COMPILATION LISTING OF SEGMENT hc_dmpr_primitives Compiled by: Multics PL/I Compiler, Release 32f, of October 9, 1989 Compiled at: Bull HN, Phoenix AZ, System-M Compiled on: 11/11/89 1030.7 mst Sat Options: optimize map 1 /****^ ****************************************************** 2* * * 3* * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Bull Inc., 1987 * 4* * * 5* * Copyright (c) 1986 by Massachusetts Institute of * 6* * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. * 7* * * 8* * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of * 9* * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. * 10* * * 11* ****************************************************** */ 12 13 /* format: style4 */ 14 15 hc_dmpr_primitives: proc; 16 17 /* Ring 0 backup procedures */ 18 /* Coded by D. R. Vinograd 12/75 */ 19 /* Modified by Mike Grady 1/9/80 to fix some bugs */ 20 /* Modified 03/22/81, W. Olin Sibert, for ADP PTWs and SDWs */ 21 /* Modified July, 1981, by D. R. Vinograd, to fix bugs and handle version numbers correctly */ 22 /* Modified 2/82 BIM for new name on lock$unlock_dir */ 23 /* Modified 3/82 by J. Bongiovanni for new PVTE, better error handling */ 24 /* Modified 7/82 by J. Bongiovanni to read entire VTOCE, pc$dumper_get_file_map */ 25 /* Modified 8/82 by GA Texada to fix phx12841 */ 26 /* Modified 9/82 by GA Texada to check for file map damage */ 27 /* Modified 10/82 by J. Bongiovanni for synchronized segments, fm_damaged , 28* deltrailer problem */ 29 /* Modified 8/83 by E. N. Kittlitz for search_ast$check. */ 30 /* Modified Jan. 1985 by Greg Texada to ignore vtoce.(ncd nid) switches for directories and to set dtd for null vtoces. 31**/ 32 33 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 34* 1) change(86-03-04,Fawcett), approve(86-04-11,MCR7383), 35* audit(86-06-03,GWMay), install(86-07-17,MR12.0-1097): 36* Support for subvolume devices real 512_word_io. 37* 2) change(88-05-27,GWMay), approve(88-05-27,MCR7883), 38* audit(88-06-15,Beattie), install(88-07-19,MR12.2-1061): 39* Added code for processing inconsistent volume dumper bit maps. 40* 3) change(88-10-05,GWMay), approve(88-10-05,MCR8005), audit(88-10-12,Farley), 41* install(88-10-17,MR12.2-1173): 42* Changed version of backup volume record from 1 to 2. 43* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 44 45 init_dmpr: entry (a_copy_dirsegp, a_dmpr_absegp, a_code); 46 47 code = 0; /* set return args to default */ 48 if pds$dmpr_copy_dirsegp ^= null then do; 49 a_code = error_table_$bad_arg; /* only called once per process */ 50 return; 51 end; 52 53 copy_dirsegp = a_copy_dirsegp; 54 call grab_aste (copy_dirsegp, (sys_info$default_dir_max_length), code, astep); 55 56 call quota_util$suspend_quota; 57 58 pds$dmpr_copy_dirsegp = copy_dirsegp; 59 a_dmpr_absegp = addr (backup_abs_seg$); 60 pds$dmpr_pvid = "0"b; /* clear some process variables */ 61 pds$dmpr_pvtx = 0; 62 a_code = code; /* return args */ 63 return; /* all done */ 64 65 dmpr_lock_pv: entry (a_pvid, a_type, a_infop, a_code); 66 67 68 lock = "1"b; 69 lock_pv_common: 70 pvtxh = "0"b; 71 pvid = a_pvid; /* copy input args */ 72 type = a_type; 73 code = 0; /* set return args to default */ 74 if (type ^= incr & /* check input for arg error */ 75 type ^= cons & 76 type ^= comp) then do; 77 a_code = error_table_$bad_arg; 78 return; 79 end; 80 81 call lock$lock_ast; /* global lock on pvt */ 82 astl = "1"b; 83 pvtx = get_pvtx (pvid, code); /* search pvt for specified volume */ 84 if code ^= 0 then goto dmpr_lock_pv_ret; /* all done so return */ 85 86 call get_pvtx$hold_pvtx (pvid, pvtx, code); 87 if code ^= 0 then goto dmpr_lock_pv_ret; 88 pvtxh = "1"b; 89 90 91 pvtep = addr (addr (pvt$array) -> pvt_array (pvtx)); /* set ptr to pvt entry */ 92 if pvte.dmpr_in_use (type) & lock then do; /* make sure volume not already in use */ 93 code = error_table_$vol_in_use; 94 goto dmpr_lock_pv_ret; 95 end; 96 97 pvte.dmpr_in_use (type) = lock; /* set volume lock */ 98 99 call lock$unlock_ast; 100 astl = "0"b; 101 102 if lock then do; 103 pds$dmpr_pvtx = pvtx; /* set process variables */ 104 pds$dmpr_pvid = pvid; 105 if type = incr then call dbm_man$update_map_from_ast (pvtep, pvtx); 106 bpvip = a_infop; 107 call set_info; 108 if code ^= 0 then do; 109 pds$dmpr_pvtx = 0; 110 pds$dmpr_pvid = "0"b; 111 call lock$lock_ast; 112 astl = "1"b; 113 pvte.dmpr_in_use (type) = "0"b; 114 code = error_table_$action_not_performed; 115 end; 116 end; 117 else do; 118 pds$dmpr_pvtx = 0; 119 pds$dmpr_pvid = "0"b; 120 end; 121 dmpr_lock_pv_ret: 122 if astl then call lock$unlock_ast; 123 if pvtxh then call get_pvtx$release_pvtx (pvid, pvtx); 124 a_code = code; 125 return; 126 dmpr_unlock_pv: entry (a_pvid, a_type, a_code); 127 128 lock = "0"b; 129 goto lock_pv_common; 130 131 dmpr_build_vtoc_map: entry (a_vbmp, a_window, a_code); 132 133 code = 0; 134 astl = "0"b; 135 pvtxh = "0"b; 136 vbmp = a_vbmp; 137 window = a_window; 138 astep = null (); 139 140 if pds$dmpr_pvid = "0"b then do; 141 a_code = error_table_$bad_arg; 142 return; 143 end; 144 145 call lock$lock_ast; 146 astl = "1"b; 147 148 call get_pvtx$hold_pvtx (pds$dmpr_pvid, pds$dmpr_pvtx, code); 149 if code ^= 0 then goto build_vtoc_map_ret; 150 pvtxh = "1"b; 151 152 pvtep = addr (addr (pvt$array) -> pvt_array (pds$dmpr_pvtx)); 153 astep = get_aste (max_pages_per_segment); /* get the biggest */ 154 if astep = null then do; 155 code = error_table_$action_not_performed; 156 goto build_vtoc_map_ret; 157 end; 158 159 ptp = addrel (astep, sst$astsize); 160 161 aste.gtpd, aste.dnzp = "1"b; /* Dont let segment go awry */ 162 aste.pvtx = fixed (pds$dmpr_pvtx, 8); 163 aste.nqsw = "1"b; 164 165 on page_fault_error begin; 166 code = error_table_$vtoc_io_err; 167 goto build_vtoc_map_done; 168 end; 169 170 do i = 0 to max_pages_per_segment - 1; 171 call ptw_util_$make_disk (addrel (ptp, i), ((max_pages_per_segment * window) + i + VTOC_ORIGIN)); 172 end; 173 174 tsdw = get_ptrs_$given_astep (astep); 175 call pmut$swap_sdw (addr (backup_abs_seg$), addr (tsdw)); 176 177 call thread$out (astep, sst$level (3).ausedp); /* thread it out so no one gets confused */ 178 179 call lock$unlock_ast; 180 astl = "0"b; 181 182 n_vtoce_per_page = vtoc_per_rec (pvte.device_type); /* 5 or 2 */ 183 dev_vtoc_words = sect_per_vtoc (pvte.device_type) * words_per_sect (pvte.device_type); /* 192 or 512 */ 184 185 186 do i = 0 to max_pages_per_segment - 1; 187 pagep = ptr (addr (backup_abs_seg$), i * 1024); 188 do j = 0 to n_vtoce_per_page - 1; 189 vtocep = addrel (pagep, j * dev_vtoc_words); 190 if vtoce.uid ^= "0"b then do; /* not null */ 191 vtocx = j + i * n_vtoce_per_page + window * n_vtoce_per_page * max_pages_per_segment; 192 if vtocx > pvte.n_vtoce then goto build_vtoc_map_done; 193 vtoc_bit_map (vtocx) = "1"b; 194 end; 195 end; 196 end; 197 198 build_vtoc_map_done: 199 revert page_fault_error; 200 if ^astl then call lock$lock_ast; 201 astl = "1"b; 202 203 tsdw = 0; 204 call pmut$swap_sdw (addr (backup_abs_seg$), addr (tsdw)); 205 if astep ^= null () then do; 206 call pc$cleanup (astep); 207 call put_aste (astep); 208 end; 209 210 build_vtoc_map_ret: 211 if astl then call lock$unlock_ast; 212 astl = "0"b; 213 if pvtxh then call get_pvtx$release_pvtx (pds$dmpr_pvid, pds$dmpr_pvtx); 214 pvtxh = "0"b; 215 a_code = code; 216 return; 217 218 219 get_dmpr_data_object: entry (a_inputp, a_recordp, a_code); 220 221 222 inputp = a_inputp; /* pick up input args */ 223 recordp = a_recordp; 224 225 astl = "0"b; 226 dirl = "0"b; 227 pvtxh = "0"b; 228 pardirl = "0"b; 229 code = 0; 230 select_loop_cnt = 0; 231 object_uid, 232 parent_uid = "0"b; 233 valid_update = "0"b; 234 astep, vtocep, 235 pvtep = null; 236 237 type = dmpr_input.type; /* copy args */ 238 prev_vtocx = dmpr_input.prev_vtocx; 239 pvid = dmpr_input.pvid; 240 start_time = dmpr_input.start_time; 241 mod_after_time = dmpr_input.mod_after_time; 242 volid = dmpr_input.volid; 243 reset = dmpr_input.reset; 244 no_update = dmpr_input.no_update; 245 no_object = dmpr_input.no_object; 246 retry = dmpr_input.retry; 247 request = dmpr_input.request; 248 request_vtocx = dmpr_input.request_vtocx; 249 /* cross check all the input args */ 250 if (dmpr_input.version ^= dmpr_input_version_1 | backup_volume_record.version ^= backup_volume_record_version_2) 251 | (type ^= incr & type ^= cons & type ^= comp) 252 | (start_time = 0) 253 | (volid = "0"b) 254 | (pvid ^= pds$dmpr_pvid) then do; 255 a_code = error_table_$bad_arg; 256 return; 257 end; 258 259 call lock$lock_ast; /* set dseg and pvt global lock */ 260 astl = "1"b; 261 call get_ptrs_$given_segno (fixed (baseno (addr (backup_abs_seg$)), 18), astep); /* get astep */ 262 if astep ^= null () then call force_deactivate; /* make it go away */ 263 264 call get_pvte; /* find pvte */ 265 if code ^= 0 then do; 266 if astl then call lock$unlock_ast; 267 astl = "0"b; 268 a_code = code; 269 return; 270 end; 271 272 call get_pvtx$hold_pvtx (pds$dmpr_pvid, pds$dmpr_pvtx, code); 273 if code ^= 0 then goto get_data_object_ret; 274 pvtxh = "1"b; 275 276 if astl then call lock$unlock_ast; 277 astl = "0"b; 278 279 280 if dmpr_input.Sfirst_pass_for_pv then do; 281 call check_for_inconsistent_dbm (); 282 dmpr_input.Sfirst_pass_for_pv = "0"b; 283 end; 284 285 /* setup ptrs to and clear local copies */ 286 287 unspec (local_aste) = "0"b; 288 tastep = addr (local_aste); 289 unspec (local_dir) = "0"b; 290 dp = addr (local_dir); 291 vtocep = addr (local_vtoce); /* set ptr to local copy */ 292 293 select_vtoce: 294 295 select_loop_cnt = select_loop_cnt + 1; 296 /* if locks are set - unlock them */ 297 if astl then call lock$unlock_ast; 298 astl = "0"b; 299 if pardirl then call lock$dir_unlock_given_uid (parent_uid); 300 pardirl = "0"b; 301 if dirl then call lock$dir_unlock_given_uid (object_uid); 302 dirl = "0"b; 303 304 /* find the next object to dump. if retry enable just make sure we wont go off the end */ 305 306 if type = comp | pvte.inconsistent_dbm then do; 307 if (request & select_loop_cnt > 1) then do; 308 code = error_table_$action_not_performed; 309 goto get_data_object_ret; 310 end; 311 if (prev_vtocx + 1 = pvte.n_vtoce) 312 | (request & request_vtocx = pvte.n_vtoce) then do; 313 pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type) = -1; 314 goto update_label; 315 end; 316 else do; 317 if request then pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type) = request_vtocx; 318 else if ^retry then pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type) = pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type) + 1; 319 end; 320 end; 321 else if ^retry then do; 322 call dbm_man$get_next_vtocx (pds$dmpr_pvtx, prev_vtocx, type, reset, code); 323 if code ^= 0 then do; 324 if code = error_table_$end_of_info then do; 325 update_label: call set_time; /* dump all done so set label */ 326 if code ^= 0 then call syserr$error_code (ANNOUNCE, code, 327 "hc_dmpr_primitives: Unable to set label time. PVID = ^w", pds$dmpr_pvid); 328 code = error_table_$end_of_info; 329 end; 330 goto get_data_object_ret; 331 end; 332 end; 333 334 begin; /* Make a null VTOCE */ 335 dcl fm_nullifier char (256 * 2) aligned based; 336 337 unspec (local_vtoce) = ""b; 338 addr ( -> fm_nullifier = high9 (256 * 2); /* Use a single MLR instruction */ 339 end; 340 /* an mlr instruction */ 341 342 /* read VTOCE - check for null vtoce and other degenerate cases */ 343 344 call vtoc_man$get_vtoce (pds$dmpr_pvid, pds$dmpr_pvtx, fixed (pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type), 17), "111"b, 345 vtocep, code); 346 if code ^= 0 then goto get_data_object_ret; 347 if type = comp | pvte.inconsistent_dbm then 348 if vtoce.uid = "0"b /* free vtoce */ 349 | vtoce.per_process 350 | vtoce.deciduous then do; 351 prev_vtocx = prev_vtocx + 1; 352 goto select_vtoce; 353 end; 354 dtd = substr (bit (fixed (clock (), 52), 52), 1, 36); 355 if vtoce.deciduous | vtoce.per_process | 356 ((^vtoce.dirsw) & ((type ^= comp & ^pvte.inconsistent_dbm) & vtoce.nid)) then do; 357 vtoce.uid = "0"b; /* treat as null vtoce */ 358 goto get_data_object_ret; /* dump as place holder */ 359 360 end; 361 362 if vtoce.uid = "0"b then goto get_data_object_ret; 363 364 object_uid = vtoce.uid; 365 366 if vtoce.dirsw then do; /* if object is a directory */ 367 dir.uid = object_uid; 368 call lock$dir_lock_read (dp, (0)); 369 dirl = "1"b; 370 end; 371 372 if vtoce.uid ^= (36)"1"b then do; /* the root does not have a parent */ 373 do parx = 0 to 15 while (vtoce.uid_path (parx) ^= "0"b); 374 end; 375 376 parx = parx - 1; 377 parent_uid, 378 dir.uid = vtoce.uid_path (parx); 379 380 if parent_uid = "0"b then do; /* VTOC BAD give up */ 381 vtoce.uid = "0"b; /* treat it as a null vtoce */ 382 call syserr (LOG, "hc_dmpr_primitives: bad uid pathname detected at pvid ^w vtocx ^o", 383 pds$dmpr_pvid, fixed (pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type), 17)); 384 goto get_data_object_ret; 385 end; 386 387 call lock$dir_lock_write (dp, (0)); /* Write to prevent activation of inferior */ 388 pardirl = "1"b; 389 end; 390 391 392 call lock$lock_ast; 393 astl = "1"b; 394 395 /* see if object already active - if so we don't have to activate it for ourselves */ 396 397 astep = search_ast$check ((vtoce.uid), pds$dmpr_pvid, 398 fixed (pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type), 17), code); /* is our ship really in? */ 399 if code ^= 0 then goto get_data_object_ret; /* double-uid */ 400 if astep ^= null then do; /* its already active */ 401 if aste.dius then do; 402 code = error_table_$dmpr_in_use; 403 goto get_data_object_ret; 404 end; 405 406 /* reread VTOCE under parent lock so tape copy and disk copy (if its updated) are correct */ 407 408 call vtoc_man$get_vtoce (pds$dmpr_pvid, pds$dmpr_pvtx, fixed (pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type), 17), "111"b, 409 vtocep, code); 410 if code ^= 0 then goto get_data_object_ret; 411 412 if ((^vtoce.dirsw) & ((type = comp | pvte.inconsistent_dbm) & vtoce.ncd)) then do; 413 prev_vtocx = prev_vtocx + 1; 414 goto select_vtoce; 415 end; 416 417 /* update file map and part one header */ 418 419 call pc$dumper_get_file_map (astep, tastep, addr (, (0), null (), null ()); 420 421 vtoce.uid = tastep -> aste.uid; 422 vtoce.msl = tastep -> aste.msl; 423 vtoce.csl = tastep -> aste.csl; 424 vtoce.records = tastep -> aste.records; 425 vtoce.dtu = tastep -> aste.dtu; 426 vtoce.dtm = tastep -> aste.dtm; 427 vtoce.nqsw = tastep -> aste.nqsw; 428 vtoce.deciduous = tastep -> aste.hc_sdw; 429 vtoce.synchronized = tastep -> aste.synchronized; 430 vtoce.per_process = tastep -> aste.per_process; 431 vtoce.dnzp = tastep -> aste.dnzp; 432 vtoce.gtpd = tastep -> aste.gtpd; 433 vtoce.nid = tastep -> aste.nid; 434 vtoce.dirsw = tastep -> aste.dirsw; 435 436 if vtoce.per_process | vtoce.deciduous | 437 ((^vtoce.dirsw) & (type ^= comp & vtoce.nid)) then do; 438 if type = comp | pvte.inconsistent_dbm then do; 439 prev_vtocx = prev_vtocx + 1; 440 goto select_vtoce; 441 end; 442 else do; 443 vtoce.uid = "0"b; 444 goto get_data_object_ret; 445 end; 446 end; 447 448 if tastep -> aste.dirsw then do; 449 curtime = substr (bit (clock (), 52), 1, 36); 450 vtoce.master_dir = tastep -> aste.master_dir; 451 do i = 0, 1; 452 vtoce.used (i) = tastep -> aste.used (i); 453 if tastep -> aste.tqsw (i) then do; 454 dt = fixed (curtime, 36) - fixed (vtoce.trp_time (i), 36); 455 vtoce.trp (i) = vtoce.trp (i) + fixed (tastep -> aste.used (i) * dt * .65536e-1 + .5e0, 71); 456 vtoce.trp_time (i) = curtime; 457 end; 458 end; 459 end; 460 461 if ^no_update then do; /* update vtoce desired */ 462 tvolid = vtoce.volid (type); /* save value */ 463 vtoce.volid (type) = volid; /* set volume id */ 464 valid_update = "1"b; 465 tdtd = vtoce.dtd; /* save value */ 466 vtoce.dtd = dtd; /* set dtd */ 467 call vtoc_man$put_vtoce (pds$dmpr_pvid, pds$dmpr_pvtx, fixed (pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type), 17), 468 "001"b, vtocep, code); 469 if code ^= 0 then goto get_data_object_ret; 470 end; 471 472 end; 473 474 else do; /* not active now */ 475 476 if astl then call lock$unlock_ast; 477 astl = "0"b; 478 479 /* Since not active the file maps are correct */ 480 481 482 /* if not the same as the first read then something is out of synch. try again */ 483 484 if (vtoce.uid ^= object_uid) | 485 (vtoce.uid ^= (36)"1"b & vtoce.uid_path (parx) ^= parent_uid) then goto select_vtoce; 486 487 if ((^vtoce.dirsw) & ((type = comp | pvte.inconsistent_dbm) & vtoce.ncd)) then do; 488 prev_vtocx = prev_vtocx + 1; 489 goto select_vtoce; 490 end; 491 492 if vtoce.per_process | vtoce.deciduous | 493 ((^vtoce.dirsw) & (type ^= comp & vtoce.nid)) then do; 494 if type = comp | pvte.inconsistent_dbm then do; 495 prev_vtocx = prev_vtocx + 1; 496 goto select_vtoce; 497 end; 498 else do; 499 vtoce.uid = "0"b; 500 goto get_data_object_ret; 501 end; 502 end; 503 504 505 if ^no_update then do; /* update vtoce desired */ 506 tvolid = vtoce.volid (type); /* save value */ 507 vtoce.volid (type) = volid; /* set volume id */ 508 valid_update = "1"b; 509 tdtd = vtoce.dtd; /* save value */ 510 vtoce.dtd = dtd; /* set dtd */ 511 call vtoc_man$put_vtoce (pds$dmpr_pvid, pds$dmpr_pvtx, fixed (pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type), 17), 512 "001"b, vtocep, code); 513 if code ^= 0 then goto get_data_object_ret; 514 end; 515 /* lock ast and make object active */ 516 517 astep = activate$backup_activate (vtocep, fixed (pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type), 17), pds$dmpr_pvtx, code); 518 if code ^= 0 then goto get_data_object_ret; 519 astl = "1"b; 520 end; 521 522 if mod_after_time ^= 0 & type = comp then 523 if fixed (bit (aste.dtm, 52), 52) < mod_after_time then do; /* do not dump */ 524 call force_deactivate; 525 prev_vtocx = prev_vtocx + 1; 526 goto select_vtoce; 527 end; 528 529 if pvte.inconsistent_dbm then do; 530 skip = "0"b; 531 last_modified = fixed (bit (aste.dtm, 52), 52); 532 call dbm_man$set (pds$dmpr_pvtx, 533 fixed (pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type), 17), incr, "0"b); 534 535 if type = incr then do; 536 if last_modified < dmpr_input.last_incr_dump_time then 537 skip = "1"b; 538 if last_modified < dmpr_input.last_cons_dump_time then 539 call dbm_man$set (pds$dmpr_pvtx, 540 fixed (pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type), 17), cons, "0"b); 541 else 542 call dbm_man$set (pds$dmpr_pvtx, 543 fixed (pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type), 17), cons, "1"b); 544 end; 545 else do; 546 call dbm_man$set (pds$dmpr_pvtx, 547 fixed (pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type), 17), cons, "0"b); 548 if type = cons then do; 549 if last_modified < dmpr_input.last_cons_dump_time then 550 skip = "1"b; 551 end; 552 end; 553 554 if skip then do; 555 call force_deactivate; 556 prev_vtocx = prev_vtocx + 1; 557 goto select_vtoce; 558 end; 559 end; 560 561 call make_trailer; /* put dumper on trailer */ 562 563 tsdw = get_ptrs_$given_astep (astep); /* get the sdw */ 564 call sdw_util_$dissect (addr (tsdw), addr (sdwi));/* Dissect it, for modification */ 565 566 if vtoce.dirsw then 567 read_ring = 0; 568 else read_ring = level$get (); /* readable in the outer ring */ 569 sdwi.r2 = bit (binary (read_ring, 3), 3); 570 sdwi.r3 = bit (binary (read_ring, 3), 3); 571 sdwi.write = "0"b; /* Read access only */ 572 call sdw_util_$construct (addr (tsdw), addr (sdwi)); /* And put it back together */ 573 574 call pmut$swap_sdw (addr (backup_abs_seg$), addr (tsdw)); /* put constructed sdw in dseg */ 575 if ^no_object then do; /* want object also */ 576 577 if ^vtoce.dirsw then do; /* pre-page segs */ 578 if fixed (vtoce.records, 9) ^= 0 579 & fixed (vtoce.records, 9) = fixed (vtoce.csl, 9) then do; 580 last_page_index = fixed (vtoce.csl, 9) - 1; 581 if ^substr ( (last_page_index), 1, 1) then call pc_wired$read (astep, last_page_index, 1); 582 end; 583 do i = 0 to fixed (vtoce.csl, 9) - 1 while (i < 16); /* pre-page for efficiency */ 584 if ^substr ( (i), 1, 1) then call pc_wired$read (astep, i, 1); 585 end; 586 end; 587 else do; /* treat dirs diferantly */ 588 aste.ehs = "1"b; /* make sure aste doesnt go away */ 589 if astl then call lock$unlock_ast; 590 astl = "0"b; 591 592 if pardirl then call lock$dir_unlock_given_uid (parent_uid); 593 pardirl = "0"b; 594 595 csl = fixed (vtoce.csl, 9); 596 if csl = fixed (vtoce.records, 9) then do; 597 nwords = csl * 1024; 598 pds$dmpr_copy_dirsegp -> copy = addr (backup_abs_seg$) -> copy; 599 end; 600 else do; 601 do i = 0 to csl - 1; 602 if ^substr ( (i), 1, 1) then 603 ptr (pds$dmpr_copy_dirsegp, i * 1024) -> page = 604 ptr (addr (backup_abs_seg$), i * 1024) -> page; 605 end; 606 end; 607 aste.ehs = "0"b; /* now it can */ 608 if dirl then call lock$dir_unlock_given_uid (object_uid); 609 dirl = "0"b; 610 end; 611 end; 612 get_data_object_ret: 613 if astl then call lock$unlock_ast; /* turn global lock off */ 614 if pardirl then call lock$dir_unlock_given_uid (parent_uid); 615 if dirl then call lock$dir_unlock_given_uid (object_uid); 616 if pvtxh then call get_pvtx$release_pvtx (pds$dmpr_pvid, pds$dmpr_pvtx); 617 if ^no_update & valid_update then do; 618 vtoce.dtd = tdtd; /* reset pre-update values */ 619 vtoce.volid (type) = tvolid; 620 end; 621 622 backup_volume_record.vtocx = pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type); /* return args */ 623 backup_volume_record.time_dumped = dtd; 624 backup_volume_record.pvid = pds$dmpr_pvid; 625 local_vtoce.fm_checksum_valid = "0"b; 626 backup_volume_record.vtoce = local_vtoce; 627 a_code = code; 628 return; 629 630 release_dmpr_aste: entry (a_type, a_code); 631 632 code = 0; 633 type = a_type; /* copy args */ 634 call lock$lock_ast; /* lock global lock */ 635 call get_ptrs_$given_segno (fixed (baseno (addr (backup_abs_seg$)), 18), astep); /* get astep */ 636 if astep = null then do; /* the harder way */ 637 call get_pvte; 638 vtocep = addr (local_vtoce); 639 call vtoc_man$get_vtoce (pds$dmpr_pvid, pds$dmpr_pvtx, fixed (pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type), 17), 640 "111"b, vtocep, code); 641 if code ^= 0 then goto release_dmpr_aste_ret; 642 astep = search_ast$check ((vtoce.uid), pds$dmpr_pvid, 643 fixed (pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type), 17), code); /* find aste */ 644 if code ^= 0 then goto release_dmpr_aste_ret; 645 end; 646 647 if astep ^= null () then call force_deactivate; 648 release_dmpr_aste_ret: 649 call lock$unlock_ast; 650 a_code = code; 651 return; 652 653 revert_dmpr: entry (a_code); 654 655 code = 0; /* set default return value */ 656 if pds$dmpr_copy_dirsegp = null then do; /* can't revert what was not set */ 657 a_code = error_table_$bad_arg; 658 return; 659 end; 660 call lock$lock_ast; 661 call get_ptrs_$given_segno (fixed (baseno (pds$dmpr_copy_dirsegp), 18), astep); 662 if astep ^= null () then 663 aste.ehs = "0"b; 664 call get_ptrs_$given_segno (fixed (baseno (addr (backup_abs_seg$)), 18), astep); /* get astep */ 665 if astep ^= null () then call force_deactivate; /* make it go away */ 666 call lock$unlock_ast; 667 call quota_util$restore_quota; 668 pds$dmpr_pvid = "0"b; /* reset the world */ 669 pds$dmpr_pvtx = 0; 670 pds$dmpr_copy_dirsegp = null; 671 a_code = code; /* all done */ 672 return; 673 674 check_for_inconsistent_dbm: proc; 675 676 if ^pvte.inconsistent_dbm then 677 return; 678 679 labelp = addr (local_label); 680 call lock$wait (addr (lock_word), lock_id, code); 681 if code ^= 0 then return; 682 call read_disk (pds$dmpr_pvtx, LABEL_ADDR, labelp, code); 683 if code = 0 then do; 684 dmpr_input.last_incr_dump_time = label.time_last_dmp (1); 685 dmpr_input.last_cons_dump_time = label.time_last_dmp (2); 686 end; 687 688 call lock$unlock (addr (lock_word), lock_id); 689 return; 690 end check_for_inconsistent_dbm; 691 692 693 make_trailer: proc; 694 695 if rel (sst$tfreep) = "0"b /* set up trailer */ 696 then call syserr (CRASH, "hc_dmpr_primitives: trailer storage area exhausted"); 697 strep = sst$tfreep; /* Get pointer to first free trailer */ 698 sst$tfreep = ptr (strep, strep -> str.fp); /* reset free ptr */ 699 strep -> str.segno = bit (fixed (baseno (addr (backup_abs_seg$)), 18)); /* Fill in the new trailer */ 700 strep -> str.dstep = pds$dstep; /* ditto */ 701 strep -> str.fp, strep -> str.bp = "0"b; /* ditto */ 702 call thread$lin (strep, astep -> aste.strp); /* Thread the new trailer in */ 703 astep -> aste.dius = "1"b; /* Now it's ours */ 704 705 end make_trailer; 706 707 force_deactivate: proc; 708 709 710 if aste.strp ^= ""b then /* if any trailers exist, process */ 711 if aste.dius then 712 call setfaults$deltrailer (astep, fixed (baseno (addr (backup_abs_seg$)), 18), fixed (pds$dstep, 18)); /* release trailer */ 713 714 if aste.par_astep = "0"b & aste.uid ^= (36)"1"b then do; /* dumper is only user */ 715 call pc$cleanup (astep); /* get rid of all the pages */ 716 call search_ast$hash_out (astep); /* clean out hash table */ 717 call put_aste (astep); /* and the aste */ 718 sst$deact_count = sst$deact_count + 1; /* Meter */ 719 end; 720 721 else aste.dius = "0"b; /* user is using but we are done */ 722 723 tsdw = 0; /* reset the special sdw */ 724 call pmut$swap_sdw (addr (backup_abs_seg$), addr (tsdw)); /* swap in zero sdw */ 725 return; 726 end force_deactivate; 727 728 get_pvte: proc; 729 730 code = 0; 731 pvtep = addr (addr (pvt$array) -> pvt_array (pds$dmpr_pvtx)); /* get ptr to pvte */ 732 if pvte.pvid ^= pds$dmpr_pvid then do; /* has it been demounted */ 733 pvtx = get_pvtx (pds$dmpr_pvid, code); /* maybe it moved */ 734 if code ^= 0 then return; 735 pds$dmpr_pvtx = pvtx; /* reset */ 736 end; 737 return; 738 end get_pvte; 739 740 set_time: proc; 741 742 labelp = addr (local_label); 743 call lock$wait (addr (lock_word), lock_id, code); 744 if code ^= 0 then return; 745 call read_disk (pds$dmpr_pvtx, LABEL_ADDR, labelp, code); /* read label */ 746 if code = 0 then do; 747 label.time_last_dmp (type) = start_time; /* update label */ 748 pvte.inconsistent_dbm, label.inconsistent_dbm = "0"b; 749 call write_disk (pds$dmpr_pvtx, LABEL_ADDR, labelp, code); /* write label */ 750 pvte.dmpr_in_use (type) = "0"b; /* all done with this volume */ 751 pvte.curn_dmpr_vtocx (type) = -1; /* ditto */ 752 end; 753 call lock$unlock (addr (lock_word), lock_id); 754 return; 755 end set_time; 756 757 set_info: proc; 758 759 labelp = addr (local_label); 760 call read_disk (pds$dmpr_pvtx, LABEL_ADDR, labelp, code); 761 if code ^= 0 then return; 762 backup_pvol_info.label = label; 763 764 backup_pvol_info.n_vtoce = pvte.n_vtoce; 765 backup_pvol_info.n_free_vtoce = pvte.n_free_vtoce; 766 backup_pvol_info.n_rec = pvte.totrec; 767 backup_pvol_info.baseadd = pvte.volmap_stock_ptr -> record_stock.volmap_page (1).baseadd + 64 * 32; 768 backup_pvol_info.n_free_rec = pvte.nleft; 769 770 end set_info; 771 772 773 dcl a_copy_dirsegp ptr; /* ptr to segment used to copy directories */ 774 dcl a_infop ptr; /* ptr to storage for info about physical volume */ 775 dcl a_dmpr_absegp ptr; /* ptr to perprocess abs seg */ 776 dcl a_code fixed bin (35); /* error code */ 777 dcl a_pvid bit (36) aligned; /* physical volume id */ 778 dcl a_type fixed bin; /* type of dump */ 779 dcl a_window fixed bin; /* count of windows used to scan vtoc */ 780 dcl a_vbmp ptr; /* ptr to vtoc bit map */ 781 dcl a_inputp ptr; /* ptr to input structure */ 782 dcl a_recordp ptr; /* ptr to output structure */ 783 784 dcl copy_dirsegp ptr; /* local copy of parameter */ 785 dcl select_loop_cnt fixed bin; /* count of times in select_loop */ 786 dcl read_ring fixed bin; /* ring that dumper's sdw will allow reading in */ 787 dcl dev_vtoc_words fixed bin; /* words per vtoc in a page */ 788 dcl dtd bit (36) aligned; 789 dcl curtime bit (36) aligned; /* the current time */ 790 dcl dt fixed bin (35); /* delta time */ 791 dcl pvtxh bit (1) aligned; /* indicates if pvte held */ 792 dcl astl bit (1) aligned; /* indicates if ast locked */ 793 dcl dirl bit (1) aligned; /* indicates if dir is locked */ 794 dcl pardirl bit (1) aligned; /* indicates if parent dir is locked */ 795 dcl parx fixed bin; /* index of parent uid in pathname array */ 796 dcl tastep ptr; /* ptr to local copy of aste */ 797 dcl parent_uid bit (36) aligned; /* as stated */ 798 dcl object_uid bit (36) aligned; /* ditto */ 799 dcl lock bit (1) aligned; /* entry indicator and lock value */ 800 dcl skip bit (1) aligned; 801 dcl strep ptr; /* ptr to trailer entry */ 802 dcl code fixed bin (35); /* error code */ 803 dcl last_page_index fixed bin; 804 dcl vbmp ptr; /* local copy of parameter */ 805 dcl window fixed bin; /* local copy of parameter */ 806 dcl j fixed bin; /* loop control variable */ 807 dcl pagep ptr; /* ptr to page of vtoc scanning seg */ 808 dcl valid_update bit (1) aligned; /* on if update variables are set */ 809 dcl pvid bit (36) aligned; /* physical volume id */ 810 dcl prev_vtocx fixed bin; /* value of vtocx of seg just dumped */ 811 dcl request_vtocx fixed bin; /* vtocx to be dumped if request mode enabled */ 812 dcl type fixed bin; /* dump type */ 813 dcl pvtx fixed bin; /* pvt index */ 814 dcl vtocx fixed bin; /* vtoc index */ 815 dcl retry bit (1) aligned; /* local copy of parameter */ 816 dcl request bit (1) aligned; /* local copy of parameter */ 817 dcl csl fixed bin; /* cur seg length */ 818 dcl volid bit (36) aligned; /* id of volume onto which object dumped will be written */ 819 dcl start_time fixed bin (71); /* starting time of this dump cycle */ 820 dcl mod_after_time fixed bin (71); /* time to check dtm against */ 821 dcl last_modified fixed bin (71); /* last time the vtoce was modified */ 822 dcl reset bit (1) aligned; /* on if forced reseting desired */ 823 dcl n_vtoce_per_page fixed bin; /* vtoce entries per page */ 824 dcl no_object bit (1) aligned; /* on if no data object is to be dumped */ 825 dcl no_update bit (1) aligned; /* on if no update of vtoce desired (dtd and volid) */ 826 dcl i fixed bin; /* loop control variable */ 827 dcl nwords fixed bin; /* number of words of directory to copy */ 828 dcl tsdw fixed bin (71); /* tempory sdw */ 829 dcl tdtd bit (36) aligned; /* temp copy of dtd */ 830 dcl tvolid bit (36) aligned; /* temp copy of volid */ 831 832 dcl ptp pointer; 833 dcl 1 sdwi aligned like sdw_info automatic; /* For modifying our temporary SDW */ 834 835 dcl page (1024) bit (36) aligned based; 836 dcl copy (nwords) fixed bin based; /* array used to copy directory into dumper segment */ 837 dcl vtoc_bit_map (0:36719) bit (1) unaligned based (vbmp); 838 839 dcl 1 local_vtoce like vtoce aligned; /* local copy of vtoce */ 840 dcl 1 local_aste like aste aligned; 841 dcl 1 local_dir like dir aligned; 842 dcl 1 local_label like label aligned; /* local copy of disk label */ 843 844 dcl error_table_$bad_arg fixed bin (35) external; 845 dcl error_table_$action_not_performed fixed bin (35) external; 846 dcl error_table_$dmpr_in_use ext fixed bin (35); 847 dcl error_table_$end_of_info ext fixed bin (35); 848 dcl error_table_$vol_in_use fixed bin (35) external; 849 dcl error_table_$vtoc_io_err fixed bin (35) external; 850 dcl backup_abs_seg$ ext; 851 dcl pds$dmpr_pvid bit (36) aligned external; 852 dcl pds$dstep ext bit (18); 853 dcl pds$dmpr_pvtx fixed bin external; 854 dcl pds$dmpr_copy_dirsegp external ptr; 855 dcl sst$astsize fixed bin external; 856 dcl sst$deact_count fixed bin external; 857 dcl 1 sst$level (0:3) aligned external, 858 2 ausedp bit (18) unaligned, 859 2 no_aste bit (18) unaligned; 860 dcl sst$tfreep ptr external; 861 dcl sys_info$default_dir_max_length fixed bin (19) external; 862 863 dcl max_pages_per_segment fixed bin static init (255) options (constant); /* max pages per segment */ 864 dcl lock_word bit (36) int static init ("0"b); /* interlock for label update */ 865 dcl lock_id char (4) aligned int static init ("dmpr") options (constant); /* id to wait on */ 866 867 dcl quota_util$suspend_quota entry; 868 dcl quota_util$restore_quota entry; 869 dcl pmut$swap_sdw entry (ptr, ptr); 870 dcl ptw_util_$make_disk entry (pointer, fixed bin (20)); 871 dcl sdw_util_$dissect entry (pointer, pointer); 872 dcl sdw_util_$construct entry (pointer, pointer); 873 dcl dbm_man$update_map_from_ast entry (ptr, fixed bin); 874 dcl dbm_man$get_next_vtocx entry (fixed bin, fixed bin, fixed bin, bit (1) aligned, fixed bin (35)); 875 dcl dbm_man$set entry (fixed bin, fixed bin, fixed bin, bit (1) aligned); 876 877 dcl (addr, addrel, baseno, binary, bit, clock, fixed, high9, null, ptr, rel, substr, unspec) builtin; 878 dcl get_aste entry (fixed bin) returns (ptr); 879 dcl get_ptrs_$given_segno entry (fixed bin, ptr); 880 dcl get_ptrs_$given_astep entry (ptr) returns (fixed bin (71)); 881 dcl activate$backup_activate entry (ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin, fixed bin (35)) returns (ptr); 882 dcl get_pvtx entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35)) returns (fixed bin (17)); 883 dcl get_pvtx$hold_pvtx entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin, fixed bin (35)); 884 dcl get_pvtx$release_pvtx entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin); 885 dcl vtoc_man$get_vtoce entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin, fixed bin, bit (3), ptr, fixed bin (35)); 886 dcl vtoc_man$put_vtoce entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin, fixed bin, bit (3), ptr, fixed bin (35)); 887 dcl lock$wait entry (ptr, char (4) aligned, fixed bin (35)); 888 dcl lock$unlock entry (ptr, char (4) aligned); 889 dcl lock$lock_ast entry; 890 dcl lock$unlock_ast entry; 891 dcl read_disk entry (fixed bin, fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin (35)); 892 dcl write_disk entry (fixed bin, fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin (35)); 893 dcl lock$dir_lock_read entry (ptr, fixed bin (35)); 894 dcl lock$dir_lock_write entry (ptr, fixed bin (35)); 895 dcl lock$dir_unlock_given_uid entry (bit (36) aligned); 896 dcl pc$dumper_get_file_map entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin, ptr, ptr); 897 dcl pc$cleanup entry (ptr); 898 dcl search_ast$hash_out entry (ptr); 899 dcl put_aste entry (ptr); 900 dcl search_ast$check entry (bit (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin, fixed bin (35)) returns (ptr); 901 dcl thread$lin entry (ptr, bit (18)); 902 dcl pc_wired$read entry (ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin); 903 dcl syserr entry options (variable); 904 dcl syserr$error_code entry options (variable); 905 dcl setfaults$deltrailer entry (ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin (18)); 906 dcl level$get entry returns (fixed bin); 907 dcl thread$out entry (ptr, bit (18)); 908 dcl grab_aste entry (ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin (35), ptr); 909 910 dcl page_fault_error condition; 911 912 /* format: off */ 913 914 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ...aste.incl.pl1 ... */ 1 2 1 3 /* Template for an AST entry. Length = 12 words. */ 1 4 1 5 /* Words 0 to 7, and 11 are read by PC; they are read and modified by SC. 1 6* Words 8, 9 and 10 are modified by PC; they should never be modified without locking the PC lock */ 1 7 /* Modified January 1985 by Keith Loepere for multi_class. */ 1 8 1 9 dcl astep ptr; 1 10 1 11 dcl 1 aste based (astep) aligned, 1 12 1 13 (2 fp bit (18), /* forward used list rel pointer */ 1 14 2 bp bit (18), /* backward used list rel pointer */ 1 15 1 16 2 infl bit (18), /* ptr to NEXT in list of ASTE's of my brothers */ 1 17 2 infp bit (18), /* ptr to FIRST in list of ASTE's of my children */ 1 18 1 19 2 strp bit (18), /* rel pointer to process trailer */ 1 20 2 par_astep bit (18), /* rel pointer to parent aste */ 1 21 1 22 2 uid bit (36), /* segment unique id */ 1 23 1 24 2 msl bit (9), /* maximum segment length in 1024 word units */ 1 25 2 pvtx fixed bin (8), /* physical volume table index */ 1 26 2 vtocx fixed bin (17), /* vtoc entry index */ 1 27 1 28 2 usedf bit (1), /* ast entry is being used if non-zero */ 1 29 2 init bit (1), /* used bit - insure 1 lap */ 1 30 2 gtus bit (1), /* global transparent usage switch */ 1 31 2 gtms bit (1), /* global transparent modified switch */ 1 32 2 hc bit (1), /* hard core segment */ 1 33 2 hc_sdw bit (1), /* aste with sdw for hardcore seg if non-zero */ 1 34 2 any_access_on bit (1), /* any sdw allows access, unless write_access_on */ 1 35 2 write_access_on bit (1), /* any sdw allows write access */ 1 36 2 inhibit_cache bit (1), /* flag not to reset above bits */ 1 37 2 explicit_deact_ok bit (1), /* set if user can deactivate seg */ 1 38 2 deact_error bit (1), /* set if error occurred while deactivating */ 1 39 2 hc_part bit (1), /* set if pages are in a hardcore partition */ 1 40 2 fm_damaged bit (1), /* set if filemap checksum was ever bad */ 1 41 2 multi_class bit (1), /* set if page_control should watch state changes to this segment */ 1 42 2 pad1 bit (2), /* OO */ 1 43 2 dius bit (1), /* dumper in use switch */ 1 44 2 nid bit (1), /* if on prevents addtion to incremental dump map */ 1 45 2 dmpr_pad bit (1), 1 46 2 ehs bit (1), /* entry hold switch */ 1 47 2 nqsw bit (1), /* no quota switch - no checking for pages of this seg */ 1 48 2 dirsw bit (1), /* directory switch */ 1 49 2 master_dir bit (1), /* master dir - a root for the log volume */ 1 50 2 volmap_seg bit (1), /* volmap_seg for some volume */ 1 51 2 tqsw (0:1) bit (1), /* terminal quota switch - (0) for non dir pages */ 1 52 2 pad_ic bit (10), /* Used to be aste.ic */ 1 53 1 54 2 dtu bit (36), /* date and time segment last used */ 1 55 1 56 2 dtm bit (36), /* date and time segment last modified */ 1 57 1 58 1 59 2 quota (0:1) fixed bin (18) unsigned, /* sec storage quota - (0) for non dir pages */ 1 60 1 61 2 used (0:1) fixed bin (18) unsigned, /* sec storage used - (0) for non dir pages */ 1 62 1 63 2 csl bit (9), /* current segment length in 1024 words units */ 1 64 2 fmchanged bit (1), /* turned on by page if file map changed */ 1 65 2 fms bit (1), /* file modified switch */ 1 66 2 npfs bit (1), /* no page fault switch */ 1 67 2 gtpd bit (1), /* global transparent paging device switch */ 1 68 2 dnzp bit (1), /* don't null out if zero page switch */ 1 69 2 per_process bit (1), /* use master quota for this entry */ 1 70 2 ddnp bit (1), /* don't deposit nulled pages */ 1 71 2 pad2 bit (2), 1 72 2 records bit (9), /* number of records used by the seg in sec storage */ 1 73 2 np bit (9), /* number of pages in core */ 1 74 1 75 1 76 2 ht_fp bit (18), /* hash table forward rel pointer */ 1 77 2 fmchanged1 bit (1), /* value of "fmchanged" saved by pc$get_file_map */ 1 78 2 damaged bit (1), /* PC declared segment unusable */ 1 79 2 pack_ovfl bit (1), /* page fault on seg would cause pack overflow */ 1 80 2 synchronized bit (1), /* Data Management synchronized segment */ 1 81 2 pad3 bit (6), /* OOOOOOOOO */ 1 82 2 ptsi bit (2), /* page table size index */ 1 83 2 marker bit (6)) unaligned; /* marker to indicate last word of ASTE */ 1 84 1 85 1 86 dcl asta (0 : 8000) bit (36*12 /* sst-> sst.astsize */) based aligned; 1 87 1 88 1 89 dcl 1 aste_part aligned based (astep), 1 90 1 91 2 one bit (36) unaligned, /* fp and bp */ 1 92 2 two bit (36*11 - 8) unaligned, /* part that has to be zeroed when ASTE is freed */ 1 93 2 three bit (8) unaligned; /* ptsi and marker */ 1 94 1 95 1 96 dcl 1 seg_aste based (astep) aligned, /* Overlay because quota is only for dirs */ 1 97 2 pad1 bit (8*36), 1 98 2 usage fixed bin (35), /* page fault count: overlays quota */ 1 99 2 pad2 bit (3*36); 1 100 1 101 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... aste.incl.pl1 */ 914 915 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... backup_pvol_info.incl.pl1 */ 2 2 2 3 dcl bpvip ptr; 2 4 2 5 dcl 1 backup_pvol_info based (bpvip) aligned, 2 6 2 label like label aligned, 2 7 2 n_vtoce fixed bin, 2 8 2 n_free_vtoce fixed bin, 2 9 2 n_rec fixed bin, 2 10 2 baseadd fixed bin, 2 11 2 n_free_rec fixed bin; 2 12 2 13 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... backup_pvol_info.incl.pl1 */ 915 916 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... backup_static_variables.incl.pl1 ... March 1976 */ 3 2 3 3 3 4 dcl incr fixed bin init (1) internal static options (constant); /* incremental dump mode */ 3 5 dcl cons fixed bin init (2) internal static options (constant); /* consolidated dump mode */ 3 6 dcl comp fixed bin init (3) internal static options (constant); /* complete dump mode */ 3 7 dcl backup_version_1 fixed bin init (1) static internal options (constant); /* backup_version_1 of input/output structures */ 3 8 3 9 3 10 3 11 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... backup_static_variables.incl.pl1 */ 916 917 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... backup_volume_header ... Feb 1976 */ 4 2 4 3 dcl hdp ptr; /* ptr to header */ 4 4 4 5 dcl 1 backup_volume_header based (hdp) aligned, 4 6 2 pattern1 bit (36), /* unique word 1 */ 4 7 2 rec1_type fixed bin, /* record 1 type */ 4 8 2 rec1_len fixed bin, /* length in chars */ 4 9 2 pattern2 bit (36), /* unique word 2 */ 4 10 2 rec2_type fixed bin, /* record 2 type */ 4 11 2 rec2_len fixed bin, /* length in chars */ 4 12 2 pattern3 bit (36), /* unique word 3 */ 4 13 2 time_dumped bit (36); /* dump time of this record */ 4 14 4 15 dcl vtoce_type fixed bin static init (1) options (constant); /* type code for vtoce */ 4 16 dcl dir_type fixed bin static init (2) options (constant); /* type code for directory */ 4 17 dcl seg_type fixed bin static init (3) options (constant); /* type code for segment */ 4 18 dcl null_type fixed bin static init (4) options (constant); /* type code for null record */ 4 19 dcl volume_log_type fixed bin static init (5) options (constant); /* type code for volume log */ 4 20 dcl prev_output_log_type fixed bin static init (6) options (constant); /* type code for prev output log */ 4 21 dcl contents_type fixed bin static init (7) options (constant); /* type code for contents segment of previous volume */ 4 22 dcl info_type fixed bin static init (8) options (constant); /* type code for info structure */ 4 23 4 24 dcl pattern1 bit (36) int static init ("110111000011001100011101101010100101"b) options (constant); 4 25 dcl pattern2 bit (36) int static init ("101001010101101110001100110000111011"b) options (constant); 4 26 dcl pattern3 bit (36) int static init ("001000111100110011100010010101011010"b) options (constant); 4 27 4 28 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... backup_volume_header */ 917 918 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... backup_volume_record.incl.pl1 ... March 1976 */ 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 5 6* 1) change(88-10-05,GWMay), approve(88-10-05,MCR8005), audit(88-10-12,Farley), 5 7* install(88-10-17,MR12.2-1173): 5 8* Added a version 2 constant 5 9* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 5 10 5 11 5 12 dcl recordp ptr; 5 13 5 14 dcl backup_volume_record_version_1 fixed bin static init (1) options (constant); 5 15 dcl backup_volume_record_version_2 fixed bin static init (2) options (constant); 5 16 5 17 dcl 1 backup_volume_record based (recordp) aligned, 5 18 2 header like backup_volume_header aligned, 5 19 2 version fixed bin, /* version number of structure */ 5 20 2 pvid bit (36), /* physical volume id */ 5 21 2 vtocx fixed bin, /* vtoc index of returned vtoc entry */ 5 22 2 vtoce like vtoce aligned; /* vtoc entry */ 5 23 5 24 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... backup_volume_record.incl.pl1 */ 918 919 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... dir_header.incl.pl1 */ 6 2 /* Modified 8/74 for NSS */ 6 3 /* Modified 8/76 to add version number and hash table rel pointer for variable hash table sizes */ 6 4 /* Modified 3/82 BIM for change pclock */ 6 5 /* format: style3 */ 6 6 6 7 /* Template for the directory header. Length = 64 words. */ 6 8 6 9 dcl dp ptr; 6 10 6 11 dcl 1 dir based (dp) aligned, 6 12 6 13 2 modify bit (36), /* Process ID of last modifier */ 6 14 2 type bit (18) unaligned, /* type of object = dir header */ 6 15 2 size fixed bin (17) unaligned, /* size of header in words */ 6 16 2 dtc (3), /* date-time checked by salvager array */ 6 17 3 date bit (36), /* the date */ 6 18 3 error bit (36), /* what errors were discovered */ 6 19 6 20 2 uid bit (36), /* uid of the directory - copied from branch */ 6 21 6 22 2 pvid bit (36), /* phys vol id of the dir - copied from branch */ 6 23 6 24 2 sons_lvid bit (36), /* log vol id for inf non dir seg - copied from branch */ 6 25 6 26 2 access_class bit (72), /* security attributes of dir - copied from branch */ 6 27 6 28 (2 vtocx fixed bin (17), /* vtoc entry index of the dir - copied from branch */ 6 29 2 version_number fixed bin (17), /* version number of header */ 6 30 6 31 2 entryfrp bit (18), /* rel ptr to beginning of entry list */ 6 32 2 pad2 bit (18), 6 33 6 34 2 entrybrp bit (18), /* rel ptr to end of entry list */ 6 35 2 pad3 bit (18), 6 36 6 37 2 pers_frp bit (18), /* rel ptr to start of person name list */ 6 38 2 proj_frp bit (18), /* rel ptr to start of project name list */ 6 39 6 40 2 pers_brp bit (18), /* rel ptr to end of person name list */ 6 41 2 proj_brp bit (18), /* rel ptr to end of project name list */ 6 42 6 43 2 seg_count fixed bin (17), /* number of non-directory branches */ 6 44 2 dir_count fixed bin (17), /* number of directory branches */ 6 45 6 46 2 lcount fixed bin (17), /* number of links */ 6 47 2 acle_total fixed bin (17), /* total number of ACL entries in directory */ 6 48 6 49 2 arearp bit (18), /* relative pointer to beginning of allocation area */ 6 50 2 per_process_sw bit (1), /* indicates dir contains per process segments */ 6 51 2 master_dir bit (1), /* TRUE if this is a master dir */ 6 52 2 force_rpv bit (1), /* TRUE if segs must be on RPV */ 6 53 2 rehashing bit (1), /* TRUE if hash table is being constructed */ 6 54 2 pad4 bit (14), 6 55 6 56 2 iacl_count (0:7), 6 57 3 seg fixed bin (17), /* number of initial acl entries for segs */ 6 58 3 dir fixed bin (17), /* number of initial acl entries for dir */ 6 59 6 60 2 iacl (0:7), /* pointer to initial ACLs for each ring */ 6 61 3 seg_frp bit (18), /* rel ptr to start of initial ACL for segs */ 6 62 3 seg_brp bit (18), /* rel ptr to end of initial ACL for segs */ 6 63 6 64 3 dir_frp bit (18), /* rel ptr to start of initial for dirs */ 6 65 3 dir_brp bit (18), /* rel ptr to end of initial ACL for dirs */ 6 66 6 67 2 htsize fixed bin (17), /* size of hash table */ 6 68 2 hash_table_rp bit (18), /* rel ptr to start of hash table */ 6 69 6 70 2 htused fixed bin (17), /* no. of used places in hash table */ 6 71 2 pad6 fixed bin (17), 6 72 6 73 2 tree_depth fixed bin (17), /* number of levels from root of this dir */ 6 74 2 pad7 bit (18)) unaligned, 6 75 6 76 2 dts bit (36), /* date-time directory last salvaged */ 6 77 6 78 2 master_dir_uid bit (36), /* uid of superior master dir */ 6 79 2 change_pclock fixed bin (35), /* up one each call to sum$dirmod */ 6 80 2 pad8 (11) bit (36), /* pad to make it a 64 word header */ 6 81 2 checksum bit (36), /* checksummed from uid on */ 6 82 2 owner bit (36); /* uid of parent dir */ 6 83 6 84 dcl version_number_2 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2); 6 85 6 86 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... dir_header.incl.pl1 */ 919 920 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE...disk_pack.incl.pl1 Last Modified January 1982 for new volume map */ 7 2 7 3 7 4 7 5 7 6 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 7 7* 1) change(86-01-14,Fawcett), approve(86-05-13,MCR7383), 7 8* audit(86-05-14,LJAdams), install(86-07-18,MR12.0-1098): 7 9* Add vars PAGE_SIZE and VTOCE_SIZE, Also change the SECTORS_PER_VTOCE and 7 10* VTOCES_PER_RECORD form fixed bin constants to arrays of fixed bin 7 11* constants indexed by device type as defined in fs_dev_types.incl.pl1. 7 12* This was done for support of the 3380, and 3390 devices for 512_WORD_IO. 7 13* 2) change(86-10-21,Fawcett), approve(86-10-21,MCR7533), 7 14* audit(86-10-21,Farley), install(86-10-22,MR12.0-1193): 7 15* Change PAGE_SIZE and VTOCE_SIZE from automatic to static constants. 7 16* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 7 17 7 18 7 19 /* 7 20* All disk packs have the standard layout described below: 7 21* 7 22* Record 0 : contains the label, as declared in fs_vol_label.incl.pl1. 7 23* Record 1 to 3 : contains the volume map, as declared in vol_map.incl.pl1 7 24* Record 4 to 5 : contains the dumper bit map, as declared in dumper_bit_map.incl.pl1 7 25* Record 6 : contains the vtoc map, as declared in vtoc_map.incl.pl1 7 26* Record 7 : formerly contained bad track list; no longer used. 7 27* Records 8 to n-1 : contain the array of vtoc entries; ( n is specified in the label) 7 28* each record contains 5 192-word vtoc entries. The last 64 words are unused. 7 29* Records n to N-1 : contain the pages of the Multics segments. ( N is specified in the label) 7 30* 7 31* Sundry partitions may exist within the region n to N-1, withdrawn or not as befits the meaning 7 32* of the particular partition. 7 33* 7 34* 7 35* 7 36* A conceptual declaration for a disk pack could be: 7 37* 7 38* dcl 1 disk_pack, 7 39* 2 label_record (0 : 0) bit(36 * 1024), 7 40* 2 volume_map_record (1 : 3) bit(36 * 1024), 7 41* 2 dumper_bit_map_record (4 : 5) bit(36 * 1024), 7 42* 2 vtoc_map_record (6 : 6) bit(36 * 1024), 7 43* 2 spare_record (7 : 7) bit(36 * 1024), 7 44* 2 vtoc_array_records (8 : n-1), 7 45* 3 vtoc_entry ( 5 ) bit(36 * 192), 7 46* 3 unused bit(36 * 64), 7 47* 2 Multics_pages_records (n : N-1) bit(36 * 1024); 7 48* 7 49* 7 50* 7 51* 7 52**/ 7 53 7 54 dcl (LABEL_ADDR init (0), /* Address of Volume Label */ 7 55 VOLMAP_ADDR init (1), /* Address of first Volume Map record */ 7 56 DUMPER_BIT_MAP_ADDR init (4), /* For initial release compaitiblity */ 7 57 VTOC_MAP_ADDR init (6), /* Address of first VTOC Map Record */ 7 58 VTOC_ORIGIN init (8), /* Address of first record of VTOC */ 7 59 DEFAULT_HCPART_SIZE init (1000), /* Size of Hardcore Partition */ 7 60 MAX_VTOCE_PER_PACK init (31774)) /* Limited by size of VTOC Map */ 7 61 fixed bin (17) int static options (constant); 7 62 7 63 /* SECTORS_PER_VTOCE & VTOCES_PER_RECORD are indexed via device type as */ 7 64 /* defined by fs_dev_types and extracted form the disk_table entry (dte) */ 7 65 /* or the physical volume table entry (pvte) device type. */ 7 66 7 67 dcl PAGE_SIZE fixed bin (17) init (1024) static options (constant); 7 68 dcl VTOCE_SIZE fixed bin (17) init (192) static options (constant); 7 69 7 70 dcl SECTORS_PER_VTOCE (9) fixed bin static options (constant) init 7 71 (0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1); 7 72 dcl VTOCES_PER_RECORD (9) fixed bin static options (constant) init 7 73 (0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2); 7 74 dcl SECTORS_PER_RECORD (9) fixed bin static options (constant) init 7 75 (0, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 2, 2); 7 76 7 77 /* END INCLUDE FILE...disk_pack.incl.pl1 */ 920 921 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... dmpr_input.incl.pl1 ... last modified Dec 1975 */ 8 2 8 3 8 4 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 8 5* 1) change(88-05-27,GWMay), approve(88-05-27,MCR7883), 8 6* audit(88-06-14,Beattie), install(88-07-19,MR12.2-1061): 8 7* Added Sfirst_pass_for_pv bit and time stamp variables for use in 8 8* processing inconsistent dumper bit maps. 8 9* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 8 10 8 11 8 12 /* Input structure for supervisor interface for dumper */ 8 13 8 14 dcl inputp ptr; 8 15 8 16 dcl dmpr_input_version_1 internal static init (1) options (constant); 8 17 8 18 dcl 1 dmpr_input based (inputp) aligned, 8 19 2 version fixed bin, /* version number of structure */ 8 20 2 pvid bit (36), /* physical volume id of volume to dump */ 8 21 2 type fixed bin, /* type of dump */ 8 22 2 flags, 8 23 (3 reset bit (1), /* if on forces reseting in control bit map */ 8 24 3 no_update bit (1), /* if on do not update vtoce (dtd and volid ) */ 8 25 3 no_object bit (1), /* if on do not return object */ 8 26 3 retry bit (1), /* if on indicates a retry of prev aborted call */ 8 27 3 request bit (1), /* if on indicates caller will control what to dump */ 8 28 3 Sfirst_pass_for_pv bit (1), /* on = read disk label */ 8 29 3 pad bit (29))unal, 8 30 2 prev_vtocx fixed bin, /* vtoc index of previously dumped vtocx */ 8 31 2 request_vtocx fixed bin, /* vtocx to be dumped if request mode enabled */ 8 32 2 volid bit (36), /* volume id on which dump will be written */ 8 33 2 start_time fixed bin (71), /* start time of this cycle */ 8 34 2 mod_after_time fixed bin (71), /* time to check dtm against */ 8 35 2 last_incr_dump_time fixed bin (71), 8 36 2 last_cons_dump_time fixed bin (71); 8 37 8 38 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... dmpr_input.incl.pl1 ... */ 921 922 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... fs_vol_label.incl.pl1 .. last modified January 1982 for new volume map format */ 9 2 9 3 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 9 4* 1) change(86-04-10,Fawcett), approve(86-04-10,MCR7383), 9 5* audit(86-05-12,Coppola), install(86-07-18,MR12.0-1098): 9 6* Add the subvolume info. 9 7* 2) change(88-05-27,GWMay), approve(88-05-27,MCR7883), 9 8* audit(88-06-14,Beattie), install(88-07-19,MR12.2-1061): 9 9* Added inconsistent_dbm bit used to determine consistency of volume 9 10* dumper bit maps. 9 11* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 9 12 9 13 /* This is the label at fixed location of each physical volume. Length 1 page */ 9 14 /* Note: fsout_vol clears pad fields before writing the label */ 9 15 9 16 dcl labelp ptr; 9 17 9 18 dcl 1 label based (labelp) aligned, 9 19 9 20 /* First comes data not used by Multics.. for compatibility with GCOS */ 9 21 9 22 2 gcos (5*64) fixed bin, 9 23 9 24 /* Now we have the Multics label */ 9 25 9 26 2 Multics char (32) init ("Multics Storage System Volume"), /* Identifier */ 9 27 2 version fixed bin, /* Version 1 */ 9 28 2 mfg_serial char (32), /* Manufacturer's serial number */ 9 29 2 pv_name char (32), /* Physical volume name. */ 9 30 2 lv_name char (32), /* Name of logical volume for pack */ 9 31 2 pvid bit (36), /* Unique ID of this pack */ 9 32 2 lvid bit (36), /* unique ID of its logical vol */ 9 33 2 root_pvid bit (36), /* unique ID of the pack containing the root. everybody must agree. */ 9 34 2 time_registered fixed bin (71), /* time imported to system */ 9 35 2 n_pv_in_lv fixed bin, /* # phys volumes in logical */ 9 36 2 vol_size fixed bin, /* total size of volume, in records */ 9 37 2 vtoc_size fixed bin, /* number of recs in fixed area + vtoc */ 9 38 2 not_used bit (1) unal, /* used to be multiple_class */ 9 39 2 private bit (1) unal, /* TRUE if was registered as private */ 9 40 2 inconsistent_dbm bit (1) unal, /* TRUE if ESD-less crash */ 9 41 2 flagpad bit (33) unal, 9 42 2 max_access_class bit (72), /* Maximum access class for stuff on volume */ 9 43 2 min_access_class bit (72), /* Minimum access class for stuff on volume */ 9 44 2 password bit (72), /* not yet used */ 9 45 2 number_of_sv fixed bin, /* if = 0 not a subvolume else the number of svs */ 9 46 2 this_sv fixed bin, /* what subvolume number it is */ 9 47 2 sub_vol_name char (1), /* what subvolume name (a b c d) it is */ 9 48 2 pad1 (13) fixed bin, 9 49 2 time_mounted fixed bin (71), /* time mounted */ 9 50 2 time_map_updated fixed bin (71), /* time vmap known good */ 9 51 9 52 /* The next two words overlay time_unmounted on pre-MR10 systems. This 9 53* forces a salvage if an MR10 pack is mounted on an earlier system. 9 54* */ 9 55 2 volmap_version fixed bin, /* version of volume map (currently 1) */ 9 56 2 pad6 fixed bin, 9 57 9 58 2 time_salvaged fixed bin (71), /* time salvaged */ 9 59 2 time_of_boot fixed bin (71), /* time of last bootload */ 9 60 2 time_unmounted fixed bin (71), /* time unmounted cleanly */ 9 61 2 last_pvtx fixed bin, /* pvtx in that PDMAP */ 9 62 2 pad1a (2) fixed bin, 9 63 2 err_hist_size fixed bin, /* size of pack error history */ 9 64 2 time_last_dmp (3) fixed bin (71), /* time last completed dump pass started */ 9 65 2 time_last_reloaded fixed bin (71), /* what it says */ 9 66 2 pad2 (40) fixed bin, 9 67 2 root, 9 68 3 here bit (1), /* TRUE if the root is on this pack */ 9 69 3 root_vtocx fixed bin (35), /* VTOC index of root, if it is here */ 9 70 3 shutdown_state fixed bin, /* Status of hierarchy */ 9 71 3 pad7 bit (1) aligned, 9 72 3 disk_table_vtocx fixed bin, /* VTOC index of disk table on RPV */ 9 73 3 disk_table_uid bit (36) aligned, /* UID of disk table */ 9 74 3 esd_state fixed bin, /* State of esd */ 9 75 2 volmap_record fixed bin, /* Begin record of volume map */ 9 76 2 size_of_volmap fixed bin, /* Number of records in volume map */ 9 77 2 vtoc_map_record fixed bin, /* Begin record of VTOC map */ 9 78 2 size_of_vtoc_map fixed bin, /* Number of records in VTOC map */ 9 79 2 volmap_unit_size fixed bin, /* Number of words per volume map section */ 9 80 2 vtoc_origin_record fixed bin, /* Begin record of VTOC */ 9 81 2 dumper_bit_map_record fixed bin, /* Begin record of dumper bit-map */ 9 82 2 vol_trouble_count fixed bin, /* Count of inconsistencies found since salvage */ 9 83 2 pad3 (52) fixed bin, 9 84 2 nparts fixed bin, /* Number of special partitions on pack */ 9 85 2 parts (47), 9 86 3 part char (4), /* Name of partition */ 9 87 3 frec fixed bin, /* First record */ 9 88 3 nrec fixed bin, /* Number of records */ 9 89 3 pad5 fixed bin, 9 90 2 pad4 (5*64) fixed bin; 9 91 9 92 dcl Multics_ID_String char (32) init ("Multics Storage System Volume") static; 9 93 9 94 /* END INCLUDE FILE fs_vol_label.incl.pl1 */ 922 923 /* Begin fs_dev_types_sector.incl.pl1 */ 10 2 10 3 10 4 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 10 5* 1) change(86-04-21,Fawcett), approve(86-04-21,MCR7383), 10 6* audit(86-05-12,Coppola), install(86-07-18,MR12.0-1098): 10 7* Add the sector differance for devices that do 64 word IO and devices that 10 8* do 512 word IO. 10 9* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 10 10 10 11 /* Created by R. A. Fawcett for 512 word IO. for procedures that do not 10 12* need all the data in fs_dev_types. This is also included in 10 13* fs_dev_types.incl.pl1 */ 10 14 10 15 dcl sect_per_cyl (9) fixed bin static options (constant) init /* table of # of sectors per cylinder on each device */ 10 16 (0, 760, 760, 760, 589, 360, 1280, 255, 255); 10 17 10 18 dcl sect_per_sv (9) fixed bin (24) static options (constant) init /* table of # of sectors per cylinder on each subvolume */ 10 19 (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 112710, 150450); 10 20 10 21 dcl sect_per_rec (9) fixed bin static options (constant) init 10 22 /* table of # of sectors per record on each device */ 10 23 /* coresponding array in disk_pack.incl.pl1 called SECTORS_PER_RECORD */ 10 24 (0, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 2, 2); 10 25 10 26 dcl sect_per_vtoc (9) fixed bin static options (constant) init 10 27 (0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1); 10 28 10 29 dcl vtoc_per_rec (9) fixed bin static options (constant) init 10 30 /* corespending array in disk_pack.incl.pl1 named VTOCES_PER_RECORD */ 10 31 (0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2); 10 32 10 33 dcl sect_per_track (9) fixed bin static options (constant) init /* table of # of sectors per track on each device */ 10 34 (0, 40, 40, 40, 31, 18, 64, 17, 17); 10 35 10 36 dcl words_per_sect (9) fixed bin static options (constant) init /* table of # of words per sector on each device */ 10 37 (0, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 512, 512); 10 38 10 39 /* End fs_dev_types_sector.incl.pl1 */ 10 40 923 924 /* START OF: pvte.incl.pl1 July 1982 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ 11 2 11 3 /* Added pc_vacating, Benson Margulies 84-10-17 */ 11 4 11 5 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 11 6* 1) change(86-04-11,Fawcett), approve(86-04-11,MCR7383), 11 7* audit(86-05-29,GDixon), install(86-07-18,MR12.0-1098): 11 8* Add the support for subvolumes 11 9* 2) change(86-04-11,Lippard), approve(86-04-11,MCR7309), 11 10* audit(86-05-29,GDixon), install(86-07-18,MR12.0-1098): 11 11* Add root_lv flag to mount RLVs that do not have hardcore partitions. 11 12* 3) change(88-05-27,GWMay), approve(88-05-27,MCR7883), 11 13* audit(88-06-14,Beattie), install(88-07-19,MR12.2-1061): 11 14* Added inconsistent_dbm bit for determining the status of volume 11 15* dumper bit maps. 11 16* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 11 17 11 18 dcl pvt$array aligned external; 11 19 dcl pvt$max_n_entries fixed bin external; 11 20 11 21 dcl pvt_arrayp ptr; 11 22 dcl pvtep ptr; 11 23 11 24 dcl 1 pvt_array (pvt$max_n_entries) aligned like pvte based (pvt_arrayp); 11 25 11 26 dcl 1 pvte based (pvtep) aligned, 11 27 11 28 2 pvid bit (36), /* physical volume ID */ 11 29 11 30 2 lvid bit (36), /* logical volume ID */ 11 31 11 32 2 dmpr_in_use (3) bit (1) unaligned, /* physical volume dumper interlock */ 11 33 2 is_sv bit (1) unaligned, /* true if this entry defines a subvolume */ 11 34 2 root_lv bit (1) unaligned, /* true if this is on the root LV */ 11 35 2 removable_pack bit (1) unaligned, /* true if packs are eremoveable */ 11 36 2 inconsistent_dbm bit (1) unaligned, /* true if trouble count is incremented */ 11 37 2 pad3 bit (2) unaligned, 11 38 2 brother_pvtx fixed bin (8) unaligned,/* next pvte in lv chain */ 11 39 2 skip_queue_count fixed bin (18) unsigned unaligned, /* number of times this pv skipped for per-proc allocation due to saturation */ 11 40 11 41 11 42 11 43 2 devname char (4), /* device name */ 11 44 11 45 (2 device_type fixed bin (8), /* device type */ 11 46 2 logical_area_number fixed bin (8), /* disk drive number */ 11 47 2 used bit (1), /* TRUE if this entry is used */ 11 48 2 storage_system bit (1), /* TRUE for storage system (vs io disk) */ 11 49 2 permanent bit (1), /* TRUE if cannot be demounted */ 11 50 2 testing bit (1), /* Protocol bit for read_disk$test */ 11 51 2 being_mounted bit (1), /* TRUE if the physical volume is being mounted */ 11 52 2 being_demounted bit (1), /* TRUE if the pysical volume is being demounted */ 11 53 2 check_read_incomplete bit (1), /* page control should check read incomplete */ 11 54 2 device_inoperative bit (1), /* TRUE if disk_control decides dev busted */ 11 55 2 rpv bit (1), /* TRUE if this is the root physical volume */ 11 56 2 scav_check_address 11 57 bit (1), /* TRUE is page control should check deposits/withdrawals against scavenger table */ 11 58 2 deposit_to_volmap bit (1), /* TRUE if deposits should got to volume map, not stock */ 11 59 2 being_demounted2 bit (1), /* No more vtoc I/O during demount */ 11 60 2 pc_vacating bit (1), /* No more withdraws from this volume -- for debugging */ 11 61 2 vacating bit (1), /* don't put new segs on this vol */ 11 62 2 hc_part_used bit (1), /* HC part set up by init_pvt */ 11 63 2 volmap_lock_notify bit (1) unal, /* TRUE if notify required when volmap lock is unlocked */ 11 64 2 volmap_idle_notify bit (1) unal, /* TRUE if notify required when volmap state is idle */ 11 65 2 vtoc_map_lock_notify bit (1) unal, /* TRUE if notify required when vtoc map lock is unlocked */ 11 66 11 67 11 68 2 n_free_vtoce fixed bin (17), /* number of free VTOC entries */ 11 69 2 vtoc_size fixed bin (17), /* size of the VTOC part of the disk - in records */ 11 70 11 71 2 dbmrp (2) bit (18), /* rel ptr to dumber bit maps for this volume */ 11 72 11 73 2 nleft fixed bin (17), /* number of records left */ 11 74 2 totrec fixed bin (17)) unaligned, /* Total records in this map */ 11 75 11 76 2 dim_info bit (36), /* Information peculiar to DIM */ 11 77 2 sv_num fixed bin, /* the number of this subvolume starting at 0 */ 11 78 2 num_of_svs fixed bin, /* number of subvolumes for this device */ 11 79 2 records_per_cyl fixed bin, 11 80 2 record_factor fixed bin, /* the record factor for logical to real seek calculation */ 11 81 2 sv_name char (2) aligned, 11 82 2 curn_dmpr_vtocx (3) fixed bin unaligned,/* current vtocx being dumped */ 11 83 2 n_vtoce fixed bin unaligned, /* number of vtoce on this volume */ 11 84 11 85 2 baseadd fixed bin (18) uns unaligned, /* Base of paging region */ 11 86 2 pad2 bit (18) unaligned, 11 87 11 88 2 pad_for_mod_2 fixed bin (35), /* Make volmap_seg_sdw double word aligned */ 11 89 11 90 2 volmap_seg_sdw fixed bin (71), /* SDW describing volmap_seg */ 11 91 11 92 2 volmap_astep ptr unal, /* Packed pointer to ASTE for volmap_seg */ 11 93 11 94 2 volmap_offset bit (18) unal, /* Offset in volmap_seg of volume map */ 11 95 2 vtoc_map_offset bit (18) unal, /* Offset in volmap_seg of VTOC map */ 11 96 11 97 11 98 2 volmap_lock bit (36) aligned, /* Lock on volume map operations */ 11 99 11 100 2 vtoc_map_lock bit (36) aligned, /* Lock on VTOC map operations */ 11 101 11 102 2 volmap_stock_ptr ptr unal, /* Packed pointer to record stock */ 11 103 11 104 2 vtoc_map_stock_ptr ptr unal, /* Packed pointer to VTOCE stock */ 11 105 11 106 2 volmap_async_state fixed bin (17) unaligned, /* Asynchronous update state of Volume Map */ 11 107 2 volmap_async_page fixed bin (17) unaligned, /* Page number for asynchronous update */ 11 108 11 109 2 vol_trouble_count fixed bin (17) unaligned, /* Count of inconsistencies since last salvage */ 11 110 2 scavenger_block_rel bit (18) unaligned; /* Offset to scavenger block, ^0 => scavenging */ 11 111 11 112 11 113 dcl (VOLMAP_ASYNC_IDLE init (0), /* for volmap_async_state */ 11 114 VOLMAP_ASYNC_READ init (1), 11 115 VOLMAP_ASYNC_WRITE init (2)) fixed bin int static options (constant); 11 116 11 117 11 118 /* END OF: pvte.incl.pl1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ 924 925 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... sdw_info.incl.pl1 ... 12/16/80, for ADP conversion */ 12 2 /* Note: This include file has an ALM counterpart made with cif. Keep it up to date */ 12 3 12 4 dcl sdw_info_ptr pointer; 12 5 12 6 dcl 1 sdw_info aligned based (sdw_info_ptr), /* Structure describing SDW contents */ 12 7 2 address fixed bin (26), /* Address of seg base or of page table */ 12 8 2 size fixed bin (19), /* Max length of segment (NOT offset of last word) */ 12 9 12 10 2 access unaligned, /* REWP */ 12 11 3 read bit (1) unaligned, 12 12 3 execute bit (1) unaligned, 12 13 3 write bit (1) unaligned, 12 14 3 privileged bit (1) unaligned, 12 15 12 16 2 pad1 bit (32) unaligned, 12 17 12 18 2 rings unaligned, /* Ring brackets */ 12 19 3 r1 bit (3) unaligned, 12 20 3 r2 bit (3) unaligned, 12 21 3 r3 bit (3) unaligned, 12 22 12 23 2 pad2 bit (27) unaligned, 12 24 12 25 2 flags aligned, 12 26 3 paged bit (1) unaligned, /* "1"b => Segment is paged */ 12 27 3 faulted bit (1) unaligned, /* "1"b => SDW has fault set */ 12 28 3 cache bit (1) unaligned, /* "1"b => Segment is encacheable */ 12 29 3 pad3 bit (33) unaligned, 12 30 12 31 2 gate_entry_bound fixed bin (14); /* Number of entrypoints in gate, or zero */ 12 32 12 33 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... sdw_info.incl.pl1 */ 925 926 /* START OF: stock_seg.incl.pl1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ 13 2 13 3 dcl stock_segp ptr; 13 4 dcl record_stockp ptr; 13 5 dcl vtoce_stockp ptr; 13 6 dcl stock_seg$ ext; 13 7 13 8 dcl n_in_record_stock fixed bin; 13 9 dcl n_volmap_pages fixed bin; 13 10 dcl n_in_vtoce_stock fixed bin; 13 11 13 12 13 13 dcl 1 stock_seg aligned based (stock_segp), 13 14 13 15 2 meters aligned like rsmeters, 13 16 13 17 2 record_stock_entries fixed bin, /* Number of entries in a record stock */ 13 18 2 vtoce_stock_entries fixed bin, /* Number of entries in a VTOCE stock */ 13 19 2 record_stock_size fixed bin, /* Size of a record stock in words */ 13 20 2 vtoce_stock_size fixed bin, /* Size of a VTOCE stock in words */ 13 21 2 n_stock_entries fixed bin, /* Number of stocks of each type */ 13 22 2 record_stock_arrayp ptr, /* Record stock region */ 13 23 2 vtoce_stock_arrayp ptr; /* VTOCE stock region */ 13 24 13 25 13 26 dcl 1 record_stock aligned based (record_stockp), 13 27 13 28 2 pvtep ptr unal, /* PVTE for this stock */ 13 29 13 30 2 n_in_stock fixed bin (18) uns unal,/* Max number of addresses in stock */ 13 31 2 n_volmap_pages fixed bin (18) uns unal,/* Number of pages in Volume Map */ 13 32 13 33 2 n_free_in_stock fixed bin (18) uns unal,/* Number addresses currently free */ 13 34 2 n_os_in_stock fixed bin (18) uns unal,/* Number addresses currently out-of-service */ 13 35 13 36 2 low_threshold fixed bin (18) uns unal,/* Low threshold for withdrawing from volmap */ 13 37 2 high_threshold fixed bin (18) uns unal,/* High threshold for depositing to volmap */ 13 38 13 39 2 target fixed bin (18) uns unal,/* Target for stock */ 13 40 2 stock_offset bit (18) unal, /* Offset of stock in this structure */ 13 41 13 42 2 n_words_in_stock fixed bin (18) uns unal,/* Number of words = Number of entries / 2 */ 13 43 2 search_index fixed bin (18) uns unal,/* Roving pointer */ 13 44 13 45 2 old_volmap_page (3) aligned, /* N_OLD_VOLMAP_PAGES (cif) */ 13 46 3 last fixed bin (18) uns unal,/* Roving pointer */ 13 47 3 pad bit (18) unal, 13 48 13 49 2 volmap_page (n_volmap_pages refer (record_stock.n_volmap_pages)) aligned, 13 50 3 n_free fixed bin (18) uns unal,/* Number free records in this volmap page */ 13 51 3 baseadd fixed bin (17) unal, /* First record address described by this page */ 13 52 13 53 2 stock (n_in_record_stock refer (record_stock.n_in_stock)) bit (18) unal; /* Stock array of addresses */ 13 54 /* bit 0 ON => out-of-service */ 13 55 13 56 13 57 dcl 1 vtoce_stock aligned based (vtoce_stockp), 13 58 2 pvtep ptr unal, /* PVTE for this stock */ 13 59 2 n_in_stock fixed bin (18) uns unal,/* Max number indices in stock */ 13 60 2 n_free_in_stock fixed bin (18) uns unal,/* Number indices currently free */ 13 61 2 target fixed bin (18) uns unal,/* Target when withdrawing/depositing */ 13 62 2 search_index fixed bin (18) uns unal,/* Roving pointer */ 13 63 2 stock (n_in_vtoce_stock refer (vtoce_stock.n_in_stock)) fixed bin (17) unal; /* Stock array of VTOCE indices */ 13 64 13 65 13 66 dcl 1 rsmeters aligned based, 13 67 13 68 2 async_read_calls fixed bin (35), /* Number of asynchronous read attempts */ 13 69 2 async_page_reads fixed bin (35), /* Number of times page read was required */ 13 70 2 async_post_io_calls fixed bin (35), /* Number of times read or write posted */ 13 71 2 deposit_calls fixed bin (35), /* Number of times deposit called */ 13 72 2 async_post_io_time fixed bin (71), /* CPU time posting I/Os (interrupt side) */ 13 73 2 deposit_time fixed bin (71), /* CPU time in deposit (call side) */ 13 74 2 low_thresh_detected fixed bin (35), /* Number of times stock below low threshold */ 13 75 2 high_thresh_detected fixed bin (35), /* Number of times stock above high threshold */ 13 76 2 low_thresh_fails fixed bin (35), /* Number of times no records in volmap */ 13 77 2 withdraw_stock_steps fixed bin (35), /* Number steps thru stock in withdraw */ 13 78 2 withdraw_stock_losses fixed bin (35), /* Number lockless losses */ 13 79 2 n_withdraw_attempt fixed bin (35), /* Number attempts to withdraw a page */ 13 80 2 n_withdraw_range fixed bin (35), /* Number attempts to withdraw within range */ 13 81 2 n_pages_withdraw_stock fixed bin (35), /* Number pages withdrawn from stock */ 13 82 2 n_pages_withdraw_async fixed bin (35), /* Number pages withdrawn from volmap */ 13 83 2 n_v_withdraw_attempts fixed bin (35), /* Number attempts to withdraw from volmap */ 13 84 2 withdraw_volmap_steps fixed bin (35), /* Number steps thru volmap in withdraw */ 13 85 2 deposit_stock_steps fixed bin (35), /* Number steps thru stock in deposit */ 13 86 2 deposit_stock_losses fixed bin (35), /* Number lockless losses */ 13 87 2 n_deposit_attempt fixed bin (35), /* Number attempts to deposit a page */ 13 88 2 n_pages_deposit_stock fixed bin (35), /* Number pages deposited to stock */ 13 89 2 n_pages_deposit_volmap fixed bin (35), /* Number pages deposited to volmap */ 13 90 2 n_v_deposit_attempts fixed bin (35), /* Number attempts to deposit to volmap */ 13 91 2 reset_os_calls fixed bin (35), /* Number calls to reset_os */ 13 92 2 reset_os_losses fixed bin (35), /* Number lockless losses */ 13 93 2 withdraw_calls fixed bin (35), /* Number calls to withdraw */ 13 94 2 withdraw_time fixed bin (71), /* CPU time in withdraw (page-fault) */ 13 95 2 pc_deposit_time fixed bin (71), /* CPU time in pc_deposit */ 13 96 2 pc_deposit_calls fixed bin (35), /* Number calls to pc_deposit */ 13 97 2 pc_deposit_pages fixed bin (35), /* Number pages deposited by pc_deposit */ 13 98 2 get_free_vtoce_calls fixed bin (35), /* Number calls to get_free_vtoce */ 13 99 2 return_free_vtoce_call fixed bin (35), /* Number calls to return_free_vtoce */ 13 100 2 deposit_vstock_calls fixed bin (35), /* Number attempts to deposit to vtoce stock */ 13 101 2 deposit_vstock_fails fixed bin (35), /* Number times deposit failed */ 13 102 2 withdraw_vstock_calls fixed bin (35), /* Number attempts to withdraw from vtoce stock */ 13 103 2 withdraw_vstock_fails fixed bin (35), /* Number times withdraw failed */ 13 104 2 deposit_vtoc_map fixed bin (35), /* Number times vtoce deposited to map */ 13 105 2 withdraw_check_scav fixed bin (35), /* Number times withdraw checked an address for scavenge */ 13 106 2 withdraw_conflict fixed bin (35), /* Number times conflict found */ 13 107 2 pad (11) fixed bin (35); 13 108 13 109 13 110 dcl N_OLD_VOLMAP_PAGES fixed bin init (3) int static options (constant); 13 111 dcl DEFAULT_N_IN_RECORD_STOCK fixed bin init (104) int static options (constant); 13 112 dcl DEFAULT_N_IN_VTOCE_STOCK fixed bin init (10) int static options (constant); 13 113 13 114 13 115 /* END OF: stock_seg.incl.pl1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ 926 927 14 2 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... str.incl.pl1 ... last modified March 1970 */ 14 3 14 4 dcl str_seg$ ext, 14 5 strp ptr; 14 6 14 7 dcl 1 str based (strp) aligned, /* segment or process trailer declaration */ 14 8 14 9 (2 fp bit (18), /* forward ast trailer rel pointer */ 14 10 2 bp bit (18), /* backward ast trailer rel pointer*/ 14 11 14 12 2 segno bit (18), /* segment number*/ 14 13 2 dstep bit (18)) unaligned; /* rel pointer to ring 0 dste */ 14 14 14 15 dcl stra (0:8000) bit (72) based (strp) aligned; 14 16 14 17 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... str.incl.pl1 */ 14 18 927 928 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE syserr_constants.incl.pl1 ... 11/11/80 W. Olin Sibert */ 15 2 /* 85-02-12, EJ Sharpe - Added sorting class constants, removed AIM_MESSAGE, added new action code names. */ 15 3 /* 85-04-24, G. Palter - Renamed SYSERR_UNUSED_10 to SYSERR_RING1_ERROR to reflect its actual use. */ 15 4 15 5 /* This include file has an ALM version. Keep 'em in sync! */ 15 6 15 7 dcl ( 15 8 15 9 /* The following constants define the message action codes. This indicates 15 10*how a message is to be handled. */ 15 11 15 12 SYSERR_CRASH_SYSTEM init (1), 15 13 CRASH init (1), /* Crash the system, and bleat plaintively. */ 15 14 15 15 SYSERR_TERMINATE_PROCESS init (2), 15 16 TERMINATE_PROCESS init (2), /* Terminate the process, print the message, and beep. */ 15 17 15 18 SYSERR_PRINT_WITH_ALARM init (3), 15 19 BEEP init (3), /* Beep and print the message on the console. */ 15 20 15 21 SYSERR_PRINT_ON_CONSOLE init (0), 15 22 ANNOUNCE init (0), /* Just print the message on the console. */ 15 23 15 24 SYSERR_LOG_OR_PRINT init (4), 15 25 LOG init (4), /* Log the message, or print it if it can't be logged */ 15 26 15 27 SYSERR_LOG_OR_DISCARD init (5), 15 28 JUST_LOG init (5), /* Just try to log the message, and discard it if it can't be */ 15 29 15 30 15 31 /* The following constants are added to the normal severities to indicate 15 32*different sorting classes of messages. */ 15 33 15 34 SYSERR_SYSTEM_ERROR init (00), /* indicates a standard level system error */ 15 35 SYSERR_RING1_ERROR init (10), /* indicates an error detected in ring 1 (mseg_, RCP) */ 15 36 SYSERR_COVERT_CHANNEL init (20), /* indicates covert channel audit trail message */ 15 37 SYSERR_UNSUCCESSFUL_ACCESS init (30), /* indicates access denial audit trail message */ 15 38 SYSERR_SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS init (40) /* indicates access grant audit trail message */ 15 39 ) fixed bin internal static options (constant); 15 40 15 41 /* END INCLUDE FILE syserr_constants.incl.pl1 */ 928 929 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ...vtoce.incl.pl1 ... last modified September 1982 */ 16 2 /* Template for a VTOC entry. Length = 192 words. (3 * 64). */ 16 3 /* NOTE: vtoc_man clears pad fields before writing a vtoce. */ 16 4 16 5 dcl vtocep ptr; 16 6 16 7 dcl 1 vtoce based (vtocep) aligned, 16 8 16 9 16 10 (2 pad_free_vtoce_chain bit (36), /* Used to be pointer to next free VTOCE */ 16 11 16 12 2 uid bit (36), /* segment's uid - zero if vtoce is free */ 16 13 16 14 2 msl bit (9), /* maximum segment length in 1024 word units */ 16 15 2 csl bit (9), /* current segment length - in 1024 word units */ 16 16 2 records bit (9), /* number of records used by the seg in second storage */ 16 17 2 pad2 bit (9), 16 18 16 19 2 dtu bit (36), /* date and time segment was last used */ 16 20 16 21 2 dtm bit (36), /* date and time segment was last modified */ 16 22 16 23 2 nqsw bit (1), /* no quota switch - no checking for pages of this seg */ 16 24 2 deciduous bit (1), /* true if hc_sdw */ 16 25 2 nid bit (1), /* no incremental dump switch */ 16 26 2 dnzp bit (1), /* Dont null zero pages */ 16 27 2 gtpd bit (1), /* Global transparent paging device */ 16 28 2 per_process bit (1), /* Per process segment (deleted every bootload) */ 16 29 2 damaged bit (1), /* TRUE if contents damaged */ 16 30 2 fm_damaged bit (1), /* TRUE if filemap checksum bad */ 16 31 2 fm_checksum_valid bit (1), /* TRUE if the checksum has been computed */ 16 32 2 synchronized bit (1), /* TRUE if this is a data management synchronized segment */ 16 33 2 pad3 bit (8), 16 34 2 dirsw bit (1), /* directory switch */ 16 35 2 master_dir bit (1), /* master directory - a root for the logical volume */ 16 36 2 pad4 bit (16)) unaligned, /* not used */ 16 37 16 38 2 fm_checksum bit (36) aligned, /* Checksum of used portion of file map */ 16 39 16 40 (2 quota (0:1) fixed bin (18) unsigned, /* sec storage quota - (0) for non dir pages */ 16 41 16 42 2 used (0:1) fixed bin (18) unsigned, /* sec storage used - (0) for non dir pages */ 16 43 16 44 2 received (0:1) fixed bin (18) unsigned, /* total amount of storage this dir has received */ 16 45 16 46 2 trp (0:1) fixed bin (71), /* time record product - (0) for non dir pages */ 16 47 16 48 2 trp_time (0:1) bit (36), /* time time_record_product was last calculated */ 16 49 16 50 16 51 16 52 16 53 16 54 2 fm (0:255) bit (18), /* file map - 256 entries - 18 bits per entry */ 16 55 16 56 2 pad6 (10) bit (36), /* not used */ 16 57 16 58 2 ncd bit (1), /* no complete dump switch */ 16 59 2 pad7 bit (17), 16 60 2 pad8 bit (18), 16 61 16 62 2 dtd bit (36), /* date-time-dumped */ 16 63 16 64 2 volid (3) bit (36), /* volume ids of last incremental, consolidated, and complete dumps */ 16 65 16 66 2 master_dir_uid bit (36), /* superior master directory uid */ 16 67 16 68 16 69 16 70 16 71 2 uid_path (0:15) bit (36), /* uid pathname of all parents starting after the root */ 16 72 16 73 2 primary_name char (32), /* primary name of the segment */ 16 74 16 75 2 time_created bit (36), /* time the segment was created */ 16 76 16 77 2 par_pvid bit (36), /* physical volume id of the parent */ 16 78 16 79 2 par_vtocx fixed bin (17), /* vtoc entry index of the parent */ 16 80 2 branch_rp bit (18)) unaligned, /* rel pointer of the branch of this segment */ 16 81 16 82 2 cn_salv_time bit (36), /* time branch - vtoce connection checked */ 16 83 16 84 2 access_class bit (72), /* access class in branch */ 16 85 2 perm_flags aligned, 16 86 3 per_bootload bit (1) unal, /* ON => deleted each bootload */ 16 87 3 pad9 bit (35) unal, 16 88 2 owner bit (36); /* pvid of this volume */ 16 89 16 90 dcl vtoce_parts (3) bit (36 * 64) aligned based (vtocep); 16 91 16 92 dcl 1 seg_vtoce based (vtocep) aligned, /* Overlay for vtoce of segments, which don't have quota */ 16 93 2 pad1 bit (7*36), 16 94 2 usage fixed bin (35), /* page fault count: overlays quota */ 16 95 2 pad2 bit (184*36); 16 96 16 97 /* END INCLUDE FILE vtoce.incl.pl1 */ 929 930 931 /* format: on */ 932 933 /* BEGIN MESSAGE DOCUMENTATION 934* 935* Message: 936* hc_dmpr_primitives: Unable to set label time. PVID = wwwwwwwwwwww 937* 938* S: $info 939* 940* T: $run 941* 942* M: A disk error prevented the updating of the time-last-dumped field in the volume label. 943* The physical volume identifier is wwwwwwwwwwww. 944* 945* A: $inform 946* 947* 948* Message: 949* hc_dmpr_primitives: bad uid pathname detected at pvid WWWW vtocx XXXX 950* 951* S: $log 952* 953* T: $run 954* 955* M: Part 3 of the indicated VTOCE is bad. 956* The dumper will treat the vtoce as a null vtoce and continue. 957* 958* A: $ignore 959* 960* 961* Message: 962* hc_dmpr_primitives: trailer storage area exhausted 963* 964* S: $crash 965* 966* T: $run 967* 968* M: $err 969* 970* A: $recover 971* 972* 973* END MESSAGE DOCUMENTATION */ 974 975 end hc_dmpr_primitives; SOURCE FILES USED IN THIS COMPILATION. LINE NUMBER DATE MODIFIED NAME PATHNAME 0 11/11/89 0800.0 hc_dmpr_primitives.pl1 >spec>install>1110>hc_dmpr_primitives.pl1 914 1 01/30/85 1523.9 aste.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>aste.incl.pl1 915 2 06/07/77 1233.6 backup_pvol_info.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>backup_pvol_info.incl.pl1 916 3 09/05/80 1136.5 backup_static_variables.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>backup_static_variables.incl.pl1 917 4 09/05/80 1136.5 backup_volume_header.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>backup_volume_header.incl.pl1 918 5 10/18/88 1215.0 backup_volume_record.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>backup_volume_record.incl.pl1 919 6 05/24/82 1005.0 dir_header.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>dir_header.incl.pl1 920 7 10/22/86 1450.1 disk_pack.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>disk_pack.incl.pl1 921 8 07/21/88 2036.0 dmpr_input.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>dmpr_input.incl.pl1 922 9 07/21/88 2036.0 fs_vol_label.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>fs_vol_label.incl.pl1 923 10 07/24/86 2051.8 fs_dev_types_sector.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>fs_dev_types_sector.incl.pl1 924 11 07/21/88 2036.0 pvte.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>pvte.incl.pl1 925 12 03/27/82 0430.3 sdw_info.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>sdw_info.incl.pl1 926 13 10/25/82 1015.6 stock_seg.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>stock_seg.incl.pl1 927 14 05/06/74 1751.6 str.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>str.incl.pl1 928 15 05/17/85 0615.7 syserr_constants.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>syserr_constants.incl.pl1 929 16 10/04/83 1105.1 vtoce.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>vtoce.incl.pl1 NAMES DECLARED IN THIS COMPILATION. IDENTIFIER OFFSET LOC STORAGE CLASS DATA TYPE ATTRIBUTES AND REFERENCES (* indicates a set context) NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT. ANNOUNCE 000000 constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-7 set ref 326* CRASH 000050 constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-7 set ref 695* LABEL_ADDR 000041 constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 7-54 set ref 682* 745* 749* 760* LOG 000043 constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-7 set ref 382* Multics 500 000616 automatic char(32) initial level 2 dcl 842 set ref 842* Sfirst_pass_for_pv 3(05) based bit(1) level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 8-18 set ref 280 282* VTOC_ORIGIN constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 7-54 ref 171 a_code parameter fixed bin(35,0) dcl 776 set ref 45 49* 62* 65 77* 124* 126 131 141* 215* 219 255* 268* 627* 630 650* 653 657* 671* a_copy_dirsegp parameter pointer dcl 773 ref 45 53 a_dmpr_absegp parameter pointer dcl 775 set ref 45 59* a_infop parameter pointer dcl 774 ref 65 106 a_inputp parameter pointer dcl 781 ref 219 222 a_pvid parameter bit(36) dcl 777 ref 65 71 126 a_recordp parameter pointer dcl 782 ref 219 223 a_type parameter fixed bin(17,0) dcl 778 ref 65 72 126 630 633 a_vbmp parameter pointer dcl 780 ref 131 136 a_window parameter fixed bin(17,0) dcl 779 ref 131 137 access 2 000174 automatic structure level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 833 activate$backup_activate 000102 constant entry external dcl 881 ref 517 addr builtin function dcl 877 ref 59 91 91 152 152 175 175 175 175 187 204 204 204 204 261 261 288 290 291 338 419 419 564 564 564 564 572 572 572 572 574 574 574 574 598 602 635 635 638 664 664 679 680 680 688 688 699 710 710 724 724 724 724 731 731 742 743 743 753 753 759 addrel builtin function dcl 877 ref 159 171 171 189 aste based structure level 1 dcl 1-11 astep 002624 automatic pointer dcl 1-9 set ref 54* 138* 153* 154 159 161 161 162 163 174* 177* 205 206* 207* 234* 261* 262 397* 400 401 419* 517* 522 531 563* 581* 584* 588 607 635* 636 642* 647 661* 662 662 664* 665 702 703 710 710 710* 714 714 715* 716* 717* 721 astl 000111 automatic bit(1) dcl 792 set ref 82* 100* 112* 121 134* 146* 180* 200 201* 210 212* 225* 260* 266 267* 276 277* 297 298* 393* 476 477* 519* 589 590* 612 ausedp 000044 external static bit(18) array level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 857 set ref 177* backup_abs_seg$ 000026 external static fixed bin(17,0) dcl 850 set ref 59 175 175 187 204 204 261 261 574 574 598 602 635 635 664 664 699 710 710 724 724 backup_pvol_info based structure level 1 dcl 2-5 backup_volume_header based structure level 1 dcl 4-5 backup_volume_record based structure level 1 dcl 5-17 backup_volume_record_version_2 constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 5-15 ref 250 baseadd 11(18) based fixed bin(17,0) array level 3 in structure "record_stock" packed packed unaligned dcl 13-26 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 767 baseadd 2003 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "backup_pvol_info" dcl 2-5 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 767* baseno builtin function dcl 877 ref 261 261 635 635 661 661 664 664 699 710 710 binary builtin function dcl 877 ref 569 570 bit builtin function dcl 877 ref 354 449 522 531 569 570 699 bp 0(18) based bit(18) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 14-7 set ref 701* bpvip 002626 automatic pointer dcl 2-3 set ref 106* 762 764 765 766 767 768 clock builtin function dcl 877 ref 354 449 code 000126 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 802 set ref 47* 54* 62 73* 83* 84 86* 87 93* 108 114* 124 133* 148* 149 155* 166* 215 229* 265 268 272* 273 308* 322* 323 324 326 326* 328* 344* 346 397* 399 402* 408* 410 467* 469 511* 513 517* 518 627 632* 639* 641 642* 644 650 655* 671 680* 681 682* 683 730* 733* 734 743* 744 745* 746 749* 760* 761 comp constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-6 ref 74 250 306 347 355 412 436 438 487 492 494 522 cons 000047 constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-5 set ref 74 250 538* 541* 546* 548 copy based fixed bin(17,0) array dcl 836 set ref 598* 598 copy_dirsegp 000100 automatic pointer dcl 784 set ref 53* 54* 58 csl 000147 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 817 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 595* 596 597 601 csl 2(09) based bit(9) level 2 in structure "vtoce" packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 423* 578 580 583 595 csl 12 based bit(9) level 2 in structure "aste" packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 423 curn_dmpr_vtocx 16 based fixed bin(17,0) array level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 11-26 set ref 313* 317* 318* 318 344 344 382 382 397 397 408 408 467 467 511 511 517 517 532 532 538 538 541 541 546 546 622 639 639 642 642 751* curtime 000106 automatic bit(36) dcl 789 set ref 449* 454 456 dbm_man$get_next_vtocx 000070 constant entry external dcl 874 ref 322 dbm_man$set 000072 constant entry external dcl 875 ref 532 538 541 546 dbm_man$update_map_from_ast 000066 constant entry external dcl 873 ref 105 deciduous 5(01) based bit(1) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 set ref 347 355 428* 436 492 dev_vtoc_words 000104 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 787 set ref 183* 189 device_type 4 based fixed bin(8,0) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 11-26 ref 182 183 183 dir based structure level 1 dcl 6-11 dirl 000112 automatic bit(1) dcl 793 set ref 226* 301 302* 369* 608 609* 615 dirsw 5(18) based bit(1) level 2 in structure "vtoce" packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 355 366 412 434* 436 487 492 566 577 dirsw 5(21) based bit(1) level 2 in structure "aste" packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 434 448 dius 5(16) based bit(1) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 set ref 401 703* 710 721* dmpr_in_use 2 based bit(1) array level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 11-26 set ref 92 97* 113* 750* dmpr_input based structure level 1 dcl 8-18 dmpr_input_version_1 constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 8-16 ref 250 dnzp 5(03) based bit(1) level 2 in structure "vtoce" packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 431* dnzp 12(13) based bit(1) level 2 in structure "aste" packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 161* 431 dp 002632 automatic pointer dcl 6-9 set ref 290* 367 368* 377 387* dstep 1(18) based bit(18) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 14-7 set ref 700* dt 000107 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 790 set ref 454* 455 dtd 233 based bit(36) level 2 in structure "vtoce" packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 465 466* 509 510* 618* dtd 000105 automatic bit(36) dcl 788 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 354* 466 510 623 dtm 4 based bit(36) level 2 in structure "vtoce" packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 426* dtm 7 based bit(36) level 2 in structure "aste" packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 426 522 531 dtu 6 based bit(36) level 2 in structure "aste" packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 425 dtu 3 based bit(36) level 2 in structure "vtoce" packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 425* ehs 5(19) based bit(1) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 set ref 588* 607* 662* error_table_$action_not_performed 000014 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 845 ref 114 155 308 error_table_$bad_arg 000012 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 844 ref 49 77 141 255 657 error_table_$dmpr_in_use 000016 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 846 ref 402 error_table_$end_of_info 000020 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 847 ref 324 328 error_table_$vol_in_use 000022 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 848 ref 93 error_table_$vtoc_io_err 000024 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 849 ref 166 fixed builtin function dcl 877 ref 162 261 261 344 344 354 382 382 397 397 408 408 454 454 455 467 467 511 511 517 517 522 531 532 532 538 538 541 541 546 546 578 578 578 580 583 595 596 635 635 639 639 642 642 661 661 664 664 699 710 710 710 710 flags 3 based structure level 2 dcl 8-18 fm 20 000202 automatic bit(18) array level 2 in structure "local_vtoce" packed packed unaligned dcl 839 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 338 fm 20 based bit(18) array level 2 in structure "vtoce" packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 419 419 581 584 602 fm_checksum_valid 5(08) 000202 automatic bit(1) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 839 set ref 625* fm_nullifier based char(512) dcl 335 set ref 338* fp based bit(18) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 14-7 set ref 698 701* get_aste 000074 constant entry external dcl 878 ref 153 get_ptrs_$given_astep 000100 constant entry external dcl 880 ref 174 563 get_ptrs_$given_segno 000076 constant entry external dcl 879 ref 261 635 661 664 get_pvtx 000104 constant entry external dcl 882 ref 83 733 get_pvtx$hold_pvtx 000106 constant entry external dcl 883 ref 86 148 272 get_pvtx$release_pvtx 000110 constant entry external dcl 884 ref 123 213 616 grab_aste 000170 constant entry external dcl 908 ref 54 gtpd 5(04) based bit(1) level 2 in structure "vtoce" packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 432* gtpd 12(12) based bit(1) level 2 in structure "aste" packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 161* 432 hc_sdw 5(05) based bit(1) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 ref 428 header based structure level 2 dcl 5-17 high9 builtin function dcl 877 ref 338 i 000164 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 826 set ref 170* 171 171 171* 186* 187 191* 451* 452 452 453 454 455 455 455 456* 583* 583* 584 584* 601* 602 602 602* inconsistent_dbm 2(06) based bit(1) level 2 in structure "pvte" packed packed unaligned dcl 11-26 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 306 347 355 412 438 487 494 529 676 748* inconsistent_dbm 551(02) based bit(1) level 2 in structure "label" packed packed unaligned dcl 9-18 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 748* incr 000050 constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-4 set ref 74 105 250 532* 535 inputp 002634 automatic pointer dcl 8-14 set ref 222* 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 250 280 282 536 538 549 684 685 j 000133 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 806 set ref 188* 189 191* label based structure level 2 in structure "backup_pvol_info" dcl 2-5 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 762* label based structure level 1 dcl 9-18 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 762 labelp 002636 automatic pointer dcl 9-16 set ref 679* 682* 684 685 742* 745* 747 748 749* 759* 760* 762 last_cons_dump_time 16 based fixed bin(71,0) level 2 dcl 8-18 set ref 538 549 685* last_incr_dump_time 14 based fixed bin(71,0) level 2 dcl 8-18 set ref 536 684* last_modified 000156 automatic fixed bin(71,0) dcl 821 set ref 531* 536 538 549 last_page_index 000127 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 803 set ref 580* 581 581* level$get 000164 constant entry external dcl 906 ref 568 local_aste 000502 automatic structure level 1 dcl 840 set ref 287* 288 local_dir 000516 automatic structure level 1 dcl 841 set ref 289* 290 local_label 000616 automatic structure level 1 dcl 842 set ref 679 742 759 local_vtoce 000202 automatic structure level 1 dcl 839 set ref 291 337* 626 638 lock 000122 automatic bit(1) dcl 799 set ref 68* 92 97 102 128* lock$dir_lock_read 000132 constant entry external dcl 893 ref 368 lock$dir_lock_write 000134 constant entry external dcl 894 ref 387 lock$dir_unlock_given_uid 000136 constant entry external dcl 895 ref 299 301 592 608 614 615 lock$lock_ast 000122 constant entry external dcl 889 ref 81 111 145 200 259 392 634 660 lock$unlock 000120 constant entry external dcl 888 ref 688 753 lock$unlock_ast 000124 constant entry external dcl 890 ref 99 121 179 210 266 276 297 476 589 612 648 666 lock$wait 000116 constant entry external dcl 887 ref 680 743 lock_id 000033 constant char(4) initial dcl 865 set ref 680* 688* 743* 753* lock_word 000010 internal static bit(36) initial packed unaligned dcl 864 set ref 680 680 688 688 743 743 753 753 master_dir 5(19) based bit(1) level 2 in structure "vtoce" packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 450* master_dir 5(22) based bit(1) level 2 in structure "aste" packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 450 max_pages_per_segment 000034 constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 863 set ref 153* 170 171 186 191 mod_after_time 000154 automatic fixed bin(71,0) dcl 820 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 241* 522 522 mod_after_time 12 based fixed bin(71,0) level 2 in structure "dmpr_input" dcl 8-18 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 241 msl 4 based bit(9) level 2 in structure "aste" packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 422 msl 2 based bit(9) level 2 in structure "vtoce" packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 422* n_free_rec 2004 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 2-5 set ref 768* n_free_vtoce 5 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "pvte" packed packed unaligned dcl 11-26 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 765 n_free_vtoce 2001 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "backup_pvol_info" dcl 2-5 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 765* n_rec 2002 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 2-5 set ref 766* n_vtoce 17(18) based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "pvte" packed packed unaligned dcl 11-26 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 192 311 311 764 n_vtoce 2000 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "backup_pvol_info" dcl 2-5 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 764* n_vtoce_per_page 000161 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 823 set ref 182* 188 191 191 ncd 232 based bit(1) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 ref 412 487 nid 5(17) based bit(1) level 2 in structure "aste" packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 433 nid 5(02) based bit(1) level 2 in structure "vtoce" packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 355 433* 436 492 nleft 7 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 11-26 ref 768 no_object 000162 automatic bit(1) dcl 824 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 245* 575 no_object 3(02) based bit(1) level 3 in structure "dmpr_input" packed packed unaligned dcl 8-18 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 245 no_update 3(01) based bit(1) level 3 in structure "dmpr_input" packed packed unaligned dcl 8-18 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 244 no_update 000163 automatic bit(1) dcl 825 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 244* 461 505 617 nqsw 5 based bit(1) level 2 in structure "vtoce" packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 427* nqsw 5(20) based bit(1) level 2 in structure "aste" packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 163* 427 null builtin function dcl 877 ref 48 138 154 205 234 262 400 419 419 419 419 636 647 656 662 665 670 nwords 000165 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 827 set ref 597* 598 object_uid 000121 automatic bit(36) dcl 798 set ref 231* 301* 364* 367 484 608* 615* page based bit(36) array dcl 835 set ref 602* 602 page_fault_error 002616 stack reference condition dcl 910 ref 165 198 pagep 000134 automatic pointer dcl 807 set ref 187* 189 par_astep 2(18) based bit(18) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 ref 714 pardirl 000113 automatic bit(1) dcl 794 set ref 228* 299 300* 388* 592 593* 614 parent_uid 000120 automatic bit(36) dcl 797 set ref 231* 299* 377* 380 484 592* 614* parx 000114 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 795 set ref 373* 373* 376* 376 377 484 pc$cleanup 000142 constant entry external dcl 897 ref 206 715 pc$dumper_get_file_map 000140 constant entry external dcl 896 ref 419 pc_wired$read 000154 constant entry external dcl 902 ref 581 584 pds$dmpr_copy_dirsegp 000036 external static pointer dcl 854 set ref 48 58* 598 602 656 661 661 670* pds$dmpr_pvid 000030 external static bit(36) dcl 851 set ref 60* 104* 110* 119* 140 148* 213* 250 272* 326* 344* 382* 397* 408* 467* 511* 616* 624 639* 642* 668* 732 733* pds$dmpr_pvtx 000034 external static fixed bin(17,0) dcl 853 set ref 61* 103* 109* 118* 148* 152 162 213* 272* 322* 344* 408* 467* 511* 517* 532* 538* 541* 546* 616* 639* 669* 682* 731 735* 745* 749* 760* pds$dstep 000032 external static bit(18) packed unaligned dcl 852 ref 700 710 710 per_process 12(14) based bit(1) level 2 in structure "aste" packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 430 per_process 5(05) based bit(1) level 2 in structure "vtoce" packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 347 355 430* 436 492 pmut$swap_sdw 000056 constant entry external dcl 869 ref 175 204 574 724 prev_vtocx 4 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "dmpr_input" dcl 8-18 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 238 prev_vtocx 000140 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 810 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 238* 311 322* 351* 351 413* 413 439* 439 488* 488 495* 495 525* 525 556* 556 ptp 000172 automatic pointer dcl 832 set ref 159* 171 171 ptr builtin function dcl 877 ref 187 602 602 698 ptw_util_$make_disk 000060 constant entry external dcl 870 ref 171 put_aste 000146 constant entry external dcl 899 ref 207 717 pvid 1 based bit(36) level 2 in structure "dmpr_input" dcl 8-18 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 239 pvid 000137 automatic bit(36) dcl 809 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 71* 83* 86* 104 123* 239* 250 pvid 11 based bit(36) level 2 in structure "backup_volume_record" dcl 5-17 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 624* pvid based bit(36) level 2 in structure "pvte" dcl 11-26 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 732 pvt$array 000172 external static fixed bin(17,0) dcl 11-18 set ref 91 152 731 pvt_array based structure array level 1 dcl 11-24 set ref 91 152 731 pvte based structure level 1 dcl 11-26 pvtep 002640 automatic pointer dcl 11-22 set ref 91* 92 97 105* 113 152* 182 183 183 192 234* 306 311 311 313 317 318 318 344 344 347 355 382 382 397 397 408 408 412 438 467 467 487 494 511 511 517 517 529 532 532 538 538 541 541 546 546 622 639 639 642 642 676 731* 732 748 750 751 764 765 766 767 768 pvtx 4(09) based fixed bin(8,0) level 2 in structure "aste" packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 162* pvtx 000143 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 813 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 83* 86* 91 103 105* 123* 733* 735 pvtxh 000110 automatic bit(1) dcl 791 set ref 69* 88* 123 135* 150* 213 214* 227* 274* 616 quota_util$restore_quota 000054 constant entry external dcl 868 ref 667 quota_util$suspend_quota 000052 constant entry external dcl 867 ref 56 r2 3(03) 000174 automatic bit(3) level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 833 set ref 569* r3 3(06) 000174 automatic bit(3) level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 833 set ref 570* read_disk 000126 constant entry external dcl 891 ref 682 745 760 read_ring 000103 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 786 set ref 566* 568* 569 570 record_stock based structure level 1 dcl 13-26 recordp 002630 automatic pointer dcl 5-12 set ref 223* 250 622 623 624 626 records 12(18) based bit(9) level 2 in structure "aste" packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 424 records 2(18) based bit(9) level 2 in structure "vtoce" packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 424* 578 578 596 rel builtin function dcl 877 ref 695 request 000146 automatic bit(1) dcl 816 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 247* 307 311 317 request 3(04) based bit(1) level 3 in structure "dmpr_input" packed packed unaligned dcl 8-18 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 247 request_vtocx 5 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "dmpr_input" dcl 8-18 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 248 request_vtocx 000141 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 811 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 248* 311 317 reset 3 based bit(1) level 3 in structure "dmpr_input" packed packed unaligned dcl 8-18 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 243 reset 000160 automatic bit(1) dcl 822 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 243* 322* retry 000145 automatic bit(1) dcl 815 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 246* 318 321 retry 3(03) based bit(1) level 3 in structure "dmpr_input" packed packed unaligned dcl 8-18 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 246 rings 3 000174 automatic structure level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 833 rsmeters based structure level 1 dcl 13-66 sdw_info based structure level 1 dcl 12-6 sdw_util_$construct 000064 constant entry external dcl 872 ref 572 sdw_util_$dissect 000062 constant entry external dcl 871 ref 564 sdwi 000174 automatic structure level 1 dcl 833 set ref 564 564 572 572 search_ast$check 000150 constant entry external dcl 900 ref 397 642 search_ast$hash_out 000144 constant entry external dcl 898 ref 716 sect_per_vtoc 000022 constant fixed bin(17,0) initial array dcl 10-26 ref 183 segno 1 based bit(18) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 14-7 set ref 699* select_loop_cnt 000102 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 785 set ref 230* 293* 293 307 setfaults$deltrailer 000162 constant entry external dcl 905 ref 710 skip 000123 automatic bit(1) dcl 800 set ref 530* 536* 549* 554 sst$astsize 000040 external static fixed bin(17,0) dcl 855 ref 159 sst$deact_count 000042 external static fixed bin(17,0) dcl 856 set ref 718* 718 sst$level 000044 external static structure array level 1 dcl 857 sst$tfreep 000046 external static pointer dcl 860 set ref 695 697 698* start_time 000152 automatic fixed bin(71,0) dcl 819 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 240* 250 747 start_time 10 based fixed bin(71,0) level 2 in structure "dmpr_input" dcl 8-18 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 240 str based structure level 1 dcl 14-7 strep 000124 automatic pointer dcl 801 set ref 697* 698 698 699 700 701 701 702* strp 2 based bit(18) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 set ref 702* 710 substr builtin function dcl 877 ref 354 449 581 584 602 synchronized 5(09) based bit(1) level 2 in structure "vtoce" packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 429* synchronized 13(21) based bit(1) level 2 in structure "aste" packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 429 sys_info$default_dir_max_length 000050 external static fixed bin(19,0) dcl 861 ref 54 syserr 000156 constant entry external dcl 903 ref 382 695 syserr$error_code 000160 constant entry external dcl 904 ref 326 tastep 000116 automatic pointer dcl 796 set ref 288* 419* 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 448 450 452 453 455 tdtd 000170 automatic bit(36) dcl 829 set ref 465* 509* 618 thread$lin 000152 constant entry external dcl 901 ref 702 thread$out 000166 constant entry external dcl 907 ref 177 time_dumped 7 based bit(36) level 3 dcl 5-17 set ref 623* time_last_dmp 620 based fixed bin(71,0) array level 2 dcl 9-18 set ref 684 685 747* totrec 7(18) based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 11-26 ref 766 tqsw 5(24) based bit(1) array level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 ref 453 trp 12 based fixed bin(71,0) array level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 set ref 455* 455 trp_time 16 based bit(36) array level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 set ref 454 456* tsdw 000166 automatic fixed bin(71,0) dcl 828 set ref 174* 175 175 203* 204 204 563* 564 564 572 572 574 574 723* 724 724 tvolid 000171 automatic bit(36) dcl 830 set ref 462* 506* 619 type 000142 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 812 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 72* 74 74 74 92 97 105 113 237* 250 250 250 306 313 317 318 318 322* 344 344 347 355 382 382 397 397 408 408 412 436 438 462 463 467 467 487 492 494 506 507 511 511 517 517 522 532 532 535 538 538 541 541 546 546 548 619 622 633* 639 639 642 642 747 750 751 type 2 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "dmpr_input" dcl 8-18 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 237 uid 3 based bit(36) level 2 in structure "aste" packed packed unaligned dcl 1-11 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 421 714 uid 1 based bit(36) level 2 in structure "vtoce" packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 190 347 357* 362 364 372 381* 397 421* 443* 484 484 499* 642 uid 10 based bit(36) level 2 in structure "dir" dcl 6-11 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 367* 377* uid_path 240 based bit(36) array level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 ref 373 377 484 unspec builtin function dcl 877 set ref 287* 289* 337* used 11 based fixed bin(18,0) array level 2 in structure "aste" packed packed unsigned unaligned dcl 1-11 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 452 455 used 10 based fixed bin(18,0) array level 2 in structure "vtoce" packed packed unsigned unaligned dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 452* valid_update 000136 automatic bit(1) dcl 808 set ref 233* 464* 508* 617 vbmp 000130 automatic pointer dcl 804 set ref 136* 193 version 10 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "backup_volume_record" dcl 5-17 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 250 version based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "dmpr_input" dcl 8-18 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 250 volid 000150 automatic bit(36) dcl 818 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 242* 250 463 507 volid 234 based bit(36) array level 2 in structure "vtoce" packed packed unaligned dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 462 463* 506 507* 619* volid 6 based bit(36) level 2 in structure "dmpr_input" dcl 8-18 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" ref 242 volmap_page 11 based structure array level 2 dcl 13-26 volmap_stock_ptr 30 based pointer level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 11-26 ref 767 vtoc_bit_map based bit(1) array packed unaligned dcl 837 set ref 193* vtoc_man$get_vtoce 000112 constant entry external dcl 885 ref 344 408 639 vtoc_man$put_vtoce 000114 constant entry external dcl 886 ref 467 511 vtoc_per_rec 000011 constant fixed bin(17,0) initial array dcl 10-29 ref 182 vtoce 13 based structure level 2 in structure "backup_volume_record" dcl 5-17 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 626* vtoce based structure level 1 dcl 16-7 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" vtocep 002642 automatic pointer dcl 16-5 set ref 189* 190 234* 291* 344* 347 347 347 355 355 355 355 357 362 364 366 372 373 377 381 397 408* 412 412 419 419 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 436 436 436 436 443 450 452 454 455 455 456 462 463 465 466 467* 484 484 484 487 487 492 492 492 492 499 506 507 509 510 511* 517* 566 577 578 578 578 580 581 583 584 595 596 602 618 619 638* 639* 642 vtocx 000144 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 814 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 191* 192 193 vtocx 12 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "backup_volume_record" dcl 5-17 in procedure "hc_dmpr_primitives" set ref 622* window 000132 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 805 set ref 137* 171 191 words_per_sect 000000 constant fixed bin(17,0) initial array dcl 10-36 ref 183 write 2(02) 000174 automatic bit(1) level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 833 set ref 571* write_disk 000130 constant entry external dcl 892 ref 749 NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT AND NEVER REFERENCED. BEEP internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-7 DEFAULT_HCPART_SIZE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 7-54 DEFAULT_N_IN_RECORD_STOCK internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 13-111 DEFAULT_N_IN_VTOCE_STOCK internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 13-112 DUMPER_BIT_MAP_ADDR internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 7-54 JUST_LOG internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-7 MAX_VTOCE_PER_PACK internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 7-54 Multics_ID_String internal static char(32) initial packed unaligned dcl 9-92 N_OLD_VOLMAP_PAGES internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 13-110 PAGE_SIZE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 7-67 SECTORS_PER_RECORD internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial array dcl 7-74 SECTORS_PER_VTOCE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial array dcl 7-70 SYSERR_COVERT_CHANNEL internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-7 SYSERR_CRASH_SYSTEM internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-7 SYSERR_LOG_OR_DISCARD internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-7 SYSERR_LOG_OR_PRINT internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-7 SYSERR_PRINT_ON_CONSOLE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-7 SYSERR_PRINT_WITH_ALARM internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-7 SYSERR_RING1_ERROR internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-7 SYSERR_SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-7 SYSERR_SYSTEM_ERROR internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-7 SYSERR_TERMINATE_PROCESS internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-7 SYSERR_UNSUCCESSFUL_ACCESS internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-7 TERMINATE_PROCESS internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-7 VOLMAP_ADDR internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 7-54 VOLMAP_ASYNC_IDLE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 11-113 VOLMAP_ASYNC_READ internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 11-113 VOLMAP_ASYNC_WRITE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 11-113 VTOCES_PER_RECORD internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial array dcl 7-72 VTOCE_SIZE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 7-68 VTOC_MAP_ADDR internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 7-54 asta based bit(432) array dcl 1-86 aste_part based structure level 1 dcl 1-89 backup_version_1 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-7 backup_volume_record_version_1 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 5-14 contents_type internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 4-21 dir_type internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 4-16 hdp automatic pointer dcl 4-3 info_type internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 4-22 n_in_record_stock automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 13-8 n_in_vtoce_stock automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 13-10 n_volmap_pages automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 13-9 null_type internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 4-18 pattern1 internal static bit(36) initial packed unaligned dcl 4-24 pattern2 internal static bit(36) initial packed unaligned dcl 4-25 pattern3 internal static bit(36) initial packed unaligned dcl 4-26 prev_output_log_type internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 4-20 pvt$max_n_entries external static fixed bin(17,0) dcl 11-19 pvt_arrayp automatic pointer dcl 11-21 record_stockp automatic pointer dcl 13-4 sdw_info_ptr automatic pointer dcl 12-4 sect_per_cyl internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial array dcl 10-15 sect_per_rec internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial array dcl 10-21 sect_per_sv internal static fixed bin(24,0) initial array dcl 10-18 sect_per_track internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial array dcl 10-33 seg_aste based structure level 1 dcl 1-96 seg_type internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 4-17 seg_vtoce based structure level 1 dcl 16-92 stock_seg based structure level 1 dcl 13-13 stock_seg$ external static fixed bin(17,0) dcl 13-6 stock_segp automatic pointer dcl 13-3 str_seg$ external static fixed bin(17,0) dcl 14-4 stra based bit(72) array dcl 14-15 strp automatic pointer dcl 14-4 version_number_2 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-84 volume_log_type internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 4-19 vtoce_parts based bit(2304) array dcl 16-90 vtoce_stock based structure level 1 dcl 13-57 vtoce_stockp automatic pointer dcl 13-5 vtoce_type internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 4-15 NAMES DECLARED BY EXPLICIT CONTEXT. build_vtoc_map_done 001110 constant label dcl 198 ref 167 192 build_vtoc_map_ret 001163 constant label dcl 210 ref 149 156 check_for_inconsistent_dbm 004270 constant entry internal dcl 674 ref 281 dmpr_build_vtoc_map 000542 constant entry external dcl 131 dmpr_lock_pv 000261 constant entry external dcl 65 dmpr_lock_pv_ret 000470 constant label dcl 121 ref 84 87 94 dmpr_unlock_pv 000521 constant entry external dcl 126 force_deactivate 004457 constant entry internal dcl 707 ref 262 524 555 647 665 get_data_object_ret 003651 constant label dcl 612 ref 273 309 330 346 358 362 384 399 403 410 444 469 500 513 518 get_dmpr_data_object 001214 constant entry external dcl 219 get_pvte 004574 constant entry internal dcl 728 ref 264 637 hc_dmpr_primitives 000155 constant entry external dcl 15 init_dmpr 000170 constant entry external dcl 45 lock_pv_common 000276 constant label dcl 69 ref 129 make_trailer 004361 constant entry internal dcl 693 ref 561 release_dmpr_aste 003762 constant entry external dcl 630 release_dmpr_aste_ret 004133 constant label dcl 648 ref 641 644 revert_dmpr 004146 constant entry external dcl 653 select_vtoce 001466 constant label dcl 293 ref 352 414 440 484 489 496 526 557 set_info 004750 constant entry internal dcl 757 ref 107 set_time 004630 constant entry internal dcl 740 ref 325 update_label 001652 constant label dcl 325 ref 314 THERE WERE NO NAMES DECLARED BY CONTEXT OR IMPLICATION. STORAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS PROGRAM. Object Text Link Symbol Defs Static Start 0 0 5766 6162 5037 5776 Length 7110 5037 174 711 727 2 BLOCK NAME STACK SIZE TYPE WHY NONQUICK/WHO SHARES STACK FRAME hc_dmpr_primitives 1680 external procedure is an external procedure. on unit on line 165 64 on unit begin block on line 334 begin block shares stack frame of external procedure hc_dmpr_primitives. check_for_inconsistent_dbm internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure hc_dmpr_primitives. make_trailer internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure hc_dmpr_primitives. force_deactivate internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure hc_dmpr_primitives. get_pvte internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure hc_dmpr_primitives. set_time internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure hc_dmpr_primitives. set_info internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure hc_dmpr_primitives. STORAGE FOR INTERNAL STATIC VARIABLES. LOC IDENTIFIER BLOCK NAME 000010 lock_word hc_dmpr_primitives STORAGE FOR AUTOMATIC VARIABLES. STACK FRAME LOC IDENTIFIER BLOCK NAME hc_dmpr_primitives 000100 copy_dirsegp hc_dmpr_primitives 000102 select_loop_cnt hc_dmpr_primitives 000103 read_ring hc_dmpr_primitives 000104 dev_vtoc_words hc_dmpr_primitives 000105 dtd hc_dmpr_primitives 000106 curtime hc_dmpr_primitives 000107 dt hc_dmpr_primitives 000110 pvtxh hc_dmpr_primitives 000111 astl hc_dmpr_primitives 000112 dirl hc_dmpr_primitives 000113 pardirl hc_dmpr_primitives 000114 parx hc_dmpr_primitives 000116 tastep hc_dmpr_primitives 000120 parent_uid hc_dmpr_primitives 000121 object_uid hc_dmpr_primitives 000122 lock hc_dmpr_primitives 000123 skip hc_dmpr_primitives 000124 strep hc_dmpr_primitives 000126 code hc_dmpr_primitives 000127 last_page_index hc_dmpr_primitives 000130 vbmp hc_dmpr_primitives 000132 window hc_dmpr_primitives 000133 j hc_dmpr_primitives 000134 pagep hc_dmpr_primitives 000136 valid_update hc_dmpr_primitives 000137 pvid hc_dmpr_primitives 000140 prev_vtocx hc_dmpr_primitives 000141 request_vtocx hc_dmpr_primitives 000142 type hc_dmpr_primitives 000143 pvtx hc_dmpr_primitives 000144 vtocx hc_dmpr_primitives 000145 retry hc_dmpr_primitives 000146 request hc_dmpr_primitives 000147 csl hc_dmpr_primitives 000150 volid hc_dmpr_primitives 000152 start_time hc_dmpr_primitives 000154 mod_after_time hc_dmpr_primitives 000156 last_modified hc_dmpr_primitives 000160 reset hc_dmpr_primitives 000161 n_vtoce_per_page hc_dmpr_primitives 000162 no_object hc_dmpr_primitives 000163 no_update hc_dmpr_primitives 000164 i hc_dmpr_primitives 000165 nwords hc_dmpr_primitives 000166 tsdw hc_dmpr_primitives 000170 tdtd hc_dmpr_primitives 000171 tvolid hc_dmpr_primitives 000172 ptp hc_dmpr_primitives 000174 sdwi hc_dmpr_primitives 000202 local_vtoce hc_dmpr_primitives 000502 local_aste hc_dmpr_primitives 000516 local_dir hc_dmpr_primitives 000616 local_label hc_dmpr_primitives 002624 astep hc_dmpr_primitives 002626 bpvip hc_dmpr_primitives 002630 recordp hc_dmpr_primitives 002632 dp hc_dmpr_primitives 002634 inputp hc_dmpr_primitives 002636 labelp hc_dmpr_primitives 002640 pvtep hc_dmpr_primitives 002642 vtocep hc_dmpr_primitives THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL OPERATORS ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. r_e_as call_ext_out_desc call_ext_out return_mac fl2_to_fx2 tra_ext_1 enable_op ext_entry int_entry clock_mac THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL ENTRIES ARE CALLED BY THIS PROGRAM. activate$backup_activate dbm_man$get_next_vtocx dbm_man$set dbm_man$update_map_from_ast get_aste get_ptrs_$given_astep get_ptrs_$given_segno get_pvtx get_pvtx$hold_pvtx get_pvtx$release_pvtx grab_aste level$get lock$dir_lock_read lock$dir_lock_write lock$dir_unlock_given_uid lock$lock_ast lock$unlock lock$unlock_ast lock$wait pc$cleanup pc$dumper_get_file_map pc_wired$read pmut$swap_sdw ptw_util_$make_disk put_aste quota_util$restore_quota quota_util$suspend_quota read_disk sdw_util_$construct sdw_util_$dissect search_ast$check search_ast$hash_out setfaults$deltrailer syserr syserr$error_code thread$lin thread$out vtoc_man$get_vtoce vtoc_man$put_vtoce write_disk THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL VARIABLES ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. backup_abs_seg$ error_table_$action_not_performed error_table_$bad_arg error_table_$dmpr_in_use error_table_$end_of_info error_table_$vol_in_use error_table_$vtoc_io_err pds$dmpr_copy_dirsegp pds$dmpr_pvid pds$dmpr_pvtx pds$dstep pvt$array sst$astsize sst$deact_count sst$level sst$tfreep sys_info$default_dir_max_length LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC 842 000147 15 000154 45 000163 47 000201 48 000202 49 000207 50 000211 53 000212 54 000216 56 000234 58 000241 59 000244 60 000247 61 000250 62 000251 63 000253 65 000254 68 000274 69 000276 71 000277 72 000302 73 000304 74 000305 77 000313 78 000316 81 000317 82 000324 83 000326 84 000341 86 000343 87 000356 88 000360 91 000362 92 000370 93 000377 94 000401 97 000402 99 000405 100 000411 102 000412 103 000414 104 000417 105 000421 106 000434 107 000440 108 000441 109 000443 110 000445 111 000446 112 000452 113 000454 114 000461 116 000464 118 000465 119 000467 121 000470 123 000477 124 000512 125 000514 126 000515 128 000534 129 000535 131 000536 133 000553 134 000554 135 000555 136 000556 137 000562 138 000564 140 000566 141 000571 142 000573 145 000574 146 000600 148 000602 149 000615 150 000617 152 000621 153 000627 154 000637 155 000643 156 000646 159 000647 161 000654 162 000661 163 000664 165 000666 166 000702 167 000705 170 000710 171 000717 172 000742 174 000744 175 000755 177 000772 179 001004 180 001011 182 001012 183 001020 186 001023 187 001031 188 001037 189 001050 190 001054 191 001056 192 001071 193 001077 195 001104 196 001106 198 001110 200 001111 201 001120 203 001122 204 001124 205 001141 206 001145 207 001154 210 001163 212 001172 213 001173 214 001206 215 001207 216 001211 219 001212 222 001225 223 001231 225 001234 226 001235 227 001236 228 001237 229 001240 230 001241 231 001242 233 001244 234 001245 237 001251 238 001253 239 001255 240 001257 241 001261 242 001263 243 001265 244 001270 245 001274 246 001300 247 001304 248 001310 250 001312 255 001337 256 001342 259 001343 260 001347 261 001351 262 001370 264 001375 265 001376 266 001400 267 001407 268 001410 269 001412 272 001413 273 001426 274 001430 276 001432 277 001441 280 001442 281 001446 282 001447 287 001452 288 001455 289 001457 290 001462 291 001464 293 001466 297 001467 298 001476 299 001477 300 001510 301 001511 302 001522 306 001523 307 001532 308 001537 309 001542 311 001543 313 001561 314 001566 317 001567 318 001603 320 001623 321 001624 322 001626 323 001645 324 001647 325 001652 326 001653 328 001705 330 001710 337 001711 338 001714 344 001717 346 001753 347 001755 351 001774 352 001775 354 001776 355 002004 357 002026 358 002027 362 002030 364 002032 366 002033 367 002035 368 002040 369 002052 372 002054 373 002060 374 002070 376 002072 377 002074 380 002102 381 002103 382 002104 384 002144 387 002145 388 002157 392 002161 393 002166 397 002170 399 002223 400 002225 401 002231 402 002235 403 002240 408 002241 410 002275 412 002277 413 002315 414 002316 419 002317 421 002346 422 002352 423 002354 424 002357 425 002361 426 002363 427 002365 428 002372 429 002377 430 002404 431 002411 432 002416 433 002423 434 002430 436 002435 438 002451 439 002460 440 002461 443 002462 444 002463 448 002464 449 002467 450 002476 451 002504 452 002507 453 002516 454 002524 455 002533 456 002561 458 002563 461 002571 462 002573 463 002577 464 002601 465 002603 466 002605 467 002607 469 002643 472 002645 476 002646 477 002655 484 002656 487 002670 488 002715 489 002716 492 002717 494 002732 495 002734 496 002735 499 002736 500 002737 505 002740 506 002742 507 002745 508 002747 509 002751 510 002753 511 002755 513 003010 517 003012 518 003042 519 003044 522 003046 524 003061 525 003062 526 003063 529 003064 530 003070 531 003071 532 003076 535 003125 536 003130 538 003136 541 003172 544 003222 546 003223 548 003252 549 003255 554 003263 555 003265 556 003266 557 003267 561 003270 563 003271 564 003302 566 003317 568 003325 569 003334 570 003346 571 003356 572 003360 574 003375 575 003412 577 003414 578 003420 580 003433 581 003436 583 003460 584 003475 585 003520 586 003522 588 003523 589 003526 590 003535 592 003536 593 003547 595 003550 596 003555 597 003562 598 003565 599 003575 601 003576 602 003605 605 003632 607 003634 608 003637 609 003650 612 003651 614 003660 615 003671 616 003702 617 003715 618 003721 619 003724 622 003727 623 003741 624 003743 625 003746 626 003750 627 003753 628 003755 630 003756 632 003775 633 003776 634 004000 635 004005 636 004024 637 004030 638 004031 639 004033 641 004067 642 004071 644 004124 647 004126 648 004133 650 004140 651 004142 653 004143 655 004157 656 004160 657 004165 658 004167 660 004170 661 004174 662 004213 664 004222 665 004241 666 004246 667 004253 668 004260 669 004262 670 004263 671 004265 672 004267 674 004270 676 004271 679 004276 680 004300 681 004315 682 004320 683 004335 684 004337 685 004343 688 004345 689 004360 693 004361 695 004362 697 004406 698 004412 699 004417 700 004432 701 004435 702 004441 703 004453 705 004456 707 004457 710 004460 714 004513 715 004522 716 004531 717 004540 718 004547 719 004551 721 004552 723 004554 724 004556 725 004573 728 004574 730 004575 731 004576 732 004604 733 004607 734 004621 735 004624 737 004627 740 004630 742 004631 743 004633 744 004650 745 004653 746 004670 747 004672 748 004700 749 004705 750 004722 751 004727 753 004734 754 004747 757 004750 759 004751 760 004753 761 004770 762 004773 764 005001 765 005006 766 005011 767 005015 768 005023 770 005026 ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved