COMPILATION LISTING OF SEGMENT interpret_ptr_ Compiled by: Multics PL/I Compiler, Release 29, of July 28, 1986 Compiled at: Honeywell Multics Op. - System M Compiled on: 11/05/86 1040.9 mst Wed Options: optimize map 1 /* ****************************************************** 2* * * 3* * * 4* * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of * 5* * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. * 6* * * 7* * * 8* ****************************************************** */ 9 10 interpret_ptr_: 11 procedure (a_ptr, a_framep, strp); 12 13 /* INTERPRET_PTR_ - find out as much as possible about a pointer. 14* 15* This program returns printable information about an input pointer. 16* If a stack frame pointer or machine conditions pointer is also supplied, 17* the program finds out information about the owner of the given stack frame, 18* and remarks that the fault may not have occurred in the frame owner. 19**/ 20 21 /* modified 24 July 1975 by M. Weaver for separate static */ 22 /* Modified 7/76 to prevent a fault while interpreting a bad pointer */ 23 /* Modified March 1980 by C. Hornig to find source line */ 24 /* Changed to use interpret_link_info.incl.pl1 05/12/83 S. Herbst */ 25 26 dcl a_ptr ptr, /* ptr to be interpreted (input) */ 27 a_framep ptr, /* ptr to associated stack frame, or null (input) */ 28 strp ptr; /* ptr to return structure (input) */ 29 30 dcl bcs char (54) based (in_ptr); 31 dcl bit_72 bit (72) based; /* Used to avoid pointer check while copying the argument */ 32 33 dcl 1 ptrb based aligned, /* breakdown of a pointer */ 34 2 xx1 bit (3) unal, 35 2 sn bit (15) unal, 36 2 rn bit (3) unal, 37 2 xxx bit (9) unal, 38 2 its bit (6) unal, 39 2 yyy bit (36) unal; 40 41 dcl 1 condinfo aligned like condition_info; /* structure returned by find_condition_info_ */ 42 dcl 1 oi aligned like object_info; 43 44 dcl 1 situation aligned, 45 2 bad_frame bit (1) unal, 46 2 exists_ppr bit (1) unal, 47 2 ppr_is_owner bit (1) unal, 48 2 ppr_is_ops bit (1) unal, 49 2 caller_is_owner bit (1) unal, 50 2 entry_ptr_invalid bit (1) unal, 51 2 ret_ptr_is_ops bit (1) unal, 52 2 pad bit (29) unal; 53 54 dcl 1 auto_interpret_link_info aligned like interpret_link_info; 55 56 dcl xp ptr, /* ptr to segment name */ 57 frame_owner_sw bit (1) aligned init ("1"b), 58 coptr ptr init (null), 59 coflg bit (1) init ("0"b), 60 in_ptr ptr, /* copied arg */ 61 framep ptr, /* ptr to stack frame */ 62 hcsct fixed bin, /* highest hardcore segment */ 63 highct fixed bin, /* highest segment number */ 64 txtp ptr, /* ptr into text */ 65 rings (3) fixed bin (6), /* used when checking accessibility */ 66 lev fixed bin, /* ... validation level */ 67 mode fixed bin (5), /* rewa mode of segment */ 68 type fixed bin (2), /* dir, seg, link */ 69 (bc, bc1) fixed bin (24), /* bitcount */ 70 bmp ptr, /* bindmap ptr */ 71 sblkp ptr, 72 namp ptr, /* component name */ 73 naml fixed bin, 74 based_name char (naml) based (namp), /* component name (in defs of bound seg) */ 75 (i, j) fixed bin, /* temps */ 76 dirn char (168) aligned, /* dirname where segment reside */ 77 ename char (32) aligned, /* temp entry name */ 78 pl1_op_name char (32) aligned, /* operator name */ 79 segn char (32) aligned, /* file-system name for seg */ 80 segno fixed bin (18), 81 adjusted_offset fixed bin (18), 82 section char (8) aligned, 83 lang char (8) aligned, 84 op_seg_name char (32) aligned, 85 ec fixed bin (35), /* file-system error code */ 86 ctmp char (65); 87 88 dcl condition_ entry (char (*), entry), 89 get_entry_name_ entry (ptr, char (*) aligned, fixed bin (18), char (8) aligned, fixed bin (35)), 90 is_condition_frame_ entry (ptr) returns (bit (1)), 91 find_condition_info_ entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35)), 92 find_nonobject_info_ 93 entry (ptr, char (*), fixed bin (18) aligned, char (8) aligned, fixed bin (18) aligned, fixed bin (35)), 94 stack_frame_exit_ entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, bit (1), ptr, char (32) aligned, ptr), 95 find_operator_name_ entry (char (*) aligned, ptr, char (32) aligned), 96 cu_$level_get entry (fixed bin), 97 hcs_$fs_get_brackets entry (ptr, fixed bin (5), (*) fixed bin (6), fixed bin (35)), 98 hcs_$high_low_seg_count entry (fixed bin, fixed bin), 99 ring0_get_$name entry (char (*) aligned, char (*) aligned, ptr, fixed bin (35)), 100 hcs_$fs_get_path_name entry (ptr, char (*) aligned, fixed bin, char (*) aligned, fixed bin (35)), 101 hcs_$status_mins entry (ptr, fixed bin (2), fixed bin (24), fixed bin (35)), 102 object_info_$display entry (ptr, fixed bin (24), ptr, fixed bin (35)), 103 get_bound_seg_info_ entry (ptr, fixed bin (24), ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35)), 104 component_info_$offset entry (ptr, fixed bin (18), ptr, fixed bin (35)), 105 interpret_link_ entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35)), 106 ioa_$rsnnl entry options (variable); 107 108 dcl LEGAL char (96) int static init /* Printables except PAD, but with BS */ 109 (" !""#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"); 110 111 dcl (addr, baseno, baseptr, ptr, fixed, null, addrel, rel, substr, binary, bit, verify) builtin; 112 113 /* ------------------------------------------------------ */ 114 115 frame_owner_sw = "0"b; 116 go to start; 117 118 frame_owner: 119 entry (a_ptr, a_framep, strp); 120 121 start: 122 if strp = null then return; /* initialization. check args */ 123 addr (in_ptr) -> bit_72 = addr (a_ptr) -> bit_72; /* copy arg without pointer check */ 124 call condition_ ("any_other", oop); 125 framep = a_framep; /* .. and copy args */ 126 mcp, scup = null; /* assume no machine cond */ 127 if framep ^= null 128 then /* see if condition frame */ 129 if frame_owner_sw 130 then /* un-necessary (& may be harmful) in some cases */ 131 if is_condition_frame_ (framep) then do; 132 call find_condition_info_ (framep, addr (condinfo), ec); 133 if ec = 0 then do; 134 mcp = condinfo.mc_ptr; 135 in_ptr = condinfo.user_loc_ptr; 136 coptr = condinfo.wc_ptr; 137 coflg = condinfo.flags.crawlout; 138 scup = addr (mc.scu); /* Fix ptr to suit Clancy */ 139 end; 140 end; 141 struc.comment, struc.segment, struc.entryn, struc.offset, struc.opname, struc.modifier = ""; 142 struc.instruction_counter = fixed (rel (in_ptr)); /* initialize return values */ 143 struc.compiler = ""; 144 struc.ring = ""; 145 struc.std_flag = "0"b; 146 struc.xpad = "0"b; 147 struc.symbolp = null; 148 struc.text_ptr = in_ptr; 149 struc.stack_ptr = framep; 150 struc.sourcemap = 0; 151 call hcs_$high_low_seg_count (highct, hcsct); /* find range of good segnos */ 152 ename = ""; 153 call ioa_$rsnnl ("^o", struc.offset, i, struc.instruction_counter); 154 j = fixed (baseno (in_ptr), 17); /* if can't get segname. what is segno? */ 155 call ioa_$rsnnl ("#^o", segn, i, j); /* unknown segment. put number */ 156 struc.segment = segn; 157 158 /* Try to take care of some special cases first. */ 159 160 xp = addr (in_ptr); /* null ptr is special cased */ 161 if xp -> = (15)"1"b then do; 162 struc.segment = "null pointer"; 163 return; 164 end; 165 166 if xp -> ptrb.its = "100110"b then do; /* unsnapped link */ 167 168 auto_interpret_link_info.version = INTERPRET_LINK_INFO_VERSION_1; 169 170 call interpret_link_ (addr (auto_interpret_link_info), in_ptr, ec); 171 /* if ft2, ask spier */ 172 if ec = 0 then do; /* good. we can say */ 173 struc.entryn = auto_interpret_link_info.entry_point_name; 174 struc.segment = auto_interpret_link_info.segment_name; 175 struc.offset = auto_interpret_link_info.expression; 176 struc.modifier = auto_interpret_link_info.modifier; 177 end; 178 else struc.segment = "unsnapped link"; /* happens if not in linkage section */ 179 glop: 180 struc.text_ptr = null; /* save everybody else a lot of trouble */ 181 glop1: 182 return; 183 end; 184 if xp -> ptrb.its ^= "100011"b then go to glop; /* not fool with non-ptr */ 185 186 struc.ring = substr ("01234567", fixed (xp -> ptrb.rn, 3), 1); 187 if binary (baseno (in_ptr)) <= hcsct then do; /* Hardcore segment? */ 188 call ring0_get_$name (dirn, segn, in_ptr, ec); 189 /* yes. obtain name */ 190 if ec = 0 then do; 191 struc.segment = segn; /* oho. */ 192 struc.ring = "0"; 193 call check_access (in_ptr, bc, ec); 194 if ec = 5 then go to nonobj; 195 if ec ^= 0 then go to glop; 196 end; 197 end; 198 199 /* Special cases are taken care of. In normal case, we examine stack frame to get procedure name. */ 200 201 txtp = in_ptr; /* Assume return ptr is good, for the moment */ 202 call hcs_$fs_get_path_name (txtp, dirn, j, segn, ec); 203 /* who is he */ 204 if ec = 0 then struc.segment = segn; 205 if frame_owner_sw 206 then if framep ^= null then do; /* Check stack frame. */ 207 call stack_frame_exit_ (framep, mcp, coptr, coflg, txtp, op_seg_name, addr (situation)); 208 if situation.bad_frame then return; 209 end; 210 call check_access (txtp, bc, ec); 211 if ec = 1 then go to glop; 212 if ec ^= 0 then go to nonobj; 213 214 if mcp ^= null then do; /* if no machine cond, stymied */ 215 call find_operator_name_ (op_seg_name, txtp, pl1_op_name); 216 if pl1_op_name ^= "" 217 then /* If we were in an operator, */ 218 struc.opname = "in operator " || pl1_op_name; 219 end; 220 221 call hcs_$fs_get_path_name (txtp, dirn, j, segn, ec); 222 /* who is he */ 223 struc.segment = segn; 224 call get_entry_name_ (txtp, ename, segno, lang, ec); 225 if ec ^= 0 226 then if framep ^= null then call get_entry_name_ (framep -> stack_frame.entry_ptr, ename, segno, lang, ec); 227 if ec = 0 then struc.entryn = "$" || ename; 228 struc.instruction_counter = fixed (rel (txtp)); 229 struc.text_ptr = txtp; 230 call ioa_$rsnnl ("^o", struc.offset, j, struc.instruction_counter); 231 oi.version_number = object_info_version_2; 232 call object_info_$display (ptr (txtp, 0), bc, addr (oi), ec); 233 if ec ^= 0 then go to nonobj; /* if not object seg, jump down */ 234 struc.compiler = oi.compiler; /* was object seg. get info on it */ 235 struc.std_flag = ^oi.format.old_format; 236 struc.symbolp = oi.symbp; /* save ptr to beg of symbol section */ 237 struc.sourcemap = oi.source_map; /* save source map if given */ 238 if oi.format.bound then do; /* is this a bound segment? */ 239 call component_info_$offset (ptr (txtp, 0), binary (rel (txtp)), addr (ci), ec); 240 if ec = 0 then do; /* bound segment. */ 241 struc.compiler = ci.compiler; /* we have better info now. */ 242 struc.std_flag = ci.standard; 243 struc.symbolp = ci.symb_start; 244 struc.sourcemap = ci.source_map; 245 call ioa_$rsnnl ("(^a|^a)", struc.comment, ec, segn, struc.offset); 246 struc.segment =; 247 struc.instruction_counter = binary (rel (txtp)) - binary (rel (ci.text_start)); 248 call ioa_$rsnnl ("^o", struc.offset, j, struc.instruction_counter); 249 end; 250 end; 251 goto xtarget; 252 253 /* If ptr is to combined linkage segment, see if we can get any info from the LOT. Or be v1 entry */ 254 255 nonobj: /* see if location is described by def */ 256 call find_nonobject_info_ (in_ptr, ctmp, segno, section, adjusted_offset, ec); 257 if section = "text" then do; /* text assumed if not in combined linkage segment */ 258 if ctmp = "" then go to xtarget; /* have no further name info */ 259 if segn = "" 260 then struc.entryn = ctmp; 261 else struc.entryn = "$" || ctmp; 262 struc.comment = "(external symbol in separate nonstandard text section)"; 263 go to done; 264 end; 265 266 /* in_ptr points to static or linkage */ 267 call hcs_$fs_get_path_name (baseptr (segno), dirn, i, segn, ec); 268 if ec ^= 0 then go to xtarget; 269 call ioa_$rsnnl ("(^a|^o for ^a)", struc.comment, i, section, adjusted_offset, segn); 270 call hcs_$status_mins (baseptr (segno), type, bc1, ec); 271 if ec = 0 then do; 272 call get_bound_seg_info_ (baseptr (segno), bc1, addr (oi), bmp, sblkp, ec); 273 if ec = 0 then do; 274 do j = 1 to n_components 275 while (adjusted_offset > fixed (component (j).stat_start) + fixed (component (j).stat_lng)); 276 end; 277 if j <= n_components then do; 278 namp = addrel (sblkp, component (j).name_ptr); 279 naml = fixed (component (j).name_lng); 280 call ioa_$rsnnl ("(internal static|^o for ^a)", struc.comment, i, 281 adjusted_offset - fixed (component (j).stat_start), based_name); 282 end; 283 end; 284 end; 285 if ctmp ^= "" then do; 286 struc.entryn = "$" || ctmp; 287 if section = "linkage" then struc.comment = "(entry sequence)"; 288 end; 289 290 /* If we cannot say anything else, tell what the pointer points at, if it's ascii. */ 291 292 xtarget: 293 if struc.comment = "" then do; 294 i = verify (bcs, LEGAL); /* Scan to see how much is ascii. */ 295 if i = 0 then i = 54; /* If all legal. */ 296 if i > 4 then struc.comment = "( -> """ || substr (bcs, 1, i - 1) || """)"; 297 end; 298 done: 299 return; 300 301 /* ------------------------------------------------------- */ 302 303 check_access: 304 proc (txtp, bc, code); 305 306 dcl txtp ptr, 307 bc fixed bin (24), 308 code fixed bin (35); 309 310 dcl ec fixed bin (35); 311 312 code = 0; 313 if binary (baseno (txtp)) > hcsct + highct then do; 314 /* dump out if segment invalid */ 315 code = 1; 316 return; 317 end; 318 call hcs_$status_mins (txtp, type, bc, ec); /* check for directory, get length in bits */ 319 if ec ^= 0 then go to ng; /* how can this happen? */ 320 if type ^= 1 then do; /* ignore directories */ 321 ng: 322 code = 4; 323 return; 324 end; 325 call cu_$level_get (lev); /* check ring brackets */ 326 call hcs_$fs_get_brackets (txtp, mode, rings, ec); 327 if ec ^= 0 then go to ng; /* if cannot status segment */ 328 if rings (2) < lev then do; /* outside read bracket? */ 329 code = 2; 330 return; 331 end; 332 if (bit (mode, 5) & "01000"b) ^= "01000"b then do;/* check for read access */ 333 struc.text_ptr = null; 334 code = 3; 335 return; 336 end; 337 if bc = 0 then code = 5; /* if bit count zero, is not object seg. */ 338 339 end check_access; 340 341 /* -------------------------------------------------------- */ 342 343 oop: 344 proc (mcp, cname, cop, infop, cont); 345 346 dcl (mcp, cop, infop) ptr, 347 cname char (*), 348 cont bit (1); 349 350 if cname = "cput" then go to xx; 351 if cname = "alrm" then go to xx; 352 if cname = "quit" then go to xx; 353 if cname = "finish" then go to xx; 354 if cname = "stack" then go to xx; 355 if cname = "mme2" then go to xx; 356 if cname = "program_interrupt" then do; 357 xx: 358 cont = "1"b; 359 return; 360 end; 361 362 if cname ^= "cleanup" then go to glop1; 363 364 end oop; 365 366 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ 367 1 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... condition_info.incl.pl1 */ 1 2 1 3 /* Structure for find_condition_info_. 1 4* 1 5* Written 1-Mar-79 by M. N. Davidoff. 1 6**/ 1 7 1 8 /* automatic */ 1 9 1 10 declare condition_info_ptr pointer; 1 11 1 12 /* based */ 1 13 1 14 declare 1 condition_info aligned based (condition_info_ptr), 1 15 2 mc_ptr pointer, /* pointer to machine conditions at fault time */ 1 16 2 version fixed binary, /* Must be 1 */ 1 17 2 condition_name char (32) varying, /* name of condition */ 1 18 2 info_ptr pointer, /* pointer to the condition data structure */ 1 19 2 wc_ptr pointer, /* pointer to wall crossing machine conditions */ 1 20 2 loc_ptr pointer, /* pointer to location where condition occured */ 1 21 2 flags unaligned, 1 22 3 crawlout bit (1), /* on if condition occured in lower ring */ 1 23 3 pad1 bit (35), 1 24 2 pad2 bit (36), 1 25 2 user_loc_ptr pointer, /* ptr to most recent nonsupport loc before condition occurred */ 1 26 2 pad3 (4) bit (36); 1 27 1 28 /* internal static */ 1 29 1 30 declare condition_info_version_1 1 31 fixed binary internal static options (constant) initial (1); 1 32 1 33 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... condition_info.incl.pl1 */ 368 2 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE interpret_link_info.incl.pl1 */ 2 2 2 3 /* Written 05/12/83 by S. Herbst */ 2 4 2 5 dcl 1 interpret_link_info aligned based (interpret_link_info_ptr), 2 6 2 version char (8), 2 7 2 segment_name char (32) aligned, 2 8 2 entry_point_name char (260) aligned, 2 9 2 expression char (8) aligned, 2 10 2 modifier char (4) aligned, 2 11 2 trap char (48) aligned; 2 12 2 13 dcl INTERPRET_LINK_INFO_VERSION_1 char (8) int static options (constant) init ("ILI 1.0"); 2 14 2 15 dcl interpret_link_info_ptr ptr; 2 16 2 17 /* END INCLUDE FILE interpret_link_info.incl.pl1 */ 369 3 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... interpret_ptr_struc.incl.pl1 */ 3 2 3 3 dcl 1 struc based (strp) aligned, /* This useful structure is in trace_stack pgms */ 3 4 2 comment char (64), /* name of boundseg, or thing pointed to, or .. */ 3 5 2 segment char (32), /* name of segment, or segment number with # */ 3 6 2 entryn char (33), /* entry name, preceded by $, or blank */ 3 7 2 offset char (6), /* offset in segment, or blank */ 3 8 2 opname char (32), /* may be pl1 operator name */ 3 9 2 ring char (1) unal, /* ring number of ptr */ 3 10 2 std_flag bit (1) unal, /* TRUE if std object. */ 3 11 2 xpad bit (26) unal, 3 12 2 bitoff char (4), /* bit offset */ 3 13 2 modifier char (8), /* ptr modifier, or special code like "noaccess" */ 3 14 2 symbolp ptr, /* ptr to symbol section */ 3 15 2 instruction_counter fixed bin, /* binary instruction counter */ 3 16 2 sourcemap fixed bin, /* source map offset in symbol section */ 3 17 2 compiler char (8), /* name of compiler */ 3 18 2 text_ptr ptr, /* ptr to segment text */ 3 19 2 stack_ptr ptr; /* ptr to stack frame */ 3 20 3 21 dcl 1 strbuf aligned like struc; /* If referenced, will make storage for struc */ 3 22 3 23 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... interpret_ptr_struc.incl.pl1 */ 370 4 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE SEGMENT ... component_info.incl.pl1 M. Weaver 4/26/72 */ 4 2 4 3 declare 1 ci aligned, 4 4 2 dcl_version fixed bin, /* version number of this structure */ 4 5 2 name char(32) aligned, /* objectname of component segment */ 4 6 2 text_start pointer, /* ptr to component's section of text */ 4 7 2 stat_start pointer, /* pointer to component's section of internal static */ 4 8 2 symb_start pointer, /* pointer to component's first symbol block */ 4 9 2 defblock_ptr pointer, /* ptr to component's definition block */ 4 10 2 text_lng fixed bin, /* length of text section */ 4 11 2 stat_lng fixed bin, /* length of internal static */ 4 12 2 symb_lng fixed bin, /* length of symbol section */ 4 13 2 n_blocks fixed bin, /* number of symbol blocks in component's symbol section */ 4 14 2 standard bit(1) aligned, /* indicates whether component is in standard (new) format */ 4 15 2 compiler char(8) aligned, /* name of component's compiler */ 4 16 2 compile_time fixed bin(71), /* time component was compiled */ 4 17 2 userid char(32) aligned, /* id of creator of component */ 4 18 2 cvers aligned, /* version of component's compiler in printable form */ 4 19 3 offset bit(18) unaligned, /* offset in words relative to symb_start */ 4 20 3 length bit(18) unaligned, /* length of name in characters */ 4 21 2 comment aligned, /* component's comment */ 4 22 3 offset bit(18) unaligned, /* offset in words relative to symb_start */ 4 23 3 length bit(18) unaligned, /* length of comment in characters */ 4 24 2 source_map fixed bin; /* offset, rel to beg of symbol block, of component's source map */ 4 25 4 26 /* END INCLUDE SEGMENT ... component_info.incl.pl1 */ 371 5 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE SEGMENT ... bind_map.incl.pl1 Michael J. Spier, 4/29/71 */ 5 2 /* last modified April, 1972 by M. Weaver */ 5 3 5 4 declare 1 bindmap aligned based(bmp), 5 5 5 6 2 dcl_version fixed bin, /* version number of this structure = 1 */ 5 7 2 n_components fixed bin, /* number of entries in this array */ 5 8 2 component(0 refer(bindmap.n_components)) aligned, 5 9 3 name, /* objectname of component object */ 5 10 4 name_ptr bit(18) unaligned, /* pointer to name string */ 5 11 4 name_lng bit(18) unaligned, /* length of name string */ 5 12 3 comp_name char(8) aligned, /* name of component's compiler */ 5 13 3 text_start bit(18) unaligned, /* text section relocation counter */ 5 14 3 text_lng bit(18) unaligned, /* length of text section */ 5 15 3 stat_start bit(18) unaligned, /* internal static relocation counter */ 5 16 3 stat_lng bit(18) unaligned, /* length of internal static */ 5 17 3 symb_start bit(18) unaligned, /* symbol section relocation counter */ 5 18 3 symb_lng bit(18) unaligned, /* length of symbol section */ 5 19 3 defblock_ptr bit(18) unaligned, /* pointer to components definition block */ 5 20 3 n_blocks bit(18) unaligned, /* number of symbol blocks the component has */ 5 21 2 bf_name aligned, /* name of bindfile */ 5 22 3 bf_name_ptr bit(18) unaligned, /* pointer to name string */ 5 23 3 bf_name_lng bit(18) unaligned, /* length of name string */ 5 24 2 bf_date_up char(24), /* date updated in archive */ 5 25 2 bf_date_mod char(24); /* date last modified */ 5 26 5 27 /* END INCLUDE SEGMENT ... bind_map.incl.pl1 */ 372 6 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... object_info.incl.pl1 6 2*coded February 8, 1972 by Michael J. Spier */ 6 3 /* modified May 26, 1972 by M. Weaver */ 6 4 /* modified 15 April, 1975 by M. Weaver */ 6 5 6 6 declare 1 object_info aligned based, /* structure containing object info based, returned by object_info_ */ 6 7 2 version_number fixed bin, /* version number of current structure format (=2) */ 6 8 2 textp pointer, /* pointer to beginning of text section */ 6 9 2 defp pointer, /* pointer to beginning of definition section */ 6 10 2 linkp pointer, /* pointer to beginning of linkage section */ 6 11 2 statp pointer, /* pointer to beginning of static section */ 6 12 2 symbp pointer, /* pointer to beginning of symbol section */ 6 13 2 bmapp pointer, /* pointer to beginning of break map (may be null) */ 6 14 2 tlng fixed bin, /* length in words of text section */ 6 15 2 dlng fixed bin, /* length in words of definition section */ 6 16 2 llng fixed bin, /* length in words of linkage section */ 6 17 2 ilng fixed bin, /* length in words of static section */ 6 18 2 slng fixed bin, /* length in words of symbol section */ 6 19 2 blng fixed bin, /* length in words of break map */ 6 20 2 format, /* word containing bit flags about object type */ 6 21 3 old_format bit(1) unaligned, /* on if segment isn't in new format, i.e. has old style object map */ 6 22 3 bound bit(1) unaligned, /* on if segment is bound */ 6 23 3 relocatable bit(1) unaligned, /* on if seg has relocation info in its first symbol block */ 6 24 3 procedure bit(1) unaligned, /* on if segment is an executable object program */ 6 25 3 standard bit(1) unaligned, /* on if seg is in standard format (more than just standard map) */ 6 26 3 gate bit(1) unaligned, /* on if segment is a gate */ 6 27 3 separate_static bit(1) unaligned, /* on if static not in linkage */ 6 28 3 links_in_text bit(1) unaligned, /* on if there are threaded links in text */ 6 29 3 perprocess_static bit (1) unaligned, /* on if static is not to be per run unit */ 6 30 3 pad bit(27) unaligned, 6 31 2 entry_bound fixed bin, /* entry bound if segment is a gate */ 6 32 2 textlinkp pointer, /* ptr to first link in text */ 6 33 6 34 /* LIMIT OF BRIEF STRUCTURE */ 6 35 6 36 2 compiler char(8) aligned, /* name of processor which generated segment */ 6 37 2 compile_time fixed bin(71), /* clock reading of date/time object was generated */ 6 38 2 userid char(32) aligned, /* standard Multics id of creator of object segment */ 6 39 2 cvers aligned, /* generator version name in printable char string form */ 6 40 3 offset bit(18) unaligned, /* offset of name in words relative to base of symbol section */ 6 41 3 length bit(18) unaligned, /* length of name in characters */ 6 42 2 comment aligned, /* printable comment concerning generator or generation of segment */ 6 43 3 offset bit(18) unaligned, /* offset of comment in words relative to base of symbol section */ 6 44 3 length bit(18) unaligned, /* length of comment in characters */ 6 45 2 source_map fixed bin, /* offset, relative to base of symbol section, of source map structure */ 6 46 6 47 /* LIMIT OF DISPLAY STRUCTURE */ 6 48 6 49 2 rel_text pointer, /* pointer to text section relocation info */ 6 50 2 rel_def pointer, /* pointer to definition section relocation info */ 6 51 2 rel_link pointer, /* pointer to linkage section relocation info */ 6 52 2 rel_static pointer, /* pointer to static section relocation info */ 6 53 2 rel_symbol pointer, /* pointer to symbol section relocation info */ 6 54 2 text_boundary fixed bin, /* specifies mod of text section base boundary */ 6 55 2 static_boundary fixed bin, /* specifies mod of internal static base boundary */ 6 56 /* currently not used by system */ 6 57 2 default_truncate fixed bin, /* offset rel to symbp for binder to automatically trunc. symb sect. */ 6 58 2 optional_truncate fixed bin; /* offset rel to symbp for binder to optionally trunc. symb sect. */ 6 59 6 60 declare object_info_version_2 fixed bin int static init(2); 6 61 6 62 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... object_info.incl.pl1 */ 373 7 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... stack_frame.incl.pl1 ... */ 7 2 7 3 /* format: off */ 7 4 7 5 /* Modified: 16 Dec 1977, D. Levin - to add fio_ps_ptr and pl1_ps_ptr */ 7 6 /* Modified: 3 Feb 1978, P. Krupp - to add run_unit_manager bit & main_proc bit */ 7 7 /* Modified: 21 March 1978, D. Levin - change fio_ps_ptr to support_ptr */ 7 8 /* Modified: 03/01/84, S. Herbst - Added RETURN_PTR_MASK */ 7 9 7 10 7 11 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 7 12* 1) change(86-09-15,Kissel), approve(86-09-15,MCR7473), 7 13* audit(86-10-01,Fawcett), install(86-11-03,MR12.0-1206): 7 14* Modified to add constants for the translator_id field in the stack_frame 7 15* structure. 7 16* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 7 17 7 18 7 19 dcl RETURN_PTR_MASK bit (72) int static options (constant) /* mask to be AND'd with stack_frame.return_ptr */ 7 20 init ("777777777777777777000000"b3); /* when copying, to ignore bits that a call fills */ 7 21 /* with indicators (nonzero for Fortran hexfp caller) */ 7 22 /* say: unspec(ptr) = unspec(stack_frame.return_ptr) & RETURN_PTR_MASK; */ 7 23 7 24 dcl TRANSLATOR_ID_PL1V2 bit (18) internal static options (constant) init ("000000"b3); 7 25 dcl TRANSLATOR_ID_ALM bit (18) internal static options (constant) init ("000001"b3); 7 26 dcl TRANSLATOR_ID_PL1V1 bit (18) internal static options (constant) init ("000002"b3); 7 27 dcl TRANSLATOR_ID_SIGNAL_CALLER bit (18) internal static options (constant) init ("000003"b3); 7 28 dcl TRANSLATOR_ID_SIGNALLER bit (18) internal static options (constant) init ("000004"b3); 7 29 7 30 7 31 dcl sp pointer; /* pointer to beginning of stack frame */ 7 32 7 33 dcl stack_frame_min_length fixed bin static init(48); 7 34 7 35 7 36 dcl 1 stack_frame based(sp) aligned, 7 37 2 pointer_registers(0 : 7) ptr, 7 38 2 prev_sp pointer, 7 39 2 next_sp pointer, 7 40 2 return_ptr pointer, 7 41 2 entry_ptr pointer, 7 42 2 operator_and_lp_ptr ptr, /* serves as both */ 7 43 2 arg_ptr pointer, 7 44 2 static_ptr ptr unaligned, 7 45 2 support_ptr ptr unal, /* only used by fortran I/O */ 7 46 2 on_unit_relp1 bit(18) unaligned, 7 47 2 on_unit_relp2 bit(18) unaligned, 7 48 2 translator_id bit(18) unaligned, /* Translator ID (see constants above) 7 49* 0 => PL/I version II 7 50* 1 => ALM 7 51* 2 => PL/I version I 7 52* 3 => signal caller frame 7 53* 4 => signaller frame */ 7 54 2 operator_return_offset bit(18) unaligned, 7 55 2 x(0: 7) bit(18) unaligned, /* index registers */ 7 56 2 a bit(36), /* accumulator */ 7 57 2 q bit(36), /* q-register */ 7 58 2 e bit(36), /* exponent */ 7 59 2 timer bit(27) unaligned, /* timer */ 7 60 2 pad bit(6) unaligned, 7 61 2 ring_alarm_reg bit(3) unaligned; 7 62 7 63 7 64 dcl 1 stack_frame_flags based(sp) aligned, 7 65 2 pad(0 : 7) bit(72), /* skip over prs */ 7 66 2 xx0 bit(22) unal, 7 67 2 main_proc bit(1) unal, /* on if frame belongs to a main procedure */ 7 68 2 run_unit_manager bit(1) unal, /* on if frame belongs to run unit manager */ 7 69 2 signal bit(1) unal, /* on if frame belongs to logical signal_ */ 7 70 2 crawl_out bit(1) unal, /* on if this is a signal caller frame */ 7 71 2 signaller bit(1) unal, /* on if next frame is signaller's */ 7 72 2 link_trap bit(1) unal, /* on if this frame was made by the linker */ 7 73 2 support bit(1) unal, /* on if frame belongs to a support proc */ 7 74 2 condition bit(1) unal, /* on if condition established in this frame */ 7 75 2 xx0a bit(6) unal, 7 76 2 xx1 fixed bin, 7 77 2 xx2 fixed bin, 7 78 2 xx3 bit(25) unal, 7 79 2 old_crawl_out bit (1) unal, /* on if this is a signal caller frame */ 7 80 2 old_signaller bit(1) unal, /* on if next frame is signaller's */ 7 81 2 xx3a bit(9) unaligned, 7 82 2 xx4(9) bit(72) aligned, 7 83 2 v2_pl1_op_ret_base ptr, /* When a V2 PL/I program calls an operator the 7 84* * operator puts a pointer to the base of 7 85* * the calling procedure here. (text base ptr) */ 7 86 2 xx5 bit(72) aligned, 7 87 2 pl1_ps_ptr ptr; /* ptr to ps for this frame; also used by fio. */ 7 88 7 89 /* format: on */ 7 90 7 91 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... stack_frame.incl.pl1 */ 374 8 1 /* */ 8 2 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE mc.incl.pl1 Created Dec 72 for 6180 - WSS. */ 8 3 /* Modified 06/07/76 by Greenberg for mc.resignal */ 8 4 /* Modified 07/07/76 by Morris for fault register data */ 8 5 /* Modified 08/28/80 by J. A. Bush for the DPS8/70M CVPU */ 8 6 /* Modified '82 to make values constant */ 8 7 8 8 /* words 0-15 pointer registers */ 8 9 8 10 dcl mcp ptr; 8 11 8 12 dcl 1 mc based (mcp) aligned, 8 13 2 prs (0:7) ptr, /* POINTER REGISTERS */ 8 14 (2 regs, /* registers */ 8 15 3 x (0:7) bit (18), /* index registers */ 8 16 3 a bit (36), /* accumulator */ 8 17 3 q bit (36), /* q-register */ 8 18 3 e bit (8), /* exponent */ 8 19 3 pad1 bit (28), 8 20 3 t bit (27), /* timer register */ 8 21 3 pad2 bit (6), 8 22 3 ralr bit (3), /* ring alarm register */ 8 23 8 24 2 scu (0:7) bit (36), 8 25 8 26 2 mask bit (72), /* mem controller mask at time of fault */ 8 27 2 ips_temp bit (36), /* Temporary storage for IPS info */ 8 28 2 errcode fixed bin (35), /* fault handler's error code */ 8 29 2 fim_temp, 8 30 3 unique_index bit (18) unal, /* unique index for restarting faults */ 8 31 3 resignal bit (1) unal, /* recompute signal name with fcode below */ 8 32 3 fcode bit (17) unal, /* fault code used as index to FIM table and SCT */ 8 33 2 fault_reg bit (36), /* fault register */ 8 34 2 pad2 bit (1), 8 35 2 cpu_type fixed bin (2) unsigned, /* L68 = 0, DPS8/70M = 1 */ 8 36 2 ext_fault_reg bit (15), /* extended fault reg for DPS8/70M CPU */ 8 37 2 fault_time bit (54), /* time of fault */ 8 38 8 39 2 eis_info (0:7) bit (36)) unaligned; 8 40 8 41 8 42 dcl (apx fixed bin init (0), 8 43 abx fixed bin init (1), 8 44 bpx fixed bin init (2), 8 45 bbx fixed bin init (3), 8 46 lpx fixed bin init (4), 8 47 lbx fixed bin init (5), 8 48 spx fixed bin init (6), 8 49 sbx fixed bin init (7)) internal static options (constant); 8 50 8 51 8 52 8 53 8 54 dcl scup ptr; 8 55 8 56 dcl 1 scu based (scup) aligned, /* SCU DATA */ 8 57 8 58 8 59 /* WORD (0) */ 8 60 8 61 (2 ppr, /* PROCEDURE POINTER REGISTER */ 8 62 3 prr bit (3), /* procedure ring register */ 8 63 3 psr bit (15), /* procedure segment register */ 8 64 3 p bit (1), /* procedure privileged bit */ 8 65 8 66 2 apu, /* APPENDING UNIT STATUS */ 8 67 3 xsf bit (1), /* ext seg flag - IT modification */ 8 68 3 sdwm bit (1), /* match in SDW Ass. Mem. */ 8 69 3 sd_on bit (1), /* SDW Ass. Mem. ON */ 8 70 3 ptwm bit (1), /* match in PTW Ass. Mem. */ 8 71 3 pt_on bit (1), /* PTW Ass. Mem. ON */ 8 72 3 pi_ap bit (1), /* Instr Fetch or Append cycle */ 8 73 3 dsptw bit (1), /* Fetch of DSPTW */ 8 74 3 sdwnp bit (1), /* Fetch of SDW non paged */ 8 75 3 sdwp bit (1), /* Fetch of SDW paged */ 8 76 3 ptw bit (1), /* Fetch of PTW */ 8 77 3 ptw2 bit (1), /* Fetch of pre-paged PTW */ 8 78 3 fap bit (1), /* Fetch of final address paged */ 8 79 3 fanp bit (1), /* Fetch of final address non-paged */ 8 80 3 fabs bit (1), /* Fetch of final address absolute */ 8 81 8 82 2 fault_cntr bit (3), /* number of retrys of EIS instructions */ 8 83 8 84 8 85 /* WORD (1) */ 8 86 8 87 2 fd, /* FAULT DATA */ 8 88 3 iro bit (1), /* illegal ring order */ 8 89 3 oeb bit (1), /* out of execute bracket */ 8 90 3 e_off bit (1), /* no execute */ 8 91 3 orb bit (1), /* out of read bracket */ 8 92 3 r_off bit (1), /* no read */ 8 93 3 owb bit (1), /* out of write bracket */ 8 94 3 w_off bit (1), /* no write */ 8 95 3 no_ga bit (1), /* not a gate */ 8 96 3 ocb bit (1), /* out of call bracket */ 8 97 3 ocall bit (1), /* outward call */ 8 98 3 boc bit (1), /* bad outward call */ 8 99 3 inret bit (1), /* inward return */ 8 100 3 crt bit (1), /* cross ring transfer */ 8 101 3 ralr bit (1), /* ring alarm register */ 8 102 3 am_er bit (1), /* associative memory fault */ 8 103 3 oosb bit (1), /* out of segment bounds */ 8 104 3 paru bit (1), /* processor parity upper */ 8 105 3 parl bit (1), /* processor parity lower */ 8 106 3 onc_1 bit (1), /* op not complete type 1 */ 8 107 3 onc_2 bit (1), /* op not complete type 2 */ 8 108 8 109 2 port_stat, /* PORT STATUS */ 8 110 3 ial bit (4), /* illegal action lines */ 8 111 3 iac bit (3), /* illegal action channel */ 8 112 3 con_chan bit (3), /* connect channel */ 8 113 8 114 2 fi_num bit (5), /* (fault/interrupt) number */ 8 115 2 fi_flag bit (1), /* 1 => fault, 0 => interrupt */ 8 116 8 117 8 118 /* WORD (2) */ 8 119 8 120 2 tpr, /* TEMPORARY POINTER REGISTER */ 8 121 3 trr bit (3), /* temporary ring register */ 8 122 3 tsr bit (15), /* temporary segment register */ 8 123 8 124 2 pad2 bit (9), 8 125 8 126 2 cpu_no bit (3), /* CPU number */ 8 127 8 128 2 delta bit (6), /* tally modification DELTA */ 8 129 8 130 8 131 /* WORD (3) */ 8 132 8 133 2 word3 bit (18), 8 134 8 135 2 tsr_stat, /* TSR STATUS for 1,2,&3 word instructions */ 8 136 3 tsna, /* Word 1 status */ 8 137 4 prn bit (3), /* Word 1 PR number */ 8 138 4 prv bit (1), /* Word 1 PR valid bit */ 8 139 3 tsnb, /* Word 2 status */ 8 140 4 prn bit (3), /* Word 2 PR number */ 8 141 4 prv bit (1), /* Word 2 PR valid bit */ 8 142 3 tsnc, /* Word 3 status */ 8 143 4 prn bit (3), /* Word 3 PR number */ 8 144 4 prv bit (1), /* Word 3 PR valid bit */ 8 145 8 146 2 tpr_tbr bit (6), /* TPR.TBR field */ 8 147 8 148 8 149 /* WORD (4) */ 8 150 8 151 2 ilc bit (18), /* INSTRUCTION COUNTER */ 8 152 8 153 2 ir, /* INDICATOR REGISTERS */ 8 154 3 zero bit (1), /* zero indicator */ 8 155 3 neg bit (1), /* negative indicator */ 8 156 3 carry bit (1), /* carryry indicator */ 8 157 3 ovfl bit (1), /* overflow indicator */ 8 158 3 eovf bit (1), /* eponent overflow */ 8 159 3 eufl bit (1), /* exponent underflow */ 8 160 3 oflm bit (1), /* overflow mask */ 8 161 3 tro bit (1), /* tally runout */ 8 162 3 par bit (1), /* parity error */ 8 163 3 parm bit (1), /* parity mask */ 8 164 3 bm bit (1), /* ^bar mode */ 8 165 3 tru bit (1), /* truncation mode */ 8 166 3 mif bit (1), /* multi-word instruction mode */ 8 167 3 abs bit (1), /* absolute mode */ 8 168 3 hex bit (1), /* hexadecimal exponent mode */ 8 169 3 pad bit (3), 8 170 8 171 8 172 /* WORD (5) */ 8 173 8 174 2 ca bit (18), /* COMPUTED ADDRESS */ 8 175 8 176 2 cu, /* CONTROL UNIT STATUS */ 8 177 3 rf bit (1), /* on first cycle of repeat instr */ 8 178 3 rpt bit (1), /* repeat instruction */ 8 179 3 rd bit (1), /* repeat double instruction */ 8 180 3 rl bit (1), /* repeat link instruciton */ 8 181 3 pot bit (1), /* IT modification */ 8 182 3 pon bit (1), /* return type instruction */ 8 183 3 xde bit (1), /* XDE from Even location */ 8 184 3 xdo bit (1), /* XDE from Odd location */ 8 185 3 poa bit (1), /* operation preparation */ 8 186 3 rfi bit (1), /* tells CPU to refetch instruction */ 8 187 3 its bit (1), /* ITS modification */ 8 188 3 if bit (1), /* fault occured during instruction fetch */ 8 189 8 190 2 cpu_tag bit (6)) unaligned, /* computed tag field */ 8 191 8 192 8 193 /* WORDS (6,7) */ 8 194 8 195 2 even_inst bit (36), /* even instruction of faulting pair */ 8 196 8 197 2 odd_inst bit (36); /* odd instruction of faulting pair */ 8 198 8 199 8 200 8 201 8 202 8 203 8 204 /* ALTERNATE SCU DECLARATION */ 8 205 8 206 8 207 dcl 1 scux based (scup) aligned, 8 208 8 209 (2 pad0 bit (36), 8 210 8 211 2 fd, /* GROUP II FAULT DATA */ 8 212 3 isn bit (1), /* illegal segment number */ 8 213 3 ioc bit (1), /* illegal op code */ 8 214 3 ia_am bit (1), /* illegal address - modifier */ 8 215 3 isp bit (1), /* illegal slave procedure */ 8 216 3 ipr bit (1), /* illegal procedure */ 8 217 3 nea bit (1), /* non existent address */ 8 218 3 oobb bit (1), /* out of bounds */ 8 219 3 pad bit (29), 8 220 8 221 2 pad2 bit (36), 8 222 8 223 2 pad3a bit (18), 8 224 8 225 2 tsr_stat (0:2), /* TSR STATUS as an ARRAY */ 8 226 3 prn bit (3), /* PR number */ 8 227 3 prv bit (1), /* PR valid bit */ 8 228 8 229 2 pad3b bit (6)) unaligned, 8 230 8 231 2 pad45 (0:1) bit (36), 8 232 8 233 2 instr (0:1) bit (36); /* Instruction ARRAY */ 8 234 8 235 8 236 8 237 /* END INCLUDE FILE mc.incl.pl1 */ 375 376 377 end interpret_ptr_; SOURCE FILES USED IN THIS COMPILATION. LINE NUMBER DATE MODIFIED NAME PATHNAME 0 11/04/86 1041.7 interpret_ptr_.pl1 >special_ldd>install>MR12.0-1206>interpret_ptr_.pl1 368 1 06/28/79 1204.8 condition_info.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>condition_info.incl.pl1 369 2 06/06/83 0917.4 interpret_link_info.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>interpret_link_info.incl.pl1 370 3 06/11/74 0602.3 interpret_ptr_struc.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>interpret_ptr_struc.incl.pl1 371 4 05/06/74 1741.0 component_info.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>component_info.incl.pl1 372 5 09/18/74 1700.9 bind_map.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>bind_map.incl.pl1 373 6 08/05/77 1022.5 object_info.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>object_info.incl.pl1 374 7 11/03/86 1114.7 stack_frame.incl.pl1 >special_ldd>install>MR12.0-1206>stack_frame.incl.pl1 375 8 12/15/83 1100.4 mc.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>mc.incl.pl1 NAMES DECLARED IN THIS COMPILATION. IDENTIFIER OFFSET LOC STORAGE CLASS DATA TYPE ATTRIBUTES AND REFERENCES (* indicates a set context) NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT. INTERPRET_LINK_INFO_VERSION_1 000000 constant char(8) initial unaligned dcl 2-13 ref 168 LEGAL 000002 constant char(96) initial unaligned dcl 108 ref 294 a_framep parameter pointer dcl 26 ref 10 118 125 a_ptr parameter pointer dcl 26 set ref 10 118 123 addr builtin function dcl 111 ref 123 123 132 132 138 160 170 170 207 207 232 232 239 239 272 272 addrel builtin function dcl 111 ref 278 adjusted_offset 000520 automatic fixed bin(18,0) dcl 56 set ref 255* 269* 274 280 auto_interpret_link_info 000221 automatic structure level 1 dcl 54 set ref 170 170 bad_frame 000220 automatic bit(1) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 44 set ref 208 based_name based char unaligned dcl 56 set ref 280* baseno builtin function dcl 111 ref 154 187 313 baseptr builtin function dcl 111 ref 267 267 270 270 272 272 bc 000402 automatic fixed bin(24,0) dcl 56 in procedure "interpret_ptr_" set ref 193* 210* 232* bc parameter fixed bin(24,0) dcl 306 in procedure "check_access" set ref 303 318* 337 bc1 000403 automatic fixed bin(24,0) dcl 56 set ref 270* 272* bcs based char(54) unaligned dcl 30 ref 294 296 binary builtin function dcl 111 ref 187 239 239 247 247 313 bindmap based structure level 1 dcl 5-4 bit builtin function dcl 111 ref 332 bit_72 based bit(72) unaligned dcl 31 set ref 123* 123 bmp 000404 automatic pointer dcl 56 set ref 272* 274 274 274 277 278 279 280 bound 24(01) 000132 automatic bit(1) level 3 packed unaligned dcl 42 set ref 238 ci 000560 automatic structure level 1 dcl 4-3 set ref 239 239 cname parameter char unaligned dcl 346 ref 343 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 362 code parameter fixed bin(35,0) dcl 306 set ref 303 312* 315* 321* 329* 334* 337* coflg 000362 automatic bit(1) initial unaligned dcl 56 set ref 56* 137* 207* comment based char(64) level 2 dcl 3-3 set ref 141* 245* 262* 269* 280* 287* 292 296* compiler 27 000560 automatic char(8) level 2 in structure "ci" dcl 4-3 in procedure "interpret_ptr_" set ref 241 compiler 30 000132 automatic char(8) level 2 in structure "oi" dcl 42 in procedure "interpret_ptr_" set ref 234 compiler 64 based char(8) level 2 in structure "struc" dcl 3-3 in procedure "interpret_ptr_" set ref 143* 234* 241* component 2 based structure array level 2 dcl 5-4 component_info_$offset 000046 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 239 condinfo 000100 automatic structure level 1 dcl 41 set ref 132 132 condition_ 000010 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 124 condition_info based structure level 1 dcl 1-14 cont parameter bit(1) unaligned dcl 346 set ref 343 357* cop parameter pointer dcl 346 ref 343 coptr 000360 automatic pointer initial dcl 56 set ref 56* 136* 207* crawlout 22 000100 automatic bit(1) level 3 packed unaligned dcl 41 set ref 137 ctmp 000537 automatic char(65) unaligned dcl 56 set ref 255* 258 259 261 285 286 cu_$level_get 000026 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 325 dirn 000415 automatic char(168) dcl 56 set ref 188* 202* 221* 267* ec 000536 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 56 in procedure "interpret_ptr_" set ref 132* 133 170* 172 188* 190 193* 194 195 202* 204 210* 211 212 221* 224* 225 225* 227 232* 233 239* 240 245* 255* 267* 268 270* 271 272* 273 ec 000644 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 310 in procedure "check_access" set ref 318* 319 326* 327 ename 000467 automatic char(32) dcl 56 set ref 152* 224* 225* 227 entry_point_name 12 000221 automatic char(260) level 2 dcl 54 set ref 173 entry_ptr 26 based pointer level 2 dcl 7-36 set ref 225* entryn 30 based char(33) level 2 dcl 3-3 set ref 141* 173* 227* 259* 261* 286* expression 113 000221 automatic char(8) level 2 dcl 54 set ref 175 find_condition_info_ 000016 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 132 find_nonobject_info_ 000020 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 255 find_operator_name_ 000024 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 215 fixed builtin function dcl 111 ref 142 154 186 228 274 274 279 280 flags 22 000100 automatic structure level 2 packed unaligned dcl 41 format 24 000132 automatic structure level 2 dcl 42 frame_owner_sw 000356 automatic bit(1) initial dcl 56 set ref 56* 115* 127 205 framep 000366 automatic pointer dcl 56 set ref 125* 127 127* 132* 149 205 207* 225 225 get_bound_seg_info_ 000044 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 272 get_entry_name_ 000012 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 224 225 hcs_$fs_get_brackets 000030 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 326 hcs_$fs_get_path_name 000036 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 202 221 267 hcs_$high_low_seg_count 000032 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 151 hcs_$status_mins 000040 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 270 318 hcsct 000370 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 56 set ref 151* 187 313 highct 000371 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 56 set ref 151* 313 i 000413 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 56 set ref 153* 155* 267* 269* 280* 294* 295 295* 296 296 in_ptr 000364 automatic pointer dcl 56 set ref 123 135* 142 148 154 160 170* 187 188* 193* 201 255* 294 296 infop parameter pointer dcl 346 ref 343 instruction_counter 62 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 3-3 set ref 142* 153* 228* 230* 247* 248* interpret_link_ 000050 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 170 interpret_link_info based structure level 1 dcl 2-5 ioa_$rsnnl 000052 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 153 155 230 245 248 269 280 is_condition_frame_ 000014 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 127 its 0(30) based bit(6) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 33 ref 166 184 j 000414 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 56 set ref 154* 155* 202* 221* 230* 248* 274* 274 274* 277 278 279 280 lang 000524 automatic char(8) dcl 56 set ref 224* 225* lev 000377 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 56 set ref 325* 328 mc based structure level 1 dcl 8-12 mc_ptr 000100 automatic pointer level 2 dcl 41 set ref 134 mcp parameter pointer dcl 346 in procedure "oop" ref 343 mcp 000630 automatic pointer dcl 8-10 in procedure "interpret_ptr_" set ref 126* 134* 138 207* 214 mode 000400 automatic fixed bin(5,0) dcl 56 set ref 326* 332 modifier 115 000221 automatic char(4) level 2 in structure "auto_interpret_link_info" dcl 54 in procedure "interpret_ptr_" set ref 176 modifier 55 based char(8) level 2 in structure "struc" dcl 3-3 in procedure "interpret_ptr_" set ref 141* 176* n_components 1 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 5-4 ref 274 277 name 1 000560 automatic char(32) level 2 in structure "ci" dcl 4-3 in procedure "interpret_ptr_" set ref 246 name 2 based structure array level 3 in structure "bindmap" dcl 5-4 in procedure "interpret_ptr_" name_lng 2(18) based bit(18) array level 4 packed unaligned dcl 5-4 ref 279 name_ptr 2 based bit(18) array level 4 packed unaligned dcl 5-4 ref 278 naml 000412 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 56 set ref 279* 280 280 namp 000410 automatic pointer dcl 56 set ref 278* 280 null builtin function dcl 111 ref 56 121 126 127 147 179 205 214 225 333 object_info based structure level 1 dcl 6-6 object_info_$display 000042 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 232 object_info_version_2 constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-60 ref 231 offset 41 based char(6) level 2 dcl 3-3 set ref 141* 153* 175* 230* 245* 248* oi 000132 automatic structure level 1 dcl 42 set ref 232 232 272 272 old_format 24 000132 automatic bit(1) level 3 packed unaligned dcl 42 set ref 235 op_seg_name 000526 automatic char(32) dcl 56 set ref 207* 215* opname 43 based char(32) level 2 dcl 3-3 set ref 141* 216* pl1_op_name 000477 automatic char(32) dcl 56 set ref 215* 216 216 ptr builtin function dcl 111 ref 232 232 239 239 ptrb based structure level 1 dcl 33 rel builtin function dcl 111 ref 142 228 239 239 247 247 ring 53 based char(1) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 3-3 set ref 144* 186* 192* ring0_get_$name 000034 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 188 rings 000374 automatic fixed bin(6,0) array dcl 56 set ref 326* 328 rn 0(18) based bit(3) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 33 ref 186 sblkp 000406 automatic pointer dcl 56 set ref 272* 278 scu 30 based bit(36) array level 2 packed unaligned dcl 8-12 set ref 138 scup 000632 automatic pointer dcl 8-54 set ref 126* 138* section 000522 automatic char(8) dcl 56 set ref 255* 257 269* 287 segment 20 based char(32) level 2 dcl 3-3 set ref 141* 156* 162* 174* 178* 191* 204* 223* 246* segment_name 2 000221 automatic char(32) level 2 dcl 54 set ref 174 segn 000507 automatic char(32) dcl 56 set ref 155* 156 188* 191 202* 204 221* 223 245* 259 267* 269* segno 000517 automatic fixed bin(18,0) dcl 56 set ref 224* 225* 255* 267 267 270 270 272 272 situation 000220 automatic structure level 1 dcl 44 set ref 207 207 sn 0(03) based bit(15) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 33 ref 161 source_map 46 000132 automatic fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "oi" dcl 42 in procedure "interpret_ptr_" set ref 237 source_map 46 000560 automatic fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "ci" dcl 4-3 in procedure "interpret_ptr_" set ref 244 sourcemap 63 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 3-3 set ref 150* 237* 244* stack_frame based structure level 1 dcl 7-36 stack_frame_exit_ 000022 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 207 stack_ptr 70 based pointer level 2 dcl 3-3 set ref 149* standard 26 000560 automatic bit(1) level 2 dcl 4-3 set ref 242 stat_lng 6(18) based bit(18) array level 3 packed unaligned dcl 5-4 ref 274 stat_start 6 based bit(18) array level 3 packed unaligned dcl 5-4 ref 274 280 std_flag 53(09) based bit(1) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 3-3 set ref 145* 235* 242* strp parameter pointer dcl 26 ref 10 118 121 141 141 141 141 141 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 153 153 156 162 173 174 175 176 178 179 186 191 192 204 216 223 227 228 229 230 230 234 235 236 237 241 242 243 244 245 245 246 247 248 248 259 261 262 269 280 286 287 292 296 333 struc based structure level 1 dcl 3-3 substr builtin function dcl 111 ref 186 296 symb_start 16 000560 automatic pointer level 2 dcl 4-3 set ref 243 symbolp 60 based pointer level 2 dcl 3-3 set ref 147* 236* 243* symbp 12 000132 automatic pointer level 2 dcl 42 set ref 236 text_ptr 66 based pointer level 2 dcl 3-3 set ref 148* 179* 229* 333* text_start 12 000560 automatic pointer level 2 dcl 4-3 set ref 247 txtp parameter pointer dcl 306 in procedure "check_access" set ref 303 313 318* 326* txtp 000372 automatic pointer dcl 56 in procedure "interpret_ptr_" set ref 201* 202* 207* 210* 215* 221* 224* 228 229 232 232 239 239 239 239 247 type 000401 automatic fixed bin(2,0) dcl 56 set ref 270* 318* 320 user_loc_ptr 24 000100 automatic pointer level 2 dcl 41 set ref 135 verify builtin function dcl 111 ref 294 version 000221 automatic char(8) level 2 dcl 54 set ref 168* version_number 000132 automatic fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 42 set ref 231* wc_ptr 16 000100 automatic pointer level 2 dcl 41 set ref 136 xp 000354 automatic pointer dcl 56 set ref 160* 161 166 184 186 xpad 53(10) based bit(26) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 3-3 set ref 146* NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT AND NEVER REFERENCED. RETURN_PTR_MASK internal static bit(72) initial unaligned dcl 7-19 TRANSLATOR_ID_ALM internal static bit(18) initial unaligned dcl 7-25 TRANSLATOR_ID_PL1V1 internal static bit(18) initial unaligned dcl 7-26 TRANSLATOR_ID_PL1V2 internal static bit(18) initial unaligned dcl 7-24 TRANSLATOR_ID_SIGNALLER internal static bit(18) initial unaligned dcl 7-28 TRANSLATOR_ID_SIGNAL_CALLER internal static bit(18) initial unaligned dcl 7-27 abx internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 8-42 apx internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 8-42 bbx internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 8-42 bpx internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 8-42 condition_info_ptr automatic pointer dcl 1-10 condition_info_version_1 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 1-30 interpret_link_info_ptr automatic pointer dcl 2-15 lbx internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 8-42 lpx internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 8-42 sbx internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 8-42 scu based structure level 1 dcl 8-56 scux based structure level 1 dcl 8-207 sp automatic pointer dcl 7-31 spx internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 8-42 stack_frame_flags based structure level 1 dcl 7-64 stack_frame_min_length internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 7-33 strbuf automatic structure level 1 dcl 3-21 NAMES DECLARED BY EXPLICIT CONTEXT. check_access 002246 constant entry internal dcl 303 ref 193 210 done 002245 constant label dcl 298 ref 263 frame_owner 000225 constant entry external dcl 118 glop 000633 constant label dcl 179 ref 184 195 211 glop1 000640 constant label dcl 181 ref 362 interpret_ptr_ 000213 constant entry external dcl 10 ng 002313 constant label dcl 321 ref 319 327 nonobj 001533 constant label dcl 255 ref 194 212 233 oop 002414 constant entry internal dcl 343 ref 124 124 start 000233 constant label dcl 121 ref 116 xtarget 002167 constant label dcl 292 ref 251 258 268 xx 002465 constant label dcl 357 ref 350 351 352 353 354 355 THERE WERE NO NAMES DECLARED BY CONTEXT OR IMPLICATION. STORAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS PROGRAM. Object Text Link Symbol Defs Static Start 0 0 3202 3256 2725 3212 Length 3646 2725 54 354 254 0 BLOCK NAME STACK SIZE TYPE WHY NONQUICK/WHO SHARES STACK FRAME interpret_ptr_ 542 external procedure is an external procedure. check_access internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure interpret_ptr_. oop 65 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. STORAGE FOR AUTOMATIC VARIABLES. STACK FRAME LOC IDENTIFIER BLOCK NAME interpret_ptr_ 000100 condinfo interpret_ptr_ 000132 oi interpret_ptr_ 000220 situation interpret_ptr_ 000221 auto_interpret_link_info interpret_ptr_ 000354 xp interpret_ptr_ 000356 frame_owner_sw interpret_ptr_ 000360 coptr interpret_ptr_ 000362 coflg interpret_ptr_ 000364 in_ptr interpret_ptr_ 000366 framep interpret_ptr_ 000370 hcsct interpret_ptr_ 000371 highct interpret_ptr_ 000372 txtp interpret_ptr_ 000374 rings interpret_ptr_ 000377 lev interpret_ptr_ 000400 mode interpret_ptr_ 000401 type interpret_ptr_ 000402 bc interpret_ptr_ 000403 bc1 interpret_ptr_ 000404 bmp interpret_ptr_ 000406 sblkp interpret_ptr_ 000410 namp interpret_ptr_ 000412 naml interpret_ptr_ 000413 i interpret_ptr_ 000414 j interpret_ptr_ 000415 dirn interpret_ptr_ 000467 ename interpret_ptr_ 000477 pl1_op_name interpret_ptr_ 000507 segn interpret_ptr_ 000517 segno interpret_ptr_ 000520 adjusted_offset interpret_ptr_ 000522 section interpret_ptr_ 000524 lang interpret_ptr_ 000526 op_seg_name interpret_ptr_ 000536 ec interpret_ptr_ 000537 ctmp interpret_ptr_ 000560 ci interpret_ptr_ 000630 mcp interpret_ptr_ 000632 scup interpret_ptr_ 000644 ec check_access THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL OPERATORS ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. alloc_char_temp cat_realloc_chars call_ext_out_desc call_ext_out return_mac tra_ext_1 shorten_stack ext_entry int_entry_desc THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL ENTRIES ARE CALLED BY THIS PROGRAM. component_info_$offset condition_ cu_$level_get find_condition_info_ find_nonobject_info_ find_operator_name_ get_bound_seg_info_ get_entry_name_ hcs_$fs_get_brackets hcs_$fs_get_path_name hcs_$high_low_seg_count hcs_$status_mins interpret_link_ ioa_$rsnnl is_condition_frame_ object_info_$display ring0_get_$name stack_frame_exit_ NO EXTERNAL VARIABLES ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC 56 000200 10 000207 115 000221 116 000222 118 000223 121 000233 123 000240 124 000244 125 000270 126 000274 127 000277 132 000321 133 000336 134 000340 135 000342 136 000344 137 000346 138 000352 141 000355 142 000402 143 000405 144 000410 145 000412 146 000414 147 000416 148 000420 149 000424 150 000430 151 000433 152 000444 153 000447 154 000500 155 000504 156 000532 160 000540 161 000542 162 000547 163 000552 166 000553 168 000560 170 000563 172 000600 173 000602 174 000610 175 000613 176 000617 177 000624 178 000625 179 000633 181 000640 184 000641 186 000643 187 000651 188 000661 190 000706 191 000710 192 000716 193 000720 194 000722 195 000725 201 000727 202 000731 204 000762 205 000772 207 001000 208 001025 210 001030 211 001032 212 001035 214 001037 215 001043 216 001063 219 001105 221 001106 223 001137 224 001145 225 001176 227 001236 228 001251 229 001257 230 001261 231 001311 232 001313 233 001334 234 001336 235 001344 236 001353 237 001355 238 001361 239 001364 240 001410 241 001412 242 001421 243 001426 244 001430 245 001434 246 001467 247 001475 248 001504 251 001532 255 001533 257 001567 258 001574 259 001600 261 001613 262 001631 263 001637 267 001640 268 001675 269 001677 270 001744 271 001765 272 001767 273 002016 274 002020 276 002050 277 002052 278 002056 279 002065 280 002070 285 002135 286 002141 287 002157 292 002167 294 002176 295 002211 296 002214 297 002244 298 002245 303 002246 312 002250 313 002251 315 002265 316 002267 318 002270 319 002306 320 002310 321 002313 323 002316 325 002317 326 002326 327 002354 328 002356 329 002361 330 002364 332 002365 333 002374 334 002401 335 002404 337 002405 339 002412 343 002413 350 002427 351 002435 352 002441 353 002445 354 002451 355 002455 356 002461 357 002465 359 002471 362 002472 364 002501 ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved