COMPILATION LISTING OF SEGMENT azm_str_util_ Compiled by: Multics PL/I Compiler, Release 28d, of October 4, 1983 Compiled at: Honeywell Multics Op. - System M Compiled on: 11/19/84 1133.2 mst Mon Options: optimize map 1 /* *********************************************************** 2* * * 3* * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1983 * 4* * * 5* *********************************************************** */ 6 7 azm_str_util_: 8 proc (P_amu_info_ptr, P_strp, P_code); 9 /* format: style4,delnl,insnl,ifthenstmt,indnoniterend,ifthendo,ifthen,^thendo */ 10 11 12 dcl P_amu_info_ptr ptr; 13 dcl P_strp bit (18); 14 dcl P_code fixed bin (35); 15 16 dcl code fixed bin (35); 17 dcl save_process_index fixed bin; 18 dcl loop_exit bit (1); 19 dcl exit_sw bit (1); 20 dcl 1 seg_trailer like str; 21 dcl str_size fixed bin (18); 22 dcl seg_name char (32); 23 dcl str_segno fixed bin; 24 dcl offset fixed bin (18); 25 dcl pds_dstep ptr; 26 dcl 1 hard_cur like hardcore_cur; 27 dcl temp_dstep bit (18); 28 dcl temp_indx fixed bin; 29 dcl amu_$definition_ptr entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35)) returns (ptr); 30 dcl amu_$do_translation entry (ptr, fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin (18), fixed bin (18), fixed bin (35)); 31 dcl amu_$do_translation_by_ptr entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (18), ptr, fixed bin (35)); 32 dcl amu_$fdump_mpt_change_idx entry (ptr, fixed bin); 33 dcl amu_$hardcore_info_set_cur_ptrs entry (ptr, ptr); 34 dcl amu_$slt_search_seg_num entry (ptr, ptr, char (32), fixed bin, fixed bin (35)); 35 dcl amu_$fdump_mpt_current_process entry (ptr); 36 dcl ioa_$nnl entry () options (variable); 37 38 dcl (addr, fixed, hbound, size) builtin; 39 40 amu_info_ptr = P_amu_info_ptr; 41 offset = fixed (P_strp, 18); 42 if offset = 0 then return; 43 save_process_index = amu_info.process_idx; 44 45 /* change to first process in fdump */ 46 47 call amu_$fdump_mpt_change_idx (amu_info_ptr, 0); 48 49 hardcore_cur_ptr = addr (hard_cur); 50 call amu_$hardcore_info_set_cur_ptrs (amu_info_ptr, hardcore_cur_ptr); 51 52 /* now get the str_seg data */ 53 54 seg_name = "str_seg"; 55 call amu_$slt_search_seg_num (hard_cur.sltp, hard_cur.sltntp, seg_name, str_segno, code); 56 if code ^= 0 then goto str_exit; 57 58 59 str_size = size (str); 60 strp = addr (seg_trailer); 61 call amu_$do_translation (amu_info_ptr, str_segno, strp, offset, str_size, code); 62 if code ^= 0 then goto str_exit; 63 64 /* now find the first process that this seg known to */ 65 66 do while (str.bp ^= "0"b); 67 offset = fixed (str.bp, 18); 68 call amu_$do_translation (amu_info_ptr, str_segno, strp, offset, str_size, code); 69 if code ^= 0 then do; 70 P_code = code; 71 return; 72 end; 73 end; 74 75 /* get pointer of prds$dstep */ 76 77 pds_dstep = amu_$definition_ptr (amu_info_ptr, "pds", "dstep", code); 78 if code ^= 0 then do; 79 P_code = code; 80 return; 81 end; 82 83 /* now start walking the str thread matching up str.dstep with pds$dstep */ 84 85 exit_sw = "0"b; 86 do while (exit_sw = "0"b); 87 loop_exit = "0"b; 88 do temp_indx = 0 to hbound (fdump_process_table.array, 1) while (^loop_exit); 89 call amu_$fdump_mpt_change_idx (amu_info_ptr, temp_indx); 90 call amu_$do_translation_by_ptr (amu_info_ptr, pds_dstep, 1, addr (temp_dstep), code); 91 if code ^= 0 then goto str_exit; 92 if temp_dstep = str.dstep /* found a process */ then do; 93 loop_exit = "1"b; 94 call ioa_$nnl ("^o in ", str.segno); 95 call amu_$fdump_mpt_current_process (amu_info_ptr); 96 end; 97 end; 98 call amu_$fdump_mpt_change_idx (amu_info_ptr, save_process_index); 99 100 if str.fp = "0"b then 101 exit_sw = "1"b; 102 else do; 103 offset = fixed (str.fp, 18); 104 call amu_$do_translation (amu_info_ptr, str_segno, strp, offset, str_size, code); 105 if code ^= 0 then goto str_exit; 106 end; 107 end; 108 str_exit: 109 call amu_$fdump_mpt_change_idx (amu_info_ptr, save_process_index); 110 P_code = code; 111 return; 112 1 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE amu_fdump_info.incl.pl1 */ 1 2 1 3 dcl 1 fdump_info aligned based (amu_info.fdump_info_ptr), 1 4 2 version char (8), 1 5 2 ref_count fixed bin, /* number of initiations */ 1 6 1 7 2 erf_name char (32), /* ERF name for this dump */ 1 8 2 dump_dname char (168), /* location of the dump */ 1 9 2 dump_ename char (32), /* ename of component zero */ 1 10 2 system_id char (8), /* the system_id of this erf */ 1 11 2 version_id char (8), /* the version id of this erf */ 1 12 2 dump_seg_0_uid bit (36) aligned, /* for determining EQ-ness and gullibility checking */ 1 13 1 14 2 n_dump_segs fixed bin, /* number of real segs in the dump */ 1 15 2 copy_block_ptr pointer, /* pointer to chain of temp segment blocks */ 1 16 1 17 2 dump_seg_ptr (0:31) pointer, /* pointer and length arrays */ 1 18 2 dump_seg_lth (0:31) fixed bin (18), 1 19 1 20 2 fdump_process_table_ptr pointer; /* pointer to array describing processes */ 1 21 1 22 1 23 dcl 1 fdump_process_table aligned based (fdump_info.fdump_process_table_ptr), 1 24 2 size fixed bin, /* number of entries */ 1 25 1 26 2 array (0:alloc_fdump_process_table_size - 1 refer (fdump_process_table.size)) like fp_table; 1 27 1 28 dcl 1 fp_table based (fp_table_ptr), 1 29 2 first_seg fixed bin, 1 30 2 last_seg fixed bin, 1 31 2 process_info_ptr pointer unaligned, /* pointer to process_info structure, if filled in */ 1 32 2 dmp_seg_indx fixed bin, /* dump seg index where process can be found */ 1 33 2 dmp_seg_offset fixed bin (24), /* offset in the segment refered to by dmp_seg_indx where process starts */ 1 34 2 cpu_name char (1), 1 35 2 dbr fixed bin (24), /* address portion of DBR */ 1 36 2 apte_offset fixed bin (18); 1 37 1 38 dcl fp_table_ptr ptr; 1 39 1 40 dcl alloc_fdump_process_table_size fixed bin; 1 41 1 42 dcl AMU_FDUMP_INFO_VERSION_1 char (8) internal static options (constant) init ("amu_erf1"); 1 43 dcl AMU_FDUMP_INFO_VERSION char (8) internal static options (constant) init ("amu_erf1"); 1 44 1 45 /* END INCLUDE FILE amu_fdump_info.incl.pl1 */ 113 114 2 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE amu_hardcore_info.incl.pl1 */ 2 2 2 3 /* This structure contains information about the hardcore supervisor address 2 4* space for an address translation. */ 2 5 2 6 dcl 1 hardcore_info aligned based (amu_info.hardcore_info_ptr), 2 7 2 8 2 pointers, /* assorted pointers to various useful items */ 2 9 3 slt aligned, /* SLT */ 2 10 4 fptr pointer unaligned, /* address in foreign address space */ 2 11 4 lptr pointer unaligned, /* location in local address space */ 2 12 3 sltnt aligned like hardcore_info.slt, /* SLT names segment */ 2 13 3 definitions aligned like hardcore_info.slt, /* hardcore definitions_ segment */ 2 14 2 15 3 sst aligned like hardcore_info.slt, /* SST */ 2 16 3 tc_data aligned like hardcore_info.slt, /* TC_DATA */ 2 17 3 sstnt aligned like hardcore_info.slt, /* SSTNT (if any -- foreign_ptr = null if not) */ 2 18 3 upt aligned like hardcore_info.slt, /* unpaged_page_tables (if any -- foreign_ptr = null if not) */ 2 19 2 20 2 segno, /* segment numbers of various per-process/per-processor segs */ 2 21 3 prds fixed bin (15), /* segno of PRDS */ 2 22 3 dseg fixed bin (15), /* DSEG */ 2 23 3 pds fixed bin (15), /* PDS */ 2 24 3 kst fixed bin (15), /* KST */ 2 25 3 stack_0 fixed bin (15), /* segno of stack_0 -- first one in stack group */ 2 26 3 unpaged_page_tables fixed bin(15), /* segno of unpaged_page_tables if it exists */ 2 27 2 28 2 apt, /* information about the APT */ 2 29 3 foreign_ptr pointer unaligned, /* foreign and local pointers to tcm.apt */ 2 30 3 local_ptr pointer unaligned, 2 31 3 count fixed bin, /* number of APTEs */ 2 32 3 size fixed bin, /* size of a single APTE */ 2 33 2 34 2 hcs_count fixed bin, /* highest hardcore segno */ 2 35 2 36 2 pad1 fixed bin; 2 37 2 38 dcl hardcore_cur_ptr ptr; 2 39 2 40 dcl 1 hardcore_cur based (hardcore_cur_ptr), 2 41 2 sltp ptr, 2 42 2 sltntp ptr, 2 43 2 defp ptr, 2 44 2 sstp ptr, 2 45 2 tc_datap ptr, 2 46 2 sstntp ptr, 2 47 2 uptp ptr; 2 48 2 49 2 50 2 51 2 52 /* END INCLUDE FILE amu_hardcore_info.incl.pl1 */ 115 116 3 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE amu_info.incl.pl1 */ 3 2 3 3 dcl 1 amu_info aligned based (amu_info_ptr), 3 4 2 version char (8) aligned, /* AMU_INFO_VERSION */ 3 5 2 flags aligned, 3 6 3 early_dump bit(1) unal, 3 7 3 pad bit(35) unal, 3 8 2 type fixed bin unal, /* One of the types below */ 3 9 2 time_created fixed bin (71) aligned, /* time created -- for debugging purposes */ 3 10 2 chain, /* a chain of all the amu_info's which exist */ 3 11 3 prev pointer unaligned, 3 12 3 next pointer unaligned, 3 13 3 14 2 area_ptr pointer, /* pointer to area used for allocating things */ 3 15 3 16 2 translation_table_ptr pointer, /* pointer to address map -- always present */ 3 17 /* SEE: amu_translation.incl.pl1 */ 3 18 2 fdump_info_ptr pointer, 3 19 /* pointer to FDUMP info, present if looking at an FDUMP */ 3 20 /* SEE: amu_fdump_info.incl.pl1 */ 3 21 /* old_uid_table pointer if looking at a SAVED PROC. */ 3 22 /* See: amu_old_uid_table */ 3 23 3 24 3 25 2 hardcore_info_ptr pointer, /* pointer to hardcore information -- always present */ 3 26 /* SEE: amu_hardcore_info.incl.pl1 */ 3 27 2 copy_chain pointer, /* pointer to info about segment copies */ 3 28 /* SEE: amu_copy_info.incl.pl1 */ 3 29 2 process_info_ptr pointer, /* pointer to process info for this translation */ 3 30 /* SEE: amu_process_info.incl.pl1 */ 3 31 2 process_idx fixed bin, /* index of process in translation-specifc process table */ 3 32 3 33 2 proc_idx_hold fixed bin, /* a place to keep the index when a changing to another proc */ 3 34 3 35 2 error_info, /* various info about how amu_error_ is to behave */ 3 36 3 error_flags aligned, 3 37 4 handler_exists bit (1) unaligned, /* set to indicate existence of an amu_error handler */ 3 38 4 in_subsystem bit (1) unaligned, /* This amu_info belongs to an ssu_ maintained subsystem */ 3 39 4 pad bit (34) unaligned, 3 40 3 sci_ptr pointer, /* sci_ptr for subsystem, if in_subsystem = "1"b */ 3 41 2 definitions_info_ptr ptr; 3 42 3 43 dcl amu_area area based (amu_info.area_ptr); 3 44 3 45 dcl amu_info_ptr pointer; 3 46 3 47 dcl (FDUMP_TYPE init (1037), /* the various legitimate types of amu_info's */ 3 48 FDUMP_PROCESS_TYPE init (1038), 3 49 ONLINE_TYPE init (1039), 3 50 ONLINE_PROCESS_TYPE init (1040), 3 51 NETWORK_FDUMP_TYPE init (1041), 3 52 NETWORK_ONLINE_TYPE init (1042), 3 53 SAVED_PROC_TYPE init (1043), 3 54 INDIRECT_TYPE init (1044)) fixed bin internal static options (constant); 3 55 3 56 dcl AMU_INFO_VERSION_1 char (8) internal static options (constant) init ("amu_v1"); 3 57 dcl AMU_INFO_VERSION char (8) internal static options (constant) init ("amu_v1"); 3 58 dcl AMU_INFO_VERSION_2 char (8) internal static options (constant) init ("amu_v2"); 3 59 3 60 dcl PDIR_SUFFIX char(4) init("pdir") int static options(constant); 3 61 3 62 /* END INCLUDE FILE amu_info.incl.pl1 */ 117 118 4 1 4 2 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... str.incl.pl1 ... last modified March 1970 */ 4 3 4 4 dcl str_seg$ ext, 4 5 strp ptr; 4 6 4 7 dcl 1 str based (strp) aligned, /* segment or process trailer declaration */ 4 8 4 9 (2 fp bit (18), /* forward ast trailer rel pointer */ 4 10 2 bp bit (18), /* backward ast trailer rel pointer*/ 4 11 4 12 2 segno bit (18), /* segment number*/ 4 13 2 dstep bit (18)) unaligned; /* rel pointer to ring 0 dste */ 4 14 4 15 dcl stra (0:8000) bit (72) based (strp) aligned; 4 16 4 17 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... str.incl.pl1 */ 4 18 119 120 121 end azm_str_util_; 122 SOURCE FILES USED IN THIS COMPILATION. LINE NUMBER DATE MODIFIED NAME PATHNAME 0 11/15/84 1440.2 azm_str_util_.pl1 >special_ldd>online>6897-11/15/84>azm_str_util_.pl1 113 1 09/22/83 1102.5 amu_fdump_info.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>amu_fdump_info.incl.pl1 115 2 11/15/84 1437.4 amu_hardcore_info.incl.pl1 >special_ldd>online>6897-11/15/84>amu_hardcore_info.incl.pl1 117 3 11/15/84 1524.3 amu_info.incl.pl1 >special_ldd>online>6897-11/15/84>amu_info.incl.pl1 119 4 05/06/74 1751.6 str.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>str.incl.pl1 NAMES DECLARED IN THIS COMPILATION. IDENTIFIER OFFSET LOC STORAGE CLASS DATA TYPE ATTRIBUTES AND REFERENCES (* indicates a set context) NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT. P_amu_info_ptr parameter pointer dcl 12 ref 7 40 P_code parameter fixed bin(35,0) dcl 14 set ref 7 70* 79* 110* P_strp parameter bit(18) unaligned dcl 13 ref 7 41 addr builtin function dcl 38 ref 49 60 90 90 amu_$definition_ptr 000010 constant entry external dcl 29 ref 77 amu_$do_translation 000012 constant entry external dcl 30 ref 61 68 104 amu_$do_translation_by_ptr 000014 constant entry external dcl 31 ref 90 amu_$fdump_mpt_change_idx 000016 constant entry external dcl 32 ref 47 89 98 108 amu_$fdump_mpt_current_process 000024 constant entry external dcl 35 ref 95 amu_$hardcore_info_set_cur_ptrs 000020 constant entry external dcl 33 ref 50 amu_$slt_search_seg_num 000022 constant entry external dcl 34 ref 55 amu_info based structure level 1 dcl 3-3 amu_info_ptr 000146 automatic pointer dcl 3-45 set ref 40* 43 47* 50* 61* 68* 77* 88 89* 90* 95* 98* 104* 108* array 1 based structure array level 2 dcl 1-23 ref 88 bp 0(18) based bit(18) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 4-7 ref 66 67 code 000100 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 16 set ref 55* 56 61* 62 68* 69 70 77* 78 79 90* 91 104* 105 110 dstep 1(18) based bit(18) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 4-7 ref 92 exit_sw 000103 automatic bit(1) unaligned dcl 19 set ref 85* 86 100* fdump_info based structure level 1 dcl 1-3 fdump_info_ptr 14 based pointer level 2 dcl 3-3 ref 88 fdump_process_table based structure level 1 dcl 1-23 fdump_process_table_ptr 246 based pointer level 2 dcl 1-3 ref 88 fixed builtin function dcl 38 ref 41 67 103 fp based bit(18) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 4-7 ref 100 103 fp_table based structure level 1 unaligned dcl 1-28 hard_cur 000124 automatic structure level 1 unaligned dcl 26 set ref 49 hardcore_cur based structure level 1 unaligned dcl 2-40 hardcore_cur_ptr 000144 automatic pointer dcl 2-38 set ref 49* 50* hardcore_info based structure level 1 dcl 2-6 hbound builtin function dcl 38 ref 88 ioa_$nnl 000026 constant entry external dcl 36 ref 94 loop_exit 000102 automatic bit(1) unaligned dcl 18 set ref 87* 88 93* offset 000120 automatic fixed bin(18,0) dcl 24 set ref 41* 42 61* 67* 68* 103* 104* pds_dstep 000122 automatic pointer dcl 25 set ref 77* 90* pointers based structure level 2 dcl 2-6 process_idx 24 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 3-3 ref 43 save_process_index 000101 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 17 set ref 43* 98* 108* seg_name 000107 automatic char(32) unaligned dcl 22 set ref 54* 55* seg_trailer 000104 automatic structure level 1 packed unaligned dcl 20 set ref 60 segno 1 based bit(18) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 4-7 set ref 94* size builtin function dcl 38 in procedure "azm_str_util_" ref 59 size based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "fdump_process_table" dcl 1-23 in procedure "azm_str_util_" ref 88 slt based structure level 3 dcl 2-6 sltntp 2 000124 automatic pointer level 2 dcl 26 set ref 55* sltp 000124 automatic pointer level 2 dcl 26 set ref 55* str based structure level 1 dcl 4-7 set ref 59 str_segno 000117 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 23 set ref 55* 61* 68* 104* str_size 000106 automatic fixed bin(18,0) dcl 21 set ref 59* 61* 68* 104* strp 000150 automatic pointer dcl 4-4 set ref 59 60* 61* 66 67 68* 92 94 100 103 104* temp_dstep 000142 automatic bit(18) unaligned dcl 27 set ref 90 90 92 temp_indx 000143 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 28 set ref 88* 89* NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT AND NEVER REFERENCED. AMU_FDUMP_INFO_VERSION internal static char(8) initial unaligned dcl 1-43 AMU_FDUMP_INFO_VERSION_1 internal static char(8) initial unaligned dcl 1-42 AMU_INFO_VERSION internal static char(8) initial unaligned dcl 3-57 AMU_INFO_VERSION_1 internal static char(8) initial unaligned dcl 3-56 AMU_INFO_VERSION_2 internal static char(8) initial unaligned dcl 3-58 FDUMP_PROCESS_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-47 FDUMP_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-47 INDIRECT_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-47 NETWORK_FDUMP_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-47 NETWORK_ONLINE_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-47 ONLINE_PROCESS_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-47 ONLINE_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-47 PDIR_SUFFIX internal static char(4) initial unaligned dcl 3-60 SAVED_PROC_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 3-47 alloc_fdump_process_table_size automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 1-40 amu_area based area(1024) dcl 3-43 fp_table_ptr automatic pointer dcl 1-38 str_seg$ external static fixed bin(17,0) dcl 4-4 stra based bit(72) array dcl 4-15 NAMES DECLARED BY EXPLICIT CONTEXT. azm_str_util_ 000022 constant entry external dcl 7 str_exit 000426 constant label dcl 108 set ref 56 62 91 105 THERE WERE NO NAMES DECLARED BY CONTEXT OR IMPLICATION. STORAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS PROGRAM. Object Text Link Symbol Defs Static Start 0 0 574 624 443 604 Length 1106 443 30 245 131 0 BLOCK NAME STACK SIZE TYPE WHY NONQUICK/WHO SHARES STACK FRAME azm_str_util_ 164 external procedure is an external procedure. STORAGE FOR AUTOMATIC VARIABLES. STACK FRAME LOC IDENTIFIER BLOCK NAME azm_str_util_ 000100 code azm_str_util_ 000101 save_process_index azm_str_util_ 000102 loop_exit azm_str_util_ 000103 exit_sw azm_str_util_ 000104 seg_trailer azm_str_util_ 000106 str_size azm_str_util_ 000107 seg_name azm_str_util_ 000117 str_segno azm_str_util_ 000120 offset azm_str_util_ 000122 pds_dstep azm_str_util_ 000124 hard_cur azm_str_util_ 000142 temp_dstep azm_str_util_ 000143 temp_indx azm_str_util_ 000144 hardcore_cur_ptr azm_str_util_ 000146 amu_info_ptr azm_str_util_ 000150 strp azm_str_util_ THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL OPERATORS ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. call_ext_out_desc call_ext_out return ext_entry THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL ENTRIES ARE CALLED BY THIS PROGRAM. amu_$definition_ptr amu_$do_translation amu_$do_translation_by_ptr amu_$fdump_mpt_change_idx amu_$fdump_mpt_current_process amu_$hardcore_info_set_cur_ptrs amu_$slt_search_seg_num ioa_$nnl NO EXTERNAL VARIABLES ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC 7 000016 40 000027 41 000033 42 000042 43 000044 47 000046 49 000057 50 000061 54 000072 55 000075 56 000114 59 000116 60 000120 61 000122 62 000143 66 000145 67 000152 68 000154 69 000175 70 000177 71 000201 73 000202 77 000203 78 000237 79 000241 80 000243 85 000244 86 000245 87 000250 88 000251 89 000263 90 000274 91 000317 92 000321 93 000326 94 000330 95 000347 97 000356 98 000360 100 000371 103 000400 104 000402 105 000423 107 000425 108 000426 110 000437 111 000442 ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved