ASSEMBLY LISTING OF SEGMENT >dumps>old>recomp>card_codes_.alm ASSEMBLED ON: 11/15/82 1753.1 mst Mon OPTIONS USED: list ASSEMBLED BY: ALM Version 6.4 April 1981 ASSEMBLER CREATED: 11/03/82 1423.6 mst Wed  1 " ***********************************************************  2 " * *  3 " * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 *  4 " * *  5 " ***********************************************************  6 " CARD_CODES_ - Reader/Punch Card Code Translation Tables.  7 " redesigned 6/25/75 by Noel I. Morris  8  9  10 " ******************************************************  11 " * *  12 " * *  13 " * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of *  14 " * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. *  15 " * *  16 " * *  17 " ******************************************************  18  19  20 " The reader translation table is referenced by computing an index  21 " from 12-11-0 rows, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 rows, and 8-9 rows. Only one punch  22 " may be found in the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 rows.  23 "  24 " The punch translation table is referenced by using the ASCII character  25 " as an index.  26  27  000000 28 name card_codes_  29  000000 30 segdef mcc_reader_codes  000100 31 segdef mcc_punch_codes 32  33  34 " 35  000000 36 mcc_reader_codes:  000000 aa 040071 070777 37 vfd o9/040,o9/071,o9/070,o9/777,o9/067,o9/004,o9/042,o9/032  000001 aa 067004 042032 000002 aa 066777 075777 38 vfd o9/066,o9/777,o9/075,o9/777,o9/065,o9/777,o9/047,o9/025  000003 aa 065777 047025 000004 aa 064777 100024 39 vfd o9/064,o9/777,o9/100,o9/024,o9/063,o9/777,o9/043,o9/777  000005 aa 063777 043777 000006 aa 062026 072777 40 vfd o9/062,o9/026,o9/072,o9/777,o9/061,o9/777,o9/140,o9/777  000007 aa 061777 140777 41  000010 aa 060132 131777 42 vfd o9/060,o9/132,o9/131,o9/777,o9/130,o9/033,o9/077,o9/007  000011 aa 130033 077007 000012 aa 127027 076006 43 vfd o9/127,o9/027,o9/076,o9/006,o9/126,o9/777,o9/137,o9/005  000013 aa 126777 137005 000014 aa 125777 045777 44 vfd o9/125,o9/777,o9/045,o9/777,o9/124,o9/777,o9/054,o9/777  000015 aa 124777 054777 000016 aa 123777 777777 45 vfd o9/123,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/057,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777  000017 aa 057777 777777 46  000020 aa 055122 121030 47 vfd o9/055,o9/122,o9/121,o9/030,o9/120,o9/777,o9/136,o9/037  000021 aa 120777 136037 000022 aa 117010 073036 48 vfd o9/117,o9/010,o9/073,o9/036,o9/116,o9/012,o9/051,o9/035  000023 aa 116012 051035 000024 aa 115777 052034 49 vfd o9/115,o9/777,o9/052,o9/034,o9/114,o9/023,o9/044,o9/777  000025 aa 114023 044777 000026 aa 113022 041777 50 vfd o9/113,o9/022,o9/041,o9/777,o9/112,o9/021,o9/777,o9/031  000027 aa 112021 777031 51  000030 aa 175172 171777 52 vfd o9/175,o9/172,o9/171,o9/777,o9/170,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777  000031 aa 170777 777777 000032 aa 167777 777777 53 vfd o9/167,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/166,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777  000033 aa 166777 777777 000034 aa 165777 777777 54 vfd o9/165,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/164,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777  000035 aa 164777 777777 000036 aa 163777 777777 55 vfd o9/163,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/176,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777  000037 aa 176777 777777 56  000040 aa 046111 110777 57 vfd o9/046,o9/111,o9/110,o9/777,o9/107,o9/777,o9/174,o9/017  000041 aa 107777 174017 000042 aa 106777 053016 58 vfd o9/106,o9/777,o9/053,o9/016,o9/105,o9/011,o9/050,o9/015  000043 aa 105011 050015 000044 aa 104777 074014 59 vfd o9/104,o9/777,o9/074,o9/014,o9/103,o9/003,o9/056,o9/013  000045 aa 103003 056013 000046 aa 102002 134777 60 vfd o9/102,o9/002,o9/134,o9/777,o9/101,o9/001,o9/777,o9/777  000047 aa 101001 777777 61  000050 aa 173151 150777 62 vfd o9/173,o9/151,o9/150,o9/777,o9/147,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777  000051 aa 147777 777777 000052 aa 146777 777777 63 vfd o9/146,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/145,o9/777,o9/133,o9/777  000053 aa 145777 133777 000054 aa 144777 777777 64 vfd o9/144,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/143,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777  000055 aa 143777 777777 000056 aa 142777 777777 65 vfd o9/142,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/141,o9/777,o9/777,o9/000  000057 aa 141777 777000 66  000060 aa 777162 161777 67 vfd o9/777,o9/162,o9/161,o9/777,o9/160,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777  000061 aa 160777 777777 000062 aa 157777 777777 68 vfd o9/157,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/156,o9/777,o9/135,o9/777  000063 aa 156777 135777 000064 aa 155777 777777 69 vfd o9/155,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/154,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777  000065 aa 154777 777777 000066 aa 153777 777777 70 vfd o9/153,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/152,o9/777,o9/777,o9/020  000067 aa 152777 777020 000070 aa 777777 777777 71 vfd o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777  000071 aa 777777 777777 000072 aa 777777 777777 72 vfd o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777  000073 aa 777777 777777 000074 aa 777777 777777 73 vfd o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777  000075 aa 777777 777777 000076 aa 777777 777777 74 vfd o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777,o9/777  000077 aa 777777 777777 75  76 " 77  000100 78 mcc_punch_codes:  000100 aa 540344 014201 79 vfd o12/5403,o12/4401,o12/4201,o12/4101,o12/0005,o12/1023  000101 aa 410100 051023 000102 aa 101310 072011 80 vfd o12/1013,o12/1007,o12/2011,o12/4021,o12/2021,o12/4103  000103 aa 402120 214103 000104 aa 404340 234013 81 vfd o12/4043,o12/4023,o12/4013,o12/4007,o12/6403,o12/2401  000105 aa 400764 032401 000106 aa 220121 010043 82 vfd o12/2201,o12/2101,o12/0043,o12/0023,o12/0201,o12/1011  000107 aa 002302 011011 000110 aa 200324 030007 83 vfd o12/2003,o12/2403,o12/0007,o12/1005,o12/2043,o12/2023  000111 aa 100520 432023 000112 aa 201320 070000 84 vfd o12/2013,o12/2007,o12/0000,o12/2202,o12/0006,o12/0102  000113 aa 220200 060102 000114 aa 210210 424000 85 vfd o12/2102,o12/1042,o12/4000,o12/0022,o12/4022,o12/2022  000115 aa 002240 222022 000116 aa 204240 121102 86 vfd o12/2042,o12/4012,o12/1102,o12/2000,o12/4102,o12/1400  000117 aa 200041 021400 000120 aa 100004 000200 87 vfd o12/1000,o12/0400,o12/0200,o12/0100,o12/0040,o12/0020  000121 aa 010000 400020 000122 aa 001000 040002 88 vfd o12/0010,o12/0004,o12/0002,o12/0001,o12/0202,o12/2012  000123 aa 000102 022012 000124 aa 404200 121012 89 vfd o12/4042,o12/0012,o12/1012,o12/1006,o12/0042,o12/4400  000125 aa 100600 424400 000126 aa 420041 004040 90 vfd o12/4200,o12/4100,o12/4040,o12/4020,o12/4010,o12/4004  000127 aa 402040 104004 000130 aa 400240 012400 91 vfd o12/4002,o12/4001,o12/2400,o12/2200,o12/2100,o12/2040  000131 aa 220021 002040 000132 aa 202020 102004 92 vfd o12/2020,o12/2010,o12/2004,o12/2002,o12/2001,o12/1200  000133 aa 200220 011200 000134 aa 110010 401020 93 vfd o12/1100,o12/1040,o12/1020,o12/1010,o12/1004,o12/1002  000135 aa 101010 041002 000136 aa 100150 224202 94 vfd o12/1001,o12/5022,o12/4202,o12/6022,o12/2006,o12/1022  000137 aa 602220 061022 000140 aa 040254 005200 95 vfd o12/0402,o12/5400,o12/5200,o12/5100,o12/5040,o12/5020  000141 aa 510050 405020 000142 aa 501050 045002 96 vfd o12/5010,o12/5004,o12/5002,o12/5001,o12/6400,o12/6200  000143 aa 500164 006200 000144 aa 610060 406020 97 vfd o12/6100,o12/6040,o12/6020,o12/6010,o12/6004,o12/6002  000145 aa 601060 046002 000146 aa 600132 003100 98 vfd o12/6001,o12/3200,o12/3100,o12/3040,o12/3020,o12/3010  000147 aa 304030 203010 000150 aa 300430 023001 99 vfd o12/3004,o12/3002,o12/3001,o12/5000,o12/4006,o12/3000  000151 aa 500040 063000 000152 aa 340000 000000 100 vfd o12/3400,o12/0000  101  102  103  104 end  NO LITERALS  NAME DEFINITIONS FOR ENTRY POINTS AND SEGDEFS 000154 5a 000003 000000 000155 5a 000037 600000 000156 aa 000000 000000 000157 55 000011 000002 000160 5a 000002 400003 000161 55 000006 000011 000162 aa 013 143 141 162 000163 aa 144 137 143 157 000164 aa 144 145 163 137 000165 55 000020 000003 000166 0a 000100 400000 000167 55 000014 000003 000170 aa 017 155 143 143 mcc_punch_codes 000171 aa 137 160 165 156 000172 aa 143 150 137 143 000173 aa 157 144 145 163 000174 55 000030 000011 000175 0a 000000 400000 000176 55 000023 000003 000177 aa 020 155 143 143 mcc_reader_codes  000200 aa 137 162 145 141 000201 aa 144 145 162 137 000202 aa 143 157 144 145 000203 aa 163 000 000 000 000204 55 000002 000020 000205 6a 000000 400002 000206 55 000033 000003 000207 aa 014 163 171 155 symbol_table  000210 aa 142 157 154 137 000211 aa 164 141 142 154 000212 aa 145 000 000 000 DEFINITIONS HASH TABLE  000213 aa 000000 000015 000214 aa 000000 000000 000215 aa 000000 000000 000216 5a 000020 000000 000217 aa 000000 000000 000220 aa 000000 000000 000221 aa 000000 000000 000222 5a 000030 000000 000223 5a 000011 000000 000224 aa 000000 000000 000225 aa 000000 000000 000226 aa 000000 000000 000227 aa 000000 000000 000230 aa 000000 000000 NO EXTERNAL NAMES  NO TRAP POINTER WORDS  TYPE PAIR BLOCKS  000231 aa 000001 000000 000232 aa 000000 000000 INTERNAL EXPRESSION WORDS 000233 aa 000000 000000 LINKAGE INFORMATION 000000 aa 000000 000000 000001 0a 000154 000000 000002 aa 000000 000000 000003 aa 000000 000000 000004 aa 000000 000000 000005 aa 000000 000000 000006 22 000010 000010 000007 a2 000000 000000 SYMBOL INFORMATION SYMBOL TABLE HEADER  000000 aa 000000 000001 000001 aa 163171 155142 000002 aa 164162 145145 000003 aa 000000 000004 000004 aa 000000 111316 000005 aa 510113 575622 000006 aa 000000 111335 000007 aa 722434 604722 000010 aa 141154 155040 000011 aa 040040 040040 000012 aa 000024 000040 000013 aa 000034 000040 000014 aa 000044 000100 000015 aa 000002 000002 000016 aa 000064 000000 000017 aa 000000 000124 000020 aa 000000 000103 000021 aa 000000 000113 000022 aa 000116 000103 000023 aa 000064 000000 000024 aa 101114 115040 000025 aa 126145 162163 000026 aa 151157 156040 000027 aa 040066 056064 000030 aa 040040 101160 000031 aa 162151 154040 000032 aa 061071 070061 000033 aa 040040 040040 000034 aa 110157 154155 000035 aa 163164 145144 000036 aa 164056 123171 000037 aa 163115 141151 000040 aa 156164 056155 000041 aa 040040 040040 000042 aa 040040 040040 000043 aa 040040 040040 000044 aa 154151 163164 000045 aa 040040 040040 000046 aa 040040 040040 000047 aa 040040 040040 000050 aa 040040 040040 000051 aa 040040 040040 000052 aa 040040 040040 000053 aa 040040 040040 000054 aa 040040 040040 000055 aa 040040 040040 000056 aa 040040 040040 000057 aa 040040 040040 000060 aa 040040 040040 000061 aa 040040 040040 000062 aa 040040 040040 000063 aa 040040 040040 000064 aa 000000 000001 000065 aa 000000 000001 000066 aa 000072 000041 000067 aa 113331 136132 000070 aa 000000 111335 000071 aa 623526 000000 000072 aa 076144 165155 >dumps>old>recomp>card_codes_.alm  000073 aa 160163 076157 000074 aa 154144 076162 000075 aa 145143 157155 000076 aa 160076 143141 000077 aa 162144 137143 000100 aa 157144 145163 000101 aa 137056 141154 000102 aa 155040 040040 MULTICS ASSEMBLY CROSS REFERENCE LISTING Value Symbol Source file Line number  100 mcc_punch_codes card_codes_: 31, 78.  0 mcc_reader_codes card_codes_: 30, 36.  NO FATAL ERRORS  ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved