@qI ?A$PAnonChmn'Anonymous users may not chair meetings.BadRpIdx9The transaction being replied to must have a lower index.BadSpec "Invalid transaction specification.NullNameThe meeting name is blank.NoNotify9An unexpected fault occurred while sending notifications.^MsgAm VThe site administrator requires that eligibility messages be printed for this meeting.^MsgSite8This site requires that eligibility messages be printed.CharOnly<Only the chairman of the meeting may perform this operation.BadUID =The meeting has been deleted or terminated in the inner ring.BadUID EThe specified uid does not correspond to the specified meeting index.BadAtIdx'The supplied attendee index is invalid.BadFrIdx;The specified index does not correspond to an open meeting.InvSgIdx7Attempt to initiate a non-existent proceedings segment.BadSwtch&The supplied switch name is not valid.BadTrIdx/The specified transaction index does not exist.LongNameThe meeting name is too long.BadKey 5This keyword may not appear in ranges or expressions.MtgAdjnd3The chairman has temporarily adjourned the meeting.MBloat :There is no room left in the meeting for new transactions.MLong 5The chairman message may only be 256 characters long.NoSpec *A transaction specification must be given.^SysHighTMaximum authorization of system_high is needed to created the notifications segment.NdStar *The ACL term for *.*.* may not be deleted.BadSufix:The '.control' suffix must be present on the meeting name.NoCurnt There is no current transaction.NoForum There is no current meeting.NoMess There is no chairman message.NoNotSeg-The notifications database cannot be located.NoSchFor%The specified meeting does not exist.NoSchUsr-The user is not a participant in the meeting.BadSufix8The '.forum' suffix must be present on the meeting name.NoTrans No transactions were selected.^TrnUser(There are no transactions for this user.^UnProc $There is no unprocessed transaction.BadFmFmt9The segments are not in the correct format for a meeting.NoAccess2Insufficient access to participate in the meeting.NotUsSw 7An attendee name may not be specified with this switch.NotFound:The meeting could not be found in the 'forum' search list.NotBad &The Notifications Database is damaged.NullRng 1There are no transactions in the specified range.OldFmt MThe specified meeting is a version 1 meeting. Use old forum or convert_forum.ROnly 4The user may not enter transactions in this meeting.UserFull3There is no room for new attendees in this meeting.rqo 3There is not enough quota to enter the transaction.rqoload 9There is not enough quota to copy or expunge the meeting.Sw^Chg %The specified switch was not changed.MultPers Only one person_id may be given.MultReg -Only one regular expression may be specified.MultTrns&Only one transaction may be specified.TransDel+The specified transaction has been deleted.Trns^del/The specified transaction has not been deleted.TranReap,The specified transaction has been expunged.AnyOther0An unexpected fault occurred in inner ring code.BadUnpr >The unprocessed transaction may not be used with this request.DumbChmn+The chairman may not delete his own access.   forum_error_table_>you_twit =unproc_not_allowed!<unexpected_fault(;$ trans_reaped0!:+trans_not_deleted7(93 trans_deleted>08:too_many_transF77Atoo_many_regexpsN>6Itoo_many_personidsVF5Qswitch_not_changed\N4Yrqo_load`V3_rqof\2c roster_fulll`1i read_onlyrf0o old_formatyl/unull_range_specr.|notify_seg_bady-not_in_search_list,not_user_switch+ not_eligible* not_a_forum)no_unprocessed(no_trans_for_user'no_transactions& no_suffix% no_such_user$ no_such_forum# no_notify_seg" no_message!no_forum  no_currentno_control_suffix need_star_aclneed_system_high missing_specmessage_too_long  meeting_bloatmeeting_adjourned key_not_allowed"long_forum_name*%invalid_trans_idx2"-invalid_switch_name9*5invalid_seg_idxA2<invalid_forum_idxH9Dinvalid_att_idxOAK incorrect_uidVHR forum_deleted]OY chairman_onlyeV`cant_stop_msg_sitem] hcant_stop_msg_adminse p cant_notify{m vblank_forum_names ~bad_trans_spec{  bad_reply_idx anon_chairman symbol_tableY! syF]V{O"9f\>0Ve2AmHNl7` (r*6B@E8? ??)?4?=?N?f?w????????????0?@?M?e?r??????????????.???K?Z?p??????????? ??* &@symbtreeL2L|alm   $@4ff4ALM Version 6.7 October 1986 GJohnson.SysMaint.a list B7g&L1+PP4J7DX6gL+q>special_ldd>install>MR12.0-1206>forum_error_table_.alm >ldd>include>et_macros.incl.alm >special_ldd>install>MR12.0-1206>stack_header.incl.alm tBJ*obj_map 66*F28p