COMPILATION LISTING OF SEGMENT mrds_dsl_optimize Compiled by: Multics PL/I Compiler, Release 33e, of October 6, 1992 Compiled at: CGI Compiled on: 2000-04-18_1114.54_Tue_mdt Options: optimize map 1 /****^ *********************************************************** 2* * * 3* * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Bull Inc., 1988 * 4* * * 5* * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1981 * 6* * * 7* * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of * 8* * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. * 9* * * 10* *********************************************************** */ 11 12 13 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 14* 1) change(85-11-17,Dupuis), approve(85-12-16,MCR7314), 15* audit(86-02-04,Brunelle), install(86-02-05,MR12.0-1013): 16* This entry is being made to cover the change made on 85-06-14 by Thanh 17* Nguyen. (see mrds #137, #139 (phx19906) 18* 2) change(87-01-22,Hergert), approve(88-07-11,MCR7903), 19* audit(88-07-06,Dupuis), install(88-08-01,MR12.2-1073): 20* For the new parser, modified the way that the range and select list 21* pointers are set. 22* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 23 24 25 mrds_dsl_optimize: proc (dbcb_ptr, pred_ptr, so_ptr, code); 26 27 /* 28* . BEGIN_DESCRIPTION 29* This procedure performs final processing and optimization of the predicate 30* tree resulting from the -where clause. All "not" nodes are removed, and 31* all "or" node are moved so that none appears subordinate to an "and" node. 32* At this point, the usefulness of the tree structure disappears, and so the 33* tree is converted into a list of "and groups". After the predicate tree 34* optimization, a "program" for mrds_dsl_search is generated. 35* 36* 37* 38* INPUT CONDITIONS: 39* 40* dbcb_ptr points to a valid DBCB and pred_ptr points to a valid 41* predicate tree. 42* 43* 44* 45* OUTPUT DEFINITIONS: 46* 47* dbcb.pred_ptr will point to an array of "and groups". 48* 49* code = 0; if no errors are detected. 50* 51* code = mrds_error_$node_stack_ovfl; if one of the internal stacks used for 52* traversing the tree overflows. 53* 54* code = mrds_error_$max_and_groups; if there are too many and groups. 55* 56* code = mrds_error_$max_and_terms; if there are too many terms to fit into 57* an and group; 58* 59* code = mrds_error_$var_stack_ovfl; if the variable stack used for ordering 60* terms within an and group overflows. 61* 62* code = mrds_error_$no_tuple_effect; if there are tuple variables that have 63* no effect on the select set. 64* 65* HIGH LEVEL VIEW: 66* a. If no predicate tree (no where clause) 67* do cross product over all tuple variables, if a 68* relation has no tuples the search program generated 69* will cause the tuple not found error to be returned 70* with out causing any i/o to the database 71* b. else 72* 1. convert predicate tree to disjuctive normal form 73* and go from a tree to a list. 74* 2. loop 75* a. determine optimium search path for each 76* and-group (mrds_dsl_permute) 77* b. generate search program for each and-group 78* (mrds_dsl_gen_srch_prog) 79* 3. build global search program over all and-group 80* search programs. Done by sorting each and-group 81* search program and building the global list by 82* putting the ones with the smallest cost first, 83* and-groups with zero cost are removed. 84* 85* NOTES: 86* 1. if no-optimize is set than and-group search programs 87* are not sorted by cost or if cross product not sorted 88* by relation size. 89* 2. output from print_search_order is done from optimize. 90* . END_DESCRIPTION 91* 92* MRDS_DEBUG_TOOL SWITCH DEFINITIONS: 93* 94* bit 1 = perdicate tree display switch 95* 96* bit 2 = search paths display switch 97* 98* bit 3 = use calc_cost in addition to permute to determine search paths 99* 100* bits 4 thru 9 = not used 101* 102* 103* 104* HISTORY: 105* 106* 76-03-01 J. A. Weeldreyer: Initially written. 107* 108* 76-08-01 J. A. Weeldreyer: Modified to create pseudo terms for 109* undetermined free terms. 110* 111* 76-09-01 J. A. Weeldreyer: Modified to fix and_group shift 112* problem. 113* 114* 77-04-01 J. A. Weeldreyer: Modified to fix a term reordering 115* problem. 116* 117* 77-09-01 J. A. Weeldreyer: Modified to fix yet another term 118* reordering problem. 119* 120* 77-04-01 J. A. Weeldreyer: Modified to incorporate MR6.0 changes. 121* 122* 77-09-01 J. A. Weeldreyer: Modified to eliminate concept of bound 123* variables. 124* 125* 78-03-01 J. A. Weeldreyer: Modified to fix more bugs in term 126* reordering and copying. 127* 128* 78-11-01 J. A. Weeldreyer: Modified for MR7.0. 129* 130* 79-04-24 Al Kepner: Modified to (1) initialize cost in 131* path_array, (2) to rewrite combining of all search op tables into 132* one in create_search_lists. 133* 134* 79-06-01 Al Kepner: Modified by to use select_area. 135* 136* 79-07-16 NSDavids: Modified to build a search path using all 137* tuple variables in range clause. also to check for a tuple 138* variable that has no effect on the select set and return an 139* error. 140* 141* 79-10-22 Rickie E. Brinegar: Modified to call mrds_dsl_permute to 142* get the absolute minmum cost path, and to make use of the 143* mrds_debug_tool with mrds_debug_names. 144* 145* 80-01-21 Rickie E. Brinegar: Modified to properly account for 146* range variables not used in a particular and group. 147* 148* 80-01-23 Davids: modified determine_min_cost_segment so that if 149* all paths have already been looked at it returns a null pvp 150* pointer rather than just returning what was given. 151* create_search_lists has been modifed to work with the case of a 152* returned null pointer. 153* 154* 80-01-24 Davids: path_var_flags is reset to "0" for each 155* and-group rather than retaining flag values from last and group. 156* 157* 80-04-11 Rickie E. Brinegar: Modified to make mdb_calc_cost a 158* debug tool using debug switch number 3. 159* 160* 80-09-23 Jim Gray: Modified to capture max_and_groups overflow in 161* the routine cannonize_pred in one case that was overlooked. 162* 163* 81-03-27 Jim Gray : added dbcb_ptr parameter to mu_get_rel_size 164* as part of getting rid of mus_ptr_man module. 165* 166* 81-03-30 Jim Gray : for TR 9457, moved a check for only a left 167* branch "or", in the canonize_pred routine, to handle both right 168* and left branches. Problem symptom was that (a|b)&(c|d)&(e|f) 169* type queries would not return all matching tuples. 170* 171* 01-06-01 Jim Gray : changed to use new resultant structure. Also 172* renamed rmds_dsl_calc_cost to mdb_calc_cost. 173* 174* 81-06-17 Jim Gray : added call to mu_open_iocb_manager to 175* implement attach/open of iocbs on an as needed basis. 176* 177* 81-06-23 Jim Gray : changed sort order for the cross_prod 178* routine, so that search program generated is to do the smaller 179* relations first. 180* 181* 182* 81-06-24 Jim Gray : added capture of case when cross product will 183* be empty, so that no retrieves have to be done to find this out. 184* This can only be done for non set operation selection 185* expressions. 186* 187* 81-06-26 Roger Lackey : added code to handle no_optimize and 188* print_search_order 189* 190* 81-07-01 Jim Gray : modified print_search_order for the cross 191* product case to use the real search order, not the tuple variable 192* order. 193* 194* 81-07-02 Jim Gray : changed method of getting tuple count in 195* cross_prod, to get it from rm_rel_info statistics, rather than 196* calling mu_get_rel_size. Also changed -no_optimize, to only avoid 197* sorting, noptimize the getting of rel sizes. 198* 199* 81-07-09 Jim Gray : removed code dealing with mdb_calc_cost 200* logic, as this routine does not support the new path_var 201* structure and constants. 202* 203* 81-07-14 Jim Gray : changed -print_search_order display to output 204* additional info now available in path_var structure, and to 205* separate and group info. Also added logic to display access 206* method as indexed attr if the user is a peon on a secured 207* database and actually has a key access method. Added proper 208* handling of temp rel names, and changed internal form of access 209* method names to better user visible ones. Revamped output format. 210* 211* 81-07-15 Jim Gray : changed method of determining whether a tuple 212* variable has an effect on the select set for the case of a where 213* clause. The previous method relied on mdb_calc_cost. Now 214* existance of conditions in the where clause is determined as well 215* as use in the select clause. One or the other must exist. If only 216* present in the select clause we have a cross product effect. Also 217* removed all use of the path_array which was only used by 218* mdb_cal_cost. 219* 220* 81-07-16 Jim Gray : changed cross product print search order ioa 221* parameters so that the order in the array was used for the ORDER 222* output, and also so that the size was gotten from the proper 223* place in the array. Also changed tuple_no_effect logic for the 224* where clause case, so that tuple variables appearing last in the 225* list with no conditions, but really used are properly handled. 226* 227* 81-07-17 Jim Gray : modified method by which several and_group 228* search programs were made into a single search_op program. The 229* individual and_group search_op programs are now sorted based on 230* their cost. This will help improve the performance of getting the 231* first tuple from a multiple and group select expr. 232* 233* 81-07-18 Jim Gray : added logic to make a phony search program of 234* just return_null for the case where all and groups contain an 235* unpopulated relation, and thus can not be satistied. Also 236* extended the fix to the cross product case, to make it work for 237* set S.E.'s, and allow display of the -pso output regardless of 238* the situation. 239* 240* 81-07-19 Jim Gray : extended the fix for the no_tuple_effect 241* detection so it could handle the case -select A -where (A & B) | 242* (A & C) or the case -select A -where A | B. 243* 244* 81-07-21 Jim Gray : modified -pso output, where clause case, to 245* show both conditions when permute used a range against a key head 246* or indexed attr. 247* 248* 81-07-23 Roger Lackey : set dbcb.pred_ptr for use by 249* mrds_dsl_retrieve auto dup 250* 251* 81-07-24 Jim Gray : changed setting of dbcb.pred_ptr to handle 252* case of where clause. The input pred_ptr is to the root of the 253* predicate tree. This value is changed in cannonize_pred to point 254* to the pred_array. 255* 256* 81-09-10 Rickie E. Brinegar: Removed (no-subrg) prefix that was 257* buried in the code as (subrg) is not on except in the development. 258* 259* 81-09-11 Davids: enclosed both target and source of two assigment 260* statements with unspec. This was done to get around a pl1 bug 261* which causes the subscriptrange condition to be signaled when the 262* module is compiled with the subscriptrange prefix. The pl1 bug 263* was reported as tr11508. 264* 265* 81-09-19 Davids: changed the lowest index reference into 266* path_var_pointer_array to 1 from 0. The reference to index 0 was 267* causing a subscriptrange condition to occur. 268* 269* 81-09-29 Davids: modified section of code dealing with zero cost 270* and-groups. moved the setting of the err_xfer within the scope of 271* the if cost ^= 0 statement, it was just outside the scope, which 272* resulted in subscriptrange conditions when begin_and_group was 273* not set. 274* 275* 82-06-14 Davids: added high level view and notes. 276* 277* 82-09-01 Mike Kubicar : converted from using the tuple structure to 278* using the vector structure. In this module, this means using an index 279* into the tuple structure (select_info.tuple_info_index) instead of 280* a pointer to where a tuple will be place (select_info.t_ptr). 281* 282* 82-09-23 Davids: removed references to the file_io_array and the 283* rm_rel_info.iocb_ptr array and mu_open_iocb_manager and replaced 284* them with a call to mu_cursor_manager_$get. 285* 286* 82-10-26 Davids: Modified so the cursor set up in the cross_prod 287* internal proc always uses the record collection (rel_id). It was 288* using the record collection if the ready_mode was retrieval and the 289* primary key collection if the ready mode was update. 290* 291* 82-11-12 Mike Kubicar : Due to problems with vrm_relmgr_, the previous 292* change had to be backed out. 293* 294* 82-11-29 Davids: Modified so name of a temp rel dispalyed by the -pso 295* option is the temp rel index. This was inadvertently changed when the 296* use of the rm_rel_info.rel_id element changed to be a relation manager 297* identifier. 298* 299* 83-04-04 Mike Kubicar : Removed distinction between unordered and ordered 300* sequential searches. -pso should only print out sequential search. 301* Also, for cross products, only generate a record collection cursor ptr. 302* 303* 83-04-22 Mike Kubicar : If there is no where clause, cross_product must 304* generate a search specification that will select the entire relation. 305* Also, removed all references to the obsolete structure init_info. 306* 307* 83-05-03 Mike Kubicar : Added initialization of rtrv_info (or its alias) 308* .maxtids. 309* 310* 83-05-25 Ron Harvey : Added the build_vectors routine to support the 311* shortened simple_typed_vector changes. 312* 313* 83-05-31 Mike Kubicar : Updated to use the new (version 4) search 314* specification. 315* 316* 83-08-04 Mike Kubicar : Added code to set up all the element id lists 317* needed by the search program. The element_id_list_segment is evenly 318* divided among all the tuple variables. 319* 320* 83-08-05 Ron Harvey : Modified the build_vectors routine to back out the 321* shortened simple_typed_vector changes. 322* 323* 83-10-24 Mike Kubicar - Changed to only request 324* mrds_data_$max_tids_returned_per_call tuple ids be returned in the element 325* id list instead of as many as possible. This is due to a customer request 326* that mrds be more interactive (i.e. they liked it the old way). 327* 328* 85-04-08 Thanh Nguyen - Added code to set the max_tids to be either 329* max_tids_returned_per_call or max_safe_tids_returned_per_call depending on 330* the scope of the relation is shared or not. 331* 332* 85-06-14 Thanh Nguyen - Added code to check if the relation is temporary 333* (rm_rel_info.file_type = 3) then set max_tids to be 334* max_tids_returned_per_call and not validate the scopes. Also rewrote 335* the calculation method for the size of element_id_list structure. 336**/ 337 338 339 display_predicate_tree = substr (db_mrds_dsl_optimize, 1, 1); 340 display_search_paths = substr (db_mrds_dsl_optimize, 2, 1); 341 num_ptrs = 0; 342 rdbi_ptr = dbcb.rdbi_ptr; 343 range_ptr = dbcb.range_ptr; 344 select_list_ptr = dbcb.select_ptr; 345 ti_ptr = dbcb.ti_ptr; 346 347 select_area_ptr = dbcb.select_area_ptr; 348 sa_alloc = "0"b; 349 sap = null (); 350 or_top = 0; 351 if pred_ptr = null then do; /* if no pred. */ 352 dbcb.pred_ptr = null (); /* no and groups */ 353 call cross_prod; /* either rel dump, or cross prod. */ 354 end; 355 356 else do; /* if pred. specified */ 357 call canonize_pred; /* put in disjunctive normal form */ 358 359 dbcb.pred_ptr = pred_ptr; /* to pred_array */ 360 361 call create_search_lists; /* generate the program for search */ 362 363 end; 364 365 code = 0; /* tell caller the good news */ 366 367 exit: return; 368 369 cross_prod: proc; 370 371 /* Procedure to build search info for select block with no where clause. THis 372* implies either a relation dump or a cross product. */ 373 374 dcl (i, 375 j, 376 ii, 377 si, 378 vi, 379 rvi, 380 rni) fixed bin; 381 dcl sz fixed bin (35); 382 dcl next_element_id_list_ptr ptr; 383 384 dcl sub_err_ entry options (variable); 385 dcl retval fixed bin (35); /* to make sub_err_ happy */ 386 387 sa_nvars = range.num_vars; /* init */ 388 if sa_nvars < 4 /* try to use stack space */ 389 then sa_ptr = addr (wkspc1); 390 else do; /* if must allocate */ 391 allocate size_array in (select_area); /* Allocations in select_area are never freed. This area 392* is reinitialized at the beginning 393* of each new selection expression. */ 394 sa_alloc = "1"b; 395 end; 396 397 code = 0; 398 do i = 1 to sa_nvars; /* get size of each relation */ 399 400 size_array.var_index (i) = i; 401 size_array.size (i) = range.tup_var (i).ri_ptr -> rm_rel_info.current_tuple_population; 402 if size_array.size (i) = 0 then 403 icode = mrds_error_$tuple_not_found; 404 end; 405 406 if ^dbcb.no_optimize then do; /* don't sort if -no_optimize specified */ 407 408 nxchng = sa_nvars; 409 do i = sa_nvars by -1 to 2 while (nxchng > 0); /* sort by size */ 410 nxchng = 0; 411 do j = 2 to i; 412 413 414 /* do the smaller relations first in the cross product */ 415 416 if size_array.size (j) < size_array.size (j - 1) then do; /* must exchange */ 417 sz = size_array.size (j); 418 vi = size_array.var_index (j); 419 size_array.size (j) = size_array.size (j - 1); 420 size_array.var_index (j) = size_array.var_index (j - 1); 421 size_array.var_index (j - 1) = vi; 422 size_array.size (j - 1) = sz; 423 nxchng = nxchng + 1; 424 end; /* exchanging */ 425 end; /* j loop */ 426 end; /* i loop */ 427 end; /* END of else do to optimize */ 428 429 430 /* if a 0 size relation was detected, we can not ever return 431* any tuples from a cross product involving it. Thus we can improve 432* performance by generating a search program that does not do I/O, 433* but simply does the return_null operation instead. */ 434 435 if icode = mrds_error_$tuple_not_found then do; 436 437 /* null cross product becuase of 0 size relation, 438* force a dummy search program that will work with set S.E.'s 439* and not do any I/O, just return the tuple_not_found error */ 440 441 so_nops_init = 1; 442 allocate search_ops in (select_area); 443 444 search_ops.ic = 1; 445 search_ops.nops = 1; 446 search_ops.op.code (1) = RETNUL; 447 icode, /* reset to not really error at this point */ 448 search_ops.op.var_ind (1), 449 search_ops.op.good_xfer (1), 450 search_ops.op.err_xfer (1) = 0; 451 search_ops.op.info_ptr (1) = null (); 452 453 end; 454 else do; 455 /* We start on a new select expression, so turn scopes_changed flag and shared mode flag off. */ 456 dbcb.non_shared_to_shared = "0"b; 457 dbcb.scopes_changed = "0"b; 458 sv_nvars_init = sa_nvars; /* init. search tables */ 459 so_nops_init = 2 * sa_nvars + 3; 460 allocate search_vars in (select_area); /* Allocations in select_area are never freed. This area 461* is reinitialized at the beginning 462* of each new selection expression. */ 463 string (search_vars.new_val) = "0"b; 464 allocate search_ops in (select_area); /* Allocations in select_area are never freed. This area 465* is reinitialized at the beginning 466* of each new selection expression. */ 467 468 469 470 search_ops.ic = 1; 471 search_ops.op.code (1) = PICKUP_SVP; /* init to pick up sv ptr */ 472 search_ops.op.info_ptr (1) = sv_ptr; 473 search_ops.op.var_ind (1) = 0; 474 search_ops.op.good_xfer (1) = 1; 475 search_ops.op.err_xfer = 0; 476 next_element_id_list_ptr = dbcb.element_id_list_segment_ptr; 477 478 do i = 1 to sa_nvars; /* fill in search tables for each var. */ 479 480 if ^range.tup_var (i).used /* if ^a tuple variable has been defined */ 481 then do; /* but is not used in the select set */ 482 call sub_err_ (mrds_error_$no_tuple_effect, "mrds_dsl_optimize", "c", null (), retval, 483 "A Useless tuple variable is ^a", range.tup_var (i).name); 484 485 call error (mrds_error_$no_tuple_effect); 486 end; 487 rmri_ptr, 488 (i) = range.tup_var.ri_ptr (i); /* fill search vars info */ 489 490 call mu_cursor_manager_$get (dbcb.dbi, rmri_ptr, (i), rm_rel_info.rel_id, 491 dbcb.relmgr_entries.create_cursor,, dbcb.cursor_ptrs_storage_ptr, 492 dbcb.cursor_storage_area_ptr, (i), icode); 493 if icode ^= 0 494 then call error (icode); 495 (i), 496 (i) = 0; 497 current_max_tids_per_call = mrds_data_$max_tids_returned_per_call; 498 if rm_rel_info.file_type ^= 3 then do; 499 /* we have a real relation here. */ 500 current_scope_ptr = rm_rel_info.scope_flags_ptr; 501 if current_scope_flags.permits.read_attr | 502 current_scope_flags.permits.delete_tuple | 503 current_scope_flags.permits.modify_attr then 504 if ^current_scope_flags.prevents.modify_attr | 505 (^current_scope_flags.prevents.append_tuple & 506 ^current_scope_flags.prevents.delete_tuple) then 507 current_max_tids_per_call = mrds_data_$max_safe_tids_returned_per_call; 508 end; 509 (i) = current_max_tids_per_call; 510 (i) = next_element_id_list_ptr; 511 next_element_id_list_ptr = addrel ( (i), 512 current_max_tids_per_call + 2); 513 /* There are two words of header in an element id list */ 514 element_id_list_ptr = (i); 515 element_id_list.version = ELEMENT_ID_LIST_VERSION_1; 516 element_id_list.number_of_elements = 0; 517 ii = 2 * i; 518 si = 2 * i + 1; 519 /* fill in search op items */ 520 521 search_ops.op.info_ptr (ii) = null (); 522 allocate select_info in (select_area); /* Allocations in select_area are never freed. This area 523* is reinitialized at the beginning 524* of each new selection expression. */ 525 search_ops.op.info_ptr (si) = seli_ptr; 526 select_info.cvla_ptr = null; 527 do j = 1 to tuple_info.num_tuples while (tuple_info.tuple.var_index (j) ^= size_array.var_index (i)); 528 end; 529 select_info.tuple_info_index = j; 530 select_info.tid_ptr = addr (tuple_info.tuple.tuple_id (j)); 531 rss_number_of_and_groups = 0; 532 rss_maximum_number_of_constraints = 0; 533 allocate relation_search_specification in (select_area); 534 relation_search_specification.head.version = SPECIFICATION_VERSION_4; 535 relation_search_specification.head.type = ABSOLUTE_RELATION_SEARCH_SPECIFICATION_TYPE; 536 relation_search_specification.head.pad = "0"b; 537 relation_search_specification.head.subset_specification_ptr = null (); 538 relation_search_specification.maximum_number_of_constraints = 539 rss_maximum_number_of_constraints; 540 relation_search_specification.number_of_and_groups = 541 rss_number_of_and_groups; 542 relation_search_specification.range.type = LOW_RANGE_TYPE; 543 relation_search_specification.range.size = current_max_tids_per_call; 544 relation_search_specification.flags.return_unique_tuples = "0"b; 545 relation_search_specification.flags.mbz = "0"b; 546 select_info.relation_search_specification_ptr = relation_search_specification_ptr; 547 search_ops.op.code (ii) = INIT; 548 search_ops.op.code (si) = SEL; 549 search_ops.op.var_ind (ii), 550 search_ops.op.var_ind (si) = size_array.var_index (i); 551 search_ops.op.good_xfer (ii) = 1; 552 search_ops.op.good_xfer (si) = 1; 553 if i = 1 then do; /* if first set of ops */ 554 search_ops.op.err_xfer (ii) = 2 * sa_nvars + 1; 555 search_ops.op.err_xfer (si) = 2 * sa_nvars; 556 end; 557 else do; 558 search_ops.op.err_xfer (ii) = -1; 559 search_ops.op.err_xfer (si) = -2; 560 end; 561 562 end; /* fill ing in var and op info */ 563 rvi = 2 * sa_nvars + 2; 564 rni = 2 * sa_nvars + 3; 565 search_ops.op.code (rvi) = RETVAL; /* fill in return search ops */ 566 search_ops.op.code (rni) = RETNUL; 567 search_ops.op.var_ind (rvi), 568 search_ops.op.var_ind (rni), 569 search_ops.op.good_xfer (rni), 570 search_ops.op.err_xfer (rni), 571 search_ops.op.err_xfer (rvi) = 0; 572 search_ops.op.good_xfer (rvi) = -1; 573 search_ops.op.info_ptr (rvi), 574 search_ops.op.info_ptr (rni) = null; 575 576 end; 577 578 /* Set up the simple typed vector and id list ptrs */ 579 580 call build_vectors; 581 582 if dbcb.print_search_order then do; /* Print the order tuple variable are used */ 583 584 call ioa_ ("^/Tuple variables listed in search order - - all accessed sequentially."); 585 do z = 1 to sa_nvars; 586 587 i = size_array.var_index (z); 588 589 if range.tup_var.temp_rel (i) then 590 rel_name = ltrim (before (after (range.tup_var.ri_ptr (i) -> rm_rel_info.model_name, "."), "."), "0") 591 || " (temp rel index)"; 592 else rel_name = range.tup_var.ri_ptr (i) ->; 593 594 call ioa_ ("^/Order: ^d Tuple variable: ""^a""^5xRelation name: ""^a""^/^11xRelation size: ^d", 595 z, (i), rel_name, size_array.size (z)); 596 end; 597 call ioa_ (""); /* give um a line feed */ 598 599 end; /* END if print_search_order */ 600 end cross_prod; 601 602 canonize_pred: proc; 603 604 /* Procedure to convert predicate tree to disjunctive normal form. */ 605 606 /* This first section eliminates not nodes from the tree by negating the operator of the descendent node */ 607 608 top = 1; /* init. the node stack */ 609 node_stack (top) = pred_ptr; 610 611 do while (top > 0); /* while we have not exhausted the stack */ 612 613 pn_ptr = node_stack (top); /* look at top node in stack */ 614 top = top - 1; 615 616 if = AND_OP /* if and node or or node */ 617 | = OR_OP then do; 618 619 if top + 2 > mrds_data_$max_pred_depth then 620 call error (mrds_error_$node_stack_ovfl); /* if we would overflow the stack */ 621 node_stack (top + 1) = pred_node.rbr; /* add branches to stack */ 622 node_stack (top + 2) = pred_node.lbr; 623 top = top + 2; 624 625 end; /* and or or node */ 626 627 else if = NOT_OP then do; /* if a not node */ 628 629 c_ptr = pred_node.lbr; /* point to child */ 630 if c_ptr -> pred_node.term then /* if child is term */ 631 c_ptr -> = neg_op (fixed (c_ptr ->; 632 /* negate the opcode of child */ 633 else if c_ptr -> = AND_OP /* if child is and or or */ 634 | c_ptr -> = OR_OP then do; 635 636 /* ^(a & b) => ^a | ^b, ^(a | b) => ^a & ^b */ 637 638 if c_ptr -> = AND_OP then /* reverse the op code */ 639 c_ptr -> = OR_OP; 640 else c_ptr -> = AND_OP; 641 642 allocate pred_node in (select_area) set (notr_ptr); 643 /* alloc. temp not nodes */ /* Allocations in select_area are never freed. This area 644* is reinitialized at the beginning 645* of each new selection expression. */ 646 allocate pred_node in (select_area) set (notl_ptr); 647 /* Allocations in select_area are never freed. This area 648* is reinitialized at the beginning 649* of each new selection expression. */ 650 651 /* it is not necessary to completely fill in these nodes, since they will exist only through the next iteration */ 652 653 notl_ptr -> pred_node.type, 654 notr_ptr -> pred_node.type = NODE; 655 notl_ptr ->, 656 notr_ptr -> = NOT_OP; 657 string (notl_ptr ->, 658 string (notl_ptr ->, 659 string (notr_ptr ->, 660 string (notr_ptr ->, 661 notl_ptr -> pred_node.root, 662 notr_ptr -> pred_node.root, 663 notl_ptr -> pred_node.term, 664 notr_ptr -> pred_node.term = "0"b; 665 notl_ptr -> pred_node.lbr = c_ptr -> pred_node.lbr; /* splice new not nodes between 666* child & his branches */ 667 notr_ptr -> pred_node.lbr = c_ptr -> pred_node.rbr; 668 notl_ptr -> pred_node.parent, 669 notr_ptr -> pred_node.parent = c_ptr; 670 c_ptr -> pred_node.lbr = notl_ptr; 671 c_ptr -> pred_node.rbr = notr_ptr; 672 673 if top + 2 > mrds_data_$max_pred_depth then /* if we would overflow stack */ 674 call error (mrds_error_$node_stack_ovfl); 675 676 node_stack (top + 1) = notr_ptr; /* add new nodes to stack */ 677 node_stack (top + 2) = notl_ptr; 678 top = top + 2; 679 680 end; /* if & or | node */ 681 682 else if c_ptr -> = NOT_OP then do; /* if child is not */ 683 684 /* ^^a => a */ 685 686 pred_node.lbr = c_ptr -> pred_node.lbr; /* remove lower ^ node */ 687 if top + 1 > mrds_data_$max_pred_depth then /* if we would overflow stack */ 688 call error (mrds_error_$node_stack_ovfl); 689 690 node_stack (top + 1) = pred_node.lbr; 691 top = top + 1; 692 693 end; /* if ^ node */ 694 695 if pred_node.root then do; /* if current is root, have no parent */ 696 pred_ptr = c_ptr; /* child now becomes root */ 697 c_ptr -> pred_node.root = "1"b; 698 end; 699 else /* if not root then have parent */ 700 if pred_node.parent -> pred_node.lbr = pn_ptr then /* if current is left br. */ 701 pred_node.parent -> pred_node.lbr = c_ptr; /* remove current node */ 702 else /* current is right br. */ 703 pred_node.parent -> pred_node.rbr = c_ptr; 704 705 end; /* if current was ^ node */ 706 707 end; /* loop to remove not nodes */ 708 709 /* Have now eliminated all not nodes from the tree. Now we rearrange the 710* remainder of the tree so that no | nodes are subordinate to any & nodes (disjunctive normal form). */ 711 712 top = 1; /* init node stack */ 713 node_stack (top) = pred_ptr; 714 715 do while (top > 0); /* while stack is not exhausted */ 716 717 pn_ptr = node_stack (top); /* pick up top node from stack */ 718 top = top - 1; 719 720 if ^pred_node.term then do; /* if and or or */ 721 if top + 2 > mrds_data_$max_pred_depth then /* if we would overflow the stack */ 722 call error (mrds_error_$node_stack_ovfl); 723 node_stack (top + 1) = pred_node.rbr; /* add branches to stack */ 724 node_stack (top + 2) = pred_node.lbr; 725 top = top + 2; 726 end; /* if & or | */ 727 728 if = OR_OP & ^pred_node.root then /* if or which may need moving */ 729 if pred_node.parent -> = AND_OP then do; 730 731 p_ptr = pred_node.parent; /* pick up parent pointer */ 732 c_ptr = pn_ptr; /* current node becomes child */ 733 done = "0"b; /* init compl. flag */ 734 735 do while (^done); /* while the or needs to be moved upward in the tree */ 736 737 allocate pred_node in (select_area) set (and_ptr); 738 /* alloc. new and node */ /* Allocations in select_area are never freed. This area 739* is reinitialized at the beginning 740* of each new selection expression. */ 741 and_ptr -> pred_node.type = NODE; /* and fill it in */ 742 and_ptr -> = AND_OP; 743 and_ptr -> pred_node.root = "0"b; 744 and_ptr -> pred_node.term = "0"b; 745 string (and_ptr -> = "0"b; 746 string (and_ptr -> = "0"b; 747 and_ptr -> pred_node.parent = p_ptr; 748 749 if c_ptr = p_ptr -> pred_node.lbr then do; /* if the | is a left branch */ 750 751 call copy_subtree (p_ptr -> pred_node.rbr, copy_ptr, and_ptr); 752 /* make a copy of right branch */ 753 call move_subtree (c_ptr -> pred_node.rbr, and_ptr -> pred_node.lbr, and_ptr); 754 and_ptr -> pred_node.rbr = copy_ptr; 755 call move_subtree (p_ptr -> pred_node.rbr, c_ptr -> pred_node.rbr, c_ptr); 756 p_ptr -> pred_node.rbr = and_ptr; 757 758 end; /* if the | was a left branch */ 759 760 else do; /* if the | is a right branch */ 761 762 call copy_subtree (p_ptr -> pred_node.lbr, copy_ptr, and_ptr); 763 /* copy the left branch */ 764 call move_subtree (c_ptr -> pred_node.lbr, and_ptr -> pred_node.rbr, and_ptr); 765 and_ptr -> pred_node.lbr = copy_ptr; 766 call move_subtree (p_ptr -> pred_node.lbr, c_ptr -> pred_node.lbr, c_ptr); 767 p_ptr -> pred_node.lbr = and_ptr; 768 769 770 end; /* if | is right branch */ 771 772 773 /* for either a right or left branch */ 774 775 if top + 1 > mrds_data_$max_pred_depth then /* if stack is overflowing */ 776 call error (mrds_error_$node_stack_ovfl); 777 778 /* In this case, we can guarantee that all nodes will be looked at by placing copy_ptr in stack */ 779 780 top = top + 1; 781 node_stack (top) = copy_ptr; 782 p_ptr -> = OR_OP; /* parent is now an | node */ 783 c_ptr -> = AND_OP; /* and the current is now an & node */ 784 785 c_ptr = p_ptr; /* go up one level */ 786 p_ptr = p_ptr -> pred_node.parent; 787 788 if c_ptr -> pred_node.root then done = "1"b; /* if no farther to go */ 789 else if p_ptr -> ^= AND_OP then done = "1"b; /* or we have hit ors */ 790 791 end; /* bubbling this or */ 792 793 end; /* if or node */ 794 795 end; /* search for ors */ 796 797 /* Have now eliminated all not nodes from the tree, and have rearranged the tree so that no and nodes have 798* subordinate or nodes. Hence, the tree has now degenerated into a set of "and groups", i.e. a set 799* of requirements lists which must be met for tuple to be selected. Thus, in order to facilitate further 800* manipulation, we first discard the tree structure in favor of a list of and groups. For each and group, we 801* then group all terms in like variables together */ 802 803 if display_predicate_tree then 804 call mdb_display_pred_tree$display_pred_tree_ (pred_ptr, /* ptr to root of tree */ 805 "0"b, /* ^brief mode */ 806 "1"b, /* long mode */ 807 10, /* maximum depth */ 808 1, /* => inorder */ 809 dbcb_ptr); 810 or_top = 1; /* init. or stack */ 811 or_stack (or_top) = pred_ptr; 812 813 num_ands_init = mrds_data_$max_and_groups; 814 allocate pred_array in (select_area); 815 /* alloc. array for and groups */ /* Allocations in select_area are never freed. This area 816* is reinitialized at the beginning 817* of each new selection expression. */ 818 pred_array.type = ARRAY; /* init. it */ 819 pred_array.num_ands = 0; 820 821 do while (or_top > 0); /* for every and group */ 822 823 pn_ptr = or_stack (or_top); /* pick up top node from or_stack */ 824 or_top = or_top - 1; 825 826 if pred_node.term then do; /* and_group consists of single term */ 827 if pred_array.num_ands + 1 > num_ands_init then /* if we will exceed list size */ 828 call error (mrds_error_$max_and_groups); 829 pred_array.num_ands = pred_array.num_ands + 1; 830 num_terms_init = 1; 831 allocate and_group in (select_area); 832 /* alloc. and group of single or double term */ 833 /* Allocations in select_area are never freed. It 834* is reinitialized at the beginning 835* of each new selection expression. */ 836 and_group.num_terms = num_terms_init; 837 and_group.term_ptr (1) = pn_ptr; /* fill it in */ 838 pred_array.and_ptr (pred_array.num_ands) = ag_ptr; /* add it to and group array */ 839 end; /* if node was a term */ 840 841 else if = OR_OP then do;/* if this is an or node */ 842 if or_top + 2 > mrds_data_$max_pred_depth then /* if we would overflow the stack */ 843 call error (mrds_error_$node_stack_ovfl); 844 or_stack (or_top + 1) = pred_node.rbr; /* just add the two branches to the stack */ 845 or_stack (or_top + 2) = pred_node.lbr; 846 or_top = or_top + 2; 847 end; /* if was or node */ 848 849 else do; /* if node is an and node, => top of and group */ 850 851 num_terms_init = mrds_data_$max_and_terms; 852 allocate and_group in (select_area); 853 /* alloc. max sized and group */ /* Allocations in select_area are never freed. This area 854* is reinitialized at the beginning 855* of each new selection expression. */ 856 and_group.num_terms = 0; /* init it */ 857 858 pred_array.num_ands = pred_array.num_ands + 1; /* and add it to group array */ 859 if pred_array.num_ands > num_ands_init then 860 call error (mrds_error_$max_and_groups); 861 pred_array.and_ptr (pred_array.num_ands) = ag_ptr; 862 863 and_top = 2; 864 and_stack (1) = pred_node.rbr; /* init. and stack */ 865 and_stack (2) = pred_node.lbr; 866 867 do while (and_top > 0); /* look through every node in the and group */ 868 869 pn_ptr = and_stack (and_top); /* pick off top stack element */ 870 and_top = and_top - 1; 871 872 if pred_node.term then do; /* if this is a term */ 873 if and_group.num_terms + 1 > num_terms_init then /* if we will overflow list */ 874 call error (mrds_error_$max_and_terms); 875 and_group.num_terms = and_group.num_terms + 1; /* increment number of terms */ 876 and_group.term_ptr (and_group.num_terms) = pn_ptr; /* add this term to and group */ 877 end; /* if this is term */ 878 879 else do; /* is another and node */ 880 881 if and_top + 2 > mrds_data_$max_pred_depth then /* if we will overflow the and stack */ 882 call error (mrds_error_$node_stack_ovfl); 883 and_top = and_top + 2; 884 and_stack (and_top - 1) = pred_node.rbr; /* add branches to and stack */ 885 and_stack (and_top) = pred_node.lbr; 886 end; /* if internsl and node */ 887 end; /* converting and group to list form */ 888 end; /* loop for and group */ 889 end; /* loop for tree */ 890 end canonize_pred; 891 892 create_search_lists: proc; 893 894 /* Procedure to create the "program" for mrds_dsl_search */ 895 896 dcl (i, j, k) fixed bin; 897 898 allocate path_var_flags in (select_area); 899 900 search_array.num_and_groups = pred_array.num_ands; 901 902 do i = 1 to pred_array.num_ands; /* process each and group */ 903 904 var_count = 0; /* so far there are no tuple variables in the search path */ 905 ag_ptr = pred_array.and_ptr (i); 906 done = "0"b; 907 908 /* Call the permutatuions program. */ 909 910 911 call mrds_dsl_permute (dbcb_ptr, ag_ptr, search_array (i).path_ptr, search_array (i).cost, icode); 912 if icode ^= 0 then call error (icode); 913 914 pvp = search_array (i).path_ptr; 915 unspec (path_var_flags) = "0"b; 916 917 call count_path_len_and_set_flags (pvp, var_count, last_el_ptr, path_var_flags); 918 919 min_path_first_el_ptr = pvp; 920 /* save pointer to fist element in mim cost partial path */ 921 min_path_last_el_ptr = last_el_ptr; /* last element in path also */ 922 923 924 if display_search_paths then do; 925 call ioa_ ("^/^/The minimum cost search path^/^/"); 926 call mdb_display_path_$path (min_path_first_el_ptr, dbcb_ptr); 927 call ioa_ ("^/^/End minimum costr search path^/^/"); 928 end; 929 if dbcb.print_search_order then do; 930 931 /* -print_search_order specified in selection expression, 932* output info for each and_group search path */ 933 934 if i = 1 then /* first and_group */ 935 call ioa_ ("^/Tuple variables listed in search order"); 936 else call ioa_ ("^/***** New and group."); 937 938 /* put the path variable pointers into an array, so they can be 939* printed out in reverse of the list linking for search order */ 940 941 x = 1; /* CHANGE 81-09-19 */ 942 do temp_pvp = pvp repeat temp_pvp -> path_var.fwd_thd 943 while (temp_pvp ^= null ()); 944 945 path_var_pointer_array (x) = temp_pvp; 946 x = x + 1; 947 948 end; 949 950 /* now print out the array using the reverse order 951* that is actually the search path order */ 952 953 x = x - 1; /* last increment not needed */ 954 do z = x by -1 to 1; /* CHANGE 81-09-19 */ 955 956 temp_pvp = path_var_pointer_array (z); 957 958 if temp_pvp -> path_var.in_and_group | temp_pvp -> path_var.in_select_clause then do; 959 960 /* only do tuple variables that hve an effect on the select set */ 961 962 y = temp_pvp -> path_var.var_index; 963 temp_rmri_ptr = range.tup_var.ri_ptr (y); 964 965 if range.tup_var.temp_rel (y) then 966 rel_name = ltrim (before (after (range.tup_var.ri_ptr (i) -> rm_rel_info.model_name, "."), "."), "0") 967 || " (temp rel index)"; 968 else rel_name = temp_rmri_ptr ->; 969 970 /* on a secure database, a non-DBA will only see indexed attr, 971* never any type of key access method */ 972 973 saved_access_method = 0; 974 if rm_db_info.mdbm_secured & ^rm_db_info.administrator then do; 975 if temp_pvp -> path_var.access_method < INDEXED_ATTR then do; 976 saved_access_method = 977 temp_pvp -> path_var.access_method; /* remember real access method */ 978 temp_pvp -> path_var.access_method = 979 INDEXED_ATTR; /* make the peon see index, rather than key */ 980 end; 981 end; 982 983 call ioa_ ("^/Order: ^d Tuple variable: ""^a"" Relation: ""^a""", 984 x - z + 1, (y), rel_name); 985 986 call ioa_ ("^11xAccess method: ""^a""", 987 access_method_name (temp_pvp -> path_var.access_method)); 988 989 /* addition detail depends on access method used, 990* they can't be show to a peon on a secure db, 991* because he can infer key info from them. */ 992 993 if rm_db_info.administrator | ^rm_db_info.mdbm_secured then do; 994 995 call ioa_ ("^11xEstimate of tuples selected: ^d", 996 temp_pvp -> path_var.number_tuples_selected); 997 998 if temp_pvp -> path_var.access_method = LONG_KEY_HEAD | 999 temp_pvp -> path_var.access_method = TOTAL_PRIMARY_KEY then 1000 1001 call ioa_ ("^11xNumber of key attributes involved: ^d", 1002 temp_pvp -> path_var.attr_index); 1003 1004 else if temp_pvp -> path_var.access_method = SHORT_KEY_HEAD | 1005 temp_pvp -> path_var.access_method = INDEXED_ATTR then do; 1006 1007 attr_name = temp_rmri_ptr -> 1008 rm_rel_info.attr_ptrs (temp_pvp -> path_var.attr_index) -> 1009; 1010 1011 if temp_pvp -> path_var.second_cond_ptr = null () then 1012 call ioa_ ("^15xCondition: ""^a"" Attribute: ""^a""", 1013 condition_name (temp_pvp -> path_var.cond_ptr -> cond.op_code), attr_name); 1014 else call ioa_ ("^14xConditions: ""^a"" & ""^a"" Attribute: ""^a""", 1015 condition_name (temp_pvp -> path_var.cond_ptr -> cond.op_code), 1016 condition_name (temp_pvp -> path_var.second_cond_ptr -> cond.op_code), 1017 attr_name); 1018 end; 1019 end; 1020 1021 if saved_access_method ^= 0 then 1022 temp_pvp -> path_var.access_method = 1023 saved_access_method; /* put back real access method for peon */ 1024 end; 1025 end; 1026 end; 1027 call mrds_dsl_gen_srch_prog (dbcb_ptr, min_path_first_el_ptr, search_array.sv_ptr (i), 1028 search_array.so_ptr (i), icode); 1029 if icode ^= 0 then call error (icode); 1030 1031 end; /* creating search lists for each and group */ 1032 1033 if dbcb.print_search_order then 1034 call ioa_ ("^/"); /* addition line feed for formating */ 1035 call check_no_tuple_effect (); 1036 if ^dbcb.no_optimize then do; 1037 1038 /* sort the and groups to get lowest cost and group first, 1039* so that the first tuple in a series of "or"'s is found faster. */ 1040 1041 sorted = "0"b; 1042 i = search_array.num_and_groups; 1043 spare_element = mrds_data_$max_and_groups + 1; 1044 do while (^sorted); /* bubble sort */ 1045 1046 exchanged = "0"b; 1047 1048 do j = 2 to i; /* bubble highest cost element to position "i" */ 1049 1050 if search_array.cost (j) < search_array.cost (j - 1) then do; 1051 1052 search_array.and_group (spare_element) = search_array.and_group (j); 1053 search_array.and_group (j) = search_array.and_group (j - 1); 1054 search_array.and_group (j - 1) = search_array.and_group (spare_element); 1055 1056 exchanged = "1"b; 1057 end; 1058 end; 1059 1060 if ^exchanged then 1061 sorted = "1"b; 1062 else if i > 2 then 1063 i = i - 1; 1064 else sorted = "1"b; 1065 end; 1066 end; 1067 1068 1069 /* skip over and groups that have 0 cost, and thus can not 1070* possiblly return any tuples. (they got 0 cost from permute 1071* by one of the involved relations being empty) 1072* This will reduce the search program to just those non-null and groups. 1073* In the extreme, will no non-null and groups, the search program 1074* degenerates to just a simple reutnr_null action */ 1075 1076 non_null_and_groups = 0; 1077 so_nops_init = 0; /* combine all search op tables into onetable */ 1078 do i = 1 to pred_array.num_ands; 1079 if search_array.cost (i) ^= 0.0 then do; 1080 so_nops_init = so_nops_init + search_array.so_ptr (i) -> search_ops.nops - 1; 1081 non_null_and_groups = non_null_and_groups + 1; 1082 end; 1083 end; 1084 so_nops_init = so_nops_init + 1; /* for RETNUL */ 1085 allocate search_ops in (select_area); /* Allocations in select_area are never freed. This area 1086* is reinitialized at the beginning 1087* of each new selection expression. */ 1088 search_ops.ic = 1; 1089 k = 0; 1090 do i = 1 to pred_array.num_ands; 1091 if search_array.cost (i) ^= 0.0 then do; 1092 begin_and_group = k; 1093 do j = 1 to search_array.so_ptr (i) -> search_ops.nops - 1; 1094 k = k + 1; 1095 unspec (search_ops.op (k)) = 1096 unspec (search_array.so_ptr (i) -> search_ops.op (j)); 1097 end; 1098 search_ops.op.err_xfer (begin_and_group + 3) = k - begin_and_group - 2; 1099 /* special case first init and select in each and_group */ 1100 search_ops.op.err_xfer (begin_and_group + 4) = k - begin_and_group - 3; 1101 end; 1102 end; 1103 k = k + 1; 1104 unspec (search_ops.op (k)) = unspec (search_array.so_ptr (pred_array.num_ands) -> 1105 search_ops.op (search_array.so_ptr (pred_array.num_ands) -> 1106 search_ops.nops)); /* Pick up last RETNUL */ 1107 1108 return; 1109 1110 count_path_len_and_set_flags: proc (top_of_path, var_count, last_el_ptr, path_var_flags); 1111 1112 /* This routine counts the number of tuple variables used in a 1113* section of the minimum cost path and sets a bit flag for each 1114* variable used. It also returns a pointer to the last element in 1115* the path. 1116**/ 1117 1118 /* PARAMETERS */ 1119 1120 dcl top_of_path ptr; /* (input) first element in path */ 1121 dcl last_el_ptr ptr; /* (output) pointer to last element in path */ 1122 dcl var_count fixed bin; 1123 /* (input/output) total number of tuple variables 1124* used in all path segments */ 1125 dcl path_var_flags (*) bit (1) unaligned; 1126 /* (input/output) true is tuple variable used in minimum path */ 1127 1128 /* AUTOMATIC */ 1129 1130 dcl path_var_ptr ptr; /* pointer to an element in path_var list */ 1131 1132 path_var_ptr = top_of_path; 1133 1134 do while (path_var_ptr ^= null ()); /* loop through path list */ 1135 var_count = var_count + 1; 1136 path_var_flags (path_var_ptr -> path_var.var_index) = "1"b; 1137 1138 last_el_ptr = path_var_ptr; /* save incase this is the last element */ 1139 path_var_ptr = path_var_ptr -> path_var.fwd_thd; 1140 end; 1141 1142 1143 return; 1144 1145 end /* count_path_len_and_set_flags */; 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 end create_search_lists; 1152 1153 check_no_tuple_effect: procedure (); 1154 1155 /* this routine decides if the tuple variables given 1156* in the range clause are usefull in this selection expression. 1157* If a tuple variable appears in the select clause it is OK, 1158* because it either also appears in the where clause, 1159* or it will be used to form a cross product with the results 1160* of the where clause. If a tuple variable does not appear in the select clause 1161* it must appear in some and group in the where clause. */ 1162 1163 message = ""; 1164 do i = 1 to range.num_vars; 1165 1166 if ^range.tup_var (i).used then do; 1167 1168 /* this tuple variable does not appear in the select clause, 1169* see if it is some and group in the where clause */ 1170 1171 good_use_found = "0"b; 1172 do j = 1 to search_array.num_and_groups while (^good_use_found); 1173 1174 do pvp = search_array.and_group (j).path_ptr 1175 repeat path_var.fwd_thd 1176 while (pvp ^= null () & ^good_use_found); 1177 1178 if i = path_var.var_index & path_var.in_and_group then 1179 1180 /* we found an instance of the use of this tuple variable in an and group */ 1181 1182 good_use_found = "1"b; 1183 1184 end; 1185 1186 end; 1187 1188 /* see if the tuple variable was used properly 1189* add it to the error list if not */ 1190 1191 if ^good_use_found then do; 1192 1193 if message = "" then 1194 message = "Useless tuple variables are: "; 1195 1196 message = message || rtrim (range.tup_var (i).name) || " "; 1197 1198 end; 1199 1200 end; 1201 1202 end; 1203 1204 /* see if any bad T.V.'s were found */ 1205 1206 if message ^= "" then do; 1207 1208 call sub_err_ (mrds_error_$no_tuple_effect, "mrds_dsl_optimize", "c", null (), return_value, message); 1209 call error (mrds_error_$no_tuple_effect); 1210 1211 end; 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 dcl (i, j) fixed bin; /* loop indexes */ 1217 dcl good_use_found bit (1); /* on => this T.V. OK */ 1218 dcl message char (100) varying;/* error message being built */ 1219 dcl sub_err_ entry options (variable); 1220 dcl return_value fixed bin (35) init (0); /* dummy arg */ 1221 1222 end; 1223 1224 move_subtree: proc (s_ptr, t_ptr, p_ptr); 1225 1226 /* procedure to relocate a subtree */ 1227 1228 dcl (s_ptr, /* pointer to source location */ 1229 t_ptr, /* pointer to target location */ 1230 p_ptr) ptr; /* new parent pointer */ 1231 1232 t_ptr = s_ptr; 1233 if s_ptr -> pred_node.type = NODE then 1234 s_ptr -> pred_node.parent = p_ptr; 1235 else s_ptr -> pred_leaf.parent = p_ptr; 1236 1237 end move_subtree; 1238 1239 copy_subtree: proc (s_ptr, c_ptr, p_ptr); 1240 1241 /* Internal procedure to copy a portion of the pred tree */ 1242 1243 dcl (s_ptr, /* ptr to source subtree */ 1244 c_ptr, /* ptr to copy subtree */ 1245 sr_ptr, /* ptr to current source node */ 1246 cp_ptr, /* ptr to current copy node */ 1247 p_ptr, /* ptr to parent of copy */ 1248 p_hold) ptr; /* temp parent pointer holder */ 1249 1250 dcl 1 node_stack (mrds_data_$max_pred_depth), /* copy node stack */ 1251 2 s_ptr ptr, /* source node */ 1252 2 c_ptr ptr; /* copy node */ 1253 1254 dcl top fixed bin; /* index to node stack */ 1255 1256 top = 1; /* initialize */ 1257 allocate pred_node in (select_area) set (c_ptr); /* Allocations in select_area are never freed. This area 1258* is reinitialized at the beginning 1259* of each new selection expression. */ 1260 c_ptr -> pred_node.parent = p_ptr; /* preset parent */ 1261 node_stack.s_ptr (top) = s_ptr; 1262 node_stack.c_ptr (top) = c_ptr; 1263 1264 do while (top > 0); /* while there are nodes to copy */ 1265 1266 sr_ptr = node_stack.s_ptr (top); /* pick off node to be copied */ 1267 cp_ptr = node_stack.c_ptr (top); 1268 top = top - 1; 1269 1270 if sr_ptr -> pred_node.type = NODE then do; /* if copying a node */ 1271 p_hold = cp_ptr -> pred_node.parent; /* save parent ptr which has been set */ 1272 cp_ptr -> pred_node = sr_ptr -> pred_node; /* copy the node */ 1273 cp_ptr -> pred_node.parent = p_hold; /* reinsert parent pointer */ 1274 1275 if cp_ptr -> pred_node.term then do; /* if this is a term */ 1276 allocate pred_leaf in (select_area) set (cp_ptr -> pred_node.lbr); 1277 /* alloc. left leaf */ /* Allocations in select_area are never freed. This area 1278* is reinitialized at the beginning 1279* of each new selection expression. */ 1280 cp_ptr -> pred_node.lbr -> pred_leaf.parent = cp_ptr; /* set parent */ 1281 allocate pred_leaf in (select_area) set (cp_ptr -> pred_node.rbr); 1282 /* same for right lf */ /* Allocations in select_area are never freed. This area 1283* is reinitialized at the beginning 1284* of each new selection expression. */ 1285 cp_ptr -> pred_node.rbr -> pred_leaf.parent = cp_ptr; 1286 end; /* if was term */ 1287 1288 else do; /* if children are nodes */ 1289 1290 allocate pred_node in (select_area) set (cp_ptr -> pred_node.lbr); 1291 /* alloc. left node */ /* Allocations in select_area are never freed. This area 1292* is reinitialized at the beginning 1293* of each new selection expression. */ 1294 cp_ptr -> pred_node.lbr -> pred_node.parent = cp_ptr; /* set parent */ 1295 allocate pred_node in (select_area) set (cp_ptr -> pred_node.rbr); 1296 /* same for right */ /* Allocations in select_area are never freed. This area 1297* is reinitialized at the beginning 1298* of each new selection expression. */ 1299 cp_ptr -> pred_node.rbr -> pred_node.parent = cp_ptr; 1300 1301 end; /* if children are nodes */ 1302 1303 top = top + 2; 1304 if top > mrds_data_$max_pred_depth then /* if we will overflow the stack */ 1305 call error (mrds_error_$node_stack_ovfl); 1306 node_stack.s_ptr (top - 1) = sr_ptr -> pred_node.rbr; /* add branches to stack */ 1307 node_stack.c_ptr (top - 1) = cp_ptr -> pred_node.rbr; 1308 node_stack.s_ptr (top) = sr_ptr -> pred_node.lbr; 1309 node_stack.c_ptr (top) = cp_ptr -> pred_node.lbr; 1310 1311 end; /* if we had a node */ 1312 1313 else do; /* we have a leaf */ 1314 1315 p_hold = cp_ptr -> pred_leaf.parent; /* save parent pointer */ 1316 cp_ptr -> pred_leaf = sr_ptr -> pred_leaf; /* copy the leaf */ 1317 if cp_ptr -> pred_leaf.expr_ptr ^= null then /* if expr leaf */ 1318 call copy_expr (cp_ptr -> pred_leaf.expr_ptr); /* then must copy expr tables */ 1319 cp_ptr -> pred_leaf.parent = p_hold; /* sestore parent pointer */ 1320 1321 end; /* if leaf */ 1322 1323 end; /* copy loop */ 1324 1325 end copy_subtree; 1326 1327 copy_expr: proc (e_ptr); 1328 1329 /* Procedure to copy and expr and modify e_ptr to point to the new tables */ 1330 1331 dcl e_ptr ptr; 1332 dcl i fixed bin; 1333 1334 nexp_items_init = e_ptr -> expr.nitems; /* copy expr struct. */ 1335 allocate expr in (select_area); /* Allocations in select_area are never freed. This area 1336* is reinitialized at the beginning 1337* of each new selection expression. */ 1338 expr = e_ptr -> expr; 1339 e_ptr = expr_ptr; 1340 1341 do i = 1 to e_ptr -> expr.nitems; /* copy all contained functions */ 1342 if e_ptr -> expr.item.type (i) = SCAL_FUN then 1343 call copy_fun (e_ptr -> expr.item.fn_ptr (i)); 1344 end; 1345 1346 end copy_expr; 1347 1348 copy_fun: proc (f_ptr); 1349 1350 /* Procedure to copy a function */ 1351 1352 dcl f_ptr ptr; 1353 dcl i fixed bin; 1354 1355 nsf_args_init = f_ptr -> scalfn.nargs; /* copy scafn struct. */ 1356 allocate scalfn in (select_area); /* Allocations in select_area are never freed. This area 1357* is reinitialized at the beginning 1358* of each new selection expression. */ 1359 scalfn = f_ptr -> scalfn; 1360 f_ptr = sfn_ptr; 1361 1362 do i = 1 to f_ptr -> scalfn.nargs; 1363 if f_ptr -> scalfn.arg.type (i) = EXPR then 1364 call copy_expr (f_ptr -> scalfn.arg.ef_ptr (i)); 1365 else if f_ptr -> scalfn.arg.type (i) = SCAL_FUN then 1366 call copy_fun (f_ptr -> scalfn.arg.ef_ptr (i)); 1367 end; 1368 1369 end copy_fun; 1370 build_vectors: proc; 1371 1372 /* Here is where we build the 'shortened' simple_typed_vector for each tuple variable. 1373* If the whole tuple has been selected, the 'whole' one in the resultant is used. */ 1374 1375 do i = 1 to range.num_vars; 1376 bv_stv_ptr = tuple_info.tuple (i).tuple_ptr; /* simple_typed_veector for whole 'view' */ 1377 bv_ri_ptr = range.tup_var (i).ri_ptr; /* rm_rel_info ptr */ 1378 bv_idl_ptr = bv_ri_ptr -> rm_rel_info.id_list_ptr; /* id_list for whole 'view' */ 1379 if range.tup_var (i).whole_tuple_selected 1380 then do; /* just grab what's already available */ 1381 range.tup_var (i).stv_ptr = bv_stv_ptr; 1382 range.tup_var (i).idl_ptr = bv_idl_ptr; 1383 end; 1384 else do; /* Build a simple_typed_vector and an id_list */ 1385 il_number_of_ids = bv_ri_ptr -> rm_rel_info.num_attr; /* Build it oversize */ 1386 allocate id_list in (select_area) set (id_list_ptr); 1387 id_list.version = ID_LIST_VERSION_1; 1388 range.tup_var (i).idl_ptr = id_list_ptr; 1389 1390 id_list.number_of_ids = 0; 1391 do k = 1 to il_number_of_ids; 1392 if range.tup_var (i).needed_bits.attr (k) 1393 then do; /* get the proper id for relation */ 1394 id_list.number_of_ids = id_list.number_of_ids + 1; 1395 (id_list.number_of_ids) = bv_idl_ptr -> (k); 1396 end; 1397 end; 1398 if id_list.number_of_ids ^= 0 1399 then do; 1400 stv_number_of_dimensions = id_list.number_of_ids; 1401 allocate simple_typed_vector in (select_area) set (simple_typed_vector_ptr); 1402 simple_typed_vector.type = SIMPLE_TYPED_VECTOR_TYPE; 1403 range.tup_var (i).stv_ptr = simple_typed_vector_ptr; 1404 1405 stv_number_of_dimensions = 0; /* use for walking through the vector */ 1406 do k = 1 to il_number_of_ids; /* walk the WHOLE relation */ 1407 if range.tup_var (i).needed_bits.attr (k) 1408 then do; 1409 stv_number_of_dimensions = stv_number_of_dimensions + 1; 1410 simple_typed_vector.dimension (stv_number_of_dimensions).value_ptr = 1411 bv_stv_ptr -> simple_typed_vector.dimension (k).value_ptr; 1412 end; 1413 end; 1414 end; /* ids to move */ 1415 else do; /* no ids to move */ 1416 range.tup_var (i).stv_ptr = null (); 1417 end; 1418 end; /* build simple_typec_vector */ 1419 end; /* walk through tuple vars */ 1420 1421 1422 dcl bv_idl_ptr ptr; 1423 dcl bv_stv_ptr ptr; 1424 dcl bv_ri_ptr ptr; 1425 dcl i fixed bin; 1426 dcl k fixed bin; 1427 1428 end build_vectors; 1429 1430 error: proc (cd); 1431 1432 /* Internal error procedure */ 1433 1434 dcl cd fixed bin (35); /* statuc code */ 1435 1436 code = cd; 1437 go to exit; 1438 1439 end error; 1440 1441 dcl code fixed bin (35); /* Output -- return code */ 1442 dcl icode fixed bin (35); /* internal status code */ 1443 1444 dcl (top, /* index to top of node stack */ 1445 or_top, /* index to top of or node stack */ 1446 and_top, /* index to top of and node stack */ 1447 sa_nvars, /* no. of vars for size_array. */ 1448 nxchng, /* no. of exchanges for bubble sort */ 1449 begin_and_group) fixed bin; /* index just before the beginning of the 1450* current and_group in the combined search ops list. */ 1451 1452 1453 dcl (c_ptr, /* pointer to child node */ 1454 notl_ptr, /* ptr to temp not node */ 1455 notr_ptr, /* ptr to temp not node */ 1456 p_ptr, /* pointer to parent node */ 1457 and_ptr, /* ptr to new and node */ 1458 copy_ptr, /* ptr to top of copied subtree */ 1459 sa_ptr, /* to size_array */ 1460 sap) ptr; 1461 1462 dcl (done, /* internal flag */ 1463 display_predicate_tree, 1464 display_search_paths, 1465 sa_alloc) bit (1) unal; /* internal flag */ 1466 1467 dcl node_stack (mrds_data_$max_pred_depth) ptr; /* stack of tree nodes */ 1468 dcl or_stack (mrds_data_$max_pred_depth) ptr; /* stack of or nodes */ 1469 dcl and_stack (mrds_data_$max_pred_depth) ptr; /* stack of and nodes */ 1470 dcl 1 size_array (sa_nvars) based (sa_ptr), 1471 2 var_index fixed bin, 1472 2 size fixed bin (35); 1473 dcl wkspc1 (4) fixed bin (71); 1474 dcl 1 search_array aligned, /* to hold search info from each and group */ 1475 2 num_and_groups fixed bin, /* number of and groups used */ 1476 2 and_group (mrds_data_$max_and_groups + 1), 1477 3 cost float bin (63), /* cost of this and group */ 1478 3 path_ptr ptr, /* to low cost path for this and group */ 1479 3 sv_ptr ptr, /* to search_vars for and group */ 1480 3 so_ptr ptr; /* to search_ops for and group */ 1481 1482 dcl sorted bit (1); /* on => search array has been sorted by cost */ 1483 dcl exchanged bit (1); /* on => no more bubbling needed, since none done last pass */ 1484 dcl spare_element fixed bin; /* address of last unused element in array */ 1485 dcl neg_op (10) bit (6) int static options (constant) init (/* table of negating operators */ 1486 "0"b, "0"b, "0"b, "0"b, /* first four are not applic. */ 1487 "000110"b, /* EQ -> NE */ 1488 "000101"b, /* NE -> EQ */ 1489 "001010"b, /* LT -> GE */ 1490 "001001"b, /* GT -> LE */ 1491 "001000"b, /* LE -> GT */ 1492 "000111"b); /* GE -> LT */ 1493 1494 dcl (mrds_error_$node_stack_ovfl, 1495 mrds_error_$no_tuple_effect, 1496 mrds_error_$max_and_groups, 1497 mrds_error_$max_and_terms, 1498 mrds_data_$max_attributes, 1499 mrds_data_$max_id_len, 1500 mrds_data_$max_pred_depth, 1501 mrds_data_$max_and_groups, 1502 mrds_data_$max_and_terms, 1503 mrds_data_$max_safe_tids_returned_per_call, 1504 mrds_data_$max_tids_returned_per_call, 1505 mrds_data_$max_tup_var) fixed bin (35) ext; 1506 1507 dcl var_count fixed bin; /* number of tuple variables used in search path */ 1508 dcl min_path_first_el_ptr ptr; /* pointrer to first element in minimum cost search path */ 1509 dcl min_path_last_el_ptr ptr; /* ditto last element */ 1510 dcl last_el_ptr ptr; /* pointer to last element in minimum cost parstial path */ 1511 dcl path_var_flags (range.num_vars) bit (1) based (pvf_ptr); /* if tuple variable has been used in search path */ 1512 dcl pvf_ptr ptr; /* pointer to the path_var_flags */ 1513 /* corresponding bit is true */ 1514 dcl ioa_ entry options (variable); 1515 1516 dcl (addr, 1517 addrel, 1518 after, 1519 before, 1520 fixed, 1521 ltrim, 1522 null, 1523 rel, 1524 rtrim, 1525 string, 1526 substr, 1527 unspec) builtin; 1528 1529 dcl mdb_display_path_$path entry (ptr, ptr); 1530 dcl mdb_display_pred_tree$display_pred_tree_ entry (ptr, bit (1), bit (1), fixed bin, fixed bin, ptr); 1531 dcl mrds_dsl_gen_srch_prog entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35)); 1532 dcl mrds_dsl_permute entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, float bin (63), fixed bin (35)); 1533 dcl mu_cursor_manager_$get entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, fixed bin (35), bit (36) aligned, entry, entry, ptr, 1534 ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35)); 1535 dcl info_ptr ptr init (null ());/* dummy arg */ 1536 dcl return_value fixed bin (35) init (0); /* dummy arg */ 1537 dcl mrds_error_$tuple_not_found fixed bin (35) ext; /* no data to be found */ 1538 dcl temp_pvp ptr; /* temp for displaying path_var structure info */ 1539 dcl temp_rmri_ptr ptr; /* temp for rm_rel_info pointer for pso display */ 1540 dcl (x, y, z) fixed bin; /* array/loop indexes */ 1541 dcl path_var_pointer_array (mrds_data_$max_tup_var) ptr; /* array of pointers to path_var structures for pso display */ 1542 dcl condition_name (1:6) char (2) init ("=", "^=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=") 1543 int static options (constant); /* char versions of comparison ops */ 1544 dcl access_method_name (1:6) char (32) int static options (constant) init 1545 ("Primary key equality", 1546 "Key head equality", 1547 "Key or key head range", 1548 "Indexed attribute", 1549 "Sequential", 1550 "Sequential"); 1551 dcl (rel_name, attr_name) char (32); /* temps for display for -pso */ 1552 dcl saved_access_method fixed bin; /* for changing peons displayed access method */ 1553 dcl non_null_and_groups fixed bin; /* and groups without a 0 size rel */ 1554 dcl sys_info$max_seg_size fixed bin (35) ext static; 1555 dcl current_max_tids_per_call fixed bin (35); 1556 dcl 1 current_scope_flags aligned based (current_scope_ptr) like scope_flags; 1557 dcl current_scope_ptr ptr; 1558 1 1 /* BEGIN mdbm_scope_info.incl.pl1 -- odf 8/8/78 */ 1 2 1 3 /* WARNING 1 4* If the scope_info or scope_flags structure is changed then the 1 5* mrds_data_ item saved_res_version MUST be incremented to invalidate 1 6* all existing saved resultants 1 7**/ 1 8 1 9 /* Modified by Jim Gray - - 80-11-17, to add back store/delete/modify permissions */ 1 10 1 11 /* 80-12-10 Jim Gray : change name of store to append_tuple, delete to delete_tuple, 1 12* modify to modify_attr, retrieve to read_attr, remvoe update, put level 4 1 13* qualifiers for permit/prevent modes and to put pads in standard format */ 1 14 1 15 /* 80-12-11 Jim Gray : added submodel version of file/rel name for convenience */ 1 16 1 17 /* 80-12-22 Jim Gray : added like referenced structure so linus_scope_data.incl 1 18* could make use of it for compatibility. */ 1 19 1 20 /* 81-1-11 Jim Gray : added touched bit to scope_flags, so that 1 21* the fact that null scope has been set can be displayed */ 1 22 1 23 /* 85-04-14 Thanh Nguyen: Made scope_flags to be aligned so we could access the 1 24* prevent flags from any pointer which directly pointed to scope_flags itself 1 25* (i.e rm_rel_info.scope_flags_ptr). */ 1 26 1 27 /* this structure is to be allocated in the mrds_dbcb.incl.pl1 static area, 1 28* and is used to maintain the scope mechanism for file access. 1 29* It contains the scope permit/prevent operations that this user 1 30* has set in his view for this opening instance. */ 1 31 1 32 dcl 1 scope_info aligned based (scope_ptr), /* array of scope tuples for this user */ 1 33 2 mbz1 bit (144), /* Reserved for future use */ 1 34 2 nfiles fixed bin, /* Number of scope tuples in user's scope */ 1 35 2 active_scopes fixed bin, /* number of scopes currently active for a given user */ 1 36 2 scope (max_file_init refer (scope_info.nfiles)), /* defines user's scope of access to files */ 1 37 3 name char (30) aligned, /* filename */ 1 38 3 sm_name char (32), /* name of file(rel) in submodel */ 1 39 3 flags like scope_flags ; 1 40 1 41 1 42 declare 1 scope_flags aligned based, /* common layout of scope flag bits */ 1 43 2 permits, /* modes to permit this user */ 1 44 3 read_attr bit (1) unal, /* read_attr access to this file in scope */ 1 45 3 append_tuple bit (1) unal, /* append_tuple concnrrency permission */ 1 46 3 delete_tuple bit (1) unal, /* delete_tuple concurrency permission on rel */ 1 47 3 modify_attr bit (1) unal, /* modify_attr concurrency permission */ 1 48 3 mbz2 bit (10) unal, /* for expansion of permit ops */ 1 49 2 prevents, /* modes to be denyed to other users */ 1 50 3 read_attr bit (1) unal, /* on if user has prevent on read_attr for this file */ 1 51 3 append_tuple bit (1) unal, /* prevent of append_tuple concurrency */ 1 52 3 delete_tuple bit (1) unal, /* prevent of delete_tuple concurrency */ 1 53 3 modify_attr bit (1) unal, /* prevent of modify_attr concurrency */ 1 54 3 mbz3 bit (10) unal, /* for future prevent concurrency modes */ 1 55 2 touched bit (1) unal, /* on => scope set for this relation */ 1 56 2 mbz4 bit (7) unal ; /* for future flags */ 1 57 1 58 dcl max_file_init fixed bin; /* nbr. of files in data base */ 1 59 dcl scope_ptr ptr init (null ()); /* points to scope_info array */ 1 60 dcl scope_rdy bit (6) unal init ("000011"b) int static options (constant); /* scope file ready modes (5 or 6) */ 1 61 dcl scope_rdy_array (6) bit (1) unal based; /* array format of scope_rdy string */ 1 62 1 63 /* END mdbm_scope_info.incl.pl1 */ 1559 1560 2 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE - dm_element_id_list.incl.pl1 */ 2 2 2 3 /* DESCRIPTION: 2 4* The element_id_list structure contains an array of element 2 5* identifiers. These identifiers are used as tuple, record or 2 6* element identifiers. This structure is used across the relation_manager_, 2 7* record_manager_ and index_manager_ interfaces. At some time the 2 8* version should be changed to be char(8)aligned, when such a conversion 2 9* can be coordinated with the other structures used at these interfaces. 2 10**/ 2 11 2 12 /* HISTORY: 2 13*Written by Matthew Pierret, 06/06/82. 2 14*Modified: 2 15*12/16/82 by Roger Lackey: Changed number_of_elements to fixed bin (35). 2 16* Did not change version. 2 17*02/11/85 by Matthew Pierret: Added DESCRIPTION, Written by. 2 18**/ 2 19 2 20 /* format: style2,ind3 */ 2 21 dcl 1 element_id_list aligned based (element_id_list_ptr), 2 22 2 version fixed bin (35), 2 23 2 number_of_elements fixed bin (35), 2 24 2 id (eil_number_of_elements refer (element_id_list.number_of_elements)) bit (36) aligned; 2 25 2 26 dcl element_id_list_ptr ptr; 2 27 dcl eil_number_of_elements fixed bin (35); 2 28 dcl ELEMENT_ID_LIST_VERSION_1 2 29 init (1) fixed bin (35); 2 30 2 31 2 32 /* END INCLUDE FILE - dm_element_id_list.incl.pl1 */ 1561 1562 3 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE dm_range_constants.incl.pl1. */ 3 2 3 3 /* HISTORY: 3 4*Written by Matthew Pierret, 05/27/83. 3 5*Modified: 3 6**/ 3 7 3 8 dcl ( 3 9 ALL_RANGE_TYPE init (1), 3 10 LOW_RANGE_TYPE init (2), 3 11 HIGH_RANGE_TYPE init (3) 3 12 ) fixed bin internal static options (constant); 3 13 3 14 3 15 /* END INCLUDE FILE dm_range_constants.incl.pl1. */ 1563 1564 4 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE dm_relation_spec.incl.pl1 */ 4 2 4 3 /* HISTORY: 4 4*Written by Matthew Pierret, 05/10/83. 4 5*Modified: 4 6**/ 4 7 4 8 /* format: style2,ind3 */ 4 9 dcl 1 relation_search_specification 4 10 aligned based (relation_search_specification_ptr), 4 11 2 head like specification_head, 4 12 2 maximum_number_of_constraints 4 13 fixed bin (17) unal, 4 14 2 number_of_and_groups 4 15 fixed bin (17) unal, 4 16 2 flags unal, 4 17 3 return_unique_tuples 4 18 bit (1) unal, 4 19 3 mbz bit (35) unal, 4 20 2 range, 4 21 3 type fixed bin (17), 4 22 3 size fixed bin (17), 4 23 2 and_group (rss_number_of_and_groups refer (relation_search_specification.number_of_and_groups)), 4 24 3 search_collection_id 4 25 bit (36) aligned, 4 26 3 flags unal, 4 27 4 collection_id_supplied 4 28 bit (1) unal, 4 29 4 mbz bit (17) unal, 4 30 3 number_of_constraints 4 31 fixed bin (17) unal, 4 32 3 constraint (rss_maximum_number_of_constraints 4 33 refer (relation_search_specification.maximum_number_of_constraints)), 4 34 4 field_id fixed bin (17) unal, 4 35 4 operator_code fixed bin (17) unal, 4 36 4 value_field_id fixed bin (17) unal, 4 37 4 mbz bit (18) unal, 4 38 4 value_ptr ptr; 4 39 4 40 4 41 dcl 1 relation_numeric_specification 4 42 aligned based (relation_numeric_specification_ptr), 4 43 2 head like specification_head, 4 44 2 collection_id bit (36) aligned, 4 45 2 range_size fixed bin (35), 4 46 2 position_number fixed bin (17) unal, 4 47 2 pad bit (18) unal; 4 48 4 49 4 50 dcl (relation_search_specification_ptr, relation_numeric_specification_ptr) 4 51 ptr init (null); 4 52 dcl (rss_number_of_and_groups, rss_maximum_number_of_constraints) 4 53 fixed bin (17) init (0); 4 54 4 55 4 56 4 57 /* END INCLUDE FILE dm_relation_spec.incl.pl1 */ 1565 1566 5 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE dm_specification_head.incl.pl1 */ 5 2 5 3 /* HISTORY: 5 4*Written by Matthew Pierret, 05/11/83. (Extracted from dm_specification.incl.pl1) 5 5*Modified: 5 6*05/20/83 by Matthew Pierret: Changed to use version 4. 5 7**/ 5 8 5 9 /* format: style2,ind3 */ 5 10 dcl 1 specification_head based (specification_head_ptr), 5 11 2 version fixed bin (35), 5 12 2 type fixed bin (17) unal, 5 13 2 pad bit (18) unal, 5 14 2 subset_specification_ptr 5 15 ptr; 5 16 5 17 5 18 dcl specification_head_ptr ptr; 5 19 dcl SPECIFICATION_VERSION_4 5 20 init (4) fixed bin (35) internal static options (constant); 5 21 5 22 dcl ( 5 23 SEARCH_SPECIFICATION_TYPE 5 24 init (1), 5 25 ABSOLUTE_SEARCH_SPECIFICATION_TYPE 5 26 init (1), 5 27 NUMERIC_SPECIFICATION_TYPE 5 28 init (2), 5 29 ABSOLUTE_NUMERIC_SPECIFICATION_TYPE 5 30 init (2), 5 31 RELATIVE_SEARCH_SPECIFICATION_TYPE 5 32 init (3), 5 33 RELATIVE_NUMERIC_SPECIFICATION_TYPE 5 34 init (4), 5 35 ABSOLUTE_RELATION_SEARCH_SPECIFICATION_TYPE 5 36 init (5), 5 37 RELATIVE_RELATION_SEARCH_SPECIFICATION_TYPE 5 38 init (6), 5 39 ABSOLUTE_RELATION_NUMERIC_SPECIFICATION_TYPE 5 40 init (7), 5 41 RELATIVE_RELATION_NUMERIC_SPECIFICATION_TYPE 5 42 init (8) 5 43 ) fixed bin (17) internal static options (constant); 5 44 5 45 5 46 /* END INCLUDE FILE dm_specification_head.incl.pl1 */ 1567 1568 6 1 /* BEGIN mrds_dbcb.incl.pl1 -- jaw, 11/7/78 */ 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 6 6* 1) change(85-11-17,Dupuis), approve(85-12-16,MCR7314), 6 7* audit(86-02-04,Brunelle), install(86-02-05,MR12.0-1013): 6 8* This entry is being made to cover the change made on 85-07-01 by Thanh 6 9* Nguyen. The scopes_changed flag was added to make checking for this 6 10* more efficient (mrds error list #137). 6 11* 2) change(86-06-10,Blair), approve(86-08-07,MCR7491), 6 12* audit(86-08-07,Gilcrease), install(86-08-15,MR12.0-1127): 6 13* Add a bit called dont_check_txn_id to indicate whether or not we should 6 14* care if multiple txns use the same selection_expression. (mrds #156) 6 15* 3) change(87-11-23,Hergert), approve(88-06-28,MCR7903), 6 16* audit(88-06-28,Dupuis), install(88-08-01,MR12.2-1073): 6 17* Added parser_work_area_ptr and mrds_se_info_ptr for new parser. 6 18* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 6 19 6 20 6 21 /* WARNING 6 22* If the dbcb structure is changed then the mrds_data_ 6 23* item saved_res_version MUST be incremented to invalidate all 6 24* existing saved resultants 6 25**/ 6 26 6 27 /* HISTORY : 6 28* 6 29* modified by Jim Gray - - 80-10-24, to add new_select_expr bit for 6 30* tid_list management 6 31* 6 32* 81-1-9 Jim Gray : added like reference for ease in making the 6 33* phony resultant in mu_database_index, without having the area dcl 6 34* included. 6 35* 6 36* 81-06-17 Roger Lackey : added last_store_rel_name for use by 6 37* mrds_dsl_store 6 38* 6 39* 81-06-26 Roger Lackey : Added no_optimize and print_search_order 6 40* switches 6 41* 6 42* 81-07-06 Jim Gray : added identifier for the current selection 6 43* expression, so that relation statistics can be updated relative 6 44* to number of selection expressions seem. Also removed init for 6 45* last_store_rel_name, as this iw now properly done in 6 46* mrds_dsl_init_res. 6 47* 6 48* 81-07-17 Roger Lackey : added pred_ptr and unused_ptrs. 6 49* 6 50* 82-08-19 Mike Kubicar : added store_vector field. This is needed 6 51* for the conversion to the relation manager. 6 52* 6 53* 82-08-23 Davids: added the relmgr_entries and access_costs 6 54* substructures so that the entries and costs can change 6 55* depending on the type of database that is opened. 6 56* 6 57* 82-09-09 Mike Kubicar : added modify_vector field. This is needed 6 58* since modify uses a different vector type (general) than does store. 6 59* 6 60* 82-09-20 Davids: changed names of (store modify)_vector to 6 61* (store modify)_vector_ptr. Also (delete modify)_tuple_by_id to 6 62* (delete modify)_tuples_by_id. added the element cursor_storage_ptr 6 63* which should be inited to null and will be set by mu_cursor_manager_$get 6 64* during the first call. 6 65* 6 66* 82-09-21 Davids: renamed cursor_storage_ptr to cursor_ptrs_storage_ptr 6 67* since it deals with the pointers to the cursors and not the cursors 6 68* themelves and added the element cursor_storage_area_ptr which points 6 69* to the area where the cursors are kept. 6 70* 6 71* 82-09-22 Davids: renamed the transact_ctl_seg to transactions_needed. 6 72* the transact_ctl_seg always had a value of 0 and really didn't mean 6 73* anything. 6 74* 6 75* 82-09-22 Mike Kubicar : added create_relation, create_index and 6 76* destroy_relation_by_opening to relmgr_entries. They are needed 6 77* by mrds_dsl_define_temp_rel. 6 78* 6 79* 82-09-24 Donna Woodka : added put_tuple to relmgr_entries. It 6 80* is needed by mu_store. 6 81* 6 82* 82-11-12 Davids: changed the declaration of the access_costs from fixed 6 83* bin to float bin since the values are not integers. 6 84* 6 85* 83-02-02 Davids: added the dbc_uid element. This will allow mrds to make 6 86* sure that the dbc_ptr still points to the correct segment. Element was 6 87* added to the end of the structure to allow modules that don't use 6 88* the element to continue to reference the dbcb structure without recompiling. 6 89* 6 90* 83-02-25 Davids: added the concurrency_on and rollback_on elements. These 6 91* are needed so that temp rels can be created with the same file attributes 6 92* as the permanent relations. 6 93* 6 94* 83-05-02 Mike Kubicar : Deleted get_next_search_specification_ptr and 6 95* added the resultant_in_pdir bit. 6 96* 6 97* 83-05-18 Davids: reduced the number of reserved bits to 14 (from 15) and 6 98* added the res_already_made element. 6 99* 6 100* 83-05-24 Mike Kubicar : Updated the relation manager calling sequences. 6 101* 6 102* 83-08-03 Mike Kubicar : Added the element_id_list_segment_ptr and removed 6 103* one of the unused pointers. 6 104* 6 105* 83-09-20 Ron Harvey: Added relmgr_entries.get_population. 6 106* 6 107* 84-08-27 John Hergert: Created compiled_se_info_ptr from unused_ptrs(2) 6 108* leaving unused_ptrs(1). 6 109* 6 110* 85-01-15 Thanh Nguyen: Added the work_area_ptr and removed the last 6 111* unused_ptrs (1). 6 112* 6 113* 85-04-12 Thanh Nguyen: Added user_started_transaction and 6 114* non_shared_to_shared flags. Also added se_transaction_id and some more 6 115* spare ptrs, entries and reserved storages for future enhancement, since 6 116* we changed the saved_res_version from rslt0001 to rslt0002. 6 117* 6 118* 85-07-01 Thanh Nguyen: Added scopes_changed flag. This flag is set by 6 119* common routine of mrds_dsl_set_scope, reset by mrds_dsl_optimize and 6 120* mrds_dsl_gen_srch_prog when building of a new search_vars. 6 121**/ 6 122 6 123 6 124 /* this structure is based on the {unique_name}.mrds.dbcb segment 6 125* that constitutes the non-secure portion of the resultant model that is 6 126* created during the opening of a database. it contains variables that 6 127* are used during the runtime access of the database, and an area 6 128* for evaluation of requests. it points to four other 6 129* segments in the resultant model, {unique_name}.mrds.rdbi, the secure 6 130* portion of the resultant(see mdbm_rm_db_info.incl.pl1), 6 131* {unique_name}, an area for selection expression evaluation, 6 132* {unique_name}.mrds.curdat, and {unique_name}.mrds.stadat, two segments 6 133* used in the elimination of duplicate tuples during a retrieve. 6 134* the dbcb area holds the structure in mdbm_scope_info.incl.pl1 6 135* that is used when the database is using the file scope mechanism 6 136* for concurrency control over file readying. the segment overlayed via 6 137* mrds_dbc.incl.pl1 structure is pointed to and also handles concurrency control, 6 138* across database openings. the pointer to this dbcb structure is kept in a table 6 139* which associates database indexes(returned from a call to dsl_$open), with particular 6 140* opening instances of resultant models. (see mu_database_index routine) */ 6 141 6 142 dcl 1 dbcb aligned based (dbcb_ptr), /* DBCB -- non-secure portion */ 6 143 2 data like dbcb_data, 6 144 2 static_area area (sys_info$max_seg_size - fixed (rel (addr (dbcb.static_area)))); 6 145 6 146 dcl dbcb_ptr ptr; 6 147 6 148 declare 1 dbcb_data based, /* info part of dbcb, separated out so that 6 149* like references can avoid getting the area declaration */ 6 150 2 rdbi_ptr ptr, /* pointer to write protected mdbm_util_ info. */ 6 151 2 range_ptr ptr, /* ptr to range structure, or null */ 6 152 2 select_ptr ptr, /* ptr to select list, or null */ 6 153 2 sv_ptr ptr, /* pointer to search variables */ 6 154 2 so_ptr ptr, /* pointer to search operators */ 6 155 2 ti_ptr ptr, /* pointer to tuple info */ 6 156 2 lit_ptr ptr, /* pointer to the literal area, or null */ 6 157 2 current_ptr ptr, /* ptr to select list resulting from -current clause */ 6 158 2 ss_ptr ptr, /* ptr to select sets block if not simple s.e. */ 6 159 2 retr_info_ptr ptr, /* ptr to retrieve info area */ 6 160 2 trel_info_ptr ptr, /* ptr to retrieve info area */ 6 161 2 sti_ptr ptr, /* pointer to store info */ 6 162 2 dbc_ptr ptr, /* pointer to the data base control segment */ 6 163 2 sfi_ptr ptr, /* points to head of scalar function list */ 6 164 2 scope_ptr ptr, /* points to array of scope tuples */ 6 165 2 select_area_ptr ptr, /* ptr to area for current selection expression allocations */ 6 166 2 current_data_ptr ptr, /* ptr to one of 2 segments used by mrds_dsl_retrieve 6 167* for eliminating duplicate tuples. */ 6 168 2 static_data_ptr ptr, /* ptr to one of 2 segments used by mrds_dsl_retrieve 6 169* for eliminating duplicate tuples. */ 6 170 2 store_area_ptr ptr, /* temp storage area for dsl_$store */ 6 171 2 retrieve_area_ptr ptr, /* temp storage for dsl_$retrieve */ 6 172 2 modify_area_ptr ptr, /* temp storage area for dsl_$modify */ 6 173 2 delete_area_ptr ptr, /* temp storage area for dsl_$delete */ 6 174 2 def_temp_rel_area_ptr ptr, /* temp storage area for dsl_$define_temp_rel */ 6 175 2 pred_ptr ptr, /* Pointer to pred_array */ 6 176 2 store_vector_ptr ptr, /* Vector structure used during store operations */ 6 177 2 modify_vector_ptr ptr, /* Used during modifies */ 6 178 2 element_id_list_segment_ptr ptr, /* Points to the segment used to hold element_id_list structures */ 6 179 2 compiled_se_info_ptr ptr, /* points to the segment containing all info on compiled sexs */ 6 180 2 work_area_ptr ptr, /* Work area for encode/decode value allocations in mu_retrieve */ 6 181 2 se_info_ptr ptr, /* Points to se_info struct. Primarily for error reports */ 6 182 2 parser_work_area_ptr ptr, /* work area for parser */ 6 183 2 reserved_ptrs (4) ptr, /* Reserved for future use */ 6 184 2 another_flag bit (1) unal, /* on if predicate was -another */ 6 185 2 current_flag bit (1) unal, /* on if predicate was -current clause */ 6 186 2 dbc_incr bit (1) unal, /* on if dbc open mode has been incremented for this user */ 6 187 2 delete_flag bit (1) unal, /* On if search was called from mrds_dsl_sec_delete */ 6 188 2 dup_retain bit (1) unaligned, /* On if dup tuples allowed for retrieval */ 6 189 2 prev_select bit (1) unal, /* on if prev. select block processed in this s.e. */ 6 190 2 possible_op bit (1) unal, /* on of arith op. allowed */ 6 191 2 sel_clause bit (1) unal, /* on if currently in select clause */ 6 192 2 dsm_sw bit (1) unal, /* on if data base was opened via data submodel */ 6 193 2 val_rtrv bit (1) unal, /* if s.e. valid for retrieve */ 6 194 2 val_mod bit (1) unal, /* for modify */ 6 195 2 val_del bit (1) unal, /* for delete */ 6 196 2 val_dtr bit (1) unal, /* for define temp rel */ 6 197 2 transactions_needed bit (1) unal, /* On => transaction must be started or in progress does 6 198* not imply that the database is of type page_file */ 6 199 2 open_mode bit (3) unal, /* 0=>unknown, 1=>r, 2=>u, 3=>er, 4=>eu, >4=>bad */ 6 200 2 new_select_expr bit (1) unal, /* on => starting a new tid list management period */ 6 201 2 no_optimize bit (1) unal, /* On => no optimize */ 6 202 2 print_search_order bit (1) unal, /* On => print the search order */ 6 203 2 resultant_in_pdir bit (1) unal, /* On => Temp segments are in the process dir */ 6 204 2 res_already_made bit (1) unal, /* On => resultant has been made based on a saved copy */ 6 205 2 user_started_transaction bit (1) unal, /* On => user already started his own transaction. */ 6 206 2 non_shared_to_shared bit (1) unal, /* On => user changed the scope from non shared to shared 6 207* inside a sequence of -another selection expression. */ 6 208 2 scopes_changed bit (1) unal, /* On => scopes had been changed by set_scopes or delete_scopes */ 6 209 2 dont_check_txn_id bit (1) unal, /* On => cpmd needs same selection exp across multiple txns */ 6 210 2 reserved bit (10) unal, /* reserved for future use */ 6 211 2 nseq_sch fixed bin (35), /* no. tuples located via sequential search */ 6 212 2 nind_sch fixed bin (35), /* no. tuples located via index search */ 6 213 2 nhash_sch fixed bin (35), /* no. tuples located via hash search */ 6 214 2 nlk_sch fixed bin (35), /* no tuples located via link search */ 6 215 2 cur_lit_offset fixed bin (35), /* current bit offset in literal string */ 6 216 2 dbi fixed bin (35), /* database index for this opening */ 6 217 2 last_s_e_id_num fixed bin (35), /* identifying number for last selection expression seen */ 6 218 2 se_transaction_id bit (36) aligned, /* transaction id from beginning of select expression */ 6 219 2 last_store_rel_name char (32), /* Name of relation last used for store */ 6 220 2 cursor_ptrs_storage_ptr ptr, /* pointer to space where cursor ptrs are stored */ 6 221 2 cursor_storage_area_ptr ptr, /* pointer to area where the cursors are kept */ 6 222 2 reserved_words (10) fixed bin (35), /* Reserved for future use */ 6 223 2 relmgr_entries, /* relation manager entries */ 6 224 3 open entry (char (*), char (*), bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35)), 6 225 3 close entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35)), 6 226 3 create_cursor entry (bit (36) aligned, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35)), 6 227 3 destroy_cursor entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35)), 6 228 3 set_scope entry (bit (36) aligned, bit (2) aligned, bit (2) aligned, fixed bin (35)), 6 229 3 delete_tuples_by_id entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35)), 6 230 3 modify_tuples_by_id entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35)), 6 231 3 get_tuple_by_id entry (ptr, bit (36) aligned, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35)), 6 232 3 get_tuples_by_spec entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35)), 6 233 3 get_tuple_id entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35)), 6 234 3 put_tuple entry (ptr, ptr, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35)), 6 235 3 get_count entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35)), 6 236 3 get_duplicate_key_count entry (ptr, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (17), fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35)), 6 237 3 get_population entry (ptr, fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35)), 6 238 3 create_relation entry (char (*), char (*), ptr, ptr, bit (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35)), 6 239 3 create_index entry (bit (36) aligned, ptr, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (17), bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35)), 6 240 3 destroy_relation_by_path entry (char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35)), 6 241 3 reserved_entries (5) entry (), 6 242 2 access_costs, /* access costs for permute */ 6 243 3 total_primary_key_cost float bin, 6 244 3 access_cost float bin, 6 245 3 access_overhead float bin, 6 246 3 us_access_cost float bin, 6 247 3 os_access_cost float bin, 6 248 2 dbc_uid bit (36) aligned, /* uid of the segment containing the dbc structure */ 6 249 2 concurrency_on bit (1) unal, /* "1"b implies dmfile concurrency is being used */ 6 250 2 rollback_on bit (1) unal; /* "1"b iomplies before journaling is to be done */ 6 251 6 252 /* END mrds_dbcb.incl.pl1 */ 6 253 6 254 1569 1570 7 1 /* BEGIN mdbm_rm_db_info.incl.pl1 -- jaw, 11/7/78 */ 7 2 7 3 7 4 7 5 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 7 6* 1) change(86-08-13,Hergert),, approve(88-06-28,MCR7903), 7 7* audit(88-06-28,Dupuis), install(88-08-01,MR12.2-1073): 7 8* Removed change of 84-11-02. i.e. replaced even_word_pad. 7 9* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 7 10 7 11 7 12 /* WARNING 7 13* If the rm_db_info structure is changed then the mrds_data_ 7 14* item saved_res_version MUST be incremented to invalidate all 7 15* existing saved resultants 7 16**/ 7 17 7 18 /* DESCRIPTION: This structure is based on a segment 7 19* {unique_name}.mrds.rdbi that represents the secure portion of the 7 20* resultant model that is created partially at database open time, 7 21* (the rm_file_array, and rm_rel_array) and partially at ready_file 7 22* time, (the rm_file_info, rm_rel_info, rm_attr_info, 7 23* rm_domain_info, rm_plink_info and rm_clink_info). it's purpose is 7 24* to provide an efficient means of accessing database model 7 25* information, as seen from the possibly submodel view of the user, 7 26* and his current state of "files readied". it is the secure part 7 27* because it contains the model information which needs to be 7 28* protected from general knowledge, and this segment will 7 29* eventually be capable of being in a lower ring. the structure 7 30* itself points to four arrays that are allocated in it's area, 7 31* that in turn point to the other structures mentions above, also 7 32* allocated in the rm_db_info.static_area. the arrays are the 7 33* rm_file_array, and rm_rel_array. their are a pair for temporary 7 34* relations, initially empty, and a pair for normal model 7 35* files/relations. the normal rm_file_array is initialized to a 7 36* list of all known file names, the rm_rel_array only gets relation 7 37* names as files are readied. the rm_file_array points to 7 38* rm_file_infos for each file (see mdbm_rm_file_info.incl.pl1) and 7 39* the rm_rel_array points to rm_rel_info for each relation 7 40* "readied". (see mdbm_rm_rel_info.incl.pl1). (the arrays are in 7 41* mdbm_rm_file_array.incl.pl1 and mdbm_rm_rel_array.incl.pl1). the 7 42* file infos point to contained rel infos, the rel infos point to 7 43* contained attr infos, and those in turn to domain infos. (see 7 44* mdbm_rm_attr_info.incl.pl1 and mdbm_rm_domain_info.incl.pl1) 7 45* foreign keys are represented by the structures 7 46* mdbm_rm_plink_info.incl.pl1, and mdbm_rm_clink_info.incl.pl1. the 7 47* pathnames of the model and submodel, if any, are also maintained 7 48* in rm_db_info. the pointer to this rm_db_info segment is obtained 7 49* from the dbcb segment tructure(see mrds_dbcb.incl.pl1) see the 7 50* individual include files for further organization information, 7 51* and particular data structures. 7 52* 7 53* HISTORY: 7 54* 7 55* 80-02-01 Jim Gray : Modified to put area on even word boundary, 7 56* so that define_area_ could be used to make it an extensible area 7 57* 7 58* 81-1-9 Jim Gray : added like reference to make the phony 7 59* resultant in mu_database_index easier to keep, since no reference 7 60* to the area is needed. 7 61* 7 62* 81-1-12 Jim Gray : added version of submodel used in opening to 7 63* resultant. 7 64* 7 65* 81-05-13 Rickie E. Brinegar: added the administrator bit to the 7 66* structure. 7 67* 7 68* 81-05-28 Jim Gray : removed pointers to file_arrays, since they 7 69* are now combined into the rel_array. Removed the control file 7 70* info which was unused. Added pointer to head of domain list, 7 71* which is to be used to insure only one copy of each domain info. 7 72* 7 73* 83-05-19 Davids: Added the saved_res_version element. 7 74* 7 75* 84-11-02 Thanh Nguyen: Replaced the even_word_pad by the 7 76* ref_name_proc_ptr to point to list of reference name of the 7 77* check, encode, or decode proc. 7 78* 7 79* CAUTION: The structure entries from db_version to sm_path should 7 80* not be moved or have their declarations changed because they are 7 81* used in the handling of old version database openings. 7 82* 7 83* 7 84**/ 7 85 7 86 dcl 1 rm_db_info aligned based (rdbi_ptr), /* data base info, located at base of res. dm. seg. */ 7 87 2 data like rm_db_info_data, 7 88 2 static_area area (sys_info$max_seg_size - fixed (rel (addr (rm_db_info.static_area)))); 7 89 7 90 dcl rdbi_ptr ptr; 7 91 7 92 declare 1 rm_db_info_data based, /* separate declaration of info, so others can use 7 93* like reference to it without getting the area as well */ 7 94 2 db_version fixed bin, /* version no. of db */ 7 95 2 sm_version fixed bin unal, /* version of submodel used unal, 0 if model opening */ 7 96 2 val_level fixed bin unal, /* validation level for this db. */ 7 97 2 db_path char (168), /* abs. path of db. */ 7 98 2 sm_path char (168), /* path of submodel or model */ 7 99 2 mdbm_secured bit (1) unal, /* ON => database is secured */ 7 100 2 administrator bit (1) unal, /* ON => user is an administrator */ 7 101 2 pad bit (34) unal, /* for future use */ 7 102 2 saved_res_version char (8), /* version of the saved resultant in the 7 103* dbcb and rdbi segments in the db dir */ 7 104 2 domain_list_ptr ptr, /* pointer to head of list of domain_info's */ 7 105 2 ra_ptr ptr, /* pointer to rel. array */ 7 106 2 tra_ptr ptr, /* to rel array for temp rels */ 7 107 2 even_word_pad fixed bin (71) aligned; /* padding to put area on even word boundary */ 7 108 7 109 /* END mdbm_rm_db_info.incl.pl1 */ 7 110 7 111 1571 1572 8 1 /* BEGIN mrds_predicate_tree.incl.pl1 -- jaw, 2/14/79 */ 8 2 8 3 /* HISTORY: 8 4* 8 5* 81-06-01 Jim Gray : removed assn type and len, now that 8 6* mu_convert is being used. 8 7* 8 8* 8 9**/ 8 10 8 11 8 12 dcl 1 pred_node based (pn_ptr), /* structure of predicate tree node */ 8 13 2 type fixed bin, /* indicates if node or leaf */ 8 14 2 id unal, /* id for node */ 8 15 3 lleaf_id like, /* id for left leaf */ 8 16 3 op_code bit (6) unal, /* operator code for this node */ 8 17 3 rleaf_id like, /* id for right leaf */ 8 18 2 term_type fixed bin (5) unal, /* if term, indicates type of term */ 8 19 2 root bit (1) unal, /* on if root node */ 8 20 2 term bit (1) unal, /* on if node is term */ 8 21 2 determined bit (1) unal, /* on if term is "determined" independent of other terms */ 8 22 2 reserved bit (21) unal, /* reserved for future use */ 8 23 2 parent ptr, /* pointer to parent node */ 8 24 2 lbr ptr, /* pointer to left branch */ 8 25 2 rbr ptr; /* pointer to right branch */ 8 26 8 27 dcl pn_ptr ptr; 8 28 8 29 dcl 1 pred_array based (pred_ptr), /* list representation of pred. */ 8 30 2 type fixed bin, /* indicates array, rather than node or leaf */ 8 31 2 num_ands fixed bin, /* is the number of and groups */ 8 32 2 and_ptr (num_ands_init refer (pred_array.num_ands)) ptr; /* pointers to the and groups */ 8 33 8 34 dcl pred_ptr ptr; 8 35 8 36 dcl 1 and_group based (ag_ptr), /* list of pointers to all terms in and group */ 8 37 2 num_terms fixed bin, /* number of terms in list */ 8 38 2 term_ptr (num_terms_init refer (and_group.num_terms)) ptr; /* point to terms in this and group */ 8 39 8 40 dcl ag_ptr ptr; 8 41 dcl (num_ands_init, 8 42 num_terms_init) fixed bin; 8 43 8 44 dcl ((CURRENT_OP init ("000001"b)), /* pred_node op_codes */ 8 45 (AND_OP init ("000010"b)), 8 46 (OR_OP init ("000011"b)), 8 47 (NOT_OP init ("000100"b)), 8 48 (EQ_OP init ("000101"b)), 8 49 (NE_OP init ("000110"b)), 8 50 (LT_OP init ("000111"b)), 8 51 (GT_OP init ("001000"b)), 8 52 (LE_OP init ("001001"b)), 8 53 (GE_OP init ("001010"b)), 8 54 (ALL_OP init ("001011"b))) bit (6) int static options (constant); 8 55 8 56 dcl ((CONST init (1)), /* pred leaf data types */ 8 57 (ATTR init (2)), 8 58 (EXPRES init (3))) fixed bin int static options (constant); 8 59 8 60 dcl ((NODE init (0)), /* type indicators */ 8 61 (LEAF init (1)), 8 62 (ARRAY init (2))) fixed bin int static options (constant); 8 63 8 64 dcl ((V_C init (1)), /* pred_node term_types */ 8 65 (V_V init (2))) fixed bin (5) int static options (constant); 8 66 8 67 dcl 1 pred_leaf based (pl_ptr), /* structure for a predicate tree leaf */ 8 68 2 type fixed bin, /* indicates if node or leaf */ 8 69 2 id, /* leaf id */ 8 70 3 var_id bit (18) unal, /* index of tuple var. */ 8 71 3 attr_id bit (18) unal, /* defn order of attr. */ 8 72 2 dummy bit (1) unal, /* on if dummy leaf for ALL_OP */ 8 73 2 reserved bit (35) unal, /* reserved for future use */ 8 74 2 data_type fixed bin, /* whether const, attr, or expr */ 8 75 2 lit_offset fixed bin (35), /* bit offset of literal or expr. result */ 8 76 2 lit_length fixed bin (35), /* bit length of literal or expr. result */ 8 77 2 rslt_desc bit (36), /* descriptor of expr. result */ 8 78 2 lit_ptr ptr, /* ptr to literal or expr. result value */ 8 79 2 lit_desc_ptr ptr, /* ptr to literal or expr. result desc. */ 8 80 2 ai_ptr ptr, /* to rm_attr_info for attribute */ 8 81 2 expr_ptr ptr, /* pointer to expr. structure if expr. leaf */ 8 82 2 parent ptr; /* pointer to parent node */ 8 83 8 84 dcl pl_ptr ptr; 8 85 8 86 /* END mrds_predicate_tree.incl.pl1 */ 8 87 1573 1574 9 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE mrds_expressions.incl.pl1 -- jaw 2/15/79 */ 9 2 9 3 /* HISTORY: 9 4* 9 5* 81-06-01 Jim Gray : removed assn len and type elements 9 6* since mu_covnert is now being used. 9 7* 9 8**/ 9 9 9 10 9 11 dcl 1 expr aligned based (expr_ptr), /* internal representation of an expression, 9 12* expression is stored in postfix polish form */ 9 13 2 nitems fixed bin, /* no. items in expression */ 9 14 2 item (nexp_items_init refer (expr.nitems)), 9 15 3 type fixed bin (3) unal, /* 1 => data item 9 16* 2 => operator 9 17* 3 => scalar function */ 9 18 3 op_code fixed bin (3) unal, /* 1 => add 9 19* 2 => subtract 9 20* 3 => multiply 9 21* 4 => divide */ 9 22 3 data_type fixed bin (2) unal, /* 1 => literal 9 23* 2 => database */ 9 24 3 reserved bit (25) unal, 9 25 3 desc bit (36), /* data descriptor of data item or fun. result */ 9 26 3 loc_index fixed bin (18), /* location index of data item or fun. result */ 9 27 3 bit_length fixed bin (18), /* bit length of data item or fun. result */ 9 28 3 assn_ptr ptr, /* pointer to item storage loc. */ 9 29 3 ai_ptr ptr, /* to attr info if database item */ 9 30 3 fn_ptr ptr; /* pointer to function structure if scalar function */ 9 31 9 32 dcl expr_ptr ptr; 9 33 dcl nexp_items_init fixed bin; 9 34 9 35 dcl 1 scalfn aligned based (sfn_ptr), /* internal representation of a scalar function */ 9 36 2 entry_ptr ptr, /* pointer to entry to be called */ 9 37 2 arg_list_ptr ptr, /* pointer to arg list to be used for calling function */ 9 38 2 rslt_desc bit (36), /* descriptor for result */ 9 39 2 nargs fixed bin, /* number of input args */ 9 40 2 arg (nsf_args_init refer (scalfn.nargs)), /* arg info */ 9 41 3 type fixed bin (3) unal, /* 1 => literal 9 42* 2 => database 9 43* 3 => scalar function 9 44* 4 => expression */ 9 45 3 must_convert bit (1) unal, /* on if arg must be converted to match requirements */ 9 46 3 reserved bit (31) unal, 9 47 3 desc bit (36), /* descriptor of data or result */ 9 48 3 loc_index fixed bin (18), /* location index of data item or result */ 9 49 3 bit_length fixed bin (18), /* bit length of data item or result */ 9 50 3 assn_ptr ptr, /* pointer to item storage loc. */ 9 51 3 arg_desc bit (36), /* descriptor for arg if must convert */ 9 52 3 arg_assn_ptr ptr, /* assign_ ptr for arg in must convert */ 9 53 3 ai_ptr ptr, /* to attr info if database item */ 9 54 3 ef_ptr ptr; /* pointer to expression or function structure, or null */ 9 55 9 56 dcl sfn_ptr ptr; 9 57 dcl nsf_args_init fixed bin; 9 58 9 59 dcl ((DATA init (1)), 9 60 (OPERATOR init (2)), 9 61 (SCAL_FUN init (3)), 9 62 (EXPR init (4)), 9 63 (ADD init (1)), 9 64 (SUBT init (2)), 9 65 (MULT init (3)), 9 66 (DIV init (4)), 9 67 (LITERAL init (1)), 9 68 (DATABASE init (2))) fixed bin int static options (constant); 9 69 9 70 dcl CFLTD59 bit (36) aligned int static options (constant) 9 71 init ("100110000000000000000000000000111011"b); 9 72 dcl RFLTD59 bit (36) aligned int static options (constant) 9 73 init ("100101000000000000000000000000111011"b); 9 74 9 75 /* END INCLUDE FILE mrds_expressions.incl.pl1 */ 9 76 1575 1576 10 1 /* BEGIN mrds_range.incl.pl1 -- jaw, 10/20/78 */ 10 2 10 3 /* Modified 83-04-22 by R. Harvey to add needed_bits */ 10 4 10 5 dcl 1 range aligned based (range_ptr), 10 6 2 num_vars fixed bin, /* number of tuple variables */ 10 7 2 tup_var (mrds_data_$max_tup_var refer (range.num_vars)), /* info for each tuple variable */ 10 8 3 name char (mrds_data_$max_id_len), /* name of tuple variable */ 10 9 3 temp_rel bit (1) unal, /* on if temporary relation */ 10 10 3 used bit (1) unal, /* 1 => this tuple variable is referenced by 10 11* a -select clause. */ 10 12 3 whole_tuple_selected bit (1) unal, /* the whole tuple variable is referenced in the select clause */ 10 13 3 copy_for_current bit (1) unal, /* -current requests attributes not previously retrieved */ 10 14 3 copied_for_current bit (1) unal, /* tuple copied during previous -current */ 10 15 3 reserved bit (31) unal, /* reserved for future use */ 10 16 3 rel_index fixed bin, /* index to assoc. relation */ 10 17 3 stv_ptr ptr, /* simple typed vector */ 10 18 3 idl_ptr ptr, /* id_list ptr */ 10 19 3 needed_bits aligned, 10 20 4 attr (mrds_data_$max_attributes) bit (1) unal, 10 21 3 ri_ptr ptr; /* pointer to rel info for assoc. relation */ 10 22 10 23 dcl range_ptr ptr; 10 24 10 25 /* END mrds_range.incl.pl1 */ 10 26 1577 1578 11 1 /* BEGIN mrds_select_list.incl.pl1 -- jaw 10/20/78 */ 11 2 11 3 /* HISTORY: 11 4* 11 5* 81-06-01 Jim Gray : removed user len and type elements, 11 6* since mu_convert rather than assign_ is now used. 11 7* 11 8* 84-11-22 John Hergert: added fr_ptr 11 9* 11 10*/****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 11 11* 1) change(86-07-17,Dupuis), approve(86-08-05,MCR7491), audit(86-08-08,Blair), 11 12* install(86-08-15,MR12.0-1127): 11 13* 85-11-22 Hergert: Added variable var_exists so that it may be kept 11 14* around per select expression (in sets) and when compiling. (mrds #158) 11 15* 2) change(87-11-23,Hergert), approve(88-06-28,MCR7903), 11 16* audit(88-06-28,Dupuis), install(88-08-01,MR12.2-1073): 11 17* For new parser, (and general readability) renamed sel_ptr to 11 18* select_list_ptr. 11 19* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 11 20 11 21 11 22 dcl 1 select_list based (select_list_ptr), /* tabular representation of -select clause */ 11 23 2 num_vars fixed bin, /* number of free variables */ 11 24 2 mla_ptr ptr, /* pointer to array of move list pointers */ 11 25 2 fr_ptr ptr, /* pointer to free_raltions struct in mrds_dsl_select_clause */ 11 26 2 num_items fixed bin, /* number of attributes specified in select list */ 11 27 2 var_exists (36) bit(1), 11 28 2 item (mrds_data_$max_select_items refer (select_list.num_items)), 11 29 3 must_convert bit (1) unal, /* on if conversion required */ 11 30 3 key bit (1) unal, /* on if to be key attr. in temp. rel. */ 11 31 3 index bit (1) unal, /* on if index attribute in temp rel */ 11 32 3 reserved bit (33) unal, /* reserved for future use */ 11 33 3 var_index fixed bin, /* index of assoc. tuple variable */ 11 34 3 ai_ptr ptr, /* ptr to attr_info */ 11 35 3 user_desc_ptr ptr, /* to descriptor for user value */ 11 36 3 user_ptr ptr ; /* pointer to user's area */ 11 37 11 38 dcl select_list_ptr ptr int automatic init (null ()); 11 39 11 40 dcl 1 move_list_array (select_list.num_vars) based (select_list.mla_ptr), 11 41 2 var_index fixed bin, 11 42 2 ml_ptr ptr; 11 43 11 44 /* END mrds_select_list.incl.pl1 */ 11 45 1579 1580 12 1 /* BEGIN mrds_tuple_info.incl.pl1 -- jaw 11/2/78 */ 12 2 12 3 /* HISTORY: 12 4* 12 5* Modified in March 1977 by O Friesen to hold allocated ptr and length 12 6* 82-10-29 Mike Kubicar : Made tuple_id aligned 12 7* 12 8**/ 12 9 12 10 dcl 1 tuple_info aligned based (ti_ptr), 12 11 2 num_tuples fixed bin, /* no. of tuples for which info given */ 12 12 2 tuple (ti_ntuples_init refer (tuple_info.num_tuples)), 12 13 3 tuple_ptr ptr, /* pointer to found tuple */ 12 14 3 tuple_id bit (36) aligned, /* tuple id for found tuple */ 12 15 3 var_index fixed bin; /* index to tuple variable */ 12 16 12 17 dcl ti_ptr ptr; 12 18 dcl ti_ntuples_init fixed bin; 12 19 12 20 /* END mrds_tuple_info.incl.pl1 */ 12 21 1581 1582 13 1 /* BEGIN mrds_search_vars.incl.pl1 -- jaw, 2/26/79 */ 13 2 13 3 dcl 1 search_vars aligned based (sv_ptr), /* info on all variables */ 13 4 2 nvars fixed bin, /* number of variables */ 13 5 2 new_val (sv_nvars_init refer (search_vars.nvars), /* indicates new values to be moved */ 13 6 sv_nvars_init refer (search_vars.nvars)) bit (1) unal, 13 7 2 info (sv_nvars_init refer (search_vars.nvars)) like rtrv_info; /* data for each var. */ 13 8 13 9 dcl sv_ptr ptr; 13 10 dcl sv_nvars_init fixed bin; 13 11 13 12 /* END mrds_search_vars.incl.pl1 */ 13 13 1583 1584 14 1 /* BEGIN mdbm_rtrv_info.incl.pl1 -- jaw, 3/15/79 */ 14 2 14 3 /* 14 4* HISTORY 14 5* 14 6* 82-09-21 Davids: removed reference to the iocb_ind element which was the 14 7* index in the rm_rel_info.iocb_ptr array of the iocb to be used and added 14 8* the cursor_ptr element. 14 9* 14 10* 82-10-1 Woodka: changed tid_array to be bit (36) aligned instead of 14 11* bit (36) unaligned. 14 12* 14 13* 82-10-22 Woodka : added first_seq_io bit and changed reserved to bit 32. 14 14* 14 15* 82-10-26 Davids: added the record_collection_cursor_ptr element. This is 14 16* needed because the relation manager get_tuple_by_id entry requires a 14 17* record collection cursor. 14 18* 14 19* 83-05-03 Mike Kubicar : deleted the unused fields: thd_type, seq_io, 14 20* seed_id, link_io, free_array and thd_ptr. Added the maxtids field. 14 21* 14 22* 83-05-31 Mike Kubicar : got rid of cursor_ptr and 14 23* record_collection_cursor_ptr. Inserted the field relation_cursor_ptr. 14 24* 14 25**/ 14 26 14 27 dcl 1 rtrv_info aligned based (rti_ptr), /* info needed to retrieve a tuple */ 14 28 2 ri_ptr ptr, /* to rel_info */ 14 29 2 relation_cursor_ptr ptr, /* pointer to cursor to use */ 14 30 2 ntids fixed bin, /* no of tuple ids in list */ 14 31 2 ctid fixed bin, /* current position in list */ 14 32 2 maxtids fixed bin, /* Maximum number of tids to search for */ 14 33 2 first_seq_io bit (1) unal, /* on if first sequential i/o is to be done */ 14 34 2 reserved bit (35) unal, 14 35 2 ta_ptr ptr; /* to array of tuple ids */ 14 36 14 37 dcl rti_ptr ptr; 14 38 14 39 dcl tid_array (ta_nids) bit (36) aligned based (ta_ptr); /* array of tuple ids */ 14 40 14 41 dcl ta_nids fixed bin; 14 42 dcl ta_ptr ptr; 14 43 14 44 /* END mdbm_rtrv_info.incl.pl1 */ 14 45 1585 1586 15 1 /* BEGIN mrds_search_ops.incl.pl1 -- 2/23/79 */ 15 2 15 3 /* HISTORY: 15 4* 15 5* 81-06-01 Jim Gray : removed assn_type and len from the move_info 15 6* structure, since these are not used with the advent of mu_covert. 15 7* 15 8* 81-06-30 Jim Gray : added range_val_ptr to init_info structure, 15 9* so that ranges (10 < x < 20) could be handled in one call to 15 10* vfile select, instead of two. Also added range bit to show when 15 11* usable. 15 12* 15 13* 81-07-06 Jim Gray : changed init_info op type encodings for those 15 14* access methods currently available in mrds, plus added bits for 15 15* whether mrds or vfile needs to do tid list intersection, and 15 16* whether an unordered, faster sequential search can be done. 15 17* 15 18* 81-07-18 Jim Gray : added many comments, after changing the named 15 19* constants to refer to the new access methods. 15 20* 15 21* 82-09-01 Mike Kubicar : converted from tuple structure to vector 15 22* structure. This meant changing fields which pointed directly to 15 23* tuple space to use indices into the tuple_info structure instead. 15 24* 15 25* 82-10-01 Davids: removed the encd_hash flag from move_info since it 15 26* is never used and removed the encd_index flag from move_info since 15 27* changes to mrds_dsl_gen_srch_prog have rendered it obsolute. Increased 15 28* size of the reserved element from 28 to 30 bits. 15 29* 15 30* 83-04-04 Mike Kubicar : Removed init_info.unordered. It is no longer 15 31* used. 15 32* 15 33* 83-04-22 Mike Kubicar : Added search_specification_ptr to select_info. 15 34* This is the search spec to be used when retrieving tuple from a relation. 15 35* Also deleted the init_info strucuture and associated constants. It is no 15 36* longer used. 15 37* 15 38* 83-05-31 Mike Kubicar : Renamed search_specification_ptr to 15 39* relation_search_specification_ptr. 15 40* 15 41**/ 15 42 15 43 15 44 /* DESCRIPTION: 15 45* 15 46* BEGIN_DESCRIPTION 15 47* 15 48* The search ops structure holds the operations to be performed 15 49* during a search of the database. It is a step-by-step 15 50* actuallization of the selection expression specified by the user. 15 51* For each tuple variable, there will be an move-init-select set of 15 52* operations. The first operations is always an initizization~ one 15 53* called PICKUP_SVP, The last operation is always a case for a 15 54* failure condition called RETNUL, to return tuple_not_found. The 15 55* move_init_select groups each have their own RETVAl step to return 15 56* a tuple, if they succeed in finding an acceptable tuple. If there 15 57* are multiple tuple variables, each T.V. group calls the move step 15 58* of the next group once it has found an acceptable tuple in order 15 59* to satisfy all conditions of the and group. Multiple and groups 15 60* are processed until they exhaust all possible tuple variables, 15 61* before the mini-search for the next and group is called. 15 62* 15 63* END_DESCRIPTION 15 64**/ 15 65 15 66 dcl 1 search_ops aligned based (so_ptr), /* the search "program" */ 15 67 2 ic fixed bin, /* index to next instruction */ 15 68 2 nops fixed bin, /* no. of operations in list */ 15 69 2 op (so_nops_init refer (search_ops.nops)), 15 70 3 code fixed bin, /* op code 15 71* 1 => init. range 15 72* 2 => move values 15 73* 3 => select tuple 15 74* 4 => return value 15 75* 5 => return null 15 76* 6 => pick up new search vars ptr */ 15 77 3 var_ind fixed bin, /* index of tuple variable */ 15 78 3 good_xfer fixed bin, /* rel. index of instr. if this op. successful */ 15 79 3 err_xfer fixed bin, /* rel. index of instr. if this op is unsuccess. */ 15 80 3 info_ptr ptr; /* pointer to op. dependent info. */ 15 81 15 82 dcl so_ptr ptr; 15 83 dcl so_nops_init fixed bin; 15 84 15 85 dcl ((INIT init (1)), 15 86 (MOVE init (2)), 15 87 (SEL init (3)), 15 88 (RETVAL init (4)), 15 89 (RETNUL init (5)), 15 90 (PICKUP_SVP init (6))) fixed bin int static options (constant); 15 91 15 92 /* the move info structure is used to obtain needed information 15 93* for the next database access specified by the init_info. 15 94* This may involve moving data from tuples in other tuple variable relations 15 95* in the database, doing a data conversion to a needed data type, 15 96* encoding the data for key usage, or evaluating an expression */ 15 97 15 98 dcl 1 move_info aligned based (mi_ptr), /* info for move op. */ 15 99 /* note: items must be processed in order since 15 100* items may depend on prior items in list */ 15 101 2 bit_move bit (1) unal, /* if just straight move */ 15 102 2 var_move bit (1) unal, /* if straignt move of var len attr. */ 15 103 2 thread bit (1) unal, /* on if moving thread */ 15 104 2 expr bit (1) unal, /* if evaluating an expr. */ 15 105 2 encd_attr bit (1) unal, /* if encoding a comparison value */ 15 106 2 extr_attr bit (1) unal, /* if the value must be extracted from a tuple */ 15 107 2 reserved bit (30) unal, 15 108 2 var_ind fixed bin, /* index of source var, or 0 */ 15 109 2 tuple_var_index fixed bin, /* index of tuple variable (tuple_info.tuple) to use */ 15 110 2 tuple_attr_index fixed bin, /* index of attribute to extract */ 15 111 2 s_ptr ptr, /* to source ( if var., ksl_ptr if key */ 15 112 2 t_ptr ptr, /* target, (encoded key value if encode) tuple ptr if expr */ 15 113 2 sbit_len fixed bin (35), /* bit length (bit offset if var.) thd type if thd */ 15 114 2 tbit_len fixed bin (35), /* target length */ 15 115 2 s_desc bit (36), /* descriptor for source */ 15 116 2 t_desc bit (36), /* descriptor for target */ 15 117 2 encd_desc bit (36), /* descriptor for encd attr */ 15 118 2 fwd_thd ptr; /* to next move info */ 15 119 15 120 dcl mi_ptr ptr; 15 121 dcl mi_nitems_init fixed bin; 15 122 15 123 15 124 /* the select info structure is used to hold info about 15 125* where to put a tuple that satisfies all conditions, 15 126* and to point to a list of comparisons to be made against 15 127* the tuple, before it is considered acceptable */ 15 128 15 129 dcl 1 select_info aligned based (seli_ptr), /* info for select op. */ 15 130 2 tuple_info_index fixed bin, /* to output tuple */ 15 131 2 tid_ptr ptr, /* to place to store tuple id */ 15 132 2 relation_search_specification_ptr ptr, /* Search spec for relation manager gets */ 15 133 2 cvla_ptr ptr; /* pointer to cvl_array */ 15 134 15 135 dcl seli_ptr ptr; 15 136 15 137 /* END mrds_search_ops.incl.pl1 */ 15 138 1587 1588 16 1 /* BEGIN mrds_optimize_tables.incl.pl1 -- jaw, 2/23/79 */ 16 2 16 3 /* HISTORY: 16 4* 16 5* 81-07-06 Jim Gray : added number of tuples selected, and the 16 6* access methods currently available to the path_var structure, to 16 7* allow the cost of a search path to be properly calculated. 16 8* 16 9* 81-07-07 Jim Gray : added in_and_group and cost to path_var for 16 10* handling not in and_group tuple variables. 16 11* 16 12* 81-07-13 Jim Gray : removed calc_cost related structures that are 16 13* no longer used. Also commented the access methods available. 16 14* Added cond_ptr and attr_index to path_var to make gen_srch_prog 16 15* use access specified by permute. 16 16* 16 17* 81-07-14 Jim Gray : added condition_selected and attr_selected 16 18* bits to the cond and attr_list structures respectively, so that 16 19* the permute logic in gen_srch_prog could be removed, and the 16 20* desires of permute could be passed to gen_srch_prog. Also added 16 21* description of structures in this include file. 16 22* 16 23* 81-07-17 Jim Gray : removed unused path_array structure once used 16 24* by the discarded calc_cost routine, now replaced by permute. 16 25* 16 26* 81-07-19 Jim Gray : added in_select_clause bit to path_var for 16 27* use by optimize, gen_srch_prog and the permute display for 16 28* properly handling no_tuple_effect tuple variables, and not 16 29* producing cross products not specified by the user. 16 30* 16 31* 81-07-21 Jim Gray : added a second condition pointer to the path 16 32* var structure, so that permute could detect, make use of, and 16 33* pass on the info for doing range searches on key heads and 16 34* secondary indexes. 16 35* 16 36* 83-04-22 Mike Kubicar : removed It is no 16 37* longer needed. 16 38* 16 39**/ 16 40 16 41 16 42 /* DESCRIPTION: 16 43* 16 44* The major structure of this include file is the path_var 16 45* structure. It is used to hold an ordered list of tuple variables 16 46* from the selection expression range clause, in the order in which 16 47* they will be used for doing I/O on the database in order to 16 48* retrieve the data necessary to evaluate the selection expression. 16 49* 16 50* The alp in this structure points to the attr_list structure which 16 51* contains a list of all attributes referenced by this particular 16 52* tuple variable in the selection expression. 16 53* 16 54* The elp in this path_var structure for this tuple variable 16 55* similarly points to the expr_list structure, which contains 16 56* information on all expressions in the selection expression which 16 57* reference the tuple variable. 16 58* 16 59* The attr_list structure in turn has a list of all conditions 16 60* (comparisons involving it) against that attribute in a linked 16 61* list of cond structures pointed to by the cond_ptr. 16 62* 16 63* The op_code encoding for thecond and expr_list structures is that 16 64* used in the pred_node structures of the predicate tree, and that 16 65* given by the named constants starting OTT_... 16 66* 16 67* The path_array structure was originally intended for use by 16 68* mrds_dsl_calc_cost, which is obsolete. Now only one element is 16 69* used to point to the path returned by permute. 16 70* 16 71**/ 16 72 16 73 dcl 1 path_var aligned based (pvp), /* info on one path through and group */ 16 74 2 var_index fixed bin, /* index of this var */ 16 75 2 in_and_group bit (1) unal, /* on => this tuple variable participates in the and group */ 16 76 2 in_select_clause bit (1), /* on => this tuple variable selected */ 16 77 2 pad bit (34) unal, /* for future use */ 16 78 2 cost float bin (63), /* partial sub path cost, or total for not in and_group */ 16 79 2 number_tuples_selected fixed bin (35), /* estimate of tuples selected by access method */ 16 80 2 access_method fixed bin, /* encoding for the method of access to this tuple variable: 16 81* 1 => unique key search 16 82* 2 => long key head search, only "=" conditions 16 83* 3 => short key head, other than "=" conditions 16 84* 4 => indexed attr 16 85* 5 => unordered sequential search 16 86* 6 => ordered sequential search */ 16 87 2 cond_ptr ptr, /* to condition on this T.V. to be used for accessing it */ 16 88 2 second_cond_ptr ptr, /* to second condition when a range is specified */ 16 89 2 attr_index fixed bin, /* attr_ptr array definition order index 16 90* of attr to be used for accessing this T.V. */ 16 91 2 lk_key_ind fixed bin, /* link index or key id */ 16 92 2 alp ptr, /* to attribute list */ 16 93 2 elp ptr, /* to expr list */ 16 94 2 fwd_thd ptr; /* to next in path */ 16 95 16 96 dcl pvp ptr; 16 97 16 98 16 99 /* ACCESS METHODS AVAILABLE TO MRDS: 16 100* 16 101* 1) any number of key attributes making up a total primary key, 16 102* with at least one "=" condition against each allows use of a 16 103* vfile seek_key, to find the 1 unique tuple referenced 16 104* 16 105* 2) any number of key head attributes with at least one "=" 16 106* condition against each allows use of vfile select, to find >1 16 107* tuples whose key has this prefix value 16 108* 16 109* 3) the first key head attribute having other than a "=" 16 110* condition, or any number of conditions against it allows use of 16 111* vfile select, to find >1 tuples whose key has this prefix 16 112* 16 113* 4) a single secondarily indexed attribute with any condition or 16 114* number of conditions against it allows use of vfile select, to 16 115* find the >= 1 tuples whose values match that of the value or 16 116* range of values given 16 117* 16 118* 5) an unordered sequential search, where no updates against the 16 119* database relation will be done allows use of mu_scan_records, 16 120* which goes through the records without touching the vfile keys 16 121* 16 122* 6) an ordered sequential search, which must touch the vfile keys 16 123* in order to get the tuple records, thus producing an in-order 16 124* retrieval 16 125* 16 126**/ 16 127 16 128 dcl ((TOTAL_PRIMARY_KEY init (1)), 16 129 (LONG_KEY_HEAD init (2)), 16 130 (SHORT_KEY_HEAD init (3)), 16 131 (INDEXED_ATTR init (4)), 16 132 (UNORDERED_SEQUENTIAL init (5)), 16 133 (ORDERED_SEQUENTIAL init (6))) fixed bin int static options (constant); 16 134 16 135 dcl 1 attr_list aligned based (alp), /* info on all ref. attr. for a t.v. */ 16 136 2 nattr fixed bin, /* number of attrs in rel */ 16 137 2 info (al_nattr_init refer (attr_list.nattr)), /* definition order array */ 16 138 3 attr_selected bit (1) unal, /* on => this attr used by access method chosed */ 16 139 3 pad bit (35) unal, 16 140 3 index fixed bin, /* definition order, same as array element number */ 16 141 3 cond_ptr ptr ; /* to list of conditions on attr. */ 16 142 16 143 dcl alp ptr; 16 144 dcl al_nattr_init fixed bin; 16 145 16 146 dcl 1 cond aligned based (condp), /* info on attr condition */ 16 147 2 op_code fixed bin, /* op code translated from pred_node */ 16 148 2 condition_selected bit (1) unal, /* on => this condition used by access method chosen */ 16 149 2 pad bit (35) unal, 16 150 2 pl_ptr ptr, /* to pred leaf of other attr */ 16 151 2 fwd_thd ptr; /* to next condition */ 16 152 16 153 dcl condp ptr; 16 154 16 155 dcl 1 expr_list aligned based (elp), /* info for expr in this var */ 16 156 2 nexprs fixed bin, 16 157 2 info (el_nexprs_init refer (expr_list.nexprs)), 16 158 3 epl_ptr ptr, /* to pred leaf for this expr */ 16 159 3 op_code fixed bin, 16 160 3 reserved bit (36) unal, /* for future use */ 16 161 3 pl_ptr ptr; /* to pred leaf of other var */ 16 162 16 163 dcl elp ptr; 16 164 dcl el_nexprs_init fixed bin; 16 165 16 166 /* COMPARISON OPERATOR NAMED CONSTANTS: 16 167* 16 168* The following named constants represent the comparison operators 16 169* "=", "^=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=". 16 170* 16 171* They are used in the predicate tree nodes, the cond and expr_list 16 172* structure, and in gen_srch_prog structures. */ 16 173 16 174 dcl ((OTT_EQ init (1)), 16 175 (OTT_NE init (2)), 16 176 (OTT_LT init (3)), 16 177 (OTT_LE init (4)), 16 178 (OTT_GT init (5)), 16 179 (OTT_GE init (6))) fixed bin int static options (constant); 16 180 16 181 /* END mrds_optimize_tables.incl.pl1 */ 16 182 1589 1590 17 1 /* BEGIN mdbm_rm_rel_info.incl.pl1 -- jaw, 11/16/78 */ 17 2 17 3 /* WARNING 17 4* If the rm_rel_info structure is changed then the mrds_data_ 17 5* item saved_res_version MUST be incremented to invalidate all 17 6* existing saved resultants 17 7**/ 17 8 17 9 /* HISTORY: 17 10* 17 11* Modified by Jim Gray - - May 1980, to include model number of 17 12* attributes, and varying attributes, so that partial view 17 13* submodels will have the info needed to properly set up the 17 14* varying length array headers in the tuple structure. 17 15* 17 16* Modified by Jim Gray - - 80-11-06, to rename r_perm = 17 17* status_perm, s_perm = append_tuple_perm, d_perm = 17 18* delete_tuple_perm, and make m_perm = unused_perm. 17 19* 17 20* 81-01-23 Jim Gray : added bit to indicate whether the last model 17 21* view attribute was varying character or bit, since a partial view 17 22* submodel will not have this information in the resultant, and it 17 23* is needed for determining the new tuple length in mus_mod_ubtup, 17 24* since with exact length storage of varying length attributes, 17 25* each tuple can be a different length, which is can only be 17 26* determined by examining the tuple itself. 17 27* 17 28* 81-01-29 Jim Gray : added curent tuple count, to provide for 17 29* interface to allow temp rel population to be known, and to 17 30* provide a more efficient means of finding an approx. current perm 17 31* relation population. 17 32* 17 33* 81-05-28 Jim Gray : removed structure elements referring to 17 34* blocked files, foreign keys, and ids procedures. Also set number 17 35* of files per rel to a constant of 1. 17 36* 17 37* 81-05-28 Jim Gray : combined data from rm_file_info into this 17 38* structure so that only one structure per relation is needed. 17 39* 17 40* 81-07-02 Jim Gray : added total_key and dup_key vfile statistics 17 41* counts. Also added number of operations count since last 17 42* statistics update, and a time since the statistics were last 17 43* updated. 17 44* 17 45* 81-07-06 Jim Gray : added a per selection expression update 17 46* identifier so that small relations could be updated on a per S.E. 17 47* basis 17 48* 17 49* 82-04-21 R. Lackey : Added number_selected (ri_niocbs_init refer (rm_rel_info.niocbs)) fixed bin (35) 17 50* to end of structure TR 12205 (Suggestion). 17 51* 17 52* 82-08-19 D. Woodka : Removed rm_rel_info.max_data_len field for 17 53* the DMS conversion. 17 54* 17 55* 82-08-30 Davids: added the opening_id element and removed the iocb 17 56* array and the niocb element for DMS conversion. Also removed the 17 57* number_selected array (and ri_niocbs_init) since subsets are not 17 58* going to be used. 17 59* 17 60* 82-09-20 Mike Kubicar : changed rm_rel_info.rel_id to bit (36) aligned 17 61* so that it can be used with relation manager. Also added 17 62* rm_rel_info.primary_key_index_id for relation manager. 17 63* 17 64* 82-09-22 Mike Kubicar : Removed the, now useless, fields var_attr_ptrs, 17 65* nvar_atts, model_nvar_atts. 17 66* 17 67* 82-09-24 Davids: Removed current_key_count and current_dup_key_count 17 68* since the duplicate key count for each secondary index is now being 17 69* kept in the attr_info structure and key_count was only needed to 17 70* help in calculating the average selectivity of each index which 17 71* can now be gotten directly from each index's dup key count. Also 17 72* removed the file_id element since it is no longer needed for 17 73* anything. 17 74* 17 75* 82-09-27 Mike Kubicar : removed file_id_len for the same reason file_id 17 76* was removed. 17 77* 17 78* 82-11-05 Mike Kubicar : added a pointer to an id_list structure to be 17 79* used when retrieving tuples from this relation. 17 80* 17 81* 83-04-06 Davids: Added the scope_flags_ptr which points to the scope_flags structure 17 82* for the relation. Note that this structure is part of the resultant NOT 17 83* part of the db.control structure. The scopes are duplicated in the resultant 17 84* to reduce contention for the db.control structure. Note also that the pointer 17 85* will always point to a scope_flags structure even if no scopes have been 17 86* set on the relation, the structure is allocated when the db is opened. 17 87**/ 17 88 17 89 17 90 /* DESCRIPTION: 17 91* 17 92* This structure is allocated in the area part of the structure in 17 93* mdbm_rm_db_info.incl.pl1 as part of the resultant model created 17 94* at open time for a database. There will be one of these 17 95* rm_rel_info structures for each relation appearing in the 17 96* database view (there may be less than the total in the database 17 97* for a submodel openings). There will also be one for each 17 98* temporary relation currently defined for that opening. 17 99* 17 100* The structure in mdbm_rm_rel_array.incl.pl1 contains pointers to 17 101* all rm_rel_info structures allocated. It is used for searching 17 102* for the appropriate structure. This array is pointed to by 17 103* rm_db_info. There are two arrays, one for perm rels, one for temp 17 104* rels. 17 105* 17 106* The rm_rel_info structure points to the 17 107* mdbm_rm_attr_info.incl.pl1 structures, one for each attribute 17 108* appearing in this view of the relation. Each of these in turn 17 109* point to a mdbm_rm_domain_info.incl.pl1 structure for the domain 17 110* info for each attr. 17 111* 17 112* Most of the other information here deals with specifics of the 17 113* relation's logical definition, such as key and secondary index 17 114* attribute inidicators, security permissions, and tuple physical 17 115* construction details. 17 116* 17 117**/ 17 118 17 119 dcl 1 rm_rel_info aligned based (rmri_ptr), /* relation information */ 17 120 2 name char (32), /* from submodel */ 17 121 2 model_name char (30), /* from model */ 17 122 2 rel_id bit (36) aligned, /* unique id. */ 17 123 2 retrieve bit (1) unal, /* operations allowed by this view */ 17 124 2 modify bit (1) unal, 17 125 2 delete bit (1) unal, 17 126 2 store bit (1) unal, 17 127 2 total_key bit (1) unal, /* on if view includes full primary key */ 17 128 2 indexed bit (1) unal, /* on if exists sec. index */ 17 129 2 mdbm_secured bit (1) unal, /* on if mdbm must check security */ 17 130 2 status_perm bit (1) unal, /* if user has status. perm. */ 17 131 2 append_tuple_perm bit (1) unal, /* if user has store perm. */ 17 132 2 delete_tuple_perm bit (1) unal, /* if user has del. perm. */ 17 133 2 unused_perm bit (1) unal, /* for future use. */ 17 134 2 last_model_attr_char_var bit (1) unal, /* on => last model varying attr is char */ 17 135 2 reserved bit (24) unal, /* for future use */ 17 136 2 num_attr fixed bin, /* total no. of attr. in rel. */ 17 137 2 model_num_attr fixed bin, /* total attrs in model relation */ 17 138 2 nkey_attr fixed bin, /* no. of key attr. */ 17 139 2 model_nkey_attr fixed bin, /* total number of keys in model */ 17 140 2 primary_key_index_id bit (36) aligned, /* Index id of relation's primary key */ 17 141 2 nsec_inds fixed bin, /* no. sec. indexes */ 17 142 2 max_key_len fixed bin (35), /* max length (chars) of primary key */ 17 143 2 current_tuple_population fixed bin (35), /* last known total tuple count for this relation */ 17 144 2 last_statistics_update_count fixed bin, /* number of operations's, since this rels stats were updated */ 17 145 2 last_statistics_update_time fixed bin (71),/* last time this rels stats were updated */ 17 146 2 last_statistics_update_s_e_ref_num fixed bin (35), /* last select expr ID that updated this rels stats */ 17 147 2 ready_mode fixed bin, /* 1 => r, 2 => mr, 3 => u, 4 => l, 5 => sr, 6 => su */ 17 148 2 file_type fixed bin, /* 1 => unblocked, 2 => blocked, 3 => temporary */ 17 149 2 tuple_id_len fixed bin, /* no. bits in local tuple id */ 17 150 2 opening_id bit (36) aligned, /* relation manager opening is */ 17 151 2 key_attr_ptrs (nkey_attr_init refer (rm_rel_info.nkey_attr)) ptr, /* ptrs to key attr. */ 17 152 2 attr_ptrs (natts_init refer (rm_rel_info.num_attr)) ptr, /* ptrs to all attr. */ 17 153 2 id_list_ptr ptr, /* Id list for retrieves from the relation */ 17 154 2 scope_flags_ptr ptr; /* pointer to the scope_flags structure for the rel */ 17 155 17 156 dcl rmri_ptr ptr; 17 157 dcl (nkey_attr_init, 17 158 natts_init, 17 159 nvar_atts_init) fixed bin; 17 160 17 161 /* END mdbm_rm_rel_info.incl.pl1 */ 17 162 17 163 1591 1592 18 1 /* BEGIN mdbm_arg_list.incl.pl1 -- jaw 5/31/78 */ 18 2 /* the duplicate mrds_arg_list.incl.pl1 was eliminated by Jim Gray, Nov. 1979 */ 18 3 18 4 /* layout of argument list for IDS and DBM entries with options (variable) */ 18 5 18 6 dcl 1 arg_list based (al_ptr), 18 7 2 arg_count fixed bin (17) unal, /* 2 * no. of args. */ 18 8 2 code fixed bin (17) unal, /* 4 => normal, 8 => special */ 18 9 2 desc_count fixed bin (17) unal, /* 2 * no. of descriptors */ 18 10 2 pad fixed bin (17) unal, /* must be 0 */ 18 11 2 arg_des_ptr (num_ptrs) ptr; /* argument/descriptor pointer */ 18 12 18 13 dcl al_ptr ptr; 18 14 dcl num_ptrs fixed bin; 18 15 18 16 /* END mdbm_arg_list.incl.pl1 */ 18 17 1593 1594 19 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE mdbm_seg_area.incl.pl1 - - Jim Gray 2/19/79 */ 19 2 19 3 /* these structures provide a standard for 19 4* 1) using an entire segment as an area, managed by the area manager 19 5* 2) a constant header, that has an offset to the major common structure in the area 19 6* the pointer to that structure is obtained via pointer(model_seg_ptr, model_seg.offset) 19 7* the model_area_ptr is obtained via pointer(model_seg_ptr, size(model_seg)) */ 19 8 19 9 declare 1 model_seg aligned based (model_seg_ptr), /* segment header, not to be changed */ 19 10 2 struct_offset bit (18), /* offset to major structure allocated in area */ 19 11 2 padding (3) fixed bin ; /* to set up four word boundary */ 19 12 19 13 declare model_seg_ptr ptr int automatic init (null ()); 19 14 19 15 19 16 declare model_area area (sys_info$max_seg_size - size (model_seg)) based (model_area_ptr) ; /* segment area */ 19 17 19 18 declare model_area_ptr ptr int automatic init (null ()); 19 19 19 20 dcl size builtin; 19 21 19 22 /* END INCLUDE FILE mdbm_seg_area.incl.pl1 */ 19 23 1595 1596 20 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE mrds_select_area.incl.pl1 (Kepner Multics) 05/29/79 1736.1 mst Tue */ 20 2 dcl 1 select_area_struct aligned based (select_area_struct_ptr), /* major structure in segment for current selection expression allocations */ 20 3 2 version fixed bin, 20 4 2 dbcb_ptr ptr; /* ptr ptr to dbcb */ 20 5 20 6 dcl select_area_struct_ptr ptr int automatic init (null ()); 20 7 20 8 dcl select_area area (sys_info$max_seg_size - size(model_seg)) based (select_area_ptr); 20 9 20 10 dcl select_area_ptr ptr int automatic init (null ()); 20 11 /* END INCLUDE FILE mrds_select_area.incl.pl1 */ 20 12 1597 1598 21 1 /* *********************************************************** 21 2* * * 21 3* * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1983 * 21 4* * * 21 5* *********************************************************** */ 21 6 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE - vu_typed_vector.incl.pl1 */ 21 7 21 8 /* Written by Lindsey Spratt, 04/02/82. 21 9*Modified: 21 10*09/01/82 by Lindsey Spratt: Changed value_ptr in simple_typed_vector to be 21 11* unaligned. Changed the type number of the simple_typed_vector to 21 12* "3" from "1". The OLD_SIMPLE_TYPED_VECTOR_TYPE is now an invalid 21 13* type. 21 14**/ 21 15 21 16 /* format: style2,ind3 */ 21 17 dcl 1 simple_typed_vector based (simple_typed_vector_ptr), 21 18 2 type fixed bin (17) unal, 21 19 2 number_of_dimensions 21 20 fixed bin (17) unal, 21 21 2 dimension (stv_number_of_dimensions refer (simple_typed_vector.number_of_dimensions)), 21 22 3 value_ptr ptr unaligned; 21 23 21 24 dcl 1 general_typed_vector based (general_typed_vector_ptr), 21 25 2 type fixed bin (17) unal, 21 26 2 number_of_dimensions 21 27 fixed bin (17) unal, 21 28 2 dimension (gtv_number_of_dimensions refer (general_typed_vector.number_of_dimensions)), 21 29 3 identifier fixed bin (17) unal, 21 30 3 pad bit (18) unal, 21 31 3 value_ptr ptr unal; 21 32 21 33 dcl simple_typed_vector_ptr 21 34 ptr; 21 35 dcl stv_number_of_dimensions 21 36 fixed bin (17); 21 37 21 38 dcl general_typed_vector_ptr 21 39 ptr; 21 40 dcl gtv_number_of_dimensions 21 41 fixed bin (17); 21 42 21 43 dcl ( 21 44 OLD_SIMPLE_TYPED_VECTOR_TYPE 21 45 init (1), /* value_ptr was aligned. */ 21 46 GENERAL_TYPED_VECTOR_TYPE 21 47 init (2), 21 48 SIMPLE_TYPED_VECTOR_TYPE 21 49 init (3) 21 50 ) fixed bin (17) internal static options (constant); 21 51 21 52 /* END INCLUDE FILE - vu_typed_vector.incl.pl1 */ 1599 1600 22 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE - dm_id_list.incl.pl1 */ 22 2 22 3 /* DESCRIPTION 22 4* The id_list structure is used to identify attributes, fields and 22 5* dimensions by various modules of the Data Management System. 22 6**/ 22 7 22 8 /* HISTORY: 22 9*Written by Matthew Pierret, '82. 22 10*Modified: 22 11*08/17/83 by Matthew Pierret: Made version constant 'internal static options 22 12* (constant)' and to initialize automatic variables. 22 13**/ 22 14 22 15 /* format: style2,ind3 */ 22 16 dcl 1 id_list aligned based (id_list_ptr), 22 17 2 version fixed bin (35), 22 18 2 number_of_ids fixed bin (17), 22 19 2 id (il_number_of_ids refer (id_list.number_of_ids)) fixed bin (17); 22 20 22 21 dcl id_list_ptr ptr init (null); 22 22 dcl il_number_of_ids fixed bin (17) init (-1); 22 23 dcl ID_LIST_VERSION_1 fixed bin (17) init (1) internal static options (constant); 22 24 22 25 /* END INCLUDE FILE - dm_id_list.incl.pl1 */ 1601 1602 23 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE mrds_debug_names.incl.pl1 Jim Gray 8/7/79 */ 23 2 23 3 /* this include file associates module names with debug switches 23 4* that are stored in the data segment mrds_debug_ 23 5* each module has it's own bit(9) debug switch, to define for various 23 6* debug actions, with new module names to be added to the end 23 7* of this list using the next in order array index in mrds_debug_ 23 8* the convention for naming is db_{module's full name} 23 9* for the defined declaration over mrds_debug_$switch. 23 10* array is then changed to reflect the new 23 11* number of modules, with the full module name added to the bottom 23 12* of the initialize list for the name array. 23 13* the module name array is used by the command level interface that sets/resets 23 14* the current status of the debug switches for each module. 23 15* the modules themselves use the db_{module name} declared variable for 23 16* that module to interagate the bits for proper debug action to take. 23 17* the definition of the meaning of the 9-bits is up to each individual module's 23 18* designer. */ 23 19 23 20 23 21 /* 23 22* HISTORY 23 23* 23 24* 80-11-12 Davids: added db_mus_mod_ubtup 23 25* 23 26* 80-11-13 Davids: added db_mu_sec_get_tuple and db_mu_sec_get_tid 23 27* 23 28* 80-12-15 Jim Gray : added mrds_dsl_set_fscope to display non 23 29* error info about being queued, and request being granted after 23 30* being queued. 23 31* 23 32* 81-01-15 Jim Gray : added mu_concurrency_control bit to allow 23 33* running MR8 and MR9 mrds against the same database at the same 23 34* time. 23 35* 23 36* 81-02-02 Jim Gray : added bit for mrds_rst_dmdm to allow 23 37* displaying internal tuple format bit offset, rather than the user 23 38* view. 23 39* 23 40* 81-02-06 Jim Gray : added bit for new mu_open_name_manager, to 23 41* dump an element from the list, when display_open_names entry 23 42* called with switch set. 23 43* 23 44* 81-05-20 Jim Gray : added bit for mrds_dsl_where_clause display 23 45* of sub_err_ messages, when cross domain compare occurs. 23 46* 23 47* 81-06-17 Jim Gray : added bit for mu_open_iocb_manager to display 23 48* iocb slot and rel name. 23 49* 23 50* 81-07-08 Jim Gray : added comment for bit 4 in mrds_dsl_permute 23 51* 23 52* 81-07-17 Jim Gray : added comment for bit 5 in mrds_dsl_permute 23 53* 23 54* 81-07-18 Jim Gray : added bit 1 for mrds_dsl_gen_srch_prog that 23 55* allows key searches, other than than specified by permute to be 23 56* done as comparisons instead. 23 57* 23 58* 81-07-22 Jim Gray : added comment about bit 2 in 23 59* mrds_dsl_gen_srch_prog 23 60**/ 23 61 23 62 declare ( 23 63 db_mrds_dsl_eval_expr bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (1)), 23 64 db_mrds_dsl_get_token bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (2)), 23 65 db_mrds_dsl_permute bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (3)), 23 66 db_mrds_dsl_optimize bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (4)), 23 67 db_mrds_dsl_search bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (5)), 23 68 db_mrds_dsl_translate bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (6)), 23 69 db_mu_retrieve bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (7)), 23 70 db_mrds_dsl_open bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (8)), 23 71 db_mrds_dsl_close bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (9)), 23 72 db_mrds_dsl_init_res bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (10)), 23 73 db_mu_sec_init_res bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (11)), 23 74 db_mus_mod_ubtup bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (12)), 23 75 db_mu_sec_get_tuple bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (13)), 23 76 db_mu_sec_get_tid bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (14)), 23 77 db_mrds_dsl_set_fscope bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (15)), 23 78 db_mu_concurrency_control bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (16)), 23 79 db_mrds_rst_dmdm bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (17)), 23 80 db_mu_open_name_manager bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (18)), 23 81 db_mrds_dsl_where_clause bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (19)), 23 82 db_mu_open_iocb_manager bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (20)), 23 83 db_mrds_dsl_gen_srch_prog bit (9) unal defined (mrds_debug_$switch (21)) 23 84 ) ; 23 85 23 86 /* list of known module names, with index into name array 23 87* the same as that into mrds_debug_$switch, 23 88* number is the current count of defined module names, 23 89* name is the modules full name. */ 23 90 23 91 declare 1 module options (constant) internal static, 23 92 2 number fixed bin init (21), 23 93 2 name char (32) dimension (21) init ( 23 94 "mrds_dsl_eval_expr", /* 1 => display value of each expression */ 23 95 "mrds_dsl_get_token", /* 1 => display the current token */ 23 96 "mrds_dsl_permute", /* each 1 => lost cost path found, 23 97* 2 => reverse partial path 23 98* 3 => use range order for path 23 99* 4 => display access method costs 23 100* 5 => display details of final low cost path */ 23 101 "mrds_dsl_optimize", /* 1 => pred tree, 23 102* 2 => paths to consider, 3 => calc_cost on */ 23 103 "mrds_dsl_search", /* 1 => display each tuple located */ 23 104 "mrds_dsl_translate", /* 1 => display the search program */ 23 105 "mu_retrieve", /* 1 => display values compared, 2 => display tuple data */ 23 106 "mrds_dsl_open", /* 1 => allow cleanup sub_error_ */ 23 107 "mrds_dsl_close", /* 1 => allow cleanup sub_error_ */ 23 108 "mrds_dsl_init_res", /* 1 => allow cleanup sub_error_ */ 23 109 "mu_sec_init_res", /* 1 => allow cleanup sub_error_ */ 23 110 "mus_mod_ubtup", /* 1 => consistency checking between the old 23 111* and new tuple during modifies will be done */ 23 112 "mu_sec_get_tuple", /* 1 => attribute values 23 113* will be zeroed in the tuple structure 23 114* is don't have read permission. */ 23 115 "mu_sec_get_tid", /* 1 => read permission to the key 23 116* is checked (if db is secured) */ 23 117 "mrds_dsl_set_fscope", /* 1 => display being queued, 23 118* and request granted from queue messages */ 23 119 "mu_concurrency_control", /* 1 => allow both dbc and db.control segs under db 23 120* so can test both MR8 and MR9 mrds 23 121* against the same database at the same time */ 23 122 "mrds_rst_dmdm", /* 1 => allow internal form of bit offset value 23 123* for attributes to be displayed, rather than user view */ 23 124 "mu_open_name_manager", /* 1 => dump mrds_open_name tree node structure, 23 125* when display_open_names entry called */ 23 126 "mrds_dsl_where_clause", /* 1 => display details of cross domain compares */ 23 127 "mu_open_iocb_manager", /* 1 => display relation and slot getting iocb for */ 23 128 "mrds_dsl_gen_srch_prog" /* 1 => do additional conditions as sequential, not key searches 23 129* when the original access was a key, 23 130* and the additional conditions can be done as key also 23 131* 2 => force key searches, regardless of strategy 23 132* used to decide between compare or key search */ 23 133 ) ; 23 134 23 135 declare mrds_debug_$switch (1:400) bit (9) unal ext ; /* data segment debug array */ 23 136 23 137 /* END INCLUDE FILE mrds_debug_names.incl.pl1 */ 23 138 1603 1604 24 1 /* BEGIN mdbm_rm_attr_info.incl.pl1 -- jaw, 11/16/78 */ 24 2 24 3 /* WARNING 24 4* If the rm_attr_info structure is changed then the mrds_data_ 24 5* item saved_res_version MUST be incremented to invalidate all 24 6* existing saved resultants 24 7**/ 24 8 24 9 /* 24 10* 24 11* Modified by Jim Gray - - 80-11-05, to add mdbm_secured bit, so 24 12* that rm_rel_info does not have to be checked 24 13* 24 14* 81-05-28 Jim Gray : removed structure elements referring to 24 15* foreign keys. 24 16* 24 17* 82-08-19 D. Woodka : removed rm_attr_info.bit_offset for the DMS 24 18* conversion. 24 19* 24 20* 82-09-15 Davids: added the number_of_dups field. 24 21* 24 22* 82-09-20 Mike Kubicar : changed the index_id field to be bit (36) 24 23* aligned. This is to conform with the new definition in the database 24 24* model. Also removed the now useless field varying. 24 25* 24 26* 82-11-05 Davids: added the field model_defn_order and clarified the 24 27* comment for the field defn_order. 24 28* 24 29* 83-05-23 Mike Kubicar : changed number_of_dups to fixed bin (35) since 24 30* that's what relation manager returns. 24 31* 24 32**/ 24 33 24 34 24 35 /* 24 36* this structure is allocated in the static area of 24 37* mdbm_rm_db_info.incl.pl1 once for each attribute per relation in 24 38* a readied file. it in turn points to 24 39* mdbm_rm_domain_info.incl.pl1 for the attributes domain. the 24 40* rm_attr_info is pointed to by mdbm_rm_rel_info.incl.pl1. all 24 41* structures are in the rm_db_info area. the attribute data 24 42* position within a tuple as stored in the data file are kept in 24 43* this resultant model of the attribute. 24 44* */ 24 45 24 46 dcl 1 rm_attr_info aligned based (rai_ptr), /* resultant attr. info */ 24 47 2 name char (32), /* from submodel */ 24 48 2 model_name char (32), /* from model */ 24 49 2 key_attr bit (1) unal, /* if key attribute */ 24 50 2 index_attr bit (1) unal, /* if secondary index */ 24 51 2 read_perm bit (1) unal, /* user has retr. permission */ 24 52 2 modify_perm bit (1) unal, /* user has modify permission */ 24 53 2 mdbm_secured bit (1) unal, /* on => database secured */ 24 54 2 reserved bit (30) unal, /* for future use */ 24 55 2 index_id bit (36) aligned, /* index id if index_attr */ 24 56 2 defn_order fixed bin, /* relative order in which attr is defined in the view */ 24 57 2 key_order fixed bin, /* relative order defined in prim. key */ 24 58 2 bit_length fixed bin (35), /* length if fixed, max. len. if var. */ 24 59 2 domain_ptr ptr, /* to domain info */ 24 60 2 number_of_dups fixed bin (35), /* if the attribute is indexed this will 24 61* be the number of duplicate values, exact 24 62* for a page_file database, an estimate for a vfile type */ 24 63 2 model_defn_order fixed bin; /* relative order in which attr is defined in the model */ 24 64 24 65 dcl rai_ptr ptr int automatic init (null ()); 24 66 24 67 /* END mdbm_rm_attr_info.incl.pl1 */ 24 68 24 69 1605 1606 1607 1608 end mrds_dsl_optimize; SOURCE FILES USED IN THIS COMPILATION. LINE NUMBER DATE MODIFIED NAME PATHNAME 0 04/18/00 1114.5 mrds_dsl_optimize.pl1 >udd>sm>ds>w>ml>mrds_dsl_optimize.pl1 1559 1 04/18/85 1728.1 mdbm_scope_info.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>mdbm_scope_info.incl.pl1 1561 2 03/06/85 1131.5 dm_element_id_list.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>dm_element_id_list.incl.pl1 1563 3 10/14/83 1709.1 dm_range_constants.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>dm_range_constants.incl.pl1 1565 4 10/14/83 1709.1 dm_relation_spec.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>dm_relation_spec.incl.pl1 1567 5 10/14/83 1709.1 dm_specification_head.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>dm_specification_head.incl.pl1 1569 6 08/04/88 2143.3 mrds_dbcb.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>mrds_dbcb.incl.pl1 1571 7 08/04/88 2143.3 mdbm_rm_db_info.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>mdbm_rm_db_info.incl.pl1 1573 8 10/14/83 1708.9 mrds_predicate_tree.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>mrds_predicate_tree.incl.pl1 1575 9 10/14/83 1708.9 mrds_expressions.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>mrds_expressions.incl.pl1 1577 10 10/14/83 1709.1 mrds_range.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>mrds_range.incl.pl1 1579 11 08/04/88 2143.3 mrds_select_list.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>mrds_select_list.incl.pl1 1581 12 10/14/83 1709.0 mrds_tuple_info.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>mrds_tuple_info.incl.pl1 1583 13 10/14/83 1708.9 mrds_search_vars.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>mrds_search_vars.incl.pl1 1585 14 10/14/83 1709.1 mdbm_rtrv_info.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>mdbm_rtrv_info.incl.pl1 1587 15 10/14/83 1709.1 mrds_search_ops.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>mrds_search_ops.incl.pl1 1589 16 10/14/83 1709.1 mrds_optimize_tables.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>mrds_optimize_tables.incl.pl1 1591 17 10/14/83 1709.1 mdbm_rm_rel_info.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>mdbm_rm_rel_info.incl.pl1 1593 18 10/14/83 1709.0 mdbm_arg_list.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>mdbm_arg_list.incl.pl1 1595 19 10/14/83 1708.6 mdbm_seg_area.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>mdbm_seg_area.incl.pl1 1597 20 10/14/83 1708.6 mrds_select_area.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>mrds_select_area.incl.pl1 1599 21 10/14/83 1709.1 vu_typed_vector.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>vu_typed_vector.incl.pl1 1601 22 10/14/83 1709.1 dm_id_list.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>dm_id_list.incl.pl1 1603 23 10/14/83 1709.0 mrds_debug_names.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>mrds_debug_names.incl.pl1 1605 24 10/14/83 1709.1 mdbm_rm_attr_info.incl.pl1 >ldd>incl>mdbm_rm_attr_info.incl.pl1 NAMES DECLARED IN THIS COMPILATION. IDENTIFIER OFFSET LOC STORAGE CLASS DATA TYPE ATTRIBUTES AND REFERENCES (* indicates a set context) NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT. ABSOLUTE_RELATION_SEARCH_SPECIFICATION_TYPE constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 5-22 ref 535 AND_OP constant bit(6) initial packed unaligned dcl 8-44 ref 616 633 638 640 728 742 783 789 ARRAY constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 8-60 ref 818 ELEMENT_ID_LIST_VERSION_1 000226 automatic fixed bin(35,0) initial dcl 2-28 set ref 2-28* 515 EXPR constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 9-59 ref 1363 ID_LIST_VERSION_1 constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 22-23 ref 1387 INDEXED_ATTR constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 16-128 ref 975 978 1004 INIT constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-85 ref 547 LONG_KEY_HEAD constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 16-128 ref 998 LOW_RANGE_TYPE constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-8 ref 542 NODE constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 8-60 ref 653 741 1233 1270 NOT_OP constant bit(6) initial packed unaligned dcl 8-44 ref 627 655 682 OR_OP constant bit(6) initial packed unaligned dcl 8-44 ref 616 633 638 728 782 841 PICKUP_SVP constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-85 ref 471 RETNUL constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-85 ref 446 566 RETVAL constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-85 ref 565 SCAL_FUN constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 9-59 ref 1342 1365 SEL constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-85 ref 548 SHORT_KEY_HEAD constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 16-128 ref 1004 SIMPLE_TYPED_VECTOR_TYPE constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 21-43 ref 1402 SPECIFICATION_VERSION_4 constant fixed bin(35,0) initial dcl 5-19 ref 534 TOTAL_PRIMARY_KEY constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 16-128 ref 998 access_method 7 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 16-73 set ref 975 976 978* 986 998 998 1004 1004 1021* access_method_name 000000 constant char(32) initial array packed unaligned dcl 1544 set ref 986* addr builtin function dcl 1516 ref 388 530 addrel builtin function dcl 1516 ref 511 administrator 126(01) based bit(1) level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 7-86 ref 974 993 after builtin function dcl 1516 ref 589 965 ag_ptr 000242 automatic pointer dcl 8-40 set ref 831* 836 837 838 852* 856 861 873 875 875 876 876 905* 911* and_group 2 000144 automatic structure array level 2 in structure "search_array" dcl 1474 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 1052* 1052 1053* 1053 1054* 1054 and_group based structure level 1 unaligned dcl 8-36 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 831 852 and_ptr 000120 automatic pointer dcl 1453 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 737* 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 751* 753 753* 754 756 762* 764 764* 765 767 and_ptr 2 based pointer array level 2 in structure "pred_array" dcl 8-29 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 838* 861* 905 and_stack 000134 automatic pointer array dcl 1469 set ref 864* 865* 869 884* 885* and_top 000103 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1444 set ref 863* 867 869 870* 870 881 883* 883 884 885 append_tuple 1(01) based bit(1) level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 1556 ref 501 arg 6 based structure array level 2 dcl 9-35 attr based bit(1) array level 4 packed packed unaligned dcl 10-5 ref 1392 1407 attr_index 14 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 16-73 set ref 998* 1007 attr_name 000204 automatic char(32) packed unaligned dcl 1551 set ref 1007* 1011* 1014* attr_ptrs based pointer array level 2 dcl 17-119 ref 1007 before builtin function dcl 1516 ref 589 965 begin_and_group 000106 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1444 set ref 1092* 1098 1098 1100 1100 bv_idl_ptr 000514 automatic pointer dcl 1422 set ref 1378* 1382 1395 bv_ri_ptr 000520 automatic pointer dcl 1424 set ref 1377* 1378 1385 bv_stv_ptr 000516 automatic pointer dcl 1423 set ref 1376* 1381 1410 c_ptr 000110 automatic pointer dcl 1453 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 629* 630 630 630 633 633 638 638 640 665 667 668 670 671 682 686 696 697 699 702 732* 749 753 755 755* 764 766 766* 783 785* 788 c_ptr parameter pointer dcl 1243 in procedure "copy_subtree" set ref 1239 1257* 1260 1262 c_ptr 2 000106 automatic pointer array level 2 in structure "node_stack" dcl 1250 in procedure "copy_subtree" set ref 1262* 1267 1307* 1309* cd parameter fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1434 ref 1430 1436 code parameter fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1441 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 25 365* 397* 1436* code 2 based fixed bin(17,0) array level 3 in structure "search_ops" dcl 15-66 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 446* 471* 547* 548* 565* 566* cond based structure level 1 dcl 16-146 cond_ptr 10 based pointer level 2 dcl 16-73 ref 1011 1014 condition_name 000060 constant char(2) initial array packed unaligned dcl 1542 set ref 1011* 1014* 1014* copy_ptr 000122 automatic pointer dcl 1453 set ref 751* 754 762* 765 781 cost 2 000144 automatic float bin(63) array level 3 dcl 1474 set ref 911* 1050 1050 1079 1091 cp_ptr 000102 automatic pointer dcl 1243 set ref 1267* 1271 1272 1273 1275 1276 1280 1280 1281 1285 1285 1290 1294 1294 1295 1299 1299 1307 1309 1315 1316 1317 1317 1319 create_cursor 156 based entry variable level 4 dcl 6-142 set ref 490* ctid based fixed bin(17,0) array level 3 dcl 13-3 set ref 495* current_max_tids_per_call 000216 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1555 set ref 497* 501* 509 511 543 current_scope_flags based structure level 1 dcl 1556 current_scope_ptr 000220 automatic pointer dcl 1557 set ref 500* 501 501 501 501 501 501 current_tuple_population 31 based fixed bin(35,0) level 2 dcl 17-119 ref 401 cursor_ptrs_storage_ptr 130 based pointer level 3 dcl 6-142 set ref 490* cursor_storage_area_ptr 132 based pointer level 3 dcl 6-142 set ref 490* cvla_ptr 6 based pointer level 2 dcl 15-129 set ref 526* data based structure level 2 in structure "dbcb" dcl 6-142 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" data based structure level 2 in structure "rm_db_info" dcl 7-86 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" db_mrds_dsl_optimize defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 ref 339 340 dbcb based structure level 1 dcl 6-142 dbcb_data based structure level 1 unaligned dcl 6-148 dbcb_ptr parameter pointer dcl 6-146 set ref 25 342 343 344 345 347 352 359 406 456 457 476 490 490 490 490 490 582 803* 911* 926* 929 1027* 1033 1036 dbi 114 based fixed bin(35,0) level 3 dcl 6-142 set ref 490* delete_tuple 0(02) based bit(1) level 3 in structure "current_scope_flags" packed packed unaligned dcl 1556 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" ref 501 delete_tuple 1(02) based bit(1) level 3 in structure "current_scope_flags" packed packed unaligned dcl 1556 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" ref 501 dimension 1 based structure array level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 21-17 display_predicate_tree 000131 automatic bit(1) packed unaligned dcl 1462 set ref 339* 803 display_search_paths 000132 automatic bit(1) packed unaligned dcl 1462 set ref 340* 924 done 000130 automatic bit(1) packed unaligned dcl 1462 set ref 733* 735 788* 789* 906* e_ptr parameter pointer dcl 1331 set ref 1327 1334 1338 1339* 1341 1342 1342 ef_ptr 22 based pointer array level 3 dcl 9-35 set ref 1363* 1365* element_id_list based structure level 1 dcl 2-21 element_id_list_ptr 000224 automatic pointer dcl 2-26 set ref 514* 515 516 element_id_list_segment_ptr 64 based pointer level 3 dcl 6-142 ref 476 err_xfer 5 based fixed bin(17,0) array level 3 dcl 15-66 set ref 447* 475* 554* 555* 558* 559* 567* 567* 1098* 1100* exchanged 000145 automatic bit(1) packed unaligned dcl 1483 set ref 1046* 1056* 1060 expr based structure level 1 dcl 9-11 set ref 1335 1338* 1338 expr_ptr 000246 automatic pointer dcl 9-32 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 1335* 1338 1339 expr_ptr 16 based pointer level 2 in structure "pred_leaf" dcl 8-67 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 1317 1317* f_ptr parameter pointer dcl 1352 set ref 1348 1355 1359 1360* 1362 1363 1363 1365 1365 file_type 40 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 17-119 ref 498 fixed builtin function dcl 1516 ref 630 flags 5 based structure level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 4-9 fn_ptr 12 based pointer array level 3 dcl 9-11 set ref 1342* fwd_thd 22 based pointer level 2 dcl 16-73 ref 948 1139 1184 good_use_found 000442 automatic bit(1) packed unaligned dcl 1217 set ref 1171* 1172 1174 1178* 1191 good_xfer 4 based fixed bin(17,0) array level 3 dcl 15-66 set ref 447* 474* 551* 552* 567* 572* head based structure level 2 dcl 4-9 i 000522 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1425 in procedure "build_vectors" set ref 1375* 1376 1377 1379 1381 1382 1388 1392 1403 1407 1416* i 000100 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1353 in procedure "copy_fun" set ref 1362* 1363 1363 1365 1365* i 000440 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1216 in procedure "check_no_tuple_effect" set ref 1164* 1166 1178 1196* i 000412 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 896 in procedure "create_search_lists" set ref 902* 905 911 911 914 934 965 1027 1027* 1042* 1048 1062 1062* 1062 1078* 1079 1080* 1090* 1091 1093 1095* i 000100 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1332 in procedure "copy_expr" set ref 1341* 1342 1342* i 000354 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 374 in procedure "cross_prod" set ref 398* 400 400 401 401 402* 409* 411* 478* 480 482 487 487 490 490 495 495 509 510 511 514 517 518 527 549 553* 587* 589 589 592 594 ic based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 15-66 set ref 444* 470* 1088* icode 000100 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1442 set ref 402* 435 447* 490* 493 493* 911* 912 912* 1027* 1029 1029* id 1 based structure level 2 in structure "pred_leaf" packed packed unaligned dcl 8-67 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" id 1 based structure level 2 in structure "pred_node" packed packed unaligned dcl 8-12 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" id 2 based fixed bin(17,0) array level 2 in structure "id_list" dcl 22-16 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 1395* 1395 id_list based structure level 1 dcl 22-16 set ref 1386 id_list_ptr 000314 automatic pointer initial dcl 22-21 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 22-21* 1386* 1387 1388 1390 1394 1394 1395 1395 1398 1400 id_list_ptr based pointer level 2 in structure "rm_rel_info" dcl 17-119 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" ref 1378 idl_ptr based pointer array level 3 dcl 10-5 set ref 1382* 1388* ii 000356 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 374 set ref 517* 521 547 549 551 554 558 il_number_of_ids 000316 automatic fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 22-22 set ref 22-22* 1385* 1386 1386 1391 1406 in_and_group 1 based bit(1) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 16-73 ref 958 1178 in_select_clause 2 based bit(1) level 2 dcl 16-73 ref 958 info based structure array level 2 dcl 13-3 info_ptr 000160 automatic pointer initial dcl 1535 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 1535* info_ptr 6 based pointer array level 3 in structure "search_ops" dcl 15-66 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 451* 472* 521* 525* 573* 573* ioa_ 000040 constant entry external dcl 1514 ref 584 594 597 925 927 934 936 983 986 995 998 1011 1014 1033 item 2 based structure array level 2 dcl 9-11 j 000355 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 374 in procedure "cross_prod" set ref 411* 416 416 417 418 419 419 420 420 421 422* 527* 527* 529 530 j 000413 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 896 in procedure "create_search_lists" set ref 1048* 1050 1050 1052 1053 1053 1054* 1093* 1095* j 000441 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1216 in procedure "check_no_tuple_effect" set ref 1172* 1174* k 000523 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1426 in procedure "build_vectors" set ref 1391* 1392 1395* 1406* 1407 1410* k 000414 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 896 in procedure "create_search_lists" set ref 1089* 1092 1094* 1094 1095 1098 1100 1103* 1103 1104 last_el_ptr parameter pointer dcl 1121 in procedure "count_path_len_and_set_flags" set ref 1110 1138* last_el_ptr 000154 automatic pointer dcl 1510 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 917* 921 lbr 6 based pointer level 2 dcl 8-12 set ref 622 629 665* 665 667* 670* 686* 686 690 699 699* 724 749 753* 762* 764* 765* 766* 766* 767* 845 865 885 1276* 1280 1290* 1294 1308 1309 lleaf_id 1 based structure level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 8-12 set ref 657* 657* 745* ltrim builtin function dcl 1516 ref 589 965 maximum_number_of_constraints 4 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 4-9 set ref 533* 538* maxtids based fixed bin(17,0) array level 3 dcl 13-3 set ref 509* mbz 5(01) based bit(35) level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 4-9 set ref 545* mdb_display_path_$path 000042 constant entry external dcl 1529 ref 926 mdb_display_pred_tree$display_pred_tree_ 000044 constant entry external dcl 1530 ref 803 mdbm_secured 126 based bit(1) level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 7-86 ref 974 993 message 000443 automatic varying char(100) dcl 1218 set ref 1163* 1193 1193* 1196* 1196 1206 1208* min_path_first_el_ptr 000150 automatic pointer dcl 1508 set ref 919* 926* 1027* min_path_last_el_ptr 000152 automatic pointer dcl 1509 set ref 921* model_area_ptr 000302 automatic pointer initial dcl 19-18 set ref 19-18* model_name 10 based char(30) level 2 dcl 17-119 ref 589 965 model_seg_ptr 000300 automatic pointer initial dcl 19-13 set ref 19-13* modify_attr 0(03) based bit(1) level 3 in structure "current_scope_flags" packed packed unaligned dcl 1556 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" ref 501 modify_attr 1(03) based bit(1) level 3 in structure "current_scope_flags" packed packed unaligned dcl 1556 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" ref 501 mrds_data_$max_and_groups 000026 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1494 ref 813 1043 1474 mrds_data_$max_and_terms 000030 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1494 ref 851 mrds_data_$max_attributes 000020 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1494 ref 401 401 401 480 480 482 482 487 487 487 589 589 589 589 589 592 592 592 594 594 963 963 963 965 965 965 965 965 983 983 1166 1166 1196 1196 1377 1377 1377 1379 1379 1381 1381 1382 1382 1388 1388 1392 1392 1403 1403 1407 1407 1416 1416 mrds_data_$max_id_len 000022 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1494 ref 401 401 401 480 480 480 482 482 482 482 487 487 487 589 589 589 589 589 589 592 592 592 594 594 594 594 963 963 963 965 965 965 965 965 965 983 983 983 983 1166 1166 1166 1196 1196 1196 1377 1377 1377 1379 1379 1379 1381 1381 1381 1382 1382 1382 1388 1388 1388 1392 1392 1392 1403 1403 1403 1407 1407 1407 1416 1416 1416 mrds_data_$max_pred_depth 000024 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1494 ref 619 673 687 721 775 842 881 1250 1304 1467 1468 1469 mrds_data_$max_safe_tids_returned_per_call 000032 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1494 ref 501 mrds_data_$max_tids_returned_per_call 000034 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1494 ref 497 mrds_data_$max_tup_var 000036 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1494 ref 1541 mrds_debug_$switch 000056 external static bit(9) array packed unaligned dcl 23-135 ref 339 339 340 340 mrds_dsl_gen_srch_prog 000046 constant entry external dcl 1531 ref 1027 mrds_dsl_permute 000050 constant entry external dcl 1532 ref 911 mrds_error_$max_and_groups 000014 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1494 set ref 827* 859* mrds_error_$max_and_terms 000016 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1494 set ref 873* mrds_error_$no_tuple_effect 000012 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1494 set ref 482* 485* 1208* 1209* mrds_error_$node_stack_ovfl 000010 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1494 set ref 619* 673* 687* 721* 775* 842* 881* 1304* mrds_error_$tuple_not_found 000054 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1537 ref 402 435 mu_cursor_manager_$get 000052 constant entry external dcl 1533 ref 490 name 2 based char array level 3 in structure "range" dcl 10-5 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 482* 594* 983* 1196 name based char(32) level 2 in structure "rm_attr_info" dcl 24-46 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" ref 1007 name based char(32) level 2 in structure "rm_rel_info" dcl 17-119 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" ref 592 968 nargs 5 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 9-35 set ref 1355 1356* 1359 1362 needed_bits based structure array level 3 dcl 10-5 neg_op 000064 constant bit(6) initial array packed unaligned dcl 1485 ref 630 new_val 1 based bit(1) array level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 13-3 set ref 463* nexp_items_init 000250 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 9-33 set ref 1334* 1335 1335 next_element_id_list_ptr 000364 automatic pointer dcl 382 set ref 476* 510 511* nitems based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 9-11 set ref 1334 1335* 1338 1341 nkey_attr 24 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 17-119 ref 500 1007 1378 no_optimize 106(18) based bit(1) level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 6-142 ref 406 1036 node_stack 000106 automatic structure array level 1 unaligned dcl 1250 in procedure "copy_subtree" node_stack 000134 automatic pointer array dcl 1467 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 609* 613 621* 622* 676* 677* 690* 713* 717 723* 724* 781* non_null_and_groups 000215 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1553 set ref 1076* 1081* 1081 non_shared_to_shared 106(23) based bit(1) level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 6-142 set ref 456* nops 1 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 15-66 set ref 442* 445* 464* 475 1080 1085* 1093 1104 notl_ptr 000112 automatic pointer dcl 1453 set ref 646* 653 655 657 657 657 657 665 668 670 677 notr_ptr 000114 automatic pointer dcl 1453 set ref 642* 653 655 657 657 657 657 667 668 671 676 nsf_args_init 000254 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 9-57 set ref 1355* 1356 1356 ntids based fixed bin(17,0) array level 3 dcl 13-3 set ref 495* null builtin function dcl 1516 ref 349 351 352 1535 1-59 4-50 4-50 11-38 19-13 19-18 20-6 20-10 22-21 24-65 451 482 482 521 526 537 573 942 1011 1134 1174 1208 1208 1317 1416 num_and_groups 000144 automatic fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 1474 set ref 900* 1042 1172 num_ands 1 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 8-29 set ref 814* 819* 827 829* 829 838 858* 858 859 861 900 902 1078 1090 1104 1104 num_ands_init 000244 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 8-41 set ref 813* 814 814 827 859 num_attr 22 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 17-119 ref 500 1378 1385 num_ptrs 000276 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 18-14 set ref 341* num_terms based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 8-36 set ref 831* 836* 852* 856* 873 875* 875 876 num_terms_init 000245 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 8-41 set ref 830* 831 831 836 851* 852 852 873 num_tuples based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 12-10 ref 527 num_vars based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 10-5 ref 387 898 915 917 1164 1375 number_of_and_groups 4(18) based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 4-9 set ref 533* 540* number_of_dimensions 0(18) based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 21-17 set ref 1401* number_of_elements 1 based fixed bin(35,0) level 2 dcl 2-21 set ref 516* number_of_ids 1 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 22-16 set ref 1386* 1390* 1394* 1394 1395 1398 1400 number_tuples_selected 6 based fixed bin(35,0) level 2 dcl 16-73 set ref 995* nvars based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 13-3 set ref 460* 463 463 487 487 490 490 495 495 495 495 509 509 510 510 511 511 514 514 nxchng 000105 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1444 set ref 408* 409 410* 423* 423 op 2 based structure array level 2 dcl 15-66 set ref 1095* 1095 1104* 1104 op_code 2 based bit(6) level 3 in structure "pred_node" packed packed unaligned dcl 8-12 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 616 616 627 630* 630 633 633 638 638* 640* 655* 655* 682 728 728 742* 782* 783* 789 841 op_code based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "cond" dcl 16-146 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" ref 1011 1014 1014 open 146 based entry variable level 4 dcl 6-142 set ref 490* or_stack 000134 automatic pointer array dcl 1468 set ref 811* 823 844* 845* or_top 000102 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1444 set ref 350* 810* 811 821 823 824* 824 842 844 845 846* 846 p_hold 000104 automatic pointer dcl 1243 set ref 1271* 1273 1315* 1319 p_ptr parameter pointer dcl 1243 in procedure "copy_subtree" ref 1239 1260 p_ptr 000116 automatic pointer dcl 1453 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 731* 747 749 751 755 756 762 766 767 782 785 786* 786 789 p_ptr parameter pointer dcl 1228 in procedure "move_subtree" ref 1224 1233 1235 pad 1(18) based bit(18) level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 4-9 set ref 536* parent 20 based pointer level 2 in structure "pred_leaf" dcl 8-67 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 1235* 1280* 1285* 1315 1319* parent 4 based pointer level 2 in structure "pred_node" dcl 8-12 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 668* 668* 699 699 702 728 731 747* 786 1233* 1260* 1271 1273* 1294* 1299* path_ptr 4 000144 automatic pointer array level 3 dcl 1474 set ref 911* 914 1174 path_var based structure level 1 dcl 16-73 path_var_flags parameter bit(1) array packed unaligned dcl 1125 in procedure "count_path_len_and_set_flags" set ref 1110 1136* path_var_flags based bit(1) array packed unaligned dcl 1511 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 898 915* 917* path_var_pointer_array 000174 automatic pointer array dcl 1541 set ref 945* 956 path_var_ptr 000430 automatic pointer dcl 1130 set ref 1132* 1134 1136 1138 1139* 1139 permits based structure level 2 dcl 1556 pn_ptr 000240 automatic pointer dcl 8-27 set ref 613* 616 616 621 622 627 629 686 690 695 699 699 699 702 717* 720 723 724 728 728 728 731 732 823* 826 837 841 844 845 864 865 869* 872 876 884 885 pred_array based structure level 1 unaligned dcl 8-29 set ref 814 pred_leaf based structure level 1 unaligned dcl 8-67 set ref 1276 1281 1316* 1316 pred_node based structure level 1 unaligned dcl 8-12 set ref 642 646 737 1257 1272* 1272 1290 1295 pred_ptr 56 based pointer level 3 in structure "dbcb" dcl 6-142 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 352* 359* pred_ptr parameter pointer dcl 8-34 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 25 351 359 609 696* 713 803* 811 814* 818 819 827 829 829 838 838 858 858 859 861 861 900 902 905 1078 1090 1104 1104 prevents 1 based structure level 2 dcl 1556 print_search_order 106(19) based bit(1) level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 6-142 ref 582 929 1033 pvf_ptr 000156 automatic pointer dcl 1512 set ref 898* 915 917 pvp 000272 automatic pointer dcl 16-96 set ref 914* 917* 919 942 1174* 1174* 1178 1178* 1184 rai_ptr 000320 automatic pointer initial dcl 24-65 set ref 24-65* range based structure level 1 dcl 10-5 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" range 6 based structure level 2 in structure "relation_search_specification" dcl 4-9 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" range_ptr 2 based pointer level 3 in structure "dbcb" dcl 6-142 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" ref 343 range_ptr 000256 automatic pointer dcl 10-23 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 343* 387 401 480 482 487 589 589 592 594 898 915 917 963 965 965 983 1164 1166 1196 1375 1377 1379 1381 1382 1388 1392 1403 1407 1416 rbr 10 based pointer level 2 dcl 8-12 set ref 621 667 671* 702* 723 751* 753* 754* 755* 755* 756* 764* 844 864 884 1281* 1285 1295* 1299 1306 1307 rdbi_ptr based pointer level 3 in structure "dbcb" dcl 6-142 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" ref 342 rdbi_ptr 000236 automatic pointer dcl 7-90 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 342* 974 974 993 993 read_attr based bit(1) level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 1556 ref 501 rel_id 20 based bit(36) level 2 dcl 17-119 set ref 490* rel_name 000174 automatic char(32) packed unaligned dcl 1551 set ref 589* 592* 594* 965* 968* 983* relation_cursor_ptr based pointer array level 3 dcl 13-3 set ref 490* relation_numeric_specification_ptr 000232 automatic pointer initial dcl 4-50 set ref 4-50* relation_search_specification based structure level 1 dcl 4-9 set ref 533 relation_search_specification_ptr 000230 automatic pointer initial dcl 4-50 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 4-50* 533* 534 535 536 537 538 540 542 543 544 545 546 relation_search_specification_ptr 4 based pointer level 2 in structure "select_info" dcl 15-129 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 546* relmgr_entries 146 based structure level 3 dcl 6-142 return_unique_tuples 5 based bit(1) level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 4-9 set ref 544* return_value 000475 automatic fixed bin(35,0) initial dcl 1220 in procedure "check_no_tuple_effect" set ref 1208* 1220* return_value 000162 automatic fixed bin(35,0) initial dcl 1536 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 1536* retval 000366 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 385 set ref 482* ri_ptr based pointer array level 3 in structure "search_vars" dcl 13-3 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 487* ri_ptr based pointer array level 3 in structure "range" dcl 10-5 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" ref 401 487 589 592 963 965 1377 rleaf_id 2(06) based structure level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 8-12 set ref 657* 657* 746* rm_attr_info based structure level 1 dcl 24-46 rm_db_info based structure level 1 dcl 7-86 rm_db_info_data based structure level 1 unaligned dcl 7-92 rm_rel_info based structure level 1 dcl 17-119 rmri_ptr 000274 automatic pointer dcl 17-156 set ref 487* 490* 490 498 500 rni 000362 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 374 set ref 564* 566 567 567 567 573 root 3(12) based bit(1) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 8-12 set ref 657* 657* 695 697* 728 743* 788 rss_maximum_number_of_constraints 000235 automatic fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 4-52 set ref 4-52* 532* 533 533 538 rss_number_of_and_groups 000234 automatic fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 4-52 set ref 4-52* 531* 533 533 540 rtrim builtin function dcl 1516 ref 1196 rtrv_info based structure level 1 dcl 14-27 rvi 000361 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 374 set ref 563* 565 567 567 572 573 s_ptr 000106 automatic pointer array level 2 in structure "node_stack" dcl 1250 in procedure "copy_subtree" set ref 1261* 1266 1306* 1308* s_ptr parameter pointer dcl 1228 in procedure "move_subtree" ref 1224 1232 1233 1233 1235 s_ptr parameter pointer dcl 1243 in procedure "copy_subtree" ref 1239 1261 sa_alloc 000133 automatic bit(1) packed unaligned dcl 1462 set ref 348* 394* sa_nvars 000104 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1444 set ref 387* 388 391 398 408 409 458 459 478 554 555 563 564 585 sa_ptr 000124 automatic pointer dcl 1453 set ref 388* 391* 400 401 402 416 416 417 418 419 419 420 420 421 422 527 549 587 594 sap 000126 automatic pointer dcl 1453 set ref 349* saved_access_method 000214 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1552 set ref 973* 976* 1021 1021 scalfn based structure level 1 dcl 9-35 set ref 1356 1359* 1359 scope_flags based structure level 1 dcl 1-42 scope_flags_ptr based pointer level 2 dcl 17-119 ref 500 scope_ptr 000222 automatic pointer initial dcl 1-59 set ref 1-59* scopes_changed 106(24) based bit(1) level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 6-142 set ref 457* search_array 000144 automatic structure level 1 dcl 1474 search_ops based structure level 1 dcl 15-66 set ref 442 464 1085 search_vars based structure level 1 dcl 13-3 set ref 460 second_cond_ptr 12 based pointer level 2 dcl 16-73 ref 1011 1014 select_area based area dcl 20-8 ref 391 442 460 464 522 533 642 646 737 814 831 852 898 1085 1257 1276 1281 1290 1295 1335 1356 1386 1401 select_area_ptr 000306 automatic pointer initial dcl 20-10 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 347* 20-10* 391 442 460 464 522 533 642 646 737 814 831 852 898 1085 1257 1276 1281 1290 1295 1335 1356 1386 1401 select_area_ptr 36 based pointer level 3 in structure "dbcb" dcl 6-142 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" ref 347 select_area_struct_ptr 000304 automatic pointer initial dcl 20-6 set ref 20-6* select_info based structure level 1 dcl 15-129 set ref 522 select_list_ptr 000260 automatic pointer initial dcl 11-38 set ref 344* 11-38* select_ptr 4 based pointer level 3 dcl 6-142 ref 344 seli_ptr 000270 automatic pointer dcl 15-135 set ref 522* 525 526 529 530 546 sfn_ptr 000252 automatic pointer dcl 9-56 set ref 1356* 1359 1360 si 000357 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 374 set ref 518* 525 548 549 552 555 559 simple_typed_vector based structure level 1 packed packed unaligned dcl 21-17 set ref 1401 simple_typed_vector_ptr 000310 automatic pointer dcl 21-33 set ref 1401* 1402 1403 1410 size 1 based fixed bin(35,0) array level 2 in structure "size_array" dcl 1470 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 401* 402 416 416 417 419* 419 422* 594* size 7 based fixed bin(17,0) level 3 in structure "relation_search_specification" dcl 4-9 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 543* size_array based structure array level 1 unaligned dcl 1470 set ref 391 so_nops_init 000267 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 15-83 set ref 441* 442 442 459* 464 464 1077* 1080* 1080 1084* 1084 1085 1085 so_ptr 10 000144 automatic pointer array level 3 in structure "search_array" dcl 1474 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 1027* 1080 1093 1095 1104 1104 so_ptr parameter pointer dcl 15-82 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 25 442* 444 445 446 447 447 447 451 464* 470 471 472 473 474 475 521 525 547 548 549 549 551 552 554 555 558 559 565 566 567 567 567 567 567 572 573 573 1085* 1088 1095 1098 1100 1104 sorted 000144 automatic bit(1) packed unaligned dcl 1482 set ref 1041* 1044 1060* 1064* spare_element 000146 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1484 set ref 1043* 1052 1054 specification_head based structure level 1 unaligned dcl 5-10 sr_ptr 000100 automatic pointer dcl 1243 set ref 1266* 1270 1272 1306 1308 1316 string builtin function dcl 1516 set ref 463* 657* 657* 657* 657* 745* 746* stv_number_of_dimensions 000312 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 21-35 set ref 1400* 1401 1401 1405* 1409* 1409 1410 stv_ptr based pointer array level 3 dcl 10-5 set ref 1381* 1403* 1416* sub_err_ 000062 constant entry external dcl 1219 in procedure "check_no_tuple_effect" ref 1208 sub_err_ 000060 constant entry external dcl 384 in procedure "cross_prod" ref 482 subset_specification_ptr 2 based pointer level 3 dcl 4-9 set ref 537* substr builtin function dcl 1516 ref 339 340 sv_nvars_init 000266 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 13-10 set ref 458* 460 460 460 460 sv_ptr 6 000144 automatic pointer array level 3 in structure "search_array" dcl 1474 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 1027* sv_ptr 000264 automatic pointer dcl 13-9 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 460* 463 472 487 490 495 495 509 510 511 514 sz 000363 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 381 set ref 417* 422 t_ptr parameter pointer dcl 1228 set ref 1224 1232* ta_ptr based pointer array level 3 dcl 13-3 set ref 510* 511 514 temp_pvp 000164 automatic pointer dcl 1538 set ref 942* 942* 945* 948 956* 958 958 962 975 976 978 986 995 998 998 998 1004 1004 1007 1011 1011 1014 1014 1021 temp_rel based bit(1) array level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 10-5 ref 589 965 temp_rmri_ptr 000166 automatic pointer dcl 1539 set ref 963* 968 1007 term 3(13) based bit(1) level 2 packed packed unaligned dcl 8-12 set ref 630 657* 657* 720 744* 826 872 1275 term_ptr 2 based pointer array level 2 dcl 8-36 set ref 837* 876* ti_ptr 000262 automatic pointer dcl 12-17 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 345* 527 527 530 1376 ti_ptr 12 based pointer level 3 in structure "dbcb" dcl 6-142 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" ref 345 tid_ptr 2 based pointer level 2 dcl 15-129 set ref 530* top 000106 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1254 in procedure "copy_subtree" set ref 1256* 1261 1262 1264 1266 1267 1268* 1268 1303* 1303 1304 1306 1307 1308 1309 top 000101 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1444 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 608* 609 611 613 614* 614 619 621 622 623* 623 673 676 677 678* 678 687 690 691* 691 712* 713 715 717 718* 718 721 723 724 725* 725 775 780* 780 781 top_of_path parameter pointer dcl 1120 ref 1110 1132 tup_var 2 based structure array level 2 dcl 10-5 tuple 2 based structure array level 2 dcl 12-10 tuple_id 4 based bit(36) array level 3 dcl 12-10 set ref 530 tuple_info based structure level 1 dcl 12-10 tuple_info_index based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 15-129 set ref 529* tuple_ptr 2 based pointer array level 3 dcl 12-10 ref 1376 type 6 based fixed bin(3,0) array level 3 in structure "scalfn" packed packed unaligned dcl 9-35 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 1363 1365 type based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "pred_array" dcl 8-29 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 818* type 2 based fixed bin(3,0) array level 3 in structure "expr" packed packed unaligned dcl 9-11 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 1342 type based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "simple_typed_vector" packed packed unaligned dcl 21-17 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 1402* type based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "pred_node" dcl 8-12 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 653* 653* 741* 1233 1270 type 1 based fixed bin(17,0) level 3 in structure "relation_search_specification" packed packed unaligned dcl 4-9 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 535* type 6 based fixed bin(17,0) level 3 in structure "relation_search_specification" dcl 4-9 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 542* unspec builtin function dcl 1516 set ref 915* 1095* 1095 1104* 1104 used based bit(1) array level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 10-5 ref 480 1166 value_ptr 1 based pointer array level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 21-17 set ref 1410* 1410 var_count parameter fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1122 in procedure "count_path_len_and_set_flags" set ref 1110 1135* 1135 var_count 000147 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1507 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 904* 917* var_ind 3 based fixed bin(17,0) array level 3 dcl 15-66 set ref 447* 473* 549* 549* 567* 567* var_index 5 based fixed bin(17,0) array level 3 in structure "tuple_info" dcl 12-10 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" ref 527 var_index based fixed bin(17,0) array level 2 in structure "size_array" dcl 1470 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 400* 418 420* 420 421* 527 549 587 var_index based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "path_var" dcl 16-73 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" ref 962 1136 1178 version based fixed bin(35,0) level 2 in structure "element_id_list" dcl 2-21 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 515* version based fixed bin(35,0) level 2 in structure "id_list" dcl 22-16 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 1387* version based fixed bin(35,0) level 3 in structure "relation_search_specification" dcl 4-9 in procedure "mrds_dsl_optimize" set ref 534* vi 000360 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 374 set ref 418* 421 whole_tuple_selected based bit(1) array level 3 packed packed unaligned dcl 10-5 ref 1379 wkspc1 000134 automatic fixed bin(71,0) array dcl 1473 set ref 388 x 000170 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1540 set ref 941* 945 946* 946 953* 953 954 983 y 000171 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1540 set ref 962* 963 965 983 z 000172 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1540 set ref 585* 587 594* 594* 954* 956 983* NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT AND NEVER REFERENCED. ABSOLUTE_NUMERIC_SPECIFICATION_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 5-22 ABSOLUTE_RELATION_NUMERIC_SPECIFICATION_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 5-22 ABSOLUTE_SEARCH_SPECIFICATION_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 5-22 ADD internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 9-59 ALL_OP internal static bit(6) initial packed unaligned dcl 8-44 ALL_RANGE_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-8 ATTR internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 8-56 CFLTD59 internal static bit(36) initial dcl 9-70 CONST internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 8-56 CURRENT_OP internal static bit(6) initial packed unaligned dcl 8-44 DATA internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 9-59 DATABASE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 9-59 DIV internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 9-59 EQ_OP internal static bit(6) initial packed unaligned dcl 8-44 EXPRES internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 8-56 GENERAL_TYPED_VECTOR_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 21-43 GE_OP internal static bit(6) initial packed unaligned dcl 8-44 GT_OP internal static bit(6) initial packed unaligned dcl 8-44 HIGH_RANGE_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-8 LEAF internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 8-60 LE_OP internal static bit(6) initial packed unaligned dcl 8-44 LITERAL internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 9-59 LT_OP internal static bit(6) initial packed unaligned dcl 8-44 MOVE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 15-85 MULT internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 9-59 NE_OP internal static bit(6) initial packed unaligned dcl 8-44 NUMERIC_SPECIFICATION_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 5-22 OLD_SIMPLE_TYPED_VECTOR_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 21-43 OPERATOR internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 9-59 ORDERED_SEQUENTIAL internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 16-128 OTT_EQ internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 16-174 OTT_GE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 16-174 OTT_GT internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 16-174 OTT_LE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 16-174 OTT_LT internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 16-174 OTT_NE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 16-174 RELATIVE_NUMERIC_SPECIFICATION_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 5-22 RELATIVE_RELATION_NUMERIC_SPECIFICATION_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 5-22 RELATIVE_RELATION_SEARCH_SPECIFICATION_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 5-22 RELATIVE_SEARCH_SPECIFICATION_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 5-22 RFLTD59 internal static bit(36) initial dcl 9-72 SEARCH_SPECIFICATION_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 5-22 SUBT internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 9-59 UNORDERED_SEQUENTIAL internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 16-128 V_C internal static fixed bin(5,0) initial dcl 8-64 V_V internal static fixed bin(5,0) initial dcl 8-64 al_nattr_init automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 16-144 al_ptr automatic pointer dcl 18-13 alp automatic pointer dcl 16-143 arg_list based structure level 1 unaligned dcl 18-6 attr_list based structure level 1 dcl 16-135 condp automatic pointer dcl 16-153 db_mrds_dsl_close defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mrds_dsl_eval_expr defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mrds_dsl_gen_srch_prog defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mrds_dsl_get_token defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mrds_dsl_init_res defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mrds_dsl_open defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mrds_dsl_permute defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mrds_dsl_search defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mrds_dsl_set_fscope defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mrds_dsl_translate defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mrds_dsl_where_clause defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mrds_rst_dmdm defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mu_concurrency_control defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mu_open_iocb_manager defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mu_open_name_manager defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mu_retrieve defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mu_sec_get_tid defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mu_sec_get_tuple defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mu_sec_init_res defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 db_mus_mod_ubtup defined bit(9) packed unaligned dcl 23-62 eil_number_of_elements automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 2-27 el_nexprs_init automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 16-164 elp automatic pointer dcl 16-163 expr_list based structure level 1 dcl 16-155 general_typed_vector based structure level 1 packed packed unaligned dcl 21-24 general_typed_vector_ptr automatic pointer dcl 21-38 gtv_number_of_dimensions automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 21-40 max_file_init automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1-58 mi_nitems_init automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 15-121 mi_ptr automatic pointer dcl 15-120 model_area based area dcl 19-16 model_seg based structure level 1 dcl 19-9 module internal static structure level 1 unaligned dcl 23-91 move_info based structure level 1 dcl 15-98 move_list_array based structure array level 1 unaligned dcl 11-40 natts_init automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 17-157 nkey_attr_init automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 17-157 nvar_atts_init automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 17-157 pl_ptr automatic pointer dcl 8-84 rel builtin function dcl 1516 relation_numeric_specification based structure level 1 dcl 4-41 rti_ptr automatic pointer dcl 14-37 scope_info based structure level 1 dcl 1-32 scope_rdy internal static bit(6) initial packed unaligned dcl 1-60 scope_rdy_array based bit(1) array packed unaligned dcl 1-61 select_area_struct based structure level 1 dcl 20-2 select_list based structure level 1 unaligned dcl 11-22 size builtin function dcl 19-20 specification_head_ptr automatic pointer dcl 5-18 sys_info$max_seg_size external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 1554 ta_nids automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 14-41 ta_ptr automatic pointer dcl 14-42 ti_ntuples_init automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 12-18 tid_array based bit(36) array dcl 14-39 NAMES DECLARED BY EXPLICIT CONTEXT. build_vectors 006045 constant entry internal dcl 1370 ref 580 canonize_pred 002246 constant entry internal dcl 602 ref 357 check_no_tuple_effect 005034 constant entry internal dcl 1153 ref 1035 copy_expr 005634 constant entry internal dcl 1327 ref 1317 1363 copy_fun 005732 constant entry internal dcl 1348 ref 1342 1365 copy_subtree 005423 constant entry internal dcl 1239 ref 751 762 count_path_len_and_set_flags 004774 constant entry internal dcl 1110 ref 917 create_search_lists 003417 constant entry internal dcl 892 ref 361 cross_prod 000531 constant entry internal dcl 369 ref 353 error 006560 constant entry internal dcl 1430 ref 485 493 619 673 687 721 775 827 842 859 873 881 912 1029 1209 1304 exit 000530 constant label dcl 367 ref 1437 move_subtree 005400 constant entry internal dcl 1224 ref 753 755 764 766 mrds_dsl_optimize 000361 constant entry external dcl 25 THERE WERE NO NAMES DECLARED BY CONTEXT OR IMPLICATION. STORAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS PROGRAM. Object Text Link Symbol Defs Static Start 0 0 7132 7216 6606 7142 Length 10162 6606 64 730 324 0 BLOCK NAME STACK SIZE TYPE WHY NONQUICK/WHO SHARES STACK FRAME mrds_dsl_optimize 553 external procedure is an external procedure. cross_prod internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure mrds_dsl_optimize. canonize_pred internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure mrds_dsl_optimize. create_search_lists internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure mrds_dsl_optimize. count_path_len_and_set_flags internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure mrds_dsl_optimize. check_no_tuple_effect internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure mrds_dsl_optimize. move_subtree internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure mrds_dsl_optimize. copy_subtree 82 internal procedure uses auto adjustable storage. copy_expr 74 internal procedure is called by several nonquick procedures. copy_fun 74 internal procedure calls itself recursively. build_vectors internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure mrds_dsl_optimize. error 64 internal procedure is called by several nonquick procedures. STORAGE FOR AUTOMATIC VARIABLES. STACK FRAME LOC IDENTIFIER BLOCK NAME copy_expr 000100 i copy_expr copy_fun 000100 i copy_fun copy_subtree 000100 sr_ptr copy_subtree 000102 cp_ptr copy_subtree 000104 p_hold copy_subtree 000106 top copy_subtree 000106 node_stack copy_subtree mrds_dsl_optimize 000100 icode mrds_dsl_optimize 000101 top mrds_dsl_optimize 000102 or_top mrds_dsl_optimize 000103 and_top mrds_dsl_optimize 000104 sa_nvars mrds_dsl_optimize 000105 nxchng mrds_dsl_optimize 000106 begin_and_group mrds_dsl_optimize 000110 c_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000112 notl_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000114 notr_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000116 p_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000120 and_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000122 copy_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000124 sa_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000126 sap mrds_dsl_optimize 000130 done mrds_dsl_optimize 000131 display_predicate_tree mrds_dsl_optimize 000132 display_search_paths mrds_dsl_optimize 000133 sa_alloc mrds_dsl_optimize 000134 wkspc1 mrds_dsl_optimize 000134 or_stack mrds_dsl_optimize 000134 and_stack mrds_dsl_optimize 000134 node_stack mrds_dsl_optimize 000144 sorted mrds_dsl_optimize 000144 search_array mrds_dsl_optimize 000145 exchanged mrds_dsl_optimize 000146 spare_element mrds_dsl_optimize 000147 var_count mrds_dsl_optimize 000150 min_path_first_el_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000152 min_path_last_el_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000154 last_el_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000156 pvf_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000160 info_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000162 return_value mrds_dsl_optimize 000164 temp_pvp mrds_dsl_optimize 000166 temp_rmri_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000170 x mrds_dsl_optimize 000171 y mrds_dsl_optimize 000172 z mrds_dsl_optimize 000174 path_var_pointer_array mrds_dsl_optimize 000174 rel_name mrds_dsl_optimize 000204 attr_name mrds_dsl_optimize 000214 saved_access_method mrds_dsl_optimize 000215 non_null_and_groups mrds_dsl_optimize 000216 current_max_tids_per_call mrds_dsl_optimize 000220 current_scope_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000222 scope_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000224 element_id_list_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000226 ELEMENT_ID_LIST_VERSION_1 mrds_dsl_optimize 000230 relation_search_specification_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000232 relation_numeric_specification_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000234 rss_number_of_and_groups mrds_dsl_optimize 000235 rss_maximum_number_of_constraints mrds_dsl_optimize 000236 rdbi_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000240 pn_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000242 ag_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000244 num_ands_init mrds_dsl_optimize 000245 num_terms_init mrds_dsl_optimize 000246 expr_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000250 nexp_items_init mrds_dsl_optimize 000252 sfn_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000254 nsf_args_init mrds_dsl_optimize 000256 range_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000260 select_list_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000262 ti_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000264 sv_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000266 sv_nvars_init mrds_dsl_optimize 000267 so_nops_init mrds_dsl_optimize 000270 seli_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000272 pvp mrds_dsl_optimize 000274 rmri_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000276 num_ptrs mrds_dsl_optimize 000300 model_seg_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000302 model_area_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000304 select_area_struct_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000306 select_area_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000310 simple_typed_vector_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000312 stv_number_of_dimensions mrds_dsl_optimize 000314 id_list_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000316 il_number_of_ids mrds_dsl_optimize 000320 rai_ptr mrds_dsl_optimize 000354 i cross_prod 000355 j cross_prod 000356 ii cross_prod 000357 si cross_prod 000360 vi cross_prod 000361 rvi cross_prod 000362 rni cross_prod 000363 sz cross_prod 000364 next_element_id_list_ptr cross_prod 000366 retval cross_prod 000412 i create_search_lists 000413 j create_search_lists 000414 k create_search_lists 000430 path_var_ptr count_path_len_and_set_flags 000440 i check_no_tuple_effect 000441 j check_no_tuple_effect 000442 good_use_found check_no_tuple_effect 000443 message check_no_tuple_effect 000475 return_value check_no_tuple_effect 000514 bv_idl_ptr build_vectors 000516 bv_stv_ptr build_vectors 000520 bv_ri_ptr build_vectors 000522 i build_vectors 000523 k build_vectors THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL OPERATORS ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. alloc_char_temp cat_realloc_chars call_ext_out_desc call_ext_out call_int_this call_int_other return_mac tra_ext_1 alloc_auto_adj mpfx2 shorten_stack ext_entry int_entry op_alloc_ THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL ENTRIES ARE CALLED BY THIS PROGRAM. ioa_ mdb_display_path_$path mdb_display_pred_tree$display_pred_tree_ mrds_dsl_gen_srch_prog mrds_dsl_permute mu_cursor_manager_$get sub_err_ sub_err_ THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL VARIABLES ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. mrds_data_$max_and_groups mrds_data_$max_and_terms mrds_data_$max_attributes mrds_data_$max_id_len mrds_data_$max_pred_depth mrds_data_$max_safe_tids_returned_per_call mrds_data_$max_tids_returned_per_call mrds_data_$max_tup_var mrds_debug_$switch mrds_error_$max_and_groups mrds_error_$max_and_terms mrds_error_$no_tuple_effect mrds_error_$node_stack_ovfl mrds_error_$tuple_not_found LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC 25 000354 1467 000366 1468 000374 1469 000402 1474 000410 1535 000420 1536 000422 1541 000423 1 59 000431 2 28 000433 4 50 000435 4 52 000440 11 38 000442 19 13 000443 19 18 000444 20 6 000445 20 10 000446 22 21 000447 22 22 000450 24 65 000452 339 000454 340 000460 341 000464 342 000465 343 000472 344 000475 345 000477 347 000501 348 000503 349 000504 350 000506 351 000507 352 000512 353 000514 354 000515 357 000516 359 000517 361 000525 365 000526 367 000530 369 000531 387 000532 388 000534 391 000541 394 000547 397 000551 398 000553 400 000563 401 000570 402 000632 404 000636 406 000640 408 000646 409 000650 410 000657 411 000660 416 000667 417 000676 418 000677 419 000701 420 000703 421 000705 422 000707 423 000711 425 000712 426 000714 435 000717 441 000723 442 000725 444 000737 445 000741 446 000742 447 000744 451 000750 453 000752 456 000753 457 000760 458 000762 459 000764 460 000767 463 001012 464 001016 470 001030 471 001032 472 001034 473 001036 474 001041 475 001043 476 001062 478 001066 480 001075 482 001142 485 001221 487 001230 490 001311 493 001352 495 001362 497 001416 498 001421 500 001425 501 001436 509 001451 510 001467 511 001504 514 001513 515 001515 516 001517 517 001520 518 001523 521 001525 522 001534 525 001541 526 001546 527 001550 528 001571 529 001573 530 001575 531 001601 532 001602 533 001603 534 001625 535 001627 536 001631 537 001633 538 001635 540 001640 542 001642 543 001644 544 001646 545 001650 546 001652 547 001654 548 001664 549 001671 551 001677 552 001701 553 001702 554 001707 555 001714 556 001716 558 001717 559 001721 562 001723 563 001725 564 001732 565 001735 566 001745 567 001752 572 001757 573 001761 580 001765 582 001766 584 001774 585 002010 587 002017 589 002024 592 002154 594 002165 596 002232 597 002234 600 002245 602 002246 608 002247 609 002251 611 002257 613 002262 614 002266 616 002270 619 002277 621 002312 622 002317 623 002323 625 002325 627 002326 629 002330 630 002332 633 002347 638 002356 640 002363 642 002365 646 002372 653 002377 655 002402 657 002406 665 002423 667 002426 668 002431 670 002434 671 002436 673 002440 676 002453 677 002457 678 002462 680 002464 682 002465 686 002467 687 002471 690 002504 691 002511 695 002512 696 002516 697 002521 698 002524 699 002525 702 002535 707 002537 712 002540 713 002542 715 002550 717 002552 718 002556 720 002560 721 002563 723 002576 724 002603 725 002607 728 002611 731 002626 732 002627 733 002630 735 002631 737 002634 741 002641 742 002643 743 002645 744 002647 745 002651 746 002652 747 002655 749 002657 751 002663 753 002675 754 002711 755 002714 756 002730 758 002733 762 002734 764 002746 765 002762 766 002765 767 003001 775 003004 780 003017 781 003020 782 003025 783 003030 785 003033 786 003034 788 003036 789 003045 791 003053 795 003054 803 003055 810 003111 811 003113 813 003121 814 003124 818 003136 819 003140 821 003141 823 003144 824 003150 826 003152 827 003155 829 003173 830 003177 831 003201 837 003212 838 003214 839 003223 841 003224 842 003230 844 003243 845 003250 846 003254 847 003256 851 003257 852 003262 856 003273 858 003274 859 003300 861 003312 863 003321 864 003323 865 003326 867 003332 869 003334 870 003340 872 003342 873 003345 875 003360 876 003361 877 003365 881 003366 883 003401 884 003403 885 003411 887 003414 889 003415 890 003416 892 003417 898 003420 900 003427 902 003434 904 003443 905 003444 906 003452 911 003453 912 003475 914 003505 915 003512 917 003517 919 003552 921 003554 924 003556 925 003560 926 003574 927 003606 929 003622 934 003630 936 003650 941 003667 942 003671 945 003700 946 003705 948 003706 953 003711 954 003713 956 003721 958 003725 962 003731 963 003733 965 003776 968 004073 973 004077 974 004100 975 004107 976 004112 978 004113 983 004115 986 004157 993 004205 995 004214 998 004235 1004 004264 1007 004270 1011 004304 1014 004341 1021 004402 1025 004406 1027 004411 1029 004434 1031 004444 1033 004446 1035 004467 1036 004470 1041 004476 1042 004477 1043 004501 1044 004506 1046 004510 1048 004511 1050 004521 1052 004530 1053 004537 1054 004544 1056 004551 1058 004553 1060 004555 1062 004562 1064 004570 1065 004572 1076 004573 1077 004574 1078 004575 1079 004607 1080 004614 1081 004622 1083 004623 1084 004625 1085 004626 1088 004640 1089 004642 1090 004643 1091 004655 1092 004662 1093 004664 1094 004677 1095 004700 1097 004723 1098 004725 1100 004740 1102 004743 1103 004745 1104 004746 1108 004773 1110 004774 1132 005000 1134 005004 1135 005010 1136 005012 1138 005026 1139 005030 1140 005032 1143 005033 1153 005034 1220 005035 1163 005036 1164 005037 1166 005047 1171 005114 1172 005115 1174 005127 1178 005142 1184 005152 1186 005156 1191 005160 1193 005162 1196 005174 1198 005315 1202 005316 1206 005320 1208 005325 1209 005370 1222 005377 1224 005400 1232 005402 1233 005405 1235 005415 1237 005421 1239 005422 1250 005430 1256 005435 1257 005437 1260 005446 1261 005451 1262 005457 1264 005462 1266 005464 1267 005470 1268 005473 1270 005475 1271 005477 1272 005501 1273 005504 1275 005505 1276 005510 1280 005517 1281 005520 1285 005527 1286 005530 1290 005531 1294 005540 1295 005541 1299 005550 1303 005551 1304 005553 1306 005566 1307 005574 1308 005577 1309 005602 1311 005605 1315 005606 1316 005610 1317 005613 1319 005626 1323 005631 1325 005632 1327 005633 1334 005641 1335 005646 1338 005661 1339 005673 1341 005674 1342 005705 1344 005726 1346 005730 1348 005731 1355 005737 1356 005745 1359 005760 1360 005772 1362 005773 1363 006005 1365 006030 1367 006042 1369 006044 1370 006045 1375 006046 1376 006055 1377 006061 1378 006124 1379 006135 1381 006154 1382 006161 1383 006165 1385 006166 1386 006170 1387 006200 1388 006202 1390 006241 1391 006242 1392 006251 1394 006320 1395 006322 1397 006327 1398 006331 1400 006334 1401 006335 1402 006351 1403 006354 1405 006413 1406 006414 1407 006423 1409 006472 1410 006473 1413 006510 1414 006512 1416 006513 1419 006554 1428 006556 1430 006557 1436 006565 1437 006572 ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved