & & & Historical Background & & This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated & to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group Bull including Bull HN Information Systems Inc. & as a contribution to computer science knowledge. & This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, & Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell Bull Inc., Groupe Bull & and Bull HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. & Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), & renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership & of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for & managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems & incorporated Multics principles. & Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., & as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . & & ----------------------------------------------------------- & & Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without & fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies & and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting & documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, Bull or Bull HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining & to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. & Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. & Copyright 2006 by Bull HN Information Systems Inc. & Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS & All Rights Reserved & &