assm 01 12-10-82 15.665 control tables for automatic baud selection page 1 preface program break 432 common length 0 v count bits 5 primary symdef entry auto 0 autost 57 secondary symdef entry .chain 0 block length symref 1 begin 2 cct.2 3 4 diftyp 5 signal 6 stpchn end of binary card 00000001 assm 01 12-10-82 15.665 control tables for automatic baud selection page 2 1 * *********************************************************** 2 * * * 3 * * copyright, (c) honeywell information systems inc., 1982 * 4 * * * 5 * * copyright (c) 1972 by massachusetts institute of * 6 * * technology and honeywell information systems, inc. * 7 * * * 8 * *********************************************************** 9 10 lbl ,autobaud_tables assm 01 12-10-82 15.665 control tables for automatic baud selection page 3 15 pcc off 16 17 00000 18 auto null 19 symdef auto 20 symdef autost 21 22 symref begin return here in control tables after hanging up 23 symref signal after buad set, return here to signal dialup 24 symref diftyp exit to control tables here for 1050 or 2741 25 symref cct.2 cct for 2741 or 1050 26 symref cct to break on all characters 27 00000 28 start auto 29 30 00012 32 csbits assm 01 12-10-82 15.668 control tables for automatic baud selection page 4 control and status bits control bits 000001 c.srec bool 000001 set receive mode 000002 c.rrec bool 000002 reset receive mode 000004 c.sxmt bool 000004 set transmit mode 000010 c.rxmt bool 000010 reset transmit mode 000020 c.sdtr bool 000020 set data terminal ready 000040 c.rdtr bool 000040 reset data terminal ready 000100 c.ssup bool 000100 set supervisory transmit mode 000100 c.stre bool 000100 set tally runout enable (hdlc) 000200 c.rsup bool 000200 reset supervisory transmit mode 000200 c.rtre bool 000200 reset tally runout enable (hdlc) 000400 c.stat bool 000400 store status 001000 c.sbrk bool 001000 send line break 002000 c.smrk bool 002000 store marker status 004000 c.strm bool 004000 store terminate status 010000 c.srqs bool 010000 set request to send 020000 c.rrqs bool 020000 reset request to send 040000 c.pad bool 040000 unused 100000 c.cmd bool 100000 indicates cmd subop 400000 c.scmd bool 400000 indicates supplementary cmd subop the following must be used in the optional fields to the cmd (or contrl) macros in the control_tables 000001 c.scrq bool 000001 set call request 000002 c.rcrq bool 000002 reset call request assm 01 12-10-82 15.668 control tables for automatic baud selection page 5 control and status bits status bits 000001 bool 000001 carrier detect 000002 s.cts bool 000002 clear to send 000004 s.dsr bool 000004 data set ready 000010 s.sprc bool 000010 supervisory receive mode 000020 bool 000020 status requested 000040 s.mark bool 000040 marker status 000100 s.term bool 000100 terminate status 000200 s.prex bool 000200 pre-exhaust 000400 s.brk bool 000400 line break received 001000 s.brch bool 001000 break character received 002000 s.ring bool 002000 ring 004000 s.exh bool 004000 exhaust status 010000 s.prty bool 010000 parity error 010000 s.fcse bool 010000 frame check sequence error (hdlc) 020000 s.xte bool 020000 transfer timing error 040000 s.pwi bool 040000 acu power indicator 100000 s.dlo bool 100000 acu data line occupied 200000 s.acr bool 200000 acu abandon call and retry 400000 bool 400000 acu raised data set status the following four bits share the values of acu status but can never be misinterpreted. 040000 s.rto bool 040000 receive time out (bsc) 040000 s.isd bool 040000 idle state detect (hdlc) 100000 s.rbt bool 100000 receive block termination (bsc & hdlc) assm 01 12-10-82 15.668 control tables for automatic baud selection page 6 control and status bits 200000 s.bmk bool 200000 marker status (bsc) 200000 s.rabt bool 200000 receive abort (hdlc) 400000 s.bdmk bool 400000 delayed marker status (bsc) 400000 s.pbyt bool 400000 partial byte (hdlc) bits in common between standard status 000177 s.tib bool 000177 and tib status dataset status bits in standard status 000017 s.dss bool 000017 and tib status asynchronous configuration bits 000001 fg.icw bool 000001 icw (two send icw's) 000002 fg.lpr bool 000002 lateral parity receive 000004 fg.lps bool 000004 lateral parity send 000010 fg.lpo bool 000010 lateral parity odd 000020 fg.5bt bool 000020 5-bit character mode 000040 fg.6bt bool 000040 6-bit character mode 000100 fg.7bt bool 000100 7-bit character mode 000200 fg.8bt bool 000200 8-bit character mode 000400 fg.beb bool 000400 ebcdic mode (bsc) 000400 fg.itf bool 000400 interfame time fill (hdlc) 001000 fg.btr bool 001000 transparent mode (bsc) 002000 fg.cct bool 002000 enable cct 00012 33 tconst assm 01 12-10-82 15.668 control tables for automatic baud selection page 7 flag and control bit definitions 000001 gbf6up bool 000001 cs up global switch device types 000001 ttasci equ 1 ascii terminals, cdi, tty 33, 35, 37, etc 000002 tt1050 equ 2 ibm 1050 000003 tt2741 equ 3 ibm 2741, trendata, dura, etc. 000004 ttards equ 4 ards, tektronix 000005 ttsync equ 5 general sync devices 000006 ttg115 equ 6 remote computer interface, g115 000007 ttbsc equ 7 binary synchronous communications 000010 tt202c equ 8 ascii on 202c6 modem 000011 ttvip equ 9 vip terminal 000020 ttpvip equ 16 polled vip 000021 ttx25l equ 17 x.25 link access procedure (lap) 000023 ttcolt equ 19 colts (online t&d executive) signal types 000113 quit bool 113 dia cmd, break received 000100 dialup bool 100 dia cmd, accept new terminal 000101 hangup bool 101 dia cmd, disconnected line 000114 wrutim bool 114 dia cmd, wru timeout 000105 sndout bool 105 dia cmd, send output 000120 acupwi bool 120 dia cmd, no power to acu 000121 acudlo bool 121 dia cmd, data line occupied 000122 acuacr bool 122 dia cmd, dial out failed 000123 acung bool 123 dia cmd, request for acu is invalid control types 000001 srec equ c.srec set receive mode 000002 rrec equ c.rrec reset receive 000004 sxmit equ c.sxmt set xmit mode 000010 rxmit equ c.rxmt reset xmit 000020 sdtr equ c.sdtr set data terminal ready 000040 rdtr equ c.rdtr reset dtr 000100 ssup equ c.ssup set supervisory xmit 000200 rsup equ c.rsup reset supervisory xmit 000400 stat equ c.stat store status 001000 sbrk equ c.sbrk send line break 002000 smark equ c.smrk send marker status 004000 sterm equ c.strm send terminate status 010000 srts equ c.srqs set request to send 020000 rrts equ c.rrqs reset request to send 000001 scrq equ c.scrq set call request 000002 rcrq equ c.rcrq reset call request 000100 stroe equ c.stre set tally runout enable (hdlc) 000200 rtroe equ c.rtre reset tally runout enable (hdlc) assm 01 12-10-82 15.668 control tables for automatic baud selection page 8 flag and control bit definitions status bits 000001 cd equ carrier detect 000002 cts equ s.cts clear to send 000004 dsr equ s.dsr data set ready 000010 suprec equ s.sprc supervisory receive 000020 st equ status requested 000400 break equ s.brk line break received 001000 brkchr equ s.brch break char received 002000 ring equ s.ring ring 000100 term equ s.term terminate status 000040 marker equ s.mark marker status 004000 exh equ s.exh exhaust status 000200 prexh equ s.prex pre-exhaust status 010000 parity equ s.prty parity error 020000 xte equ s.xte transfer timing error 040000 pwi equ s.pwi power indicator on acu 100000 dlo equ s.dlo data line occupied (acu) 400000 ads equ dialed station has answered data set is in data mode (acu) 200000 acr equ s.acr abandon call and retry (acu) 040000 rcvto equ s.rto rcv time out 100000 bscrcv equ s.rbt bsc terminate 200000 bscmrk equ s.bmk bsc marker 400000 bscdmk equ s.bdmk bsc delayed marker 010000 fcserr equ s.fcse frame check sequence error (hdlc) 040000 idlesd equ s.isd idle state detect (hdlc) 100000 rcvtrm equ s.rbt receive terminate (hdlc) 200000 rcvabt equ s.rabt receive abort (hdlc) 400000 parbyt equ s.pbyt partial byte (hdlc) assm 01 12-10-82 15.668 control tables for automatic baud selection page 9 flag and control bit definitions output types 000401 adprtr bool 401 insert printer addr string 000402 adkybd bool 402 insert keyboard addr string 000403 outmsg bool 403 insert output msg 000404 repeat bool 404 insert next char n times various characters matched and sent 000064 eoa bool 64 eoa from/to 2741/1050 000001 minus bool 1 minus char from 1050 000055 ibmnl bool 55 cr nl from/to 2741/1050 000075 ibmpad bool 75 2741/1050 pad character(idle) 000074 ibmeot bool 74 2741/1050 eot char 000174 eotshf bool 174 eot w/case shift 000035 ibmbs bool 35 backspace from 2741 000057 ibmtab bool 57 tab from 2741 000042 ibmsl bool 42 2741 slash 000024 ibm0 bool 24 2741 zero 000044 ibm9 bool 44 2741 nine 000076 ibmprf bool 76 2741 prefix code 000003 ibmpls bool 3 2741 plus sign 000034 ibmup bool 34 2741 upshift 000037 ibmdwn bool 37 2741 downshift 000012 nl bool 12 ascii new-line 000015 cr bool 15 ascii carriage return 000000 pad bool 0 ascii pad char 000020 dle bool 20 ascii data link escape 000004 eot bool 4 ascii end of transmission 000033 esc bool 33 ascii escape char 000014 ff bool 14 ascii form feed char 000011 tab bool 11 ascii tab char 000010 bs bool 10 ascii backspace 000040 space bool 40 ascii space 000005 awru bool 5 ascii "who are you?" 000000 null bool 0 nothing 000006 ack bool 6 ascii ack 000025 nak bool 25 ascii nak 000001 soh bool 1 ascii start of header 000026 syn bool 26 ascii syn character 000002 stx bool 2 ascii start of text char 000003 etx bool 3 ascii end of text char 000007 bel bool 007 ascii bell character 000150 h bool 150 ascii h (esc mtr on) 000154 l bool 154 ascii l (used by vip for ff) 000161 q bool 161 ascii q (used by vip for quit) 000100 atchar bool 100 ascii at sign (used to mark reset-read) 000777 nochar bool 777 used in cmt to match no character scan subop types assm 01 12-10-82 15.668 control tables for automatic baud selection page 10 flag and control bit definitions 000501 match bool 501 match the char exactly 000502 search bool 502 search until match 000503 ignore bool 503 skip to next char, block check unchanged 000504 sbcc bool 504 start the bcc computation 000505 endchn bool 505 point to last character in chain 000506 cbcc bool 506 compare current with bcc char 000507 cmask bool 507 compare char with mask 000510 rescan bool 510 reset scan position to first char in chai 000511 strlrc bool 511 start lrc computation 000512 outlrc bool 512 insert lrc into chain 000513 cmplrc bool 513 compare lrc accumulation vs current char 000514 seteom bool 514 set last buffer in message flag ( for bld 000515 replac bool 515 replace current char 000516 cmplst bool 516 compare current vs list of chars for equa 000517 movchr bool 517 move current char to tib extension 000520 movmsk bool 520 movchr with masking of current char 000521 count bool 521 count number of chars scanned 000522 serch2 bool 522 search for one of two chars 000523 setbit bool 523 turn on bits in current char 000524 offbit bool 524 turn off bits in current char 000525 chktrm bool 525 check the sync termination char 000526 mvlst2 bool 526 move last two chars to tib ext 000527 nxtchr bool 527 update block check and skip to next char 00012 34 cctdef cct control bit definitions 000000 ct.ncs bool 000 normal char store 000001 ct.t1s bool 001 store and terminate on next 000002 ct.t2s bool 002 store and terminate after 2 chars 000003 ct.t0s bool 003 store and terminate 000004 ct.dmk bool 004 store and marker delayed 000005 ct.mk1 bool 005 store and marker on next 000006 ct.ign bool 006 ignore, no store 000007 ct.mrk bool 007 store and marker 000020 ct.sw bool 020 switch icws 000040 ct.syn bool 040 resync channel 000100 ct.tb1 bool 100 switch to table 1 000200 ct.tb2 bool 200 switch to table 2 000300 ct.tb3 bool 300 switch to table 3 000400 ct.tb4 bool 400 switch to table 4 000023 ct.eol equ ct.sw+ct.t0s eol for regular tty 000061 ct.grt equ ct.sw+ct.syn+ct.t1s for etx plus bcc char 000421 ct.etx equ ct.t1s+ct.sw+ct.tb4 000423 ct.nak equ ct.t0s+ct.sw+ct.tb4 000005 ct.itb equ ct.mk1 000204 ct.stx equ ct.tb2+ct.dmk 000207 ct.mtb equ ct.mrk+ct.tb2 assm 01 12-10-82 15.668 control tables for automatic baud selection page 11 flag and control bit definitions ** following codes are for setcct opblock 000000 scc.dl equ 0 delete current cct 000001 scc.df equ 1 set to default cct based on modes 000002 equ 2 reset to base of current cct 35 00012 36 tib assm 01 12-10-82 15.668 control tables for automatic baud selection page 12 terminal information block (tib) 000000 t.stat equ 0 holds current line status 000001 t.flg equ t.stat+1 flag word 000002 t.flg2 equ t.flg+1 second word of flags 000003 t.cur equ t.flg2+1 current address in control table 000004 t.line equ t.cur+1 10 bit line number 000005 t.icp equ t.line+1 first buffer in input chain 000006 t.ilst equ t.icp+1 last buffer in input chain 000007 t.icpl equ t.ilst+1 count of buffers in icp chain 000010 t.icch equ t.icpl+1 address of next input character 000011 t.elnk equ t.icch+1 link to tib extension 000011 t.rcp equ t.elnk replay chain pointer (share t.elnk) 000012 t.ocp equ t.elnk+1 addr of output chain from cs 000013 t.ocur equ t.ocp+1 addr of current output buffer 000014 t.olst equ t.ocur+1 addr of last buffer in output chain 000015 t.occh equ t.olst+1 addr of next output character 000016 t.ocnt equ t.occh+1 count of buffers in t.ocur 000017 t.type equ t.ocnt+1 line type 000020 t.time equ t.type+1 time at which next timeout will occur 000022 t.reta equ t.time+2 return address from calsub 000023 t.dcwa equ t.reta+1 addr of dcw list to 'execute' 000024 t.dcwl equ t.dcwa+1 length of dcw list 000025 t.echo equ t.dcwl+1 echo buffer address 000026 t.dcp equ t.echo+1 addr of message chain for cs 000027 t.dlst equ t.dcp+1 last buffer in messge chain for cs 000030 t.ftse equ t.dlst+1 first time slot entry in lsla table assm 01 12-10-82 15.668 control tables for automatic baud selection page 13 terminal information block (tib) 000030 t.sfcm equ t.ftse pointer to sfcm for hsla lines 000031 t.bcnt equ t.ftse+1 counting temporary 000032 t.brkp equ t.bcnt+1 pointer to current break list 000033 t.pos equ t.brkp+1 current carriage position 000034 t.char equ t.pos+1 pending line control char (lsla only) 000034 t.ecch equ t.char address of current echo char (hsla only) 000035 t.cntr equ t.char+1 counter for control tables 000036 t.flg3 equ t.cntr+1 third word of flags 000037 t.dtp equ t.flg3+1 pointer to delay table for this line 000040 t.frmc equ t.dtp+1 framing chars (2 chars) 000041 t.dcpl equ t.frmc+1 number of buffers in dcp chain 000042 t.scll equ t.dcpl+1 screenline length left, for echo neg. 000043 t.sncc equ t.scll+1 echo negotiation sync ctr. 000044 t.entp equ t.sncc+1 echo negotiation break table ptr 000045 t.ifch equ t.entp+1 input flow control characters 000046 t.ofch equ t.ifch+1 output flow control characters 000047 t.omct equ t.ofch+1 output message count (for flow control) 000050 t.itim equ t.omct+1 time of last call to inproc (2 words) 000052 t.metr equ t.itim+2 address of metering area 000053 t.leng equ t.metr+1 length of a tib ******************************** * t.stat bits ******************************** 000001 tsfcd bool 000001 carrier detect 000002 tsfcts bool 000002 clear to send 000004 tsfdsr bool 000004 data set ready assm 01 12-10-82 15.668 control tables for automatic baud selection page 14 terminal information block (tib) 000010 tsfsrc bool 000010 supervisory receive 000020 tsfst bool 000020 store status 000040 tsfmrk bool 000040 send marker status 000100 tsftrm bool 000100 send terminate status 000200 tsfrcv bool 000200 receive mode 000400 tsfxmt bool 000400 transmit mode 001000 tsfbrk bool 001000 send line break 002000 tsfdtr bool 002000 data terminal ready 004000 tsfsxt bool 004000 supervisory transmit 004000 tsftre bool 004000 tally runout enable (hdlc) 010000 tsfrts bool 010000 request to send 020000 tsfcrq bool 020000 acu call request ******************************** * tib flags -- t.flg ******************************** 000001 tfwrit bool 000001 output chain present 000002 tfbel bool 000002 send bell as next echoed character 000004 tffdpx bool 000004 full duplex mode 000010 tfkybd bool 000010 keyboard addressed 000020 tfprtr bool 000020 printer addressed 000040 tfhang bool 000040 hangup this line 000100 tflisn bool 000100 answer the phone 000200 tfquit bool 000200 send nl on line break 000400 tfctrl bool 000400 do kybd/printer addressing 001000 tflfec bool 001000 do lf echo on cr 002000 tfcrec bool 002000 do cr echo on lf assm 01 12-10-82 15.668 control tables for automatic baud selection page 15 terminal information block (tib) 004000 tftbec bool 004000 do space echo on tab 010000 tfwabt bool 010000 do write abort 020000 tfauto bool 020000 this is hsla autobaud line 040000 tfeotx bool 040000 eot expected from 2741 100000 tfisus bool 100000 input suspended 200000 tfecpx bool 200000 echoplex mode 400000 tfosus bool 400000 output suspended ******************************** * second word of tib flags ******************************** 000001 tfxhld bool 000001 hold transmit on 000002 tfdild bool 000002 terminal is dialed up 000004 tfercv bool 000004 enter receive mode 000010 tfrabt bool 000010 do read abort 000020 tfacu bool 000020 do dial out 000040 tfifc bool 000040 input flow control mode 000100 tfofc bool 000100 output flow control mode 000200 tfupsf bool 000200 terminal is upshifted now 000400 tfrply bool 000400 replay mode 001000 tfrpon bool 001000 replay is occurring now 002000 tfplit bool 002000 polite mode 004000 tfblak bool 004000 asynchronous block acknowledgement 010000 tfcrcv bool 010000 'control' receive mode 020000 tfmrcv bool 020000 'message' receive mode 040000 tffrmi bool 040000 frame mode 100000 tffip bool 100000 frame in progress assm 01 12-10-82 15.668 control tables for automatic baud selection page 16 terminal information block (tib) 200000 tfsftr bool 200000 terminal is shifting device 400000 tfpfnl bool 400000 line is in prefixnl mode ********************************* * third word of tib flags ********************************* 000001 tfbkpt bool 000001 line is stopped at breakpoint 000002 tfitim bool 000002 timeout if input stops 000004 tfkpar bool 000004 keep parity bits 000010 tfecho bool 000010 echoing has priority over output (lsla) 000020 tfbral bool 000020 break on all characters 000040 tfsked bool 000040 input timeout routine scheduled 000100 tf8in bool 000100 don't strip input parity 000200 tf8out bool 000200 don't strip output parity 000400 tfoddp bool 000400 odd parity 002000 tfsoip bool 002000 suspension of output in progress 004000 tforp bool 004000 output resume pending (waiting until tro) ********************************* * redefined tib flags in t.flg ********************************* 000020 tfdlup equ tfprtr line is on dialup modem 38 assm 01 12-10-82 15.668 control tables for automatic baud selection page 17 40 * these control tables assume the user has hit carriage return or 41 * typed either an upper case or lower case "l" 42 * at some unknown (but not more than 1200) baud rate. the 43 * character(s) read at 300 baud are tested to determine the 44 * baud rate. 45 * note that carriage return does not work for 133 baud. 46 47 * 300 baud input: 48 * lc-"l" yields 1101100 (154) 49 * uc-"l" yields 1001100 (114) 50 * cr yields 0001101 (015) 51 52 * 150 baud input: 53 * lc-"l" yields 1100000 xx11110 (140 036) (x bits depend on parity) 54 * uc-"l" yields 1100000 xx11000 (140 030) 55 * cr yields 56 57 * 133 baud input: 58 * lc-"l" yields 0011x00 1111000 1111110 (03x 170 176) or 59 * 0001110 01111x0 (016 07x) depending on model 60 * cr yields 61 62 * 110 baud input: 63 * lc-"l" yields 0000000 1111100 1111111 (000 174 176) or 64 * 0000000 1111100 (000 174) depending on parity 65 * uc-"l" yields 0000000 1100000 1111111 (000 140 176) or 66 * 0000000 1100000 (000 140) depending on parity 67 * cr yields 68 69 * 1200 baud input: 70 * lc-"l" yields 71 * uc-"l" yields 72 * cr yields 73 74 * define character codes for making these tests 75 000000 76 cc.000 bool 000 000014 77 cc.014 bool 014 000015 78 cc.015 bool 015 000016 79 cc.016 bool 016 000030 80 cc.030 bool 030 000034 81 cc.034 bool 034 000036 82 cc.036 bool 036 000070 83 cc.070 bool 070 000074 84 cc.074 bool 074 000076 85 cc.076 bool 076 000114 86 cc.114 bool 114 000130 87 cc.130 bool 130 000136 88 cc.136 bool 136 000140 89 cc.140 bool 140 000146 90 cc.146 bool 146 assm 01 12-10-82 15.668 control tables for automatic baud selection page 18 000154 91 cc.154 bool 154 000160 92 cc.160 bool 160 000170 93 cc.170 bool 170 000172 94 cc.172 bool 172 000174 95 cc.174 bool 174 000176 96 cc.176 bool 176 000177 97 cc.177 bool 177 98 99 * character strings for testing results of autobaud test 100 00012 101 ck110 chstr (rescan,match,cc.000,ignore,cmplst,cc.140,cc.174) 00016 102 cr110 chstr (rescan,match,cc.014,ignore,cmplst,cc.000,cc.160) 00022 103 ck133a chstr (rescan,cmplst,cc.030,cc.034,ignore,match,cc.170) 00026 104 ck133b chstr (rescan,match,cc.016,ignore,cmplst,cc.074,cc.076) 00032 105 ck133c chstr (rescan,match,cc.170,ignore,match,cc.140) 00036 106 ck150 chstr (rescan,match,cc.140,ignore,cmplst,cc.036,cc.076,cc.136,c 00036 107 etc c.176,cc.030,cc.070,cc.130,cc.170) 00045 108 cr150 chstr (rescan,match,cc.146,ignore,cmplst,cc.000,cc.140) end of binary card 00000002 00051 109 ck300 chstr (rescan,cmplst,cc.114,cc.154,cc.015) 00054 110 ck1200 chstr (rescan,cmplst,cc.177,cc.176,cc.172) 111 112 assm 01 12-10-82 15.668 control tables for automatic baud selection page 19 00057 114 autost clrflg (tfkybd,tfprtr,tfctrl,tfsftr) 115 00062 116 retry stpchn 00064 117 dumpin 00065 118 config configure initially to 300 buad 00066 119 baud 300 00067 120 rmode fg.lpr+fg.lpo receive parity off 00070 121 smode fg.lps+fg.8bt send 8-bit chars with parity 00071 122 contrl stat check current status 00073 123 wait 0,0,0 00077 124 status 0,cts,ldoff 00103 125 status 0,cd,ldoff 00107 126 status suprec,0,st1200 this means new 1200 baud modem 00113 127 status 0,suprec,normal this means old-style modems end of binary card 00000003 128 00117 129 normal setcct cct to break on all characters 00121 130 contrl rxmit+srec 131 00123 132 setime 10 00125 133 wait timeup,0,0 00131 134 status 0,cts,ldoff 00135 135 status 0,cd,ldoff 00141 136 status brkchr,0,gotchr a character found 137 00145 138 gotchr setime -250 wait 1/4 second for rest 139 00147 140 wait ready,0,0 00153 141 status 0,cd,ldoff 00157 142 status 0,cts,ldoff 143 00163 144 ready stpchn 00165 145 inscan ck300,scan2 end of binary card 00000004 00170 146 goto set300 00172 147 scan2 inscan ck150,scrn2 00175 148 goto set150 00177 149 scrn2 inscan cr150,scan3 00202 150 goto set150 00204 151 scan3 inscan ck110,scrn3 00207 152 goto set110 00211 153 scrn3 inscan cr110,scan4 00214 154 goto set110 00216 155 scan4 inscan ck133a,scan5 00221 156 goto set133 00223 157 scan5 inscan ck133b,scan6 00226 158 goto set133 00230 159 scan6 inscan ck133c,scan7 00233 160 goto set133 end of binary card 00000005 00235 161 scan7 inscan ck1200,retry assm 01 12-10-82 15.668 control tables for automatic baud selection page 20 00240 162 goto st1200 163 164 * come here when baud determined 165 00242 166 set300 scntr 300 00244 167 goto join 168 00246 169 set150 scntr 150 00250 170 goto join 171 00252 172 set133 scntr 133 00254 173 goto join 174 00256 175 set110 scntr 110 00260 176 goto join 177 00262 178 st1200 scntr 1200 00264 179 goto join 180 181 * come here to finish up and return 182 00266 183 join config 00267 184 baud 0 baud rate is in counter 00270 185 dumpin 00271 186 clrflg tfkybd 00274 187 tcntr 133,s2741 it is 1050 or 2741 00277 188 setcct scc.df to normal hsla cct for modes 00301 189 goto signal back to signal dialup 190 00303 191 s2741 setcct cct.2 set 2741 cct end of binary card 00000006 00305 192 config 00306 193 smode fg.7bt send 7 bit chars 00307 194 rmode fg.lps+fg.lpr turn off all parity 00310 195 setflg (tfctrl,tfsftr) keyboard/printer addressing needed 00313 196 goto diftyp go find out if 2741 or 1050 197 198 199 * time ran out 200 00315 201 timeup tstflg tfkybd,hang put if keyboard already addressed 00321 202 stpchn 00323 203 config configure for ebcdic terminal 00324 204 baud 133 00325 205 smode fg.7bt 00326 206 rmode fg.lps 00327 207 setype tt1050 00331 208 setflg tfctrl 00334 209 dcwlst attempt to address the keyboard 00335 210 cmd rrec+sxmit 00336 211 output (adkybd) assm 01 12-10-82 15.668 control tables for automatic baud selection page 21 00340 212 cmd rxmit+smark 00341 213 setime 3 00343 214 wait hang,0,0 00347 215 status 0,cts,ldoff end of binary card 00000007 00353 216 status 0,cd,ldoff 00357 217 status marker,0,keyon 218 00363 219 keyon setflg tfkybd 00366 220 clrflg tfctrl 00371 221 setype ttasci 00373 222 goto retry 223 224 * come here if a vital dataset lead drops 225 00375 226 ldoff setime 3 /* give it a chance to change its mind */ 00377 227 wait hang,0,0 /* but after 3 secs give up */ 00403 228 status dsr+cts+cd,0,retry /* line is back to normal, start over */ 229 230 * come here to hang up terminal after timeout 231 00407 232 hang stpchn 00411 233 dumpin 00412 234 dmpout 00413 235 contrl rdtr 00415 236 setime 5 00417 237 wait hung,0,0 end of binary card 00000008 00423 238 status 0,cts,hung 00427 239 hung goto begin back to top of control tables 240 end of binary card 00000009 241 end 432 is the next available location. 355map version/assembly dates gmpa 770711/071177 gmpb 770711/071177 gmpc 770711/071177 there were no warning flags in the above assembly assm 01 12-10-82 15.670 control tables for automatic baud selection page 22 octal symbol references by sequence no. 402 adkybd 33 33 211 0 auto 18 18 19 28 57 autost 114 20 114 1 begin 22 239 1000 brkchr 33 33 136 0 cc.000 76 76 101 102 108 14 cc.014 77 77 102 15 cc.015 78 78 109 16 cc.016 79 79 104 30 cc.030 80 80 103 107 34 cc.034 81 81 103 36 cc.036 82 82 107 70 cc.070 83 83 107 74 cc.074 84 84 104 76 cc.076 85 85 104 107 114 cc.114 86 86 109 130 cc.130 87 87 107 136 cc.136 88 88 107 140 cc.140 89 89 101 105 107 108 146 cc.146 90 90 108 154 cc.154 91 91 109 160 cc.160 92 92 102 170 cc.170 93 93 103 105 107 172 cc.172 94 94 110 174 cc.174 95 95 101 176 cc.176 96 96 107 110 177 cc.177 97 97 110 2 cct.2 25 191 3 26 129 1 cd 33 33 125 135 141 216 228 1 chk 110 101 102 103 104 105 107 108 109 110 172 chval 110 101 102 103 104 105 107 108 109 110 2 c.rcrq 32 32 33 40 c.rdtr 32 32 33 2 c.rrec 32 32 33 20000 c.rrqs 32 32 33 200 c.rsup 32 32 33 200 c.rtre 32 32 33 10 c.rxmt 32 32 33 1000 c.sbrk 32 32 33 1 c.scrq 32 32 33 20 c.sdtr 32 32 33 2000 c.smrk 32 32 33 1 c.srec 32 32 33 10000 c.srqs 32 32 33 100 c.ssup 32 32 33 400 c.stat 32 32 33 100 c.stre 32 32 33 4000 c.strm 32 32 33 4 c.sxmt 32 32 33 12 ck110 101 101 151 assm 01 12-10-82 15.670 control tables for automatic baud selection page 23 octal symbol references by sequence no. 54 ck1200 110 110 161 22 ck133a 103 103 155 26 ck133b 104 104 157 32 ck133c 105 105 159 36 ck150 106 106 147 51 ck300 109 109 145 516 cmplst 33 33 101 102 103 104 107 108 109 110 16 cr110 102 102 153 45 cr150 108 108 149 2 cts 33 33 124 134 142 215 228 238 4 diftyp 24 196 4 dsr 33 33 228 100 fg.7bt 32 32 193 205 200 fg.8bt 32 32 121 10 fg.lpo 32 32 120 2 fg.lpr 32 32 120 194 4 fg.lps 32 32 121 194 206 145 gotchr 138 136 138 407 hang 232 201 214 227 232 427 hung 239 237 238 239 503 ignore 33 33 101 102 103 104 105 107 108 266 join 183 167 170 173 176 179 183 363 keyon 219 217 219 375 ldoff 226 124 125 134 135 141 142 215 216 226 40 marker 33 33 217 501 match 33 33 101 102 103 104 105 107 108 117 normal 129 127 129 40 rdtr 33 33 235 163 ready 144 140 144 510 rescan 33 33 101 102 103 104 105 107 108 109 110 62 retry 116 116 161 222 228 2 rrec 33 33 210 10 rxmit 33 33 130 212 303 s2741 191 187 191 172 scan2 147 145 147 204 scan3 151 149 151 216 scan4 155 153 155 223 scan5 157 155 157 230 scan6 159 157 159 235 scan7 161 159 161 1 scc.df 34 34 188 177 scrn2 149 147 149 211 scrn3 153 151 153 256 set110 175 152 154 175 252 set133 172 156 158 160 172 246 set150 169 148 150 169 242 set300 166 146 166 5 signal 23 189 200000 s.acr 32 32 33 400000 32 32 33 400000 s.bdmk 32 32 33 assm 01 12-10-82 15.670 control tables for automatic baud selection page 24 octal symbol references by sequence no. 200000 s.bmk 32 32 33 1000 s.brch 32 32 33 400 s.brk 32 32 33 1 32 32 33 2 s.cts 32 32 33 100000 s.dlo 32 32 33 4 s.dsr 32 32 33 4000 s.exh 32 32 33 10000 s.fcse 32 32 33 40000 s.isd 32 32 33 40 s.mark 32 32 33 400000 s.pbyt 32 32 33 200 s.prex 32 32 33 10000 s.prty 32 32 33 40000 s.pwi 32 32 33 200000 s.rabt 32 32 33 100000 s.rbt 32 32 33 2000 s.ring 32 32 33 40000 s.rto 32 32 33 10 s.sprc 32 32 33 20 32 32 33 100 s.term 32 32 33 20000 s.xte 32 32 33 2000 smark 33 33 212 1 srec 33 33 130 262 st1200 178 126 162 178 400 stat 33 33 122 6 stpchn 116 144 202 232 10 suprec 33 33 126 127 4 sxmit 33 33 210 400 tfctrl 36 36 114 195 208 220 10 tfkybd 36 36 114 186 201 219 20 tfprtr 36 36 114 200000 tfsftr 36 36 114 195 400 tfwrd1 220 114 186 195 201 208 219 220 0 tfwrd2 220 114 186 195 201 208 219 220 315 timeup 201 133 201 2 tt1050 33 33 207 1 ttasci 33 33 221 ** 46646 words of memory were used by 355map for this assembly. ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved