LISTING FOR >spec>on>10/05/83-lcp>lisp_editor_ COMPILED BY Multics LISP Compiler, Version 2.13c, July 11, 1983 ON 10/05/83 1313.9 mst Wed IN BEHALF OF GJohnson.SysMaint.a ;;; ************************************************************** ;;; * * ;;; * Copyright, (C) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1982 * ;;; * * ;;; ************************************************************** ;;; LISP Editor. ;;; Written 74.04.22 by DAM ;;;in this editor, internal variables and functions ;;; have names that start with a tilde (~). ;;; Tilde is defined as a macro character which changes the names to something else. ;;; The one exception is the variable, it, which is the current item. ;;;COMMANDS: ;;; ;;; Note: (n),(m) represent decimal numbers. (S) represents a read-able ;;; S-expression, which is evaluated if a colon precedes the command. ;;; ;;; a go to the car (of the current item). ;;; (n)a do a (n) times. It stops when it hits an atom. ;;; b go backward from the current item (following print-order). ;;; (n)b do it (n) times. It stops when it gets all the way up to the top. ;;; d go to the cdr. ;;; (n)d do it (n) times. It stops when it hits an atom. ;;; f go forward from the current item (in print-order). ;;; (n)f do it (n) times. It stops when it has wrapped around to the beginning. ;;; g prettily print the current item (Grind). ;;; h go to the head of the list containing current item. ;;; (n)h do this (n) times. ;;; i(S) insert (S) in the list which is the current item, at the front. ;;; j(S) jump to position labelled (S), saved by rp command. ;;; k delete the first thing in the current list. ;;; (n)k delete (n) times. ;;; l go to the last part of the current list. ;;; lt prints "(...)" ;;; lu gets to the last cons in the current list. ;;; m(S) macro. apply the function (S) to one argument, the current item. ;;; it can use the various special variables declared below. ;;; n repeat the previous search (find Next instance.) Takes numeric arguments like s. ;;; the search is repeated from the point at which it matched. ;;; p print the current item. ;;; q leave the editor. ;;; ra(S) rplaca the current item to (S). ;;; rd(S) rplacd the current item to (S). ;;; re(S) replaces the current item with (S). ;;; ri(S) "remember it." setq the variable (S) to the current item. ;;; rp(S) "remember place." save the current place, and label it (S). j gets back there. ;;; s(S) search for the next instance of (S), looking in print-order. ;;; thus if not found in current item, can go up. ;;; match is by equal except ?? inside (S) matches anything. ;;; ~maxlevel controls how deep it can car/cdr before it dies. ;;; after finding it, it does h once so you can see the surrounding context. ;;; the 0s command is useful if you want it to stay at the place where it matched ;;; (n)s(S) same as s(S) except after finding, it goes u (n) times. ;;; (m),(n)s(S) also binds ~maxlevel to (n). ;;; t print the current item with limited length and depth. ;;; (n)t print the current item, limiting length to (n) and depth to default. ;;; (m),(n)t print the current item, limiting length to (m) and depth to (n). ;;; u go up from the current item. (i.e. to that item whose car or ;;; cdr is the current item.) ;;; (n)u go up (n) times. Note that it won't go up past what you started editing. ;;; w "where." prints a skeleton of the whole thing being edited, ;;; leading down to the current item. ;;; x(S) execute (evaluate) (S) as LISP code. ;;; ENTRIES TO THE EDITOR: ;;; ;;; (editf fn) - fexpr ;;; edits the function fn. The definition is copied and only ;;; updated on the property list after the q command, so it ;;; is possible to ctrl/G out. ;;; ;;; (editp atom property) - fexpr ;;; edits the property property of atom. Same copy-update as editf. ;;; ;;; (editv atom) - fexpr ;;; edits the value of atom. Same copy-update as editf. ;;; ;;; (edit S-expr) - expr ;;; edits arbitrary data, in place, without copying, and returns it. ;;;for losing systems that don't have strings, make a macro character: (declare (eval (read))) ;;*eval (read) (or (memq 'string (status features)) (setsyntax 42 'macro '(lambda nil (do ((s) (c (tyi) (tyi))) ((= c 42) (list 'quote (maknam (nreverse s)))) (setq s (cons c s)) )))) ;;; This macro implements the naming convention for internal editor functions and variables. ;;; currently they are on the regular obarray but the names begin and end with a plus sign. (declare (eval (read))) (setsyntax '/~ 'macro '(lambda nil (implode (cons '+ (nconc (exploden (read)) '(+)))))) ;;; declaration of how the editor's place is remembered. (declare (special it ~stack)) ;it=current item ;~stack = list of dotted pairs ( or (it.cdr). ;;; routines to move around in the current item. ;;; they return non-nil if they find they can't move. (defun ~car nil (or (atom it) ;if done car'ing, stop and return t (progn (setq ~stack (cons (cons it 'car) ~stack)) (setq it (car it)) nil))) (defun ~cdr nil (or (atom it) (progn (setq ~stack (cons (cons it 'cdr) ~stack)) (setq it (cdr it)) nil))) (defun ~up nil (or (null ~stack) ;if can't go up any fiurther, return t (progn (setq it (caar ~stack)) (setq ~stack (cdr ~stack)) nil))) (defun ~fwd nil ;go forward, in print-order (cond ((not (atom it)) ;can go down (~car)) ((~fwd1)) )) ;can't go down, try to go up and forward (defun ~fwd1 nil (cond ((null ~stack)) ;can't go up cause there ain't nothing there. ((eq (cdar ~stack) 'cdr) ;got here by cdr, keep going up. (~up) (~fwd1)) (t ;got here by car, go up and over. (~up) (and (~cdr) ;go up, try to go over (~fwd1) )))) ;can't, go fwd again. (end of list) (defun ~back nil ;go backward, in print-order (cond ((null ~stack)) ;error return, we are all the way back. ((eq (cdar ~stack) 'car) ;got here by car, back up. (~up)) (t ;got here by cdr, go back and down. (setq it (caaar ~stack)) (rplacd (car ~stack) 'car) nil))) ;success return. (defun ~listop nil ;get to top (head) of list containing current item. (or (~up) ;go up into containing list. (cond ((null ~stack) t) ;done if at top. (and can't go farther) ((eq (cdar ~stack) 'car) nil) ;done if this is a list element, not partial list. ((~listop)) ))) ;this is a partial list, go up and try again. (defun ~last nil ;get to end of current list. (cond ((atom it)) ;no conses. (t (~cdr) ;not end, take cdr and (~last)))) ;loop until end of list. (declare (special ~arg ~colon)) (defun ~arg (number default) ;get numeric argument (do ((number number (1- number)) (argl (reverse ~arg) (and argl (cdr argl)))) ((= number 1) (cond (argl (car argl)) (default))) )) (defun ~read nil ;read S-expression argument. (cond (~colon (eval (read))) ((read)) )) (declare (special prinlevel prinlength ~prinlevel ~prinlength) (fixnum prinlevel prinlength ~prinlevel ~prinlength (tyi))) (setq ~prinlevel 3 ~prinlength 4) (defun ~print (prinlevel prinlength) (cond ((and ~stack (eq (cdar ~stack) 'cdr)) ;this is a partial list. (princ "(...") ;print it specially. (~print2) (princ ")")) (t (prin1 it))) ;normal data, just print it. ) (defun ~print2 nil ;routine to print interior of partial list. ((lambda (prinlevel z) ; (mapc '(lambda (x) (princ " ") (prin1 x)) ; it) (do x it (cdr x) (atom x) ;mapc questionable because list is dotted (princ " ") (prin1 (car x))) (cond (z (princ " . ") (prin1 z))) ) (and prinlevel (1- prinlevel)) (cond ((atom it) it) ((cdr (last it)))) )) (defun ~erase macro (x) (cond ((memq 'its (status features)) '(cursorpos 'C)) (t '(tyo 14)))) (defun ~clear macro (x) (cond ((memq 'newio (status features)) '(clear-input nil)) (nil))) ;;;search routine (declare (special ~search-arg ~search-loc ~maxlevel) (fixnum ~maxlevel)) (setq ~search-loc nil ~search-arg nil) (declare (eval (read))) (or (memq 'string (status features)) (defun macro stringp (x) nil)) ;make dummy stringp if there are no strings. (defun ~compare (x y level) ;compares two items, using ?? and care with level. ;x is the pattern, in which ?? may appear. (cond ((eq x '/?/?) t) ;?? matches anything - return t. ((numberp x) ;numbers are compared with equal (equal x y)) ((stringp x) ;so are strings (equal x y)) ((atom x) ;other atoms are compared with eq (eq x y)) ((atom y) ;make sure both are lists nil) ;(atom can't match list) ((> level ~maxlevel) ;if we are too deep, they can't be equal. nil) ((and (~compare (car x) (car y) (1+ level)) (~compare (cdr x) (cdr y) (1+ level)))))) (defun ~search (x) ;x is item to be searched for. (do ((~maxlevel (~arg 2 300.))) nil loop (and (~fwd) (error "S: fail")) (or (~compare x it (length ~stack)) (go loop)) ;not found, keep searching. (setq ~search-loc (cons it ~stack)) ;remember for N command. (do i (~arg 1 1) (1- i) (< i 1) (~listop)) )) ;;;;command - interface routines (defun editf fexpr (x) (setq x (~editp (car x) '(expr fexpr macro))) (cond ((atom x) x) ;won ('(undefined function)) )) ;lost (defun editp fexpr (x) (~editp (car x) (cadr x))) (defun ~editp (f p) (and (atom p) (setq p (list p))) (setq p (getl f p)) (cond ((null p) '(property not found)) (t (rplaca (cdr p) ((lambda (it ~stack) (~edit)) (subst nil nil (cadr p)) nil)) 'LISP))) (defun editv fexpr (x) (cond ((not (boundp (setq x (car x)))) '(variable is undefined)) (t (set x ((lambda (it ~stack) (~edit)) (subst nil nil (eval x)) nil)) 'LISP))) (defun edit (x) ((lambda (it ~stack) (~edit)) x nil)) ;;;main editor (declare (*expr sprinter)) (defun ~edit nil ;called with it, ~stack bound to initial values. (terpri) (do ((x) (save-it) (save-stack) (places) (~colon) (~arg) (cmd)) (nil) ;do forever (setq cmd (tyi)) (and (> cmd 140) (setq cmd (- cmd 40))) ;monocase ;the following cond, which does it all, is enclosed in an errset. (setq save-it it save-stack ~stack) (or (errset (progn (cond ((= cmd 40)) ;ignore space, ((= cmd 12)) ;linefeed, ((= cmd 15)) ;carriage-return, ((= cmd 14) ;newpage - erase the screen. (~erase)) ((and (> cmd 57) (< cmd 72)) ;digit - accumulate number. (or ~arg (setq ~arg (list 0))) (rplaca ~arg (+ (* (car ~arg) 10.) cmd -60)) (go numeric-value)) ((= cmd 72) ;colon (setq ~colon t) (go numeric-value)) ((= cmd 54) ;comma (setq ~arg (cons 0 ~arg)) ;begin new numeric argument. (go numeric-value)) ((setq x (assoc cmd '((101 . ~car) ;motion commands: a,b,d,f,u. (102 . ~back) (104 . ~cdr) (106 . ~fwd) (110 . ~listop) (125 . ~up)) )) (do i (~arg 1 1) (1- i) (< i 1) (and ((cdr x)) (return nil)) )) ;do (n) times, or until it says stop. ((= cmd 107) ;g command - grind it (terpri) (sprinter it) (terpri)) ((= cmd 111) ;i command - insert in list (or ~stack (error "Can't insert!")) (setq x (cons (~read) it)) ;new front of list, will replace 'it' (setq ~search-loc nil) ;clobbering. (and (eq (caaar ~stack) it) (rplaca (caar ~stack) x)) (and (eq (cdaar ~stack) it) (rplacd (caar ~stack) x)) ;should patch it to x everywhere it appears in places, but not with subst. ;cases are: has become inaccessible, has become inaccessible through different path. (setq it x)) ((= cmd 112) ;j command - today we choose places. (setq x (assq (~read) places)) ;find saved place. (or x (error "No RP command was done with that tag.")) (setq ~search-loc nil) ;clobbering. (setq it (cadr x) ~stack (cddr x))) ((= cmd 113) ;k command - delete from list. (or ~stack (error "Can't kill.")) (setq ~search-loc nil) ;clobbering. (do ((i (~arg 1 1) (1- i)) (x it (cdr x))) ((or (< i 1) (atom x)) (and (eq it (caaar ~stack)) (rplaca (caar ~stack) x)) (and (eq it (cdaar ~stack)) (rplacd (caar ~stack) x)) (setq it x) )) ;should also patch places as with I command. ) ((= cmd 114) ;l command - last of list. (~last)) ((= cmd 115) ;m command - macro. (funcall (~read) it)) ((= cmd 116) ;n command - repeat search. (or ~search-arg (error "No search to repeat.")) (or ~search-loc (princ "Loose Search...")) (and ~search-loc (setq it (car ~search-loc) ~stack (cdr ~search-loc))) (~search ~search-arg)) ((= cmd 120) ;p command - print it. (terpri) (~print nil nil) (terpri)) ((= cmd 121) ;q command - depart. (do () ((~up))) ;go all the way up. (return it)) ;and return the result of editing to caller. ((= cmd 122) ;r commands - 2 letters: (setq cmd (tyi)) (and (> cmd 140) (setq cmd (- cmd 40))) ;monocase (cond ((= cmd 101) ;ra command - rplaca (and (atom it) (error "RA: atom?")) (rplaca it (~read))) ((= cmd 104) ;rd command - rplacd (setq ~search-loc nil) ;prob. clobbering (and (atom it) (error "RD: atom?")) (rplacd it (~read))) ((= cmd 105) ;re command - replace it. (or ~stack (error "Can't replace!")) ;LIE. (setq x (~read)) (setq ~search-loc nil) ;clobbering. (and (eq it (caaar ~stack)) (rplaca (caar ~stack) x)) (and (eq it (cdaar ~stack)) (rplacd (caar ~stack) x)) (setq it x)) ((= cmd 111) ;ri command - remember it. (set (~read) it)) ((= cmd 120) ;rp command - remember place. (setq places (cons (cons (~read) (cons it ~stack)) places))) ((error (maknam (list 122 cmd '/: '/ '/?)))))) ((= cmd 123) ;s command -search (~search (setq ~search-arg (~read)))) ((= cmd 124) ;t command - type out with limitation. (terpri) (~print (~arg 2 ~prinlevel) (~arg 1 ~prinlength)) (terpri)) ((= cmd 127) ;w command - tell where we are. (terpri) (~where (reverse ~stack)) (terpri)) ((= cmd 130) ;x command - evaluate cruft ;also treats colon differently. (setq x (eval (read))) (and ~colon (progn (print x)(terpri)))) ((error (maknam (list cmd '/: '/ '/?))))) ;unknown command. This also ends the errset. nil)) ;make the cond not be for value and end the progn and the errset. ;come here when an error occurred. (~clear) ;flush already-typed commands. (setq it save-it ~stack save-stack)) ;error - restore values (setq ~arg nil ~colon nil) ;finished with command, clear arguments for next command. numeric-value ;go here if numeric-value to be kept. )) ;keep on looping in the do. ;;;Routine to Reveal Context - W command. (defun ~where (st) (cond ((null st) ;here we are (~print (~arg 2 ~prinlevel) (~arg 1 ~prinlength))) (t ;go down into a list (princ "(") (do ((x nil t) (y nil x) (this (caar st))) ((or (null st) (eq (cdar st) 'car)) (and x ;this is not first, put first atom in car, dot dot dot (progn (~atomic-car (car this)) (cond (y (princ "...")) ;put three dots if item is not 1st or second ((princ " ")) ))) ;display the item (cond (st ;item is list element. (~where (cdr st)) (and (cdaar st) (princ "..."))) ;not last in list ((atom it) ;dotted pair - item is cdr of. (princ " . ") (prin1 it)) (t ;partial list. (~print2))) (princ ")")) (setq st (cdr st)))))) (defun ~atomic-car (this) (cond ((atom this) (prin1 this)) (t (princ "(") (~atomic-car (car this)) (and (cdr this) (princ "...")) (princ ")")))) Functions Defined Name Offset Offset Name +arg+ 213 0 +car+ +atomic-car+ 2224 25 +cdr+ +back+ 125 53 +up+ +car+ 0 72 +fwd+ +cdr+ 25 101 +fwd1+ +compare+ 423 125 +back+ +edit+ 755 161 +listop+ +editp+ 643 203 +last+ +fwd+ 72 213 +arg+ +fwd1+ 101 254 +read+ +last+ 203 271 +print+ +listop+ 161 335 +print2+ +print+ 271 423 +compare+ +print2+ 335 525 +search+ +read+ 254 616 editf +search+ 525 632 editp +up+ 53 643 +editp+ +where+ 2046 712 editv edit 745 745 edit editf 616 755 +edit+ editp 632 2046 +where+ editv 712 2224 +atomic-car+ Functions Referenced +arg+ +read+ length +atomic-car+ +search+ maknam +car+ +up+ prin1 +cdr+ +where+ princ +compare+ assoc print +edit+ assq read +editp+ clear-input reverse +fwd+ equal sprinter +fwd1+ error subst +last+ eval terpri +listop+ funcall tyi +print+ getl tyo +print2+ last ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved