COMPILATION LISTING OF SEGMENT azm_syserr_ Compiled by: Multics PL/I Compiler, Release 29, of July 28, 1986 Compiled at: Honeywell Bull, Phx. Az., Sys-M Compiled on: 07/28/87 0931.7 mst Tue Options: optimize map 1 /****^ *********************************************************** 2* * * 3* * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Bull Inc., 1987 * 4* * * 5* * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1983 * 6* * * 7* *********************************************************** */ 8 9 10 11 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 12* 1) change(87-01-15,Farley), approve(87-07-09,MCR7746), 13* audit(87-07-16,Fawcett), install(87-07-28,MR12.1-1049): 14* Changed to properly set P_ret_len when exiting, when entered at 15* returns_string. 16* END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 17 18 19 azm_syserr_: 20 proc; 21 return; 22 23 /* * 84-12-15, W. Olin Sibert: Converted (albeit with a monstrous kludge) 24* * for new-format log segments in the partition. 25* */ 26 /* Modified 01/21/85, B. Braun to 27* a) call print_sys_log with a severity specified. 28* b) change the data and log entries to require a char severity range instead of fixed bin. 29* c) delete the $code_only entry as it apparently isn't referenced by anyone. 30* d) Set severity for returns_string entry in case it goes to the log. 31**/ 32 33 /* format: style4,delnl,insnl,ifthenstmt,indnoniterend,ifthendo,ifthen,^thendo */ 34 35 /* Parameters */ 36 dcl P_amu_info_ptr ptr; 37 dcl P_sci_ptr ptr; 38 dcl P_code fixed bin (35); 39 dcl P_count fixed bin (35); 40 dcl P_match_str char (*) var; 41 dcl P_match_sw bit (1); 42 dcl P_expand_sw bit (1); 43 dcl P_syserr_code fixed bin; 44 dcl P_severity char(*) var; 45 dcl P_string_len fixed bin (21); 46 dcl P_string_ptr ptr; 47 48 49 dcl amu_$hardcore_info_set_cur_ptrs entry (ptr, ptr); 50 dcl amu_$slt_search_seg_num entry (ptr, ptr, char (32) aligned, fixed bin, fixed bin (35)); 51 dcl amu_$definition_ptr entry (ptr, char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35)) returns (ptr); 52 dcl amu_$do_translation entry (ptr, fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin (18), fixed bin (18), fixed bin (35)); 53 dcl azm_display_mc_ entry (ptr, ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35)); 54 dcl ioa_ entry () options (variable); 55 dcl ioa_$rs entry() options(variable); 56 dcl ssu_$get_temp_segment entry (ptr, char(*), ptr); 57 dcl ssu_$release_temp_segment entry (ptr, ptr); 58 dcl print_syserr_msg_ entry (ptr, fixed bin (35)); 59 dcl iox_$user_output ptr ext static; 60 dcl get_line_length_$switch entry (ptr, fixed bin (35)) returns (fixed bin); 61 dcl date_time_ entry (fixed bin (71), char (*)); 62 dcl amu_$hranl entry (ptr, ptr, bit (1)); 63 64 /* Builtins */ 65 66 dcl (addr, addrel, baseno, char, fixed, index, 67 null, rel, rtrim, size, substr, unspec) builtin; 68 69 /* Handlers */ 70 71 dcl cleanup condition; 72 73 /* Automatic */ 74 75 dcl a_syserr_code fixed bin; 76 dcl data_area_ptr ptr; 77 dcl mess_count fixed bin; 78 dcl head_size fixed bin; 79 dcl severity char(30); 80 dcl segno fixed bin (17); 81 dcl (offset, range) fixed bin (18); 82 dcl (code, def_code) fixed bin (35); 83 dcl w_header (size (wlog_header)) fixed bin; 84 dcl 1 current_hardcore like hardcore_cur; 85 dcl i fixed bin; 86 dcl new_time char (24); 87 dcl 1 auto_parg like parg aligned automatic; 88 dcl plural_sw bit (1) init ("0"b); 89 dcl (msgs_printed, msgs_bypassed) fixed bin init (0); 90 dcl text char (512); 91 dcl msg_printed bit (1); 92 dcl code_only_sw bit (1); 93 dcl found_one_sw bit (1); 94 dcl returns_sw bit (1); 95 dcl ret_len fixed bin (21); 96 dcl foo_len fixed bin (21); 97 dcl ret_string_ptr ptr; 98 dcl ret_data char (ret_len) based (ret_string_ptr); 99 dcl sci_ptr ptr; 100 101 102 returns_string: entry (P_sci_ptr,P_amu_info_ptr, P_syserr_code, P_count, P_string_ptr,P_string_len,P_code); 103 104 ret_string_ptr = P_string_ptr; 105 ret_len = 0; 106 returns_sw = "1"b; 107 amu_info_ptr = P_amu_info_ptr; 108 sci_ptr = P_sci_ptr; 109 a_syserr_code = P_syserr_code; 110 severity = char(a_syserr_code); /* Need this if we get to code_from_log */ 111 code_only_sw = "1"b; 112 mess_count = P_count; 113 found_one_sw = "0"b; 114 goto code_from_data; 115 116 check_if_found: 117 if returns_sw then P_string_len = ret_len; 118 P_code = 0; 119 return; 120 121 data: 122 entry (P_sci_ptr, P_amu_info_ptr, P_count, P_match_str, P_match_sw, P_expand_sw, P_severity, P_code); 123 amu_info_ptr = P_amu_info_ptr; 124 sci_ptr = P_sci_ptr; 125 severity = substr(P_severity,1); 126 code_only_sw,returns_sw = "0"b; 127 mess_count = P_count; 128 129 code_from_data: 130 131 wmess_ptr = null (); 132 on condition(cleanup) begin; 133 if wmess_ptr ^= null() then call ssu_$release_temp_segment(sci_ptr, wmess_ptr); 134 end; 135 136 data_area_ptr = amu_$definition_ptr (amu_info_ptr, "syserr_data", "wired_log_area", def_code); 137 head_size = size (wlog_header); 138 wlog_ptr = addr (w_header); 139 segno = fixed (baseno (data_area_ptr), 17); 140 offset = fixed (rel (data_area_ptr), 18); 141 range = head_size; 142 call amu_$do_translation (amu_info_ptr, segno, wlog_ptr, offset, range, code); 143 if code ^= 0 then do; 144 if returns_sw then P_string_len = ret_len; 145 P_code = code; 146 return; 147 end; 148 if wlog.count = 0 then do; 149 if code_only_sw then goto code_from_log; 150 call ioa_ ("No entries in syserr_data (segment #^o).", segno); 151 goto check_if_found; 152 end; 153 154 call ssu_$get_temp_segment (sci_ptr,"azm-syserr_data", wmess_ptr); 155 offset = offset + head_size; 156 range = fixed (wlog.head.bsize, 18); 157 call amu_$do_translation (amu_info_ptr, segno, wmess_ptr, offset, range, code); 158 if code ^= 0 then do; 159 if returns_sw then P_string_len = ret_len; 160 P_code = code; 161 if wmess_ptr ^= null() then call ssu_$release_temp_segment(sci_ptr, wmess_ptr); 162 return; 163 end; 164 165 argp = addr (auto_parg); /* Get pointer to argument list */ 166 parg.iocbp = iox_$user_output; /* Data is written here */ 167 parg.prev_time = ""; /* Clear previous time field */ 168 if code_only_sw then do; 169 parg.bin_sw = "0"b; 170 parg.octal_sw = "0"b; 171 end; 172 else do; 173 parg.bin_sw = P_expand_sw; 174 parg.octal_sw = P_expand_sw; 175 end; 176 parg.pad = "0"b; /* Be neat */ 177 parg.linelen = get_line_length_$switch (iox_$user_output, code); 178 /* Need length of line */ 179 if code ^= 0 then parg.linelen = 132; /* Assume printer if error */ 180 181 if ^code_only_sw then 182 call ioa_ ("There ^[are^]^[is^] ^d message^[s^] in syserr_data (segment #^o).", (wlog.count > 1), 183 (wlog.count = 1), wlog.count, (wlog.count > 1), segno); 184 185 if mess_count > wlog.count | mess_count <=0 then mess_count = wlog.count; 186 do i = 1 to mess_count; 187 if wmess.text_len = 0 then goto skip; 188 new_time = datm (addr (wmess.time)); 189 if code_only_sw then do; 190 if wmess.code ^= a_syserr_code then go to skip; 191 syserr_msgp = addr (wmess.seq_num); 192 if returns_sw then do; 193 ret_len = ret_len + syserr_msg.text_len + 1; 194 call ioa_$rs ("^a ",ret_data,foo_len, 195 substr(syserr_msg.text,1, syserr_msg.text_len)); 196 goto skip; 197 end; 198 text = syserr_msg.text; 199 msg_printed = "0"b; 200 found_one_sw = "1"b; 201 goto ok_to_print_data; 202 end; 203 204 if P_match_str ^= "" then do; 205 if index (substr (wmess.text, 1, wmess.text_len), P_match_str) = 0 then do; 206 207 if P_match_sw then go to skip; 208 end; 209 else if ^P_match_sw then goto skip; /* excluding */ 210 end; 211 212 if wmess.code > a_syserr_code then go to skip; 213 msg_printed = "0"b; 214 syserr_msgp = addr (wmess.seq_num); 215 text = syserr_msg.text; 216 if syserr_msg.data_code = SB_hw_fault & syserr_msg.data_size > 0 then 217 if P_expand_sw then do; 218 call display_hw_fault (addr (; 219 msg_printed = "1"b; 220 end; 221 ok_to_print_data: 222 parg.msgp = addr (wmess.seq_num); 223 parg.textp = addr (text); 224 parg.textl = syserr_msg.text_len; 225 parg.printp = addr (text); 226 parg.printl = syserr_msg.text_len; 227 228 if ^msg_printed then call print_syserr_msg_ (argp, code); 229 230 if code ^= 0 then do; 231 if returns_sw then P_string_len = ret_len; 232 P_code = code; 233 return; 234 end; 235 skip: 236 parg.prev_time = new_time; 237 wmess_ptr = addr ( (wmess.data_size + 1)); 238 239 end; 240 if wmess_ptr ^= null() then call ssu_$release_temp_segment(sci_ptr, wmess_ptr); 241 if returns_sw then P_string_len = ret_len; 242 P_code = 0; 243 if code_only_sw then goto code_from_log; 244 245 EXIT_DATA: 246 return; /* end of azm_syserr_$data */ 247 248 249 log: 250 entry (P_sci_ptr, P_amu_info_ptr, P_count, P_match_str, P_match_sw, P_expand_sw, P_severity, P_code); 251 252 amu_info_ptr = P_amu_info_ptr; 253 sci_ptr = P_sci_ptr; 254 severity = substr(P_severity,1); 255 code_only_sw,returns_sw = "0"b; 256 257 code_from_log: 258 mess_count = P_count; 259 260 hardcore_cur_ptr = addr (current_hardcore); 261 call amu_$hardcore_info_set_cur_ptrs (amu_info_ptr, hardcore_cur_ptr); 262 263 call ioa_ ("^/Syserr messages from log partition:^/"); 264 265 call print_log_partition (); 266 267 if returns_sw then P_string_len = ret_len; 268 P_code = code; 269 return; 270 271 272 /* This procedure is responsible for printing messages from the log partition. 273* I am not proud of this implementation; it is not very flexible, it works by 274* calling the command, possibly producing unexpected results, and is in 275* general not very pretty. On the other hand, what it has to recommend it 276* is that it works. I chose this approach because the interface from azm is 277* itself not very flexible, and I didn't want to change that right at this 278* moment. Ultimately, of course, the AZM log requests should just be direct 279* interfaces to print_sys_log, and do no processing of their own. For the 280* moment, though, that's too awkward, so instead we settle for this kludge. 281* 282* It works by copying the one or two log segments in use into temp segments, 283* then creating links to those temp segments in the process dir, and calling 284* print_sys_log to print the log family defined by those links to temp segs. 285* It has various cases of calling print_sys_log depending on the options 286* passed in from the AZM request. 287* */ 288 289 print_log_partition: 290 procedure (); 291 292 declare 1 auto_syserr_log_data aligned like syserr_log_data automatic; 293 declare 1 log_seg (2) aligned, 294 2 segno fixed bin, 295 2 name char (32) unaligned, 296 2 pathname char (168) unaligned, 297 2 copy_ptr pointer, 298 2 link_dname char (168) unaligned, 299 2 link_ename char (32) unaligned; 300 301 declare syserr_log_data_segno fixed bin; 302 declare family_name char (32); 303 declare log_path char (168); 304 declare match_arg char (32); 305 declare expand_arg char (32); 306 declare delete_$path entry (char (*), char (*), bit (6), char (*), fixed bin (35)); 307 declare get_pdir_ entry () returns (char (168)); 308 declare hcs_$fs_get_path_name entry (pointer, char (*), fixed bin, char (*), fixed bin (35)); 309 declare hcs_$append_link entry (char (*), char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35)); 310 declare log_segment_$last_message_info entry (pointer, fixed bin (35), fixed bin (18), fixed bin (35)); 311 declare pathname_ entry (char (*), char (*)) returns (char (168)); 312 declare unique_chars_ entry (bit (*)) returns (char (15)); 313 314 declare print_sys_log entry options (variable); 315 316 /* */ 317 318 log_seg.copy_ptr (*) = null (); 319 log_seg.pathname (*) = ""; 320 log_seg.link_ename (*) = ""; 321 log_seg.link_dname (*) = ""; 322 323 on condition (cleanup) 324 call clean_up_print_log_partition (); 325 326 syserr_log_data_ptr = addr (auto_syserr_log_data); 327 328 call amu_$slt_search_seg_num (hardcore_cur.sltp, hardcore_cur.sltntp, 329 "syserr_log_data", syserr_log_data_segno, code); 330 if (code ^= 0) then goto ERROR_RETURN; 331 332 call amu_$do_translation (amu_info_ptr, 333 syserr_log_data_segno, syserr_log_data_ptr, 0, size (syserr_log_data), code); 334 if (code ^= 0) then goto ERROR_RETURN; 335 336 if (syserr_log_data.live_log ^= 1) & (syserr_log_data.live_log ^= 2) then do; 337 call ioa_ ("No active syserr log segment in syserr_log_data."); 338 code = 0; 339 goto ERROR_RETURN; 340 end; 341 342 family_name = unique_chars_ (""b); 343 call get_log_segment (syserr_log_data.live_log, family_name); 344 345 if (syserr_log_data.swap_time ^= 0) then do; /* Other one isn't empty */ 346 family_name = rtrim (family_name) || ".19841214.164821"; 347 call get_log_segment ((3 - syserr_log_data.live_log), 348 (rtrim (family_name) || ".19841214.214821")); 349 end; 350 351 log_path = pathname_ (log_seg.link_dname (syserr_log_data.live_log), 352 log_seg.link_ename (syserr_log_data.live_log)); 353 354 if P_match_sw then 355 match_arg = "-match"; 356 else match_arg = "-exclude"; 357 358 if P_expand_sw then 359 expand_arg = "-expand"; 360 else expand_arg = "-no_expand"; 361 362 if (mess_count > 0) then 363 if (P_match_str ^= "") then 364 call print_sys_log (log_path, "-reverse", "-no_header", "-date_format", "", expand_arg, 365 "-severity", severity, "-last", char (mess_count), match_arg, substr (P_match_str, 1)); 366 else call print_sys_log (log_path, "-reverse", "-no_header", "-date_format", "", expand_arg, 367 "-severity", severity, "-last", char (mess_count)); 368 else 369 if (substr (P_match_str, 1) ^= "") then 370 call print_sys_log (log_path, "-reverse", "-no_header", "-date_format", "", expand_arg, 371 "-severity", severity, match_arg, substr (P_match_str, 1)); 372 else call print_sys_log (log_path, "-reverse", "-no_header", "-date_format", "", expand_arg, 373 "-severity", severity); 374 375 code = 0; /* Indicate success */ 376 377 ERROR_RETURN: 378 call clean_up_print_log_partition (); 379 380 return; 381 382 /* */ 383 384 get_log_segment: 385 procedure (P_idx, P_link_name); 386 387 declare P_idx fixed bin parameter; 388 declare P_link_name char (*) parameter; 389 390 declare log_name char (32); 391 declare last_offset fixed bin (18); 392 declare dname char (168); 393 declare ename char (32); 394 395 /* This procedure copies a syserr log segment into a temp segment, and 396* makes a link to that temp segment in order to use it as input to 397* print_sys_log. First, it determines the log name, acquires the temp 398* segment, and records its pathname. */ 399 400 401 if (P_idx = 1) then 402 log_name = "syserr_log_laurel"; 403 else log_name = "syserr_log_hardy"; 404 405 call ssu_$get_temp_segment (sci_ptr, ("azm-" || log_name), log_seg.copy_ptr (P_idx)); 406 407 call hcs_$fs_get_path_name (log_seg.copy_ptr (P_idx), dname, (0), ename, code); 408 if (code ^= 0) then goto ERROR_RETURN; 409 410 log_seg.pathname (P_idx) = pathname_ (dname, ename); 411 412 /* Next, it finds the segment in the dump address space */ 413 414 call amu_$slt_search_seg_num (hardcore_cur.sltp, hardcore_cur.sltntp, 415 (log_name), log_seg.segno (P_idx), code); 416 if (code ^= 0) then goto ERROR_RETURN; 417 418 /* Now, copy the contents of the header, figure out how much is actually 419* in use, and then copy the whole of the in-use object. */ 420 421 call amu_$do_translation (amu_info_ptr, 422 log_seg.segno (P_idx), log_seg.copy_ptr (P_idx), 423 0, size (log_segment_header), code); 424 if (code ^= 0) then goto ERROR_RETURN; 425 426 log_segment_ptr = log_seg.copy_ptr (P_idx); 427 call log_segment_$last_message_info (log_segment_ptr, (0), last_offset, code); 428 if (code ^= 0) then goto ERROR_RETURN; 429 430 if (last_offset <= size (log_segment_header)) then 431 return; 432 433 call amu_$do_translation (amu_info_ptr, log_seg.segno (P_idx), 434 addrel (log_seg.copy_ptr (P_idx), size (log_segment_header)), 435 size (log_segment_header), 436 (last_offset - size (log_segment_header)), code); 437 if (code ^= 0) then goto ERROR_RETURN; 438 439 log_seg.link_dname (P_idx) = get_pdir_ (); 440 log_seg.link_ename (P_idx) = P_link_name; 441 call hcs_$append_link (log_seg.link_dname (P_idx), 442 log_seg.link_ename (P_idx), log_seg.pathname (P_idx), code); 443 if (code ^= 0) then goto ERROR_RETURN; 444 445 return; 446 end get_log_segment; 447 448 /* */ 449 450 clean_up_print_log_partition: 451 procedure (); 452 453 454 if (log_seg.link_dname (1) ^= "") then 455 call delete_$path (log_seg.link_dname (1), log_seg.link_ename (1), 456 "000010"b, "", (0)); 457 458 if (log_seg.link_dname (2) ^= "") then 459 call delete_$path (log_seg.link_dname (2), log_seg.link_ename (2), 460 "000010"b, "", (0)); 461 462 if (log_seg.copy_ptr (1) ^= null ()) then 463 call ssu_$release_temp_segment (sci_ptr, log_seg.copy_ptr (1)); 464 465 if (log_seg.copy_ptr (2) ^= null ()) then 466 call ssu_$release_temp_segment (sci_ptr, log_seg.copy_ptr (2)); 467 468 return; 469 end clean_up_print_log_partition; 470 471 end print_log_partition; 472 datm: 473 proc (tp) returns (char (24) aligned); 474 dcl tp ptr; /* pointer to time value to convert */ 475 dcl timcv fixed bin (71); 476 dcl timein (2) fixed bin (35) based (tp); 477 dcl timeint (2) fixed bin (35) based (addr (timcv)); 478 dcl timout char (24); 479 timeint = timein; /* Copy time value to assure even boundary */ 480 call date_time_ (timcv, timout); 481 return (timout); 482 end datm; 483 484 display_hw_fault: 485 proc (fault_msgp); 486 487 dcl hr_ptr ptr; 488 dcl fault_msgp ptr; 489 dcl my_mcp ptr; 490 dcl 1 a_arg_bits_def like arg_bits_def; 491 dcl 1 fault_msg aligned, 492 2 mcx like mc aligned; 493 494 dcl 1 fault_msg1 aligned based (fault_msgp), 495 2 mcy like mc aligned, 496 2 hisregs (128) bit (36) aligned; 497 498 499 /* set up to display all MC data */ 500 501 a_arg_bits_def.dump, a_arg_bits_def.mc_stored, a_arg_bits_def.long = "0"b; 502 a_arg_bits_def.all = "1"b; 503 arg_bits_ptr = addr (a_arg_bits_def); 504 mcp = fault_msgp; 505 hr_ptr = addr (fault_msg1.hisregs); 506 507 /* Copy the data over to auto. This is necessary as the PRs in syserr are 508* not on even word boundaries. */ 509 510 mcx = mc; 511 unspec (mcx.prs) = unspec (mc.prs); 512 my_mcp = addr (fault_msg); 513 call azm_display_mc_ (sci_ptr, amu_info_ptr, my_mcp, arg_bits_ptr, code); 514 515 call ioa_ ("^/History Register Data:^/"); 516 call amu_$hranl (hr_ptr, null, "0"b); 517 call ioa_ ("^/"); 518 msgs_printed = msgs_printed + 1; 519 return; 520 end display_hw_fault; 521 522 1 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE amu_info.incl.pl1 */ 1 2 1 3 dcl 1 amu_info aligned based (amu_info_ptr), 1 4 2 version char (8) aligned, /* AMU_INFO_VERSION */ 1 5 2 flags aligned, 1 6 3 early_dump bit(1) unal, 1 7 3 pad bit(35) unal, 1 8 2 type fixed bin unal, /* One of the types below */ 1 9 2 time_created fixed bin (71) aligned, /* time created -- for debugging purposes */ 1 10 2 chain, /* a chain of all the amu_info's which exist */ 1 11 3 prev pointer unaligned, 1 12 3 next pointer unaligned, 1 13 1 14 2 area_ptr pointer, /* pointer to area used for allocating things */ 1 15 1 16 2 translation_table_ptr pointer, /* pointer to address map -- always present */ 1 17 /* SEE: amu_translation.incl.pl1 */ 1 18 2 fdump_info_ptr pointer, 1 19 /* pointer to FDUMP info, present if looking at an FDUMP */ 1 20 /* SEE: amu_fdump_info.incl.pl1 */ 1 21 /* old_uid_table pointer if looking at a SAVED PROC. */ 1 22 /* See: amu_old_uid_table */ 1 23 1 24 1 25 2 hardcore_info_ptr pointer, /* pointer to hardcore information -- always present */ 1 26 /* SEE: amu_hardcore_info.incl.pl1 */ 1 27 2 copy_chain pointer, /* pointer to info about segment copies */ 1 28 /* SEE: amu_copy_info.incl.pl1 */ 1 29 2 process_info_ptr pointer, /* pointer to process info for this translation */ 1 30 /* SEE: amu_process_info.incl.pl1 */ 1 31 2 process_idx fixed bin, /* index of process in translation-specifc process table */ 1 32 1 33 2 proc_idx_hold fixed bin, /* a place to keep the index when a changing to another proc */ 1 34 1 35 2 error_info, /* various info about how amu_error_ is to behave */ 1 36 3 error_flags aligned, 1 37 4 handler_exists bit (1) unaligned, /* set to indicate existence of an amu_error handler */ 1 38 4 in_subsystem bit (1) unaligned, /* This amu_info belongs to an ssu_ maintained subsystem */ 1 39 4 pad bit (34) unaligned, 1 40 3 sci_ptr pointer, /* sci_ptr for subsystem, if in_subsystem = "1"b */ 1 41 2 definitions_info_ptr ptr; 1 42 1 43 dcl amu_area area based (amu_info.area_ptr); 1 44 1 45 dcl amu_info_ptr pointer; 1 46 1 47 dcl (FDUMP_TYPE init (1037), /* the various legitimate types of amu_info's */ 1 48 FDUMP_PROCESS_TYPE init (1038), 1 49 ONLINE_TYPE init (1039), 1 50 ONLINE_PROCESS_TYPE init (1040), 1 51 NETWORK_FDUMP_TYPE init (1041), 1 52 NETWORK_ONLINE_TYPE init (1042), 1 53 SAVED_PROC_TYPE init (1043), 1 54 INDIRECT_TYPE init (1044)) fixed bin internal static options (constant); 1 55 1 56 dcl AMU_INFO_VERSION_1 char (8) internal static options (constant) init ("amu_v1"); 1 57 dcl AMU_INFO_VERSION char (8) internal static options (constant) init ("amu_v1"); 1 58 dcl AMU_INFO_VERSION_2 char (8) internal static options (constant) init ("amu_v2"); 1 59 1 60 dcl PDIR_SUFFIX char(4) init("pdir") int static options(constant); 1 61 1 62 /* END INCLUDE FILE amu_info.incl.pl1 */ 523 524 2 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... syserr_log_dcls.incl.pl1 ... 84-08-17 ... W. Olin Sibert */ 2 2 /* Modified 1984-12-10, BIM: changed to a fast lock, added error count. */ 2 3 2 4 /* The syserr_log_data segment, made reverse-deciduous in >sl1, overlays the 2 5* first page of the LOG partition, and contains control information about 2 6* the other syserr_log segments. */ 2 7 2 8 declare syserr_log_data$ fixed bin external static; 2 9 declare syserr_log_data_ptr pointer; 2 10 2 11 declare 1 syserr_log_data aligned based (syserr_log_data_ptr), 2 12 2 version char (8) unaligned, /* SYSERR_LOG_DATA_V1 */ 2 13 2 old_init_word char (4) unaligned, /* Overlays slog.head.init_word ("INIT") */ 2 14 2 pad003 bit (1) aligned, 2 15 2 16 2 live_log fixed bin, /* Identifier of live log (#1 or #2) */ 2 17 2 pad001 bit (1) aligned, 2 18 2 error_count fixed bin (35), /* errors copying the log */ 2 19 2 swap_time fixed bin (71), /* Time of last log swap; zero if other_log_empty */ 2 20 2 21 2 messages_copied fixed bin (35), /* A meter */ 2 22 2 messages_lost fixed bin (35), /* Messages not copied because logs full */ 2 23 2 24 2 log_start (2) fixed bin, /* Offset of each log segment in the partition */ 2 25 2 log_size (2) fixed bin, /* Number of pages in each log segment */ 2 26 2 27 2 per_bootload, /* Ramaining structure is reinitialized at each boot */ 2 28 3 log_ptr (2) pointer, /* Pointer to the three segments in the partition */ 2 29 2 30 3 log_name (2) char (32) unaligned, /* Current names of log segments (by syserr_seg_manager) */ 2 31 3 log_dir char (168) unaligned, /* Parent directory */ 2 32 2 33 3 lock aligned, 2 34 4 pid bit (36) aligned, /* Standard format wait lock, used when updating log */ 2 35 4 event_id fixed bin (35), 2 36 4 notify_requested 2 37 bit (1) unaligned, 2 38 4 pad bit (35) unaligned, 2 39 3 take_a_fault bit (1) aligned, /* Forces a fault if on, for testing fault recovery */ 2 40 3 test_mode bit (1) aligned, /* Running in outer-ring test mode */ 2 41 2 42 3 copy_disabled bit (1) aligned, /* No more messages being copied into live log */ 2 43 3 drop_severity_5 bit (1) aligned, /* No more severity 5 messages (log is 3/4 full) */ 2 44 3 wakeup_on_printable bit (1) aligned, /* Console recovery: send wakeup for printable message */ 2 45 2 46 3 copy_threshold fixed bin (18), /* How often to copy to outer ring log segments */ 2 47 3 copy_channel fixed bin (71), 2 48 3 copy_process_id bit (36) aligned, 2 49 2 50 2 pad fixed bin (71); /* Anything goes, as long as it's under a page */ 2 51 2 52 declare SYSERR_LOG_DATA_V1 char (8) internal static options (constant) init ("syserr01"); 2 53 2 54 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... syserr_log_dcls.incl.p1l */ 525 526 3 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... log_segment.incl.pl1 ... 84-05-03 ... W. Olin Sibert */ 3 2 3 3 declare log_segment_ptr pointer; 3 4 declare log_segment_max_size fixed bin (18); 3 5 declare LOG_SEGMENT_VERSION_1 char (8) internal static options (constant) init ("SysLog01"); 3 6 3 7 3 8 declare 1 log_segment aligned based (log_segment_ptr), 3 9 2 header aligned like log_segment_header, 3 10 2 data dim (log_segment_max_size refer (log_segment.max_size)) bit (36) aligned; 3 11 3 12 3 13 declare 1 log_segment_header aligned based, 3 14 2 version char (8) unaligned, /* LOG_SEGMENT_VERSION_1 */ 3 15 2 time_created fixed bin (71), /* When the segment header was initialized */ 3 16 2 previous_log_dir char (168) unaligned, /* Directory containing previous log segment */ 3 17 3 18 2 limits, 3 19 3 first_sequence fixed bin (35), /* First and last sequence numbers / time stamps */ 3 20 3 last_sequence fixed bin (35), /* of messages in the log. These may be slightly */ 3 21 3 first_time fixed bin (71), /* incorrect due to lockless updating strategy */ 3 22 3 last_time fixed bin (71), 3 23 3 24 2 alloc_info, /* Complex STACQ hack for allocating and assigning */ 3 25 3 word_1 fixed bin (18), /* sequence numbers locklessly. See log_segment_ */ 3 26 3 word_2 bit (36) aligned, /* for details of strategy */ 3 27 2 max_size fixed bin (18), /* Total words in data area */ 3 28 3 29 2 listeners_registered bit (1) aligned, /* Set if ANY processes were ever registered-- it's only */ 3 30 2 listener_bootload_time fixed bin (71), /* kept here for efficiency. The bootload time is used to */ 3 31 /* detect all the dead listeners after a reboot */ 3 32 2 listener (25), /* Processes waiting for messages in the log */ 3 33 3 process_id bit (36) aligned, 3 34 3 event_channel fixed bin (71) unaligned, /* Saves space-- allows 3-word entries */ 3 35 3 36 2 last_wakeup_time fixed bin (71), /* When last wakeup was sent */ 3 37 2 wakeup_delta fixed bin (71), /* Wakeups sent no more than once per this interval */ 3 38 3 39 2 pad (6) fixed bin (71); /* Pad header to 150 words */ 3 40 3 41 3 42 declare LOG_SEGMENT_NEW_MESSAGE init ("777111555333"b3) bit (36) aligned internal static options (constant); 3 43 declare LOG_SEGMENT_COMPLETE_MESSAGE init ("666000444222"b3) bit (36) aligned internal static options (constant); 3 44 3 45 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... log_segment.incl.pl1 */ 527 528 4 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... log_message.incl.pl1 ... 84-04-25 ... W. Olin Sibert */ 4 2 4 3 declare 1 log_message_header aligned based, /* Items marked "(SET)" are set by $create_message */ 4 4 2 sentinel bit (36) aligned, /* Proper value declared in log_segment.incl.pl1 */ 4 5 2 sequence fixed bin (35), /* Sequence number for this message (SET) */ 4 6 2 severity fixed bin (8) unaligned, /* Severity of message */ 4 7 2 data_class_lth fixed bin (9) unaligned unsigned, /* Length of data class-- 0 to 16 (SET) */ 4 8 2 time fixed bin (53) unaligned, /* Time message originated */ 4 9 2 text_lth fixed bin (17) unaligned, /* Length of message text. Must be nonzero (SET) */ 4 10 2 data_lth fixed bin (17) unaligned, /* Length of binary data. May be zero (SET) */ 4 11 2 process_id bit (36) aligned; /* Process id of process writing message */ 4 12 4 13 declare 1 log_message aligned based (log_message_ptr), 4 14 2 header aligned like log_message_header, 4 15 2 text char (log_message_text_lth refer (log_message.text_lth)) unaligned, 4 16 2 data_class char (log_message_data_class_lth refer (log_message.data_class_lth)) unaligned, 4 17 2 data dim (log_message_data_lth refer (log_message.data_lth)) bit (36) aligned; 4 18 4 19 declare log_message_ptr pointer; 4 20 declare log_message_text_lth fixed bin; 4 21 declare log_message_data_class_lth fixed bin; 4 22 declare log_message_data_lth fixed bin; 4 23 4 24 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... log_message.incl.pl1 */ 529 530 5 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE syserr_data.incl.pl1 */ 5 2 5 3 /* Created by Bill Silver on 01/03/73. */ 5 4 /* Modified September 1975 by Larry Johnson to add binary data */ 5 5 /* Modified March 1976 by Steve Webber for use with cds */ 5 6 /* Modified 1985-01-21 by EJ Sharpe: added wmess.process_id */ 5 7 /* Modified 1985-02-18 by Keith Loepere to break out headers. */ 5 8 5 9 /* This include file defines the syserr and log areas found in syserr_data.cds 5 10* There is one lock that coordinates the use of all the data found in 5 11* syserr_data.cds. NOTE, if this include file changes, syserr_data.cds 5 12* may also have to be changed. */ 5 13 5 14 dcl syserr_data$syserr_area char (1) aligned external, 5 15 syserr_data$wired_log_area char (1) aligned external; 5 16 5 17 dcl sd_ptr ptr, /* Pointer to beginning of syserr_area. */ 5 18 wlog_ptr ptr, /* Pointer to beginning of wired_log_area. */ 5 19 wmess_ptr ptr; /* Pointer to a message entry in the wired log. */ 5 20 5 21 dcl 1 sd based (sd_ptr) aligned, /* Overlay of syserr_data$syserr_area. */ 5 22 2 lock bit (36), /* Locks all the data in syserr_data. */ 5 23 2 log_flag bit (1) unal, /* ON => logging mechanism enabled. */ 5 24 2 char_type_flag bit (1) unal, /* ON => ASCII, OFF => BCD. */ 5 25 2 ocdcm_init_flag bit (1) unal, /* ON => ocdcm_ has been initialized. */ 5 26 2 pad bit (33) unal, 5 27 2 prev_text_written char (80); /* Text of last message written */ 5 28 5 29 dcl 1 wlog based (wlog_ptr) aligned, /* Overlay of syserr_data$wired_log_area. */ 5 30 2 head like wlog_header, /* Wired log header. */ 5 31 2 buffer (wlog.head.bsize) bit (36); /* Wired log buffer. */ 5 32 5 33 dcl 1 wlog_header based aligned, /* WIRED LOG HEADER */ 5 34 2 bsize fixed bin, /* Size of the wired log buffer in words. 5 35* Defined in syserr_data.cds. */ 5 36 2 count fixed bin, /* Num of message entries in wired log. */ 5 37 2 slog_ptr ptr, /* Pointer to the paged log segment: syserr_log. */ 5 38 2 seq_num fixed bin (35), /* Sequence number of last message logged. */ 5 39 2 next bit (18) unal, /* Offset relative to base syserr_data */ 5 40 /* Where next entry will go in wired log. */ 5 41 2 pad bit (18) unal; 5 42 5 43 5 44 /* This is an overlay of a message entry that goes into the wired log. Each message 5 45* entry corresponds to one syserr message. */ 5 46 5 47 dcl 1 wmess based (wmess_ptr) aligned, 5 48 2 header aligned like wmess_header, 5 49 2 text char (0 refer (wmess.text_len)), /* Text of expanded message - kept in ASCII. */ 5 50 2 data (0 refer (wmess.data_size)) bit (36); /* Binary data area */ 5 51 5 52 dcl 1 wmess_header based aligned, 5 53 2 seq_num fixed bin (35), /* Sequence number of this message. */ 5 54 2 time fixed bin (71) unal, /* Time message logged at */ 5 55 2 code fixed bin (11) unal, /* Syserr code associated with this message. */ 5 56 2 text_len fixed bin (11) unal, /* Length of message text in ASCII characters. */ 5 57 2 data_size fixed bin (11) unal, /* Size of binary data */ 5 58 2 data_code fixed bin (11) unal, /* Data code */ 5 59 2 pad bit (24) unal, 5 60 2 process_id bit (36); /* ID of process which wrote message */ 5 61 5 62 /* END INCLUDE FILE syserr_data.incl.pl1 */ 531 532 6 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE .. syserr_binary_def.incl.pl1 */ 6 2 6 3 /* This include file has an ALM version, keep 'em in sync. */ 6 4 6 5 /* format: off */ 6 6 6 7 /* Modified January 1984 by Paul Farley to add an array of entry values 6 8* to be examined by display_cpu_error. */ 6 9 /* Modified October 1984 by EJ Sharpe to include SB_audit_message */ 6 10 /* Modified January 1985 by EJ Sharpe for SB_char_data_classes */ 6 11 /* Modified 1985-01-25, BIM: added ring alarm audit support. */ 6 12 /* Modified 1985-02-20, EJ Sharpe: added SB_ibm3270_mde, syserr_binary_(seg vol)damage_class, 6 13* also changed some codes to "SB_unused_NN" - see line comments */ 6 14 6 15 /* In the future, these will be the only constants needed in this include 6 16*file. They are the binary data class strings for messages in the new format 6 17*syserr logs. The names are all of the form SB_ZZZZZZZ_data_class where 6 18*ZZZZZZZ is the value of the data class string. Message expanders are named 6 19*expand_ZZZZZZZ_msg_ and are referenced by the log perusal tools. */ 6 20 6 21 dcl ( /* include file name */ 6 22 SB_io_status_data_class init ("io_status"), /* io_syserr_msg */ 6 23 SB_hwfault_data_class init ("hwfault"), /* syserr_fault_msg */ 6 24 SB_mos_data_class init ("mos"), /* scr */ 6 25 SB_segdamage_data_class init ("segdamage"), /* segdamage_msg */ 6 26 SB_voldamage_data_class init ("voldamage"), /* segdamage_msg (first two words) */ 6 27 SB_mdc_del_uidpath_data_class init ("mdc_del_uidpath"), /* none - 16 word UID path */ 6 28 SB_mmdam_data_class init ("mmdam"), /* syserr_mmdam_msg */ 6 29 SB_mpc_poll_data_class init ("mpc_poll"), /* poll_mpc_data */ 6 30 SB_fnp_poll_data_class init ("fnp_poll"), /* poll_fnp_data */ 6 31 SB_config_deck_data_class init ("config_deck"), /* config_deck */ 6 32 SB_vtoce_data_class init ("vtoce"), /* vtoce */ 6 33 SB_access_audit_data_class init ("access_audit"), /* access_audit_bin_header */ 6 34 SB_ibm3270_mde_data_class init ("ibm3270_mde") /* ibm3270_mpx_data */ 6 35 ) static internal char (16) varying options (constant); 6 36 6 37 6 38 /************************ 6 39*Once the syserr$binary is replaced with something that takes real data classes 6 40*and all system modules and tools are upgraded to use the new interface, the 6 41*rest of this include file may be discarded. 6 42*************************/ 6 43 6 44 /* The limit of 36 is arbitrary- there is no reason that it can not be 6 45* extended at any time. */ 6 46 6 47 dcl ( 6 48 SB_disk_err init (1), SBL_disk_err init (5), 6 49 SB_hw_fault init (2), SBL_hw_fault init (176), 6 50 SB_io_err init (3), SBL_io_err init (5), 6 51 SB_unused_4 init (4), SBL_unused_4 init (1), /* was "mos_poll" (mos poll time) */ 6 52 SB_mos_err init (5), SBL_mos_err init (2), /* mos memory error data */ 6 53 SB_unused_6 init (6), SBL_unused_6 init (1), /* was "bulk_status" (bulk dcb status) */ 6 54 SB_unused_7 init (7), SBL_unused_7 init (1), /* was "bulk_csb" (bulk csb status) */ 6 55 SB_unused_8 init (8), SBL_unused_8 init (3), /* was "free_st_1" */ 6 56 SB_unused_9 init (9), SBL_unused_9 init (2), /* was "free_st_2" */ 6 57 SB_unused_10 init (10), SBL_unused_10 init (21), /* was "unpr_add" */ 6 58 SB_zerpag init (11), SBL_zerpag init (20), 6 59 SB_unused_12 init (12), SBL_unused_12 init (20), /* was "unpr_add" */ 6 60 SB_vtoc_salv_dam init (13), SBL_vtoc_salv_dam init (20), 6 61 SB_unused_14 init (14), SBL_unused_14 init (20), /* was "page_rw_err" */ 6 62 SB_unused_15 init (15), SBL_unused_15 init (3), /* was "ruad" */ 6 63 SB_random_segdamage init (16), SBL_random_segdamage init (20), 6 64 SB_read_nc init (17), SBL_read_nc init (2), 6 65 SB_unused_18 init (18), SBL_unused_18 init (2), /* was "vtoc_err" */ 6 66 SB_mdc_del_uidpath init (19), SBL_mdc_del_uidpath init (16), 6 67 SB_ocdcm_err init (20), SBL_ocdcm_err init (5), 6 68 SB_mmdam init (21), SBL_mmdam init (2), 6 69 SB_verify_lock init (22), SBL_verify_lock init (176), 6 70 SB_io_err_detail init (23), SBL_io_err_detail init (11), 6 71 SB_mpc_poll init (24), SBL_mpc_poll init (256) /* max */, 6 72 SB_fnp_poll init (25), SBL_fnp_poll init (256) /* max */, 6 73 SB_config_deck init (26), SBL_config_deck init (256) /* 16 cards at 16 words */, 6 74 SB_vtoce init (27), SBL_vtoce init (192), /* 1 VTOCE */ 6 75 SB_access_audit init (28), SBL_access_audit init (256), /* max */ 6 76 SB_ibm3270_mde init (35), SBL_ibm3270_mde init (256), /* max */ 6 77 SB_end_of_table init (36), SBL_end_of_table init (1) 6 78 ) internal static options (constant) fixed bin; 6 79 6 80 6 81 /* The following array is a mapping of the old syserr$binary codes into the 6 82*new data classes for MR11. It is primarily used by syserr_copy to translate 6 83*the binary data codes stored in the wired syserr log (see above) into the data 6 84*classes needed by the ring-0 paged syserr log which is a new format log. It 6 85*is also used by syserr_log_util_ to translate the data classes back into the 6 86*corresponding binary code (for tools not yet upgraded to deal with the new 6 87*format log messages). */ 6 88 6 89 dcl SB_char_data_classes (36) char (16) varying internal static options (constant) 6 90 init ( "io_status", /* 1 */ 6 91 "hwfault", /* 2 */ 6 92 "io_status", /* 3 */ 6 93 "unused_4", /* 4 */ 6 94 "mos", /* 5 */ 6 95 6 96 "unused_6", /* 6 */ 6 97 "unused_7", /* 7 */ 6 98 "unused_8", /* 8 */ 6 99 "unused_9", /* 9 */ 6 100 "unused_10", /* 10 */ 6 101 6 102 "segdamage", /* 11 */ 6 103 "unused_12", /* 12 */ 6 104 "segdamage", /* 13 */ 6 105 "unused_14", /* 14 */ 6 106 "unused_15", /* 15 */ 6 107 6 108 "segdamage", /* 16 */ 6 109 "voldamage", /* 17 */ 6 110 "unused_18", /* 18 */ 6 111 "mdc_del_uidpath", /* 19 */ 6 112 "io_status", /* 20 */ 6 113 6 114 "mmdam", /* 21 */ 6 115 "hwfault", /* 22 */ 6 116 "io_status", /* 23 */ 6 117 "mpc_poll", /* 24 */ 6 118 "fnp_poll", /* 25 */ 6 119 6 120 "config_deck", /* 26 */ 6 121 "vtoce", /* 27 */ 6 122 "access_audit", /* 28 */ 6 123 "unused_29", /* 29 */ 6 124 "unused_30", /* 30 */ 6 125 "unused_31", /* 31 */ 6 126 "unused_32", /* 32 */ 6 127 "unused_33", /* 33 */ 6 128 "unused_34", /* 34 */ 6 129 "ibm3270_mde", /* 35 */ 6 130 "unused_36" /* 36 */ 6 131 ); 6 132 6 133 6 134 /* format: on */ 6 135 6 136 /* These constants are used by various tools which analyze syserr messages and 6 137*still call the old interface "syserr_log_util_". */ 6 138 6 139 dcl syserr_binary_mos_mask init ("060000000000"b3) bit (36) static options (constant); 6 140 dcl syserr_binary_seg_damage_mask init ("000374000000"b3) bit (36) static options (constant); 6 141 dcl syserr_binary_vol_damage_mask init ("003413000000"b3) bit (36) static options (constant); 6 142 dcl syserr_binary_address_damage_mask init ("002010000000"b3) bit (36) static options (constant); 6 143 6 144 dcl display_cpu_error_binary_defs (2) init ( 6 145 2, /** SB_hw_fault */ 6 146 22 /** SB_verify_lock */ 6 147 ) internal static options (constant) fixed bin; 6 148 6 149 /* END INCLUDE FILE syserr_binary_def.incl.pl1 */ 533 534 7 1 /* Begin include file ..... print_syserr_msg_args.incl.pl1 */ 7 2 7 3 /* This include file defines a structure which is used as a parameter to call the 7 4* subroutine print_syserr_msg_ */ 7 5 7 6 /* Written January 1976 by Larry Johnson */ 7 7 7 8 dcl argp ptr; /* Pointer to structure */ 7 9 7 10 dcl 1 parg aligned based (argp), 7 11 2 msgp ptr, /* Pointer to syserr message */ 7 12 2 iocbp ptr, /* Pointer to iocb to which data is written */ 7 13 2 textp ptr, /* Pointer to real text of message */ 7 14 2 printp ptr, /* Pointer to message to print */ 7 15 2 textl fixed bin, /* Length of real text of message */ 7 16 2 printl fixed bin, /* Length of message to print */ 7 17 2 linelen fixed bin, /* Length to terminal line */ 7 18 2 prev_time char (24), /* Time of last message */ 7 19 2 bin_sw bit (1) unal, /* Set if binary data should be printed */ 7 20 2 octal_sw bit (1) unal, /* Set if binary data should be printed in octal */ 7 21 2 pad bit (34) unal; 7 22 7 23 7 24 /* Notes: 7 25* 7 26* This include file defines 3 different character string messages. The first is contained 7 27* in the syserr message pointed to by "msgp". The second is defined by "textp" and "textl". 7 28* The third is defined by "printp" and "printl". The print_syserr_msg_ subroutine never looks at 7 29* the text in the syserr message pointer to by "msgp". It always prints the message 7 30* defined by "printp" and "printl". This may be an "=". If bin_sw is "1"b and octal_sw is "0"b, 7 31* the subroutine requires the real text of the message which is defined by "textp" and 7 32* "textl" to determine how to interpret the binary data. These paramaters should 7 33* be set to the last non "=" message from the log. */ 7 34 7 35 /* End include file ..... print_syserr_msg_args.incl.pl1 */ 535 536 8 1 /* Begin include file ..... syserr_message.incl.pl1 */ 8 2 8 3 /* Format of a syserr message */ 8 4 8 5 /* Created October 1975 by Larry Johnson */ 8 6 8 7 dcl syserr_msgp ptr; /* Base for include file */ 8 8 8 9 dcl 1 syserr_msg based (syserr_msgp) aligned, 8 10 2 seq_num fixed bin (35), /* Sequence number of this message. */ 8 11 2 time fixed bin (71) unal, /* Time message logged at */ 8 12 2 code fixed bin (11) unal, /* Syserr code associated with this message. */ 8 13 2 text_len fixed bin (11) unal, /* Length of message text in ASCII characters. */ 8 14 2 data_size fixed bin (11) unal, /* Size of binary data */ 8 15 2 data_code fixed bin (11) unal, /* Code identifying message type. */ 8 16 2 pad bit (60) unal, /* RESERVED! */ 8 17 2 text char (0 refer (syserr_msg.text_len)), /* Text of expanded message - kept in ASCII. */ 8 18 2 data (0 refer (syserr_msg.data_size)) bit (36); /* Binary data area */ 8 19 8 20 8 21 /* End include file ..... syserr_message.incl.pl1 */ 537 538 9 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE amu_hardcore_info.incl.pl1 */ 9 2 9 3 /* This structure contains information about the hardcore supervisor address 9 4* space for an address translation. */ 9 5 9 6 dcl 1 hardcore_info aligned based (amu_info.hardcore_info_ptr), 9 7 9 8 2 pointers, /* assorted pointers to various useful items */ 9 9 3 slt aligned, /* SLT */ 9 10 4 fptr pointer unaligned, /* address in foreign address space */ 9 11 4 lptr pointer unaligned, /* location in local address space */ 9 12 3 sltnt aligned like hardcore_info.slt, /* SLT names segment */ 9 13 3 definitions aligned like hardcore_info.slt, /* hardcore definitions_ segment */ 9 14 9 15 3 sst aligned like hardcore_info.slt, /* SST */ 9 16 3 tc_data aligned like hardcore_info.slt, /* TC_DATA */ 9 17 3 sstnt aligned like hardcore_info.slt, /* SSTNT (if any -- foreign_ptr = null if not) */ 9 18 3 upt aligned like hardcore_info.slt, /* unpaged_page_tables (if any -- foreign_ptr = null if not) */ 9 19 9 20 2 segno, /* segment numbers of various per-process/per-processor segs */ 9 21 3 prds fixed bin (15), /* segno of PRDS */ 9 22 3 dseg fixed bin (15), /* DSEG */ 9 23 3 pds fixed bin (15), /* PDS */ 9 24 3 kst fixed bin (15), /* KST */ 9 25 3 stack_0 fixed bin (15), /* segno of stack_0 -- first one in stack group */ 9 26 3 unpaged_page_tables fixed bin(15), /* segno of unpaged_page_tables if it exists */ 9 27 9 28 2 apt, /* information about the APT */ 9 29 3 foreign_ptr pointer unaligned, /* foreign and local pointers to tcm.apt */ 9 30 3 local_ptr pointer unaligned, 9 31 3 count fixed bin, /* number of APTEs */ 9 32 3 size fixed bin, /* size of a single APTE */ 9 33 9 34 2 hcs_count fixed bin, /* highest hardcore segno */ 9 35 9 36 2 pad1 fixed bin; 9 37 9 38 dcl hardcore_cur_ptr ptr; 9 39 9 40 dcl 1 hardcore_cur based (hardcore_cur_ptr), 9 41 2 sltp ptr, 9 42 2 sltntp ptr, 9 43 2 defp ptr, 9 44 2 sstp ptr, 9 45 2 tc_datap ptr, 9 46 2 sstntp ptr, 9 47 2 uptp ptr; 9 48 9 49 9 50 9 51 9 52 /* END INCLUDE FILE amu_hardcore_info.incl.pl1 */ 539 540 10 1 /* */ 10 2 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE mc.incl.pl1 Created Dec 72 for 6180 - WSS. */ 10 3 /* Modified 06/07/76 by Greenberg for mc.resignal */ 10 4 /* Modified 07/07/76 by Morris for fault register data */ 10 5 /* Modified 08/28/80 by J. A. Bush for the DPS8/70M CVPU */ 10 6 /* Modified '82 to make values constant */ 10 7 10 8 /* words 0-15 pointer registers */ 10 9 10 10 dcl mcp ptr; 10 11 10 12 dcl 1 mc based (mcp) aligned, 10 13 2 prs (0:7) ptr, /* POINTER REGISTERS */ 10 14 (2 regs, /* registers */ 10 15 3 x (0:7) bit (18), /* index registers */ 10 16 3 a bit (36), /* accumulator */ 10 17 3 q bit (36), /* q-register */ 10 18 3 e bit (8), /* exponent */ 10 19 3 pad1 bit (28), 10 20 3 t bit (27), /* timer register */ 10 21 3 pad2 bit (6), 10 22 3 ralr bit (3), /* ring alarm register */ 10 23 10 24 2 scu (0:7) bit (36), 10 25 10 26 2 mask bit (72), /* mem controller mask at time of fault */ 10 27 2 ips_temp bit (36), /* Temporary storage for IPS info */ 10 28 2 errcode fixed bin (35), /* fault handler's error code */ 10 29 2 fim_temp, 10 30 3 unique_index bit (18) unal, /* unique index for restarting faults */ 10 31 3 resignal bit (1) unal, /* recompute signal name with fcode below */ 10 32 3 fcode bit (17) unal, /* fault code used as index to FIM table and SCT */ 10 33 2 fault_reg bit (36), /* fault register */ 10 34 2 pad2 bit (1), 10 35 2 cpu_type fixed bin (2) unsigned, /* L68 = 0, DPS8/70M = 1 */ 10 36 2 ext_fault_reg bit (15), /* extended fault reg for DPS8/70M CPU */ 10 37 2 fault_time bit (54), /* time of fault */ 10 38 10 39 2 eis_info (0:7) bit (36)) unaligned; 10 40 10 41 10 42 dcl (apx fixed bin init (0), 10 43 abx fixed bin init (1), 10 44 bpx fixed bin init (2), 10 45 bbx fixed bin init (3), 10 46 lpx fixed bin init (4), 10 47 lbx fixed bin init (5), 10 48 spx fixed bin init (6), 10 49 sbx fixed bin init (7)) internal static options (constant); 10 50 10 51 10 52 10 53 10 54 dcl scup ptr; 10 55 10 56 dcl 1 scu based (scup) aligned, /* SCU DATA */ 10 57 10 58 10 59 /* WORD (0) */ 10 60 10 61 (2 ppr, /* PROCEDURE POINTER REGISTER */ 10 62 3 prr bit (3), /* procedure ring register */ 10 63 3 psr bit (15), /* procedure segment register */ 10 64 3 p bit (1), /* procedure privileged bit */ 10 65 10 66 2 apu, /* APPENDING UNIT STATUS */ 10 67 3 xsf bit (1), /* ext seg flag - IT modification */ 10 68 3 sdwm bit (1), /* match in SDW Ass. Mem. */ 10 69 3 sd_on bit (1), /* SDW Ass. Mem. ON */ 10 70 3 ptwm bit (1), /* match in PTW Ass. Mem. */ 10 71 3 pt_on bit (1), /* PTW Ass. Mem. ON */ 10 72 3 pi_ap bit (1), /* Instr Fetch or Append cycle */ 10 73 3 dsptw bit (1), /* Fetch of DSPTW */ 10 74 3 sdwnp bit (1), /* Fetch of SDW non paged */ 10 75 3 sdwp bit (1), /* Fetch of SDW paged */ 10 76 3 ptw bit (1), /* Fetch of PTW */ 10 77 3 ptw2 bit (1), /* Fetch of pre-paged PTW */ 10 78 3 fap bit (1), /* Fetch of final address paged */ 10 79 3 fanp bit (1), /* Fetch of final address non-paged */ 10 80 3 fabs bit (1), /* Fetch of final address absolute */ 10 81 10 82 2 fault_cntr bit (3), /* number of retrys of EIS instructions */ 10 83 10 84 10 85 /* WORD (1) */ 10 86 10 87 2 fd, /* FAULT DATA */ 10 88 3 iro bit (1), /* illegal ring order */ 10 89 3 oeb bit (1), /* out of execute bracket */ 10 90 3 e_off bit (1), /* no execute */ 10 91 3 orb bit (1), /* out of read bracket */ 10 92 3 r_off bit (1), /* no read */ 10 93 3 owb bit (1), /* out of write bracket */ 10 94 3 w_off bit (1), /* no write */ 10 95 3 no_ga bit (1), /* not a gate */ 10 96 3 ocb bit (1), /* out of call bracket */ 10 97 3 ocall bit (1), /* outward call */ 10 98 3 boc bit (1), /* bad outward call */ 10 99 3 inret bit (1), /* inward return */ 10 100 3 crt bit (1), /* cross ring transfer */ 10 101 3 ralr bit (1), /* ring alarm register */ 10 102 3 am_er bit (1), /* associative memory fault */ 10 103 3 oosb bit (1), /* out of segment bounds */ 10 104 3 paru bit (1), /* processor parity upper */ 10 105 3 parl bit (1), /* processor parity lower */ 10 106 3 onc_1 bit (1), /* op not complete type 1 */ 10 107 3 onc_2 bit (1), /* op not complete type 2 */ 10 108 10 109 2 port_stat, /* PORT STATUS */ 10 110 3 ial bit (4), /* illegal action lines */ 10 111 3 iac bit (3), /* illegal action channel */ 10 112 3 con_chan bit (3), /* connect channel */ 10 113 10 114 2 fi_num bit (5), /* (fault/interrupt) number */ 10 115 2 fi_flag bit (1), /* 1 => fault, 0 => interrupt */ 10 116 10 117 10 118 /* WORD (2) */ 10 119 10 120 2 tpr, /* TEMPORARY POINTER REGISTER */ 10 121 3 trr bit (3), /* temporary ring register */ 10 122 3 tsr bit (15), /* temporary segment register */ 10 123 10 124 2 pad2 bit (9), 10 125 10 126 2 cpu_no bit (3), /* CPU number */ 10 127 10 128 2 delta bit (6), /* tally modification DELTA */ 10 129 10 130 10 131 /* WORD (3) */ 10 132 10 133 2 word3 bit (18), 10 134 10 135 2 tsr_stat, /* TSR STATUS for 1,2,&3 word instructions */ 10 136 3 tsna, /* Word 1 status */ 10 137 4 prn bit (3), /* Word 1 PR number */ 10 138 4 prv bit (1), /* Word 1 PR valid bit */ 10 139 3 tsnb, /* Word 2 status */ 10 140 4 prn bit (3), /* Word 2 PR number */ 10 141 4 prv bit (1), /* Word 2 PR valid bit */ 10 142 3 tsnc, /* Word 3 status */ 10 143 4 prn bit (3), /* Word 3 PR number */ 10 144 4 prv bit (1), /* Word 3 PR valid bit */ 10 145 10 146 2 tpr_tbr bit (6), /* TPR.TBR field */ 10 147 10 148 10 149 /* WORD (4) */ 10 150 10 151 2 ilc bit (18), /* INSTRUCTION COUNTER */ 10 152 10 153 2 ir, /* INDICATOR REGISTERS */ 10 154 3 zero bit (1), /* zero indicator */ 10 155 3 neg bit (1), /* negative indicator */ 10 156 3 carry bit (1), /* carryry indicator */ 10 157 3 ovfl bit (1), /* overflow indicator */ 10 158 3 eovf bit (1), /* eponent overflow */ 10 159 3 eufl bit (1), /* exponent underflow */ 10 160 3 oflm bit (1), /* overflow mask */ 10 161 3 tro bit (1), /* tally runout */ 10 162 3 par bit (1), /* parity error */ 10 163 3 parm bit (1), /* parity mask */ 10 164 3 bm bit (1), /* ^bar mode */ 10 165 3 tru bit (1), /* truncation mode */ 10 166 3 mif bit (1), /* multi-word instruction mode */ 10 167 3 abs bit (1), /* absolute mode */ 10 168 3 hex bit (1), /* hexadecimal exponent mode */ 10 169 3 pad bit (3), 10 170 10 171 10 172 /* WORD (5) */ 10 173 10 174 2 ca bit (18), /* COMPUTED ADDRESS */ 10 175 10 176 2 cu, /* CONTROL UNIT STATUS */ 10 177 3 rf bit (1), /* on first cycle of repeat instr */ 10 178 3 rpt bit (1), /* repeat instruction */ 10 179 3 rd bit (1), /* repeat double instruction */ 10 180 3 rl bit (1), /* repeat link instruciton */ 10 181 3 pot bit (1), /* IT modification */ 10 182 3 pon bit (1), /* return type instruction */ 10 183 3 xde bit (1), /* XDE from Even location */ 10 184 3 xdo bit (1), /* XDE from Odd location */ 10 185 3 poa bit (1), /* operation preparation */ 10 186 3 rfi bit (1), /* tells CPU to refetch instruction */ 10 187 3 its bit (1), /* ITS modification */ 10 188 3 if bit (1), /* fault occured during instruction fetch */ 10 189 10 190 2 cpu_tag bit (6)) unaligned, /* computed tag field */ 10 191 10 192 10 193 /* WORDS (6,7) */ 10 194 10 195 2 even_inst bit (36), /* even instruction of faulting pair */ 10 196 10 197 2 odd_inst bit (36); /* odd instruction of faulting pair */ 10 198 10 199 10 200 10 201 10 202 10 203 10 204 /* ALTERNATE SCU DECLARATION */ 10 205 10 206 10 207 dcl 1 scux based (scup) aligned, 10 208 10 209 (2 pad0 bit (36), 10 210 10 211 2 fd, /* GROUP II FAULT DATA */ 10 212 3 isn bit (1), /* illegal segment number */ 10 213 3 ioc bit (1), /* illegal op code */ 10 214 3 ia_am bit (1), /* illegal address - modifier */ 10 215 3 isp bit (1), /* illegal slave procedure */ 10 216 3 ipr bit (1), /* illegal procedure */ 10 217 3 nea bit (1), /* non existent address */ 10 218 3 oobb bit (1), /* out of bounds */ 10 219 3 pad bit (29), 10 220 10 221 2 pad2 bit (36), 10 222 10 223 2 pad3a bit (18), 10 224 10 225 2 tsr_stat (0:2), /* TSR STATUS as an ARRAY */ 10 226 3 prn bit (3), /* PR number */ 10 227 3 prv bit (1), /* PR valid bit */ 10 228 10 229 2 pad3b bit (6)) unaligned, 10 230 10 231 2 pad45 (0:1) bit (36), 10 232 10 233 2 instr (0:1) bit (36); /* Instruction ARRAY */ 10 234 10 235 10 236 10 237 /* END INCLUDE FILE mc.incl.pl1 */ 541 542 11 1 /* Begin amu_mc.incl.pl1 */ 11 2 11 3 dcl number_val_args fixed bin (17) init (23) static options (constant); 11 4 11 5 dcl valid_mc_arg (24) char (8) init 11 6 ("-dump", /* mc from bos dump */ 11 7 "-lg", /* all of the info stored at the given pointer */ 11 8 "-scu","-ppr","-tpr","-inst", /* scu data or trs or psr (if scu then not psr nor tsr) */ 11 9 "-reg", /* basic ou regs */ 11 10 "-misc","-code","-flt","-tm", /* misc line of mc data if misc then not others */ 11 11 "-eis", /* eis info if MIF flag in scu_data */ 11 12 "-prs","-pr0","-pr1","-pr2","-pr3","-pr4","-pr5","-pr6","-pr7", /* pointer regs if prs then not the others */ 11 13 "-vbf","-oct","-set") /* control args */ 11 14 static options (constant); 11 15 11 16 /* the next structuers all all the same real data word and a dcl'ed in 11 17* many ways to make the code easer to write and undersand, only time 11 18* will tell if this is the correct end result. If any are changed they 11 19* all must by changed, The bit order must corespond to valid_mc_arg */ 11 20 11 21 11 22 11 23 dcl 1 arg_bits based (arg_bits_ptr) aligned, 11 24 2 request_arg(number_val_args) bit (1) unal; 11 25 11 26 dcl 1 what_prs based (arg_bits_ptr) aligned, 11 27 2 pad bit (13) unal, 11 28 2 pregs (0:7) bit (1) unal, 11 29 2 padr bit (16); 11 30 11 31 11 32 dcl 1 arg_bits_def based (arg_bits_ptr), 11 33 2 dump bit (1) unal, 11 34 2 all bit (1) unal, 11 35 2 scu bit (1) unal, 11 36 2 ppr bit (1) unal, 11 37 2 tpr bit (1) unal, 11 38 2 inst bit (1) unal, 11 39 2 regs bit (1) unal, 11 40 2 xreg (0:7) bit (1) unal, 11 41 2 areg bit (1) unal, 11 42 2 qreg bit (1) unal, 11 43 2 mis bit (1) unal, 11 44 2 mc_err bit (1) unal, 11 45 2 flt bit (1) unal, 11 46 2 tm bit (1) unal, 11 47 2 eis bit (1) unal, 11 48 2 prs bit (1) unal, 11 49 2 pr (0:7) bit (1) unal, 11 50 2 long bit (1) unal, 11 51 2 set_ptr bit (1) unal, 11 52 2 mc_stored bit (1) unal, 11 53 2 rest_bits bit (1) unal; /* bits to fill out the word **/ 11 54 11 55 11 56 11 57 dcl arg_bits_ptr ptr; 11 58 11 59 /* End amu_mc.incl.pl1 */ 543 544 545 546 547 end azm_syserr_; SOURCE FILES USED IN THIS COMPILATION. LINE NUMBER DATE MODIFIED NAME PATHNAME 0 07/28/87 0930.0 azm_syserr_.pl1 >spec>install>MR12.1-1049>azm_syserr_.pl1 523 1 11/20/84 0856.1 amu_info.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>amu_info.incl.pl1 525 2 01/06/85 1422.2 syserr_log_dcls.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>syserr_log_dcls.incl.pl1 527 3 12/04/84 2124.9 log_segment.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>log_segment.incl.pl1 529 4 01/21/85 0912.2 log_message.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>log_message.incl.pl1 531 5 03/08/85 0852.7 syserr_data.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>syserr_data.incl.pl1 533 6 03/15/85 0953.1 syserr_binary_def.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>syserr_binary_def.incl.pl1 535 7 06/22/76 1355.6 print_syserr_msg_args.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>print_syserr_msg_args.incl.pl1 537 8 08/18/77 1118.1 syserr_message.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>syserr_message.incl.pl1 539 9 11/20/84 0854.8 amu_hardcore_info.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>amu_hardcore_info.incl.pl1 541 10 12/15/83 1100.4 mc.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>mc.incl.pl1 543 11 09/22/83 1102.5 amu_mc.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>amu_mc.incl.pl1 NAMES DECLARED IN THIS COMPILATION. IDENTIFIER OFFSET LOC STORAGE CLASS DATA TYPE ATTRIBUTES AND REFERENCES (* indicates a set context) NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT. P_amu_info_ptr parameter pointer dcl 36 ref 102 107 121 123 249 252 P_code parameter fixed bin(35,0) dcl 38 set ref 102 118* 121 145* 160* 232* 242* 249 268* P_count parameter fixed bin(35,0) dcl 39 ref 102 112 121 127 249 257 P_expand_sw parameter bit(1) unaligned dcl 42 ref 121 173 174 216 249 358 P_idx parameter fixed bin(17,0) dcl 387 ref 384 401 405 407 410 414 421 421 426 433 433 433 439 440 441 441 441 P_link_name parameter char unaligned dcl 388 ref 384 440 P_match_str parameter varying char dcl 40 ref 121 204 205 249 362 362 362 368 368 368 P_match_sw parameter bit(1) unaligned dcl 41 ref 121 207 209 249 354 P_sci_ptr parameter pointer dcl 37 ref 102 108 121 124 249 253 P_severity parameter varying char dcl 44 ref 121 125 249 254 P_string_len parameter fixed bin(21,0) dcl 45 set ref 102 116* 144* 159* 231* 241* 267* P_string_ptr parameter pointer dcl 46 ref 102 104 P_syserr_code parameter fixed bin(17,0) dcl 43 ref 102 109 SB_hw_fault constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 ref 216 a_arg_bits_def 000506 automatic structure level 1 packed unaligned dcl 490 set ref 503 a_syserr_code 000106 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 75 set ref 109* 110 190 212 addr builtin function dcl 66 ref 138 165 188 188 191 214 218 218 221 223 225 237 260 326 479 503 505 512 addrel builtin function dcl 66 ref 433 433 all 0(01) 000506 automatic bit(1) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 490 set ref 502* amu_$definition_ptr 000014 constant entry external dcl 51 ref 136 amu_$do_translation 000016 constant entry external dcl 52 ref 142 157 332 421 433 amu_$hardcore_info_set_cur_ptrs 000010 constant entry external dcl 49 ref 261 amu_$hranl 000042 constant entry external dcl 62 ref 516 amu_$slt_search_seg_num 000012 constant entry external dcl 50 ref 328 414 amu_info_ptr 000420 automatic pointer dcl 1-45 set ref 107* 123* 136* 142* 157* 252* 261* 332* 421* 433* 513* arg_bits_def based structure level 1 packed unaligned dcl 11-32 arg_bits_ptr 000442 automatic pointer dcl 11-57 set ref 503* 513* argp 000432 automatic pointer dcl 7-8 set ref 165* 166 167 169 170 173 174 176 177 179 221 223 224 225 226 228* 235 auto_parg 000160 automatic structure level 1 dcl 87 set ref 165 auto_syserr_log_data 000100 automatic structure level 1 dcl 292 set ref 326 azm_display_mc_ 000020 constant entry external dcl 53 ref 513 baseno builtin function dcl 66 ref 139 bin_sw 21 based bit(1) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 7-10 set ref 169* 173* bsize based fixed bin(17,0) level 3 dcl 5-29 ref 156 char builtin function dcl 66 ref 110 362 362 366 366 cleanup 000100 stack reference condition dcl 71 ref 132 323 code 000127 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 82 in procedure "azm_syserr_" set ref 142* 143 145 157* 158 160 177* 179 228* 230 232 268 328* 330 332* 334 338* 375* 407* 408 414* 416 421* 424 427* 428 433* 437 441* 443 513* code 3 based fixed bin(11,0) level 3 in structure "wmess" packed unaligned dcl 5-47 in procedure "azm_syserr_" ref 190 212 code_only_sw 000406 automatic bit(1) unaligned dcl 92 set ref 111* 126* 149 168 181 189 243 255* copy_ptr 64 000236 automatic pointer array level 2 dcl 293 set ref 318* 405* 407* 421* 426 433 433 462 462* 465 465* count 1 based fixed bin(17,0) level 3 dcl 5-29 set ref 148 181 181 181* 181 185 185 current_hardcore 000132 automatic structure level 1 unaligned dcl 84 set ref 260 data based bit(36) array level 2 in structure "syserr_msg" dcl 8-9 in procedure "azm_syserr_" set ref 218 218 data based bit(36) array level 2 in structure "wmess" dcl 5-47 in procedure "azm_syserr_" set ref 237 data_area_ptr 000110 automatic pointer dcl 76 set ref 136* 139 140 data_code 4 based fixed bin(11,0) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 8-9 ref 216 data_size 3(24) based fixed bin(11,0) level 3 in structure "wmess" packed unaligned dcl 5-47 in procedure "azm_syserr_" ref 237 data_size 3(24) based fixed bin(11,0) level 2 in structure "syserr_msg" packed unaligned dcl 8-9 in procedure "azm_syserr_" ref 216 date_time_ 000040 constant entry external dcl 61 ref 480 def_code 000130 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 82 set ref 136* delete_$path 000044 constant entry external dcl 306 ref 454 458 dname 000111 automatic char(168) unaligned dcl 392 set ref 407* 410* dump 000506 automatic bit(1) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 490 set ref 501* ename 000163 automatic char(32) unaligned dcl 393 set ref 407* 410* expand_arg 000651 automatic char(32) unaligned dcl 305 set ref 358* 360* 362* 366* 368* 372* family_name 000557 automatic char(32) unaligned dcl 302 set ref 342* 343* 346* 346 347 fault_msg 000510 automatic structure level 1 dcl 491 set ref 512 fault_msg1 based structure level 1 dcl 494 fault_msgp parameter pointer dcl 488 ref 484 504 505 fixed builtin function dcl 66 ref 139 140 156 foo_len 000412 automatic fixed bin(21,0) dcl 96 set ref 194* found_one_sw 000407 automatic bit(1) unaligned dcl 93 set ref 113* 200* get_line_length_$switch 000036 constant entry external dcl 60 ref 177 get_pdir_ 000046 constant entry external dcl 307 ref 439 hardcore_cur based structure level 1 unaligned dcl 9-40 hardcore_cur_ptr 000436 automatic pointer dcl 9-38 set ref 260* 261* 328 328 414 414 hardcore_info based structure level 1 dcl 9-6 hcs_$append_link 000052 constant entry external dcl 309 ref 441 hcs_$fs_get_path_name 000050 constant entry external dcl 308 ref 407 head based structure level 2 dcl 5-29 head_size 000113 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 78 set ref 137* 141 155 header based structure level 2 dcl 5-47 hisregs 60 based bit(36) array level 2 dcl 494 set ref 505 hr_ptr 000502 automatic pointer dcl 487 set ref 505* 516* i 000150 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 85 set ref 186* index builtin function dcl 66 ref 205 ioa_ 000022 constant entry external dcl 54 ref 150 181 263 337 515 517 ioa_$rs 000024 constant entry external dcl 55 ref 194 iocbp 2 based pointer level 2 dcl 7-10 set ref 166* iox_$user_output 000034 external static pointer dcl 59 set ref 166 177* last_offset 000110 automatic fixed bin(18,0) dcl 391 set ref 427* 430 433 linelen 12 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 7-10 set ref 177* 179* link_dname 66 000236 automatic char(168) array level 2 packed unaligned dcl 293 set ref 321* 351* 439* 441* 454 454* 458 458* link_ename 140 000236 automatic char(32) array level 2 packed unaligned dcl 293 set ref 320* 351* 440* 441* 454* 458* live_log 4 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 2-11 set ref 336 336 343* 347 351 351 log_message_header based structure level 1 dcl 4-3 log_name 000100 automatic char(32) unaligned dcl 390 set ref 401* 403* 405 414 log_path 000567 automatic char(168) unaligned dcl 303 set ref 351* 362* 366* 368* 372* log_seg 000236 automatic structure array level 1 dcl 293 log_segment_$last_message_info 000054 constant entry external dcl 310 ref 427 log_segment_header based structure level 1 dcl 3-13 ref 421 421 430 433 433 433 433 433 log_segment_ptr 000424 automatic pointer dcl 3-3 set ref 426* 427* long 0(31) 000506 automatic bit(1) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 490 set ref 501* match_arg 000641 automatic char(32) unaligned dcl 304 set ref 354* 356* 362* 368* mc based structure level 1 dcl 10-12 ref 510 mc_stored 0(33) 000506 automatic bit(1) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 490 set ref 501* mcp 000440 automatic pointer dcl 10-10 set ref 504* 510 511 mcx 000510 automatic structure level 2 dcl 491 set ref 510* mess_count 000112 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 77 set ref 112* 127* 185 185 185* 186 257* 362 362 362 366 366 msg_printed 000405 automatic bit(1) unaligned dcl 91 set ref 199* 213* 219* 228 msgp based pointer level 2 dcl 7-10 set ref 221* msgs_bypassed 000204 automatic fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 89 set ref 89* msgs_printed 000203 automatic fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 89 set ref 89* 518* 518 my_mcp 000504 automatic pointer dcl 489 set ref 512* 513* new_time 000151 automatic char(24) unaligned dcl 86 set ref 188* 235 null builtin function dcl 66 ref 129 133 161 240 318 462 465 516 516 octal_sw 21(01) based bit(1) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 7-10 set ref 170* 174* offset 000125 automatic fixed bin(18,0) dcl 81 set ref 140* 142* 155* 155 157* pad 21(02) based bit(34) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 7-10 set ref 176* parg based structure level 1 dcl 7-10 pathname 11 000236 automatic char(168) array level 2 packed unaligned dcl 293 set ref 319* 410* 441* pathname_ 000056 constant entry external dcl 311 ref 351 410 plural_sw 000202 automatic bit(1) initial unaligned dcl 88 set ref 88* pointers based structure level 2 dcl 9-6 prev_time 13 based char(24) level 2 dcl 7-10 set ref 167* 235* print_sys_log 000062 constant entry external dcl 314 ref 362 366 368 372 print_syserr_msg_ 000032 constant entry external dcl 58 ref 228 printl 11 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 7-10 set ref 226* printp 6 based pointer level 2 dcl 7-10 set ref 225* prs 000510 automatic pointer array level 3 in structure "fault_msg" dcl 491 in procedure "display_hw_fault" set ref 511* prs based pointer array level 2 in structure "mc" dcl 10-12 in procedure "azm_syserr_" ref 511 range 000126 automatic fixed bin(18,0) dcl 81 set ref 141* 142* 156* 157* rel builtin function dcl 66 ref 140 ret_data based char unaligned dcl 98 set ref 194* ret_len 000411 automatic fixed bin(21,0) dcl 95 set ref 105* 116 144 159 193* 193 194 194 231 241 267 ret_string_ptr 000414 automatic pointer dcl 97 set ref 104* 194 returns_sw 000410 automatic bit(1) unaligned dcl 94 set ref 106* 116 126* 144 159 192 231 241 255* 267 rtrim builtin function dcl 66 ref 346 347 sci_ptr 000416 automatic pointer dcl 99 set ref 108* 124* 133* 154* 161* 240* 253* 405* 462* 465* 513* segno 000124 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 80 in procedure "azm_syserr_" set ref 139* 142* 150* 157* 181* segno 000236 automatic fixed bin(17,0) array level 2 in structure "log_seg" dcl 293 in procedure "print_log_partition" set ref 414* 421* 433* seq_num based fixed bin(35,0) level 3 dcl 5-47 set ref 191 214 221 severity 000114 automatic char(30) unaligned dcl 79 set ref 110* 125* 254* 362* 366* 368* 372* size builtin function dcl 66 ref 83 137 332 332 421 421 430 433 433 433 433 433 slt based structure level 3 dcl 9-6 sltntp 2 based pointer level 2 dcl 9-40 set ref 328* 414* sltp based pointer level 2 dcl 9-40 set ref 328* 414* ssu_$get_temp_segment 000026 constant entry external dcl 56 ref 154 405 ssu_$release_temp_segment 000030 constant entry external dcl 57 ref 133 161 240 462 465 substr builtin function dcl 66 ref 125 194 194 205 254 362 362 368 368 368 swap_time 10 based fixed bin(71,0) level 2 dcl 2-11 ref 345 syserr_log_data based structure level 1 dcl 2-11 set ref 332 332 syserr_log_data_ptr 000422 automatic pointer dcl 2-9 set ref 326* 332* 332 332 336 336 343 345 347 351 351 syserr_log_data_segno 000556 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 301 set ref 328* 332* syserr_msg based structure level 1 dcl 8-9 syserr_msgp 000434 automatic pointer dcl 8-7 set ref 191* 193 194 194 194 194 198 214* 215 216 216 218 218 224 226 text 6 based char level 2 in structure "syserr_msg" dcl 8-9 in procedure "azm_syserr_" ref 194 194 198 215 text 000205 automatic char(512) unaligned dcl 90 in procedure "azm_syserr_" set ref 198* 215* 223 225 text 6 based char level 2 in structure "wmess" dcl 5-47 in procedure "azm_syserr_" ref 205 text_len 3(12) based fixed bin(11,0) level 2 in structure "syserr_msg" packed unaligned dcl 8-9 in procedure "azm_syserr_" ref 193 194 194 194 194 198 215 218 218 224 226 text_len 3(12) based fixed bin(11,0) level 3 in structure "wmess" packed unaligned dcl 5-47 in procedure "azm_syserr_" ref 187 205 205 237 textl 10 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 dcl 7-10 set ref 224* textp 4 based pointer level 2 dcl 7-10 set ref 223* timcv 000464 automatic fixed bin(71,0) dcl 475 set ref 479 480* time 1 based fixed bin(71,0) level 3 packed unaligned dcl 5-47 set ref 188 188 timein based fixed bin(35,0) array dcl 476 ref 479 timeint based fixed bin(35,0) array dcl 477 set ref 479* timout 000466 automatic char(24) unaligned dcl 478 set ref 480* 481 tp parameter pointer dcl 474 ref 472 479 unique_chars_ 000060 constant entry external dcl 312 ref 342 unspec builtin function dcl 66 set ref 511* 511 w_header 000131 automatic fixed bin(17,0) array dcl 83 set ref 138 wlog based structure level 1 dcl 5-29 wlog_header based structure level 1 dcl 5-33 ref 83 137 wlog_ptr 000426 automatic pointer dcl 5-17 set ref 138* 142* 148 156 181 181 181 181 185 185 wmess based structure level 1 dcl 5-47 wmess_header based structure level 1 dcl 5-52 wmess_ptr 000430 automatic pointer dcl 5-17 set ref 129* 133 133* 154* 157* 161 161* 187 188 188 190 191 205 205 212 214 221 237* 237 237 240 240* NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT AND NEVER REFERENCED. AMU_INFO_VERSION internal static char(8) initial unaligned dcl 1-57 AMU_INFO_VERSION_1 internal static char(8) initial unaligned dcl 1-56 AMU_INFO_VERSION_2 internal static char(8) initial unaligned dcl 1-58 FDUMP_PROCESS_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 1-47 FDUMP_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 1-47 INDIRECT_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 1-47 LOG_SEGMENT_COMPLETE_MESSAGE internal static bit(36) initial dcl 3-43 LOG_SEGMENT_NEW_MESSAGE internal static bit(36) initial dcl 3-42 LOG_SEGMENT_VERSION_1 internal static char(8) initial unaligned dcl 3-5 NETWORK_FDUMP_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 1-47 NETWORK_ONLINE_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 1-47 ONLINE_PROCESS_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 1-47 ONLINE_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 1-47 PDIR_SUFFIX internal static char(4) initial unaligned dcl 1-60 SAVED_PROC_TYPE internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 1-47 SBL_access_audit internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_config_deck internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_disk_err internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_end_of_table internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_fnp_poll internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_hw_fault internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_ibm3270_mde internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_io_err internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_io_err_detail internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_mdc_del_uidpath internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_mmdam internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_mos_err internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_mpc_poll internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_ocdcm_err internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_random_segdamage internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_read_nc internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_unused_10 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_unused_12 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_unused_14 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_unused_15 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_unused_18 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_unused_4 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_unused_6 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_unused_7 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_unused_8 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_unused_9 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_verify_lock internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_vtoc_salv_dam internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_vtoce internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SBL_zerpag internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_access_audit internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_access_audit_data_class internal static varying char(16) initial dcl 6-21 SB_char_data_classes internal static varying char(16) initial array dcl 6-89 SB_config_deck internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_config_deck_data_class internal static varying char(16) initial dcl 6-21 SB_disk_err internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_end_of_table internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_fnp_poll internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_fnp_poll_data_class internal static varying char(16) initial dcl 6-21 SB_hwfault_data_class internal static varying char(16) initial dcl 6-21 SB_ibm3270_mde internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_ibm3270_mde_data_class internal static varying char(16) initial dcl 6-21 SB_io_err internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_io_err_detail internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_io_status_data_class internal static varying char(16) initial dcl 6-21 SB_mdc_del_uidpath internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_mdc_del_uidpath_data_class internal static varying char(16) initial dcl 6-21 SB_mmdam internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_mmdam_data_class internal static varying char(16) initial dcl 6-21 SB_mos_data_class internal static varying char(16) initial dcl 6-21 SB_mos_err internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_mpc_poll internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_mpc_poll_data_class internal static varying char(16) initial dcl 6-21 SB_ocdcm_err internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_random_segdamage internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_read_nc internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_segdamage_data_class internal static varying char(16) initial dcl 6-21 SB_unused_10 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_unused_12 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_unused_14 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_unused_15 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_unused_18 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_unused_4 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_unused_6 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_unused_7 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_unused_8 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_unused_9 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_verify_lock internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_voldamage_data_class internal static varying char(16) initial dcl 6-21 SB_vtoc_salv_dam internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_vtoce internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SB_vtoce_data_class internal static varying char(16) initial dcl 6-21 SB_zerpag internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 6-47 SYSERR_LOG_DATA_V1 internal static char(8) initial unaligned dcl 2-52 abx internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 10-42 amu_area based area(1024) dcl 1-43 amu_info based structure level 1 dcl 1-3 apx internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 10-42 arg_bits based structure level 1 dcl 11-23 bbx internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 10-42 bpx internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 10-42 display_cpu_error_binary_defs internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial array dcl 6-144 lbx internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 10-42 log_message based structure level 1 dcl 4-13 log_message_data_class_lth automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 4-21 log_message_data_lth automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 4-22 log_message_ptr automatic pointer dcl 4-19 log_message_text_lth automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 4-20 log_segment based structure level 1 dcl 3-8 log_segment_max_size automatic fixed bin(18,0) dcl 3-4 lpx internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 10-42 number_val_args internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 11-3 sbx internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 10-42 scu based structure level 1 dcl 10-56 scup automatic pointer dcl 10-54 scux based structure level 1 dcl 10-207 sd based structure level 1 dcl 5-21 sd_ptr automatic pointer dcl 5-17 spx internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 10-42 syserr_binary_address_damage_mask internal static bit(36) initial unaligned dcl 6-142 syserr_binary_mos_mask internal static bit(36) initial unaligned dcl 6-139 syserr_binary_seg_damage_mask internal static bit(36) initial unaligned dcl 6-140 syserr_binary_vol_damage_mask internal static bit(36) initial unaligned dcl 6-141 syserr_data$syserr_area external static char(1) dcl 5-14 syserr_data$wired_log_area external static char(1) dcl 5-14 syserr_log_data$ external static fixed bin(17,0) dcl 2-8 valid_mc_arg internal static char(8) initial array unaligned dcl 11-5 what_prs based structure level 1 dcl 11-26 NAMES DECLARED BY EXPLICIT CONTEXT. ERROR_RETURN 002614 constant label dcl 377 ref 330 334 339 408 416 424 428 437 443 EXIT_DATA 001403 constant label dcl 245 azm_syserr_ 000241 constant entry external dcl 19 check_if_found 000327 constant label dcl 116 ref 151 clean_up_print_log_partition 003267 constant entry internal dcl 450 ref 323 377 code_from_data 000413 constant label dcl 129 ref 114 code_from_log 001452 constant label dcl 257 set ref 149 243 data 000345 constant entry external dcl 121 datm 003434 constant entry internal dcl 472 ref 188 display_hw_fault 003466 constant entry internal dcl 484 ref 218 get_log_segment 002622 constant entry internal dcl 384 ref 343 347 log 001406 constant entry external dcl 249 ok_to_print_data 001267 constant label dcl 221 set ref 201 print_log_partition 001520 constant entry internal dcl 289 ref 265 returns_string 000256 constant entry external dcl 102 skip 001331 constant label dcl 235 ref 187 190 196 207 209 212 THERE WERE NO NAMES DECLARED BY CONTEXT OR IMPLICATION. STORAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS PROGRAM. Object Text Link Symbol Defs Static Start 0 0 4212 4276 3630 4222 Length 4752 3630 64 440 361 0 BLOCK NAME STACK SIZE TYPE WHY NONQUICK/WHO SHARES STACK FRAME azm_syserr_ 481 external procedure is an external procedure. on unit on line 132 70 on unit print_log_partition 540 internal procedure enables or reverts conditions. on unit on line 323 64 on unit get_log_segment 174 internal procedure is called during a stack extension. clean_up_print_log_partition 90 internal procedure is called by several nonquick procedures. datm internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure azm_syserr_. display_hw_fault internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure azm_syserr_. STORAGE FOR AUTOMATIC VARIABLES. STACK FRAME LOC IDENTIFIER BLOCK NAME azm_syserr_ 000106 a_syserr_code azm_syserr_ 000110 data_area_ptr azm_syserr_ 000112 mess_count azm_syserr_ 000113 head_size azm_syserr_ 000114 severity azm_syserr_ 000124 segno azm_syserr_ 000125 offset azm_syserr_ 000126 range azm_syserr_ 000127 code azm_syserr_ 000130 def_code azm_syserr_ 000131 w_header azm_syserr_ 000132 current_hardcore azm_syserr_ 000150 i azm_syserr_ 000151 new_time azm_syserr_ 000160 auto_parg azm_syserr_ 000202 plural_sw azm_syserr_ 000203 msgs_printed azm_syserr_ 000204 msgs_bypassed azm_syserr_ 000205 text azm_syserr_ 000405 msg_printed azm_syserr_ 000406 code_only_sw azm_syserr_ 000407 found_one_sw azm_syserr_ 000410 returns_sw azm_syserr_ 000411 ret_len azm_syserr_ 000412 foo_len azm_syserr_ 000414 ret_string_ptr azm_syserr_ 000416 sci_ptr azm_syserr_ 000420 amu_info_ptr azm_syserr_ 000422 syserr_log_data_ptr azm_syserr_ 000424 log_segment_ptr azm_syserr_ 000426 wlog_ptr azm_syserr_ 000430 wmess_ptr azm_syserr_ 000432 argp azm_syserr_ 000434 syserr_msgp azm_syserr_ 000436 hardcore_cur_ptr azm_syserr_ 000440 mcp azm_syserr_ 000442 arg_bits_ptr azm_syserr_ 000464 timcv datm 000466 timout datm 000502 hr_ptr display_hw_fault 000504 my_mcp display_hw_fault 000506 a_arg_bits_def display_hw_fault 000510 fault_msg display_hw_fault get_log_segment 000100 log_name get_log_segment 000110 last_offset get_log_segment 000111 dname get_log_segment 000163 ename get_log_segment print_log_partition 000100 auto_syserr_log_data print_log_partition 000236 log_seg print_log_partition 000556 syserr_log_data_segno print_log_partition 000557 family_name print_log_partition 000567 log_path print_log_partition 000641 match_arg print_log_partition 000651 expand_arg print_log_partition THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL OPERATORS ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. r_g_a r_e_as alloc_char_temp call_ext_out_desc call_ext_out call_int_this_desc call_int_this call_int_other return_mac tra_ext_1 alloc_auto_adj enable_op shorten_stack ext_entry ext_entry_desc int_entry int_entry_desc set_chars_eis index_chars_eis THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL ENTRIES ARE CALLED BY THIS PROGRAM. amu_$definition_ptr amu_$do_translation amu_$hardcore_info_set_cur_ptrs amu_$hranl amu_$slt_search_seg_num azm_display_mc_ date_time_ delete_$path get_line_length_$switch get_pdir_ hcs_$append_link hcs_$fs_get_path_name ioa_ ioa_$rs log_segment_$last_message_info pathname_ print_sys_log print_syserr_msg_ ssu_$get_temp_segment ssu_$release_temp_segment unique_chars_ THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL VARIABLES ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. iox_$user_output LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC 83 000227 88 000233 89 000234 19 000240 21 000247 102 000250 104 000271 105 000275 106 000276 107 000300 108 000303 109 000306 110 000310 111 000322 112 000323 113 000325 114 000326 116 000327 118 000334 119 000335 121 000336 123 000373 124 000377 125 000402 126 000407 127 000411 129 000413 132 000415 133 000431 134 000446 136 000447 137 000511 138 000513 139 000515 140 000521 141 000524 142 000526 143 000547 144 000551 145 000556 146 000560 148 000561 149 000564 150 000566 151 000606 154 000607 155 000635 156 000637 157 000641 158 000662 159 000664 160 000671 161 000673 162 000710 165 000711 166 000713 167 000717 168 000722 169 000724 170 000726 171 000730 173 000731 174 000736 176 000741 177 000743 179 000755 181 000762 185 001034 186 001044 187 001053 188 001060 189 001067 190 001071 191 001076 192 001100 193 001102 194 001111 196 001152 198 001154 199 001162 200 001163 201 001165 204 001166 205 001175 207 001207 208 001214 209 001215 212 001222 213 001227 214 001230 215 001232 216 001240 218 001256 219 001265 221 001267 223 001271 224 001274 225 001301 226 001303 228 001304 230 001317 231 001321 232 001326 233 001330 235 001331 237 001335 239 001354 240 001356 241 001373 242 001400 243 001401 245 001403 249 001404 252 001434 253 001440 254 001443 255 001450 257 001452 260 001454 261 001456 263 001467 265 001503 267 001507 268 001514 269 001516 289 001517 318 001525 319 001541 320 001556 321 001572 323 001606 326 001630 328 001633 330 001656 332 001661 334 001705 336 001710 337 001716 338 001732 339 001734 342 001735 343 001755 345 001773 346 001777 347 002025 349 002073 351 002074 354 002120 356 002133 358 002136 360 002147 362 002152 366 002306 368 002414 372 002525 375 002612 377 002614 380 002620 384 002621 401 002635 403 002645 405 002650 407 002701 408 002740 410 002747 414 002774 416 003023 421 003032 424 003065 426 003074 427 003104 428 003122 430 003131 433 003134 437 003173 439 003202 440 003216 441 003227 443 003256 445 003265 450 003266 454 003274 458 003334 462 003375 465 003414 468 003433 472 003434 479 003436 480 003443 481 003460 484 003466 501 003470 502 003476 503 003500 504 003502 505 003505 510 003507 511 003513 512 003516 513 003520 515 003537 516 003553 517 003572 518 003605 519 003606 ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved