COMPILATION LISTING OF SEGMENT complex_binary_op_ Compiled by: Multics PL/I Compiler, Release 28d, of September 14, 1983 Compiled at: Honeywell LCPD Phoenix, System M Compiled on: 10/03/83 1429.4 mst Mon Options: optimize map 1 /* ****************************************************** 2* * * 3* * * 4* * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of * 5* * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. * 6* * * 7* * * 8* ****************************************************** */ 9 10 complex_binary_op_: proc(poperation,pop3,pdesc3,pop1,pdesc1,pop2,pdesc2); 11 12 /* Program to implement PL/I Version II runtime complex binary operators. 13* 14* Modified: June 9, 1978 by RAB for better complex floating abs 15* Modified: March 2, 1978 by RAB for better complex floating divide 16* Written by Richard A. Barnes October 16, 1972. */ 17 18 19 dcl poperation fixed bin(17), 20 pop3 bit(144) unaligned, 21 pdesc3 bit(36) aligned, 22 pop1 bit(144) unaligned, 23 pdesc1 bit(36) aligned, 24 pop2 bit(144) unaligned, 25 pdesc2 bit(36) aligned; 26 27 dcl operation fixed bin(17); 28 29 dcl 1 desc1 aligned, 30 2 flag bit(1) unal, 31 2 type bit(6) unal, 32 2 packed bit(1) unal, 33 2 number_dims bit(4) unal, 34 2 scale bit(12) unal, 35 2 precision bit(12) unal; 36 37 dcl 1 desc2 like desc1 aligned; 38 dcl 1 desc3 like desc1 aligned; 39 40 dcl ( sa based(addr(a)), 41 sb based(addr(b)), 42 sc based(addr(c)), 43 sd based(addr(d)), 44 se based(addr(e)), 45 sf based(addr(f))) bit(72) aligned; 46 47 dcl (a,b,c,d,e,f) float bin(63); 48 49 dcl length fixed bin(17); 50 51 dcl ( ia based(addr(a)), 52 ib based(addr(b)), 53 ic based(addr(c)), 54 id based(addr(d)), 55 ie based(addr(e)), 56 if based(addr(f))) fixed bin(71); 57 58 dcl ( comparison init(0), 59 addition init(1), 60 subtraction init(2), 61 multiplication init(3), 62 division init(4), 63 negate init(5), 64 real_fun init(6), 65 imag_fun init(7), 66 round_fun init(8), 67 complex_fun init(9), 68 abs_fun init(10), 69 conjg_fun init(11)) fixed bin(17) internal static; 70 71 dcl based_fb based fixed bin(17); 72 dcl comp fixed bin(17); 73 74 dcl (ac,bd,ad,bc,cd,denom) float bin(63); 75 76 dcl 1 dop1, 77 2 scale1 fixed bin(17), 78 2 prec1 fixed bin(17), 79 2 p ptr, 80 2 q ptr; 81 dcl 1 dop2, 82 2 scale2 fixed bin(17), 83 2 prec2 fixed bin(17), 84 2 r ptr, 85 2 s ptr; 86 dcl 1 dop3, 87 2 scale3 fixed bin(17), 88 2 prec3 fixed bin(17), 89 2 t ptr, 90 2 u ptr; 91 92 dcl (d1_scale,d2_scale) fixed bin(17); 93 94 dcl rtype fixed bin(17); 95 dcl (t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6) fixed bin(71); 96 dcl dscale fixed bin(17); 97 dcl rscale fixed bin(17); /* scale of result of our operations */ 98 dcl ifloat bit(1) aligned; 99 dcl code fixed bin(17); 100 101 /* Function Definitions */ 102 103 dcl fixed_divide_ entry(fixed bin(71),fixed bin(71),fixed bin,fixed bin,fixed bin,fixed bin) returns (fixed bin(71)); 104 dcl fixed_round_ entry(fixed bin(71),fixed bin,fixed bin) returns(fixed bin(71)); 105 dcl float_round_ entry(float bin(63),fixed bin) returns(float bin(63)); 106 dcl scaler_ entry(fixed bin(71),fixed bin,fixed bin); 107 dcl size_check_ entry(fixed bin(71),fixed bin) returns(fixed bin); 108 dcl pl1_signal_$help_plio2_signal_ entry (char(*),ptr,fixed bin(15), 109 char(256) varying,fixed bin(15)); 110 111 dcl (addr,fixed,float,index,max,mod,null,round,sqrt,substr,string) builtin; 112 /* */ 113 114 115 /* 116* (e + fi) = pop3 117* (a + bi) = pop1 118* (c + di) = pop2 119* 120* (a + bi) + (c + di) = ((a+c) + (b+d)i) 121* (a + bi) - (c + di) = ((a-c) + (b-d)i) 122* (a + bi) * (c + di) = ((a*c - b*d) + (a*d + b*c)i) 123* 124* (a + bi) / (c + di) = ((__a*__c_+___b*__d)_ + (__b*__c_-___a*__d)_i) 125* (c*c + d*d) (c*c + d*d) 126* 127* abs((a+bi)) = sqrt(a*a + b*b) 128* 129* round((a+bi),pdesc2) = (round(a,pdesc2) + round(b,pdesc2)i) 130* 131* - (a + bi) = (-a - bi) 132* */ 133 134 /* */ 135 /* Internal procedure to get an operand into our work area */ 136 137 getrand: proc(rand,pdesc,struct); 138 139 dcl rand bit(144) unal, 140 1 desc like desc1 aligned; 141 dcl 1 pdesc like desc1 aligned; 142 143 dcl 1 struct, 144 2 pscale fixed bin(17), 145 2 pprec fixed bin(17), 146 2 pp ptr, 147 2 qq ptr; 148 149 dcl prec fixed bin(17); 150 dcl (p,q) pointer; 151 152 dcl ( a based(p), 153 b based(q)) float bin(63); 154 155 dcl ( sa based(p), 156 sb based(q)) bit(72) aligned; 157 158 dcl ( ia based(p), 159 ib based(q)) fixed bin(71); 160 161 dcl float bit(1) aligned defined(ifloat); 162 dcl short bit(1) aligned; 163 dcl itype fixed bin(17); 164 165 dcl rp pointer init(addr(rand)); 166 167 dcl rshort(2) float bin(27) based(rp); 168 dcl rlong(2) float bin(63) based(rp); 169 dcl ishort(2) fixed bin(35) based(rp); 170 dcl ilong(2) fixed bin(71) based(rp); 171 172 dcl ones bit(72) aligned internal static init((72)"1"b); 173 174 begin: 175 string(desc) = string(pdesc); 176 short = substr(desc.type,6,1); 177 itype = fixed(desc.type,6); 178 prec = pprec; 179 p = pp; 180 q = qq; 181 182 if float then 183 do; 184 if desc.packed then 185 do; 186 length = prec + 9; 187 substr(sa,1,length) = substr(rand,1,length); 188 if itype < 5 then b = 0; /* real */ 189 else substr(sb,1,length) = substr(rand,length+1,length); /* complex */ 190 end; 191 else 192 do; 193 b = 0; 194 if short then /* short */ 195 do; 196 a = rshort(1); 197 if itype > 4 then b = rshort(2); /* complex */ 198 end; 199 else /* long */ 200 do; 201 a = rlong(1); 202 if itype > 4 then b = rlong(2); /* complex */ 203 end; 204 end; 205 end; 206 else /* fixed */ 207 do; 208 if desc.packed then 209 do; 210 length = prec + 1; 211 substr(sa,72-length+1,length) = substr(rand,1,length); 212 if substr(rand,1,1) then substr(sa,1,72-length) = ones; 213 if itype < 5 then ib = 0; 214 else 215 do; 216 substr(sb,72-length+1,length) = substr(rand,length+1,length); 217 if substr(rand,length+1,1) then substr(sb,1,72-length) = ones; 218 end; 219 end; 220 else 221 do; 222 ib = 0; 223 if short then /* short */ 224 do; 225 ia = ishort(1); 226 if itype > 4 then ib = ishort(2); 227 end; 228 else 229 do; 230 ia = ilong(1); 231 if itype > 4 then ib = ilong(2); 232 end; 233 end; 234 end; 235 end; 236 237 /* */ 238 239 begin: 240 dop1.p = addr(a); 241 dop1.q = addr(b); 242 dop2.r = addr(c); 243 dop2.s = addr(d); 244 dop3.t = addr(e); 245 dop3.u = addr(f); 246 247 ia,ib,ic,id,ie,if = 0; 248 string(desc1) = pdesc1; 249 string(desc3) = pdesc3; 250 prec1 = fixed(desc1.precision,12); 251 prec3 = fixed(desc3.precision,12); 252 operation = poperation; 253 rtype = mod(fixed(desc1.type,6),4); 254 ifloat = rtype=0|rtype=3; 255 call getrand(pop1,desc1,dop1); 256 if operation < negate | operation = complex_fun then 257 do; 258 string(desc2) = pdesc2; 259 prec2 = fixed(desc2.precision,12); 260 call getrand(pop2,desc2,dop2); 261 end; 262 263 if ifloat then /* float */ 264 do; 265 length = prec3 + 9; 266 if ^desc3.packed then if length > 36 then length = 72; 267 else length = 36; 268 go to float_op(operation); 269 270 /* comparison */ 271 272 float_op(0): 273 comp = 1; /* ^= */ 274 if a = c then if b = d then comp = 0; /* = */ 275 addr(pop3)->based_fb = comp; 276 return; 277 278 /* addition */ 279 280 float_op(1): 281 e = a + c; 282 f = b + d; 283 go to return_float; 284 285 /* subtraction */ 286 287 float_op(2): 288 e = a - c; 289 f = b - d; 290 go to return_float; 291 292 /* multiplication or division */ 293 294 float_op(3): float_op(4): 295 ac = a*c; 296 bd = b*d; 297 ad = a*d; 298 bc = b*c; 299 if operation = multiplication then 300 do; 301 e = ac - bd; 302 f = ad + bc; 303 go to return_float; 304 end; 305 else /* division */ 306 do; 307 if abs(d) < abs(c) 308 then do; 309 cd = d/c; 310 denom = c + d*cd; 311 e = (a + b*cd) / denom; 312 f = (b - a*cd) / denom; 313 end; 314 315 else do; 316 cd = c/d; 317 denom = c*cd + d; 318 e = (a*cd + b) / denom; 319 f = (b*cd - a) / denom; 320 end; 321 322 go to return_float; 323 end; 324 325 /* negate */ 326 327 float_op(5): 328 e = -a; 329 f = -b; 330 go to return_float; 331 332 /* real */ 333 334 float_op(6): 335 e = a; 336 go to return_real; 337 338 /* imag */ 339 340 float_op(7): 341 e = b; 342 go to return_real; 343 344 /* round */ 345 346 float_op(8): 347 e = float_round_(a,prec2); 348 f = float_round_(b,prec2); 349 go to return_float; 350 351 /* complex */ 352 353 float_op(9): 354 e = a; 355 f = c; 356 go to return_float; 357 358 /* abs */ 359 360 float_op(10): 361 a = abs(a); 362 b = abs(b); 363 364 if a ^= 0.0e0 365 then if b ^= 0.0e0 366 then if a > b 367 then e = a * sqrt(1.0e0b + (b/a)*(b/a)); 368 else e = b * sqrt(1.0e0b + (a/b)*(a/b)); 369 else e = a; 370 else e = b; 371 372 go to return_real; 373 374 /* conjg */ 375 376 float_op(11): 377 e = a; 378 f = -b; 379 380 return_float: 381 substr(pop3,length+1,length) = substr(sf,1,length); 382 return_real: 383 substr(pop3,1,length) = substr(se,1,length); 384 return; 385 end; 386 /* */ 387 else /* fixed point */ 388 do; 389 scale1 = fixed(desc1.scale,12); 390 if scale1 > 2047 then scale1 = scale1 - 4096; 391 scale3 = fixed(desc3.scale,12); 392 if scale3 > 2047 then scale3 = scale3 - 4096; 393 if operation < negate | operation = complex_fun then 394 do; 395 scale2 = fixed(desc2.scale,12); 396 if scale2 > 2047 then scale2 = scale2 - 4096; 397 end; 398 length = prec3 + 1; 399 if ^desc3.packed then if length > 36 then length = 72; 400 else length = 36; 401 402 code = 0; 403 rscale = scale1; 404 go to fixed_op(operation); 405 406 /* comparison, addition, or subtraction */ 407 408 fixed_op(0): fixed_op(1): fixed_op(2): fixed_op(9): 409 410 rscale = max(scale1,scale2); 411 dscale = scale1 - scale2; 412 if dscale > 0 then 413 do; 414 call scaler_(ic,dscale,code); 415 call scaler_(id,dscale,code); 416 end; 417 else if dscale < 0 then 418 do; 419 dscale = -dscale; 420 call scaler_(ia,dscale,code); 421 call scaler_(ib,dscale,code); 422 end; 423 424 if operation = comparison then 425 do; 426 comp = 1; /* ^= */ 427 if ia = ic then if ib = id then comp = 0; /* = */ 428 addr(pop3)->based_fb = comp; 429 return; 430 end; 431 432 if operation = addition then 433 do; 434 ie = ia + ic; 435 if = ib + id; 436 go to return_fixed; 437 end; 438 439 if operation = subtraction then 440 do; 441 ie = ia - ic; 442 if = ib - id; 443 go to return_fixed; 444 end; 445 446 if operation = complex_fun then 447 do; 448 ie = ia; 449 if = ic; 450 go to return_fixed; 451 end; 452 453 /* multiplication or division */ 454 455 fixed_op(3): fixed_op(4): 456 t1 = ia*ic; 457 t2 = ib*id; 458 t3 = ia*id; 459 t4 = ib*ic; 460 if operation = multiplication then 461 do; 462 ie = t1 - t2; 463 if = t3 + t4; 464 rscale = scale1 + scale2; 465 go to return_fixed; 466 end; 467 else /* division */ 468 do; 469 d1_scale = scale1 + scale2; 470 d2_scale = scale2 + scale2; 471 t5 = ic*ic; 472 t6 = id*id; 473 t5 = t5 + t6; 474 t1 = t1 + t2; 475 t3 = t4 - t3; 476 ie = fixed_divide_(t1,t5,d1_scale,d2_scale,scale3,code); 477 if = fixed_divide_(t3,t5,d1_scale,d2_scale,scale3,code); 478 rscale = scale3; 479 go to return_fixed; 480 end; 481 482 /* negate */ 483 484 fixed_op(5): 485 ie = -ia; 486 if = -ib; 487 go to return_fixed; 488 489 /* real */ 490 491 fixed_op(6): 492 ie = ia; 493 go to return_fixed_real; 494 495 /* imag */ 496 497 fixed_op(7): 498 ie = ib; 499 go to return_fixed_real; 500 501 /* round */ 502 503 fixed_op(8): 504 ie = fixed_round_(ia,prec2,scale1); 505 if = fixed_round_(ib,prec2,scale1); 506 rscale = prec2; 507 go to return_fixed; 508 509 /* abs */ 510 511 fixed_op(10): 512 ie = fixed(sqrt(float(ia*ia + ib*ib,63)),71); 513 go to return_fixed_real; 514 515 /* conjg */ 516 517 fixed_op(11): 518 ie = ia; 519 if = -ib; 520 return_fixed: 521 dscale = scale3 - rscale; 522 if dscale ^= 0 then call scaler_(if,dscale,code); 523 if code ^= 0 then go to signal; 524 substr(pop3,length+1,length) = substr(sf,72-length+1,length); 525 if size_check_(if,length) ^= 0 then go to signal; 526 527 return_fixed_real_1: 528 if dscale ^= 0 then 529 do; 530 call scaler_(ie,dscale,code); 531 if code ^= 0 then go to signal; 532 end; 533 substr(pop3,1,length) = substr(se,72-length+1,length); 534 if size_check_(ie,length) ^= 0 then go to signal; 535 return; 536 537 return_fixed_real: 538 dscale = scale3 - rscale; 539 go to return_fixed_real_1; 540 end; 541 542 /* Signal SIZE condition */ 543 544 signal: call pl1_signal_$help_plio2_signal_("size",null,243,"",0); 545 546 end; SOURCE FILES USED IN THIS COMPILATION. LINE NUMBER DATE MODIFIED NAME PATHNAME 0 10/03/83 1005.7 complex_binary_op_.pl1 >spec>on>pl128d>complex_binary_op_.pl1 NAMES DECLARED IN THIS COMPILATION. IDENTIFIER OFFSET LOC STORAGE CLASS DATA TYPE ATTRIBUTES AND REFERENCES (* indicates a set context) NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT. a based float bin(63) dcl 152 in procedure "getrand" set ref 196* 201* a 000104 automatic float bin(63) dcl 47 in procedure "complex_binary_op_" set ref 239 247 274 280 287 294 297 311 312 318 319 327 334 346* 353 360* 360 364 364 364 364 364 368 368 369 376 420 427 434 441 448 455 458 484 491 503 511 511 517 ac 000122 automatic float bin(63) dcl 74 set ref 294* 301 ad 000126 automatic float bin(63) dcl 74 set ref 297* 302 addition constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 58 ref 432 addr builtin function dcl 111 ref 165 239 241 242 243 244 245 247 247 247 247 247 247 275 380 382 414 415 420 421 427 427 427 427 428 434 434 434 435 435 435 441 441 441 442 442 442 448 448 449 449 455 455 457 457 458 458 459 459 462 463 471 471 472 472 476 477 484 484 486 486 491 491 497 497 503 503 505 505 511 511 511 511 511 517 517 519 519 522 524 525 530 533 534 b based float bin(63) dcl 152 in procedure "getrand" set ref 188* 193* 197* 202* b 000106 automatic float bin(63) dcl 47 in procedure "complex_binary_op_" set ref 241 247 274 282 289 296 298 311 312 318 319 329 340 348* 362* 362 364 364 364 364 368 368 368 370 378 421 427 435 442 457 459 486 497 505 511 511 519 based_fb based fixed bin(17,0) dcl 71 set ref 275* 428* bc 000130 automatic float bin(63) dcl 74 set ref 298* 302 bd 000124 automatic float bin(63) dcl 74 set ref 296* 301 c 000110 automatic float bin(63) dcl 47 set ref 242 247 274 280 287 294 29N requested by Vu.Multics.m Level=4$x T8DESTROY Vu.Multics.m abs2 004100035323 (logo)access_auditVu Multics m@$x T:<LOGOUT Vu.Multics.m Q 3 abs2 0:11 $0.62 (logo)access_auditVu Multics m@$x Tc7(LOGIN AWTaylor.Multics int a.h117 (create)access_auditAWTaylor Multics aen8a.h117 VIP7400_DTR none$x T:ACREATE AWTaylor.Multics.a a.h117 004100035324 (login)access_auditAWTaylor Multics a@$x TCHRLOGIN WAAnderson.SysMaint Q 1 abs2 [mail_to_forum] (create)access_auditWAAnderson SysMaint mCn8abs2 none>udd>sm>wa>new_tcp/ip>mail_to_forum.absin $x TF BCREATE WAAnderson.SysMaint.m abs2 005100035325 (login)access_auditWAAnderson SysMaint m@$x T}%=ABS LOGIN requested by WAAnderson.SysMaint.m Level=4$x TADESTROY WAAnderson.SysMaint.m abs2 005100035325 (logo)access_auditWAAnderson SysMaint m@$x  TELOGOUT WAAnderson.SysMaint.m Q 1 abs2 0:16 $0.91 (logo)access_auditWAAnderson SysMaint m@$x TZ<DESTROY Estock.NMLPROD.m abs1 006100035321 (logo)access_auditEstock NMLPROD m@$x T ALOGOUT Estock.NMLPROD.m Q 3 abs1 13: 3 $43.53 (logo)access_auditEstock NMLPROD m@$x Tl6DIALOUT channel sty.u_telnet_08 from Internet.Daemon.z 003700030105 Destination= XSTY_TELNET TVT5access_audite Internet Daemon z@Esty.u_telnet_08 STY_USER $x Ti]6ATTACH channel sty.u_telnet_08 to Internet.Daemon.z 003700030105 Service=dial_outaccess_audit! Internet Daemon zEsty.u_telnet_08 STY_USER $x T!@(LOGIN Westcott.Fortran int sty.s_telnet_08 (create)access_auditWestcott Fortran aensty.s_telnet_08 STY_TELNET none$x ThJCREATE Westcott.Fortran.a sty.s_telnet_08 006100035326 (login)access_auditWestcott Fortran a@$xTBact_ctl_: Automatic update: users = 26, pf=6, vcpu=0.695, rt=1.979$x T>#l6DIALOUT channel sty.u_telnet_09 from Internet.Daemon.z 003700030105 Destination= XSTY_TELNET TVT8access_audite Internet Daemon z@Esty.u_telnet_09 STY_USER $x T w]6ATTACH channel sty.u_telnet_09 to Internet.Daemon.z 003700030105 Service=dial_outaccess_audit! Internet Daemon zE48 ia based fixed bin(71,0) dcl 158 in procedure "getrand" set ref 225* 230* ia based fixed bin(71,0) dcl 51 in procedure "complex_binary_op_" set ref 247* 420* 427 434 441 448 455 458 484 491 503* 511 511 517 ib based fixed bin(71,0) dcl 158 in procedure "getrand" set ref 213* 222* 226* 231* ib based fixed bin(71,0) dcl 51 in procedure "complex_binary_op_" set ref 247* 421* 427 435 442 457 459 486 497 505* 511 511 519 ic based fixed bin(71,0) dcl 51 set ref 247* 414* 427 434 441 449 455 459 471 471 id based fixed bin(71,0) dcl 51 set ref 247* 415* 427 435 442 457 458 472 472 ie based fixed bin(71,0) dcl 51 set ref 247* 434* 441* 448* 462* 476* 484* 491* 497* 503* 511* 517* 530* 534* if based fixed bin(71,0) dcl 51 set ref 247* 435* 442* 449* 463* 477* 486* 505* 519* 522* 525* ifloat 000202 automatic bit(1) dcl 98 set ref 182 182 254* 263 ilong based fixed bin(71,0) array dcl 170 ref 230 231 ishort based fixed bin(35,0) array dcl 169 ref 225 226 itype 000221 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 163 set ref 177* 188 197 202 213 226 231 length 000120 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 49 set ref 186* 187 187 189 189 189 210* 211 211 211 212 216 216 216 216 217 217 265* 266 266* 267* 380 380 380 382 382 398* 399 399* 400* 524 524 524 524 525* 533 533 533 534* max builtin function dcl 111 ref 408 mod builtin function dcl 111 ref 253 multiplication constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 58 ref 299 460 negate constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 58 ref 256 393 null builtin function dcl 111 ref 544 544 ones 000030 constant bit(72) initial dcl 172 ref 212 217 operation 000100 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 27 set ref 252* 256 256 268 299 393 393 404 424 432 439 446 460 p 000214 automatic pointer dcl 150 in procedure "getrand" set ref 179* 187 196 201 211 212 225 230 p 2 000136 automatic pointer level 2 in structure "dop1" dcl 76 in procedure "complex_binary_op_" set ref 239* packed 0(07) 000103 automatic bit(1) level 2 in structure "desc3" packed unaligned dcl 38 in procedure "complex_binary_op_" set ref 266 399 packed 0(07) 000212 automatic bit(1) level 2 in structure "desc" packed unaligned dcl 139 in procedure "getrand" set ref 184 208 pdesc parameter structure level 1 dcl 141 ref 137 174 pdesc1 parameter bit(36) dcl 19 ref 10 248 pdesc2 parameter bit(36) dcl 19 ref 10 258 pdesc3 parameter bit(36) dcl 19 ref 10 249 pl1_signal_$help_plio2_signal_ 000022 constant entry external dcl 108 ref 544 pop1 parameter bit(144) unaligned dcl 19 set ref 10 255* pop2 parameter bit(144) unaligned dcl 19 set ref 10 260* pop3 parameter bit(144) unaligned dcl 19 set ref 10 275 380* 382* 428 524* 533* poperation parameter fixed bin(17,0) dcl 19 ref 10 252 pp 2 parameter pointer level 2 dcl 143 ref 179 pprec 1 parameter fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 143 ref 178 prec 000213 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 149 set ref 178* 186 210 prec1 1 000136 automatic fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 76 set ref 250* prec2 1 000144 automatic fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 81 set ref 259* 346* 348* 503* 505* 506 prec3 1 000152 automatic fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 86 set ref 251* 265 398 precision 0(24) 000102 automatic bit(12) level 2 in structure "desc2" packed unaligned dcl 37 in procedure "complex_binary_op_" set ref 259 precision 0(24) 000101 automatic bit(12) level 2 in structure "desc1" packed unaligned dcl 29 in procedure "complex_binary_op_" set ref 250 precision 0(24) 000103 automatic bit(12) level 2 in structure "desc3" packed unaligned dcl 38 in procedure "complex_binary_op_" set ref 251 q 4 000136 automatic pointer level 2 in structure "dop1" dcl 76 in procedure "complex_binary_op_" set ref 241* q 000216 automatic pointer dcl 150 in procedure "getrand" set ref 180* 188 189 193 197 202 213 216 217 222 226 231 qq 4 parameter pointer level 2 dcl 143 ref 180 r 2 000144 automatic pointer level 2 dcl 81 set ref 242* rand parameter bit(144) unaligned dcl 139 set ref 137 165 187 189 211 212 216 217 rlong based float bin(63) array dcl 168 ref 201 202 rp 000222 automatic pointer initial dcl 165 set ref 165* 196 197 201 202 225 226 230 231 rscale 000201 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 97 set ref 403* 408* 464* 478* 506* 520 537 rshort based float bin(27) array dcl 167 ref 196 197 rtype 000162 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 94 set ref 253* 254 254 s 4 000144 automatic pointer level 2 dcl 81 set ref 243* sa based bit(72) dcl 155 set ref 187* 211* 212* sb based bit(72) dcl 155 set ref 189* 216* 217* scale 0(12) 000103 automatic bit(12) level 2 in structure "desc3" packed unaligned dcl 38 in procedure "complex_binary_op_" set ref 391 scale 0(12) 000102 automatic bit(12) level 2 in structure "desc2" packed unaligned dcl 37 in procedure "complex_binary_op_" set ref 395 scale 0(12) 000101 automatic bit(12) level 2 in structure "desc1" packed unaligned dcl 29 in procedure "complex_binary_op_" set ref 389 scale1 000136 automatic fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 76 set ref 389* 390 390* 390 403 408 411 464 469 503* 505* scale2 000144 automatic fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 81 set ref 395* 396 396* 396 408 411 464 469 470 470 scale3 000152 automatic fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 86 set ref 391* 392 392* 392 476* 477* 478 520 537 scaler_ 000016 constant entry external dcl 106 ref 414 415 420 421 522 530 se based bit(72) dcl 40 ref 382 533 sf based bit(72) dcl 40 ref 380 524 short 000220 automatic bit(1) dcl 162 set ref 176* 194 223 size_check_ 000020 constant entry external dcl 107 ref 525 534 sqrt builtin function dcl 111 ref 364 368 511 string builtin function dcl 111 set ref 174* 174 248* 249* 258* struct parameter structure level 1 unaligned dcl 143 ref 137 substr builtin function dcl 111 set ref 176 187* 187 189* 189 211* 211 212 212* 216* 216 217 217* 380* 380 382* 382 524* 524 533* 533 subtraction constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 58 ref 439 t 2 000152 automatic pointer level 2 dcl 86 set ref 244* t1 000164 automatic fixed bin(71,0) dcl 95 set ref 455* 462 474* 474 476* t2 000166 automatic fixed bin(71,0) dcl 95 set ref 457* 462 474 t3 000170 automatic fixed bin(71,0) dcl 95 set ref 458* 463 475* 475 477* t4 000172 automatic fixed bin(71,0) dcl 95 set ref 459* 463 475 t5 000174 automatic fixed bin(71,0) dcl 95 set ref 471* 473* 473 476* 477* t6 000176 automatic fixed bin(71,0) dcl 95 set ref 472* 473 type 0(01) 000101 automatic bit(6) level 2 in structure "desc1" packed unaligned dcl 29 in procedure "complex_binary_op_" set ref 253 type 0(01) 000212 automatic bit(6) level 2 in structure "desc" packed unaligned dcl 139 in procedure "getrand" set ref 176 177 u 4 000152 automatic pointer level 2 dcl 86 set ref 245* NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT AND NEVER REFERENCED. abs_fun internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 58 conjg_fun internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 58 division internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 58 imag_fun internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 58 index builtin function dcl 111 real_fun internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 58 round builtin function dcl 111 round_fun internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 58 sa based bit(72) dcl 40 sb based bit(72) dcl 40 sc based bit(72) dcl 40 sd based bit(72) dcl 40 NAMES DECLARED BY EXPLICIT CONTEXT. begin 001374 constant label dcl 174 in procedure "getrand" begin 000101 constant label dcl 239 in procedure "complex_binary_op_" complex_binary_op_ 000074 constant entry external dcl 10 fixed_op 000014 constant label array(0:11) dcl 408 ref 404 float_op 000000 constant label array(0:11) dcl 272 ref 268 getrand 001370 constant entry internal dcl 137 ref 255 260 return_fixed 001210 constant label dcl 520 ref 436 443 450 465 479 487 507 return_fixed_real 001323 constant label dcl 537 ref 493 499 513 return_fixed_real_1 001256 constant label dcl 527 ref 539 return_float 000523 constant label dcl 380 ref 283 290 303 322 330 349 356 return_real 000531 constant label dcl 382 ref 336 342 372 signal 001327 constant label dcl 544 ref 523 525 531 534 NAME DECLARED BY CONTEXT OR IMPLICATION. abs builtin function ref 307 307 360 362 STORAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS PROGRAM. Object Text Link Symbol Defs Static Start 0 0 1666 1712 1565 1676 Length 2100 1565 24 151 101 0 BLOCK NAME STACK SIZE TYPE WHY NONQUICK/WHO SHARES STACK FRAME complex_binary_op_ 261 external procedure is an external procedure. getrand internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure complex_binary_op_. STORAGE FOR AUTOMATIC VARIABLES. STACK FRAME LOC IDENTIFIER BLOCK NAME complex_binary_op_ 000100 operation complex_binary_op_ 000101 desc1 complex_binary_op_ 000102 desc2 complex_binary_op_ 000103 desc3 complex_binary_op_ 000104 a complex_binary_op_ 000106 b complex_binary_op_ 000110 c complex_binary_op_ 000112 d complex_binary_op_ 000114 e complex_binary_op_ 000116 f complex_binary_op_ 000120 length complex_binary_op_ 000121 comp complex_binary_op_ 000122 ac complex_binary_op_ 000124 bd complex_binary_op_ 000126 ad complex_binary_op_ 000130 bc complex_binary_op_ 000132 cd complex_binary_op_ 000134 denom complex_binary_op_ 000136 dop1 complex_binary_op_ 000144 dop2 complex_binary_op_ 000152 dop3 complex_binary_op_ 000160 d1_scale complex_binary_op_ 000161 d2_scale complex_binary_op_ 000162 rtype complex_binary_op_ 000164 t1 complex_binary_op_ 000166 t2 complex_binary_op_ 000170 t3 complex_binary_op_ 000172 t4 complex_binary_op_ 000174 t5 complex_binary_op_ 000176 t6 complex_binary_op_ 000200 dscale complex_binary_op_ 000201 rscale complex_binary_op_ 000202 ifloat complex_binary_op_ 000203 code complex_binary_op_ 000212 desc getrand 000213 prec getrand 000214 p getrand 000216 q getrand 000220 short getrand 000221 itype getrand 000222 rp getrand THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL OPERATORS ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. r_e_as call_ext_out_desc call_ext_out return fl2_to_fx2 mpfx3 mod_fx1 ext_entry dsqrt THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL ENTRIES ARE CALLED BY THIS PROGRAM. fixed_divide_ fixed_round_ float_round_ pl1_signal_$help_plio2_signal_ scaler_ size_check_ NO EXTERNAL VARIABLES ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC 10 000066 239 000101 241 000103 242 000105 243 000107 244 000111 245 000113 247 00011.Daemon.z 003700030105 Destination= XSTY_TELNET TVT8access_audite Internet Daemon z@Esty.u_telnet_09 STY_USER $x* Tb=]6ATTACH channel sty.u_telnet_09 to Internet.Daemon.z 003700030105 Service=dial_outaccess_audit! Internet Daemon zEsty.u_telnet_09 STY_USER $x+ Tv@(LOGIN Maucieri.Multics int sty.s_telnet_09 (create)access_auditMaucieri Multics aen8sty.s_telnet_09 STY_TELNET none$x, TxmJCREATE Maucieri.Multics.a sty.s_telnet_09 006700035332 (login)access_auditMaucieri Multics a$x- TK"5RLOGIN Vu.Multics Q FG abs1 [TR] (create)access_auditVu Multics mnxabs1 none>udd>m>Vu>lib>ecs>TR.absin $x. TN}9CREATE Vu.Multics.m abs1 005100035333 (login)access_auditVu Multics m@$x/Tm4ABS LOGIN requested by Vu.Multics.m Level=4$x0 Tq8DESTROY Vu.Multics.m abs1 005100035333 (logo)access_auditVu Multics m@$x1 Tq=LOGOUT Vu.Multics.m Q FG abs1 0: 5 $0.33 (logo)access_auditVu Multics m@$x2 T2,HRLOGIN WAAnderson.SysMaint Q 1 abs1 [mail_to_forum] (create)access_auditWAAnderson SysMaint mCn8abs1 none>udd>sm>wa>new_tcp/ip>mail_to_forum.absin $x3 T`BCREATE WAAnderson.SysMaint.m abs1 005100035334 (login)access_auditWAAnderson SysMaint m@$x4T,J=ABS LOGIN requested by WAAnderson.SysMaint.m Level=4$x5 T0ADESTROY WAAnderson.SysMaint.m abs1 005100035334 (logo)access_auditWAAnderson SysMaint m@$x6 T0iELOGOUT WAAnderson.SysMaint.m Q 1 abs1 0: 4 $0.26 (logo)access_auditWAAnderson SysMaint m@$x7 Tp,4(LOGIN Frere.Multics int a.h119 (create)access_auditFrere Multics a