ASSEMBLY LISTING OF SEGMENT >spec>h>3.17>die.alm ASSEMBLED ON: 11/29/83 1520.3 mst Tue OPTIONS USED: list ASSEMBLED BY: ALM Version 6.6 November 1982 ASSEMBLER CREATED: 09/21/83 1227.3 mst Wed  1 " ***********************************************************  2 " * *  3 " * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 *  4 " * *  5 " * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of *  6 " * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. *  7 " * *  8 " ***********************************************************  9  10 " DIE - Kill BOS completely -- Cremate the remains. 11  12  13 include bosequ  1-1 " Begin include file ...... bosequ.incl.alm 1-2 " Modified 8/25/76 by N. I. Morris  1-3 " Modified 8/79 by R.J.C. Kissel to expand BOS. 1-4 " Modified November 1981 by C. Hornig to add pgmorg.  1-5 " Modified October 1982 by J. Bongiovanni to take it out  1-6  000000 1-7 bool ds,0 descriptor segment  000001 1-8 bool tmp,1 temp seg  000002 1-9 bool bf,2 buffer segment for save/restor  000003 1-10 bool pgm,3 program in control 000004 1-11 bool xs1,4 spare segment  000005 1-12 bool xs2,5 spare segment  000005 1-13 bool fgb,5 flagbox segment  000006 1-14 bool com,6 common 000007 1-15 bool mem,7 all memory 1-16  000017 1-17 equ arglen,15 max number of args from scan  1-18  004000 1-19 bool runcom_bit,4000 runcom bit in dir entry  002000 1-20 bool firmware_bit,2000 firmware bit in dir entry  1-21  012000 1-22 bool utilorg,12000 origin of utility package  1-23  1-24 " End of include file ...... bosequ.incl.alm  14  15  16 " 17  000000 aa 012271 7020 00 18 tsx2 init_io  19  000001 aa 6 02000 2351 00 20 lda com|dir "clobber BOS on sec sto  000002 aa 012235 7020 00 21 tsx2 wtsec "write out lower core 000003 aa 7 00000 0001 00 22 arg mem|0  000004 0a 000002 7100 00 23 tra *-2  24  000005 aa 000000 6270 00 25 eax7 0 "clear core until trouble 000006 aa 7 00000 4501 17 26 stz mem|0,7  000007 aa 000001 6270 17 27 eax7 1,7  000010 0a 000006 7100 00 28 tra *-2  29  30  31 " 32 include bos_tv 2-1 " 2-2 " Begin include file ...... bos_tv.incl.alm 2-3 " Created in November 1971 by N. I. Morris. 2-4 " Modified 9/9/76 by Noel I. Morris 2-5 " Modified by Sherman D. Sprague 02/11/81 for DPS8 support. 2-6 " Modified November 1981 by C. Hornig to remove iom_connect_rel.  2-7 " Modified January 1982 by J. Bongiovanni to add getport_info  2-8 " Modified May 1982 by Sherman D. Sprague to add getmpc.  2-9  2-10 " BOS Utility Package Transfer Vector.  2-11  012000 2-12 equ pagectl,utilorg  012001 2-13 equ line,pagectl+1 012040 2-14 equ arg,line+31  012060 2-15 equ darg,arg+arglen+1  012100 2-16 equ earg,darg+arglen+1 012120 2-17 equ fltscu,earg+arglen+1  2-18  012200 2-19 equ tv_org,utilorg+128 2-20  012200 2-21 equ scan,tv_org+0  012201 2-22 equ arg_count,tv_org+1 012202 2-23 equ nextline,tv_org+2  012203 2-24 equ nlraw,tv_org+3 012204 2-25 equ search,tv_org+4  012205 2-26 equ makefil,tv_org+5  012206 2-27 equ ldcom,tv_org+6 012207 2-28 equ getsec,tv_org+7  012210 2-29 equ cvinit,tv_org+8  012211 2-30 equ rdev,tv_org+9  012212 2-31 equ wdev,tv_org+10 012213 2-32 equ phybos,tv_org+11  012214 2-33 equ bosphy,tv_org+12  012215 2-34 equ phyadd,tv_org+13  012216 2-35 equ mulbos,tv_org+14  012217 2-36 equ bosmul,tv_org+15  012220 2-37 equ lookup_devmodel,tv_org+16  012221 2-38 equ makesdw,tv_org+17  012222 2-39 equ argbos,tv_org+18  012223 2-40 equ argmul,tv_org+19  012224 2-41 equ amdvt,tv_org+20  012225 2-42 equ amfirst,tv_org+21  012226 2-43 equ amlast,tv_org+22  012227 2-44 equ cvnamla,tv_org+23  012230 2-45 equ sect_per_cyl_list,tv_org+24  012231 2-46 equ sect_per_dev_list,tv_org+25  012232 2-47 equ rec_per_dev_list,tv_org+26 012233 2-48 equ amaxio,tv_org+27  012234 2-49 equ rdsec,tv_org+28  012235 2-50 equ wtsec,tv_org+29  012236 2-51 equ disk_brief,tv_org+30  012237 2-52 equ itaper,tv_org+31  012240 2-53 equ itapew,tv_org+32  012241 2-54 equ erpt,tv_org+33 012242 2-55 equ ercv,tv_org+34 012243 2-56 equ erbuf,tv_org+35  012244 2-57 equ type,tv_org+36 012245 2-58 equ ttyinit,tv_org+37  012246 2-59 equ readcd,tv_org+38  012247 2-60 equ readtty,tv_org+39  012250 2-61 equ getprt,tv_org+40  012251 2-62 equ punch,tv_org+41  012252 2-63 equ octwd,tv_org+42  012253 2-64 equ geas,tv_org+43 012254 2-65 equ geastab,tv_org+44  012255 2-66 equ asge,tv_org+45 012256 2-67 equ asgetab,tv_org+46  012257 2-68 equ ljust,tv_org+47  012260 2-69 equ rjust,tv_org+48  012261 2-70 equ bzel,tv_org+49 012262 2-71 equ stripa,tv_org+50  012263 2-72 equ stripg,tv_org+51  012264 2-73 equ getconf,tv_org+52  012265 2-74 equ getmore,tv_org+53  012266 2-75 equ getperiph,tv_org+54  012267 2-76 equ rdclock,tv_org+55  012270 2-77 equ cvclock,tv_org+56  012271 2-78 equ init_io,tv_org+57  012272 2-79 equ connect_iom,tv_org+58  012273 2-80 equ getmpc,tv_org+59  012274 2-81 equ check_status,tv_org+60 012275 2-82 equ get_special_interrupt,tv_org+61  012276 2-83 equ get_status_interrupt,tv_org+62 012277 2-84 equ xio_wait,tv_org+63 012300 2-85 equ initint,tv_org+64  012301 2-86 equ wantflt,tv_org+65  012302 2-87 equ intno,tv_org+66  012303 2-88 equ intrpts1,tv_org+67 012304 2-89 equ hexwd,tv_org+68  012305 2-90 equ find_disk,tv_org+69  012306 2-91 equ find_root,tv_org+70  012307 2-92 equ find_part,tv_org+71  012310 2-93 equ check_status_no_stat,tv_org+72 012311 2-94 equ check_special_status,tv_org+73 012312 2-95 equ check_cpu_type,tv_org+74  012313 2-96 equ getportinfo,tv_org+75  2-97  2-98 " End of include file ...... bos_tv.incl.alm  2-99  33 include bos_common 3-1 "  3-2 " Begin include file ...... bos_common.incl.alm 3-3 " Modified on 8/31/76 by N. I. Morris  3-4 " Modified on 9/01/80 by Sherman D. Sprague for DPS8 operation  3-5 " Modified on 5/26/82 by Sherman D. Sprague to lengthen config size 3-6 " Modified on 3/01/83 by Sherman D. Sprague to lengthen dirlen  3-7 " MACHINE CONDITIONS AREA  3-8 " Its length is "storlen". 3-9  000000 3-10 equ amptwregs,0 Ass. Mem PTW registers  000100 3-11 equ amptwptr,64 Ass. Mem PTW pointers 000200 3-12 equ amsdwregs,128 Ass. Mem SDW registers  000400 3-13 equ amsdwptr,256 Ass. Mem SDW pointers  000500 3-14 equ ouhist,320 operations hist regs  000700 3-15 equ cuhist,448 control unit hist regs  001100 3-16 equ eishist,576 eis hist regs  001300 3-17 equ aphist,704 appending unit hist regs  001500 3-18 equ prs,832 pointer regs  001520 3-19 equ regs,848 sreg 001530 3-20 equ low_order_port,856 port to read clock from 001532 3-21 equ mctime,858 bootload memory clock  001540 3-22 equ scu,864  001550 3-23 equ mcm,872 memory masks 8 ports 001570 3-24 equ dbr,888  001572 3-25 equ intrpts,890 waiting interrupts 001573 3-26 equ bar,891 bar  001574 3-27 equ modereg,892 processor & cache mode registers  001576 3-28 equ faultreg,894 processor fault register  001600 3-29 equ ptrlen,896 pointer-lengths EIS 0 mod 8 001610 3-30 equ coreblocks,904 array of port information  3-31 " Bits 0-17 => num 1st 64-word block  3-32 " Bits 18-35 => num of 64-word blocks  3-33 " (-1) => no mem on this port  001620 3-34 equ lowport_cfg,912 Saved CFG from bootload SCU  3-35  002000 3-36 equ storlen,1024  3-37  3-38  3-39  3-40 " BOS COMMAND DIRECTORY 3-41 " Its length is "dirlen".  3-42  002000 3-43 equ dir,1024 ( 0-23) => sector # of first sector on BOS disk  3-44 " (24-35) => # of sectors in BOS common  002001 3-45 equ used,dir+1 ( 0-23) => # of next available sector on BOS disk  002002 3-46 equ useable,dir+2 ( 0-23) => first unavailable sector on BOS disk  002003 3-47 equ corearea,dir+3 ( 0-23) => starting sector of Multics core image  3-48 " (24-35) => # of sectors in Multics core image  002004 3-49 equ setuparea,dir+4 Sector and length of setup 002005 3-50 equ utilarea,dir+5 where utility package is kept  002010 3-51 equ iom_mxbase,dir+8 IOM IMW area address  002011 3-52 equ iom_mbbase,dir+9 IOM mailbox base  002012 3-53 equ bos_dvt,dir+10 BOS disk loc: (o3/iom,o6/chn,o9/drive,o18/devtype)  002013 3-54 equ unitgroup,dir+11 disk unitgroup (device no. or area no.)  002014 3-55 equ diskchanno,dir+12 channel to be used for disk  002015 3-56 equ tapechanno,dir+13 channel # for tapes  002016 3-57 equ rdrchanno,dir+14 channel number for card reader  002017 3-58 equ ttychanno,dir+15 channel # for operator's tty  002020 3-59 equ quietsw,dir+16 if on, don't print card and macro commands  002021 3-60 equ inputsw,dir+17 read from tty, cards, macros  002022 3-61 equ macroloc,dir+18 disk addr, buffer index of macro file  002023 3-62 equ fdump_state,dir+19 completion flag for last FDUMP  002024 3-63 equ d355_state,dir+20 = 1 if DataNet 355 loaded successfully  002025 3-64 equ skipsw,dir+21 if on, skip runcom lines 002026 3-65 equ ttypmtsw,dir+22 if on, prompt  002027 3-66 equ curtcmd,dir+23 current bos command 002030 3-67 equ readysw,dir+24 if on, print ready message  002032 3-68 equ cmdlst,dir+26 list of commands 3-69  000600 3-70 equ dirlen,384 3-71  3-72  3-73  3-74 " MACRO BUFFER AREA 3-75  002600 3-76 equ macrobuf,dir+dirlen io buffer for macro files 002700 3-77 equ macroline,macrobuf+64 runcom command line 002716 3-78 equ macroargs,macroline+14 argument descriptors for runcom  3-79  3-80  3-81  3-82 " CONFIGURATION CARD AREA  3-83 " Its length is 2048 words.  3-84  003000 3-85 equ conf,macrobuf+128 start of configuration info  007000 3-86 equ econf,conf+2048 end of configuration info  000020 3-87 equ confl,16 length of each line  3-88  3-89  007000 3-90 equ seg6length,econf length of bos_common area segment 3-91  3-92 " End of include file ...... bos_common.incl.alm  3-93  34  35 end  NO LITERALS  NAME DEFINITIONS FOR ENTRY POINTS AND SEGDEFS 000012 5a 000003 000000 000013 5a 000016 600000 000014 aa 000000 000000 000015 55 000007 000002 000016 5a 000002 400003 000017 55 000006 000007 000020 aa 003 144 151 145 000021 55 000002 000003 000022 6a 000000 400002 000023 55 000012 000003 000024 aa 014 163 171 155 symbol_table  000025 aa 142 157 154 137 000026 aa 164 141 142 154 000027 aa 145 000 000 000 DEFINITIONS HASH TABLE  000030 aa 000000 000015 000031 aa 000000 000000 000032 aa 000000 000000 000033 aa 000000 000000 000034 aa 000000 000000 000035 aa 000000 000000 000036 aa 000000 000000 000037 5a 000007 000000 000040 aa 000000 000000 000041 aa 000000 000000 000042 aa 000000 000000 000043 aa 000000 000000 000044 aa 000000 000000 000045 aa 000000 000000 NO EXTERNAL NAMES  NO TRAP POINTER WORDS  TYPE PAIR BLOCKS  000046 aa 000001 000000 000047 aa 000000 000000 INTERNAL EXPRESSION WORDS LINKAGE INFORMATION 000000 aa 000000 000000 000001 0a 000012 000000 000002 aa 000000 000000 000003 aa 000000 000000 000004 aa 000000 000000 000005 aa 000000 000000 000006 22 000010 000010 000007 a2 000000 000000 SYMBOL INFORMATION SYMBOL TABLE HEADER  000000 aa 000000 000001 000001 aa 163171 155142 000002 aa 164162 145145 000003 aa 000000 000004 000004 aa 000000 112143 000005 aa 305203 523135 000006 aa 000000 112272 000007 aa 224007 365167 000010 aa 141154 155040 000011 aa 040040 040040 000012 aa 000024 000040 000013 aa 000034 000040 000014 aa 000044 000100 000015 aa 000002 000002 000016 aa 000064 000000 000017 aa 000000 000162 000020 aa 000000 000144 000021 aa 000000 000147 000022 aa 000152 000144 000023 aa 000064 000000 000024 aa 101114 115040 000025 aa 126145 162163 000026 aa 151157 156040 000027 aa 040066 056066 000030 aa 040040 116157 000031 aa 166145 155142 000032 aa 145162 040061 000033 aa 071070 062040 000034 aa 110157 154155 000035 aa 163164 145144 000036 aa 164056 123171 000037 aa 163115 141151 000040 aa 156164 056141 000041 aa 040040 040040 000042 aa 040040 040040 000043 aa 040040 040040 000044 aa 154151 163164 000045 aa 040040 040040 000046 aa 040040 040040 000047 aa 040040 040040 000050 aa 040040 040040 000051 aa 040040 040040 000052 aa 040040 040040 000053 aa 040040 040040 000054 aa 040040 040040 000055 aa 040040 040040 000056 aa 040040 040040 000057 aa 040040 040040 000060 aa 040040 040040 000061 aa 040040 040040 000062 aa 040040 040040 000063 aa 040040 040040 000064 aa 000000 000001 000065 aa 000000 000004 000066 aa 000106 000024 000067 aa 122721 273006 000070 aa 000000 112272 000071 aa 215446 400000 000072 aa 000113 000040 000073 aa 113400 415301 000074 aa 000000 111341 000075 aa 220414 400000 000076 aa 000123 000040 000077 aa 110235 072677 000100 aa 000000 111024 000101 aa 524460 600000 000102 aa 000133 000044 000103 aa 121622 277475 000104 aa 000000 112162 000105 aa 321563 400000 000106 aa 076163 160145 >spec>h>3.17>die.alm  000107 aa 143076 150076 000110 aa 063056 061067 000111 aa 076144 151145 000112 aa 056141 154155 000113 aa 076154 144144 >ldd>bos>include>bosequ.incl.alm  000114 aa 076142 157163 000115 aa 076151 156143 000116 aa 154165 144145 000117 aa 076142 157163 000120 aa 145161 165056 000121 aa 151156 143154 000122 aa 056141 154155 000123 aa 076154 144144 >ldd>bos>include>bos_tv.incl.alm  000124 aa 076142 157163 000125 aa 076151 156143 000126 aa 154165 144145 000127 aa 076142 157163 000130 aa 137164 166056 000131 aa 151156 143154 000132 aa 056141 154155 000133 aa 076154 144144 >ldd>bos>include>bos_common.incl.alm  000134 aa 076142 157163 000135 aa 076151 156143 000136 aa 154165 144145 000137 aa 076142 157163 000140 aa 137143 157155 000141 aa 155157 156056 000142 aa 151156 143154 000143 aa 056141 154155 MULTICS ASSEMBLY CROSS REFERENCE LISTING Value Symbol Source file Line number  12233 amaxio bos_tv: 48. 12224 amdvt bos_tv: 41. 12225 amfirst bos_tv: 42. 12226 amlast bos_tv: 43. 100 amptwptr bos_common: 11. 0 amptwregs bos_common: 10. 400 amsdwptr bos_common: 13. 200 amsdwregs bos_common: 12. 1300 aphist bos_common: 17. 12040 arg bos_tv: 14, 15.  12222 argbos bos_tv: 39. 17 arglen bosequ: 17, bos_tv: 15, 16, 17. 12223 argmul bos_tv: 40. 12201 arg_count bos_tv: 22. 12255 asge bos_tv: 66. 12256 asgetab bos_tv: 67. 1573 bar bos_common: 26. 2 bf bosequ: 9. 12217 bosmul bos_tv: 36. 12214 bosphy bos_tv: 33. 2012 bos_dvt bos_common: 53. 12261 bzel bos_tv: 70. 12312 check_cpu_type bos_tv: 95. 12311 check_special_status bos_tv: 94. 12274 check_status bos_tv: 81. 12310 check_status_no_stat bos_tv: 93. 2032 cmdlst bos_common: 68. 6 com die: 20, bosequ: 14. 3000 conf bos_common: 85, 86.  20 confl bos_common: 87. 12272 connect_iom bos_tv: 79. 2003 corearea bos_common: 47. 1610 coreblocks bos_common: 30. 700 cuhist bos_common: 15. 2027 curtcmd bos_common: 66. 12270 cvclock bos_tv: 77. 12210 cvinit bos_tv: 29. 12227 cvnamla bos_tv: 44. 2024 d355_state bos_common: 63. 12060 darg bos_tv: 15, 16.  1570 dbr bos_common: 24. 2000 dir die: 20, bos_common: 43, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,  57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 76. 600 dirlen bos_common: 70, 76.  2014 diskchanno bos_common: 55. 12236 disk_brief bos_tv: 51. 0 ds bosequ: 7. 12100 earg bos_tv: 16, 17.  7000 econf bos_common: 86, 90.  1100 eishist bos_common: 16. 12243 erbuf bos_tv: 56. 12242 ercv bos_tv: 55. 12241 erpt bos_tv: 54. 1576 faultreg bos_common: 28. 2023 fdump_state bos_common: 62. 5 fgb bosequ: 13. 12305 find_disk bos_tv: 90. 12307 find_part bos_tv: 92. 12306 find_root bos_tv: 91. 2000 firmware_bit bosequ: 20. 12120 fltscu bos_tv: 17. 12253 geas bos_tv: 64. 12254 geastab bos_tv: 65. 12264 getconf bos_tv: 73. 12265 getmore bos_tv: 74. 12273 getmpc bos_tv: 80. 12266 getperiph bos_tv: 75. 12313 getportinfo bos_tv: 96. 12250 getprt bos_tv: 61. 12207 getsec bos_tv: 28. 12275 get_special_interrupt bos_tv: 82. 12276 get_status_interrupt bos_tv: 83. 12304 hexwd bos_tv: 89. 12300 initint bos_tv: 85. 12271 init_io die: 18, bos_tv: 78. 2021 inputsw bos_common: 60. 12302 intno bos_tv: 87. 1572 intrpts bos_common: 25. 12303 intrpts1 bos_tv: 88. 2011 iom_mbbase bos_common: 52. 2010 iom_mxbase bos_common: 51. 12237 itaper bos_tv: 52. 12240 itapew bos_tv: 53. 12206 ldcom bos_tv: 27. 12001 line bos_tv: 13, 14.  12257 ljust bos_tv: 68. 12220 lookup_devmodel bos_tv: 37. 1620 lowport_cfg bos_common: 34. 1530 low_order_port bos_common: 20. 2716 macroargs bos_common: 78. 2600 macrobuf bos_common: 76, 77, 85. 2700 macroline bos_common: 77, 78.  2022 macroloc bos_common: 61. 12205 makefil bos_tv: 26. 12221 makesdw bos_tv: 38. 1550 mcm bos_common: 23. 1532 mctime bos_common: 21. 7 mem die: 22, 26,  bosequ: 15. 1574 modereg bos_common: 27. 12216 mulbos bos_tv: 35. 12202 nextline bos_tv: 23. 12203 nlraw bos_tv: 24. 12252 octwd bos_tv: 63. 500 ouhist bos_common: 14. 12000 pagectl bos_tv: 12, 13.  3 pgm bosequ: 10. 12215 phyadd bos_tv: 34. 12213 phybos bos_tv: 32. 1500 prs bos_common: 18. 1600 ptrlen bos_common: 29. 12251 punch bos_tv: 62. 2020 quietsw bos_common: 59. 12267 rdclock bos_tv: 76. 12211 rdev bos_tv: 30. 2016 rdrchanno bos_common: 57. 12234 rdsec bos_tv: 49. 12246 readcd bos_tv: 59. 12247 readtty bos_tv: 60. 2030 readysw bos_common: 67. 12232 rec_per_dev_list bos_tv: 47. 1520 regs bos_common: 19. 12260 rjust bos_tv: 69. 4000 runcom_bit bosequ: 19. 12200 scan bos_tv: 21. 1540 scu bos_common: 22. 12204 search bos_tv: 25. 12230 sect_per_cyl_list bos_tv: 45. 12231 sect_per_dev_list bos_tv: 46. 7000 seg6length bos_common: 90. 2004 setuparea bos_common: 49. 2025 skipsw bos_common: 64. 2000 storlen bos_common: 36. 12262 stripa bos_tv: 71. 12263 stripg bos_tv: 72. 2015 tapechanno bos_common: 56. 1 tmp bosequ: 8. 2017 ttychanno bos_common: 58. 12245 ttyinit bos_tv: 58. 2026 ttypmtsw bos_common: 65. 12200 tv_org bos_tv: 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,  32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43,  44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,  56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67,  68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79,  80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91,  92, 93, 94, 95, 96. 12244 type bos_tv: 57. 2013 unitgroup bos_common: 54. 2002 useable bos_common: 46. 2001 used bos_common: 45. 2005 utilarea bos_common: 50. 12000 utilorg bosequ: 22, bos_tv: 12, 19.  12301 wantflt bos_tv: 86. 12212 wdev bos_tv: 31. 12235 wtsec die: 21, bos_tv: 50. 12277 xio_wait bos_tv: 84. 4 xs1 bosequ: 11. 5 xs2 bosequ: 12. NO FATAL ERRORS  ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved