ASSEMBLY LISTING OF SEGMENT >spec>install>MR12.2-1209>fort_cg_macros_.alm ASSEMBLED ON: 11/10/88 1339.8 mst Thu OPTIONS USED: -target l68 list symbols ASSEMBLED BY: ALM Version 8.13 September 1988 ASSEMBLER CREATED: 10/24/88 1635.1 mst Mon 1 2 " ****************************************************** 3 " * * 4 " * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Limited, 1983 * 5 " * * 6 " * Copyright (c) 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of * 7 " * Technology and Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. * 8 " * * 9 " ****************************************************** 10 11 " HISTORY COMMENTS: 12 " 1) change(86-07-14,BWong), approve(86-07-14,MCR7286), 13 " audit(86-07-17,Ginter), install(86-07-28,MR12.0-1105): 14 " Fix fortran bugs 430, 452, and 463. 15 " 2) change(86-07-14,BWong), approve(86-07-14,MCR7442), 16 " audit(86-07-17,Ginter), install(86-07-28,MR12.0-1105): 17 " Fix fortran bug 410. 18 " 3) change(88-04-28,RWaters), approve(88-04-28,MCR7875), 19 " audit(88-07-13,Huen), install(88-11-10,MR12.2-1209): 20 " Implement SCP 6339: removed the special case code for constants since 21 " they can now be up to 128K chars long. 22 " END HISTORY COMMENTS 23 24 25 " Written: January 1976, by G. D. Chang 26 " 27 " Modified: 28 " 08 Mar 86, SH - 410: Fix bug in cv_bif_to_external where offsets 29 " into vector for dtan, asin, dasin and acos were out 30 " of order. 31 " 08 Aug 85, BW - 430: Prevent emission of deallocation code for 32 " automatic LA's and VLA's when they don't exist in the 33 " compilation unit. 34 " 02 Aug 85, BW - 463: Removed code to save and restore stack 35 " extents in 'quick_return' and 'make_quick_entry'. 36 " This was only done when char star-extent variables 37 " were concatenated. 38 " 12 May 95, BW - 452: Fix looping problem when a vla array is 39 " incorrectly used as a format in a write statement. 40 " 22 Jun 84, MM - Install typeless functions support. 41 " 28 Mar 84, MM - Install HFP support. 42 " 12 Sep 83, HH - 388: Insure any logical value in the indicators 43 " is stored before issuing an 'fneg'. 44 " 17 Jun 83, HH - 383: Replace 'scan_parameter_list' subroutine with 45 " 'prepare_for_namelists' subr and 'process_param_list' proc. 46 " 7 June 83, TO: 381 - Fix pr0|shorten_stack for registers pr1,x1. 47 " 31 Jan 83, TO & HH - Install LA/VLA support. 48 " 10 January 1982, TO - Add 'emit_entry_defs' call to entries. 49 " 3 January 1982, TO - Add DO-loop optimization of forcing 'even' 50 " address of top label of loop. 51 " 17 Dec 82, TO - Add 'emit_profile_entry' simple operator. 52 " 17 Nov 82, HH - 361: 'get_format_var' operator no longer needed. 53 " 27 July 1982, TO - Fix check in relational operators to permit 54 " temporary nodes, such as expressions and function returns in 55 " relationals with character constants. 56 " 12 May 1982, HH - Add "fixedoverflow" check for multiplies. 57 " 5 May 1982, TO - Add shorten stack to return from char*(*) function. 58 " 1 April 1982, TO - Add intrinsic externals for builtins. 59 " 28 October 1981, CRD - Inquire statement. 60 " 20 October 1981, CRD - Internal files. 61 " 27 August 1981, CRD - More general UNIT field in OPEN/CLOSE stmts. 62 " 21 August 1981, CRD - Blank field in OPEN statement. 63 " 27 July 1981, CRD - Allow format labels in assign_label operator, 64 " and allow integer scalars in format operator. 65 " 18 June 1981, CRD - Fix unnumbered bug in complex exponentiation. 66 " 10 June 1981, CRD - New polish for backspace/endfile/rewind. 67 " 2 June 1981, CRD - Handle statement functions with 0 arguments. 68 " 12 May 1981, CRD - Add equiv_op, not_equiv_op. 69 " 23 April 1981, CRD - Fix bug 317. 70 " 18 March 1981, CRD - Fix bug 310. 71 " 13 March 1981, CRD - Modifications for assumed size arrays. 72 " 19 February 1981, CRD - Change check_subscript for variable lower 73 " array bounds. 74 " 9 December 1980, CRD - Fix bug 298. 75 " 8 December 1980, CRD - Implement Fortran 77 block IF statement. 76 " 24 November 1980, CRD - Implement Fortran 77 zero trip DO loops. 77 " 24 November 1980, CRD - Change several I/O routines to issue load_pr 78 " macros BEFORE loading the A or Q. This is necessary as 79 " loading a pointer to a character array element may use the 80 " A or Q. 81 " 31 October 1980, CRD - Fix bug in div_rc. 82 " 24 October 1980, CRD - Add code for new Fortran 77 intrinsics. 83 " 13 October 1980, CRD - As a result of the change to manage the A, Q, 84 " and EAQ separately, in_reg and return eaq_name macros no 85 " longer erase the machine state entirely. Therefore, it is 86 " necessary to issue a use_eaq macro before emitting a call 87 " to one of the type conversion operators. 88 " 10 October 1980, CRD - Fix bug whereby real and dp DO loops did not 89 " truncate loop count to integer. 90 " 26 September 1980, CRD - Change make_quick_entry to asert that pr1 91 " contains the arg list ptr. 92 " 17 September 1980, CRD - Fix bug 278. The AMAX0, MAX1, AMIN0, and 93 " MIN1 intrinsics got incorrect code because of improper 94 " EAQ management. 95 " 22 August 1980, CRD - Fix error handling for open statement. 96 " 13 August 1980, CRD - Add error_macro segdef. 97 " 24 July 1980, CRD - Fix bug in subscript processing which caused 98 " non-integer subscripts to confuse the machine state. 99 " 16 July 1980, CRD - Key argument list consistency checking off of 100 " variable_arglist bit, not needs_descriptors bit. 101 " 15 July 1980, CRD - Centralize call-side descriptor checking in 102 " descriptor_check subroutine. Change logic so that 103 " descriptors are automatically generated for calls with 104 " character mode arguments in ansi77 mode. 105 " 27 June 1980, CRD - Modify I/O routines to allow I/O of character 106 " strings of variable length. Put check in func_ref to 107 " ensure that function is not *-length. 108 " 26 June 1980, CRD - Check data type of parent in substr. 109 " 23 June 1980, CRD - Check ansi77 mode for concatenation. 110 " 14 May 1980, CRD - Fix bug in ICHAR intrinsic. 111 " 7 March 1980, CRD - Implement concatenation. 112 " 1 February 1980, CRD - Fix bug in which subscripts with bad data 113 " types get no error messages. Make a similar change for 114 " substring expressions. 115 " 24 January 1980, CRD - Add code to make_entry, make_quick_entry, 116 " and make_call to allow for Fortran entries which 117 " require descriptors. 118 " 14 Dec 1979, CRD - Add use_ind macros to relational operators, and 119 " change make_entry and make_quick_entry to allow for entries 120 " that require descriptors. 121 " 1 Nov 1979, CRD - Add mpy to single_inst table, change if_ind and 122 " unless_ind macros to have eaq_name. 123 " 09 Aug 1979, CRD - Fix bug 221 (dmod implemented incorrectly) 124 " 12 Jul 1979, PES - More forgiving encode/decode statement. The string 125 " may now be an array, simple variable, or array element of any type 126 " but logical. 127 " 09 Jul 1979, CRD - Changes to fix bug 220, in which files do not 128 " get closed if there is no STOP or CALL EXIT statement in the 129 " main program. 130 " 17 Nov 1978, RAB - Centralizes rounding decisions in "round" and 131 " "store" macros. Precedes many floating compares 132 " with rounds. 133 " 13 Sep 1978, PES - Changes to fix bug 183, in which fortran sometimes decides that 134 " external subroutine names passed out as arguments in a call should be 135 " treated as character strings. 136 " 05 Sep 1978, PES - Changes to fix bug 179, in which real/dp function results are 137 " rounded before being stored. 138 " 27 Jul 1978, PES - Changes to fix min and max bug. audit changes. 139 " 20 Jun 1978, DSL - Clean up and bug fixes from loop optimizer audit. 140 " Fix macros for sign builtin functions. 141 " 25 May 1978, DSL - Minor bug fixes in open/close. Fix bug 159 in which 142 " indicators are not set correctly before calls to "sign" BIFs 143 " and for aint BIF. Fix bug 156 in which "frd" or "dfrd" is 144 " required before conversion to integer. 145 " 02 May 1978, DSL - fix bug 153 in which macros contained a 146 " dfcmp =0.,du. 147 " 13 Feb 1978, DSL - Fix bug 140 in which "load_pr pr1" destroys the 148 " addressability of subsequent operands. Also, changed fst to fstr in 149 " div_ic code. Also converted round_dp_to_real to a function. 150 " 03 Feb 1978, DSL - Emergency fix to negate complex. 151 " 05 Jan 1978, DSL - Implement double precision to complex conversion for 152 " arithmetic infix oprs and for assignment. 153 " 04 Jan 1978, DSL - Implement rel ops for one char const opnd and one 154 " arith opnd. Fix bug in func ref (unreported) in which no warning is 155 " printed if return value is char and may need descriptors. 156 " 27 Dec 1977, DSL - fix bug in cv_bif_to_external (136); use new macros 157 " pad_char_const_to_(word dw) in assign, fix bug in func_ref (130), 158 " change macros to truncate on store when appropriate, introduce use 159 " of new macro, dt_jump1. 160 " 15 Sep 1977, DSL - interim fix to abs bif until load_for_test macro 161 " is available. 162 " 19 Jul 1977, DSL - fix bugs in open/close. 163 " 14 Jul 1977, DSL - 1) fix sf def for simple references. 164 " 2) change implementation of open/close. 3) fix sf ref for 165 " logical sf. 4) prevent parameters from reaching make_external_variable. 166 " 26 May 1977, GDC - allow statement functions to take character 167 " arguments with character data-types. 168 " 013357 169 maclist object 170 include fort_macros 1-1 " BEGIN fort_macros.incl.alm 1-2 " 1-3 " Written: June 1976, R. A. Barnes 1-4 " 1-5 " Modified: 1-6 " 22 June 84, MM - Install typeless functions support. 1-7 " 28 Mar 84, HH - Install HFP support. 1-8 " 10 January 1982, TO - Add 'emit_entry_defs' (simple). 1-9 " 3 January 1982, TO - Add 'even' pseudo for ext_cg optimization 1-10 " of DO-loop top label. 1-11 " 29 Nov 82, HH - 361: Remove 'get_format_var'. 1-12 " 21 September 1982, TO - Add emit_storage_args. 1-13 " 7 September 1982, TO - Add emit_cleanup_args. 1-14 " 1 September 1982, TO - Add if/unless_cleanup. 1-15 " 1 September 1982, TO - Add if/unless_storage_created, if/unless_VLA. 1-16 " 3 May 1982, TO - Add (if/unless)_char_star_function. 1-17 " 3 May 1982, TO - Add (if/unless)_check_multiply. 1-18 " 27 July 1981, CRD - Add get_format_var. 1-19 " 2 June 1981, CRD - Add push_sf_arg_count. 1-20 " 24 September 1980, CRD - Change desc_ptr_in_base to be a simple 1-21 " macro (desc_ptr_in_pr3), and add arg_ptr_in_pr1. 1-22 " 16 July 1980, CRD - Add (if unless)_variable_arglist. 1-23 " 15 July 1980, CRD - Add set_needs_descriptors 1-24 " 23 June 1980, CRD - Add (if unless)_ansi77. 1-25 " 11 June 1980, CRD - add push_operand_count. 1-26 " 17 April 1980, CRD - add set_next_operand. 1-27 " 4 March 1980, CRD - add many new macros for concatenation. 1-28 " 23 February 1980, RAB - add float_power_of_two 1-29 " 7 February 1980, CRD - Add int_to_char1 and char1_to_int. 1-30 " 27 January 1980, RAB - Add force_ql. 1-31 " 24 January 1980, CRD - Add desc_ptr_in_base. 1-32 " 18 January 1980, CRD - Add free_descriptors. 1-33 " 27 December 1979, RAB - Add refresh_regs_if_next_is_jump and 1-34 " note_eligible_ind_var_use for register optimizer 1-35 " 30 November 1979, RAB - Add (if unless)_global, 1-36 " (if unless)_induction_var, (if unless)_fb17, 1-37 " (if unless)_global_ind_var, assign_index, compare_index, 1-38 " test_index, increment_index, and decrement_index 1-39 " macros for the register optimizer. 1-40 " 3 November 1979, RAB - Remove obsolete version 1 macros indirect_scan 1-41 " and finish_indirect_scan. Add load_xreg, load_preg, and 1-42 " refresh_regs macros for the register optimizer. 1-43 " 16 October 1979, CRD - add two new macros, set_inds_valid and 1-44 " ind_to_a. set_inds_valid is used to update the 1-45 " machine state when an instruction has been emitted that 1-46 " (1) set the indicators, (2) modifies the eaq, and (3) 1-47 " leaves the indicators valid for some register other than 1-48 " the one it modifies. ind_to_a is used to force logical 1-49 " temporaries from the indicators to the A register without 1-50 " losing the fact that indicators are valid for the A, as 1-51 " use_ind does. 1-52 " 15 October 1979, CRD - change if_ind and unless_ind to take an 1-53 " eaq_name. 1-54 " 25 July 1979, CRD - add tables of opcodes in comments. 1-55 " 25 July 1979, CRD - add many more meta macros. 1-56 " 24 July 1979, CRD - add def_left, def_1op, and def_1op_left meta 1-57 " macros. This localizes macro definitions and reduces the 1-58 " possibility of misdefining a macro instruction. 1-59 " 23 July 1979, CRD - add def_simple_cond, def_1op_cond meta macros. 1-60 " Use if_bit to compress some if/unless pairs into a single 1-61 " opcode. 1-62 " 23 July 1979, CRD - add def_simple meta macro, move opcodes of simple 1-63 " macro instructions to left half. 1-64 " 20 July 1979, CRD - remove obsolete version 1 optimizer macros 1-65 " 18 Nov 1978, RAB - macros to support centralized rounding: 1-66 " round, set_rounded, store no_update. 1-67 " 29 March 1978, DSL - Change insert_bits to free_temp (39) 1-68 " January, February 1978 DSL - Add new macros for version II optimizer. 1-69 " 20 December 1977 DSL - have v1opt and v2opt macros use the same 1-70 " macro numbers. 1-71 " 1 December 1977, D. S. Levin to add macros for v2 optimizer and 1-72 " restructure. 1-73 " 1 May 1977, R.A. Barnes to add store macro 1-74 " April 1976, G. D. Chang to add the save_state macro. 1-75 1-76 " META MACROS USED TO CREATE LANGUAGE MACROS 1-77 " 1-78 " int_dat_var 1-79 " 1-80 macro int_dat_var 1 1-81 ife &1,var 2 1-82 zero -1,inhibit+&2 3 1-83 ifend_exit 4 1-84 ifint &1 5 1-85 zero &1,inhibit+&2 6 1-86 ifend_exit 7 1-87 zero 0,&1n+inhibit+&2 8 1-88 &end 1-89 " 1-90 " array 1-91 " 1-92 macro array 1 1-93 &(&=&x,1&[ vfd &;,&]18/&i&) 2 1-94 equ &2,&x-1 3 1-95 &end 1-96 " 1-97 " scan_label 1-98 " 1-99 macro scan_label 1 1-100 ife &1,next 2 1-101 zero &3,&2 3 1-102 ifend_exit 4 1-103 ife &1,continue 5 1-104 zero &4,&2 6 1-105 ifend_exit 7 1-106 zero &1,&2 8 1-107 &end 1-108 " 1-109 " if_mac2 1-110 " 1-111 macro if_mac2 1 1-112 ife &3,op1 2 1-113 zero &4,&1+2048*&2+768+inhibit+&5 3 1-114 ifend 4 1-115 ine &3,op1 5 1-116 zero &4,&1+2048*&2+256*&3+inhibit+&5 6 1-117 ifend 7 1-118 &end 1-119 " 1-120 " if_mac1 1-121 " 1-122 macro if_mac1 1 1-123 ife &2,< 2 1-124 if_mac2 &1,0,&3,&4,&5 3 1-125 ifend_exit 4 1-126 ife &2,> 5 1-127 if_mac2 &1,1,&3,&4,&5 6 1-128 ifend_exit 7 1-129 ife &2,= 8 1-130 if_mac2 &1,2,&3,&4,&5 9 1-131 ifend_exit 10 1-132 ife &2,^= 11 1-133 if_mac2 &1,3,&3,&4,&5 12 1-134 ifend_exit 13 1-135 ife &2,<= 14 1-136 if_mac2 &1,4,&3,&4,&5 15 1-137 ifend_exit 16 1-138 ife &2,>= 17 1-139 if_mac2 &1,5,&3,&4,&5 18 1-140 ifend_exit 19 1-141 &end 1-142 " 1-143 " rest_of_error 1-144 " 1-145 macro rest_of_error 1 1-146 ife &1,() 2 1-147 ifend_exit 3 1-148 ife &1,ascii 4 1-149 vfd 18/&U,10/&l2,1/1,7/67 5 1-150 use .strings. 6 1-151 &U: aci "&2" 7 1-152 use .text. 8 1-153 rest_of_error &FQ3 9 1-154 ifend_exit 10 1-155 zero 0,&1+inhibit+67 11 1-156 rest_of_error &FQ2 12 1-157 &end 1-158 " 1-159 " def_simple 1-160 " 1-161 macro def_simple 1 1-162 macro &1 2 1-163 zero &2,inhibit+6 3 1-164 &&end 4 1-165 &end 1-166 " 1-167 " def_simple_cond 1-168 " 1-169 macro def_simple_cond 1 1-170 macro if_&1 2 1-171 zero &&1,if_bit+inhibit+&2 3 1-172 &&end 4 1-173 macro unless_&1 5 1-174 zero &&1,inhibit+&2 6 1-175 &&end 7 1-176 &end 1-177 " 1-178 " def_1op_cond 1-179 " 1-180 macro def_1op_cond 1 1-181 macro if_&1 2 1-182 zero &&2,&&1+if_bit+inhibit+&2 3 1-183 &&end 4 1-184 macro unless_&1 5 1-185 zero &&2,&&1+inhibit+&2 6 1-186 &&end 7 1-187 &end 1-188 " 1-189 " def_1op 1-190 " 1-191 macro def_1op 1 1-192 macro &1 2 1-193 zero 0,&&1+inhibit+&2 3 1-194 &&end 4 1-195 &end 1-196 " 1-197 " def_left 1-198 " 1-199 macro def_left 1 1-200 macro &1 2 1-201 zero &&1,inhibit+&2 3 1-202 &&end 4 1-203 &end 1-204 " 1-205 " def_leftn 1-206 " 1-207 macro def_leftn 1 1-208 macro &1 2 1-209 zero &&1n,inhibit+&2 3 1-210 &&end 4 1-211 &end 1-212 " 1-213 " def_1op_left 1-214 " 1-215 macro def_1op_left 1 1-216 macro &1 2 1-217 zero &&2,&&1+inhibit+&2 3 1-218 &&end 4 1-219 &end 1-220 " 1-221 " def_1op_left_flag 1-222 " 1-223 macro def_1op_left_flag 1 1-224 macro &1 2 1-225 ife &&3,() 3 1-226 zero &&2,&&1+inhibit+&2 4 1-227 ifend_exit 5 1-228 zero &&2,&&1+&&3+inhibit+&2 6 1-229 &&end 7 1-230 &end 1-231 " 1-232 " def_int_dat_var 1-233 " 1-234 macro def_int_dat_var 1 1-235 macro &1 2 1-236 int_dat_var &&1,&2 3 1-237 &&end 4 1-238 &end 1-239 " 1-240 " def_type_cond 1-241 " 1-242 macro def_type_cond 1 1-243 macro &1 2 1-244 zero &&2,&&(1&&i+&&)inhibit+&2 3 1-245 &&end 4 1-246 &end 1-247 " 1-248 " def_2op_left 1-249 " 1-250 macro def_2op_left 1 1-251 macro &1 2 1-252 zero &&3,&&2+&&1+inhibit+&2 3 1-253 &&end 4 1-254 &end 1-255 " 1-256 " def_array1 1-257 " 1-258 macro def_array1 1 1-259 macro &1 2 1-260 zero &&U,inhibit+&2 3 1-261 array (&&1),&&U 4 1-262 &&end 5 1-263 &end 1-264 " 1-265 " def_array2 1-266 " 1-267 macro def_array2 1 1-268 macro &1 2 1-269 zero &&U,&&1+inhibit+&2 3 1-270 array (&&2),&&U 4 1-271 &&end 5 1-272 &end 1-273 " 1-274 " def_2op 1-275 " 1-276 macro def_2op 1 1-277 macro &1 2 1-278 zero 0,&&1+&&2+inhibit+&2 3 1-279 &&end 4 1-280 &end 1-281 " 1-282 " def_1op_optleft 1-283 " 1-284 macro def_1op_optleft 1 1-285 macro &1 2 1-286 ine &&2,() 3 1-287 zero &&2,&&1+inhibit+&2 4 1-288 ifend_exit 5 1-289 zero 0,&&1+inhibit+&2 6 1-290 &&end 7 1-291 &end 1-292 " 1-293 " def_1op_flag 1-294 " 1-295 macro def_1op_flag 1 1-296 macro &1 2 1-297 ife &&1,() 3 1-298 zero 0,inhibit+&2 4 1-299 ifend_exit 5 1-300 zero 1,&&1+inhibit+&2 6 1-301 &&end 7 1-302 &end 1-303 " 1-304 " def_general_cond 1-305 " 1-306 macro def_general_cond 1 1-307 macro &1 2 1-308 if_mac1 &&1,&&2,&&3,&&4,&2 3 1-309 &&end 4 1-310 &end 1-311 " 1-312 " def_1op_name 1-313 " 1-314 macro def_1op_name 1 1-315 macro &1 2 1-316 zero 0,&&1n+inhibit+&2 3 1-317 &&end 4 1-318 &end 1-319 " 1-320 " def_2op_name 1-321 " 1-322 macro def_2op_name 1 1-323 macro &1 2 1-324 zero &&1n,&&2+inhibit+&2 3 1-325 &&end 4 1-326 &end 1-327 1-328 " TABLE OF OPCODE ASSIGNMENTS 1-329 " 1-330 " NOTE: If you change any of these opcode assignments, be sure to 1-331 " change BOTH ext_code_generator and fort_optimizing_cg!!! 1-332 " 1-333 " 1-334 " 1 copy 1-335 " 2 swap 1-336 " 3 pop 1-337 " 4 push_temp 1-338 " 5 push_variable 1-339 " 6 used for extended opcode dispatch 1-340 " 7 emit_eis 1-341 " 8 push_constant 1-342 " 9 convert_constant 1-343 " 10 push_count_indexed 1-344 " 11 push_builtin 1-345 " 12 proc 1-346 " 13 func 1-347 " 14 call 1-348 " 15 return 1-349 " 16 jump 1-350 " 17 scan 1-351 " 18 exit 1-352 " 19 s_call 1-353 " 20 set_inds_valid 1-354 " 21 if_dt 1-355 " 22 unless_dt 1-356 " 23 if_optype 1-357 " 24 unless_optype 1-358 " 25 (if unless)_array 1-359 " 26 (if unless)_aligned 1-360 " 27 if_eaq 1-361 " 28 unless_eaq 1-362 " 29 dt_jump 1-363 " 30 ind_jump 1-364 " 31 if 1-365 " 32 unless 1-366 " 33 jump_indexed 1-367 " 34 emit, emit_data, emit_inst 1-368 " 35 label 1-369 " 36 rel_con 1-370 " 37 set_rel_constant 1-371 " 38 add_to_address 1-372 " 39 free_temp 1-373 " 40 reserve_regs 1-374 " 41 load_pr 1-375 " 42 use_a 1-376 " 43 use_q 1-377 " 44 make_addressable 1-378 " 45 use_eaq 1-379 " 46 load 1-380 " 47 load_top 1-381 " 48 in_reg 1-382 " 49 refresh_regs 1-383 " 50 push_sf_arg_count 1-384 " 51 increment 1-385 " 52 decrement 1-386 " 53 multiply 1-387 " 54 push_count 1-388 " 55 push_bif_index 1-389 " 56 (if unless)_saving_stack_extent 1-390 " 57 start_cat 1-391 " 58 shorten_stack 1-392 " 59 set_next_operand 1-393 " 60 (if unless)_ansi77 1-394 " 61 s_func_label 1-395 " 62 push_s_func_label 1-396 " 63 push_s_func_var 1-397 " 64 push_array_size 1-398 " 65 print 1-399 " 66 error 1-400 " 67 used by rest_of_error 1-401 " 68 push_length 1-402 " 69 (if unless)_variable_arglist 1-403 " 70 used by call 1-404 " 71 used by make_addressable 1-405 " 72 if_ind 1-406 " 73 unless_ind 1-407 " 74 (if unless)_char_star_function 1-408 " 75 (if unless)_check_multiply 1-409 " 76 make_io_desc 1-410 " 77 (if unless)_one_word_dt 1-411 " 78 assign_entry 1-412 " 79 (if unless)_storage_created 1-413 " 80 push_char_temp 1-414 " 81 (if unless)_parameter 1-415 " 82 (if unless)_global 1-416 " 83 (if unless)_induction_var 1-417 " 84 (if unless)_fb17 1-418 " 85 (if unless)_negative 1-419 " 86 (if unless)_global_ind_var 1-420 " 87 (if unless)_local 1-421 " 88 (if unless)_VLA 1-422 " 89 (if unless)_main 1-423 " 90 (if unless)_cleanup 1-424 " 91 (if unless)_constant_addrs 1-425 " 92 (if unless)_hfp 1-426 " 93 get_quick_label 1-427 " 94 UNUSED 1-428 " 95 (if unless)_needs_descriptors 1-429 " 96 UNUSED 1-430 " 97 UNUSED 1-431 " 98 UNUSED 1-432 " 99 (if unless)_namelist_used 1-433 " 100 UNUSED 1-434 " 101 if_next_statement 1-435 " 102 unless_next_statement 1-436 " 103 UNUSED 1-437 " 104 push_operand 1-438 " 105 compare 1-439 " 106 UNUSED 1-440 " 107 UNUSED 1-441 " 108 round 1-442 " 109 flush_ref 1-443 " 110 save_state 1-444 " 111 store 1-445 " 112 load_pr_value 1-446 " 113 load_for_test 1-447 " 114 set_in_storage 1-448 " 115 bump 1-449 " 116 drop 1-450 " 117 UNUSED 1-451 " 118 (if unless)_zero 1-452 " 119 UNUSED 1-453 " 120 UNUSED 1-454 " 121 push_ref_count 1-455 " 122 UNUSED 1-456 " 123 float_power_of_fpbase 1-457 " 124 dt_jump1 1-458 " 125 pad_char_const_to_word 1-459 " 126 pad_char_const_to_dw 1-460 " 127 power_of_two 1-461 1-462 " LANGUAGE MACROS 1-463 " 1-464 " 1-465 def_1op copy,1 " copy opname 1-466 def_1op swap,2 " swap opname 1-467 def_1op pop,3 " pop opname 1-468 def_int_dat_var push_temp,4 " push_temp {int|dt_name|var} 1-469 def_1op_name push_variable,5 " push_variable dt_name 1-470 def_left emit_eis,7 " emit_eis [equal_lengths] 1-471 def_int_dat_var push_constant,8 " push_constant {int|dt_name|var} 1-472 def_1op_name convert_constant,9 " convert_constant dt_name 1-473 def_array2 push_count_indexed,10 " push_count_indexed opname,(count,...) 1-474 def_left push_builtin,11 " push_builtin builtin_name 1-475 1-476 macro proc " proc {int|var} [,error_lbl] 1 1-477 vfd 18/&2,10/&1,1/1,7/12 2 1-478 &end 1-479 1-480 macro func " func {int|var} [,error_lbl] 1 1-481 vfd 18/&2,10/&1,1/1,7/13 2 1-482 &end 1-483 1-484 macro call " call lbl,[error_lbl] 1 1-485 ife &2,() 2 1-486 zero &1,inhibit+14 3 1-487 ifend_exit 4 1-488 zero &1,inhibit+70 5 1-489 zero &2 6 1-490 &end 1-491 1-492 def_1op_flag return,15 " return [eaq_name|opname] 1-493 def_left jump,16 " jump lbl 1-494 1-495 macro scan " scan err_lbl,(exit_lbl...) 1 1-496 &u: 2 1-497 ife &1,continue 3 1-498 zero *,inhibit+17 4 1-499 ifend 5 1-500 ine &1,continue 6 1-501 scan_label &1,inhibit+17,&U,&p 7 1-502 ifend 8 1-503 &(2 scan_label &i,inhibit+16,&U,&p 9 1-504 &) 10 1-505 &U: 11 1-506 &end 1-507 1-508 def_left exit,18 " exit integer 1-509 def_left s_call,19 " s_call lbl 1-510 def_1op set_inds_valid,20 " set_inds_valid eaq_name 1-511 def_type_cond if_dt,21 " if_dt (dt_name...),lbl 1-512 def_type_cond unless_dt,22 " unless_dt (dt_name...),lbl 1-513 def_type_cond if_optype,23 " if_optype (dt_name...),lbl 1-514 def_type_cond unless_optype,24 " unless_optype (dt_name...),lbl 1-515 def_simple_cond array,25 " (if unless)_array lbl 1-516 def_1op_cond aligned,26 " (if unless)_aligned opname,lbl 1-517 def_2op_left if_eaq,27 " if_eaq eaq_name,opname,lbl 1-518 def_2op_left unless_eaq,28 " unless_eaq eaq_name,opname,lbl 1-519 def_array1 dt_jump,29 " dt_jump (lbl,...) 1-520 def_array1 ind_jump,30 " ind_jump (lbl,...) 1-521 def_general_cond if,31 " if opname,relop,opname,lbl 1-522 def_general_cond unless,32 " unless opname,relop,opname,lbl 1-523 def_array2 jump_indexed,33 " jump_indexed opname,(lbl,...) 1-524 def_left emit,34 " emit integer 1-525 def_left emit_data,34 " emit_data integer 1-526 1-527 macro emit_inst " emit_inst integer 1 1-528 zero &1,inst_word+inhibit+34 2 1-529 &end 1-530 1-531 def_1op label,35 " label opname 1-532 def_1op rel_con,36 " rel_con opname 1-533 def_1op set_rel_constant,37 " set_rel_constant opname 1-534 def_1op_flag add_to_address,38 " add_to_address [opname] 1-535 def_1op free_temp,39 " free_temp opname 1-536 1-537 macro reserve_regs " reserve_regs (xpr_name,...) 1 1-538 &(&=&x,1&[zero &;+&]&i&),inhibit+40 2 1-539 &end 1-540 1-541 def_2op_name load_pr,41 " load_pr pr_name,opname 1-542 def_left use_a,42 " use_a [protect_indicators] 1-543 def_left use_q,43 " use_q [protect_indicators] 1-544 1-545 macro make_addressable " make_addressable opname[,opname] 1 1-546 ife &2,() 2 1-547 zero 0,&1+inhibit+44 3 1-548 ifend_exit 4 1-549 zero &2,&1+inhibit+71 5 1-550 &end 1-551 1-552 def_left use_eaq,45 " use_eaq [protect_indicators] 1-553 def_2op load,46 " load eaq_name,opname 1-554 def_1op_optleft load_top,47 " load_top eaq_name[,lbl] 1-555 def_2op in_reg,48 " in_reg eaq_name,opname 1-556 def_left refresh_regs,49 " refresh_regs [protect_indicators] 1-557 def_1op push_sf_arg_count,50 " push_sf_arg_count opname 1-558 def_1op_left increment,51 " increment opname,int 1-559 def_1op_left decrement,52 " decrement opname,int 1-560 def_1op_left multiply,53 " multiply opname,int 1-561 def_left push_count,54 " push_count integer 1-562 def_1op push_bif_index,55 " push_bif_index opname 1-563 def_simple_cond saving_stack_extent,56 " (if unless)_saving_stack_extent lbl 1-564 def_left start_cat,57 " start_cat lbl 1-565 def_left shorten_stack,58 " shorten_stack [protect_indicators] 1-566 def_left set_next_operand,59 " set_next_operand opno 1-567 def_simple_cond ansi77,60 " (if unless)_ansi77 lbl 1-568 def_1op s_func_label,61 " s_func_label opname 1-569 def_1op push_s_func_label,62 " push_s_func_label opname 1-570 def_1op_left push_s_func_var,63 " push_s_func_var opname,lbl 1-571 def_1op push_array_size,64 " push_array_size opname 1-572 1-573 macro print " print errno,opname,... 1 1-574 &u: vfd 18/&1,10/&U,1/1,7/65 2 1-575 rest_of_error &FQ2 3 1-576 equ &U,*-&p-1 4 1-577 &end 1-578 1-579 macro error " error errno,opname,... 1 1-580 ine &1,() 2 1-581 &u: vfd 18/&1,10/&U,1/1,7/66 3 1-582 rest_of_error &FQ2 4 1-583 equ &U,*-&p-1 5 1-584 ifend_exit 6 1-585 zero 0,inhibit+66 7 1-586 &end 1-587 1-588 def_1op push_length,68 " push_length opname 1-589 def_1op_cond variable_arglist,69 " (if unless)_variable_arglist opname,lbl 1-590 def_1op_left if_ind,72 " if_ind eaq_name,lbl 1-591 def_1op_left unless_ind,73 " unless_ind eaq_name,lbl 1-592 def_simple_cond char_star_function,74 " (if unless)_char_star_function 1-593 def_simple_cond check_multiply,75 " (if unless)_check_multiply 1-594 def_left make_io_desc,76 " make_io_desc bits 1-595 def_1op_cond one_word_dt,77 " (if unless)_one_word_dt,lbl 1-596 def_1op assign_entry,78 " assign_entry opname 1-597 def_simple_cond storage_created,79 " (if unless)_storage_created lbl 1-598 def_int_dat_var push_char_temp,80 " push_char_temp {int|dt_name|var} 1-599 def_1op_cond parameter,81 " (if unless)_parameter opname,lbl 1-600 def_1op_cond global,82 " (if unless)_global opname,lbl 1-601 def_1op_cond induction_var,83 " (if unless)_induction_var opname,lbl 1-602 def_1op_cond fb17,84 " (if unless)_fb17 opname,lbl 1-603 def_1op_cond negative,85 " (if unless)_negative opname,lbl 1-604 def_1op_cond global_ind_var,86 " (if unless)_global_ind_var opname,lbl 1-605 def_1op_cond local,87 " (if unless)_local opname,lbl 1-606 def_1op_cond VLA,88 " (if unless)_VLA opname,lbl 1-607 def_simple_cond main,89 " (if unless)_main lbl 1-608 def_simple_cond cleanup,90 " (if unless)_cleanup lbl 1-609 def_simple_cond constant_addrs,91 " (if unless)_constant_addrs lbl 1-610 def_simple_cond hfp,92 " (if unless)_hfp lbl 1-611 def_1op get_quick_label,93 " get_quick_label opname 1-612 def_1op_cond needs_descriptors,95 " (if unless)_needs_descriptors opname,lbl 1-613 def_simple_cond namelist_used,99 " (if unless)_namelist_used lbl 1-614 def_1op_left if_next_statement,101 " if_next_statement opname,lbl 1-615 def_1op_left unless_next_statement,102 " unless_next_statement opname,lbl 1-616 def_left push_operand,104 " push_operand lbl 1-617 def_2op compare,105 " compare eaq_name,opname 1-618 def_1op round,108 " round eaq_name 1-619 def_1op flush_ref,109 " flush_ref opname 1-620 def_1op_optleft save_state,110 " save_state opname[,discard] 1-621 1-622 macro store " store eaq_name,opname[,??] 1 1-623 zero &=&3,no_update&[1&;0&],&1+&2+inhibit+111 2 1-624 &end 1-625 1-626 def_2op_name load_pr_value,112 " load_pr_value eaq_name,opname 1-627 def_2op load_for_test,113 " load_for_test eaq_name,opname 1-628 def_1op set_in_storage,114 " set_in_storage opname 1-629 1-630 macro bump " bump opname[,integer] 1 1-631 zero &=&2,&[1&;&2&],&1+inhibit+115 2 1-632 &end 1-633 1-634 macro drop " drop opname[,integer] 1 1-635 zero &=&2,&[1&;&2&],&1+inhibit+116 2 1-636 &end 1-637 1-638 def_1op_cond zero,118 " (if unless)_zero opname,lbl 1-639 def_1op push_ref_count,121 " push_ref_count opname 1-640 def_1op_left_flag float_power_of_fpbase,123 1-641 def_array2 dt_jump1,124 " dt_jump1 opname,(lbl,...) 1-642 def_1op pad_char_const_to_word,125 " pad_char_const_to_word opname 1-643 def_1op pad_char_const_to_dw,126 " pad_char_const_to_dw opname 1-644 def_1op_left power_of_two,127 " power_of_two opname,lbl 1-645 " 1-646 " 1-647 " Macro numbers cannot exceed 127. 1-648 1-649 " TABLE OF SIMPLE OPCODES 1-650 " 1-651 " NOTE: If you add to or change any of these opcode assignments, be 1-652 " sure to change BOTH ext_code_generator and fort_optimizing_cg!!! 1-653 " 1-654 " 1-655 " 1 push_label 1-656 " 2 push_rel_constant 1-657 " 3 s_return 1-658 " 4 free_regs 1-659 " 5 reset_regs 1-660 " 6 reset_eaq 1-661 " 7 use_ind 1-662 " 8 start_subscript 1-663 " 9 next_subscript 1-664 " 10 finish_subscript 1-665 " 11 subscript_error 1-666 " 12 s_func_finish 1-667 " 13 end_unit 1-668 " 14 stat 1-669 " 15 check_parameters 1-670 " 16 check_arg_list 1-671 " 17 store_arg_addrs 1-672 " 18 gen_itp_list 1-673 " 19 make_descriptors 1-674 " 20 set_runtime_block_loc 1-675 " 21 optimized_subscript 1-676 " 22 sub_index 1-677 " 23 discard_state 1-678 " 24 push_output 1-679 " 25 bump_args 1-680 " 26 drop_args 1-681 " 27 push_operand_count 1-682 " 28 skip_data 1-683 " 29 set_rounded 1-684 " 30 load_xreg 1-685 " 31 load_preg 1-686 " 32 drop_all_counts 1-687 " 33 ind_to_a 1-688 " 34 assign_index 1-689 " 35 compare_index 1-690 " 36 test_index 1-691 " 37 increment_index 1-692 " 38 decrement_index 1-693 " 39 make_substring 1-694 " 40 refresh_regs_if_next_is_jump 1-695 " 41 note_eligible_ind_var_use 1-696 " 42 free_descriptors 1-697 " 43 force_ql 1-698 " 44 int_to_char1 1-699 " 45 char1_to_int 1-700 " 46 continue_cat 1-701 " 47 finish_cat 1-702 " 48 set_needs_descriptors 1-703 " 49 desc_ptr_in_pr3 1-704 " 50 arg_ptr_in_pr1 1-705 " 52 emit_cleanup_args 1-706 " 53 emit_storage_args 1-707 " 54 emit_profile_entry 1-708 " 55 force_even 1-709 " 56 emit_entry_defs 1-710 " 57 rhs_fld 1-711 " 58 lhs_fld 1-712 1-713 " SIMPLE LANGUAGE MACROS 1-714 " 1-715 def_simple push_label,1 1-716 def_simple push_rel_constant,2 1-717 def_simple s_return,3 1-718 def_simple free_regs,4 1-719 def_simple reset_regs,5 " 1-720 def_simple reset_eaq,6 1-721 def_simple use_ind,7 1-722 def_simple start_subscript,8 " 1-723 def_simple next_subscript,9 " 1-724 def_simple finish_subscript,10 " 1-725 def_simple subscript_error,11 " 1-726 def_simple s_func_finish,12 " 1-727 def_simple end_unit,13 1-728 def_simple stat,14 1-729 def_simple check_parameters,15 1-730 def_simple check_arg_list,16 1-731 def_simple store_arg_addrs,17 1-732 def_simple gen_itp_list,18 1-733 def_simple make_descriptors,19 1-734 def_simple set_runtime_block_loc,20 1-735 def_simple optimized_subscript,21 " 1-736 def_simple sub_index,22 " 1-737 def_simple discard_state,23 " 1-738 def_simple push_output,24 " 1-739 def_simple bump_args,25 " 1-740 def_simple drop_args,26 " 1-741 def_simple push_operand_count,27 " 1-742 def_simple skip_data,28 " 1-743 def_simple set_rounded,29 " 1-744 def_simple load_xreg,30 " 1-745 def_simple load_preg,31 " 1-746 def_simple drop_all_counts,32 " 1-747 def_simple ind_to_a,33 " 1-748 def_simple assign_index,34 " 1-749 def_simple compare_index,35 " 1-750 def_simple test_index,36 " 1-751 def_simple increment_index,37 " 1-752 def_simple decrement_index,38 " 1-753 def_simple make_substring,39 " 1-754 def_simple refresh_regs_if_next_is_jump,40 " 1-755 def_simple note_eligible_ind_var_use,41 " 1-756 def_simple free_descriptors,42 1-757 def_simple force_ql,43 " 1-758 def_simple int_to_char1,44 1-759 def_simple char1_to_int,45 1-760 def_simple continue_cat,46 1-761 def_simple finish_cat,47 1-762 def_simple set_needs_descriptors,48 1-763 def_simple desc_ptr_in_pr3,49 1-764 def_simple arg_ptr_in_pr1,50 1-765 def_simple emit_cleanup_args,52 1-766 def_simple emit_storage_args,53 1-767 def_simple emit_profile_entry,54 1-768 def_simple force_even,55 1-769 def_simple emit_entry_defs,56 1-770 def_simple rhs_fld,57 1-771 def_simple lhs_fld,58 1-772 " 1-773 " END fort_macros.incl.alm 171 include fort_equs 2-1 " BEGIN fort_equs.incl.alm 2-2 " 2-3 " Written: June 1976, R. A. Barnes 2-4 " 2-5 " Modified: 2-6 " 22 June 84, MM - Install typeless functions support. 2-7 " 28 Mar 84, HH - Install HFP support. 2-8 " 8 November 1982, TO - pl1_operators_ special addition 'VLA_words_per_seg'. 2-9 " 21 September 1982, TO - pl1_operators_ addition 'fort_storage'. 2-10 " 1 September 1982, TO - pl1_operators_ additions 'fort_return_mac', 2-11 " 'fort_cleanup'. 2-12 " 12 May 1982, HH - Add mpy_overflow_check. 2-13 " 5 May 1982, TO - Add shorten_stack. 2-14 " 24 October 1980, CRD - add symbols for new operators needed by 2-15 " Fortran 77 intrinsics. 2-16 " 24 September 1980, CRD - change order of base registers in making pr1 2-17 " part of the register pool. 2-18 " 4 March 1980, CRD - add equal_lengths (for emit_eis macro). 2-19 " 23 February 1980 RAB - add almost_ones and for_divide 2-20 " 14 December 1979, CRD - add ext_entry_desc operator offset. 2-21 " 30 November 1979, RAB - add j_le_s, j_g_s indicator substates for 2-22 " register optimizer. Also, change xq substate to ia, and 2-23 " add some comments. 2-24 " 9 August 1979, CRD - add new operator fort_dmod. 2-25 " 23 July 1979, CRD - add if_bit for def_simple_cond, etc. macros 2-26 " 9 July 1979 CRD - add new operator fortran_end. 2-27 " 4 April 1976 DSL - add new bifs tan, dtan, asin, dasin, acos, dacos. 2-28 " 040000 2-29 equ opf,16384 operand factor 040000 2-30 equ arg1,1*opf 100000 2-31 equ arg2,2*opf 140000 2-32 equ arg3,3*opf 200000 2-33 equ arg4,4*opf 240000 2-34 equ arg5,5*opf 300000 2-35 equ arg6,6*opf 340000 2-36 equ arg7,7*opf 2-37 " 000000 2-38 equ opv,0*opf 2-39 " 777777 740000 2-40 equ op1,-1*opf 777777 700000 2-41 equ op2,-2*opf 777777 640000 2-42 equ op3,-3*opf 777777 600000 2-43 equ op4,-4*opf 777777 540000 2-44 equ op5,-5*opf 777777 500000 2-45 equ op6,-6*opf 777777 440000 2-46 equ op7,-7*opf 2-47 " 000200 2-48 equ inhibit,128 this bit necessary for all macros 2-49 " 000400 2-50 equ if_bit,256 used to differentiate if/unless 2-51 " 400000 2-52 bool int,400000 200000 2-53 bool real,200000 100000 2-54 bool dp,100000 040000 2-55 bool cmpx,40000 020000 2-56 bool logical,20000 010000 2-57 bool char,10000 004000 2-58 bool typeless,4000 002000 2-59 bool label,2000 2-60 " 000400 2-61 equ intn,1*256 001000 2-62 equ realn,2*256 001400 2-63 equ dpn,3*256 002000 2-64 equ cmpxn,4*256 002400 2-65 equ logicaln,5*256 003000 2-66 equ charn,6*256 003400 2-67 equ typelessn,7*256 004000 2-68 equ labeln,8*256 2-69 " 777777 777777 2-70 equ var,-1 2-71 " 000000 2-72 equ empty,0*256 000400 2-73 equ q,1*256 001000 2-74 equ a,2*256 001400 2-75 equ aq,3*256 002000 2-76 equ eaq,4*256 002400 2-77 equ deaq,5*256 003000 2-78 equ ieaq,6*256 003400 2-79 equ iq,7*256 004000 2-80 equ ia,8*256 004400 2-81 equ tq,9*256 005000 2-82 equ ind,10*256 005400 2-83 equ tze,11*256 006000 2-84 equ tnz,12*256 006400 2-85 equ tmi,13*256 007000 2-86 equ tpl,14*256 007400 2-87 equ tmoz,15*256 010000 2-88 equ tpnz,16*256 010400 2-89 equ tnc,17*256 011000 2-90 equ trc,18*256 011400 2-91 equ j_le_s,19*256 012000 2-92 equ j_g_s,20*256 2-93 " 400000 2-94 bool variable,400000 200000 2-95 bool constant,200000 100000 2-96 bool array_ref,100000 040000 2-97 bool temp,40000 020000 2-98 bool count,20000 010000 2-99 bool rel_constant,10000 004000 2-100 bool bif,4000 002000 2-101 bool statement_function,2000 001000 2-102 bool external,1000 000400 2-103 bool entry,400 000200 2-104 bool dummy,200 000100 2-105 bool error,100 000040 2-106 bool substr_ref,40 2-107 " 400000 2-108 bool x0,400000 200000 2-109 bool x1,200000 100000 2-110 bool x2,100000 040000 2-111 bool x3,40000 020000 2-112 bool x4,20000 010000 2-113 bool x5,10000 004000 2-114 bool x6,4000 002000 2-115 bool x7,2000 001000 2-116 bool pr4,1000 000400 2-117 bool pr1,400 000200 2-118 bool pr2,200 000100 2-119 bool pr3,100 000040 2-120 bool pr5,40 000020 2-121 bool pr7,20 776000 2-122 bool indices,x0+x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+x7 001760 2-123 bool bases,pr1+pr4+pr2+pr3+pr5+pr7 777760 2-124 bool all,indices+bases 2-125 " 000001 2-126 equ pr4n,1 000002 2-127 equ pr1n,2 000003 2-128 equ pr2n,3 000004 2-129 equ pr3n,4 000005 2-130 equ pr5n,5 000006 2-131 equ pr7n,6 2-132 000001 2-133 equ equal_lengths,1 000001 2-134 equ protect_indicators,1 000002 2-135 equ discard,2 040000 2-136 bool inst_word,040000 2-137 " 000400 2-138 equ for_divide,256 2-139 " 2-140 " builtin operands 2-141 " 000000 2-142 equ zero,0 "integer constant zero 000001 2-143 equ one,1 "integer constant one 000002 2-144 equ ps,2 "symbol for Fortran I/O arglist 000003 2-145 equ auto_template,3 "init template for automatic storage 000004 2-146 equ auto_overlay,4 "overlay of automatic storage 000005 2-147 equ null_ptr,5 "constant null ITS pointer 000006 2-148 equ null,6 "null operand 000007 2-149 equ two,7 "integer constant two 000010 2-150 equ entry_info,8 "place to store quick proc info 000011 2-151 equ star_symbol,9 "<*symbol>|0 000012 2-152 equ ps_area_ptr,10 "symbol for ps.buffer_p 000013 2-153 equ desc_overlay,11 "symbol for accessing a descriptor 2-154 " 000052 2-155 equ ps_ptr,42 000006 2-156 equ format_slot,6 000014 2-157 equ end_label_slot,12 000012 2-158 equ error_label_slot,10 000034 2-159 equ margin_slot,28 000011 2-160 equ record_number_slot,9 000020 2-161 equ string_slot,16 000025 2-162 equ string_length_slot,21 000036 2-163 equ file_name_slot,30 000040 2-164 equ file_type_slot,32 000022 2-165 equ namelist_slot,18 000056 2-166 equ iostat_slot,46 000033 2-167 equ buffer_size_slot,27 2-168 000042 2-169 equ descriptor_ptr,34 000056 2-170 equ double_temp,46 2-171 000050 2-172 equ temp_pt,40 000070 2-173 equ complex,56 2-174 000551 2-175 equ op_base,361 =o733-o162=o551 000 2-176 000110 2-177 equ all_ones,op_base-289 072 000440 2-178 equ blanks,op_base-73 288 2-179 001045 2-180 equ ext_entry,op_base+188 549 001046 2-181 equ ext_entry_desc,op_base+189 550 000631 2-182 equ return_op,op_base+48 001447 2-183 equ fortran_end,op_base+446 001450 2-184 equ fort_dmod,op_base+447 001375 2-185 equ signal_stringrange,op_base+404 000465 2-186 equ integer_to_real,op_base-52 309 000465 2-187 equ integer_to_double,op_base-52 309 000654 2-188 equ real_to_integer,op_base+67 428 000654 2-189 equ double_to_integer,op_base+67 428 000773 2-190 equ complex_multiply,op_base+146 507 000775 2-191 equ complex_divide,op_base+148 509 000477 2-192 equ r_g_s,op_base-42 319 000532 2-193 equ r_le_s,op_base-15 346 001351 2-194 equ int_p_int,op_base+384 745 001350 2-195 equ real_p_int,op_base+383 744 001347 2-196 equ real_p_real,op_base+382 743 001346 2-197 equ dbl_p_int,op_base+381 742 001344 2-198 equ dbl_p_real,op_base+379 740 001345 2-199 equ dbl_p_dbl,op_base+380 741 001416 2-200 equ cmpx_p_cmpx,op_base+421 782 001246 2-201 equ ftn_read,op_base+317 678 001247 2-202 equ ftn_write,op_base+318 679 001251 2-203 equ ftn_scalar_xmit,op_base+320 681 001252 2-204 equ ftn_array_xmit,op_base+321 682 001250 2-205 equ ftn_manip,op_base+319 680 001253 2-206 equ ftn_terminate,op_base+322 683 001406 2-207 equ cabs_,op_base+413 774 001312 2-208 equ log_,op_base+353 714 001333 2-209 equ dlog_,op_base+370 731 001411 2-210 equ clog_,op_base+416 777 001313 2-211 equ alog10_,op_base+354 715 001334 2-212 equ dlog10_,op_base+371 732 001307 2-213 equ atan_,op_base+350 711 001330 2-214 equ datan_,op_base+367 728 001336 2-215 equ atan2_,op_base+373 734 001340 2-216 equ datan2_,op_base+375 736 001277 2-217 equ cos_,op_base+342 703 001320 2-218 equ dcos_,op_base+359 720 001407 2-219 equ ccos_,op_base+414 775 001314 2-220 equ exp_,op_base+355 716 001335 2-221 equ dexp_,op_base+372 733 001410 2-222 equ cexp_,op_base+415 776 000767 2-223 equ fort_modfl,op_base+142 503 001415 2-224 equ dmod_,op_base+420 781 000666 2-225 equ sign_fx,op_base+77 438 000667 2-226 equ sign_fl,op_base+78 439 001275 2-227 equ sin_,op_base+340 701 001316 2-228 equ dsin_,op_base+357 718 001412 2-229 equ csin_,op_base+417 778 001274 2-230 equ sqrt_,op_base+339 700 001315 2-231 equ dsqrt_,op_base+356 717 001413 2-232 equ csqrt_,op_base+418 780 001414 2-233 equ tanh_,op_base+419 781 001301 2-234 equ tan_,op_base+344 705 001322 2-235 equ dtan_,op_base+361 722 001303 2-236 equ asin_,op_base+346 707 001324 2-237 equ dasin_,op_base+363 724 001305 2-238 equ acos_,op_base+348 709 001326 2-239 equ dacos_,op_base+365 726 001124 2-240 equ trunc_fl,op_base+235 596 001417 2-241 equ get_math_entry,op_base+422 783 001420 2-242 equ fortran_pause,op_base+423 784 001421 2-243 equ fortran_stop,op_base+424 785 001422 2-244 equ fortran_chain,op_base+425 786 000623 2-245 equ call_ext_out,op_base+42 000622 2-246 equ call_ext_out_desc,op_base+41 000617 2-247 equ call_var,op_base+38 000616 2-248 equ call_var_desc,op_base+37 001437 2-249 equ ftn_open_element,op_base+438 799 001440 2-250 equ ftn_get_area_ptr,op_base+439 800 001227 2-251 equ set_cs_eis,op_base+302 663 001231 2-252 equ index_cs_eis,op_base+304 665 001455 2-253 equ save_stack_quick,op_base+452 813 001456 2-254 equ restore_stack_quick,op_base+453 814 001014 2-255 equ shorten_stack,op_base+163 524 001457 2-256 equ dtanh_,op_base+454 815 001460 2-257 equ sinh_,op_base+455 816 001461 2-258 equ dsinh_,op_base+456 817 001462 2-259 equ cosh_,op_base+457 818 001463 2-260 equ dcosh_,op_base+458 819 001464 2-261 equ nearest_whole_number,op_base+459 820 001465 2-262 equ nearest_integer,op_base+460 821 001466 2-263 equ ftn_inquire_element,op_base+461 822 001467 2-264 equ mpy_overflow_check,op_base+462 823 001470 2-265 equ fort_return_mac,op_base+463 824 001471 2-266 equ fort_cleanup,op_base+464 825 001472 2-267 equ fort_storage,op_base+465 826 001473 2-268 equ enter_BFP_mode,op_base+466 827 001474 2-269 equ enter_HFP_mode,op_base+467 828 2-270 000474 2-271 bool r_l_a,474 000503 2-272 bool r_g_a,503 000512 2-273 bool r_e_as,512 000515 2-274 bool r_ne_as,515 000520 2-275 bool r_le_a,520 000527 2-276 bool r_ge_a,527 000507 2-277 bool r_l_s,507 000524 2-278 bool r_ge_s,524 000665 2-279 equ bound_ck_signal,op_base+76 000242 2-280 bool almost_one,242 777777 777615 2-281 equ VLA_words_per_seg,op_base-476 2-282 " 2-283 " Symbols for upper 18 bits of some common hfp values whose lower 2-284 " 18 bits are zeroes (i.e. values suitable for 'du' modification). 2-285 " 000400 2-286 bool P0.5H,000400 = +0.5h,du 002040 2-287 bool P1.0H,002040 = +1.0h,du 002100 2-288 bool P2.0H,002100 = +2.0h,du 2-289 " 2-290 " END fort_equs.incl.alm 172 173 include stack_header 3-1 " BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... stack_header.incl.alm 3/72 Bill Silver 3-2 " 3-3 " modified 7/76 by M. Weaver for *system links and more system use of areas 3-4 " modified 3/77 by M. Weaver to add rnt_ptr 3-5 " modified 7/77 by S. Webber to add run_unit_depth and assign_linkage_ptr 3-6 " modified 6/83 by J. Ives to add trace_frames and in_trace. 3-7 3-8 " HISTORY COMMENTS: 3-9 " 1) change(86-06-24,DGHowe), approve(86-06-24,MCR7396), 3-10 " audit(86-08-05,Schroth), install(86-11-03,MR12.0-1206): 3-11 " added the heap_header_ptr definition 3-12 " 2) change(86-08-12,Kissel), approve(86-08-12,MCR7473), 3-13 " audit(86-10-10,Fawcett), install(86-11-03,MR12.0-1206): 3-14 " Modified to support control point management. These changes were 3-15 " actually made in February 1985 by G. Palter. 3-16 " 3) change(86-10-22,Fawcett), approve(86-10-22,MCR7473), 3-17 " audit(86-10-22,Farley), install(86-11-03,MR12.0-1206): 3-18 " Remove the old_lot pointer and replace it with cpm_data_ptr. Use the 18 3-19 " bit pad after cur_lot_size for the cpm_enabled. This was done to save 3-20 " some space int the stack header and change the cpd_ptr unal to 3-21 " cpm_data_ptr (ITS pair). 3-22 " END HISTORY COMMENTS 3-23 000004 3-24 equ stack_header.cpm_data_ptr,4 ptr to control point for this stack 000006 3-25 equ stack_header.combined_stat_ptr,6 ptr to separate static area 3-26 000010 3-27 equ stack_header.clr_ptr,8 ptr to area containing linkage sections 000012 3-28 equ stack_header.max_lot_size,10 number of words allowed in lot (DU) 000012 3-29 equ stack_header.main_proc_invoked,10 nonzero if main proc was invoked in run unit (DL) 000012 3-30 equ stack_header.run_unit_depth,10 number of active run units stacked (DL) 000013 3-31 equ stack_header.cur_lot_size,11 DU number of words (entries) in lot 000013 3-32 equ stack_header.cpm_enabled,11 DL non-zero if control point management is enabled 000014 3-33 equ stack_header.system_free_ptr,12 ptr to system storage area 000016 3-34 equ stack_header.user_free_ptr,14 ptr to user storage area 3-35 000020 3-36 equ stack_header.parent_ptr,16 ptr to parent stack or null 000022 3-37 equ stack_header.stack_begin_ptr,18 ptr to first stack frame 000024 3-38 equ stack_header.stack_end_ptr,20 ptr to next useable stack frame 000026 3-39 equ stack_header.lot_ptr,22 ptr to the lot for the current ring 3-40 000030 3-41 equ stack_header.signal_ptr,24 ptr to signal proc for current ring 000032 3-42 equ stack_header.bar_mode_sp,26 value of sp before entering bar mode 000034 3-43 equ stack_header.pl1_operators_ptr,28 ptr: pl1_operators_$operator_table 000036 3-44 equ stack_header.call_op_ptr,30 ptr to standard call operator 3-45 000040 3-46 equ stack_header.push_op_ptr,32 ptr to standard push operator 000042 3-47 equ stack_header.return_op_ptr,34 ptr to standard return operator 000044 3-48 equ stack_header.ret_no_pop_op_ptr,36 ptr: stand. return/ no pop operator 000046 3-49 equ stack_header.entry_op_ptr,38 ptr to standard entry operator 3-50 000050 3-51 equ stack_header.trans_op_tv_ptr,40 ptr to table of translator operator ptrs 000052 3-52 equ stack_header.isot_ptr,42 pointer to ISOT 000054 3-53 equ stack_header.sct_ptr,44 pointer to System Condition Table 000056 3-54 equ stack_header.unwinder_ptr,46 pointer to unwinder for current ring 3-55 000060 3-56 equ stack_header.sys_link_info_ptr,48 ptr to *system link name table 000062 3-57 equ stack_header.rnt_ptr,50 ptr to reference name table 000064 3-58 equ stack_header.ect_ptr,52 ptr to event channel table 000066 3-59 equ stack_header.assign_linkage_ptr,54 ptr to area for hcs_$assign_linkage calls 000070 3-60 equ stack_header.heap_header_ptr,56 ptr to heap header. 000072 3-61 equ stack_header.trace_frames,58 stack of trace_catch_ frames 000073 3-62 equ stach_header.trace_top_ptr,59 trace pointer 000074 3-63 equ stack_header.in_trace,60 trace antirecurse bit 000100 3-64 equ stack_header_end,64 length of stack header 3-65 3-66 3-67 3-68 000000 3-69 equ trace_frames.count,0 number of trace frames on stack 000001 3-70 equ trace_frames.top_ptr,1 packed pointer to top one 3-71 3-72 " The following constant is an offset within the pl1 operators table. 3-73 " It references a transfer vector table. 3-74 000551 3-75 bool tv_offset,551 3-76 3-77 3-78 " The following constants are offsets within this transfer vector table. 3-79 001170 3-80 equ call_offset,tv_offset+271 001171 3-81 equ push_offset,tv_offset+272 001172 3-82 equ return_offset,tv_offset+273 001173 3-83 equ return_no_pop_offset,tv_offset+274 001174 3-84 equ entry_offset,tv_offset+275 3-85 3-86 3-87 " END INCLUDE FILE stack_header.incl.alm 174 include stack_frame 4-1 " 4-2 " BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... stack_frame.incl.alm 6/72 RBS 4-3 " 4-4 " Modified: 16 Dec 1977, D. Levin - to add fio_ps_ptr 4-5 " Modified: 3 Feb 1978, P. Krupp - to add run_unit_manager_bit & main_proc_bit 4-6 " Modified: 21 March 1978, D. Levin - change fio_ps_ptr to support_ptr 4-7 " 000020 4-8 equ stack_frame.prev_sp,16 000020 4-9 equ stack_frame.condition_word,16 000022 4-10 equ stack_frame.next_sp,18 000022 4-11 equ stack_frame.signaller_word,18 000024 4-12 equ stack_frame.return_ptr,20 000026 4-13 equ stack_frame.entry_ptr,22 000030 4-14 equ stack_frame.operator_ptr,24 000030 4-15 equ stack_frame.lp_ptr,24 000032 4-16 equ stack_frame.arg_ptr,26 000034 4-17 equ stack_frame.static_ptr,28 000035 4-18 equ stack_frame.support_ptr,29 " only used by fortran I/O 000036 4-19 equ stack_frame.on_unit_rel_ptrs,30 000037 4-20 equ stack_frame.operator_ret_ptr,31 000037 4-21 equ stack_frame.translator_id,31 000040 4-22 equ stack_frame.regs,32 000060 4-23 equ stack_frame.min_length,48 000020 4-24 equ stack_frame.flag_word,16 020000 4-25 bool stack_frame.main_proc_bit,020000 (DL) 010000 4-26 bool stack_frame.run_unit_manager,010000 (DL) 004000 4-27 bool stack_frame.signal_bit,004000 (DL) 002000 4-28 bool stack_frame.crawl_out_bit,002000 (DL) 001000 4-29 bool stack_frame.signaller_bit,001000 (DL) 000400 4-30 bool stack_frame.link_trap_bit,000400 (DL) 000200 4-31 bool stack_frame.support_bit,000200 (DL) 000100 4-32 bool stack_frame.condition_bit,000100 (DL) 4-33 4-34 " 4-35 " END INCLUDE FILE ... stack_frame.incl.alm 4-36 " 175 013357 176 name fort_cg_macros_ 177 000000 178 segdef operator_table 000155 179 segdef single_inst 000413 180 segdef interpreter_macros 000470 181 segdef first_scan 000472 182 segdef abort_list 000475 183 segdef error_macro 184 185 use .text. 186 187 include fort_operator_table 5-1 " BEGIN INCLUDE FILE fort_operator_table.incl.alm 5-2 " 5-3 " Extracted from fort_cg_macros_.alm and fort_opt_macros_.alm 5-4 " on 7 February 1980 by C R Davis 5-5 " 5-6 " Modified: 5-7 " 22 Jun 84, MM - Install typeless functions support. 5-8 " 17 Jun 83, HH - 383: Add 'process_param_list'. 5-9 " 12 Jan 83, HH - Add 'form_VLA_packed_ptr'. 5-10 " 28 October 1981, C R Davis - add inquire. 5-11 " 20 October 1981, C R Davis - add (read write)_internal_file. 5-12 " 11 May 1981, C R Davis - add equiv, not_equiv. 5-13 " 8 December 1980, C R Davis - add block_if, else_if, and else. 5-14 " 5-15 " 000000 5-16 operator_table: 000000 0a 000476 000000 5-17 zero assign 1 000001 0a 000660 000000 5-18 zero add 2 000002 0a 001037 000000 5-19 zero sub 3 000003 0a 001431 000000 5-20 zero mult 4 000004 0a 001622 000000 5-21 zero div 5 000005 0a 002121 000000 5-22 zero exponentiation 6 000006 0a 002357 000000 5-23 zero negate 7 000007 0a 006624 000000 5-24 zero less 8 000010 0a 007032 000000 5-25 zero less_or_equal 9 000011 0a 007240 000000 5-26 zero equal 10 000012 0a 007423 000000 5-27 zero not_equal 11 000013 0a 007606 000000 5-28 zero greater_or_equal 12 000014 0a 010014 000000 5-29 zero greater 13 000015 0a 010222 000000 5-30 zero or 14 000016 0a 010235 000000 5-31 zero and 15 000017 0a 010250 000000 5-32 zero not 16 000020 0a 010317 000000 5-33 zero jump 17 000021 0a 010323 000000 5-34 zero jump_logical 18 000022 0a 010375 000000 5-35 zero jump_arithmetic 19 000023 0a 010521 000000 5-36 zero jump_computed 20 000024 0a 010611 000000 5-37 zero jump_assigned 21 000025 0a 010626 000000 5-38 zero assign_label 22 000026 0a 011005 000000 5-39 zero read 23 000027 0a 011023 000000 5-40 zero write 24 000030 0a 011041 000000 5-41 zero format 25 000031 0a 011065 000000 5-42 zero end_label 26 000032 0a 011073 000000 5-43 zero error_label 27 000033 0a 011101 000000 5-44 zero xmit_scalar 28 000034 0a 011135 000000 5-45 zero xmit_array 29 000035 0a 011212 000000 5-46 zero xmit_vector 30 000036 0a 011266 000000 5-47 zero endfile 31 000037 0a 011303 000000 5-48 zero rewind 32 000040 0a 011320 000000 5-49 zero backspace 33 000041 0a 011335 000000 5-50 zero margin 34 000042 0a 011362 000000 5-51 zero openfile 35 000043 0a 011641 000000 5-52 zero closefile 36 000044 0a 011667 000000 5-53 zero record_number 37 000045 0a 011700 000000 5-54 zero string 38 000046 0a 011711 000000 5-55 zero string_length 39 000047 0a 011741 000000 5-56 zero terminate 40 000050 0a 012327 000000 5-57 zero return 41 000051 0a 012336 000000 5-58 zero pause 42 000052 0a 012354 000000 5-59 zero stop 43 000053 0a 012316 000000 5-60 zero item 44 000054 0a 012321 000000 5-61 zero exit 45 000055 0a 012324 000000 5-62 zero eol 46 000056 0a 002425 000000 5-63 zero do 47 000057 0a 002766 000000 5-64 zero builtin 48 000060 0a 012071 000000 5-65 zero sf 49 000061 0a 011747 000000 5-66 zero sf_def 50 000062 0a 012372 000000 5-67 zero subscript 51 000063 0a 012507 000000 5-68 zero func_ref 52 000064 0a 012571 000000 5-69 zero block_data 53 000065 0a 012725 000000 5-70 zero increment_polish 54 000066 0a 012542 000000 5-71 zero main 55 000067 0a 012561 000000 5-72 zero func 56 000070 0a 012551 000000 5-73 zero subr 57 000071 0a 012733 000000 5-74 zero stat 58 000072 0a 012730 000000 5-75 zero label_operator 59 000073 0a 012737 000000 5-76 zero call 60 000074 0a 013152 000000 5-77 zero chain 61 000075 0a 013234 000000 5-78 zero endunit 62 000076 0a 013237 000000 5-79 zero non_executable 63 000077 0a 013241 000000 5-80 zero no_op 64 000100 0a 013243 000000 5-81 zero form_VLA_packed_ptr 65 000101 0a 013252 000000 5-82 zero opt_subscript 66 000102 0a 013255 000000 5-83 zero left_shift 67 000103 0a 013261 000000 5-84 zero right_shift 68 000104 0a 013265 000000 5-85 zero store_zero 69 000105 0a 013271 000000 5-86 zero storage_add 70 000106 0a 013277 000000 5-87 zero storage_sub 71 000107 0a 013305 000000 5-88 zero neg_storage_add 72 000110 0a 013313 000000 5-89 zero storage_add_one 73 000111 0a 013320 000000 5-90 zero namelist 74 000112 0a 011424 000000 5-91 zero open 75 000113 0a 011424 000000 5-92 zero close 76 000114 0a 011655 000000 5-93 zero iostat 77 000115 0a 013356 000000 5-94 zero convert_to_int 78 000116 0a 013356 000000 5-95 zero convert_to_real 79 000117 0a 013356 000000 5-96 zero convert_to_dp 80 000120 0a 013356 000000 5-97 zero convert_to_cmpx 81 000121 0a 013356 000000 5-98 zero read_scalar 82 000122 0a 013356 000000 5-99 zero read_array 83 000123 0a 013356 000000 5-100 zero read_vector 84 000124 0a 013356 000000 5-101 zero write_scalar 85 000125 0a 013356 000000 5-102 zero write_array 86 000126 0a 013356 000000 5-103 zero write_vector 87 000127 0a 013356 000000 5-104 zero jump_true 88 000130 0a 013356 000000 5-105 zero jump_false 89 000131 0a 013356 000000 5-106 zero sub_index 90 000132 0a 013356 000000 5-107 zero loop_end 91 000133 0a 013356 000000 5-108 zero read_namelist 92 000134 0a 013356 000000 5-109 zero write_namelist 93 000135 0a 013356 000000 5-110 zero decode_string 94 000136 0a 013356 000000 5-111 zero encode_string 95 000137 0a 013326 000000 5-112 zero cat 96 000140 0a 012437 000000 5-113 zero substr 97 000141 0a 013356 000000 5-114 zero load_xreg 98 000142 0a 013356 000000 5-115 zero load_preg 99 000143 0a 010652 000000 5-116 zero block_if 100 000144 0a 010743 000000 5-117 zero else_if 101 000145 0a 011003 000000 5-118 zero else 102 000146 0a 010275 000000 5-119 zero equiv 103 000147 0a 010305 000000 5-120 zero not_equiv 104 000150 0a 011716 000000 5-121 zero read_internal_file 105 000151 0a 011716 000000 5-122 zero write_internal_file 106 000152 0a 011527 000000 5-123 zero inquire 107 000153 0a 012707 000000 5-124 zero process_param_list 108 000154 0a 013353 000000 5-125 zero lhs_fld 109 5-126 5-127 " 5-128 " NOTE: If you add entries to this table, you must change 5-129 " both fort_cg_macros_ and fort_opt_macros_!! 5-130 " 5-131 " END INCLUDE FILE fort_operator_table.incl.alm 188 189 include fort_single_inst 6-1 " BEGIN fort_single_inst.incl.alm 6-2 " 6-3 " Modified: 22 June 1984, M Mabey - Install typeless functions support. 6-4 " Added: era, erq, ersa, ersq, alr, ana, lrs, qls, lca 6-5 " Modified: 06 Jan 83, HH: Add 'lcq'. 6-6 " Modified: 1 October 1982, T G Oke: add load packed pointers, easp, eawp, 6-7 " llr, als, div. 6-8 " Modified: 20 September 1982, T G Oke: add store of packed pointers, epaq, 6-9 " qrl and lrl. 6-10 " Modified: 25 September 1980, C R Davis: exchange pr1 and pr4 instructions. 6-11 " Modified: 18 March 1980, C R Davis: add instruction to load lp. 6-12 " Modified: 28 December 1979, R A Barnes: add nop instruction. 6-13 " Modified: 17 December 1979, C R Davis: added anq, orq, and orsq instructions. 6-14 " Extracted: 30 November 1979 by R. A. Barnes from fort_opt_macros_.alm 6-15 " 000155 6-16 single_inst: 000155 aa 000000 6200 00 6-17 eax0 0 eax0 1 000156 aa 000000 6210 00 6-18 eax1 0 eax1 2 000157 aa 000000 6220 00 6-19 eax2 0 eax2 3 000160 aa 000000 6230 00 6-20 eax3 0 eax3 4 000161 aa 000000 6240 00 6-21 eax4 0 eax4 5 000162 aa 000000 6250 00 6-22 eax5 0 eax5 6 000163 aa 000000 6260 00 6-23 eax6 0 eax6 7 000164 aa 000000 6270 00 6-24 eax7 0 eax7 8 000165 aa 000000 7200 00 6-25 lxl0 0 lxl0 9 000166 aa 000000 7210 00 6-26 lxl1 0 lxl1 10 000167 aa 000000 7220 00 6-27 lxl2 0 lxl2 11 000170 aa 000000 7230 00 6-28 lxl3 0 lxl3 12 000171 aa 000000 7240 00 6-29 lxl4 0 lxl4 13 000172 aa 000000 7250 00 6-30 lxl5 0 lxl5 14 000173 aa 000000 7260 00 6-31 lxl6 0 lxl6 15 000174 aa 000000 7270 00 6-32 lxl7 0 lxl7 16 000175 aa 000000 4400 00 6-33 sxl0 0 sxl0 17 000176 aa 000000 4410 00 6-34 sxl1 0 sxl1 18 000177 aa 000000 4420 00 6-35 sxl2 0 sxl2 19 000200 aa 000000 4430 00 6-36 sxl3 0 sxl3 20 000201 aa 000000 4440 00 6-37 sxl4 0 sxl4 21 000202 aa 000000 4450 00 6-38 sxl5 0 sxl5 22 000203 aa 000000 4460 00 6-39 sxl6 0 sxl6 23 000204 aa 000000 4470 00 6-40 sxl7 0 sxl7 24 000205 aa 000000 3700 00 6-41 epp4 0 epp4 25 000206 aa 000000 3514 00 6-42 epp1 0 epp1 26 000207 aa 000000 3520 00 6-43 epp2 0 epp2 27 000210 aa 000000 3534 00 6-44 epp3 0 epp3 28 000211 aa 000000 3714 00 6-45 epp5 0 epp5 29 000212 aa 000000 3734 00 6-46 epp7 0 epp7 30 000213 aa 000000 2360 00 6-47 ldq 0 ldq 31 000214 aa 000000 2350 00 6-48 lda 0 lda 32 000215 aa 000000 2370 00 6-49 ldaq 0 ldaq 33 000216 aa 000000 4310 00 6-50 fld 0 ldeaq 34 000217 aa 000000 4330 00 6-51 dfld 0 lddeaq 35 000220 aa 000001 4310 00 6-52 fld 1 ldieaq 36 000221 aa 000001 2360 00 6-53 ldq 1 ldiq 37 000222 aa 000000 7560 00 6-54 stq 0 stq 38 000223 aa 000000 7550 00 6-55 sta 0 sta 39 000224 aa 000000 7570 00 6-56 staq 0 staq 40 000225 aa 000000 4700 00 6-57 fstr 0 steaq 41 000226 aa 000000 4720 00 6-58 dfstr 0 stdeaq 42 000227 aa 000001 4700 00 6-59 fstr 1 stieaq 43 000230 aa 000001 7560 00 6-60 stq 1 stiq 44 000231 aa 0 00512 7001 00 6-61 tsx0 pr0|r_e_as r_e_as 45 000232 aa 0 00515 7001 00 6-62 tsx0 pr0|r_ne_as r_ne_as 46 000233 aa 0 00474 7001 00 6-63 tsx0 pr0|r_l_a r_l_a 47 000234 aa 0 00527 7001 00 6-64 tsx0 pr0|r_ge_a r_ge_a 48 000235 aa 0 00520 7001 00 6-65 tsx0 pr0|r_le_a r_le_a 49 000236 aa 0 00503 7001 00 6-66 tsx0 pr0|r_g_a r_g_a 50 000237 aa 0 00507 7001 00 6-67 tsx0 pr0|r_l_s r_l_s 51 000240 aa 0 00524 7001 00 6-68 tsx0 pr0|r_ge_s r_ge_s 52 000241 aa 000000 0760 00 6-69 adq 0 adfx1 53 000242 aa 000000 1760 00 6-70 sbq 0 sbfx1 54 000243 aa 000000 4500 00 6-71 stz 0 stz 55 000244 aa 000000 0560 00 6-72 asq 0 asq 56 000245 aa 000000 6500 00 6-73 spri4 0 spri4 57 000246 aa 000000 2514 00 6-74 spri1 0 spri1 58 000247 aa 000000 2520 00 6-75 spri2 0 spri2 59 000250 aa 000000 2534 00 6-76 spri3 0 spri3 60 000251 aa 000000 6514 00 6-77 spri5 0 spri5 61 000252 aa 000000 6534 00 6-78 spri7 0 spri7 62 000253 aa 0 00000 5005 00 6-79 a9bd pr0|0 a9bd 63 000254 aa 000000 0540 00 6-80 aos 0 aos 64 000255 aa 000000 1160 00 6-81 cmpq 0 cmpq 65 000256 aa 000000 1150 00 6-82 cmpa 0 cmpa 66 000257 aa 000000 1170 00 6-83 cmpaq 0 cmpaq 67 000260 aa 000000 5150 00 6-84 fcmp 0 cmpeaq 68 000261 aa 000000 5170 00 6-85 dfcmp 0 cmpdeaq 69 000262 aa 000001 5150 00 6-86 fcmp 1 cmpieaq 70 000263 aa 000001 1160 00 6-87 cmpq 1 cmpiq 71 000264 aa 000000 4550 00 6-88 fst 0 steaq ^rounded 72 000265 aa 000000 4570 00 6-89 dfst 0 stdeaq ^rounded 73 000266 aa 000001 4550 00 6-90 fst 1 stieaq ^rounded 74 000267 aa 000000 6340 00 6-91 ldi 0 load_ind 75 000270 aa 000000 7540 00 6-92 sti 0 store_ind 76 000271 aa 000000 4710 00 6-93 frd 0 frd 77 000272 aa 000000 4730 00 6-94 dfrd 0 dfrd 78 000273 aa 000000 1500 00 6-95 adwp4 0 adwp4 79 000274 aa 000000 0510 00 6-96 adwp1 0 adwp1 80 000275 aa 000000 0520 00 6-97 adwp2 0 adwp2 81 000276 aa 000000 0530 00 6-98 adwp3 0 adwp3 82 000277 aa 000000 1510 00 6-99 adwp5 0 adwp5 83 000300 aa 000000 1530 00 6-100 adwp7 0 adwp7 84 000301 aa 000000 4020 00 6-101 mpy 0 mpy 85 000302 aa 0 00532 7001 00 6-102 tsx0 pr0|r_le_s r_le_s 86 000303 aa 0 00477 7001 00 6-103 tsx0 pr0|r_g_s r_g_s 87 000304 aa 000000 0200 00 6-104 adlx0 0 adlx0 88 000305 aa 000000 0210 00 6-105 adlx1 0 adlx1 89 000306 aa 000000 0220 00 6-106 adlx2 0 adlx2 90 000307 aa 000000 0230 00 6-107 adlx3 0 adlx3 91 000310 aa 000000 0240 00 6-108 adlx4 0 adlx4 92 000311 aa 000000 0250 00 6-109 adlx5 0 adlx5 93 000312 aa 000000 0260 00 6-110 adlx6 0 adlx6 94 000313 aa 000000 0270 00 6-111 adlx7 0 adlx7 95 000314 aa 000000 1200 00 6-112 sblx0 0 sblx0 96 000315 aa 000000 1210 00 6-113 sblx1 0 sblx1 97 000316 aa 000000 1220 00 6-114 sblx2 0 sblx2 98 000317 aa 000000 1230 00 6-115 sblx3 0 sblx3 99 000320 aa 000000 1240 00 6-116 sblx4 0 sblx4 100 000321 aa 000000 1250 00 6-117 sblx5 0 sblx5 101 000322 aa 000000 1260 00 6-118 sblx6 0 sblx6 102 000323 aa 000000 1270 00 6-119 sblx7 0 sblx7 103 000324 aa 000000 1000 00 6-120 cmpx0 0 cmpx0 104 000325 aa 000000 1010 00 6-121 cmpx1 0 cmpx1 105 000326 aa 000000 1020 00 6-122 cmpx2 0 cmpx2 106 000327 aa 000000 1030 00 6-123 cmpx3 0 cmpx3 107 000330 aa 000000 1040 00 6-124 cmpx4 0 cmpx4 108 000331 aa 000000 1050 00 6-125 cmpx5 0 cmpx5 109 000332 aa 000000 1060 00 6-126 cmpx6 0 cmpx6 110 000333 aa 000000 1070 00 6-127 cmpx7 0 cmpx7 111 000334 aa 000000 6360 00 6-128 eaq 0 eaq 112 000335 aa 000000 7320 00 6-129 qrs 0 qrs 113 000336 aa 000000 3760 00 6-130 anq 0 anq 114 000337 aa 000000 2760 00 6-131 orq 0 orq 115 000340 aa 000000 2560 00 6-132 orsq 0 orsq 116 000341 aa 000000 0110 03 6-133 nop 0,du nop 117 000342 aa 6 00044 3701 20 6-134 epp4 pr6|36,* getlp 118 000343 aa 000000 5440 00 6-135 sprp4 0 sprp4 119 000344 aa 000000 5410 00 6-136 sprp1 0 sprp1 120 000345 aa 000000 5420 00 6-137 sprp2 0 sprp2 121 000346 aa 000000 5430 00 6-138 sprp3 0 sprp3 122 000347 aa 000000 5450 00 6-139 sprp5 0 sprp5 123 000350 aa 000000 5470 00 6-140 sprp7 0 sprp7 124 000351 aa 000000 2130 00 6-141 epaq 0 epaq 125 000352 aa 000000 7730 00 6-142 lrl 0 lrl 126 000353 aa 000000 7720 00 6-143 qrl 0 qrl 127 000354 aa 000000 7640 00 6-144 lprp4 0 lprp4 128 000355 aa 000000 7610 00 6-145 lprp1 0 lprp1 129 000356 aa 000000 7620 00 6-146 lprp2 0 lprp2 130 000357 aa 000000 7630 00 6-147 lprp3 0 lprp3 131 000360 aa 000000 7650 00 6-148 lprp5 0 lprp5 132 000361 aa 000000 7670 00 6-149 lprp7 0 lprp7 133 000362 aa 000000 3310 00 6-150 easp4 0 easp4 134 000363 aa 000000 3104 00 6-151 easp1 0 easp1 135 000364 aa 000000 3130 00 6-152 easp2 0 easp2 136 000365 aa 000000 3124 00 6-153 easp3 0 easp3 137 000366 aa 000000 3304 00 6-154 easp5 0 easp5 138 000367 aa 000000 3324 00 6-155 easp7 0 easp7 139 000370 aa 000000 3300 00 6-156 eawp4 0 eawp4 140 000371 aa 000000 3114 00 6-157 eawp1 0 eawp1 141 000372 aa 000000 3120 00 6-158 eawp2 0 eawp2 142 000373 aa 000000 3134 00 6-159 eawp3 0 eawp3 143 000374 aa 000000 3314 00 6-160 eawp5 0 eawp5 144 000375 aa 000000 3334 00 6-161 eawp7 0 eawp7 145 000376 aa 000000 7770 00 6-162 llr 0 llr 146 000377 aa 000000 7350 00 6-163 als 0 als 147 000400 aa 000000 5060 00 6-164 div 0 div 148 000401 aa 000000 3360 00 6-165 lcq 0 lcq 149 000402 aa 000000 6750 00 6-166 era 0 era 150 000403 aa 000000 6760 00 6-167 erq 0 erq 151 000404 aa 000000 6550 00 6-168 ersa 0 ersa 152 000405 aa 000000 6560 00 6-169 ersq 0 ersq 153 000406 aa 000000 7750 00 6-170 alr 0 alr 154 000407 aa 000000 3750 00 6-171 ana 0 ana 155 000410 aa 000000 7330 00 6-172 lrs 0 lrs 156 000411 aa 000000 7360 00 6-173 qls 0 qls 157 000412 aa 000000 3350 00 6-174 lca 0 lca 158 6-175 " 6-176 " NOTE: If you add anything to this table, be sure to change the 6-177 " declarations of fort_cg_macros_$single_inst in ext_code_generator, 6-178 " fort_opt_macros_$single_inst in fort_optimizing_cg, and 6-179 " fort_single_inst_names.incl.pl1. 6-180 " 6-181 " END fort_single_inst.incl.alm 190 000413 191 interpreter_macros: 000413 0a 000417 000000 192 zero check_subscript 000414 0a 000432 000000 193 zero subscript_mpy 000415 0a 000445 000000 194 zero move_eis 000416 0a 000453 000000 195 zero check_stringrange 196 197 000417 198 check_subscript: 199 func 3 000417 aa 000000 001615 200 201 swap arg1 000420 aa 000000 040202 202 203 " arg1: upper bound 204 " arg2: lower bound 205 " arg3: subscript 206 207 if arg1,=,op1,ret_sub 000421 0a 000431 051637 208 if arg2,=,op1,ret_sub 000422 0a 000431 111637 209 210 load q,arg1 000423 aa 000000 040656 211 212 use_eaq 000424 aa 000000 000255 213 000425 aa 100000 2350 00 214 lda arg2 000426 aa 140000 1110 00 215 cwl arg3 000427 aa 000002 6000 04 216 tze 2,ic 000430 aa 0 00665 7001 00 217 tsx0 pr0|bound_ck_signal 218 000431 219 ret_sub: 220 return arg3 000431 aa 000001 140217 221 222 000432 223 subscript_mpy: 224 proc 1 000432 aa 000000 000614 225 226 227 if arg1,=,1,ret_mpy 000433 0a 000441 050637 228 229 if_check_multiply subscript_mpy.1 000434 0a 000436 000713 230 231 if arg1,=,2,qls1 000435 0a 000442 051237 232 000436 233 subscript_mpy.1: 000436 aa 040000 4020 00 234 mpy arg1 235 236 unless_check_multiply ret_mpy 000437 0a 000441 000313 000440 aa 0 01467 7001 00 237 tsx0 pr0|mpy_overflow_check 238 239 ret_mpy: return 000441 aa 000000 000217 240 241 qls1: emit 1 000442 aa 000001 000242 242 000443 aa 000001 7360 00 243 qls 1 244 245 return 000444 aa 000000 000217 246 247 000445 248 move_eis: 249 proc 2 000445 aa 000000 001214 250 251 emit_eis 000446 aa 000000 000207 000447 aa 040100 1004 00 252 mlr (),(pr),fill(040) 000450 aa 040000 000000 253 desc9a arg1 000451 aa 100000 000000 254 desc9a arg2 255 256 return 000452 aa 000000 000217 257 258 000453 259 check_stringrange: 260 proc 3 000453 aa 000000 001614 261 262 " arg1 is length of parent 263 " arg2 is index of first char in substring 264 " arg3 is index of last char in substring 265 266 use_eaq 000454 aa 000000 000255 267 000455 aa 000001 2350 07 268 lda 1,dl " Get lower bound in A 269 load q,arg1 " Get upper bound in Q 000456 aa 000000 040656 000457 aa 100000 1110 00 270 cwl arg2 " Check the first index 000460 aa 000002 6000 04 271 tze 2,ic 000461 aa 0 01375 7001 00 272 tsx0 pr0|signal_stringrange 273 000462 aa 100000 2350 00 274 lda arg2 " Get first index in A 275 load q,arg1 " Get length of string in Q 000463 aa 000000 040656 000464 aa 140000 1110 00 276 cwl arg3 " Check second index 000465 aa 000002 6000 04 277 tze 2,ic 000466 aa 0 01375 7001 00 278 tsx0 pr0|signal_stringrange 279 280 return 000467 aa 000000 000217 281 282 283 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 284 000470 285 first_scan: 286 scan continue,continue 000470 000470 0a 000470 000221 000471 0a 000470 000220 000472 287 000472 288 abort_list: 289 scan continue,(continue,next) 000472 000472 0a 000472 000221 000473 0a 000472 000220 000474 0a 000475 000220 000475 290 000475 291 error_macro: 292 error 000475 aa 000000 000302 293 294 assign: proc 2 000476 aa 000000 001214 295 296 dt_jump (assign_ii,assign_ri,assign_di,assign_ci,assign_ir,assign_rr,assign_dr,assign_cr,assign_id,assign_rd,assign_dd,assign_cd,assign_ic,assign_rc,assign_dc,assign_cc,assign_e2,assign_e1,assign_t,assign_t) 000477 aa 000024 000235 000500 00 000512 000520 000501 00 000526 000550 000502 00 000515 000531 000503 00 000542 000555 000504 00 000523 000537 000505 00 000534 000566 000506 00 000545 000552 000507 00 000563 000570 000510 00 000573 000637 000511 00 000642 000642 000024 297 000512 298 assign_ii: 299 load q,arg2 000512 aa 000000 100656 300 store q,arg1 000513 aa 000000 040757 301 return 000514 aa 000000 000217 302 000515 303 assign_ir: 304 s_call cv_load.ri 000515 0a 002060 000223 305 store q,arg1 000516 aa 000000 040757 306 return 000517 aa 000000 000217 307 000520 308 assign_ri: 309 s_call 000520 0a 002050 000223 310 store eaq,arg1 000521 aa 000000 042357 311 return 000522 aa 000000 000217 312 000523 313 assign_id: 314 s_call cv_load.di 000523 0a 002101 000223 315 store q,arg1 000524 aa 000000 040757 316 return 000525 aa 000000 000217 317 000526 318 assign_di: 319 s_call 000526 0a 002071 000223 320 store deaq,arg1 000527 aa 000000 042757 321 return 000530 aa 000000 000217 322 000531 323 assign_rr: 324 load eaq,arg2 000531 aa 000000 102256 325 store eaq,arg1 000532 aa 000000 042357 326 return 000533 aa 000000 000217 327 000534 328 assign_dd: 329 load deaq,arg2 000534 aa 000000 102656 330 store deaq,arg1 000535 aa 000000 042757 331 return 000536 aa 000000 000217 332 000537 333 assign_rd: 334 load deaq,arg2 000537 aa 000000 102656 000540 aa 040000 4700 00 335 fstr arg1 336 return 000541 aa 000000 000217 337 000542 338 assign_dr: 339 load eaq,arg2 000542 aa 000000 102256 340 store deaq,arg1,no_update 000543 aa 000001 042757 341 return 000544 aa 000000 000217 342 000545 343 assign_ic: 344 s_call cv_load.ri 000545 0a 002060 000223 345 store q,arg1 000546 aa 000000 040757 346 return 000547 aa 000000 000217 347 000550 348 assign_ci: 349 s_call 000550 0a 002050 000223 350 jump assign_cr.01 000551 0a 000556 000220 351 000552 352 assign_rc: 353 load eaq,arg2 000552 aa 000000 102256 354 store eaq,arg1 000553 aa 000000 042357 355 return 000554 aa 000000 000217 356 000555 357 assign_cr: 358 load eaq,arg2 000555 aa 000000 102256 000556 359 assign_cr.01: 360 store eaq,arg1,no_update 000556 aa 000001 042357 361 reset_eaq 000557 aa 000006 000206 000560 aa 400000 4310 03 362 fld =0.,du 000561 aa 040001 4550 00 363 fst arg1+1 364 return 000562 aa 000000 000217 365 000563 366 assign_dc: 367 load eaq,arg2 000563 aa 000000 102256 368 store deaq,arg1,no_update 000564 aa 000001 042757 369 return 000565 aa 000000 000217 370 000566 371 assign_cd: 372 load deaq,arg2 000566 aa 000000 102656 373 jump assign_cr.01 000567 0a 000556 000220 374 000570 375 assign_cc: 376 load aq,arg2 000570 aa 000000 101656 377 store aq,arg1 000571 aa 000000 041757 378 return 000572 aa 000000 000217 379 000573 380 assign_e2: 381 if_dt logical,assign_l 000573 0a 000577 020225 382 if_dt char,assign_h 000574 0a 000604 010225 383 error 310,op1 000575 aa 000466 000702 000576 aa 000000 740303 000001 384 000577 385 assign_l: 386 swap arg1 000577 aa 000000 040202 387 388 unless_dt logical,logical.p 000600 0a 000630 020226 389 390 load a,arg1 000601 aa 000000 041256 391 store a,arg2 000602 aa 000000 101357 392 return 000603 aa 000000 000217 393 000604 394 assign_h: " Modified 12/27/77 to allow char consts for all arith data types 395 dt_jump1 arg1,(assign_ih,assign_rh,assign_dh,assign_ch,assign_lh,assign_hh,assign_th) 000604 aa 000007 040374 000605 00 000611 000611 000606 00 000616 000616 000607 00 000611 000623 000610 0a 000611 000000 000007 396 000611 397 assign_ih: 000611 398 assign_rh: 000611 399 assign_lh: 000611 400 assign_th: 401 unless_optype constant,char2.p 000611 0a 000634 200230 402 pad_char_const_to_word op1 000612 aa 000000 740375 403 load a,op1 000613 aa 000000 741256 404 store a,op2 000614 aa 000000 701357 405 return 000615 aa 000000 000217 406 000616 407 assign_dh: 000616 408 assign_ch: 409 unless_optype constant,char2.p 000616 0a 000634 200230 410 pad_char_const_to_dw op1 000617 aa 000000 740376 411 load aq,op1 000620 aa 000000 741656 412 store aq,op2 000621 aa 000000 701757 413 return 000622 aa 000000 000217 414 415 000623 416 assign_hh: 417 emit_eis 000623 aa 000000 000207 000624 aa 0 40100 1005 00 418 mlr (pr),(pr),fill(040) 000625 aa 100000 000000 419 desc9a arg2 000626 aa 040000 000000 420 desc9a arg1 421 422 return 000627 aa 000000 000217 423 000630 424 logical.p: 425 print 338,arg1,op1 000630 aa 000522 001301 000631 aa 000000 040303 000632 aa 000000 740303 000002 426 return 000633 aa 000000 000217 427 000634 428 char2.p: 429 print 337,op1 000634 aa 000521 000701 000635 aa 000000 740303 000001 430 return 000636 aa 000000 000217 431 000637 432 assign_e1: 433 print 309,arg1 000637 aa 000465 000701 000640 aa 000000 040303 000001 434 return 000641 aa 000000 000217 435 000642 436 assign_t: 437 dt_jump1 arg1,(assign_t.normal,assign_t.normal,assign_e1,assign_e1,assign_t.to_logical,assign_t.normal) 000642 aa 000006 040374 000643 00 000654 000654 000644 00 000637 000637 000645 00 000646 000654 000006 438 000646 439 assign_t.to_logical: 440 load_for_test tq,arg2 000646 aa 000000 104761 441 emit 2 000647 aa 000002 000242 000650 aa 000002 6000 04 442 tze 2,ic 000651 aa 400000 2360 03 443 ldq 131072,du 444 store tq,arg1 000652 aa 000000 044757 445 jump assign_t.return 000653 0a 000657 000220 446 000654 447 assign_t.normal: 448 unless_one_word_dt arg1,assign_e1 " trap assignments to incorrect char variables 000654 0a 000637 040315 449 load tq,arg2 000655 aa 000000 104656 450 store tq,arg1 000656 aa 000000 044757 451 000657 452 assign_t.return: 453 return 000657 aa 000000 000217 454 455 456 add: func 2 000660 aa 000000 001215 457 458 dt_jump (add_ii,add_ri,add_di,add_ci,add_ir,add_rr,add_dr,add_cr,add_id,add_rd,add_dd,add_cd,add_ic,add_rc,add_dc,add_cc,add_e2,add_e1,add_tl,add_tl) 000661 aa 000024 000235 000662 00 000674 000700 000663 00 000704 000725 000664 00 000677 000707 000665 00 000716 000731 000666 00 000703 000715 000667 00 000712 000753 000670 00 000724 000730 000671 00 000752 000774 000672 00 001025 001023 000673 00 001027 001027 000024 459 000674 460 add_ii: 461 load_top q 000674 aa 000000 000657 000675 aa 040000 0760 00 462 adq arg1 463 return q 000676 aa 000001 000617 464 000677 465 add_ir: 466 swap arg1 000677 aa 000000 040202 467 000700 468 add_ri: 469 s_call 000700 0a 002050 000223 000701 aa 040000 4750 00 470 fad arg1 471 return eaq 000702 aa 000001 002217 472 000703 473 add_id: 474 swap arg1 000703 aa 000000 040202 475 000704 476 add_di: 477 s_call 000704 0a 002071 000223 000705 aa 040000 4770 00 478 dfad arg1 479 return deaq 000706 aa 000001 002617 480 000707 481 add_rr: 482 load_top eaq 000707 aa 000000 002257 000710 aa 040000 4750 00 483 fad arg1 484 return eaq 000711 aa 000001 002217 485 000712 486 add_dd: 487 load_top deaq 000712 aa 000000 002657 000713 aa 040000 4770 00 488 dfad arg1 489 return deaq 000714 aa 000001 002617 490 000715 491 add_rd: 492 swap arg1 000715 aa 000000 040202 493 000716 494 add_dr: 495 if_eaq eaq,arg2,add_dr.1 000716 0a 000722 102233 496 497 load deaq,arg1 000717 aa 000000 042656 000720 aa 100000 4750 00 498 fad arg2 499 return deaq 000721 aa 000001 002617 500 000722 501 add_dr.1: 000722 aa 040000 4770 00 502 dfad arg1 503 return deaq 000723 aa 000001 002617 504 000724 505 add_ic: 506 swap arg1 000724 aa 000000 040202 507 000725 508 add_ci: 509 s_call 000725 0a 002050 000223 510 push_temp cmpx 000726 aa 000000 002204 511 jump add_cr.1 000727 0a 000742 000220 512 000730 513 add_rc: 514 swap arg1 000730 aa 000000 040202 515 000731 516 add_cr: 517 push_temp cmpx 000731 aa 000000 002204 518 519 if_eaq eaq,arg2,add_cr.1 000732 0a 000742 102233 520 if_eaq eaq,arg1,add_cr.2 000733 0a 000750 042233 521 522 load ieaq,arg1 000734 aa 000000 043256 523 store ieaq,op1,no_update 000735 aa 000001 743357 000736 aa 040000 4310 00 524 fld arg1 000737 aa 100000 4750 00 525 fad arg2 526 in_reg eaq,op1 000740 aa 000000 742260 527 return op1 000741 aa 000001 740217 528 000742 529 add_cr.1: 000742 aa 040000 4750 00 530 fad arg1 000743 531 add_cr.11: 532 reset_eaq "so store sees no rounded state 000743 aa 000006 000206 533 store eaq,op1,no_update 000744 aa 000001 742357 000745 aa 040001 4310 00 534 fld arg1+1 535 in_reg ieaq,op1 000746 aa 000000 743260 536 return op1 000747 aa 000001 740217 537 000750 538 add_cr.2: 000750 aa 100000 4750 00 539 fad arg2 540 jump add_cr.11 000751 0a 000743 000220 541 000752 542 add_dc: 543 swap arg1 000752 aa 000000 040202 544 000753 545 add_cd: 546 push_temp cmpx 000753 aa 000000 002204 547 548 if_eaq deaq,arg2,add_cd.1 000754 0a 000764 102633 549 if_eaq eaq,arg1,add_cd.2 000755 0a 000772 042233 550 551 load ieaq,arg1 000756 aa 000000 043256 552 store ieaq,op1,no_update 000757 aa 000001 743357 000760 aa 040000 4310 00 553 fld arg1 000761 aa 100000 4770 00 554 dfad arg2 555 in_reg eaq,op1 000762 aa 000000 742260 556 return op1 000763 aa 000001 740217 557 000764 558 add_cd.1: 000764 aa 040000 4750 00 559 fad arg1 000765 560 add_cd.11: 561 reset_eaq "so store sees ^ round 000765 aa 000006 000206 562 store eaq,op1,no_update 000766 aa 000001 742357 000767 aa 040001 4310 00 563 fld arg1+1 564 in_reg ieaq,op1 000770 aa 000000 743260 565 return op1 000771 aa 000001 740217 566 000772 567 add_cd.2: 000772 aa 100000 4770 00 568 dfad arg2 569 jump add_cd.11 000773 0a 000765 000220 570 000774 571 add_cc: 572 push_temp cmpx 000774 aa 000000 002204 573 574 if_eaq eaq,arg2,add_cc.1 000775 0a 001010 102233 575 if_eaq ieaq,arg2,add_cc.2 000776 0a 001017 103233 576 if_eaq eaq,arg1,add_cc.3 000777 0a 001021 042233 577 578 load ieaq,arg1 001000 aa 000000 043256 001001 aa 100001 4750 00 579 fad arg2+1 001002 580 add_cc.01: 581 reset_eaq "set ^rounded 001002 aa 000006 000206 582 store ieaq,op1,no_update 001003 aa 000001 743357 001004 aa 040000 4310 00 583 fld arg1 001005 aa 100000 4750 00 584 fad arg2 585 in_reg eaq,op1 001006 aa 000000 742260 586 return op1 001007 aa 000001 740217 587 001010 588 add_cc.1: 001010 aa 040000 4750 00 589 fad arg1 001011 590 add_cc.11: 591 reset_eaq "set ^rounded 001011 aa 000006 000206 592 store eaq,op1,no_update 001012 aa 000001 742357 001013 aa 040001 4310 00 593 fld arg1+1 001014 aa 100001 4750 00 594 fad arg2+1 595 in_reg ieaq,op1 001015 aa 000000 743260 596 return op1 001016 aa 000001 740217 597 001017 598 add_cc.2: 001017 aa 040001 4750 00 599 fad arg1+1 600 jump add_cc.01 001020 0a 001002 000220 601 001021 602 add_cc.3: 001021 aa 100000 4750 00 603 fad arg2 604 jump add_cc.11 001022 0a 001011 000220 605 001023 606 add_e1: 607 error 309,arg1 001023 aa 000465 000702 001024 aa 000000 040303 000001 608 001025 609 add_e2: 610 error 310,arg2 001025 aa 000466 000702 001026 aa 000000 100303 000001 611 001027 612 add_tl: 613 load_top tq 001027 aa 000000 004657 614 dt_jump1 arg1,(add_tl.1,add_e1,add_e1,add_e1,add_e1,add_e1,add_tl.1) 001030 aa 000007 040374 001031 00 001035 001023 001032 00 001023 001023 001033 00 001023 001023 001034 0a 001035 000000 000007 615 001035 616 add_tl.1: 001035 aa 040000 0760 00 617 adq arg1 618 return tq 001036 aa 000001 004617 619 620 sub: func 2 001037 aa 000000 001215 621 622 dt_jump (sub_ii,sub_ri,sub_di,sub_ci,sub_ir,sub_rr,sub_dr,sub_cr,sub_id,sub_rd,sub_dd,sub_cd,sub_ic,sub_rc,sub_dc,sub_cc,sub_e2,sub_e1,sub_tl,sub_tl) 001040 aa 000024 000235 001041 00 001053 001062 001042 00 001111 001214 001043 00 001056 001134 001044 00 001167 001260 001045 00 001105 001156 001046 00 001145 001334 001047 00 001200 001230 001050 00 001304 001360 001051 00 001416 001414 001052 00 001420 001420 000024 623 001053 624 sub_ii: 625 load q,arg1 001053 aa 000000 040656 001054 aa 100000 1760 00 626 sbq arg2 627 return q 001055 aa 000001 000617 628 001056 629 sub_ir: 630 swap arg1 001056 aa 000000 040202 631 632 s_call 001057 0a 002050 000223 001060 aa 040000 5750 00 633 fsb arg1 634 return eaq 001061 aa 000001 002217 635 001062 636 sub_ri: 637 if_eaq q,arg2,sub_ri.1 001062 0a 001077 100633 638 639 if_optype constant,conv_sub_ri 001063 0a 001071 200227 640 641 use_eaq 001064 aa 000000 000255 001065 aa 100000 3360 00 642 lcq arg2 001066 aa 0 00465 7001 00 643 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 001067 aa 040000 4750 00 644 fad arg1 645 return eaq 001070 aa 000001 002217 646 001071 647 conv_sub_ri: 648 convert_constant real 001071 aa 000000 001211 649 load eaq,arg2 001072 aa 000000 102256 650 emit 1 001073 aa 000001 000242 001074 aa 000000 5130 00 651 fneg 001075 aa 040000 4750 00 652 fad arg1 653 return eaq 001076 aa 000001 002217 654 001077 655 sub_ri.1: 656 use_eaq 001077 aa 000000 000255 001100 aa 0 00465 7001 00 657 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 658 emit 1 001101 aa 000001 000242 001102 aa 000000 5130 00 659 fneg 001103 aa 040000 4750 00 660 fad arg1 661 return eaq 001104 aa 000001 002217 662 001105 663 sub_id: 664 swap arg1 001105 aa 000000 040202 665 666 s_call 001106 0a 002071 000223 001107 aa 040000 5770 00 667 dfsb arg1 668 return deaq 001110 aa 000001 002617 669 001111 670 sub_di: 671 if_eaq q,arg2,sub_di.1 001111 0a 001126 100633 672 673 if_optype constant,conv_sub_di 001112 0a 001120 200227 674 675 use_eaq 001113 aa 000000 000255 001114 aa 100000 3360 00 676 lcq arg2 001115 aa 0 00465 7001 00 677 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_double 001116 aa 040000 4770 00 678 dfad arg1 679 return deaq 001117 aa 000001 002617 680 001120 681 conv_sub_di: 682 convert_constant dp 001120 aa 000000 001611 683 load deaq,arg2 001121 aa 000000 102656 684 emit 1 001122 aa 000001 000242 001123 aa 000000 5130 00 685 fneg 001124 aa 040000 4770 00 686 dfad arg1 687 return deaq 001125 aa 000001 002617 688 001126 689 sub_di.1: 690 use_eaq 001126 aa 000000 000255 001127 aa 0 00465 7001 00 691 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_double 692 emit 1 001130 aa 000001 000242 001131 aa 000000 5130 00 693 fneg 001132 aa 040000 4770 00 694 dfad arg1 695 return deaq 001133 aa 000001 002617 696 001134 697 sub_rr: 698 use_ind 001134 aa 000007 000206 699 if_eaq eaq,arg2,sub_rr.1 001135 0a 001141 102233 700 701 load eaq,arg1 001136 aa 000000 042256 001137 aa 100000 5750 00 702 fsb arg2 703 return eaq 001140 aa 000001 002217 704 001141 705 sub_rr.1: 706 emit 1 001141 aa 000001 000242 001142 aa 000000 5130 00 707 fneg 001143 aa 040000 4750 00 708 fad arg1 709 return eaq 001144 aa 000001 002217 710 001145 711 sub_dd: 712 use_ind 001145 aa 000007 000206 713 if_eaq deaq,arg2,sub_dd.1 001146 0a 001152 102633 714 715 load deaq,arg1 001147 aa 000000 042656 001150 aa 100000 5770 00 716 dfsb arg2 717 return deaq 001151 aa 000001 002617 718 001152 719 sub_dd.1: 720 emit 1 001152 aa 000001 000242 001153 aa 000000 5130 00 721 fneg 001154 aa 040000 4770 00 722 dfad arg1 723 return deaq 001155 aa 000001 002617 724 001156 725 sub_rd: 726 use_ind 001156 aa 000007 000206 727 if_eaq deaq,arg2,sub_rd.1 001157 0a 001163 102633 728 729 load eaq,arg1 001160 aa 000000 042256 001161 aa 100000 5770 00 730 dfsb arg2 731 return deaq 001162 aa 000001 002617 732 001163 733 sub_rd.1: 734 emit 1 001163 aa 000001 000242 001164 aa 000000 5130 00 735 fneg 001165 aa 040000 4750 00 736 fad arg1 737 return deaq 001166 aa 000001 002617 738 001167 739 sub_dr: 740 use_ind 001167 aa 000007 000206 741 if_eaq eaq,arg2,sub_dr.1 001170 0a 001174 102233 742 743 load deaq,arg1 001171 aa 000000 042656 001172 aa 100000 5750 00 744 fsb arg2 745 return deaq 001173 aa 000001 002617 746 001174 747 sub_dr.1: 748 emit 1 001174 aa 000001 000242 001175 aa 000000 5130 00 749 fneg 001176 aa 040000 4770 00 750 dfad arg1 751 return deaq 001177 aa 000001 002617 752 001200 753 sub_ic: 754 push_temp cmpx 001200 aa 000000 002204 755 756 swap arg1 001201 aa 000000 040202 757 758 if_optype constant,conv_sub_ic 001202 0a 001210 200227 759 760 swap arg1 001203 aa 000000 040202 761 load q,arg1 001204 aa 000000 040656 762 use_eaq 001205 aa 000000 000255 001206 aa 0 00465 7001 00 763 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 764 jump sub_rc.1 001207 0a 001244 000220 765 001210 766 conv_sub_ic: 767 convert_constant real 001210 aa 000000 001211 768 swap arg1 001211 aa 000000 040202 769 load eaq,arg1 001212 aa 000000 042256 770 jump sub_rc.1 001213 0a 001244 000220 771 001214 772 sub_ci: 773 push_temp cmpx 001214 aa 000000 002204 774 775 swap arg2 001215 aa 000000 100202 776 777 if_optype constant,conv_sub_ci 001216 0a 001224 200227 778 779 swap arg2 001217 aa 000000 100202 780 use_eaq 001220 aa 000000 000255 001221 aa 100000 3360 00 781 lcq arg2 001222 aa 0 00465 7001 00 782 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 783 jump sub_cr.10 001223 0a 001274 000220 784 001224 785 conv_sub_ci: 786 convert_constant real 001224 aa 000000 001211 787 788 swap arg2 001225 aa 000000 100202 789 load eaq,arg2 001226 aa 000000 102256 790 jump sub_cr.1 001227 0a 001272 000220 791 001230 792 sub_rc: 793 push_temp cmpx 001230 aa 000000 002204 794 795 use_ind 001231 aa 000007 000206 796 if_eaq eaq,arg1,sub_rc.1 001232 0a 001244 042233 797 if_eaq eaq,arg2,sub_rc.2 001233 0a 001254 102233 798 799 load ieaq,arg2 001234 aa 000000 103256 800 emit 1 001235 aa 000001 000242 001236 aa 000000 5130 00 801 fneg 802 store ieaq,op1,no_update 001237 aa 000001 743357 001240 aa 040000 4310 00 803 fld arg1 001241 aa 100000 5750 00 804 fsb arg2 805 in_reg eaq,op1 001242 aa 000000 742260 806 return op1 001243 aa 000001 740217 807 001244 808 sub_rc.1: 001244 aa 100000 5750 00 809 fsb arg2 001245 810 sub_rc.11: 811 reset_eaq "set ^ rounded 001245 aa 000006 000206 812 store eaq,op1,no_update 001246 aa 000001 742357 001247 aa 100001 4310 00 813 fld arg2+1 814 emit 1 001250 aa 000001 000242 001251 aa 000000 5130 00 815 fneg 816 in_reg ieaq,op1 001252 aa 000000 743260 817 return op1 001253 aa 000001 740217 818 001254 819 sub_rc.2: 820 emit 1 001254 aa 000001 000242 001255 aa 000000 5130 00 821 fneg 001256 aa 040000 4750 00 822 fad arg1 823 jump sub_rc.11 001257 0a 001245 000220 824 001260 825 sub_cr: 826 push_temp cmpx 001260 aa 000000 002204 827 828 use_ind 001261 aa 000007 000206 829 if_eaq eaq,arg2,sub_cr.1 001262 0a 001272 102233 830 if_eaq eaq,arg1,sub_cr.2 001263 0a 001302 042233 831 832 load ieaq,arg1 001264 aa 000000 043256 833 store ieaq,op1,no_update 001265 aa 000001 743357 001266 aa 040000 4310 00 834 fld arg1 001267 aa 100000 5750 00 835 fsb arg2 836 in_reg eaq,op1 001270 aa 000000 742260 837 return op1 001271 aa 000001 740217 838 001272 839 sub_cr.1: 840 emit 1 001272 aa 000001 000242 001273 aa 000000 5130 00 841 fneg 001274 842 sub_cr.10: 001274 aa 040000 4750 00 843 fad arg1 001275 844 sub_cr.11: 845 reset_eaq "set ^rounded 001275 aa 000006 000206 846 store eaq,op1,no_update 001276 aa 000001 742357 001277 aa 040001 4310 00 847 fld arg1+1 848 in_reg ieaq,op1 001300 aa 000000 743260 849 return op1 001301 aa 000001 740217 850 001302 851 sub_cr.2: 001302 aa 100000 5750 00 852 fsb arg2 853 jump sub_cr.11 001303 0a 001275 000220 854 001304 855 sub_dc: 856 push_temp cmpx 001304 aa 000000 002204 857 858 use_ind 001305 aa 000007 000206 859 if_eaq deaq,arg1,sub_dc.1 001306 0a 001320 042633 860 if_eaq eaq,arg2,sub_dc.2 001307 0a 001330 102233 861 862 load ieaq,arg2 001310 aa 000000 103256 863 emit 1 001311 aa 000001 000242 001312 aa 000000 5130 00 864 fneg 865 store ieaq,op1,no_update 001313 aa 000001 743357 001314 aa 040000 4330 00 866 dfld arg1 001315 aa 100000 5750 00 867 fsb arg2 868 in_reg eaq,op1 001316 aa 000000 742260 869 return op1 001317 aa 000001 740217 870 001320 871 sub_dc.1: 001320 aa 100000 5750 00 872 fsb arg2 001321 873 sub_dc.11: 874 reset_eaq "set ^rounded 001321 aa 000006 000206 875 store eaq,op1,no_update 001322 aa 000001 742357 001323 aa 100001 4310 00 876 fld arg2+1 877 emit 1 001324 aa 000001 000242 001325 aa 000000 5130 00 878 fneg 879 in_reg ieaq,op1 001326 aa 000000 743260 880 return op1 001327 aa 000001 740217 881 001330 882 sub_dc.2: 883 emit 1 001330 aa 000001 000242 001331 aa 000000 5130 00 884 fneg 001332 aa 040000 4770 00 885 dfad arg1 886 jump sub_dc.11 001333 0a 001321 000220 887 001334 888 sub_cd: 889 push_temp cmpx 001334 aa 000000 002204 890 891 use_ind 001335 aa 000007 000206 892 if_eaq deaq,arg2,sub_cd.1 001336 0a 001346 102633 893 if_eaq eaq,arg1,sub_cd.2 001337 0a 001356 042233 894 895 load ieaq,arg1 001340 aa 000000 043256 896 store ieaq,op1,no_update 001341 aa 000001 743357 001342 aa 040000 4310 00 897 fld arg1 001343 aa 100000 5770 00 898 dfsb arg2 899 in_reg eaq,op1 001344 aa 000000 742260 900 return op1 001345 aa 000001 740217 901 001346 902 sub_cd.1: 903 emit 1 001346 aa 000001 000242 001347 aa 000000 5130 00 904 fneg 001350 905 sub_cd.10: 001350 aa 040000 4750 00 906 fad arg1 001351 907 sub_cd.11: 908 reset_eaq "set ^rounded 001351 aa 000006 000206 909 store eaq,op1,no_update 001352 aa 000001 742357 001353 aa 040001 4310 00 910 fld arg1+1 911 in_reg ieaq,op1 001354 aa 000000 743260 912 return op1 001355 aa 000001 740217 913 001356 914 sub_cd.2: 001356 aa 100000 5770 00 915 dfsb arg2 916 jump sub_cd.11 001357 0a 001351 000220 917 001360 918 sub_cc: 919 push_temp cmpx 001360 aa 000000 002204 920 921 use_ind 001361 aa 000007 000206 922 if_eaq eaq,arg2,sub_cc.1 001362 0a 001375 102233 923 if_eaq ieaq,arg2,sub_cc.2 001363 0a 001406 103233 924 if_eaq eaq,arg1,sub_cc.3 001364 0a 001412 042233 925 926 load ieaq,arg1 001365 aa 000000 043256 001366 aa 100001 5750 00 927 fsb arg2+1 001367 928 sub_cc.01: 929 reset_eaq "set ^rounded 001367 aa 000006 000206 930 store ieaq,op1,no_update 001370 aa 000001 743357 001371 aa 040000 4310 00 931 fld arg1 001372 aa 100000 5750 00 932 fsb arg2 933 in_reg eaq,op1 001373 aa 000000 742260 934 return op1 001374 aa 000001 740217 935 001375 936 sub_cc.1: 937 emit 1 001375 aa 000001 000242 001376 aa 000000 5130 00 938 fneg 001377 aa 040000 4750 00 939 fad arg1 001400 940 sub_cc.11: 941 reset_eaq "set ^rounded 001400 aa 000006 000206 942 store eaq,op1,no_update 001401 aa 000001 742357 001402 aa 040001 4310 00 943 fld arg1+1 001403 aa 100001 5750 00 944 fsb arg2+1 945 in_reg ieaq,op1 001404 aa 000000 743260 946 return op1 001405 aa 000001 740217 947 001406 948 sub_cc.2: 949 emit 1 001406 aa 000001 000242 001407 aa 000000 5130 00 950 fneg 001410 aa 040001 4750 00 951 fad arg1+1 952 jump sub_cc.01 001411 0a 001367 000220 953 001412 954 sub_cc.3: 001412 aa 100000 5750 00 955 fsb arg2 956 jump sub_cc.11 001413 0a 001400 000220 957 001414 958 sub_e1: 959 error 309,arg1 001414 aa 000465 000702 001415 aa 000000 040303 000001 960 001416 961 sub_e2: 962 error 310,arg2 001416 aa 000466 000702 001417 aa 000000 100303 000001 963 001420 964 sub_tl: 965 unless_dt (int,typeless),sub_e2 001420 0a 001416 404226 966 dt_jump1 arg1,(sub_tl.1,sub_e1,sub_e1,sub_e1,sub_e1,sub_e1,sub_tl.1) 001421 aa 000007 040374 001422 00 001427 001414 001423 00 001414 001414 001424 00 001414 001414 001425 0a 001427 000000 000007 967 load tq,arg1 001426 aa 000000 044656 968 001427 969 sub_tl.1: 001427 aa 100000 1760 00 970 sbq arg2 971 return tq 001430 aa 000001 004617 972 973 mult: func 2 001431 aa 000000 001215 974 975 dt_jump (mult_ii,mult_ri,mult_di,mult_ci,mult_ir,mult_rr,mult_dr,mult_cr,mult_id,mult_rd,mult_dd,mult_cd,mult_ic,mult_rc,mult_dc,mult_cc,mult_e2,mult_e1,mult_tl,mult_tl) 001432 aa 000024 000235 001433 00 001445 001454 001434 00 001460 001501 001435 00 001453 001463 001436 00 001472 001522 001437 00 001457 001471 001440 00 001466 001550 001441 00 001500 001521 001442 00 001547 001575 001443 00 001620 001616 001444 00 001603 001603 000024 976 001445 977 mult_ii: 978 use_eaq 001445 aa 000000 000255 979 load_top q 001446 aa 000000 000657 001447 aa 040000 4020 00 980 mpy arg1 981 982 unless_check_multiply mult_ii.1 001450 0a 001452 000313 001451 aa 0 01467 7001 00 983 tsx0 pr0|mpy_overflow_check 984 001452 985 mult_ii.1: 986 return q 001452 aa 000001 000617 987 001453 988 mult_ir: 989 swap arg1 001453 aa 000000 040202 990 001454 991 mult_ri: 992 s_call 001454 0a 002050 000223 001455 aa 040000 4610 00 993 fmp arg1 994 return eaq 001456 aa 000001 002217 995 001457 996 mult_id: 997 swap arg1 001457 aa 000000 040202 998 001460 999 mult_di: 1000 s_call 001460 0a 002071 000223 001461 aa 040000 4630 00 1001 dfmp arg1 1002 return deaq 001462 aa 000001 002617 1003 001463 1004 mult_rr: 1005 load_top eaq 001463 aa 000000 002257 001464 aa 040000 4610 00 1006 fmp arg1 1007 return eaq 001465 aa 000001 002217 1008 001466 1009 mult_dd: 1010 load_top deaq 001466 aa 000000 002657 001467 aa 040000 4630 00 1011 dfmp arg1 1012 return deaq 001470 aa 000001 002617 1013 001471 1014 mult_rd: 1015 swap arg1 001471 aa 000000 040202 1016 001472 1017 mult_dr: 1018 if_eaq eaq,arg2,mult_dr.1 001472 0a 001476 102233 1019 1020 load deaq,arg1 001473 aa 000000 042656 001474 aa 100000 4610 00 1021 fmp arg2 1022 return deaq 001475 aa 000001 002617 1023 001476 1024 mult_dr.1: 001476 aa 040000 4630 00 1025 dfmp arg1 1026 return deaq 001477 aa 000001 002617 1027 001500 1028 mult_ic: 1029 swap arg1 001500 aa 000000 040202 1030 001501 1031 mult_ci: 1032 push_temp cmpx 001501 aa 000000 002204 1033 1034 swap arg2 001502 aa 000000 100202 1035 1036 if_optype constant,conv_mult_ci 001503 0a 001515 200227 1037 1038 swap arg2 001504 aa 000000 100202 1039 push_temp real 001505 aa 000000 001204 1040 1041 load q,arg2 001506 aa 000000 100656 1042 use_eaq 001507 aa 000000 000255 001510 aa 0 00465 7001 00 1043 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 1044 1045 swap arg2 001511 aa 000000 100202 1046 store eaq,arg2,no_update 001512 aa 000001 102357 1047 pop op1 001513 aa 000000 740203 1048 jump mult_cr.1 001514 0a 001535 000220 1049 001515 1050 conv_mult_ci: 1051 convert_constant real 001515 aa 000000 001211 1052 1053 swap arg2 001516 aa 000000 100202 1054 load eaq,arg2 001517 aa 000000 102256 1055 jump mult_cr.1 001520 0a 001535 000220 1056 001521 1057 mult_rc: 1058 swap arg1 001521 aa 000000 040202 1059 001522 1060 mult_cr: 1061 push_temp cmpx 001522 aa 000000 002204 1062 1063 if_eaq eaq,arg2,mult_cr.1 001523 0a 001535 102233 1064 if_eaq eaq,arg1,mult_cr.2 001524 0a 001544 042233 1065 1066 load ieaq,arg1 001525 aa 000000 043256 001526 aa 100000 4610 00 1067 fmp arg2 1068 reset_eaq "set ^rounded 001527 aa 000006 000206 1069 store ieaq,op1,no_update 001530 aa 000001 743357 001531 aa 040000 4310 00 1070 fld arg1 001532 aa 100000 4610 00 1071 fmp arg2 1072 in_reg eaq,op1 001533 aa 000000 742260 1073 return op1 001534 aa 000001 740217 1074 001535 1075 mult_cr.1: 1076 use_eaq 001535 aa 000000 000255 001536 aa 040000 4610 00 1077 fmp arg1 001537 1078 mult_cr.11: 1079 store eaq,op1,no_update 001537 aa 000001 742357 001540 aa 100000 4310 00 1080 fld arg2 001541 aa 040001 4610 00 1081 fmp arg1+1 1082 in_reg ieaq,op1 001542 aa 000000 743260 1083 return op1 001543 aa 000001 740217 1084 001544 1085 mult_cr.2: 1086 reset_eaq "set ^rounded (operand needn't be saved) 001544 aa 000006 000206 001545 aa 100000 4610 00 1087 fmp arg2 1088 jump mult_cr.11 001546 0a 001537 000220 1089 001547 1090 mult_dc: 1091 swap arg1 001547 aa 000000 040202 1092 001550 1093 mult_cd: 1094 push_temp cmpx 001550 aa 000000 002204 1095 1096 if_eaq deaq,arg2,mult_cd.1 001551 0a 001563 102633 1097 if_eaq eaq,arg1,mult_cd.2 001552 0a 001572 042233 1098 1099 load ieaq,arg1 001553 aa 000000 043256 001554 aa 100000 4630 00 1100 dfmp arg2 1101 reset_eaq "set ^rounded 001555 aa 000006 000206 1102 store ieaq,op1,no_update 001556 aa 000001 743357 001557 aa 040000 4310 00 1103 fld arg1 001560 aa 100000 4630 00 1104 dfmp arg2 1105 in_reg eaq,op1 001561 aa 000000 742260 1106 return op1 001562 aa 000001 740217 1107 001563 1108 mult_cd.1: 1109 use_eaq 001563 aa 000000 000255 001564 aa 040000 4610 00 1110 fmp arg1 001565 1111 mult_cd.11: 1112 store eaq,op1,no_update 001565 aa 000001 742357 001566 aa 100000 4330 00 1113 dfld arg2 001567 aa 040001 4610 00 1114 fmp arg1+1 1115 in_reg ieaq,op1 001570 aa 000000 743260 1116 return op1 001571 aa 000001 740217 1117 001572 1118 mult_cd.2: 1119 reset_eaq "set ^rounded (operand needn't be saved) 001572 aa 000006 000206 001573 aa 100000 4630 00 1120 dfmp arg2 1121 jump mult_cd.11 001574 0a 001565 000220 1122 001575 1123 mult_cc: 1124 load aq,arg1 001575 aa 000000 041656 1125 load_pr pr2,arg2 001576 aa 000003 100251 001577 aa 0 00773 7001 00 1126 tsx0 pr0|complex_multiply 001600 aa 6 00070 2371 00 1127 ldaq pr6|complex 1128 free_regs 001601 aa 000004 000206 1129 return aq 001602 aa 000001 001617 1130 1131 001603 1132 mult_tl: 1133 load_top tq 001603 aa 000000 004657 1134 dt_jump1 arg1,(mult_tl.1,mult_e1,mult_e1,mult_e1,mult_e1,mult_e1,mult_tl.1) 001604 aa 000007 040374 001605 00 001611 001616 001606 00 001616 001616 001607 00 001616 001616 001610 0a 001611 000000 000007 1135 001611 1136 mult_tl.1: 1137 use_eaq 001611 aa 000000 000255 001612 aa 040000 4020 00 1138 mpy arg1 1139 1140 unless_check_multiply mult_tl.2 001613 0a 001615 000313 001614 aa 0 01467 7001 00 1141 tsx0 pr0|mpy_overflow_check 1142 001615 1143 mult_tl.2: 1144 return tq 001615 aa 000001 004617 1145 001616 1146 mult_e1: 1147 error 309,arg1 001616 aa 000465 000702 001617 aa 000000 040303 000001 1148 001620 1149 mult_e2: 1150 error 310,arg2 001620 aa 000466 000702 001621 aa 000000 100303 000001 1151 1152 div: func 2 001622 aa 000000 001215 1153 1154 dt_jump (div_ii,div_ri,div_di,div_ci,div_ir,div_rr,div_dr,div_cr,div_id,div_rd,div_dd,div_cd,div_ic,div_rc,div_dc,div_cc,div_e2,div_e1,div_tl,div_tl) 001623 aa 000024 000235 001624 00 001636 001646 001625 00 001655 001716 001626 00 001642 001660 001627 00 001677 001746 001630 00 001651 001674 001631 00 001666 001777 001632 00 001702 001736 001633 00 001773 002024 001634 00 002046 002044 001635 00 002032 002032 000024 1155 001636 1156 div_ii: 1157 use_eaq 001636 aa 000000 000255 1158 load q,arg1 001637 aa 000000 040656 001640 aa 100000 5060 00 1159 div arg2 1160 return q 001641 aa 000001 000617 1161 001642 1162 div_ir: 1163 swap arg1 001642 aa 000000 040202 1164 1165 s_call 001643 0a 002050 000223 001644 aa 040000 5650 00 1166 fdv arg1 1167 return eaq 001645 aa 000001 002217 1168 001646 1169 div_ri: 1170 s_call 001646 0a 002050 000223 001647 aa 040000 5250 00 1171 fdi arg1 1172 return eaq 001650 aa 000001 002217 1173 001651 1174 div_id: 1175 swap arg1 001651 aa 000000 040202 1176 1177 s_call 001652 0a 002071 000223 001653 aa 040000 5670 00 1178 dfdv arg1 1179 return deaq 001654 aa 000001 002617 1180 001655 1181 div_di: 1182 s_call 001655 0a 002071 000223 001656 aa 040000 5270 00 1183 dfdi arg1 1184 return deaq 001657 aa 000001 002617 1185 001660 1186 div_rr: 1187 if_eaq eaq,arg2,div_rr.1 001660 0a 001664 102233 1188 1189 load eaq,arg1 001661 aa 000000 042256 001662 aa 100000 5650 00 1190 fdv arg2 1191 return eaq 001663 aa 000001 002217 1192 001664 1193 div_rr.1: 001664 aa 040000 5250 00 1194 fdi arg1 1195 return eaq 001665 aa 000001 002217 1196 001666 1197 div_dd: 1198 if_eaq deaq,arg2,div_dd.1 001666 0a 001672 102633 1199 1200 load deaq,arg1 001667 aa 000000 042656 001670 aa 100000 5670 00 1201 dfdv arg2 1202 return deaq 001671 aa 000001 002617 1203 001672 1204 div_dd.1: 001672 aa 040000 5270 00 1205 dfdi arg1 1206 return deaq 001673 aa 000001 002617 1207 001674 1208 div_rd: 1209 load eaq,arg1 001674 aa 000000 042256 001675 aa 100000 5670 00 1210 dfdv arg2 1211 return deaq 001676 aa 000001 002617 1212 001677 1213 div_dr: 1214 load eaq,arg2 001677 aa 000000 102256 001700 aa 040000 5270 00 1215 dfdi arg1 1216 return deaq 001701 aa 000001 002617 1217 001702 1218 div_ic: 1219 swap arg1 001702 aa 000000 040202 1220 1221 if_optype constant,conv_div_ic 001703 0a 001713 200227 1222 1223 swap arg1 001704 aa 000000 040202 1224 load q,arg1 001705 aa 000000 040656 1225 use_eaq 001706 aa 000000 000255 001707 aa 0 00465 7001 00 1226 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 001710 aa 6 00056 4701 00 1227 fstr sp|double_temp 001711 aa 6 00056 2351 00 1228 lda sp|double_temp 1229 jump div_rc.01 001712 0a 001737 000220 1230 001713 1231 conv_div_ic: 1232 convert_constant real 001713 aa 000000 001211 1233 swap arg1 001714 aa 000000 040202 1234 jump div_rc 001715 0a 001736 000220 1235 001716 1236 div_ci: 1237 push_temp cmpx 001716 aa 000000 002204 1238 1239 swap arg2 001717 aa 000000 100202 1240 1241 if_optype constant,conv_div_ci 001720 0a 001732 200227 1242 1243 swap arg2 001721 aa 000000 100202 1244 push_temp real 001722 aa 000000 001204 1245 1246 load q,arg2 001723 aa 000000 100656 1247 use_eaq 001724 aa 000000 000255 001725 aa 0 00465 7001 00 1248 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 1249 1250 swap arg2 001726 aa 000000 100202 1251 store eaq,arg2,no_update 001727 aa 000001 102357 1252 pop op1 001730 aa 000000 740203 1253 jump div_cr.1 001731 0a 001761 000220 1254 001732 1255 conv_div_ci: 1256 convert_constant real 001732 aa 000000 001211 1257 1258 swap arg2 001733 aa 000000 100202 1259 load eaq,arg2 001734 aa 000000 102256 1260 jump div_cr.1 001735 0a 001761 000220 1261 001736 1262 div_rc: 1263 load a,arg1 001736 aa 000000 041256 001737 1264 div_rc.01: 001737 aa 400000 2360 03 1265 ldq =0.,du 1266 load_pr pr2,arg2 001740 aa 000003 100251 1267 use_eaq 001741 aa 000000 000255 001742 aa 0 00775 7001 00 1268 tsx0 pr0|complex_divide 001743 aa 6 00070 2371 00 1269 ldaq pr6|complex 1270 free_regs 001744 aa 000004 000206 1271 return aq 001745 aa 000001 001617 1272 001746 1273 div_cr: 1274 push_temp cmpx 001746 aa 000000 002204 1275 1276 if_eaq eaq,arg2,div_cr.1 001747 0a 001761 102233 1277 if_eaq eaq,arg1,div_cr.2 001750 0a 001764 042233 1278 1279 load ieaq,arg1 001751 aa 000000 043256 1280 reset_eaq "set ^ rounded (operand not saved) 001752 aa 000006 000206 001753 aa 100000 5650 00 1281 fdv arg2 001754 1282 div_cr.01: 1283 store ieaq,op1,no_update 001754 aa 000001 743357 001755 aa 040000 4310 00 1284 fld arg1 001756 aa 100000 5650 00 1285 fdv arg2 1286 in_reg eaq,op1 001757 aa 000000 742260 1287 return op1 001760 aa 000001 740217 1288 001761 1289 div_cr.1: 1290 use_eaq 001761 aa 000000 000255 001762 aa 040001 5250 00 1291 fdi arg1+1 1292 jump div_cr.01 001763 0a 001754 000220 1293 001764 1294 div_cr.2: 001764 aa 100000 5650 00 1295 fdv arg2 1296 reset_eaq "set ^rounded 001765 aa 000006 000206 1297 store eaq,op1,no_update 001766 aa 000001 742357 001767 aa 040001 4310 00 1298 fld arg1+1 001770 aa 100000 5650 00 1299 fdv arg2 1300 in_reg ieaq,op1 001771 aa 000000 743260 1301 return op1 001772 aa 000001 740217 1302 001773 1303 div_dc: 1304 swap arg1 001773 aa 000000 040202 1305 call round_dp_to_real 001774 0a 002112 000216 1306 swap arg1 001775 aa 000000 040202 1307 jump div_rc 001776 0a 001736 000220 1308 001777 1309 div_cd: 1310 push_temp cmpx 001777 aa 000000 002204 1311 1312 if_eaq deaq,arg2,div_cd.1 002000 0a 002012 102633 1313 if_eaq eaq,arg1,div_cd.2 002001 0a 002015 042233 1314 1315 load ieaq,arg1 002002 aa 000000 043256 1316 reset_eaq 002003 aa 000006 000206 002004 aa 100000 5670 00 1317 dfdv arg2 002005 1318 div_cd.01: 1319 store ieaq,op1,no_update 002005 aa 000001 743357 002006 aa 040000 4310 00 1320 fld arg1 002007 aa 100000 5670 00 1321 dfdv arg2 1322 in_reg eaq,op1 002010 aa 000000 742260 1323 return op1 002011 aa 000001 740217 1324 002012 1325 div_cd.1: 1326 use_eaq 002012 aa 000000 000255 002013 aa 040001 5250 00 1327 fdi arg1+1 1328 jump div_cd.01 002014 0a 002005 000220 1329 002015 1330 div_cd.2: 002015 aa 100000 5670 00 1331 dfdv arg2 1332 reset_eaq 002016 aa 000006 000206 1333 store eaq,op1,no_update 002017 aa 000001 742357 002020 aa 040001 4310 00 1334 fld arg1+1 002021 aa 100000 5670 00 1335 dfdv arg2 1336 in_reg ieaq,op1 002022 aa 000000 743260 1337 return op1 002023 aa 000001 740217 1338 002024 1339 div_cc: 1340 load aq,arg1 002024 aa 000000 041656 1341 load_pr pr2,arg2 002025 aa 000003 100251 002026 aa 0 00775 7001 00 1342 tsx0 pr0|complex_divide 002027 aa 6 00070 2371 00 1343 ldaq pr6|complex 1344 free_regs 002030 aa 000004 000206 1345 return aq 002031 aa 000001 001617 1346 002032 1347 div_tl: 1348 unless_dt (int,typeless),div_e2 002032 0a 002046 404226 1349 dt_jump1 arg1,(div_tl.1,div_e1,div_e1,div_e1,div_e1,div_e1,div_tl.1) 002033 aa 000007 040374 002034 00 002041 002044 002035 00 002044 002044 002036 00 002044 002044 002037 0a 002041 000000 000007 1350 load tq,arg1 002040 aa 000000 044656 1351 002041 1352 div_tl.1: 1353 use_eaq 002041 aa 000000 000255 002042 aa 100000 5060 00 1354 div arg2 1355 return tq 002043 aa 000001 004617 1356 002044 1357 div_e1: 1358 error 309,arg1 002044 aa 000465 000702 002045 aa 000000 040303 000001 1359 002046 1360 div_e2: 1361 error 310,arg2 002046 aa 000466 000702 002047 aa 000000 100303 000001 1362 002050 1363 1364 if_optype constant,conv_ir 002050 0a 002055 200227 1365 1366 load q,op1 002051 aa 000000 740656 1367 use_eaq 002052 aa 000000 000255 002053 aa 0 00465 7001 00 1368 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 1369 s_return 002054 aa 000003 000206 1370 002055 1371 conv_ir: 1372 convert_constant real 002055 aa 000000 001211 1373 load eaq,op1 002056 aa 000000 742256 1374 s_return 002057 aa 000003 000206 1375 1376 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1377 002060 1378 cv_load.ri: 1379 if_optype constant,conv_ri 002060 0a 002066 200227 1380 load eaq,op1 002061 aa 000000 742256 1381 round eaq 002062 aa 000000 002354 1382 use_eaq 002063 aa 000000 000255 002064 aa 0 00654 7001 00 1383 tsx0 pr0|real_to_integer 1384 s_return 002065 aa 000003 000206 1385 002066 1386 conv_ri: 1387 convert_constant int 002066 aa 000000 000611 1388 load q,op1 002067 aa 000000 740656 1389 s_return 002070 aa 000003 000206 1390 1391 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1392 002071 1393 1394 if_optype constant,conv_id 002071 0a 002076 200227 1395 1396 load q,op1 002072 aa 000000 740656 1397 use_eaq 002073 aa 000000 000255 002074 aa 0 00465 7001 00 1398 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_double 1399 s_return 002075 aa 000003 000206 1400 002076 1401 conv_id: 1402 convert_constant dp 002076 aa 000000 001611 1403 load deaq,op1 002077 aa 000000 742656 1404 s_return 002100 aa 000003 000206 1405 1406 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1407 002101 1408 cv_load.di: 1409 if_optype constant,conv_di 002101 0a 002107 200227 1410 load deaq,op1 002102 aa 000000 742656 1411 round deaq 002103 aa 000000 002754 1412 use_eaq 002104 aa 000000 000255 002105 aa 0 00654 7001 00 1413 tsx0 pr0|double_to_integer 1414 s_return 002106 aa 000003 000206 1415 002107 1416 conv_di: 1417 convert_constant int 002107 aa 000000 000611 1418 load q,op1 002110 aa 000000 740656 1419 s_return 002111 aa 000003 000206 1420 1421 1422 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1423 1424 " This function expects a dp operand on the top of the stack. It "converts" it to single 1425 " precision by using convert_constant or indicating its value is now in the eaq. The 1426 " value in the eaq is not explicitly stored into a sp temp because it is assumed that 1427 " the next use of the eaq will force the store. 1428 002112 1429 round_dp_to_real: 1430 func 1 002112 aa 000000 000615 1431 1432 if_optype constant,round_dp_const 002113 0a 002117 200227 1433 push_temp real 002114 aa 000000 001204 1434 load deaq,op2 002115 aa 000000 702656 1435 return eaq 002116 aa 000001 002217 1436 002117 1437 round_dp_const: 1438 convert_constant real 002117 aa 000000 001211 1439 return op1 002120 aa 000001 740217 1440 002121 1441 exponentiation: 1442 func 2 002121 aa 000000 001215 1443 1444 dt_jump (exponentiation_ii,exponentiation_ri,exponentiation_di,exponentiation_ci,exponentiation_ir,exponentiation_rr,exponentiation_dr,exponentiation_cr,exponentiation_id,exponentiation_rd,exponentiation_dd,exponentiation_cd,exponentiation_ic,exponentiation_rc,exponentiation_dc,exponentiation_cc,exponentiation_e2,exponentiation_e1,exponentiation_e2,exponentiation_e1) 002122 aa 000024 000235 002123 00 002135 002160 002124 00 002203 002270 002125 00 002145 002213 002126 00 002236 002324 002127 00 002170 002233 002130 00 002223 002323 002131 00 002246 002315 002132 00 002312 002342 002133 00 002355 002353 002134 00 002355 002353 000024 1445 002135 1446 exponentiation_ii: 1447 push_temp 32 002135 aa 000040 000204 1448 1449 load q,arg1 002136 aa 000000 040656 1450 load_pr pr1,arg2 002137 aa 000002 100251 1451 load_pr pr2,op1 002140 aa 000003 740251 1452 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 002141 aa 377160 000250 002142 aa 0 01351 2731 00 1453 tsp3 pr0|int_p_int 1454 free_regs 002143 aa 000004 000206 1455 return q 002144 aa 000001 000617 1456 002145 1457 exponentiation_ir: 1458 push_temp 32 002145 aa 000040 000204 1459 1460 swap arg1 002146 aa 000000 040202 1461 1462 if_optype constant,conv_exponentiation_ir 002147 0a 002155 200227 1463 1464 swap arg1 002150 aa 000000 040202 1465 load q,arg1 002151 aa 000000 040656 1466 use_eaq 002152 aa 000000 000255 002153 aa 0 00465 7001 00 1467 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 1468 jump exponentiation_rr.02 002154 0a 002215 000220 1469 002155 1470 conv_exponentiation_ir: 1471 convert_constant real 002155 aa 000000 001211 1472 1473 swap arg1 002156 aa 000000 040202 1474 jump exponentiation_rr.01 002157 0a 002214 000220 1475 002160 1476 exponentiation_ri: 1477 push_temp 32 002160 aa 000040 000204 1478 1479 load eaq,arg1 002161 aa 000000 042256 1480 load_pr pr1,arg2 002162 aa 000002 100251 1481 load_pr pr2,op1 002163 aa 000003 740251 1482 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 002164 aa 377160 000250 002165 aa 0 01350 2731 00 1483 tsp3 pr0|real_p_int 1484 free_regs 002166 aa 000004 000206 1485 return eaq 002167 aa 000001 002217 1486 002170 1487 exponentiation_id: 1488 push_temp 32 002170 aa 000040 000204 1489 1490 swap arg1 002171 aa 000000 040202 1491 1492 if_optype constant,conv_exponentiation_id 002172 0a 002200 200227 1493 1494 swap arg1 002173 aa 000000 040202 1495 load q,arg1 002174 aa 000000 040656 1496 use_eaq 002175 aa 000000 000255 002176 aa 0 00465 7001 00 1497 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_double 1498 jump exponentiation_dd.02 002177 0a 002225 000220 1499 002200 1500 conv_exponentiation_id: 1501 convert_constant dp 002200 aa 000000 001611 1502 1503 swap arg1 002201 aa 000000 040202 1504 jump exponentiation_dd.01 002202 0a 002224 000220 1505 002203 1506 exponentiation_di: 1507 push_temp 32 002203 aa 000040 000204 1508 1509 load deaq,arg1 002204 aa 000000 042656 1510 load_pr pr1,arg2 002205 aa 000002 100251 1511 load_pr pr2,op1 002206 aa 000003 740251 1512 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 002207 aa 377160 000250 002210 aa 0 01346 2731 00 1513 tsp3 pr0|dbl_p_int 1514 free_regs 002211 aa 000004 000206 1515 return deaq 002212 aa 000001 002617 1516 002213 1517 exponentiation_rr: 1518 push_temp 32 002213 aa 000040 000204 1519 002214 1520 exponentiation_rr.01: 1521 load eaq,arg1 002214 aa 000000 042256 002215 1522 exponentiation_rr.02: 1523 load_pr pr1,arg2 002215 aa 000002 100251 1524 load_pr pr2,op1 002216 aa 000003 740251 1525 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 002217 aa 377160 000250 002220 aa 0 01347 2731 00 1526 tsp3 pr0|real_p_real 1527 free_regs 002221 aa 000004 000206 1528 return eaq 002222 aa 000001 002217 1529 002223 1530 exponentiation_dd: 1531 push_temp 32 002223 aa 000040 000204 1532 002224 1533 exponentiation_dd.01: 1534 load deaq,arg1 002224 aa 000000 042656 002225 1535 exponentiation_dd.02: 1536 load_pr pr1,arg2 002225 aa 000002 100251 1537 load_pr pr2,op1 002226 aa 000003 740251 1538 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 002227 aa 377160 000250 002230 aa 0 01345 2731 00 1539 tsp3 pr0|dbl_p_dbl 1540 free_regs 002231 aa 000004 000206 1541 return deaq 002232 aa 000001 002617 1542 002233 1543 exponentiation_rd: 1544 push_temp 32 002233 aa 000040 000204 1545 1546 load eaq,arg1 002234 aa 000000 042256 1547 jump exponentiation_dd.02 002235 0a 002225 000220 1548 002236 1549 exponentiation_dr: 1550 push_temp 32 002236 aa 000040 000204 1551 1552 load deaq,arg1 002237 aa 000000 042656 1553 load_pr pr1,arg2 002240 aa 000002 100251 1554 load_pr pr2,op1 002241 aa 000003 740251 1555 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 002242 aa 377160 000250 002243 aa 0 01344 2731 00 1556 tsp3 pr0|dbl_p_real 1557 free_regs 002244 aa 000004 000206 1558 return deaq 002245 aa 000001 002617 1559 002246 1560 exponentiation_ic: 1561 push_temp 32 002246 aa 000040 000204 1562 load_pr pr2,op1 002247 aa 000003 740251 1563 swap arg1 002250 aa 000000 040202 1564 1565 if_optype constant,conv_exponentiation_ic 002251 0a 002264 200227 1566 1567 swap arg1 002252 aa 000000 040202 1568 push_temp cmpx 002253 aa 000000 002204 1569 load q,arg1 002254 aa 000000 040656 1570 use_eaq 002255 aa 000000 000255 002256 aa 0 00465 7001 00 1571 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 1572 store eaq,op1,no_update 002257 aa 000001 742357 002260 aa 400000 4310 03 1573 fld =0.,du 002261 aa 740001 4550 00 1574 fst op1+1 002262 aa 740000 2370 00 1575 ldaq op1 1576 jump exponentiation_cc.01 002263 0a 002345 000220 1577 002264 1578 conv_exponentiation_ic: 1579 convert_constant cmpx 002264 aa 000000 002211 1580 1581 swap arg1 002265 aa 000000 040202 1582 load aq,arg1 002266 aa 000000 041656 1583 jump exponentiation_cc.01 002267 0a 002345 000220 1584 002270 1585 exponentiation_ci: 1586 push_temp 32 002270 aa 000040 000204 1587 load_pr pr2,op1 002271 aa 000003 740251 1588 push_temp cmpx 002272 aa 000000 002204 1589 1590 swap arg2 002273 aa 000000 100202 1591 1592 if_optype constant,conv_exponentiation_ci 002274 0a 002305 200227 1593 1594 swap arg2 002275 aa 000000 100202 1595 load q,arg2 002276 aa 000000 100656 1596 use_eaq 002277 aa 000000 000255 002300 aa 0 00465 7001 00 1597 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 1598 store eaq,op1,no_update 002301 aa 000001 742357 002302 aa 400000 4310 03 1599 fld =0.,du 002303 aa 740001 4550 00 1600 fst op1+1 1601 jump exponentiation_cr.01 002304 0a 002333 000220 1602 002305 1603 conv_exponentiation_ci: 1604 convert_constant cmpx 002305 aa 000000 002211 1605 1606 swap arg2 002306 aa 000000 100202 1607 load aq,arg2 002307 aa 000000 101656 002310 aa 740000 7570 00 1608 staq op1 1609 jump exponentiation_cr.01 002311 0a 002333 000220 1610 002312 1611 exponentiation_dc: 1612 swap arg1 002312 aa 000000 040202 1613 call round_dp_to_real 002313 0a 002112 000216 1614 swap arg1 002314 aa 000000 040202 1615 002315 1616 exponentiation_rc: 1617 push_temp 32 002315 aa 000040 000204 1618 load_pr pr2,op1 002316 aa 000003 740251 1619 1620 load a,arg1 002317 aa 000000 041256 1621 use_eaq 002320 aa 000000 000255 002321 aa 400000 2360 03 1622 ldq =0.,du 1623 jump exponentiation_cc.01 002322 0a 002345 000220 1624 002323 1625 exponentiation_cd: 1626 call round_dp_to_real 002323 0a 002112 000216 1627 002324 1628 exponentiation_cr: 1629 push_temp 32 002324 aa 000040 000204 1630 load_pr pr2,op1 002325 aa 000003 740251 1631 push_temp cmpx 002326 aa 000000 002204 1632 1633 load a,arg2 002327 aa 000000 101256 1634 use_eaq 002330 aa 000000 000255 002331 aa 400000 2360 03 1635 ldq =0.,du 002332 aa 740000 7570 00 1636 staq op1 002333 1637 exponentiation_cr.01: 002333 aa 040000 2370 00 1638 ldaq arg1 1639 load_pr pr1,op1 002334 aa 000002 740251 1640 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 002335 aa 377160 000250 002336 aa 0 01416 2731 00 1641 tsp3 pr0|cmpx_p_cmpx 002337 aa 6 00050 2371 00 1642 ldaq pr6|temp_pt 1643 free_regs 002340 aa 000004 000206 1644 return aq 002341 aa 000001 001617 1645 002342 1646 exponentiation_cc: 1647 push_temp 32 002342 aa 000040 000204 1648 load_pr pr2,op1 002343 aa 000003 740251 1649 load aq,arg1 002344 aa 000000 041656 002345 1650 exponentiation_cc.01: 1651 load_pr pr1,arg2 002345 aa 000002 100251 1652 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 002346 aa 377160 000250 002347 aa 0 01416 2731 00 1653 tsp3 pr0|cmpx_p_cmpx 002350 aa 6 00050 2371 00 1654 ldaq pr6|temp_pt 1655 free_regs 002351 aa 000004 000206 1656 return aq 002352 aa 000001 001617 1657 002353 1658 exponentiation_e1: 1659 error 309,arg1 002353 aa 000465 000702 002354 aa 000000 040303 000001 1660 002355 1661 exponentiation_e2: 1662 error 310,arg2 002355 aa 000466 000702 002356 aa 000000 100303 000001 1663 1664 negate: func 1 002357 aa 000000 000615 1665 1666 if_dt int,negate_i 002360 0a 002366 400225 1667 if_dt real,negate_r 002361 0a 002371 200225 1668 if_dt dp,negate_d 002362 0a 002375 100225 1669 if_dt cmpx,negate_c 002363 0a 002401 040225 1670 1671 error 315,op1 002364 aa 000473 000702 002365 aa 000000 740303 000001 1672 002366 1673 negate_i: 1674 use_eaq 002366 aa 000000 000255 002367 aa 740000 3360 00 1675 lcq op1 1676 return q 002370 aa 000001 000617 1677 002371 1678 negate_r: 1679 load eaq,op1 002371 aa 000000 742256 1680 emit 1 002372 aa 000001 000242 002373 aa 000000 5130 00 1681 fneg 1682 return eaq 002374 aa 000001 002217 1683 002375 1684 negate_d: 1685 load deaq,op1 002375 aa 000000 742656 1686 emit 1 002376 aa 000001 000242 002377 aa 000000 5130 00 1687 fneg 1688 return deaq 002400 aa 000001 002617 1689 002401 1690 negate_c: 1691 push_temp cmpx 002401 aa 000000 002204 1692 1693 use_ind 002402 aa 000007 000206 1694 if_eaq eaq,op2,negate_c.1 002403 0a 002415 702233 1695 1696 load ieaq,op2 002404 aa 000000 703256 1697 emit 1 002405 aa 000001 000242 002406 aa 000000 5130 00 1698 fneg 1699 store ieaq,op1,no_update 002407 aa 000001 743357 1700 load eaq,op2 002410 aa 000000 702256 1701 emit 1 002411 aa 000001 000242 002412 aa 000000 5130 00 1702 fneg 1703 in_reg eaq,op1 002413 aa 000000 742260 1704 return op1 002414 aa 000001 740217 1705 002415 1706 negate_c.1: 1707 emit 1 002415 aa 000001 000242 002416 aa 000000 5130 00 1708 fneg 1709 store eaq,op1,no_update 002417 aa 000001 742357 1710 load ieaq,op2 002420 aa 000000 703256 1711 emit 1 002421 aa 000001 000242 002422 aa 000000 5130 00 1712 fneg 1713 in_reg ieaq,op1 002423 aa 000000 743260 1714 return op1 002424 aa 000001 740217 1715 1716 "push_var used rather than push_temp in this block to permit non-standard 1717 "construction of do-loop in the extended range of an extended range do-loop. 1718 do: proc 4 002425 aa 000000 002214 1719 1720 swap arg2 002426 aa 000000 100202 1721 copy arg1 002427 aa 000000 040201 1722 call convert_to_cv_type 002430 0a 002677 000216 1723 swap arg2 002431 aa 000000 100202 1724 1725 swap arg3 002432 aa 000000 140202 1726 copy arg1 002433 aa 000000 040201 1727 call convert_to_cv_type 002434 0a 002677 000216 1728 swap arg3 002435 aa 000000 140202 1729 1730 copy arg1 002436 aa 000000 040201 1731 call convert_to_cv_type 002437 0a 002677 000216 1732 1733 push_label " arg5 is label for top of loop 002440 aa 000001 000206 1734 push_label " arg6 is label for end of loop 002441 aa 000001 000206 1735 1736 swap arg1 002442 aa 000000 040202 1737 1738 if_dt int,do_i 002443 0a 002446 400225 1739 if_dt real,do_r 002444 0a 002567 200225 1740 jump do_d 002445 0a 002633 000220 1741 002446 1742 do_i: 1743 swap arg1 002446 aa 000000 040202 1744 swap arg4 " get incre on top of stack 002447 aa 000000 200202 1745 unless_ansi77 do_i.no_save_incre 002450 0a 002457 000274 1746 if_optype constant,do_i.no_save_incre 002451 0a 002457 200227 1747 load q,op1 002452 aa 000000 740656 1748 push_variable int 002453 aa 000000 000605 1749 store q,op1 002454 aa 000000 740757 1750 swap op2 002455 aa 000000 700202 1751 pop op1 " replace incre with variable 002456 aa 000000 740203 1752 002457 1753 do_i.no_save_incre: 1754 swap arg4 " restore correct order 002457 aa 000000 200202 1755 1756 load q,arg2 002460 aa 000000 100656 1757 store q,arg1 002461 aa 000000 040757 1758 1759 use_eaq 002462 aa 000000 000255 1760 1761 swap arg4 002463 aa 000000 200202 1762 if_optype constant,do_i_constant 002464 0a 002513 200227 1763 swap arg4 002465 aa 000000 200202 1764 002466 aa 140000 2360 00 1765 ldq arg3 002467 aa 100000 1760 00 1766 sbq arg2 002470 aa 200000 5060 00 1767 div arg4 002471 aa 000001 0760 07 1768 adq 1,dl 1769 1770 push_variable int 002472 aa 000000 000605 1771 store q,arg7 002473 aa 000000 340757 1772 1773 unless_ansi77 do_i.one_trip 002474 0a 002476 000274 002475 aa 300000 6044 00 1774 tmoz arg6 1775 002476 1776 do_i.one_trip: 1777 force_even " optimize even address for loop 002476 aa 000067 000206 1778 label arg5 002477 aa 000000 240243 1779 1780 scan continue,next 002500 002500 0a 002500 000221 002501 0a 002502 000220 002502 1781 1782 shorten_stack 002502 aa 000000 000272 1783 1784 load q,arg4 002503 aa 000000 200656 002504 aa 040000 0560 00 1785 asq arg1 1786 1787 use_eaq 002505 aa 000000 000255 1788 002506 aa 000001 3360 07 1789 lcq 1,dl 002507 aa 340000 0560 00 1790 asq arg7 002510 aa 240000 6054 00 1791 tpnz arg5 1792 1793 label arg6 002511 aa 000000 300243 1794 1795 return 002512 aa 000000 000217 1796 002513 1797 do_i_constant: 1798 swap arg4 002513 aa 000000 200202 1799 1800 " If final (to) is not a constant, it is saved before the label macro flushes it 1801 1802 swap arg3 002514 aa 000000 140202 1803 if_optype constant,to_is_constant " no need to save, it is a constant 002515 0a 002522 200227 1804 1805 load q,op1 " load value and put in temp 002516 aa 000000 740656 1806 pop op1 " will replace expre with temp 002517 aa 000000 740203 1807 push_variable int 002520 aa 000000 000605 1808 store q,op1 002521 aa 000000 740757 1809 002522 1810 to_is_constant: 1811 swap arg3 " restore stack to correct order 002522 aa 000000 140202 1812 1813 unless_ansi77 do_i_constant.one_trip 002523 0a 002532 000274 1814 1815 load q,arg2 002524 aa 000000 100656 1816 compare q,arg3 002525 aa 000000 140751 1817 1818 if_negative arg4,do_i.zero_trip.negative 002526 0a 002531 200725 002527 aa 300000 6054 00 1819 tpnz arg6 1820 jump do_i_constant.one_trip 002530 0a 002532 000220 1821 002531 1822 do_i.zero_trip.negative: 002531 aa 300000 6040 00 1823 tmi arg6 1824 002532 1825 do_i_constant.one_trip: 1826 force_even " optimize even address for loop 002532 aa 000067 000206 1827 label arg5 002533 aa 000000 240243 1828 1829 scan continue,next 002534 002534 0a 002534 000221 002535 0a 002536 000220 002536 1830 1831 shorten_stack 002536 aa 000000 000272 1832 1833 load q,arg1 002537 aa 000000 040656 1834 1835 use_eaq 002540 aa 000000 000255 1836 1837 if_negative arg4,do_i_negative 002541 0a 002560 200725 1838 1839 push_builtin one 002542 aa 000001 000213 1840 if arg4,=,op1,do_i_1 002543 0a 002553 211637 1841 002544 aa 200000 0760 00 1842 adq arg4 1843 store q,arg1 002545 aa 000000 040757 1844 use_ind 002546 aa 000007 000206 002547 aa 140000 1160 00 1845 cmpq arg3 002550 aa 240000 6044 00 1846 tmoz arg5 1847 1848 label arg6 002551 aa 000000 300243 1849 1850 return 002552 aa 000000 000217 1851 002553 1852 do_i_1: 1853 002553 aa 040000 0540 00 1854 aos arg1 002554 aa 140000 1160 00 1855 cmpq arg3 002555 aa 240000 6040 00 1856 tmi arg5 1857 1858 label arg6 002556 aa 000000 300243 1859 1860 return 002557 aa 000000 000217 1861 002560 1862 do_i_negative: 002560 aa 200000 0760 00 1863 adq arg4 1864 store q,arg1 002561 aa 000000 040757 1865 use_ind 002562 aa 000007 000206 002563 aa 140000 1160 00 1866 cmpq arg3 002564 aa 240000 6050 00 1867 tpl arg5 1868 1869 label arg6 002565 aa 000000 300243 1870 1871 return 002566 aa 000000 000217 1872 002567 1873 do_r: 1874 swap arg1 002567 aa 000000 040202 1875 swap arg4 " get incre on top of stack 002570 aa 000000 200202 1876 unless_ansi77 do_r.no_save_incre 002571 0a 002600 000274 1877 if_optype constant,do_r.no_save_incre 002572 0a 002600 200227 1878 load eaq,op1 002573 aa 000000 742256 1879 push_variable real 002574 aa 000000 001205 1880 store eaq,op1 002575 aa 000000 742357 1881 swap op2 002576 aa 000000 700202 1882 pop op1 " replace incre with variable 002577 aa 000000 740203 1883 002600 1884 do_r.no_save_incre: 1885 swap arg4 " restore correct order 002600 aa 000000 200202 1886 1887 load eaq,arg2 002601 aa 000000 102256 1888 store eaq,arg1 002602 aa 000000 042357 1889 1890 use_eaq 002603 aa 000000 000255 1891 002604 aa 140000 4310 00 1892 fld arg3 002605 aa 100000 5750 00 1893 fsb arg2 002606 aa 200000 5650 00 1894 fdv arg4 " subtracting -1 is the same as adding 002607 aa 001000 5750 03 1895 fsb =-1.0,du " +1, but -1 is the same in hex 002610 aa 0 00654 7001 00 1896 tsx0 pr0|real_to_integer 1897 1898 push_variable int 002611 aa 000000 000605 1899 store q,arg7 002612 aa 000000 340757 1900 1901 unless_ansi77 do_r.one_trip 002613 0a 002615 000274 002614 aa 300000 6044 00 1902 tmoz arg6 1903 002615 1904 do_r.one_trip: 1905 force_even " optimize even address for loop 002615 aa 000067 000206 1906 label arg5 002616 aa 000000 240243 1907 1908 scan continue,next 002617 002617 0a 002617 000221 002620 0a 002621 000220 002621 1909 1910 shorten_stack 002621 aa 000000 000272 1911 1912 load eaq,arg1 002622 aa 000000 042256 1913 use_eaq 002623 aa 000000 000255 002624 aa 200000 4750 00 1914 fad arg4 1915 store eaq,arg1,no_update 002625 aa 000001 042357 1916 002626 aa 000001 3360 07 1917 lcq 1,dl 002627 aa 340000 0560 00 1918 asq arg7 002630 aa 240000 6054 00 1919 tpnz arg5 1920 1921 label arg6 002631 aa 000000 300243 1922 1923 return 002632 aa 000000 000217 1924 002633 1925 do_d: 1926 swap arg1 002633 aa 000000 040202 1927 swap arg4 " get incre on top of stack 002634 aa 000000 200202 1928 unless_ansi77 do_d.no_save_incre 002635 0a 002644 000274 1929 if_optype constant,do_d.no_save_incre 002636 0a 002644 200227 1930 load deaq,op1 002637 aa 000000 742656 1931 push_variable dp 002640 aa 000000 001605 1932 store deaq,op1 002641 aa 000000 742757 1933 swap op2 002642 aa 000000 700202 1934 pop op1 " replace incre with variable 002643 aa 000000 740203 1935 002644 1936 do_d.no_save_incre: 1937 swap arg4 " restore correct order 002644 aa 000000 200202 1938 1939 load deaq,arg2 002645 aa 000000 102656 1940 store deaq,arg1 002646 aa 000000 042757 1941 1942 use_eaq 002647 aa 000000 000255 1943 002650 aa 140000 4330 00 1944 dfld arg3 002651 aa 100000 5770 00 1945 dfsb arg2 002652 aa 200000 5670 00 1946 dfdv arg4 " subtracting -1 is the same as adding 002653 aa 001000 5750 03 1947 fsb =-1.0,du " +1, but -1 is the same in hex 002654 aa 0 00654 7001 00 1948 tsx0 pr0|double_to_integer 1949 1950 push_variable int 002655 aa 000000 000605 1951 store q,arg7 002656 aa 000000 340757 1952 1953 unless_ansi77 do_d.one_trip 002657 0a 002661 000274 002660 aa 300000 6044 00 1954 tmoz arg6 1955 002661 1956 do_d.one_trip: 1957 force_even " optimize even address for loop 002661 aa 000067 000206 1958 label arg5 002662 aa 000000 240243 1959 1960 scan continue,next 002663 002663 0a 002663 000221 002664 0a 002665 000220 002665 1961 1962 shorten_stack 002665 aa 000000 000272 1963 1964 load deaq,arg1 002666 aa 000000 042656 1965 use_eaq 002667 aa 000000 000255 002670 aa 200000 4770 00 1966 dfad arg4 1967 store deaq,arg1,no_update 002671 aa 000001 042757 1968 002672 aa 000001 3360 07 1969 lcq 1,dl 002673 aa 340000 0560 00 1970 asq arg7 002674 aa 240000 6054 00 1971 tpnz arg5 1972 1973 label arg6 002675 aa 000000 300243 1974 1975 return 002676 aa 000000 000217 1976 002677 1977 convert_to_cv_type: 1978 func 2 002677 aa 000000 001215 1979 1980 dt_jump (ccv_ii,ccv_ri,ccv_di,ccv_ci,ccv_ir,ccv_rr,ccv_dr,ccv_cr,ccv_id,ccv_rd,ccv_dd,ccv_cd,ccv_ic,ccv_rc,ccv_dc,ccv_cc,ccv_e2,ccv_e1,ccv_e2,ccv_e1) 002700 aa 000024 000235 002701 00 002713 002717 002702 00 002725 002740 002703 00 002714 002730 002704 00 002734 002747 002705 00 002722 002732 002706 00 002731 002753 002707 00 002736 002745 002710 00 002751 002755 002711 00 002763 002760 002712 00 002763 002760 000024 1981 002713 1982 ccv_ii: 1983 return arg1 002713 aa 000001 040217 1984 002714 1985 ccv_ir: 1986 swap arg1 002714 aa 000000 040202 1987 1988 s_call 002715 0a 002050 000223 1989 return eaq 002716 aa 000001 002217 1990 002717 1991 ccv_ri: 1992 swap arg1 002717 aa 000000 040202 1993 1994 s_call cv_load.ri 002720 0a 002060 000223 1995 return q 002721 aa 000001 000617 1996 002722 1997 ccv_id: 1998 swap arg1 002722 aa 000000 040202 1999 2000 s_call 002723 0a 002071 000223 2001 return deaq 002724 aa 000001 002617 2002 002725 2003 ccv_di: 2004 swap arg1 002725 aa 000000 040202 2005 2006 s_call cv_load.di 002726 0a 002101 000223 2007 return q 002727 aa 000001 000617 2008 002730 2009 ccv_rr: 2010 return arg1 002730 aa 000001 040217 2011 002731 2012 ccv_dd: 2013 return arg1 002731 aa 000001 040217 2014 002732 2015 ccv_rd: 2016 load eaq,arg1 002732 aa 000000 042256 2017 return deaq 002733 aa 000001 002617 2018 002734 2019 ccv_dr: 2020 load deaq,arg1 002734 aa 000000 042656 2021 return eaq 002735 aa 000001 002217 2022 002736 2023 ccv_ic: 2024 error 316,op1 002736 aa 000474 000702 002737 aa 000000 740303 000001 2025 002740 2026 ccv_ci: 2027 load eaq,arg1 002740 aa 000000 042256 2028 round eaq 002741 aa 000000 002354 2029 use_eaq 002742 aa 000000 000255 002743 aa 0 00654 7001 00 2030 tsx0 pr0|real_to_integer 2031 return q 002744 aa 000001 000617 2032 002745 2033 ccv_rc: 2034 error 316,op1 002745 aa 000474 000702 002746 aa 000000 740303 000001 2035 002747 2036 ccv_cr: 2037 load eaq,arg1 002747 aa 000000 042256 2038 return eaq 002750 aa 000001 002217 2039 002751 2040 ccv_dc: 2041 error 316,op1 002751 aa 000474 000702 002752 aa 000000 740303 000001 2042 002753 2043 ccv_cd: 2044 load eaq,arg1 002753 aa 000000 042256 2045 return deaq 002754 aa 000001 002617 2046 002755 2047 ccv_cc: 2048 print 316,op1 002755 aa 000474 000701 002756 aa 000000 740303 000001 2049 return 002757 aa 000000 000217 2050 002760 2051 ccv_e1: 2052 print 317,arg1 002760 aa 000475 000701 002761 aa 000000 040303 000001 2053 return 002762 aa 000000 000217 2054 002763 2055 ccv_e2: 2056 print 318,op1 002763 aa 000476 000701 002764 aa 000000 740303 000001 2057 return 002765 aa 000000 000217 2058 2059 builtin: func 2,abort_list_op last assigned number = 93 002766 0a 003401 001215 2060 " 2061 " The builtin code depends on 5 indexed operators. Four uses are here. The other 2062 " appears in the cv_bif_to_external code. Remember to change ALL five. 2063 " 2064 2065 push_bif_index arg1 002767 aa 000000 040267 2066 push_count_indexed arg3,(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,2,2,2,1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,-1,1,1,3,2,2,2,2,-1,-1) 002770 aa 000135 140212 002771 aa 000001 000001 002772 aa 000001 000001 002773 aa 000001 000001 002774 aa 000001 000001 002775 aa 000001 000001 002776 aa 000001 000002 002777 aa 000002 000001 003000 aa 000001 000001 003001 aa 000002 000002 003002 aa 000002 000001 003003 aa 000001 000001 003004 aa 777777 777777 003005 aa 777777 777777 003006 aa 777777 777777 003007 aa 777777 777777 003010 aa 777777 777777 003011 aa 777777 777777 003012 aa 000002 000002 003013 aa 000002 000002 003014 aa 000002 000002 003015 aa 000001 000001 003016 aa 000001 000001 003017 aa 000001 000001 003020 aa 000001 000001 003021 aa 000001 000001 003022 aa 000001 000001 003023 aa 000001 000001 003024 aa 000001 000001 003025 aa 777777 000001 003026 aa 000001 000001 003027 aa 000001 000001 003030 aa 000001 000001 003031 aa 000001 000001 003032 aa 000002 000001 003033 aa 000002 000002 003034 aa 000002 000002 003035 aa 000001 000001 003036 aa 000001 000001 003037 aa 000001 000001 003040 aa 000001 000001 003041 aa 000001 000001 003042 aa 000002 777777 003043 aa 000001 000001 003044 aa 000003 000002 003045 aa 000002 000002 003046 aa 000002 777777 003047 aa 777777 000000 000135 2067 2068 if arg4,<,0,builtin_var 003050 0a 003230 200237 2069 if arg2,=,op1,builtin2 003051 0a 003055 111637 2070 2071 print 319,arg1 003052 aa 000477 000701 003053 aa 000000 040303 000001 2072 2073 jump bu_abort_list 003054 0a 003402 000220 2074 003055 2075 builtin2: 2076 decrement arg2,1 003055 aa 000001 100264 2077 scan bu_abort_list,next 003056 003056 0a 003402 000221 003057 0a 003060 000220 003060 2078 2079 jump_indexed arg3,(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,builtin2.char_ok,builtin2.char_ok,builtin2.char_ok,builtin2.char_ok,builtin2.char_ok,builtin2.char_ok,builtin2.char_ok,,,,,,,,,,,,builtin2.one_word,builtin2.one_word,builtin2.one_word,builtin2.one_word,builtin2.one_word,builtin2.one_word,builtin2.one_word,builtin2.one_word,builtin2.one_word,builtin2.one_word) 003060 aa 000135 140241 003061 00 003146 003146 003062 00 003146 003146 003063 00 003146 003146 003064 00 003146 003146 003065 00 003146 003146 003066 00 003146 003146 003067 00 003146 003146 003070 00 003146 003146 003071 00 003146 003146 003072 00 003146 003146 003073 00 003146 003146 003074 00 003146 003146 003075 00 003146 003146 003076 00 003146 003146 003077 00 003146 003146 003100 00 003146 003146 003101 00 003146 003146 003102 00 003146 003146 003103 00 003146 003146 003104 00 003146 003146 003105 00 003146 003146 003106 00 003146 003146 003107 00 003146 003146 003110 00 003146 003144 003111 00 003146 003146 003112 00 003146 003146 003113 00 003146 003146 003114 00 003146 003146 003115 00 003146 003146 003116 00 003146 003146 003117 00 003146 003146 003120 00 003146 003146 003121 00 003146 003140 003122 00 003140 003140 003123 00 003140 003140 003124 00 003140 003140 003125 00 003146 003146 003126 00 003146 003146 003127 00 003146 003146 003130 00 003146 003146 003131 00 003146 003146 003132 00 003146 003142 003133 00 003142 003142 003134 00 003142 003142 003135 00 003142 003142 003136 00 003142 003142 003137 0a 003142 000000 000135 2080 003140 2081 builtin2.char_ok: 2082 unless_dt (int,real,dp,cmpx,char),wrong_type.p 003140 0a 003411 750226 2083 jump builtin2.join 003141 0a 003147 000220 2084 003142 2085 builtin2.one_word: 2086 unless_one_word_dt op1,bu_dt1.p 003142 0a 006562 740315 2087 jump builtin2.join 003143 0a 003147 000220 2088 003144 2089 2090 unless_dt (int,real,dp,cmpx,typeless),wrong_type.p 003144 0a 003411 744226 2091 jump builtin2.join 003145 0a 003147 000220 2092 003146 2093 2094 unless_dt (int,real,dp,cmpx),wrong_type.p 003146 0a 003411 740226 2095 003147 2096 builtin2.join: 2097 unless arg2,=,0,builtin2 003147 0a 003055 110240 2098 003150 2099 builtin3: 2100 jump_indexed arg3,(abs,iabs,dabs,cabs,alog,dlog,clog,alog10,dlog10,atan,datan,atan2,datan2,cos,dcos,ccos,dim,idim,ddim,exp,dexp,cexp,max,amax0,amax1,max0,max1,dmax1,min,amin0,amin1,min0,min1,dmin1,mod,amod,dmod,sign,isign,dsign,sin,dsin,csin,sqrt,dsqrt,csqrt,tanh,int_builtin,aint,idint,float,ifix,sngl,real_builtin,aimag,dble,cmplx,conjg,tan,dtan,asin,dasin,acos,dacos,char_builtin,ichar,index,len,lge,lgt,lle,llt,cosh,sinh,dcosh,dsinh,dtanh,dint,anint,dnint,nint,idnint,dprod,,,,,,,,,, 003150 aa 000135 140241 003151 00 003420 003424 003152 00 003437 003445 003153 00 003462 003500 003154 00 003511 003525 003155 00 003543 003556 003156 00 003574 003607 003157 00 003674 003712 003160 00 003730 003741 003161 00 003755 003770 003162 00 004047 004114 003163 00 004132 004143 003164 00 004157 004341 003165 00 004366 004411 003166 00 004434 004462 003167 00 004506 004670 003170 00 004715 004741 003171 00 004764 005012 003172 00 005036 005105 003173 00 005116 005133 003174 00 005146 005211 003175 00 005341 005356 003176 00 005367 005401 003177 00 005416 005427 003200 00 005441 005557 003201 00 005603 005600 003202 00 005704 005576 003203 00 005706 005665 003204 00 005711 005715 003205 00 005733 006066 003206 00 006116 006133 003207 00 006146 006163 003210 00 006176 006213 003211 00 006226 006242 003212 00 006264 006335 003213 00 006341 006353 003214 00 006365 006377 003215 00 005525 005473 003216 00 005554 005522 003217 00 005470 005620 003220 00 005623 005640 003221 00 005643 005662 003222 00 006411 006421 003223 00 006434 006436 003224 00 006442 006444 003225 00 006462 006500 003226 00 006516 006534 003227 0a 006547 000000 000135 2101 003230 2102 builtin_var: 2103 jump_indexed arg3,(builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.1,builtin_var.2,builtin_var.2,builtin_var.2,builtin_var.2,builtin_var.2,builtin_var.2,builtin_var.2,builtin_var.2,builtin_var.2,builtin_var.2) 003230 aa 000135 140241 003231 00 003310 003310 003232 00 003310 003310 003233 00 003310 003310 003234 00 003310 003310 003235 00 003310 003310 003236 00 003310 003310 003237 00 003310 003310 003240 00 003310 003310 003241 00 003310 003310 003242 00 003310 003310 003243 00 003310 003310 003244 00 003310 003310 003245 00 003310 003310 003246 00 003310 003310 003247 00 003310 003310 003250 00 003310 003310 003251 00 003310 003310 003252 00 003310 003310 003253 00 003310 003310 003254 00 003310 003310 003255 00 003310 003310 003256 00 003310 003310 003257 00 003310 003310 003260 00 003310 003310 003261 00 003310 003310 003262 00 003310 003310 003263 00 003310 003310 003264 00 003310 003310 003265 00 003310 003310 003266 00 003310 003310 003267 00 003310 003310 003270 00 003310 003310 003271 00 003310 003310 003272 00 003310 003310 003273 00 003310 003310 003274 00 003310 003310 003275 00 003310 003310 003276 00 003310 003310 003277 00 003310 003310 003300 00 003310 003310 003301 00 003310 003310 003302 00 003310 003315 003303 00 003315 003315 003304 00 003315 003315 003305 00 003315 003315 003306 00 003315 003315 003307 0a 003315 000000 000135 2104 2105 003310 2106 builtin_var.1: 2107 scan bu_abort_list,(next,builtin3) 003310 003310 0a 003402 000221 003311 0a 003313 000220 003312 0a 003150 000220 003313 2108 2109 " NOTE: There are no non typeless builtins which take a variable 2110 " number of arguments and which also take character mode arguments. 2111 2112 unless_dt (int,real,dp,cmpx),wrong_type.p 003313 0a 003411 740226 2113 jump builtin_var.1 003314 0a 003310 000220 2114 003315 2115 builtin_var.2: 2116 scan bu_abort_list,(next,builtin3) 003315 003315 0a 003402 000221 003316 0a 003320 000220 003317 0a 003150 000220 003320 2117 unless_one_word_dt op1,bu_dt1.p 003320 0a 006562 740315 2118 jump builtin_var.2 003321 0a 003315 000220 2119 003322 2120 bu_ret_q: 2121 scan continue,(continue,next) 003322 003322 0a 003322 000221 003323 0a 003322 000220 003324 0a 003325 000220 003325 2122 2123 return q 003325 aa 000001 000617 2124 003326 2125 bu_ret_eaq: 2126 scan continue,(continue,next) 003326 003326 0a 003326 000221 003327 0a 003326 000220 003330 0a 003331 000220 003331 2127 2128 return eaq 003331 aa 000001 002217 2129 003332 2130 bu_ret_deaq: 2131 scan continue,(continue,next) 003332 003332 0a 003332 000221 003333 0a 003332 000220 003334 0a 003335 000220 003335 2132 2133 return deaq 003335 aa 000001 002617 2134 003336 2135 bu_ret_aq: 2136 scan continue,(continue,next) 003336 003336 0a 003336 000221 003337 0a 003336 000220 003340 0a 003341 000220 003341 2137 2138 return aq 003341 aa 000001 001617 2139 003342 2140 bu_ret_tq: 2141 scan continue,(continue,next) 003342 003342 0a 003342 000221 003343 0a 003342 000220 003344 0a 003345 000220 003345 2142 2143 return tq 003345 aa 000001 004617 2144 003346 2145 bu_ret_trc: 2146 scan continue,(continue,next) 003346 003346 0a 003346 000221 003347 0a 003346 000220 003350 0a 003351 000220 003351 2147 2148 return trc 003351 aa 000001 011217 2149 003352 2150 bu_ret_tnc: 2151 scan continue,(continue,next) 003352 003352 0a 003352 000221 003353 0a 003352 000220 003354 0a 003355 000220 003355 2152 2153 return tnc 003355 aa 000001 010617 2154 003356 2155 bu_ret_op1: 2156 scan continue,(continue,next) 003356 003356 0a 003356 000221 003357 0a 003356 000220 003360 0a 003361 000220 003361 2157 2158 return op1 003361 aa 000001 740217 2159 003362 2160 mm_ret_q: 2161 push_temp int 003362 aa 000000 000604 2162 in_reg q,op1 003363 aa 000000 740660 2163 use_ind 003364 aa 000007 000206 2164 return op1 003365 aa 000001 740217 2165 003366 2166 mm_ret_eaq: 2167 push_temp real 003366 aa 000000 001204 2168 in_reg eaq,op1 003367 aa 000000 742260 2169 use_ind 003370 aa 000007 000206 2170 return op1 003371 aa 000001 740217 2171 003372 2172 mm_ret_deaq: 2173 push_temp dp 003372 aa 000000 001604 2174 in_reg deaq,op1 003373 aa 000000 742660 2175 use_ind 003374 aa 000007 000206 2176 return op1 003375 aa 000001 740217 2177 003376 2178 mm_ret_tq: 2179 push_temp typeless 003376 aa 000000 003604 2180 in_reg tq,op1 003377 aa 000000 744660 2181 return op1 003400 aa 000001 740217 2182 003401 2183 abort_list_op: 2184 proc 0 003401 aa 000000 000214 2185 003402 2186 bu_abort_list: 2187 scan continue,(continue,next) 003402 003402 0a 003402 000221 003403 0a 003402 000220 003404 0a 003405 000220 003405 2188 2189 error 003405 aa 000000 000302 2190 003406 2191 wrong_number.p: 2192 print 319,arg1 003406 aa 000477 000701 003407 aa 000000 040303 000001 2193 2194 error 003410 aa 000000 000302 2195 003411 2196 wrong_type.p: 2197 print 320,arg1,op1 003411 aa 000500 001301 003412 aa 000000 040303 003413 aa 000000 740303 000002 2198 2199 jump bu_abort_list 003414 0a 003402 000220 2200 003415 2201 wrong_char_length.p: 2202 print 359,op2 003415 aa 000547 000701 003416 aa 000000 700303 000001 2203 2204 jump bu_abort_list 003417 0a 003402 000220 2205 003420 2206 abs: " builtin 01 2207 if_dt int,iabs.1 003420 0a 003425 400225 2208 if_dt real,abs.1 003421 0a 003432 200225 2209 if_dt dp,dabs.1 003422 0a 003440 100225 2210 jump cabs.1 003423 0a 003446 000220 2211 003424 2212 iabs: " builtin 02 2213 unless_dt int,iabs.p 003424 0a 003457 400226 003425 2214 iabs.1: 2215 load_for_test q,arg5 003425 aa 000000 240761 003426 aa 000003 6050 04 2216 tpl 3,ic 003427 aa 0 00110 6761 00 2217 erq pr0|all_ones 003430 aa 000001 0760 07 2218 adq 1,dl 2219 jump bu_ret_q 003431 0a 003322 000220 2220 003432 2221 abs.1: 2222 load_for_test eaq,arg5 003432 aa 000000 242361 003433 aa 000002 6050 04 2223 tpl 2,ic 2224 emit 1 003434 aa 000001 000242 003435 aa 000000 5130 00 2225 fneg 2226 jump bu_ret_eaq 003436 0a 003326 000220 2227 003437 2228 dabs: " builtin 03 2229 unless_dt dp,dabs.p 003437 0a 003460 100226 003440 2230 dabs.1: 2231 load_for_test deaq,arg5 003440 aa 000000 242761 003441 aa 000002 6050 04 2232 tpl 2,ic 2233 emit 1 003442 aa 000001 000242 003443 aa 000000 5130 00 2234 fneg 2235 jump bu_ret_deaq 003444 0a 003332 000220 2236 003445 2237 cabs: " builtin 04 2238 unless_dt cmpx,cabs.p 003445 0a 003461 040226 003446 2239 cabs.1: 2240 load aq,arg5 003446 aa 000000 241656 2241 use_eaq 003447 aa 000000 000255 2242 push_temp 32 003450 aa 000040 000204 2243 load_pr pr2,op1 003451 aa 000003 740251 2244 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 003452 aa 377560 000250 003453 aa 0 01406 2731 00 2245 tsp3 pr0|cabs_ 003454 aa 6 00050 4311 00 2246 fld pr6|temp_pt 2247 free_regs 003455 aa 000004 000206 2248 jump bu_ret_eaq 003456 0a 003326 000220 2249 003457 2250 iabs.p: 2251 jump bu_dt5.p 003457 0a 006572 000220 2252 003460 2253 dabs.p: 2254 jump bu_dt5.p 003460 0a 006572 000220 2255 003461 2256 cabs.p: 2257 jump bu_dt5.p 003461 0a 006572 000220 2258 003462 2259 alog: " builtin 05 2260 if_dt int,alog_i 003462 0a 003470 400225 2261 if_dt real,alog.1 003463 0a 003466 200225 2262 if_dt dp,dlog.1 003464 0a 003501 100225 2263 jump clog.1 003465 0a 003512 000220 2264 003466 2265 alog.1: 2266 load eaq,arg5 003466 aa 000000 242256 2267 jump alog.2 003467 0a 003471 000220 2268 003470 2269 alog_i: 2270 s_call 003470 0a 002050 000223 2271 003471 2272 alog.2: 2273 use_eaq 003471 aa 000000 000255 2274 push_temp 32 003472 aa 000040 000204 2275 load_pr pr2,op1 003473 aa 000003 740251 2276 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 003474 aa 377560 000250 003475 aa 0 01312 2731 00 2277 tsp3 pr0|log_ 2278 free_regs 003476 aa 000004 000206 2279 jump bu_ret_eaq 003477 0a 003326 000220 2280 003500 2281 dlog: " builtin 06 2282 unless_dt dp,dlog.p 003500 0a 003523 100226 003501 2283 dlog.1: 2284 load deaq,arg5 003501 aa 000000 242656 2285 use_eaq 003502 aa 000000 000255 2286 push_temp 32 003503 aa 000040 000204 2287 load_pr pr2,op1 003504 aa 000003 740251 2288 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 003505 aa 377560 000250 003506 aa 0 01333 2731 00 2289 tsp3 pr0|dlog_ 2290 free_regs 003507 aa 000004 000206 2291 jump bu_ret_deaq 003510 0a 003332 000220 2292 003511 2293 clog: " builtin 07 2294 unless_dt cmpx,clog.p 003511 0a 003524 040226 003512 2295 clog.1: 2296 load aq,arg5 003512 aa 000000 241656 2297 use_eaq 003513 aa 000000 000255 2298 push_temp 32 003514 aa 000040 000204 2299 load_pr pr2,op1 003515 aa 000003 740251 2300 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 003516 aa 377560 000250 003517 aa 0 01411 2731 00 2301 tsp3 pr0|clog_ 003520 aa 6 00050 2371 00 2302 ldaq pr6|temp_pt 2303 free_regs 003521 aa 000004 000206 2304 jump bu_ret_aq 003522 0a 003336 000220 2305 003523 2306 dlog.p: 2307 jump bu_dt5.p 003523 0a 006572 000220 2308 003524 2309 clog.p: 2310 jump bu_dt5.p 003524 0a 006572 000220 2311 003525 2312 alog10: " builtin 08 2313 if_dt int,alog10_i 003525 0a 003533 400225 2314 if_dt real,alog10.1 003526 0a 003531 200225 2315 if_dt dp,dlog10.1 003527 0a 003544 100225 2316 jump alog10.p 003530 0a 003554 000220 2317 003531 2318 alog10.1: 2319 load eaq,arg5 003531 aa 000000 242256 2320 jump alog10.2 003532 0a 003534 000220 2321 003533 2322 alog10_i: 2323 s_call 003533 0a 002050 000223 2324 003534 2325 alog10.2: 2326 use_eaq 003534 aa 000000 000255 2327 push_temp 32 003535 aa 000040 000204 2328 load_pr pr2,op1 003536 aa 000003 740251 2329 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 003537 aa 377560 000250 003540 aa 0 01313 2731 00 2330 tsp3 pr0|alog10_ 2331 free_regs 003541 aa 000004 000206 2332 jump bu_ret_eaq 003542 0a 003326 000220 2333 003543 2334 dlog10: " builtin 09 2335 unless_dt dp,dlog10.p 003543 0a 003555 100226 003544 2336 dlog10.1: 2337 load deaq,arg5 003544 aa 000000 242656 2338 use_eaq 003545 aa 000000 000255 2339 push_temp 32 003546 aa 000040 000204 2340 load_pr pr2,op1 003547 aa 000003 740251 2341 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 003550 aa 377560 000250 003551 aa 0 01334 2731 00 2342 tsp3 pr0|dlog10_ 2343 free_regs 003552 aa 000004 000206 2344 jump bu_ret_deaq 003553 0a 003332 000220 2345 003554 2346 alog10.p: 2347 jump bu_dt5.p 003554 0a 006572 000220 2348 003555 2349 dlog10.p: 2350 jump bu_dt5.p 003555 0a 006572 000220 2351 003556 2352 atan: " builtin 10 2353 if_dt int,atan_i 003556 0a 003564 400225 2354 if_dt real,atan.1 003557 0a 003562 200225 2355 if_dt dp,datan.1 003560 0a 003575 100225 2356 jump atan.p 003561 0a 003605 000220 2357 003562 2358 atan.1: 2359 load eaq,arg5 003562 aa 000000 242256 2360 jump atan.2 003563 0a 003565 000220 2361 003564 2362 atan_i: 2363 s_call 003564 0a 002050 000223 2364 003565 2365 atan.2: 2366 use_eaq 003565 aa 000000 000255 2367 push_temp 32 003566 aa 000040 000204 2368 load_pr pr2,op1 003567 aa 000003 740251 2369 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 003570 aa 377560 000250 003571 aa 0 01307 2731 00 2370 tsp3 pr0|atan_ 2371 free_regs 003572 aa 000004 000206 2372 jump bu_ret_eaq 003573 0a 003326 000220 2373 003574 2374 datan: " builtin 11 2375 unless_dt dp,datan.p 003574 0a 003606 100226 003575 2376 datan.1: 2377 load deaq,arg5 003575 aa 000000 242656 2378 use_eaq 003576 aa 000000 000255 2379 push_temp 32 003577 aa 000040 000204 2380 load_pr pr2,op1 003600 aa 000003 740251 2381 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 003601 aa 377560 000250 003602 aa 0 01330 2731 00 2382 tsp3 pr0|datan_ 2383 free_regs 003603 aa 000004 000206 2384 jump bu_ret_deaq 003604 0a 003332 000220 2385 003605 2386 atan.p: 2387 jump bu_dt5.p 003605 0a 006572 000220 2388 003606 2389 datan.p: 2390 jump bu_dt5.p 003606 0a 006572 000220 2391 003607 2392 atan2: " builtin 12 2393 dt_jump (atan2_ii,atan2_ri,atan2_di,atan2_ci,atan2_ir,atan2_rr,atan2_dr,atan2_cr,atan2_id,atan2_rd,atan2_dd,atan2_cd,atan2_ic,atan2_rc,atan2_dc,atan2_cc,atan2_e2,atan2_e1,atan2_e2,atan2_e1) 003607 aa 000024 000235 003610 00 003622 003626 003611 00 003632 003653 003612 00 003624 003634 003613 00 003644 003655 003614 00 003630 003636 003615 00 003635 003657 003616 00 003652 003654 003617 00 003656 003660 003620 00 003662 003661 003621 00 003662 003661 000024 2394 003622 2395 atan2_ii: 2396 s_call builtin_2args_ii 003622 0a 005226 000223 2397 jump atan2.1 003623 0a 003663 000220 2398 003624 2399 atan2_ir: 2400 s_call builtin_2args_ir 003624 0a 005257 000223 2401 jump atan2.1 003625 0a 003663 000220 2402 003626 2403 atan2_ri: 2404 s_call builtin_2args_ri 003626 0a 005275 000223 2405 jump atan2.1 003627 0a 003663 000220 2406 003630 2407 atan2_id: 2408 s_call builtin_2args_id 003630 0a 005310 000223 2409 jump datan2.1 003631 0a 003700 000220 2410 003632 2411 atan2_di: 2412 s_call builtin_2args_di 003632 0a 005326 000223 2413 jump datan2.1 003633 0a 003700 000220 2414 003634 2415 atan2_rr: 2416 jump atan2.1 003634 0a 003663 000220 2417 003635 2418 atan2_dd: 2419 jump datan2.1 003635 0a 003700 000220 2420 003636 2421 atan2_rd: 2422 load eaq,arg5 003636 aa 000000 242256 2423 use_eaq 003637 aa 000000 000255 2424 push_temp 32 003640 aa 000040 000204 2425 load_pr pr2,op1 003641 aa 000003 740251 2426 load_pr pr1,arg6 003642 aa 000002 300251 2427 jump datan2.2 003643 0a 003705 000220 2428 003644 2429 atan2_dr: 2430 push_temp dp 003644 aa 000000 001604 2431 load eaq,arg6 003645 aa 000000 302256 2432 store deaq,op1,no_update 003646 aa 000001 742757 2433 swap arg6 003647 aa 000000 300202 2434 pop op1 003650 aa 000000 740203 2435 jump datan2.1 003651 0a 003700 000220 2436 003652 2437 atan2_ic: 2438 jump bu_dt6.p 003652 0a 006576 000220 2439 003653 2440 atan2_ci: 2441 jump bu_dt5.p 003653 0a 006572 000220 2442 003654 2443 atan2_rc: 2444 jump bu_dt6.p 003654 0a 006576 000220 2445 003655 2446 atan2_cr: 2447 jump bu_dt5.p 003655 0a 006572 000220 2448 003656 2449 atan2_dc: 2450 jump bu_dt6.p 003656 0a 006576 000220 2451 003657 2452 atan2_cd: 2453 jump bu_dt5.p 003657 0a 006572 000220 2454 003660 2455 atan2_cc: 2456 jump bu_dt5.p 003660 0a 006572 000220 2457 003661 2458 atan2_e1: 2459 jump bu_dt5.p 003661 0a 006572 000220 2460 003662 2461 atan2_e2: 2462 jump bu_dt6.p 003662 0a 006576 000220 2463 003663 2464 atan2.1: 2465 load eaq,arg5 003663 aa 000000 242256 2466 use_eaq 003664 aa 000000 000255 2467 push_temp 32 003665 aa 000040 000204 2468 load_pr pr2,op1 003666 aa 000003 740251 2469 load_pr pr1,arg6 003667 aa 000002 300251 2470 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 003670 aa 377160 000250 003671 aa 0 01336 2731 00 2471 tsp3 pr0|atan2_ 2472 free_regs 003672 aa 000004 000206 2473 jump bu_ret_eaq 003673 0a 003326 000220 2474 003674 2475 datan2: " builtin 13 2476 swap arg5 003674 aa 000000 240202 2477 unless_dt dp,atan2.p 003675 0a 003711 100226 2478 swap arg5 003676 aa 000000 240202 2479 unless_dt dp,atan2_ee 003677 0a 003711 100226 2480 003700 2481 datan2.1: 2482 load deaq,arg5 003700 aa 000000 242656 2483 use_eaq 003701 aa 000000 000255 2484 push_temp 32 003702 aa 000040 000204 2485 load_pr pr2,op1 003703 aa 000003 740251 2486 load_pr pr1,arg6 003704 aa 000002 300251 003705 2487 datan2.2: 2488 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 003705 aa 377160 000250 003706 aa 0 01340 2731 00 2489 tsp3 pr0|datan2_ 2490 free_regs 003707 aa 000004 000206 2491 jump bu_ret_deaq 003710 0a 003332 000220 2492 003711 2493 atan2.p: 003711 2494 atan2_ee: 2495 jump bu_dt6.p 003711 0a 006576 000220 2496 003712 2497 cos: " builtin 14 2498 if_dt int,cos_i 003712 0a 003720 400225 2499 if_dt real,cos.1 003713 0a 003716 200225 2500 if_dt dp,dcos.1 003714 0a 003731 100225 2501 jump ccos.1 003715 0a 003742 000220 2502 003716 2503 cos.1: 2504 load eaq,arg5 003716 aa 000000 242256 2505 jump cos.2 003717 0a 003721 000220 2506 003720 2507 cos_i: 2508 s_call 003720 0a 002050 000223 2509 003721 2510 cos.2: 2511 use_eaq 003721 aa 000000 000255 2512 push_temp 32 003722 aa 000040 000204 2513 load_pr pr2,op1 003723 aa 000003 740251 2514 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 003724 aa 377560 000250 003725 aa 0 01277 2731 00 2515 tsp3 pr0|cos_ 2516 free_regs 003726 aa 000004 000206 2517 jump bu_ret_eaq 003727 0a 003326 000220 2518 003730 2519 dcos: " builtin 15 2520 unless_dt dp,dcos.p 003730 0a 003753 100226 003731 2521 dcos.1: 2522 load deaq,arg5 003731 aa 000000 242656 2523 use_eaq 003732 aa 000000 000255 2524 push_temp 32 003733 aa 000040 000204 2525 load_pr pr2,op1 003734 aa 000003 740251 2526 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 003735 aa 377560 000250 003736 aa 0 01320 2731 00 2527 tsp3 pr0|dcos_ 2528 free_regs 003737 aa 000004 000206 2529 jump bu_ret_deaq 003740 0a 003332 000220 2530 003741 2531 ccos: " builtin 16 2532 unless_dt cmpx,ccos.p 003741 0a 003754 040226 003742 2533 ccos.1: 2534 load aq,arg5 003742 aa 000000 241656 2535 use_eaq 003743 aa 000000 000255 2536 push_temp 32 003744 aa 000040 000204 2537 load_pr pr2,op1 003745 aa 000003 740251 2538 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 003746 aa 377560 000250 003747 aa 0 01407 2731 00 2539 tsp3 pr0|ccos_ 003750 aa 6 00050 2371 00 2540 ldaq pr6|temp_pt 2541 free_regs 003751 aa 000004 000206 2542 jump bu_ret_aq 003752 0a 003336 000220 2543 003753 2544 dcos.p: 2545 jump bu_dt5.p 003753 0a 006572 000220 2546 003754 2547 ccos.p: 2548 jump bu_dt5.p 003754 0a 006572 000220 2549 003755 2550 dim: " builtin 17 2551 dt_jump (dim_ii,dim_ri,dim_di,dim_ci,dim_ir,dim_rr,dim_dr,dim_cr,dim_id,dim_rd,dim_dd,dim_cd,dim_ic,dim_rc,dim_dc,dim_cc,dim_e2,dim_e1,dim_e2,dim_e1) 003755 aa 000024 000235 003756 00 003774 004011 003757 00 004015 004024 003760 00 004007 004017 003761 00 004022 004026 003762 00 004013 004021 003763 00 004020 004030 003764 00 004023 004025 003765 00 004027 004031 003766 00 004033 004032 003767 00 004033 004032 000024 2552 003770 2553 idim: " builtin 18 2554 swap arg5 003770 aa 000000 240202 2555 unless_dt int,idim.p 003771 0a 004113 400226 2556 swap arg5 003772 aa 000000 240202 2557 unless_dt int,idim.p 003773 0a 004113 400226 2558 003774 2559 dim_ii: 2560 push_temp int 003774 aa 000000 000604 2561 2562 load q,arg5 003775 aa 000000 240656 2563 use_eaq 003776 aa 000000 000255 2564 make_addressable arg5,arg6 003777 aa 300000 240307 004000 aa 300000 1160 00 2565 cmpq arg6 004001 aa 000002 6040 04 2566 tmi 2,ic 004002 aa 300000 2360 00 2567 ldq arg6 004003 aa 740000 7560 00 2568 stq op1 004004 aa 240000 2360 00 2569 ldq arg5 004005 aa 740000 1760 00 2570 sbq op1 2571 jump bu_ret_q 004006 0a 003322 000220 2572 004007 2573 dim_ir: 2574 s_call builtin_2args_ir 004007 0a 005257 000223 2575 jump dim.1 004010 0a 004034 000220 2576 004011 2577 dim_ri: 2578 s_call builtin_2args_ri 004011 0a 005275 000223 2579 jump dim.1 004012 0a 004034 000220 2580 004013 2581 dim_id: 2582 s_call builtin_2args_id 004013 0a 005310 000223 2583 jump ddim.1 004014 0a 004053 000220 2584 004015 2585 dim_di: 2586 s_call builtin_2args_di 004015 0a 005326 000223 2587 jump ddim.1 004016 0a 004053 000220 2588 004017 2589 dim_rr: 2590 jump dim.1 004017 0a 004034 000220 2591 004020 2592 dim_dd: 2593 jump ddim.1 004020 0a 004053 000220 2594 004021 2595 dim_rd: 2596 jump rddim.1 004021 0a 004066 000220 2597 004022 2598 dim_dr: 2599 jump drdim.1 004022 0a 004101 000220 2600 004023 2601 dim_ic: 2602 jump bu_dt6.p 004023 0a 006576 000220 2603 004024 2604 dim_ci: 2605 jump bu_dt5.p 004024 0a 006572 000220 2606 004025 2607 dim_rc: 2608 jump bu_dt6.p 004025 0a 006576 000220 2609 004026 2610 dim_cr: 2611 jump bu_dt5.p 004026 0a 006572 000220 2612 004027 2613 dim_dc: 2614 jump bu_dt6.p 004027 0a 006576 000220 2615 004030 2616 dim_cd: 2617 jump bu_dt5.p 004030 0a 006572 000220 2618 004031 2619 dim_cc: 2620 jump bu_dt5.p 004031 0a 006572 000220 2621 004032 2622 dim_e1: 2623 jump bu_dt5.p 004032 0a 006572 000220 2624 004033 2625 dim_e2: 2626 jump bu_dt6.p 004033 0a 006576 000220 2627 004034 2628 dim.1: 2629 load eaq,arg5 004034 aa 000000 242256 2630 use_eaq 004035 aa 000000 000255 2631 make_addressable arg5,arg6 004036 aa 300000 240307 2632 round eaq 004037 aa 000000 002354 004040 aa 300000 5150 00 2633 fcmp arg6 004041 aa 000002 6040 04 2634 tmi 2,ic 004042 aa 300000 4310 00 2635 fld arg6 2636 emit 1 004043 aa 000001 000242 004044 aa 000000 5130 00 2637 fneg 004045 aa 240000 4750 00 2638 fad arg5 2639 jump bu_ret_eaq 004046 0a 003326 000220 2640 004047 2641 ddim: " builtin 19 2642 swap arg5 004047 aa 000000 240202 2643 unless_dt dp,ddim.p 004050 0a 004113 100226 2644 swap arg5 004051 aa 000000 240202 2645 unless_dt dp,ddim.p 004052 0a 004113 100226 2646 004053 2647 ddim.1: 2648 load deaq,arg5 004053 aa 000000 242656 2649 use_eaq 004054 aa 000000 000255 2650 make_addressable arg5,arg6 004055 aa 300000 240307 2651 round deaq 004056 aa 000000 002754 004057 aa 300000 5170 00 2652 dfcmp arg6 004060 aa 000002 6040 04 2653 tmi 2,ic 004061 aa 300000 4330 00 2654 dfld arg6 2655 emit 1 004062 aa 000001 000242 004063 aa 000000 5130 00 2656 fneg 004064 aa 240000 4770 00 2657 dfad arg5 2658 jump bu_ret_deaq 004065 0a 003332 000220 2659 004066 2660 rddim.1: 2661 load eaq,arg5 004066 aa 000000 242256 2662 use_eaq 004067 aa 000000 000255 2663 make_addressable arg5,arg6 004070 aa 300000 240307 2664 round deaq 004071 aa 000000 002754 004072 aa 300000 5170 00 2665 dfcmp arg6 004073 aa 000002 6040 04 2666 tmi 2,ic 004074 aa 300000 4330 00 2667 dfld arg6 2668 emit 1 004075 aa 000001 000242 004076 aa 000000 5130 00 2669 fneg 004077 aa 240000 4750 00 2670 fad arg5 2671 jump bu_ret_deaq 004100 0a 003332 000220 2672 004101 2673 drdim.1: 2674 load deaq,arg5 004101 aa 000000 242656 2675 use_eaq 004102 aa 000000 000255 2676 make_addressable arg5,arg6 004103 aa 300000 240307 004104 aa 300000 5150 00 2677 fcmp arg6 004105 aa 000002 6040 04 2678 tmi 2,ic 004106 aa 300000 4310 00 2679 fld arg6 2680 emit 1 004107 aa 000001 000242 004110 aa 000000 5130 00 2681 fneg 004111 aa 240000 4770 00 2682 dfad arg5 2683 jump bu_ret_deaq 004112 0a 003332 000220 2684 004113 2685 idim.p: 004113 2686 ddim.p: 2687 jump bu_dt6.p 004113 0a 006576 000220 2688 004114 2689 exp: " builtin 20 2690 if_dt int,exp_i 004114 0a 004122 400225 2691 if_dt real,exp.1 004115 0a 004120 200225 2692 if_dt dp,dexp.1 004116 0a 004133 100225 2693 jump cexp.1 004117 0a 004144 000220 2694 004120 2695 exp.1: 2696 load eaq,arg5 004120 aa 000000 242256 2697 jump exp.2 004121 0a 004123 000220 2698 004122 2699 exp_i: 2700 s_call 004122 0a 002050 000223 2701 004123 2702 exp.2: 2703 use_eaq 004123 aa 000000 000255 2704 push_temp 32 004124 aa 000040 000204 2705 load_pr pr2,op1 004125 aa 000003 740251 2706 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 004126 aa 377560 000250 004127 aa 0 01314 2731 00 2707 tsp3 pr0|exp_ 2708 free_regs 004130 aa 000004 000206 2709 jump bu_ret_eaq 004131 0a 003326 000220 2710 004132 2711 dexp: " builtin 21 2712 unless_dt dp,dexp.p 004132 0a 004155 100226 2713 004133 2714 dexp.1: 2715 load deaq,arg5 004133 aa 000000 242656 2716 use_eaq 004134 aa 000000 000255 2717 push_temp 32 004135 aa 000040 000204 2718 load_pr pr2,op1 004136 aa 000003 740251 2719 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 004137 aa 377560 000250 004140 aa 0 01335 2731 00 2720 tsp3 pr0|dexp_ 2721 free_regs 004141 aa 000004 000206 2722 jump bu_ret_deaq 004142 0a 003332 000220 2723 004143 2724 cexp: " builtin 22 2725 unless_dt cmpx,cexp.p 004143 0a 004156 040226 2726 004144 2727 cexp.1: 2728 load aq,arg5 004144 aa 000000 241656 2729 use_eaq 004145 aa 000000 000255 2730 push_temp 32 004146 aa 000040 000204 2731 load_pr pr2,op1 004147 aa 000003 740251 2732 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 004150 aa 377560 000250 004151 aa 0 01410 2731 00 2733 tsp3 pr0|cexp_ 004152 aa 6 00050 2371 00 2734 ldaq pr6|temp_pt 2735 free_regs 004153 aa 000004 000206 2736 jump bu_ret_aq 004154 0a 003336 000220 2737 004155 2738 dexp.p: 2739 jump bu_dt5.p 004155 0a 006572 000220 2740 004156 2741 cexp.p: 2742 jump bu_dt5.p 004156 0a 006572 000220 2743 004157 2744 max: " builtin 23 2745 unless arg2,>,1,wrong_number.p 004157 0a 003406 104640 2746 dt_jump (max_ii,max_ri,max_di,max_ci,max_ir,max_rr,max_dr,max_cr,max_id,max_rd,max_dd,max_cd,max_ic,max_rc,max_dc,max_cc,max_e2,max_e1,max_e2,max_e1) 004160 aa 000024 000235 004161 00 004173 004176 004162 00 004202 004216 004163 00 004174 004204 004164 00 004213 004220 004165 00 004200 004206 004166 00 004205 004222 004167 00 004215 004217 004170 00 004221 004223 004171 00 004225 004224 004172 00 004225 004224 000024 2747 004173 2748 max_ii: 2749 jump g.max0 004173 0a 004226 000220 2750 004174 2751 max_ir: 2752 s_call builtin_2args_ir 004174 0a 005257 000223 2753 jump g.amax1 004175 0a 004254 000220 2754 004176 2755 max_ri: 2756 s_call builtin_2args_ri 004176 0a 005275 000223 2757 jump g.amax1 004177 0a 004254 000220 2758 004200 2759 max_id: 2760 s_call builtin_2args_id 004200 0a 005310 000223 2761 jump g.dmax1 004201 0a 004305 000220 2762 004202 2763 max_di: 2764 s_call builtin_2args_di 004202 0a 005326 000223 2765 jump g.dmax1 004203 0a 004305 000220 2766 004204 2767 max_rr: 2768 jump g.amax1 004204 0a 004254 000220 2769 004205 2770 max_dd: 2771 jump g.dmax1 004205 0a 004305 000220 2772 004206 2773 max_rd: 2774 swap op2 004206 aa 000000 700202 2775 load eaq,op1 004207 aa 000000 742256 2776 round eaq 004210 aa 000000 002354 2777 copy op2 004211 aa 000000 700201 2778 jump g.dmax1.loop.1 004212 0a 004327 000220 2779 004213 2780 max_dr: 2781 swap op2 004213 aa 000000 700202 2782 jump max_rd 004214 0a 004206 000220 2783 004215 2784 max_ic: 2785 jump mm_dt1.p 004215 0a 006602 000220 2786 004216 2787 max_ci: 2788 jump mm_dt2.p 004216 0a 006605 000220 2789 004217 2790 max_rc: 2791 jump mm_dt1.p 004217 0a 006602 000220 2792 004220 2793 max_cr: 2794 jump mm_dt2.p 004220 0a 006605 000220 2795 004221 2796 max_dc: 2797 jump mm_dt1.p 004221 0a 006602 000220 2798 004222 2799 max_cd: 2800 jump mm_dt2.p 004222 0a 006605 000220 2801 004223 2802 max_cc: 2803 jump mm_dt1.p 004223 0a 006602 000220 2804 004224 2805 max_e1: 2806 jump mm_dt2.p 004224 0a 006605 000220 2807 004225 2808 max_e2: 2809 jump mm_dt1.p 004225 0a 006602 000220 2810 004226 2811 g.max0: 2812 load_top q 004226 aa 000000 000657 2813 use_eaq 004227 aa 000000 000255 2814 copy op2 004230 aa 000000 700201 2815 jump g.max0.loop.1 004231 0a 004242 000220 2816 004232 2817 g.max0.loop: 2818 if_dt int,g.max0.loop.1 004232 0a 004242 400225 2819 if_dt real,g.max0.real 004233 0a 004236 200225 2820 if_dt dp,g.max0.dp 004234 0a 004240 100225 2821 2822 jump mm_dt1.p 004235 0a 006602 000220 2823 004236 2824 g.max0.real: 004236 aa 0 00465 7001 00 2825 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 2826 jump g.amax1.loop.1 004237 0a 004273 000220 2827 004240 2828 g.max0.dp: 004240 aa 0 00465 7001 00 2829 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_double 2830 jump g.dmax1.loop.1 004241 0a 004327 000220 2831 004242 2832 g.max0.loop.1: 004242 aa 740000 1160 00 2833 cmpq op1 004243 aa 000002 6050 04 2834 tpl 2,ic 004244 aa 740000 2360 00 2835 ldq op1 2836 pop op1 004245 aa 000000 740203 2837 2838 if arg2,=,2,g.max0.r 004246 0a 004253 111237 2839 2840 copy arg2 004247 aa 000000 100201 2841 copy opv 004250 aa 000000 000201 2842 decrement arg2,1 004251 aa 000001 100264 2843 jump g.max0.loop 004252 0a 004232 000220 2844 004253 2845 g.max0.r: 2846 jump mm_ret_q 004253 0a 003362 000220 2847 004254 2848 g.amax1: 2849 load_top eaq 004254 aa 000000 002257 2850 round eaq 004255 aa 000000 002354 2851 copy op2 004256 aa 000000 700201 2852 jump g.amax1.loop.1 004257 0a 004273 000220 2853 004260 2854 g.amax1.loop: 2855 if_dt real,g.amax1.loop.1 004260 0a 004273 200225 2856 if_dt int, 004261 0a 004264 400225 2857 if_dt dp,g.amax1.dp 004262 0a 004272 100225 2858 2859 jump mm_dt1.p 004263 0a 006602 000220 2860 004264 2861 2862 push_temp real 004264 aa 000000 001204 2863 store eaq,op1,no_update 004265 aa 000001 742357 2864 swap op2 004266 aa 000000 700202 2865 2866 s_call 004267 0a 002050 000223 2867 pop op1 004270 aa 000000 740203 2868 jump g.amax1.loop.1 004271 0a 004273 000220 2869 004272 2870 g.amax1.dp: 2871 jump g.dmax1.loop.1 004272 0a 004327 000220 2872 004273 2873 g.amax1.loop.1: 004273 aa 740000 5150 00 2874 fcmp op1 004274 aa 000002 6050 04 2875 tpl 2,ic 004275 aa 740000 4310 00 2876 fld op1 2877 pop op1 004276 aa 000000 740203 2878 2879 if arg2,=,2,g.amax1.r 004277 0a 004304 111237 2880 2881 copy arg2 004300 aa 000000 100201 2882 copy opv 004301 aa 000000 000201 2883 decrement arg2,1 004302 aa 000001 100264 2884 jump g.amax1.loop 004303 0a 004260 000220 2885 004304 2886 g.amax1.r: 2887 jump mm_ret_eaq 004304 0a 003366 000220 2888 004305 2889 g.dmax1: 2890 load_top deaq 004305 aa 000000 002657 2891 round deaq 004306 aa 000000 002754 2892 copy op2 004307 aa 000000 700201 2893 jump g.dmax1.loop.1 004310 0a 004327 000220 2894 004311 2895 g.dmax1.loop: 2896 if_dt dp,g.dmax1.loop.1 004311 0a 004327 100225 2897 if_dt int, 004312 0a 004315 400225 2898 if_dt real,g.dmax1.real 004313 0a 004323 200225 2899 2900 jump mm_dt1.p 004314 0a 006602 000220 2901 004315 2902 2903 push_temp dp 004315 aa 000000 001604 2904 store deaq,op1,no_update 004316 aa 000001 742757 2905 swap op2 004317 aa 000000 700202 2906 2907 s_call 004320 0a 002071 000223 2908 pop op1 004321 aa 000000 740203 2909 jump g.dmax1.loop.1 004322 0a 004327 000220 2910 004323 2911 g.dmax1.real: 004323 aa 740000 5150 00 2912 fcmp op1 004324 aa 000002 6050 04 2913 tpl 2,ic 004325 aa 740000 4310 00 2914 fld op1 2915 jump g.dmax1.loop.2 004326 0a 004332 000220 2916 004327 2917 g.dmax1.loop.1: 004327 aa 740000 5170 00 2918 dfcmp op1 004330 aa 000002 6050 04 2919 tpl 2,ic 004331 aa 740000 4330 00 2920 dfld op1 2921 004332 2922 g.dmax1.loop.2: 2923 pop op1 004332 aa 000000 740203 2924 2925 if arg2,=,2,g.dmax1.r 004333 0a 004340 111237 2926 2927 copy arg2 004334 aa 000000 100201 2928 copy opv 004335 aa 000000 000201 2929 decrement arg2,1 004336 aa 000001 100264 2930 jump g.dmax1.loop 004337 0a 004311 000220 2931 004340 2932 g.dmax1.r: 2933 jump mm_ret_deaq 004340 0a 003372 000220 2934 004341 2935 amax0: " builtin 24 2936 unless arg2,>,1,wrong_number.p 004341 0a 003406 104640 2937 swap op2 004342 aa 000000 700202 2938 unless_dt int,amax0.p 004343 0a 004365 400226 2939 swap op2 004344 aa 000000 700202 2940 unless_dt int,amax0.p 004345 0a 004365 400226 2941 2942 load_top q 004346 aa 000000 000657 2943 use_eaq 004347 aa 000000 000255 2944 copy op2 004350 aa 000000 700201 2945 004351 2946 amax0.loop: 004351 aa 740000 1160 00 2947 cmpq op1 004352 aa 000002 6050 04 2948 tpl 2,ic 004353 aa 740000 2360 00 2949 ldq op1 2950 pop op1 004354 aa 000000 740203 2951 2952 if arg2,=,2,amax0.r 004355 0a 004363 111237 2953 2954 copy arg2 004356 aa 000000 100201 2955 copy opv 004357 aa 000000 000201 2956 decrement arg2,1 004360 aa 000001 100264 2957 unless_dt int,amax0.p 004361 0a 004365 400226 2958 jump amax0.loop 004362 0a 004351 000220 2959 004363 2960 amax0.r: 004363 aa 0 00465 7001 00 2961 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 2962 jump mm_ret_eaq 004364 0a 003366 000220 2963 004365 2964 amax0.p: 2965 jump mm_dt1.p 004365 0a 006602 000220 2966 004366 2967 amax1: " builtin 25 2968 unless arg2,>,1,wrong_number.p 004366 0a 003406 104640 2969 swap op2 004367 aa 000000 700202 2970 unless_dt real,amax1.p 004370 0a 004410 200226 2971 swap op2 004371 aa 000000 700202 2972 unless_dt real,amax1.p 004372 0a 004410 200226 2973 2974 load_top eaq 004373 aa 000000 002257 2975 copy op2 004374 aa 000000 700201 2976 004375 2977 amax1.loop: 004375 aa 740000 5150 00 2978 fcmp op1 004376 aa 000002 6050 04 2979 tpl 2,ic 004377 aa 740000 4310 00 2980 fld op1 2981 pop op1 004400 aa 000000 740203 2982 2983 if arg2,=,2,amax1.r 004401 0a 004407 111237 2984 2985 copy arg2 004402 aa 000000 100201 2986 copy opv 004403 aa 000000 000201 2987 decrement arg2,1 004404 aa 000001 100264 2988 unless_dt real,amax1.p 004405 0a 004410 200226 2989 jump amax1.loop 004406 0a 004375 000220 2990 004407 2991 amax1.r: 2992 jump mm_ret_eaq 004407 0a 003366 000220 2993 004410 2994 amax1.p: 2995 jump mm_dt1.p 004410 0a 006602 000220 2996 004411 2997 max0: " builtin 26 2998 unless arg2,>,1,wrong_number.p 004411 0a 003406 104640 2999 swap op2 004412 aa 000000 700202 3000 unless_dt int,max0.p 004413 0a 004433 400226 3001 swap op2 004414 aa 000000 700202 3002 unless_dt int,max0.p 004415 0a 004433 400226 3003 3004 load_top q 004416 aa 000000 000657 3005 copy op2 004417 aa 000000 700201 3006 004420 3007 max0.loop: 004420 aa 740000 1160 00 3008 cmpq op1 004421 aa 000002 6050 04 3009 tpl 2,ic 004422 aa 740000 2360 00 3010 ldq op1 3011 pop op1 004423 aa 000000 740203 3012 3013 if arg2,=,2,max0.r 004424 0a 004432 111237 3014 3015 copy arg2 004425 aa 000000 100201 3016 copy opv 004426 aa 000000 000201 3017 decrement arg2,1 004427 aa 000001 100264 3018 unless_dt int,max0.p 004430 0a 004433 400226 3019 jump max0.loop 004431 0a 004420 000220 3020 004432 3021 max0.r: 3022 jump mm_ret_q 004432 0a 003362 000220 3023 004433 3024 max0.p: 3025 jump mm_dt1.p 004433 0a 006602 000220 3026 004434 3027 max1: " builtin 27 3028 unless arg2,>,1,wrong_number.p 004434 0a 003406 104640 3029 swap op2 004435 aa 000000 700202 3030 unless_dt real,max1.p 004436 0a 004461 200226 3031 swap op2 004437 aa 000000 700202 3032 unless_dt real,max1.p 004440 0a 004461 200226 3033 3034 load_top eaq 004441 aa 000000 002257 3035 round eaq 004442 aa 000000 002354 3036 use_eaq 004443 aa 000000 000255 3037 copy op2 004444 aa 000000 700201 3038 004445 3039 max1.loop: 004445 aa 740000 5150 00 3040 fcmp op1 004446 aa 000002 6050 04 3041 tpl 2,ic 004447 aa 740000 4310 00 3042 fld op1 3043 pop op1 004450 aa 000000 740203 3044 3045 if arg2,=,2,max1.r 004451 0a 004457 111237 3046 3047 copy arg2 004452 aa 000000 100201 3048 copy opv 004453 aa 000000 000201 3049 decrement arg2,1 004454 aa 000001 100264 3050 unless_dt real,max1.p 004455 0a 004461 200226 3051 jump max1.loop 004456 0a 004445 000220 3052 004457 3053 max1.r: 004457 aa 0 00654 7001 00 3054 tsx0 pr0|real_to_integer 3055 jump mm_ret_q 004460 0a 003362 000220 3056 004461 3057 max1.p: 3058 jump mm_dt1.p 004461 0a 006602 000220 3059 004462 3060 dmax1: " builtin 28 3061 unless arg2,>,1,wrong_number.p 004462 0a 003406 104640 3062 swap op2 004463 aa 000000 700202 3063 unless_dt dp,dmax1.p 004464 0a 004505 100226 3064 swap op2 004465 aa 000000 700202 3065 unless_dt dp,dmax1.p 004466 0a 004505 100226 3066 3067 load_top deaq 004467 aa 000000 002657 3068 round deaq 004470 aa 000000 002754 3069 copy op2 004471 aa 000000 700201 3070 004472 3071 dmax1.loop: 004472 aa 740000 5170 00 3072 dfcmp op1 004473 aa 000002 6050 04 3073 tpl 2,ic 004474 aa 740000 4330 00 3074 dfld op1 3075 pop op1 004475 aa 000000 740203 3076 3077 if arg2,=,2,dmax1.r 004476 0a 004504 111237 3078 3079 copy arg2 004477 aa 000000 100201 3080 copy opv 004500 aa 000000 000201 3081 decrement arg2,1 004501 aa 000001 100264 3082 unless_dt dp,dmax1.p 004502 0a 004505 100226 3083 jump dmax1.loop 004503 0a 004472 000220 3084 004504 3085 dmax1.r: 3086 jump mm_ret_deaq 004504 0a 003372 000220 3087 004505 3088 dmax1.p: 3089 jump mm_dt1.p 004505 0a 006602 000220 3090 004506 3091 min: " builtin 29 3092 unless arg2,>,1,wrong_number.p 004506 0a 003406 104640 3093 dt_jump (min_ii,min_ri,min_di,min_ci,min_ir,min_rr,min_dr,min_cr,min_id,min_rd,min_dd,min_cd,min_ic,min_rc,min_dc,min_cc,min_e2,min_e1,min_e2,min_e1) 004507 aa 000024 000235 004510 00 004522 004525 004511 00 004531 004545 004512 00 004523 004533 004513 00 004542 004547 004514 00 004527 004535 004515 00 004534 004551 004516 00 004544 004546 004517 00 004550 004552 004520 00 004554 004553 004521 00 004554 004553 000024 3094 004522 3095 min_ii: 3096 jump g.min0 004522 0a 004555 000220 3097 004523 3098 min_ir: 3099 s_call builtin_2args_ir 004523 0a 005257 000223 3100 jump g.amin1 004524 0a 004603 000220 3101 004525 3102 min_ri: 3103 s_call builtin_2args_ri 004525 0a 005275 000223 3104 jump g.amin1 004526 0a 004603 000220 3105 004527 3106 min_id: 3107 s_call builtin_2args_id 004527 0a 005310 000223 3108 jump g.dmin1 004530 0a 004634 000220 3109 004531 3110 min_di: 3111 s_call builtin_2args_di 004531 0a 005326 000223 3112 jump g.dmin1 004532 0a 004634 000220 3113 004533 3114 min_rr: 3115 jump g.amin1 004533 0a 004603 000220 3116 004534 3117 min_dd: 3118 jump g.dmin1 004534 0a 004634 000220 3119 004535 3120 min_rd: 3121 swap op2 004535 aa 000000 700202 3122 load eaq,op1 004536 aa 000000 742256 3123 round eaq 004537 aa 000000 002354 3124 copy op2 004540 aa 000000 700201 3125 jump g.dmin1.loop.1 004541 0a 004656 000220 3126 004542 3127 min_dr: 3128 swap op2 004542 aa 000000 700202 3129 jump min_rd 004543 0a 004535 000220 3130 004544 3131 min_ic: 3132 jump mm_dt1.p 004544 0a 006602 000220 3133 004545 3134 min_ci: 3135 jump mm_dt2.p 004545 0a 006605 000220 3136 004546 3137 min_rc: 3138 jump mm_dt1.p 004546 0a 006602 000220 3139 004547 3140 min_cr: 3141 jump mm_dt2.p 004547 0a 006605 000220 3142 004550 3143 min_dc: 3144 jump mm_dt1.p 004550 0a 006602 000220 3145 004551 3146 min_cd: 3147 jump mm_dt2.p 004551 0a 006605 000220 3148 004552 3149 min_cc: 3150 jump mm_dt1.p 004552 0a 006602 000220 3151 004553 3152 min_e1: 3153 jump mm_dt2.p 004553 0a 006605 000220 3154 004554 3155 min_e2: 3156 jump mm_dt1.p 004554 0a 006602 000220 3157 004555 3158 g.min0: 3159 load_top q 004555 aa 000000 000657 3160 use_eaq 004556 aa 000000 000255 3161 copy op2 004557 aa 000000 700201 3162 jump g.min0.loop.1 004560 0a 004571 000220 3163 004561 3164 g.min0.loop: 3165 if_dt int,g.min0.loop.1 004561 0a 004571 400225 3166 if_dt real,g.min0.real 004562 0a 004565 200225 3167 if_dt dp,g.min0.dp 004563 0a 004567 100225 3168 3169 jump mm_dt1.p 004564 0a 006602 000220 3170 004565 3171 g.min0.real: 004565 aa 0 00465 7001 00 3172 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 3173 jump g.amin1.loop.1 004566 0a 004622 000220 3174 004567 3175 g.min0.dp: 004567 aa 0 00465 7001 00 3176 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_double 3177 jump g.dmin1.loop.1 004570 0a 004656 000220 3178 004571 3179 g.min0.loop.1: 004571 aa 740000 1160 00 3180 cmpq op1 004572 aa 000002 6044 04 3181 tmoz 2,ic 004573 aa 740000 2360 00 3182 ldq op1 3183 pop op1 004574 aa 000000 740203 3184 3185 if arg2,=,2,g.min0.r 004575 0a 004602 111237 3186 3187 copy arg2 004576 aa 000000 100201 3188 copy opv 004577 aa 000000 000201 3189 decrement arg2,1 004600 aa 000001 100264 3190 jump g.min0.loop 004601 0a 004561 000220 3191 004602 3192 g.min0.r: 3193 jump mm_ret_q 004602 0a 003362 000220 3194 004603 3195 g.amin1: 3196 load_top eaq 004603 aa 000000 002257 3197 round eaq 004604 aa 000000 002354 3198 copy op2 004605 aa 000000 700201 3199 jump g.amin1.loop.1 004606 0a 004622 000220 3200 004607 3201 g.amin1.loop: 3202 if_dt real,g.amin1.loop.1 004607 0a 004622 200225 3203 if_dt int, 004610 0a 004613 400225 3204 if_dt dp,g.amin1.dp 004611 0a 004621 100225 3205 3206 jump mm_dt1.p 004612 0a 006602 000220 3207 004613 3208 3209 push_temp real 004613 aa 000000 001204 3210 store eaq,op1,no_update 004614 aa 000001 742357 3211 swap op2 004615 aa 000000 700202 3212 3213 s_call 004616 0a 002050 000223 3214 pop op1 004617 aa 000000 740203 3215 jump g.amin1.loop.1 004620 0a 004622 000220 3216 004621 3217 g.amin1.dp: 3218 jump g.dmin1.loop.1 004621 0a 004656 000220 3219 004622 3220 g.amin1.loop.1: 004622 aa 740000 5150 00 3221 fcmp op1 004623 aa 000002 6044 04 3222 tmoz 2,ic 004624 aa 740000 4310 00 3223 fld op1 3224 pop op1 004625 aa 000000 740203 3225 3226 if arg2,=,2,g.amin1.r 004626 0a 004633 111237 3227 3228 copy arg2 004627 aa 000000 100201 3229 copy opv 004630 aa 000000 000201 3230 decrement arg2,1 004631 aa 000001 100264 3231 jump g.amin1.loop 004632 0a 004607 000220 3232 004633 3233 g.amin1.r: 3234 jump mm_ret_eaq 004633 0a 003366 000220 3235 004634 3236 g.dmin1: 3237 load_top deaq 004634 aa 000000 002657 3238 round deaq 004635 aa 000000 002754 3239 copy op2 004636 aa 000000 700201 3240 jump g.dmin1.loop.1 004637 0a 004656 000220 3241 004640 3242 g.dmin1.loop: 3243 if_dt dp,g.dmin1.loop.1 004640 0a 004656 100225 3244 if_dt int, 004641 0a 004644 400225 3245 if_dt real,g.dmin1.real 004642 0a 004652 200225 3246 3247 jump mm_dt1.p 004643 0a 006602 000220 3248 004644 3249 3250 push_temp dp 004644 aa 000000 001604 3251 store deaq,op1,no_update 004645 aa 000001 742757 3252 swap op2 004646 aa 000000 700202 3253 3254 s_call 004647 0a 002071 000223 3255 pop op1 004650 aa 000000 740203 3256 jump g.dmin1.loop.1 004651 0a 004656 000220 3257 004652 3258 g.dmin1.real: 004652 aa 740000 5150 00 3259 fcmp op1 004653 aa 000002 6044 04 3260 tmoz 2,ic 004654 aa 740000 4310 00 3261 fld op1 3262 jump g.dmin1.loop.2 004655 0a 004661 000220 3263 004656 3264 g.dmin1.loop.1: 004656 aa 740000 5170 00 3265 dfcmp op1 004657 aa 000002 6044 04 3266 tmoz 2,ic 004660 aa 740000 4330 00 3267 dfld op1 3268 004661 3269 g.dmin1.loop.2: 3270 pop op1 004661 aa 000000 740203 3271 3272 if arg2,=,2,g.dmin1.r 004662 0a 004667 111237 3273 3274 copy arg2 004663 aa 000000 100201 3275 copy opv 004664 aa 000000 000201 3276 decrement arg2,1 004665 aa 000001 100264 3277 jump g.dmin1.loop 004666 0a 004640 000220 3278 004667 3279 g.dmin1.r: 3280 jump mm_ret_deaq 004667 0a 003372 000220 3281 004670 3282 amin0: " builtin 30 3283 unless arg2,>,1,wrong_number.p 004670 0a 003406 104640 3284 swap op2 004671 aa 000000 700202 3285 unless_dt int,amin0.p 004672 0a 004714 400226 3286 swap op2 004673 aa 000000 700202 3287 unless_dt int,amin0.p 004674 0a 004714 400226 3288 3289 load_top q 004675 aa 000000 000657 3290 use_eaq 004676 aa 000000 000255 3291 copy op2 004677 aa 000000 700201 3292 004700 3293 amin0.loop: 004700 aa 740000 1160 00 3294 cmpq op1 004701 aa 000002 6044 04 3295 tmoz 2,ic 004702 aa 740000 2360 00 3296 ldq op1 3297 pop op1 004703 aa 000000 740203 3298 3299 if arg2,=,2,amin0.r 004704 0a 004712 111237 3300 3301 copy arg2 004705 aa 000000 100201 3302 copy opv 004706 aa 000000 000201 3303 decrement arg2,1 004707 aa 000001 100264 3304 unless_dt int,amin0.p 004710 0a 004714 400226 3305 jump amin0.loop 004711 0a 004700 000220 3306 004712 3307 amin0.r: 004712 aa 0 00465 7001 00 3308 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 3309 jump mm_ret_eaq 004713 0a 003366 000220 3310 004714 3311 amin0.p: 3312 jump mm_dt1.p 004714 0a 006602 000220 3313 004715 3314 amin1: " builtin 31 3315 unless arg2,>,1,wrong_number.p 004715 0a 003406 104640 3316 swap op2 004716 aa 000000 700202 3317 unless_dt real,amin1.p 004717 0a 004740 200226 3318 swap op2 004720 aa 000000 700202 3319 unless_dt real,amin1.p 004721 0a 004740 200226 3320 3321 load_top eaq 004722 aa 000000 002257 3322 round eaq 004723 aa 000000 002354 3323 copy op2 004724 aa 000000 700201 3324 004725 3325 amin1.loop: 004725 aa 740000 5150 00 3326 fcmp op1 004726 aa 000002 6044 04 3327 tmoz 2,ic 004727 aa 740000 4310 00 3328 fld op1 3329 pop op1 004730 aa 000000 740203 3330 3331 if arg2,=,2,amin1.r 004731 0a 004737 111237 3332 3333 copy arg2 004732 aa 000000 100201 3334 copy opv 004733 aa 000000 000201 3335 decrement arg2,1 004734 aa 000001 100264 3336 unless_dt real,amin1.p 004735 0a 004740 200226 3337 jump amin1.loop 004736 0a 004725 000220 3338 004737 3339 amin1.r: 3340 jump mm_ret_eaq 004737 0a 003366 000220 3341 004740 3342 amin1.p: 3343 jump mm_dt1.p 004740 0a 006602 000220 3344 004741 3345 min0: " builtin 32 3346 unless arg2,>,1,wrong_number.p 004741 0a 003406 104640 3347 swap op2 004742 aa 000000 700202 3348 unless_dt int,min0.p 004743 0a 004763 400226 3349 swap op2 004744 aa 000000 700202 3350 unless_dt int,min0.p 004745 0a 004763 400226 3351 3352 load_top q 004746 aa 000000 000657 3353 copy op2 004747 aa 000000 700201 3354 004750 3355 min0.loop: 004750 aa 740000 1160 00 3356 cmpq op1 004751 aa 000002 6044 04 3357 tmoz 2,ic 004752 aa 740000 2360 00 3358 ldq op1 3359 pop op1 004753 aa 000000 740203 3360 3361 if arg2,=,2,min0.r 004754 0a 004762 111237 3362 3363 copy arg2 004755 aa 000000 100201 3364 copy opv 004756 aa 000000 000201 3365 decrement arg2,1 004757 aa 000001 100264 3366 unless_dt int,min0.p 004760 0a 004763 400226 3367 jump min0.loop 004761 0a 004750 000220 3368 004762 3369 min0.r: 3370 jump mm_ret_q 004762 0a 003362 000220 3371 004763 3372 min0.p: 3373 jump mm_dt1.p 004763 0a 006602 000220 3374 004764 3375 min1: " builtin 33 3376 unless arg2,>,1,wrong_number.p 004764 0a 003406 104640 3377 swap op2 004765 aa 000000 700202 3378 unless_dt real,min1.p 004766 0a 005011 200226 3379 swap op2 004767 aa 000000 700202 3380 unless_dt real,min1.p 004770 0a 005011 200226 3381 3382 load_top eaq 004771 aa 000000 002257 3383 round eaq 004772 aa 000000 002354 3384 use_eaq 004773 aa 000000 000255 3385 copy op2 004774 aa 000000 700201 3386 004775 3387 min1.loop: 004775 aa 740000 5150 00 3388 fcmp op1 004776 aa 000002 6044 04 3389 tmoz 2,ic 004777 aa 740000 4310 00 3390 fld op1 3391 pop op1 005000 aa 000000 740203 3392 3393 if arg2,=,2,min1.r 005001 0a 005007 111237 3394 3395 copy arg2 005002 aa 000000 100201 3396 copy opv 005003 aa 000000 000201 3397 decrement arg2,1 005004 aa 000001 100264 3398 unless_dt real,min1.p 005005 0a 005011 200226 3399 jump min1.loop 005006 0a 004775 000220 3400 005007 3401 min1.r: 005007 aa 0 00654 7001 00 3402 tsx0 pr0|real_to_integer 3403 jump mm_ret_q 005010 0a 003362 000220 3404 005011 3405 min1.p: 3406 jump mm_dt1.p 005011 0a 006602 000220 3407 005012 3408 dmin1: " builtin 34 3409 unless arg2,>,1,wrong_number.p 005012 0a 003406 104640 3410 swap op2 005013 aa 000000 700202 3411 unless_dt dp,dmin1.p 005014 0a 005035 100226 3412 swap op2 005015 aa 000000 700202 3413 unless_dt dp,dmin1.p 005016 0a 005035 100226 3414 3415 load_top deaq 005017 aa 000000 002657 3416 round deaq 005020 aa 000000 002754 3417 copy op2 005021 aa 000000 700201 3418 005022 3419 dmin1.loop: 005022 aa 740000 5170 00 3420 dfcmp op1 005023 aa 000002 6044 04 3421 tmoz 2,ic 005024 aa 740000 4330 00 3422 dfld op1 3423 pop op1 005025 aa 000000 740203 3424 3425 if arg2,=,2,dmin1.r 005026 0a 005034 111237 3426 3427 copy arg2 005027 aa 000000 100201 3428 copy opv 005030 aa 000000 000201 3429 decrement arg2,1 005031 aa 000001 100264 3430 unless_dt dp,dmin1.p 005032 0a 005035 100226 3431 jump dmin1.loop 005033 0a 005022 000220 3432 005034 3433 dmin1.r: 3434 jump mm_ret_deaq 005034 0a 003372 000220 3435 005035 3436 dmin1.p: 3437 jump mm_dt1.p 005035 0a 006602 000220 3438 005036 3439 mod: " builtin 35 3440 dt_jump (mod_ii,mod_ri,mod_di,mod_ci,mod_ir,mod_rr,mod_dr,mod_cr,mod_id,mod_rd,mod_dd,mod_cd,mod_ic,mod_rc,mod_dc,mod_cc,mod_e2,mod_e1,mod_e2,mod_e1) 005036 aa 000024 000235 005037 00 005051 005054 005040 00 005060 005067 005041 00 005052 005062 005042 00 005065 005071 005043 00 005056 005064 005044 00 005063 005073 005045 00 005066 005070 005046 00 005072 005074 005047 00 005076 005075 005050 00 005076 005075 000024 3441 005051 3442 mod_ii: 3443 jump mod.1 005051 0a 005077 000220 3444 005052 3445 mod_ir: 3446 s_call builtin_2args_ir 005052 0a 005257 000223 3447 jump amod.1 005053 0a 005111 000220 3448 005054 3449 mod_ri: 3450 s_call builtin_2args_ri 005054 0a 005275 000223 3451 jump amod.1 005055 0a 005111 000220 3452 005056 3453 mod_id: 3454 s_call builtin_2args_id 005056 0a 005310 000223 3455 jump dmod.1 005057 0a 005122 000220 3456 005060 3457 mod_di: 3458 s_call builtin_2args_di 005060 0a 005326 000223 3459 jump dmod.1 005061 0a 005122 000220 3460 005062 3461 mod_rr: 3462 jump amod.1 005062 0a 005111 000220 3463 005063 3464 mod_dd: 3465 jump dmod.1 005063 0a 005122 000220 3466 005064 3467 mod_rd: 3468 jump rdmod.1 005064 0a 005130 000220 3469 005065 3470 mod_dr: 3471 jump dmod.1 005065 0a 005122 000220 3472 005066 3473 mod_ic: 3474 jump bu_dt6.p 005066 0a 006576 000220 3475 005067 3476 mod_ci: 3477 jump bu_dt5.p 005067 0a 006572 000220 3478 005070 3479 mod_rc: 3480 jump bu_dt6.p 005070 0a 006576 000220 3481 005071 3482 mod_cr: 3483 jump bu_dt5.p 005071 0a 006572 000220 3484 005072 3485 mod_dc: 3486 jump bu_dt6.p 005072 0a 006576 000220 3487 005073 3488 mod_cd: 3489 jump bu_dt5.p 005073 0a 006572 000220 3490 005074 3491 mod_cc: 3492 jump bu_dt5.p 005074 0a 006572 000220 3493 005075 3494 mod_e1: 3495 jump bu_dt5.p 005075 0a 006572 000220 3496 005076 3497 mod_e2: 3498 jump bu_dt6.p 005076 0a 006576 000220 3499 005077 3500 mod.1: 3501 load q,arg5 005077 aa 000000 240656 3502 use_eaq 005100 aa 000000 000255 005101 aa 300000 5060 00 3503 div arg6 3504 emit 1 005102 aa 000001 000242 005103 aa 000044 7330 00 3505 lrs 36 3506 jump bu_ret_q 005104 0a 003322 000220 3507 005105 3508 amod: " builtin 36 3509 swap arg5 005105 aa 000000 240202 3510 unless_dt real,amod.p 005106 0a 005132 200226 3511 swap arg5 005107 aa 000000 240202 3512 unless_dt real,amod.p 005110 0a 005132 200226 3513 005111 3514 amod.1: 3515 load eaq,arg5 005111 aa 000000 242256 3516 load_pr pr2,arg6 005112 aa 000003 300251 005113 aa 0 00767 7001 00 3517 tsx0 pr0|fort_modfl 3518 free_regs 005114 aa 000004 000206 3519 jump bu_ret_eaq 005115 0a 003326 000220 3520 005116 3521 dmod: " builtin 37 3522 swap arg5 005116 aa 000000 240202 3523 unless_dt dp,dmod.p 005117 0a 005132 100226 3524 swap arg5 005120 aa 000000 240202 3525 unless_dt dp,dmod.p 005121 0a 005132 100226 3526 005122 3527 dmod.1: 3528 load deaq,arg5 005122 aa 000000 242656 005123 3529 dmod.2: 3530 use_eaq 005123 aa 000000 000255 3531 load_pr pr2,arg6 005124 aa 000003 300251 005125 aa 0 01450 7001 00 3532 tsx0 pr0|fort_dmod 3533 free_regs 005126 aa 000004 000206 3534 jump bu_ret_deaq 005127 0a 003332 000220 3535 005130 3536 rdmod.1: 3537 load eaq,arg5 005130 aa 000000 242256 3538 jump dmod.2 005131 0a 005123 000220 3539 005132 3540 amod.p: 005132 3541 dmod.p: 3542 jump bu_dt6.p 005132 0a 006576 000220 3543 005133 3544 sign: " builtin 38 3545 dt_jump (sign_ii,sign_ri,sign_di,sign_ci,sign_ir,sign_rr,sign_dr,sign_cr,sign_id,sign_rd,sign_dd,sign_cd,sign_ic,sign_rc,sign_dc,sign_cc,sign_e2,sign_e1,sign_e2,sign_e1) 005133 aa 000024 000235 005134 00 005152 005161 005135 00 005165 005174 005136 00 005157 005167 005137 00 005172 005176 005140 00 005163 005171 005141 00 005170 005200 005142 00 005173 005175 005143 00 005177 005201 005144 00 005203 005202 005145 00 005203 005202 000024 3546 005146 3547 isign: " builtin 39 3548 swap arg5 005146 aa 000000 240202 3549 unless_dt int,isign.p 005147 0a 005225 400226 3550 swap arg5 005150 aa 000000 240202 3551 unless_dt int,isign.p 005151 0a 005225 400226 3552 005152 3553 sign_ii: 3554 load_pr pr2,arg6 005152 aa 000003 300251 3555 load_for_test q,arg5 005153 aa 000000 240761 005154 aa 0 00666 7001 00 3556 tsx0 pr0|sign_fx 3557 free_regs 005155 aa 000004 000206 3558 jump bu_ret_q 005156 0a 003322 000220 3559 005157 3560 sign_ir: 3561 s_call builtin_2args_ir 005157 0a 005257 000223 3562 jump sign.1 005160 0a 005204 000220 3563 005161 3564 sign_ri: 3565 s_call builtin_2args_ri 005161 0a 005275 000223 3566 jump sign.1 005162 0a 005204 000220 3567 005163 3568 sign_id: 3569 s_call builtin_2args_id 005163 0a 005310 000223 3570 jump dsign.1 005164 0a 005215 000220 3571 005165 3572 sign_di: 3573 s_call builtin_2args_di 005165 0a 005326 000223 3574 jump dsign.1 005166 0a 005215 000220 3575 005167 3576 sign_rr: 3577 jump sign.1 005167 0a 005204 000220 3578 005170 3579 sign_dd: 3580 jump dsign.1 005170 0a 005215 000220 3581 005171 3582 sign_rd: 3583 jump rdsign.1 005171 0a 005222 000220 3584 005172 3585 sign_dr: 3586 jump dsign.1 005172 0a 005215 000220 3587 005173 3588 sign_ic: 3589 jump bu_dt6.p 005173 0a 006576 000220 3590 005174 3591 sign_ci: 3592 jump bu_dt5.p 005174 0a 006572 000220 3593 005175 3594 sign_rc: 3595 jump bu_dt6.p 005175 0a 006576 000220 3596 005176 3597 sign_cr: 3598 jump bu_dt5.p 005176 0a 006572 000220 3599 005177 3600 sign_dc: 3601 jump bu_dt6.p 005177 0a 006576 000220 3602 005200 3603 sign_cd: 3604 jump bu_dt5.p 005200 0a 006572 000220 3605 005201 3606 sign_cc: 3607 jump bu_dt5.p 005201 0a 006572 000220 3608 005202 3609 sign_e1: 3610 jump bu_dt5.p 005202 0a 006572 000220 3611 005203 3612 sign_e2: 3613 jump bu_dt6.p 005203 0a 006576 000220 3614 005204 3615 sign.1: 3616 load_pr pr2,arg6 005204 aa 000003 300251 3617 load_for_test eaq,arg5 005205 aa 000000 242361 005206 aa 0 00667 7001 00 3618 tsx0 pr0|sign_fl 3619 free_regs 005207 aa 000004 000206 3620 jump bu_ret_eaq 005210 0a 003326 000220 3621 005211 3622 dsign: " builtin 40 3623 swap arg5 005211 aa 000000 240202 3624 unless_dt dp,dsign.p 005212 0a 005225 100226 3625 swap arg5 005213 aa 000000 240202 3626 unless_dt dp,dsign.p 005214 0a 005225 100226 3627 005215 3628 dsign.1: 3629 load_pr pr2,arg6 005215 aa 000003 300251 3630 load_for_test deaq,arg5 005216 aa 000000 242761 005217 3631 dsign.2: 005217 aa 0 00667 7001 00 3632 tsx0 pr0|sign_fl 3633 free_regs 005220 aa 000004 000206 3634 jump bu_ret_deaq 005221 0a 003332 000220 3635 005222 3636 rdsign.1: 3637 load_pr pr2,arg6 005222 aa 000003 300251 3638 load_for_test eaq,arg5 005223 aa 000000 242361 3639 jump dsign.2 005224 0a 005217 000220 3640 005225 3641 isign.p: 005225 3642 dsign.p: 3643 jump bu_dt6.p 005225 0a 006576 000220 3644 005226 3645 builtin_2args_ii: 3646 swap op2 005226 aa 000000 700202 3647 3648 if_optype constant,conv_bu_ii.1 005227 0a 005241 200227 3649 3650 push_temp real 005230 aa 000000 001204 3651 3652 load q,op2 005231 aa 000000 700656 3653 use_eaq 005232 aa 000000 000255 005233 aa 0 00465 7001 00 3654 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 3655 in_reg eaq,op1 005234 aa 000000 742260 3656 swap op2 005235 aa 000000 700202 3657 pop op1 005236 aa 000000 740203 3658 swap op2 005237 aa 000000 700202 3659 jump builtin_2args_ii.1 005240 0a 005244 000220 3660 005241 3661 conv_bu_ii.1: 3662 convert_constant real 005241 aa 000000 001211 3663 3664 swap op2 005242 aa 000000 700202 3665 jump builtin_2args_ii.1 005243 0a 005244 000220 3666 005244 3667 builtin_2args_ii.1: 3668 if_optype constant,conv_bu_ii.2 005244 0a 005255 200227 3669 3670 push_temp real 005245 aa 000000 001204 3671 3672 load q,op2 005246 aa 000000 700656 3673 use_eaq 005247 aa 000000 000255 005250 aa 0 00465 7001 00 3674 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 3675 in_reg eaq,op1 005251 aa 000000 742260 3676 swap op2 005252 aa 000000 700202 3677 pop op1 005253 aa 000000 740203 3678 s_return 005254 aa 000003 000206 3679 005255 3680 conv_bu_ii.2: 3681 convert_constant real 005255 aa 000000 001211 3682 3683 s_return 005256 aa 000003 000206 3684 005257 3685 builtin_2args_ir: 3686 swap op2 005257 aa 000000 700202 3687 3688 if_optype constant,conv_bu_ir 005260 0a 005272 200227 3689 3690 push_temp real 005261 aa 000000 001204 3691 3692 load q,op2 005262 aa 000000 700656 3693 use_eaq 005263 aa 000000 000255 005264 aa 0 00465 7001 00 3694 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 3695 in_reg eaq,op1 005265 aa 000000 742260 3696 swap op2 005266 aa 000000 700202 3697 pop op1 005267 aa 000000 740203 3698 swap op2 005270 aa 000000 700202 3699 s_return 005271 aa 000003 000206 3700 005272 3701 conv_bu_ir: 3702 convert_constant real 005272 aa 000000 001211 3703 3704 swap op2 005273 aa 000000 700202 3705 s_return 005274 aa 000003 000206 3706 005275 3707 builtin_2args_ri: 3708 if_optype constant,conv_bu_ri 005275 0a 005306 200227 3709 3710 push_temp real 005276 aa 000000 001204 3711 3712 load q,op2 005277 aa 000000 700656 3713 use_eaq 005300 aa 000000 000255 005301 aa 0 00465 7001 00 3714 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_real 3715 in_reg eaq,op1 005302 aa 000000 742260 3716 swap op2 005303 aa 000000 700202 3717 pop op1 005304 aa 000000 740203 3718 s_return 005305 aa 000003 000206 3719 005306 3720 conv_bu_ri: 3721 convert_constant real 005306 aa 000000 001211 3722 3723 s_return 005307 aa 000003 000206 3724 005310 3725 builtin_2args_id: 3726 swap op2 005310 aa 000000 700202 3727 3728 if_optype constant,conv_bu_id 005311 0a 005323 200227 3729 3730 push_temp dp 005312 aa 000000 001604 3731 3732 load q,op2 005313 aa 000000 700656 3733 use_eaq 005314 aa 000000 000255 005315 aa 0 00465 7001 00 3734 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_double 3735 in_reg deaq,op1 005316 aa 000000 742660 3736 swap op2 005317 aa 000000 700202 3737 pop op1 005320 aa 000000 740203 3738 swap op2 005321 aa 000000 700202 3739 s_return 005322 aa 000003 000206 3740 005323 3741 conv_bu_id: 3742 convert_constant dp 005323 aa 000000 001611 3743 3744 swap op2 005324 aa 000000 700202 3745 s_return 005325 aa 000003 000206 3746 005326 3747 builtin_2args_di: 3748 if_optype constant,conv_bu_di 005326 0a 005337 200227 3749 3750 push_temp dp 005327 aa 000000 001604 3751 3752 load q,op2 005330 aa 000000 700656 3753 use_eaq 005331 aa 000000 000255 005332 aa 0 00465 7001 00 3754 tsx0 pr0|integer_to_double 3755 in_reg deaq,op1 005333 aa 000000 742660 3756 swap op2 005334 aa 000000 700202 3757 pop op1 005335 aa 000000 740203 3758 s_return 005336 aa 000003 000206 3759 005337 3760 conv_bu_di: 3761 convert_constant dp 005337 aa 000000 001611 3762 3763 s_return 005340 aa 000003 000206 3764 005341 3765 sin: " builtin 41 3766 if_dt int,sin_i 005341 0a 005347 400225 3767 if_dt real,sin.1 005342 0a 005345 200225 3768 if_dt dp,dsin.1 005343 0a 005357 100225 3769 jump csin.1 005344 0a 005370 000220 3770 005345 3771 sin.1: 3772 load eaq,arg5 005345 aa 000000 242256 3773 jump sin.2 005346 0a 005350 000220 3774 005347 3775 sin_i: 3776 s_call 005347 0a 002050 000223 3777 005350 3778 sin.2: 3779 push_temp 32 005350 aa 000040 000204 3780 load_pr pr2,op1 005351 aa 000003 740251 3781 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 005352 aa 377560 000250 005353 aa 0 01275 2731 00 3782 tsp3 pr0|sin_ 3783 free_regs 005354 aa 000004 000206 3784 jump bu_ret_eaq 005355 0a 003326 000220 3785 005356 3786 dsin: " builtin 42 3787 unless_dt dp,dsin.p 005356 0a 005400 100226 005357 3788 dsin.1: 3789 load deaq,arg5 005357 aa 000000 242656 3790 use_eaq 005360 aa 000000 000255 3791 push_temp 32 005361 aa 000040 000204 3792 load_pr pr2,op1 005362 aa 000003 740251 3793 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 005363 aa 377560 000250 005364 aa 0 01316 2731 00 3794 tsp3 pr0|dsin_ 3795 free_regs 005365 aa 000004 000206 3796 jump bu_ret_deaq 005366 0a 003332 000220 3797 005367 3798 csin: " builtin 43 3799 unless_dt cmpx,csin.p 005367 0a 005400 040226 005370 3800 csin.1: 3801 load aq,arg5 005370 aa 000000 241656 3802 push_temp 32 005371 aa 000040 000204 3803 load_pr pr2,op1 005372 aa 000003 740251 3804 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 005373 aa 377560 000250 005374 aa 0 01412 2731 00 3805 tsp3 pr0|csin_ 005375 aa 6 00050 2371 00 3806 ldaq pr6|temp_pt 3807 free_regs 005376 aa 000004 000206 3808 jump bu_ret_aq 005377 0a 003336 000220 3809 005400 3810 dsin.p: 005400 3811 csin.p: 3812 jump bu_dt5.p 005400 0a 006572 000220 3813 005401 3814 sqrt: " builtin 44 3815 if_dt int,sqrt_i 005401 0a 005407 400225 3816 if_dt real,sqrt.1 005402 0a 005405 200225 3817 if_dt dp,dsqrt.1 005403 0a 005417 100225 3818 jump csqrt.1 005404 0a 005430 000220 3819 005405 3820 sqrt.1: 3821 load eaq,arg5 005405 aa 000000 242256 3822 jump sqrt.2 005406 0a 005410 000220 3823 005407 3824 sqrt_i: 3825 s_call 005407 0a 002050 000223 3826 005410 3827 sqrt.2: 3828 push_temp 32 005410 aa 000040 000204 3829 load_pr pr2,op1 005411 aa 000003 740251 3830 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 005412 aa 377560 000250 005413 aa 0 01274 2731 00 3831 tsp3 pr0|sqrt_ 3832 free_regs 005414 aa 000004 000206 3833 jump bu_ret_eaq 005415 0a 003326 000220 3834 005416 3835 dsqrt: " builtin 45 3836 unless_dt dp,dsqrt.p 005416 0a 005440 100226 005417 3837 dsqrt.1: 3838 load deaq,arg5 005417 aa 000000 242656 3839 use_eaq 005420 aa 000000 000255 3840 push_temp 32 005421 aa 000040 000204 3841 load_pr pr2,op1 005422 aa 000003 740251 3842 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 005423 aa 377560 000250 005424 aa 0 01315 2731 00 3843 tsp3 pr0|dsqrt_ 3844 free_regs 005425 aa 000004 000206 3845 jump bu_ret_deaq 005426 0a 003332 000220 3846 005427 3847 csqrt: " builtin 46 3848 unless_dt cmpx,csqrt.p 005427 0a 005440 040226 005430 3849 csqrt.1: 3850 load aq,arg5 005430 aa 000000 241656 3851 push_temp 32 005431 aa 000040 000204 3852 load_pr pr2,op1 005432 aa 000003 740251 3853 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 005433 aa 377560 000250 005434 aa 0 01413 2731 00 3854 tsp3 pr0|csqrt_ 005435 aa 6 00050 2371 00 3855 ldaq pr6|temp_pt 3856 free_regs 005436 aa 000004 000206 3857 jump bu_ret_aq 005437 0a 003336 000220 3858 005440 3859 dsqrt.p: 005440 3860 csqrt.p: 3861 jump bu_dt5.p 005440 0a 006572 000220 3862 005441 3863 tanh: " builtin 47 3864 dt_jump1 arg5,(,tanh.real,tanh.dp,tanh.p,tanh.p,tanh.p,tanh.p) 005441 aa 000007 240374 005442 00 005446 005450 005443 00 005460 005472 005444 00 005472 005472 005445 0a 005472 000000 000007 3865 005446 3866 3867 s_call 005446 0a 002050 000223 3868 jump tanh.1 005447 0a 005451 000220 3869 005450 3870 tanh.real: 3871 load eaq,arg5 005450 aa 000000 242256 3872 005451 3873 tanh.1: 3874 push_temp 32 005451 aa 000040 000204 3875 load_pr pr2,op1 005452 aa 000003 740251 3876 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 005453 aa 377560 000250 005454 aa 0 01414 2731 00 3877 tsp3 pr0|tanh_ 005455 aa 6 00050 4311 00 3878 fld pr6|temp_pt 3879 free_regs 005456 aa 000004 000206 3880 jump bu_ret_eaq 005457 0a 003326 000220 3881 005460 3882 tanh.dp: 3883 load deaq,arg5 005460 aa 000000 242656 3884 push_temp 32 005461 aa 000040 000204 3885 load_pr pr2,op1 005462 aa 000003 740251 3886 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 005463 aa 377560 000250 005464 aa 0 01457 2731 00 3887 tsp3 pr0|dtanh_ 005465 aa 6 00050 4331 00 3888 dfld pr6|temp_pt 3889 free_regs 005466 aa 000004 000206 3890 jump bu_ret_deaq 005467 0a 003332 000220 3891 3892 005470 3893 dtanh: " builtin 77 3894 unless_dt dp,dtanh.p 005470 0a 005472 100226 3895 jump tanh.dp 005471 0a 005460 000220 3896 3897 005472 3898 tanh.p: 005472 3899 dtanh.p: 3900 jump bu_dt5.p 005472 0a 006572 000220 3901 005473 3902 sinh: " builtin 74 3903 dt_jump1 arg5,(,sinh.real,sinh.dp,sinh.p,sinh.p,sinh.p,sinh.p) 005473 aa 000007 240374 005474 00 005500 005502 005475 00 005512 005524 005476 00 005524 005524 005477 0a 005524 000000 000007 3904 005500 3905 3906 s_call 005500 0a 002050 000223 3907 jump sinh.1 005501 0a 005503 000220 3908 005502 3909 sinh.real: 3910 load eaq,arg5 005502 aa 000000 242256 3911 005503 3912 sinh.1: 3913 push_temp 32 005503 aa 000040 000204 3914 load_pr pr2,op1 005504 aa 000003 740251 3915 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 005505 aa 377560 000250 005506 aa 0 01460 2731 00 3916 tsp3 pr0|sinh_ 005507 aa 6 00050 4311 00 3917 fld pr6|temp_pt 3918 free_regs 005510 aa 000004 000206 3919 jump bu_ret_eaq 005511 0a 003326 000220 3920 005512 3921 sinh.dp: 3922 load deaq,arg5 005512 aa 000000 242656 3923 push_temp 32 005513 aa 000040 000204 3924 load_pr pr2,op1 005514 aa 000003 740251 3925 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 005515 aa 377560 000250 005516 aa 0 01461 2731 00 3926 tsp3 pr0|dsinh_ 005517 aa 6 00050 4331 00 3927 dfld pr6|temp_pt 3928 free_regs 005520 aa 000004 000206 3929 jump bu_ret_deaq 005521 0a 003332 000220 3930 3931 005522 3932 dsinh: " builtin 76 3933 unless_dt dp,dsinh.p 005522 0a 005524 100226 3934 jump sinh.dp 005523 0a 005512 000220 3935 3936 005524 3937 sinh.p: 005524 3938 dsinh.p: 3939 jump bu_dt5.p 005524 0a 006572 000220 3940 005525 3941 cosh: " builtin 73 3942 dt_jump1 arg5,(,cosh.real,cosh.dp,cosh.p,cosh.p,cosh.p,cosh.p) 005525 aa 000007 240374 005526 00 005532 005534 005527 00 005544 005556 005530 00 005556 005556 005531 0a 005556 000000 000007 3943 005532 3944 3945 s_call 005532 0a 002050 000223 3946 jump cosh.1 005533 0a 005535 000220 3947 005534 3948 cosh.real: 3949 load eaq,arg5 005534 aa 000000 242256 3950 005535 3951 cosh.1: 3952 push_temp 32 005535 aa 000040 000204 3953 load_pr pr2,op1 005536 aa 000003 740251 3954 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 005537 aa 377560 000250 005540 aa 0 01462 2731 00 3955 tsp3 pr0|cosh_ 005541 aa 6 00050 4311 00 3956 fld pr6|temp_pt 3957 free_regs 005542 aa 000004 000206 3958 jump bu_ret_eaq 005543 0a 003326 000220 3959 005544 3960 cosh.dp: 3961 load deaq,arg5 005544 aa 000000 242656 3962 push_temp 32 005545 aa 000040 000204 3963 load_pr pr2,op1 005546 aa 000003 740251 3964 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 005547 aa 377560 000250 005550 aa 0 01463 2731 00 3965 tsp3 pr0|dcosh_ 005551 aa 6 00050 4331 00 3966 dfld pr6|temp_pt 3967 free_regs 005552 aa 000004 000206 3968 jump bu_ret_deaq 005553 0a 003332 000220 3969 3970 005554 3971 dcosh: " builtin 75 3972 unless_dt dp,dcosh.p 005554 0a 005556 100226 3973 jump cosh.dp 005555 0a 005544 000220 3974 3975 005556 3976 cosh.p: 005556 3977 dcosh.p: 3978 jump bu_dt5.p 005556 0a 006572 000220 3979 005557 3980 int_builtin: " builtin 48 3981 dt_jump1 arg5,(,int_builtin.real,int_builtin.dp,int_builtin.cmpx,int.p,int.p, 005557 aa 000007 240374 005560 00 005564 005566 005561 00 005570 005572 005562 00 005602 005602 005563 0a 005574 000000 000007 3982 005564 3983 3984 load q,arg5 005564 aa 000000 240656 3985 jump bu_ret_q 005565 0a 003322 000220 3986 005566 3987 int_builtin.real: 3988 s_call cv_load.ri 005566 0a 002060 000223 3989 jump bu_ret_q 005567 0a 003322 000220 3990 005570 3991 int_builtin.dp: 3992 s_call cv_load.di 005570 0a 002101 000223 3993 jump bu_ret_q 005571 0a 003322 000220 3994 005572 3995 int_builtin.cmpx: 3996 s_call cv_load.ri 005572 0a 002060 000223 3997 jump bu_ret_q 005573 0a 003322 000220 3998 005574 3999 4000 load q,arg5 005574 aa 000000 240656 4001 jump bu_ret_q 005575 0a 003322 000220 4002 4003 005576 4004 ifix: " builtin 52 4005 unless_dt real,ifix.p 005576 0a 005602 200226 4006 jump int_builtin.real 005577 0a 005566 000220 4007 4008 005600 4009 idint: " builtin 50 4010 unless_dt dp,idint.p 005600 0a 005602 100226 4011 jump int_builtin.dp 005601 0a 005570 000220 4012 4013 005602 4014 int.p: 005602 4015 ifix.p: 005602 4016 idint.p: 4017 jump bu_dt5.p 005602 0a 006572 000220 4018 005603 4019 aint: " builtin 49 4020 dt_jump1 arg5,(,aint.real,aint.dp,aint.p,aint.p,aint.p,aint.p) 005603 aa 000007 240374 005604 00 005610 005612 005605 00 005615 005622 005606 00 005622 005622 005607 0a 005622 000000 000007 4021 005610 4022 4023 s_call 005610 0a 002050 000223 4024 jump bu_ret_eaq 005611 0a 003326 000220 4025 005612 4026 aint.real: 4027 load_for_test eaq,arg5 005612 aa 000000 242361 005613 aa 0 01124 7001 00 4028 tsx0 pr0|trunc_fl 4029 jump bu_ret_eaq 005614 0a 003326 000220 4030 005615 4031 aint.dp: 4032 load_for_test deaq,arg5 005615 aa 000000 242761 005616 aa 0 01124 7001 00 4033 tsx0 pr0|trunc_fl 4034 jump bu_ret_deaq 005617 0a 003332 000220 4035 4036 005620 4037 dint: " builtin 78 4038 unless_dt dp,dint.p 005620 0a 005622 100226 4039 jump aint.dp 005621 0a 005615 000220 4040 4041 005622 4042 aint.p: 005622 4043 dint.p: 4044 jump bu_dt5.p 005622 0a 006572 000220 4045 005623 4046 anint: " builtin 79 4047 dt_jump1 arg5,(,anint.real,anint.dp,anint.p,anint.p,anint.p,anint.p) 005623 aa 000007 240374 005624 00 005630 005632 005625 00 005635 005642 005626 00 005642 005642 005627 0a 005642 000000 000007 4048 005630 4049 4050 s_call 005630 0a 002050 000223 4051 jump bu_ret_eaq 005631 0a 003326 000220 4052 005632 4053 anint.real: 4054 load_for_test eaq,arg5 005632 aa 000000 242361 005633 aa 0 01464 7001 00 4055 tsx0 pr0|nearest_whole_number 4056 jump bu_ret_eaq 005634 0a 003326 000220 4057 005635 4058 anint.dp: 4059 load_for_test deaq,arg5 005635 aa 000000 242761 005636 aa 0 01464 7001 00 4060 tsx0 pr0|nearest_whole_number 4061 jump bu_ret_deaq 005637 0a 003332 000220 4062 4063 005640 4064 dnint: " builtin 80 4065 unless_dt dp,dnint.p 005640 0a 005642 100226 4066 jump anint.dp 005641 0a 005635 000220 4067 4068 005642 4069 anint.p: 005642 4070 dnint.p: 4071 jump bu_dt5.p 005642 0a 006572 000220 4072 005643 4073 nint: " builtin 81 4074 dt_jump1 arg5,(,nint.real,nint.dp,nint.p,nint.p,nint.p,nint.p) 005643 aa 000007 240374 005644 00 005650 005652 005645 00 005656 005664 005646 00 005664 005664 005647 0a 005664 000000 000007 4075 005650 4076 4077 load q,arg5 005650 aa 000000 240656 4078 jump bu_ret_q 005651 0a 003322 000220 4079 005652 4080 nint.real: 4081 load_for_test eaq,arg5 005652 aa 000000 242361 4082 use_eaq 005653 aa 000000 000255 005654 aa 0 01465 7001 00 4083 tsx0 pr0|nearest_integer 4084 jump bu_ret_q 005655 0a 003322 000220 4085 005656 4086 nint.dp: 4087 load_for_test deaq,arg5 005656 aa 000000 242761 4088 use_eaq 005657 aa 000000 000255 005660 aa 0 01465 7001 00 4089 tsx0 pr0|nearest_integer 4090 jump bu_ret_q 005661 0a 003322 000220 4091 4092 005662 4093 idnint: " builtin 82 4094 unless_dt dp,idnint.p 005662 0a 005664 100226 4095 jump nint.dp 005663 0a 005656 000220 4096 4097 005664 4098 nint.p: 005664 4099 idnint.p: 4100 jump bu_dt5.p 005664 0a 006572 000220 4101 005665 4102 real_builtin: " builtin 54 4103 dt_jump1 arg5,(,real_builtin.real,real_builtin.dp,real_builtin.cmpx,real.p,real.p,real.p) 005665 aa 000007 240374 005666 00 005672 005674 005667 00 005676 005702 005670 00 005710 005710 005671 0a 005710 000000 000007 4104 005672 4105 4106 s_call 005672 0a 002050 000223 4107 jump bu_ret_eaq 005673 0a 003326 000220 4108 005674 4109 real_builtin.real: 4110 load eaq,arg5 005674 aa 000000 242256 4111 jump bu_ret_eaq 005675 0a 003326 000220 4112 005676 4113 real_builtin.dp: 4114 load deaq,arg5 005676 aa 000000 242656 4115 emit 1 005677 aa 000001 000242 005700 aa 000000 4710 00 4116 frd 0 4117 jump bu_ret_eaq 005701 0a 003326 000220 4118 005702 4119 real_builtin.cmpx: 4120 load eaq,arg5 005702 aa 000000 242256 4121 jump bu_ret_eaq 005703 0a 003326 000220 4122 4123 005704 4124 float: " builtin 51 4125 unless_dt int,float.p 005704 0a 005710 400226 4126 jump 005705 0a 005672 000220 4127 4128 005706 4129 sngl: " builtin 53 4130 unless_dt dp,sngl.p 005706 0a 005710 100226 4131 jump real_builtin.dp 005707 0a 005676 000220 4132 4133 005710 4134 real.p: 005710 4135 float.p: 005710 4136 sngl.p: 4137 jump bu_dt5.p 005710 0a 006572 000220 4138 005711 4139 aimag: " builtin 55 4140 unless_dt cmpx,aimag.p 005711 0a 005714 040226 4141 4142 load ieaq,arg5 005712 aa 000000 243256 4143 jump bu_ret_eaq 005713 0a 003326 000220 4144 005714 4145 aimag.p: 4146 jump bu_dt5.p 005714 0a 006572 000220 4147 005715 4148 dble: " builtin 56 4149 dt_jump1 arg5,(,dble.real,dble.dp,dble.cmpx,dble.p,dble.p,dble.p) 005715 aa 000007 240374 005716 00 005722 005724 005717 00 005726 005730 005720 00 005732 005732 005721 0a 005732 000000 000007 4150 005722 4151 4152 s_call 005722 0a 002071 000223 4153 jump bu_ret_deaq 005723 0a 003332 000220 4154 005724 4155 dble.real: 4156 load eaq,arg5 005724 aa 000000 242256 4157 jump bu_ret_deaq 005725 0a 003332 000220 4158 005726 4159 dble.dp: 4160 load deaq,arg5 005726 aa 000000 242656 4161 jump bu_ret_deaq 005727 0a 003332 000220 4162 005730 4163 dble.cmpx: 4164 load eaq,arg5 005730 aa 000000 242256 4165 jump bu_ret_deaq 005731 0a 003332 000220 4166 005732 4167 dble.p: 4168 jump bu_dt5.p 005732 0a 006572 000220 4169 005733 4170 cmplx: " builtin 57 4171 if arg2,=,1, 005733 0a 005737 110637 4172 if arg2,=,2,cmplx.two 005734 0a 005765 111237 4173 error 319,arg1 005735 aa 000477 000702 005736 aa 000000 040303 000001 4174 005737 4175 4176 dt_jump1 arg5,(,,,,,, 005737 aa 000007 240374 005740 00 005744 005746 005741 00 005750 005754 005742 00 005764 005764 005743 0a 005764 000000 000007 4177 005744 4178 4179 s_call 005744 0a 002050 000223 4180 jump 005745 0a 005756 000220 4181 005746 4182 4183 load eaq,arg5 005746 aa 000000 242256 4184 jump 005747 0a 005756 000220 4185 005750 4186 4187 load deaq,arg5 005750 aa 000000 242656 4188 emit 1 005751 aa 000001 000242 005752 aa 000000 4710 00 4189 frd 0 4190 jump 005753 0a 005756 000220 4191 005754 4192 4193 load aq,arg5 005754 aa 000000 241656 4194 return aq 005755 aa 000001 001617 4195 005756 4196 4197 reset_eaq 005756 aa 000006 000206 4198 push_temp cmpx 005757 aa 000000 002204 4199 store eaq,op1,no_update 005760 aa 000001 742357 005761 aa 400000 4310 03 4200 fld =0.0,du 005762 aa 740001 4550 00 4201 fst op1+1 4202 return op1 005763 aa 000001 740217 4203 005764 4204 4205 jump mm_dt1.p 005764 0a 006602 000220 4206 005765 4207 cmplx.two: 4208 dt_jump (cmplx.two.ii,cmplx.two.ri,cmplx.two.di,cmplx.two.e1,,cmplx.two.rr,cmplx.two.dr,cmplx.two.e1,,cmplx.two.rd,cmplx.two.dd,cmplx.two.e1,cmplx.two.e2,cmplx.two.e2,cmplx.two.e2,cmplx.two.e1,cmplx.two.e2,cmplx.two.e1,cmplx.two.e2,cmplx.two.e1) 005765 aa 000024 000235 005766 00 006000 006064 005767 00 006064 006062 005770 00 006064 006024 005771 00 006064 006062 005772 00 006064 006064 005773 00 006037 006062 005774 00 006063 006063 005775 00 006063 006062 005776 00 006063 006062 005777 00 006063 006062 000024 4209 006000 4210 cmplx.two.ii: 4211 push_temp cmpx 006000 aa 000000 002204 4212 if_eaq q,arg6,cmplx.two.ii.1 006001 0a 006013 300633 4213 swap arg5 006002 aa 000000 240202 4214 s_call 006003 0a 002050 000223 4215 swap arg5 006004 aa 000000 240202 4216 store eaq,op1,no_update 006005 aa 000001 742357 4217 swap arg6 006006 aa 000000 300202 4218 s_call 006007 0a 002050 000223 4219 swap arg6 006010 aa 000000 300202 4220 in_reg ieaq,op1 006011 aa 000000 743260 4221 return op1 006012 aa 000001 740217 4222 006013 4223 cmplx.two.ii.1: 4224 swap arg6 006013 aa 000000 300202 4225 s_call 006014 0a 002050 000223 4226 swap arg6 006015 aa 000000 300202 4227 store ieaq,op1,no_update 006016 aa 000001 743357 4228 swap arg5 006017 aa 000000 240202 4229 s_call 006020 0a 002050 000223 4230 swap arg5 006021 aa 000000 240202 4231 in_reg eaq,op1 006022 aa 000000 742260 4232 return op1 006023 aa 000001 740217 4233 006024 4234 cmplx.two.rr: 4235 push_temp cmpx 006024 aa 000000 002204 4236 if_eaq eaq,arg6,cmplx.two.rr.1 006025 0a 006033 302233 4237 load eaq,arg5 006026 aa 000000 242256 4238 store eaq,op1,no_update 006027 aa 000001 742357 006030 aa 300000 4310 00 4239 fld arg6 4240 in_reg ieaq,op1 006031 aa 000000 743260 4241 return op1 006032 aa 000001 740217 4242 006033 4243 cmplx.two.rr.1: 4244 store ieaq,op1,no_update 006033 aa 000001 743357 006034 aa 240000 4310 00 4245 fld arg5 4246 in_reg eaq,op1 006035 aa 000000 742260 4247 return op1 006036 aa 000001 740217 4248 006037 4249 cmplx.two.dd: 4250 push_temp cmpx 006037 aa 000000 002204 4251 if_eaq deaq,arg6,cmplx.two.dd.1 006040 0a 006052 302633 4252 load deaq,arg5 006041 aa 000000 242656 4253 emit 1 006042 aa 000001 000242 006043 aa 000000 4710 00 4254 frd 0 4255 store eaq,op1,no_update 006044 aa 000001 742357 006045 aa 300000 4330 00 4256 dfld arg6 4257 emit 1 006046 aa 000001 000242 006047 aa 000000 4710 00 4258 frd 0 4259 in_reg ieaq,op1 006050 aa 000000 743260 4260 return op1 006051 aa 000001 740217 4261 006052 4262 cmplx.two.dd.1: 4263 emit 1 006052 aa 000001 000242 006053 aa 000000 4710 00 4264 frd 0 4265 store ieaq,op1,no_update 006054 aa 000001 743357 006055 aa 240000 4330 00 4266 dfld arg5 4267 emit 1 006056 aa 000001 000242 006057 aa 000000 4710 00 4268 frd 0 4269 in_reg eaq,op1 006060 aa 000000 742260 4270 return op1 006061 aa 000001 740217 4271 006062 4272 cmplx.two.e1: 4273 jump mm_dt2.p 006062 0a 006605 000220 4274 006063 4275 cmplx.two.e2: 4276 jump mm_dt1.p 006063 0a 006602 000220 4277 006064 4278 cmplx.two.ri: 006064 4279 cmplx.two.di: 006064 4280 006064 4281 cmplx.two.dr: 006064 4282 006064 4283 cmplx.two.rd: 4284 error 314,arg1 006064 aa 000472 000702 006065 aa 000000 040303 000001 4285 006066 4286 conjg: " builtin 58 4287 unless_dt cmpx,conjg.p 006066 0a 006115 040226 4288 4289 push_temp cmpx 006067 aa 000000 002204 4290 4291 use_ind 006070 aa 000007 000206 4292 if_eaq ieaq,arg5,conjg.1 006071 0a 006104 243233 4293 4294 load eaq,arg5 006072 aa 000000 242256 4295 store eaq,op1,no_update 006073 aa 000001 742357 006074 aa 240001 4310 00 4296 fld arg5+1 4297 emit 1 006075 aa 000001 000242 006076 aa 000000 5130 00 4298 fneg 4299 in_reg ieaq,op1 006077 aa 000000 743260 4300 4301 scan continue,(continue,next) 006100 006100 0a 006100 000221 006101 0a 006100 000220 006102 0a 006103 000220 006103 4302 return op1 006103 aa 000001 740217 4303 006104 4304 conjg.1: 4305 emit 1 006104 aa 000001 000242 006105 aa 000000 5130 00 4306 fneg 4307 store ieaq,op1,no_update 006106 aa 000001 743357 006107 aa 240000 4310 00 4308 fld arg5 4309 in_reg eaq,op1 006110 aa 000000 742260 4310 4311 scan continue,(continue,next) 006111 006111 0a 006111 000221 006112 0a 006111 000220 006113 0a 006114 000220 006114 4312 return op1 006114 aa 000001 740217 4313 006115 4314 conjg.p: 4315 jump bu_dt5.p 006115 0a 006572 000220 4316 006116 4317 tan: " builtin 59 4318 if_dt int,tan_i 006116 0a 006124 400225 4319 if_dt real,tan.1 006117 0a 006122 200225 4320 if_dt dp,dtan.1 006120 0a 006134 100225 4321 jump tan.p 006121 0a 006144 000220 4322 006122 4323 tan.1: 4324 load eaq,arg5 006122 aa 000000 242256 4325 jump tan.2 006123 0a 006125 000220 4326 006124 4327 tan_i: 4328 s_call 006124 0a 002050 000223 4329 006125 4330 tan.2: 4331 push_temp 32 006125 aa 000040 000204 4332 load_pr pr2,op1 006126 aa 000003 740251 4333 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 006127 aa 377560 000250 006130 aa 0 01301 2731 00 4334 tsp3 pr0|tan_ 4335 free_regs 006131 aa 000004 000206 4336 jump bu_ret_eaq 006132 0a 003326 000220 4337 006133 4338 dtan: " builtin 60 4339 unless_dt dp,dtan.p 006133 0a 006145 100226 006134 4340 dtan.1: 4341 load deaq,arg5 006134 aa 000000 242656 4342 use_eaq 006135 aa 000000 000255 4343 push_temp 32 006136 aa 000040 000204 4344 load_pr pr2,op1 006137 aa 000003 740251 4345 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 006140 aa 377560 000250 006141 aa 0 01322 2731 00 4346 tsp3 pr0|dtan_ 4347 free_regs 006142 aa 000004 000206 4348 jump bu_ret_deaq 006143 0a 003332 000220 4349 006144 4350 tan.p: 4351 jump bu_dt5.p 006144 0a 006572 000220 4352 006145 4353 dtan.p: 4354 jump bu_dt5.p 006145 0a 006572 000220 4355 006146 4356 asin: " builtin 61 4357 if_dt int,asin_i 006146 0a 006154 400225 4358 if_dt real,asin.1 006147 0a 006152 200225 4359 if_dt dp,dasin.1 006150 0a 006164 100225 4360 jump asin.p 006151 0a 006174 000220 4361 006152 4362 asin.1: 4363 load eaq,arg5 006152 aa 000000 242256 4364 jump asin.2 006153 0a 006155 000220 4365 006154 4366 asin_i: 4367 s_call 006154 0a 002050 000223 4368 006155 4369 asin.2: 4370 push_temp 32 006155 aa 000040 000204 4371 load_pr pr2,op1 006156 aa 000003 740251 4372 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 006157 aa 377560 000250 006160 aa 0 01303 2731 00 4373 tsp3 pr0|asin_ 4374 free_regs 006161 aa 000004 000206 4375 jump bu_ret_eaq 006162 0a 003326 000220 4376 006163 4377 dasin: " builtin 62 4378 unless_dt dp,dasin.p 006163 0a 006175 100226 006164 4379 dasin.1: 4380 load deaq,arg5 006164 aa 000000 242656 4381 use_eaq 006165 aa 000000 000255 4382 push_temp 32 006166 aa 000040 000204 4383 load_pr pr2,op1 006167 aa 000003 740251 4384 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 006170 aa 377560 000250 006171 aa 0 01324 2731 00 4385 tsp3 pr0|dasin_ 4386 free_regs 006172 aa 000004 000206 4387 jump bu_ret_deaq 006173 0a 003332 000220 4388 006174 4389 asin.p: 4390 jump bu_dt5.p 006174 0a 006572 000220 4391 006175 4392 dasin.p: 4393 jump bu_dt5.p 006175 0a 006572 000220 4394 006176 4395 acos: " builtin 63 4396 if_dt int,acos_i 006176 0a 006204 400225 4397 if_dt real,acos.1 006177 0a 006202 200225 4398 if_dt dp,dacos.1 006200 0a 006214 100225 4399 jump acos.p 006201 0a 006224 000220 4400 006202 4401 acos.1: 4402 load eaq,arg5 006202 aa 000000 242256 4403 jump acos.2 006203 0a 006205 000220 4404 006204 4405 acos_i: 4406 s_call 006204 0a 002050 000223 4407 006205 4408 acos.2: 4409 push_temp 32 006205 aa 000040 000204 4410 load_pr pr2,op1 006206 aa 000003 740251 4411 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 006207 aa 377560 000250 006210 aa 0 01305 2731 00 4412 tsp3 pr0|acos_ 4413 free_regs 006211 aa 000004 000206 4414 jump bu_ret_eaq 006212 0a 003326 000220 4415 006213 4416 dacos: " builtin 64 4417 unless_dt dp,dacos.p 006213 0a 006225 100226 006214 4418 dacos.1: 4419 load deaq,arg5 006214 aa 000000 242656 4420 use_eaq 006215 aa 000000 000255 4421 push_temp 32 006216 aa 000040 000204 4422 load_pr pr2,op1 006217 aa 000003 740251 4423 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 006220 aa 377560 000250 006221 aa 0 01326 2731 00 4424 tsp3 pr0|dacos_ 4425 free_regs 006222 aa 000004 000206 4426 jump bu_ret_deaq 006223 0a 003332 000220 4427 006224 4428 acos.p: 4429 jump bu_dt5.p 006224 0a 006572 000220 4430 006225 4431 dacos.p: 4432 jump bu_dt5.p 006225 0a 006572 000220 4433 006226 4434 char_builtin: " builtin 65 4435 unless_dt int,char.p 006226 0a 006241 400226 4436 4437 if_optype constant,char.constant 006227 0a 006237 200227 4438 4439 push_char_temp 1 006230 aa 000001 000320 4440 4441 load q,op2 006231 aa 000000 700656 4442 4443 emit_inst 1 006232 aa 000001 040242 006233 aa 000033 7360 00 4444 qls 27 4445 006234 aa 740000 7560 00 4446 stq op1 4447 4448 reset_eaq 006235 aa 000006 000206 4449 4450 jump bu_ret_op1 006236 0a 003356 000220 4451 006237 4452 char.constant: 4453 int_to_char1 006237 aa 000054 000206 4454 jump bu_ret_op1 006240 0a 003356 000220 4455 006241 4456 char.p: 4457 jump bu_dt1.p 006241 0a 006562 000220 4458 006242 4459 ichar: " builtin 66 4460 unless_dt char,ichar.p 006242 0a 006263 010226 4461 4462 if_optype constant,ichar.constant 006243 0a 006261 200227 4463 4464 push_temp int 006244 aa 000000 000604 4465 4466 if_aligned op2,ichar.aligned 006245 0a 006254 700632 4467 4468 emit_eis 006246 aa 000000 000207 006247 aa 0 00100 1015 00 4469 mrl (pr),(pr),fill(0) 006250 aa 700000 000001 4470 desc9a op2,1 006251 aa 740000 000004 4471 desc9a op1,4 4472 4473 set_in_storage op1 006252 aa 000000 740362 4474 4475 jump bu_ret_op1 006253 0a 003356 000220 4476 006254 4477 ichar.aligned: 4478 use_eaq 006254 aa 000000 000255 4479 006255 aa 700000 2360 00 4480 ldq op2 4481 4482 emit_inst 1 006256 aa 000001 040242 006257 aa 000033 7720 00 4483 qrl 27 4484 4485 jump bu_ret_q 006260 0a 003322 000220 4486 006261 4487 ichar.constant: 4488 char1_to_int 006261 aa 000055 000206 4489 jump bu_ret_op1 006262 0a 003356 000220 4490 006263 4491 ichar.p: 4492 jump bu_dt1.p 006263 0a 006562 000220 4493 006264 4494 index: " builtin 67 4495 unless_dt char,index.p 006264 0a 006334 010226 4496 swap op2 006265 aa 000000 700202 4497 unless_dt char,index.p 006266 0a 006334 010226 4498 4499 push_length op2 006267 aa 000000 700304 4500 if op1,=,1,index.1 006270 0a 006306 750637 4501 if op1,=,2,index.2 006271 0a 006321 751237 4502 4503 " Length of second string is not known to be 1 or 2 4504 4505 push_length op2 006272 aa 000000 700304 4506 4507 use_eaq 006273 aa 000000 000255 4508 4509 load_pr pr2,op3 006274 aa 000003 640251 4510 load q,op1 006275 aa 000000 740656 006276 aa 0 01227 7001 00 4511 tsx0 pr0|set_cs_eis 4512 4513 free_regs 006277 aa 000004 000206 4514 4515 use_eaq 006300 aa 000000 000255 4516 4517 load_pr pr2,op4 006301 aa 000003 600251 4518 load q,op2 006302 aa 000000 700656 006303 aa 0 01231 7001 00 4519 tsx0 pr0|index_cs_eis 4520 4521 free_regs 006304 aa 000004 000206 4522 4523 jump bu_ret_q 006305 0a 003322 000220 4524 006306 4525 index.1: 4526 4527 " Length of second string is known to be 1 4528 4529 use_eaq 006306 aa 000000 000255 4530 4531 emit_eis 006307 aa 000000 000207 006310 aa 0 00100 1245 00 4532 scm (pr),(pr),mask(0) 006311 aa 700000 000000 4533 desc9a op2 006312 aa 640000 000001 4534 desc9a op3,1 4535 006313 aa 6 00056 0001 00 4536 arg pr6|double_temp 4537 006314 aa 6 00056 2361 00 4538 ldq pr6|double_temp 006315 aa 000002 6070 04 4539 ttf 2,ic 006316 aa 000001 3360 07 4540 lcq 1,dl 006317 aa 000001 0760 07 4541 adq 1,dl 4542 4543 jump bu_ret_q 006320 0a 003322 000220 4544 006321 4545 index.2: 4546 4547 " Length of second string is known to be 2 4548 4549 use_eaq 006321 aa 000000 000255 4550 4551 emit_eis 006322 aa 000000 000207 006323 aa 0 00100 1205 00 4552 scd (pr),(pr) 006324 aa 700000 000000 4553 desc9a op2 006325 aa 640000 000002 4554 desc9a op3,2 4555 006326 aa 6 00056 0001 00 4556 arg pr6|double_temp 4557 006327 aa 6 00056 2361 00 4558 ldq pr6|double_temp 006330 aa 000002 6070 04 4559 ttf 2,ic 006331 aa 000001 3360 07 4560 lcq 1,dl 006332 aa 000001 0760 07 4561 adq 1,dl 4562 4563 jump bu_ret_q 006333 0a 003322 000220 4564 006334 4565 index.p: 4566 jump bu_dt1.p 006334 0a 006562 000220 4567 006335 4568 len: " builtin 68 4569 unless_dt char,len.p 006335 0a 006340 010226 4570 4571 push_length op1 006336 aa 000000 740304 4572 4573 jump bu_ret_op1 006337 0a 003356 000220 4574 006340 4575 len.p: 4576 jump bu_dt1.p 006340 0a 006562 000220 4577 006341 4578 lge: " builtin 69 4579 unless_dt char,lge.p 006341 0a 006352 010226 4580 swap op2 006342 aa 000000 700202 4581 unless_dt char,lge.p 006343 0a 006352 010226 4582 4583 use_ind 006344 aa 000007 000206 4584 4585 emit_eis 006345 aa 000000 000207 006346 aa 0 40100 1065 00 4586 cmpc (pr),(pr),fill(040) 006347 aa 740000 000000 4587 desc9a op1 006350 aa 700000 000000 4588 desc9a op2 4589 4590 jump bu_ret_trc 006351 0a 003346 000220 4591 006352 4592 lge.p: 4593 jump bu_dt1.p 006352 0a 006562 000220 4594 006353 4595 lgt: " builtin 70 4596 unless_dt char,lgt.p 006353 0a 006364 010226 4597 swap op2 006354 aa 000000 700202 4598 unless_dt char,lgt.p 006355 0a 006364 010226 4599 4600 use_ind 006356 aa 000007 000206 4601 4602 emit_eis 006357 aa 000000 000207 006360 aa 0 40100 1065 00 4603 cmpc (pr),(pr),fill(040) 006361 aa 700000 000000 4604 desc9a op2 006362 aa 740000 000000 4605 desc9a op1 4606 4607 jump bu_ret_tnc 006363 0a 003352 000220 4608 006364 4609 lgt.p: 4610 jump bu_dt1.p 006364 0a 006562 000220 4611 006365 4612 lle: " builtin 71 4613 unless_dt char,lle.p 006365 0a 006376 010226 4614 swap op2 006366 aa 000000 700202 4615 unless_dt char,lle.p 006367 0a 006376 010226 4616 4617 use_ind 006370 aa 000007 000206 4618 4619 emit_eis 006371 aa 000000 000207 006372 aa 0 40100 1065 00 4620 cmpc (pr),(pr),fill(040) 006373 aa 700000 000000 4621 desc9a op2 006374 aa 740000 000000 4622 desc9a op1 4623 4624 jump bu_ret_trc 006375 0a 003346 000220 4625 006376 4626 lle.p: 4627 jump bu_dt1.p 006376 0a 006562 000220 4628 006377 4629 llt: "builtin 72 4630 unless_dt char,llt.p 006377 0a 006410 010226 4631 swap op2 006400 aa 000000 700202 4632 unless_dt char,llt.p 006401 0a 006410 010226 4633 4634 use_ind 006402 aa 000007 000206 4635 4636 emit_eis 006403 aa 000000 000207 006404 aa 0 40100 1065 00 4637 cmpc (pr),(pr),fill(040) 006405 aa 740000 000000 4638 desc9a op1 006406 aa 700000 000000 4639 desc9a op2 4640 4641 jump bu_ret_tnc 006407 0a 003352 000220 4642 006410 4643 llt.p: 4644 jump bu_dt1.p 006410 0a 006562 000220 4645 006411 4646 dprod: " builtin 83 4647 swap arg5 006411 aa 000000 240202 4648 unless_dt real,dprod.p 006412 0a 006420 200226 4649 swap arg5 006413 aa 000000 240202 4650 unless_dt real,dprod.p 006414 0a 006420 200226 4651 load_top eaq 006415 aa 000000 002257 006416 aa 700000 4610 00 4652 fmp op2 4653 jump bu_ret_deaq 006417 0a 003332 000220 4654 006420 4655 dprod.p: 4656 jump bu_dt6.p 006420 0a 006576 000220 4657 006421 4658 " builtin 84 4659 unless arg2,>,1,wrong_number.p 006421 0a 003406 104640 4660 load_top tq 006422 aa 000000 004657 4661 copy op2 006423 aa 000000 700201 4662 006424 4663 006424 aa 740000 3760 00 4664 anq op1 4665 pop op1 006425 aa 000000 740203 4666 if arg2,=,2, 006426 0a 006433 111237 4667 copy arg2 006427 aa 000000 100201 4668 copy opv 006430 aa 000000 000201 4669 decrement arg2,1 006431 aa 000001 100264 4670 jump 006432 0a 006424 000220 4671 006433 4672 4673 jump mm_ret_tq 006433 0a 003376 000220 4674 006434 4675 " builtin 85 4676 load tq,arg5 006434 aa 000000 244656 4677 jump bu_ret_tq 006435 0a 003342 000220 4678 006436 4679 " builtin 86 4680 use_eaq 006436 aa 000000 000255 006437 aa 000001 3360 07 4681 lcq 1,dl 006440 aa 240000 6760 00 4682 erq arg5 4683 jump bu_ret_tq 006441 0a 003342 000220 4684 006442 4685 " builtin 87 4686 rhs_fld 006442 aa 000071 000206 4687 jump bu_ret_tq 006443 0a 003342 000220 4688 006444 4689 " builtin 88 4690 dt_jump1 arg5,(ilr.1,bu_dt5.p,bu_dt5.p,bu_dt5.p,bu_dt5.p,bu_dt5.p,ilr.1) 006444 aa 000007 240374 006445 00 006451 006572 006446 00 006572 006572 006447 00 006572 006572 006450 0a 006451 000000 000007 4691 006451 4692 ilr.1: 4693 dt_jump1 arg6,(ilr.2,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p) 006451 aa 000007 300374 006452 00 006456 006576 006453 00 006576 006576 006454 00 006576 006576 006455 0a 006576 000000 000007 4694 006456 4695 ilr.2: 4696 load q,arg5 006456 aa 000000 240656 4697 load ia,arg6 006457 aa 000000 304256 006460 aa 000000 7760 05 4698 qlr 0,al 4699 jump bu_ret_q 006461 0a 003322 000220 4700 006462 4701 " builtin 89 4702 dt_jump1 arg5,(ils.1,bu_dt5.p,bu_dt5.p,bu_dt5.p,bu_dt5.p,bu_dt5.p,ils.1) 006462 aa 000007 240374 006463 00 006467 006572 006464 00 006572 006572 006465 00 006572 006572 006466 0a 006467 000000 000007 4703 006467 4704 ils.1: 4705 dt_jump1 arg6,(ils.2,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p) 006467 aa 000007 300374 006470 00 006474 006576 006471 00 006576 006576 006472 00 006576 006576 006473 0a 006576 000000 000007 4706 006474 4707 ils.2: 4708 load q,arg5 006474 aa 000000 240656 4709 load ia,arg6 006475 aa 000000 304256 006476 aa 000000 7360 05 4710 qls 0,al 4711 jump bu_ret_q 006477 0a 003322 000220 4712 006500 4713 " builtin 90 4714 dt_jump1 arg5,(irl.1,bu_dt5.p,bu_dt5.p,bu_dt5.p,bu_dt5.p,bu_dt5.p,irl.1) 006500 aa 000007 240374 006501 00 006505 006572 006502 00 006572 006572 006503 00 006572 006572 006504 0a 006505 000000 000007 4715 006505 4716 irl.1: 4717 dt_jump1 arg6,(irl.2,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p) 006505 aa 000007 300374 006506 00 006512 006576 006507 00 006576 006576 006510 00 006576 006576 006511 0a 006576 000000 000007 4718 006512 4719 irl.2: 4720 load q,arg5 006512 aa 000000 240656 4721 load ia,arg6 006513 aa 000000 304256 006514 aa 000000 7720 05 4722 qrl 0,al 4723 jump bu_ret_q 006515 0a 003322 000220 4724 006516 4725 " builtin 91 4726 dt_jump1 arg5,(irs.1,bu_dt5.p,bu_dt5.p,bu_dt5.p,bu_dt5.p,bu_dt5.p,irs.1) 006516 aa 000007 240374 006517 00 006523 006572 006520 00 006572 006572 006521 00 006572 006572 006522 0a 006523 000000 000007 4727 006523 4728 irs.1: 4729 dt_jump1 arg6,(irs.2,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p,bu_dt6.p) 006523 aa 000007 300374 006524 00 006530 006576 006525 00 006576 006576 006526 00 006576 006576 006527 0a 006576 000000 000007 4730 006530 4731 irs.2: 4732 load q,arg5 006530 aa 000000 240656 4733 load ia,arg6 006531 aa 000000 304256 006532 aa 000000 7320 05 4734 qrs 0,al 4735 jump bu_ret_q 006533 0a 003322 000220 4736 006534 4737 " builtin 92 4738 unless arg2,>,1,wrong_number.p 006534 0a 003406 104640 4739 load_top tq 006535 aa 000000 004657 4740 copy op2 006536 aa 000000 700201 4741 006537 4742 006537 aa 740000 2760 00 4743 orq op1 4744 pop op1 006540 aa 000000 740203 4745 if arg2,=,2, 006541 0a 006546 111237 4746 copy arg2 006542 aa 000000 100201 4747 copy opv 006543 aa 000000 000201 4748 decrement arg2,1 006544 aa 000001 100264 4749 jump 006545 0a 006537 000220 4750 006546 4751 4752 jump mm_ret_tq 006546 0a 003376 000220 4753 006547 4754 " builtin 93 4755 unless arg2,>,1,wrong_number.p 006547 0a 003406 104640 4756 load_top tq 006550 aa 000000 004657 4757 copy op2 006551 aa 000000 700201 4758 006552 4759 006552 aa 740000 6760 00 4760 erq op1 4761 pop op1 006553 aa 000000 740203 4762 if arg2,=,2, 006554 0a 006561 111237 4763 copy arg2 006555 aa 000000 100201 4764 copy opv 006556 aa 000000 000201 4765 decrement arg2,1 006557 aa 000001 100264 4766 jump 006560 0a 006552 000220 4767 006561 4768 4769 jump mm_ret_tq 006561 0a 003376 000220 4770 006562 4771 bu_dt1.p: 4772 print 321,arg1,op1 006562 aa 000501 001301 006563 aa 000000 040303 006564 aa 000000 740303 000002 4773 jump bu_abort_list 006565 0a 003402 000220 4774 006566 4775 bu_dt2.p: 4776 print 321,arg1,op2 006566 aa 000501 001301 006567 aa 000000 040303 006570 aa 000000 700303 000002 4777 jump bu_abort_list 006571 0a 003402 000220 4778 006572 4779 bu_dt5.p: 4780 print 321,arg1,arg5 006572 aa 000501 001301 006573 aa 000000 040303 006574 aa 000000 240303 000002 4781 jump bu_abort_list 006575 0a 003402 000220 4782 006576 4783 bu_dt6.p: 4784 print 321,arg1,arg6 006576 aa 000501 001301 006577 aa 000000 040303 006600 aa 000000 300303 000002 4785 jump bu_abort_list 006601 0a 003402 000220 4786 006602 4787 mm_dt1.p: 4788 error 321,arg1,op1 006602 aa 000501 001302 006603 aa 000000 040303 006604 aa 000000 740303 000002 4789 006605 4790 mm_dt2.p: 4791 error 321,arg1,op2 006605 aa 000501 001302 006606 aa 000000 040303 006607 aa 000000 700303 000002 4792 4793 " Errors common to all relational operators. 006610 4794 logical_op1: 4795 error 339,op1 006610 aa 000523 000702 006611 aa 000000 740303 000001 4796 006612 4797 logical_op2: 4798 error 339,op2 006612 aa 000523 000702 006613 aa 000000 700303 000001 4799 006614 4800 invalid_opnd: 4801 error 340,op2 006614 aa 000524 000702 006615 aa 000000 700303 000001 4802 006616 4803 not_scalar: 4804 error 340,op1 006616 aa 000524 000702 006617 aa 000000 740303 000001 4805 006620 4806 typeless_op1: 4807 error 362,op1 006620 aa 000552 000702 006621 aa 000000 740303 000001 4808 006622 4809 typeless_op2: 4810 error 362,op2 006622 aa 000552 000702 006623 aa 000000 700303 000001 4811 " 4812 " Begin relational operators. 4813 " 4814 less: func 2 006624 aa 000000 001215 4815 4816 use_ind 006625 aa 000007 000206 4817 4818 dt_jump (less_ii,less_ri,less_di,less_ci,less_ir,less_rr,less_dr,less_cr,less_id,less_rd,less_dd,less_cd,less_ic,less_rc,less_dc,less_cc,less_e2,less_e1,less_tl,less_tl) 006626 aa 000024 000235 006627 00 006641 006653 006630 00 006662 006725 006631 00 006647 006665 006632 00 006714 006731 006633 00 006656 006705 006634 00 006675 006736 006635 00 006723 006727 006636 00 006733 006741 006637 00 006744 006776 006640 00 007016 007016 000024 4819 006641 4820 less_ii: 4821 if_eaq q,arg2,less_ii.1 006641 0a 006645 100633 4822 4823 load q,arg1 006642 aa 000000 040656 006643 aa 100000 1160 00 4824 cmpq arg2 4825 return tmi 006644 aa 000001 006617 4826 006645 4827 less_ii.1: 006645 aa 040000 1160 00 4828 cmpq arg1 4829 return tpnz 006646 aa 000001 010217 4830 006647 4831 less_ir: 4832 swap arg1 006647 aa 000000 040202 4833 4834 s_call 006650 0a 002050 000223 006651 aa 040000 5150 00 4835 fcmp arg1 4836 return tmi 006652 aa 000001 006617 4837 006653 4838 less_ri: 4839 s_call 006653 0a 002050 000223 006654 aa 040000 5150 00 4840 fcmp arg1 4841 return tpnz 006655 aa 000001 010217 4842 006656 4843 less_id: 4844 swap arg1 006656 aa 000000 040202 4845 4846 s_call 006657 0a 002071 000223 006660 aa 040000 5170 00 4847 dfcmp arg1 4848 return tmi 006661 aa 000001 006617 4849 006662 4850 less_di: 4851 s_call 006662 0a 002071 000223 006663 aa 040000 5170 00 4852 dfcmp arg1 4853 return tpnz 006664 aa 000001 010217 4854 006665 4855 less_rr: 4856 if_eaq eaq,arg2,less_rr.1 006665 0a 006672 102233 4857 4858 load eaq,arg1 006666 aa 000000 042256 4859 round eaq 006667 aa 000000 002354 006670 aa 100000 5150 00 4860 fcmp arg2 4861 return tmi 006671 aa 000001 006617 4862 006672 4863 less_rr.1: 4864 round eaq 006672 aa 000000 002354 006673 aa 040000 5150 00 4865 fcmp arg1 4866 return tpnz 006674 aa 000001 010217 4867 006675 4868 less_dd: 4869 if_eaq deaq,arg2,less_dd.1 006675 0a 006702 102633 4870 4871 load deaq,arg1 006676 aa 000000 042656 4872 round deaq 006677 aa 000000 002754 006700 aa 100000 5170 00 4873 dfcmp arg2 4874 return tmi 006701 aa 000001 006617 4875 006702 4876 less_dd.1: 4877 round deaq 006702 aa 000000 002754 006703 aa 040000 5170 00 4878 dfcmp arg1 4879 return tpnz 006704 aa 000001 010217 4880 006705 4881 less_rd: 4882 if_eaq deaq,arg2,less_rd.1 006705 0a 006711 102633 4883 4884 load eaq,arg1 006706 aa 000000 042256 006707 aa 100000 5170 00 4885 dfcmp arg2 4886 return tmi 006710 aa 000001 006617 4887 006711 4888 less_rd.1: 4889 round deaq 006711 aa 000000 002754 006712 aa 040000 5150 00 4890 fcmp arg1 4891 return tpnz 006713 aa 000001 010217 4892 006714 4893 less_dr: 4894 if_eaq eaq,arg2,less_dr.1 006714 0a 006721 102233 4895 4896 load deaq,arg1 006715 aa 000000 042656 4897 round deaq 006716 aa 000000 002754 006717 aa 100000 5150 00 4898 fcmp arg2 4899 return tmi 006720 aa 000001 006617 4900 006721 4901 less_dr.1: 006721 aa 040000 5170 00 4902 dfcmp arg1 4903 return tpnz 006722 aa 000001 010217 4904 006723 4905 less_ic: 4906 error 323,arg2 006723 aa 000503 000702 006724 aa 000000 100303 000001 4907 006725 4908 less_ci: 4909 error 323,arg1 006725 aa 000503 000702 006726 aa 000000 040303 000001 4910 006727 4911 less_rc: 4912 error 323,arg2 006727 aa 000503 000702 006730 aa 000000 100303 000001 4913 006731 4914 less_cr: 4915 error 323,arg1 006731 aa 000503 000702 006732 aa 000000 040303 000001 4916 006733 4917 less_dc: 4918 error 312,arg1,arg2 006733 aa 000470 001302 006734 aa 000000 040303 006735 aa 000000 100303 000002 4919 006736 4920 less_cd: 4921 error 311,arg1,arg2 006736 aa 000467 001302 006737 aa 000000 040303 006740 aa 000000 100303 000002 4922 006741 4923 less_cc: 4924 error 328,arg1,arg2 006741 aa 000510 001302 006742 aa 000000 040303 006743 aa 000000 100303 000002 4925 006744 4926 less_e2: 4927 if_dt logical,logical_op1 006744 0a 006610 020225 4928 dt_jump1 arg1,(less_ih,less_rh,less_dh,less_ch,logical_op2,less_hh,less_th) 006745 aa 000007 040374 006746 00 006752 006752 006747 00 006761 006761 006750 00 006612 006770 006751 0a 006752 000000 000007 4929 006752 4930 less_ih: 006752 4931 less_rh: 006752 4932 less_th: 4933 unless_optype constant,invalid_opnd 006752 0a 006614 200230 4934 4935 swap arg1 006753 aa 000000 040202 4936 unless_optype (variable,array_ref,temp),not_scalar 006754 0a 006616 540230 4937 4938 pad_char_const_to_word arg1 " the two operands remain swapped 006755 aa 000000 040375 4939 4940 load a,arg2 006756 aa 000000 101256 006757 aa 040000 1150 00 4941 cmpa arg1 4942 return tnc 006760 aa 000001 010617 4943 006761 4944 less_dh: 006761 4945 less_ch: 4946 unless_optype constant,invalid_opnd 006761 0a 006614 200230 4947 4948 swap arg1 006762 aa 000000 040202 4949 unless_optype (variable,array_ref,temp),not_scalar 006763 0a 006616 540230 4950 4951 pad_char_const_to_dw arg1 " the two operands remain swapped 006764 aa 000000 040376 4952 4953 load aq,arg2 006765 aa 000000 101656 006766 aa 040000 1170 00 4954 cmpaq arg1 4955 return tnc 006767 aa 000001 010617 4956 006770 4957 less_hh: 4958 use_eaq 006770 aa 000000 000255 4959 4960 emit_eis 006771 aa 000000 000207 006772 aa 0 40100 1065 00 4961 cmpc (pr),(pr),fill(040) 006773 aa 040000 000000 4962 desc9a arg1 006774 aa 100000 000000 4963 desc9a arg2 4964 4965 return tnc 006775 aa 000001 010617 4966 006776 4967 less_e1: 4968 unless_optype (variable,array_ref,temp),not_scalar 006776 0a 006616 540230 4969 4970 swap arg1 006777 aa 000000 040202 4971 unless_optype constant,invalid_opnd 007000 0a 006614 200230 4972 " Operands remain swapped. 4973 dt_jump1 arg2,(less_hi,less_hr,less_hd,less_hc,logical_op1,less_hh,less_ht) 007001 aa 000007 100374 007002 00 007006 007006 007003 00 007012 007012 007004 00 006610 006770 007005 0a 007006 000000 000007 4974 007006 4975 less_hi: 007006 4976 less_hr: 007006 4977 less_ht: 4978 pad_char_const_to_word arg2 007006 aa 000000 100375 4979 4980 load a,arg2 007007 aa 000000 101256 007010 aa 040000 1150 00 4981 cmpa arg1 4982 return tnc 007011 aa 000001 010617 4983 007012 4984 less_hd: 007012 4985 less_hc: 4986 pad_char_const_to_dw arg2 007012 aa 000000 100376 4987 4988 load aq,arg2 007013 aa 000000 101656 007014 aa 040000 1170 00 4989 cmpaq arg1 4990 return tnc 007015 aa 000001 010617 4991 007016 4992 less_tl: 4993 unless_dt (int,typeless),typeless_op1 007016 0a 006620 404226 4994 dt_jump1 op2,(less_tl.1,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,less_tl.1) 007017 aa 000007 700374 007020 00 007024 006622 007021 00 006622 006622 007022 00 006622 006622 007023 0a 007024 000000 000007 4995 007024 4996 less_tl.1: 4997 if_eaq tq,arg2,less_tl.2 007024 0a 007030 104633 4998 4999 load tq,arg1 007025 aa 000000 044656 007026 aa 100000 1160 00 5000 cmpq arg2 5001 return tmi 007027 aa 000001 006617 5002 007030 5003 less_tl.2: 007030 aa 040000 1160 00 5004 cmpq arg1 5005 return tpnz 007031 aa 000001 010217 5006 007032 5007 less_or_equal: 5008 func 2 007032 aa 000000 001215 5009 5010 use_ind 007033 aa 000007 000206 5011 5012 dt_jump (less_or_equal_ii,less_or_equal_ri,less_or_equal_di,less_or_equal_ci,less_or_equal_ir,less_or_equal_rr,less_or_equal_dr,less_or_equal_cr,less_or_equal_id,less_or_equal_rd,less_or_equal_dd,less_or_equal_cd,less_or_equal_ic,less_or_equal_rc,less_or_equal_dc,less_or_equal_cc,less_or_equal_e2,less_or_equal_e1,less_or_equal_tl,less_or_equal_tl) 007034 aa 000024 000235 007035 00 007047 007061 007036 00 007070 007133 007037 00 007055 007073 007040 00 007122 007137 007041 00 007064 007113 007042 00 007103 007144 007043 00 007131 007135 007044 00 007141 007147 007045 00 007152 007204 007046 00 007224 007224 000024 5013 007047 5014 less_or_equal_ii: 5015 if_eaq q,arg2,less_or_equal_ii.1 007047 0a 007053 100633 5016 5017 load q,arg1 007050 aa 000000 040656 007051 aa 100000 1160 00 5018 cmpq arg2 5019 return tmoz 007052 aa 000001 007617 5020 007053 5021 less_or_equal_ii.1: 007053 aa 040000 1160 00 5022 cmpq arg1 5023 return tpl 007054 aa 000001 007217 5024 007055 5025 less_or_equal_ir: 5026 swap arg1 007055 aa 000000 040202 5027 5028 s_call 007056 0a 002050 000223 007057 aa 040000 5150 00 5029 fcmp arg1 5030 return tmoz 007060 aa 000001 007617 5031 007061 5032 less_or_equal_ri: 5033 s_call 007061 0a 002050 000223 007062 aa 040000 5150 00 5034 fcmp arg1 5035 return tpl 007063 aa 000001 007217 5036 007064 5037 less_or_equal_id: 5038 swap arg1 007064 aa 000000 040202 5039 5040 s_call 007065 0a 002071 000223 007066 aa 040000 5170 00 5041 dfcmp arg1 5042 return tmoz 007067 aa 000001 007617 5043 007070 5044 less_or_equal_di: 5045 s_call 007070 0a 002071 000223 007071 aa 040000 5170 00 5046 dfcmp arg1 5047 return tpl 007072 aa 000001 007217 5048 007073 5049 less_or_equal_rr: 5050 if_eaq eaq,arg2,less_or_equal_rr.1 007073 0a 007100 102233 5051 5052 load eaq,arg1 007074 aa 000000 042256 5053 round eaq 007075 aa 000000 002354 007076 aa 100000 5150 00 5054 fcmp arg2 5055 return tmoz 007077 aa 000001 007617 5056 007100 5057 less_or_equal_rr.1: 5058 round eaq 007100 aa 000000 002354 007101 aa 040000 5150 00 5059 fcmp arg1 5060 return tpl 007102 aa 000001 007217 5061 007103 5062 less_or_equal_dd: 5063 if_eaq deaq,arg2,less_or_equal_dd.1 007103 0a 007110 102633 5064 5065 load deaq,arg1 007104 aa 000000 042656 5066 round deaq 007105 aa 000000 002754 007106 aa 100000 5170 00 5067 dfcmp arg2 5068 return tmoz 007107 aa 000001 007617 5069 007110 5070 less_or_equal_dd.1: 5071 round deaq 007110 aa 000000 002754 007111 aa 040000 5170 00 5072 dfcmp arg1 5073 return tpl 007112 aa 000001 007217 5074 007113 5075 less_or_equal_rd: 5076 if_eaq deaq,arg2,less_or_equal_rd.1 007113 0a 007117 102633 5077 5078 load eaq,arg1 007114 aa 000000 042256 007115 aa 100000 5170 00 5079 dfcmp arg2 5080 return tmoz 007116 aa 000001 007617 5081 007117 5082 less_or_equal_rd.1: 5083 round deaq 007117 aa 000000 002754 007120 aa 040000 5150 00 5084 fcmp arg1 5085 return tpl 007121 aa 000001 007217 5086 007122 5087 less_or_equal_dr: 5088 if_eaq eaq,arg2,less_or_equal_dr.1 007122 0a 007127 102233 5089 5090 load deaq,arg1 007123 aa 000000 042656 5091 round deaq 007124 aa 000000 002754 007125 aa 100000 5150 00 5092 fcmp arg2 5093 return tmoz 007126 aa 000001 007617 5094 007127 5095 less_or_equal_dr.1: 007127 aa 040000 5170 00 5096 dfcmp arg1 5097 return tpl 007130 aa 000001 007217 5098 007131 5099 less_or_equal_ic: 5100 error 323,arg2 007131 aa 000503 000702 007132 aa 000000 100303 000001 5101 007133 5102 less_or_equal_ci: 5103 error 323,arg1 007133 aa 000503 000702 007134 aa 000000 040303 000001 5104 007135 5105 less_or_equal_rc: 5106 error 323,arg2 007135 aa 000503 000702 007136 aa 000000 100303 000001 5107 007137 5108 less_or_equal_cr: 5109 error 323,arg1 007137 aa 000503 000702 007140 aa 000000 040303 000001 5110 007141 5111 less_or_equal_dc: 5112 error 312,arg1,arg2 007141 aa 000470 001302 007142 aa 000000 040303 007143 aa 000000 100303 000002 5113 007144 5114 less_or_equal_cd: 5115 error 311,arg1,arg2 007144 aa 000467 001302 007145 aa 000000 040303 007146 aa 000000 100303 000002 5116 007147 5117 less_or_equal_cc: 5118 error 328,arg1,arg2 007147 aa 000510 001302 007150 aa 000000 040303 007151 aa 000000 100303 000002 5119 007152 5120 less_or_equal_e2: 5121 if_dt logical,logical_op1 007152 0a 006610 020225 5122 dt_jump1 arg1,(less_or_equal_ih,less_or_equal_rh,less_or_equal_dh,less_or_equal_ch,logical_op2,less_or_equal_hh,less_or_equal_th) 007153 aa 000007 040374 007154 00 007160 007160 007155 00 007167 007167 007156 00 006612 007176 007157 0a 007160 000000 000007 5123 007160 5124 less_or_equal_ih: 007160 5125 less_or_equal_rh: 007160 5126 less_or_equal_th: 5127 unless_optype constant,invalid_opnd 007160 0a 006614 200230 5128 5129 swap arg1 007161 aa 000000 040202 5130 unless_optype (variable,array_ref,temp),not_scalar 007162 0a 006616 540230 5131 5132 pad_char_const_to_word arg1 " the two operands remain swapped 007163 aa 000000 040375 5133 5134 load a,arg1 007164 aa 000000 041256 007165 aa 100000 1150 00 5135 cmpa arg2 5136 return trc 007166 aa 000001 011217 5137 007167 5138 less_or_equal_dh: 007167 5139 less_or_equal_ch: 5140 unless_optype constant,invalid_opnd 007167 0a 006614 200230 5141 5142 swap arg1 007170 aa 000000 040202 5143 unless_optype (variable,array_ref,temp),not_scalar 007171 0a 006616 540230 5144 5145 pad_char_const_to_dw arg1 " the two operands remain swapped 007172 aa 000000 040376 5146 5147 load aq,arg1 007173 aa 000000 041656 007174 aa 100000 1170 00 5148 cmpaq arg2 5149 return trc 007175 aa 000001 011217 5150 007176 5151 less_or_equal_hh: 5152 use_eaq 007176 aa 000000 000255 5153 5154 emit_eis 007177 aa 000000 000207 007200 aa 0 40100 1065 00 5155 cmpc (pr),(pr),fill(040) 007201 aa 100000 000000 5156 desc9a arg2 007202 aa 040000 000000 5157 desc9a arg1 5158 5159 return trc 007203 aa 000001 011217 5160 007204 5161 less_or_equal_e1: 5162 unless_optype (variable,array_ref,temp),not_scalar 007204 0a 006616 540230 5163 5164 swap arg1 007205 aa 000000 040202 5165 unless_optype constant,invalid_opnd 007206 0a 006614 200230 5166 " Operands remain swapped. 5167 dt_jump1 arg2,(less_or_equal_hi,less_or_equal_hr,less_or_equal_hd,less_or_equal_hc,logical_op1,less_or_equal_hh,less_or_equal_ht) 007207 aa 000007 100374 007210 00 007214 007214 007211 00 007220 007220 007212 00 006610 007176 007213 0a 007214 000000 000007 5168 007214 5169 less_or_equal_hi: 007214 5170 less_or_equal_hr: 007214 5171 less_or_equal_ht: 5172 pad_char_const_to_word arg2 007214 aa 000000 100375 5173 5174 load a,arg1 007215 aa 000000 041256 007216 aa 100000 1150 00 5175 cmpa arg2 5176 return trc 007217 aa 000001 011217 5177 007220 5178 less_or_equal_hd: 007220 5179 less_or_equal_hc: 5180 pad_char_const_to_dw arg2 007220 aa 000000 100376 5181 5182 load aq,arg1 007221 aa 000000 041656 007222 aa 100000 1170 00 5183 cmpaq arg2 5184 return trc 007223 aa 000001 011217 5185 007224 5186 less_or_equal_tl: 5187 unless_dt (int,typeless),typeless_op1 007224 0a 006620 404226 5188 dt_jump1 op2,(less_or_equal_tl.1,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,less_or_equal_tl.1) 007225 aa 000007 700374 007226 00 007232 006622 007227 00 006622 006622 007230 00 006622 006622 007231 0a 007232 000000 000007 5189 007232 5190 less_or_equal_tl.1: 5191 if_eaq tq,arg2,less_or_equal_tl.2 007232 0a 007236 104633 5192 5193 load tq,arg1 007233 aa 000000 044656 007234 aa 100000 1160 00 5194 cmpq arg2 5195 return tmoz 007235 aa 000001 007617 5196 007236 5197 less_or_equal_tl.2: 007236 aa 040000 1160 00 5198 cmpq arg1 5199 return tpl 007237 aa 000001 007217 5200 5201 5202 equal: func 2 007240 aa 000000 001215 5203 5204 use_ind 007241 aa 000007 000206 5205 5206 dt_jump (equal_ii,equal_ri,equal_di,equal_ci,equal_ir,equal_rr,equal_dr,equal_cr,equal_id,equal_rd,equal_dd,equal_cd,equal_ic,equal_rc,equal_dc,equal_cc,equal_e2,equal_e1,equal_tl,equal_tl) 007242 aa 000024 000235 007243 00 007255 007261 007244 00 007265 007312 007245 00 007260 007270 007246 00 007301 007316 007247 00 007264 007300 007250 00 007274 007323 007251 00 007310 007314 007252 00 007320 007326 007253 00 007331 007372 007254 00 007412 007412 000024 5207 007255 5208 equal_ii: 5209 load_top q 007255 aa 000000 000657 007256 aa 040000 1160 00 5210 cmpq arg1 5211 return tze 007257 aa 000001 005617 5212 007260 5213 equal_ir: 5214 swap arg1 007260 aa 000000 040202 5215 007261 5216 equal_ri: 5217 s_call 007261 0a 002050 000223 007262 aa 040000 5150 00 5218 fcmp arg1 5219 return tze 007263 aa 000001 005617 5220 007264 5221 equal_id: 5222 swap arg1 007264 aa 000000 040202 5223 007265 5224 equal_di: 5225 s_call 007265 0a 002071 000223 007266 aa 040000 5170 00 5226 dfcmp arg1 5227 return tze 007267 aa 000001 005617 5228 007270 5229 equal_rr: 5230 load_top eaq 007270 aa 000000 002257 5231 round eaq 007271 aa 000000 002354 007272 aa 040000 5150 00 5232 fcmp arg1 5233 return tze 007273 aa 000001 005617 5234 007274 5235 equal_dd: 5236 load_top deaq 007274 aa 000000 002657 5237 round deaq 007275 aa 000000 002754 007276 aa 040000 5170 00 5238 dfcmp arg1 5239 return tze 007277 aa 000001 005617 5240 007300 5241 equal_rd: 5242 swap arg1 007300 aa 000000 040202 5243 007301 5244 equal_dr: 5245 if_eaq eaq,arg2,equal_dr.1 007301 0a 007306 102233 5246 5247 load deaq,arg1 007302 aa 000000 042656 5248 round deaq 007303 aa 000000 002754 007304 aa 100000 5150 00 5249 fcmp arg2 5250 return tze 007305 aa 000001 005617 5251 007306 5252 equal_dr.1: 007306 aa 040000 5170 00 5253 dfcmp arg1 5254 return tze 007307 aa 000001 005617 5255 007310 5256 equal_ic: 5257 error 323,arg2 007310 aa 000503 000702 007311 aa 000000 100303 000001 5258 007312 5259 equal_ci: 5260 error 323,arg1 007312 aa 000503 000702 007313 aa 000000 040303 000001 5261 007314 5262 equal_rc: 5263 error 323,arg2 007314 aa 000503 000702 007315 aa 000000 100303 000001 5264 007316 5265 equal_cr: 5266 error 323,arg1 007316 aa 000503 000702 007317 aa 000000 040303 000001 5267 007320 5268 equal_dc: 5269 error 312,arg1,arg2 007320 aa 000470 001302 007321 aa 000000 040303 007322 aa 000000 100303 000002 5270 007323 5271 equal_cd: 5272 error 311,arg1,arg2 007323 aa 000467 001302 007324 aa 000000 040303 007325 aa 000000 100303 000002 5273 007326 5274 equal_cc: 5275 load_top aq 007326 aa 000000 001657 007327 aa 040000 1170 00 5276 cmpaq arg1 5277 return tze 007330 aa 000001 005617 5278 007331 5279 equal_e2: 5280 if_dt char,equal_ah 007331 0a 007341 010225 5281 swap arg1 " top is logical, so swap and test 007332 aa 000000 040202 5282 5283 if_dt logical,equal_ll 007333 0a 007336 020225 5284 error 313,op1 007334 aa 000471 000702 007335 aa 000000 740303 000001 5285 007336 5286 equal_ll: 5287 load_top a 007336 aa 000000 001257 007337 aa 040000 1150 00 5288 cmpa arg1 5289 return tze 007340 aa 000001 005617 5290 007341 5291 equal_ah: 5292 dt_jump1 arg1,(equal_ih,equal_rh,equal_dh,equal_ch,logical_op2,equal_hh,equal_th) 007341 aa 000007 040374 007342 00 007346 007346 007343 00 007355 007355 007344 00 006612 007364 007345 0a 007346 000000 000007 5293 007346 5294 equal_ih: 007346 5295 equal_rh: 007346 5296 equal_th: 5297 unless_optype constant,invalid_opnd 007346 0a 006614 200230 5298 5299 swap arg1 007347 aa 000000 040202 5300 unless_optype (variable,array_ref,temp),not_scalar 007350 0a 006616 540230 5301 5302 pad_char_const_to_word arg1 " the two operands remain swapped 007351 aa 000000 040375 5303 5304 load_top a 007352 aa 000000 001257 007353 aa 040000 1150 00 5305 cmpa arg1 5306 return tze 007354 aa 000001 005617 5307 007355 5308 equal_dh: 007355 5309 equal_ch: 5310 unless_optype constant,invalid_opnd 007355 0a 006614 200230 5311 5312 swap arg1 007356 aa 000000 040202 5313 unless_optype (variable,array_ref,temp),not_scalar 007357 0a 006616 540230 5314 5315 pad_char_const_to_dw arg1 " the two operands remain swapped 007360 aa 000000 040376 5316 5317 load_top aq 007361 aa 000000 001657 007362 aa 040000 1170 00 5318 cmpaq arg1 5319 return tze 007363 aa 000001 005617 5320 007364 5321 equal_hh: 5322 use_eaq 007364 aa 000000 000255 5323 5324 emit_eis 007365 aa 000000 000207 007366 aa 0 40100 1065 00 5325 cmpc (pr),(pr),fill(040) 007367 aa 040000 000000 5326 desc9a arg1 007370 aa 100000 000000 5327 desc9a arg2 5328 5329 return tze 007371 aa 000001 005617 5330 007372 5331 equal_e1: 5332 unless_optype (variable,array_ref,temp),not_scalar 007372 0a 006616 540230 5333 5334 swap arg1 007373 aa 000000 040202 5335 unless_optype constant,invalid_opnd 007374 0a 006614 200230 5336 " Operands remain swapped. 5337 dt_jump1 arg2,(equal_hi,equal_hr,equal_hd,equal_hc,logical_op1,equal_hh,equal_ht) 007375 aa 000007 100374 007376 00 007402 007402 007377 00 007406 007406 007400 00 006610 007364 007401 0a 007402 000000 000007 5338 007402 5339 equal_hi: 007402 5340 equal_hr: 007402 5341 equal_ht: 5342 pad_char_const_to_word arg2 007402 aa 000000 100375 5343 5344 load_top a 007403 aa 000000 001257 007404 aa 040000 1150 00 5345 cmpa arg1 5346 return tze 007405 aa 000001 005617 5347 007406 5348 equal_hd: 007406 5349 equal_hc: 5350 pad_char_const_to_dw arg2 007406 aa 000000 100376 5351 5352 load_top aq 007407 aa 000000 001657 007410 aa 040000 1170 00 5353 cmpaq arg1 5354 return tze 007411 aa 000001 005617 5355 007412 5356 equal_tl: 5357 unless_dt (int,typeless),typeless_op1 007412 0a 006620 404226 5358 dt_jump1 op2,(equal_tl.1,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,equal_tl.1) 007413 aa 000007 700374 007414 00 007420 006622 007415 00 006622 006622 007416 00 006622 006622 007417 0a 007420 000000 000007 5359 007420 5360 equal_tl.1: 5361 load_top tq 007420 aa 000000 004657 007421 aa 040000 1160 00 5362 cmpq arg1 5363 return tze 007422 aa 000001 005617 5364 5365 007423 5366 not_equal: 5367 func 2 007423 aa 000000 001215 5368 5369 use_ind 007424 aa 000007 000206 5370 5371 dt_jump (not_equal_ii,not_equal_ri,not_equal_di,not_equal_ci,not_equal_ir,not_equal_rr,not_equal_dr,not_equal_cr,not_equal_id,not_equal_rd,not_equal_dd,not_equal_cd,not_equal_ic,not_equal_rc,not_equal_dc,not_equal_cc,not_equal_e2,not_equal_e1,not_equal_tl,not_equal_tl) 007425 aa 000024 000235 007426 00 007440 007444 007427 00 007450 007475 007430 00 007443 007453 007431 00 007464 007501 007432 00 007447 007463 007433 00 007457 007506 007434 00 007473 007477 007435 00 007503 007511 007436 00 007514 007555 007437 00 007575 007575 000024 5372 007440 5373 not_equal_ii: 5374 load_top q 007440 aa 000000 000657 007441 aa 040000 1160 00 5375 cmpq arg1 5376 return tnz 007442 aa 000001 006217 5377 007443 5378 not_equal_ir: 5379 swap arg1 007443 aa 000000 040202 5380 007444 5381 not_equal_ri: 5382 s_call 007444 0a 002050 000223 007445 aa 040000 5150 00 5383 fcmp arg1 5384 return tnz 007446 aa 000001 006217 5385 007447 5386 not_equal_id: 5387 swap arg1 007447 aa 000000 040202 5388 007450 5389 not_equal_di: 5390 s_call 007450 0a 002071 000223 007451 aa 040000 5170 00 5391 dfcmp arg1 5392 return tnz 007452 aa 000001 006217 5393 007453 5394 not_equal_rr: 5395 load_top eaq 007453 aa 000000 002257 5396 round eaq 007454 aa 000000 002354 007455 aa 040000 5150 00 5397 fcmp arg1 5398 return tnz 007456 aa 000001 006217 5399 007457 5400 not_equal_dd: 5401 load_top deaq 007457 aa 000000 002657 5402 round deaq 007460 aa 000000 002754 007461 aa 040000 5170 00 5403 dfcmp arg1 5404 return tnz 007462 aa 000001 006217 5405 007463 5406 not_equal_rd: 5407 swap arg1 007463 aa 000000 040202 5408 007464 5409 not_equal_dr: 5410 if_eaq eaq,arg2,not_equal_dr.1 007464 0a 007471 102233 5411 5412 load deaq,arg1 007465 aa 000000 042656 5413 round deaq 007466 aa 000000 002754 007467 aa 100000 5150 00 5414 fcmp arg2 5415 return tnz 007470 aa 000001 006217 5416 007471 5417 not_equal_dr.1: 007471 aa 040000 5170 00 5418 dfcmp arg1 5419 return tnz 007472 aa 000001 006217 5420 007473 5421 not_equal_ic: 5422 error 323,arg2 007473 aa 000503 000702 007474 aa 000000 100303 000001 5423 007475 5424 not_equal_ci: 5425 error 323,arg1 007475 aa 000503 000702 007476 aa 000000 040303 000001 5426 007477 5427 not_equal_rc: 5428 error 323,arg2 007477 aa 000503 000702 007500 aa 000000 100303 000001 5429 007501 5430 not_equal_cr: 5431 error 323,arg1 007501 aa 000503 000702 007502 aa 000000 040303 000001 5432 007503 5433 not_equal_dc: 5434 error 312,arg1,arg2 007503 aa 000470 001302 007504 aa 000000 040303 007505 aa 000000 100303 000002 5435 007506 5436 not_equal_cd: 5437 error 311,arg1,arg2 007506 aa 000467 001302 007507 aa 000000 040303 007510 aa 000000 100303 000002 5438 007511 5439 not_equal_cc: 5440 load_top aq 007511 aa 000000 001657 007512 aa 040000 1170 00 5441 cmpaq arg1 5442 return tnz 007513 aa 000001 006217 5443 007514 5444 not_equal_e2: 5445 if_dt char,not_equal_ah 007514 0a 007524 010225 5446 swap arg1 " top is logical, so swap and test other 007515 aa 000000 040202 5447 5448 if_dt logical,not_equal_ll 007516 0a 007521 020225 5449 error 313,op1 007517 aa 000471 000702 007520 aa 000000 740303 000001 5450 007521 5451 not_equal_ll: 5452 load_top a 007521 aa 000000 001257 007522 aa 040000 1150 00 5453 cmpa arg1 5454 return tnz 007523 aa 000001 006217 5455 007524 5456 not_equal_ah: 5457 dt_jump1 arg1,(not_equal_ih,not_equal_rh,not_equal_dh,not_equal_ch,logical_op2,not_equal_hh,not_equal_th) 007524 aa 000007 040374 007525 00 007531 007531 007526 00 007540 007540 007527 00 006612 007547 007530 0a 007531 000000 000007 5458 007531 5459 not_equal_ih: 007531 5460 not_equal_rh: 007531 5461 not_equal_th: 5462 unless_optype constant,invalid_opnd 007531 0a 006614 200230 5463 5464 swap arg1 007532 aa 000000 040202 5465 unless_optype (variable,array_ref,temp),not_scalar 007533 0a 006616 540230 5466 5467 pad_char_const_to_word arg1 " the two operands remain swapped 007534 aa 000000 040375 5468 5469 load_top a 007535 aa 000000 001257 007536 aa 040000 1150 00 5470 cmpa arg1 5471 return tnz 007537 aa 000001 006217 5472 007540 5473 not_equal_dh: 007540 5474 not_equal_ch: 5475 unless_optype constant,invalid_opnd 007540 0a 006614 200230 5476 5477 swap arg1 007541 aa 000000 040202 5478 unless_optype (variable,array_ref,temp),not_scalar 007542 0a 006616 540230 5479 5480 pad_char_const_to_dw arg1 " the two operands remain swapped 007543 aa 000000 040376 5481 5482 load_top aq 007544 aa 000000 001657 007545 aa 040000 1170 00 5483 cmpaq arg1 5484 return tnz 007546 aa 000001 006217 5485 007547 5486 not_equal_hh: 5487 use_eaq 007547 aa 000000 000255 5488 5489 emit_eis 007550 aa 000000 000207 007551 aa 0 40100 1065 00 5490 cmpc (pr),(pr),fill(040) 007552 aa 040000 000000 5491 desc9a arg1 007553 aa 100000 000000 5492 desc9a arg2 5493 5494 return tnz 007554 aa 000001 006217 5495 007555 5496 not_equal_e1: 5497 unless_optype (variable,array_ref,temp),not_scalar 007555 0a 006616 540230 5498 5499 swap arg1 007556 aa 000000 040202 5500 unless_optype constant,invalid_opnd 007557 0a 006614 200230 5501 " Operands remain swapped. 5502 dt_jump1 arg2,(not_equal_hi,not_equal_hr,not_equal_hd,not_equal_hc,logical_op1,not_equal_hh,not_equal_ht) 007560 aa 000007 100374 007561 00 007565 007565 007562 00 007571 007571 007563 00 006610 007547 007564 0a 007565 000000 000007 5503 007565 5504 not_equal_hi: 007565 5505 not_equal_hr: 007565 5506 not_equal_ht: 5507 pad_char_const_to_word arg2 007565 aa 000000 100375 5508 5509 load_top a 007566 aa 000000 001257 007567 aa 040000 1150 00 5510 cmpa arg1 5511 return tnz 007570 aa 000001 006217 5512 007571 5513 not_equal_hd: 007571 5514 not_equal_hc: 5515 pad_char_const_to_dw arg2 007571 aa 000000 100376 5516 5517 load_top aq 007572 aa 000000 001657 007573 aa 040000 1170 00 5518 cmpaq arg1 5519 return tnz 007574 aa 000001 006217 5520 5521 007575 5522 not_equal_tl: 5523 unless_dt (int,typeless),typeless_op1 007575 0a 006620 404226 5524 dt_jump1 op2,(not_equal_tl.1,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,not_equal_tl.1) 007576 aa 000007 700374 007577 00 007603 006622 007600 00 006622 006622 007601 00 006622 006622 007602 0a 007603 000000 000007 5525 007603 5526 not_equal_tl.1: 5527 load_top tq 007603 aa 000000 004657 007604 aa 040000 1160 00 5528 cmpq arg1 5529 return tnz 007605 aa 000001 006217 5530 007606 5531 greater_or_equal: 5532 func 2 007606 aa 000000 001215 5533 5534 use_ind 007607 aa 000007 000206 5535 5536 dt_jump (greater_or_equal_ii,greater_or_equal_ri,greater_or_equal_di,greater_or_equal_ci,greater_or_equal_ir,greater_or_equal_rr,greater_or_equal_dr,greater_or_equal_cr,greater_or_equal_id,greater_or_equal_rd,greater_or_equal_dd,greater_or_equal_cd,greater_or_equal_ic,greater_or_equal_rc,greater_or_equal_dc,greater_or_equal_cc,greater_or_equal_e2,greater_or_equal_e1,greater_or_equal_tl,greater_or_equal_tl) 007610 aa 000024 000235 007611 00 007623 007635 007612 00 007644 007707 007613 00 007631 007647 007614 00 007676 007713 007615 00 007640 007667 007616 00 007657 007720 007617 00 007705 007711 007620 00 007715 007723 007621 00 007726 007760 007622 00 010000 010000 000024 5537 007623 5538 greater_or_equal_ii: 5539 if_eaq q,arg2,greater_or_equal_ii.1 007623 0a 007627 100633 5540 5541 load q,arg1 007624 aa 000000 040656 007625 aa 100000 1160 00 5542 cmpq arg2 5543 return tpl 007626 aa 000001 007217 5544 007627 5545 greater_or_equal_ii.1: 007627 aa 040000 1160 00 5546 cmpq arg1 5547 return tmoz 007630 aa 000001 007617 5548 007631 5549 greater_or_equal_ir: 5550 swap arg1 007631 aa 000000 040202 5551 5552 s_call 007632 0a 002050 000223 007633 aa 040000 5150 00 5553 fcmp arg1 5554 return tpl 007634 aa 000001 007217 5555 007635 5556 greater_or_equal_ri: 5557 s_call 007635 0a 002050 000223 007636 aa 040000 5150 00 5558 fcmp arg1 5559 return tmoz 007637 aa 000001 007617 5560 007640 5561 greater_or_equal_id: 5562 swap arg1 007640 aa 000000 040202 5563 5564 s_call 007641 0a 002071 000223 007642 aa 040000 5170 00 5565 dfcmp arg1 5566 return tpl 007643 aa 000001 007217 5567 007644 5568 greater_or_equal_di: 5569 s_call 007644 0a 002071 000223 007645 aa 040000 5170 00 5570 dfcmp arg1 5571 return tmoz 007646 aa 000001 007617 5572 007647 5573 greater_or_equal_rr: 5574 if_eaq eaq,arg2,greater_or_equal_rr.1 007647 0a 007654 102233 5575 5576 load eaq,arg1 007650 aa 000000 042256 5577 round eaq 007651 aa 000000 002354 007652 aa 100000 5150 00 5578 fcmp arg2 5579 return tpl 007653 aa 000001 007217 5580 007654 5581 greater_or_equal_rr.1: 5582 round eaq 007654 aa 000000 002354 007655 aa 040000 5150 00 5583 fcmp arg1 5584 return tmoz 007656 aa 000001 007617 5585 007657 5586 greater_or_equal_dd: 5587 if_eaq deaq,arg2,greater_or_equal_dd.1 007657 0a 007664 102633 5588 5589 load deaq,arg1 007660 aa 000000 042656 5590 round deaq 007661 aa 000000 002754 007662 aa 100000 5170 00 5591 dfcmp arg2 5592 return tpl 007663 aa 000001 007217 5593 007664 5594 greater_or_equal_dd.1: 5595 round deaq 007664 aa 000000 002754 007665 aa 040000 5170 00 5596 dfcmp arg1 5597 return tmoz 007666 aa 000001 007617 5598 007667 5599 greater_or_equal_rd: 5600 if_eaq deaq,arg2,greater_or_equal_rd.1 007667 0a 007673 102633 5601 5602 load eaq,arg1 007670 aa 000000 042256 007671 aa 100000 5170 00 5603 dfcmp arg2 5604 return tpl 007672 aa 000001 007217 5605 007673 5606 greater_or_equal_rd.1: 5607 round deaq 007673 aa 000000 002754 007674 aa 040000 5150 00 5608 fcmp arg1 5609 return tmoz 007675 aa 000001 007617 5610 007676 5611 greater_or_equal_dr: 5612 if_eaq eaq,arg2,greater_or_equal_dr.1 007676 0a 007703 102233 5613 5614 load deaq,arg1 007677 aa 000000 042656 5615 round deaq 007700 aa 000000 002754 007701 aa 100000 5150 00 5616 fcmp arg2 5617 return tpl 007702 aa 000001 007217 5618 007703 5619 greater_or_equal_dr.1: 007703 aa 040000 5170 00 5620 dfcmp arg1 5621 return tmoz 007704 aa 000001 007617 5622 007705 5623 greater_or_equal_ic: 5624 error 323,arg2 007705 aa 000503 000702 007706 aa 000000 100303 000001 5625 007707 5626 greater_or_equal_ci: 5627 error 323,arg1 007707 aa 000503 000702 007710 aa 000000 040303 000001 5628 007711 5629 greater_or_equal_rc: 5630 error 323,arg2 007711 aa 000503 000702 007712 aa 000000 100303 000001 5631 007713 5632 greater_or_equal_cr: 5633 error 323,arg1 007713 aa 000503 000702 007714 aa 000000 040303 000001 5634 007715 5635 greater_or_equal_dc: 5636 error 312,arg1,arg2 007715 aa 000470 001302 007716 aa 000000 040303 007717 aa 000000 100303 000002 5637 007720 5638 greater_or_equal_cd: 5639 error 311,arg1,arg2 007720 aa 000467 001302 007721 aa 000000 040303 007722 aa 000000 100303 000002 5640 007723 5641 greater_or_equal_cc: 5642 error 328,arg1,arg2 007723 aa 000510 001302 007724 aa 000000 040303 007725 aa 000000 100303 000002 5643 007726 5644 greater_or_equal_e2: 5645 if_dt logical,logical_op1 007726 0a 006610 020225 5646 dt_jump1 arg1,(greater_or_equal_ih,greater_or_equal_rh,greater_or_equal_dh,greater_or_equal_ch,logical_op2,greater_or_equal_hh,greater_or_equal_th) 007727 aa 000007 040374 007730 00 007734 007734 007731 00 007743 007743 007732 00 006612 007752 007733 0a 007734 000000 000007 5647 007734 5648 greater_or_equal_ih: 007734 5649 greater_or_equal_rh: 007734 5650 greater_or_equal_th: 5651 unless_optype constant,invalid_opnd 007734 0a 006614 200230 5652 5653 swap arg1 007735 aa 000000 040202 5654 unless_optype (variable,array_ref,temp),not_scalar 007736 0a 006616 540230 5655 5656 pad_char_const_to_word arg1 " the two operands remain swapped 007737 aa 000000 040375 5657 5658 load a,arg2 007740 aa 000000 101256 007741 aa 040000 1150 00 5659 cmpa arg1 5660 return trc 007742 aa 000001 011217 5661 007743 5662 greater_or_equal_dh: 007743 5663 greater_or_equal_ch: 5664 unless_optype constant,invalid_opnd 007743 0a 006614 200230 5665 5666 swap arg1 007744 aa 000000 040202 5667 unless_optype (variable,array_ref,temp),not_scalar 007745 0a 006616 540230 5668 5669 pad_char_const_to_dw arg1 " the two operands remain swapped 007746 aa 000000 040376 5670 5671 load aq,arg2 007747 aa 000000 101656 007750 aa 040000 1170 00 5672 cmpaq arg1 5673 return trc 007751 aa 000001 011217 5674 007752 5675 greater_or_equal_hh: 5676 use_eaq 007752 aa 000000 000255 5677 5678 emit_eis 007753 aa 000000 000207 007754 aa 0 40100 1065 00 5679 cmpc (pr),(pr),fill(040) 007755 aa 040000 000000 5680 desc9a arg1 007756 aa 100000 000000 5681 desc9a arg2 5682 5683 return trc 007757 aa 000001 011217 5684 007760 5685 greater_or_equal_e1: 5686 unless_optype (variable,array_ref,temp),not_scalar 007760 0a 006616 540230 5687 5688 swap arg1 007761 aa 000000 040202 5689 unless_optype constant,invalid_opnd 007762 0a 006614 200230 5690 " Operands remain swapped. 5691 dt_jump1 arg2,(greater_or_equal_hi,greater_or_equal_hr,greater_or_equal_hd,greater_or_equal_hc,logical_op1,greater_or_equal_hh,greater_or_equal_ht) 007763 aa 000007 100374 007764 00 007770 007770 007765 00 007774 007774 007766 00 006610 007752 007767 0a 007770 000000 000007 5692 007770 5693 greater_or_equal_hi: 007770 5694 greater_or_equal_hr: 007770 5695 greater_or_equal_ht: 5696 pad_char_const_to_word arg2 007770 aa 000000 100375 5697 5698 load a,arg2 007771 aa 000000 101256 007772 aa 040000 1150 00 5699 cmpa arg1 5700 return trc 007773 aa 000001 011217 5701 007774 5702 greater_or_equal_hd: 007774 5703 greater_or_equal_hc: 5704 pad_char_const_to_dw arg2 007774 aa 000000 100376 5705 5706 load aq,arg2 007775 aa 000000 101656 007776 aa 040000 1170 00 5707 cmpaq arg1 5708 return trc 007777 aa 000001 011217 5709 010000 5710 greater_or_equal_tl: 5711 unless_dt (int,typeless),typeless_op1 010000 0a 006620 404226 5712 dt_jump1 op2,(greater_or_equal_tl.1,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,greater_or_equal_tl.1) 010001 aa 000007 700374 010002 00 010006 006622 010003 00 006622 006622 010004 00 006622 006622 010005 0a 010006 000000 000007 5713 010006 5714 greater_or_equal_tl.1: 5715 if_eaq tq,arg2,greater_or_equal_tl.2 010006 0a 010012 104633 5716 5717 load tq,arg1 010007 aa 000000 044656 010010 aa 100000 1160 00 5718 cmpq arg2 5719 return tpl 010011 aa 000001 007217 5720 010012 5721 greater_or_equal_tl.2: 010012 aa 040000 1160 00 5722 cmpq arg1 5723 return tmoz 010013 aa 000001 007617 5724 5725 greater: func 2 010014 aa 000000 001215 5726 5727 use_ind 010015 aa 000007 000206 5728 5729 dt_jump (greater_ii,greater_ri,greater_di,greater_ci,greater_ir,greater_rr,greater_dr,greater_cr,greater_id,greater_rd,greater_dd,greater_cd,greater_ic,greater_rc,greater_dc,greater_cc,greater_e2,greater_e1,greater_tl,greater_tl) 010016 aa 000024 000235 010017 00 010031 010043 010020 00 010052 010115 010021 00 010037 010055 010022 00 010104 010121 010023 00 010046 010075 010024 00 010065 010126 010025 00 010113 010117 010026 00 010123 010131 010027 00 010134 010166 010030 00 010206 010206 000024 5730 010031 5731 greater_ii: 5732 if_eaq q,arg2,greater_ii.1 010031 0a 010035 100633 5733 5734 load q,arg1 010032 aa 000000 040656 010033 aa 100000 1160 00 5735 cmpq arg2 5736 return tpnz 010034 aa 000001 010217 5737 010035 5738 greater_ii.1: 010035 aa 040000 1160 00 5739 cmpq arg1 5740 return tmi 010036 aa 000001 006617 5741 010037 5742 greater_ir: 5743 swap arg1 010037 aa 000000 040202 5744 5745 s_call 010040 0a 002050 000223 010041 aa 040000 5150 00 5746 fcmp arg1 5747 return tpnz 010042 aa 000001 010217 5748 010043 5749 greater_ri: 5750 s_call 010043 0a 002050 000223 010044 aa 040000 5150 00 5751 fcmp arg1 5752 return tmi 010045 aa 000001 006617 5753 010046 5754 greater_id: 5755 swap arg1 010046 aa 000000 040202 5756 5757 s_call 010047 0a 002071 000223 010050 aa 040000 5170 00 5758 dfcmp arg1 5759 return tpnz 010051 aa 000001 010217 5760 010052 5761 greater_di: 5762 s_call 010052 0a 002071 000223 010053 aa 040000 5170 00 5763 dfcmp arg1 5764 return tmi 010054 aa 000001 006617 5765 010055 5766 greater_rr: 5767 if_eaq eaq,arg2,greater_rr.1 010055 0a 010062 102233 5768 5769 load eaq,arg1 010056 aa 000000 042256 5770 round eaq 010057 aa 000000 002354 010060 aa 100000 5150 00 5771 fcmp arg2 5772 return tpnz 010061 aa 000001 010217 5773 010062 5774 greater_rr.1: 5775 round eaq 010062 aa 000000 002354 010063 aa 040000 5150 00 5776 fcmp arg1 5777 return tmi 010064 aa 000001 006617 5778 010065 5779 greater_dd: 5780 if_eaq deaq,arg2,greater_dd.1 010065 0a 010072 102633 5781 5782 load deaq,arg1 010066 aa 000000 042656 5783 round deaq 010067 aa 000000 002754 010070 aa 100000 5170 00 5784 dfcmp arg2 5785 return tpnz 010071 aa 000001 010217 5786 010072 5787 greater_dd.1: 5788 round deaq 010072 aa 000000 002754 010073 aa 040000 5170 00 5789 dfcmp arg1 5790 return tmi 010074 aa 000001 006617 5791 010075 5792 greater_rd: 5793 if_eaq deaq,arg2,greater_rd.1 010075 0a 010101 102633 5794 5795 load eaq,arg1 010076 aa 000000 042256 010077 aa 100000 5170 00 5796 dfcmp arg2 5797 return tpnz 010100 aa 000001 010217 5798 010101 5799 greater_rd.1: 5800 round deaq 010101 aa 000000 002754 010102 aa 040000 5150 00 5801 fcmp arg1 5802 return tmi 010103 aa 000001 006617 5803 010104 5804 greater_dr: 5805 if_eaq eaq,arg2,greater_dr.1 010104 0a 010111 102233 5806 5807 load deaq,arg1 010105 aa 000000 042656 5808 round deaq 010106 aa 000000 002754 010107 aa 100000 5150 00 5809 fcmp arg2 5810 return tpnz 010110 aa 000001 010217 5811 010111 5812 greater_dr.1: 010111 aa 040000 5170 00 5813 dfcmp arg1 5814 return tmi 010112 aa 000001 006617 5815 010113 5816 greater_ic: 5817 error 323,arg2 010113 aa 000503 000702 010114 aa 000000 100303 000001 5818 010115 5819 greater_ci: 5820 error 323,arg1 010115 aa 000503 000702 010116 aa 000000 040303 000001 5821 010117 5822 greater_rc: 5823 error 323,arg2 010117 aa 000503 000702 010120 aa 000000 100303 000001 5824 010121 5825 greater_cr: 5826 error 323,arg1 010121 aa 000503 000702 010122 aa 000000 040303 000001 5827 010123 5828 greater_dc: 5829 error 312,arg1,arg2 010123 aa 000470 001302 010124 aa 000000 040303 010125 aa 000000 100303 000002 5830 010126 5831 greater_cd: 5832 error 311,arg1,arg2 010126 aa 000467 001302 010127 aa 000000 040303 010130 aa 000000 100303 000002 5833 010131 5834 greater_cc: 5835 error 328,arg1,arg2 010131 aa 000510 001302 010132 aa 000000 040303 010133 aa 000000 100303 000002 5836 010134 5837 greater_e2: 5838 if_dt logical,logical_op1 010134 0a 006610 020225 5839 dt_jump1 arg1,(greater_ih,greater_rh,greater_dh,greater_ch,logical_op2,greater_hh,greater_th) 010135 aa 000007 040374 010136 00 010142 010142 010137 00 010151 010151 010140 00 006612 010160 010141 0a 010142 000000 000007 5840 010142 5841 greater_ih: 010142 5842 greater_rh: 010142 5843 greater_th: 5844 unless_optype constant,invalid_opnd 010142 0a 006614 200230 5845 5846 swap arg1 010143 aa 000000 040202 5847 unless_optype (variable,array_ref,temp),not_scalar 010144 0a 006616 540230 5848 5849 pad_char_const_to_word arg1 " the two operands remain swapped 010145 aa 000000 040375 5850 5851 load a,arg1 010146 aa 000000 041256 010147 aa 100000 1150 00 5852 cmpa arg2 5853 return tnc 010150 aa 000001 010617 5854 010151 5855 greater_dh: 010151 5856 greater_ch: 5857 unless_optype constant,invalid_opnd 010151 0a 006614 200230 5858 5859 swap arg1 010152 aa 000000 040202 5860 unless_optype (variable,array_ref,temp),not_scalar 010153 0a 006616 540230 5861 5862 pad_char_const_to_dw arg1 " the two operands remain swapped 010154 aa 000000 040376 5863 5864 load aq,arg1 010155 aa 000000 041656 010156 aa 100000 1170 00 5865 cmpaq arg2 5866 return tnc 010157 aa 000001 010617 5867 010160 5868 greater_hh: 5869 use_eaq 010160 aa 000000 000255 5870 5871 emit_eis 010161 aa 000000 000207 010162 aa 0 40100 1065 00 5872 cmpc (pr),(pr),fill(040) 010163 aa 100000 000000 5873 desc9a arg2 010164 aa 040000 000000 5874 desc9a arg1 5875 5876 return tnc 010165 aa 000001 010617 5877 010166 5878 greater_e1: 5879 unless_optype (variable,array_ref,temp),not_scalar 010166 0a 006616 540230 5880 5881 swap arg1 010167 aa 000000 040202 5882 unless_optype constant,invalid_opnd 010170 0a 006614 200230 5883 " Operands remain swapped. 5884 dt_jump1 arg2,(greater_hi,greater_hr,greater_hd,greater_hc,logical_op1,greater_hh,greater_ht) 010171 aa 000007 100374 010172 00 010176 010176 010173 00 010202 010202 010174 00 006610 010160 010175 0a 010176 000000 000007 5885 010176 5886 greater_hi: 010176 5887 greater_hr: 010176 5888 greater_ht: 5889 pad_char_const_to_word arg2 010176 aa 000000 100375 5890 5891 load a,arg1 010177 aa 000000 041256 010200 aa 100000 1150 00 5892 cmpa arg2 5893 return tnc 010201 aa 000001 010617 5894 010202 5895 greater_hd: 010202 5896 greater_hc: 5897 pad_char_const_to_dw arg2 010202 aa 000000 100376 5898 5899 load aq,arg1 010203 aa 000000 041656 010204 aa 100000 1170 00 5900 cmpaq arg2 5901 return tnc 010205 aa 000001 010617 5902 010206 5903 greater_tl: 5904 unless_dt (int,typeless),typeless_op1 010206 0a 006620 404226 5905 dt_jump1 op2,(greater_tl.1,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,typeless_op2,greater_tl.1) 010207 aa 000007 700374 010210 00 010214 006622 010211 00 006622 006622 010212 00 006622 006622 010213 0a 010214 000000 000007 5906 010214 5907 greater_tl.1: 5908 if_eaq tq,arg2,greater_tl.2 010214 0a 010220 104633 5909 5910 load tq,arg1 010215 aa 000000 044656 010216 aa 100000 1160 00 5911 cmpq arg2 5912 return tpnz 010217 aa 000001 010217 5913 010220 5914 greater_tl.2: 010220 aa 040000 1160 00 5915 cmpq arg1 5916 return tmi 010221 aa 000001 006617 5917 5918 or: func 2 010222 aa 000000 001215 5919 5920 unless_dt logical,or_e2 010223 0a 010233 020226 5921 swap arg1 010224 aa 000000 040202 5922 unless_dt logical,or_e1 010225 0a 010231 020226 5923 5924 load_top a 010226 aa 000000 001257 010227 aa 040000 2750 00 5925 ora arg1 5926 return a 010230 aa 000001 001217 5927 010231 5928 or_e1: 5929 error 313,arg1 010231 aa 000471 000702 010232 aa 000000 040303 000001 5930 010233 5931 or_e2: 5932 error 313,arg2 010233 aa 000471 000702 010234 aa 000000 100303 000001 5933 5934 and: func 2 010235 aa 000000 001215 5935 5936 unless_dt logical,and_e2 010236 0a 010246 020226 5937 swap arg1 010237 aa 000000 040202 5938 unless_dt logical,and_e1 010240 0a 010244 020226 5939 5940 load_top a 010241 aa 000000 001257 010242 aa 040000 3750 00 5941 ana arg1 5942 return a 010243 aa 000001 001217 5943 010244 5944 and_e1: 5945 error 313,arg1 010244 aa 000471 000702 010245 aa 000000 040303 000001 5946 010246 5947 and_e2: 5948 error 313,arg2 010246 aa 000471 000702 010247 aa 000000 100303 000001 5949 5950 not: func 1 010250 aa 000000 000615 5951 5952 unless_dt logical,not.e 010251 0a 010273 020226 5953 5954 if_eaq ind,op1,not_ind 010252 0a 010256 745233 5955 5956 load a,op1 010253 aa 000000 741256 010254 aa 400000 6750 03 5957 era =o400000,du 5958 return a 010255 aa 000001 001217 5959 010256 5960 not_ind: 5961 ind_jump (not_tze,not_tnz,not_tmi,not_tpl,not_tmoz,not_tpnz,not_tnc,not_trc) 010256 aa 000010 000236 010257 00 010263 010264 010260 00 010265 010266 010261 00 010267 010270 010262 00 010271 010272 000010 5962 010263 5963 not_tze: 5964 return tnz 010263 aa 000001 006217 5965 010264 5966 not_tnz: 5967 return tze 010264 aa 000001 005617 5968 010265 5969 not_tmi: 5970 return tpl 010265 aa 000001 007217 5971 010266 5972 not_tpl: 5973 return tmi 010266 aa 000001 006617 5974 010267 5975 not_tmoz: 5976 return tpnz 010267 aa 000001 010217 5977 010270 5978 not_tpnz: 5979 return tmoz 010270 aa 000001 007617 5980 010271 5981 not_tnc: 5982 return trc 010271 aa 000001 011217 5983 010272 5984 not_trc: 5985 return tnc 010272 aa 000001 010617 5986 010273 5987 not.e: 5988 error 313,op1 010273 aa 000471 000702 010274 aa 000000 740303 000001 5989 5990 equiv: func 2 010275 aa 000000 001215 5991 5992 unless_dt logical,equiv.p 010276 0a 010315 020226 5993 swap arg1 010277 aa 000000 040202 5994 unless_dt logical,equiv.p 010300 0a 010315 020226 5995 5996 use_ind 010301 aa 000007 000206 5997 5998 load_top a 010302 aa 000000 001257 010303 aa 040000 1150 00 5999 cmpa arg1 6000 return tze 010304 aa 000001 005617 6001 6002 010305 6003 not_equiv: 6004 func 2 010305 aa 000000 001215 6005 6006 unless_dt logical,not_equiv.p 010306 0a 010315 020226 6007 swap arg1 010307 aa 000000 040202 6008 unless_dt logical,not_equiv.p 010310 0a 010315 020226 6009 6010 use_ind 010311 aa 000007 000206 6011 6012 load_top a 010312 aa 000000 001257 010313 aa 040000 1150 00 6013 cmpa arg1 6014 return tnz 010314 aa 000001 006217 6015 6016 010315 6017 equiv.p: 010315 6018 not_equiv.p: 6019 error 313,op1 010315 aa 000471 000702 010316 aa 000000 740303 000001 6020 6021 jump: proc 1 010317 aa 000000 000614 6022 6023 6024 shorten_stack 010320 aa 000000 000272 6025 010321 aa 040000 7100 00 6026 tra arg1 6027 return 010322 aa 000000 000217 6028 010323 6029 jump_logical: 6030 proc 1 010323 aa 000000 000614 6031 6032 unless_dt logical,jump_logical.p 010324 0a 010362 020226 6033 6034 shorten_stack protect_indicators 010325 aa 000001 000272 6035 6036 push_label 010326 aa 000001 000206 6037 6038 if_eaq ind,arg1,jump_logical_ind 010327 0a 010335 045233 6039 6040 load a,arg1 010330 aa 000000 041256 6041 6042 6043 if_ind a,emit_tze 010331 0a 010333 001310 6044 010332 aa 000000 1150 07 6045 cmpa 0,dl " set the indicators 6046 010333 6047 emit_tze: 010333 aa 740000 6000 00 6048 tze op1 6049 jump jl_statement 010334 0a 010367 000220 6050 010335 6051 jump_logical_ind: 6052 6053 6054 ind_jump (jump_logical_tze,jump_logical_tnz,jump_logical_tmi,jump_logical_tpl,jump_logical_tmoz,jump_logical_tpnz,jump_logical_tnc,jump_logical_trc) 010335 aa 000010 000236 010336 00 010342 010344 010337 00 010346 010350 010340 00 010352 010354 010341 00 010356 010360 000010 6055 010342 6056 jump_logical_tze: 010342 aa 740000 6010 00 6057 tnz op1 6058 jump jl_statement 010343 0a 010367 000220 6059 010344 6060 jump_logical_tnz: 010344 aa 740000 6000 00 6061 tze op1 6062 jump jl_statement 010345 0a 010367 000220 6063 010346 6064 jump_logical_tmi: 010346 aa 740000 6050 00 6065 tpl op1 6066 jump jl_statement 010347 0a 010367 000220 6067 010350 6068 jump_logical_tpl: 010350 aa 740000 6040 00 6069 tmi op1 6070 jump jl_statement 010351 0a 010367 000220 6071 010352 6072 jump_logical_tmoz: 010352 aa 740000 6054 00 6073 tpnz op1 6074 jump jl_statement 010353 0a 010367 000220 6075 010354 6076 jump_logical_tpnz: 010354 aa 740000 6044 00 6077 tmoz op1 6078 jump jl_statement 010355 0a 010367 000220 6079 010356 6080 jump_logical_tnc: 010356 aa 740000 6030 00 6081 trc op1 6082 jump jl_statement 010357 0a 010367 000220 6083 010360 6084 jump_logical_trc: 010360 aa 740000 6020 00 6085 tnc op1 6086 jump jl_statement 010361 0a 010367 000220 6087 010362 6088 jump_logical.p: 6089 print 324,op1 010362 aa 000504 000701 010363 aa 000000 740303 000001 6090 scan continue,next 010364 010364 0a 010364 000221 010365 0a 010366 000220 010366 6091 return 010366 aa 000000 000217 6092 010367 6093 jl_statement: 6094 swap arg1 010367 aa 000000 040202 6095 pop op1 010370 aa 000000 740203 6096 6097 scan continue,next 010371 010371 0a 010371 000221 010372 0a 010373 000220 010373 6098 6099 label op1 010373 aa 000000 740243 6100 return 010374 aa 000000 000217 6101 010375 6102 jump_arithmetic: 6103 proc 4 010375 aa 000000 002214 6104 6105 swap arg1 010376 aa 000000 040202 6106 6107 unless_dt (int,real,dp),jump_arithmetic.e 010377 0a 010517 700226 6108 6109 shorten_stack 010400 aa 000000 000272 6110 6111 if_dt int,jump_arithmetic_i 010401 0a 010411 400225 6112 if_dt real,jump_arithmetic_r 010402 0a 010422 200225 6113 swap arg1 010403 aa 000000 040202 6114 6115 unless_eaq deaq,arg1,jump_arithmetic_r.1 010404 0a 010430 042634 6116 6117 if_ind deaq,jump_arithmetic.01 010405 0a 010434 002710 6118 010406 aa 400000 5150 03 6119 fcmp =0.,du 6120 in_reg deaq,arg1 010407 aa 000000 042660 6121 6122 jump jump_arithmetic.01 010410 0a 010434 000220 6123 010411 6124 jump_arithmetic_i: 6125 swap arg1 010411 aa 000000 040202 6126 unless_eaq q,arg1,jump_arithmetic_i.1 010412 0a 010417 040634 6127 6128 if_ind q,jump_arithmetic.01 010413 0a 010434 000710 6129 010414 aa 000000 1160 07 6130 cmpq 0,dl 6131 in_reg q,arg1 010415 aa 000000 040660 6132 6133 jump jump_arithmetic.01 010416 0a 010434 000220 6134 010417 6135 jump_arithmetic_i.1: 6136 use_ind 010417 aa 000007 000206 010420 aa 040000 2340 00 6137 szn arg1 6138 jump jump_arithmetic.01 010421 0a 010434 000220 6139 010422 6140 jump_arithmetic_r: 6141 swap arg1 010422 aa 000000 040202 6142 6143 unless_eaq eaq,arg1,jump_arithmetic_r.1 010423 0a 010430 042234 6144 6145 if_ind eaq,jump_arithmetic.01 010424 0a 010434 002310 6146 010425 aa 400000 5150 03 6147 fcmp =0.,du 6148 in_reg eaq,arg1 010426 aa 000000 042260 6149 6150 jump jump_arithmetic.01 010427 0a 010434 000220 6151 010430 6152 jump_arithmetic_r.1: 6153 use_ind 010430 aa 000007 000206 6154 use_eaq " so we dont have to invent use_eaq protect_indicators 010431 aa 000000 000255 010432 aa 040000 4300 00 6155 fszn arg1 6156 jump jump_arithmetic.01 010433 0a 010434 000220 6157 010434 6158 jump_arithmetic.01: 6159 swap arg1 010434 aa 000000 040202 6160 pop arg4 010435 aa 000000 200203 6161 6162 6163 swap arg2 010436 aa 000000 100202 6164 swap arg1 010437 aa 000000 040202 6165 6166 push_label 010440 aa 000001 000206 6167 6168 swap arg3 010441 aa 000000 140202 6169 if_optype rel_constant,ja3 010442 0a 010446 010227 6170 6171 copy arg3 010443 aa 000000 140201 6172 swap arg4 010444 aa 000000 200202 6173 pop arg5 010445 aa 000000 240203 6174 010446 6175 ja3: 6176 swap arg3 010446 aa 000000 140202 6177 6178 swap arg2 010447 aa 000000 100202 6179 if_optype rel_constant,ja2 010450 0a 010454 010227 6180 6181 copy arg2 010451 aa 000000 100201 6182 swap arg4 010452 aa 000000 200202 6183 pop arg5 010453 aa 000000 240203 6184 010454 6185 ja2: 6186 swap arg2 010454 aa 000000 100202 6187 6188 swap arg1 010455 aa 000000 040202 6189 if_optype rel_constant,ja1 010456 0a 010462 010227 6190 6191 copy arg1 010457 aa 000000 040201 6192 swap arg4 010460 aa 000000 200202 6193 pop arg5 010461 aa 000000 240203 6194 010462 6195 ja1: 6196 swap arg1 010462 aa 000000 040202 6197 6198 swap arg3 010463 aa 000000 140202 6199 6200 if arg1,=,op1,jump_arithmetic_13 010464 0a 010505 051637 6201 if arg2,=,op1,jump_arithmetic_23 010465 0a 010512 111637 6202 6203 swap arg1 010466 aa 000000 040202 6204 6205 if arg2,=,op1,jump_arithmetic_12 010467 0a 010477 111637 6206 6207 swap arg1 010470 aa 000000 040202 6208 swap arg3 010471 aa 000000 140202 6209 010472 aa 040000 6040 00 6210 tmi arg1 010473 aa 100000 6000 00 6211 tze arg2 010474 aa 140000 7100 00 6212 tra arg3 6213 label op1 010475 aa 000000 740243 6214 return 010476 aa 000000 000217 6215 010477 6216 jump_arithmetic_12: 6217 swap arg1 010477 aa 000000 040202 6218 swap arg3 010500 aa 000000 140202 6219 010501 aa 040000 6044 00 6220 tmoz arg1 010502 aa 140000 7100 00 6221 tra arg3 6222 label op1 010503 aa 000000 740243 6223 return 010504 aa 000000 000217 6224 010505 6225 jump_arithmetic_13: 6226 swap arg3 010505 aa 000000 140202 6227 010506 aa 040000 6010 00 6228 tnz arg1 010507 aa 100000 7100 00 6229 tra arg2 6230 label op1 010510 aa 000000 740243 6231 return 010511 aa 000000 000217 6232 010512 6233 jump_arithmetic_23: 6234 swap arg3 010512 aa 000000 140202 6235 010513 aa 100000 6050 00 6236 tpl arg2 010514 aa 040000 7100 00 6237 tra arg1 6238 label op1 010515 aa 000000 740243 6239 return 010516 aa 000000 000217 6240 010517 6241 jump_arithmetic.e: 6242 error 325,op1 010517 aa 000505 000702 010520 aa 000000 740303 000001 6243 010521 6244 jump_computed: 6245 proc 1 010521 aa 000000 000614 6246 6247 if arg1,<,1,jc_list.p 010522 0a 010567 040637 6248 6249 copy arg1 010523 aa 000000 040201 6250 6251 push_label "push fall_through label 010524 aa 000001 000206 6252 6253 scan jc_error,(continue,next) 010525 010525 0a 010601 000221 010526 0a 010525 000220 010527 0a 010530 000220 010530 6254 6255 scan continue,next 010530 010530 0a 010530 000221 010531 0a 010532 000220 010532 6256 6257 unless_dt (int,real,dp,cmpx),jump_computed.p 010532 0a 010576 740226 6258 6259 shorten_stack 010533 aa 000000 000272 6260 6261 if_dt int,jump_computed_i 010534 0a 010540 400225 6262 if_dt real,jump_computed_r 010535 0a 010542 200225 6263 if_dt dp,jump_computed_d 010536 0a 010544 100225 6264 jump jump_computed_r 010537 0a 010542 000220 6265 010540 6266 jump_computed_i: 6267 load q,op1 010540 aa 000000 740656 6268 jump jc_transfer 010541 0a 010546 000220 6269 010542 6270 jump_computed_r: 6271 s_call cv_load.ri 010542 0a 002060 000223 6272 jump jc_transfer 010543 0a 010546 000220 6273 010544 6274 jump_computed_d: 6275 s_call cv_load.di 010544 0a 002101 000223 6276 jump jc_transfer 010545 0a 010546 000220 6277 010546 6278 jc_transfer: 6279 pop op1 010546 aa 000000 740203 6280 6281 6282 if_ind q,jc_tmoz 010547 0a 010551 000710 010550 aa 000000 1160 07 6283 cmpq 0,dl 6284 010551 6285 jc_tmoz: 010551 aa 140000 6044 00 6286 tmoz arg3 010552 aa 040000 1160 00 6287 cmpq arg1 010553 aa 140000 6054 00 6288 tpnz arg3 6289 6290 push_label 010554 aa 000001 000206 010555 aa 740000 0760 00 6291 adq op1 6292 label op1 010556 aa 000000 740243 6293 010557 aa 000000 7100 06 6294 tra 0,ql 6295 6296 pop op1 010560 aa 000000 740203 6297 010561 6298 jc_labels: 6299 copy arg2 010561 aa 000000 100201 010562 aa 000000 7100 00 6300 tra opv 6301 decrement arg2,1 010563 aa 000001 100264 6302 if arg2,^=,0,jc_labels 010564 0a 010561 114237 6303 010565 6304 jc_ret: 6305 label arg3 this is fall_through label 010565 aa 000000 140243 6306 return 010566 aa 000000 000217 6307 010567 6308 jc_list.p: 6309 print 327 010567 aa 000507 000301 000000 6310 6311 scan continue,(continue,next) 010570 010570 0a 010570 000221 010571 0a 010570 000220 010572 0a 010573 000220 010573 6312 scan continue,next 010573 010573 0a 010573 000221 010574 0a 010575 000220 010575 6313 jump jc_ret 010575 0a 010565 000220 6314 010576 6315 jump_computed.p: 6316 print 326,arg1 010576 aa 000506 000701 010577 aa 000000 040303 000001 6317 return 010600 aa 000000 000217 6318 010601 6319 jc_error: 6320 print 342,op1 010601 aa 000526 000701 010602 aa 000000 740303 000001 6321 6322 scan continue,(continue,next) 010603 010603 0a 010603 000221 010604 0a 010603 000220 010605 0a 010606 000220 010606 6323 scan continue,next 010606 010606 0a 010606 000221 010607 0a 010610 000220 010610 6324 jump jc_ret 010610 0a 010565 000220 6325 010611 6326 jump_assigned: 6327 proc 1 010611 aa 000000 000614 6328 6329 unless_dt int,jump_assigned.e 010612 0a 010623 400226 6330 6331 unless_array jump_assigned.1 010613 0a 010616 000231 6332 6333 print 300,op1 010614 aa 000454 000701 010615 aa 000000 740303 000001 6334 010616 6335 jump_assigned.1: 6336 use_ind 010616 aa 000007 000206 6337 shorten_stack 010617 aa 000000 000272 6338 010620 aa 040000 2200 00 6339 ldx0 arg1 6340 010621 aa 000000 7100 10 6341 tra 0,0 6342 return 010622 aa 000000 000217 6343 010623 6344 jump_assigned.e: 6345 print 301,op1 010623 aa 000455 000701 010624 aa 000000 740303 000001 6346 return 010625 aa 000000 000217 6347 010626 6348 assign_label: 6349 proc 2 010626 aa 000000 001214 6350 6351 unless_dt int,assign_label.e 010627 0a 010647 400226 6352 unless_array assign_label.1 010630 0a 010633 000231 6353 6354 print 300,op1 010631 aa 000454 000701 010632 aa 000000 740303 000001 6355 010633 6356 assign_label.1: 6357 swap arg1 010633 aa 000000 040202 6358 if_optype rel_constant,assign_label.2 010634 0a 010642 010227 6359 6360 " The label is on a format statement. 6361 6362 load_pr pr2,arg2 010635 aa 000003 100251 010636 aa 040000 5420 00 6363 sprp2 arg1 6364 flush_ref arg1 010637 aa 000000 040355 6365 free_regs 010640 aa 000004 000206 6366 return 010641 aa 000000 000217 6367 6368 " The label is on an executable statement. 6369 010642 6370 assign_label.2: 6371 use_ind 010642 aa 000007 000206 010643 aa 100000 6200 00 6372 eax0 arg2 010644 aa 040000 7400 00 6373 stx0 arg1 6374 flush_ref arg1 010645 aa 000000 040355 6375 return 010646 aa 000000 000217 6376 010647 6377 assign_label.e: 6378 print 301,op1 010647 aa 000455 000701 010650 aa 000000 740303 000001 6379 return 010651 aa 000000 000217 6380 010652 6381 block_if: 6382 proc 2 010652 aa 000000 001214 6383 6384 swap arg1 010653 aa 000000 040202 6385 unless_dt logical,block_if.p 010654 0a 010735 020226 6386 swap arg1 010655 aa 000000 040202 6387 6388 shorten_stack protect_indicators 010656 aa 000001 000272 6389 6390 push_label 010657 aa 000001 000206 6391 push_label 010660 aa 000001 000206 6392 6393 " arg1: predicate 6394 " arg2: clause count 6395 " arg3: label for end of entire block IF 6396 " arg4: label for end of current clause 6397 6398 if_eaq ind,arg1,block_if.ind 010661 0a 010667 045233 6399 6400 load a,arg1 010662 aa 000000 041256 6401 if_ind a,block_if.no_cmpa 010663 0a 010665 001310 010664 aa 000000 1150 07 6402 cmpa 0,dl 6403 010665 6404 block_if.no_cmpa: 010665 aa 200000 6000 00 6405 tze arg4 6406 jump block_if.pop_predicate 010666 0a 010714 000220 6407 010667 6408 block_if.ind: 6409 ind_jump (block_if.tze,block_if.tnz,block_if.tmi,block_if.tpl,block_if.tmoz,block_if.tpnz,block_if.tnc,block_if.trc) 010667 aa 000010 000236 010670 00 010674 010676 010671 00 010700 010702 010672 00 010704 010706 010673 00 010710 010712 000010 6410 010674 6411 block_if.tze: 010674 aa 200000 6010 00 6412 tnz arg4 6413 jump block_if.pop_predicate 010675 0a 010714 000220 6414 010676 6415 block_if.tnz: 010676 aa 200000 6000 00 6416 tze arg4 6417 jump block_if.pop_predicate 010677 0a 010714 000220 6418 010700 6419 block_if.tmi: 010700 aa 200000 6050 00 6420 tpl arg4 6421 jump block_if.pop_predicate 010701 0a 010714 000220 6422 010702 6423 block_if.tpl: 010702 aa 200000 6040 00 6424 tmi arg4 6425 jump block_if.pop_predicate 010703 0a 010714 000220 6426 010704 6427 block_if.tmoz: 010704 aa 200000 6054 00 6428 tpnz arg4 6429 jump block_if.pop_predicate 010705 0a 010714 000220 6430 010706 6431 block_if.tpnz: 010706 aa 200000 6044 00 6432 tmoz arg4 6433 jump block_if.pop_predicate 010707 0a 010714 000220 6434 010710 6435 block_if.tnc: 010710 aa 200000 6030 00 6436 trc arg4 6437 jump block_if.pop_predicate 010711 0a 010714 000220 6438 010712 6439 block_if.trc: 010712 aa 200000 6020 00 6440 tnc arg4 6441 jump block_if.pop_predicate 010713 0a 010714 000220 6442 010714 6443 block_if.pop_predicate: 6444 6445 " The predicate is no longer needed, so we can get rid of it now. 6446 " By doing this, we will avoid storing it. 6447 6448 swap arg1 010714 aa 000000 040202 6449 pop op1 010715 aa 000000 740203 6450 swap arg1 010716 aa 000000 040202 6451 6452 " At this point, the stack format is 6453 " arg1: label for end of entire block IF 6454 " arg2: clause count 6455 " arg3: label for end of current clause 6456 010717 6457 block_if_loop: 6458 scan continue,(next,block_if_end) 010717 010717 0a 010717 000221 010720 0a 010722 000220 010721 0a 010733 000220 010722 6459 6460 decrement arg2,1 010722 aa 000001 100264 6461 if arg2,=,0,block_if.no_tra 010723 0a 010725 110237 010724 aa 040000 7100 00 6462 tra arg1 6463 010725 6464 block_if.no_tra: 6465 label arg3 " Mark end of clause 010725 aa 000000 140243 6466 6467 if arg2,=,0,block_if_loop 010726 0a 010717 110237 6468 pop arg3 010727 aa 000000 140203 6469 push_label " Get new end of clause lbl 010730 aa 000001 000206 6470 6471 " The new end of clause label is passed to the first operator in 6472 " the new clause, which will either be an ELSE_IF or ELSE operator. 6473 6474 copy arg3 010731 aa 000000 140201 6475 jump block_if_loop 010732 0a 010717 000220 6476 010733 6477 block_if_end: 6478 label arg1 " Mark end of block IF 010733 aa 000000 040243 6479 return 010734 aa 000000 000217 6480 010735 6481 block_if.p: 6482 print 324,op1 010735 aa 000504 000701 010736 aa 000000 740303 000001 6483 scan continue,(continue,next) 010737 010737 0a 010737 000221 010740 0a 010737 000220 010741 0a 010742 000220 010742 6484 return 010742 aa 000000 000217 6485 010743 6486 else_if: 6487 proc 2 010743 aa 000000 001214 6488 6489 unless_dt logical,else_if.p 010744 0a 011001 020226 6490 6491 shorten_stack protect_indicators 010745 aa 000001 000272 6492 6493 " arg1: end of clause label 6494 " arg2: predicate 6495 6496 if_eaq ind,arg2,else_if.ind 010746 0a 010754 105233 6497 6498 load a,arg2 010747 aa 000000 101256 6499 if_ind a,else_if.no_cmpa 010750 0a 010752 001310 010751 aa 000000 1150 07 6500 cmpa 0,dl 6501 010752 6502 else_if.no_cmpa: 010752 aa 040000 6000 00 6503 tze arg1 6504 return 010753 aa 000000 000217 6505 010754 6506 else_if.ind: 6507 ind_jump (else_if.tze,else_if.tnz,else_if.tmi,else_if.tpl,else_if.tmoz,else_if.tpnz,else_if.tnc,else_if.trc) 010754 aa 000010 000236 010755 00 010761 010763 010756 00 010765 010767 010757 00 010771 010773 010760 00 010775 010777 000010 6508 010761 6509 else_if.tze: 010761 aa 040000 6010 00 6510 tnz arg1 6511 return 010762 aa 000000 000217 6512 010763 6513 else_if.tnz: 010763 aa 040000 6000 00 6514 tze arg1 6515 return 010764 aa 000000 000217 6516 010765 6517 else_if.tmi: 010765 aa 040000 6050 00 6518 tpl arg1 6519 return 010766 aa 000000 000217 6520 010767 6521 else_if.tpl: 010767 aa 040000 6040 00 6522 tmi arg1 6523 return 010770 aa 000000 000217 6524 010771 6525 else_if.tmoz: 010771 aa 040000 6054 00 6526 tpnz arg1 6527 return 010772 aa 000000 000217 6528 010773 6529 else_if.tpnz: 010773 aa 040000 6044 00 6530 tmoz arg1 6531 return 010774 aa 000000 000217 6532 010775 6533 else_if.tnc: 010775 aa 040000 6030 00 6534 trc arg1 6535 return 010776 aa 000000 000217 6536 010777 6537 else_if.trc: 010777 aa 040000 6020 00 6538 tnc arg1 6539 return 011000 aa 000000 000217 6540 011001 6541 else_if.p: 6542 error 324,op1 011001 aa 000504 000702 011002 aa 000000 740303 000001 6543 011003 6544 else: 6545 proc 1 011003 aa 000000 000614 6546 6547 " arg1: end of clause label 6548 6549 " The else operator needn't do anything but pop the end of clause 6550 " label from the operand stack. 6551 6552 return 011004 aa 000000 000217 6553 6554 read: proc 2 011005 aa 000000 001214 6555 6556 swap arg1 011006 aa 000000 040202 6557 6558 unless_dt int,read.p 011007 0a 011020 400226 6559 6560 swap arg1 011010 aa 000000 040202 6561 load q,arg1 011011 aa 000000 040656 011012 aa 100000 2350 00 6562 lda arg2 6563 reserve_regs (x6,pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 011013 aa 005760 000250 011014 aa 0 01246 7001 00 6564 tsx0 pr0|ftn_read 6565 free_regs 011015 aa 000004 000206 6566 reset_eaq 011016 aa 000006 000206 6567 return 011017 aa 000000 000217 6568 011020 6569 read.p: 6570 print 302,op1 011020 aa 000456 000701 011021 aa 000000 740303 000001 6571 return 011022 aa 000000 000217 6572 6573 write: proc 2 011023 aa 000000 001214 6574 6575 swap arg1 011024 aa 000000 040202 6576 6577 unless_dt int,write.p 011025 0a 011036 400226 6578 6579 swap arg1 011026 aa 000000 040202 6580 load q,arg1 011027 aa 000000 040656 011030 aa 100000 2350 00 6581 lda arg2 6582 reserve_regs (x6,pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 011031 aa 005760 000250 011032 aa 0 01247 7001 00 6583 tsx0 pr0|ftn_write 6584 free_regs 011033 aa 000004 000206 6585 reset_eaq 011034 aa 000006 000206 6586 return 011035 aa 000000 000217 6587 011036 6588 write.p: 6589 print 302,op1 011036 aa 000456 000701 011037 aa 000000 740303 000001 6590 return 011040 aa 000000 000217 6591 6592 format: proc 1 011041 aa 000000 000614 6593 6594 if_dt char,format_c 011042 0a 011057 010225 6595 6596 unless_dt int,format.pp 011043 0a 011053 400226 6597 6598 if_array format_c 011044 0a 011057 000631 6599 6600 " Must be an integer variable defined with a format value in an 6601 " ASSIGN statement. The variable will contain a packed pointer 6602 " which locates the format string. 6603 6604 reserve_regs pr2 011045 aa 000200 000250 011046 aa 040000 7620 00 6605 lprp2 arg1 6606 push_builtin ps 011047 aa 000002 000213 011050 aa 740006 2520 00 6607 spri2 op1+format_slot 6608 free_regs 011051 aa 000004 000206 6609 return 011052 aa 000000 000217 6610 011053 6611 format.pp: 6612 error 329,arg1 011053 aa 000511 000702 011054 aa 000000 040303 000001 6613 011055 6614 format.pv: 6615 error 358,arg1 011055 aa 000546 000702 011056 aa 000000 040303 000001 6616 011057 6617 format_c: 6618 if_VLA arg1,format.pv " cannot be a Very Large Array 011057 0a 011055 040730 6619 load_pr pr2,arg1 011060 aa 000003 040251 6620 push_builtin ps 011061 aa 000002 000213 011062 aa 740006 2520 00 6621 spri2 op1+format_slot 6622 free_regs 011063 aa 000004 000206 6623 return 011064 aa 000000 000217 6624 6625 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 6626 011065 6627 end_label: 6628 proc 1 011065 aa 000000 000614 6629 load_pr pr5,arg1 011066 aa 000005 040251 6630 push_builtin ps 011067 aa 000002 000213 011070 aa 740014 6514 00 6631 spri5 op1+end_label_slot 6632 free_regs 011071 aa 000004 000206 6633 return 011072 aa 000000 000217 6634 6635 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 6636 011073 6637 error_label: 6638 proc 1 011073 aa 000000 000614 6639 6640 load_pr pr5,arg1 011074 aa 000005 040251 6641 push_builtin ps 011075 aa 000002 000213 011076 aa 740012 6514 00 6642 spri5 op1+error_label_slot 6643 free_regs 011077 aa 000004 000206 6644 return 011100 aa 000000 000217 6645 011101 6646 xmit_scalar: 6647 proc 1 011101 aa 000000 000614 6648 6649 use_eaq 011102 aa 000000 000255 6650 6651 load_pr pr2,arg1 011103 aa 000003 040251 6652 6653 dt_jump1 op1,(xs_i,xs_r,xs_d,xs_c,xs_l,xs_h,xs_t) 011104 aa 000007 740374 011105 00 011111 011113 011106 00 011115 011117 011107 00 011121 011123 011110 0a 011111 000000 000007 6654 011111 6655 xs_i: 011111 6656 xs_t: 011111 aa 400000 2350 03 6657 lda =1b18,du =o400000 6658 jump xs_transfer 011112 0a 011130 000220 6659 011113 6660 xs_r: 011113 aa 200000 2350 03 6661 lda =1b19,du =o200000 6662 jump xs_transfer 011114 0a 011130 000220 6663 011115 6664 xs_d: 011115 aa 100000 2350 03 6665 lda =1b20,du =o100000 6666 jump xs_transfer 011116 0a 011130 000220 6667 011117 6668 xs_c: 011117 aa 040000 2350 03 6669 lda =1b21,du =o040000 6670 jump xs_transfer 011120 0a 011130 000220 6671 011121 6672 xs_l: 011121 aa 020000 2350 03 6673 lda =1b22,du =o020000 6674 jump xs_transfer 011122 0a 011130 000220 6675 011123 6676 xs_h: 6677 push_length arg1 011123 aa 000000 040304 011124 aa 740000 2350 00 6678 lda op1 6679 emit 1 011125 aa 000001 000242 011126 aa 000004 7350 00 6680 als 4 011127 aa 010000 2750 03 6681 ora 4096,du =o010000 6682 011130 6683 xs_transfer: 6684 reserve_regs (x6,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 011130 aa 005560 000250 011131 aa 0 01251 7001 00 6685 tsx0 pr0|ftn_scalar_xmit 6686 free_regs 011132 aa 000004 000206 6687 reset_eaq 011133 aa 000006 000206 6688 return 011134 aa 000000 000217 6689 011135 6690 xmit_array: 6691 proc 1 011135 aa 000000 000614 6692 6693 use_eaq 011136 aa 000000 000255 6694 6695 load_pr pr2,arg1 011137 aa 000003 040251 6696 6697 dt_jump1 op1,(xa_i,xa_r,xa_d,xa_c,xa_l,xa_h,xa_t) 011140 aa 000007 740374 011141 00 011145 011152 011142 00 011157 011164 011143 00 011171 011176 011144 0a 011145 000000 000007 6698 011145 6699 xa_i: 011145 6700 xa_t: 6701 if_VLA op1,xa_i_VLA 011145 0a 011150 740730 011146 aa 404000 2350 03 6702 lda =65b24,du =o404000 6703 jump xa_transfer 011147 0a 011203 000220 6704 011150 6705 xa_i_VLA: 011150 aa 406000 2350 03 6706 lda =o406000,du 6707 jump xa_transfer 011151 0a 011203 000220 6708 011152 6709 xa_r: 6710 if_VLA op1,xa_r_VLA 011152 0a 011155 740730 011153 aa 204000 2350 03 6711 lda =33b24,du =o204000 6712 jump xa_transfer 011154 0a 011203 000220 6713 011155 6714 xa_r_VLA: 011155 aa 206000 2350 03 6715 lda =o206000,du 6716 jump xa_transfer 011156 0a 011203 000220 6717 011157 6718 xa_d: 6719 if_VLA op1,xa_d_VLA 011157 0a 011162 740730 011160 aa 104000 2350 03 6720 lda =17b24,du =o104000 6721 jump xa_transfer 011161 0a 011203 000220 6722 011162 6723 xa_d_VLA: 011162 aa 106000 2350 03 6724 lda =o106000,du 6725 jump xa_transfer 011163 0a 011203 000220 6726 011164 6727 xa_c: 6728 if_VLA op1,xa_c_VLA 011164 0a 011167 740730 011165 aa 044000 2350 03 6729 lda =9b24,du =o044000 6730 jump xa_transfer 011166 0a 011203 000220 6731 011167 6732 xa_c_VLA: 011167 aa 046000 2350 03 6733 lda =o046000,du 6734 jump xa_transfer 011170 0a 011203 000220 6735 011171 6736 xa_l: 6737 if_VLA op1,xa_l_VLA 011171 0a 011174 740730 011172 aa 024000 2350 03 6738 lda =5b24,du =o024000 6739 jump xa_transfer 011173 0a 011203 000220 6740 011174 6741 xa_l_VLA: 011174 aa 026000 2350 03 6742 lda =o026000,du 6743 jump xa_transfer 011175 0a 011203 000220 6744 011176 6745 xa_h: 6746 push_length arg1 011176 aa 000000 040304 011177 aa 740000 2350 00 6747 lda op1 6748 emit 1 011200 aa 000001 000242 011201 aa 000004 7350 00 6749 als 4 011202 aa 014000 2750 03 6750 ora 6144,du =o014000 6751 011203 6752 xa_transfer: 6753 push_array_size arg1 011203 aa 000000 040300 011204 aa 740000 2360 00 6754 ldq op1 6755 6756 reserve_regs (x6,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 011205 aa 005560 000250 011206 aa 0 01252 7001 00 6757 tsx0 pr0|ftn_array_xmit 6758 free_regs 011207 aa 000004 000206 6759 reset_eaq 011210 aa 000006 000206 6760 return 011211 aa 000000 000217 6761 011212 6762 xmit_vector: 6763 proc 2 011212 aa 000000 001214 6764 6765 load_pr pr2,arg1 011213 aa 000003 040251 6766 load q,arg2 " collapsed implied loop provides the count 011214 aa 000000 100656 6767 6768 swap arg1 "Note arguments remain swapped 011215 aa 000000 040202 6769 6770 dt_jump1 op1,(xv_i,xv_r,xv_d,xv_c,xv_l,xv_h,xv_t) 011216 aa 000007 740374 011217 00 011223 011230 011220 00 011235 011242 011221 00 011247 011254 011222 0a 011223 000000 000007 6771 011223 6772 xv_i: 011223 6773 xv_t: 6774 if_VLA op1,xv_i_VLA 011223 0a 011226 740730 011224 aa 404000 2350 03 6775 lda =65b24,du =o404000 6776 jump xv_transfer 011225 0a 011261 000220 6777 011226 6778 xv_i_VLA: 011226 aa 406000 2350 03 6779 lda =o406000,du 6780 jump xv_transfer 011227 0a 011261 000220 6781 011230 6782 xv_r: 6783 if_VLA op1,xv_r_VLA 011230 0a 011233 740730 011231 aa 204000 2350 03 6784 lda =33b24,du =o204000 6785 jump xv_transfer 011232 0a 011261 000220 6786 011233 6787 xv_r_VLA: 011233 aa 206000 2350 03 6788 lda =o206000,du 6789 jump xv_transfer 011234 0a 011261 000220 6790 011235 6791 xv_d: 6792 if_VLA op1,xv_d_VLA 011235 0a 011240 740730 011236 aa 104000 2350 03 6793 lda =17b24,du =o104000 6794 jump xv_transfer 011237 0a 011261 000220 6795 011240 6796 xv_d_VLA: 011240 aa 106000 2350 03 6797 lda =o106000,du 6798 jump xv_transfer 011241 0a 011261 000220 6799 011242 6800 xv_c: 6801 if_VLA op1,xv_c_VLA 011242 0a 011245 740730 011243 aa 044000 2350 03 6802 lda =9b24,du =o044000 6803 jump xv_transfer 011244 0a 011261 000220 6804 011245 6805 xv_c_VLA: 011245 aa 046000 2350 03 6806 lda =o046000,du 6807 jump xv_transfer 011246 0a 011261 000220 6808 011247 6809 xv_l: 6810 if_VLA op1,xv_l_VLA 011247 0a 011252 740730 011250 aa 024000 2350 03 6811 lda =5b24,du =o024000 6812 jump xv_transfer 011251 0a 011261 000220 6813 011252 6814 xv_l_VLA: 011252 aa 026000 2350 03 6815 lda =o026000,du 6816 jump xv_transfer 011253 0a 011261 000220 6817 011254 6818 xv_h: 6819 push_length arg2 011254 aa 000000 100304 011255 aa 740000 2350 00 6820 lda op1 6821 emit 1 011256 aa 000001 000242 011257 aa 000004 7350 00 6822 als 4 011260 aa 014000 2750 03 6823 ora 6144,du =o014000 6824 011261 6825 xv_transfer: 6826 6827 reserve_regs (x6,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 011261 aa 005560 000250 011262 aa 0 01252 7001 00 6828 tsx0 pr0|ftn_array_xmit 6829 free_regs 011263 aa 000004 000206 6830 reset_eaq 011264 aa 000006 000206 6831 return 011265 aa 000000 000217 6832 6833 endfile: proc 2 011266 aa 000000 001214 6834 6835 swap arg1 011267 aa 000000 040202 6836 unless_dt int,endfile.p 011270 0a 011300 400226 6837 6838 load q,arg2 011271 aa 000000 100656 011272 aa 040000 2350 00 6839 lda arg1 6840 reserve_regs (x6,pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 011273 aa 005760 000250 011274 aa 0 01250 7001 00 6841 tsx0 pr0|ftn_manip 6842 free_regs 011275 aa 000004 000206 6843 reset_eaq 011276 aa 000006 000206 6844 return 011277 aa 000000 000217 6845 011300 6846 endfile.p: 6847 print 302,op1 011300 aa 000456 000701 011301 aa 000000 740303 000001 6848 return 011302 aa 000000 000217 6849 6850 rewind: proc 2 011303 aa 000000 001214 6851 6852 swap arg1 011304 aa 000000 040202 6853 unless_dt int,rewind.p 011305 0a 011315 400226 6854 6855 load q,arg2 011306 aa 000000 100656 011307 aa 040000 2350 00 6856 lda arg1 6857 reserve_regs (x6,pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 011310 aa 005760 000250 011311 aa 0 01250 7001 00 6858 tsx0 pr0|ftn_manip 6859 free_regs 011312 aa 000004 000206 6860 reset_eaq 011313 aa 000006 000206 6861 return 011314 aa 000000 000217 6862 011315 6863 rewind.p: 6864 print 302,op1 011315 aa 000456 000701 011316 aa 000000 740303 000001 6865 return 011317 aa 000000 000217 6866 011320 6867 backspace: 6868 proc 2 011320 aa 000000 001214 6869 6870 swap arg1 011321 aa 000000 040202 6871 unless_dt int,backspace.p 011322 0a 011332 400226 6872 6873 load q,arg2 011323 aa 000000 100656 011324 aa 040000 2350 00 6874 lda arg1 6875 reserve_regs (x6,pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 011325 aa 005760 000250 011326 aa 0 01250 7001 00 6876 tsx0 pr0|ftn_manip 6877 free_regs 011327 aa 000004 000206 6878 reset_eaq 011330 aa 000006 000206 6879 return 011331 aa 000000 000217 6880 011332 6881 backspace.p: 6882 print 302,op1 011332 aa 000456 000701 011333 aa 000000 740303 000001 6883 return 011334 aa 000000 000217 6884 6885 margin: proc 2 011335 aa 000000 001214 6886 6887 unless_dt int,margin2.p 011336 0a 011357 400226 6888 swap arg1 011337 aa 000000 040202 6889 unless_dt int,margin1.p 011340 0a 011354 400226 6890 swap arg1 011341 aa 000000 040202 6891 6892 load q,arg1 011342 aa 000000 040656 6893 push_builtin ps 011343 aa 000002 000213 011344 aa 100000 2350 00 6894 lda arg2 011345 aa 740034 7550 00 6895 sta op1+margin_slot 011346 aa 001400 2350 03 6896 lda =3b27,du =o001400 6897 reserve_regs (x6,pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 011347 aa 005760 000250 011350 aa 0 01250 7001 00 6898 tsx0 pr0|ftn_manip 6899 free_regs 011351 aa 000004 000206 6900 reset_eaq 011352 aa 000006 000206 6901 return 011353 aa 000000 000217 6902 011354 6903 margin1.p: 6904 print 302,op1 011354 aa 000456 000701 011355 aa 000000 740303 000001 6905 return 011356 aa 000000 000217 6906 011357 6907 margin2.p: 6908 print 331,op1 011357 aa 000513 000701 011360 aa 000000 740303 000001 6909 return 011361 aa 000000 000217 6910 6911 openfile: proc 3 011362 aa 000000 001614 6912 6913 swap arg1 011363 aa 000000 040202 6914 unless_dt int,openfile1.p 011364 0a 011413 400226 6915 swap arg1 011365 aa 000000 040202 6916 swap arg2 011366 aa 000000 100202 6917 unless_dt char,openfile2.p 011367 0a 011416 010226 6918 if_array openfile2.p 011370 0a 011416 000631 6919 swap arg2 011371 aa 000000 100202 6920 unless_dt char,openfile3.p 011372 0a 011421 010226 6921 if_array openfile3.p 011373 0a 011421 000631 6922 6923 push_length arg2 011374 aa 000000 100304 6924 push_builtin ps 011375 aa 000002 000213 6925 load_pr pr2,arg2 011376 aa 000003 100251 011377 aa 740036 2520 00 6926 spri2 op1+file_name_slot 6927 load_pr pr2,arg3 011400 aa 000003 140251 011401 aa 740040 2520 00 6928 spri2 op1+file_type_slot 011402 aa 700000 2350 00 6929 lda op2 011403 aa 740025 7550 00 6930 sta op1+string_length_slot 011404 aa 001200 2350 03 6931 lda =5b28,du =o001200 6932 load q,arg1 011405 aa 000000 040656 6933 reserve_regs (x6,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 011406 aa 005560 000250 011407 aa 0 01250 7001 00 6934 tsx0 pr0|ftn_manip 6935 free_regs 011410 aa 000004 000206 6936 reset_eaq 011411 aa 000006 000206 6937 return 011412 aa 000000 000217 6938 011413 6939 openfile1.p: 6940 print 302,op1 011413 aa 000456 000701 011414 aa 000000 740303 000001 6941 return 011415 aa 000000 000217 6942 011416 6943 openfile2.p: 6944 print 332,op1 011416 aa 000514 000701 011417 aa 000000 740303 000001 6945 return 011420 aa 000000 000217 6946 011421 6947 openfile3.p: 6948 print 333,op1 011421 aa 000515 000701 011422 aa 000000 740303 000001 6949 return 011423 aa 000000 000217 6950 011424 6951 open: 011424 6952 close: 6953 proc 4 011424 aa 000000 002214 6954 6955 " arg1 - file number expre. must be integer 6956 " arg2 - job_bits const generated by compiler. 6957 " arg3 - open/close stmnt const generated by compiler. 6958 " arg4 - A count. Unused in macros. 6959 6960 use_eaq 011425 aa 000000 000255 6961 reserve_regs (x6,pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 011426 aa 005760 000250 011427 aa 0 01440 7001 00 6962 tsx0 pr0|ftn_get_area_ptr " returns ptr in PS.buffer_p 6963 free_regs 011430 aa 000004 000206 6964 6965 " Now add a new arg4. Swap existing arg4 with the builtin ps_area_ptr 6966 6967 pop op1 " remove useless count 011431 aa 000000 740203 6968 push_builtin ps_area_ptr " area_ptr builtin becomes arg4 011432 aa 000012 000213 6969 push_count 0 " index value for bit-string 011433 aa 000000 000266 6970 6971 011434 aa 140000 2350 00 6972 lda arg3 " fields-specified bit string 6973 6974 " Note - The first time this loop is entered, arg5 is op1. 6975 011435 6976 open_loop: 6977 load_pr_value pr3,arg4 " reload pr3 if not already loaded 011435 aa 000004 200360 6978 011436 aa 740000 6210 00 6979 eax1 op1 " load value of index into xr1 for runtime code 6980 011437 aa 0 01437 7001 00 6981 tsx0 pr0|ftn_open_element 6982 reset_eaq 011440 aa 000006 000206 6983 011441 6984 open_loop.2: 6985 scan open_loop.e,(next,open_return) 011441 011441 0a 011501 000221 011442 0a 011444 000220 011443 0a 011514 000220 011444 6986 6987 " Each successful scan adds two operands to the stack. 6988 " op2 - A value. See individual field for specifics. 6989 " op1 - A count. The index for the individual field. 6990 " This scan must be executed at least once to insure that existing error_label_op and 6991 " iostat_op are scanned before the code at label open_return is executed. 6992 6993 jump_indexed op1,(opencase1,opencase2,opencase3,opencase4,opencase5,opencase6,opencase7,opencase8,opencase9,opencase10,opencase11,opencase12,opencase13,opencase14) 011444 aa 000016 740241 011445 00 011454 011454 011446 00 011454 011454 011447 00 011454 011454 011450 00 011454 011463 011451 00 011470 011470 011452 00 011470 011470 011453 00 011454 011475 000016 6994 011454 6995 opencase1: " status 011454 6996 opencase2: " io switch 011454 6997 opencase3: " attach 011454 6998 opencase4: " file 011454 6999 opencase5: " mode 011454 7000 opencase6: " access 011454 7001 opencase7: " form 011454 7002 opencase13: " blank 7003 swap op2 " check data type 011454 aa 000000 700202 7004 unless_dt char,open_loop1.p 011455 0a 011503 010226 7005 7006 push_length op1 011456 aa 000000 740304 7007 load_pr pr2,op2 " point to string 011457 aa 000003 700251 7008 load q,op1 " load string's length 011460 aa 000000 740656 7009 pop op2 " pop back to count (index) 011461 aa 000000 700203 7010 jump open_loop 011462 0a 011435 000220 7011 011463 7012 opencase8: " recl 7013 swap op2 " check data type 011463 aa 000000 700202 7014 unless_dt int,open_loop2.p 011464 0a 011506 400226 7015 7016 load q,op1 " load the value 011465 aa 000000 740656 7017 pop op1 " pop back to count (index) 011466 aa 000000 740203 7018 jump open_loop 011467 0a 011435 000220 7019 011470 7020 opencase9: " binary 011470 7021 opencase10: " prompt 011470 7022 opencase11: " carriage 011470 7023 opencase12: " defer 7024 swap op2 " check data type 011470 aa 000000 700202 7025 7026 unless_dt logical,open_loop3.p 011471 0a 011511 020226 7027 7028 load a,op1 011472 aa 000000 741256 7029 pop op1 " pop back to count (index) 011473 aa 000000 740203 7030 jump open_loop 011474 0a 011435 000220 7031 011475 7032 opencase14: " unit 7033 swap op2 " get unit number 011475 aa 000000 700202 7034 swap arg1 " save it 011476 aa 000000 040202 7035 pop op2 " pop counts 011477 aa 000000 700203 7036 jump open_loop.2 " no code generated now 011500 0a 011441 000220 7037 011501 7038 open_loop.e: 7039 print 349 011501 aa 000535 000301 000000 7040 jump abort_list 011502 0a 000472 000220 7041 011503 7042 open_loop1.p: 7043 print 351,op1 011503 aa 000537 000701 011504 aa 000000 740303 000001 7044 jump abort_list 011505 0a 000472 000220 7045 011506 7046 open_loop2.p: 7047 print 352,op1 011506 aa 000540 000701 011507 aa 000000 740303 000001 7048 jump abort_list 011510 0a 000472 000220 7049 011511 7050 open_loop3.p: 7051 print 353,op1 011511 aa 000541 000701 011512 aa 000000 740303 000001 7052 jump abort_list 011513 0a 000472 000220 7053 011514 7054 open_return: 7055 swap arg1 " get file number expre. 011514 aa 000000 040202 7056 unless_dt int,open.p " must be integer 011515 0a 011525 400226 7057 load q,op1 011516 aa 000000 740656 011517 aa 100000 2350 00 7058 lda arg2 7059 reserve_regs (x6,pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 011520 aa 005760 000250 011521 aa 0 01250 7001 00 7060 tsx0 pr0|ftn_manip 7061 free_regs 011522 aa 000004 000206 7062 reset_eaq 011523 aa 000006 000206 7063 return 011524 aa 000000 000217 7064 011525 7065 open.p: 7066 error 302,op1 011525 aa 000456 000702 011526 aa 000000 740303 000001 7067 011527 7068 inquire: 7069 proc 3 011527 aa 000000 001614 7070 7071 " arg1 - job bits 7072 " arg2 - fields specified bit mask 7073 " arg3 - count (unused in macros) 7074 7075 " First get pointer to work area 7076 7077 use_eaq 011530 aa 000000 000255 7078 reserve_regs (x6,pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 011531 aa 005760 000250 011532 aa 0 01440 7001 00 7079 tsx0 pr0|ftn_get_area_ptr 7080 free_regs 011533 aa 000004 000206 7081 7082 pop op1 " Pop useless count 011534 aa 000000 740203 7083 push_builtin ps_area_ptr " This becomes arg3 011535 aa 000012 000213 7084 7085 " First pass thru loop is for fields specified mask 7086 7087 push_count 0 " Field index 011536 aa 000000 000266 011537 aa 100000 2350 00 7088 lda arg2 7089 011540 7090 inquire_loop: 7091 load_pr_value pr3,arg3 " Load pr3 if necessary 011540 aa 000004 140360 011541 aa 740000 6210 00 7092 eax1 op1 " Load field index 011542 aa 0 01466 7001 00 7093 tsx0 pr0|ftn_inquire_element 7094 reset_eaq 011543 aa 000006 000206 7095 7096 scan inquire_loop.e,(next,inquire_return) 011544 011544 0a 011616 000221 011545 0a 011547 000220 011546 0a 011631 000220 011547 7097 7098 " Each successful scan pushes two operands onto the stack: 7099 " op2 - A value (unit or filename) or reference (all others) 7100 " op1 - A count (the field index) 7101 7102 jump_indexed op1,(inquire_case_1,inquire_case_2,inquire_case_3,inquire_case_4,inquire_case_5,inquire_case_6,inquire_case_7,inquire_case_8,inquire_case_9,inquire_case_10,inquire_case_11,inquire_case_12,inquire_case_13,inquire_case_14,inquire_case_15,inquire_case_16,inquire_case_17,inquire_case_18,inquire_case_19,inquire_case_20,inquire_case_21,inquire_case_22,inquire_case_23,inquire_case_24,inquire_case_25,inquire_case_26) 011547 aa 000032 740241 011550 00 011613 011613 011551 00 011613 011565 011552 00 011613 011565 011553 00 011565 011574 011554 00 011613 011613 011555 00 011613 011613 011556 00 011565 011601 011557 00 011613 011613 011560 00 011606 011606 011561 00 011574 011606 011562 00 011565 011565 011563 00 011565 011565 011564 00 011574 011565 000032 7103 7104 011565 7105 inquire_case_4: " file 011565 7106 inquire_case_6: " access 011565 7107 inquire_case_7: " form 011565 7108 inquire_case_13: " blank 011565 7109 inquire_case_21: " name 011565 7110 inquire_case_22: " sequential 011565 7111 inquire_case_23: " formatted 011565 7112 inquire_case_24: " unformatted 011565 7113 inquire_case_26: " direct 7114 7115 " First check data type. 7116 7117 swap op2 011565 aa 000000 700202 7118 unless_dt char,inquire_loop.not_char 011566 0a 011620 010226 7119 7120 " Load pointer in pr2, and length in Q. 7121 7122 push_length op1 011567 aa 000000 740304 7123 load_pr pr2,op2 011570 aa 000003 700251 7124 load q,op1 011571 aa 000000 740656 7125 7126 pop op2 " Pop back to field index 011572 aa 000000 700203 7127 jump inquire_loop 011573 0a 011540 000220 7128 7129 011574 7130 inquire_case_8: " recl 011574 7131 inquire_case_19: " number 011574 7132 inquire_case_25: " nextrec 7133 7134 " First check data type. 7135 7136 swap op2 011574 aa 000000 700202 7137 unless_dt int,inquire_loop.not_int 011575 0a 011623 400226 7138 7139 " Load pr2 with pointer to integer. 7140 7141 load_pr pr2,op1 011576 aa 000003 740251 7142 7143 pop op1 " Pop back to field index 011577 aa 000000 740203 7144 jump inquire_loop 011600 0a 011540 000220 7145 7146 011601 7147 inquire_case_14: " unit 7148 7149 " First check data type. 7150 7151 swap op2 011601 aa 000000 700202 7152 unless_dt int,inquire_loop.not_int 011602 0a 011623 400226 7153 7154 " Load unit number in Q. 7155 7156 load q,op1 011603 aa 000000 740656 7157 7158 pop op1 " Pop back to field index 011604 aa 000000 740203 7159 jump inquire_loop 011605 0a 011540 000220 7160 7161 011606 7162 inquire_case_17: " exist 011606 7163 inquire_case_18: " opened 011606 7164 inquire_case_20: " named 7165 7166 " First check data type. 7167 7168 swap op2 011606 aa 000000 700202 7169 unless_dt logical,inquire_loop.not_logical 011607 0a 011626 020226 7170 7171 " Load pr2 with pointer to logical variable. 7172 7173 load_pr pr2,op1 011610 aa 000003 740251 7174 7175 pop op1 " Pop back to field index 011611 aa 000000 740203 7176 jump inquire_loop 011612 0a 011540 000220 7177 7178 011613 7179 inquire_case_1: " Invalid inquire fields 011613 7180 inquire_case_2: 011613 7181 inquire_case_3: 011613 7182 inquire_case_5: 011613 7183 inquire_case_9: 011613 7184 inquire_case_10: 011613 7185 inquire_case_11: 011613 7186 inquire_case_12: 011613 7187 inquire_case_15: 011613 7188 inquire_case_16: 7189 print 357,op1 011613 aa 000545 000701 011614 aa 000000 740303 000001 7190 jump abort_list 011615 0a 000472 000220 7191 7192 011616 7193 inquire_loop.e: 7194 print 356 011616 aa 000544 000301 000000 7195 jump abort_list 011617 0a 000472 000220 7196 011620 7197 inquire_loop.not_char: 7198 print 351,op1 011620 aa 000537 000701 011621 aa 000000 740303 000001 7199 jump abort_list 011622 0a 000472 000220 7200 011623 7201 inquire_loop.not_int: 7202 print 352,op1 011623 aa 000540 000701 011624 aa 000000 740303 000001 7203 jump abort_list 011625 0a 000472 000220 7204 011626 7205 inquire_loop.not_logical: 7206 print 353,op1 011626 aa 000541 000701 011627 aa 000000 740303 000001 7207 jump abort_list 011630 0a 000472 000220 7208 7209 011631 7210 inquire_return: 7211 push_count 0 " Dummy unit number 011631 aa 000000 000266 7212 load q,op1 " Get unit in Q 011632 aa 000000 740656 011633 aa 040000 2350 00 7213 lda arg1 " Get job bits in A 7214 reserve_regs (x6,pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 011634 aa 005760 000250 011635 aa 0 01250 7001 00 7215 tsx0 pr0|ftn_manip 7216 free_regs 011636 aa 000004 000206 7217 reset_eaq 011637 aa 000006 000206 7218 return 011640 aa 000000 000217 7219 7220 011641 7221 closefile: 7222 proc 1 011641 aa 000000 000614 7223 7224 unless_dt int,closefile.p 011642 0a 011652 400226 7225 7226 load q,arg1 011643 aa 000000 040656 011644 aa 000600 2350 03 7227 lda =3b28,du =o000600 7228 reserve_regs (x6,pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 011645 aa 005760 000250 011646 aa 0 01250 7001 00 7229 tsx0 pr0|ftn_manip 7230 free_regs 011647 aa 000004 000206 7231 reset_eaq 011650 aa 000006 000206 7232 return 011651 aa 000000 000217 7233 011652 7234 closefile.p: 7235 print 302,arg1 011652 aa 000456 000701 011653 aa 000000 040303 000001 7236 return 011654 aa 000000 000217 7237 011655 7238 iostat: 7239 proc 1 011655 aa 000000 000614 7240 7241 unless_dt int,iostat.p 011656 0a 011664 400226 7242 7243 push_builtin ps 011657 aa 000002 000213 7244 load_pr pr2,arg1 011660 aa 000003 040251 011661 aa 740056 2520 00 7245 spri2 op1+iostat_slot 7246 free_regs 011662 aa 000004 000206 7247 7248 return 011663 aa 000000 000217 7249 011664 7250 iostat.p: 7251 print 350,op1 011664 aa 000536 000701 011665 aa 000000 740303 000001 7252 return 011666 aa 000000 000217 7253 011667 7254 record_number: 7255 proc 1 011667 aa 000000 000614 7256 7257 unless_dt int,record_number.p 011670 0a 011675 400226 7258 7259 load q,arg1 011671 aa 000000 040656 7260 push_builtin ps 011672 aa 000002 000213 011673 aa 740011 7560 00 7261 stq op1+record_number_slot 7262 return 011674 aa 000000 000217 7263 011675 7264 record_number.p: 7265 print 304,arg1 011675 aa 000460 000701 011676 aa 000000 040303 000001 7266 return 011677 aa 000000 000217 7267 011700 7268 string: 7269 proc 1 011700 aa 000000 000614 7270 7271 unless_dt logical,string_c 011701 0a 011704 020226 7272 7273 print 305,arg1 011702 aa 000461 000701 011703 aa 000000 040303 000001 7274 011704 7275 string_c: 7276 load_pr pr2,arg1 011704 aa 000003 040251 7277 push_builtin ps 011705 aa 000002 000213 011706 aa 740020 2520 00 7278 spri2 op1+string_slot 7279 free_regs 011707 aa 000004 000206 7280 return 011710 aa 000000 000217 7281 011711 7282 string_length: 7283 proc 1 011711 aa 000000 000614 7284 7285 load q,arg1 011712 aa 000000 040656 7286 push_builtin ps 011713 aa 000002 000213 011714 aa 740025 7560 00 7287 stq op1+string_length_slot 7288 return 011715 aa 000000 000217 7289 011716 7290 read_internal_file: 011716 7291 write_internal_file: 7292 proc 1 011716 aa 000000 000614 7293 7294 unless_dt char,internal_file.p 011717 0a 011740 010226 7295 7296 push_builtin ps 011720 aa 000002 000213 7297 7298 load_pr pr2,arg1 011721 aa 000003 040251 011722 aa 100020 2520 00 7299 spri2 arg2+string_slot 7300 7301 push_length arg1 011723 aa 000000 040304 7302 load q,op1 011724 aa 000000 740656 011725 aa 100025 7560 00 7303 stq arg2+string_length_slot 7304 pop op1 011726 aa 000000 740203 7305 7306 swap arg1 011727 aa 000000 040202 7307 if_array internal_file.array 011730 0a 011733 000631 7308 011731 aa 040033 4500 00 7309 stz arg1+buffer_size_slot 7310 jump internal_file.ret 011732 0a 011736 000220 7311 011733 7312 internal_file.array: 7313 push_array_size op1 011733 aa 000000 740300 7314 load q,op1 011734 aa 000000 740656 011735 aa 040033 7560 00 7315 stq arg1+buffer_size_slot 7316 011736 7317 internal_file.ret: 7318 free_regs 011736 aa 000004 000206 7319 return 011737 aa 000000 000217 7320 7321 011740 7322 internal_file.p: 7323 error 303 011740 aa 000457 000302 000000 7324 7325 011741 7326 terminate: 7327 proc 0 011741 aa 000000 000214 7328 7329 reserve_regs (x6,pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 011742 aa 005760 000250 011743 aa 0 01253 7001 00 7330 tsx0 pr0|ftn_terminate 7331 free_regs 011744 aa 000004 000206 7332 reset_eaq 011745 aa 000006 000206 7333 return 011746 aa 000000 000217 7334 7335 sf_def: proc 1 011747 aa 000000 000614 7336 7337 push_label 011750 aa 000001 000206 7338 s_func_label arg1 011751 aa 000000 040275 7339 label op1 011752 aa 000000 740243 7340 7341 push_temp int 011753 aa 000000 000604 011754 aa 140000 4400 00 7342 sxl0 arg3 7343 7344 scan sf_def.p,next 011755 011755 0a 012061 000221 011756 0a 011757 000220 011757 7345 7346 copy arg1 011757 aa 000000 040201 7347 7348 dt_jump (sf_def_ii,sf_def_ri,sf_def_di,sf_def_ci,sf_def_ir,sf_def_rr,sf_def_dr,sf_def_cr,sf_def_id,sf_def_rd,sf_def_dd,sf_def_cd,sf_def_ic,sf_def_rc,sf_def_dc,sf_def_cc,sf_def_e2,sf_def_e1,sf_def_e2,sf_def_e1) 011760 aa 000024 000235 011761 00 011773 012000 011762 00 012006 012020 011763 00 011775 012023 011764 00 012025 012035 011765 00 012003 012023 011766 00 012025 012037 011767 00 012011 012032 011770 00 012027 012041 011771 00 012043 012050 011772 00 012043 012050 000024 7349 011773 7350 sf_def_ii: 7351 load q,op2 011773 aa 000000 700656 7352 jump sf_def_ret 011774 0a 012053 000220 7353 011775 7354 sf_def_ir: 7355 pop op1 011775 aa 000000 740203 7356 s_call 011776 0a 002050 000223 7357 jump sf_def_ret 011777 0a 012053 000220 7358 012000 7359 sf_def_ri: 7360 pop op1 012000 aa 000000 740203 7361 s_call cv_load.ri 012001 0a 002060 000223 7362 jump sf_def_ret 012002 0a 012053 000220 7363 012003 7364 sf_def_id: 7365 pop op1 012003 aa 000000 740203 7366 s_call 012004 0a 002071 000223 7367 jump sf_def_ret 012005 0a 012053 000220 7368 012006 7369 sf_def_di: 7370 pop op1 012006 aa 000000 740203 7371 s_call cv_load.di 012007 0a 002101 000223 7372 jump sf_def_ret 012010 0a 012053 000220 7373 012011 7374 sf_def_ic: 7375 pop op1 012011 aa 000000 740203 7376 s_call 012012 0a 002050 000223 7377 push_temp real 012013 aa 000000 001204 7378 store eaq,op1,no_update 012014 aa 000001 742357 7379 load a,op1 012015 aa 000000 741256 012016 aa 400000 2360 03 7380 ldq =0.,du 7381 jump sf_def_ret 012017 0a 012053 000220 7382 012020 7383 sf_def_ci: 7384 pop op1 012020 aa 000000 740203 7385 s_call cv_load.ri 012021 0a 002060 000223 7386 jump sf_def_ret 012022 0a 012053 000220 7387 012023 7388 sf_def_rd: 012023 7389 sf_def_rr: 7390 load eaq,op2 012023 aa 000000 702256 7391 jump sf_def_ret 012024 0a 012053 000220 7392 012025 7393 sf_def_dr: 012025 7394 sf_def_dd: 7395 load deaq,op2 012025 aa 000000 702656 7396 jump sf_def_ret 012026 0a 012053 000220 7397 012027 7398 sf_def_dc: 7399 swap op2 012027 aa 000000 700202 7400 call round_dp_to_real 012030 0a 002112 000216 7401 swap op2 012031 aa 000000 700202 7402 012032 7403 sf_def_rc: 7404 load a,op2 012032 aa 000000 701256 012033 aa 400000 2360 03 7405 ldq =0.,du 7406 jump sf_def_ret 012034 0a 012053 000220 7407 012035 7408 sf_def_cr: 7409 load eaq,op2 012035 aa 000000 702256 7410 jump sf_def_ret 012036 0a 012053 000220 7411 012037 7412 sf_def_cd: 7413 load deaq,op2 012037 aa 000000 702656 7414 jump sf_def_ret 012040 0a 012053 000220 7415 012041 7416 sf_def_cc: 7417 load aq,op2 012041 aa 000000 701656 7418 jump sf_def_ret 012042 0a 012053 000220 7419 012043 7420 sf_def_e2: 7421 unless_dt logical,sf_def.p0 012043 0a 012066 020226 7422 7423 swap op2 012044 aa 000000 700202 7424 unless_dt logical,sf_def_e1 012045 0a 012050 020226 7425 7426 load a,op1 012046 aa 000000 741256 7427 jump sf_def_ret 012047 0a 012053 000220 7428 012050 7429 sf_def_e1: 7430 print 346,arg1 012050 aa 000532 000701 012051 aa 000000 040303 000001 7431 return 012052 aa 000000 000217 7432 012053 7433 sf_def_ret: 7434 use_ind 012053 aa 000007 000206 7435 012054 aa 140000 7200 00 7436 lxl0 arg3 012055 aa 000000 7100 10 7437 tra 0,0 7438 7439 pop arg1 " Force all temps to be freed, then s_func_finish makes them go away 012056 aa 000000 040203 7440 7441 s_func_finish 012057 aa 000014 000206 7442 7443 return 012060 aa 000000 000217 7444 012061 7445 sf_def.p: 7446 print 306,arg1 012061 aa 000462 000701 012062 aa 000000 040303 000001 7447 scan continue,next 012063 012063 0a 012063 000221 012064 0a 012065 000220 012065 7448 return 012065 aa 000000 000217 7449 012066 7450 sf_def.p0: 7451 print 347,arg1 012066 aa 000533 000701 012067 aa 000000 040303 000001 7452 return 012070 aa 000000 000217 7453 7454 sf: func 2 012071 aa 000000 001215 7455 7456 if arg2,=,0,sf_no_args 012072 0a 012237 110237 7457 7458 push_count 1 012073 aa 000001 000266 7459 012074 7460 sf_loop: 7461 push_s_func_var arg1,sf_too_many.p 012074 0a 012313 040277 7462 7463 if op2,=,1,sf_skip 012075 0a 012101 710637 7464 7465 swap arg3 012076 aa 000000 140202 7466 swap op2 012077 aa 000000 700202 7467 swap arg3 012100 aa 000000 140202 7468 012101 7469 sf_skip: 7470 increment arg3,1 012101 aa 000001 140263 7471 7472 scan sf_error_r,next 012102 012102 0a 012304 000221 012103 0a 012104 000220 012104 7473 7474 dt_jump (sf_ii,sf_ri,sf_di,sf_ci,sf_ir,sf_rr,sf_dr,sf_cr,sf_id,sf_rd,sf_dd,sf_cd,sf_ic,sf_rc,sf_dc,sf_cc,sf_e2,sf_e1,sf_e2,sf_e1) 012104 aa 000024 000235 012105 00 012117 012125 012106 00 012133 012155 012107 00 012122 012136 012110 00 012147 012165 012111 00 012130 012144 012112 00 012141 012175 012113 00 012152 012162 012114 00 012172 012202 012115 00 012212 012206 012116 00 012212 012206 000024 7475 012117 7476 sf_ii: 7477 load q,op1 012117 aa 000000 740656 012120 aa 700000 7560 00 7478 stq op2 7479 jump sf_r 012121 0a 012235 000220 7480 012122 7481 sf_ir: 7482 s_call cv_load.ri 012122 0a 002060 000223 012123 aa 700000 7560 00 7483 stq op2 7484 jump sf_r 012124 0a 012235 000220 7485 012125 7486 sf_ri: 7487 s_call 012125 0a 002050 000223 7488 store eaq,op2,no_update 012126 aa 000001 702357 7489 jump sf_r 012127 0a 012235 000220 7490 012130 7491 sf_id: 7492 s_call cv_load.di 012130 0a 002101 000223 012131 aa 700000 7560 00 7493 stq op2 7494 jump sf_r 012132 0a 012235 000220 7495 012133 7496 sf_di: 7497 s_call 012133 0a 002071 000223 7498 store deaq,op2,no_update 012134 aa 000001 702757 7499 jump sf_r 012135 0a 012235 000220 7500 012136 7501 sf_rr: 7502 load eaq,op1 012136 aa 000000 742256 7503 store eaq,op2,no_update 012137 aa 000001 702357 7504 jump sf_r 012140 0a 012235 000220 7505 012141 7506 sf_dd: 7507 load deaq,op1 012141 aa 000000 742656 7508 store deaq,op2,no_update 012142 aa 000001 702757 7509 jump sf_r 012143 0a 012235 000220 7510 012144 7511 sf_rd: 7512 load deaq,op1 012144 aa 000000 742656 012145 aa 700000 4700 00 7513 fstr op2 7514 jump sf_r 012146 0a 012235 000220 7515 012147 7516 sf_dr: 7517 load eaq,op1 012147 aa 000000 742256 7518 store deaq,op2,no_update 012150 aa 000001 702757 7519 jump sf_r 012151 0a 012235 000220 7520 012152 7521 sf_ic: 7522 s_call cv_load.ri 012152 0a 002060 000223 012153 aa 700000 7560 00 7523 stq op2 7524 jump sf_r 012154 0a 012235 000220 7525 012155 7526 sf_ci: 7527 s_call 012155 0a 002050 000223 7528 store eaq,op2,no_update 012156 aa 000001 702357 012157 aa 400000 4310 03 7529 fld =0.,du 012160 aa 700001 4550 00 7530 fst op2+1 7531 jump sf_r 012161 0a 012235 000220 7532 012162 7533 sf_rc: 7534 load eaq,op1 012162 aa 000000 742256 7535 store eaq,op2,no_update 012163 aa 000001 702357 7536 jump sf_r 012164 0a 012235 000220 7537 012165 7538 sf_cr: 7539 load eaq,op1 012165 aa 000000 742256 7540 store eaq,op2,no_update 012166 aa 000001 702357 012167 aa 400000 4310 03 7541 fld =0.,du 012170 aa 700001 4550 00 7542 fst op2+1 7543 jump sf_r 012171 0a 012235 000220 7544 012172 7545 sf_dc: 7546 load eaq,op1 012172 aa 000000 742256 7547 store deaq,op2,no_update 012173 aa 000001 702757 7548 jump sf_r 012174 0a 012235 000220 7549 012175 7550 sf_cd: 7551 load deaq,op1 012175 aa 000000 742656 7552 store eaq,op2,no_update 012176 aa 000001 702357 012177 aa 400000 4310 03 7553 fld =0.,du 012200 aa 700001 4550 00 7554 fst op2+1 7555 jump sf_r 012201 0a 012235 000220 7556 012202 7557 sf_cc: 7558 use_eaq 012202 aa 000000 000255 7559 load aq,op1 012203 aa 000000 741656 012204 aa 700000 7570 00 7560 staq op2 7561 jump sf_r 012205 0a 012235 000220 7562 012206 7563 sf_e1: 7564 print 334,arg1,op2 012206 aa 000516 001301 012207 aa 000000 040303 012210 aa 000000 700303 000002 7565 jump sf_error_r 012211 0a 012304 000220 7566 012212 7567 sf_e2: 7568 if_dt logical,sf_l 012212 0a 012220 020225 7569 if_dt char,sf_h 012213 0a 012226 010225 7570 7571 print 334,arg1,op1 012214 aa 000516 001301 012215 aa 000000 040303 012216 aa 000000 740303 000002 7572 jump sf_error_r 012217 0a 012304 000220 7573 012220 7574 sf_l: 7575 swap op2 012220 aa 000000 700202 7576 unless_dt logical,sf_e1 012221 0a 012206 020226 7577 7578 swap op2 012222 aa 000000 700202 7579 7580 load a,op1 012223 aa 000000 741256 012224 aa 700000 7550 00 7581 sta op2 7582 jump sf_r 012225 0a 012235 000220 7583 012226 7584 sf_h: 7585 swap op2 012226 aa 000000 700202 7586 unless_dt char,sf_e1 012227 0a 012206 010226 7587 7588 emit_eis 012230 aa 000000 000207 7589 012231 aa 0 40100 1005 00 7590 mlr (pr),(pr),fill(040) 012232 aa 700000 000000 7591 desc9a op2 012233 aa 740000 000000 7592 desc9a op1 7593 jump sf_r 012234 0a 012235 000220 7594 012235 7595 sf_r: 7596 swap arg3 012235 aa 000000 140202 7597 if arg2,>=,op1,sf_loop 012236 0a 012074 125637 7598 012237 7599 sf_no_args: 7600 push_sf_arg_count arg1 012237 aa 000000 040262 7601 if arg2,<,op1,sf_insuf.p 012240 0a 012310 101637 7602 7603 push_s_func_label arg1 012241 aa 000000 040276 7604 7605 use_eaq 012242 aa 000000 000255 7606 reserve_regs all-pr4 012243 aa 776760 000250 012244 aa 740000 7000 00 7607 tsx0 op1 7608 free_regs 012245 aa 000004 000206 7609 7610 scan continue,(continue,next) 012246 012246 0a 012246 000221 012247 0a 012246 000220 012250 0a 012251 000220 012251 7611 7612 dt_jump1 arg1,(sf_ret_i,sf_ret_r,sf_ret_d,sf_ret_c,sf_ret_l,sf_ret_h,sf_ret_t) 012251 aa 000007 040374 012252 00 012256 012262 012253 00 012266 012272 012254 00 012276 012302 012255 0a 012256 000000 000007 7613 012256 7614 sf_ret_i: 012256 7615 sf_ret_t: 7616 push_temp int 012256 aa 000000 000604 7617 in_reg q,op1 012257 aa 000000 740660 7618 use_ind 012260 aa 000007 000206 7619 return op1 012261 aa 000001 740217 7620 012262 7621 sf_ret_r: 7622 push_temp real 012262 aa 000000 001204 7623 in_reg eaq,op1 012263 aa 000000 742260 7624 use_ind 012264 aa 000007 000206 7625 return op1 012265 aa 000001 740217 7626 012266 7627 sf_ret_d: 7628 push_temp dp 012266 aa 000000 001604 7629 in_reg deaq,op1 012267 aa 000000 742660 7630 use_ind 012270 aa 000007 000206 7631 return op1 012271 aa 000001 740217 7632 012272 7633 sf_ret_c: 7634 push_temp cmpx 012272 aa 000000 002204 7635 in_reg aq,op1 012273 aa 000000 741660 7636 use_ind 012274 aa 000007 000206 7637 return op1 012275 aa 000001 740217 7638 012276 7639 sf_ret_l: 7640 push_temp logical 012276 aa 000000 002604 7641 in_reg a,op1 012277 aa 000000 741260 7642 use_ind 012300 aa 000007 000206 7643 return op1 012301 aa 000001 740217 7644 012302 7645 sf_ret_h: 7646 error 343,arg1 012302 aa 000527 000702 012303 aa 000000 040303 000001 7647 012304 7648 sf_error_r: 7649 scan continue,(continue,next) 012304 012304 0a 012304 000221 012305 0a 012304 000220 012306 0a 012307 000220 012307 7650 7651 error 012307 aa 000000 000302 7652 012310 7653 sf_insuf.p: 7654 print 307,arg1 012310 aa 000463 000701 012311 aa 000000 040303 000001 7655 jump sf_error_r 012312 0a 012304 000220 7656 012313 7657 sf_too_many.p: 7658 print 308,arg1 012313 aa 000464 000701 012314 aa 000000 040303 000001 7659 jump sf_error_r 012315 0a 012304 000220 7660 7661 item: proc 0 012316 aa 000000 000214 7662 7663 exit 1 012317 aa 000001 000222 7664 return 012320 aa 000000 000217 7665 7666 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7667 7668 exit: proc 0 012321 aa 000000 000214 7669 7670 exit 1 012322 aa 000001 000222 7671 return 012323 aa 000000 000217 7672 7673 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7674 7675 eol: proc 0 012324 aa 000000 000214 7676 7677 exit 2 012325 aa 000002 000222 7678 return 012326 aa 000000 000217 7679 7680 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7681 7682 return: proc 0 012327 aa 000000 000214 7683 7684 unless_main quick_return 012330 0a 012333 000331 7685 012331 aa 0 01447 7101 00 7686 tra pr0|fortran_end 7687 7688 return 012332 aa 000000 000217 7689 012333 7690 quick_return: 7691 push_builtin entry_info 012333 aa 000010 000213 7692 012334 aa 740000 6100 00 7693 rtcd op1 7694 7695 return 012335 aa 000000 000217 7696 7697 pause: proc 1 012336 aa 000000 000614 7698 7699 use_eaq 012337 aa 000000 000255 7700 push_length arg1 012340 aa 000000 040304 7701 if op1,=,0,short_pause 012341 0a 012351 750237 7702 7703 load_pr pr2,arg1 012342 aa 000003 040251 012343 aa 740000 2360 00 7704 ldq op1 7705 7706 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 012344 aa 377560 000250 7707 012345 7708 pause.1: 012345 aa 0 01420 7001 00 7709 tsx0 pr0|fortran_pause 7710 free_regs 012346 aa 000004 000206 7711 reset_eaq 012347 aa 000006 000206 7712 return 012350 aa 000000 000217 7713 012351 7714 short_pause: 012351 aa 740000 2360 00 7715 ldq op1 7716 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 012352 aa 377760 000250 7717 jump pause.1 012353 0a 012345 000220 7718 7719 stop: proc 1 012354 aa 000000 000614 7720 7721 use_eaq 012355 aa 000000 000255 7722 push_length arg1 012356 aa 000000 040304 7723 if op1,=,0,short_stop 012357 0a 012367 750237 7724 7725 load_pr pr2,arg1 012360 aa 000003 040251 012361 aa 740000 2360 00 7726 ldq op1 7727 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 012362 aa 377560 000250 7728 012363 7729 stop.1: 012363 aa 0 01421 7001 00 7730 tsx0 pr0|fortran_stop 7731 reset_regs 012364 aa 000005 000206 7732 reset_eaq 012365 aa 000006 000206 7733 return 012366 aa 000000 000217 7734 012367 7735 short_stop: 012367 aa 740000 2360 00 7736 ldq op1 7737 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 012370 aa 377760 000250 7738 jump stop.1 012371 0a 012363 000220 7739 012372 7740 subscript: 7741 func 2 012372 aa 000000 001215 7742 7743 start_subscript 012373 aa 000010 000206 7744 012374 7745 subscript_scan: 7746 scan subscript_err,(next,subscript_end) 012374 012374 0a 012434 000221 012375 0a 012377 000220 012376 0a 012435 000220 012377 7747 7748 if_dt int,process_subscript 012377 0a 012427 400225 7749 if_optype constant,convert_subscript 012400 0a 012425 200227 7750 unless_dt (real,dp,cmpx),subscript_dt_err 012401 0a 012431 340226 7751 7752 if_dt dp,subscript_dp 012402 0a 012414 100225 7753 push_temp int 012403 aa 000000 000604 7754 load eaq,op2 012404 aa 000000 702256 7755 round eaq 012405 aa 000000 002354 7756 use_eaq 012406 aa 000000 000255 012407 aa 0 00654 7001 00 7757 tsx0 pr0|real_to_integer 7758 in_reg q,op1 012410 aa 000000 740660 7759 swap op2 012411 aa 000000 700202 7760 pop op1 012412 aa 000000 740203 7761 jump process_subscript 012413 0a 012427 000220 7762 012414 7763 subscript_dp: 7764 push_temp int 012414 aa 000000 000604 7765 load deaq,op2 012415 aa 000000 702656 7766 round deaq 012416 aa 000000 002754 7767 use_eaq 012417 aa 000000 000255 012420 aa 0 00654 7001 00 7768 tsx0 pr0|double_to_integer 7769 in_reg q,op1 012421 aa 000000 740660 7770 swap op2 012422 aa 000000 700202 7771 pop op1 012423 aa 000000 740203 7772 jump process_subscript 012424 0a 012427 000220 7773 012425 7774 convert_subscript: 7775 convert_constant int 012425 aa 000000 000611 7776 jump process_subscript 012426 0a 012427 000220 7777 012427 7778 process_subscript: 7779 next_subscript 012427 aa 000011 000206 7780 jump subscript_scan 012430 0a 012374 000220 7781 012431 7782 subscript_dt_err: 7783 print 458,op1,arg1 012431 aa 000712 001301 012432 aa 000000 740303 012433 aa 000000 040303 000002 7784 012434 7785 subscript_err: 7786 subscript_error 012434 aa 000013 000206 7787 012435 7788 subscript_end: 7789 finish_subscript 012435 aa 000012 000206 7790 7791 return op1 012436 aa 000001 740217 7792 7793 substr: func 3 012437 aa 000000 001615 7794 7795 " arg1 - parent of substring reference 7796 " arg2 - index of first character in substring 7797 " arg3 - index of last character in substring 7798 " value returned is a filled-in array_ref node 7799 7800 " Make sure parent is of data type character 7801 7802 swap arg1 012440 aa 000000 040202 7803 unless_dt char,substr.not_char 012441 0a 012451 010226 7804 swap arg1 012442 aa 000000 040202 7805 7806 " Coerce first index to integer 7807 7808 swap arg2 012443 aa 000000 100202 7809 s_call coerce_substr_exp 012444 0a 012453 000223 7810 swap arg2 012445 aa 000000 100202 7811 7812 " Coerce last character index to integer 7813 7814 s_call coerce_substr_exp 012446 0a 012453 000223 7815 7816 " Now build a substring reference and return it 7817 7818 make_substring 012447 aa 000047 000206 7819 7820 return op1 012450 aa 000001 740217 7821 012451 7822 substr.not_char: 7823 error 159,op1 012451 aa 000237 000702 012452 aa 000000 740303 000001 7824 7825 012453 7826 coerce_substr_exp: 7827 7828 if_dt int,cse_return 012453 0a 012506 400225 7829 7830 if_optype constant,cse_convert_constant 012454 0a 012463 200227 7831 7832 if_dt (real,cmpx),cse_convert_real 012455 0a 012465 240225 7833 7834 if_dt dp,cse_convert_dp 012456 0a 012476 100225 7835 7836 error 459,op1,arg1 012457 aa 000713 001302 012460 aa 000000 740303 012461 aa 000000 040303 000002 7837 7838 s_return 012462 aa 000003 000206 7839 012463 7840 cse_convert_constant: 7841 convert_constant int 012463 aa 000000 000611 7842 s_return 012464 aa 000003 000206 7843 012465 7844 cse_convert_real: 7845 push_temp int 012465 aa 000000 000604 7846 load eaq,op2 012466 aa 000000 702256 7847 round eaq 012467 aa 000000 002354 7848 use_eaq 012470 aa 000000 000255 012471 aa 0 00654 7001 00 7849 tsx0 pr0|real_to_integer 7850 in_reg q,op1 012472 aa 000000 740660 7851 swap op2 012473 aa 000000 700202 7852 pop op1 012474 aa 000000 740203 7853 s_return 012475 aa 000003 000206 7854 012476 7855 cse_convert_dp: 7856 push_temp int 012476 aa 000000 000604 7857 load deaq,op2 012477 aa 000000 702656 7858 round deaq 012500 aa 000000 002754 7859 use_eaq 012501 aa 000000 000255 012502 aa 0 00654 7001 00 7860 tsx0 pr0|double_to_integer 7861 in_reg q,op1 012503 aa 000000 740660 7862 swap op2 012504 aa 000000 700202 7863 pop op1 012505 aa 000000 740203 7864 012506 7865 cse_return: 7866 s_return 012506 aa 000003 000206 7867 7868 func_ref: func 2 012507 aa 000000 001215 7869 7870 s_call evaluate_arglist 012510 0a 012743 000223 7871 7872 dt_jump1 arg1,(int_func,real_func,dp_func,cmpx_func,logical_func,char_func,typeless_func) 012511 aa 000007 040374 012512 00 012523 012525 012513 00 012527 012531 012514 00 012533 012516 012515 0a 012523 000000 000007 7873 012516 7874 char_func: 7875 push_length arg1 012516 aa 000000 040304 7876 unless_optype count,func_ref.star_extent 012517 0a 012540 020230 7877 push_char_temp var 012520 aa 777777 000320 7878 7879 s_call descriptor_check 012521 0a 012715 000223 7880 7881 jump func_join 012522 0a 012534 000220 7882 012523 7883 int_func: 012523 7884 typeless_func: 7885 push_temp int 012523 aa 000000 000604 7886 jump func_join 012524 0a 012534 000220 7887 012525 7888 real_func: 7889 push_temp real 012525 aa 000000 001204 7890 jump func_join 012526 0a 012534 000220 7891 012527 7892 dp_func: 7893 push_temp dp 012527 aa 000000 001604 7894 jump func_join 012530 0a 012534 000220 7895 012531 7896 cmpx_func: 7897 push_temp cmpx 012531 aa 000000 002204 7898 jump func_join 012532 0a 012534 000220 7899 012533 7900 logical_func: 7901 push_temp logical 012533 aa 000000 002604 7902 012534 7903 func_join: 7904 increment arg2,1 function result becomes last arg 012534 aa 000001 100263 7905 7906 set_in_storage op1 " return value is in storage on return from func 012535 aa 000000 740362 7907 7908 s_call make_call 012536 0a 013065 000223 7909 7910 return op2 arglist temp is now op1 012537 aa 000001 700217 7911 012540 7912 func_ref.star_extent: 7913 error 355,arg1 012540 aa 000543 000702 012541 aa 000000 040303 000001 7914 7915 main: proc 2 012542 aa 000000 001214 7916 7917 emit_entry_defs 012543 aa 000070 000206 7918 emit 1 012544 aa 000001 000242 012545 aa 000000 300000 7919 oct 000000300000 " revision_1, entry_defs 7920 s_call make_entry 012546 0a 012573 000223 7921 s_call prepare_for_namelists 012547 0a 012641 000223 7922 return 012550 aa 000000 000217 7923 7924 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7925 7926 subr: proc 2 012551 aa 000000 001214 7927 7928 emit_entry_defs 012552 aa 000070 000206 7929 emit 1 012553 aa 000001 000242 012554 aa 000000 300000 7930 oct 000000300000 " revision_1, entry_defs 7931 s_call make_entry 012555 0a 012573 000223 7932 s_call make_quick_entry 012556 0a 012666 000223 7933 s_call prepare_for_namelists 012557 0a 012641 000223 7934 return 012560 aa 000000 000217 7935 7936 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7937 7938 func: proc 2 012561 aa 000000 001214 7939 7940 emit_entry_defs 012562 aa 000070 000206 7941 emit 1 012563 aa 000001 000242 012564 aa 000000 320000 7942 oct 000000320000 " revision_1, entry_defs, func 7943 s_call make_entry 012565 0a 012573 000223 7944 s_call make_quick_entry 012566 0a 012666 000223 7945 s_call prepare_for_namelists 012567 0a 012641 000223 7946 return 012570 aa 000000 000217 7947 7948 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7949 012571 7950 block_data: 7951 proc 0 012571 aa 000000 000214 7952 7953 return 012572 aa 000000 000217 7954 012573 7955 make_entry: 7956 assign_entry arg1 012573 aa 000000 040316 7957 7958 emit 1 012574 aa 000001 000242 012575 aa 000000 6270 00 7959 eax7 0 7960 012576 aa 7 00034 3521 20 7961 epp2 pr7|stack_header.pl1_operators_ptr,* 7962 7963 if_needs_descriptors arg1,make_et_desc 012577 0a 012602 040737 012600 aa 2 01045 2721 00 7964 tsp2 pr2|ext_entry 7965 jump make_et_join 012601 0a 012603 000220 7966 012602 7967 make_et_desc: 012602 aa 2 01046 2721 00 7968 tsp2 pr2|ext_entry_desc 7969 012603 7970 make_et_join: 7971 copy arg2 012603 aa 000000 100201 7972 multiply op1,2 012604 aa 000002 740265 012605 aa 740000 000000 7973 zero op1 7974 pop op1 012606 aa 000000 740203 7975 7976 emit 1 012607 aa 000001 000242 012610 aa 000000 000000 7977 zero 7978 7979 emit_profile_entry " if we will do long_profile set it up 012611 aa 000066 000206 7980 7981 unless_hfp make_et_init_auto 012612 0a 012614 000334 012613 aa 0 01474 7001 00 7982 tsx0 pr0|enter_HFP_mode 7983 012614 7984 make_et_init_auto: 7985 call init_auto 012614 0a 012654 000216 7986 7987 unless_cleanup make_et_no_cleanup "no cleanup needed 012615 0a 012620 000332 7988 012616 aa 0 01471 7001 00 7989 tsx0 pr0|fort_cleanup 7990 emit_cleanup_args 012617 aa 000064 000206 7991 012620 7992 make_et_no_cleanup: 7993 push_builtin null 012620 aa 000006 000213 7994 push_builtin ps 012621 aa 000002 000213 7995 7996 if op2,=,op1,pop_ps 012622 0a 012627 711637 7997 7998 load_pr pr2,op1 012623 aa 000003 740251 012624 aa 6 00052 2521 00 7999 spri2 pr6|ps_ptr 012625 aa 2 00000 6521 00 8000 spri6 pr2|0 8001 free_regs 012626 aa 000004 000206 8002 8003 pop_ps: pop op2 012627 aa 000000 700203 8004 unless_storage_created make_et_descp is there external storage? 012630 0a 012635 000317 8005 reserve_regs all calling external routines 012631 aa 777760 000250 012632 aa 0 01472 7001 00 8006 tsx0 pr0|fort_storage request storage create/init 8007 emit_storage_args 012633 aa 000065 000206 8008 free_regs 012634 aa 000004 000206 8009 012635 8010 make_et_descp: 8011 012635 aa 6 00032 3515 20 8012 epp1 pr6|stack_frame.arg_ptr,* 8013 8014 unless_needs_descriptors arg1,make_et_ret 012636 0a 012640 040337 8015 012637 aa 6 00042 3535 20 8016 epp3 pr6|descriptor_ptr,* Load desc ptr 8017 012640 8018 make_et_ret: 8019 s_return 012640 aa 000003 000206 8020 012641 8021 prepare_for_namelists: 8022 unless_namelist_used pfn_ret 012641 0a 012653 000343 8023 8024 push_builtin star_symbol 012642 aa 000011 000213 8025 push_builtin ps 012643 aa 000002 000213 8026 8027 load_pr pr2,op2 012644 aa 000003 700251 012645 aa 740002 2520 00 8028 spri2 op1+2 8029 8030 set_runtime_block_loc 012646 aa 000024 000206 8031 012647 aa 000000 0520 03 8032 adwp2 0,du 012650 aa 740004 2520 00 8033 spri2 op1+4 8034 8035 free_regs 012651 aa 000004 000206 8036 pop op2 012652 aa 000000 700203 8037 012653 8038 pfn_ret: 8039 8040 s_return 012653 aa 000003 000206 8041 012654 8042 init_auto: 8043 proc 0 012654 aa 000000 000214 8044 8045 push_builtin auto_overlay 012655 aa 000004 000213 8046 8047 push_length op1 012656 aa 000000 740304 8048 8049 if op1,=,0,init_return 012657 0a 012665 750237 8050 8051 push_builtin auto_template 012660 aa 000003 000213 8052 8053 emit_eis 012661 aa 000000 000207 8054 012662 aa 0 00100 1005 00 8055 mlr (pr),(pr),fill(0) 012663 aa 740000 000000 8056 desc9a op1 012664 aa 640000 000000 8057 desc9a op3 8058 012665 8059 init_return: 8060 return 012665 aa 000000 000217 8061 012666 8062 make_quick_entry: 8063 copy arg1 Copy original symbol for entry 012666 aa 000000 040201 8064 get_quick_label arg1 Replace arg1 with label for quick entry pt 012667 aa 000000 040335 8065 8066 "If storage space needs to be created then we substitute fort_return_mac for 8067 "return_op to get the storage released at the end of the external call. 8068 8069 unless_cleanup mqe_no_storage 012670 0a 012673 000332 012671 aa 0 01470 3521 00 8070 epp2 pr0|fort_return_mac 8071 jump mqe_end_storage 012672 0a 012674 000220 8072 012673 8073 mqe_no_storage: 012673 aa 0 00631 3521 00 8074 epp2 pr0|return_op 8075 012674 8076 mqe_end_storage: 8077 label arg1 012674 aa 000000 040243 8078 push_builtin entry_info 012675 aa 000010 000213 8079 012676 aa 740000 2520 00 8080 spri2 op1 Store return pointer 012677 aa 740002 2514 00 8081 spri1 op1+2 Store arg pointer 8082 arg_ptr_in_pr1 Update machine state 012700 aa 000062 000206 8083 8084 unless_needs_descriptors op2,mqe_no_desc 012701 0a 012704 700337 012702 aa 740004 2534 00 8085 spri3 op1+4 Store descriptor pointer 8086 desc_ptr_in_pr3 Update machine state 012703 aa 000061 000206 8087 012704 8088 mqe_no_desc: 8089 swap op2 Get original entry symbol on top 012704 aa 000000 700202 8090 pop op1 Pop it off 012705 aa 000000 740203 8091 8092 s_return 012706 aa 000003 000206 8093 012707 8094 process_param_list: 8095 proc 1 012707 aa 000000 000614 8096 scan abort_list,(continue,next) 012710 012710 0a 000472 000221 012711 0a 012710 000220 012712 0a 012713 000220 012713 8097 8098 check_parameters 012713 aa 000017 000206 8099 return 012714 aa 000000 000217 8100 012715 8101 descriptor_check: 8102 8103 " Subroutine to check to see whether or not descriptors might be 8104 " required for a subroutine call or function reference. In ansi66 8105 " mode, we print a message warning the user that descriptors might 8106 " be necessary. In ansi77 mode, we go ahead and cause descriptors 8107 " to be used (silently). In either mode, if the called subprogram 8108 " is local to this compilation, then it will already have been taken 8109 " care of by the storage allocator. 8110 8111 " Called from func_ref (to check the function return value of 8112 " character valued functions) and from evaluate_arglist. 8113 8114 " Assumes that arg1 is the external symbol. 8115 8116 if_local arg1,descriptor_check.return 012715 0a 012724 040727 8117 if_needs_descriptors arg1,descriptor_check.return 012716 0a 012724 040737 8118 if_ansi77 descriptor_check.set 012717 0a 012723 000674 8119 8120 " Print a warning that this call might need descriptors 8121 8122 print 348,arg1 012720 aa 000534 000701 012721 aa 000000 040303 000001 8123 jump descriptor_check.return 012722 0a 012724 000220 8124 012723 8125 descriptor_check.set: 8126 8127 " Cause descriptors to be generated for this call 8128 8129 set_needs_descriptors " arg1 implied 012723 aa 000060 000206 8130 012724 8131 descriptor_check.return: 8132 s_return 012724 aa 000003 000206 8133 012725 8134 increment_polish: 8135 proc 0 012725 aa 000000 000214 8136 8137 skip_data 012726 aa 000034 000206 8138 8139 return 012727 aa 000000 000217 8140 8141 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8142 012730 8143 label_operator: 8144 proc 1 012730 aa 000000 000614 8145 8146 label arg1 012731 aa 000000 040243 8147 8148 return 012732 aa 000000 000217 8149 8150 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8151 8152 stat: proc 0 012733 aa 000000 000214 8153 8154 shorten_stack 012734 aa 000000 000272 8155 stat 012735 aa 000016 000206 8156 8157 return 012736 aa 000000 000217 8158 8159 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8160 8161 call: proc 2 012737 aa 000000 001214 8162 8163 " 8164 s_call evaluate_arglist 012740 0a 012743 000223 8165 s_call make_call 012741 0a 013065 000223 8166 8167 return 012742 aa 000000 000217 8168 012743 8169 evaluate_arglist: 8170 scan abort_list,(next,check_args) 012743 012743 0a 000472 000221 012744 0a 012746 000220 012745 0a 012760 000220 012746 8171 if_optype bif,conv_bif 012746 0a 012753 004227 8172 if_optype external,conv_external 012747 0a 012755 001227 8173 8174 unless_dt char,evaluate_arglist 012750 0a 012743 010226 8175 8176 " If argument is of data type character, check to see if we should 8177 " warn the user about descriptors or just use them. 8178 8179 s_call descriptor_check 012751 0a 012715 000223 8180 8181 jump evaluate_arglist 012752 0a 012743 000220 8182 012753 8183 conv_bif: 8184 call cv_bif_to_external 012753 0a 012762 000216 8185 jump evaluate_arglist 012754 0a 012743 000220 8186 012755 8187 conv_external: 8188 if_parameter op1,evaluate_arglist " parameters already are external variables 012755 0a 012743 740721 8189 8190 call make_external_variable 012756 0a 013054 000216 8191 jump evaluate_arglist 012757 0a 012743 000220 8192 012760 8193 check_args: 8194 check_arg_list 012760 aa 000020 000206 8195 s_return 012761 aa 000003 000206 8196 012762 8197 cv_bif_to_external: 8198 func 1 012762 aa 000000 000615 8199 8200 push_bif_index arg1 " get index into big table 012763 aa 000000 040267 8201 " now get offset into vector 8202 push_count_indexed op1,(38,39,40,19,2,12,21,3,13,4,14,5,15,7,17,23,41,42,43,1,11,20,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,57,58,10,44,45,46,6,16,22,9,18,24,8,0,47,0,0,0,0,0,48,0,0,49,26,27,28,29,30,31,0,0,32,50,0,0,0,0,36,34,37,35,33,51,52,53,54,55,56,0,0,0,0,59,60,61,62,0,0) 012764 aa 000135 740212 012765 aa 000046 000047 012766 aa 000050 000023 012767 aa 000002 000014 012770 aa 000025 000003 012771 aa 000015 000004 012772 aa 000016 000005 012773 aa 000017 000007 012774 aa 000021 000027 012775 aa 000051 000052 012776 aa 000053 000001 012777 aa 000013 000024 013000 aa 000000 000000 013001 aa 000000 000000 013002 aa 000000 000000 013003 aa 000000 000000 013004 aa 000000 000000 013005 aa 000000 000000 013006 aa 000071 000072 013007 aa 000012 000054 013010 aa 000055 000056 013011 aa 000006 000020 013012 aa 000026 000011 013013 aa 000022 000030 013014 aa 000010 000000 013015 aa 000057 000000 013016 aa 000000 000000 013017 aa 000000 000000 013020 aa 000060 000000 013021 aa 000000 000061 013022 aa 000032 000033 013023 aa 000034 000035 013024 aa 000036 000037 013025 aa 000000 000000 013026 aa 000040 000062 013027 aa 000000 000000 013030 aa 000000 000000 013031 aa 000044 000042 013032 aa 000045 000043 013033 aa 000041 000063 013034 aa 000064 000065 013035 aa 000066 000067 013036 aa 000070 000000 013037 aa 000000 000000 013040 aa 000000 000073 013041 aa 000074 000075 013042 aa 000076 000000 013043 aa 000000 000000 000135 8203 8204 if op1,=,0,not_external_bif 013044 0a 013052 750237 8205 8206 reserve_regs (x2,pr2,pr4) 013045 aa 101200 000250 8207 use_eaq 013046 aa 000000 000255 8208 013047 aa 740000 6220 00 8209 eax2 op1 013050 aa 0 01417 7001 00 8210 tsx0 pr0|get_math_entry 8211 8212 jump ext_join 013051 0a 013056 000220 8213 013052 8214 not_external_bif: 8215 error 461,arg1 013052 aa 000715 000702 013053 aa 000000 040303 000001 8216 013054 8217 make_external_variable: 8218 func 1 013054 aa 000000 000615 8219 8220 load_pr pr2,arg1 013055 aa 000003 040251 8221 013056 8222 ext_join: 8223 push_builtin null_ptr 013056 aa 000005 000213 8224 push_temp 4 013057 aa 000004 000204 8225 013060 aa 740000 2520 00 8226 spri2 op1 8227 load aq,op2 013061 aa 000000 701656 013062 aa 740002 7570 00 8228 staq op1+2 8229 8230 free_regs 013063 aa 000004 000206 8231 return op1 013064 aa 000001 740217 8232 013065 8233 make_call: 8234 copy arg2 get nargs 013065 aa 000000 100201 8235 8236 unless_needs_descriptors arg1,inc_for_hdr 013066 0a 013070 040337 8237 multiply op1,2 013067 aa 000002 740265 8238 013070 8239 inc_for_hdr: 8240 increment op1,1 (for header) 013070 aa 000001 740263 8241 8242 unless_parameter arg1,double_count 013071 0a 013073 040321 8243 increment op1,1 for display pointer 013072 aa 000001 740263 8244 013073 8245 double_count: 8246 multiply op1,2 double to get size of temp 013073 aa 000002 740265 8247 8248 if_local arg1,local_call 013074 0a 013125 040727 8249 8250 push_temp var 013075 aa 777777 000204 8251 8252 store_arg_addrs 013076 aa 000021 000206 8253 8254 make_descriptors 013077 aa 000023 000206 8255 8256 use_eaq " any temps that need to be saved... 013100 aa 000000 000255 8257 reserve_regs indices ... must be saved now 013101 aa 776000 000250 8258 free_regs we still might need xregs for > 16K addressing 013102 aa 000004 000206 8259 013103 aa 740000 6210 00 8260 eax1 op1 8261 multiply arg2,2048 013104 aa 004000 100265 013105 aa 100000 4310 00 8262 fld arg2 8263 8264 load_pr pr2,arg1 013106 aa 000003 040251 8265 8266 reserve_regs all all regs may be used by the call programs 013107 aa 777760 000250 8267 8268 if_parameter arg1,call_variable 013110 0a 013116 040721 8269 8270 if_needs_descriptors arg1,call_ext_desc 013111 0a 013114 040737 8271 013112 aa 0 00623 7001 00 8272 tsx0 pr0|call_ext_out 8273 jump call_join 013113 0a 013122 000220 8274 013114 8275 call_ext_desc: 013114 aa 0 00622 7001 00 8276 tsx0 pr0|call_ext_out_desc 8277 jump call_join 013115 0a 013122 000220 8278 013116 8279 call_variable: 8280 if_needs_descriptors arg1,call_variable_desc 013116 0a 013121 040737 8281 013117 aa 0 00617 7001 00 8282 tsx0 pr0|call_var 8283 jump call_join 013120 0a 013122 000220 8284 013121 8285 call_variable_desc: 013121 aa 0 00616 7001 00 8286 tsx0 pr0|call_var_desc 8287 013122 8288 call_join: 8289 free_regs 013122 aa 000004 000206 8290 free_descriptors 013123 aa 000052 000206 8291 s_return 013124 aa 000003 000206 8292 8293 013125 8294 local_call: 8295 if_constant_addrs use_itp 013125 0a 013147 000733 8296 8297 push_temp var 013126 aa 777777 000204 8298 8299 store_arg_addrs 013127 aa 000021 000206 8300 8301 make_descriptors 013130 aa 000023 000206 8302 8303 multiply arg2,2048 013131 aa 004000 100265 8304 use_eaq 013132 aa 000000 000255 013133 aa 100000 4310 00 8305 fld arg2 013134 aa 740000 7570 00 8306 staq op1 8307 013135 8308 local_join: 8309 load_pr pr1,op1 013135 aa 000002 740251 8310 8311 unless_needs_descriptors arg1,lc_no_desc 013136 0a 013141 040337 8312 013137 aa 1 00000 2351 00 8313 lda pr1|0 Get 2*nargs in au 013140 aa 1 00002 3535 01 8314 epp3 pr1|2,au Load descriptor pointer 8315 013141 8316 lc_no_desc: 8317 get_quick_label arg1 replace external ref with label for quick entry point 013141 aa 000000 040335 8318 8319 reserve_regs all-pr4 013142 aa 776760 000250 8320 013143 aa 040000 2720 00 8321 tsp2 arg1 8322 8323 free_regs 013144 aa 000004 000206 8324 free_descriptors 013145 aa 000052 000206 8325 s_return 013146 aa 000003 000206 8326 013147 8327 use_itp: 8328 gen_itp_list replaces top of stack with constant arg list 013147 aa 000022 000206 8329 use_eaq 013150 aa 000000 000255 8330 jump local_join 013151 0a 013135 000220 8331 8332 chain: proc 3 013152 aa 000000 001614 8333 8334 swap arg1 013153 aa 000000 040202 8335 8336 if_dt char,chain2 013154 0a 013157 010225 8337 unless_dt int,chain_path.p 013155 0a 013220 400226 8338 unless_array chain_path.p 013156 0a 013220 000231 8339 013157 8340 chain2: 8341 swap arg1 013157 aa 000000 040202 8342 8343 swap arg2 013160 aa 000000 100202 8344 8345 if_dt char,chain3 013161 0a 013164 010225 8346 unless_dt int,chain_sys.p 013162 0a 013226 400226 8347 unless_array chain_sys.p 013163 0a 013226 000231 8348 013164 8349 chain3: 8350 swap arg2 013164 aa 000000 100202 8351 8352 copy arg3 013165 aa 000000 140201 8353 increment op1,47 013166 aa 000057 740263 8354 push_temp var 013167 aa 777777 000204 8355 013170 8356 chain_fill: 8357 use_eaq 013170 aa 000000 000255 8358 013171 aa 140000 2360 00 8359 ldq arg3 013172 aa 740000 7560 00 8360 stq op1 8361 8362 emit_eis 013173 aa 000000 000207 013174 aa 0 00100 1005 00 8363 mlr (pr),(pr) 013175 aa 040000 000250 8364 desc9a arg1,168 013176 aa 740001 000250 8365 desc9a op1+1,168 8366 013177 aa 100000 2370 00 8367 ldaq arg2 013200 aa 740055 7570 00 8368 staq op1+45 8369 8370 load_pr pr2,op1 013201 aa 000003 740251 8371 emit 1 013202 aa 000001 000242 013203 aa 000000 6200 00 8372 eax0 0 8373 013204 8374 chain_next_file: 8375 scan next,(next,chain_ret) 013204 013204 0a 013207 000221 013205 0a 013207 000220 013206 0a 013213 000220 013207 8376 013207 aa 740000 2360 00 8377 ldq op1 013210 aa 700057 7560 10 8378 stq op2+47,0 013211 aa 000001 6200 10 8379 eax0 1,0 8380 jump chain_next_file 013212 0a 013204 000220 8381 013213 8382 chain_ret: 8383 reserve_regs (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4,pr5,pr7) 013213 aa 377760 000250 8384 013214 aa 0 01422 7001 00 8385 tsx0 pr0|fortran_chain 8386 free_regs 013215 aa 000004 000206 8387 reset_eaq 013216 aa 000006 000206 8388 8389 return 013217 aa 000000 000217 8390 013220 8391 chain_path.p: 8392 print 335,op1 013220 aa 000517 000701 013221 aa 000000 740303 000001 8393 scan continue,(continue,next) 013222 013222 0a 013222 000221 013223 0a 013222 000220 013224 0a 013225 000220 013225 8394 return 013225 aa 000000 000217 8395 013226 8396 chain_sys.p: 8397 print 336,op1 013226 aa 000520 000701 013227 aa 000000 740303 000001 8398 scan continue,(continue,next) 013230 013230 0a 013230 000221 013231 0a 013230 000220 013232 0a 013233 000220 013233 8399 return 013233 aa 000000 000217 8400 8401 endunit: proc 0 013234 aa 000000 000214 8402 8403 end_unit 013235 aa 000015 000206 8404 return 013236 aa 000000 000217 8405 8406 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8407 013237 8408 non_executable: 8409 proc 0 013237 aa 000000 000214 8410 return 013240 aa 000000 000217 8411 8412 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8413 8414 no_op: proc 0 013241 aa 000000 000214 8415 return 013242 aa 000000 000217 8416 8417 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8418 013243 8419 form_VLA_packed_ptr: 8420 func 1 013243 aa 000000 000615 8421 load q,arg1 013244 aa 000000 040656 013245 aa 0 77615 5061 00 8422 div pr0|VLA_words_per_seg 8423 emit_inst 2 013246 aa 000002 040242 013247 aa 000022 7350 00 8424 als 18 013250 aa 000022 7770 00 8425 llr 18 8426 return q 013251 aa 000001 000617 8427 8428 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8429 013252 8430 opt_subscript: 8431 proc 2 013252 aa 000000 001214 8432 8433 optimized_subscript 013253 aa 000025 000206 8434 return 013254 aa 000000 000217 8435 013255 8436 left_shift: 8437 func 2 013255 aa 000000 001215 8438 8439 load q,arg1 013256 aa 000000 040656 013257 aa 100000 7360 00 8440 qls arg2 8441 8442 return q 013260 aa 000001 000617 8443 8444 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8445 013261 8446 right_shift: 8447 func 2 013261 aa 000000 001215 8448 8449 load q,arg1 013262 aa 000000 040656 013263 aa 100000 7320 00 8450 qrs arg2 8451 8452 return q 013264 aa 000001 000617 8453 8454 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8455 013265 8456 store_zero: 8457 proc 1 013265 aa 000000 000614 8458 013266 aa 040000 4500 00 8459 stz arg1 8460 flush_ref arg1 013267 aa 000000 040355 8461 8462 return 013270 aa 000000 000217 8463 013271 8464 storage_add: 8465 proc 2 013271 aa 000000 001214 8466 8467 load q,arg2 013272 aa 000000 100656 8468 use_ind 013273 aa 000007 000206 013274 aa 040000 0560 00 8469 asq arg1 8470 flush_ref arg1 013275 aa 000000 040355 8471 8472 return 013276 aa 000000 000217 8473 8474 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8475 013277 8476 storage_sub: 8477 proc 2 013277 aa 000000 001214 8478 8479 load q,arg2 013300 aa 000000 100656 8480 use_ind 013301 aa 000007 000206 013302 aa 040000 1560 00 8481 ssq arg1 8482 flush_ref arg1 013303 aa 000000 040355 8483 8484 return 013304 aa 000000 000217 8485 8486 " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8487 013305 8488 neg_storage_add: 8489 proc 2 013305 aa 000000 001214 8490 8491 use_eaq 013306 aa 000000 000255 013307 aa 100000 3360 00 8492 lcq arg2 013310 aa 040000 0560 00 8493 asq arg1 8494 flush_ref arg1 013311 aa 000000 040355 8495 8496 return 013312 aa 000000 000217 8497 013313 8498 storage_add_one: 8499 proc 1 013313 aa 000000 000614 8500 8501 use_ind 013314 aa 000007 000206 8502 013315 aa 040000 0540 00 8503 aos arg1 8504 flush_ref arg1 013316 aa 000000 040355 8505 8506 return 013317 aa 000000 000217 8507 8508 namelist: proc 1 013320 aa 000000 000614 8509 8510 push_builtin ps 013321 aa 000002 000213 8511 load_pr pr2,arg1 013322 aa 000003 040251 013323 aa 740022 2520 00 8512 spri2 op1+namelist_slot 8513 8514 free_regs 013324 aa 000004 000206 8515 return 013325 aa 000000 000217 8516 8517 cat: func 2 013326 aa 000000 001215 8518 8519 unless_ansi77 cat.not_ansi77 013327 0a 013352 000274 8520 8521 swap arg1 013330 aa 000000 040202 8522 unless_dt char,cat.p 013331 0a 013350 010226 8523 swap arg1 013332 aa 000000 040202 8524 unless_dt char,cat.p 013333 0a 013350 010226 8525 8526 start_cat cat.dont_copy_arg1 013334 0a 013341 000271 8527 8528 emit_eis equal_lengths 013335 aa 000001 000207 013336 aa 0 40100 1005 00 8529 mlr (pr),(pr),fill(040) 013337 aa 040000 000000 8530 desc9a arg1 013340 aa 740000 000000 8531 desc9a op1 8532 013341 8533 cat.dont_copy_arg1: 8534 continue_cat 013341 aa 000056 000206 8535 8536 emit_eis equal_lengths 013342 aa 000001 000207 013343 aa 0 40100 1005 00 8537 mlr (pr),(pr),fill(040) 013344 aa 100000 000000 8538 desc9a arg2 013345 aa 740000 000000 8539 desc9a op1 8540 8541 finish_cat 013346 aa 000057 000206 8542 8543 return op1 013347 aa 000001 740217 8544 8545 013350 8546 cat.p: 8547 error 354,op1 013350 aa 000542 000702 013351 aa 000000 740303 000001 8548 013352 8549 cat.not_ansi77: 8550 error 153 013352 aa 000231 000302 000000 8551 013353 8552 lhs_fld: 8553 proc 4 013353 aa 000000 002214 8554 lhs_fld 013354 aa 000072 000206 8555 return 013355 aa 000000 000217 8556 8557 " These should never appear in the polish. They are only used on the 8558 " optimizing side. 8559 013356 8560 convert_to_int: 013356 8561 convert_to_real: 013356 8562 convert_to_dp: 013356 8563 convert_to_cmpx: 013356 8564 read_scalar: 013356 8565 read_array: 013356 8566 read_vector: 013356 8567 write_scalar: 013356 8568 write_array: 013356 8569 write_vector: 013356 8570 jump_true: 013356 8571 jump_false: 013356 8572 sub_index: 013356 8573 loop_end: 013356 8574 read_namelist: 013356 8575 write_namelist: 013356 8576 decode_string: 013356 8577 encode_string: 013356 8578 load_xreg: 013356 8579 load_preg: 8580 error 455 013356 aa 000707 000302 000000 8581 8582 end NO LITERALS NAME DEFINITIONS FOR ENTRY POINTS AND SEGDEFS 013360 5a 000003 000000 013361 5a 000070 600000 013362 aa 000000 000000 013363 55 000012 000002 013364 5a 000002 400003 013365 55 000006 000012 013366 aa 017 146 157 162 013367 aa 164 137 143 147 013370 aa 137 155 141 143 013371 aa 162 157 163 137 013372 55 000020 000003 013373 0a 000475 400000 013374 55 000015 000003 013375 aa 013 145 162 162 error_macro 013376 aa 157 162 137 155 013377 aa 141 143 162 157 013400 55 000026 000012 013401 0a 000472 400000 013402 55 000023 000003 013403 aa 012 141 142 157 abort_list 013404 aa 162 164 137 154 013405 aa 151 163 164 000 013406 55 000034 000020 013407 0a 000470 400000 013410 55 000031 000003 013411 aa 012 146 151 162 first_scan 013412 aa 163 164 137 163 013413 aa 143 141 156 000 013414 55 000044 000026 013415 0a 000413 400000 013416 55 000037 000003 013417 aa 022 151 156 164 interpreter_macros 013420 aa 145 162 160 162 013421 aa 145 164 145 162 013422 aa 137 155 141 143 013423 aa 162 157 163 000 013424 55 000052 000034 013425 0a 000155 400000 013426 55 000047 000003 013427 aa 013 163 151 156 single_inst 013430 aa 147 154 145 137 013431 aa 151 156 163 164 013432 55 000061 000044 013433 0a 000000 400000 013434 55 000055 000003 013435 aa 016 157 160 145 operator_table 013436 aa 162 141 164 157 013437 aa 162 137 164 141 013440 aa 142 154 145 000 013441 55 000002 000052 013442 6a 000000 400002 013443 55 000064 000003 013444 aa 014 163 171 155 symbol_table 013445 aa 142 157 154 137 013446 aa 164 141 142 154 013447 aa 145 000 000 000 DEFINITIONS HASH TABLE 013450 aa 000000 000015 013451 5a 000052 000000 013452 aa 000000 000000 013453 aa 000000 000000 013454 5a 000034 000000 013455 aa 000000 000000 013456 aa 000000 000000 013457 5a 000026 000000 013460 5a 000061 000000 013461 5a 000012 000000 013462 aa 000000 000000 013463 5a 000044 000000 013464 aa 000000 000000 013465 5a 000020 000000 NO EXTERNAL NAMES NO TRAP POINTER WORDS TYPE PAIR BLOCKS 013466 aa 000001 000000 013467 aa 000000 000000 INTERNAL EXPRESSION WORDS LINKAGE INFORMATION 000000 aa 000000 000000 000001 0a 013360 000000 000002 aa 000000 000000 000003 aa 000000 000000 000004 aa 000000 000000 000005 aa 000000 000000 000006 22 000010 000010 000007 a2 000000 000000 SYMBOL INFORMATION SYMBOL TABLE HEADER 000000 aa 000000 000001 000001 aa 163171 155142 000002 aa 164162 145145 000003 aa 000000 000010 000004 aa 000000 116606 000005 aa 116110 132154 000006 aa 000000 116633 000007 aa 277156 411330 000010 aa 141154 155040 000011 aa 040040 040040 000012 aa 000024 000040 000013 aa 000034 000040 000014 aa 000044 000100 000015 aa 000002 000002 000016 aa 000064 000000 000017 aa 000000 001423 000020 aa 000000 000226 000021 aa 001374 001371 000022 aa 001410 000226 000023 aa 000064 000000 000024 aa 101114 115040 000025 aa 126145 162163 000026 aa 151157 156040 000027 aa 070056 061063 000030 aa 040123 145160 000031 aa 164145 155142 000032 aa 145162 040061 000033 aa 071070 070040 000034 aa 115141 162164 000035 aa 151156 163157 000036 aa 156056 123171 000037 aa 163115 141151 000040 aa 156164 056141 000041 aa 040040 040040 000042 aa 040040 040040 000043 aa 040040 040040 000044 aa 055164 141162 000045 aa 147145 164040 000046 aa 154066 070040 000047 aa 040040 040040 000050 aa 040040 040040 000051 aa 040040 040040 000052 aa 040040 040040 000053 aa 040040 040040 000054 aa 040040 040040 000055 aa 040040 040040 000056 aa 040154 151163 000057 aa 164040 163171 000060 aa 155142 157154 000061 aa 163040 040040 000062 aa 040040 040040 000063 aa 040040 040040 000064 aa 000000 000001 000065 aa 000000 000007 000066 aa 000122 000055 000067 aa 166313 020556 000070 aa 000000 116633 000071 aa 263610 600000 000072 aa 000136 000041 000073 aa 132413 665137 000074 aa 000000 113241 000075 aa 762522 000000 000076 aa 000147 000037 000077 aa 132413 665122 000100 aa 000000 113241 000101 aa 762516 600000 000102 aa 000157 000042 000103 aa 147777 464111 000104 aa 000000 115000 000105 aa 507463 000000 000106 aa 000170 000041 000107 aa 052721 247134 000110 aa 000000 105272 000111 aa 317215 400000 000112 aa 000201 000051 000113 aa 132413 665143 000114 aa 000000 113241 000115 aa 762524 000000 000116 aa 000214 000046 000117 aa 132413 665156 000120 aa 000000 113241 000121 aa 762525 200000 000122 aa 076163 160145 >spec>install>MR12.2-1209>fort_cg_macros_.alm 000123 aa 143076 151156 000124 aa 163164 141154 000125 aa 154076 115122 000126 aa 061062 056062 000127 aa 055061 062060 000130 aa 071076 146157 000131 aa 162164 137143 000132 aa 147137 155141 000133 aa 143162 157163 000134 aa 137056 141154 000135 aa 155040 040040 000136 aa 076154 144144 >ldd>include>fort_macros.incl.alm 000137 aa 076151 156143 000140 aa 154165 144145 000141 aa 076146 157162 000142 aa 164137 155141 000143 aa 143162 157163 000144 aa 056151 156143 000145 aa 154056 141154 000146 aa 155040 040040 000147 aa 076154 144144 >ldd>include>fort_equs.incl.alm 000150 aa 076151 156143 000151 aa 154165 144145 000152 aa 076146 157162 000153 aa 164137 145161 000154 aa 165163 056151 000155 aa 156143 154056 000156 aa 141154 155040 000157 aa 076154 144144 >ldd>include>stack_header.incl.alm 000160 aa 076151 156143 000161 aa 154165 144145 000162 aa 076163 164141 000163 aa 143153 137150 000164 aa 145141 144145 000165 aa 162056 151156 000166 aa 143154 056141 000167 aa 154155 040040 000170 aa 076154 144144 >ldd>include>stack_frame.incl.alm 000171 aa 076151 156143 000172 aa 154165 144145 000173 aa 076163 164141 000174 aa 143153 137146 000175 aa 162141 155145 000176 aa 056151 156143 000177 aa 154056 141154 000200 aa 155040 040040 000201 aa 076154 144144 >ldd>include>fort_operator_table.incl.alm 000202 aa 076151 156143 000203 aa 154165 144145 000204 aa 076146 157162 000205 aa 164137 157160 000206 aa 145162 141164 000207 aa 157162 137164 000210 aa 141142 154145 000211 aa 056151 156143 000212 aa 154056 141154 000213 aa 155040 040040 000214 aa 076154 144144 >ldd>include>fort_single_inst.incl.alm 000215 aa 076151 156143 000216 aa 154165 144145 000217 aa 076146 157162 000220 aa 164137 163151 000221 aa 156147 154145 000222 aa 137151 156163 000223 aa 164056 151156 000224 aa 143154 056141 000225 aa 154155 040040 MULTICS ASSEMBLY CROSS REFERENCE LISTING Value Symbol Source file Line number 470 ...00001 fort_cg_macros_: 286. 472 ...00002 fort_cg_macros_: 289. 575 ...00004 fort_cg_macros_: 383. 630 ...00005 fort_cg_macros_: 425. 634 ...00006 fort_cg_macros_: 429. 637 ...00007 fort_cg_macros_: 433. 1023 ...00010 fort_cg_macros_: 607. 1025 ...00011 fort_cg_macros_: 610. 1414 ...00012 fort_cg_macros_: 959. 1416 ...00013 fort_cg_macros_: 962. 1616 ...00014 fort_cg_macros_: 1147. 1620 ...00015 fort_cg_macros_: 1150. 2044 ...00016 fort_cg_macros_: 1358. 2046 ...00017 fort_cg_macros_: 1361. 2353 ...00020 fort_cg_macros_: 1659. 2355 ...00021 fort_cg_macros_: 1662. 2364 ...00022 fort_cg_macros_: 1671. 2500 ...00023 fort_cg_macros_: 1780. 2534 ...00024 fort_cg_macros_: 1829. 2617 ...00025 fort_cg_macros_: 1908. 2663 ...00026 fort_cg_macros_: 1960. 2736 ...00027 fort_cg_macros_: 2024. 2745 ...00030 fort_cg_macros_: 2034. 2751 ...00031 fort_cg_macros_: 2041. 2755 ...00032 fort_cg_macros_: 2048. 2760 ...00033 fort_cg_macros_: 2052. 2763 ...00034 fort_cg_macros_: 2056. 3052 ...00035 fort_cg_macros_: 2071. 3056 ...00036 fort_cg_macros_: 2077. 3310 ...00037 fort_cg_macros_: 2107. 3315 ...00040 fort_cg_macros_: 2116. 3322 ...00041 fort_cg_macros_: 2121. 3326 ...00042 fort_cg_macros_: 2126. 3332 ...00043 fort_cg_macros_: 2131. 3336 ...00044 fort_cg_macros_: 2136. 3342 ...00045 fort_cg_macros_: 2141. 3346 ...00046 fort_cg_macros_: 2146. 3352 ...00047 fort_cg_macros_: 2151. 3356 ...00050 fort_cg_macros_: 2156. 3402 ...00051 fort_cg_macros_: 2187. 3406 ...00053 fort_cg_macros_: 2192. 3411 ...00055 fort_cg_macros_: 2197. 3415 ...00056 fort_cg_macros_: 2202. 5735 ...00057 fort_cg_macros_: 4173. 6064 ...00060 fort_cg_macros_: 4284. 6100 ...00061 fort_cg_macros_: 4301. 6111 ...00062 fort_cg_macros_: 4311. 6562 ...00063 fort_cg_macros_: 4772. 6566 ...00064 fort_cg_macros_: 4776. 6572 ...00065 fort_cg_macros_: 4780. 6576 ...00066 fort_cg_macros_: 4784. 6602 ...00067 fort_cg_macros_: 4788. 6605 ...00070 fort_cg_macros_: 4791. 6610 ...00071 fort_cg_macros_: 4795. 6612 ...00072 fort_cg_macros_: 4798. 6614 ...00073 fort_cg_macros_: 4801. 6616 ...00074 fort_cg_macros_: 4804. 6620 ...00075 fort_cg_macros_: 4807. 6622 ...00076 fort_cg_macros_: 4810. 6723 ...00077 fort_cg_macros_: 4906. 6725 ...00100 fort_cg_macros_: 4909. 6727 ...00101 fort_cg_macros_: 4912. 6731 ...00102 fort_cg_macros_: 4915. 6733 ...00103 fort_cg_macros_: 4918. 6736 ...00104 fort_cg_macros_: 4921. 6741 ...00105 fort_cg_macros_: 4924. 7131 ...00106 fort_cg_macros_: 5100. 7133 ...00107 fort_cg_macros_: 5103. 7135 ...00110 fort_cg_macros_: 5106. 7137 ...00111 fort_cg_macros_: 5109. 7141 ...00112 fort_cg_macros_: 5112. 7144 ...00113 fort_cg_macros_: 5115. 7147 ...00114 fort_cg_macros_: 5118. 7310 ...00115 fort_cg_macros_: 5257. 7312 ...00116 fort_cg_macros_: 5260. 7314 ...00117 fort_cg_macros_: 5263. 7316 ...00120 fort_cg_macros_: 5266. 7320 ...00121 fort_cg_macros_: 5269. 7323 ...00122 fort_cg_macros_: 5272. 7334 ...00123 fort_cg_macros_: 5284. 7473 ...00124 fort_cg_macros_: 5422. 7475 ...00125 fort_cg_macros_: 5425. 7477 ...00126 fort_cg_macros_: 5428. 7501 ...00127 fort_cg_macros_: 5431. 7503 ...00130 fort_cg_macros_: 5434. 7506 ...00131 fort_cg_macros_: 5437. 7517 ...00132 fort_cg_macros_: 5449. 7705 ...00133 fort_cg_macros_: 5624. 7707 ...00134 fort_cg_macros_: 5627. 7711 ...00135 fort_cg_macros_: 5630. 7713 ...00136 fort_cg_macros_: 5633. 7715 ...00137 fort_cg_macros_: 5636. 7720 ...00140 fort_cg_macros_: 5639. 7723 ...00141 fort_cg_macros_: 5642. 10113 ...00142 fort_cg_macros_: 5817. 10115 ...00143 fort_cg_macros_: 5820. 10117 ...00144 fort_cg_macros_: 5823. 10121 ...00145 fort_cg_macros_: 5826. 10123 ...00146 fort_cg_macros_: 5829. 10126 ...00147 fort_cg_macros_: 5832. 10131 ...00150 fort_cg_macros_: 5835. 10231 ...00151 fort_cg_macros_: 5929. 10233 ...00152 fort_cg_macros_: 5932. 10244 ...00153 fort_cg_macros_: 5945. 10246 ...00154 fort_cg_macros_: 5948. 10273 ...00155 fort_cg_macros_: 5988. 10315 ...00156 fort_cg_macros_: 6019. 10362 ...00157 fort_cg_macros_: 6089. 10364 ...00160 fort_cg_macros_: 6090. 10371 ...00161 fort_cg_macros_: 6097. 10517 ...00162 fort_cg_macros_: 6242. 10525 ...00163 fort_cg_macros_: 6253. 10530 ...00164 fort_cg_macros_: 6255. 10567 ...00165 fort_cg_macros_: 6309. 10570 ...00166 fort_cg_macros_: 6311. 10573 ...00167 fort_cg_macros_: 6312. 10576 ...00170 fort_cg_macros_: 6316. 10601 ...00171 fort_cg_macros_: 6320. 10603 ...00172 fort_cg_macros_: 6322. 10606 ...00173 fort_cg_macros_: 6323. 10614 ...00174 fort_cg_macros_: 6333. 10623 ...00175 fort_cg_macros_: 6345. 10631 ...00176 fort_cg_macros_: 6354. 10647 ...00177 fort_cg_macros_: 6378. 10717 ...00200 fort_cg_macros_: 6458. 10735 ...00201 fort_cg_macros_: 6482. 10737 ...00202 fort_cg_macros_: 6483. 11001 ...00203 fort_cg_macros_: 6542. 11020 ...00204 fort_cg_macros_: 6570. 11036 ...00205 fort_cg_macros_: 6589. 11053 ...00206 fort_cg_macros_: 6612. 11055 ...00207 fort_cg_macros_: 6615. 11300 ...00210 fort_cg_macros_: 6847. 11315 ...00211 fort_cg_macros_: 6864. 11332 ...00212 fort_cg_macros_: 6882. 11354 ...00213 fort_cg_macros_: 6904. 11357 ...00214 fort_cg_macros_: 6908. 11413 ...00215 fort_cg_macros_: 6940. 11416 ...00216 fort_cg_macros_: 6944. 11421 ...00217 fort_cg_macros_: 6948. 11441 ...00220 fort_cg_macros_: 6985. 11501 ...00221 fort_cg_macros_: 7039. 11503 ...00222 fort_cg_macros_: 7043. 11506 ...00223 fort_cg_macros_: 7047. 11511 ...00224 fort_cg_macros_: 7051. 11525 ...00225 fort_cg_macros_: 7066. 11544 ...00226 fort_cg_macros_: 7096. 11613 ...00227 fort_cg_macros_: 7189. 11616 ...00230 fort_cg_macros_: 7194. 11620 ...00231 fort_cg_macros_: 7198. 11623 ...00232 fort_cg_macros_: 7202. 11626 ...00233 fort_cg_macros_: 7206. 11652 ...00234 fort_cg_macros_: 7235. 11664 ...00235 fort_cg_macros_: 7251. 11675 ...00236 fort_cg_macros_: 7265. 11702 ...00237 fort_cg_macros_: 7273. 11740 ...00240 fort_cg_macros_: 7323. 11755 ...00241 fort_cg_macros_: 7344. 12050 ...00242 fort_cg_macros_: 7430. 12061 ...00243 fort_cg_macros_: 7446. 12063 ...00244 fort_cg_macros_: 7447. 12066 ...00245 fort_cg_macros_: 7451. 12102 ...00246 fort_cg_macros_: 7472. 12206 ...00247 fort_cg_macros_: 7564. 12214 ...00250 fort_cg_macros_: 7571. 12246 ...00251 fort_cg_macros_: 7610. 12302 ...00252 fort_cg_macros_: 7646. 12304 ...00253 fort_cg_macros_: 7649. 12310 ...00255 fort_cg_macros_: 7654. 12313 ...00256 fort_cg_macros_: 7658. 12374 ...00257 fort_cg_macros_: 7746. 12431 ...00260 fort_cg_macros_: 7783. 12451 ...00261 fort_cg_macros_: 7823. 12457 ...00262 fort_cg_macros_: 7836. 12540 ...00263 fort_cg_macros_: 7913. 12710 ...00264 fort_cg_macros_: 8096. 12720 ...00265 fort_cg_macros_: 8122. 12743 ...00266 fort_cg_macros_: 8170. 13052 ...00267 fort_cg_macros_: 8215. 13204 ...00270 fort_cg_macros_: 8375. 13220 ...00271 fort_cg_macros_: 8392. 13222 ...00272 fort_cg_macros_: 8393. 13226 ...00273 fort_cg_macros_: 8397. 13230 ...00274 fort_cg_macros_: 8398. 13350 ...00275 fort_cg_macros_: 8547. 13352 ...00276 fort_cg_macros_: 8550. 13356 ...00277 fort_cg_macros_: 8580. 472 .._00000 fort_cg_macros_: 286. 475 .._00001 fort_cg_macros_: 289. 24 .._00003 fort_cg_macros_: 296. 1 .._00004 fort_cg_macros_: 383. 7 .._00007 fort_cg_macros_: 395. 2 .._00010 fort_cg_macros_: 425. 1 .._00014 fort_cg_macros_: 429. 1 .._00017 fort_cg_macros_: 433. 6 .._00022 fort_cg_macros_: 437. 24 .._00023 fort_cg_macros_: 458. 1 .._00024 fort_cg_macros_: 607. 1 .._00027 fort_cg_macros_: 610. 7 .._00032 fort_cg_macros_: 614. 24 .._00033 fort_cg_macros_: 622. 1 .._00034 fort_cg_macros_: 959. 1 .._00037 fort_cg_macros_: 962. 7 .._00042 fort_cg_macros_: 966. 24 .._00043 fort_cg_macros_: 975. 7 .._00044 fort_cg_macros_: 1134. 1 .._00045 fort_cg_macros_: 1147. 1 .._00050 fort_cg_macros_: 1150. 24 .._00053 fort_cg_macros_: 1154. 7 .._00054 fort_cg_macros_: 1349. 1 .._00055 fort_cg_macros_: 1358. 1 .._00060 fort_cg_macros_: 1361. 24 .._00063 fort_cg_macros_: 1444. 1 .._00064 fort_cg_macros_: 1659. 1 .._00067 fort_cg_macros_: 1662. 1 .._00072 fort_cg_macros_: 1671. 2502 .._00075 fort_cg_macros_: 1780. 2536 .._00076 fort_cg_macros_: 1829. 2621 .._00077 fort_cg_macros_: 1908. 2665 .._00100 fort_cg_macros_: 1960. 24 .._00101 fort_cg_macros_: 1980. 1 .._00102 fort_cg_macros_: 2024. 1 .._00105 fort_cg_macros_: 2034. 1 .._00110 fort_cg_macros_: 2041. 1 .._00113 fort_cg_macros_: 2048. 1 .._00116 fort_cg_macros_: 2052. 1 .._00121 fort_cg_macros_: 2056. 135 .._00124 fort_cg_macros_: 2066. 1 .._00125 fort_cg_macros_: 2071. 3060 .._00130 fort_cg_macros_: 2077. 135 .._00131 fort_cg_macros_: 2079. 135 .._00132 fort_cg_macros_: 2100. 135 .._00133 fort_cg_macros_: 2103. 3313 .._00134 fort_cg_macros_: 2107. 3320 .._00135 fort_cg_macros_: 2116. 3325 .._00136 fort_cg_macros_: 2121. 3331 .._00137 fort_cg_macros_: 2126. 3335 .._00140 fort_cg_macros_: 2131. 3341 .._00141 fort_cg_macros_: 2136. 3345 .._00142 fort_cg_macros_: 2141. 3351 .._00143 fort_cg_macros_: 2146. 3355 .._00144 fort_cg_macros_: 2151. 3361 .._00145 fort_cg_macros_: 2156. 3405 .._00146 fort_cg_macros_: 2187. 1 .._00150 fort_cg_macros_: 2192. 2 .._00154 fort_cg_macros_: 2197. 1 .._00160 fort_cg_macros_: 2202. 24 .._00163 fort_cg_macros_: 2393. 24 .._00164 fort_cg_macros_: 2551. 24 .._00165 fort_cg_macros_: 2746. 24 .._00166 fort_cg_macros_: 3093. 24 .._00167 fort_cg_macros_: 3440. 24 .._00170 fort_cg_macros_: 3545. 7 .._00171 fort_cg_macros_: 3864. 7 .._00172 fort_cg_macros_: 3903. 7 .._00173 fort_cg_macros_: 3942. 7 .._00174 fort_cg_macros_: 3981. 7 .._00175 fort_cg_macros_: 4020. 7 .._00176 fort_cg_macros_: 4047. 7 .._00177 fort_cg_macros_: 4074. 7 .._00200 fort_cg_macros_: 4103. 7 .._00201 fort_cg_macros_: 4149. 1 .._00202 fort_cg_macros_: 4173. 7 .._00205 fort_cg_macros_: 4176. 24 .._00206 fort_cg_macros_: 4208. 1 .._00207 fort_cg_macros_: 4284. 6103 .._00212 fort_cg_macros_: 4301. 6114 .._00213 fort_cg_macros_: 4311. 7 .._00214 fort_cg_macros_: 4690. 7 .._00215 fort_cg_macros_: 4693. 7 .._00216 fort_cg_macros_: 4702. 7 .._00217 fort_cg_macros_: 4705. 7 .._00220 fort_cg_macros_: 4714. 7 .._00221 fort_cg_macros_: 4717. 7 .._00222 fort_cg_macros_: 4726. 7 .._00223 fort_cg_macros_: 4729. 2 .._00224 fort_cg_macros_: 4772. 2 .._00230 fort_cg_macros_: 4776. 2 .._00234 fort_cg_macros_: 4780. 2 .._00240 fort_cg_macros_: 4784. 2 .._00244 fort_cg_macros_: 4788. 2 .._00250 fort_cg_macros_: 4791. 1 .._00254 fort_cg_macros_: 4795. 1 .._00257 fort_cg_macros_: 4798. 1 .._00262 fort_cg_macros_: 4801. 1 .._00265 fort_cg_macros_: 4804. 1 .._00270 fort_cg_macros_: 4807. 1 .._00273 fort_cg_macros_: 4810. 24 .._00276 fort_cg_macros_: 4818. 1 .._00277 fort_cg_macros_: 4906. 1 .._00302 fort_cg_macros_: 4909. 1 .._00305 fort_cg_macros_: 4912. 1 .._00310 fort_cg_macros_: 4915. 2 .._00313 fort_cg_macros_: 4918. 2 .._00317 fort_cg_macros_: 4921. 2 .._00323 fort_cg_macros_: 4924. 7 .._00327 fort_cg_macros_: 4928. 7 .._00330 fort_cg_macros_: 4973. 7 .._00331 fort_cg_macros_: 4994. 24 .._00332 fort_cg_macros_: 5012. 1 .._00333 fort_cg_macros_: 5100. 1 .._00336 fort_cg_macros_: 5103. 1 .._00341 fort_cg_macros_: 5106. 1 .._00344 fort_cg_macros_: 5109. 2 .._00347 fort_cg_macros_: 5112. 2 .._00353 fort_cg_macros_: 5115. 2 .._00357 fort_cg_macros_: 5118. 7 .._00363 fort_cg_macros_: 5122. 7 .._00364 fort_cg_macros_: 5167. 7 .._00365 fort_cg_macros_: 5188. 24 .._00366 fort_cg_macros_: 5206. 1 .._00367 fort_cg_macros_: 5257. 1 .._00372 fort_cg_macros_: 5260. 1 .._00375 fort_cg_macros_: 5263. 1 .._00400 fort_cg_macros_: 5266. 2 .._00403 fort_cg_macros_: 5269. 2 .._00407 fort_cg_macros_: 5272. 1 .._00413 fort_cg_macros_: 5284. 7 .._00416 fort_cg_macros_: 5292. 7 .._00417 fort_cg_macros_: 5337. 7 .._00420 fort_cg_macros_: 5358. 24 .._00421 fort_cg_macros_: 5371. 1 .._00422 fort_cg_macros_: 5422. 1 .._00425 fort_cg_macros_: 5425. 1 .._00430 fort_cg_macros_: 5428. 1 .._00433 fort_cg_macros_: 5431. 2 .._00436 fort_cg_macros_: 5434. 2 .._00442 fort_cg_macros_: 5437. 1 .._00446 fort_cg_macros_: 5449. 7 .._00451 fort_cg_macros_: 5457. 7 .._00452 fort_cg_macros_: 5502. 7 .._00453 fort_cg_macros_: 5524. 24 .._00454 fort_cg_macros_: 5536. 1 .._00455 fort_cg_macros_: 5624. 1 .._00460 fort_cg_macros_: 5627. 1 .._00463 fort_cg_macros_: 5630. 1 .._00466 fort_cg_macros_: 5633. 2 .._00471 fort_cg_macros_: 5636. 2 .._00475 fort_cg_macros_: 5639. 2 .._00501 fort_cg_macros_: 5642. 7 .._00505 fort_cg_macros_: 5646. 7 .._00506 fort_cg_macros_: 5691. 7 .._00507 fort_cg_macros_: 5712. 24 .._00510 fort_cg_macros_: 5729. 1 .._00511 fort_cg_macros_: 5817. 1 .._00514 fort_cg_macros_: 5820. 1 .._00517 fort_cg_macros_: 5823. 1 .._00522 fort_cg_macros_: 5826. 2 .._00525 fort_cg_macros_: 5829. 2 .._00531 fort_cg_macros_: 5832. 2 .._00535 fort_cg_macros_: 5835. 7 .._00541 fort_cg_macros_: 5839. 7 .._00542 fort_cg_macros_: 5884. 7 .._00543 fort_cg_macros_: 5905. 1 .._00544 fort_cg_macros_: 5929. 1 .._00547 fort_cg_macros_: 5932. 1 .._00552 fort_cg_macros_: 5945. 1 .._00555 fort_cg_macros_: 5948. 10 .._00560 fort_cg_macros_: 5961. 1 .._00561 fort_cg_macros_: 5988. 1 .._00564 fort_cg_macros_: 6019. 10 .._00567 fort_cg_macros_: 6054. 1 .._00570 fort_cg_macros_: 6089. 10366 .._00573 fort_cg_macros_: 6090. 10373 .._00574 fort_cg_macros_: 6097. 1 .._00575 fort_cg_macros_: 6242. 10530 .._00600 fort_cg_macros_: 6253. 10532 .._00601 fort_cg_macros_: 6255. 0 .._00602 fort_cg_macros_: 6309. 10573 .._00604 fort_cg_macros_: 6311. 10575 .._00605 fort_cg_macros_: 6312. 1 .._00606 fort_cg_macros_: 6316. 1 .._00611 fort_cg_macros_: 6320. 10606 .._00614 fort_cg_macros_: 6322. 10610 .._00615 fort_cg_macros_: 6323. 1 .._00616 fort_cg_macros_: 6333. 1 .._00621 fort_cg_macros_: 6345. 1 .._00624 fort_cg_macros_: 6354. 1 .._00627 fort_cg_macros_: 6378. 10 .._00632 fort_cg_macros_: 6409. 10722 .._00633 fort_cg_macros_: 6458. 1 .._00634 fort_cg_macros_: 6482. 10742 .._00637 fort_cg_macros_: 6483. 10 .._00640 fort_cg_macros_: 6507. 1 .._00641 fort_cg_macros_: 6542. 1 .._00644 fort_cg_macros_: 6570. 1 .._00647 fort_cg_macros_: 6589. 1 .._00652 fort_cg_macros_: 6612. 1 .._00655 fort_cg_macros_: 6615. 7 .._00660 fort_cg_macros_: 6653. 7 .._00661 fort_cg_macros_: 6697. 7 .._00662 fort_cg_macros_: 6770. 1 .._00663 fort_cg_macros_: 6847. 1 .._00666 fort_cg_macros_: 6864. 1 .._00671 fort_cg_macros_: 6882. 1 .._00674 fort_cg_macros_: 6904. 1 .._00677 fort_cg_macros_: 6908. 1 .._00702 fort_cg_macros_: 6940. 1 .._00705 fort_cg_macros_: 6944. 1 .._00710 fort_cg_macros_: 6948. 11444 .._00713 fort_cg_macros_: 6985. 16 .._00714 fort_cg_macros_: 6993. 0 .._00715 fort_cg_macros_: 7039. 1 .._00717 fort_cg_macros_: 7043. 1 .._00722 fort_cg_macros_: 7047. 1 .._00725 fort_cg_macros_: 7051. 1 .._00730 fort_cg_macros_: 7066. 11547 .._00733 fort_cg_macros_: 7096. 32 .._00734 fort_cg_macros_: 7102. 1 .._00735 fort_cg_macros_: 7189. 0 .._00740 fort_cg_macros_: 7194. 1 .._00742 fort_cg_macros_: 7198. 1 .._00745 fort_cg_macros_: 7202. 1 .._00750 fort_cg_macros_: 7206. 1 .._00753 fort_cg_macros_: 7235. 1 .._00756 fort_cg_macros_: 7251. 1 .._00761 fort_cg_macros_: 7265. 1 .._00764 fort_cg_macros_: 7273. 0 .._00767 fort_cg_macros_: 7323. 11757 .._00771 fort_cg_macros_: 7344. 24 .._00772 fort_cg_macros_: 7348. 1 .._00773 fort_cg_macros_: 7430. 1 .._00776 fort_cg_macros_: 7446. 12065 .._01001 fort_cg_macros_: 7447. 1 .._01002 fort_cg_macros_: 7451. 12104 .._01005 fort_cg_macros_: 7472. 24 .._01006 fort_cg_macros_: 7474. 2 .._01007 fort_cg_macros_: 7564. 2 .._01013 fort_cg_macros_: 7571. 12251 .._01017 fort_cg_macros_: 7610. 7 .._01020 fort_cg_macros_: 7612. 1 .._01021 fort_cg_macros_: 7646. 12307 .._01024 fort_cg_macros_: 7649. 1 .._01026 fort_cg_macros_: 7654. 1 .._01031 fort_cg_macros_: 7658. 12377 .._01034 fort_cg_macros_: 7746. 2 .._01035 fort_cg_macros_: 7783. 1 .._01041 fort_cg_macros_: 7823. 2 .._01044 fort_cg_macros_: 7836. 7 .._01050 fort_cg_macros_: 7872. 1 .._01051 fort_cg_macros_: 7913. 12713 .._01054 fort_cg_macros_: 8096. 1 .._01055 fort_cg_macros_: 8122. 12746 .._01060 fort_cg_macros_: 8170. 135 .._01061 fort_cg_macros_: 8202. 1 .._01062 fort_cg_macros_: 8215. 13207 .._01065 fort_cg_macros_: 8375. 1 .._01066 fort_cg_macros_: 8392. 13225 .._01071 fort_cg_macros_: 8393. 1 .._01072 fort_cg_macros_: 8397. 13233 .._01075 fort_cg_macros_: 8398. 1 .._01076 fort_cg_macros_: 8547. 0 .._01101 fort_cg_macros_: 8550. 0 .._01103 fort_cg_macros_: 8580. 0 .text. fort_cg_macros_: 185. 1000 a fort_cg_macros_: 390, 391, 403, 404, 1263, 1620, 1633, 4940, 4980, 5134, 5174, 5287, 5304, 5344, 5452, 5469, 5509, 5658, 5698, 5851, 5891, 5924, 5926, 5940, 5942, 5956, 5958, 5998, 6012, 6040, 6043, 6400, 6401, 6498, 6499, 7028, 7379, 7404, 7426, 7580, 7641, fort_equs: 74. 472 abort_list fort_cg_macros_: 182, 288, 7040, 7044, 7048, 7052, 7190, 7195, 7199, 7203, 7207, 8096, 8170. 3401 abort_list_op fort_cg_macros_: 2059, 2183. 3420 abs fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2206. 3432 abs.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2208, 2221. 6176 acos fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4395. 6202 acos.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4397, 4401. 6205 acos.2 fort_cg_macros_: 4403, 4408. 6224 acos.p fort_cg_macros_: 4399, 4428. 1305 acos_ fort_cg_macros_: 4412, fort_equs: 238. 6204 acos_i fort_cg_macros_: 4396, 4405. 660 add fort_cg_macros_: 456, fort_operator_table: 18. 774 add_cc fort_cg_macros_: 458, 571. 1002 add_cc.01 fort_cg_macros_: 580, 600. 1010 add_cc.1 fort_cg_macros_: 574, 588. 1011 add_cc.11 fort_cg_macros_: 590, 604. 1017 add_cc.2 fort_cg_macros_: 575, 598. 1021 add_cc.3 fort_cg_macros_: 576, 602. 753 add_cd fort_cg_macros_: 458, 545. 764 add_cd.1 fort_cg_macros_: 548, 558. 765 add_cd.11 fort_cg_macros_: 560, 569. 772 add_cd.2 fort_cg_macros_: 549, 567. 725 add_ci fort_cg_macros_: 458, 508. 731 add_cr fort_cg_macros_: 458, 516. 742 add_cr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 511, 519, 529. 743 add_cr.11 fort_cg_macros_: 531, 540. 750 add_cr.2 fort_cg_macros_: 520, 538. 752 add_dc fort_cg_macros_: 458, 542. 712 add_dd fort_cg_macros_: 458, 486. 704 add_di fort_cg_macros_: 458, 476. 716 add_dr fort_cg_macros_: 458, 494. 722 add_dr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 495, 501. 1023 add_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 458, 606, 614. 1025 add_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 458, 609. 724 add_ic fort_cg_macros_: 458, 505. 703 add_id fort_cg_macros_: 458, 473. 674 add_ii fort_cg_macros_: 458, 460. 677 add_ir fort_cg_macros_: 458, 465. 730 add_rc fort_cg_macros_: 458, 513. 715 add_rd fort_cg_macros_: 458, 491. 700 add_ri fort_cg_macros_: 458, 468. 707 add_rr fort_cg_macros_: 458, 481. 1027 add_tl fort_cg_macros_: 458, 612. 1035 add_tl.1 fort_cg_macros_: 614, 616. 5711 aimag fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4139. 5714 aimag.p fort_cg_macros_: 4140, 4145. 5603 aint fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4019. 5615 aint.dp fort_cg_macros_: 4020, 4031, 4039. 5610 fort_cg_macros_: 4020, 4022. 5622 aint.p fort_cg_macros_: 4020, 4042. 5612 aint.real fort_cg_macros_: 4020, 4026. 777760 all fort_cg_macros_: 7606, 8005, 8266, 8319, fort_equs: 124. 110 all_ones fort_cg_macros_: 2217, fort_equs: 177. 242 almost_one fort_equs: 280. 3462 alog fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2259. 3466 alog.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2261, 2265. 3471 alog.2 fort_cg_macros_: 2267, 2272. 3525 alog10 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2312. 3531 alog10.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2314, 2318. 3534 alog10.2 fort_cg_macros_: 2320, 2325. 3554 alog10.p fort_cg_macros_: 2316, 2346. 1313 alog10_ fort_cg_macros_: 2330, fort_equs: 211. 3533 alog10_i fort_cg_macros_: 2313, 2322. 3470 alog_i fort_cg_macros_: 2260, 2269. 4341 amax0 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2935. 4351 amax0.loop fort_cg_macros_: 2946, 2958. 4365 amax0.p fort_cg_macros_: 2938, 2940, 2957, 2964. 4363 amax0.r fort_cg_macros_: 2952, 2960. 4366 amax1 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2967. 4375 amax1.loop fort_cg_macros_: 2977, 2989. 4410 amax1.p fort_cg_macros_: 2970, 2972, 2988, 2994. 4407 amax1.r fort_cg_macros_: 2983, 2991. 4670 amin0 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3282. 4700 amin0.loop fort_cg_macros_: 3293, 3305. 4714 amin0.p fort_cg_macros_: 3285, 3287, 3304, 3311. 4712 amin0.r fort_cg_macros_: 3299, 3307. 4715 amin1 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3314. 4725 amin1.loop fort_cg_macros_: 3325, 3337. 4740 amin1.p fort_cg_macros_: 3317, 3319, 3336, 3342. 4737 amin1.r fort_cg_macros_: 3331, 3339. 5105 amod fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3508. 5111 amod.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3447, 3451, 3462, 3514. 5132 amod.p fort_cg_macros_: 3510, 3512, 3540. 10235 and fort_cg_macros_: 5934, fort_operator_table: 31. 6421 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4658. 6424 fort_cg_macros_: 4663, 4670. 6433 fort_cg_macros_: 4666, 4672. 10244 and_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 5938, 5944. 10246 and_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 5936, 5947. 5623 anint fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4046. 5635 anint.dp fort_cg_macros_: 4047, 4058, 4066. 5630 fort_cg_macros_: 4047, 4049. 5642 anint.p fort_cg_macros_: 4047, 4069. 5632 anint.real fort_cg_macros_: 4047, 4053. 1400 aq fort_cg_macros_: 376, 377, 411, 412, 1124, 1129, 1271, 1340, 1345, 1582, 1607, 1644, 1649, 1656, 2138, 2240, 2296, 2534, 2728, 3801, 3850, 4193, 4194, 4953, 4988, 5147, 5182, 5275, 5317, 5352, 5440, 5482, 5517, 5671, 5706, 5864, 5899, 7417, 7559, 7635, 8227, fort_equs: 75. 40000 arg1 fort_cg_macros_: 201, 207, 210, 227, 231, 234, 253, 269, 275, 300, 305, 310, 315, 320, 325, 330, 335, 340, 345, 354, 360, 363, 368, 377, 386, 390, 395, 420, 425, 433, 437, 444, 448, 450, 462, 466, 470, 474, 478, 483, 488, 492, 497, 502, 506, 514, 520, 522, 524, 530, 534, 543, 549, 551, 553, 559, 563, 576, 578, 583, 589, 593, 599, 607, 614, 617, 625, 630, 633, 644, 652, 660, 664, 667, 678, 686, 694, 701, 708, 715, 722, 729, 736, 743, 750, 756, 760, 761, 768, 769, 796, 803, 822, 830, 832, 834, 843, 847, 859, 866, 885, 893, 895, 897, 906, 910, 924, 926, 931, 939, 943, 951, 959, 966, 967, 980, 989, 993, 997, 1001, 1006, 1011, 1015, 1020, 1025, 1029, 1058, 1064, 1066, 1070, 1077, 1081, 1091, 1097, 1099, 1103, 1110, 1114, 1124, 1134, 1138, 1147, 1158, 1163, 1166, 1171, 1175, 1178, 1183, 1189, 1194, 1200, 1205, 1209, 1215, 1219, 1223, 1224, 1233, 1263, 1277, 1279, 1284, 1291, 1298, 1304, 1306, 1313, 1315, 1320, 1327, 1334, 1340, 1349, 1350, 1358, 1449, 1460, 1464, 1465, 1473, 1479, 1490, 1494, 1495, 1503, 1509, 1521, 1534, 1546, 1552, 1563, 1567, 1569, 1581, 1582, 1612, 1614, 1620, 1638, 1649, 1659, 1721, 1726, 1730, 1736, 1743, 1757, 1785, 1833, 1843, 1854, 1864, 1874, 1888, 1912, 1915, 1926, 1940, 1964, 1967, 1983, 1986, 1992, 1998, 2004, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2020, 2027, 2037, 2044, 2052, 2065, 2071, 2192, 2197, 4173, 4284, 4772, 4776, 4780, 4784, 4788, 4791, 4823, 4828, 4832, 4835, 4840, 4844, 4847, 4852, 4858, 4865, 4871, 4878, 4884, 4890, 4896, 4902, 4909, 4915, 4918, 4921, 4924, 4928, 4935, 4938, 4941, 4948, 4951, 4954, 4962, 4970, 4981, 4989, 4999, 5004, 5017, 5022, 5026, 5029, 5034, 5038, 5041, 5046, 5052, 5059, 5065, 5072, 5078, 5084, 5090, 5096, 5103, 5109, 5112, 5115, 5118, 5122, 5129, 5132, 5134, 5142, 5145, 5147, 5157, 5164, 5174, 5182, 5193, 5198, 5210, 5214, 5218, 5222, 5226, 5232, 5238, 5242, 5247, 5253, 5260, 5266, 5269, 5272, 5276, 5281, 5288, 5292, 5299, 5302, 5305, 5312, 5315, 5318, 5326, 5334, 5345, 5353, 5362, 5375, 5379, 5383, 5387, 5391, 5397, 5403, 5407, 5412, 5418, 5425, 5431, 5434, 5437, 5441, 5446, 5453, 5457, 5464, 5467, 5470, 5477, 5480, 5483, 5491, 5499, 5510, 5518, 5528, 5541, 5546, 5550, 5553, 5558, 5562, 5565, 5570, 5576, 5583, 5589, 5596, 5602, 5608, 5614, 5620, 5627, 5633, 5636, 5639, 5642, 5646, 5653, 5656, 5659, 5666, 5669, 5672, 5680, 5688, 5699, 5707, 5717, 5722, 5734, 5739, 5743, 5746, 5751, 5755, 5758, 5763, 5769, 5776, 5782, 5789, 5795, 5801, 5807, 5813, 5820, 5826, 5829, 5832, 5835, 5839, 5846, 5849, 5851, 5859, 5862, 5864, 5874, 5881, 5891, 5899, 5910, 5915, 5921, 5925, 5929, 5937, 5941, 5945, 5993, 5999, 6007, 6013, 6026, 6038, 6040, 6094, 6105, 6113, 6115, 6120, 6125, 6126, 6131, 6137, 6141, 6143, 6148, 6155, 6159, 6164, 6188, 6191, 6196, 6200, 6203, 6207, 6210, 6217, 6220, 6228, 6237, 6247, 6249, 6287, 6316, 6339, 6357, 6363, 6364, 6373, 6374, 6384, 6386, 6398, 6400, 6448, 6450, 6462, 6478, 6503, 6510, 6514, 6518, 6522, 6526, 6530, 6534, 6538, 6556, 6560, 6561, 6575, 6579, 6580, 6605, 6612, 6615, 6618, 6619, 6629, 6640, 6651, 6677, 6695, 6746, 6753, 6765, 6768, 6835, 6839, 6852, 6856, 6870, 6874, 6888, 6890, 6892, 6913, 6915, 6932, 7034, 7055, 7213, 7226, 7235, 7244, 7259, 7265, 7273, 7276, 7285, 7298, 7301, 7306, 7309, 7315, 7338, 7346, 7430, 7439, 7446, 7451, 7461, 7564, 7571, 7600, 7603, 7612, 7646, 7654, 7658, 7700, 7703, 7722, 7725, 7783, 7802, 7804, 7836, 7872, 7875, 7913, 7956, 7963, 8014, 8063, 8064, 8077, 8116, 8117, 8122, 8146, 8200, 8215, 8220, 8236, 8242, 8248, 8264, 8268, 8270, 8280, 8311, 8317, 8321, 8334, 8341, 8364, 8421, 8439, 8449, 8459, 8460, 8469, 8470, 8481, 8482, 8493, 8494, 8503, 8504, 8511, 8521, 8523, 8530, fort_equs: 30. 100000 arg2 fort_cg_macros_: 208, 214, 254, 270, 274, 299, 324, 329, 334, 339, 353, 358, 367, 372, 376, 391, 419, 440, 449, 495, 498, 519, 525, 539, 548, 554, 568, 574, 575, 579, 584, 594, 603, 610, 626, 637, 642, 649, 671, 676, 683, 699, 702, 713, 716, 727, 730, 741, 744, 775, 779, 781, 788, 789, 797, 799, 804, 809, 813, 829, 835, 852, 860, 862, 867, 872, 876, 892, 898, 915, 922, 923, 927, 932, 944, 955, 962, 970, 1018, 1021, 1034, 1038, 1041, 1045, 1046, 1053, 1054, 1063, 1067, 1071, 1080, 1087, 1096, 1100, 1104, 1113, 1120, 1125, 1150, 1159, 1187, 1190, 1198, 1201, 1210, 1214, 1239, 1243, 1246, 1250, 1251, 1258, 1259, 1266, 1276, 1281, 1285, 1295, 1299, 1312, 1317, 1321, 1331, 1335, 1341, 1354, 1361, 1450, 1480, 1510, 1523, 1536, 1553, 1590, 1594, 1595, 1606, 1607, 1633, 1651, 1662, 1720, 1723, 1756, 1766, 1815, 1887, 1893, 1939, 1945, 2069, 2076, 2097, 2745, 2838, 2840, 2842, 2879, 2881, 2883, 2925, 2927, 2929, 2936, 2952, 2954, 2956, 2968, 2983, 2985, 2987, 2998, 3013, 3015, 3017, 3028, 3045, 3047, 3049, 3061, 3077, 3079, 3081, 3092, 3185, 3187, 3189, 3226, 3228, 3230, 3272, 3274, 3276, 3283, 3299, 3301, 3303, 3315, 3331, 3333, 3335, 3346, 3361, 3363, 3365, 3376, 3393, 3395, 3397, 3409, 3425, 3427, 3429, 4171, 4172, 4659, 4666, 4667, 4669, 4738, 4745, 4746, 4748, 4755, 4762, 4763, 4765, 4821, 4824, 4856, 4860, 4869, 4873, 4882, 4885, 4894, 4898, 4906, 4912, 4918, 4921, 4924, 4940, 4953, 4963, 4973, 4978, 4980, 4986, 4988, 4997, 5000, 5015, 5018, 5050, 5054, 5063, 5067, 5076, 5079, 5088, 5092, 5100, 5106, 5112, 5115, 5118, 5135, 5148, 5156, 5167, 5172, 5175, 5180, 5183, 5191, 5194, 5245, 5249, 5257, 5263, 5269, 5272, 5327, 5337, 5342, 5350, 5410, 5414, 5422, 5428, 5434, 5437, 5492, 5502, 5507, 5515, 5539, 5542, 5574, 5578, 5587, 5591, 5600, 5603, 5612, 5616, 5624, 5630, 5636, 5639, 5642, 5658, 5671, 5681, 5691, 5696, 5698, 5704, 5706, 5715, 5718, 5732, 5735, 5767, 5771, 5780, 5784, 5793, 5796, 5805, 5809, 5817, 5823, 5829, 5832, 5835, 5852, 5865, 5873, 5884, 5889, 5892, 5897, 5900, 5908, 5911, 5932, 5948, 6163, 6178, 6181, 6186, 6201, 6205, 6211, 6229, 6236, 6299, 6301, 6302, 6362, 6372, 6460, 6461, 6467, 6496, 6498, 6562, 6581, 6766, 6819, 6838, 6855, 6873, 6894, 6916, 6919, 6923, 6925, 7058, 7088, 7299, 7303, 7456, 7597, 7601, 7808, 7810, 7904, 7971, 8234, 8261, 8262, 8303, 8305, 8343, 8350, 8367, 8440, 8450, 8467, 8479, 8492, 8538, fort_equs: 31. 140000 arg3 fort_cg_macros_: 215, 220, 276, 1725, 1728, 1765, 1802, 1811, 1816, 1845, 1855, 1866, 1892, 1944, 2066, 2079, 2100, 2103, 6168, 6171, 6176, 6198, 6208, 6212, 6218, 6221, 6226, 6234, 6286, 6288, 6305, 6465, 6468, 6474, 6927, 6972, 7091, 7342, 7436, 7465, 7467, 7470, 7596, 8352, 8359, fort_equs: 32. 200000 arg4 fort_cg_macros_: 1744, 1754, 1761, 1763, 1767, 1784, 1798, 1818, 1837, 1840, 1842, 1863, 1875, 1885, 1894, 1914, 1927, 1937, 1946, 1966, 2068, 6160, 6172, 6182, 6192, 6405, 6412, 6416, 6420, 6424, 6428, 6432, 6436, 6440, 6977, fort_equs: 33. 240000 arg5 fort_cg_macros_: 1778, 1791, 1827, 1846, 1856, 1867, 1906, 1919, 1958, 1971, 2215, 2222, 2231, 2240, 2266, 2284, 2296, 2319, 2337, 2359, 2377, 2422, 2465, 2476, 2478, 2482, 2504, 2522, 2534, 2554, 2556, 2562, 2564, 2569, 2629, 2631, 2638, 2642, 2644, 2648, 2650, 2657, 2661, 2663, 2670, 2674, 2676, 2682, 2696, 2715, 2728, 3501, 3509, 3511, 3515, 3522, 3524, 3528, 3537, 3548, 3550, 3555, 3617, 3623, 3625, 3630, 3638, 3772, 3789, 3801, 3821, 3838, 3850, 3864, 3871, 3883, 3903, 3910, 3922, 3942, 3949, 3961, 3981, 3984, 4000, 4020, 4027, 4032, 4047, 4054, 4059, 4074, 4077, 4081, 4087, 4103, 4110, 4114, 4120, 4142, 4149, 4156, 4160, 4164, 4176, 4183, 4187, 4193, 4213, 4215, 4228, 4230, 4237, 4245, 4252, 4266, 4292, 4294, 4296, 4308, 4324, 4341, 4363, 4380, 4402, 4419, 4647, 4649, 4676, 4682, 4690, 4696, 4702, 4708, 4714, 4720, 4726, 4732, 4780, 6173, 6183, 6193, fort_equs: 34. 300000 arg6 fort_cg_macros_: 1774, 1793, 1819, 1823, 1848, 1858, 1869, 1902, 1921, 1954, 1973, 2426, 2431, 2433, 2469, 2486, 2564, 2565, 2567, 2631, 2633, 2635, 2650, 2652, 2654, 2663, 2665, 2667, 2676, 2677, 2679, 3503, 3516, 3531, 3554, 3616, 3629, 3637, 4212, 4217, 4219, 4224, 4226, 4236, 4239, 4251, 4256, 4693, 4697, 4705, 4709, 4717, 4721, 4729, 4733, 4784, fort_equs: 35. 340000 arg7 fort_cg_macros_: 1771, 1790, 1899, 1918, 1951, 1970, fort_equs: 36. 100000 array_ref fort_cg_macros_: 4936, 4949, 4968, 5130, 5143, 5162, 5300, 5313, 5332, 5465, 5478, 5497, 5654, 5667, 5686, 5847, 5860, 5879, fort_equs: 96. 6146 asin fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4356. 6152 asin.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4358, 4362. 6155 asin.2 fort_cg_macros_: 4364, 4369. 6174 asin.p fort_cg_macros_: 4360, 4389. 1303 asin_ fort_cg_macros_: 4373, fort_equs: 236. 6154 asin_i fort_cg_macros_: 4357, 4366. 476 assign fort_cg_macros_: 294, fort_operator_table: 17. 570 assign_cc fort_cg_macros_: 296, 375. 566 assign_cd fort_cg_macros_: 296, 371. 616 assign_ch fort_cg_macros_: 395, 408. 550 assign_ci fort_cg_macros_: 296, 348. 555 assign_cr fort_cg_macros_: 296, 357. 556 assign_cr.01 fort_cg_macros_: 350, 359, 373. 563 assign_dc fort_cg_macros_: 296, 366. 534 assign_dd fort_cg_macros_: 296, 328. 616 assign_dh fort_cg_macros_: 395, 407. 526 assign_di fort_cg_macros_: 296, 318. 542 assign_dr fort_cg_macros_: 296, 338. 637 assign_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 296, 432, 437, 448. 573 assign_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 296, 380. 604 assign_h fort_cg_macros_: 382, 394. 623 assign_hh fort_cg_macros_: 395, 416. 545 assign_ic fort_cg_macros_: 296, 343. 523 assign_id fort_cg_macros_: 296, 313. 611 assign_ih fort_cg_macros_: 395, 397. 512 assign_ii fort_cg_macros_: 296, 298. 515 assign_ir fort_cg_macros_: 296, 303. 577 assign_l fort_cg_macros_: 381, 385. 10626 assign_label fort_cg_macros_: 6348, fort_operator_table: 38. 10633 assign_label.1 fort_cg_macros_: 6352, 6356. 10642 assign_label.2 fort_cg_macros_: 6358, 6370. 10647 assign_label.e fort_cg_macros_: 6351, 6377. 611 assign_lh fort_cg_macros_: 395, 399. 552 assign_rc fort_cg_macros_: 296, 352. 537 assign_rd fort_cg_macros_: 296, 333. 611 assign_rh fort_cg_macros_: 395, 398. 520 assign_ri fort_cg_macros_: 296, 308. 531 assign_rr fort_cg_macros_: 296, 323. 642 assign_t fort_cg_macros_: 296, 436. 654 assign_t.normal fort_cg_macros_: 437, 447. 657 assign_t.return fort_cg_macros_: 445, 452. 646 assign_t.to_logical fort_cg_macros_: 437, 439. 611 assign_th fort_cg_macros_: 395, 400. 3556 atan fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2352. 3562 atan.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2354, 2358. 3565 atan.2 fort_cg_macros_: 2360, 2365. 3605 atan.p fort_cg_macros_: 2356, 2386. 3607 atan2 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2392. 3663 atan2.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2397, 2401, 2405, 2416, 2464. 3711 atan2.p fort_cg_macros_: 2477, 2493. 1336 atan2_ fort_cg_macros_: 2471, fort_equs: 215. 3660 atan2_cc fort_cg_macros_: 2393, 2455. 3657 atan2_cd fort_cg_macros_: 2393, 2452. 3653 atan2_ci fort_cg_macros_: 2393, 2440. 3655 atan2_cr fort_cg_macros_: 2393, 2446. 3656 atan2_dc fort_cg_macros_: 2393, 2449. 3635 atan2_dd fort_cg_macros_: 2393, 2418. 3632 atan2_di fort_cg_macros_: 2393, 2411. 3644 atan2_dr fort_cg_macros_: 2393, 2429. 3661 atan2_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 2393, 2458. 3662 atan2_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 2393, 2461. 3711 atan2_ee fort_cg_macros_: 2479, 2494. 3652 atan2_ic fort_cg_macros_: 2393, 2437. 3630 atan2_id fort_cg_macros_: 2393, 2407. 3622 atan2_ii fort_cg_macros_: 2393, 2395. 3624 atan2_ir fort_cg_macros_: 2393, 2399. 3654 atan2_rc fort_cg_macros_: 2393, 2443. 3636 atan2_rd fort_cg_macros_: 2393, 2421. 3626 atan2_ri fort_cg_macros_: 2393, 2403. 3634 atan2_rr fort_cg_macros_: 2393, 2415. 1307 atan_ fort_cg_macros_: 2370, fort_equs: 213. 3564 atan_i fort_cg_macros_: 2353, 2362. 4 auto_overlay fort_cg_macros_: 8045, fort_equs: 146. 3 auto_template fort_cg_macros_: 8051, fort_equs: 145. 11320 backspace fort_cg_macros_: 6867, fort_operator_table: 49. 11332 backspace.p fort_cg_macros_: 6871, 6881. 1760 bases fort_equs: 123, 124. 4000 bif fort_cg_macros_: 8171, fort_equs: 100. 440 blanks fort_equs: 178. 12571 block_data fort_cg_macros_: 7950, fort_operator_table: 69. 10652 block_if fort_cg_macros_: 6381, fort_operator_table: 116. 10667 block_if.ind fort_cg_macros_: 6398, 6408. 10665 block_if.no_cmpa fort_cg_macros_: 6401, 6404. 10725 block_if.no_tra fort_cg_macros_: 6461, 6464. 10735 block_if.p fort_cg_macros_: 6385, 6481. 10714 block_if.pop_predicate fort_cg_macros_: 6406, 6413, 6417, 6421, 6425, 6429, 6433, 6437, 6441, 6443. 10700 block_if.tmi fort_cg_macros_: 6409, 6419. 10704 block_if.tmoz fort_cg_macros_: 6409, 6427. 10710 block_if.tnc fort_cg_macros_: 6409, 6435. 10676 block_if.tnz fort_cg_macros_: 6409, 6415. 10702 block_if.tpl fort_cg_macros_: 6409, 6423. 10706 block_if.tpnz fort_cg_macros_: 6409, 6431. 10712 block_if.trc fort_cg_macros_: 6409, 6439. 10674 block_if.tze fort_cg_macros_: 6409, 6411. 10733 block_if_end fort_cg_macros_: 6458, 6477. 10717 block_if_loop fort_cg_macros_: 6457, 6467, 6475. 6434 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4675. 665 bound_ck_signal fort_cg_macros_: 217, fort_equs: 279. 33 buffer_size_slot fort_cg_macros_: 7309, 7315, fort_equs: 167. 2766 builtin fort_cg_macros_: 2059, fort_operator_table: 64. 3055 builtin2 fort_cg_macros_: 2069, 2075, 2097. 3140 builtin2.char_ok fort_cg_macros_: 2079, 2081. 3147 builtin2.join fort_cg_macros_: 2083, 2087, 2091, 2096. 3146 fort_cg_macros_: 2079, 2093. 3142 builtin2.one_word fort_cg_macros_: 2079, 2085. 3144 fort_cg_macros_: 2079, 2089. 3150 builtin3 fort_cg_macros_: 2099, 2107, 2116. 5326 builtin_2args_di fort_cg_macros_: 2412, 2586, 2764, 3111, 3458, 3573, 3747. 5310 builtin_2args_id fort_cg_macros_: 2408, 2582, 2760, 3107, 3454, 3569, 3725. 5226 builtin_2args_ii fort_cg_macros_: 2396, 3645. 5244 builtin_2args_ii.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3659, 3665, 3667. 5257 builtin_2args_ir fort_cg_macros_: 2400, 2574, 2752, 3099, 3446, 3561, 3685. 5275 builtin_2args_ri fort_cg_macros_: 2404, 2578, 2756, 3103, 3450, 3565, 3707. 3230 builtin_var fort_cg_macros_: 2068, 2102. 3310 builtin_var.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2103, 2106, 2113. 3315 builtin_var.2 fort_cg_macros_: 2103, 2115, 2118. 3402 bu_abort_list fort_cg_macros_: 2073, 2077, 2107, 2116, 2186, 2199, 2204, 4773, 4777, 4781, 4785. 6562 bu_dt1.p fort_cg_macros_: 2086, 2117, 4457, 4492, 4566, 4576, 4593, 4610, 4627, 4644, 4771. 6566 bu_dt2.p fort_cg_macros_: 4775. 6572 bu_dt5.p fort_cg_macros_: 2251, 2254, 2257, 2307, 2310, 2347, 2350, 2387, 2390, 2441, 2447, 2453, 2456, 2459, 2545, 2548, 2605, 2611, 2617, 2620, 2623, 2739, 2742, 3477, 3483, 3489, 3492, 3495, 3592, 3598, 3604, 3607, 3610, 3812, 3861, 3900, 3939, 3978, 4017, 4044, 4071, 4100, 4137, 4146, 4168, 4315, 4351, 4354, 4390, 4393, 4429, 4432, 4690, 4702, 4714, 4726, 4779. 6576 bu_dt6.p fort_cg_macros_: 2438, 2444, 2450, 2462, 2495, 2602, 2608, 2614, 2626, 2687, 3474, 3480, 3486, 3498, 3542, 3589, 3595, 3601, 3613, 3643, 4656, 4693, 4705, 4717, 4729, 4783. 3336 bu_ret_aq fort_cg_macros_: 2135, 2304, 2542, 2736, 3808, 3857. 3332 bu_ret_deaq fort_cg_macros_: 2130, 2235, 2291, 2344, 2384, 2491, 2529, 2658, 2671, 2683, 2722, 3534, 3634, 3796, 3845, 3890, 3929, 3968, 4034, 4061, 4153, 4157, 4161, 4165, 4348, 4387, 4426, 4653. 3326 bu_ret_eaq fort_cg_macros_: 2125, 2226, 2248, 2279, 2332, 2372, 2473, 2517, 2639, 2709, 3519, 3620, 3784, 3833, 3880, 3919, 3958, 4024, 4029, 4051, 4056, 4107, 4111, 4117, 4121, 4143, 4336, 4375, 4414. 3356 bu_ret_op1 fort_cg_macros_: 2155, 4450, 4454, 4475, 4489, 4573. 3322 bu_ret_q fort_cg_macros_: 2120, 2219, 2571, 3506, 3558, 3985, 3989, 3993, 3997, 4001, 4078, 4084, 4090, 4485, 4523, 4543, 4563, 4699, 4711, 4723, 4735. 3352 bu_ret_tnc fort_cg_macros_: 2150, 4607, 4641. 3342 bu_ret_tq fort_cg_macros_: 2140, 4677, 4683, 4687. 3346 bu_ret_trc fort_cg_macros_: 2145, 4590, 4624. 3445 cabs fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2237. 3446 cabs.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2210, 2239. 3461 cabs.p fort_cg_macros_: 2238, 2256. 1406 cabs_ fort_cg_macros_: 2245, fort_equs: 207. 12737 call fort_cg_macros_: 8161, fort_operator_table: 76. 13114 call_ext_desc fort_cg_macros_: 8270, 8275. 623 call_ext_out fort_cg_macros_: 8272, fort_equs: 245. 622 call_ext_out_desc fort_cg_macros_: 8276, fort_equs: 246. 13122 call_join fort_cg_macros_: 8273, 8277, 8283, 8288. 1170 call_offset stack_header: 80. 617 call_var fort_cg_macros_: 8282, fort_equs: 247. 13116 call_variable fort_cg_macros_: 8268, 8279. 13121 call_variable_desc fort_cg_macros_: 8280, 8285. 616 call_var_desc fort_cg_macros_: 8286, fort_equs: 248. 13326 cat fort_cg_macros_: 8517, fort_operator_table: 112. 13341 cat.dont_copy_arg1 fort_cg_macros_: 8526, 8533. 13352 cat.not_ansi77 fort_cg_macros_: 8519, 8549. 13350 cat.p fort_cg_macros_: 8522, 8524, 8546. 3741 ccos fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2531. 3742 ccos.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2501, 2533. 3754 ccos.p fort_cg_macros_: 2532, 2547. 1407 ccos_ fort_cg_macros_: 2539, fort_equs: 219. 2755 ccv_cc fort_cg_macros_: 1980, 2047. 2753 ccv_cd fort_cg_macros_: 1980, 2043. 2740 ccv_ci fort_cg_macros_: 1980, 2026. 2747 ccv_cr fort_cg_macros_: 1980, 2036. 2751 ccv_dc fort_cg_macros_: 1980, 2040. 2731 ccv_dd fort_cg_macros_: 1980, 2012. 2725 ccv_di fort_cg_macros_: 1980, 2003. 2734 ccv_dr fort_cg_macros_: 1980, 2019. 2760 ccv_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 1980, 2051. 2763 ccv_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 1980, 2055. 2736 ccv_ic fort_cg_macros_: 1980, 2023. 2722 ccv_id fort_cg_macros_: 1980, 1997. 2713 ccv_ii fort_cg_macros_: 1980, 1982. 2714 ccv_ir fort_cg_macros_: 1980, 1985. 2745 ccv_rc fort_cg_macros_: 1980, 2033. 2732 ccv_rd fort_cg_macros_: 1980, 2015. 2717 ccv_ri fort_cg_macros_: 1980, 1991. 2730 ccv_rr fort_cg_macros_: 1980, 2009. 4143 cexp fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2724. 4144 cexp.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2693, 2727. 4156 cexp.p fort_cg_macros_: 2725, 2741. 1410 cexp_ fort_cg_macros_: 2733, fort_equs: 222. 13152 chain fort_cg_macros_: 8332, fort_operator_table: 77. 13157 chain2 fort_cg_macros_: 8336, 8340. 13164 chain3 fort_cg_macros_: 8345, 8349. 13170 chain_fill fort_cg_macros_: 8356. 13204 chain_next_file fort_cg_macros_: 8374, 8380. 13220 chain_path.p fort_cg_macros_: 8337, 8338, 8391. 13213 chain_ret fort_cg_macros_: 8375, 8382. 13226 chain_sys.p fort_cg_macros_: 8346, 8347, 8396. 10000 char fort_cg_macros_: 382, 2082, 4460, 4495, 4497, 4569, 4579, 4581, 4596, 4598, 4613, 4615, 4630, 4632, 5280, 5445, 6594, 6917, 6920, 7004, 7118, 7294, 7569, 7586, 7803, 8174, 8336, 8345, 8522, 8524, fort_equs: 57. 6237 char.constant fort_cg_macros_: 4437, 4452. 6241 char.p fort_cg_macros_: 4435, 4456. 634 char2.p fort_cg_macros_: 401, 409, 428. 3000 charn fort_equs: 66. 6226 char_builtin fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4434. 12516 char_func fort_cg_macros_: 7872, 7874. 12760 check_args fort_cg_macros_: 8170, 8193. 453 check_stringrange fort_cg_macros_: 195, 259. 417 check_subscript fort_cg_macros_: 192, 198. 3511 clog fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2293. 3512 clog.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2263, 2295. 3524 clog.p fort_cg_macros_: 2294, 2309. 1411 clog_ fort_cg_macros_: 2301, fort_equs: 210. 11424 close fort_cg_macros_: 6952, fort_operator_table: 92. 11641 closefile fort_cg_macros_: 7221, fort_operator_table: 52. 11652 closefile.p fort_cg_macros_: 7224, 7234. 5733 cmplx fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4170. 5737 fort_cg_macros_: 4171, 4175. 5754 fort_cg_macros_: 4176, 4192. 5750 fort_cg_macros_: 4176, 4186. 5744 fort_cg_macros_: 4176, 4178. 5756 fort_cg_macros_: 4180, 4184, 4190, 4196. 5764 fort_cg_macros_: 4176, 4204. 5746 fort_cg_macros_: 4176, 4182. 5765 cmplx.two fort_cg_macros_: 4172, 4207. 6037 cmplx.two.dd fort_cg_macros_: 4208, 4249. 6052 cmplx.two.dd.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4251, 4262. 6064 cmplx.two.di fort_cg_macros_: 4208, 4279. 6064 cmplx.two.dr fort_cg_macros_: 4208, 4281. 6062 cmplx.two.e1 fort_cg_macros_: 4208, 4272. 6063 cmplx.two.e2 fort_cg_macros_: 4208, 4275. 6064 fort_cg_macros_: 4208, 4282. 6000 cmplx.two.ii fort_cg_macros_: 4208, 4210. 6013 cmplx.two.ii.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4212, 4223. 6064 fort_cg_macros_: 4208, 4280. 6064 cmplx.two.rd fort_cg_macros_: 4208, 4283. 6064 cmplx.two.ri fort_cg_macros_: 4208, 4278. 6024 cmplx.two.rr fort_cg_macros_: 4208, 4234. 6033 cmplx.two.rr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4236, 4243. 40000 cmpx fort_cg_macros_: 1669, 2082, 2090, 2094, 2112, 2238, 2294, 2532, 2725, 3799, 3848, 4140, 4287, 6257, 7750, 7832, fort_equs: 55. 2000 cmpxn fort_cg_macros_: 510, 517, 546, 572, 754, 773, 793, 826, 856, 889, 919, 1032, 1061, 1094, 1237, 1274, 1310, 1568, 1579, 1588, 1604, 1631, 1691, 4198, 4211, 4235, 4250, 4289, 7634, 7897, fort_equs: 64. 12531 cmpx_func fort_cg_macros_: 7872, 7896. 1416 cmpx_p_cmpx fort_cg_macros_: 1641, 1653, fort_equs: 200. 12453 coerce_substr_exp fort_cg_macros_: 7809, 7814, 7826. 6436 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4679. 70 complex fort_cg_macros_: 1127, 1269, 1343, fort_equs: 173. 775 complex_divide fort_cg_macros_: 1268, 1342, fort_equs: 191. 773 complex_multiply fort_cg_macros_: 1126, fort_equs: 190. 6066 conjg fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4286. 6104 conjg.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4292, 4304. 6115 conjg.p fort_cg_macros_: 4287, 4314. 200000 constant fort_cg_macros_: 401, 409, 639, 673, 758, 777, 1036, 1221, 1241, 1364, 1379, 1394, 1409, 1432, 1462, 1492, 1565, 1592, 1746, 1762, 1803, 1877, 1929, 3648, 3668, 3688, 3708, 3728, 3748, 4437, 4462, 4933, 4946, 4971, 5127, 5140, 5165, 5297, 5310, 5335, 5462, 5475, 5500, 5651, 5664, 5689, 5844, 5857, 5882, 7749, 7830, fort_equs: 95. 12425 convert_subscript fort_cg_macros_: 7749, 7774. 13356 convert_to_cmpx fort_cg_macros_: 8563, fort_operator_table: 97. 2677 convert_to_cv_type fort_cg_macros_: 1722, 1727, 1731, 1977. 13356 convert_to_dp fort_cg_macros_: 8562, fort_operator_table: 96. 13356 convert_to_int fort_cg_macros_: 8560, fort_operator_table: 94. 13356 convert_to_real fort_cg_macros_: 8561, fort_operator_table: 95. 12753 conv_bif fort_cg_macros_: 8171, 8183. 5337 conv_bu_di fort_cg_macros_: 3748, 3760. 5323 conv_bu_id fort_cg_macros_: 3728, 3741. 5241 conv_bu_ii.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3648, 3661. 5255 conv_bu_ii.2 fort_cg_macros_: 3668, 3680. 5272 conv_bu_ir fort_cg_macros_: 3688, 3701. 5306 conv_bu_ri fort_cg_macros_: 3708, 3720. 2107 conv_di fort_cg_macros_: 1409, 1416. 1732 conv_div_ci fort_cg_macros_: 1241, 1255. 1713 conv_div_ic fort_cg_macros_: 1221, 1231. 2305 conv_exponentiation_ci fort_cg_macros_: 1592, 1603. 2264 conv_exponentiation_ic fort_cg_macros_: 1565, 1578. 2200 conv_exponentiation_id fort_cg_macros_: 1492, 1500. 2155 conv_exponentiation_ir fort_cg_macros_: 1462, 1470. 12755 conv_external fort_cg_macros_: 8172, 8187. 2076 conv_id fort_cg_macros_: 1394, 1401. 2055 conv_ir fort_cg_macros_: 1364, 1371. 1515 conv_mult_ci fort_cg_macros_: 1036, 1050. 2066 conv_ri fort_cg_macros_: 1379, 1386. 1224 conv_sub_ci fort_cg_macros_: 777, 785. 1120 conv_sub_di fort_cg_macros_: 673, 681. 1210 conv_sub_ic fort_cg_macros_: 758, 766. 1071 conv_sub_ri fort_cg_macros_: 639, 647. 3712 cos fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2497. 3716 cos.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2499, 2503. 3721 cos.2 fort_cg_macros_: 2505, 2510. 5525 cosh fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3941. 5535 cosh.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3946, 3951. 5544 cosh.dp fort_cg_macros_: 3942, 3960, 3973. 5532 fort_cg_macros_: 3942, 3944. 5556 cosh.p fort_cg_macros_: 3942, 3976. 5534 cosh.real fort_cg_macros_: 3942, 3948. 1462 cosh_ fort_cg_macros_: 3955, fort_equs: 259. 1277 cos_ fort_cg_macros_: 2515, fort_equs: 217. 3720 cos_i fort_cg_macros_: 2498, 2507. 20000 count fort_cg_macros_: 7876, fort_equs: 98. 12463 cse_convert_constant fort_cg_macros_: 7830, 7840. 12476 cse_convert_dp fort_cg_macros_: 7834, 7855. 12465 cse_convert_real fort_cg_macros_: 7832, 7844. 12506 cse_return fort_cg_macros_: 7828, 7865. 5367 csin fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3798. 5370 csin.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3769, 3800. 5400 csin.p fort_cg_macros_: 3799, 3811. 1412 csin_ fort_cg_macros_: 3805, fort_equs: 229. 5427 csqrt fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3847. 5430 csqrt.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3818, 3849. 5440 csqrt.p fort_cg_macros_: 3848, 3860. 1413 csqrt_ fort_cg_macros_: 3854, fort_equs: 232. 12762 cv_bif_to_external fort_cg_macros_: 8184, 8197. 2101 cv_load.di fort_cg_macros_: 314, 1408, 2006, 3992, 6275, 7371, 7492. 2071 fort_cg_macros_: 319, 477, 666, 1000, 1177, 1182, 1393, 2000, 2907, 3254, 4152, 4846, 4851, 5040, 5045, 5225, 5390, 5564, 5569, 5757, 5762, 7366, 7497. 2050 fort_cg_macros_: 309, 349, 469, 509, 632, 992, 1165, 1170, 1363, 1988, 2270, 2323, 2363, 2508, 2700, 2866, 3213, 3776, 3825, 3867, 3906, 3945, 4023, 4050, 4106, 4179, 4214, 4218, 4225, 4229, 4328, 4367, 4406, 4834, 4839, 5028, 5033, 5217, 5382, 5552, 5557, 5745, 5750, 7356, 7376, 7487, 7527. 2060 cv_load.ri fort_cg_macros_: 304, 344, 1378, 1994, 3988, 3996, 6271, 7361, 7385, 7482, 7522. 3437 dabs fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2228. 3440 dabs.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2209, 2230. 3460 dabs.p fort_cg_macros_: 2229, 2253. 6213 dacos fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4416. 6214 dacos.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4398, 4418. 6225 dacos.p fort_cg_macros_: 4417, 4431. 1326 dacos_ fort_cg_macros_: 4424, fort_equs: 239. 6163 dasin fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4377. 6164 dasin.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4359, 4379. 6175 dasin.p fort_cg_macros_: 4378, 4392. 1324 dasin_ fort_cg_macros_: 4385, fort_equs: 237. 3574 datan fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2374. 3575 datan.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2355, 2376. 3606 datan.p fort_cg_macros_: 2375, 2389. 3674 datan2 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2475. 3700 datan2.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2409, 2413, 2419, 2435, 2481. 3705 datan2.2 fort_cg_macros_: 2427, 2487. 1340 datan2_ fort_cg_macros_: 2489, fort_equs: 216. 1330 datan_ fort_cg_macros_: 2382, fort_equs: 214. 5715 dble fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4148. 5730 dble.cmpx fort_cg_macros_: 4149, 4163. 5726 dble.dp fort_cg_macros_: 4149, 4159. 5722 fort_cg_macros_: 4149, 4151. 5732 dble.p fort_cg_macros_: 4149, 4167. 5724 dble.real fort_cg_macros_: 4149, 4155. 1345 dbl_p_dbl fort_cg_macros_: 1539, fort_equs: 199. 1346 dbl_p_int fort_cg_macros_: 1513, fort_equs: 197. 1344 dbl_p_real fort_cg_macros_: 1556, fort_equs: 198. 3730 dcos fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2519. 3731 dcos.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2500, 2521. 3753 dcos.p fort_cg_macros_: 2520, 2544. 5554 dcosh fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3971. 5556 dcosh.p fort_cg_macros_: 3972, 3977. 1463 dcosh_ fort_cg_macros_: 3965, fort_equs: 260. 1320 dcos_ fort_cg_macros_: 2527, fort_equs: 218. 4047 ddim fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2641. 4053 ddim.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2583, 2587, 2593, 2647. 4113 ddim.p fort_cg_macros_: 2643, 2645, 2686. 2400 deaq fort_cg_macros_: 320, 329, 330, 334, 340, 368, 372, 479, 487, 489, 497, 499, 503, 548, 668, 679, 683, 687, 695, 713, 715, 717, 723, 727, 731, 737, 743, 745, 751, 859, 892, 1002, 1010, 1012, 1020, 1022, 1026, 1096, 1179, 1184, 1198, 1200, 1202, 1206, 1211, 1216, 1312, 1403, 1410, 1411, 1434, 1509, 1515, 1534, 1541, 1552, 1558, 1685, 1688, 1930, 1932, 1939, 1940, 1964, 1967, 2001, 2017, 2020, 2045, 2133, 2174, 2231, 2284, 2337, 2377, 2432, 2482, 2522, 2648, 2651, 2664, 2674, 2715, 2890, 2891, 2904, 3067, 3068, 3237, 3238, 3251, 3415, 3416, 3528, 3630, 3735, 3755, 3789, 3838, 3883, 3922, 3961, 4032, 4059, 4087, 4114, 4160, 4187, 4251, 4252, 4341, 4380, 4419, 4869, 4871, 4872, 4877, 4882, 4889, 4896, 4897, 5063, 5065, 5066, 5071, 5076, 5083, 5090, 5091, 5236, 5237, 5247, 5248, 5401, 5402, 5412, 5413, 5587, 5589, 5590, 5595, 5600, 5607, 5614, 5615, 5780, 5782, 5783, 5788, 5793, 5800, 5807, 5808, 6115, 6117, 6120, 7395, 7413, 7498, 7507, 7508, 7512, 7518, 7547, 7551, 7629, 7765, 7766, 7857, 7858, fort_equs: 77. 13356 decode_string fort_cg_macros_: 8576, fort_operator_table: 110. 12715 descriptor_check fort_cg_macros_: 7879, 8101, 8179. 12724 descriptor_check.return fort_cg_macros_: 8116, 8117, 8123, 8131. 12723 descriptor_check.set fort_cg_macros_: 8118, 8125. 42 descriptor_ptr fort_cg_macros_: 8016, fort_equs: 169. 13 desc_overlay fort_equs: 153. 4132 dexp fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2711. 4133 dexp.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2692, 2714. 4155 dexp.p fort_cg_macros_: 2712, 2738. 1335 dexp_ fort_cg_macros_: 2720, fort_equs: 221. 3755 dim fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2550. 4034 dim.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2575, 2579, 2590, 2628. 4031 dim_cc fort_cg_macros_: 2551, 2619. 4030 dim_cd fort_cg_macros_: 2551, 2616. 4024 dim_ci fort_cg_macros_: 2551, 2604. 4026 dim_cr fort_cg_macros_: 2551, 2610. 4027 dim_dc fort_cg_macros_: 2551, 2613. 4020 dim_dd fort_cg_macros_: 2551, 2592. 4015 dim_di fort_cg_macros_: 2551, 2585. 4022 dim_dr fort_cg_macros_: 2551, 2598. 4032 dim_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 2551, 2622. 4033 dim_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 2551, 2625. 4023 dim_ic fort_cg_macros_: 2551, 2601. 4013 dim_id fort_cg_macros_: 2551, 2581. 3774 dim_ii fort_cg_macros_: 2551, 2559. 4007 dim_ir fort_cg_macros_: 2551, 2573. 4025 dim_rc fort_cg_macros_: 2551, 2607. 4021 dim_rd fort_cg_macros_: 2551, 2595. 4011 dim_ri fort_cg_macros_: 2551, 2577. 4017 dim_rr fort_cg_macros_: 2551, 2589. 5620 dint fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4037. 5622 dint.p fort_cg_macros_: 4038, 4043. 2 discard fort_equs: 135. 1622 div fort_cg_macros_: 1152, fort_operator_table: 21. 2024 div_cc fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1339. 1777 div_cd fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1309. 2005 div_cd.01 fort_cg_macros_: 1318, 1328. 2012 div_cd.1 fort_cg_macros_: 1312, 1325. 2015 div_cd.2 fort_cg_macros_: 1313, 1330. 1716 div_ci fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1236. 1746 div_cr fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1273. 1754 div_cr.01 fort_cg_macros_: 1282, 1292. 1761 div_cr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 1253, 1260, 1276, 1289. 1764 div_cr.2 fort_cg_macros_: 1277, 1294. 1773 div_dc fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1303. 1666 div_dd fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1197. 1672 div_dd.1 fort_cg_macros_: 1198, 1204. 1655 div_di fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1181. 1677 div_dr fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1213. 2044 div_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1349, 1357. 2046 div_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1348, 1360. 1702 div_ic fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1218. 1651 div_id fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1174. 1636 div_ii fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1156. 1642 div_ir fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1162. 1736 div_rc fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1234, 1262, 1307. 1737 div_rc.01 fort_cg_macros_: 1229, 1264. 1674 div_rd fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1208. 1646 div_ri fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1169. 1660 div_rr fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1186. 1664 div_rr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 1187, 1193. 2032 div_tl fort_cg_macros_: 1154, 1347. 2041 div_tl.1 fort_cg_macros_: 1349, 1352. 3500 dlog fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2281. 3501 dlog.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2262, 2283. 3523 dlog.p fort_cg_macros_: 2282, 2306. 3543 dlog10 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2334. 3544 dlog10.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2315, 2336. 3555 dlog10.p fort_cg_macros_: 2335, 2349. 1334 dlog10_ fort_cg_macros_: 2342, fort_equs: 212. 1333 dlog_ fort_cg_macros_: 2289, fort_equs: 209. 4462 dmax1 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3060. 4472 dmax1.loop fort_cg_macros_: 3071, 3083. 4505 dmax1.p fort_cg_macros_: 3063, 3065, 3082, 3088. 4504 dmax1.r fort_cg_macros_: 3077, 3085. 5012 dmin1 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3408. 5022 dmin1.loop fort_cg_macros_: 3419, 3431. 5035 dmin1.p fort_cg_macros_: 3411, 3413, 3430, 3436. 5034 dmin1.r fort_cg_macros_: 3425, 3433. 5116 dmod fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3521. 5122 dmod.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3455, 3459, 3465, 3471, 3527. 5123 dmod.2 fort_cg_macros_: 3529, 3538. 5132 dmod.p fort_cg_macros_: 3523, 3525, 3541. 1415 dmod_ fort_equs: 224. 5640 dnint fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4064. 5642 dnint.p fort_cg_macros_: 4065, 4070. 2425 do fort_cg_macros_: 1718, fort_operator_table: 63. 13073 double_count fort_cg_macros_: 8242, 8245. 56 double_temp fort_cg_macros_: 1227, 1228, 4536, 4538, 4556, 4558, fort_equs: 170. 654 double_to_integer fort_cg_macros_: 1413, 1948, 7768, 7860, fort_equs: 189. 2633 do_d fort_cg_macros_: 1740, 1925. 2644 do_d.no_save_incre fort_cg_macros_: 1928, 1929, 1936. 2661 do_d.one_trip fort_cg_macros_: 1953, 1956. 2446 do_i fort_cg_macros_: 1738, 1742. 2457 do_i.no_save_incre fort_cg_macros_: 1745, 1746, 1753. 2476 do_i.one_trip fort_cg_macros_: 1773, 1776. 2531 do_i.zero_trip.negative fort_cg_macros_: 1818, 1822. 2553 do_i_1 fort_cg_macros_: 1840, 1852. 2513 do_i_constant fort_cg_macros_: 1762, 1797. 2532 do_i_constant.one_trip fort_cg_macros_: 1813, 1820, 1825. 2560 do_i_negative fort_cg_macros_: 1837, 1862. 2567 do_r fort_cg_macros_: 1739, 1873. 2600 do_r.no_save_incre fort_cg_macros_: 1876, 1877, 1884. 2615 do_r.one_trip fort_cg_macros_: 1901, 1904. 100000 dp fort_cg_macros_: 1668, 2082, 2090, 2094, 2112, 2209, 2229, 2262, 2282, 2315, 2335, 2355, 2375, 2477, 2479, 2500, 2520, 2643, 2645, 2692, 2712, 2820, 2857, 2896, 3063, 3065, 3082, 3167, 3204, 3243, 3411, 3413, 3430, 3523, 3525, 3624, 3626, 3768, 3787, 3817, 3836, 3894, 3933, 3972, 4010, 4038, 4065, 4094, 4130, 4320, 4339, 4359, 4378, 4398, 4417, 6107, 6257, 6263, 7750, 7752, 7834, fort_equs: 54. 1400 dpn fort_cg_macros_: 682, 1402, 1501, 1931, 2173, 2430, 2903, 3250, 3730, 3742, 3750, 3761, 7628, 7893, fort_equs: 63. 6411 dprod fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4646. 6420 dprod.p fort_cg_macros_: 4648, 4650, 4655. 12527 dp_func fort_cg_macros_: 7872, 7892. 4101 drdim.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2599, 2673. 5211 dsign fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3622. 5215 dsign.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3570, 3574, 3580, 3586, 3628. 5217 dsign.2 fort_cg_macros_: 3631, 3639. 5225 dsign.p fort_cg_macros_: 3624, 3626, 3642. 5356 dsin fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3786. 5357 dsin.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3768, 3788. 5400 dsin.p fort_cg_macros_: 3787, 3810. 5522 dsinh fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3932. 5524 dsinh.p fort_cg_macros_: 3933, 3938. 1461 dsinh_ fort_cg_macros_: 3926, fort_equs: 258. 1316 dsin_ fort_cg_macros_: 3794, fort_equs: 228. 5416 dsqrt fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3835. 5417 dsqrt.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3817, 3837. 5440 dsqrt.p fort_cg_macros_: 3836, 3859. 1315 dsqrt_ fort_cg_macros_: 3843, fort_equs: 231. 6133 dtan fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4338. 6134 dtan.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4320, 4340. 6145 dtan.p fort_cg_macros_: 4339, 4353. 5470 dtanh fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3893. 5472 dtanh.p fort_cg_macros_: 3894, 3899. 1457 dtanh_ fort_cg_macros_: 3887, fort_equs: 256. 1322 dtan_ fort_cg_macros_: 4346, fort_equs: 235. 200 dummy fort_equs: 104. 2000 eaq fort_cg_macros_: 310, 324, 325, 339, 353, 354, 358, 360, 367, 471, 482, 484, 495, 519, 520, 526, 533, 549, 555, 562, 574, 576, 585, 592, 634, 645, 649, 653, 661, 699, 701, 703, 709, 729, 741, 769, 789, 796, 797, 805, 812, 829, 830, 836, 846, 860, 868, 875, 893, 899, 909, 922, 924, 933, 942, 994, 1005, 1007, 1018, 1046, 1054, 1063, 1064, 1072, 1079, 1097, 1105, 1112, 1167, 1172, 1187, 1189, 1191, 1195, 1209, 1214, 1251, 1259, 1276, 1277, 1286, 1297, 1313, 1322, 1333, 1373, 1380, 1381, 1435, 1479, 1485, 1521, 1528, 1546, 1572, 1598, 1679, 1682, 1694, 1700, 1703, 1709, 1878, 1880, 1887, 1888, 1912, 1915, 1989, 2016, 2021, 2027, 2028, 2037, 2038, 2044, 2128, 2168, 2222, 2266, 2319, 2359, 2422, 2431, 2465, 2504, 2629, 2632, 2661, 2696, 2775, 2776, 2849, 2850, 2863, 2974, 3034, 3035, 3122, 3123, 3196, 3197, 3210, 3321, 3322, 3382, 3383, 3515, 3537, 3617, 3638, 3655, 3675, 3695, 3715, 3772, 3821, 3871, 3910, 3949, 4027, 4054, 4081, 4110, 4120, 4156, 4164, 4183, 4199, 4216, 4231, 4236, 4237, 4238, 4246, 4255, 4269, 4294, 4295, 4309, 4324, 4363, 4402, 4651, 4856, 4858, 4859, 4864, 4884, 4894, 5050, 5052, 5053, 5058, 5078, 5088, 5230, 5231, 5245, 5395, 5396, 5410, 5574, 5576, 5577, 5582, 5602, 5612, 5767, 5769, 5770, 5775, 5795, 5805, 6143, 6145, 6148, 7378, 7390, 7409, 7488, 7502, 7503, 7517, 7528, 7534, 7535, 7539, 7540, 7546, 7552, 7623, 7754, 7755, 7846, 7847, fort_equs: 76. 11003 else fort_cg_macros_: 6544, fort_operator_table: 118. 10743 else_if fort_cg_macros_: 6486, fort_operator_table: 117. 10754 else_if.ind fort_cg_macros_: 6496, 6506. 10752 else_if.no_cmpa fort_cg_macros_: 6499, 6502. 11001 else_if.p fort_cg_macros_: 6489, 6541. 10765 else_if.tmi fort_cg_macros_: 6507, 6517. 10771 else_if.tmoz fort_cg_macros_: 6507, 6525. 10775 else_if.tnc fort_cg_macros_: 6507, 6533. 10763 else_if.tnz fort_cg_macros_: 6507, 6513. 10767 else_if.tpl fort_cg_macros_: 6507, 6521. 10773 else_if.tpnz fort_cg_macros_: 6507, 6529. 10777 else_if.trc fort_cg_macros_: 6507, 6537. 10761 else_if.tze fort_cg_macros_: 6507, 6509. 10333 emit_tze fort_cg_macros_: 6043, 6047. 0 empty fort_equs: 72. 13356 encode_string fort_cg_macros_: 8577, fort_operator_table: 111. 11266 endfile fort_cg_macros_: 6833, fort_operator_table: 47. 11300 endfile.p fort_cg_macros_: 6836, 6846. 13234 endunit fort_cg_macros_: 8401, fort_operator_table: 78. 11065 end_label fort_cg_macros_: 6627, fort_operator_table: 42. 14 end_label_slot fort_cg_macros_: 6631, fort_equs: 157. 1473 enter_BFP_mode fort_equs: 268. 1474 enter_HFP_mode fort_cg_macros_: 7982, fort_equs: 269. 400 entry fort_equs: 103. 10 entry_info fort_cg_macros_: 7691, 8078, fort_equs: 150. 1174 entry_offset stack_header: 84. 12324 eol fort_cg_macros_: 7675, fort_operator_table: 62. 7240 equal fort_cg_macros_: 5202, fort_operator_table: 26. 7341 equal_ah fort_cg_macros_: 5280, 5291. 7326 equal_cc fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5274. 7323 equal_cd fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5271. 7355 equal_ch fort_cg_macros_: 5292, 5309. 7312 equal_ci fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5259. 7316 equal_cr fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5265. 7320 equal_dc fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5268. 7274 equal_dd fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5235. 7355 equal_dh fort_cg_macros_: 5292, 5308. 7265 equal_di fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5224. 7301 equal_dr fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5244. 7306 equal_dr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5245, 5252. 7372 equal_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5331. 7331 equal_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5279. 7406 equal_hc fort_cg_macros_: 5337, 5349. 7406 equal_hd fort_cg_macros_: 5337, 5348. 7364 equal_hh fort_cg_macros_: 5292, 5321, 5337. 7402 equal_hi fort_cg_macros_: 5337, 5339. 7402 equal_hr fort_cg_macros_: 5337, 5340. 7402 equal_ht fort_cg_macros_: 5337, 5341. 7310 equal_ic fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5256. 7264 equal_id fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5221. 7346 equal_ih fort_cg_macros_: 5292, 5294. 7255 equal_ii fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5208. 7260 equal_ir fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5213. 1 equal_lengths fort_cg_macros_: 8528, 8536, fort_equs: 133. 7336 equal_ll fort_cg_macros_: 5283, 5286. 7314 equal_rc fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5262. 7300 equal_rd fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5241. 7346 equal_rh fort_cg_macros_: 5292, 5295. 7261 equal_ri fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5216. 7270 equal_rr fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5229. 7346 equal_th fort_cg_macros_: 5292, 5296. 7412 equal_tl fort_cg_macros_: 5206, 5356. 7420 equal_tl.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5358, 5360. 10275 equiv fort_cg_macros_: 5990, fort_operator_table: 119. 10315 equiv.p fort_cg_macros_: 5992, 5994, 6017. 100 error fort_equs: 105. 11073 error_label fort_cg_macros_: 6637, fort_operator_table: 43. 12 error_label_slot fort_cg_macros_: 6642, fort_equs: 158. 475 error_macro fort_cg_macros_: 183, 291. 12743 evaluate_arglist fort_cg_macros_: 7870, 8164, 8169, 8174, 8181, 8185, 8188, 8191. 12321 exit fort_cg_macros_: 7668, fort_operator_table: 61. 4114 exp fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2689. 4120 exp.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2691, 2695. 4123 exp.2 fort_cg_macros_: 2697, 2702. 2121 exponentiation fort_cg_macros_: 1441, fort_operator_table: 22. 2342 exponentiation_cc fort_cg_macros_: 1444, 1646. 2345 exponentiation_cc.01 fort_cg_macros_: 1576, 1583, 1623, 1650. 2323 exponentiation_cd fort_cg_macros_: 1444, 1625. 2270 exponentiation_ci fort_cg_macros_: 1444, 1585. 2324 exponentiation_cr fort_cg_macros_: 1444, 1628. 2333 exponentiation_cr.01 fort_cg_macros_: 1601, 1609, 1637. 2312 exponentiation_dc fort_cg_macros_: 1444, 1611. 2223 exponentiation_dd fort_cg_macros_: 1444, 1530. 2224 exponentiation_dd.01 fort_cg_macros_: 1504, 1533. 2225 exponentiation_dd.02 fort_cg_macros_: 1498, 1535, 1547. 2203 exponentiation_di fort_cg_macros_: 1444, 1506. 2236 exponentiation_dr fort_cg_macros_: 1444, 1549. 2353 exponentiation_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 1444, 1658. 2355 exponentiation_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 1444, 1661. 2246 exponentiation_ic fort_cg_macros_: 1444, 1560. 2170 exponentiation_id fort_cg_macros_: 1444, 1487. 2135 exponentiation_ii fort_cg_macros_: 1444, 1446. 2145 exponentiation_ir fort_cg_macros_: 1444, 1457. 2315 exponentiation_rc fort_cg_macros_: 1444, 1616. 2233 exponentiation_rd fort_cg_macros_: 1444, 1543. 2160 exponentiation_ri fort_cg_macros_: 1444, 1476. 2213 exponentiation_rr fort_cg_macros_: 1444, 1517. 2214 exponentiation_rr.01 fort_cg_macros_: 1474, 1520. 2215 exponentiation_rr.02 fort_cg_macros_: 1468, 1522. 1314 exp_ fort_cg_macros_: 2707, fort_equs: 220. 4122 exp_i fort_cg_macros_: 2690, 2699. 1000 external fort_cg_macros_: 8172, fort_equs: 102. 1045 ext_entry fort_cg_macros_: 7964, fort_equs: 180. 1046 ext_entry_desc fort_cg_macros_: 7968, fort_equs: 181. 13056 ext_join fort_cg_macros_: 8212, 8222. 36 file_name_slot fort_cg_macros_: 6926, fort_equs: 163. 40 file_type_slot fort_cg_macros_: 6928, fort_equs: 164. 470 first_scan fort_cg_macros_: 181, 285. 6442 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4685. 5704 float fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4124. 5710 float.p fort_cg_macros_: 4125, 4135. 11041 format fort_cg_macros_: 6592, fort_operator_table: 41. 11053 format.pp fort_cg_macros_: 6596, 6611. 11055 format.pv fort_cg_macros_: 6614, 6618. 11057 format_c fort_cg_macros_: 6594, 6598, 6617. 6 format_slot fort_cg_macros_: 6607, 6621, fort_equs: 156. 13243 form_VLA_packed_ptr fort_cg_macros_: 8419, fort_operator_table: 81. 1422 fortran_chain fort_cg_macros_: 8385, fort_equs: 244. 1447 fortran_end fort_cg_macros_: 7686, fort_equs: 183. 1420 fortran_pause fort_cg_macros_: 7709, fort_equs: 242. 1421 fortran_stop fort_cg_macros_: 7730, fort_equs: 243. 1471 fort_cleanup fort_cg_macros_: 7989, fort_equs: 266. 1450 fort_dmod fort_cg_macros_: 3532, fort_equs: 184. 767 fort_modfl fort_cg_macros_: 3517, fort_equs: 223. 1470 fort_return_mac fort_cg_macros_: 8070, fort_equs: 265. 1472 fort_storage fort_cg_macros_: 8006, fort_equs: 267. 400 for_divide fort_equs: 138. 1252 ftn_array_xmit fort_cg_macros_: 6757, 6828, fort_equs: 204. 1440 ftn_get_area_ptr fort_cg_macros_: 6962, 7079, fort_equs: 250. 1466 ftn_inquire_element fort_cg_macros_: 7093, fort_equs: 263. 1250 ftn_manip fort_cg_macros_: 6841, 6858, 6876, 6898, 6934, 7060, 7215, 7229, fort_equs: 205. 1437 ftn_open_element fort_cg_macros_: 6981, fort_equs: 249. 1246 ftn_read fort_cg_macros_: 6564, fort_equs: 201. 1251 ftn_scalar_xmit fort_cg_macros_: 6685, fort_equs: 203. 1253 ftn_terminate fort_cg_macros_: 7330, fort_equs: 206. 1247 ftn_write fort_cg_macros_: 6583, fort_equs: 202. 12561 func fort_cg_macros_: 7938, fort_operator_table: 72. 12534 func_join fort_cg_macros_: 7881, 7886, 7890, 7894, 7898, 7903. 12507 func_ref fort_cg_macros_: 7868, fort_operator_table: 68. 12540 func_ref.star_extent fort_cg_macros_: 7876, 7912. 4254 g.amax1 fort_cg_macros_: 2753, 2757, 2768, 2848. 4272 g.amax1.dp fort_cg_macros_: 2857, 2870. 4264 fort_cg_macros_: 2856, 2861. 4260 g.amax1.loop fort_cg_macros_: 2854, 2884. 4273 g.amax1.loop.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2826, 2852, 2855, 2868, 2873. 4304 g.amax1.r fort_cg_macros_: 2879, 2886. 4603 g.amin1 fort_cg_macros_: 3100, 3104, 3115, 3195. 4621 g.amin1.dp fort_cg_macros_: 3204, 3217. 4613 fort_cg_macros_: 3203, 3208. 4607 g.amin1.loop fort_cg_macros_: 3201, 3231. 4622 g.amin1.loop.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3173, 3199, 3202, 3215, 3220. 4633 g.amin1.r fort_cg_macros_: 3226, 3233. 4305 g.dmax1 fort_cg_macros_: 2761, 2765, 2771, 2889. 4315 fort_cg_macros_: 2897, 2902. 4311 g.dmax1.loop fort_cg_macros_: 2895, 2930. 4327 g.dmax1.loop.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2778, 2830, 2871, 2893, 2896, 2909, 2917. 4332 g.dmax1.loop.2 fort_cg_macros_: 2915, 2922. 4340 g.dmax1.r fort_cg_macros_: 2925, 2932. 4323 g.dmax1.real fort_cg_macros_: 2898, 2911. 4634 g.dmin1 fort_cg_macros_: 3108, 3112, 3118, 3236. 4644 fort_cg_macros_: 3244, 3249. 4640 g.dmin1.loop fort_cg_macros_: 3242, 3277. 4656 g.dmin1.loop.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3125, 3177, 3218, 3240, 3243, 3256, 3264. 4661 g.dmin1.loop.2 fort_cg_macros_: 3262, 3269. 4667 g.dmin1.r fort_cg_macros_: 3272, 3279. 4652 g.dmin1.real fort_cg_macros_: 3245, 3258. 4226 g.max0 fort_cg_macros_: 2749, 2811. 4240 g.max0.dp fort_cg_macros_: 2820, 2828. 4232 g.max0.loop fort_cg_macros_: 2817, 2843. 4242 g.max0.loop.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2815, 2818, 2832. 4253 g.max0.r fort_cg_macros_: 2838, 2845. 4236 g.max0.real fort_cg_macros_: 2819, 2824. 4555 g.min0 fort_cg_macros_: 3096, 3158. 4567 g.min0.dp fort_cg_macros_: 3167, 3175. 4561 g.min0.loop fort_cg_macros_: 3164, 3190. 4571 g.min0.loop.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3162, 3165, 3179. 4602 g.min0.r fort_cg_macros_: 3185, 3192. 4565 g.min0.real fort_cg_macros_: 3166, 3171. 1417 get_math_entry fort_cg_macros_: 8210, fort_equs: 241. 10014 greater fort_cg_macros_: 5725, fort_operator_table: 29. 10131 greater_cc fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5834. 10126 greater_cd fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5831. 10151 greater_ch fort_cg_macros_: 5839, 5856. 10115 greater_ci fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5819. 10121 greater_cr fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5825. 10123 greater_dc fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5828. 10065 greater_dd fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5779. 10072 greater_dd.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5780, 5787. 10151 greater_dh fort_cg_macros_: 5839, 5855. 10052 greater_di fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5761. 10104 greater_dr fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5804. 10111 greater_dr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5805, 5812. 10166 greater_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5878. 10134 greater_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5837. 10202 greater_hc fort_cg_macros_: 5884, 5896. 10202 greater_hd fort_cg_macros_: 5884, 5895. 10160 greater_hh fort_cg_macros_: 5839, 5868, 5884. 10176 greater_hi fort_cg_macros_: 5884, 5886. 10176 greater_hr fort_cg_macros_: 5884, 5887. 10176 greater_ht fort_cg_macros_: 5884, 5888. 10113 greater_ic fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5816. 10046 greater_id fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5754. 10142 greater_ih fort_cg_macros_: 5839, 5841. 10031 greater_ii fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5731. 10035 greater_ii.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5732, 5738. 10037 greater_ir fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5742. 7606 greater_or_equal fort_cg_macros_: 5531, fort_operator_table: 28. 7723 greater_or_equal_cc fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5641. 7720 greater_or_equal_cd fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5638. 7743 greater_or_equal_ch fort_cg_macros_: 5646, 5663. 7707 greater_or_equal_ci fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5626. 7713 greater_or_equal_cr fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5632. 7715 greater_or_equal_dc fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5635. 7657 greater_or_equal_dd fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5586. 7664 greater_or_equal_dd.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5587, 5594. 7743 greater_or_equal_dh fort_cg_macros_: 5646, 5662. 7644 greater_or_equal_di fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5568. 7676 greater_or_equal_dr fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5611. 7703 greater_or_equal_dr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5612, 5619. 7760 greater_or_equal_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5685. 7726 greater_or_equal_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5644. 7774 greater_or_equal_hc fort_cg_macros_: 5691, 5703. 7774 greater_or_equal_hd fort_cg_macros_: 5691, 5702. 7752 greater_or_equal_hh fort_cg_macros_: 5646, 5675, 5691. 7770 greater_or_equal_hi fort_cg_macros_: 5691, 5693. 7770 greater_or_equal_hr fort_cg_macros_: 5691, 5694. 7770 greater_or_equal_ht fort_cg_macros_: 5691, 5695. 7705 greater_or_equal_ic fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5623. 7640 greater_or_equal_id fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5561. 7734 greater_or_equal_ih fort_cg_macros_: 5646, 5648. 7623 greater_or_equal_ii fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5538. 7627 greater_or_equal_ii.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5539, 5545. 7631 greater_or_equal_ir fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5549. 7711 greater_or_equal_rc fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5629. 7667 greater_or_equal_rd fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5599. 7673 greater_or_equal_rd.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5600, 5606. 7734 greater_or_equal_rh fort_cg_macros_: 5646, 5649. 7635 greater_or_equal_ri fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5556. 7647 greater_or_equal_rr fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5573. 7654 greater_or_equal_rr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5574, 5581. 7734 greater_or_equal_th fort_cg_macros_: 5646, 5650. 10000 greater_or_equal_tl fort_cg_macros_: 5536, 5710. 10006 greater_or_equal_tl.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5712, 5714. 10012 greater_or_equal_tl.2 fort_cg_macros_: 5715, 5721. 10117 greater_rc fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5822. 10075 greater_rd fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5792. 10101 greater_rd.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5793, 5799. 10142 greater_rh fort_cg_macros_: 5839, 5842. 10043 greater_ri fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5749. 10055 greater_rr fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5766. 10062 greater_rr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5767, 5774. 10142 greater_th fort_cg_macros_: 5839, 5843. 10206 greater_tl fort_cg_macros_: 5729, 5903. 10214 greater_tl.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5905, 5907. 10220 greater_tl.2 fort_cg_macros_: 5908, 5914. 4000 ia fort_cg_macros_: 4697, 4709, 4721, 4733, fort_equs: 80. 3424 iabs fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2212. 3425 iabs.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2207, 2214. 3457 iabs.p fort_cg_macros_: 2213, 2250. 6242 ichar fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4459. 6254 ichar.aligned fort_cg_macros_: 4466, 4477. 6261 ichar.constant fort_cg_macros_: 4462, 4487. 6263 ichar.p fort_cg_macros_: 4460, 4491. 3770 idim fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2553. 4113 idim.p fort_cg_macros_: 2555, 2557, 2685. 5600 idint fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4009. 5602 idint.p fort_cg_macros_: 4010, 4016. 5662 idnint fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4093. 5664 idnint.p fort_cg_macros_: 4094, 4099. 3000 ieaq fort_cg_macros_: 522, 523, 535, 551, 552, 564, 575, 578, 582, 595, 799, 802, 816, 832, 833, 848, 862, 865, 879, 895, 896, 911, 923, 926, 930, 945, 1066, 1069, 1082, 1099, 1102, 1115, 1279, 1283, 1300, 1315, 1319, 1336, 1696, 1699, 1710, 1713, 4142, 4220, 4227, 4240, 4244, 4259, 4265, 4292, 4299, 4307, fort_equs: 78. 5576 ifix fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4004. 5602 ifix.p fort_cg_macros_: 4005, 4015. 400 if_bit fort_cg_macros_: 229, 1818, 1837, 4466, 6598, 6618, 6701, 6710, 6719, 6728, 6737, 6774, 6783, 6792, 6801, 6810, 6918, 6921, 7307, 7963, 8116, 8117, 8118, 8188, 8248, 8268, 8270, 8280, 8295, fort_equs: 50. 6451 ilr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4690, 4692. 6456 ilr.2 fort_cg_macros_: 4693, 4695. 6444 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4689. 6467 ils.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4702, 4704. 6474 ils.2 fort_cg_macros_: 4705, 4707. 6462 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4701. 12725 increment_polish fort_cg_macros_: 8134, fort_operator_table: 70. 13070 inc_for_hdr fort_cg_macros_: 8236, 8239. 5000 ind fort_cg_macros_: 5954, 6038, 6398, 6496, fort_equs: 82. 6264 index fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4494. 6306 index.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4500, 4525. 6321 index.2 fort_cg_macros_: 4501, 4545. 6334 index.p fort_cg_macros_: 4495, 4497, 4565. 1231 index_cs_eis fort_cg_macros_: 4519, fort_equs: 252. 776000 indices fort_cg_macros_: 8257, fort_equs: 122, 124. 200 inhibit fort_cg_macros_: 201, 207, 208, 210, 212, 220, 227, 229, 231, 236, 239, 241, 245, 251, 256, 266, 269, 275, 280, 286, 289, 292, 296, 299, 300, 301, 304, 305, 306, 309, 310, 311, 314, 315, 316, 319, 320, 321, 324, 325, 326, 329, 330, 331, 334, 336, 339, 340, 341, 344, 345, 346, 349, 350, 353, 354, 355, 358, 360, 361, 364, 367, 368, 369, 372, 373, 376, 377, 378, 381, 382, 383, 386, 388, 390, 391, 392, 395, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 417, 422, 425, 426, 429, 430, 433, 434, 437, 440, 441, 444, 445, 448, 449, 450, 453, 458, 461, 463, 466, 469, 471, 474, 477, 479, 482, 484, 487, 489, 492, 495, 497, 499, 503, 506, 509, 510, 511, 514, 517, 519, 520, 522, 523, 526, 527, 532, 533, 535, 536, 540, 543, 546, 548, 549, 551, 552, 555, 556, 561, 562, 564, 565, 569, 572, 574, 575, 576, 578, 581, 582, 585, 586, 591, 592, 595, 596, 600, 604, 607, 610, 613, 614, 618, 622, 625, 627, 630, 632, 634, 637, 639, 641, 645, 648, 649, 650, 653, 656, 658, 661, 664, 666, 668, 671, 673, 675, 679, 682, 683, 684, 687, 690, 692, 695, 698, 699, 701, 703, 706, 709, 712, 713, 715, 717, 720, 723, 726, 727, 729, 731, 734, 737, 740, 741, 743, 745, 748, 751, 754, 756, 758, 760, 761, 762, 764, 767, 768, 769, 770, 773, 775, 777, 779, 780, 783, 786, 788, 789, 790, 793, 795, 796, 797, 799, 800, 802, 805, 806, 811, 812, 814, 816, 817, 820, 823, 826, 828, 829, 830, 832, 833, 836, 837, 840, 845, 846, 848, 849, 853, 856, 858, 859, 860, 862, 863, 865, 868, 869, 874, 875, 877, 879, 880, 883, 886, 889, 891, 892, 893, 895, 896, 899, 900, 903, 908, 909, 911, 912, 916, 919, 921, 922, 923, 924, 926, 929, 930, 933, 934, 937, 941, 942, 945, 946, 949, 952, 956, 959, 962, 965, 966, 967, 971, 975, 978, 979, 982, 986, 989, 992, 994, 997, 1000, 1002, 1005, 1007, 1010, 1012, 1015, 1018, 1020, 1022, 1026, 1029, 1032, 1034, 1036, 1038, 1039, 1041, 1042, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1051, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1058, 1061, 1063, 1064, 1066, 1068, 1069, 1072, 1073, 1076, 1079, 1082, 1083, 1086, 1088, 1091, 1094, 1096, 1097, 1099, 1101, 1102, 1105, 1106, 1109, 1112, 1115, 1116, 1119, 1121, 1124, 1125, 1128, 1129, 1133, 1134, 1137, 1140, 1144, 1147, 1150, 1154, 1157, 1158, 1160, 1163, 1165, 1167, 1170, 1172, 1175, 1177, 1179, 1182, 1184, 1187, 1189, 1191, 1195, 1198, 1200, 1202, 1206, 1209, 1211, 1214, 1216, 1219, 1221, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1229, 1232, 1233, 1234, 1237, 1239, 1241, 1243, 1244, 1246, 1247, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1256, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1263, 1266, 1267, 1270, 1271, 1274, 1276, 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8291, 8295, 8297, 8299, 8301, 8303, 8304, 8309, 8311, 8317, 8319, 8323, 8324, 8325, 8328, 8329, 8330, 8334, 8336, 8337, 8338, 8341, 8343, 8345, 8346, 8347, 8350, 8352, 8353, 8354, 8357, 8362, 8370, 8371, 8375, 8380, 8383, 8386, 8387, 8389, 8392, 8393, 8394, 8397, 8398, 8399, 8403, 8404, 8410, 8415, 8421, 8423, 8426, 8433, 8434, 8439, 8442, 8449, 8452, 8460, 8462, 8467, 8468, 8470, 8472, 8479, 8480, 8482, 8484, 8491, 8494, 8496, 8501, 8504, 8506, 8510, 8511, 8514, 8515, 8519, 8521, 8522, 8523, 8524, 8526, 8528, 8534, 8536, 8541, 8543, 8547, 8554, 8555, fort_equs: 48. 12654 init_auto fort_cg_macros_: 7985, 8042. 12665 init_return fort_cg_macros_: 8049, 8059. 11527 inquire fort_cg_macros_: 7068, fort_operator_table: 123. 11613 inquire_case_1 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7179. 11613 inquire_case_10 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7184. 11613 inquire_case_11 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7185. 11613 inquire_case_12 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7186. 11565 inquire_case_13 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7108. 11601 inquire_case_14 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7147. 11613 inquire_case_15 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7187. 11613 inquire_case_16 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7188. 11606 inquire_case_17 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7162. 11606 inquire_case_18 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7163. 11574 inquire_case_19 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7131. 11613 inquire_case_2 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7180. 11606 inquire_case_20 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7164. 11565 inquire_case_21 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7109. 11565 inquire_case_22 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7110. 11565 inquire_case_23 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7111. 11565 inquire_case_24 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7112. 11574 inquire_case_25 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7132. 11565 inquire_case_26 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7113. 11613 inquire_case_3 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7181. 11565 inquire_case_4 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7105. 11613 inquire_case_5 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7182. 11565 inquire_case_6 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7106. 11565 inquire_case_7 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7107. 11574 inquire_case_8 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7130. 11613 inquire_case_9 fort_cg_macros_: 7102, 7183. 11540 inquire_loop fort_cg_macros_: 7090, 7127, 7144, 7159, 7176. 11616 inquire_loop.e fort_cg_macros_: 7096, 7193. 11620 inquire_loop.not_char fort_cg_macros_: 7118, 7197. 11623 inquire_loop.not_int fort_cg_macros_: 7137, 7152, 7201. 11626 inquire_loop.not_logical fort_cg_macros_: 7169, 7205. 11631 inquire_return fort_cg_macros_: 7096, 7210. 40000 inst_word fort_cg_macros_: 4443, 4482, 8423, fort_equs: 136. 400000 int fort_cg_macros_: 965, 1348, 1666, 1738, 2082, 2090, 2094, 2112, 2207, 2213, 2260, 2313, 2353, 2498, 2555, 2557, 2690, 2818, 2856, 2897, 2938, 2940, 2957, 3000, 3002, 3018, 3165, 3203, 3244, 3285, 3287, 3304, 3348, 3350, 3366, 3549, 3551, 3766, 3815, 4125, 4318, 4357, 4396, 4435, 4993, 5187, 5357, 5523, 5711, 5904, 6107, 6111, 6257, 6261, 6329, 6351, 6558, 6577, 6596, 6836, 6853, 6871, 6887, 6889, 6914, 7014, 7056, 7137, 7152, 7224, 7241, 7257, 7748, 7828, 8337, 8346, fort_equs: 52. 5602 int.p fort_cg_macros_: 3981, 4014. 465 integer_to_double fort_cg_macros_: 677, 691, 1398, 1497, 2829, 3176, 3734, 3754, fort_equs: 187. 465 integer_to_real fort_cg_macros_: 643, 657, 763, 782, 1043, 1226, 1248, 1368, 1467, 1571, 1597, 2825, 2961, 3172, 3308, 3654, 3674, 3694, 3714, fort_equs: 186. 11733 internal_file.array fort_cg_macros_: 7307, 7312. 11740 internal_file.p fort_cg_macros_: 7294, 7322. 11736 internal_file.ret fort_cg_macros_: 7310, 7317. 413 interpreter_macros fort_cg_macros_: 180, 191. 400 intn fort_cg_macros_: 1387, 1417, 1748, 1770, 1807, 1898, 1950, 2161, 2560, 4464, 7341, 7616, 7753, 7764, 7775, 7841, 7845, 7856, 7885, fort_equs: 61. 5557 int_builtin fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3980. 5572 int_builtin.cmpx fort_cg_macros_: 3981, 3995. 5570 int_builtin.dp fort_cg_macros_: 3981, 3991, 4011. 5564 fort_cg_macros_: 3981, 3983. 5566 int_builtin.real fort_cg_macros_: 3981, 3987, 4006. 5574 fort_cg_macros_: 3981, 3999. 12523 int_func fort_cg_macros_: 7872, 7883. 1351 int_p_int fort_cg_macros_: 1453, fort_equs: 194. 6614 invalid_opnd fort_cg_macros_: 4800, 4933, 4946, 4971, 5127, 5140, 5165, 5297, 5310, 5335, 5462, 5475, 5500, 5651, 5664, 5689, 5844, 5857, 5882. 11655 iostat fort_cg_macros_: 7238, fort_operator_table: 93. 11664 iostat.p fort_cg_macros_: 7241, 7250. 56 iostat_slot fort_cg_macros_: 7245, fort_equs: 166. 3400 iq fort_equs: 79. 6505 irl.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4714, 4716. 6512 irl.2 fort_cg_macros_: 4717, 4719. 6500 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4713. 6523 irs.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4726, 4728. 6530 irs.2 fort_cg_macros_: 4729, 4731. 6516 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4725. 5146 isign fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3547. 5225 isign.p fort_cg_macros_: 3549, 3551, 3641. 12316 item fort_cg_macros_: 7661, fort_operator_table: 60. 10462 ja1 fort_cg_macros_: 6189, 6195. 10454 ja2 fort_cg_macros_: 6179, 6185. 10446 ja3 fort_cg_macros_: 6169, 6175. 10601 jc_error fort_cg_macros_: 6253, 6319. 10561 jc_labels fort_cg_macros_: 6298, 6302. 10567 jc_list.p fort_cg_macros_: 6247, 6308. 10565 jc_ret fort_cg_macros_: 6304, 6313, 6324. 10551 jc_tmoz fort_cg_macros_: 6282, 6285. 10546 jc_transfer fort_cg_macros_: 6268, 6272, 6276, 6278. 10367 jl_statement fort_cg_macros_: 6049, 6058, 6062, 6066, 6070, 6074, 6078, 6082, 6086, 6093. 10317 jump fort_cg_macros_: 6021, fort_operator_table: 33. 10375 jump_arithmetic fort_cg_macros_: 6102, fort_operator_table: 35. 10434 jump_arithmetic.01 fort_cg_macros_: 6117, 6122, 6128, 6133, 6138, 6145, 6150, 6156, 6158. 10517 jump_arithmetic.e fort_cg_macros_: 6107, 6241. 10477 jump_arithmetic_12 fort_cg_macros_: 6205, 6216. 10505 jump_arithmetic_13 fort_cg_macros_: 6200, 6225. 10512 jump_arithmetic_23 fort_cg_macros_: 6201, 6233. 10411 jump_arithmetic_i fort_cg_macros_: 6111, 6124. 10417 jump_arithmetic_i.1 fort_cg_macros_: 6126, 6135. 10422 jump_arithmetic_r fort_cg_macros_: 6112, 6140. 10430 jump_arithmetic_r.1 fort_cg_macros_: 6115, 6143, 6152. 10611 jump_assigned fort_cg_macros_: 6326, fort_operator_table: 37. 10616 jump_assigned.1 fort_cg_macros_: 6331, 6335. 10623 jump_assigned.e fort_cg_macros_: 6329, 6344. 10521 jump_computed fort_cg_macros_: 6244, fort_operator_table: 36. 10576 jump_computed.p fort_cg_macros_: 6257, 6315. 10544 jump_computed_d fort_cg_macros_: 6263, 6274. 10540 jump_computed_i fort_cg_macros_: 6261, 6266. 10542 jump_computed_r fort_cg_macros_: 6262, 6264, 6270. 13356 jump_false fort_cg_macros_: 8571, fort_operator_table: 105. 10323 jump_logical fort_cg_macros_: 6029, fort_operator_table: 34. 10362 jump_logical.p fort_cg_macros_: 6032, 6088. 10335 jump_logical_ind fort_cg_macros_: 6038, 6051. 10346 jump_logical_tmi fort_cg_macros_: 6054, 6064. 10352 jump_logical_tmoz fort_cg_macros_: 6054, 6072. 10356 jump_logical_tnc fort_cg_macros_: 6054, 6080. 10344 jump_logical_tnz fort_cg_macros_: 6054, 6060. 10350 jump_logical_tpl fort_cg_macros_: 6054, 6068. 10354 jump_logical_tpnz fort_cg_macros_: 6054, 6076. 10360 jump_logical_trc fort_cg_macros_: 6054, 6084. 10342 jump_logical_tze fort_cg_macros_: 6054, 6056. 13356 jump_true fort_cg_macros_: 8570, fort_operator_table: 104. 12000 j_g_s fort_equs: 92. 11400 j_le_s fort_equs: 91. 2000 label fort_equs: 59. 4000 labeln fort_equs: 68. 12730 label_operator fort_cg_macros_: 8143, fort_operator_table: 75. 13141 lc_no_desc fort_cg_macros_: 8311, 8316. 13255 left_shift fort_cg_macros_: 8436, fort_operator_table: 83. 6335 len fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4568. 6340 len.p fort_cg_macros_: 4569, 4575. 6624 less fort_cg_macros_: 4814, fort_operator_table: 24. 6741 less_cc fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4923. 6736 less_cd fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4920. 6761 less_ch fort_cg_macros_: 4928, 4945. 6725 less_ci fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4908. 6731 less_cr fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4914. 6733 less_dc fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4917. 6675 less_dd fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4868. 6702 less_dd.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4869, 4876. 6761 less_dh fort_cg_macros_: 4928, 4944. 6662 less_di fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4850. 6714 less_dr fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4893. 6721 less_dr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4894, 4901. 6776 less_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4967. 6744 less_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4926. 7012 less_hc fort_cg_macros_: 4973, 4985. 7012 less_hd fort_cg_macros_: 4973, 4984. 6770 less_hh fort_cg_macros_: 4928, 4957, 4973. 7006 less_hi fort_cg_macros_: 4973, 4975. 7006 less_hr fort_cg_macros_: 4973, 4976. 7006 less_ht fort_cg_macros_: 4973, 4977. 6723 less_ic fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4905. 6656 less_id fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4843. 6752 less_ih fort_cg_macros_: 4928, 4930. 6641 less_ii fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4820. 6645 less_ii.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4821, 4827. 6647 less_ir fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4831. 7032 less_or_equal fort_cg_macros_: 5007, fort_operator_table: 25. 7147 less_or_equal_cc fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5117. 7144 less_or_equal_cd fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5114. 7167 less_or_equal_ch fort_cg_macros_: 5122, 5139. 7133 less_or_equal_ci fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5102. 7137 less_or_equal_cr fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5108. 7141 less_or_equal_dc fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5111. 7103 less_or_equal_dd fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5062. 7110 less_or_equal_dd.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5063, 5070. 7167 less_or_equal_dh fort_cg_macros_: 5122, 5138. 7070 less_or_equal_di fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5044. 7122 less_or_equal_dr fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5087. 7127 less_or_equal_dr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5088, 5095. 7204 less_or_equal_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5161. 7152 less_or_equal_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5120. 7220 less_or_equal_hc fort_cg_macros_: 5167, 5179. 7220 less_or_equal_hd fort_cg_macros_: 5167, 5178. 7176 less_or_equal_hh fort_cg_macros_: 5122, 5151, 5167. 7214 less_or_equal_hi fort_cg_macros_: 5167, 5169. 7214 less_or_equal_hr fort_cg_macros_: 5167, 5170. 7214 less_or_equal_ht fort_cg_macros_: 5167, 5171. 7131 less_or_equal_ic fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5099. 7064 less_or_equal_id fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5037. 7160 less_or_equal_ih fort_cg_macros_: 5122, 5124. 7047 less_or_equal_ii fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5014. 7053 less_or_equal_ii.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5015, 5021. 7055 less_or_equal_ir fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5025. 7135 less_or_equal_rc fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5105. 7113 less_or_equal_rd fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5075. 7117 less_or_equal_rd.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5076, 5082. 7160 less_or_equal_rh fort_cg_macros_: 5122, 5125. 7061 less_or_equal_ri fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5032. 7073 less_or_equal_rr fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5049. 7100 less_or_equal_rr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5050, 5057. 7160 less_or_equal_th fort_cg_macros_: 5122, 5126. 7224 less_or_equal_tl fort_cg_macros_: 5012, 5186. 7232 less_or_equal_tl.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5188, 5190. 7236 less_or_equal_tl.2 fort_cg_macros_: 5191, 5197. 6727 less_rc fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4911. 6705 less_rd fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4881. 6711 less_rd.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4882, 4888. 6752 less_rh fort_cg_macros_: 4928, 4931. 6653 less_ri fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4838. 6665 less_rr fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4855. 6672 less_rr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4856, 4863. 6752 less_th fort_cg_macros_: 4928, 4932. 7016 less_tl fort_cg_macros_: 4818, 4992. 7024 less_tl.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4994, 4996. 7030 less_tl.2 fort_cg_macros_: 4997, 5003. 6341 lge fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4578. 6352 lge.p fort_cg_macros_: 4579, 4581, 4592. 6353 lgt fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4595. 6364 lgt.p fort_cg_macros_: 4596, 4598, 4609. 13353 lhs_fld fort_cg_macros_: 8552, fort_operator_table: 125. 6365 lle fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4612. 6376 lle.p fort_cg_macros_: 4613, 4615, 4626. 6377 llt fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4629. 6410 llt.p fort_cg_macros_: 4630, 4632, 4643. 13356 load_preg fort_cg_macros_: 8579, fort_operator_table: 115. 13356 load_xreg fort_cg_macros_: 8578, fort_operator_table: 114. 13125 local_call fort_cg_macros_: 8248, 8294. 13135 local_join fort_cg_macros_: 8308, 8330. 20000 logical fort_cg_macros_: 381, 388, 4927, 5121, 5283, 5448, 5645, 5838, 5920, 5922, 5936, 5938, 5952, 5992, 5994, 6006, 6008, 6032, 6385, 6489, 7026, 7169, 7271, 7421, 7424, 7568, 7576, fort_equs: 56. 630 logical.p fort_cg_macros_: 388, 424. 2400 logicaln fort_cg_macros_: 7640, 7901, fort_equs: 65. 12533 logical_func fort_cg_macros_: 7872, 7900. 6610 logical_op1 fort_cg_macros_: 4794, 4927, 4973, 5121, 5167, 5337, 5502, 5645, 5691, 5838, 5884. 6612 logical_op2 fort_cg_macros_: 4797, 4928, 5122, 5292, 5457, 5646, 5839. 1312 log_ fort_cg_macros_: 2277, fort_equs: 208. 13356 loop_end fort_cg_macros_: 8573, fort_operator_table: 107. 12542 main fort_cg_macros_: 7915, fort_operator_table: 71. 13065 make_call fort_cg_macros_: 7908, 8165, 8233. 12573 make_entry fort_cg_macros_: 7920, 7931, 7943, 7955. 12602 make_et_desc fort_cg_macros_: 7963, 7967. 12635 make_et_descp fort_cg_macros_: 8004, 8010. 12614 make_et_init_auto fort_cg_macros_: 7981, 7984. 12603 make_et_join fort_cg_macros_: 7965, 7970. 12620 make_et_no_cleanup fort_cg_macros_: 7987, 7992. 12640 make_et_ret fort_cg_macros_: 8014, 8018. 13054 make_external_variable fort_cg_macros_: 8190, 8217. 12666 make_quick_entry fort_cg_macros_: 7932, 7944, 8062. 11335 margin fort_cg_macros_: 6885, fort_operator_table: 50. 11354 margin1.p fort_cg_macros_: 6889, 6903. 11357 margin2.p fort_cg_macros_: 6887, 6907. 34 margin_slot fort_cg_macros_: 6895, fort_equs: 159. 4157 max fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2744. 4411 max0 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 2997. 4420 max0.loop fort_cg_macros_: 3007, 3019. 4433 max0.p fort_cg_macros_: 3000, 3002, 3018, 3024. 4432 max0.r fort_cg_macros_: 3013, 3021. 4434 max1 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3027. 4445 max1.loop fort_cg_macros_: 3039, 3051. 4461 max1.p fort_cg_macros_: 3030, 3032, 3050, 3057. 4457 max1.r fort_cg_macros_: 3045, 3053. 4223 max_cc fort_cg_macros_: 2746, 2802. 4222 max_cd fort_cg_macros_: 2746, 2799. 4216 max_ci fort_cg_macros_: 2746, 2787. 4220 max_cr fort_cg_macros_: 2746, 2793. 4221 max_dc fort_cg_macros_: 2746, 2796. 4205 max_dd fort_cg_macros_: 2746, 2770. 4202 max_di fort_cg_macros_: 2746, 2763. 4213 max_dr fort_cg_macros_: 2746, 2780. 4224 max_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 2746, 2805. 4225 max_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 2746, 2808. 4215 max_ic fort_cg_macros_: 2746, 2784. 4200 max_id fort_cg_macros_: 2746, 2759. 4173 max_ii fort_cg_macros_: 2746, 2748. 4174 max_ir fort_cg_macros_: 2746, 2751. 4217 max_rc fort_cg_macros_: 2746, 2790. 4206 max_rd fort_cg_macros_: 2746, 2773, 2782. 4176 max_ri fort_cg_macros_: 2746, 2755. 4204 max_rr fort_cg_macros_: 2746, 2767. 4506 min fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3091. 4741 min0 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3345. 4750 min0.loop fort_cg_macros_: 3355, 3367. 4763 min0.p fort_cg_macros_: 3348, 3350, 3366, 3372. 4762 min0.r fort_cg_macros_: 3361, 3369. 4764 min1 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3375. 4775 min1.loop fort_cg_macros_: 3387, 3399. 5011 min1.p fort_cg_macros_: 3378, 3380, 3398, 3405. 5007 min1.r fort_cg_macros_: 3393, 3401. 4552 min_cc fort_cg_macros_: 3093, 3149. 4551 min_cd fort_cg_macros_: 3093, 3146. 4545 min_ci fort_cg_macros_: 3093, 3134. 4547 min_cr fort_cg_macros_: 3093, 3140. 4550 min_dc fort_cg_macros_: 3093, 3143. 4534 min_dd fort_cg_macros_: 3093, 3117. 4531 min_di fort_cg_macros_: 3093, 3110. 4542 min_dr fort_cg_macros_: 3093, 3127. 4553 min_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 3093, 3152. 4554 min_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 3093, 3155. 4544 min_ic fort_cg_macros_: 3093, 3131. 4527 min_id fort_cg_macros_: 3093, 3106. 4522 min_ii fort_cg_macros_: 3093, 3095. 4523 min_ir fort_cg_macros_: 3093, 3098. 4546 min_rc fort_cg_macros_: 3093, 3137. 4535 min_rd fort_cg_macros_: 3093, 3120, 3129. 4525 min_ri fort_cg_macros_: 3093, 3102. 4533 min_rr fort_cg_macros_: 3093, 3114. 6602 mm_dt1.p fort_cg_macros_: 2785, 2791, 2797, 2803, 2809, 2822, 2859, 2900, 2965, 2995, 3025, 3058, 3089, 3132, 3138, 3144, 3150, 3156, 3169, 3206, 3247, 3312, 3343, 3373, 3406, 3437, 4205, 4276, 4787. 6605 mm_dt2.p fort_cg_macros_: 2788, 2794, 2800, 2806, 3135, 3141, 3147, 3153, 4273, 4790. 3372 mm_ret_deaq fort_cg_macros_: 2172, 2933, 3086, 3280, 3434. 3366 mm_ret_eaq fort_cg_macros_: 2166, 2887, 2962, 2992, 3234, 3309, 3340. 3362 mm_ret_q fort_cg_macros_: 2160, 2846, 3022, 3055, 3193, 3370, 3403. 3376 mm_ret_tq fort_cg_macros_: 2178, 4673, 4752, 4769. 5036 mod fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3439. 5077 mod.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3443, 3500. 5074 mod_cc fort_cg_macros_: 3440, 3491. 5073 mod_cd fort_cg_macros_: 3440, 3488. 5067 mod_ci fort_cg_macros_: 3440, 3476. 5071 mod_cr fort_cg_macros_: 3440, 3482. 5072 mod_dc fort_cg_macros_: 3440, 3485. 5063 mod_dd fort_cg_macros_: 3440, 3464. 5060 mod_di fort_cg_macros_: 3440, 3457. 5065 mod_dr fort_cg_macros_: 3440, 3470. 5075 mod_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 3440, 3494. 5076 mod_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 3440, 3497. 5066 mod_ic fort_cg_macros_: 3440, 3473. 5056 mod_id fort_cg_macros_: 3440, 3453. 5051 mod_ii fort_cg_macros_: 3440, 3442. 5052 mod_ir fort_cg_macros_: 3440, 3445. 5070 mod_rc fort_cg_macros_: 3440, 3479. 5064 mod_rd fort_cg_macros_: 3440, 3467. 5054 mod_ri fort_cg_macros_: 3440, 3449. 5062 mod_rr fort_cg_macros_: 3440, 3461. 445 move_eis fort_cg_macros_: 194, 248. 1467 mpy_overflow_check fort_cg_macros_: 237, 983, 1141, fort_equs: 264. 12674 mqe_end_storage fort_cg_macros_: 8071, 8076. 12704 mqe_no_desc fort_cg_macros_: 8084, 8088. 12673 mqe_no_storage fort_cg_macros_: 8069, 8073. 1431 mult fort_cg_macros_: 973, fort_operator_table: 20. 1575 mult_cc fort_cg_macros_: 975, 1123. 1550 mult_cd fort_cg_macros_: 975, 1093. 1563 mult_cd.1 fort_cg_macros_: 1096, 1108. 1565 mult_cd.11 fort_cg_macros_: 1111, 1121. 1572 mult_cd.2 fort_cg_macros_: 1097, 1118. 1501 mult_ci fort_cg_macros_: 975, 1031. 1522 mult_cr fort_cg_macros_: 975, 1060. 1535 mult_cr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 1048, 1055, 1063, 1075. 1537 mult_cr.11 fort_cg_macros_: 1078, 1088. 1544 mult_cr.2 fort_cg_macros_: 1064, 1085. 1547 mult_dc fort_cg_macros_: 975, 1090. 1466 mult_dd fort_cg_macros_: 975, 1009. 1460 mult_di fort_cg_macros_: 975, 999. 1472 mult_dr fort_cg_macros_: 975, 1017. 1476 mult_dr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 1018, 1024. 1616 mult_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 975, 1134, 1146. 1620 mult_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 975, 1149. 1500 mult_ic fort_cg_macros_: 975, 1028. 1457 mult_id fort_cg_macros_: 975, 996. 1445 mult_ii fort_cg_macros_: 975, 977. 1452 mult_ii.1 fort_cg_macros_: 982, 985. 1453 mult_ir fort_cg_macros_: 975, 988. 1521 mult_rc fort_cg_macros_: 975, 1057. 1471 mult_rd fort_cg_macros_: 975, 1014. 1454 mult_ri fort_cg_macros_: 975, 991. 1463 mult_rr fort_cg_macros_: 975, 1004. 1603 mult_tl fort_cg_macros_: 975, 1132. 1611 mult_tl.1 fort_cg_macros_: 1134, 1136. 1615 mult_tl.2 fort_cg_macros_: 1140, 1143. 13320 namelist fort_cg_macros_: 8508, fort_operator_table: 90. 22 namelist_slot fort_cg_macros_: 8512, fort_equs: 165. 1465 nearest_integer fort_cg_macros_: 4083, 4089, fort_equs: 262. 1464 nearest_whole_number fort_cg_macros_: 4055, 4060, fort_equs: 261. 2357 negate fort_cg_macros_: 1664, fort_operator_table: 23. 2401 negate_c fort_cg_macros_: 1669, 1690. 2415 negate_c.1 fort_cg_macros_: 1694, 1706. 2375 negate_d fort_cg_macros_: 1668, 1684. 2366 negate_i fort_cg_macros_: 1666, 1673. 2371 negate_r fort_cg_macros_: 1667, 1678. 13305 neg_storage_add fort_cg_macros_: 8488, fort_operator_table: 88. 13357 new fort_cg_macros_: 156. 5643 nint fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4073. 5656 nint.dp fort_cg_macros_: 4074, 4086, 4095. 5650 fort_cg_macros_: 4074, 4076. 5664 nint.p fort_cg_macros_: 4074, 4098. 5652 nint.real fort_cg_macros_: 4074, 4080. 13237 non_executable fort_cg_macros_: 8408, fort_operator_table: 79. 10250 not fort_cg_macros_: 5950, fort_operator_table: 32. 10273 not.e fort_cg_macros_: 5952, 5987. 7423 not_equal fort_cg_macros_: 5366, fort_operator_table: 27. 7524 not_equal_ah fort_cg_macros_: 5445, 5456. 7511 not_equal_cc fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5439. 7506 not_equal_cd fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5436. 7540 not_equal_ch fort_cg_macros_: 5457, 5474. 7475 not_equal_ci fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5424. 7501 not_equal_cr fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5430. 7503 not_equal_dc fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5433. 7457 not_equal_dd fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5400. 7540 not_equal_dh fort_cg_macros_: 5457, 5473. 7450 not_equal_di fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5389. 7464 not_equal_dr fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5409. 7471 not_equal_dr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5410, 5417. 7555 not_equal_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5496. 7514 not_equal_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5444. 7571 not_equal_hc fort_cg_macros_: 5502, 5514. 7571 not_equal_hd fort_cg_macros_: 5502, 5513. 7547 not_equal_hh fort_cg_macros_: 5457, 5486, 5502. 7565 not_equal_hi fort_cg_macros_: 5502, 5504. 7565 not_equal_hr fort_cg_macros_: 5502, 5505. 7565 not_equal_ht fort_cg_macros_: 5502, 5506. 7473 not_equal_ic fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5421. 7447 not_equal_id fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5386. 7531 not_equal_ih fort_cg_macros_: 5457, 5459. 7440 not_equal_ii fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5373. 7443 not_equal_ir fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5378. 7521 not_equal_ll fort_cg_macros_: 5448, 5451. 7477 not_equal_rc fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5427. 7463 not_equal_rd fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5406. 7531 not_equal_rh fort_cg_macros_: 5457, 5460. 7444 not_equal_ri fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5381. 7453 not_equal_rr fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5394. 7531 not_equal_th fort_cg_macros_: 5457, 5461. 7575 not_equal_tl fort_cg_macros_: 5371, 5522. 7603 not_equal_tl.1 fort_cg_macros_: 5524, 5526. 10305 not_equiv fort_cg_macros_: 6003, fort_operator_table: 120. 10315 not_equiv.p fort_cg_macros_: 6006, 6008, 6018. 13052 not_external_bif fort_cg_macros_: 8204, 8214. 10256 not_ind fort_cg_macros_: 5954, 5960. 6616 not_scalar fort_cg_macros_: 4803, 4936, 4949, 4968, 5130, 5143, 5162, 5300, 5313, 5332, 5465, 5478, 5497, 5654, 5667, 5686, 5847, 5860, 5879. 10265 not_tmi fort_cg_macros_: 5961, 5969. 10267 not_tmoz fort_cg_macros_: 5961, 5975. 10271 not_tnc fort_cg_macros_: 5961, 5981. 10264 not_tnz fort_cg_macros_: 5961, 5966. 10266 not_tpl fort_cg_macros_: 5961, 5972. 10270 not_tpnz fort_cg_macros_: 5961, 5978. 10272 not_trc fort_cg_macros_: 5961, 5984. 10263 not_tze fort_cg_macros_: 5961, 5963. 13241 no_op fort_cg_macros_: 8414, fort_operator_table: 80. 6 null fort_cg_macros_: 7993, fort_equs: 148. 5 null_ptr fort_cg_macros_: 8223, fort_equs: 147. 1 one fort_cg_macros_: 1839, fort_equs: 143. 740000 op1 fort_cg_macros_: 383, 402, 403, 410, 411, 425, 429, 523, 526, 527, 533, 535, 536, 552, 555, 556, 562, 564, 565, 582, 585, 586, 592, 595, 596, 802, 805, 806, 812, 816, 817, 833, 836, 837, 846, 848, 849, 865, 868, 869, 875, 879, 880, 896, 899, 900, 909, 911, 912, 930, 933, 934, 942, 945, 946, 1047, 1069, 1072, 1073, 1079, 1082, 1083, 1102, 1105, 1106, 1112, 1115, 1116, 1252, 1283, 1286, 1287, 1297, 1300, 1301, 1319, 1322, 1323, 1333, 1336, 1337, 1366, 1373, 1380, 1388, 1396, 1403, 1410, 1418, 1439, 1451, 1481, 1511, 1524, 1537, 1554, 1562, 1572, 1574, 1575, 1587, 1598, 1600, 1608, 1618, 1630, 1636, 1639, 1648, 1671, 1675, 1679, 1685, 1699, 1703, 1704, 1709, 1713, 1714, 1747, 1749, 1751, 1805, 1806, 1808, 1878, 1880, 1882, 1930, 1932, 1934, 2024, 2034, 2041, 2048, 2056, 2086, 2117, 2158, 2162, 2164, 2168, 2170, 2174, 2176, 2180, 2181, 2197, 2243, 2275, 2287, 2299, 2328, 2340, 2368, 2380, 2425, 2432, 2434, 2468, 2485, 2513, 2525, 2537, 2568, 2570, 2705, 2718, 2731, 2775, 2833, 2835, 2836, 2863, 2867, 2874, 2876, 2877, 2904, 2908, 2912, 2914, 2918, 2920, 2923, 2947, 2949, 2950, 2978, 2980, 2981, 3008, 3010, 3011, 3040, 3042, 3043, 3072, 3074, 3075, 3122, 3180, 3182, 3183, 3210, 3214, 3221, 3223, 3224, 3251, 3255, 3259, 3261, 3265, 3267, 3270, 3294, 3296, 3297, 3326, 3328, 3329, 3356, 3358, 3359, 3388, 3390, 3391, 3420, 3422, 3423, 3655, 3657, 3675, 3677, 3695, 3697, 3715, 3717, 3735, 3737, 3755, 3757, 3780, 3792, 3803, 3829, 3841, 3852, 3875, 3885, 3914, 3924, 3953, 3963, 4199, 4201, 4202, 4216, 4220, 4221, 4227, 4231, 4232, 4238, 4240, 4241, 4244, 4246, 4247, 4255, 4259, 4260, 4265, 4269, 4270, 4295, 4299, 4302, 4307, 4309, 4312, 4332, 4344, 4371, 4383, 4410, 4422, 4446, 4471, 4473, 4500, 4501, 4510, 4571, 4587, 4605, 4622, 4638, 4664, 4665, 4743, 4744, 4760, 4761, 4772, 4788, 4795, 4804, 4807, 5284, 5449, 5954, 5956, 5988, 6019, 6048, 6057, 6061, 6065, 6069, 6073, 6077, 6081, 6085, 6089, 6095, 6099, 6213, 6222, 6230, 6238, 6242, 6267, 6279, 6291, 6292, 6296, 6320, 6333, 6345, 6354, 6378, 6449, 6482, 6542, 6570, 6589, 6607, 6621, 6631, 6642, 6653, 6678, 6697, 6701, 6710, 6719, 6728, 6737, 6747, 6754, 6770, 6774, 6783, 6792, 6801, 6810, 6820, 6847, 6864, 6882, 6895, 6904, 6908, 6926, 6928, 6930, 6940, 6944, 6948, 6967, 6979, 6993, 7006, 7008, 7016, 7017, 7028, 7029, 7043, 7047, 7051, 7057, 7066, 7082, 7092, 7102, 7122, 7124, 7141, 7143, 7156, 7158, 7173, 7175, 7189, 7198, 7202, 7206, 7212, 7245, 7251, 7261, 7278, 7287, 7302, 7304, 7313, 7314, 7339, 7355, 7360, 7365, 7370, 7375, 7378, 7379, 7384, 7426, 7477, 7502, 7507, 7512, 7517, 7534, 7539, 7546, 7551, 7559, 7571, 7580, 7592, 7607, 7617, 7619, 7623, 7625, 7629, 7631, 7635, 7637, 7641, 7643, 7693, 7701, 7704, 7715, 7723, 7726, 7736, 7758, 7760, 7769, 7771, 7783, 7791, 7820, 7823, 7836, 7850, 7852, 7861, 7863, 7906, 7972, 7973, 7974, 7998, 8028, 8033, 8047, 8049, 8056, 8080, 8081, 8085, 8090, 8188, 8202, 8204, 8209, 8226, 8228, 8231, 8237, 8240, 8243, 8246, 8260, 8306, 8309, 8353, 8360, 8365, 8368, 8370, 8377, 8392, 8397, 8512, 8531, 8539, 8543, 8547, fort_equs: 40. 700000 op2 fort_cg_macros_: 404, 412, 1434, 1694, 1696, 1700, 1710, 1750, 1881, 1933, 2202, 2774, 2777, 2781, 2814, 2851, 2864, 2892, 2905, 2937, 2939, 2944, 2969, 2971, 2975, 2999, 3001, 3005, 3029, 3031, 3037, 3062, 3064, 3069, 3121, 3124, 3128, 3161, 3198, 3211, 3239, 3252, 3284, 3286, 3291, 3316, 3318, 3323, 3347, 3349, 3353, 3377, 3379, 3385, 3410, 3412, 3417, 3646, 3652, 3656, 3658, 3664, 3672, 3676, 3686, 3692, 3696, 3698, 3704, 3712, 3716, 3726, 3732, 3736, 3738, 3744, 3752, 3756, 4441, 4466, 4470, 4480, 4496, 4499, 4505, 4518, 4533, 4553, 4580, 4588, 4597, 4604, 4614, 4621, 4631, 4639, 4652, 4661, 4740, 4757, 4776, 4791, 4798, 4801, 4810, 4994, 5188, 5358, 5524, 5712, 5905, 6929, 7003, 7007, 7009, 7013, 7024, 7033, 7035, 7117, 7123, 7126, 7136, 7151, 7168, 7351, 7390, 7395, 7399, 7401, 7404, 7409, 7413, 7417, 7423, 7463, 7466, 7478, 7483, 7488, 7493, 7498, 7503, 7508, 7513, 7518, 7523, 7528, 7530, 7535, 7540, 7542, 7547, 7552, 7554, 7560, 7564, 7575, 7578, 7581, 7585, 7591, 7754, 7759, 7765, 7770, 7846, 7851, 7857, 7862, 7910, 7996, 8003, 8027, 8036, 8084, 8089, 8227, 8378, fort_equs: 41. 640000 op3 fort_cg_macros_: 4509, 4534, 4554, 8057, fort_equs: 42. 600000 op4 fort_cg_macros_: 4517, fort_equs: 43. 540000 op5 fort_equs: 44. 500000 op6 fort_equs: 45. 440000 op7 fort_equs: 46. 11424 open fort_cg_macros_: 6951, fort_operator_table: 91. 11525 open.p fort_cg_macros_: 7056, 7065. 11454 opencase1 fort_cg_macros_: 6993, 6995. 11470 opencase10 fort_cg_macros_: 6993, 7021. 11470 opencase11 fort_cg_macros_: 6993, 7022. 11470 opencase12 fort_cg_macros_: 6993, 7023. 11454 opencase13 fort_cg_macros_: 6993, 7002. 11475 opencase14 fort_cg_macros_: 6993, 7032. 11454 opencase2 fort_cg_macros_: 6993, 6996. 11454 opencase3 fort_cg_macros_: 6993, 6997. 11454 opencase4 fort_cg_macros_: 6993, 6998. 11454 opencase5 fort_cg_macros_: 6993, 6999. 11454 opencase6 fort_cg_macros_: 6993, 7000. 11454 opencase7 fort_cg_macros_: 6993, 7001. 11463 opencase8 fort_cg_macros_: 6993, 7012. 11470 opencase9 fort_cg_macros_: 6993, 7020. 11362 openfile fort_cg_macros_: 6911, fort_operator_table: 51. 11413 openfile1.p fort_cg_macros_: 6914, 6939. 11416 openfile2.p fort_cg_macros_: 6917, 6918, 6943. 11421 openfile3.p fort_cg_macros_: 6920, 6921, 6947. 11435 open_loop fort_cg_macros_: 6976, 7010, 7018, 7030. 11441 open_loop.2 fort_cg_macros_: 6984, 7036. 11501 open_loop.e fort_cg_macros_: 6985, 7038. 11503 open_loop1.p fort_cg_macros_: 7004, 7042. 11506 open_loop2.p fort_cg_macros_: 7014, 7046. 11511 open_loop3.p fort_cg_macros_: 7026, 7050. 11514 open_return fort_cg_macros_: 6985, 7054. 0 operator_table fort_cg_macros_: 178, fort_operator_table: 16. 40000 opf fort_equs: 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46. 13252 opt_subscript fort_cg_macros_: 8430, fort_operator_table: 82. 0 opv fort_cg_macros_: 2841, 2882, 2928, 2955, 2986, 3016, 3048, 3080, 3188, 3229, 3275, 3302, 3334, 3364, 3396, 3428, 4668, 4747, 4764, 6300, fort_equs: 38. 551 op_base fort_equs: 175, 177, 178, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 279, 281. 10222 or fort_cg_macros_: 5918, fort_operator_table: 30. 6534 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4737. 6537 fort_cg_macros_: 4742, 4749. 6546 fort_cg_macros_: 4745, 4751. 10231 or_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 5922, 5928. 10233 or_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 5920, 5931. 400 P0.5H fort_equs: 286. 2040 P1.0H fort_equs: 287. 2100 P2.0H fort_equs: 288. 12336 pause fort_cg_macros_: 7697, fort_operator_table: 58. 12345 pause.1 fort_cg_macros_: 7708, 7717. 12653 pfn_ret fort_cg_macros_: 8022, 8038. 12627 pop_ps fort_cg_macros_: 7996, 8003. 400 pr1 fort_cg_macros_: 2244, 2276, 2288, 2300, 2329, 2341, 2369, 2381, 2514, 2526, 2538, 2706, 2719, 2732, 3781, 3793, 3804, 3830, 3842, 3853, 3876, 3886, 3915, 3925, 3954, 3964, 4333, 4345, 4372, 4384, 4411, 4423, 6563, 6582, 6684, 6756, 6827, 6840, 6857, 6875, 6897, 6933, 6961, 7059, 7078, 7214, 7228, 7329, 7706, 7716, 7727, 7737, 8383, fort_equs: 117, 123. 2 pr1n fort_cg_macros_: 1450, 1480, 1510, 1523, 1536, 1553, 1639, 1651, 2426, 2469, 2486, 8309, fort_equs: 127. 200 pr2 fort_cg_macros_: 6563, 6582, 6604, 6840, 6857, 6875, 6897, 6961, 7059, 7078, 7214, 7228, 7329, 7716, 7737, 8206, 8383, fort_equs: 118, 123. 3 pr2n fort_cg_macros_: 1125, 1266, 1341, 1451, 1481, 1511, 1524, 1537, 1554, 1562, 1587, 1618, 1630, 1648, 2243, 2275, 2287, 2299, 2328, 2340, 2368, 2380, 2425, 2468, 2485, 2513, 2525, 2537, 2705, 2718, 2731, 3516, 3531, 3554, 3616, 3629, 3637, 3780, 3792, 3803, 3829, 3841, 3852, 3875, 3885, 3914, 3924, 3953, 3963, 4332, 4344, 4371, 4383, 4410, 4422, 4509, 4517, 6362, 6619, 6651, 6695, 6765, 6925, 6927, 7007, 7123, 7141, 7173, 7244, 7276, 7298, 7703, 7725, 7998, 8027, 8220, 8264, 8370, 8511, fort_equs: 128. 100 pr3 fort_cg_macros_: 1452, 1482, 1512, 1525, 1538, 1555, 1640, 1652, 2244, 2276, 2288, 2300, 2329, 2341, 2369, 2381, 2470, 2488, 2514, 2526, 2538, 2706, 2719, 2732, 3781, 3793, 3804, 3830, 3842, 3853, 3876, 3886, 3915, 3925, 3954, 3964, 4333, 4345, 4372, 4384, 4411, 4423, 6563, 6582, 6684, 6756, 6827, 6840, 6857, 6875, 6897, 6933, 6961, 7059, 7078, 7214, 7228, 7329, 7706, 7716, 7727, 7737, 8383, fort_equs: 119, 123. 4 pr3n fort_cg_macros_: 6977, 7091, fort_equs: 129. 1000 pr4 fort_cg_macros_: 1452, 1482, 1512, 1525, 1538, 1555, 1640, 1652, 2244, 2276, 2288, 2300, 2329, 2341, 2369, 2381, 2470, 2488, 2514, 2526, 2538, 2706, 2719, 2732, 3781, 3793, 3804, 3830, 3842, 3853, 3876, 3886, 3915, 3925, 3954, 3964, 4333, 4345, 4372, 4384, 4411, 4423, 6563, 6582, 6684, 6756, 6827, 6840, 6857, 6875, 6897, 6933, 6961, 7059, 7078, 7214, 7228, 7329, 7606, 7706, 7716, 7727, 7737, 8206, 8319, 8383, fort_equs: 116, 123. 1 pr4n fort_equs: 126. 40 pr5 fort_cg_macros_: 1452, 1482, 1512, 1525, 1538, 1555, 1640, 1652, 2244, 2276, 2288, 2300, 2329, 2341, 2369, 2381, 2470, 2488, 2514, 2526, 2538, 2706, 2719, 2732, 3781, 3793, 3804, 3830, 3842, 3853, 3876, 3886, 3915, 3925, 3954, 3964, 4333, 4345, 4372, 4384, 4411, 4423, 6563, 6582, 6684, 6756, 6827, 6840, 6857, 6875, 6897, 6933, 6961, 7059, 7078, 7214, 7228, 7329, 7706, 7716, 7727, 7737, 8383, fort_equs: 120, 123. 5 pr5n fort_cg_macros_: 6629, 6640, fort_equs: 130. 20 pr7 fort_cg_macros_: 1452, 1482, 1512, 1525, 1538, 1555, 1640, 1652, 2244, 2276, 2288, 2300, 2329, 2341, 2369, 2381, 2470, 2488, 2514, 2526, 2538, 2706, 2719, 2732, 3781, 3793, 3804, 3830, 3842, 3853, 3876, 3886, 3915, 3925, 3954, 3964, 4333, 4345, 4372, 4384, 4411, 4423, 6563, 6582, 6684, 6756, 6827, 6840, 6857, 6875, 6897, 6933, 6961, 7059, 7078, 7214, 7228, 7329, 7706, 7716, 7727, 7737, 8383, fort_equs: 121, 123. 6 pr7n fort_equs: 131. 12641 prepare_for_namelists fort_cg_macros_: 7921, 7933, 7945, 8021. 12707 process_param_list fort_cg_macros_: 8094, fort_operator_table: 124. 12427 process_subscript fort_cg_macros_: 7748, 7761, 7772, 7776, 7778. 1 protect_indicators fort_cg_macros_: 6034, 6388, 6491, fort_equs: 134. 2 ps fort_cg_macros_: 6606, 6620, 6630, 6641, 6893, 6924, 7243, 7260, 7277, 7286, 7296, 7994, 8025, 8510, fort_equs: 144. 12 ps_area_ptr fort_cg_macros_: 6968, 7083, fort_equs: 152. 52 ps_ptr fort_cg_macros_: 7999, fort_equs: 155. 1171 push_offset stack_header: 81. 400 q fort_cg_macros_: 210, 269, 275, 299, 300, 305, 315, 345, 461, 463, 625, 627, 637, 671, 761, 979, 986, 1041, 1158, 1160, 1224, 1246, 1366, 1388, 1396, 1418, 1449, 1455, 1465, 1495, 1569, 1595, 1676, 1747, 1749, 1756, 1757, 1771, 1784, 1805, 1808, 1815, 1816, 1833, 1843, 1864, 1899, 1951, 1995, 2007, 2031, 2123, 2162, 2215, 2562, 2812, 2942, 3004, 3159, 3289, 3352, 3501, 3555, 3652, 3672, 3692, 3712, 3732, 3752, 3984, 4000, 4077, 4212, 4441, 4510, 4518, 4696, 4708, 4720, 4732, 4821, 4823, 5015, 5017, 5209, 5374, 5539, 5541, 5732, 5734, 6126, 6128, 6131, 6267, 6282, 6561, 6580, 6766, 6838, 6855, 6873, 6892, 6932, 7008, 7016, 7057, 7124, 7156, 7212, 7226, 7259, 7285, 7302, 7314, 7351, 7477, 7617, 7758, 7769, 7850, 7861, 8421, 8426, 8439, 8442, 8449, 8452, 8467, 8479, fort_equs: 73. 442 qls1 fort_cg_macros_: 231, 241. 12333 quick_return fort_cg_macros_: 7684, 7690. 4066 rddim.1 fort_cg_macros_: 2596, 2660. 5130 rdmod.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3468, 3536. 5222 rdsign.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3583, 3636. 11005 read fort_cg_macros_: 6554, fort_operator_table: 39. 11020 read.p fort_cg_macros_: 6558, 6569. 13356 read_array fort_cg_macros_: 8565, fort_operator_table: 99. 11716 read_internal_file fort_cg_macros_: 7290, fort_operator_table: 121. 13356 read_namelist fort_cg_macros_: 8574, fort_operator_table: 108. 13356 read_scalar fort_cg_macros_: 8564, fort_operator_table: 98. 13356 read_vector fort_cg_macros_: 8566, fort_operator_table: 100. 200000 real fort_cg_macros_: 1667, 1739, 2082, 2090, 2094, 2112, 2208, 2261, 2314, 2354, 2499, 2691, 2819, 2855, 2898, 2970, 2972, 2988, 3030, 3032, 3050, 3166, 3202, 3245, 3317, 3319, 3336, 3378, 3380, 3398, 3510, 3512, 3767, 3816, 4005, 4319, 4358, 4397, 4648, 4650, 6107, 6112, 6257, 6262, 7750, 7832, fort_equs: 53. 5710 real.p fort_cg_macros_: 4103, 4134. 1000 realn fort_cg_macros_: 648, 767, 786, 1039, 1051, 1232, 1244, 1256, 1372, 1433, 1438, 1471, 1879, 2167, 2862, 3209, 3650, 3662, 3670, 3681, 3690, 3702, 3710, 3721, 7377, 7622, 7889, fort_equs: 62. 5665 real_builtin fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4102. 5702 real_builtin.cmpx fort_cg_macros_: 4103, 4119. 5676 real_builtin.dp fort_cg_macros_: 4103, 4113, 4131. 5672 fort_cg_macros_: 4103, 4105, 4126. 5674 real_builtin.real fort_cg_macros_: 4103, 4109. 12525 real_func fort_cg_macros_: 7872, 7888. 1350 real_p_int fort_cg_macros_: 1483, fort_equs: 195. 1347 real_p_real fort_cg_macros_: 1526, fort_equs: 196. 654 real_to_integer fort_cg_macros_: 1383, 1896, 2030, 3054, 3402, 7757, 7849, fort_equs: 188. 11667 record_number fort_cg_macros_: 7254, fort_operator_table: 53. 11675 record_number.p fort_cg_macros_: 7257, 7264. 11 record_number_slot fort_cg_macros_: 7261, fort_equs: 160. 10000 rel_constant fort_cg_macros_: 6169, 6179, 6189, 6358, fort_equs: 99. 1456 restore_stack_quick fort_equs: 254. 12327 return fort_cg_macros_: 7682, fort_operator_table: 57. 1173 return_no_pop_offset stack_header: 83. 1172 return_offset stack_header: 82. 631 return_op fort_cg_macros_: 8074, fort_equs: 182. 441 ret_mpy fort_cg_macros_: 227, 236, 239. 431 ret_sub fort_cg_macros_: 207, 208, 219. 11303 rewind fort_cg_macros_: 6850, fort_operator_table: 48. 11315 rewind.p fort_cg_macros_: 6853, 6863. 13261 right_shift fort_cg_macros_: 8446, fort_operator_table: 84. 2117 round_dp_const fort_cg_macros_: 1432, 1437. 2112 round_dp_to_real fort_cg_macros_: 1305, 1429, 1613, 1626, 7400. 512 r_e_as fort_equs: 273, fort_single_inst: 61. 527 r_ge_a fort_equs: 276, fort_single_inst: 64. 524 r_ge_s fort_equs: 278, fort_single_inst: 68. 503 r_g_a fort_equs: 272, fort_single_inst: 66. 477 r_g_s fort_equs: 192, fort_single_inst: 103. 520 r_le_a fort_equs: 275, fort_single_inst: 65. 532 r_le_s fort_equs: 193, fort_single_inst: 102. 474 r_l_a fort_equs: 271, fort_single_inst: 63. 507 r_l_s fort_equs: 277, fort_single_inst: 67. 515 r_ne_as fort_equs: 274, fort_single_inst: 62. 1455 save_stack_quick fort_equs: 253. 1227 set_cs_eis fort_cg_macros_: 4511, fort_equs: 251. 12071 sf fort_cg_macros_: 7454, fort_operator_table: 65. 12202 sf_cc fort_cg_macros_: 7474, 7557. 12175 sf_cd fort_cg_macros_: 7474, 7550. 12155 sf_ci fort_cg_macros_: 7474, 7526. 12165 sf_cr fort_cg_macros_: 7474, 7538. 12172 sf_dc fort_cg_macros_: 7474, 7545. 12141 sf_dd fort_cg_macros_: 7474, 7506. 11747 sf_def fort_cg_macros_: 7335, fort_operator_table: 66. 12061 sf_def.p fort_cg_macros_: 7344, 7445. 12066 sf_def.p0 fort_cg_macros_: 7421, 7450. 12041 sf_def_cc fort_cg_macros_: 7348, 7416. 12037 sf_def_cd fort_cg_macros_: 7348, 7412. 12020 sf_def_ci fort_cg_macros_: 7348, 7383. 12035 sf_def_cr fort_cg_macros_: 7348, 7408. 12027 sf_def_dc fort_cg_macros_: 7348, 7398. 12025 sf_def_dd fort_cg_macros_: 7348, 7394. 12006 sf_def_di fort_cg_macros_: 7348, 7369. 12025 sf_def_dr fort_cg_macros_: 7348, 7393. 12050 sf_def_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 7348, 7424, 7429. 12043 sf_def_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 7348, 7420. 12011 sf_def_ic fort_cg_macros_: 7348, 7374. 12003 sf_def_id fort_cg_macros_: 7348, 7364. 11773 sf_def_ii fort_cg_macros_: 7348, 7350. 11775 sf_def_ir fort_cg_macros_: 7348, 7354. 12032 sf_def_rc fort_cg_macros_: 7348, 7403. 12023 sf_def_rd fort_cg_macros_: 7348, 7388. 12053 sf_def_ret fort_cg_macros_: 7352, 7357, 7362, 7367, 7372, 7381, 7386, 7391, 7396, 7406, 7410, 7414, 7418, 7427, 7433. 12000 sf_def_ri fort_cg_macros_: 7348, 7359. 12023 sf_def_rr fort_cg_macros_: 7348, 7389. 12133 sf_di fort_cg_macros_: 7474, 7496. 12147 sf_dr fort_cg_macros_: 7474, 7516. 12206 sf_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 7474, 7563, 7576, 7586. 12212 sf_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 7474, 7567. 12304 sf_error_r fort_cg_macros_: 7472, 7565, 7572, 7648, 7655, 7659. 12226 sf_h fort_cg_macros_: 7569, 7584. 12152 sf_ic fort_cg_macros_: 7474, 7521. 12130 sf_id fort_cg_macros_: 7474, 7491. 12117 sf_ii fort_cg_macros_: 7474, 7476. 12310 sf_insuf.p fort_cg_macros_: 7601, 7653. 12122 sf_ir fort_cg_macros_: 7474, 7481. 12220 sf_l fort_cg_macros_: 7568, 7574. 12074 sf_loop fort_cg_macros_: 7460, 7597. 12237 sf_no_args fort_cg_macros_: 7456, 7599. 12235 sf_r fort_cg_macros_: 7479, 7484, 7489, 7494, 7499, 7504, 7509, 7514, 7519, 7524, 7531, 7536, 7543, 7548, 7555, 7561, 7582, 7593, 7595. 12162 sf_rc fort_cg_macros_: 7474, 7533. 12144 sf_rd fort_cg_macros_: 7474, 7511. 12272 sf_ret_c fort_cg_macros_: 7612, 7633. 12266 sf_ret_d fort_cg_macros_: 7612, 7627. 12302 sf_ret_h fort_cg_macros_: 7612, 7645. 12256 sf_ret_i fort_cg_macros_: 7612, 7614. 12276 sf_ret_l fort_cg_macros_: 7612, 7639. 12262 sf_ret_r fort_cg_macros_: 7612, 7621. 12256 sf_ret_t fort_cg_macros_: 7612, 7615. 12125 sf_ri fort_cg_macros_: 7474, 7486. 12136 sf_rr fort_cg_macros_: 7474, 7501. 12101 sf_skip fort_cg_macros_: 7463, 7469. 12313 sf_too_many.p fort_cg_macros_: 7461, 7657. 1014 shorten_stack fort_equs: 255. 12351 short_pause fort_cg_macros_: 7701, 7714. 12367 short_stop fort_cg_macros_: 7723, 7735. 5133 sign fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3544. 5204 sign.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3562, 3566, 3577, 3615. 1375 signal_stringrange fort_cg_macros_: 272, 278, fort_equs: 185. 5201 sign_cc fort_cg_macros_: 3545, 3606. 5200 sign_cd fort_cg_macros_: 3545, 3603. 5174 sign_ci fort_cg_macros_: 3545, 3591. 5176 sign_cr fort_cg_macros_: 3545, 3597. 5177 sign_dc fort_cg_macros_: 3545, 3600. 5170 sign_dd fort_cg_macros_: 3545, 3579. 5165 sign_di fort_cg_macros_: 3545, 3572. 5172 sign_dr fort_cg_macros_: 3545, 3585. 5202 sign_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 3545, 3609. 5203 sign_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 3545, 3612. 667 sign_fl fort_cg_macros_: 3618, 3632, fort_equs: 226. 666 sign_fx fort_cg_macros_: 3556, fort_equs: 225. 5173 sign_ic fort_cg_macros_: 3545, 3588. 5163 sign_id fort_cg_macros_: 3545, 3568. 5152 sign_ii fort_cg_macros_: 3545, 3553. 5157 sign_ir fort_cg_macros_: 3545, 3560. 5175 sign_rc fort_cg_macros_: 3545, 3594. 5171 sign_rd fort_cg_macros_: 3545, 3582. 5161 sign_ri fort_cg_macros_: 3545, 3564. 5167 sign_rr fort_cg_macros_: 3545, 3576. 5341 sin fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3765. 5345 sin.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3767, 3771. 5350 sin.2 fort_cg_macros_: 3773, 3778. 155 single_inst fort_cg_macros_: 179, fort_single_inst: 16. 5473 sinh fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3902. 5503 sinh.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3907, 3912. 5512 sinh.dp fort_cg_macros_: 3903, 3921, 3934. 5500 fort_cg_macros_: 3903, 3905. 5524 sinh.p fort_cg_macros_: 3903, 3937. 5502 sinh.real fort_cg_macros_: 3903, 3909. 1460 sinh_ fort_cg_macros_: 3916, fort_equs: 257. 1275 sin_ fort_cg_macros_: 3782, fort_equs: 227. 5347 sin_i fort_cg_macros_: 3766, 3775. 5706 sngl fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4129. 5710 sngl.p fort_cg_macros_: 4130, 4136. 5401 sqrt fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3814. 5405 sqrt.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3816, 3820. 5410 sqrt.2 fort_cg_macros_: 3822, 3827. 1274 sqrt_ fort_cg_macros_: 3831, fort_equs: 230. 5407 sqrt_i fort_cg_macros_: 3815, 3824. 73 stach_header.trace_top_ptr stack_header: 62. 32 stack_frame.arg_ptr fort_cg_macros_: 8012, stack_frame: 16. 100 stack_frame.condition_bit stack_frame: 32. 20 stack_frame.condition_word stack_frame: 9. 2000 stack_frame.crawl_out_bit stack_frame: 28. 26 stack_frame.entry_ptr stack_frame: 13. 20 stack_frame.flag_word stack_frame: 24. 400 stack_frame.link_trap_bit stack_frame: 30. 30 stack_frame.lp_ptr stack_frame: 15. 20000 stack_frame.main_proc_bit stack_frame: 25. 60 stack_frame.min_length stack_frame: 23. 22 stack_frame.next_sp stack_frame: 10. 36 stack_frame.on_unit_rel_ptrs stack_frame: 19. 30 stack_frame.operator_ptr stack_frame: 14. 37 stack_frame.operator_ret_ptr stack_frame: 20. 20 stack_frame.prev_sp stack_frame: 8. 40 stack_frame.regs stack_frame: 22. 24 stack_frame.return_ptr stack_frame: 12. 10000 stack_frame.run_unit_manager stack_frame: 26. 1000 stack_frame.signaller_bit stack_frame: 29. 22 stack_frame.signaller_word stack_frame: 11. 4000 stack_frame.signal_bit stack_frame: 27. 34 stack_frame.static_ptr stack_frame: 17. 200 stack_frame.support_bit stack_frame: 31. 35 stack_frame.support_ptr stack_frame: 18. 37 stack_frame.translator_id stack_frame: 21. 66 stack_header.assign_linkage_ptr stack_header: 59. 32 stack_header.bar_mode_sp stack_header: 42. 36 stack_header.call_op_ptr stack_header: 44. 10 stack_header.clr_ptr stack_header: 27. 6 stack_header.combined_stat_ptr stack_header: 25. 4 stack_header.cpm_data_ptr stack_header: 24. 13 stack_header.cpm_enabled stack_header: 32. 13 stack_header.cur_lot_size stack_header: 31. 64 stack_header.ect_ptr stack_header: 58. 46 stack_header.entry_op_ptr stack_header: 49. 70 stack_header.heap_header_ptr stack_header: 60. 74 stack_header.in_trace stack_header: 63. 52 stack_header.isot_ptr stack_header: 52. 26 stack_header.lot_ptr stack_header: 39. 12 stack_header.main_proc_invoked stack_header: 29. 12 stack_header.max_lot_size stack_header: 28. 20 stack_header.parent_ptr stack_header: 36. 34 stack_header.pl1_operators_ptr fort_cg_macros_: 7961, stack_header: 43. 40 stack_header.push_op_ptr stack_header: 46. 42 stack_header.return_op_ptr stack_header: 47. 44 stack_header.ret_no_pop_op_ptr stack_header: 48. 62 stack_header.rnt_ptr stack_header: 57. 12 stack_header.run_unit_depth stack_header: 30. 54 stack_header.sct_ptr stack_header: 53. 30 stack_header.signal_ptr stack_header: 41. 22 stack_header.stack_begin_ptr stack_header: 37. 24 stack_header.stack_end_ptr stack_header: 38. 14 stack_header.system_free_ptr stack_header: 33. 60 stack_header.sys_link_info_ptr stack_header: 56. 72 stack_header.trace_frames stack_header: 61. 50 stack_header.trans_op_tv_ptr stack_header: 51. 56 stack_header.unwinder_ptr stack_header: 54. 16 stack_header.user_free_ptr stack_header: 34. 100 stack_header_end stack_header: 64. 11 star_symbol fort_cg_macros_: 8024, fort_equs: 151. 12733 stat fort_cg_macros_: 8152, fort_operator_table: 74. 2000 statement_function fort_equs: 101. 12354 stop fort_cg_macros_: 7719, fort_operator_table: 59. 12363 stop.1 fort_cg_macros_: 7729, 7738. 13271 storage_add fort_cg_macros_: 8464, fort_operator_table: 86. 13313 storage_add_one fort_cg_macros_: 8498, fort_operator_table: 89. 13277 storage_sub fort_cg_macros_: 8476, fort_operator_table: 87. 13265 store_zero fort_cg_macros_: 8456, fort_operator_table: 85. 11700 string fort_cg_macros_: 7268, fort_operator_table: 54. 11704 string_c fort_cg_macros_: 7271, 7275. 11711 string_length fort_cg_macros_: 7282, fort_operator_table: 55. 25 string_length_slot fort_cg_macros_: 6930, 7287, 7303, fort_equs: 162. 20 string_slot fort_cg_macros_: 7278, 7299, fort_equs: 161. 1037 sub fort_cg_macros_: 620, fort_operator_table: 19. 12551 subr fort_cg_macros_: 7926, fort_operator_table: 73. 12372 subscript fort_cg_macros_: 7740, fort_operator_table: 67. 12414 subscript_dp fort_cg_macros_: 7752, 7763. 12431 subscript_dt_err fort_cg_macros_: 7750, 7782. 12435 subscript_end fort_cg_macros_: 7746, 7788. 12434 subscript_err fort_cg_macros_: 7746, 7785. 432 subscript_mpy fort_cg_macros_: 193, 223. 436 subscript_mpy.1 fort_cg_macros_: 229, 233. 12374 subscript_scan fort_cg_macros_: 7745, 7780. 12437 substr fort_cg_macros_: 7793, fort_operator_table: 113. 12451 substr.not_char fort_cg_macros_: 7803, 7822. 40 substr_ref fort_equs: 106. 1360 sub_cc fort_cg_macros_: 622, 918. 1367 sub_cc.01 fort_cg_macros_: 928, 952. 1375 sub_cc.1 fort_cg_macros_: 922, 936. 1400 sub_cc.11 fort_cg_macros_: 940, 956. 1406 sub_cc.2 fort_cg_macros_: 923, 948. 1412 sub_cc.3 fort_cg_macros_: 924, 954. 1334 sub_cd fort_cg_macros_: 622, 888. 1346 sub_cd.1 fort_cg_macros_: 892, 902. 1350 sub_cd.10 fort_cg_macros_: 905. 1351 sub_cd.11 fort_cg_macros_: 907, 916. 1356 sub_cd.2 fort_cg_macros_: 893, 914. 1214 sub_ci fort_cg_macros_: 622, 772. 1260 sub_cr fort_cg_macros_: 622, 825. 1272 sub_cr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 790, 829, 839. 1274 sub_cr.10 fort_cg_macros_: 783, 842. 1275 sub_cr.11 fort_cg_macros_: 844, 853. 1302 sub_cr.2 fort_cg_macros_: 830, 851. 1304 sub_dc fort_cg_macros_: 622, 855. 1320 sub_dc.1 fort_cg_macros_: 859, 871. 1321 sub_dc.11 fort_cg_macros_: 873, 886. 1330 sub_dc.2 fort_cg_macros_: 860, 882. 1145 sub_dd fort_cg_macros_: 622, 711. 1152 sub_dd.1 fort_cg_macros_: 713, 719. 1111 sub_di fort_cg_macros_: 622, 670. 1126 sub_di.1 fort_cg_macros_: 671, 689. 1167 sub_dr fort_cg_macros_: 622, 739. 1174 sub_dr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 741, 747. 1414 sub_e1 fort_cg_macros_: 622, 958, 966. 1416 sub_e2 fort_cg_macros_: 622, 961, 965. 1200 sub_ic fort_cg_macros_: 622, 753. 1105 sub_id fort_cg_macros_: 622, 663. 1053 sub_ii fort_cg_macros_: 622, 624. 13356 sub_index fort_cg_macros_: 8572, fort_operator_table: 106. 1056 sub_ir fort_cg_macros_: 622, 629. 1230 sub_rc fort_cg_macros_: 622, 792. 1244 sub_rc.1 fort_cg_macros_: 764, 770, 796, 808. 1245 sub_rc.11 fort_cg_macros_: 810, 823. 1254 sub_rc.2 fort_cg_macros_: 797, 819. 1156 sub_rd fort_cg_macros_: 622, 725. 1163 sub_rd.1 fort_cg_macros_: 727, 733. 1062 sub_ri fort_cg_macros_: 622, 636. 1077 sub_ri.1 fort_cg_macros_: 637, 655. 1134 sub_rr fort_cg_macros_: 622, 697. 1141 sub_rr.1 fort_cg_macros_: 699, 705. 1420 sub_tl fort_cg_macros_: 622, 964. 1427 sub_tl.1 fort_cg_macros_: 966, 969. 6116 tan fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4317. 6122 tan.1 fort_cg_macros_: 4319, 4323. 6125 tan.2 fort_cg_macros_: 4325, 4330. 6144 tan.p fort_cg_macros_: 4321, 4350. 5441 tanh fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 3863. 5451 tanh.1 fort_cg_macros_: 3868, 3873. 5460 tanh.dp fort_cg_macros_: 3864, 3882, 3895. 5446 fort_cg_macros_: 3864, 3866. 5472 tanh.p fort_cg_macros_: 3864, 3898. 5450 tanh.real fort_cg_macros_: 3864, 3870. 1414 tanh_ fort_cg_macros_: 3877, fort_equs: 233. 1301 tan_ fort_cg_macros_: 4334, fort_equs: 234. 6124 tan_i fort_cg_macros_: 4318, 4327. 40000 temp fort_cg_macros_: 4936, 4949, 4968, 5130, 5143, 5162, 5300, 5313, 5332, 5465, 5478, 5497, 5654, 5667, 5686, 5847, 5860, 5879, fort_equs: 97. 50 temp_pt fort_cg_macros_: 1642, 1654, 2246, 2302, 2540, 2734, 3806, 3855, 3878, 3888, 3917, 3927, 3956, 3966, fort_equs: 172. 11741 terminate fort_cg_macros_: 7326, fort_operator_table: 56. 6400 tmi fort_cg_macros_: 4825, 4836, 4848, 4861, 4874, 4886, 4899, 5001, 5740, 5752, 5764, 5777, 5790, 5802, 5814, 5916, 5973, fort_equs: 85. 7400 tmoz fort_cg_macros_: 5019, 5030, 5042, 5055, 5068, 5080, 5093, 5195, 5547, 5559, 5571, 5584, 5597, 5609, 5621, 5723, 5979, fort_equs: 87. 10400 tnc fort_cg_macros_: 2153, 4942, 4955, 4965, 4982, 4990, 5853, 5866, 5876, 5893, 5901, 5985, fort_equs: 89. 6000 tnz fort_cg_macros_: 5376, 5384, 5392, 5398, 5404, 5415, 5419, 5442, 5454, 5471, 5484, 5494, 5511, 5519, 5529, 5964, 6014, fort_equs: 84. 2522 to_is_constant fort_cg_macros_: 1803, 1810. 7000 tpl fort_cg_macros_: 5023, 5035, 5047, 5060, 5073, 5085, 5097, 5199, 5543, 5554, 5566, 5579, 5592, 5604, 5617, 5719, 5970, fort_equs: 86. 10000 tpnz fort_cg_macros_: 4829, 4841, 4853, 4866, 4879, 4891, 4903, 5005, 5736, 5747, 5759, 5772, 5785, 5797, 5810, 5912, 5976, fort_equs: 88. 4400 tq fort_cg_macros_: 440, 444, 449, 450, 613, 618, 967, 971, 1133, 1144, 1350, 1355, 2143, 2180, 4660, 4676, 4739, 4756, 4997, 4999, 5191, 5193, 5361, 5527, 5715, 5717, 5908, 5910, fort_equs: 81. 0 trace_frames.count stack_header: 69. 1 trace_frames.top_ptr stack_header: 70. 11000 trc fort_cg_macros_: 2148, 5136, 5149, 5159, 5176, 5184, 5660, 5673, 5683, 5700, 5708, 5982, fort_equs: 90. 1124 trunc_fl fort_cg_macros_: 4028, 4033, fort_equs: 240. 551 tv_offset stack_header: 75, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84. 7 two fort_equs: 149. 4000 typeless fort_cg_macros_: 965, 1348, 2090, 4993, 5187, 5357, 5523, 5711, 5904, fort_equs: 58. 3400 typelessn fort_cg_macros_: 2179, fort_equs: 67. 12523 typeless_func fort_cg_macros_: 7872, 7884. 6620 typeless_op1 fort_cg_macros_: 4806, 4993, 5187, 5357, 5523, 5711, 5904. 6622 typeless_op2 fort_cg_macros_: 4809, 4994, 5188, 5358, 5524, 5712, 5905. 5400 tze fort_cg_macros_: 5211, 5219, 5227, 5233, 5239, 5250, 5254, 5277, 5289, 5306, 5319, 5329, 5346, 5354, 5363, 5967, 6000, fort_equs: 83. 13147 use_itp fort_cg_macros_: 8295, 8327. 777777 var fort_equs: 70. 400000 variable fort_cg_macros_: 4936, 4949, 4968, 5130, 5143, 5162, 5300, 5313, 5332, 5465, 5478, 5497, 5654, 5667, 5686, 5847, 5860, 5879, fort_equs: 94. 777615 VLA_words_per_seg fort_cg_macros_: 8422, fort_equs: 281. 11023 write fort_cg_macros_: 6573, fort_operator_table: 40. 11036 write.p fort_cg_macros_: 6577, 6588. 13356 write_array fort_cg_macros_: 8568, fort_operator_table: 102. 11716 write_internal_file fort_cg_macros_: 7291, fort_operator_table: 122. 13356 write_namelist fort_cg_macros_: 8575, fort_operator_table: 109. 13356 write_scalar fort_cg_macros_: 8567, fort_operator_table: 101. 13356 write_vector fort_cg_macros_: 8569, fort_operator_table: 103. 3415 wrong_char_length.p fort_cg_macros_: 2201. 3406 wrong_number.p fort_cg_macros_: 2191, 2745, 2936, 2968, 2998, 3028, 3061, 3092, 3283, 3315, 3346, 3376, 3409, 4659, 4738, 4755. 3411 wrong_type.p fort_cg_macros_: 2082, 2090, 2094, 2112, 2196. 400000 x0 fort_equs: 108, 122. 200000 x1 fort_cg_macros_: 1452, 1482, 1512, 1525, 1538, 1555, 1640, 1652, 2244, 2276, 2288, 2300, 2329, 2341, 2369, 2381, 2470, 2488, 2514, 2526, 2538, 2706, 2719, 2732, 3781, 3793, 3804, 3830, 3842, 3853, 3876, 3886, 3915, 3925, 3954, 3964, 4333, 4345, 4372, 4384, 4411, 4423, 7706, 7716, 7727, 7737, 8383, fort_equs: 109, 122. 100000 x2 fort_cg_macros_: 1452, 1482, 1512, 1525, 1538, 1555, 1640, 1652, 2244, 2276, 2288, 2300, 2329, 2341, 2369, 2381, 2470, 2488, 2514, 2526, 2538, 2706, 2719, 2732, 3781, 3793, 3804, 3830, 3842, 3853, 3876, 3886, 3915, 3925, 3954, 3964, 4333, 4345, 4372, 4384, 4411, 4423, 7706, 7716, 7727, 7737, 8206, 8383, fort_equs: 110, 122. 40000 x3 fort_cg_macros_: 1452, 1482, 1512, 1525, 1538, 1555, 1640, 1652, 2244, 2276, 2288, 2300, 2329, 2341, 2369, 2381, 2470, 2488, 2514, 2526, 2538, 2706, 2719, 2732, 3781, 3793, 3804, 3830, 3842, 3853, 3876, 3886, 3915, 3925, 3954, 3964, 4333, 4345, 4372, 4384, 4411, 4423, 7706, 7716, 7727, 7737, 8383, fort_equs: 111, 122. 20000 x4 fort_cg_macros_: 1452, 1482, 1512, 1525, 1538, 1555, 1640, 1652, 2244, 2276, 2288, 2300, 2329, 2341, 2369, 2381, 2470, 2488, 2514, 2526, 2538, 2706, 2719, 2732, 3781, 3793, 3804, 3830, 3842, 3853, 3876, 3886, 3915, 3925, 3954, 3964, 4333, 4345, 4372, 4384, 4411, 4423, 7706, 7716, 7727, 7737, 8383, fort_equs: 112, 122. 10000 x5 fort_cg_macros_: 1452, 1482, 1512, 1525, 1538, 1555, 1640, 1652, 2244, 2276, 2288, 2300, 2329, 2341, 2369, 2381, 2470, 2488, 2514, 2526, 2538, 2706, 2719, 2732, 3781, 3793, 3804, 3830, 3842, 3853, 3876, 3886, 3915, 3925, 3954, 3964, 4333, 4345, 4372, 4384, 4411, 4423, 7706, 7716, 7727, 7737, 8383, fort_equs: 113, 122. 4000 x6 fort_cg_macros_: 1452, 1482, 1512, 1525, 1538, 1555, 1640, 1652, 2244, 2276, 2288, 2300, 2329, 2341, 2369, 2381, 2470, 2488, 2514, 2526, 2538, 2706, 2719, 2732, 3781, 3793, 3804, 3830, 3842, 3853, 3876, 3886, 3915, 3925, 3954, 3964, 4333, 4345, 4372, 4384, 4411, 4423, 6563, 6582, 6684, 6756, 6827, 6840, 6857, 6875, 6897, 6933, 6961, 7059, 7078, 7214, 7228, 7329, 7706, 7716, 7727, 7737, 8383, fort_equs: 114, 122. 2000 x7 fort_cg_macros_: 1452, 1482, 1512, 1525, 1538, 1555, 1640, 1652, 2244, 2276, 2288, 2300, 2329, 2341, 2369, 2381, 2470, 2488, 2514, 2526, 2538, 2706, 2719, 2732, 3781, 3793, 3804, 3830, 3842, 3853, 3876, 3886, 3915, 3925, 3954, 3964, 4333, 4345, 4372, 4384, 4411, 4423, 7706, 7716, 7727, 7737, 8383, fort_equs: 115, 122. 11164 xa_c fort_cg_macros_: 6697, 6727. 11167 xa_c_VLA fort_cg_macros_: 6728, 6732. 11157 xa_d fort_cg_macros_: 6697, 6718. 11162 xa_d_VLA fort_cg_macros_: 6719, 6723. 11176 xa_h fort_cg_macros_: 6697, 6745. 11145 xa_i fort_cg_macros_: 6697, 6699. 11150 xa_i_VLA fort_cg_macros_: 6701, 6705. 11171 xa_l fort_cg_macros_: 6697, 6736. 11174 xa_l_VLA fort_cg_macros_: 6737, 6741. 11152 xa_r fort_cg_macros_: 6697, 6709. 11155 xa_r_VLA fort_cg_macros_: 6710, 6714. 11145 xa_t fort_cg_macros_: 6697, 6700. 11203 xa_transfer fort_cg_macros_: 6703, 6707, 6712, 6716, 6721, 6725, 6730, 6734, 6739, 6743, 6752. 11135 xmit_array fort_cg_macros_: 6690, fort_operator_table: 45. 11101 xmit_scalar fort_cg_macros_: 6646, fort_operator_table: 44. 11212 xmit_vector fort_cg_macros_: 6762, fort_operator_table: 46. 6547 fort_cg_macros_: 2100, 4754. 6552 fort_cg_macros_: 4759, 4766. 6561 fort_cg_macros_: 4762, 4768. 11117 xs_c fort_cg_macros_: 6653, 6668. 11115 xs_d fort_cg_macros_: 6653, 6664. 11123 xs_h fort_cg_macros_: 6653, 6676. 11111 xs_i fort_cg_macros_: 6653, 6655. 11121 xs_l fort_cg_macros_: 6653, 6672. 11113 xs_r fort_cg_macros_: 6653, 6660. 11111 xs_t fort_cg_macros_: 6653, 6656. 11130 xs_transfer fort_cg_macros_: 6658, 6662, 6666, 6670, 6674, 6683. 11242 xv_c fort_cg_macros_: 6770, 6800. 11245 xv_c_VLA fort_cg_macros_: 6801, 6805. 11235 xv_d fort_cg_macros_: 6770, 6791. 11240 xv_d_VLA fort_cg_macros_: 6792, 6796. 11254 xv_h fort_cg_macros_: 6770, 6818. 11223 xv_i fort_cg_macros_: 6770, 6772. 11226 xv_i_VLA fort_cg_macros_: 6774, 6778. 11247 xv_l fort_cg_macros_: 6770, 6809. 11252 xv_l_VLA fort_cg_macros_: 6810, 6814. 11230 xv_r fort_cg_macros_: 6770, 6782. 11233 xv_r_VLA fort_cg_macros_: 6783, 6787. 11223 xv_t fort_cg_macros_: 6770, 6773. 11261 xv_transfer fort_cg_macros_: 6776, 6780, 6785, 6789, 6794, 6798, 6803, 6807, 6812, 6816, 6825. 0 zero fort_equs: 142. NO FATAL ERRORS ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved