ASSEMBLY LISTING OF SEGMENT >spec>on>09/07/83-gcos>gcos_control_tables_.alm ASSEMBLED ON: 09/09/83 1050.4 mst Fri OPTIONS USED: list ASSEMBLED BY: ALM Version 6.4 April 1981 ASSEMBLER CREATED: 11/03/82 1423.6 mst Wed  1 " ***********************************************************  2 " * *  3 " * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 *  4 " * *  5 " ***********************************************************  000000 6 name gcos_control_tables_  7 "  8 " This program provides the "gcos_control_tables_" data base  9 " (Multics object) for the GCOS batch simulator ("gcos" 10 " command). The data base defines the $ control cards  11 " recognized by the simulator, the control card options and 12 " what file cards are provided for activity control cards.  13 "  14 " This data base is referenced using the  15 " "gcos_control_table_$X" external variables, where "X" is any  16 " of the following segdefs. 17 "  000000 18 segdef cardtable  000765 19 segdef activity_table  000456 20 segdef tablelen  000457 21 segdef totallen  000460 22 segdef filecard_count  000461 23 segdef comp_offset 000462 24 segdef exc_offset  000463 25 segdef nonact  000464 26 segdef tabstops  27 "  28 " Author: Dick Snyder August 25,1970  29 " Change: T. Casey June 1973, Sept 73, Dec 73, Feb 74, Mar 74, Aug 74 30 " Change: D. Kayden April 1974 31 " Change: R.H. Morrison October 1974, July 14, 1975, September 19,1975 32 " Change: R.H. Morrison Jan 30, 1976  33 " Change: M. R. Jordan August 1977 Rewritten.  34 " Change: Dave Ward 02/11/81 Reorganized. Documented macro args. IDS2. 35 " Change: Ron Barstad 83-08-09 Brought up to 4JS3 functionality 36  37 " define arg1  38 " define arg1,arg2,...,arg8  39 " arg1 name of $ card. 40 " arg2 (optional) name of library module [default: arg1].  41 " arg3 one or more names (parenthesized if >1) default options.  42 " arg4 file code of source.  43 " arg5 execution time (hundredths of CPU hours).  44 " arg6 memory size (in K 1024 word increments).  45 " arg7 limit of number print lines (thousands of lines).  46 " arg8 name of tabulation table.  47 macro define  1 48 maclist off  2 49 use cards  3 50 aci "&1 ",8  4 51 ine &K,1  5 52 use fibs  6 53 vfd 18/0,18/&u 7 54 aci "&4 ",4  8 55 vfd 36/((&8-tabtable)/10)  9 56 use vibs  10 57 &p: null  11 58 aci "&=&2,&[&1&;&2&] ",8  12 59 vfd 18/&(3&=&x,1&[&i&;+&i&]&),18/&5*36 13 60 vfd 18/&6*1024,18/&7*1000  14 61 vfd 18/optab,18/endtab-optab  15 62 ifend  16 63 maclist restore  17 64 &end  65  66 " file arg1,arg2  67 " arg1 file code.  68 " arg2 sysout.  69 " file arg1,arg2,arg3  70 " arg1 file code.  71 " arg2 file length (in links).  72 " arg3 lud, access, organization & retention designators.  73 macro file 1 74 maclist off  2 75 vfd &=&2,sysout&[12/sysout,6/0&;12/&(3&=&x,1&[&i&;+&i&]&),6/&2&],a18/&1  3 76 maclist restore  4 77 &end  78  79 " option arg1,arg2,arg3  80 " arg1 name of the option (on $ option card).  81 " arg2 set (on) or reset (off).  82 " arg3 BCD name (<=6 characters uppercase).  83 macro option  1 84 maclist off  2 85 aci "&1 ",8  3 86 vfd 18/&2,18/&3  4 87 maclist restore  5 88 &end  89  90 " Declarations of local variables.  91 "  92 " file card mnemonics.  93 "  004000 94 bool generate_lud,4000 000400 95 bool random,0400  002000 96 bool save,2000 000200 97 bool sysout,0200  001000 98 bool write,1000  99 "  100 " options definition mnemonics  101 "  000001 102 equ set,1  000002 103 equ reset,2  104 "  000002 105 bool BCD,000002  020000 106 bool CLEAR,020000  004000 107 bool COMDK,004000  000010 108 bool COPY,000010  000100 109 bool DEBUG,000100  002000 110 bool DECK,002000  400000 111 bool DUMP,400000  000002 112 bool EXTEND,000002 000010 113 bool FORM,000010  200000 114 bool FORT,200000  000004 115 bool GESAVE,000004 000004 116 bool LNO,000004  000200 117 bool LSTIN,000200  001000 118 bool LSTOU,001000  000040 119 bool MAP,000040  000100 120 bool NGMAC,000100  004000 121 bool ON1,004000  002000 122 bool ON2,002000  001000 123 bool ON3,001000  000400 124 bool ON4,000400  000200 125 bool ON5,000200  000100 126 bool ON6,000100  000001 127 bool OPTZ,000001  040000 128 bool PURGE,040000  000100 129 bool STAB,000100  100000 130 bool SYMTAB,100000 000400 131 bool UPDATE,000400 100000 132 bool XREF,100000  133  134 " Definitions of $ control cards.  135 "  136 " Purpose: Look up table for gcos to determine what card type it has  137 " read and if that card terminates an activity def'n  138 " and possibly defines a new activity.  139 "  140 " NOTE!!! It is critical that activity definitions preceed non-activity 141 " definitions in the section beginning at label "tad". It is also critical  142 " that the order of activity definitions remain exactly as the order in 143 " "activity_table". Also, there is a table in gcos_cc_activity_cards_  144 " that must be in the same order as these two tables.  145 "  146 " Also critical are: filecards at beginning of cardtable;  147 " execution activities preceeding compilation activities;  148 " and the endjob card at the end of the table.  149 "  150 " Note too that the number and order of the cards defined is critical.  151 " If ANY are added or deleted then the indexed gotos in gcos_gein_ must 152 " be changed and the declaration changed.  153 "  154 " "OBSOLETE" means only that that the control card is not documented in 155 " the control card manual. The card is still knows to GCOS. 156 "  157 " References:  158 " Control Cards Reference Manual, DD31-01, July 1980  159 " ALC1 gmap source, specifically the macros "CARD", "STDS", and "PATT". 160 "  161 use cards  162 join /text/cards  000000 163 cardtable: null 164 use fibs  165 join /text/fibs  000765 166 activity_table: null  167 use vibs  168 join /text/vibs  169 "  170 " numbers are index used by gcos_gein_  171 define print " 1  172 define punch " 2  173 define disk " 3 OBSOLETE 174 define disc " 4 OBSOLETE 175 define drum " 5 OBSOLETE 176 define file " 6  177 define mass " 7 OBSOLETE 178 define prmfl " 8  179 define data " 9  180 define tape " 10  181 define tape7 " 11  182 define tape9 " 12  183 define sysout " 13  184 define remote " 14  185 define dac " 15  186 define type " 16  187 define read " 17 not supported actually  188 "  189 use cards  000042 190 fce: null  191 "  192 " Cards above this point are file cards, which must be written  193 " on R* in an EXECUTE activity. 194 "  195 define snumb " 18  196 define commen " 19 comment  197 define incode " 20  198 define etc " 21  199 define endcop " 22 endcopy  200 define update " 23  201 define limits " 24  202 define msg1 " 25  203 define msg2 " 26  204 define msg3 " 27  205 define userid " 28  206 define alter " 29  207 define set " 30  208 define compil " 31 compile  209 define copy " 32  210 define delete " 33  211 define endedi " 34 endedit  212 define endld " 35  213 define ffile " 36  214 define form " 37  215 define futil " 38  216 define includ " 39 include  217 define input " 40  218 define output " 41  219 define list " 42  220 define modify " 43  221 define multi " 44  222 define patch " 45  223 define qutil " 46  224 define seq " 47  225 define setsq " 48  226 define sysld " 49  227 define when " 50  228 define abort " 51  229 define dump " 52  230 define assem " 53  231 define change " 54 232 define get " 55  233 define getrwd " 56 234 define need " 57  235 define setsq1 " 58 236 define param " 59  237 "  238 " Loader cards begin at this point. (This is not required by any program, though.)  239 "  240 define option " 60  241 define librar " 61 library  242 define lowloa " 62 lowload  243 define use " 63  244 define entry " 64  245 define nolib " 65  246 define equate " 66  247 define link " 67  248 define relcom " 68  249 define source " 69  250 define dkend " 70  251 define nload " 71  252  253 " Cards below this point all terminate activity definitions.  254 "  255 " Those immediately following define execution activities,  256 " which do NOT get run after an abort, OR if psw bit 5  257 " gets turned off by a preceeding activity. 258 "  259 " WARNING: Changes in the order or number of any of these cards 260 " must be also reflected in the wrapup table in gcos_cc_activity_cards_.  261 "  262 use cards  000216 263 tad: null  264 " 72  265 define execut,geload,,i*,5,17,5,dollar_t  266 file l*,,(generate_lud,random,save)  267 file h*,5,write  001131 aa 000000 000000 268 dec 0  269 " 73  270 define 355sim,,,*b,8,25,5,dollar_t 001137 aa 000000 000000 271 dec 0  272 "  273 " Those following define activities that  274 " do NOT get run after aborts only. 275 "  276 " 74  277 define progra,??????,,i*,5,17,5,dollar_t  001145 aa 000000 000000 278 dec 0  279 " 75  280 define conver,,,mc,20,9,1,dollar_t 001153 aa 000000 000000 281 dec 0  282 " 76  283 define filedi,,,f*,4,40,10,dollar_t  284 file *z,5,(random,write)  285 file *1,4,write  286 file *4,1,write  287 file *5,3,write  288 file b*,5,write  289 file g*,4,write  290 file a*,3,write  291 file s*,6,write  292 file c*,sysout 001172 aa 000000 000000 293 dec 0  294 " 77  295 define sysedi,,,s*,5,33,10,dollar_t  296 file l*,,(generate_lud,random,save)  001201 aa 000000 000000 297 dec 0  298 " 78  299 define utilit,,,u*,3,11,10,dollar_t  001207 aa 000000 000000 300 dec 0  301 " 79  302 define utl2,,,*u,3,35,10,dollar_t  001215 aa 000000 000000 303 dec 0  304 " 80 OBSOLETE  305 define convrt,conver,,mc,20,9,1,dollar_t  001223 aa 000000 000000 306 dec 0  307 " 80.1  308 " define lodlib,,LISTIN,i*,5,16,5,dollar_t  309 " file sc,5,(random,write)  310 " dec 0 311 " 80.2  312 " define objlib,,LISTIN,i*,5,50,5,dollar_t  313 " file sc,5,(random,write)  314 " dec 0 315 " 80.3  316 " define srclib,,LISTIN,i*,5,65,5,dollar_t  317 " file sc,5,(random,write)  318 " dec 0 319  320 " The following cards define compilation activities,  321 " which DO get run after an abort.  322 "  323 " WARNING: If it is necessary to move any activity cards from one section  324 " of this table to the other, there are THREE other tables which must  325 " be changed, to keep the entries in the same order. They are:  326 " 1) activity_table, in this procedure (done automagically by file macro)  327 " 2) the wrapup table in gcos_cc_activity_cards_  328 " 3) the indexed goto cc(i) in gcos_gein_.pl1  329 "  330 use cards  000240 331 comp: null  332 " 81  333 define fortra,fortx,(FORT,LSTIN,FORM,LNO,BCD),s*,5,27,12,fortran_t 334 file *1,4,write  335 file b*,3,(generate_lud,save,write)  336 file c*,sysout 337 file k*,sysout 001235 aa 000000 000000 338 dec 0  339 " 82  340 define pl1,,(FORT,LSTIN),s*,15,90,12,pl1_t 341 file b*,3,(generate_lud,save,write)  342 file *1,3,write  343 file *2,1,write  344 file 3*,1,write  345 file g*,4,write  346 file c*,sysout 347 file k*,sysout 001252 aa 000000 000000 348 dec 0  349 " 83  350 define cobol,,(DECK,LSTIN),s*,15,33,20,cobol_t 351 file g*,4,write  352 file *1,4,write  353 file *2,1,write  354 file *3,15,(random,write)  355 file *6,10,(random,write)  356 file b*,2,(generate_lud,save,write)  357 file c*,sysout 358 file k*,sysout 001270 aa 000000 000000 359 dec 0  360 " 84  361 define gmap,,(FORT,DECK,LSTOU),g*,4,25,10,gmap_t  362 file *1,4,write  363 file b*,2,(generate_lud,save,write)  364 file c*,sysout 365 file k*,sysout 001302 aa 000000 000000 366 dec 0  367 " 85  368 define 355map,,(DECK,LSTOU),g*,4,32,10,gmap_t  369 file *1,4,write  370 file b*,2,(generate_lud,save,write)  371 file *b,2,write  372 file c*,sysout 373 file k*,sysout 001315 aa 000000 000000 374 dec 0  375 " 86  376 define algol,,(DECK,LSTIN),s*,8,28,10,pl1_t  377 file *1,4,write  378 file b*,2,(generate_lud,save,write)  379 file c*,sysout 380 file k*,sysout 001327 aa 000000 000000 381 dec 0  382 " 87 OBSOLETE  383 define forta,forty,(FORT,LSTIN,DECK,FORM,LNO,BCD),s*,5,25,12,fortran_t 384 file *1,4,write  385 file b*,2,(generate_lud,save,write)  386 file g*,4,write  387 file c*,sysout 388 file k*,sysout 001342 aa 000000 000000 389 dec 0  390 " 88  391 define forty,fortx,(FORT,LSTIN,FORM,LNO,BCD),s*,5,27,12,fortran_t  392 file *1,4,write  393 file b*,3,(generate_lud,save,write)  394 file c*,sysout 395 file k*,sysout 001354 aa 000000 000000 396 dec 0  397 " 89  398 define jovial,,(DECK,LSTIN),s*,8,29,10,pl1_t  399 file *1,4,write  400 file *2,1,write  401 file b*,2,(generate_lud,save,write)  402 file c*,sysout 403 file k*,sysout 001367 aa 000000 000000 404 dec 0  405 " 90 OBSOLETE  406 define asm66,,(DECK,LSTOU),s*,8,75,10,pl1_t  407 file *1,2,write  408 file *2,2,write  409 file *3,5,(random,write)  410 file b*,2,(generate_lud,save,write)  411 file c*,sysout 412 file k*,sysout 001403 aa 000000 000000 413 dec 0  414 " 91  415 define cbl74,,LSTIN,s*,15,62,20,cobol_t  416 file g*,8,write  417 file *1,1,write  418 file *2,3,write  419 file *3,5,(random,write)  420 file 4*,1,write  421 file 5*,8,write  422 file b*,2,(generate_lud,save,write)  423 file c*,sysout 424 file k*,sysout 001422 aa 000000 000000 425 dec 0  426 " 92  427 define cbl68,,(DECK,LSTIN),s*,15,33,20,cobol_t " 92 OBSOLETE  428 file g*,4,write  429 file *1,4,write  430 file *2,1,write  431 file *3,15,(random,write)  432 file *6,10,(random,write)  433 file b*,2,(generate_lud,save,write)  434 file c*,sysout 435 file k*,sysout 001440 aa 000000 000000 436 dec 0  437 " 93 OBSOLETE  438 define malt,,LSTOU,s*,8,55,10,pl1_t  439 file *1,2,write  440 file *2,2,write  441 file *3,5,(random,write)  442 file b*,2,(generate_lud,save,write)  443 file c*,sysout 444 file k*,sysout 001454 aa 000000 000000 445 dec 0  446 " 94 OBSOLETE  447 define ilang,,LSTIN,s*,16,45,10,pl1_t  448 file *1,5,write  449 file *2,5,write  450 file *3,1,write  451 file *4,1,write  452 file *5,1,write  453 file *6,1,write  454 file *7,2,write  455 file b*,3,(generate_lud,save,write)  456 file c*,sysout 457 file k*,sysout 001474 aa 000000 000000 458 dec 0  459 " 95  460 define ids,,(DECK,LSTIN),*s,15,33,20,cobol_t  461 file s*,6,write  462 file g*,4,write  463 file *1,4,write  464 file *2,1,write  465 file *3,15,(random,write)  466 file b*,2,(generate_lud,save,write)  467 file c*,sysout 468 file k*,sysout 001512 aa 000000 000000 469 dec 0  470 " 96  471 define ids2,,,s*,5,54,10,cobol_t  472 file 1*,22,(random,write)  473 file 2*,10,(random,write)  474 file 3*,10,(random,write)  475 file 4*,44,(random,write)  476 file 5*,1,(random,write)  477 file 6*,10,(random,write)  478 file c*,sysout 001527 aa 000000 000000 479 dec 0  480 " 97 OBSOLETE  481 define 4tran,,(DECK,LSTIN),s*,4,32,3,fortran_t 482 file g*,4,write  483 file *1,4,write  484 file *2,1,write  485 file b*,2,(generate_lud,save,write)  486 file c*,sysout 487 file k*,sysout 001543 aa 000000 000000 488 dec 0  489 " 98 OBSOLETE  490 define g3edit,,,i*,4,44,10,dollar_t  001551 aa 000000 000000 491 dec 0  492 " 99  493 define fort77,,(FORT,LSTIN,LNO,FORM),s*,5,36,12,fortran_t  494 file *1,8,write  495 file b*,6,(generate_lud,save,write)  496 file c*,sysout 497 file k*,sysout 001563 aa 000000 000000 498 dec 0  499 " 100  500 define fortx,,(FORT,LSTIN,LNO,FORM,BCD),s*,5,30,12,fortran_t  501 file b*,3,(generate_lud,save,write)  502 file *1,4,write  503 file c*,sysout 504 file k*,sysout 001575 aa 000000 000000 505 dec 0  506 " 101  507 define cids2,,,s*,5,64,10,cobol_t  508 file 1*,22,(random,write)  509 file 2*,10,(random,write)  510 file 3*,10,(random,write)  511 file 4*,10,(random,write)  512 file 6*,10,(random,write)  513 file c*,sysout 001611 aa 000000 000000 514 dec 0  515 " 102  516 define rpg2,,(LSTIN,MAP),s*,5,25,5,cobol_t 517 file b*,3,(generate_lud,save,write)  518 file *1,5,write  519 file *2,5,write  520 file 3*,5,write  521 file 6*,5,write  522 file c*,sysout 523 file k*,sysout 001626 aa 000000 000000 524 dec 0  525  526 " Cards below this point still terminate activity definitions  527 " but they don't define new activities as do those above starting  528 " at label "tad".  529 "  530 use cards  000314 531 tad2: null  532 define ident " 103  533 define object " 104  534 define break " 105  535 define goto " 106  536 define if " 107  537 define endjob " 108  538 use cards  000330 539 cte: null " end of cardtable  540  541 " Purpose: list of unimplemented control cards, so the simulator can  542 " distinguish, in its error messages, between unimplemented cards  543 " and typing mistakes.  544 define 1401si " 109 OBSOLETE  545 define 167pk " 110 OBSOLETE  546 define 170pk " 111  547 define 180pk " 112  548 define 181pk " 113  549 define 190pk " 114  550 define 191pk " 115  551 define 225sim " 116 OBSOLETE  552 define 310pk " 117  553 define 400pk " 118  554 define 44sim " 119 OBSOLETE  555 define 450pk " 120  556 define 94optn " 121 OBSOLETE  557 define 94prt " 122 OBSOLETE  558 define 94sim " 123 OBSOLETE  559 define 94syso " 124 OBSOLETE  560 define ascii " 125 561 define dspk " 126 OBSOLETE  562 define enx " 127  563 define extedi " 128 extedit 564 define extend " 129  565 define filsys " 130  566 define ntape " 131  567 define perm " 132 OBSOLETE  568 define pptp " 133  569 define pptr " 134  570 define privit " 135 privity 571 define produc " 136 OBSOLETE  572 define reladd " 137  573 define report " 138  574 define reptl " 139  575 define reptr " 140  576 define s2prog " 141  577 define sysnam " 142 sysname 578 define tape27 " 143  579 define tape29 " 144  580 define filgp " 145 581 define lodlib " 146  582 define objlib " 147  583 define pps " 148  584 define ppsrpt " 149  585 define psm " 150  586 define srclib " 151  587 "  588 use cards  000456 589 tte: null  590  591 " Lengths of tables.  592 "  593 " Purpose: defines number of entries in cardtable  594 " (and also the offset in total cardtable at which the unimplemented cards start.)  000456 aa 000000 000154 595 tablelen: vfd 36/(cte-cardtable)/2  596 "  597 " Purpose: define number of entries in total cardtable  598 " (including the unimplemented cards)  000457 aa 000000 000227 599 totallen: vfd 36/(tte-cardtable)/2  600 "  601 " Purpose: holds count of filecards in first section of cardtable,  602 " which must be written on R* in an EXECUTE activity.  000460 603 filecard_count: 000460 aa 000000 000021 604 vfd 36/(fce-cardtable)/2  605 "  606 " Purpose: holds offset in cardtable where compilation activities  607 " (that DO get run after aborts) begin. 000461 608 comp_offset:  000461 aa 000000 000121 609 vfd 36/(comp-cardtable)/2+1  610 "  611 " Purpose: defines offset in cardtable where activity terminating  612 " cards begin.  000462 aa 000000 000110 613 exc_offset:vfd 36/(tad-cardtable)/2+1  614 "  615 " Purpose: defines offset in cardtable where cards which terminate activities  616 " without defining new activities begin.  000463 aa 000000 000147 617 nonact: vfd 36/(tad2-cardtable)/2+1 618  619 " Purpose: tabstops for canonicalizing the cards of various types.  000464 aa 000000 000006 620 tabstops: dec 6 tabstops.count  621 " (number of 10-word tabstop sets which follow) 000465 622 tabtable: null  000465 aa 000000 000010 623 dollar_t: dec 8,16,32,73,0,0,0,0,0,0 tab(0) dollar cards  000466 aa 000000 000020 000467 aa 000000 000040 000470 aa 000000 000111 000471 aa 000000 000000 000472 aa 000000 000000 000473 aa 000000 000000 000474 aa 000000 000000 000475 aa 000000 000000 000476 aa 000000 000000 000477 aa 000000 000000 624 data_t: dec 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 tab(1) data cards  000500 aa 000000 000000 000501 aa 000000 000000 000502 aa 000000 000000 000503 aa 000000 000000 000504 aa 000000 000000 000505 aa 000000 000000 000506 aa 000000 000000 000507 aa 000000 000000 000510 aa 000000 000000 000511 aa 000000 000010 625 gmap_t: dec 8,16,32,73,0,0,0,0,0,0 tab(2) gmap cards  000512 aa 000000 000020 000513 aa 000000 000040 000514 aa 000000 000111 000515 aa 000000 000000 000516 aa 000000 000000 000517 aa 000000 000000 000520 aa 000000 000000 000521 aa 000000 000000 000522 aa 000000 000000 000523 aa 000000 000007 626 fortran_t:dec 7,73,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 tab(3) fortran cards 000524 aa 000000 000111 000525 aa 000000 000000 000526 aa 000000 000000 000527 aa 000000 000000 000530 aa 000000 000000 000531 aa 000000 000000 000532 aa 000000 000000 000533 aa 000000 000000 000534 aa 000000 000000 000535 aa 000000 000012 627 pl1_t: dec 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,0,0,0 tab(4) pl1 cards  000536 aa 000000 000024 000537 aa 000000 000036 000540 aa 000000 000050 000541 aa 000000 000062 000542 aa 000000 000074 000543 aa 000000 000106 000544 aa 000000 000000 000545 aa 000000 000000 000546 aa 000000 000000 000547 aa 000000 000010 628 cobol_t: dec 8,12,73,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 tab(5) cobol cards  000550 aa 000000 000014 000551 aa 000000 000111 000552 aa 000000 000000 000553 aa 000000 000000 000554 aa 000000 000000 000555 aa 000000 000000 000556 aa 000000 000000 000557 aa 000000 000000 000560 aa 000000 000000 629  630 " Definition of options.  631 "  632 " Activity card option lookup table. This table contains the name of  633 " each legal option for each type of activity defining card. The format 634 " of each entry in the table is as follows: 635 "  636 " words 1&2--option name  637 " word3 upper--index into xfer vector in gcos_cc_activity_cards_  638 " word3 lower--psw bit settings  000561 639 optab: null 640 option ascii,reset,BCD 641 option bcd,set,BCD 642 option clear,set,CLEAR 643 option comdk,set,COMDK 644 option copy,set,COPY  645 option debug,set,DEBUG 646 option deck,set,DECK  647 option dump,set,DUMP  648 option form,set,FORM  649 option gesave,set,GESAVE  650 option gmac,reset,NGMAC  651 option lno,set,LNO 652 option lstin,set,LSTIN 653 option lstou,set,LSTOU 654 option map,set,MAP 655 option nclear,reset,CLEAR  656 option ncomdk,reset,COMDK  657 option ncopy,reset,COPY  658 option ndebug,reset,DEBUG  659 option ndeck,reset,DECK  660 option ndump,reset,DUMP  661 option nform,reset,FORM  662 option ngmac,set,NGMAC 663 option nlno,reset,LNO  664 option nlstin,reset,LSTIN  665 option nlstou,reset,LSTOU  666 option nomap,reset,MAP 667 option noptz,reset,OPTZ  668 option npurge,reset,PURGE  669 option nstab,reset,STAB  670 option nsymta,reset,SYMTAB 671 option nxec,set,000040 672 option nxref,reset,XREF  673 option on1,set,ON1 674 option on2,set,ON2 675 option on3,set,ON3 676 option on4,set,ON4 677 option on5,set,ON5 678 option on6,set,ON6 679 option optz,set,OPTZ  680 option purge,set,PURGE 681 option stab,set,STAB  682 option symtab,set,SYMTAB  683 option xref,set,XREF  000765 684 endtab: null  685 "  686 end  NO LITERALS  NAME DEFINITIONS FOR ENTRY POINTS AND SEGDEFS 001630 5a 000003 000000 001631 5a 000112 600000 001632 aa 000000 000000 001633 55 000014 000002 001634 5a 000002 400003 001635 55 000006 000014 001636 aa 024 147 143 157 001637 aa 163 137 143 157 001640 aa 156 164 162 157 001641 aa 154 137 164 141 001642 aa 142 154 145 163 001643 aa 137 000 000 000 001644 55 000022 000003 001645 0a 000464 400000 001646 55 000017 000003 001647 aa 010 164 141 142 tabstops  001650 aa 163 164 157 160 001651 aa 163 000 000 000 001652 55 000027 000014 001653 0a 000463 400000 001654 55 000025 000003 001655 aa 006 156 157 156 nonact  001656 aa 141 143 164 000 001657 55 000035 000022 001660 0a 000462 400000 001661 55 000032 000003 001662 aa 012 145 170 143 exc_offset  001663 aa 137 157 146 146 001664 aa 163 145 164 000 001665 55 000043 000027 001666 0a 000461 400000 001667 55 000040 000003 001670 aa 013 143 157 155 comp_offset 001671 aa 160 137 157 146 001672 aa 146 163 145 164 001673 55 000052 000035 001674 0a 000460 400000 001675 55 000046 000003 001676 aa 016 146 151 154 filecard_count  001677 aa 145 143 141 162 001700 aa 144 137 143 157 001701 aa 165 156 164 000 001702 55 000060 000043 001703 0a 000457 400000 001704 55 000055 000003 001705 aa 010 164 157 164 totallen  001706 aa 141 154 154 145 001707 aa 156 000 000 000 001710 55 000066 000052 001711 0a 000456 400000 001712 55 000063 000003 001713 aa 010 164 141 142 tablelen  001714 aa 154 145 154 145 001715 aa 156 000 000 000 001716 55 000075 000060 001717 0a 000765 400000 001720 55 000071 000003 001721 aa 016 141 143 164 activity_table  001722 aa 151 166 151 164 001723 aa 171 137 164 141 001724 aa 142 154 145 000 001725 55 000103 000066 001726 0a 000000 400000 001727 55 000100 000003 001730 aa 011 143 141 162 cardtable  001731 aa 144 164 141 142 001732 aa 154 145 000 000 001733 55 000002 000075 001734 6a 000000 400002 001735 55 000106 000003 001736 aa 014 163 171 155 symbol_table  001737 aa 142 157 154 137 001740 aa 164 141 142 154 001741 aa 145 000 000 000 DEFINITIONS HASH TABLE  001742 aa 000000 000015 001743 5a 000075 000000 001744 aa 000000 000000 001745 5a 000027 000000 001746 5a 000035 000000 001747 5a 000066 000000 001750 5a 000022 000000 001751 5a 000043 000000 001752 5a 000103 000000 001753 5a 000052 000000 001754 aa 000000 000000 001755 aa 000000 000000 001756 5a 000014 000000 001757 5a 000060 000000 NO EXTERNAL NAMES  NO TRAP POINTER WORDS  TYPE PAIR BLOCKS  001760 aa 000001 000000 001761 aa 000000 000000 INTERNAL EXPRESSION WORDS LINKAGE INFORMATION 000000 aa 000000 000000 000001 0a 001630 000000 000002 aa 000000 000000 000003 aa 000000 000000 000004 aa 000000 000000 000005 aa 000000 000000 000006 22 000010 000010 000007 a2 000000 000000 SYMBOL INFORMATION SYMBOL TABLE HEADER  000000 aa 000000 000001 000001 aa 163171 155142 000002 aa 164162 145145 000003 aa 000000 000004 000004 aa 000000 111316 000005 aa 510113 575622 000006 aa 000000 112124 000007 aa 155136 143440 000010 aa 141154 155040 000011 aa 040040 040040 000012 aa 000024 000040 000013 aa 000034 000040 000014 aa 000044 000100 000015 aa 000002 000002 000016 aa 000064 000000 000017 aa 000000 000213 000020 aa 000000 000106 000021 aa 000000 000202 000022 aa 000205 000106 000023 aa 000064 000000 000024 aa 101114 115040 000025 aa 126145 162163 000026 aa 151157 156040 000027 aa 040066 056064 000030 aa 040040 101160 000031 aa 162151 154040 000032 aa 061071 070061 000033 aa 040040 040040 000034 aa 107112 157150 000035 aa 156163 157156 000036 aa 056123 171163 000037 aa 115141 151156 000040 aa 164056 155040 000041 aa 040040 040040 000042 aa 040040 040040 000043 aa 040040 040040 000044 aa 154151 163164 000045 aa 040040 040040 000046 aa 040040 040040 000047 aa 040040 040040 000050 aa 040040 040040 000051 aa 040040 040040 000052 aa 040040 040040 000053 aa 040040 040040 000054 aa 040040 040040 000055 aa 040040 040040 000056 aa 040040 040040 000057 aa 040040 040040 000060 aa 040040 040040 000061 aa 040040 040040 000062 aa 040040 040040 000063 aa 040040 040040 000064 aa 000000 000001 000065 aa 000000 000001 000066 aa 000072 000057 000067 aa 121240 053353 000070 aa 000000 112124 000071 aa 131553 200000 000072 aa 076163 160145 >spec>on>09/07/83-gcos>gcos_control_tables_.alm 000073 aa 143076 157156 000074 aa 076060 071057 000075 aa 060067 057070 000076 aa 063055 147143 000077 aa 157163 076147 000100 aa 143157 163137 000101 aa 143157 156164 000102 aa 162157 154137 000103 aa 164141 142154 000104 aa 145163 137056 000105 aa 141154 155040 MULTICS ASSEMBLY CROSS REFERENCE LISTING Value Symbol Source file Line number  1122 ...00110 gcos_control_tables_: 265. 1132 ...00111 gcos_control_tables_: 270. 1140 ...00112 gcos_control_tables_: 277. 1146 ...00113 gcos_control_tables_: 280. 1154 ...00114 gcos_control_tables_: 283. 1173 ...00115 gcos_control_tables_: 295. 1202 ...00116 gcos_control_tables_: 299. 1210 ...00117 gcos_control_tables_: 302. 1216 ...00120 gcos_control_tables_: 305. 1224 ...00121 gcos_control_tables_: 333. 1236 ...00122 gcos_control_tables_: 340. 1253 ...00123 gcos_control_tables_: 350. 1271 ...00124 gcos_control_tables_: 361. 1303 ...00125 gcos_control_tables_: 368. 1316 ...00126 gcos_control_tables_: 376. 1330 ...00127 gcos_control_tables_: 383. 1343 ...00130 gcos_control_tables_: 391. 1355 ...00131 gcos_control_tables_: 398. 1370 ...00132 gcos_control_tables_: 406. 1404 ...00133 gcos_control_tables_: 415. 1423 ...00134 gcos_control_tables_: 427. 1441 ...00135 gcos_control_tables_: 438. 1455 ...00136 gcos_control_tables_: 447. 1475 ...00137 gcos_control_tables_: 460. 1513 ...00140 gcos_control_tables_: 471. 1530 ...00141 gcos_control_tables_: 481. 1544 ...00142 gcos_control_tables_: 490. 1552 ...00143 gcos_control_tables_: 493. 1564 ...00144 gcos_control_tables_: 500. 1576 ...00145 gcos_control_tables_: 507. 1612 ...00146 gcos_control_tables_: 516. 765 activity_table gcos_control_tables_: 19, 166.  2 BCD gcos_control_tables_: 105, 333, 383, 391, 500, 640, 641. 0 cards gcos_control_tables_: 161, 162, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178,  179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 189,  195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204,  205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214,  215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224,  225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234,  235, 236, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247,  248, 249, 250, 251, 262, 265, 270, 277, 280, 283,  295, 299, 302, 305, 330, 333, 340, 350, 361, 368,  376, 383, 391, 398, 406, 415, 427, 438, 447, 460,  471, 481, 490, 493, 500, 507, 516, 530, 532, 533,  534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548,  549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558,  559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568,  569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578,  579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 588. 0 cardtable gcos_control_tables_: 18, 163, 595, 599, 604, 609, 613, 617.  20000 CLEAR gcos_control_tables_: 106, 642, 655. 547 cobol_t gcos_control_tables_: 350, 415, 427, 460, 471, 507, 516, 628.  4000 COMDK gcos_control_tables_: 107, 643, 656. 240 comp gcos_control_tables_: 331, 609.  461 comp_offset gcos_control_tables_: 23, 608.  10 COPY gcos_control_tables_: 108, 644, 657. 330 cte gcos_control_tables_: 539, 595.  477 data_t gcos_control_tables_: 624. 100 DEBUG gcos_control_tables_: 109, 645, 658. 2000 DECK gcos_control_tables_: 110, 350, 361, 368, 376, 383, 398, 406, 427, 460,  481, 646, 659. 465 dollar_t gcos_control_tables_: 265, 270, 277, 280, 283, 295, 299, 302, 305, 490, 623. 400000 DUMP gcos_control_tables_: 111, 647, 660. 765 endtab gcos_control_tables_: 265, 270, 277, 280, 283, 295, 299, 302, 305, 333,  340, 350, 361, 368, 376, 383, 391, 398, 406, 415,  427, 438, 447, 460, 471, 481, 490, 493, 500, 507,  516, 684.  462 exc_offset gcos_control_tables_: 24, 613.  2 EXTEND gcos_control_tables_: 112. 42 fce gcos_control_tables_: 190, 604.  765 fibs gcos_control_tables_: 164, 165, 265, 270, 277, 280, 283, 295, 299, 302,  305, 333, 340, 350, 361, 368, 376, 383, 391, 398,  406, 415, 427, 438, 447, 460, 471, 481, 490, 493,  500, 507, 516. 460 filecard_count gcos_control_tables_: 22, 603.  10 FORM gcos_control_tables_: 113, 333, 383, 391, 493, 500, 648, 661.  200000 FORT gcos_control_tables_: 114, 333, 340, 361, 383, 391, 493, 500.  523 fortran_t gcos_control_tables_: 333, 383, 391, 481, 493, 500, 626. 4000 generate_lud gcos_control_tables_: 94, 266, 296, 335, 341, 356, 363, 370, 378, 385,  393, 401, 410, 422, 433, 442, 455, 466, 485, 495,  501, 517.  4 GESAVE gcos_control_tables_: 115, 649.  511 gmap_t gcos_control_tables_: 361, 368, 625. 4 LNO gcos_control_tables_: 116, 333, 383, 391, 493, 500, 651, 663.  200 LSTIN gcos_control_tables_: 117, 333, 340, 350, 376, 383, 391, 398, 415, 427,  447, 460, 481, 493, 500, 516, 652, 664.  1000 LSTOU gcos_control_tables_: 118, 361, 368, 406, 438, 653, 665. 40 MAP gcos_control_tables_: 119, 516, 654, 666.  100 NGMAC gcos_control_tables_: 120, 650, 662. 463 nonact gcos_control_tables_: 25, 617.  4000 ON1 gcos_control_tables_: 121, 673.  2000 ON2 gcos_control_tables_: 122, 674.  1000 ON3 gcos_control_tables_: 123, 675.  400 ON4 gcos_control_tables_: 124, 676.  200 ON5 gcos_control_tables_: 125, 677.  100 ON6 gcos_control_tables_: 126, 678.  561 optab gcos_control_tables_: 265, 270, 277, 280, 283, 295, 299, 302, 305, 333,  340, 350, 361, 368, 376, 383, 391, 398, 406, 415,  427, 438, 447, 460, 471, 481, 490, 493, 500, 507,  516, 639.  1 OPTZ gcos_control_tables_: 127, 667, 679. 535 pl1_t gcos_control_tables_: 340, 376, 398, 406, 438, 447, 627. 40000 PURGE gcos_control_tables_: 128, 668, 680. 400 random gcos_control_tables_: 95, 266, 284, 296, 354, 355, 409, 419, 431, 432,  441, 465, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 508, 509,  510, 511, 512. 2 reset gcos_control_tables_: 103, 640, 650, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661,  663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 672. 2000 save gcos_control_tables_: 96, 266, 296, 335, 341, 356, 363, 370, 378, 385,  393, 401, 410, 422, 433, 442, 455, 466, 485, 495,  501, 517.  1 set gcos_control_tables_: 102, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649,  651, 652, 653, 654, 662, 671, 673, 674, 675, 676,  677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683. 100 STAB gcos_control_tables_: 129, 669, 681. 100000 SYMTAB gcos_control_tables_: 130, 670, 682. 200 sysout gcos_control_tables_: 97, 292, 336, 337, 346, 347, 357, 358, 364, 365,  372, 373, 379, 380, 387, 388, 394, 395, 402, 403,  411, 412, 423, 424, 434, 435, 443, 444, 456, 457,  467, 468, 478, 486, 487, 496, 497, 503, 504, 513,  522, 523.  456 tablelen gcos_control_tables_: 20, 595.  464 tabstops gcos_control_tables_: 26, 620.  465 tabtable gcos_control_tables_: 265, 270, 277, 280, 283, 295, 299, 302, 305, 333,  340, 350, 361, 368, 376, 383, 391, 398, 406, 415,  427, 438, 447, 460, 471, 481, 490, 493, 500, 507,  516, 622.  216 tad gcos_control_tables_: 263, 613.  314 tad2 gcos_control_tables_: 531, 617.  457 totallen gcos_control_tables_: 21, 599.  456 tte gcos_control_tables_: 589, 599.  400 UPDATE gcos_control_tables_: 131. 1122 vibs gcos_control_tables_: 167, 168, 265, 270, 277, 280, 283, 295, 299, 302,  305, 333, 340, 350, 361, 368, 376, 383, 391, 398,  406, 415, 427, 438, 447, 460, 471, 481, 490, 493,  500, 507, 516. 1000 write gcos_control_tables_: 98, 267, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291,  334, 335, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 351, 352, 353,  354, 355, 356, 362, 363, 369, 370, 371, 377, 378,  384, 385, 386, 392, 393, 399, 400, 401, 407, 408,  409, 410, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 428,  429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 439, 440, 441, 442, 448,  449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 461, 462, 463,  464, 465, 466, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 482,  483, 484, 485, 494, 495, 501, 502, 508, 509, 510,  511, 512, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521. 100000 XREF gcos_control_tables_: 132, 672, 683. NO FATAL ERRORS  ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved