COMPILATION LISTING OF SEGMENT traffic_control_meters Compiled by: Multics PL/I Compiler, Release 28d, of October 4, 1983 Compiled at: Honeywell Multics Op. - System M Compiled on: 01/22/85 1516.4 mst Tue Options: optimize list 1 /* *********************************************************** 2* * * 3* * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 * 4* * * 5* * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of * 6* * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. * 7* * * 8* *********************************************************** */ 9 10 /* format: style3 */ 11 12 traffic_control_meters: 13 tcm: 14 proc; 15 16 17 /* Traffic Control Metering Program 18* 19* Written by one of the Ancients (probably Webber) 20* Cleaned up a bit, I/O boosts added, by J. Bongiovanni, August 1982 21* Modified November 1984 by M. Pandolf to include hc_lock. 22* Modified January 1985 by Keith Loepere to include pauses. 23**/ 24 25 /* Automatic */ 26 27 dcl arg_no fixed bin; 28 dcl argl fixed bin (21); 29 dcl argp ptr; 30 dcl atb float bin; 31 dcl c1 float bin; 32 dcl code fixed bin (35); 33 dcl cpu (16) float bin; 34 dcl cpu_time float bin; 35 dcl cpusum float bin; 36 dcl counters_sw bit (1) aligned; 37 dcl cur_ptrs (1) ptr; 38 dcl delta float bin; 39 dcl formatted_time char (10); 40 dcl general_sw bit (1) aligned; 41 dcl i fixed bin; 42 dcl intc float bin; 43 dcl meter_time float bin; 44 dcl meter_time_micsec fixed bin (71); 45 dcl n_args fixed bin; 46 dcl numint float bin; 47 dcl p1 float bin; 48 dcl pf (16) float bin; 49 dcl pfsum float bin; 50 dcl prev_ptrs (1) ptr; 51 dcl queue_sw bit (1) aligned; 52 dcl reset_sw bit (1) aligned; 53 dcl s1 float bin; 54 dcl sc (16) float bin; 55 dcl scsum float bin; 56 dcl tbpf (8) float bin; 57 dcl tbs (8) float bin; 58 dcl total_notifies fixed bin; 59 dcl total_waits fixed bin; 60 61 /* Static */ 62 63 dcl ( 64 MILLI init ("1"b), 65 SEC init ("0"b), 66 PER init ("1"b), 67 NOP init ("0"b) 68 ) bit (1) aligned int static options (constant); 69 dcl MYNAME char (22) int static options (constant) init ("traffic_control_meters"); 70 dcl unique fixed bin int static init (0); 71 72 /* Based */ 73 74 dcl arg char (argl) based (argp); 75 dcl 1 cur_tcm aligned like tcm based (cur_ptrs (1)); 76 dcl 1 prev_tcm aligned like tcm based (prev_ptrs (1)); 77 78 /* External */ 79 80 dcl error_table_$badopt fixed bin (35) external; 81 82 83 /* Entry */ 84 85 dcl com_err_ entry options (variable); 86 dcl cu_$arg_count entry (fixed bin, fixed bin (35)); 87 dcl cu_$arg_ptr entry (fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin (21), fixed bin (35)); 88 dcl ioa_ entry options (variable); 89 dcl metering_util_$define_regions 90 entry options (variable); 91 dcl metering_util_$fill_buffers 92 entry (fixed bin, fixed bin (71), char (*), (*) ptr, (*) ptr, fixed bin (35)); 93 dcl metering_util_$reset 94 entry (fixed bin, fixed bin (35)); 95 96 97 /* Builtin */ 98 99 dcl fixed builtin; 100 dcl float builtin; 101 dcl size builtin; 102 103 104 105 106 107 reset_sw, counters_sw, queue_sw, general_sw = "0"b; 108 109 call cu_$arg_count (n_args, code); 110 if code ^= 0 111 then do; 112 call com_err_ (code, MYNAME); 113 return; 114 end; 115 116 if unique = 0 117 then do; 118 call metering_util_$define_regions (unique, code, "tc_data", 0, size (tcm)); 119 if code ^= 0 120 then do; 121 call com_err_ (code, MYNAME, "Defining regions"); 122 unique = 0; 123 return; 124 end; 125 end; 126 127 128 do arg_no = 1 to n_args; 129 call cu_$arg_ptr (arg_no, argp, argl, code); 130 if arg = "-gen" 131 then general_sw = "1"b; 132 else if arg = "-rs" | arg = "-reset" 133 then reset_sw = "1"b; 134 else if arg = "-ct" | arg = "-counters" 135 then counters_sw = "1"b; 136 else if arg = "-qu" | arg = "-queue" 137 then queue_sw = "1"b; 138 else if arg = "-rr" | arg = "-report_reset" 139 then general_sw, counters_sw, reset_sw, queue_sw = "1"b; 140 else do; 141 call com_err_ (error_table_$badopt, MYNAME, arg); 142 return; 143 end; 144 end; 145 146 if n_args = 0 147 then general_sw, counters_sw, queue_sw = "1"b; 148 149 call metering_util_$fill_buffers (unique, meter_time_micsec, formatted_time, cur_ptrs, prev_ptrs, code); 150 if code ^= 0 151 then do; 152 call com_err_ (code, MYNAME, "Filling buffers"); 153 return; 154 end; 155 156 call ioa_ ("^/Total metering time^-^a", formatted_time); 157 158 cpu_time = cur_tcm.processor_time - prev_tcm.processor_time; 159 meter_time = float (meter_time_micsec) / 1.0e2; /* micro-seconds, percent */ 160 161 if general_sw 162 then do; 163 total_waits, total_notifies = 0; 164 call ioa_ ("^/Ave queue length^9.2f", cur_tcm.avequeue * 1e0); 165 call ioa_ ("Ave eligible ^9.2f", cur_tcm.ave_eligible * 1e0); 166 numint = cur_tcm.response_count - prev_tcm.response_count; 167 delta = cur_tcm.response_time - prev_tcm.response_time; 168 if numint = 0e0 169 then atb = 0e0; 170 else atb = 1e-6 * delta / numint; 171 call ioa_ ("Response time ^9.3f sec", atb); 172 end; 173 if counters_sw 174 then do; 175 call ioa_ ("^/ COUNTER TOTAL ATB #/INT^/"); 176 intc, delta = cur_tcm.response_count - prev_tcm.response_count; 177 call print ("Interactions", SEC, NOP); 178 delta = cur_tcm.loadings - prev_tcm.loadings; 179 call print ("Loadings", SEC, PER); 180 delta = cur_tcm.blocks - prev_tcm.blocks; 181 call print ("Blocks", SEC, NOP); 182 delta = cur_tcm.pauses - prev_tcm.pauses; 183 if delta ^= 0 184 then call print ("Pauses", SEC, NOP); 185 delta = cur_tcm.wakeups - prev_tcm.wakeups; 186 call print ("Wakeups", SEC, NOP); 187 delta = cur_tcm.schedulings - prev_tcm.schedulings; 188 call print ("Schedulings", SEC, PER); 189 delta = cur_tcm.lost_priority - prev_tcm.lost_priority; 190 call print ("Lost priority", SEC, NOP); 191 delta = cur_tcm.boost_priority - prev_tcm.boost_priority; 192 call print ("Priority boosts", SEC, NOP); 193 delta = cur_tcm.realtime_priorities - prev_tcm.realtime_priorities; 194 call print ("I/O boosts", SEC, NOP); 195 delta = cur_tcm.waits - prev_tcm.waits; 196 total_waits = total_waits + delta; 197 call print ("Wait Page", MILLI, PER); 198 delta = cur_tcm.ptl_waits - prev_tcm.ptl_waits; 199 total_waits = total_waits + delta; 200 if delta ^= 0 201 then call print ("Wait PTL", MILLI, PER); 202 delta = cur_tcm.te_wait - prev_tcm.te_wait; 203 total_waits = total_waits + delta; 204 call print ("Wait Other", MILLI, PER); 205 delta = total_waits; 206 call print ("Total Waits", MILLI, PER); 207 delta = cur_tcm.page_notifies - prev_tcm.page_notifies; 208 total_notifies = total_notifies + delta; 209 call print ("Notify Page", MILLI, NOP); 210 delta = cur_tcm.ptl_waits - prev_tcm.ptl_waits - (cur_tcm.stat (6) - prev_tcm.stat (6)); 211 /* ptlnfy = ptlwaits - waiters */ 212 total_notifies = total_notifies + delta; 213 if delta ^= 0 214 then call print ("Notify PTL", MILLI, NOP); 215 delta = cur_tcm.notifies - prev_tcm.notifies; 216 total_notifies = total_notifies + delta; 217 call print ("Notify Other", MILLI, NOP); 218 delta = total_notifies; 219 call print ("Total Notifies", MILLI, NOP); 220 delta = cur_tcm.gp_done_count - prev_tcm.gp_done_count; 221 call print ("Get Processor", MILLI, NOP); 222 delta = cur_tcm.te_pre_empt - prev_tcm.te_pre_empt; 223 call print ("Pre-empts", MILLI, PER); 224 delta = cur_tcm.depth_count - prev_tcm.depth_count; 225 call print ("Getwork", MILLI, NOP); 226 delta = cur_tcm.gw_gp_window_count - prev_tcm.gw_gp_window_count; 227 if delta ^= 0 228 then call print ("Retry getwork", SEC, NOP); 229 delta = cur_tcm.notify_nobody_count - prev_tcm.notify_nobody_count; 230 if delta ^= 0 231 then do; 232 call print ("Extra notifies", SEC, NOP); 233 call ioa_ (" Last EN event ^w", cur_tcm.notify_nobody_event); 234 end; 235 delta = cur_tcm.nto_count - prev_tcm.nto_count; 236 if delta ^= 0 237 then do; 238 call print ("Notify timeout", SEC, NOP); 239 call ioa_ (" Last NTO event ^w", cur_tcm.nto_event); 240 end; 241 end; 242 if queue_sw 243 then do; 244 call ioa_ ("^/ DEPTH %PF TBPF %GTW TBS %CPU^/"); 245 pfsum, scsum, cpusum = 0e0; 246 do i = 1 to 8; 247 p1, pf (i) = cur_tcm.pfdepth (i) - prev_tcm.pfdepth (i); 248 pfsum = pfsum + p1; 249 s1, sc (i) = cur_tcm.depths (i) - prev_tcm.depths (i); 250 scsum = scsum + s1; 251 c1, cpu (i) = cur_tcm.tdepths (i) - prev_tcm.tdepths (i); 252 if p1 <= 1e-6 253 then p1 = 1e0; 254 if s1 <= 1e-6 255 then s1 = 1e0; 256 cpusum = cpusum + c1; 257 tbpf (i) = c1 * 1e-3 / p1; 258 tbs (i) = c1 * 1e-3 / s1; 259 end; 260 p1 = 2e0; 261 do i = 1 to 8 while (p1 > 1e0); 262 if pfsum = 0e0 263 then p1 = 0e0; 264 else p1 = (pf (i) * 100e0) / pfsum; 265 if scsum = 0e0 266 then s1 = 0e0; 267 else s1 = (sc (i) * 100e0) / scsum; 268 if cpusum = 0e0 269 then c1 = 0e0; 270 else c1 = (cpu (i) * 100e0) / cpusum; 271 call ioa_ ("^4d^9.1f^6.1f^7.1f^7.1f^6.1f", i, p1, tbpf (i), s1, tbs (i), c1); 272 end; 273 end; 274 275 if reset_sw 276 then do; 277 call metering_util_$reset (unique, code); 278 if code ^= 0 279 then do; 280 call com_err_ (code, MYNAME, "Resetting"); 281 return; 282 end; 283 end; 284 285 call ioa_ (" "); 286 return; 287 288 289 290 291 print: 292 proc (name, milli, per); 293 294 dcl name char (*); 295 dcl milli bit (1) aligned; 296 dcl per bit (1) aligned; 297 298 299 dcl units char (4); 300 301 302 if delta = 0e0 303 then atb = 0e0; 304 else atb = meter_time / (delta * 1e1); 305 if ^milli 306 then atb = atb / 1e3; 307 308 if milli 309 then units = "msec"; 310 else units = "sec"; 311 312 313 if per 314 then do; 315 if intc = 0e0 316 then numint = 0e0; 317 else numint = delta / intc; 318 call ioa_ ("^16a^8d^11.3f ^4a^8.3f", name, fixed (delta), atb, units, numint); 319 end; 320 else do; 321 call ioa_ ("^16a^8d^11.3f ^4a", name, fixed (delta), atb, units); 322 end; 323 324 end print; 325 1 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... tcm.incl.pl1 ... used to generate tc_data cds */ 1 2 /* NOTE -- This include file has TWO counterparts in ALM: tc_meters.incl.alm and */ 1 3 /* wcte.incl.alm. They cannot be produced with cif, and must be kept up to date manually. */ 1 4 /* Modified 830914 to replace tty_polling_time with opc_polling_time... -E. A. Ranzenbach */ 1 5 /* Modified 1984.05.21 by M. Pandolf to add tc_suspend_lock */ 1 6 /* Modified 1984.11.26 by Keith Loepere for uid_array. */ 1 7 /* Modified 1984.12.06 by Keith Loepere for page create delaying. */ 1 8 1 9 dcl tcmp ptr; 1 10 1 11 dcl 1 tcm aligned based (tcmp), 1 12 2 tc_suspend_lock like lock, /* when locked, tc is suspended */ 1 13 2 cid2 fixed bin (18), 1 14 2 cid3 fixed bin (18), 1 15 2 cid4 fixed bin (18), 1 16 2 depth_count fixed bin (18), /* depth last process run */ 1 17 2 loadings fixed bin (18), /* number of process loadings */ 1 18 1 19 2 blocks fixed bin (18), /* number of calls to block */ 1 20 2 wakeups fixed bin (18), /* number of calls to wakeup */ 1 21 2 waits fixed bin (18), /* number of calls to wait */ 1 22 2 notifies fixed bin (18), /* number of calls to notify */ 1 23 2 schedulings fixed bin (18), 1 24 2 interactions fixed bin (18), /* number of interactive schedulings */ 1 25 2 avequeue fixed bin (35, 18), /* recent time average of number in queue */ 1 26 2 te_wait fixed bin (18), /* times te called from wait */ 1 27 1 28 2 te_block fixed bin (18), /* times te updated from block */ 1 29 2 te_i_stop fixed bin (18), /* times te updated from i_stop */ 1 30 2 te_pre_empt fixed bin (18), /* times te updated from pre_empt */ 1 31 2 p_interactions fixed bin, /* times interaction bit turned off because of high priority */ 1 32 2 idle fixed bin (71), /* total idle time */ 1 33 2 mp_idle fixed bin (71), /* multi-programming idle */ 1 34 1 35 2 nmp_idle fixed bin (71), /* non-multi-programming idle time */ 1 36 2 zero_idle fixed bin (71), /* zero idle time */ 1 37 2 last_time fixed bin (71), /* last time a process was run */ 1 38 2 loop_locks fixed bin (18), /* times looped on the APT lock */ 1 39 2 loop_lock_time fixed bin (18), /* time looping on the APT lock */ 1 40 2 ave_eligible fixed bin (35, 18), /* average length of eligible queue */ 1 41 2 sort_to_elhead fixed bin (18), /* 0=> no one,1 => int've only, 2 => everybody */ 1 42 2 processor_time fixed bin (71), /* total processor time on system */ 1 43 2 response_time fixed bin (71), /* estimate of response time */ 1 44 2 eligible_time fixed bin (71), /* estimate of eligible time */ 1 45 2 response_count fixed bin, /* count of response meters */ 1 46 2 eligible_count fixed bin, /* count of eligible meters */ 1 47 2 quit_counts (0:5) fixed bin, /* array of buckets indexed by state */ 1 48 2 loading_idle fixed bin (71), /* loading_idle time */ 1 49 2 delta_vcpu fixed bin (71), /* delta virtual CPU time for the system */ 1 50 2 post_purge_switch fixed bin, /* ON if post purging is to be done */ 1 51 2 time_out_severity fixed bin, /* syserr first arg for notify time outs */ 1 52 2 notify_check fixed bin, /* obsolete */ 1 53 2 quit_priority fixed bin, /* factor for scheduler quit response */ 1 54 2 iobm_polling_time fixed bin (71), /* time to poll iobm */ 1 55 2 end_of_time fixed bin (71), /* very large time */ 1 56 2 gp_at_notify fixed bin (18), /* 0 => just do get_idle_processor */ 1 57 2 gp_at_ptlnotify fixed bin (18), /* 0 => just do get_idle_processor */ 1 58 2 int_q_enabled fixed bin (18), /* 0 => no intv q in percent mode */ 1 59 2 fnp_buffer_threshold fixed bin (18), /* if fewer free buffs then stingy alloc strategy */ 1 60 /* set this to >= half n_ttylines/fnp for safety */ 1 61 1 62 /* 100 octal */ 1 63 1 64 2 depths (8) fixed bin (18), /* histogram of run depths */ 1 65 2 tdepths (8) fixed bin (71), /* histogram of times run per depth */ 1 66 2 pfdepth (8) fixed bin (18), /* histogram of page faults per depth */ 1 67 1 68 2 ptl_not_waits fixed bin (18), /* times ptl_wait noticed ptl was unlocked */ 1 69 2 gw_gp_window_count fixed bin (18), /* times window noticed */ 1 70 2 metering_lock fixed bin (18), /* 0=locked, else unlocked */ 1 71 2 ptl_waits fixed bin (18), /* num calls to ptl_wait */ 1 72 2 gp_start_count fixed bin (18), /* to detect gw_gp window lossage */ 1 73 2 gp_done_count fixed bin (18), 1 74 2 nto_check_time fixed bin (71), /* next time at which nto code will be called */ 1 75 2 nto_delta fixed bin (35), /* microsec between nto checks */ 1 76 2 nto_count fixed bin (18), /* number of times nto detected */ 1 77 2 tcpu_scheduling fixed bin (18), /* obsolete */ 1 78 2 nto_event bit (36), /* last event which NTO'd */ 1 79 2 page_notifies fixed bin (18), 1 80 2 notify_nobody_count fixed bin (18), 1 81 2 notify_nobody_event bit (36), 1 82 2 system_type fixed bin, /* used to be tcm.inter */ 1 83 1 84 2 stat (0:15) fixed bin (18), /* num apte's in each state */ 1 85 1 86 /* 200 octal */ 1 87 1 88 2 wait (8), 1 89 3 time fixed bin (18), /* histogram of page fault waiting times versus did */ 1 90 3 count fixed bin (18), 1 91 1 92 2 ready (8), 1 93 3 time fixed bin (18), /* histogram of times in ready queue */ 1 94 3 count fixed bin (18), 1 95 1 96 2 total_pf_time fixed bin (71), /* total time spent from start to end of 1 97* all page faults */ 1 98 2 total_pf_count fixed bin (18), /* total number of page faults metered */ 1 99 2 auto_tune_ws fixed bin (18), /* 0=> dont, atherwise compensate for quantum len */ 1 100 2 ocore_delta fixed bin (18), /* number of pages reserved for int users */ 1 101 2 ws_sum fixed bin (18), /* total of eligible's ws_sizes */ 1 102 2 nonidle_force_count fixed bin (18), /* count of eligibilities forced */ 1 103 2 itt_list_lock bit (36) aligned, /* Lock on ITT free list */ 1 104 2 cpu_pf_time fixed bin (71), /* total cpu time spent handling page faults */ 1 105 2 cpu_pf_count fixed bin (18), /* total count of cpu time meterings */ 1 106 2 special_offsets unaligned, 1 107 3 apt_offset bit (18), 1 108 3 pad bit (18), 1 109 2 getwork_time fixed bin (71), /* total time spent in getwork */ 1 110 2 getwork_count fixed bin (18), /* total times through getwork */ 1 111 2 short_pf_count fixed bin (18), /* number of short page faults */ 1 112 2 interrupt_time fixed bin (71), /* total time spent in interrupt */ 1 113 2 interrupt_count fixed bin (71), /* total number of metered interrupts */ 1 114 2 ocore fixed bin (35, 18), /* fraction of core for int've users */ 1 115 2 pre_empt_flag bit (36) aligned, /* controls whether preempting at done time */ 1 116 2 cumulative_memory_usage fixed binary (71), /* total number of memory usage units */ 1 117 2 processor_time_at_define_wc fixed bin (71), /* value of processor_time when WC's last defined */ 1 118 2 boost_priority fixed bin, /* number of times priority process given high priority */ 1 119 2 lost_priority fixed bin, /* number of times priority process lost eligibility */ 1 120 2 total_clock_lag fixed bin (71), /* sum of all simulated clock delays */ 1 121 2 clock_simulations fixed bin, /* number of times alarm clock interrupt was simulated */ 1 122 2 max_clock_lag fixed bin, /* largest simulated alarm clock delay */ 1 123 1 124 /* 300 octal */ 1 125 1 126 2 pdscopyl fixed bin (18), /* amount of pds to copy for new process */ 1 127 2 max_hproc_segno fixed bin, /* largest allowed hardcore segment number */ 1 128 2 prds_length fixed bin (18), /* length of PRDS */ 1 129 2 pds_length fixed bin (18), /* length of PDS */ 1 130 2 lock fixed bin (18), /* process id generator lock */ 1 131 2 id bit (36) aligned, /* next uid to be added to uid_array */ 1 132 2 system_shutdown fixed bin (18), 1 133 2 working_set_factor fixed bin (35, 18), /* working set factor */ 1 134 1 135 2 ncpu fixed bin (18), /* number of processors currently being used */ 1 136 2 last_eligible bit (18), /* last process to gain eligibility */ 1 137 2 apt_lock fixed bin (35), /* + write; 0 hidden; -1 unlocked; -(N+1) Nreaders */ 1 138 2 apt_size fixed bin (18), /* number of APT entries */ 1 139 2 realtime_q aligned like based_sentinel, /* processes with realtime deadlines */ 1 140 2 aht_size fixed bin (18), /* APT hash table size */ 1 141 2 itt_size fixed bin (18), /* number of ITT entries */ 1 142 1 143 2 dst_size fixed bin (18), /* number of allowed DST entries */ 1 144 2 itt_free_list bit (18), /* pointer to ITT free list */ 1 145 2 used_itt fixed bin (18), /* number of used ITT entries */ 1 146 2 initializer_id bit (36) aligned, /* process id of initializer */ 1 147 2 n_eligible fixed bin (18), /* number of processes eligible */ 1 148 2 max_eligible fixed bin (30), /* maximum allowed number of eligible processes */ 1 149 2 wait_enable fixed bin (18), /* turned on when waiting mechanism works */ 1 150 2 apt_entry_size fixed bin (18), /* size of an APT entry */ 1 151 1 152 2 interactive_q aligned like based_sentinel, /* head of interactive queue */ 1 153 2 dst_ptr ptr, /* pointer to device signal table */ 1 154 2 old_user ptr, /* last process to run (apt ptr ) */ 1 155 2 initialize_time fixed bin (71), /* time of initialization */ 1 156 1 157 2 init_event fixed bin (18), /* wait event during initialization */ 1 158 2 oldt fixed bin (18), /* timer reading from previous process */ 1 159 2 newt fixed bin (18), /* timer setting for new process */ 1 160 2 tefirst fixed bin (30), /* first eligible time */ 1 161 2 telast fixed bin (30), /* last eligible time */ 1 162 2 timax fixed bin (35), /* time in queue for lowest level */ 1 163 2 empty_q bit (18), /* thread of empty APT entries */ 1 164 2 working_set_addend fixed bin (18), /* additive working set parameter */ 1 165 2 ready_q_head bit (0) aligned, /* for added segdef */ 1 166 2 eligible_q_head aligned like based_sentinel, /* head of eligible queue */ 1 167 2 ready_q_tail bit (0) aligned, /* for added segdef */ 1 168 2 eligible_q_tail aligned like based_sentinel, /* tail of eligible queue */ 1 169 2 idle_tail aligned like based_sentinel, /* tail of idle list */ 1 170 2 min_eligible fixed bin (30), 1 171 2 alarm_timer_list bit (18) aligned, /* rel pointer to apt entry for next alarm timer */ 1 172 2 guaranteed_elig_inc fixed bin (35), /* amount of guaranteed eligibility time in microsecs. */ 1 173 2 priority_sched_inc fixed bin (35), /* amount of block time before process is given priority */ 1 174 2 next_alarm_time fixed bin (71), /* clock time for next alarm timer */ 1 175 2 priority_sched_time fixed bin (71), /* time for priority process to be given priority */ 1 176 2 opc_polling_time fixed bin (71), /* time to poll console DIM */ 1 177 2 disk_polling_time fixed bin (71), /* time to poll disk DIM */ 1 178 2 tape_polling_time fixed bin (71), /* time to poll tape DIM */ 1 179 2 imp_polling_time fixed bin (71), /* time to poll imp */ 1 180 2 imp_polling_lock fixed bin (18), /* do not poll if lock set */ 1 181 2 max_channels fixed bin (18), /* num special channels per process */ 1 182 1 183 /* 400 octal */ 1 184 1 185 2 system_virtual_time fixed bin (71), /* non-idle virtual time */ 1 186 2 credit_bank fixed bin (71), /* credits not yet passed out */ 1 187 2 min_wct_index bit (18) aligned, /* offset of initializer work class table entry */ 1 188 2 max_wct_index bit (18) aligned, /* offset of highest wcte currently defined */ 1 189 2 delta_vt fixed bin (71), /* temp used by pxss.compute_virtual_clocks */ 1 190 2 gross_idle_time fixed bin (71), /* idle time_used_clock */ 1 191 2 credits_per_scatter fixed bin (35), /* total number of credits awarded at once */ 1 192 2 best_credit_value fixed bin (18), /* temp for pxss.find_next_eligible */ 1 193 2 define_wc_time fixed bin (71), /* clock time when workclasses last degined */ 1 194 2 max_batch_elig fixed bin (35), 1 195 2 num_batch_elig fixed bin (35), 1 196 2 deadline_mode fixed bin (35), /* 0=> ti sorts, else deadline sorts */ 1 197 2 credits_scattered fixed bin (35), 1 198 2 max_max_eligible fixed bin (30), /* Maximum of maxe */ 1 199 2 max_stopped_stack_0 fixed bin (35), /* Maximum stack_0's suspended by stopped procs */ 1 200 2 stopped_stack_0 fixed bin (35), /* Number stack_0's suspended by stopped procs */ 1 201 2 mos_polling_interval fixed bin (35), /* for heals */ 1 202 2 mos_polling_time fixed bin (71), /* for heals */ 1 203 2 vcpu_response_bounds (VCPU_RESPONSE_BOUNDS) fixed bin (35), 1 204 2 vcpu_response_bounds_size fixed bin (35), 1 205 2 meter_response_time_calls fixed bin (35), 1 206 2 meter_response_time_invalid fixed bin (35), 1 207 2 meter_response_time_overhead fixed bin (71), 1 208 2 init_wait_time fixed bin (71), /* used by wait/notify during initialization */ 1 209 2 init_wait_timeout fixed bin (71), /* notify-timeout interval during initialization */ 1 210 2 init_timeout_severity fixed bin, /* notify-timeout severity during initialization */ 1 211 2 init_timeout_recurse fixed bin, /* count of NTO recursion during initialization */ 1 212 2 max_timer_register fixed bin (71), /* max cpu burst = # cpus x pre_empt_sample_time */ 1 213 2 pre_empt_sample_time fixed bin (35), /* tuning parameter - max time between samples */ 1 214 2 governing_credit_bank fixed bin (35), /* used for limiting eligibility on governed work classes*/ 1 215 2 process_initial_quantum fixed bin (35), /* eligibility quantum first eligibility */ 1 216 2 default_procs_required bit (8) aligned, /* default mask of CPUs required */ 1 217 2 work_class_idle fixed bin (71), /* idle time due to work class restrictions */ 1 218 1 219 /* Tuning Parameters for Stack Truncation */ 1 220 1 221 2 stk_truncate bit (1) aligned, 1 222 2 stk_truncate_always bit (1) aligned, 1 223 2 stk_trunc_avg_f1 fixed bin (35, 18), 1 224 2 stk_trunc_avg_f2 fixed bin (35, 18), 1 225 2 lock_error_severity fixed bin, /* syserr severity */ 1 226 1 227 2 gv_integration fixed bin (35), /* Integration interval for governing */ 1 228 2 gv_integration_set bit (1) aligned, /* ON => gv_integration set by ctp */ 1 229 2 pauses fixed bin (35), /* Calls to pause (reschedule) */ 1 230 2 volmap_polling_time fixed bin (71), 1 231 2 next_ring0_timer fixed bin (71), /* next time that ring 0 timer goes off */ 1 232 2 realtime_io_priority_switch fixed bin, /* 0 => give I/O interrupt wakeups realtime priotiry */ 1 233 2 realtime_io_deadline fixed bin (35), /* Delta to clock for I/O realtime deadline */ 1 234 2 realtime_io_quantum fixed bin (35), /* Quantum for I/O realtime burst */ 1 235 2 realtime_priorities fixed bin (35), /* Count for metering */ 1 236 2 relinquishes fixed bin (35), /* Calls to relinquish_priority */ 1 237 2 abort_ips_mask bit (36) aligned, /* IPS mask for tc_util$check_abort */ 1 238 1 239 /* 500 octal */ 1 240 1 241 2 uid_array (0:15) bit (36) aligned, /* array from which a uid is chosen (randomly) */ 1 242 2 pad5 (176) fixed bin (35), /* room for expansion compatibly */ 1 243 1 244 /* 1000 octal */ 1 245 1 246 2 pad7 (64) fixed bin (35), 1 247 1 248 /* 1100 octal */ 1 249 1 250 2 pad6 (8) fixed bin (35), 1 251 2 work_class_table aligned, /* array of per workclass information */ 1 252 3 wcte (0:16) aligned like wct_entry, 1 253 1 254 /* 3000 octal */ 1 255 1 256 2 apt fixed bin; 1 257 1 258 dcl wctep ptr; 1 259 1 260 dcl 1 wct_entry aligned based (wctep), /* Work class entry */ 1 261 2 thread unaligned, /* Ready list */ 1 262 3 fp bit (18), /* Head of ready list */ 1 263 3 bp bit (18), /* Tail of ready list */ 1 264 2 flags unaligned, 1 265 3 mnbz bit (1), /* Sentinel bit must not be zero. */ 1 266 3 defined bit (1), 1 267 3 io_priority bit (1), 1 268 3 governed bit (1), 1 269 3 interactive_q bit (1), 1 270 3 pad bit (31), 1 271 2 credits fixed bin (35), /* Current worthiness of group */ 1 272 2 minf fixed bin (35), /* min fraction of cpu */ 1 273 2 pin_weight fixed bin (35), /* number of cycles to pin pages */ 1 274 2 eligibilities fixed bin (35), /* Count of eligibilities awarded */ 1 275 2 cpu_sum fixed bin (71), /* CPU used by members */ 1 276 2 resp1 fixed bin (71), 1 277 2 resp2 fixed bin (71), 1 278 2 quantum1 fixed bin (35), 1 279 2 quantum2 fixed bin (35), 1 280 2 rmeter1 fixed bin (71), 1 281 2 rmeter2 fixed bin (71), 1 282 2 rcount1 fixed bin (35), 1 283 2 rcount2 fixed bin (35), 1 284 2 realtime fixed bin (35), 1 285 2 purging fixed bin (35), 1 286 2 maxel fixed bin (35), 1 287 2 nel fixed bin (35), 1 288 2 number_thinks fixed bin (35), /* number times process entered "think" state */ 1 289 2 number_queues fixed bin (35), /* number times process entered "queued" state */ 1 290 2 total_think_time fixed bin (71), 1 291 2 total_queue_time fixed bin (71), 1 292 1 293 /* The next three arrays correspond to the array vcpu_response_bounds */ 1 294 1 295 2 number_processing (VCPU_RESPONSE_BOUNDS+1) fixed bin (35), /* number times entered "processing" state */ 1 296 2 total_processing_time (VCPU_RESPONSE_BOUNDS+1) fixed bin (71), 1 297 2 total_vcpu_time (VCPU_RESPONSE_BOUNDS+1) fixed bin (71), 1 298 2 maxf fixed bin (35), /* maximum fraction of cpu time */ 1 299 2 governing_credits fixed bin (35), /* for limiting cpu resources */ 1 300 2 pad1 (4) fixed bin (35); 1 301 1 302 1 303 dcl 1 based_sentinel aligned based, /* format of pxss-style sentinel */ 1 304 2 fp bit (18) unal, 1 305 2 bp bit (18) unal, 1 306 2 sentinel bit (36) aligned; 1 307 1 308 dcl VCPU_RESPONSE_BOUNDS fixed bin init (3) int static options (constant); 1 309 1 310 /* END INCLUDE FILE tcm.incl.pl1 */ 326 327 2 1 /* Begin include file hc_lock.incl.pl1 BIM 2/82 */ 2 2 /* Replaced by hc_fast_lock.incl.pl1 RSC 11/84 because name of structure 2 3* encourages name conflicts. 2 4* USE HC_FAST_LOCK INSTEAD! 2 5**/ 2 6 2 7 /* Lock format suitable for use with lock$lock_fast, unlock_fast */ 2 8 2 9 /* format: style3 */ 2 10 2 11 declare lock_ptr pointer; 2 12 declare 1 lock aligned based (lock_ptr), 2 13 2 pid bit (36) aligned, /* holder of lock */ 2 14 2 event bit (36) aligned, /* event associated with lock */ 2 15 2 flags aligned, 2 16 3 notify_sw bit (1) unaligned, 2 17 3 pad bit (35) unaligned; /* certain locks use this pad, like dirs */ 2 18 2 19 /* End include file hc_lock.incl.pl1 */ 328 329 end; SOURCE FILES USED IN THIS COMPILATION. LINE NUMBER DATE MODIFIED NAME PATHNAME 0 01/22/85 1306.6 traffic_control_meters.pl1 >spec>temp>41-5>traffic_control_meters.pl1 326 1 01/22/85 1321.5 tcm.incl.pl1 >spec>temp>41-5>tcm.incl.pl1 328 2 01/06/85 1422.1 hc_lock.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>hc_lock.incl.pl1 NAMES DECLARED IN THIS COMPILATION. IDENTIFIER OFFSET LOC STORAGE CLASS DATA TYPE ATTRIBUTES AND REFERENCES (* indicates a set context) NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT. MILLI constant bit(1) initial dcl 63 set ref 197* 200* 204* 206* 209* 213* 217* 219* 221* 223* 225* MYNAME 000000 constant char(22) initial unaligned dcl 69 set ref 112* 121* 141* 152* 280* NOP constant bit(1) initial dcl 63 set ref 177* 181* 183* 186* 190* 192* 194* 209* 213* 217* 219* 221* 225* 227* 232* 238* PER constant bit(1) initial dcl 63 set ref 179* 188* 197* 200* 204* 206* 223* SEC constant bit(1) initial dcl 63 set ref 177* 179* 181* 183* 186* 188* 190* 192* 194* 227* 232* 238* VCPU_RESPONSE_BOUNDS constant fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 1-308 ref 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 118 182 182 193 193 arg based char unaligned dcl 74 set ref 130 132 132 134 134 136 136 138 138 141* arg_no 000100 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 27 set ref 128* 129* argl 000101 automatic fixed bin(21,0) dcl 28 set ref 129* 130 132 132 134 134 136 136 138 138 141 141 argp 000102 automatic pointer dcl 29 set ref 129* 130 132 132 134 134 136 136 138 138 141 atb 000104 automatic float bin(27) dcl 30 set ref 168* 170* 171* 302* 304* 305* 305 318* 321* ave_eligible 40 based fixed bin(35,18) level 2 dcl 75 ref 165 avequeue 16 based fixed bin(35,18) level 2 dcl 75 ref 164 based_sentinel based structure level 1 dcl 1-303 blocks 10 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 180 blocks 10 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 180 boost_priority 272 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 191 boost_priority 272 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 191 c1 000105 automatic float bin(27) dcl 31 set ref 251* 256 257 258 268* 270* 271* code 000106 automatic fixed bin(35,0) dcl 32 set ref 109* 110 112* 118* 119 121* 129* 149* 150 152* 277* 278 280* com_err_ 000014 constant entry external dcl 85 ref 112 121 141 152 280 counters_sw 000131 automatic bit(1) dcl 36 set ref 107* 134* 138* 146* 173 cpu 000107 automatic float bin(27) array dcl 33 set ref 251* 270 cpu_time 000127 automatic float bin(27) dcl 34 set ref 158* cpusum 000130 automatic float bin(27) dcl 35 set ref 245* 256* 256 268 270 cu_$arg_count 000016 constant entry external dcl 86 ref 109 cu_$arg_ptr 000020 constant entry external dcl 87 ref 129 cur_ptrs 000132 automatic pointer array dcl 37 set ref 149* 158 164 165 166 167 176 178 180 182 185 187 189 191 193 195 198 202 207 210 210 215 220 222 224 226 229 233 235 239 247 249 251 cur_tcm based structure level 1 dcl 75 delta 000134 automatic float bin(27) dcl 38 set ref 167* 170 176* 178* 180* 182* 183 185* 187* 189* 191* 193* 195* 196 198* 199 200 202* 203 205* 207* 208 210* 212 213 215* 216 218* 220* 222* 224* 226* 227 229* 230 235* 236 302 304 317 318 318 321 321 depth_count 6 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 224 depth_count 6 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 224 depths 100 based fixed bin(18,0) array level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 249 depths 100 based fixed bin(18,0) array level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 249 error_table_$badopt 000012 external static fixed bin(35,0) dcl 80 set ref 141* fixed builtin function dcl 99 ref 318 318 321 321 float builtin function dcl 100 ref 159 formatted_time 000135 automatic char(10) unaligned dcl 39 set ref 149* 156* general_sw 000140 automatic bit(1) dcl 40 set ref 107* 130* 138* 146* 161 gp_done_count 145 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 220 gp_done_count 145 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 220 gw_gp_window_count 141 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 226 gw_gp_window_count 141 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 226 i 000141 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 41 set ref 246* 247 247 247 249 249 249 251 251 251 257 258* 261* 264 267 270 271* 271 271* intc 000142 automatic float bin(27) dcl 42 set ref 176* 315 317 ioa_ 000022 constant entry external dcl 88 ref 156 164 165 171 175 233 239 244 271 285 318 321 loadings 7 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 178 loadings 7 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 178 lock based structure level 1 dcl 2-12 lost_priority 273 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 189 lost_priority 273 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 189 meter_time 000143 automatic float bin(27) dcl 43 set ref 159* 304 meter_time_micsec 000144 automatic fixed bin(71,0) dcl 44 set ref 149* 159 metering_util_$define_regions 000024 constant entry external dcl 89 ref 118 metering_util_$fill_buffers 000026 constant entry external dcl 91 ref 149 metering_util_$reset 000030 constant entry external dcl 93 ref 277 milli parameter bit(1) dcl 295 ref 291 305 308 n_args 000146 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 45 set ref 109* 128 146 name parameter char unaligned dcl 294 set ref 291 318* 321* notifies 13 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 215 notifies 13 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 215 notify_nobody_count 155 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 229 notify_nobody_count 155 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 229 notify_nobody_event 156 based bit(36) level 2 dcl 75 set ref 233* nto_count 151 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 235 nto_count 151 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 235 nto_event 153 based bit(36) level 2 dcl 75 set ref 239* numint 000147 automatic float bin(27) dcl 46 set ref 166* 168 170 315* 317* 318* p1 000150 automatic float bin(27) dcl 47 set ref 247* 248 252 252* 257 260* 261 262* 264* 271* page_notifies 154 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 207 page_notifies 154 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 207 pauses based fixed bin(35,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 182 pauses based fixed bin(35,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 182 per parameter bit(1) dcl 296 ref 291 313 pf 000151 automatic float bin(27) array dcl 48 set ref 247* 264 pfdepth 130 based fixed bin(18,0) array level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 247 pfdepth 130 based fixed bin(18,0) array level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 247 pfsum 000171 automatic float bin(27) dcl 49 set ref 245* 248* 248 262 264 prev_ptrs 000172 automatic pointer array dcl 50 set ref 149* 158 166 167 176 178 180 182 185 187 189 191 193 195 198 202 207 210 210 215 220 222 224 226 229 235 247 249 251 prev_tcm based structure level 1 dcl 76 processor_time 42 based fixed bin(71,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 158 processor_time 42 based fixed bin(71,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 158 ptl_waits 143 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 198 210 ptl_waits 143 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 198 210 queue_sw 000174 automatic bit(1) dcl 51 set ref 107* 136* 138* 146* 242 realtime_priorities based fixed bin(35,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 193 realtime_priorities based fixed bin(35,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 193 reset_sw 000175 automatic bit(1) dcl 52 set ref 107* 132* 138* 275 response_count 50 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 166 176 response_count 50 based fixed bin(17,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 166 176 response_time 44 based fixed bin(71,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 167 response_time 44 based fixed bin(71,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 167 s1 000176 automatic float bin(27) dcl 53 set ref 249* 250 254 254* 258 265* 267* 271* sc 000177 automatic float bin(27) array dcl 54 set ref 249* 267 schedulings 14 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 187 schedulings 14 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 187 scsum 000217 automatic float bin(27) dcl 55 set ref 245* 250* 250 265 267 size builtin function dcl 101 ref 118 118 stat 160 based fixed bin(18,0) array level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 210 stat 160 based fixed bin(18,0) array level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 210 tbpf 000220 automatic float bin(27) array dcl 56 set ref 257* 271* tbs 000230 automatic float bin(27) array dcl 57 set ref 258* 271* tcm based structure level 1 dcl 1-11 ref 118 118 tcmp automatic pointer dcl 1-9 ref 118 118 tdepths 110 based fixed bin(71,0) array level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 251 tdepths 110 based fixed bin(71,0) array level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 251 te_pre_empt 22 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 222 te_pre_empt 22 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 222 te_wait 17 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 202 te_wait 17 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 202 total_notifies 000240 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 58 set ref 163* 208* 208 212* 212 216* 216 218 total_waits 000241 automatic fixed bin(17,0) dcl 59 set ref 163* 196* 196 199* 199 203* 203 205 unique 000010 internal static fixed bin(17,0) initial dcl 70 set ref 116 118* 122* 149* 277* units 000252 automatic char(4) unaligned dcl 299 set ref 308* 310* 318* 321* waits 12 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 195 waits 12 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 195 wakeups 11 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "prev_tcm" dcl 76 in procedure "tcm" ref 185 wakeups 11 based fixed bin(18,0) level 2 in structure "cur_tcm" dcl 75 in procedure "tcm" ref 185 wct_entry based structure level 1 dcl 1-260 NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT AND NEVER REFERENCED. lock_ptr automatic pointer dcl 2-11 wctep automatic pointer dcl 1-258 NAMES DECLARED BY EXPLICIT CONTEXT. print 002344 constant entry internal dcl 291 ref 177 179 181 183 186 188 190 192 194 197 200 204 206 209 213 217 219 221 223 225 227 232 238 tcm 000347 constant entry external dcl 12 traffic_control_meters 000356 constant entry external dcl 12 THERE WERE NO NAMES DECLARED BY CONTEXT OR IMPLICATION. STORAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS PROGRAM. Object Text Link Symbol Defs Static Start 0 0 3262 3314 3140 3272 Length 3574 3140 32 243 122 2 BLOCK NAME STACK SIZE TYPE WHY NONQUICK/WHO SHARES STACK FRAME tcm 306 external procedure is an external procedure. print internal procedure shares stack frame of external procedure tcm. STORAGE FOR INTERNAL STATIC VARIABLES. LOC IDENTIFIER BLOCK NAME 000010 unique tcm STORAGE FOR AUTOMATIC VARIABLES. STACK FRAME LOC IDENTIFIER BLOCK NAME tcm 000100 arg_no tcm 000101 argl tcm 000102 argp tcm 000104 atb tcm 000105 c1 tcm 000106 code tcm 000107 cpu tcm 000127 cpu_time tcm 000130 cpusum tcm 000131 counters_sw tcm 000132 cur_ptrs tcm 000134 delta tcm 000135 formatted_time tcm 000140 general_sw tcm 000141 i tcm 000142 intc tcm 000143 meter_time tcm 000144 meter_time_micsec tcm 000146 n_args tcm 000147 numint tcm 000150 p1 tcm 000151 pf tcm 000171 pfsum tcm 000172 prev_ptrs tcm 000174 queue_sw tcm 000175 reset_sw tcm 000176 s1 tcm 000177 sc tcm 000217 scsum tcm 000220 tbpf tcm 000230 tbs tcm 000240 total_notifies tcm 000241 total_waits tcm 000252 units print THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL OPERATORS ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. fx1_to_fl2 call_ext_out_desc call_ext_out return fl2_to_fx1 ext_entry THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL ENTRIES ARE CALLED BY THIS PROGRAM. com_err_ cu_$arg_count cu_$arg_ptr ioa_ metering_util_$define_regions metering_util_$fill_buffers metering_util_$reset THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL VARIABLES ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. error_table_$badopt CONSTANTS 002526 aa 000006000000 002527 aa 000006000000 002530 aa 600000000041 002531 aa 000254000000 002532 ta 000065000000 002533 aa 000000000000 002534 ta 000065000000 002535 aa 000000000000 002536 ta 000023000000 002537 aa 000000000000 002540 ta 000032000000 002541 aa 000000000000 002542 ta 000032000000 002543 aa 000000000000 002544 aa 000006000000 002545 aa 000006000000 002546 aa 600000000041 002547 aa 000274000000 002550 ta 000054000000 002551 aa 000000000000 002552 ta 000065000000 002553 aa 000000000000 002554 ta 000061000000 002555 aa 000000000000 002556 ta 000032000000 002557 aa 000000000000 002560 ta 000032000000 002561 aa 000000000000 002562 aa 000006000000 002563 aa 000006000000 002564 aa 600000000041 002565 aa 000254000000 002566 ta 000054000000 002567 aa 000000000000 002570 ta 000065000000 002571 aa 000000000000 002572 ta 000026000000 002573 aa 000000000000 002574 ta 000032000000 002575 aa 000000000000 002576 ta 000032000000 002577 aa 000000000000 002600 aa 000006000000 002601 aa 000006000000 002602 aa 600000000041 002603 aa 000254000000 002604 ta 000054000000 002605 aa 000000000000 002606 ta 000065000000 002607 aa 000000000000 002610 ta 000023000000 002611 aa 000000000000 002612 ta 000032000000 002613 aa 000000000000 002614 ta 000032000000 002615 aa 000000000000 002616 aa 000006000000 002617 aa 000006000000 002620 aa 600000000041 002621 aa 000254000000 002622 ta 000054000000 002623 aa 000000000000 002624 ta 000065000000 002625 aa 000000000000 002626 ta 000033000000 002627 aa 000000000000 002630 ta 000032000000 002631 aa 000000000000 002632 ta 000032000000 002633 aa 000000000000 002634 aa 000006000000 002635 aa 000006000000 002636 aa 600000000041 002637 aa 000254000000 002640 ta 000054000000 002641 aa 000000000000 002642 ta 000065000000 002643 aa 000000000000 002644 ta 000025000000 002645 aa 000000000000 002646 ta 000032000000 002647 aa 000000000000 002650 ta 000032000000 002651 aa 000000000000 002652 aa 000006000000 002653 aa 000006000000 002654 aa 600000000041 002655 aa 000254000000 002656 ta 000054000000 002657 aa 000000000000 002660 ta 000065000000 002661 aa 000000000000 002662 ta 000027000000 002663 aa 000000000000 002664 ta 000032000000 002665 aa 000000000000 002666 ta 000032000000 002667 aa 000000000000 002670 aa 000006000000 002671 aa 000006000000 002672 aa 600000000041 002673 aa 000254000000 002674 ta 000054000000 002675 aa 000000000000 002676 ta 000054000000 002677 aa 000000000000 002700 ta 000027000000 002701 aa 000000000000 002702 ta 000032000000 002703 aa 000000000000 002704 ta 000032000000 002705 aa 000000000000 002706 aa 000006000000 002707 aa 000006000000 002710 aa 600000000041 002711 aa 000254000000 002712 ta 000054000000 002713 aa 000000000000 002714 ta 000054000000 002715 aa 000000000000 002716 ta 000025000000 002717 aa 000000000000 002720 ta 000032000000 002721 aa 000000000000 002722 ta 000032000000 002723 aa 000000000000 002724 aa 000006000000 002725 aa 000006000000 002726 aa 600000000041 002727 aa 000274000000 002730 ta 000054000000 002731 aa 000000000000 002732 ta 000054000000 002733 aa 000000000000 002734 ta 000031000000 002735 aa 000000000000 002736 ta 000032000000 002737 aa 000000000000 002740 ta 000032000000 002741 aa 000000000000 002742 aa 000006000000 002743 aa 000006000000 002744 aa 600000000041 002745 aa 000254000000 002746 ta 000054000000 002747 aa 000000000000 002750 ta 000054000000 002751 aa 000000000000 002752 ta 000024000000 002753 aa 000000000000 002754 ta 000032000000 002755 aa 000000000000 002756 ta 000032000000 002757 aa 000000000000 002760 aa 000006000000 002761 aa 000006000000 002762 aa 600000000041 002763 aa 000254000000 002764 ta 000065000000 002765 aa 000000000000 002766 ta 000065000000 002767 aa 000000000000 002770 ta 000025000000 002771 aa 000000000000 002772 ta 000032000000 002773 aa 000000000000 002774 ta 000032000000 002775 aa 000000000000 002776 aa 000006000000 002777 aa 000006000000 003000 aa 600000000041 003001 aa 000254000000 003002 ta 000065000000 003003 aa 000000000000 003004 ta 000065000000 003005 aa 000000000000 003006 ta 000044000000 003007 aa 000000000000 003010 ta 000032000000 003011 aa 000000000000 003012 ta 000032000000 003013 aa 000000000000 003014 aa 000006000000 003015 aa 000006000000 003016 aa 600000000041 003017 aa 000254000000 003020 ta 000065000000 003021 aa 000000000000 003022 ta 000065000000 003023 aa 000000000000 003024 ta 000026000000 003025 aa 000000000000 003026 ta 000032000000 003027 aa 000000000000 003030 ta 000032000000 003031 aa 000000000000 003032 aa 000006000000 003033 aa 000006000000 003034 aa 600000000041 003035 aa 000254000000 003036 ta 000065000000 003037 aa 000000000000 003040 ta 000054000000 003041 aa 000000000000 003042 ta 000027000000 003043 aa 000000000000 003044 ta 000032000000 003045 aa 000000000000 003046 ta 000032000000 003047 aa 000000000000 003050 aa 000006000000 003051 aa 000006000000 003052 aa 600000000041 003053 aa 000274000000 003054 ta 000065000000 003055 aa 000000000000 003056 ta 000065000000 003057 aa 000000000000 003060 ta 000061000000 003061 aa 000000000000 003062 ta 000032000000 003063 aa 000000000000 003064 ta 000032000000 003065 aa 000000000000 003066 aa 000006000000 003067 aa 000006000000 003070 aa 600000000041 003071 aa 000274000000 003072 ta 000065000000 003073 aa 000000000000 003074 ta 000065000000 003075 aa 000000000000 003076 ta 000030000000 003077 aa 000000000000 003100 ta 000032000000 003101 aa 000000000000 003102 ta 000032000000 003103 aa 000000000000 003104 aa 000006000000 003105 aa 000006000000 003106 aa 600000000041 003107 aa 000274000000 003110 ta 000065000000 003111 aa 000000000000 003112 ta 000054000000 003113 aa 000000000000 003114 ta 000031000000 003115 aa 000000000000 003116 ta 000032000000 003117 aa 000000000000 003120 ta 000032000000 003121 aa 000000000000 003122 aa 000006000000 003123 aa 000006000000 003124 aa 600000000041 003125 aa 000254000000 003126 ta 000065000000 003127 aa 000000000000 003130 ta 000065000000 003131 aa 000000000000 003132 ta 000033000000 003133 aa 000000000000 003134 ta 000032000000 003135 aa 000000000000 003136 ta 000032000000 003137 aa 000000000000 000000 aa 164 162 141 146 traf 000001 aa 146 151 143 137 fic_ 000002 aa 143 157 156 164 cont 000003 aa 162 157 154 137 rol_ 000004 aa 155 145 164 145 mete 000005 aa 162 163 000 000 rs 000006 aa 524000000021 000007 aa 526000000004 000010 aa 404000000033 000011 aa 524000000026 000012 aa 163 145 143 040 sec 000013 aa 155 163 145 143 msec 000014 aa 526077777777 000015 aa 524000000001 000016 aa 524000000034 000017 aa 756406111565 000020 aa 524000000053 000021 aa 514000000044 000022 aa 524000000024 000023 aa 524000000016 000024 aa 524000000011 000025 aa 524000000012 000026 aa 524000000015 000027 aa 524000000013 000030 aa 524000000006 000031 aa 524000000010 000032 aa 514000000001 000033 aa 524000000014 000034 aa 524000000064 000035 aa 414000000033 000036 aa 524000000032 000037 aa 732414336750 000040 aa 524000000025 000041 aa 420000000043 000042 aa 524000000027 000043 aa 524000000031 000044 aa 524000000017 000045 aa 526000000012 000046 aa 410000000107 000047 aa 526000000000 000050 aa 055 162 162 000 -rr 000051 aa 055 161 165 000 -qu 000052 aa 055 143 164 000 -ct 000053 aa 055 162 163 000 -rs 000054 aa 400000000000 000055 aa 055 147 145 156 -gen 000056 aa 524000000020 000057 aa 404000000030 000060 aa 404000000005 000061 aa 524000000007 000062 aa 404000000021 000063 aa 526000000026 000064 aa 404000000043 000065 aa 000000000000 000066 aa 107 145 164 167 Getw 000067 aa 157 162 153 000 ork 000070 aa 127 141 151 164 Wait 000071 aa 040 120 124 114 PTL 000072 aa 127 141 153 145 Wake 000073 aa 165 160 163 000 ups 000074 aa 120 141 165 163 Paus 000075 aa 145 163 000 000 es 000076 aa 102 154 157 143 Bloc 000077 aa 153 163 000 000 ks 000100 aa 114 157 141 144 Load 000101 aa 151 156 147 163 ings 000102 aa 055 161 165 145 -que 000103 aa 165 145 000 000 ue 000104 aa 055 162 145 163 -res 000105 aa 145 164 000 000 et 000106 aa 164 143 137 144 tc_d 000107 aa 141 164 141 000 ata 000110 aa 122 145 163 145 Rese 000111 aa 164 164 151 156 ttin 000112 aa 147 000 000 000 g 000113 aa 120 162 145 055 Pre- 000114 aa 145 155 160 164 empt 000115 aa 163 000 000 000 s 000116 aa 116 157 164 151 Noti 000117 aa 146 171 040 117 fy O 000120 aa 164 150 145 162 ther 000121 aa 116 157 164 151 Noti 000122 aa 146 171 040 120 fy P 000123 aa 124 114 000 000 TL 000124 aa 116 157 164 151 Noti 000125 aa 146 171 040 120 fy P 000126 aa 141 147 145 000 age 000127 aa 124 157 164 141 Tota 000130 aa 154 040 127 141 l Wa 000131 aa 151 164 163 000 its 000132 aa 127 141 151 164 Wait 000133 aa 040 117 164 150 Oth 000134 aa 145 162 000 000 er 000135 aa 127 141 151 164 Wait 000136 aa 040 120 141 147 Pag 000137 aa 145 000 000 000 e 000140 aa 111 057 117 040 I/O 000141 aa 142 157 157 163 boos 000142 aa 164 163 000 000 ts 000143 aa 123 143 150 145 Sche 000144 aa 144 165 154 151 duli 000145 aa 156 147 163 000 ngs 000146 aa 111 156 164 145 Inte 000147 aa 162 141 143 164 ract 000150 aa 151 157 156 163 ions 000151 aa 055 143 157 165 -cou 000152 aa 156 164 145 162 nter 000153 aa 163 000 000 000 s 000154 aa 116 157 164 151 Noti 000155 aa 146 171 040 164 fy t 000156 aa 151 155 145 157 imeo 000157 aa 165 164 000 000 ut 000160 aa 105 170 164 162 Extr 000161 aa 141 040 156 157 a no 000162 aa 164 151 146 151 tifi 000163 aa 145 163 000 000 es 000164 aa 122 145 164 162 Retr 000165 aa 171 040 147 145 y ge 000166 aa 164 167 157 162 twor 000167 aa 153 000 000 000 k 000170 aa 107 145 164 040 Get 000171 aa 120 162 157 143 Proc 000172 aa 145 163 163 157 esso 000173 aa 162 000 000 000 r 000174 aa 124 157 164 141 Tota 000175 aa 154 040 116 157 l No 000176 aa 164 151 146 151 tifi 000177 aa 145 163 000 000 es 000200 aa 120 162 151 157 Prio 000201 aa 162 151 164 171 rity 000202 aa 040 142 157 157 boo 000203 aa 163 164 163 000 sts 000204 aa 114 157 163 164 Lost 000205 aa 040 160 162 151 pri 000206 aa 157 162 151 164 orit 000207 aa 171 000 000 000 y 000210 aa 106 151 154 154 Fill 000211 aa 151 156 147 040 ing 000212 aa 142 165 146 146 buff 000213 aa 145 162 163 000 ers 000214 aa 464100000000 000215 aa 000000000001 000216 aa 000000000001 000217 aa 000000000002 000220 aa 055 162 145 160 -rep 000221 aa 157 162 164 137 ort_ 000222 aa 162 145 163 145 rese 000223 aa 164 000 000 000 t 000224 aa 104 145 146 151 Defi 000225 aa 156 151 156 147 ning 000226 aa 040 162 145 147 reg 000227 aa 151 157 156 163 ions 000230 aa 136 061 066 141 ^16a 000231 aa 136 070 144 136 ^8d^ 000232 aa 061 061 056 063 11.3 000233 aa 146 040 136 064 f ^4 000234 aa 141 000 000 000 a 000235 aa 040 114 141 163 Las 000236 aa 164 040 116 124 t NT 000237 aa 117 040 145 166 O ev 000240 aa 145 156 164 040 ent 000241 aa 040 040 136 167 ^w 000242 aa 040 114 141 163 Las 000243 aa 164 040 105 116 t EN 000244 aa 040 145 166 145 eve 000245 aa 156 164 040 040 nt 000246 aa 040 040 136 167 ^w 000247 aa 136 061 066 141 ^16a 000250 aa 136 070 144 136 ^8d^ 000251 aa 061 061 056 063 11.3 000252 aa 146 040 136 064 f ^4 000253 aa 141 136 070 056 a^8. 000254 aa 063 146 000 000 3f 000255 aa 101 166 145 040 Ave 000256 aa 145 154 151 147 elig 000257 aa 151 142 154 145 ible 000260 aa 040 040 040 040 000261 aa 136 071 056 062 ^9.2 000262 aa 146 000 000 000 f 000263 aa 136 057 101 166 ^/Av 000264 aa 145 040 161 165 e qu 000265 aa 145 165 145 040 eue 000266 aa 154 145 156 147 leng 000267 aa 164 150 136 071 th^9 000270 aa 056 062 146 000 .2f 000271 aa 136 064 144 136 ^4d^ 000272 aa 071 056 061 146 9.1f 000273 aa 136 066 056 061 ^6.1 000274 aa 146 136 067 056 f^7. 000275 aa 061 146 136 067 1f^7 000276 aa 056 061 146 136 .1f^ 000277 aa 066 056 061 146 6.1f 000300 aa 122 145 163 160 Resp 000301 aa 157 156 163 145 onse 000302 aa 040 164 151 155 tim 000303 aa 145 040 040 040 e 000304 aa 040 136 071 056 ^9. 000305 aa 063 146 040 163 3f s 000306 aa 145 143 000 000 ec 000307 aa 136 057 124 157 ^/To 000310 aa 164 141 154 040 tal 000311 aa 155 145 164 145 mete 000312 aa 162 151 156 147 ring 000313 aa 040 164 151 155 tim 000314 aa 145 136 055 136 e^-^ 000315 aa 141 000 000 000 a 000316 aa 136 057 040 104 ^/ D 000317 aa 105 120 124 110 EPTH 000320 aa 040 040 040 045 % 000321 aa 120 106 040 040 PF 000322 aa 040 124 102 120 TBP 000323 aa 106 040 040 040 F 000324 aa 045 107 124 127 %GTW 000325 aa 040 040 040 124 T 000326 aa 102 123 040 040 BS 000327 aa 040 045 103 120 %CP 000330 aa 125 136 057 000 U^/ 000331 aa 136 057 040 040 ^/ 000332 aa 103 117 125 116 COUN 000333 aa 124 105 122 040 TER 000334 aa 040 040 040 040 000335 aa 040 040 040 040 000336 aa 040 124 117 124 TOT 000337 aa 101 114 040 040 AL 000340 aa 040 040 040 040 000341 aa 040 040 040 101 A 000342 aa 124 102 040 040 TB 000343 aa 040 040 040 040 000344 aa 040 043 057 111 #/I 000345 aa 116 124 136 057 NT^/ BEGIN PROCEDURE tcm ENTRY TO tcm STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 12 traffic_control_meters: tcm: proc; 000346 da 000113200000 000347 aa 000500 6270 00 eax7 320 000350 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 000351 aa 2 01045 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|549 ext_entry 000352 aa 000000000000 000353 aa 000000000000 000354 aa 000007 7100 04 tra 7,ic 000363 ENTRY TO traffic_control_meters STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 12 traffic_control_meters: tcm: proc; 000355 da 000116200000 000356 aa 000500 6270 00 eax7 320 000357 aa 7 00034 3521 20 epp2 pr7|28,* 000360 aa 2 01045 2721 00 tsp2 pr2|549 ext_entry 000361 aa 000000000000 000362 aa 000000000000 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 107 reset_sw, counters_sw, queue_sw, general_sw = "0"b; 000363 aa 6 00175 4501 00 stz pr6|125 reset_sw 000364 aa 6 00131 4501 00 stz pr6|89 counters_sw 000365 aa 6 00174 4501 00 stz pr6|124 queue_sw 000366 aa 6 00140 4501 00 stz pr6|96 general_sw STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 109 call cu_$arg_count (n_args, code); 000367 aa 6 00146 3521 00 epp2 pr6|102 n_args 000370 aa 6 00256 2521 00 spri2 pr6|174 000371 aa 6 00106 3521 00 epp2 pr6|70 code 000372 aa 6 00260 2521 00 spri2 pr6|176 000373 aa 6 00254 6211 00 eax1 pr6|172 000374 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 000375 la 4 00016 3521 20 epp2 pr4|14,* cu_$arg_count 000376 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 110 if code ^= 0 then do; 000377 aa 6 00106 2361 00 ldq pr6|70 code 000400 aa 000017 6000 04 tze 15,ic 000417 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 112 call com_err_ (code, MYNAME); 000401 aa 6 00106 3521 00 epp2 pr6|70 code 000402 aa 6 00264 2521 00 spri2 pr6|180 000403 aa 777375 3520 04 epp2 -259,ic 000000 = 164162141146 000404 aa 6 00266 2521 00 spri2 pr6|182 000405 aa 777457 3520 04 epp2 -209,ic 000064 = 404000000043 000406 aa 6 00270 2521 00 spri2 pr6|184 000407 aa 777454 3520 04 epp2 -212,ic 000063 = 526000000026 000410 aa 6 00272 2521 00 spri2 pr6|186 000411 aa 6 00262 6211 00 eax1 pr6|178 000412 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 000413 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 000414 la 4 00014 3521 20 epp2 pr4|12,* com_err_ 000415 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 113 return; 000416 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 114 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 116 if unique = 0 then do; 000417 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 000420 ia 4 00010 2361 00 ldq pr4|8 unique 000421 aa 000127 6010 04 tnz 87,ic 000550 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 118 call metering_util_$define_regions (unique, code, "tc_data", 0, size (tcm)); 000422 aa 777464 2370 04 ldaq -204,ic 000106 = 164143137144 141164141000 000423 aa 6 00274 7571 00 staq pr6|188 000424 aa 6 00253 4501 00 stz pr6|171 000425 aa 000004 2360 07 ldq 4,dl 000426 aa 6 00277 7561 00 stq pr6|191 000427 aa 000001 7360 00 qls 1 000430 aa 6 00300 7561 00 stq pr6|192 000431 aa 6 00277 2361 00 ldq pr6|191 000432 aa 000036 0760 07 adq 30,dl 000433 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 000434 aa 777776 3760 07 anq 262142,dl 000435 aa 6 00300 0761 00 adq pr6|192 000436 aa 6 00300 0761 00 adq pr6|192 000437 aa 000006 0760 07 adq 6,dl 000440 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 000441 aa 777776 3760 07 anq 262142,dl 000442 aa 000021 4020 07 mpy 17,dl 000443 aa 6 00300 7561 00 stq pr6|192 000444 aa 000436 2360 07 ldq 286,dl 000445 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 000446 aa 777776 3760 07 anq 262142,dl 000447 aa 000010 0760 07 adq 8,dl 000450 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 000451 aa 777776 3760 07 anq 262142,dl 000452 aa 000006 0760 07 adq 6,dl 000453 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 000454 aa 777776 3760 07 anq 262142,dl 000455 aa 000012 0760 07 adq 10,dl 000456 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 000457 aa 777776 3760 07 anq 262142,dl 000460 aa 000422 0760 07 adq 274,dl 000461 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 000462 aa 777776 3760 07 anq 262142,dl 000463 aa 6 00300 0761 00 adq pr6|192 000464 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 000465 aa 6 00276 7561 00 stq pr6|190 000466 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 unique 000467 aa 6 00304 2521 00 spri2 pr6|196 000470 aa 6 00106 3521 00 epp2 pr6|70 code 000471 aa 6 00306 2521 00 spri2 pr6|198 000472 aa 6 00274 3521 00 epp2 pr6|188 000473 aa 6 00310 2521 00 spri2 pr6|200 000474 aa 6 00253 3521 00 epp2 pr6|171 000475 aa 6 00312 2521 00 spri2 pr6|202 000476 aa 6 00276 3521 00 epp2 pr6|190 000477 aa 6 00314 2521 00 spri2 pr6|204 000500 aa 777362 3520 04 epp2 -270,ic 000062 = 404000000021 000501 aa 6 00316 2521 00 spri2 pr6|206 000502 aa 777362 3520 04 epp2 -270,ic 000064 = 404000000043 000503 aa 6 00320 2521 00 spri2 pr6|208 000504 aa 777355 3520 04 epp2 -275,ic 000061 = 524000000007 000505 aa 6 00322 2521 00 spri2 pr6|210 000506 aa 777352 3520 04 epp2 -278,ic 000060 = 404000000005 000507 aa 6 00324 2521 00 spri2 pr6|212 000510 aa 777347 3520 04 epp2 -281,ic 000057 = 404000000030 000511 aa 6 00326 2521 00 spri2 pr6|214 000512 aa 6 00302 6211 00 eax1 pr6|194 000513 aa 024000 4310 07 fld 10240,dl 000514 la 4 00024 3521 20 epp2 pr4|20,* metering_util_$define_regions 000515 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 119 if code ^= 0 then do; 000516 aa 6 00106 2361 00 ldq pr6|70 code 000517 aa 000031 6000 04 tze 25,ic 000550 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 121 call com_err_ (code, MYNAME, "Defining regions"); 000520 aa 777504 2370 04 ldaq -188,ic 000224 = 104145146151 156151156147 000521 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 000522 aa 777504 2370 04 ldaq -188,ic 000226 = 040162145147 151157156163 000523 aa 6 00256 7571 00 staq pr6|174 000524 aa 6 00106 3521 00 epp2 pr6|70 code 000525 aa 6 00304 2521 00 spri2 pr6|196 000526 aa 777252 3520 04 epp2 -342,ic 000000 = 164162141146 000527 aa 6 00306 2521 00 spri2 pr6|198 000530 aa 6 00254 3521 00 epp2 pr6|172 000531 aa 6 00310 2521 00 spri2 pr6|200 000532 aa 777332 3520 04 epp2 -294,ic 000064 = 404000000043 000533 aa 6 00312 2521 00 spri2 pr6|202 000534 aa 777327 3520 04 epp2 -297,ic 000063 = 526000000026 000535 aa 6 00314 2521 00 spri2 pr6|204 000536 aa 777320 3520 04 epp2 -304,ic 000056 = 524000000020 000537 aa 6 00316 2521 00 spri2 pr6|206 000540 aa 6 00302 6211 00 eax1 pr6|194 000541 aa 014000 4310 07 fld 6144,dl 000542 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 000543 la 4 00014 3521 20 epp2 pr4|12,* com_err_ 000544 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 122 unique = 0; 000545 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 000546 ia 4 00010 4501 00 stz pr4|8 unique STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 123 return; 000547 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 124 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 125 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 128 do arg_no = 1 to n_args; 000550 aa 6 00146 2361 00 ldq pr6|102 n_args 000551 aa 6 00242 7561 00 stq pr6|162 000552 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 000553 aa 6 00100 7561 00 stq pr6|64 arg_no 000554 aa 6 00100 2361 00 ldq pr6|64 arg_no 000555 aa 6 00242 1161 00 cmpq pr6|162 000556 aa 000135 6054 04 tpnz 93,ic 000713 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 129 call cu_$arg_ptr (arg_no, argp, argl, code); 000557 aa 6 00100 3521 00 epp2 pr6|64 arg_no 000560 aa 6 00264 2521 00 spri2 pr6|180 000561 aa 6 00102 3521 00 epp2 pr6|66 argp 000562 aa 6 00266 2521 00 spri2 pr6|182 000563 aa 6 00101 3521 00 epp2 pr6|65 argl 000564 aa 6 00270 2521 00 spri2 pr6|184 000565 aa 6 00106 3521 00 epp2 pr6|70 code 000566 aa 6 00272 2521 00 spri2 pr6|186 000567 aa 6 00262 6211 00 eax1 pr6|178 000570 aa 020000 4310 07 fld 8192,dl 000571 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 000572 la 4 00020 3521 20 epp2 pr4|16,* cu_$arg_ptr 000573 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 130 if arg = "-gen" then general_sw = "1"b; 000574 aa 6 00102 3735 20 epp7 pr6|66,* argp 000575 aa 6 00101 2351 00 lda pr6|65 argl 000576 aa 040 004 106 540 cmpc (pr,rl),(ic),fill(040) 000577 aa 7 00000 00 0005 desc9a pr7|0,al arg 000600 aa 777257 00 0004 desc9a -337,4 000055 = 055147145156 000601 aa 000004 6010 04 tnz 4,ic 000605 000602 aa 400000 2350 03 lda 131072,du 000603 aa 6 00140 7551 00 sta pr6|96 general_sw 000604 aa 000105 7100 04 tra 69,ic 000711 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 132 else if arg = "-rs" | arg = "-reset" then reset_sw = "1"b; 000605 aa 040 004 106 540 cmpc (pr,rl),(ic),fill(040) 000606 aa 7 00000 00 0005 desc9a pr7|0,al arg 000607 aa 777246 00 0003 desc9a -346,3 000053 = 055162163000 000610 aa 000005 6000 04 tze 5,ic 000615 000611 aa 040 004 106 540 cmpc (pr,rl),(ic),fill(040) 000612 aa 7 00000 00 0005 desc9a pr7|0,al arg 000613 aa 777273 00 0006 desc9a -325,6 000104 = 055162145163 000614 aa 000004 6010 04 tnz 4,ic 000620 000615 aa 400000 2350 03 lda 131072,du 000616 aa 6 00175 7551 00 sta pr6|125 reset_sw 000617 aa 000072 7100 04 tra 58,ic 000711 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 134 else if arg = "-ct" | arg = "-counters" then counters_sw = "1"b; 000620 aa 040 004 106 540 cmpc (pr,rl),(ic),fill(040) 000621 aa 7 00000 00 0005 desc9a pr7|0,al arg 000622 aa 777232 00 0003 desc9a -358,3 000052 = 055143164000 000623 aa 000005 6000 04 tze 5,ic 000630 000624 aa 040 004 106 540 cmpc (pr,rl),(ic),fill(040) 000625 aa 7 00000 00 0005 desc9a pr7|0,al arg 000626 aa 777325 00 0011 desc9a -299,9 000151 = 055143157165 000627 aa 000004 6010 04 tnz 4,ic 000633 000630 aa 400000 2350 03 lda 131072,du 000631 aa 6 00131 7551 00 sta pr6|89 counters_sw 000632 aa 000057 7100 04 tra 47,ic 000711 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 136 else if arg = "-qu" | arg = "-queue" then queue_sw = "1"b; 000633 aa 040 004 106 540 cmpc (pr,rl),(ic),fill(040) 000634 aa 7 00000 00 0005 desc9a pr7|0,al arg 000635 aa 777216 00 0003 desc9a -370,3 000051 = 055161165000 000636 aa 000005 6000 04 tze 5,ic 000643 000637 aa 040 004 106 540 cmpc (pr,rl),(ic),fill(040) 000640 aa 7 00000 00 0005 desc9a pr7|0,al arg 000641 aa 777243 00 0006 desc9a -349,6 000102 = 055161165145 000642 aa 000004 6010 04 tnz 4,ic 000646 000643 aa 400000 2350 03 lda 131072,du 000644 aa 6 00174 7551 00 sta pr6|124 queue_sw 000645 aa 000044 7100 04 tra 36,ic 000711 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 138 else if arg = "-rr" | arg = "-report_reset" then general_sw, counters_sw, reset_sw, queue_sw = "1"b; 000646 aa 040 004 106 540 cmpc (pr,rl),(ic),fill(040) 000647 aa 7 00000 00 0005 desc9a pr7|0,al arg 000650 aa 777202 00 0003 desc9a -382,3 000050 = 055162162000 000651 aa 000005 6000 04 tze 5,ic 000656 000652 aa 040 004 106 540 cmpc (pr,rl),(ic),fill(040) 000653 aa 7 00000 00 0005 desc9a pr7|0,al arg 000654 aa 777346 00 0015 desc9a -282,13 000220 = 055162145160 000655 aa 000007 6010 04 tnz 7,ic 000664 000656 aa 400000 2350 03 lda 131072,du 000657 aa 6 00140 7551 00 sta pr6|96 general_sw 000660 aa 6 00131 7551 00 sta pr6|89 counters_sw 000661 aa 6 00175 7551 00 sta pr6|125 reset_sw 000662 aa 6 00174 7551 00 sta pr6|124 queue_sw 000663 aa 000026 7100 04 tra 22,ic 000711 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 140 else do; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 141 call com_err_ (error_table_$badopt, MYNAME, arg); 000664 aa 6 00101 2361 00 ldq pr6|65 argl 000665 aa 526000 2760 03 orq 175104,du 000666 aa 6 00276 7561 00 stq pr6|190 000667 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 000670 la 4 00012 3521 20 epp2 pr4|10,* error_table_$badopt 000671 aa 6 00304 2521 00 spri2 pr6|196 000672 aa 777106 3520 04 epp2 -442,ic 000000 = 164162141146 000673 aa 6 00306 2521 00 spri2 pr6|198 000674 aa 7 00000 3521 00 epp2 pr7|0 arg 000675 aa 6 00310 2521 00 spri2 pr6|200 000676 aa 777166 3520 04 epp2 -394,ic 000064 = 404000000043 000677 aa 6 00312 2521 00 spri2 pr6|202 000700 aa 777163 3520 04 epp2 -397,ic 000063 = 526000000026 000701 aa 6 00314 2521 00 spri2 pr6|204 000702 aa 6 00276 3521 00 epp2 pr6|190 000703 aa 6 00316 2521 00 spri2 pr6|206 000704 aa 6 00302 6211 00 eax1 pr6|194 000705 aa 014000 4310 07 fld 6144,dl 000706 la 4 00014 3521 20 epp2 pr4|12,* com_err_ 000707 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 142 return; 000710 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 143 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 144 end; 000711 aa 6 00100 0541 00 aos pr6|64 arg_no 000712 aa 777642 7100 04 tra -94,ic 000554 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 146 if n_args = 0 then general_sw, counters_sw, queue_sw = "1"b; 000713 aa 6 00146 2361 00 ldq pr6|102 n_args 000714 aa 000005 6010 04 tnz 5,ic 000721 000715 aa 400000 2350 03 lda 131072,du 000716 aa 6 00140 7551 00 sta pr6|96 general_sw 000717 aa 6 00131 7551 00 sta pr6|89 counters_sw 000720 aa 6 00174 7551 00 sta pr6|124 queue_sw STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 149 call metering_util_$fill_buffers (unique, meter_time_micsec, formatted_time, cur_ptrs, prev_ptrs, code); 000721 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 000722 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 unique 000723 aa 6 00332 2521 00 spri2 pr6|218 000724 aa 6 00144 3521 00 epp2 pr6|100 meter_time_micsec 000725 aa 6 00334 2521 00 spri2 pr6|220 000726 aa 6 00135 3521 00 epp2 pr6|93 formatted_time 000727 aa 6 00336 2521 00 spri2 pr6|222 000730 aa 6 00132 3521 00 epp2 pr6|90 cur_ptrs 000731 aa 6 00340 2521 00 spri2 pr6|224 000732 aa 6 00172 3521 00 epp2 pr6|122 prev_ptrs 000733 aa 6 00342 2521 00 spri2 pr6|226 000734 aa 6 00106 3521 00 epp2 pr6|70 code 000735 aa 6 00344 2521 00 spri2 pr6|228 000736 aa 777124 3520 04 epp2 -428,ic 000062 = 404000000021 000737 aa 6 00346 2521 00 spri2 pr6|230 000740 aa 777106 3520 04 epp2 -442,ic 000046 = 410000000107 000741 aa 6 00350 2521 00 spri2 pr6|232 000742 aa 777103 3520 04 epp2 -445,ic 000045 = 526000000012 000743 aa 6 00352 2521 00 spri2 pr6|234 000744 aa 777250 3520 04 epp2 -344,ic 000214 = 464100000000 000745 aa 6 00354 2521 00 spri2 pr6|236 000746 aa 6 00356 2521 00 spri2 pr6|238 000747 aa 777115 3520 04 epp2 -435,ic 000064 = 404000000043 000750 aa 6 00360 2521 00 spri2 pr6|240 000751 aa 6 00330 6211 00 eax1 pr6|216 000752 aa 030000 4310 07 fld 12288,dl 000753 la 4 00026 3521 20 epp2 pr4|22,* metering_util_$fill_buffers 000754 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 150 if code ^= 0 then do; 000755 aa 6 00106 2361 00 ldq pr6|70 code 000756 aa 000027 6000 04 tze 23,ic 001005 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 152 call com_err_ (code, MYNAME, "Filling buffers"); 000757 aa 777231 2370 04 ldaq -359,ic 000210 = 106151154154 151156147040 000760 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 000761 aa 777231 2370 04 ldaq -359,ic 000212 = 142165146146 145162163000 000762 aa 6 00256 7571 00 staq pr6|174 000763 aa 6 00106 3521 00 epp2 pr6|70 code 000764 aa 6 00304 2521 00 spri2 pr6|196 000765 aa 777013 3520 04 epp2 -501,ic 000000 = 164162141146 000766 aa 6 00306 2521 00 spri2 pr6|198 000767 aa 6 00254 3521 00 epp2 pr6|172 000770 aa 6 00310 2521 00 spri2 pr6|200 000771 aa 777073 3520 04 epp2 -453,ic 000064 = 404000000043 000772 aa 6 00312 2521 00 spri2 pr6|202 000773 aa 777070 3520 04 epp2 -456,ic 000063 = 526000000026 000774 aa 6 00314 2521 00 spri2 pr6|204 000775 aa 777047 3520 04 epp2 -473,ic 000044 = 524000000017 000776 aa 6 00316 2521 00 spri2 pr6|206 000777 aa 6 00302 6211 00 eax1 pr6|194 001000 aa 014000 4310 07 fld 6144,dl 001001 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001002 la 4 00014 3521 20 epp2 pr4|12,* com_err_ 001003 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 153 return; 001004 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 154 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 156 call ioa_ ("^/Total metering time^-^a", formatted_time); 001005 aa 000 100 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr),fill(000) 001006 aa 777302 00 0034 desc9a -318,28 000307 = 136057124157 001007 aa 6 00262 00 0034 desc9a pr6|178,28 001010 aa 6 00262 3521 00 epp2 pr6|178 001011 aa 6 00304 2521 00 spri2 pr6|196 001012 aa 6 00135 3521 00 epp2 pr6|93 formatted_time 001013 aa 6 00306 2521 00 spri2 pr6|198 001014 aa 777027 3520 04 epp2 -489,ic 000043 = 524000000031 001015 aa 6 00310 2521 00 spri2 pr6|200 001016 aa 777027 3520 04 epp2 -489,ic 000045 = 526000000012 001017 aa 6 00312 2521 00 spri2 pr6|202 001020 aa 6 00302 6211 00 eax1 pr6|194 001021 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 001022 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001023 la 4 00022 3521 20 epp2 pr4|18,* ioa_ 001024 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 158 cpu_time = cur_tcm.processor_time - prev_tcm.processor_time; 001025 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001026 aa 7 00042 2371 00 ldaq pr7|34 cur_tcm.processor_time 001027 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001030 aa 5 00042 1771 00 sbaq pr5|34 prev_tcm.processor_time 001031 aa 216000 4110 03 lde 72704,du 001032 aa 400000 4750 03 fad 131072,du 001033 aa 6 00127 4551 00 fst pr6|87 cpu_time STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 159 meter_time = float (meter_time_micsec) / 1.0e2; 001034 aa 016620 4310 03 fld 7568,du 001035 aa 6 00274 4571 00 dfst pr6|188 001036 aa 6 00144 2371 00 ldaq pr6|100 meter_time_micsec 001037 aa 216000 4110 03 lde 72704,du 001040 aa 400000 4750 03 fad 131072,du 001041 aa 6 00274 5671 00 dfdv pr6|188 001042 aa 6 00143 4551 00 fst pr6|99 meter_time STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 161 if general_sw then do; 001043 aa 6 00140 2351 00 lda pr6|96 general_sw 001044 aa 000124 6000 04 tze 84,ic 001170 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 163 total_waits, total_notifies = 0; 001045 aa 6 00241 4501 00 stz pr6|161 total_waits 001046 aa 6 00240 4501 00 stz pr6|160 total_notifies STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 164 call ioa_ ("^/Ave queue length^9.2f", cur_tcm.avequeue * 1e0); 001047 aa 000 100 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr),fill(000) 001050 aa 777214 00 0030 desc9a -372,24 000263 = 136057101166 001051 aa 6 00254 00 0030 desc9a pr6|172,24 001052 aa 7 00016 2351 00 lda pr7|14 cur_tcm.avequeue 001053 aa 000044 7330 00 lrs 36 001054 aa 152000 4110 03 lde 54272,du 001055 aa 400000 4750 03 fad 131072,du 001056 aa 002400 4610 03 fmp 1280,du 001057 aa 6 00274 4571 00 dfst pr6|188 001060 aa 6 00254 3521 00 epp2 pr6|172 001061 aa 6 00264 2521 00 spri2 pr6|180 001062 aa 6 00274 3521 00 epp2 pr6|188 001063 aa 6 00266 2521 00 spri2 pr6|182 001064 aa 776756 3520 04 epp2 -530,ic 000042 = 524000000027 001065 aa 6 00270 2521 00 spri2 pr6|184 001066 aa 776753 3520 04 epp2 -533,ic 000041 = 420000000043 001067 aa 6 00272 2521 00 spri2 pr6|186 001070 aa 6 00262 6211 00 eax1 pr6|178 001071 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 001072 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001073 la 4 00022 3521 20 epp2 pr4|18,* ioa_ 001074 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 165 call ioa_ ("Ave eligible ^9.2f", cur_tcm.ave_eligible * 1e0); 001075 aa 000 100 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr),fill(000) 001076 aa 777160 00 0030 desc9a -400,24 000255 = 101166145040 001077 aa 6 00254 00 0030 desc9a pr6|172,24 001100 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001101 aa 7 00040 2351 00 lda pr7|32 cur_tcm.ave_eligible 001102 aa 000044 7330 00 lrs 36 001103 aa 152000 4110 03 lde 54272,du 001104 aa 400000 4750 03 fad 131072,du 001105 aa 002400 4610 03 fmp 1280,du 001106 aa 6 00274 4571 00 dfst pr6|188 001107 aa 6 00254 3521 00 epp2 pr6|172 001110 aa 6 00264 2521 00 spri2 pr6|180 001111 aa 6 00274 3521 00 epp2 pr6|188 001112 aa 6 00266 2521 00 spri2 pr6|182 001113 aa 776725 3520 04 epp2 -555,ic 000040 = 524000000025 001114 aa 6 00270 2521 00 spri2 pr6|184 001115 aa 776724 3520 04 epp2 -556,ic 000041 = 420000000043 001116 aa 6 00272 2521 00 spri2 pr6|186 001117 aa 6 00262 6211 00 eax1 pr6|178 001120 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 001121 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001122 la 4 00022 3521 20 epp2 pr4|18,* ioa_ 001123 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 166 numint = cur_tcm.response_count - prev_tcm.response_count; 001124 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001125 aa 7 00050 2361 00 ldq pr7|40 cur_tcm.response_count 001126 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001127 aa 5 00050 1761 00 sbq pr5|40 prev_tcm.response_count 001130 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001131 aa 6 00147 4551 00 fst pr6|103 numint STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 167 delta = cur_tcm.response_time - prev_tcm.response_time; 001132 aa 7 00044 2371 00 ldaq pr7|36 cur_tcm.response_time 001133 aa 5 00044 1771 00 sbaq pr5|36 prev_tcm.response_time 001134 aa 216000 4110 03 lde 72704,du 001135 aa 400000 4750 03 fad 131072,du 001136 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 168 if numint = 0e0 then atb = 0e0; 001137 aa 6 00147 4311 00 fld pr6|103 numint 001140 aa 000004 6010 04 tnz 4,ic 001144 001141 aa 400000 4310 03 fld 131072,du 001142 aa 6 00104 4551 00 fst pr6|68 atb 001143 aa 000005 7100 04 tra 5,ic 001150 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 170 else atb = 1e-6 * delta / numint; 001144 aa 776673 4310 04 fld -581,ic 000037 = 732414336750 001145 aa 6 00134 4611 00 fmp pr6|92 delta 001146 aa 6 00147 5651 00 fdv pr6|103 numint 001147 aa 6 00104 4551 00 fst pr6|68 atb STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 171 call ioa_ ("Response time ^9.3f sec", atb); 001150 aa 000 100 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr),fill(000) 001151 aa 777130 00 0034 desc9a -424,28 000300 = 122145163160 001152 aa 6 00262 00 0034 desc9a pr6|178,28 001153 aa 6 00262 3521 00 epp2 pr6|178 001154 aa 6 00304 2521 00 spri2 pr6|196 001155 aa 6 00104 3521 00 epp2 pr6|68 atb 001156 aa 6 00306 2521 00 spri2 pr6|198 001157 aa 776657 3520 04 epp2 -593,ic 000036 = 524000000032 001160 aa 6 00310 2521 00 spri2 pr6|200 001161 aa 776654 3520 04 epp2 -596,ic 000035 = 414000000033 001162 aa 6 00312 2521 00 spri2 pr6|202 001163 aa 6 00302 6211 00 eax1 pr6|194 001164 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 001165 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001166 la 4 00022 3521 20 epp2 pr4|18,* ioa_ 001167 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 172 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 173 if counters_sw then do; 001170 aa 6 00131 2351 00 lda pr6|89 counters_sw 001171 aa 000635 6000 04 tze 413,ic 002026 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 175 call ioa_ ("^/ COUNTER TOTAL ATB #/INT^/"); 001172 aa 000 100 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr),fill(000) 001173 aa 777137 00 0064 desc9a -417,52 000331 = 136057040040 001174 aa 6 00302 00 0064 desc9a pr6|194,52 001175 aa 6 00302 3521 00 epp2 pr6|194 001176 aa 6 00256 2521 00 spri2 pr6|174 001177 aa 776635 3520 04 epp2 -611,ic 000034 = 524000000064 001200 aa 6 00260 2521 00 spri2 pr6|176 001201 aa 6 00254 6211 00 eax1 pr6|172 001202 aa 004000 4310 07 fld 2048,dl 001203 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001204 la 4 00022 3521 20 epp2 pr4|18,* ioa_ 001205 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 176 intc, delta = cur_tcm.response_count - prev_tcm.response_count; 001206 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001207 aa 7 00050 2361 00 ldq pr7|40 cur_tcm.response_count 001210 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001211 aa 5 00050 1761 00 sbq pr5|40 prev_tcm.response_count 001212 aa 6 00276 7561 00 stq pr6|190 001213 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001214 aa 6 00142 4551 00 fst pr6|98 intc 001215 aa 6 00276 2361 00 ldq pr6|190 001216 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001217 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 177 call print ("Interactions", SEC, NOP); 001220 aa 776726 2370 04 ldaq -554,ic 000146 = 111156164145 162141143164 001221 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 001222 aa 776726 2350 04 lda -554,ic 000150 = 151157156163 001223 aa 6 00256 7551 00 sta pr6|174 001224 aa 001676 3520 04 epp2 958,ic 003122 = 000006000000 001225 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001226 aa 001116 6700 04 tsp4 590,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 178 delta = cur_tcm.loadings - prev_tcm.loadings; 001227 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001230 aa 7 00007 2361 00 ldq pr7|7 cur_tcm.loadings 001231 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001232 aa 5 00007 1761 00 sbq pr5|7 prev_tcm.loadings 001233 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001234 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 179 call print ("Loadings", SEC, PER); 001235 aa 776643 2370 04 ldaq -605,ic 000100 = 114157141144 151156147163 001236 aa 6 00274 7571 00 staq pr6|188 001237 aa 001645 3520 04 epp2 933,ic 003104 = 000006000000 001240 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001241 aa 001103 6700 04 tsp4 579,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 180 delta = cur_tcm.blocks - prev_tcm.blocks; 001242 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001243 aa 7 00010 2361 00 ldq pr7|8 cur_tcm.blocks 001244 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001245 aa 5 00010 1761 00 sbq pr5|8 prev_tcm.blocks 001246 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001247 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 181 call print ("Blocks", SEC, NOP); 001250 aa 776626 2370 04 ldaq -618,ic 000076 = 102154157143 153163000000 001251 aa 6 00274 7571 00 staq pr6|188 001252 aa 001614 3520 04 epp2 908,ic 003066 = 000006000000 001253 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001254 aa 001070 6700 04 tsp4 568,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 182 delta = cur_tcm.pauses - prev_tcm.pauses; 001255 aa 000436 2360 07 ldq 286,dl 001256 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 001257 aa 777776 3760 07 anq 262142,dl 001260 aa 000010 0760 07 adq 8,dl 001261 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 001262 aa 777776 3760 07 anq 262142,dl 001263 aa 000006 0760 07 adq 6,dl 001264 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 001265 aa 777776 3760 07 anq 262142,dl 001266 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001267 aa 000000 6270 06 eax7 0,ql 001270 aa 7 00011 3361 06 lcq pr7|9,ql cur_tcm.pauses 001271 aa 000044 7770 00 llr 36 001272 aa 000044 7330 00 lrs 36 001273 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001274 aa 5 00011 0331 17 adl pr5|9,7 prev_tcm.pauses 001275 aa 000000 5330 00 negl 0 001276 aa 216000 4110 03 lde 72704,du 001277 aa 400000 4750 03 fad 131072,du 001300 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 183 if delta ^= 0 then call print ("Pauses", SEC, NOP); 001301 aa 000006 6000 04 tze 6,ic 001307 001302 aa 776572 2370 04 ldaq -646,ic 000074 = 120141165163 145163000000 001303 aa 6 00274 7571 00 staq pr6|188 001304 aa 001562 3520 04 epp2 882,ic 003066 = 000006000000 001305 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001306 aa 001036 6700 04 tsp4 542,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 185 delta = cur_tcm.wakeups - prev_tcm.wakeups; 001307 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001310 aa 7 00011 2361 00 ldq pr7|9 cur_tcm.wakeups 001311 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001312 aa 5 00011 1761 00 sbq pr5|9 prev_tcm.wakeups 001313 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001314 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 186 call print ("Wakeups", SEC, NOP); 001315 aa 776555 2370 04 ldaq -659,ic 000072 = 127141153145 165160163000 001316 aa 6 00274 7571 00 staq pr6|188 001317 aa 001531 3520 04 epp2 857,ic 003050 = 000006000000 001320 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001321 aa 001023 6700 04 tsp4 531,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 187 delta = cur_tcm.schedulings - prev_tcm.schedulings; 001322 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001323 aa 7 00014 2361 00 ldq pr7|12 cur_tcm.schedulings 001324 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001325 aa 5 00014 1761 00 sbq pr5|12 prev_tcm.schedulings 001326 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001327 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 188 call print ("Schedulings", SEC, PER); 001330 aa 776613 2350 04 lda -629,ic 000143 = 123143150145 001331 aa 776613 2360 04 ldq -629,ic 000144 = 144165154151 001332 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 001333 aa 776612 2350 04 lda -630,ic 000145 = 156147163000 001334 aa 6 00256 7551 00 sta pr6|174 001335 aa 001475 3520 04 epp2 829,ic 003032 = 000006000000 001336 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001337 aa 001005 6700 04 tsp4 517,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 189 delta = cur_tcm.lost_priority - prev_tcm.lost_priority; 001340 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001341 aa 7 00273 2361 00 ldq pr7|187 cur_tcm.lost_priority 001342 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001343 aa 5 00273 1761 00 sbq pr5|187 prev_tcm.lost_priority 001344 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001345 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 190 call print ("Lost priority", SEC, NOP); 001346 aa 776636 2370 04 ldaq -610,ic 000204 = 114157163164 040160162151 001347 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 001350 aa 776636 2370 04 ldaq -610,ic 000206 = 157162151164 171000000000 001351 aa 6 00256 7571 00 staq pr6|174 001352 aa 001442 3520 04 epp2 802,ic 003014 = 000006000000 001353 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001354 aa 000770 6700 04 tsp4 504,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 191 delta = cur_tcm.boost_priority - prev_tcm.boost_priority; 001355 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001356 aa 7 00272 2361 00 ldq pr7|186 cur_tcm.boost_priority 001357 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001360 aa 5 00272 1761 00 sbq pr5|186 prev_tcm.boost_priority 001361 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001362 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 192 call print ("Priority boosts", SEC, NOP); 001363 aa 776615 2370 04 ldaq -627,ic 000200 = 120162151157 162151164171 001364 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 001365 aa 776615 2370 04 ldaq -627,ic 000202 = 040142157157 163164163000 001366 aa 6 00256 7571 00 staq pr6|174 001367 aa 001407 3520 04 epp2 775,ic 002776 = 000006000000 001370 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001371 aa 000753 6700 04 tsp4 491,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 193 delta = cur_tcm.realtime_priorities - prev_tcm.realtime_priorities; 001372 aa 000436 2360 07 ldq 286,dl 001373 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 001374 aa 777776 3760 07 anq 262142,dl 001375 aa 000010 0760 07 adq 8,dl 001376 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 001377 aa 777776 3760 07 anq 262142,dl 001400 aa 000006 0760 07 adq 6,dl 001401 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 001402 aa 777776 3760 07 anq 262142,dl 001403 aa 000012 0760 07 adq 10,dl 001404 aa 000001 0760 07 adq 1,dl 001405 aa 777776 3760 07 anq 262142,dl 001406 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001407 aa 000000 6270 06 eax7 0,ql 001410 aa 7 00007 3361 06 lcq pr7|7,ql cur_tcm.realtime_priorities 001411 aa 000044 7770 00 llr 36 001412 aa 000044 7330 00 lrs 36 001413 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001414 aa 5 00007 0331 17 adl pr5|7,7 prev_tcm.realtime_priorities 001415 aa 000000 5330 00 negl 0 001416 aa 216000 4110 03 lde 72704,du 001417 aa 400000 4750 03 fad 131072,du 001420 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 194 call print ("I/O boosts", SEC, NOP); 001421 aa 776517 2370 04 ldaq -689,ic 000140 = 111057117040 142157157163 001422 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 001423 aa 164163 2350 03 lda 59507,du 001424 aa 6 00256 7551 00 sta pr6|174 001425 aa 001333 3520 04 epp2 731,ic 002760 = 000006000000 001426 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001427 aa 000715 6700 04 tsp4 461,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 195 delta = cur_tcm.waits - prev_tcm.waits; 001430 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001431 aa 7 00012 2361 00 ldq pr7|10 cur_tcm.waits 001432 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001433 aa 5 00012 1761 00 sbq pr5|10 prev_tcm.waits 001434 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001435 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 196 total_waits = total_waits + delta; 001436 aa 6 00241 2361 00 ldq pr6|161 total_waits 001437 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001440 aa 6 00134 4751 00 fad pr6|92 delta 001441 aa 0 00654 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|428 fl2_to_fx1 001442 aa 6 00241 7561 00 stq pr6|161 total_waits STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 197 call print ("Wait Page", MILLI, PER); 001443 aa 776472 2350 04 lda -710,ic 000135 = 127141151164 001444 aa 776472 2360 04 ldq -710,ic 000136 = 040120141147 001445 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 001446 aa 145000 2350 03 lda 51712,du 001447 aa 6 00256 7551 00 sta pr6|174 001450 aa 001272 3520 04 epp2 698,ic 002742 = 000006000000 001451 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001452 aa 000672 6700 04 tsp4 442,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 198 delta = cur_tcm.ptl_waits - prev_tcm.ptl_waits; 001453 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001454 aa 7 00143 2361 00 ldq pr7|99 cur_tcm.ptl_waits 001455 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001456 aa 5 00143 1761 00 sbq pr5|99 prev_tcm.ptl_waits 001457 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001460 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 199 total_waits = total_waits + delta; 001461 aa 6 00241 2361 00 ldq pr6|161 total_waits 001462 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001463 aa 6 00134 4751 00 fad pr6|92 delta 001464 aa 0 00654 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|428 fl2_to_fx1 001465 aa 6 00241 7561 00 stq pr6|161 total_waits STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 200 if delta ^= 0 then call print ("Wait PTL", MILLI, PER); 001466 aa 6 00134 4311 00 fld pr6|92 delta 001467 aa 000006 6000 04 tze 6,ic 001475 001470 aa 776400 2370 04 ldaq -768,ic 000070 = 127141151164 040120124114 001471 aa 6 00274 7571 00 staq pr6|188 001472 aa 001232 3520 04 epp2 666,ic 002724 = 000006000000 001473 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001474 aa 000650 6700 04 tsp4 424,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 202 delta = cur_tcm.te_wait - prev_tcm.te_wait; 001475 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001476 aa 7 00017 2361 00 ldq pr7|15 cur_tcm.te_wait 001477 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001500 aa 5 00017 1761 00 sbq pr5|15 prev_tcm.te_wait 001501 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001502 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 203 total_waits = total_waits + delta; 001503 aa 6 00241 2361 00 ldq pr6|161 total_waits 001504 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001505 aa 6 00134 4751 00 fad pr6|92 delta 001506 aa 0 00654 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|428 fl2_to_fx1 001507 aa 6 00241 7561 00 stq pr6|161 total_waits STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 204 call print ("Wait Other", MILLI, PER); 001510 aa 776422 2370 04 ldaq -750,ic 000132 = 127141151164 040117164150 001511 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 001512 aa 145162 2350 03 lda 51826,du 001513 aa 6 00256 7551 00 sta pr6|174 001514 aa 001172 3520 04 epp2 634,ic 002706 = 000006000000 001515 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001516 aa 000626 6700 04 tsp4 406,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 205 delta = total_waits; 001517 aa 6 00241 2361 00 ldq pr6|161 total_waits 001520 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001521 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 206 call print ("Total Waits", MILLI, PER); 001522 aa 776405 2350 04 lda -763,ic 000127 = 124157164141 001523 aa 776405 2360 04 ldq -763,ic 000130 = 154040127141 001524 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 001525 aa 776404 2350 04 lda -764,ic 000131 = 151164163000 001526 aa 6 00256 7551 00 sta pr6|174 001527 aa 001141 3520 04 epp2 609,ic 002670 = 000006000000 001530 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001531 aa 000613 6700 04 tsp4 395,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 207 delta = cur_tcm.page_notifies - prev_tcm.page_notifies; 001532 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001533 aa 7 00154 2361 00 ldq pr7|108 cur_tcm.page_notifies 001534 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001535 aa 5 00154 1761 00 sbq pr5|108 prev_tcm.page_notifies 001536 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001537 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 208 total_notifies = total_notifies + delta; 001540 aa 6 00240 2361 00 ldq pr6|160 total_notifies 001541 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001542 aa 6 00134 4751 00 fad pr6|92 delta 001543 aa 0 00654 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|428 fl2_to_fx1 001544 aa 6 00240 7561 00 stq pr6|160 total_notifies STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 209 call print ("Notify Page", MILLI, NOP); 001545 aa 776357 2370 04 ldaq -785,ic 000124 = 116157164151 146171040120 001546 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 001547 aa 776357 2350 04 lda -785,ic 000126 = 141147145000 001550 aa 6 00256 7551 00 sta pr6|174 001551 aa 001101 3520 04 epp2 577,ic 002652 = 000006000000 001552 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001553 aa 000571 6700 04 tsp4 377,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 210 delta = cur_tcm.ptl_waits - prev_tcm.ptl_waits - (cur_tcm.stat (6) - prev_tcm.stat (6)); 001554 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001555 aa 7 00166 2361 00 ldq pr7|118 cur_tcm.stat 001556 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001557 aa 5 00166 1761 00 sbq pr5|118 prev_tcm.stat 001560 aa 6 00276 7561 00 stq pr6|190 001561 aa 7 00143 2361 00 ldq pr7|99 cur_tcm.ptl_waits 001562 aa 5 00143 1761 00 sbq pr5|99 prev_tcm.ptl_waits 001563 aa 6 00276 1761 00 sbq pr6|190 001564 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001565 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 212 total_notifies = total_notifies + delta; 001566 aa 6 00240 2361 00 ldq pr6|160 total_notifies 001567 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001570 aa 6 00134 4751 00 fad pr6|92 delta 001571 aa 0 00654 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|428 fl2_to_fx1 001572 aa 6 00240 7561 00 stq pr6|160 total_notifies STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 213 if delta ^= 0 then call print ("Notify PTL", MILLI, NOP); 001573 aa 6 00134 4311 00 fld pr6|92 delta 001574 aa 000011 6000 04 tze 9,ic 001605 001575 aa 776324 2350 04 lda -812,ic 000121 = 116157164151 001576 aa 776324 2360 04 ldq -812,ic 000122 = 146171040120 001577 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 001600 aa 124114 2350 03 lda 43084,du 001601 aa 6 00256 7551 00 sta pr6|174 001602 aa 001032 3520 04 epp2 538,ic 002634 = 000006000000 001603 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001604 aa 000540 6700 04 tsp4 352,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 215 delta = cur_tcm.notifies - prev_tcm.notifies; 001605 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001606 aa 7 00013 2361 00 ldq pr7|11 cur_tcm.notifies 001607 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001610 aa 5 00013 1761 00 sbq pr5|11 prev_tcm.notifies 001611 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001612 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 216 total_notifies = total_notifies + delta; 001613 aa 6 00240 2361 00 ldq pr6|160 total_notifies 001614 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001615 aa 6 00134 4751 00 fad pr6|92 delta 001616 aa 0 00654 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|428 fl2_to_fx1 001617 aa 6 00240 7561 00 stq pr6|160 total_notifies STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 217 call print ("Notify Other", MILLI, NOP); 001620 aa 776276 2370 04 ldaq -834,ic 000116 = 116157164151 146171040117 001621 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 001622 aa 776276 2350 04 lda -834,ic 000120 = 164150145162 001623 aa 6 00256 7551 00 sta pr6|174 001624 aa 000772 3520 04 epp2 506,ic 002616 = 000006000000 001625 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001626 aa 000516 6700 04 tsp4 334,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 218 delta = total_notifies; 001627 aa 6 00240 2361 00 ldq pr6|160 total_notifies 001630 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001631 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 219 call print ("Total Notifies", MILLI, NOP); 001632 aa 776342 2370 04 ldaq -798,ic 000174 = 124157164141 154040116157 001633 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 001634 aa 776342 2370 04 ldaq -798,ic 000176 = 164151146151 145163000000 001635 aa 6 00256 7571 00 staq pr6|174 001636 aa 000742 3520 04 epp2 482,ic 002600 = 000006000000 001637 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001640 aa 000504 6700 04 tsp4 324,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 220 delta = cur_tcm.gp_done_count - prev_tcm.gp_done_count; 001641 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001642 aa 7 00145 2361 00 ldq pr7|101 cur_tcm.gp_done_count 001643 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001644 aa 5 00145 1761 00 sbq pr5|101 prev_tcm.gp_done_count 001645 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001646 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 221 call print ("Get Processor", MILLI, NOP); 001647 aa 776321 2370 04 ldaq -815,ic 000170 = 107145164040 120162157143 001650 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 001651 aa 776321 2370 04 ldaq -815,ic 000172 = 145163163157 162000000000 001652 aa 6 00256 7571 00 staq pr6|174 001653 aa 000707 3520 04 epp2 455,ic 002562 = 000006000000 001654 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001655 aa 000467 6700 04 tsp4 311,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 222 delta = cur_tcm.te_pre_empt - prev_tcm.te_pre_empt; 001656 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001657 aa 7 00022 2361 00 ldq pr7|18 cur_tcm.te_pre_empt 001660 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001661 aa 5 00022 1761 00 sbq pr5|18 prev_tcm.te_pre_empt 001662 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001663 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 223 call print ("Pre-empts", MILLI, PER); 001664 aa 776227 2350 04 lda -873,ic 000113 = 120162145055 001665 aa 776227 2360 04 ldq -873,ic 000114 = 145155160164 001666 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 001667 aa 163000 2350 03 lda 58880,du 001670 aa 6 00256 7551 00 sta pr6|174 001671 aa 001051 3520 04 epp2 553,ic 002742 = 000006000000 001672 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001673 aa 000451 6700 04 tsp4 297,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 224 delta = cur_tcm.depth_count - prev_tcm.depth_count; 001674 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001675 aa 7 00006 2361 00 ldq pr7|6 cur_tcm.depth_count 001676 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001677 aa 5 00006 1761 00 sbq pr5|6 prev_tcm.depth_count 001700 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001701 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 225 call print ("Getwork", MILLI, NOP); 001702 aa 776164 2370 04 ldaq -908,ic 000066 = 107145164167 157162153000 001703 aa 6 00274 7571 00 staq pr6|188 001704 aa 000640 3520 04 epp2 416,ic 002544 = 000006000000 001705 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001706 aa 000436 6700 04 tsp4 286,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 226 delta = cur_tcm.gw_gp_window_count - prev_tcm.gw_gp_window_count; 001707 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001710 aa 7 00141 2361 00 ldq pr7|97 cur_tcm.gw_gp_window_count 001711 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001712 aa 5 00141 1761 00 sbq pr5|97 prev_tcm.gw_gp_window_count 001713 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001714 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 227 if delta ^= 0 then call print ("Retry getwork", SEC, NOP); 001715 aa 000010 6000 04 tze 8,ic 001725 001716 aa 776246 2370 04 ldaq -858,ic 000164 = 122145164162 171040147145 001717 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 001720 aa 776246 2370 04 ldaq -858,ic 000166 = 164167157162 153000000000 001721 aa 6 00256 7571 00 staq pr6|174 001722 aa 001072 3520 04 epp2 570,ic 003014 = 000006000000 001723 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001724 aa 000420 6700 04 tsp4 272,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 229 delta = cur_tcm.notify_nobody_count - prev_tcm.notify_nobody_count; 001725 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001726 aa 7 00155 2361 00 ldq pr7|109 cur_tcm.notify_nobody_count 001727 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001730 aa 5 00155 1761 00 sbq pr5|109 prev_tcm.notify_nobody_count 001731 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001732 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 230 if delta ^= 0 then do; 001733 aa 000034 6000 04 tze 28,ic 001767 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 232 call print ("Extra notifies", SEC, NOP); 001734 aa 776224 2370 04 ldaq -876,ic 000160 = 105170164162 141040156157 001735 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 001736 aa 776224 2370 04 ldaq -876,ic 000162 = 164151146151 145163000000 001737 aa 6 00256 7571 00 staq pr6|174 001740 aa 000566 3520 04 epp2 374,ic 002526 = 000006000000 001741 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 001742 aa 000402 6700 04 tsp4 258,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 233 call ioa_ (" Last EN event ^w", cur_tcm.notify_nobody_event); 001743 aa 776277 2370 04 ldaq -833,ic 000242 = 040114141163 164040105116 001744 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 001745 aa 776277 2370 04 ldaq -833,ic 000244 = 040145166145 156164040040 001746 aa 6 00256 7571 00 staq pr6|174 001747 aa 776277 2350 04 lda -833,ic 000246 = 040040136167 001750 aa 6 00260 7551 00 sta pr6|176 001751 aa 6 00254 3521 00 epp2 pr6|172 001752 aa 6 00264 2521 00 spri2 pr6|180 001753 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001754 aa 7 00156 3521 00 epp2 pr7|110 cur_tcm.notify_nobody_event 001755 aa 6 00266 2521 00 spri2 pr6|182 001756 aa 776044 3520 04 epp2 -988,ic 000022 = 524000000024 001757 aa 6 00270 2521 00 spri2 pr6|184 001760 aa 776041 3520 04 epp2 -991,ic 000021 = 514000000044 001761 aa 6 00272 2521 00 spri2 pr6|186 001762 aa 6 00262 6211 00 eax1 pr6|178 001763 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 001764 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 001765 la 4 00022 3521 20 epp2 pr4|18,* ioa_ 001766 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 234 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 235 delta = cur_tcm.nto_count - prev_tcm.nto_count; 001767 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 001770 aa 7 00151 2361 00 ldq pr7|105 cur_tcm.nto_count 001771 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 001772 aa 5 00151 1761 00 sbq pr5|105 prev_tcm.nto_count 001773 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 001774 aa 6 00134 4551 00 fst pr6|92 delta STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 236 if delta ^= 0 then do; 001775 aa 000031 6000 04 tze 25,ic 002026 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 238 call print ("Notify timeout", SEC, NOP); 001776 aa 776156 2370 04 ldaq -914,ic 000154 = 116157164151 146171040164 001777 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 002000 aa 776156 2370 04 ldaq -914,ic 000156 = 151155145157 165164000000 002001 aa 6 00256 7571 00 staq pr6|174 002002 aa 000524 3520 04 epp2 340,ic 002526 = 000006000000 002003 aa 2 00000 2351 00 lda pr2|0 002004 aa 000340 6700 04 tsp4 224,ic 002344 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 239 call ioa_ (" Last NTO event ^w", cur_tcm.nto_event); 002005 aa 000 100 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr),fill(000) 002006 aa 776230 00 0024 desc9a -872,20 000235 = 040114141163 002007 aa 6 00254 00 0024 desc9a pr6|172,20 002010 aa 6 00254 3521 00 epp2 pr6|172 002011 aa 6 00264 2521 00 spri2 pr6|180 002012 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 002013 aa 7 00153 3521 00 epp2 pr7|107 cur_tcm.nto_event 002014 aa 6 00266 2521 00 spri2 pr6|182 002015 aa 776005 3520 04 epp2 -1019,ic 000022 = 524000000024 002016 aa 6 00270 2521 00 spri2 pr6|184 002017 aa 776002 3520 04 epp2 -1022,ic 000021 = 514000000044 002020 aa 6 00272 2521 00 spri2 pr6|186 002021 aa 6 00262 6211 00 eax1 pr6|178 002022 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 002023 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002024 la 4 00022 3521 20 epp2 pr4|18,* ioa_ 002025 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 240 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 241 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 242 if queue_sw then do; 002026 aa 6 00174 2351 00 lda pr6|124 queue_sw 002027 aa 000236 6000 04 tze 158,ic 002265 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 244 call ioa_ ("^/ DEPTH %PF TBPF %GTW TBS %CPU^/"); 002030 aa 000 100 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr),fill(000) 002031 aa 776266 00 0054 desc9a -842,44 000316 = 136057040104 002032 aa 6 00302 00 0054 desc9a pr6|194,44 002033 aa 6 00302 3521 00 epp2 pr6|194 002034 aa 6 00256 2521 00 spri2 pr6|174 002035 aa 775763 3520 04 epp2 -1037,ic 000020 = 524000000053 002036 aa 6 00260 2521 00 spri2 pr6|176 002037 aa 6 00254 6211 00 eax1 pr6|172 002040 aa 004000 4310 07 fld 2048,dl 002041 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002042 la 4 00022 3521 20 epp2 pr4|18,* ioa_ 002043 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 245 pfsum, scsum, cpusum = 0e0; 002044 aa 400000 4310 03 fld 131072,du 002045 aa 6 00171 4551 00 fst pr6|121 pfsum 002046 aa 6 00217 4551 00 fst pr6|143 scsum 002047 aa 6 00130 4551 00 fst pr6|88 cpusum STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 246 do i = 1 to 8; 002050 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 002051 aa 6 00141 7561 00 stq pr6|97 i 002052 aa 6 00141 2361 00 ldq pr6|97 i 002053 aa 000010 1160 07 cmpq 8,dl 002054 aa 000076 6054 04 tpnz 62,ic 002152 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 247 p1, pf (i) = cur_tcm.pfdepth (i) - prev_tcm.pfdepth (i); 002055 aa 6 00132 3735 20 epp7 pr6|90,* cur_ptrs 002056 aa 7 00127 2361 06 ldq pr7|87,ql cur_tcm.pfdepth 002057 aa 6 00141 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|97 i 002060 aa 6 00172 3715 20 epp5 pr6|122,* prev_ptrs 002061 aa 5 00127 1761 17 sbq pr5|87,7 prev_tcm.pfdepth 002062 aa 6 00276 7561 00 stq pr6|190 002063 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 002064 aa 6 00150 4551 00 fst pr6|104 p1 002065 aa 6 00276 2361 00 ldq pr6|190 002066 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 002067 aa 6 00150 4551 17 fst pr6|104,7 pf STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 248 pfsum = pfsum + p1; 002070 aa 6 00171 4311 00 fld pr6|121 pfsum 002071 aa 6 00150 4751 00 fad pr6|104 p1 002072 aa 6 00171 4551 00 fst pr6|121 pfsum STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 249 s1, sc (i) = cur_tcm.depths (i) - prev_tcm.depths (i); 002073 aa 7 00077 2361 17 ldq pr7|63,7 cur_tcm.depths 002074 aa 5 00077 1761 17 sbq pr5|63,7 prev_tcm.depths 002075 aa 6 00276 7561 00 stq pr6|190 002076 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 002077 aa 6 00176 4551 00 fst pr6|126 s1 002100 aa 6 00276 2361 00 ldq pr6|190 002101 aa 0 00465 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|309 fx1_to_fl2 002102 aa 6 00176 4551 17 fst pr6|126,7 sc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 250 scsum = scsum + s1; 002103 aa 6 00217 4311 00 fld pr6|143 scsum 002104 aa 6 00176 4751 00 fad pr6|126 s1 002105 aa 6 00217 4551 00 fst pr6|143 scsum STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 251 c1, cpu (i) = cur_tcm.tdepths (i) - prev_tcm.tdepths (i); 002106 aa 6 00141 2361 00 ldq pr6|97 i 002107 aa 000001 7360 00 qls 1 002110 aa 000000 6260 06 eax6 0,ql 002111 aa 7 00106 2371 06 ldaq pr7|70,ql cur_tcm.tdepths 002112 aa 5 00106 1771 16 sbaq pr5|70,6 prev_tcm.tdepths 002113 aa 6 00274 7571 00 staq pr6|188 002114 aa 216000 4110 03 lde 72704,du 002115 aa 400000 4750 03 fad 131072,du 002116 aa 6 00105 4551 00 fst pr6|69 c1 002117 aa 6 00274 2371 00 ldaq pr6|188 002120 aa 216000 4110 03 lde 72704,du 002121 aa 400000 4750 03 fad 131072,du 002122 aa 6 00106 4551 17 fst pr6|70,7 cpu STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 252 if p1 <= 1e-6 then p1 = 1e0; 002123 aa 6 00150 4311 00 fld pr6|104 p1 002124 aa 775713 5150 04 fcmp -1077,ic 000037 = 732414336750 002125 aa 000003 6054 04 tpnz 3,ic 002130 002126 aa 002400 4310 03 fld 1280,du 002127 aa 6 00150 4551 00 fst pr6|104 p1 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 254 if s1 <= 1e-6 then s1 = 1e0; 002130 aa 6 00176 4311 00 fld pr6|126 s1 002131 aa 775706 5150 04 fcmp -1082,ic 000037 = 732414336750 002132 aa 000003 6054 04 tpnz 3,ic 002135 002133 aa 002400 4310 03 fld 1280,du 002134 aa 6 00176 4551 00 fst pr6|126 s1 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 256 cpusum = cpusum + c1; 002135 aa 6 00130 4311 00 fld pr6|88 cpusum 002136 aa 6 00105 4751 00 fad pr6|69 c1 002137 aa 6 00130 4551 00 fst pr6|88 cpusum STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 257 tbpf (i) = c1 * 1e-3 / p1; 002140 aa 6 00105 4311 00 fld pr6|69 c1 002141 aa 775656 4610 04 fmp -1106,ic 000017 = 756406111565 002142 aa 6 00276 4551 00 fst pr6|190 002143 aa 6 00150 5651 00 fdv pr6|104 p1 002144 aa 6 00217 4551 17 fst pr6|143,7 tbpf STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 258 tbs (i) = c1 * 1e-3 / s1; 002145 aa 6 00276 4311 00 fld pr6|190 002146 aa 6 00176 5651 00 fdv pr6|126 s1 002147 aa 6 00227 4551 17 fst pr6|151,7 tbs STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 259 end; 002150 aa 6 00141 0541 00 aos pr6|97 i 002151 aa 777701 7100 04 tra -63,ic 002052 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 260 p1 = 2e0; 002152 aa 004400 4310 03 fld 2304,du 002153 aa 6 00150 4551 00 fst pr6|104 p1 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 261 do i = 1 to 8 while (p1 > 1e0); 002154 aa 000001 2360 07 ldq 1,dl 002155 aa 6 00141 7561 00 stq pr6|97 i 002156 aa 6 00141 2361 00 ldq pr6|97 i 002157 aa 000010 1160 07 cmpq 8,dl 002160 aa 000105 6054 04 tpnz 69,ic 002265 002161 aa 6 00150 4311 00 fld pr6|104 p1 002162 aa 002400 5150 03 fcmp 1280,du 002163 aa 000102 6044 04 tmoz 66,ic 002265 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 262 if pfsum = 0e0 then p1 = 0e0; 002164 aa 6 00171 4311 00 fld pr6|121 pfsum 002165 aa 000004 6010 04 tnz 4,ic 002171 002166 aa 400000 4310 03 fld 131072,du 002167 aa 6 00150 4551 00 fst pr6|104 p1 002170 aa 000006 7100 04 tra 6,ic 002176 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 264 else p1 = (pf (i) * 100e0) / pfsum; 002171 aa 6 00141 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|97 i 002172 aa 6 00150 4311 17 fld pr6|104,7 pf 002173 aa 016620 4610 03 fmp 7568,du 002174 aa 6 00171 5651 00 fdv pr6|121 pfsum 002175 aa 6 00150 4551 00 fst pr6|104 p1 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 265 if scsum = 0e0 then s1 = 0e0; 002176 aa 6 00217 4311 00 fld pr6|143 scsum 002177 aa 000004 6010 04 tnz 4,ic 002203 002200 aa 400000 4310 03 fld 131072,du 002201 aa 6 00176 4551 00 fst pr6|126 s1 002202 aa 000006 7100 04 tra 6,ic 002210 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 267 else s1 = (sc (i) * 100e0) / scsum; 002203 aa 6 00141 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|97 i 002204 aa 6 00176 4311 17 fld pr6|126,7 sc 002205 aa 016620 4610 03 fmp 7568,du 002206 aa 6 00217 5651 00 fdv pr6|143 scsum 002207 aa 6 00176 4551 00 fst pr6|126 s1 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 268 if cpusum = 0e0 then c1 = 0e0; 002210 aa 6 00130 4311 00 fld pr6|88 cpusum 002211 aa 000004 6010 04 tnz 4,ic 002215 002212 aa 400000 4310 03 fld 131072,du 002213 aa 6 00105 4551 00 fst pr6|69 c1 002214 aa 000006 7100 04 tra 6,ic 002222 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 270 else c1 = (cpu (i) * 100e0) / cpusum; 002215 aa 6 00141 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|97 i 002216 aa 6 00106 4311 17 fld pr6|70,7 cpu 002217 aa 016620 4610 03 fmp 7568,du 002220 aa 6 00130 5651 00 fdv pr6|88 cpusum 002221 aa 6 00105 4551 00 fst pr6|69 c1 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 271 call ioa_ ("^4d^9.1f^6.1f^7.1f^7.1f^6.1f", i, p1, tbpf (i), s1, tbs (i), c1); 002222 aa 000 100 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr),fill(000) 002223 aa 776047 00 0034 desc9a -985,28 000271 = 136064144136 002224 aa 6 00262 00 0034 desc9a pr6|178,28 002225 aa 6 00262 3521 00 epp2 pr6|178 002226 aa 6 00364 2521 00 spri2 pr6|244 002227 aa 6 00141 3521 00 epp2 pr6|97 i 002230 aa 6 00366 2521 00 spri2 pr6|246 002231 aa 6 00150 3521 00 epp2 pr6|104 p1 002232 aa 6 00370 2521 00 spri2 pr6|248 002233 aa 6 00141 7271 00 lxl7 pr6|97 i 002234 aa 6 00217 3521 17 epp2 pr6|143,7 tbpf 002235 aa 6 00372 2521 00 spri2 pr6|250 002236 aa 6 00176 3521 00 epp2 pr6|126 s1 002237 aa 6 00374 2521 00 spri2 pr6|252 002240 aa 6 00227 3521 17 epp2 pr6|151,7 tbs 002241 aa 6 00376 2521 00 spri2 pr6|254 002242 aa 6 00105 3521 00 epp2 pr6|69 c1 002243 aa 6 00400 2521 00 spri2 pr6|256 002244 aa 775552 3520 04 epp2 -1174,ic 000016 = 524000000034 002245 aa 6 00402 2521 00 spri2 pr6|258 002246 aa 775614 3520 04 epp2 -1140,ic 000062 = 404000000021 002247 aa 6 00404 2521 00 spri2 pr6|260 002250 aa 775565 3520 04 epp2 -1163,ic 000035 = 414000000033 002251 aa 6 00406 2521 00 spri2 pr6|262 002252 aa 6 00410 2521 00 spri2 pr6|264 002253 aa 6 00412 2521 00 spri2 pr6|266 002254 aa 6 00414 2521 00 spri2 pr6|268 002255 aa 6 00416 2521 00 spri2 pr6|270 002256 aa 6 00362 6211 00 eax1 pr6|242 002257 aa 034000 4310 07 fld 14336,dl 002260 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002261 la 4 00022 3521 20 epp2 pr4|18,* ioa_ 002262 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 272 end; 002263 aa 6 00141 0541 00 aos pr6|97 i 002264 aa 777672 7100 04 tra -70,ic 002156 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 273 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 275 if reset_sw then do; 002265 aa 6 00175 2351 00 lda pr6|125 reset_sw 002266 aa 000042 6000 04 tze 34,ic 002330 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 277 call metering_util_$reset (unique, code); 002267 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002270 ia 4 00010 3521 00 epp2 pr4|8 unique 002271 aa 6 00256 2521 00 spri2 pr6|174 002272 aa 6 00106 3521 00 epp2 pr6|70 code 002273 aa 6 00260 2521 00 spri2 pr6|176 002274 aa 6 00254 6211 00 eax1 pr6|172 002275 aa 010000 4310 07 fld 4096,dl 002276 la 4 00030 3521 20 epp2 pr4|24,* metering_util_$reset 002277 aa 0 00623 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|403 call_ext_out STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 278 if code ^= 0 then do; 002300 aa 6 00106 2361 00 ldq pr6|70 code 002301 aa 000027 6000 04 tze 23,ic 002330 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 280 call com_err_ (code, MYNAME, "Resetting"); 002302 aa 775606 2370 04 ldaq -1146,ic 000110 = 122145163145 164164151156 002303 aa 6 00254 7571 00 staq pr6|172 002304 aa 147000 2350 03 lda 52736,du 002305 aa 6 00256 7551 00 sta pr6|174 002306 aa 6 00106 3521 00 epp2 pr6|70 code 002307 aa 6 00304 2521 00 spri2 pr6|196 002310 aa 775470 3520 04 epp2 -1224,ic 000000 = 164162141146 002311 aa 6 00306 2521 00 spri2 pr6|198 002312 aa 6 00254 3521 00 epp2 pr6|172 002313 aa 6 00310 2521 00 spri2 pr6|200 002314 aa 775550 3520 04 epp2 -1176,ic 000064 = 404000000043 002315 aa 6 00312 2521 00 spri2 pr6|202 002316 aa 775545 3520 04 epp2 -1179,ic 000063 = 526000000026 002317 aa 6 00314 2521 00 spri2 pr6|204 002320 aa 775504 3520 04 epp2 -1212,ic 000024 = 524000000011 002321 aa 6 00316 2521 00 spri2 pr6|206 002322 aa 6 00302 6211 00 eax1 pr6|194 002323 aa 014000 4310 07 fld 6144,dl 002324 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002325 la 4 00014 3521 20 epp2 pr4|12,* com_err_ 002326 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 281 return; 002327 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 282 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 283 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 285 call ioa_ (" "); 002330 aa 040000 2350 03 lda 16384,du 002331 aa 6 00276 7551 00 sta pr6|190 002332 aa 6 00276 3521 00 epp2 pr6|190 002333 aa 6 00256 2521 00 spri2 pr6|174 002334 aa 775461 3520 04 epp2 -1231,ic 000015 = 524000000001 002335 aa 6 00260 2521 00 spri2 pr6|176 002336 aa 6 00254 6211 00 eax1 pr6|172 002337 aa 004000 4310 07 fld 2048,dl 002340 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002341 la 4 00022 3521 20 epp2 pr4|18,* ioa_ 002342 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 286 return; 002343 aa 0 00631 7101 00 tra pr0|409 return STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 329 end; BEGIN PROCEDURE print ENTRY TO print STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 291 print: proc (name, milli, per); 002344 aa 6 00244 6501 00 spri4 pr6|164 002345 aa 6 00246 2521 00 spri2 pr6|166 002346 aa 2 00002 3521 01 epp2 pr2|2,au 002347 aa 6 00250 2521 00 spri2 pr6|168 002350 aa 2 00000 2361 20 ldq pr2|0,* 002351 aa 000002 6040 04 tmi 2,ic 002353 002352 aa 777777 3760 07 anq 262143,dl 002353 aa 0 00250 3761 00 anq pr0|168 = 000077777777 002354 aa 6 00420 7561 00 stq pr6|272 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 302 if delta = 0e0 then atb = 0e0; 002355 aa 6 00134 4311 00 fld pr6|92 delta 002356 aa 000004 6010 04 tnz 4,ic 002362 002357 aa 400000 4310 03 fld 131072,du 002360 aa 6 00104 4551 00 fst pr6|68 atb 002361 aa 000004 7100 04 tra 4,ic 002365 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 304 else atb = meter_time / (delta * 1e1); 002362 aa 010500 4610 03 fmp 4416,du 002363 aa 6 00143 5251 00 fdi pr6|99 meter_time 002364 aa 6 00104 4551 00 fst pr6|68 atb STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 305 if ^milli then atb = atb / 1e3; 002365 aa 6 00246 3735 20 epp7 pr6|166,* 002366 aa 7 00004 2351 20 lda pr7|4,* milli 002367 aa 0 00002 3771 00 anaq pr0|2 = 400000000000 000000000000 002370 aa 6 00421 7551 00 sta pr6|273 milli 002371 aa 000004 6010 04 tnz 4,ic 002375 002372 aa 6 00104 4311 00 fld pr6|68 atb 002373 aa 024764 5650 03 fdv 10740,du 002374 aa 6 00104 4551 00 fst pr6|68 atb STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 308 if milli then units = "msec"; 002375 aa 6 00421 2351 00 lda pr6|273 milli 002376 aa 000004 6000 04 tze 4,ic 002402 002377 aa 775414 2350 04 lda -1268,ic 000013 = 155163145143 002400 aa 6 00252 7551 00 sta pr6|170 units 002401 aa 000003 7100 04 tra 3,ic 002404 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 310 else units = "sec"; 002402 aa 775410 2350 04 lda -1272,ic 000012 = 163145143040 002403 aa 6 00252 7551 00 sta pr6|170 units STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 313 if per then do; 002404 aa 7 00006 2351 20 lda pr7|6,* per 002405 aa 400000 3150 03 cana 131072,du 002406 aa 000054 6000 04 tze 44,ic 002462 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 315 if intc = 0e0 then numint = 0e0; 002407 aa 6 00142 4311 00 fld pr6|98 intc 002410 aa 000004 6010 04 tnz 4,ic 002414 002411 aa 400000 4310 03 fld 131072,du 002412 aa 6 00147 4551 00 fst pr6|103 numint 002413 aa 000003 7100 04 tra 3,ic 002416 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 317 else numint = delta / intc; 002414 aa 6 00134 5251 00 fdi pr6|92 delta 002415 aa 6 00147 4551 00 fst pr6|103 numint STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 318 call ioa_ ("^16a^8d^11.3f ^4a^8.3f", name, fixed (delta), atb, units, numint); 002416 aa 000 100 100 404 mlr (ic),(pr),fill(000) 002417 aa 775631 00 0030 desc9a -1127,24 000247 = 136061066141 002420 aa 6 00422 00 0030 desc9a pr6|274,24 002421 aa 6 00134 4311 00 fld pr6|92 delta 002422 aa 0 00654 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|428 fl2_to_fx1 002423 aa 6 00421 7561 00 stq pr6|273 002424 aa 6 00422 3521 00 epp2 pr6|274 002425 aa 6 00432 2521 00 spri2 pr6|282 002426 aa 7 00002 3521 20 epp2 pr7|2,* name 002427 aa 6 00434 2521 00 spri2 pr6|284 002430 aa 6 00421 3521 00 epp2 pr6|273 002431 aa 6 00436 2521 00 spri2 pr6|286 002432 aa 6 00104 3521 00 epp2 pr6|68 atb 002433 aa 6 00440 2521 00 spri2 pr6|288 002434 aa 6 00252 3521 00 epp2 pr6|170 units 002435 aa 6 00442 2521 00 spri2 pr6|290 002436 aa 6 00147 3521 00 epp2 pr6|103 numint 002437 aa 6 00444 2521 00 spri2 pr6|292 002440 aa 775351 3520 04 epp2 -1303,ic 000011 = 524000000026 002441 aa 6 00446 2521 00 spri2 pr6|294 002442 aa 6 00250 3715 20 epp5 pr6|168,* 002443 aa 5 00000 3521 20 epp2 pr5|0,* 002444 aa 6 00450 2521 00 spri2 pr6|296 002445 aa 775343 3520 04 epp2 -1309,ic 000010 = 404000000033 002446 aa 6 00452 2521 00 spri2 pr6|298 002447 aa 775366 3520 04 epp2 -1290,ic 000035 = 414000000033 002450 aa 6 00454 2521 00 spri2 pr6|300 002451 aa 6 00460 2521 00 spri2 pr6|304 002452 aa 775335 3520 04 epp2 -1315,ic 000007 = 526000000004 002453 aa 6 00456 2521 00 spri2 pr6|302 002454 aa 6 00430 6211 00 eax1 pr6|280 002455 aa 030000 4310 07 fld 12288,dl 002456 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002457 la 4 00022 3521 20 epp2 pr4|18,* ioa_ 002460 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 319 end; 002461 aa 000044 7100 04 tra 36,ic 002525 STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 320 else do; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 321 call ioa_ ("^16a^8d^11.3f ^4a", name, fixed (delta), atb, units); 002462 aa 775546 2370 04 ldaq -1178,ic 000230 = 136061066141 136070144136 002463 aa 6 00422 7571 00 staq pr6|274 002464 aa 775546 2370 04 ldaq -1178,ic 000232 = 061061056063 146040136064 002465 aa 6 00424 7571 00 staq pr6|276 002466 aa 141000 2350 03 lda 49664,du 002467 aa 6 00426 7551 00 sta pr6|278 002470 aa 6 00134 4311 00 fld pr6|92 delta 002471 aa 0 00654 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|428 fl2_to_fx1 002472 aa 6 00421 7561 00 stq pr6|273 002473 aa 6 00422 3521 00 epp2 pr6|274 002474 aa 6 00432 2521 00 spri2 pr6|282 002475 aa 7 00002 3521 20 epp2 pr7|2,* name 002476 aa 6 00434 2521 00 spri2 pr6|284 002477 aa 6 00421 3521 00 epp2 pr6|273 002500 aa 6 00436 2521 00 spri2 pr6|286 002501 aa 6 00104 3521 00 epp2 pr6|68 atb 002502 aa 6 00440 2521 00 spri2 pr6|288 002503 aa 6 00252 3521 00 epp2 pr6|170 units 002504 aa 6 00442 2521 00 spri2 pr6|290 002505 aa 775301 3520 04 epp2 -1343,ic 000006 = 524000000021 002506 aa 6 00444 2521 00 spri2 pr6|292 002507 aa 6 00250 3715 20 epp5 pr6|168,* 002510 aa 5 00000 3521 20 epp2 pr5|0,* 002511 aa 6 00446 2521 00 spri2 pr6|294 002512 aa 775276 3520 04 epp2 -1346,ic 000010 = 404000000033 002513 aa 6 00450 2521 00 spri2 pr6|296 002514 aa 775321 3520 04 epp2 -1327,ic 000035 = 414000000033 002515 aa 6 00452 2521 00 spri2 pr6|298 002516 aa 775271 3520 04 epp2 -1351,ic 000007 = 526000000004 002517 aa 6 00454 2521 00 spri2 pr6|300 002520 aa 6 00430 6211 00 eax1 pr6|280 002521 aa 024000 4310 07 fld 10240,dl 002522 aa 6 00044 3701 20 epp4 pr6|36,* 002523 la 4 00022 3521 20 epp2 pr4|18,* ioa_ 002524 aa 0 00622 7001 00 tsx0 pr0|402 call_ext_out_desc STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 322 end; STATEMENT 1 ON LINE 324 end print; 002525 aa 6 00244 6101 00 rtcd pr6|164 END PROCEDURE print END PROCEDURE tcm ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved