COMPILATION LISTING OF SEGMENT mrds_dsl_get_relation_list Compiled by: Multics PL/I Compiler, Release 30, of February 16, 1988 Compiled at: Honeywell Bull, Phoenix AZ, SysM Compiled on: 08/01/88 1330.9 mst Mon Options: optimize map 1 /* *********************************************************** 2* * * 3* * * 4* * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1981 * 5* * * 6* * * 7* *********************************************************** */ 8 9 10 mrds_dsl_get_relation_list: get_relation_list: procedure (db_index, area_ptr, structure_version, 11 mrds_relation_list_ptr, error_code); 12 13 /* DESCRIPTION: 14* 15* Given a database opening index, and a pointer to a freeing area, 16* this routine will return a structure containing the names 17* of all the relations in the model that the opening has in it's view. 18* It indicates whether this was a submodel 19* opening, and returns submodel alias names as well in that case. 20* For secured databases, no model information is returned, 21* unless the user is a DBA. 22* 23**/ 24 25 /* PARAMETERS: 26* 27* db_index - - (input) fixed bin(35), the database opening index as returned from dsl_$open, 28* this may be an opening through either a model or submodel of any version. 29* 30* area_ptr - - (input) ptr, pointer to a freeing area in which the returned 31* structure is to be allocated. Allow about 30 words per expected relation for the area size. 32* 33* structure_version - - (input) fixed bin, the desired version of the 34* relation info structure to be returned. 35* 36* mrds_relation_list_ptr - - (output) ptr, points to the allocated structure 37* as defined in the include file mrds_relation_list.incl.pl1 38* 39* error_code - - (output) fixed bin(35), the error status encoding, 0 unless an error occured. 40* 41**/ 42 43 /* HISTORY: 44* 45* Originally written by Jim Gray - - March 1981 46* 47**/ 48 49 /* initialize */ 50 51 error_code = 0; 52 mrds_relation_list_ptr = null (); 53 clean_up_condition = "0"b; 54 55 on cleanup begin; 56 clean_up_condition = "1"b; 57 call clean_up (); 58 end; 59 60 /* check for a valid opening index */ 61 62 call mu_database_index$get_resultant_model_pointer (db_index, dbcb_ptr); 63 if dbcb_ptr = null () then 64 error_code = mrds_error_$invalid_db_index; 65 else do; 66 67 /* good opening index, check for a good area */ 68 69 if area_ptr = null () then 70 error_code = error_table_$badcall; 71 else do; 72 unspec (my_area_info) = "0"b; 73 my_area_info.version = 1; 74 my_area_info.areap = area_ptr; 75 76 call area_info_ (addr (my_area_info), error_code); 77 if error_code ^= 0 then ; /* couldn't get area info */ 78 else if my_area_info.no_freeing then 79 error_code = mrds_error_$not_freeing_area; 80 else do; 81 82 /* check for a known structure version */ 83 84 if structure_version ^= mrds_relation_list_structure_version then 85 error_code = error_table_$unimplemented_version; 86 else do; 87 88 /* check for a supported database version */ 89 90 rdbi_ptr = dbcb.rdbi_ptr; 91 if rm_db_info.db_version ^= 4 then 92 error_code = mrds_error_$version_not_supported; 93 else do; 94 95 /* set up for too small an area given */ 96 97 on area begin; 98 error_code = error_table_$area_too_small; 99 goto skip_allocate; 100 end; 101 102 /* fill in the info in a structure in the users area */ 103 104 rmra_ptr = rm_db_info.ra_ptr; 105 mrds_relation_list_num_rels_init = rm_rel_array.num_rels; 106 allocate mrds_relation_list set (mrds_relation_list_ptr) in (users_area); 107 revert area; 108 109 unspec (mrds_relation_list) = "0"b; 110 mrds_relation_list.version = mrds_relation_list_structure_version; 111 mrds_relation_list.num_rels_in_view = mrds_relation_list_num_rels_init; 112 mrds_relation_list.submodel_view = dbcb.dsm_sw; 113 114 if rm_db_info.mdbm_secured then 115 mrds_relation_list.access_info_version = 5; 116 else mrds_relation_list.access_info_version = 4; 117 118 /* check on the user class for secured databases */ 119 120 call mrds_dm_authorization$get_user_class 121 (rtrim (rm_db_info.db_path), addr (local_area), 122 mrds_authorization_structure_version, mrds_authorization_ptr, error_code); 123 if error_code = 0 then do; 124 125 /* fill in the details for each relation in the view */ 126 127 do i = 1 to mrds_relation_list_num_rels_init while (error_code = 0); 128 129 call get_relation_data (); 130 131 end; 132 133 end; 134 end; 135 end; 136 end; 137 end; 138 end; 139 140 /* clean up before returning */ 141 142 call clean_up (); 143 144 skip_allocate: 145 return; 146 147 get_relation_data: procedure (); 148 149 /* routine to get the data for an individual relation in the users view */ 150 151 rmri_ptr = rm_rel_array.rel_data (i).ri_ptr; 152 mrds_relation_list.relation (i).submodel_name =; 153 154 /* only DBA's can know model names in a secured db */ 155 156 if rm_db_info.mdbm_secured & ^mrds_authorization.administrator then 157 mrds_relation_list.relation (i).model_name = " "; 158 else mrds_relation_list.relation (i).model_name = rm_rel_info.model_name; 159 160 /* find out what the multics acls are on this relation */ 161 162 call mu_get_relation_acl (rtrim (rm_db_info.db_path), 163 rtrim (rm_rel_info.model_name), mrds_authorization.administrator, 164 read_acl, write_acl, error_code); 165 166 if error_code = 0 then do; 167 168 multics_access_string = ""; 169 170 if read_acl then 171 multics_access_string = multics_access_string || "r"; 172 173 if write_acl then 174 multics_access_string = multics_access_string || "w"; 175 176 if multics_access_string = "" then 177 multics_access_string = "n"; 178 179 mrds_relation_list.relation (i).system_acl = multics_access_string; 180 181 if mrds_relation_list.access_info_version = 4 then /* relation, not attribute level, security */ 182 mrds_relation_list.relation (i).mrds_access, 183 mrds_relation_list.relation (i).effective_access = 184 mrds_relation_list.relation (i).system_acl; 185 186 /* fill in the access for submodel security */ 187 188 else do; /* version 5 submodel security */ 189 190 mrds_access_string = ""; 191 192 193 if rm_rel_info.append_tuple_perm then 194 mrds_access_string = mrds_access_string || "a"; 195 196 if rm_rel_info.delete_tuple_perm then 197 mrds_access_string = mrds_access_string || "d"; 198 199 if mrds_access_string = "" then 200 mrds_access_string = "n"; 201 202 mrds_relation_list.relation (i).mrds_access = mrds_access_string; 203 204 /* fill in the effective access for attribute level security */ 205 206 if write_acl then 207 mrds_relation_list.relation (i).effective_access = mrds_access_string; 208 else mrds_relation_list.relation (i).effective_access = "n"; 209 end; 210 end; 211 212 end; 213 214 clean_up: procedure (); 215 216 /* routine to get rid of allocated space, if an error 217* occurs, or cleanup is signaled */ 218 219 if clean_up_condition | error_code ^= 0 then do; 220 221 if mrds_relation_list_ptr ^= null () then do; 222 223 free mrds_relation_list_ptr -> mrds_relation_list in (users_area); 224 225 mrds_relation_list_ptr = null (); 226 227 end; 228 229 end; 230 231 end; 232 233 declare area condition; /* happens when space too small */ 234 declare area_info_ entry (ptr, fixed bin (35)); /* gets details on the area */ 235 declare area_ptr ptr; /* points to a freeing area */ 236 declare clean_up_condition bit (1); /* set on if cleanup signaled */ 237 declare cleanup condition; /* occurs upon quit/release */ 238 declare db_index fixed bin (35); /* database opening index */ 239 declare error_code fixed bin (35); /* error status encoding */ 240 declare error_table_$area_too_small fixed bin (35) ext; /* area too small error */ 241 declare error_table_$badcall fixed bin (35) ext;/* null area ptr */ 242 declare error_table_$unimplemented_version fixed bin (35) ext; /* unknown structure version */ 243 declare i fixed bin; /* loop index */ 244 declare local_area area (1024); /* space for return args */ 245 declare mu_get_relation_acl entry (char (*), char (*), 246 bit (1), bit (1), bit (1), fixed bin (35)); /* gets users acls on relation data */ 247 declare mu_database_index$get_resultant_model_pointer entry (fixed bin (35), ptr); /* gets pointer to resultant model */ 248 declare mrds_access_string char (4) varying; /* mrds access encoding */ 249 declare mrds_dm_authorization$get_user_class entry (char (*), ptr, fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin (35)); /* gets user class */ 250 declare mrds_error_$invalid_db_index fixed bin (35) ext; /* bad opening index */ 251 declare mrds_error_$not_freeing_area fixed bin (35) ext; /* area without freeing attribute */ 252 declare mrds_error_$version_not_supported fixed bin (35) ext; /* not version 4 or later */ 253 declare multics_access_string char (4) varying; /* multics access encoding */ 254 declare read_acl bit (1); /* on => user has "r" on relation data */ 255 declare structure_version fixed bin; /* desired version of structure */ 256 declare sys_info$max_seg_size fixed bin (35) ext;/* largest segment */ 257 declare users_area area (sys_info$max_seg_size) based (area_ptr); /* overlay for input area */ 258 declare write_acl bit (1); /* on => user has "w" on relation data */ 259 declare (addr, empty, fixed, null, rel, rtrim, unspec) builtin; 260 declare 1 my_area_info like area_info; /* local storage for area details */ 261 1 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE mrds_relation_list.incl.pl1 - - Jim Gray 81-01-14 */ 1 2 1 3 /* HISTORY: 1 4* 1 5* 81-01-14 Jim Gray : originally created for the dsl_$get_relation_list interface 1 6* 1 7**/ 1 8 1 9 /* DESCRIPTION: 1 10* 1 11* For a given opening of a database via a model or submodel view, 1 12* this structure will contain the list of relations as seen from that view. 1 13* It contains the number of relations in that view, and both the 1 14* submodel and model names of the relation (model = submodel name if not submodel opening) 1 15* plus whether the opening was via a submodel or not. 1 16* The virtual relation bit indicates when the model name may not 1 17* be valid, due to a mapping over more than one relation in the model. 1 18* 1 19* Access information for various versions of MRDS access is also returned, as follows: 1 20* 1 21* system_acl entries refers strictly to "rew" type multics acl's. 1 22* for version 3 access info, attr system_acls are the same as the relation acls, 1 23* unless the attribute is inverted, in which case it is the acl 1 24* of the attribute as it appears under the invert_dir in the database. 1 25* 1 26* mrds_access entries are version dependent, version 3 databases 1 27* with mrds_list/set_delete_acl commands used a mrds specific access 1 28* set of modes of retreive-store-modify-delete. 1 29* version 4 databases released in MR8 had no mrds specific 1 30* access, but used system acl's of "rew". 1 31* version 4 databases for MR9 mrds using submodel security have 1 32* mrds specific access mode of append/delete_tuple for relations, 1 33* and read/modify_attr for attributes. 1 34* 1 35* effective_access entries use the same units as mrds_access. 1 36* it is the logical result of applying both mrds and system access, 1 37* and coming up with a user effective mode of access to the relation/attribute. 1 38* for version 3 databases, the effective access includes 1 39* in the relation effective access, the effect that access of inverted attributes 1 40* in the invert_dir may have. 1 41* 1 42**/ 1 43 1 44 1 45 declare 1 mrds_relation_list aligned based (mrds_relation_list_ptr), 1 46 2 version fixed bin, /* version number for this structure */ 1 47 2 access_info_version fixed bin, /* version of mrds access modes 1 48* 3 => version 3 db with r-s-m-d access, 1 49* 4 => version 4 MR8 db with r-e-w access, 1 50* 5 => version 4 MR9 db with relation a-d, and attr r-m modes 1 51* (submodel security) */ 1 52 2 num_rels_in_view fixed bin, /* count of relations present in this view */ 1 53 2 submodel_view bit (1) unal, /* ON => this opening was via a submodel */ 1 54 2 mbz1 bit (35) unal, 1 55 2 relation (mrds_relation_list_num_rels_init refer (mrds_relation_list.num_rels_in_view)), 1 56 3 model_name char (32), /* name of relation in database model */ 1 57 3 submodel_name char (64), /* alias name of relation in submodel, else model name */ 1 58 3 system_acl char (8) varying, /* the system access from r-e-w modes */ 1 59 3 mrds_access char (8) varying, /* version 3 => from r-s-m-d, 4 => from r-e-w, 5 => from a-d */ 1 60 3 effective_access char (8) varying, /* effect of system + mrds access, in mrds access units */ 1 61 3 virtual_relation bit (1) unal, /* ON => submodel relation defined over >1 model relation */ 1 62 3 mbz2 bit (35) unal ; 1 63 1 64 1 65 declare mrds_relation_list_num_rels_init fixed bin ; 1 66 1 67 declare mrds_relation_list_ptr ptr ; 1 68 1 69 declare mrds_relation_list_structure_version fixed bin init (1) int static options (constant) ; 1 70 1 71 /* END INCLUDE FILE mrds_relation_list.incl.pl1 */ 262 263 2 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE mrds_authorization.incl.pl1 - - 81-01-20 Jim Gray */ 2 2 2 3 /* HISTORY: 2 4* 2 5* 81-01-20 Jim Gray : original created for the mmi_$get_authorization interface 2 6* 2 7**/ 2 8 2 9 /* DESCRIPTION: 2 10* 2 11* this structure returns the callers user_class 2 12* either database administrator or normal user. 2 13* Note that these separate classes were used to allow 2 14* future expansion to the user classes, rather than 2 15* make them logical "not"'s of one another. 2 16* NOTE: a DBA is always also a normal user, thus if the caller 2 17* is a DBA, his normal_user bit will be on also. 2 18* 2 19**/ 2 20 2 21 2 22 declare 1 mrds_authorization aligned based (mrds_authorization_ptr), 2 23 2 version fixed bin, /* version number of this structure */ 2 24 2 administrator bit (1) unal, /* caller is a DBA */ 2 25 2 normal_user bit (1) unal, /* caller has no special priviledges */ 2 26 2 mbz bit (34) unal ; 2 27 2 28 2 29 declare mrds_authorization_ptr ptr ; /* pointer for referring to the structure */ 2 30 2 31 declare mrds_authorization_structure_version fixed bin init (1) int static options (constant) ; 2 32 2 33 /* END INCLUDE FILE mrds_authorization.incl.pl1 */ 264 265 3 1 /* BEGIN mrds_dbcb.incl.pl1 -- jaw, 11/7/78 */ 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 3 6* 1) change(85-11-17,Dupuis), approve(85-12-16,MCR7314), 3 7* audit(86-02-04,Brunelle), install(86-02-05,MR12.0-1013): 3 8* This entry is being made to cover the change made on 85-07-01 by Thanh 3 9* Nguyen. The scopes_changed flag was added to make checking for this 3 10* more efficient (mrds error list #137). 3 11* 2) change(86-06-10,Blair), approve(86-08-07,MCR7491), 3 12* audit(86-08-07,Gilcrease), install(86-08-15,MR12.0-1127): 3 13* Add a bit called dont_check_txn_id to indicate whether or not we should 3 14* care if multiple txns use the same selection_expression. (mrds #156) 3 15* 3) change(87-11-23,Hergert), approve(88-06-28,MCR7903), 3 16* audit(88-06-28,Dupuis), install(88-08-01,MR12.2-1073): 3 17* Added parser_work_area_ptr and mrds_se_info_ptr for new parser. 3 18* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 3 19 3 20 3 21 /* WARNING 3 22* If the dbcb structure is changed then the mrds_data_ 3 23* item saved_res_version MUST be incremented to invalidate all 3 24* existing saved resultants 3 25**/ 3 26 3 27 /* HISTORY : 3 28* 3 29* modified by Jim Gray - - 80-10-24, to add new_select_expr bit for 3 30* tid_list management 3 31* 3 32* 81-1-9 Jim Gray : added like reference for ease in making the 3 33* phony resultant in mu_database_index, without having the area dcl 3 34* included. 3 35* 3 36* 81-06-17 Roger Lackey : added last_store_rel_name for use by 3 37* mrds_dsl_store 3 38* 3 39* 81-06-26 Roger Lackey : Added no_optimize and print_search_order 3 40* switches 3 41* 3 42* 81-07-06 Jim Gray : added identifier for the current selection 3 43* expression, so that relation statistics can be updated relative 3 44* to number of selection expressions seem. Also removed init for 3 45* last_store_rel_name, as this iw now properly done in 3 46* mrds_dsl_init_res. 3 47* 3 48* 81-07-17 Roger Lackey : added pred_ptr and unused_ptrs. 3 49* 3 50* 82-08-19 Mike Kubicar : added store_vector field. This is needed 3 51* for the conversion to the relation manager. 3 52* 3 53* 82-08-23 Davids: added the relmgr_entries and access_costs 3 54* substructures so that the entries and costs can change 3 55* depending on the type of database that is opened. 3 56* 3 57* 82-09-09 Mike Kubicar : added modify_vector field. This is needed 3 58* since modify uses a different vector type (general) than does store. 3 59* 3 60* 82-09-20 Davids: changed names of (store modify)_vector to 3 61* (store modify)_vector_ptr. Also (delete modify)_tuple_by_id to 3 62* (delete modify)_tuples_by_id. added the element cursor_storage_ptr 3 63* which should be inited to null and will be set by mu_cursor_manager_$get 3 64* during the first call. 3 65* 3 66* 82-09-21 Davids: renamed cursor_storage_ptr to cursor_ptrs_storage_ptr 3 67* since it deals with the pointers to the cursors and not the cursors 3 68* themelves and added the element cursor_storage_area_ptr which points 3 69* to the area where the cursors are kept. 3 70* 3 71* 82-09-22 Davids: renamed the transact_ctl_seg to transactions_needed. 3 72* the transact_ctl_seg always had a value of 0 and really didn't mean 3 73* anything. 3 74* 3 75* 82-09-22 Mike Kubicar : added create_relation, create_index and 3 76* destroy_relation_by_opening to relmgr_entries. They are needed 3 77* by mrds_dsl_define_temp_rel. 3 78* 3 79* 82-09-24 Donna Woodka : added put_tuple to relmgr_entries. It 3 80* is needed by mu_store. 3 81* 3 82* 82-11-12 Davids: changed the declaration of the access_costs from fixed 3 83* bin to float bin since the values are not integers. 3 84* 3 85* 83-02-02 Davids: added the dbc_uid element. This will allow mrds to make 3 86* sure that the dbc_ptr still points to the correct segment. Element was 3 87* added to the end of the structure to allow modules that don't use 3 88* the element to continue to reference the dbcb structure without recompiling. 3 89* 3 90* 83-02-25 Davids: added the concurrency_on and rollback_on elements. These 3 91* are needed so that temp rels can be created with the same file attributes 3 92* as the permanent relations. 3 93* 3 94* 83-05-02 Mike Kubicar : Deleted get_next_search_specification_ptr and 3 95* added the resultant_in_pdir bit. 3 96* 3 97* 83-05-18 Davids: reduced the number of reserved bits to 14 (from 15) and 3 98* added the res_already_made element. 3 99* 3 100* 83-05-24 Mike Kubicar : Updated the relation manager calling sequences. 3 101* 3 102* 83-08-03 Mike Kubicar : Added the element_id_list_segment_ptr and removed 3 103* one of the unused pointers. 3 104* 3 105* 83-09-20 Ron Harvey: Added relmgr_entries.get_population. 3 106* 3 107* 84-08-27 John Hergert: Created compiled_se_info_ptr from unused_ptrs(2) 3 108* leaving unused_ptrs(1). 3 109* 3 110* 85-01-15 Thanh Nguyen: Added the work_area_ptr and removed the last 3 111* unused_ptrs (1). 3 112* 3 113* 85-04-12 Thanh Nguyen: Added user_started_transaction and 3 114* non_shared_to_shared flags. Also added se_transaction_id and some more 3 115* spare ptrs, entries and reserved storages for future enhancement, since 3 116* we changed the saved_res_version from rslt0001 to rslt0002. 3 117* 3 118* 85-07-01 Thanh Nguyen: Added scopes_changed flag. This flag is set by 3 119* common routine of mrds_dsl_set_scope, reset by mrds_dsl_optimize and 3 120* mrds_dsl_gen_srch_prog when building of a new search_vars. 3 121**/ 3 122 3 123 3 124 /* this structure is based on the {unique_name}.mrds.dbcb segment 3 125* that constitutes the non-secure portion of the resultant model that is 3 126* created during the opening of a database. it contains variables that 3 127* are used during the runtime access of the database, and an area 3 128* for evaluation of requests. it points to four other 3 129* segments in the resultant model, {unique_name}.mrds.rdbi, the secure 3 130* portion of the resultant(see mdbm_rm_db_info.incl.pl1), 3 131* {unique_name}, an area for selection expression evaluation, 3 132* {unique_name}.mrds.curdat, and {unique_name}.mrds.stadat, two segments 3 133* used in the elimination of duplicate tuples during a retrieve. 3 134* the dbcb area holds the structure in mdbm_scope_info.incl.pl1 3 135* that is used when the database is using the file scope mechanism 3 136* for concurrency control over file readying. the segment overlayed via 3 137* mrds_dbc.incl.pl1 structure is pointed to and also handles concurrency control, 3 138* across database openings. the pointer to this dbcb structure is kept in a table 3 139* which associates database indexes(returned from a call to dsl_$open), with particular 3 140* opening instances of resultant models. (see mu_database_index routine) */ 3 141 3 142 dcl 1 dbcb aligned based (dbcb_ptr), /* DBCB -- non-secure portion */ 3 143 2 data like dbcb_data, 3 144 2 static_area area (sys_info$max_seg_size - fixed (rel (addr (dbcb.static_area)))); 3 145 3 146 dcl dbcb_ptr ptr; 3 147 3 148 declare 1 dbcb_data based, /* info part of dbcb, separated out so that 3 149* like references can avoid getting the area declaration */ 3 150 2 rdbi_ptr ptr, /* pointer to write protected mdbm_util_ info. */ 3 151 2 range_ptr ptr, /* ptr to range structure, or null */ 3 152 2 select_ptr ptr, /* ptr to select list, or null */ 3 153 2 sv_ptr ptr, /* pointer to search variables */ 3 154 2 so_ptr ptr, /* pointer to search operators */ 3 155 2 ti_ptr ptr, /* pointer to tuple info */ 3 156 2 lit_ptr ptr, /* pointer to the literal area, or null */ 3 157 2 current_ptr ptr, /* ptr to select list resulting from -current clause */ 3 158 2 ss_ptr ptr, /* ptr to select sets block if not simple s.e. */ 3 159 2 retr_info_ptr ptr, /* ptr to retrieve info area */ 3 160 2 trel_info_ptr ptr, /* ptr to retrieve info area */ 3 161 2 sti_ptr ptr, /* pointer to store info */ 3 162 2 dbc_ptr ptr, /* pointer to the data base control segment */ 3 163 2 sfi_ptr ptr, /* points to head of scalar function list */ 3 164 2 scope_ptr ptr, /* points to array of scope tuples */ 3 165 2 select_area_ptr ptr, /* ptr to area for current selection expression allocations */ 3 166 2 current_data_ptr ptr, /* ptr to one of 2 segments used by mrds_dsl_retrieve 3 167* for eliminating duplicate tuples. */ 3 168 2 static_data_ptr ptr, /* ptr to one of 2 segments used by mrds_dsl_retrieve 3 169* for eliminating duplicate tuples. */ 3 170 2 store_area_ptr ptr, /* temp storage area for dsl_$store */ 3 171 2 retrieve_area_ptr ptr, /* temp storage for dsl_$retrieve */ 3 172 2 modify_area_ptr ptr, /* temp storage area for dsl_$modify */ 3 173 2 delete_area_ptr ptr, /* temp storage area for dsl_$delete */ 3 174 2 def_temp_rel_area_ptr ptr, /* temp storage area for dsl_$define_temp_rel */ 3 175 2 pred_ptr ptr, /* Pointer to pred_array */ 3 176 2 store_vector_ptr ptr, /* Vector structure used during store operations */ 3 177 2 modify_vector_ptr ptr, /* Used during modifies */ 3 178 2 element_id_list_segment_ptr ptr, /* Points to the segment used to hold element_id_list structures */ 3 179 2 compiled_se_info_ptr ptr, /* points to the segment containing all info on compiled sexs */ 3 180 2 work_area_ptr ptr, /* Work area for encode/decode value allocations in mu_retrieve */ 3 181 2 se_info_ptr ptr, /* Points to se_info struct. Primarily for error reports */ 3 182 2 parser_work_area_ptr ptr, /* work area for parser */ 3 183 2 reserved_ptrs (4) ptr, /* Reserved for future use */ 3 184 2 another_flag bit (1) unal, /* on if predicate was -another */ 3 185 2 current_flag bit (1) unal, /* on if predicate was -current clause */ 3 186 2 dbc_incr bit (1) unal, /* on if dbc open mode has been incremented for this user */ 3 187 2 delete_flag bit (1) unal, /* On if search was called from mrds_dsl_sec_delete */ 3 188 2 dup_retain bit (1) unaligned, /* On if dup tuples allowed for retrieval */ 3 189 2 prev_select bit (1) unal, /* on if prev. select block processed in this s.e. */ 3 190 2 possible_op bit (1) unal, /* on of arith op. allowed */ 3 191 2 sel_clause bit (1) unal, /* on if currently in select clause */ 3 192 2 dsm_sw bit (1) unal, /* on if data base was opened via data submodel */ 3 193 2 val_rtrv bit (1) unal, /* if s.e. valid for retrieve */ 3 194 2 val_mod bit (1) unal, /* for modify */ 3 195 2 val_del bit (1) unal, /* for delete */ 3 196 2 val_dtr bit (1) unal, /* for define temp rel */ 3 197 2 transactions_needed bit (1) unal, /* On => transaction must be started or in progress does 3 198* not imply that the database is of type page_file */ 3 199 2 open_mode bit (3) unal, /* 0=>unknown, 1=>r, 2=>u, 3=>er, 4=>eu, >4=>bad */ 3 200 2 new_select_expr bit (1) unal, /* on => starting a new tid list management period */ 3 201 2 no_optimize bit (1) unal, /* On => no optimize */ 3 202 2 print_search_order bit (1) unal, /* On => print the search order */ 3 203 2 resultant_in_pdir bit (1) unal, /* On => Temp segments are in the process dir */ 3 204 2 res_already_made bit (1) unal, /* On => resultant has been made based on a saved copy */ 3 205 2 user_started_transaction bit (1) unal, /* On => user already started his own transaction. */ 3 206 2 non_shared_to_shared bit (1) unal, /* On => user changed the scope from non shared to shared 3 207* inside a sequence of -another selection expression. */ 3 208 2 scopes_changed bit (1) unal, /* On => scopes had been changed by set_scopes or delete_scopes */ 3 209 2 dont_check_txn_id bit (1) unal, /* On => cpmd needs same selection exp across multiple txns */ 3 210 2 reserved bit (10) unal, /* reserved for future use */ 3 211 2 nseq_sch fixed bin (35), /* no. tuples located via sequential search */ 3 212 2 nind_sch fixed bin (35), /* no. tuples located via index search */ 3 213 2 nhash_sch fixed bin (35), /* no. tuples located via hash search */ 3 214 2 nlk_sch fixed bin (35), /* no tuples located via link search */ 3 215 2 cur_lit_offset fixed bin (35), /* current bit offset in literal string */ 3 216 2 dbi fixed bin (35), /* database index for this opening */ 3 217 2 last_s_e_id_num fixed bin (35), /* identifying number for last selection expression seen */ 3 218 2 se_transaction_id bit (36) aligned, /* transaction id from beginning of select expression */ 3 219 2 last_store_rel_name char (32), /* Name of relation last used for store */ 3 220 2 cursor_ptrs_storage_ptr ptr, /* pointer to space where cursor ptrs are stored */ 3 221 2 cursor_storage_area_ptr ptr, /* pointer to area where the cursors are kept */ 3 222 2 reserved_words (10) fixed bin (35), /* Reserved for future use */ 3 223 2 relmgr_entries, /* relation manager entries */ 3 224 3 open entry (char (*), char (*), bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35)), 3 225 3 close entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35)), 3 226 3 create_cursor entry (bit (36) aligned, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35)), 3 227 3 destroy_cursor entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35)), 3 228 3 set_scope entry (bit (36) aligned, bit (2) aligned, bit (2) aligned, fixed bin (35)), 3 229 3 delete_tuples_by_id entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35)), 3 230 3 modify_tuples_by_id entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35)), 3 231 3 get_tuple_by_id entry (ptr, bit (36) aligned, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35)), 3 232 3 get_tuples_by_spec entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35)), 3 233 3 get_tuple_id entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35)), 3 234 3 put_tuple entry (ptr, ptr, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35)), 3 235 3 get_count entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35)), 3 236 3 get_duplicate_key_count entry (ptr, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (17), fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35)), 3 237 3 get_population entry (ptr, fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35)), 3 238 3 create_relation entry (char (*), char (*), ptr, ptr, bit (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35)), 3 239 3 create_index entry (bit (36) aligned, ptr, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (17), bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35)), 3 240 3 destroy_relation_by_path entry (char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35)), 3 241 3 reserved_entries (5) entry (), 3 242 2 access_costs, /* access costs for permute */ 3 243 3 total_primary_key_cost float bin, 3 244 3 access_cost float bin, 3 245 3 access_overhead float bin, 3 246 3 us_access_cost float bin, 3 247 3 os_access_cost float bin, 3 248 2 dbc_uid bit (36) aligned, /* uid of the segment containing the dbc structure */ 3 249 2 concurrency_on bit (1) unal, /* "1"b implies dmfile concurrency is being used */ 3 250 2 rollback_on bit (1) unal; /* "1"b iomplies before journaling is to be done */ 3 251 3 252 /* END mrds_dbcb.incl.pl1 */ 3 253 3 254 266 267 4 1 /* BEGIN mdbm_rm_rel_info.incl.pl1 -- jaw, 11/16/78 */ 4 2 4 3 /* WARNING 4 4* If the rm_rel_info structure is changed then the mrds_data_ 4 5* item saved_res_version MUST be incremented to invalidate all 4 6* existing saved resultants 4 7**/ 4 8 4 9 /* HISTORY: 4 10* 4 11* Modified by Jim Gray - - May 1980, to include model number of 4 12* attributes, and varying attributes, so that partial view 4 13* submodels will have the info needed to properly set up the 4 14* varying length array headers in the tuple structure. 4 15* 4 16* Modified by Jim Gray - - 80-11-06, to rename r_perm = 4 17* status_perm, s_perm = append_tuple_perm, d_perm = 4 18* delete_tuple_perm, and make m_perm = unused_perm. 4 19* 4 20* 81-01-23 Jim Gray : added bit to indicate whether the last model 4 21* view attribute was varying character or bit, since a partial view 4 22* submodel will not have this information in the resultant, and it 4 23* is needed for determining the new tuple length in mus_mod_ubtup, 4 24* since with exact length storage of varying length attributes, 4 25* each tuple can be a different length, which is can only be 4 26* determined by examining the tuple itself. 4 27* 4 28* 81-01-29 Jim Gray : added curent tuple count, to provide for 4 29* interface to allow temp rel population to be known, and to 4 30* provide a more efficient means of finding an approx. current perm 4 31* relation population. 4 32* 4 33* 81-05-28 Jim Gray : removed structure elements referring to 4 34* blocked files, foreign keys, and ids procedures. Also set number 4 35* of files per rel to a constant of 1. 4 36* 4 37* 81-05-28 Jim Gray : combined data from rm_file_info into this 4 38* structure so that only one structure per relation is needed. 4 39* 4 40* 81-07-02 Jim Gray : added total_key and dup_key vfile statistics 4 41* counts. Also added number of operations count since last 4 42* statistics update, and a time since the statistics were last 4 43* updated. 4 44* 4 45* 81-07-06 Jim Gray : added a per selection expression update 4 46* identifier so that small relations could be updated on a per S.E. 4 47* basis 4 48* 4 49* 82-04-21 R. Lackey : Added number_selected (ri_niocbs_init refer (rm_rel_info.niocbs)) fixed bin (35) 4 50* to end of structure TR 12205 (Suggestion). 4 51* 4 52* 82-08-19 D. Woodka : Removed rm_rel_info.max_data_len field for 4 53* the DMS conversion. 4 54* 4 55* 82-08-30 Davids: added the opening_id element and removed the iocb 4 56* array and the niocb element for DMS conversion. Also removed the 4 57* number_selected array (and ri_niocbs_init) since subsets are not 4 58* going to be used. 4 59* 4 60* 82-09-20 Mike Kubicar : changed rm_rel_info.rel_id to bit (36) aligned 4 61* so that it can be used with relation manager. Also added 4 62* rm_rel_info.primary_key_index_id for relation manager. 4 63* 4 64* 82-09-22 Mike Kubicar : Removed the, now useless, fields var_attr_ptrs, 4 65* nvar_atts, model_nvar_atts. 4 66* 4 67* 82-09-24 Davids: Removed current_key_count and current_dup_key_count 4 68* since the duplicate key count for each secondary index is now being 4 69* kept in the attr_info structure and key_count was only needed to 4 70* help in calculating the average selectivity of each index which 4 71* can now be gotten directly from each index's dup key count. Also 4 72* removed the file_id element since it is no longer needed for 4 73* anything. 4 74* 4 75* 82-09-27 Mike Kubicar : removed file_id_len for the same reason file_id 4 76* was removed. 4 77* 4 78* 82-11-05 Mike Kubicar : added a pointer to an id_list structure to be 4 79* used when retrieving tuples from this relation. 4 80* 4 81* 83-04-06 Davids: Added the scope_flags_ptr which points to the scope_flags structure 4 82* for the relation. Note that this structure is part of the resultant NOT 4 83* part of the db.control structure. The scopes are duplicated in the resultant 4 84* to reduce contention for the db.control structure. Note also that the pointer 4 85* will always point to a scope_flags structure even if no scopes have been 4 86* set on the relation, the structure is allocated when the db is opened. 4 87**/ 4 88 4 89 4 90 /* DESCRIPTION: 4 91* 4 92* This structure is allocated in the area part of the structure in 4 93* mdbm_rm_db_info.incl.pl1 as part of the resultant model created 4 94* at open time for a database. There will be one of these 4 95* rm_rel_info structures for each relation appearing in the 4 96* database view (there may be less than the total in the database 4 97* for a submodel openings). There will also be one for each 4 98* temporary relation currently defined for that opening. 4 99* 4 100* The structure in mdbm_rm_rel_array.incl.pl1 contains pointers to 4 101* all rm_rel_info structures allocated. It is used for searching 4 102* for the appropriate structure. This array is pointed to by 4 103* rm_db_info. There are two arrays, one for perm rels, one for temp 4 104* rels. 4 105* 4 106* The rm_rel_info structure points to the 4 107* mdbm_rm_attr_info.incl.pl1 structures, one for each attribute 4 108* appearing in this view of the relation. Each of these in turn 4 109* point to a mdbm_rm_domain_info.incl.pl1 structure for the domain 4 110* info for each attr. 4 111* 4 112* Most of the other information here deals with specifics of the 4 113* relation's logical definition, such as key and secondary index 4 114* attribute inidicators, security permissions, and tuple physical 4 115* construction details. 4 116* 4 117**/ 4 118 4 119 dcl 1 rm_rel_info aligned based (rmri_ptr), /* relation information */ 4 120 2 name char (32), /* from submodel */ 4 121 2 model_name char (30), /* from model */ 4 122 2 rel_id bit (36) aligned, /* unique id. */ 4 123 2 retrieve bit (1) unal, /* operations allowed by this view */ 4 124 2 modify bit (1) unal, 4 125 2 delete bit (1) unal, 4 126 2 store bit (1) unal, 4 127 2 total_key bit (1) unal, /* on if view includes full primary key */ 4 128 2 indexed bit (1) unal, /* on if exists sec. index */ 4 129 2 mdbm_secured bit (1) unal, /* on if mdbm must check security */ 4 130 2 status_perm bit (1) unal, /* if user has status. perm. */ 4 131 2 append_tuple_perm bit (1) unal, /* if user has store perm. */ 4 132 2 delete_tuple_perm bit (1) unal, /* if user has del. perm. */ 4 133 2 unused_perm bit (1) unal, /* for future use. */ 4 134 2 last_model_attr_char_var bit (1) unal, /* on => last model varying attr is char */ 4 135 2 reserved bit (24) unal, /* for future use */ 4 136 2 num_attr fixed bin, /* total no. of attr. in rel. */ 4 137 2 model_num_attr fixed bin, /* total attrs in model relation */ 4 138 2 nkey_attr fixed bin, /* no. of key attr. */ 4 139 2 model_nkey_attr fixed bin, /* total number of keys in model */ 4 140 2 primary_key_index_id bit (36) aligned, /* Index id of relation's primary key */ 4 141 2 nsec_inds fixed bin, /* no. sec. indexes */ 4 142 2 max_key_len fixed bin (35), /* max length (chars) of primary key */ 4 143 2 current_tuple_population fixed bin (35), /* last known total tuple count for this relation */ 4 144 2 last_statistics_update_count fixed bin, /* number of operations's, since this rels stats were updated */ 4 145 2 last_statistics_update_time fixed bin (71),/* last time this rels stats were updated */ 4 146 2 last_statistics_update_s_e_ref_num fixed bin (35), /* last select expr ID that updated this rels stats */ 4 147 2 ready_mode fixed bin, /* 1 => r, 2 => mr, 3 => u, 4 => l, 5 => sr, 6 => su */ 4 148 2 file_type fixed bin, /* 1 => unblocked, 2 => blocked, 3 => temporary */ 4 149 2 tuple_id_len fixed bin, /* no. bits in local tuple id */ 4 150 2 opening_id bit (36) aligned, /* relation manager opening is */ 4 151 2 key_attr_ptrs (nkey_attr_init refer (rm_rel_info.nkey_attr)) ptr, /* ptrs to key attr. */ 4 152 2 attr_ptrs (natts_init refer (rm_rel_info.num_attr)) ptr, /* ptrs to all attr. */ 4 153 2 id_list_ptr ptr, /* Id list for retrieves from the relation */ 4 154 2 scope_flags_ptr ptr; /* pointer to the scope_flags structure for the rel */ 4 155 4 156 dcl rmri_ptr ptr; 4 157 dcl (nkey_attr_init, 4 158 natts_init, 4 159 nvar_atts_init) fixed bin; 4 160 4 161 /* END mdbm_rm_rel_info.incl.pl1 */ 4 162 4 163 268 269 5 1 /* BEGIN mdbm_rm_rel_array.incl.pl1 -- jaw, 8/9/78 */ 5 2 5 3 /* WARNING 5 4* If the rm_rel_array structure is changed then the mrds_data_ 5 5* item saved_res_version MUST be incremented to invalidate all 5 6* existing saved resultants 5 7**/ 5 8 5 9 /* HISTORY: 5 10* 5 11* 81-05-28 Jim Gray : added model_name and file_id as part of 5 12* combining funtions of file_array and rel_array into one 5 13* structure. This will only allow 1 relation per file model now. 5 14* Also changed structure to allow more efficient searching 5 15* via and index builtin, rather than a programmed loop. 5 16* Search is now I = index(string(, "!" || in_name) 5 17* with I = ((I - 1) / 33) + 1 to convert from a char to array index. 5 18* 5 19**/ 5 20 5 21 5 22 /* this structure is allocated in the static are of the structure 5 23* in mdbm_rm_db_info.incl.pl1, the secure portion of the database 5 24* resultant model upon opening the database. two copies are 5 25* allocated, one for temporary relations, initially empty, and one 5 26* for relations known to the opener, which has a length sufficient 5 27* for all relations known to the user, but whose names, etc. will 5 28* not be filled in until the file containing that particular 5 29* relation is readied. the rm_db_info structure contains a pointer 5 30* to the rel_arrays, and the array entries, when "readied", point 5 31* to the mdbm_rm_rel_info.incl.pl1 structures containing model 5 32* information about the relation, it's attributes, etc. */ 5 33 5 34 dcl 1 rm_rel_array aligned based (rmra_ptr), /* array of open relations */ 5 35 2 num_rels fixed bin, /* no. rels in db. */ 5 36 2 name (1:rm_num_rels_init refer (rm_rel_array.num_rels)) unal, 5 37 3 mark char (1) unal, /* separator character = "!" */ 5 38 3 submodel char (32) unal, /* name of relation is submodel view, model opening => model name */ 5 39 2 rel_data (rm_num_rels_init refer (rm_rel_array.num_rels)), 5 40 3 model_name char (30), /* name of relation in model */ 5 41 3 ri_ptr ptr unal ; /* pointer to rm_rel_info */ 5 42 5 43 dcl rmra_ptr ptr; 5 44 dcl rm_num_rels_init fixed bin; 5 45 5 46 /* END mdbm_rm_rel_array.incl.pl1 */ 5 47 5 48 270 271 6 1 /* BEGIN mdbm_rm_db_info.incl.pl1 -- jaw, 11/7/78 */ 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 6 6* 1) change(86-08-13,Hergert),, approve(88-06-28,MCR7903), 6 7* audit(88-06-28,Dupuis), install(88-08-01,MR12.2-1073): 6 8* Removed change of 84-11-02. i.e. replaced even_word_pad. 6 9* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 6 10 6 11 6 12 /* WARNING 6 13* If the rm_db_info structure is changed then the mrds_data_ 6 14* item saved_res_version MUST be incremented to invalidate all 6 15* existing saved resultants 6 16**/ 6 17 6 18 /* DESCRIPTION: This structure is based on a segment 6 19* {unique_name}.mrds.rdbi that represents the secure portion of the 6 20* resultant model that is created partially at database open time, 6 21* (the rm_file_array, and rm_rel_array) and partially at ready_file 6 22* time, (the rm_file_info, rm_rel_info, rm_attr_info, 6 23* rm_domain_info, rm_plink_info and rm_clink_info). it's purpose is 6 24* to provide an efficient means of accessing database model 6 25* information, as seen from the possibly submodel view of the user, 6 26* and his current state of "files readied". it is the secure part 6 27* because it contains the model information which needs to be 6 28* protected from general knowledge, and this segment will 6 29* eventually be capable of being in a lower ring. the structure 6 30* itself points to four arrays that are allocated in it's area, 6 31* that in turn point to the other structures mentions above, also 6 32* allocated in the rm_db_info.static_area. the arrays are the 6 33* rm_file_array, and rm_rel_array. their are a pair for temporary 6 34* relations, initially empty, and a pair for normal model 6 35* files/relations. the normal rm_file_array is initialized to a 6 36* list of all known file names, the rm_rel_array only gets relation 6 37* names as files are readied. the rm_file_array points to 6 38* rm_file_infos for each file (see mdbm_rm_file_info.incl.pl1) and 6 39* the rm_rel_array points to rm_rel_info for each relation 6 40* "readied". (see mdbm_rm_rel_info.incl.pl1). (the arrays are in 6 41* mdbm_rm_file_array.incl.pl1 and mdbm_rm_rel_array.incl.pl1). the 6 42* file infos point to contained rel infos, the rel infos point to 6 43* contained attr infos, and those in turn to domain infos. (see 6 44* mdbm_rm_attr_info.incl.pl1 and mdbm_rm_domain_info.incl.pl1) 6 45* foreign keys are represented by the structures 6 46* mdbm_rm_plink_info.incl.pl1, and mdbm_rm_clink_info.incl.pl1. the 6 47* pathnames of the model and submodel, if any, are also maintained 6 48* in rm_db_info. the pointer to this rm_db_info segment is obtained 6 49* from the dbcb segment tructure(see mrds_dbcb.incl.pl1) see the 6 50* individual include files for further organization information, 6 51* and particular data structures. 6 52* 6 53* HISTORY: 6 54* 6 55* 80-02-01 Jim Gray : Modified to put area on even word boundary, 6 56* so that define_area_ could be used to make it an extensible area 6 57* 6 58* 81-1-9 Jim Gray : added like reference to make the phony 6 59* resultant in mu_database_index easier to keep, since no reference 6 60* to the area is needed. 6 61* 6 62* 81-1-12 Jim Gray : added version of submodel used in opening to 6 63* resultant. 6 64* 6 65* 81-05-13 Rickie E. Brinegar: added the administrator bit to the 6 66* structure. 6 67* 6 68* 81-05-28 Jim Gray : removed pointers to file_arrays, since they 6 69* are now combined into the rel_array. Removed the control file 6 70* info which was unused. Added pointer to head of domain list, 6 71* which is to be used to insure only one copy of each domain info. 6 72* 6 73* 83-05-19 Davids: Added the saved_res_version element. 6 74* 6 75* 84-11-02 Thanh Nguyen: Replaced the even_word_pad by the 6 76* ref_name_proc_ptr to point to list of reference name of the 6 77* check, encode, or decode proc. 6 78* 6 79* CAUTION: The structure entries from db_version to sm_path should 6 80* not be moved or have their declarations changed because they are 6 81* used in the handling of old version database openings. 6 82* 6 83* 6 84**/ 6 85 6 86 dcl 1 rm_db_info aligned based (rdbi_ptr), /* data base info, located at base of res. dm. seg. */ 6 87 2 data like rm_db_info_data, 6 88 2 static_area area (sys_info$max_seg_size - fixed (rel (addr (rm_db_info.static_area)))); 6 89 6 90 dcl rdbi_ptr ptr; 6 91 6 92 declare 1 rm_db_info_data based, /* separate declaration of info, so others can use 6 93* like reference to it without getting the area as well */ 6 94 2 db_version fixed bin, /* version no. of db */ 6 95 2 sm_version fixed bin unal, /* version of submodel used unal, 0 if model opening */ 6 96 2 val_level fixed bin unal, /* validation level for this db. */ 6 97 2 db_path char (168), /* abs. path of db. */ 6 98 2 sm_path char (168), /* path of submodel or model */ 6 99 2 mdbm_secured bit (1) unal, /* ON => database is secured */ 6 100 2 administrator bit (1) unal, /* ON => user is an administrator */ 6 101 2 pad bit (34) unal, /* for future use */ 6 102 2 saved_res_version char (8), /* version of the saved resultant in the 6 103* dbcb and rdbi segments in the db dir */ 6 104 2 domain_list_ptr ptr, /* pointer to head of list of domain_info's */ 6 105 2 ra_ptr ptr, /* pointer to rel. array */ 6 106 2 tra_ptr ptr, /* to rel array for temp rels */ 6 107 2 even_word_pad fixed bin (71) aligned; /* padding to put area on even word boundary */ 6 108 6 109 /* END mdbm_rm_db_info.incl.pl1 */ 6 110 6 111 272 273 7 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE area_info.incl.pl1 12/75 */ 7 2 7 3 dcl area_info_version_1 fixed bin static init (1) options (constant); 7 4 7 5 dcl area_infop ptr; 7 6 7 7 dcl 1 area_info aligned based (area_infop), 7 8 2 version fixed bin, /* version number for this structure is 1 */ 7 9 2 control aligned like area_control, /* control bits for the area */ 7 10 2 owner char (32) unal, /* creator of the area */ 7 11 2 n_components fixed bin, /* number of components in the area (returned only) */ 7 12 2 size fixed bin (18), /* size of the area in words */ 7 13 2 version_of_area fixed bin, /* version of area (returned only) */ 7 14 2 areap ptr, /* pointer to the area (first component on multisegment area) */ 7 15 2 allocated_blocks fixed bin, /* number of blocks allocated */ 7 16 2 free_blocks fixed bin, /* number of free blocks not in virgin */ 7 17 2 allocated_words fixed bin (30), /* number of words allocated in the area */ 7 18 2 free_words fixed bin (30); /* number of words free in area not in virgin */ 7 19 7 20 dcl 1 area_control aligned based, 7 21 2 extend bit (1) unal, /* says area is extensible */ 7 22 2 zero_on_alloc bit (1) unal, /* says block gets zerod at allocation time */ 7 23 2 zero_on_free bit (1) unal, /* says block gets zerod at free time */ 7 24 2 dont_free bit (1) unal, /* debugging aid, turns off free requests */ 7 25 2 no_freeing bit (1) unal, /* for allocation method without freeing */ 7 26 2 system bit (1) unal, /* says area is managed by system */ 7 27 2 pad bit (30) unal; 7 28 7 29 /* END INCLUDE FILE area_info.incl.pl1 */ 274 275 276 end; SOURCE FILES USED IN THIS COMPILATION. LINE NUMBER DATE MODIFIED NAME PATHNAME 0 08/01/88 1314.0 mrds_dsl_get_relation_list.pl1 >special_ldd>install>MR12.2-1073>mrds_dsl_get_relation_list.pl1 262 1 10/14/83 1608.8 mrds_relation_list.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>mrds_relation_list.incl.pl1 264 2 10/14/83 1608.8 mrds_authorization.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>mrds_authorization.incl.pl1 266 3 08/01/88 1300.0 mrds_dbcb.incl.pl1 >special_ldd>install>MR12.2-1073>mrds_dbcb.incl.pl1 268 4 10/14/83 1609.1 mdbm_rm_rel_info.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>mdbm_rm_rel_info.incl.pl1 270 5 10/14/83 1609.1 mdbm_rm_rel_array.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>mdbm_rm_rel_array.incl.pl1 272 6 08/01/88 1310.7 mdbm_rm_db_info.incl.pl1 >special_ldd>install>MR12.2-1073>mdbm_rm_db_info.incl.pl1 274 7 06/11/76 1043.4 area_info.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>area_info.incl.pl1 NAMES DECLARED IN THIS COMPILATION. IDENTIFIER OFFSET LOC STORAGE CLASS DATA TYPE ATTRIBUTES AND REFERENCES (* indicates a set context) NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT. access_info_version 1 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 1-45 set ref 114* 116* 181 addr builtin function dcl 259 ref 76 76 120 120 administrator 1 based bit(1) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 2-22 set ref 156 162* append_tuple_perm 21(08) based bit(1) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 4-119 ref 193 area 000100 stack reference condition dcl 233 ref 97 107 area_control based structure level 1 dcl 7-20 area_info based structure level 1 dcl 7-7 area_info_ 000010 constant entry external dcl 234 ref 76 area_ptr parameter pointer dcl 235 ref 10 10 69 74 106 223 areap 16 002126 automatic pointer level 2 dcl 260 set ref 74* clean_up_condition 000106 automatic bit(1) packed unaligned dcl 236 set ref 53* 56* 219 cleanup 000110 stack reference condition dcl 237 ref 55 control 1 002126 automatic structure level 2 dcl 260 data based structure level 2 in structure "rm_db_info" dcl 6-86 in procedure "get_relation_list" data based structure level 2 in structure "dbcb" dcl 3-142 in procedure "get_relation_list" db_index parameter fixed bin(35,0) dcl 238 set ref 10 10 62* db_path 2 based char(168) level 3 dcl 6-86 ref 120 120 162 162 db_version based fixed bin(17,0) level 3 dcl 6-86 ref 91 dbcb based structure level 1 dcl 3-142 dbcb_data based structure level 1 unaligned dcl 3-148 dbcb_ptr 002156 automatic pointer dcl 3-146 set ref 62* 63 90 112 delete_tuple_perm 21(09) based bit(1) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 4-119 ref 196 dsm_sw 106(08) based bit(1) level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 3-142 ref 112 effective_access 42 based varying char(8) array level 3 dcl 1-45 set ref 181* 206* 208* empty builtin function dcl 259 ref 244 error_code parameter fixed bin(35,0) dcl 239 set ref 10 10 51* 63* 69* 76* 77 78* 84* 91* 98* 120* 123 127 162* 166 219 error_table_$area_too_small 000012 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 240 ref 98 error_table_$badcall 000014 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 241 ref 69 error_table_$unimplemented_version 000016 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 242 ref 84 i 000116 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 243 set ref 127* 151 152 156 158 179 181 181 181 202 206 208 local_area 000120 automatic area(1024) dcl 244 set ref 120 120 244* mdbm_secured 126 based bit(1) level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 6-86 ref 114 156 model_name 4 based char(32) array level 3 in structure "mrds_relation_list" dcl 1-45 in procedure "get_relation_list" set ref 156* 158* model_name 10 based char(30) level 2 in structure "rm_rel_info" dcl 4-119 in procedure "get_relation_list" ref 158 162 162 mrds_access 37 based varying char(8) array level 3 dcl 1-45 set ref 181* 202* mrds_access_string 002120 automatic varying char(4) dcl 248 set ref 190* 193* 193 196* 196 199 199* 202 206 mrds_authorization based structure level 1 dcl 2-22 mrds_authorization_ptr 002154 automatic pointer dcl 2-29 set ref 120* 156 162 mrds_authorization_structure_version 000003 constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 2-31 set ref 120* mrds_dm_authorization$get_user_class 000024 constant entry external dcl 249 ref 120 mrds_error_$invalid_db_index 000026 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 250 ref 63 mrds_error_$not_freeing_area 000030 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 251 ref 78 mrds_error_$version_not_supported 000032 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 252 ref 91 mrds_relation_list based structure level 1 dcl 1-45 set ref 106 109* 223 mrds_relation_list_num_rels_init 002152 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1-65 set ref 105* 106 106 111 127 mrds_relation_list_ptr parameter pointer dcl 1-67 set ref 10 10 52* 106* 109 110 111 112 114 116 152 156 158 179 181 181 181 181 202 206 208 221 223 225* mrds_relation_list_structure_version constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 1-69 ref 84 110 mu_database_index$get_resultant_model_pointer 000022 constant entry external dcl 247 ref 62 mu_get_relation_acl 000020 constant entry external dcl 245 ref 162 multics_access_string 002122 automatic varying char(4) dcl 253 set ref 168* 170* 170 173* 173 176 176* 179 my_area_info 002126 automatic structure level 1 unaligned dcl 260 set ref 72* 76 76 name based char(32) level 2 dcl 4-119 ref 152 no_freeing 1(04) 002126 automatic bit(1) level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 260 set ref 78 null builtin function dcl 259 ref 52 63 69 221 225 num_rels based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 5-34 ref 105 151 num_rels_in_view 2 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 1-45 set ref 106* 109 111* 223 ra_ptr 134 based pointer level 3 dcl 6-86 ref 104 rdbi_ptr based pointer level 3 in structure "dbcb" dcl 3-142 in procedure "get_relation_list" ref 90 rdbi_ptr 002164 automatic pointer dcl 6-90 in procedure "get_relation_list" set ref 90* 91 104 114 120 120 156 162 162 read_acl 002124 automatic bit(1) packed unaligned dcl 254 set ref 162* 170 rel_data based structure array level 2 dcl 5-34 relation 4 based structure array level 2 dcl 1-45 ri_ptr based pointer array level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 5-34 ref 151 rm_db_info based structure level 1 dcl 6-86 rm_db_info_data based structure level 1 unaligned dcl 6-92 rm_rel_array based structure level 1 dcl 5-34 rm_rel_info based structure level 1 dcl 4-119 rmra_ptr 002162 automatic pointer dcl 5-43 set ref 104* 105 151 rmri_ptr 002160 automatic pointer dcl 4-156 set ref 151* 152 158 162 162 193 196 rtrim builtin function dcl 259 ref 120 120 162 162 162 162 structure_version parameter fixed bin(17,0) dcl 255 ref 10 10 84 submodel_name 14 based char(64) array level 3 dcl 1-45 set ref 152* submodel_view 3 based bit(1) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 1-45 set ref 112* system_acl 34 based varying char(8) array level 3 dcl 1-45 set ref 179* 181 unspec builtin function dcl 259 set ref 72* 109* users_area based area dcl 257 ref 106 223 version based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "mrds_relation_list" dcl 1-45 in procedure "get_relation_list" set ref 110* version 002126 automatic fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "my_area_info" dcl 260 in procedure "get_relation_list" set ref 73* write_acl 002125 automatic bit(1) packed unaligned dcl 258 set ref 162* 173 206 NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT AND NEVER REFERENCED. area_info_version_1 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 7-3 area_infop automatic pointer dcl 7-5 fixed builtin function dcl 259 natts_init automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 4-157 nkey_attr_init automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 4-157 nvar_atts_init automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 4-157 rel builtin function dcl 259 rm_num_rels_init automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 5-44 sys_info$max_seg_size external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 256 NAMES DECLARED BY EXPLICIT CONTEXT. clean_up 000764 constant entry internal dcl 214 ref 57 142 get_relation_data 000414 constant entry internal dcl 147 ref 129 get_relation_list 000027 constant entry external dcl 10 mrds_dsl_get_relation_list 000040 constant entry external dcl 10 skip_allocate 000413 constant label dcl 144 ref 99 THERE WERE NO NAMES DECLARED BY CONTEXT OR IMPLICATION. STORAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS PROGRAM. Object Text Link Symbol Defs Static Start 0 0 1244 1300 1024 1254 Length 1652 1024 34 335 220 0 BLOCK NAME STACK SIZE TYPE WHY NONQUICK/WHO SHARES STACK FRAME get_relation_list 1220 external procedure is an external procedure. on unit on line 55 64 on unit on unit on line 97 64 on unit get_relation_data internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure get_relation_list. clean_up 64 internal procedure is called by several nonquick procedures. STORAGE FOR AUTOMATIC VARIABLES. STACK FRAME LOC IDENTIFIER BLOCK NAME get_relation_list 000106 clean_up_condition get_relation_list 000116 i get_relation_list 000120 local_area get_relation_list 002120 mrds_access_string get_relation_list 002122 multics_access_string get_relation_list 002124 read_acl get_relation_list 002125 write_acl get_relation_list 002126 my_area_info get_relation_list 002152 mrds_relation_list_num_rels_init get_relation_list 002154 mrds_authorization_ptr get_relation_list 002156 dbcb_ptr get_relation_list 002160 rmri_ptr get_relation_list 002162 rmra_ptr get_relation_list 002164 rdbi_ptr get_relation_list THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL OPERATORS ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. alloc_char_temp call_ext_out_desc call_ext_out call_int_this call_int_other return_mac tra_ext_1 enable_op shorten_stack ext_entry int_entry op_alloc_ op_freen_ op_empty_ THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL ENTRIES ARE CALLED BY THIS PROGRAM. area_info_ mrds_dm_authorization$get_user_class mu_database_index$get_resultant_model_pointer mu_get_relation_acl THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL VARIABLES ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. error_table_$area_too_small error_table_$badcall error_table_$unimplemented_version mrds_error_$invalid_db_index mrds_error_$not_freeing_area mrds_error_$version_not_supported LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC 244 000015 10 000022 51 000046 52 000050 53 000052 55 000053 56 000067 57 000072 58 000077 62 000100 63 000112 69 000123 72 000134 73 000137 74 000141 76 000144 77 000157 78 000163 84 000172 90 000201 91 000204 97 000213 98 000227 99 000233 104 000236 105 000241 106 000243 107 000257 109 000260 110 000270 111 000272 112 000274 114 000302 116 000311 120 000313 123 000365 127 000371 129 000404 131 000405 142 000407 144 000413 147 000414 151 000415 152 000432 156 000443 158 000461 162 000466 166 000564 168 000570 170 000571 173 000603 176 000615 179 000626 181 000641 188 000676 190 000677 193 000700 196 000713 199 000725 202 000736 206 000744 208 000756 212 000762 214 000763 219 000771 221 000777 223 001004 225 001013 231 001017 ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved