COMPILATION LISTING OF SEGMENT gtss_dsd_process_ Compiled by: Multics PL/I Compiler, Release 28d, of October 4, 1983 Compiled at: Honeywell Multics Op. - System M Compiled on: 12/10/84 1256.0 mst Mon Options: optimize map 1 /* *********************************************************** 2* * * 3* * * 4* * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1981 * 5* * * 6* * * 7* *********************************************************** */ 8 9 gtss_dsd_process_: proc (up, bp, ml, rl, ec); 10 11 /** Process the $*$ request line from CRUN/DRUN application. 12* 13* Author: Al Dupuis 04/20/79 14* Changed: Al Dupuis 09/26/79 To display blank line to terminal when 15* line contains only $*$mark. 16* 17***/ 18 19 20 rll = rl; 21 if rll >= 4 22 then do; 23 cp = index (string_3, "$*$"); 24 rls = substr (string_3, cp + 3); /* all of line after $*$ */ 25 rls = substr (rls, 1, length (rls) - 1); /* get rid of NL */ 26 rls = ltrim (rls); /* get rid of any leading blanks */ 27 if length (rls) > 3 then cs = substr (rls, 1, 4); /* pick up keyword */ 28 else cs = substr (rls, 1, 3); 29 save_cs = cs; 30 cs = translate (cs, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", /* make it upper */ 31 "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); 32 type = gtss_dsd_lookup_ (cs); /* find out which one */ 33 end; 34 else type = 0; /* line contains only $*$ */ 35 36 proper_rtn = rtn_table (type); /* set up with the desired proc */ 37 call proper_rtn; /* and call it */ 38 39 40 /** 41***/ 42 dsd_error: proc; 43 44 /** Unrecognizable $*$ request 45***/ 46 47 /* Apparently Gcos just treats it as data */ 48 no_input_yet = "0"b; 49 50 end /* dsd_error */; 51 52 /** **/ 53 54 dsd_build: proc; 55 56 if ^build_mode then do; 57 call gtss_write_starCFP_ (up, bp, rl, ec); 58 if ec ^= 0 then call gtss_abort_subsystem_ ( 59 null (), 60 "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_build", 61 0, 62 "Couldn't write to *CFP: ^a", 63 string_3 64 ); 65 call gtss_abort_subsystem_ ( 66 null (), 67 "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_build", 68 0, 69 "<67>BUILD LEVEL SYNCHRONIZATION ERROR" 70 ); 71 end; 72 73 end /* dsd_build */ ; 74 /** 75***/ 76 dsd_brk: proc; 77 78 /** Behaves as though the break key was pressed 79***/ 80 81 break_flag = "1"b; 82 signal condition (quit); 83 84 end /* dsd_brk */; 85 86 /** 87***/ 88 89 dsd_copy: proc; 90 91 if gtss_ust.lcjid ^= (36)"0"b then return; /* DRUN in progress */ 92 93 i = index (string_3, save_cs); 94 if i = 0 then /* copy shouldn' have been called if copy not present */ 95 call gtss_abort_subsystem_ ( 96 null (), 97 "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_copy", 98 0, 99 "Copy not present in line, bug: ^a", 100 string_3 101 ); 102 if (rll >= i + 8) then do; 103 rls = substr (string_3, i + 4); /* everything after copy */ 104 rls = ltrim (rls); /* get rid of any blanks before second keyword */ 105 if length (rls) >= 4 then do; /* long enough for "off" */ 106 if (substr (rls, 1, 3) = "off") | (substr (rls, 1, 3) = "OFF") 107 then copy_on = "0"b; 108 else copy_on = "1"b; 109 end; 110 else copy_on = "1"b; /* not long enough */ 111 end; 112 else copy_on = "1"b; /* string not long enough to contain off */ 113 114 end /* dsd_copy */; 115 /** 116***/ 117 118 dsd_dele: proc; 119 120 i = index (string_3, save_cs); 121 if i = 0 then /* dele shouldn' have been called if dele not present */ 122 call gtss_abort_subsystem_ ( 123 null (), 124 "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_dele", 125 0, 126 "Copy not present in line, bug: ^a", 127 string_3 128 ); 129 if (rll >= i + 8) then do; 130 rls = substr (string_3, i + 4); /* everything after dele */ 131 rls = ltrim (rls); /* get rid of any blanks before second keyword */ 132 if length (rls) >= 4 then do; /* long enough for "off" */ 133 if (substr (rls, 1, 3) = "off") | (substr (rls, 1, 3) = "OFF") 134 then dele_on = "0"b; 135 else dele_on = "1"b; 136 end; 137 else dele_on = "1"b; /* not long enough */ 138 end; 139 else dele_on = "1"b; /* string not long enough to contain off */ 140 141 end /* dsd_dele */; 142 /** **/ 143 144 145 dsd_exec: proc; 146 147 if ^user_code then do; 148 call gtss_write_starCFP_ (up, bp, rl, ec); 149 if ec ^= 0 then call gtss_abort_subsystem_ ( 150 null (), 151 "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_exec", 152 0, 153 "Couldn't write to *CFP: ^a", 154 string_3 155 ); 156 call gtss_abort_subsystem_ ( 157 null (), 158 "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_exec", 159 0, 160 "<67>EXECUTION LEVEL SYNCHRONIZATION ERROR" 161 ); 162 end; 163 164 end /* dsd_exec */; 165 /** **/ 166 dsd_file: proc; 167 168 talk_on = "0"b; /* go back to *CFP input */ 169 170 end /* dsd_file */; 171 /** **/ 172 173 174 dsd_lbl: proc; 175 176 call com_err_ (0, "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_lbl", 177 "Label line encountered ^a", string_3); 178 179 end /* dsd_lbl */; 180 /** **/ 181 182 dsd_mark: proc; 183 184 185 /* display the line to user as soon as encountered */ 186 if rll < 9 then do; /* line contains only $*$mark */ 187 rll = 10; 188 string_1 (9) = " "; /* fill line out with blank and CR */ 189 string_1 (10) = string_1 (8); 190 end; 191 sp2 = addr (string_1 (9)); /* overlay from position 9 */ 192 /* If under drun processing ..init file, write to *CFP */ 193 if gtss_ext_$process_type = 2 194 & gtss_ust.lcjid = "0"b 195 & gtss_ext_$drun_jid ^= " " 196 then call gtss_write_starCFP_ (up, sp2, rll - 8, code); 197 else call iox_$put_chars (iox_$user_output, sp2, rll - 8, code); 198 if code ^= 0 then 199 call gtss_abort_subsystem_ ( 200 null (), 201 "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_mark", 202 0, 203 "Unable to write MARK info to terminal ^a", 204 string_3); 205 206 end /* dsd_mark */; 207 /** **/ 208 209 dsd_nbuild: proc; 210 211 if build_mode then do; 212 call gtss_write_starCFP_ (up, bp, rl, ec); 213 if ec ^= 0 then call gtss_abort_subsystem_ ( 214 null (), 215 "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_nbuild", 216 0, 217 "Couldn't write to *CFP: ^a", 218 string_3 219 ); 220 call gtss_abort_subsystem_ ( 221 null (), 222 "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_nbuild", 223 0, 224 "<67>BUILD LEVEL SYNCHRONIZATION ERROR" 225 ); 226 end; 227 228 end /* dsd_nbuild */ ; 229 /** **/ 230 231 232 dsd_nexec: proc; 233 234 if user_code then do; 235 call gtss_write_starCFP_ (up, bp, rl, ec); 236 if ec ^= 0 then call gtss_abort_subsystem_ ( 237 null (), 238 "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_nexec", 239 0, 240 "Couldn't write to *CFP: ^a", 241 string_3 242 ); 243 call gtss_abort_subsystem_ ( 244 null (), 245 "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_nexec", 246 0, 247 "<67>EXECUTION LEVEL SYNCHRONIZATION ERROR" 248 ); 249 end; 250 251 end /* dsd_nexec */; 252 /** **/ 253 254 dsd_nsys: proc; 255 256 /** IGNORED IN GCOS 4J **/ 257 258 end /* dsd_nsys */; 259 /** **/ 260 261 dsd_null: proc; 262 263 rll, rl = 2; /* send null line (CR) to caller */ 264 string_3 = CR || NL; 265 if ((^dele_on) & (^gtss_starCF_$ 266 then call gtss_write_starCFP_ (up, bp, rl, ec); /* and send it to *CFP */ 267 if ec ^= 0 then call gtss_abort_subsystem_ ( 268 null (), 269 "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_nbuild", 270 0, 271 "Couldn't write to *CFP: ^a", 272 string_3 273 ); 274 no_input_yet = "0"b; 275 276 end /* dsd_null */; 277 /** **/ 278 279 dsd_quit: proc; 280 281 282 if gtss_ust.lcjid ^= (36)"0"b then do; /* DRUN in progress */ 283 cout_called = "0"b; 284 call gtss_abandon_CFP_; 285 lswt2.b6 = "0"b; 286 no_input_yet = "0"b; 287 return; 288 end; 289 290 /* determine if =text option being used */ 291 i = index (string_3, save_cs || "="); 292 if i ^= 0 then do; /* yes, put text prompt in buffer */ 293 string_3 = substr (string_3, i + 5); 294 rll = rll - (i + 4); 295 bl = rll; 296 call iox_$put_chars (iox_$user_output, bp, bl, ec); /* display msg to user */ 297 if ec ^= 0 then call gtss_abort_subsystem_ ( 298 null (), 299 "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_quit", 300 0, 301 "Unable to write QUIT info to terminal ^a", 302 string_3); 303 end; 304 305 if (^dele_on) then do; /* if there was a prompt */ 306 call gtss_read_starCFP_$last_os (up, bp, ml, rl, ec); /* get it */ 307 if ec ^= 0 then call gtss_abort_subsystem_ ( 308 null (), 309 "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_dsd_quit", 310 0, 311 "Can't read last output sector on *CFP" 312 ); 313 call iox_$put_chars (iox_$user_output, bp, rl, ec); /* and display it to user */ 314 if ec ^= 0 then call gtss_abort_subsystem_ ( 315 null (), 316 "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_quit", 317 0, 318 "Unable to write last prompt to terminal ^a", 319 string_3); 320 end; 321 cout_called = "0"b; 322 call gtss_abandon_CFP_; /* quitting command file processing */ 323 lswt2.b6 = "0"b; /* DD17C, page 3-33.2 */ 324 call iox_$get_line (iox_$user_input, bp, ml, rl, ec); /* get his response */ 325 no_input_yet = "0"b; /* and let gtss_CFP_input_ know we have our input */ 326 327 end /* dsd_quit */; 328 /** **/ 329 330 dsd_rem: proc; 331 332 call com_err_ (0, "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_rem", 333 "Remark line encountered ^a", string_3); 334 335 end /* dsd_rem */; 336 /** **/ 337 338 dsd_system: proc; 339 340 /** IGNORED IN GCOS 4J **/ 341 342 end /* dsd_system */; 343 /** **/ 344 345 346 dsd_talk: dsd_user: proc; 347 348 if gtss_ust.lcjid ^= (36)"0"b then return; /* DRUN in progress */ 349 350 if cs = "TALK" then talk_on = "1"b; 351 /* determine if user is using =text option */ 352 i = index (string_3, save_cs || "="); 353 if i ^= 0 then do; /* yes, put text prompt in buffer */ 354 string_3 = substr (string_3, i + 5); 355 rll = rll - (i + 4); 356 end; 357 else do; /* no, it will come from *CFP */ 358 if ^dele_on then do; /* if dele_on there is no output file */ 359 /* get the prompt from *CFP's last output sector */ 360 call gtss_read_starCFP_$last_os (up, bp, ml, rl, ec); 361 if ec ^= 0 then call gtss_abort_subsystem_ ( 362 null (), 363 "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_talk/dsd_user", 364 0, 365 "Can't read last output sector on *CFP" 366 ); 367 else rll = rl; 368 end; 369 end; 370 /* write prompt to terminal */ 371 if ((i ^= 0) | (^dele_on)) then do; /* there is a prompt */ 372 bl = rll; 373 call iox_$put_chars (iox_$user_output, bp, bl, ec); 374 if ec ^= 0 then 375 call gtss_abort_subsystem_ ( 376 null (), 377 "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_talk/dsd_user", 378 0, 379 "Can't display prompt to user" 380 ); 381 end; 382 else; /* there was no prompt */ 383 if ^talk_on then do; 384 talk_on = "1"b; /* user request, so fudge talk_on for one input */ 385 call gtss_CFP_input_ (up, bp, ml, rl, ec); /* get line from terminal */ 386 talk_on = "0"b; /* turn off fudged mode */ 387 no_input_yet = "0"b; /* let gtss_CFP_input_ know we have our line */ 388 end; 389 else; /* let gtss_CFP_input_ get line normally */ 390 end /* dsd_user dsd_talk */; 391 /* * */ 392 393 394 dsd_trap: proc; 395 396 397 i = index (string_3, save_cs); 398 if i = 0 then /* trap shouldn' have been called if trap not present */ 399 call gtss_abort_subsystem_ ( 400 null (), 401 "gtss_dsd_process_$dsd_trap", 402 0, 403 "Trap not present in line, bug: ^a", 404 string_3 405 ); 406 if (rll >= i + 8) then do; 407 rls = substr (string_3, i + 4); /* everything after trap */ 408 rls = ltrim (rls); /* get rid of any blanks before second keyword */ 409 if length (rls) >= 4 then do; /* long enough for "off" */ 410 if (substr (rls, 1, 3) = "off") | (substr (rls, 1, 3) = "OFF") 411 then trap_off = "1"b; 412 else trap_off = "0"b; 413 end; 414 else trap_off = "0"b; /* not long enough */ 415 end; 416 else trap_off = "0"b; /* string not long enough to contain off */ 417 418 end /* dsd_trap */; 419 420 421 /** gtss_dsd_process_ local dcl's 422***/ 423 dcl up ptr parm /* (NOT USED. Needed for iox_ compatibility). */; 424 dcl bp ptr parm /* (input) Callers buffer. */; 425 dcl ml fixed bin(21)parm /* (input) Buffer length limit. */; 426 dcl rl fixed bin(21)parm /* (output) Number characters returned. */; 427 dcl ec fixed bin(35)parm /* (output) Multics error ec. */; 428 dcl CR char(1)static int options(constant) init(" "); 429 dcl NL char(1) static int options(constant) init (" 430 "); 431 dcl rls char (252) varying; 432 dcl string_1 (rll) char (1) based (bp); 433 dcl string_2 (rll - 9) char (1) based (sp2); 434 dcl string_3 char (rll) based (bp); 435 dcl sp2 ptr init (null()); 436 dcl (cs, save_cs) char (8) varying; 437 dcl (rll, cp, type, i) fixed bin (24); 438 dcl bl fixed bin (21); 439 dcl code fixed bin (35) init (0); 440 dcl (ltrim, null, substr, index, addr, length, translate) builtin; 441 dcl quit condition external; 442 dcl iox_$get_line entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (21), fixed bin (21), fixed bin (35)); 443 dcl iox_$put_chars entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (21), fixed bin (35)); 444 dcl iox_$user_input ptr ext; 445 dcl iox_$user_output ptr ext; 446 dcl proper_rtn entry int variable; 447 dcl rtn_table (0:18) entry init ( 448 dsd_error, 449 dsd_brk, 450 dsd_build, 451 dsd_copy, 452 dsd_dele, 453 dsd_exec, 454 dsd_file, 455 dsd_lbl, 456 dsd_mark, 457 dsd_nbuild, 458 dsd_nexec, 459 dsd_nsys, 460 dsd_null, 461 dsd_quit, 462 dsd_rem, 463 dsd_system, 464 dsd_talk, 465 dsd_trap, 466 dsd_user); 467 468 1 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE gtss_CFP_bits.incl.pl1 */ 1 2 /* 1 3* Created: (Dupuis Multics) 05/08/79 1031.7 mst Tue 1 4**/ 1 5 1 6 1 7 dcl CFP_in_progress bit (1) unaligned defined lflg2.b8; 1 8 dcl dele_on bit (1) unaligned defined lflg2.b0; 1 9 dcl copy_on bit (1) unaligned defined lflg2.b1; 1 10 dcl talk_on bit (1) unaligned defined lflg2.b4; 1 11 dcl user_code bit (1) unaligned defined lflg2.b14; 1 12 dcl trap_off bit (1) unaligned defined lswt2.b5; 1 13 dcl break_flag bit (1) unaligned defined lflg3.b31; 1 14 1 15 1 16 /* END INCLUDE FILE gtss_CFP_bits.incl.pl1 */ 469 470 /** 471***/ 2 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE gtss_starCF_.incl.pl1 */ 2 2 /* 2 3* Created: (Wardd Multics) 03/20/79 1816.6 mst Tue 2 4**/ 2 5 2 6 /* 2 7* gtss_CFP_input_ data structure to provide 2 8* for accessing the current command file. 2 9* 2 10* Changed: Al Dupuis 05/17/79 to get rid of nested get_line, put_chars concept. 2 11**/ 2 12 dcl 1 gtss_starCF_$FILE aligned static ext 2 13 , 3 select_sequence 2 14 , 4 OP1 /* Seek operation. */ 2 15 , 5 Device_Command bit(06)unal 2 16 , 5 zeroes_1 fixed bin(12)unsigned unal 2 17 , 5 IOC_Command bit(05)unal 2 18 , 5 zeroes_2 fixed bin(01)unsigned unal 2 19 , 5 Control fixed bin(06)unsigned unal 2 20 , 5 Count fixed bin(06)unsigned unal 2 21 2 22 , 4 ID1 2 23 , 5 fcb_loc bit(18)unal 2 24 , 5 DCW_list_loc bit(18)unal 2 25 2 26 , 4 OP2 /* Write opteration. */ 2 27 , 5 Device_Command bit(06)unal 2 28 , 5 zeroes_1 fixed bin(12)unsigned unal 2 29 , 5 IOC_Command bit(05)unal 2 30 , 5 zeroes_2 fixed bin(01)unsigned unal 2 31 , 5 Control fixed bin(06)unsigned unal 2 32 , 5 Count fixed bin(06)unsigned unal 2 33 2 34 , 4 ID2 2 35 , 5 fcb_loc bit(18)unal 2 36 , 5 DCW_list_loc bit(18)unal 2 37 2 38 , 4 RETURN_WORD 2 39 , 5 Status_loc bit(18)unal 2 40 , 5 Courtesy_Call_loc bit(18)unal 2 41 2 42 , 3 Seek_Word 2 43 , 4 Seek_loc bit(18)unal 2 44 , 4 Seek_count fixed bin(18)unsigned unal 2 45 , 3 Seek_Address fixed bin(35) 2 46 , 3 STATUS bit(72) unal 2 47 2 48 , 3 DCW 2 49 , 4 memory_loc bit(18)unal 2 50 , 4 zeroes_3 fixed bin(03)unsigned unal 2 51 , 4 action_code fixed bin(03)unsigned unal 2 52 , 4 word_count fixed bin(12)unsigned unal 2 53 2 54 , 3 RECORD 2 55 , 4 no_characters fixed bin(18)unsigned unal 2 56 , 4 zeroes_4 bit(18)unal 2 57 , 4 chars char(252) 2 58 2 59 /* Stack to accomodate nested command file processing. */ 2 60 , 3 cf 2 61 , 4 top fixed bin(24) 2 62 , 4 aft_indx fixed bin(24) 2 63 , 4 first_time bit (1) unaligned 2 64 , 4 exclude_on bit (1) unaligned 2 65 ; 2 66 2 67 /* END INCLUDE FILE gtss_starCF_.incl.pl1 */ 472 473 /** 474***/ 3 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE gtss_ust_ext_.incl.pl1 */ 3 2 /* UST: User Status Table 3 3* definitions based on 3 4* System Tables, Order number DD14-01E, January 1981 3 5* Section 15, Time Sharing System 3 6* 3 7* Authors: Robert J. Grimes Created 3 8* - Albert N. Kepner 1978 3 9* - Robert M. May 3 10* - David B. Ward 3 11* Change: Dave Ward 02/23/79 Level 4 numbering. 3 12* Change: Ron Barstad 83-07-12 Repaired damaged formating and word offset comments 3 13* Brought up to 4JS3 functionality 3 14**/ 3 15 /* octal word offsets of entries */ 3 16 dcl 1 gtss_ust_ext_$ust aligned ext, 3 17 3 gtss_ust, 3 18 /* 0-1 */ 4 lid bit (72), 3 19 /* 2 */ 4 lstp bit (36), 3 20 /* 3 */ 4 ltin bit (36), 3 21 /* 4 */ 4 lstio, 3 22 5 no_of_chars_by_8 fixed bin (18) uns unal, 3 23 5 no_of_disk_io fixed bin (18) uns unal, 3 24 /* 5 */ 4 lsnub bit (36), 3 25 /* 6-7 */ 4 lchg bit (72), 3 26 /* 10 */ 4 lbuf, 3 27 5 address bit (18)unaligned, 3 28 5 tally bit (1)unaligned, 3 29 5 terminal_type bit (5)unaligned, 3 30 5 station_id bit (12)unaligned, 3 31 /* 11-12 */ 4 liost (0:1) bit (36), 3 32 /* 13 */ 4 lcc bit (36), 3 33 /* 14 */ 4 lback, 3 34 5 fill1 bit (18) unaligned, 3 35 5 gwake fixed bin (17) unaligned, 3 36 /* 15 */ 4 lflag, 3 37 5 mp_list bit (18) unaligned, 3 38 5 flags unaligned, 3 39 6 b18 bit (1) unaligned, 3 40 6 b19 bit (1) unaligned, 3 41 6 b20 bit (1) unaligned, 3 42 6 b21 bit (1) unaligned, 3 43 6 b22 bit (1) unaligned, 3 44 6 b23 bit (1) unaligned, 3 45 6 b24 bit (1) unaligned, 3 46 6 b25 bit (1) unaligned, 3 47 6 b26 bit (1) unaligned, 3 48 6 b27 bit (1) unaligned, 3 49 6 b28 bit (1) unaligned, 3 50 6 b29 bit (1) unaligned, 3 51 6 b30 bit (1) unaligned, 3 52 6 b31 bit (1) unaligned, 3 53 6 b32 bit (1) unaligned, 3 54 6 b33 bit (1) unaligned, 3 55 6 b34 bit (1) unaligned, 3 56 6 b35 bit (1) unaligned, 3 57 /* 16 */ 4 lkdss bit (36), 3 58 /* 17 */ 4 lfile, 3 59 5 program_stack fixed bin (17) unal, 3 60 5 file_list_ptr bit (18) unal, 3 61 /* 20 */ 4 lttys bit (36), 3 62 /* 21 */ 4 lswth, 3 63 5 b0 bit (1) unaligned, 3 64 5 b1 bit (1) unaligned, 3 65 5 b2 bit (1) unaligned, 3 66 5 b3 bit (1) unaligned, 3 67 5 b4 bit (1) unaligned, 3 68 5 b5 bit (1) unaligned, 3 69 5 b6 bit (1) unaligned, 3 70 5 b7 bit (1) unaligned, 3 71 5 b8 bit (1) unaligned, 3 72 5 b9 bit (1) unaligned, 3 73 5 b10 bit (1) unaligned, 3 74 5 b11 bit (1) unaligned, 3 75 5 b12 bit (1) unaligned, 3 76 5 b13 bit (1) unaligned, 3 77 5 b14 bit (1) unaligned, 3 78 5 b15 bit (1) unaligned, 3 79 5 b16 bit (1) unaligned, 3 80 5 b17 bit (1) unaligned, 3 81 5 b18 bit (1) unaligned, 3 82 5 b19 bit (1) unaligned, 3 83 5 b20 bit (1) unaligned, 3 84 5 b21 bit (1) unaligned, 3 85 5 b22 bit (1) unaligned, 3 86 5 b23 bit (1) unaligned, 3 87 5 b24 bit (1) unaligned, 3 88 5 b25 bit (1) unaligned, 3 89 5 b26 bit (1) unaligned, 3 90 5 b27 bit (1) unaligned, 3 91 5 b28 bit (1) unaligned, 3 92 5 b29 bit (1) unaligned, 3 93 5 b30 bit (1) unaligned, 3 94 5 b31 bit (1) unaligned, 3 95 5 b32 bit (1) unaligned, 3 96 5 b33 bit (1) unaligned, 3 97 5 b34 bit (1) unaligned, 3 98 5 b35 bit (1) unaligned, 3 99 /* 22 */ 4 lsize, 3 100 5 bar fixed bin (17) unaligned, 3 101 5 limit bit (18) unaligned, 3 102 /* 23... */ 4 lswap, 3 103 5 fill bit (18) unal, 3 104 5 size bit (18) unal, 3 105 /* ...24 */ 4 transfer_cell bit (36) unal, 3 106 /* 25 */ 4 lerrm bit (36), 3 107 /* 26-37 */ 4 lcfil (0:9) bit (36), 3 108 /* 40 */ 4 lsybc, 3 109 5 b0_17 fixed bin (17) unaligned, 3 110 5 b18_35 fixed bin (17) unaligned, 3 111 /* 41-42 */ 4 lstem (0:1) bit (36), 3 112 /* 43 */ 4 lcals, 3 113 5 b0_17 fixed bin (17) unaligned, 3 114 5 b18_35 bit (18) unaligned, 3 115 /* 44-51 */ 4 subsystems (3), 3 116 5 content_lswap, 3 117 6 fill bit (18) unal, 3 118 6 size bit (18) unal, 3 119 5 tally_address fixed bin (17) unaligned, 3 120 5 ss_flags bit (18) unaligned, 3 121 /* 52 */ 4 ltalc, 3 122 5 tod fixed bin (17) unaligned, 3 123 5 startup fixed bin (17) unaligned, 3 124 /* 53 */ 4 lspts fixed bin (35), 3 125 /* 54 */ 4 lflg2, 3 126 5 b0 bit (1) unaligned, 3 127 5 b1 bit (1) unaligned, 3 128 5 b2 bit (1) unaligned, 3 129 5 b3 bit (1) unaligned, 3 130 5 b4 bit (1) unaligned, 3 131 5 b5 bit (1) unaligned, 3 132 5 b6 bit (1) unaligned, 3 133 5 b7 bit (1) unaligned, 3 134 5 b8 bit (1) unaligned, 3 135 5 b9 bit (1) unaligned, 3 136 5 b10 bit (1) unaligned, 3 137 5 b11 bit (1) unaligned, 3 138 5 b12 bit (1) unaligned, 3 139 5 b13 bit (1) unaligned, 3 140 5 b14 bit (1) unaligned, 3 141 5 b15 bit (1) unaligned, 3 142 5 b16 bit (1) unaligned, 3 143 5 b17 bit (1) unaligned, 3 144 5 b18 bit (1) unaligned, 3 145 5 b19 bit (1) unaligned, 3 146 5 b20 bit (1) unaligned, 3 147 5 b21 bit (1) unaligned, 3 148 5 b22 bit (1) unaligned, 3 149 5 b23 bit (1) unaligned, 3 150 5 b24 bit (1) unaligned, 3 151 5 b25 bit (1) unaligned, 3 152 5 b26 bit (1) unaligned, 3 153 5 b27 bit (1) unaligned, 3 154 5 b28 bit (1) unaligned, 3 155 5 b29 bit (1) unaligned, 3 156 5 b30 bit (1) unaligned, 3 157 5 b31 bit (1) unaligned, 3 158 5 b32 bit (1) unaligned, 3 159 5 b33 bit (1) unaligned, 3 160 5 b34 bit (1) unaligned, 3 161 5 b35 bit (1) unaligned, 3 162 /* 55-60 */ 4 lsftm (0:3) bit (36), 3 163 /* 61 */ 4 lsprt fixed bin (35), 3 164 /* 62 */ 4 ltrm bit (36), 3 165 /* 63 */ 4 linno fixed bin (35), 3 166 /* 64 */ 4 lincr fixed bin (35), 3 167 /* 65 */ 4 ltdes bit (36), 3 168 /* 66 */ 4 lbptr bit (36), 3 169 /* 67 */ 4 lpptr, 3 170 5 last_file_pat_ptr bin (18) uns unal, 3 171 5 lpptr_reserved bin (18) uns unal, 3 172 /* 70 */ 4 lsclp bit (36), 3 173 /* 71 */ 4 limit fixed bin (35), 3 174 /* 72 */ 4 lacpt, 3 175 5 jout_pat_offset bit (18) unal, 3 176 5 permissions unal, 3 177 6 lodx bit (1) unal, 3 178 6 cardin bit (1) unal, 3 179 6 talk bit (1) unal, 3 180 6 lods bit (1) unal, 3 181 5 cardin_urgency bit (14) unal, 3 182 /* 73 */ 4 ldrl, 3 183 5 ilc bit (18) unaligned, 3 184 5 code fixed bin (17) unaligned, 3 185 /* 74 */ 4 ljsnb bit (36), 3 186 /* 75 */ 4 ltm0 bit (36), 3 187 /* 76 */ 4 ltm1 bit (36), 3 188 /* 77 */ 4 ltm2 bit (36), 3 189 /* 100 */ 4 ltm3 bit (36), 3 190 /* 101 */ 4 ltm4 bit (36), 3 191 /* 102 */ 4 ltm5 bit (36), 3 192 /* 103 */ 4 ltmwt bit (36), 3 193 /* 104 */ 4 ltmrs bit (36), 3 194 /* 105 */ 4 ltc0 bit (36), 3 195 /* 106 */ 4 ltc1 bit (36), 3 196 /* 107 */ 4 ltc2 bit (36), 3 197 /* 110 */ 4 lct3 bit (36), 3 198 /* 111 */ 4 ltc4 bit (36), 3 199 /* 112 */ 4 ltc5 bit (36), 3 200 /* 113 */ 4 ltcw bit (36), 3 201 /* 114 */ 4 lkst bit (36), 3 202 /* 115 */ 4 lkst2 bit (36), 3 203 /* 116 */ 4 lkcc bit (36), 3 204 /* 117 */ 4 lkms bit (36), 3 205 /* 120-121 */ 4 lksdc (0:1) bit (36), 3 206 /* 122 */ 4 lkntp bit (36), 3 207 /* 123 */ 4 lkrdc bit (36), 3 208 /* 124 */ 4 lpqf bit (36), 3 209 /* 125 */ 4 lpqb bit (36), 3 210 /* 126 */ 4 lustl bit (36), 3 211 /* 127 */ 4 ltemp bit (36), 3 212 /* 130 */ 4 lrtll, 3 213 5 word_length fixed bin unaligned, 3 214 5 char_length fixed bin unaligned, 3 215 /* 131 */ 4 ltim bit (36), 3 216 /* 132 */ 4 lcfio, 3 217 5 sect_out fixed bin(18)unsigned unal, 3 218 5 sect_in fixed bin(18)unsigned unal, 3 219 /* 133 */ 4 lcfst, 3 220 5 initial_sect_out fixed bin(18)unsigned unal, 3 221 5 start_term fixed bin(18)unsigned unal, 3 222 /* 134 */ 4 lcmpt bit (36), 3 223 /* 135 */ 4 lcjid bit (36), 3 224 /* 136-137 */ 4 lrcal (0:1) bit (36), 3 225 /* 140 */ 4 lrdta bit (36), 3 226 /* 141 */ 4 lrrsk bit (36), 3 227 /* 142 */ 4 lrskd bit (36), 3 228 /* 143 */ 4 lrcc bit (36), 3 229 /* 144-145 */ 4 lrsts (0:1) bit (36), 3 230 /* 146 */ 4 lrtm bit (36), 3 231 /* 147 */ 4 lswt2, 3 232 5 b0 bit (1) unaligned, 3 233 5 b1 bit (1) unaligned, 3 234 5 b2 bit (1) unaligned, 3 235 5 b3 bit (1) unaligned, 3 236 5 b4 bit (1) unaligned, 3 237 5 b5 bit (1) unaligned, 3 238 5 b6 bit (1) unaligned, 3 239 5 b7 bit (1) unaligned, 3 240 5 b8 bit (1) unaligned, 3 241 5 b9 bit (1) unaligned, 3 242 5 b10 bit (1) unaligned, 3 243 5 b11 bit (1) unaligned, 3 244 5 b12 bit (1) unaligned, 3 245 5 b13 bit (1) unaligned, 3 246 5 b14 bit (1) unaligned, 3 247 5 b15 bit (1) unaligned, 3 248 5 b16 bit (1) unaligned, 3 249 5 b17 bit (1) unaligned, 3 250 5 b18 bit (1) unaligned, 3 251 5 b19 bit (1) unaligned, 3 252 5 b20 bit (1) unaligned, 3 253 5 b21 bit (1) unaligned, 3 254 5 b22 bit (1) unaligned, 3 255 5 b23 bit (1) unaligned, 3 256 5 b24 bit (1) unaligned, 3 257 5 b25 bit (1) unaligned, 3 258 5 b26 bit (1) unaligned, 3 259 5 b27 bit (1) unaligned, 3 260 5 b28 bit (1) unaligned, 3 261 5 b29 bit (1) unaligned, 3 262 5 b30 bit (1) unaligned, 3 263 5 b31 bit (1) unaligned, 3 264 5 b32 bit (1) unaligned, 3 265 5 b33 bit (1) unaligned, 3 266 5 b34 bit (1) unaligned, 3 267 5 b35 bit (1) unaligned, 3 268 /* 150 */ 4 llsnb bit (36), 3 269 /* 151 */ 4 lesq bit (36), 3 270 /* 152-153 */ 4 lumc (0:1) bit (36), 3 271 /* 154-155 */ 4 lfnam (0:1) bit (36), 3 272 /* 156 */ 4 lopts bit (36), 3 273 /* 157 */ 4 licec, 3 274 5 b0_17 bit (18) unaligned, 3 275 5 b18_35 fixed bin (17) unaligned, 3 276 /* 160 */ 4 lflg3, 3 277 5 b0 bit (1) unaligned, 3 278 5 b1 bit (1) unaligned, 3 279 5 b2 bit (1) unaligned, 3 280 5 b3 bit (1) unaligned, 3 281 5 b4 bit (1) unaligned, 3 282 5 b5 bit (1) unaligned, 3 283 5 b6 bit (1) unaligned, 3 284 5 b7 bit (1) unaligned, 3 285 5 b8 bit (1) unaligned, 3 286 5 b9 bit (1) unaligned, 3 287 5 b10 bit (1) unaligned, 3 288 5 b11 bit (1) unaligned, 3 289 5 b12 bit (1) unaligned, 3 290 5 b13 bit (1) unaligned, 3 291 5 b14 bit (1) unaligned, 3 292 5 b15 bit (1) unaligned, 3 293 5 b16 bit (1) unaligned, 3 294 5 b17 bit (1) unaligned, 3 295 5 b18 bit (1) unaligned, 3 296 5 b19 bit (1) unaligned, 3 297 5 b20 bit (1) unaligned, 3 298 5 b21 bit (1) unaligned, 3 299 5 b22 bit (1) unaligned, 3 300 5 b23 bit (1) unaligned, 3 301 5 b24 bit (1) unaligned, 3 302 5 b25 bit (1) unaligned, 3 303 5 b26 bit (1) unaligned, 3 304 5 b27 bit (1) unaligned, 3 305 5 b28 bit (1) unaligned, 3 306 5 b29 bit (1) unaligned, 3 307 5 b30 bit (1) unaligned, 3 308 5 b31 bit (1) unaligned, 3 309 5 b32 bit (1) unaligned, 3 310 5 b33 bit (1) unaligned, 3 311 5 b34 bit (1) unaligned, 3 312 5 b35 bit (1) unaligned, 3 313 /* 161-163 */ 4 lpage (0:2) bit (36), 3 314 /* 164 */ 4 lsit1 bit (36), 3 315 /* 165 */ 4 lsit2 bit (36), 3 316 /* 166 */ 4 lsit3 bit (36), 3 317 /* 167 */ 4 lsit4 bit (36), 3 318 /* The following entries are maintained by gtss and are not found in TSS UST */ 3 319 /* 170 */ 4 lxxx, /* program stack index, offset from gtss_ust */ 3 320 5 b0_17 fixed bin (17) unaligned, 3 321 5 b18_35 bit (18) unaligned, /* not used */ 3 322 /* 171-175 */ 4 lprgs (5), 3 323 5 b0_17 fixed bin (17) unaligned, 3 324 5 b18_35 fixed bin (17) unaligned, 3 325 /* 176 */ 4 fill bit (36), 3 326 /* 177 */ 4 remote_io_buffer aligned, 3 327 5 buffer_control_word, 3 328 6 current_line_pointer bit (18)unal, 3 329 6 buffer_threshold_address bit (18)unal, 3 330 5 number_words_transmitted fixed bin (17)unal, 3 331 5 FILL1 fixed bin (17)unal, 3 332 5 count_of_characters_transmitted fixed bin (17)unal, 3 333 5 FILL2 fixed bin (17)unal, 3 334 5 characters_transmitted (244) char (1) unal, 3 335 /* 277 */ 4 word_after_ust bit (36) aligned; 3 336 3 337 /* END INCLUDE FILE gtss_ust_ext_.incl.pl1 */ 475 476 /** 477***/ 4 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE gtss_ext_.incl.pl1 */ 4 2 /* 4 3* Created: (Wardd Multics) 05/20/78 1307.6 mst Sat 4 4* Modified: Ward 1981 add suspended_process dcl 4 5* Modified: Ron Barstad 83-07-21 Fixed level number on mcfc to 3 4 6* Modified: Ron Barstad 83-07-25 Fixed derail range in statistics to 4js3 number 4 7**/ 4 8 dcl gtss_ext_$aem fixed bin static ext /* >0 Print "additional" error information. */; 4 9 dcl gtss_ext_$bad_drl_rtrn static ext label /* Default for drl_rtrn. */; 4 10 dcl gtss_ext_$db (72)bit(1)unal static ext; 4 11 dcl gtss_ext_$deferred_catalogs_ptr ptr ext; 4 12 dcl gtss_ext_$dispose_of_drl static ext label /* quit handlers for some derails use this label to abort */; 4 13 dcl gtss_ext_$drl_rtrn (4)static ext label /* where to return at subsystem end */; 4 14 dcl gtss_ext_$drm_path char(168)static ext /* gtss_expand_pathname_stores drm_path */; 4 15 dcl gtss_ext_$drun_jid char (5) static ext /* valid only for DRUN executing under absentee */; 4 16 dcl gtss_ext_$event_channel fixed bin (71) static ext /* used for DABT signals */; 4 17 dcl gtss_ext_$finished static ext label /* Return to gtss for normal conclusion. */; 4 18 dcl gtss_ext_$gdb_name char(8)ext /* Name H* module to debug. */; 4 19 dcl gtss_ext_$get_line entry(ptr,ptr,fixed bin(21),fixed bin(21),fixed bin(35))variable ext /* Build mode input procedure. */; 4 20 dcl gtss_ext_$gtss_slave_area_seg (4) ext static ptr /* pointer to gtss slave area segment */; 4 21 dcl gtss_ext_$hcs_work_area_ptr ptr ext static /* Temp seg for acl lists. */; 4 22 dcl gtss_ext_$homedir char (64) static ext /* user's home dir */; 4 23 dcl gtss_ext_$last_k_was_out bit (1)aligned ext static /* "1"b => last tty output was output. */; 4 24 dcl gtss_ext_$pdir char (168) varying ext static /* pathname of process directory */; 4 25 dcl gtss_ext_$popup_from_pi static ext label /* transfer to this label after pi simulates popup primitive */; 4 26 dcl gtss_ext_$process_type fixed bin (17) static ext; 4 27 dcl gtss_ext_$put_chars entry(ptr,ptr,fixed bin(24),fixed bin(35)) variable ext /* Terminal output procedure. */; 4 28 dcl gtss_ext_$restart_from_pi static ext label /* transfer to this label after pi restores machine conditions */; 4 29 dcl gtss_ext_$restart_seg_ptr ptr static ext /* points to DRUN restart file when exec under absentee */; 4 30 dcl gtss_ext_$sig_ptr ext static ptr /* saved ptr to signal_ */; 4 31 dcl gtss_ext_$stack_level_ fixed bin ext static; 4 32 dcl gtss_ext_$suspended_process bit(1) ext static; 4 33 dcl gtss_ext_$SYstarstar_file_no fixed bin (24) static ext; 4 34 dcl gtss_ext_$user_id char (26)var ext; 4 35 dcl gtss_ext_$work_area_ptr ptr ext; 4 36 4 37 dcl 1 gtss_ext_$CFP_bits aligned static external 4 38 , 3 no_input_yet bit (1) unaligned /* used in gtss_CFP_input_, gtss_read_starCFP_ */ 4 39 , 3 rtn_bits bit (4) unaligned /* used in gtss_CFP_input_, gtss_CFP_output_ */ 4 40 , 3 cpos_called bit (1) unaligned /* used in gtss_CFP_input_, gtss_drl_t_cfio_, gtss_abandon_CFP_ */ 4 41 , 3 cout_called bit (1) unaligned /* used in gtss_read_starCFP_, gtss_abandon_CFP_ */ 4 42 , 3 build_mode bit (1) unaligned /* used in gtss_build_, gtss_dsd_process_ */ 4 43 ; 4 44 4 45 dcl 1 gtss_ext_$com_reg aligned static ext, 4 46 3 tsdmx, 4 47 4 dst fixed bin (18) unsigned unaligned, 4 48 4 dit fixed bin (18) unsigned unaligned, 4 49 3 tsdpt fixed bin (36) unsigned unaligned, 4 50 3 tsddt fixed bin (36) unsigned unaligned, 4 51 3 tsdid bit (72) unaligned, 4 52 3 tsdsd bit (36) unaligned, 4 53 3 tsdst fixed bin (36) unsigned unaligned, 4 54 3 tsdjb fixed bin (35) unaligned, 4 55 3 tsdgt, 4 56 4 ust_loc fixed bin (18) unsigned unaligned, 4 57 4 gating_ctl fixed bin (18) unsigned unaligned, 4 58 3 tcdfr bit (36) unaligned; 4 59 4 60 dcl 1 gtss_ext_$flags aligned static ext 4 61 , 3 dispose_of_drl_on_pi bit (01) unal /* 1 => drl that should be aborted after quit-pi sequence */ 4 62 , 3 drl_in_progress bit (01) unal /* 1 => drl handler executing; 0 => gcos code executing */ 4 63 , 3 popup_from_pi bit (01) unal /* 1 => derail processor will simulate Gcos break instead of returning */ 4 64 , 3 unfinished_drl bit (01) unal /* 1 => subsystem is handling breaks and quit was raised during a drl */ 4 65 , 3 ss_time_limit_set bit (01) unal /* 1 => exec time limit set for subsystem */ 4 66 , 3 timer_ranout bit (01) unal /* 1 => user is executing timer runout code */ 4 67 , 3 gtss_com_err_sw bit (01) unal /* 1 => stop com_err_ string from going to terminal */ 4 68 , 3 available bit (65) unal 4 69 ; 4 70 4 71 4 72 dcl 1 gtss_ext_$statistics aligned static ext, /* Derail usage statistics */ 4 73 3 total_time (-10:71)fixed bin (71), 4 74 3 count (-10:71)fixed bin (17); 4 75 4 76 /* Declaration of Available File Table 4 77* */ 4 78 dcl 1 gtss_ext_$aft aligned ext, /* aft structure */ 4 79 4 80 3 start_list (0:102) fixed bin (24), /* >0 => 1st aft_entry row to start of next entry chain. */ 4 81 4 82 3 aft_entry (20), 4 83 4 altname char (8), /* altname name for attaching this file */ 4 84 4 next_entry fixed bin (24), /* Next aft_entry in hash chain. */ 4 85 4 previous_add fixed bin (24), /* Previously added entry. */ 4 86 4 next_add fixed bin (24), /* Entry added after this one. */ 4 87 4 used bit (1) unal, /* "1"b => aft_entry contains AFT value. */ 4 88 4 forced bit(1) unal, /* "1"b => gtss_verify_access_ forced access on this file. */ 4 89 4 90 3 free_space fixed bin (24), /* Index of start of free space list for aft entries. */ 4 91 3 first_added fixed bin (24), /* >0 => start of chain in add order. */ 4 92 3 last_added fixed bin (24) /* >0 => end of chain in added order. */; 4 93 4 94 dcl gtss_ext_$ppt ptr ext /* switch name for tapein drl */; 4 95 /** Data structure to provide access to installed 4 96* subsystems fast library load. 4 97* **/ 4 98 dcl 1 gtss_ext_$fast_lib aligned ext 4 99 , 3 fast_lib_fcb ptr /* Pointer to msf fcb. */ 4 100 , 3 fast_lib_ncp fixed bin (24) /* Number of components. */ 4 101 , 3 comp_ptr (0:9)ptr /* Pointer to component. */ 4 102 , 3 comp_wds (0:9)fixed bin (24) /* Component length (words). */ 4 103 ; 4 104 4 105 /* Pointers to segments to regulate multipler 4 106* callers to files. Same segments are used to regulate 4 107* all simulator callers. 4 108**/ 4 109 dcl 1 gtss_ext_$mcfc aligned ext, 4 110 3 multics_lock_id bit(36), 4 111 3 wait_time fixed bin, 4 112 3 files_ptr ptr, 4 113 3 names_ptr ptr, 4 114 3 callers_ptr (0:3)ptr 4 115 ; 4 116 4 117 /* END INCLUDE FILE gtss_ext_.incl.pl1 */ 478 479 /** 480***/ 5 1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE gtss_entry_dcls.incl.pl1 */ 5 2 /* 5 3* Created: (Wardd Multics) 06/30/78 1624.8 mst Fri 5 4* Modified: Ron Barstad 84-02-24 Fixed wrong and obsolete entries 5 5**/ 5 6 5 7 /** gtss external entry variables. **/ 5 8 dcl com_err_ entry() options(variable); 5 9 dcl gtss_CFP_abort_ entry options(variable); 5 10 dcl gtss_CFP_break_ entry options(variable); 5 11 dcl gtss_CFP_input_ entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin(21), fixed bin(21), fixed bin(35)); 5 12 dcl gtss_CFP_output_ entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin(21), fixed bin(35)); 5 13 dcl gtss_abandon_CFP_ entry options(variable); 5 14 dcl gtss_abort_dump_ entry (fixed bin(18)); 5 15 dcl gtss_abort_subsystem_ entry options (variable); 5 16 dcl gtss_abort_subsystem_$not_imp entry (ptr, fixed bin(24)); 5 17 dcl gtss_abs_login_banner_ entry() returns(char(*)); 5 18 dcl gtss_abs_logout_banner_ entry() returns(char(*)); 5 19 dcl gtss_abs_$abs_equiv entry options(variable); 5 20 dcl gtss_abs_$cpu_runout entry (ptr, char(4)); 5 21 dcl gtss_abs_$create_absin entry() returns(char(*)); 5 22 dcl gtss_abs_$dabt_check entry (ptr, char(4)); 5 23 dcl gtss_abs_$get_id entry (char(5)) returns(char(19)); 5 24 dcl gtss_abs_$get_drm entry() returns(char(*)); 5 25 dcl gtss_adjust_size_ entry (ptr); 5 26 dcl gtss_aft_$add entry (char(8), fixed bin(24), fixed bin(35)); 5 27 dcl gtss_aft_$delete entry (char(8), fixed bin(24), fixed bin(35)); 5 28 dcl gtss_aft_$find entry (char(8), fixed bin(24), fixed bin(35)); 5 29 dcl gtss_aft_$initialize entry (fixed bin(35)); 5 30 dcl gtss_ascii_bcd_ entry (ptr, fixed bin, ptr); 5 31 dcl gtss_attributes_mgr_$get entry (ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 32 dcl gtss_attributes_mgr_$set entry (ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 33 dcl gtss_bcd_ascii_ entry (ptr, fixed bin(24), ptr); 5 34 dcl gtss_bcd_ascii_$lc entry (ptr, fixed bin(24), ptr); 5 35 dcl gtss_break_vector_ entry (); 5 36 dcl gtss_break_vector_$drl_in_progress entry() returns(bit(1)); 5 37 dcl gtss_break_vector_$status entry() returns(bit(1)); 5 38 dcl gtss_build_ entry options(variable); 5 39 dcl gtss_com_err_ entry options(variable); 5 40 dcl gtss_derail_processor_ entry (ptr, char(*), ptr, ptr, bit(1) aligned) /* called at fault time instead of signal_ */; 5 41 dcl gtss_derail_processor_$set entry options(variable); 5 42 dcl gtss_dq_$catp entry (char (5), ptr, fixed bin (18) unsigned); 5 43 dcl gtss_dq_$create entry (bit(1)); 5 44 dcl gtss_dq_$dibp entry (char(5), ptr); 5 45 dcl gtss_dq_$entries_info entry (ptr, fixed bin (18) unsigned, fixed bin (18) unsigned); 5 46 dcl gtss_dq_$hdrp entry (ptr); 5 47 dcl gtss_dq_$mod_js entry (char(5), fixed bin (6) unsigned, bit (1)); 5 48 dcl gtss_dq_$open_exc entry (bit(1)); 5 49 dcl gtss_dq_$open_gen entry (bit(1)); 5 50 dcl gtss_drl_abort_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 51 dcl gtss_drl_addmem_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 52 dcl gtss_drl_callss_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 53 dcl gtss_drl_corfil_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 54 dcl gtss_drl_defil_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 55 dcl gtss_drl_defil_$subr entry (ptr, ptr, ptr); 5 56 dcl gtss_drl_dio_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 57 dcl gtss_drl_drlimt_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 58 dcl gtss_drl_drlsav_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 59 dcl gtss_drl_filact_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 60 dcl gtss_drl_filsp_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 61 dcl gtss_drl_grow_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 62 dcl gtss_drl_gwake_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 63 dcl gtss_drl_jsts_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 64 dcl gtss_drl_kin_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 65 dcl gtss_drl_kotnow_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 66 dcl gtss_drl_kotnow_$gtss_drl_kout_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 67 dcl gtss_drl_koutn_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 68 dcl gtss_drl_morlnk_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 69 dcl gtss_drl_msub_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 70 dcl gtss_drl_objtim_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 71 dcl gtss_drl_part_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 72 dcl gtss_drl_pasaft_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 73 dcl gtss_drl_pasdes_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 74 dcl gtss_drl_pasust_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 75 dcl gtss_drl_pdio_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 76 dcl gtss_drl_prgdes_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 77 dcl gtss_drl_pseudo_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 78 dcl gtss_drl_relmem_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 79 dcl gtss_drl_restor_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 80 dcl gtss_drl_retfil_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 81 dcl gtss_drl_return_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 82 dcl gtss_drl_rew_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 83 dcl gtss_drl_rstswh_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 84 dcl gtss_drl_setlno_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 85 dcl gtss_drl_setswh_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 86 dcl gtss_drl_snumb_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 87 dcl gtss_drl_spawn_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 88 dcl gtss_drl_spawn_$gtss_drl_pasflr_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 89 dcl gtss_drl_stoppt_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 90 dcl gtss_drl_switch_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 91 dcl gtss_drl_sysret_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 92 dcl gtss_drl_t_cfio_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 93 dcl gtss_drl_t_cmov_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 94 dcl gtss_drl_t_err_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 95 dcl gtss_drl_t_goto_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 96 dcl gtss_drl_t_linl_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 97 dcl gtss_drl_t_rscc_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 98 dcl gtss_drl_tapein_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 99 dcl gtss_drl_task_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 100 dcl gtss_drl_termtp_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 101 dcl gtss_drl_time_ entry (ptr, fixed bin); 5 102 dcl gtss_drun_ entry (bit(1)); 5 103 dcl gtss_dsd_lookup_ entry (char(8) var) returns(fixed bin(24)); 5 104 dcl gtss_dsd_process_ entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin(21), fixed bin(21), fixed bin(35)); 5 105 dcl gtss_edit_dsd_ entry (ptr, fixed bin(21)) returns(fixed bin(24)); 5 106 dcl gtss_mcfc_empty entry (char(*) var); 5 107 dcl gtss_expand_pathname_ entry (ptr, char(*), char(*), fixed bin(35)); 5 108 dcl gtss_expand_pathname_$verify_umc entry (ptr, char(*), char(*), bit(18), fixed bin(35)); 5 109 dcl gtss_fault_processor_ entry options(variable); 5 110 dcl gtss_find_cond_frame_ entry (char(32) var) returns(ptr); 5 111 dcl gtss_fault_processor_$timer_runout entry (ptr, char(*)); 5 112 dcl gtss_filact_error_status_ entry (fixed bin(35))returns(bit(12)); 5 113 dcl gtss_filact_funct02_ entry (ptr, bit(18), ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 114 dcl gtss_filact_funct03_ entry (ptr, bit(18), ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 115 dcl gtss_filact_funct04_ entry (ptr, bit(18), ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 116 dcl gtss_filact_funct05_ entry (ptr, bit(18), ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 117 dcl gtss_filact_funct08_ entry (ptr, bit(18), ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 118 dcl gtss_filact_funct10_ entry (ptr, bit(18), ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 119 dcl gtss_filact_funct11_ entry (ptr, bit(18), ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 120 dcl gtss_filact_funct14_ entry (ptr, bit(18), ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 121 dcl gtss_filact_funct18_ entry (ptr, bit(18), ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 122 dcl gtss_filact_funct19_ entry (ptr, bit(18), ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 123 dcl gtss_filact_funct21_ entry (ptr, bit(18), ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 124 dcl gtss_filact_funct22_ entry (ptr, bit(18), ptr, ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 125 dcl gtss_mcfc_init_ entry (char(*) var); 5 126 dcl gtss_interp_prim_ entry options(variable); 5 127 dcl gtss_interp_prim_$callss entry (char(4), ptr); 5 128 dcl gtss_interp_prim_$sysret entry options(variable); 5 129 dcl gtss_interp_prim_$t_goto entry (char(4)); 5 130 dcl gtss_ios_change_size_ entry (fixed bin(24), fixed bin(24), bit(1), fixed bin(24), fixed bin(35)); 5 131 dcl gtss_ios_close_ entry (fixed bin(24), ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 132 dcl gtss_ios_exchange_names_ entry (fixed bin(24), fixed bin(24), fixed bin(24), fixed bin(35)); 5 133 dcl gtss_ios_initialize_ entry options(variable); 5 134 dcl gtss_ios_io_ entry (fixed bin(24), ptr, ptr, fixed bin(24), fixed bin(24), fixed bin(35)); 5 135 dcl gtss_ios_open_ entry (fixed bin(24), char(168), char(32), bit(6), bit(1), ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 136 dcl gtss_ios_position_ entry (fixed bin(24), fixed bin(24), fixed bin(24), bit(6), ptr); 5 137 dcl gtss_mcfc_$delete entry (fixed bin(24), char(*), char(*), bit(36) aligned, ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 138 dcl gtss_mcfc_$open entry (char(*), char(*), bit(6), bit(36) aligned, ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 139 dcl gtss_mcfc_$close entry (char(*), char(*), bit(36) aligned, ptr, fixed bin(35)); 5 140 dcl gtss_read_starCFP_ entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin(21), fixed bin(21), fixed bin(35)); 5 141 dcl gtss_read_starCFP_$last_os entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin(21), fixed bin(21), fixed bin(35)); 5 142 dcl gtss_run_subsystem_ entry (fixed bin(24)); 5 143 dcl gtss_run_subsystem_$finish entry options(variable); 5 144 dcl gtss_run_subsystem_$restor entry (fixed bin(24), ptr); 5 145 dcl gtss_run_subsystem_$restor_perm entry (fixed bin(24), ptr, fixed bin(18)); 5 146 dcl gtss_set_slave_ entry (fixed bin (24), ptr); 5 147 dcl gtss_set_slave_$load_bar entry (fixed bin (17)); 5 148 dcl gtss_update_safe_store_ entry (ptr); 5 149 dcl gtss_verify_access_ entry (char(*), char(*), fixed bin(24), bit(6), bit(12) aligned); 5 150 dcl gtss_verify_access_$check_forced_access entry (char(*), char(*), fixed bin(24)); 5 151 dcl gtss_write_starCFP_ entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin(21), fixed bin(35)); 5 152 /* END INCLUDE FILE gtss_entry_dcls.incl.pl1 */ 481 482 finish: ; 483 end /* gtss_dsd_process_ */; SOURCE FILES USED IN THIS COMPILATION. LINE NUMBER DATE MODIFIED NAME PATHNAME 0 12/10/84 1043.7 gtss_dsd_process_.pl1 >spec>on>7105>gtss_dsd_process_.pl1 469 1 09/09/83 1713.2 gtss_CFP_bits.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>gtss_CFP_bits.incl.pl1 472 2 09/09/83 1714.2 gtss_starCF_.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>gtss_starCF_.incl.pl1 475 3 09/09/83 1714.3 gtss_ust_ext_.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>gtss_ust_ext_.incl.pl1 478 4 09/09/83 1713.8 gtss_ext_.incl.pl1 >ldd>include>gtss_ext_.incl.pl1 481 5 12/10/84 1029.7 gtss_entry_dcls.incl.pl1 >spec>on>7105>gtss_entry_dcls.incl.pl1 NAMES DECLARED IN THIS COMPILATION. IDENTIFIER OFFSET LOC STORAGE CLASS DATA TYPE ATTRIBUTES AND REFERENCES (* indicates a set context) NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT. CR constant char(1) initial unaligned dcl 428 ref 264 NL constant char(1) initial unaligned dcl 429 ref 264 addr builtin function dcl 440 ref 191 b0 54 000022 external static bit(1) level 4 packed unaligned dcl 3-16 set ref 133* 133 135* 135 137* 137 139* 139 265 265 305 305 358 358 371 371 b1 54(01) 000022 external static bit(1) level 4 packed unaligned dcl 3-16 set ref 106* 106 108* 108 110* 110 112* 112 b14 54(14) 000022 external static bit(1) level 4 packed unaligned dcl 3-16 ref 147 147 234 234 b31 160(31) 000022 external static bit(1) level 4 packed unaligned dcl 3-16 set ref 81* 81 b4 54(04) 000022 external static bit(1) level 4 packed unaligned dcl 3-16 set ref 168* 168 350* 350 383 383 384* 384 386* 386 b5 147(05) 000022 external static bit(1) level 4 packed unaligned dcl 3-16 set ref 410* 410 412* 412 414* 414 416* 416 b6 147(06) 000022 external static bit(1) level 4 packed unaligned dcl 3-16 set ref 285* 323* bl 000214 automatic fixed bin(21,0) dcl 438 set ref 295* 296* 372* 373* bp parameter pointer dcl 424 set ref 9 23 24 57* 58 93 94 103 120 121 130 148* 149 176 188 189 189 191 198 212* 213 235* 236 264 265* 267 291 293 293 296* 297 306* 313* 314 324* 332 352 354 354 360* 373* 385* 397 398 407 break_flag defined bit(1) unaligned dcl 1-13 set ref 81* build_mode 0(07) 000030 external static bit(1) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 4-37 ref 56 211 cf 112 000020 external static structure level 2 dcl 2-12 code 000215 automatic fixed bin(35,0) initial dcl 439 set ref 193* 197* 198 439* com_err_ 000032 constant entry external dcl 5-8 ref 176 332 copy_on defined bit(1) unaligned dcl 1-9 set ref 106* 108* 110* 112* cout_called 0(06) 000030 external static bit(1) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 4-37 set ref 283* 321* cp 000211 automatic fixed bin(24,0) dcl 437 set ref 23* 24 cs 000202 automatic varying char(8) dcl 436 set ref 27* 28* 29 30* 30 32* 350 dele_on defined bit(1) unaligned dcl 1-8 set ref 133* 135* 137* 139* 265 305 358 371 ec parameter fixed bin(35,0) dcl 427 set ref 9 57* 58 148* 149 212* 213 235* 236 265* 267 296* 297 306* 307 313* 314 324* 360* 361 373* 374 385* exclude_on 114(01) 000020 external static bit(1) level 3 packed unaligned dcl 2-12 ref 265 gtss_CFP_input_ 000034 constant entry external dcl 5-11 ref 385 gtss_abandon_CFP_ 000036 constant entry external dcl 5-13 ref 284 322 gtss_abort_subsystem_ 000040 constant entry external dcl 5-15 ref 58 65 94 121 149 156 198 213 220 236 243 267 297 307 314 361 374 398 gtss_dsd_lookup_ 000042 constant entry external dcl 5-103 ref 32 gtss_ext_$CFP_bits 000030 external static structure level 1 dcl 4-37 gtss_ext_$drun_jid 000024 external static char(5) unaligned dcl 4-15 ref 193 gtss_ext_$process_type 000026 external static fixed bin(17,0) dcl 4-26 ref 193 gtss_read_starCFP_$last_os 000044 constant entry external dcl 5-141 ref 306 360 gtss_starCF_$FILE 000020 external static structure level 1 dcl 2-12 gtss_ust 000022 external static structure level 2 dcl 3-16 gtss_ust_ext_$ust 000022 external static structure level 1 dcl 3-16 gtss_write_starCFP_ 000046 constant entry external dcl 5-151 ref 57 148 193 212 235 265 i 000213 automatic fixed bin(24,0) dcl 437 set ref 93* 94 102 103 120* 121 129 130 291* 292 293 294 352* 353 354 355 371 397* 398 406 407 index builtin function dcl 440 ref 23 93 120 291 352 397 iox_$get_line 000010 constant entry external dcl 442 ref 324 iox_$put_chars 000012 constant entry external dcl 443 ref 197 296 313 373 iox_$user_input 000014 external static pointer dcl 444 set ref 324* iox_$user_output 000016 external static pointer dcl 445 set ref 197* 296* 313* 373* lcjid 135 000022 external static bit(36) level 3 dcl 3-16 ref 91 193 282 348 length builtin function dcl 440 ref 25 27 105 132 409 lflg2 54 000022 external static structure level 3 dcl 3-16 lflg3 160 000022 external static structure level 3 dcl 3-16 lswt2 147 000022 external static structure level 3 dcl 3-16 ltrim builtin function dcl 440 ref 26 104 131 408 ml parameter fixed bin(21,0) dcl 425 set ref 9 306* 324* 360* 385* no_input_yet 000030 external static bit(1) level 2 packed unaligned dcl 4-37 set ref 48* 274* 286* 325* 387* null builtin function dcl 440 ref 58 58 65 65 94 94 121 121 149 149 156 156 198 198 213 213 220 220 236 236 243 243 267 267 297 297 307 307 314 314 361 361 374 374 398 398 435 proper_rtn 000216 automatic entry variable dcl 446 set ref 36* 37 quit 000000 stack reference condition dcl 441 ref 82 rl parameter fixed bin(21,0) dcl 426 set ref 9 20 57* 148* 212* 235* 263* 265* 306* 313* 324* 360* 367 385* rll 000210 automatic fixed bin(24,0) dcl 437 set ref 20* 21 23 24 58 58 93 94 94 102 103 120 121 121 129 130 149 149 176 176 186 187* 193 197 198 198 213 213 236 236 263* 264 267 267 291 293 293 294* 294 295 297 297 314 314 332 332 352 354 354 355* 355 367* 372 397 398 398 406 407 rls 000100 automatic varying char(252) dcl 431 set ref 24* 25* 25 25 26* 26 27 27 28 103* 104* 104 105 106 106 130* 131* 131 132 133 133 407* 408* 408 409 410 410 rtn_table 000222 automatic entry variable initial array dcl 447 set ref 36 447* 447* 447* 447* 447* 447* 447* 447* 447* 447* 447* 447* 447* 447* 447* 447* 447* 447* 447* save_cs 000205 automatic varying char(8) dcl 436 set ref 29* 93 120 291 352 397 sp2 000200 automatic pointer initial dcl 435 set ref 191* 193* 197* 435* string_1 based char(1) array unaligned dcl 432 set ref 188* 189* 189 191 string_3 based char unaligned dcl 434 set ref 23 24 58* 93 94* 103 120 121* 130 149* 176* 198* 213* 236* 264* 267* 291 293* 293 297* 314* 332* 352 354* 354 397 398* 407 substr builtin function dcl 440 ref 24 25 27 28 103 106 106 130 133 133 293 354 407 410 410 talk_on defined bit(1) unaligned dcl 1-10 set ref 168* 350* 383 384* 386* translate builtin function dcl 440 ref 30 trap_off defined bit(1) unaligned dcl 1-12 set ref 410* 412* 414* 416* type 000212 automatic fixed bin(24,0) dcl 437 set ref 32* 34* 36 up parameter pointer dcl 423 set ref 9 57* 148* 193* 212* 235* 265* 306* 360* 385* user_code defined bit(1) unaligned dcl 1-11 ref 147 234 NAMES DECLARED BY DECLARE STATEMENT AND NEVER REFERENCED. CFP_in_progress defined bit(1) unaligned dcl 1-7 gtss_CFP_abort_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-9 gtss_CFP_break_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-10 gtss_CFP_output_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-12 gtss_abort_dump_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-14 gtss_abort_subsystem_$not_imp 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-16 gtss_abs_$abs_equiv 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-19 gtss_abs_$cpu_runout 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-20 gtss_abs_$create_absin 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-21 gtss_abs_$dabt_check 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-22 gtss_abs_$get_drm 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-24 gtss_abs_$get_id 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-23 gtss_abs_login_banner_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-17 gtss_abs_logout_banner_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-18 gtss_adjust_size_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-25 gtss_aft_$add 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-26 gtss_aft_$delete 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-27 gtss_aft_$find 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-28 gtss_aft_$initialize 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-29 gtss_ascii_bcd_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-30 gtss_attributes_mgr_$get 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-31 gtss_attributes_mgr_$set 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-32 gtss_bcd_ascii_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-33 gtss_bcd_ascii_$lc 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-34 gtss_break_vector_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-35 gtss_break_vector_$drl_in_progress 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-36 gtss_break_vector_$status 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-37 gtss_build_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-38 gtss_com_err_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-39 gtss_derail_processor_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-40 gtss_derail_processor_$set 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-41 gtss_dq_$catp 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-42 gtss_dq_$create 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-43 gtss_dq_$dibp 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-44 gtss_dq_$entries_info 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-45 gtss_dq_$hdrp 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-46 gtss_dq_$mod_js 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-47 gtss_dq_$open_exc 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-48 gtss_dq_$open_gen 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-49 gtss_drl_abort_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-50 gtss_drl_addmem_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-51 gtss_drl_callss_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-52 gtss_drl_corfil_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-53 gtss_drl_defil_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-54 gtss_drl_defil_$subr 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-55 gtss_drl_dio_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-56 gtss_drl_drlimt_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-57 gtss_drl_drlsav_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-58 gtss_drl_filact_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-59 gtss_drl_filsp_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-60 gtss_drl_grow_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-61 gtss_drl_gwake_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-62 gtss_drl_jsts_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-63 gtss_drl_kin_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-64 gtss_drl_kotnow_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-65 gtss_drl_kotnow_$gtss_drl_kout_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-66 gtss_drl_koutn_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-67 gtss_drl_morlnk_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-68 gtss_drl_msub_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-69 gtss_drl_objtim_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-70 gtss_drl_part_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-71 gtss_drl_pasaft_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-72 gtss_drl_pasdes_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-73 gtss_drl_pasust_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-74 gtss_drl_pdio_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-75 gtss_drl_prgdes_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-76 gtss_drl_pseudo_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-77 gtss_drl_relmem_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-78 gtss_drl_restor_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-79 gtss_drl_retfil_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-80 gtss_drl_return_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-81 gtss_drl_rew_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-82 gtss_drl_rstswh_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-83 gtss_drl_setlno_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-84 gtss_drl_setswh_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-85 gtss_drl_snumb_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-86 gtss_drl_spawn_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-87 gtss_drl_spawn_$gtss_drl_pasflr_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-88 gtss_drl_stoppt_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-89 gtss_drl_switch_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-90 gtss_drl_sysret_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-91 gtss_drl_t_cfio_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-92 gtss_drl_t_cmov_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-93 gtss_drl_t_err_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-94 gtss_drl_t_goto_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-95 gtss_drl_t_linl_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-96 gtss_drl_t_rscc_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-97 gtss_drl_tapein_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-98 gtss_drl_task_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-99 gtss_drl_termtp_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-100 gtss_drl_time_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-101 gtss_drun_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-102 gtss_dsd_process_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-104 gtss_edit_dsd_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-105 gtss_expand_pathname_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-107 gtss_expand_pathname_$verify_umc 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-108 gtss_ext_$SYstarstar_file_no external static fixed bin(24,0) dcl 4-33 gtss_ext_$aem external static fixed bin(17,0) dcl 4-8 gtss_ext_$aft external static structure level 1 dcl 4-78 gtss_ext_$bad_drl_rtrn external static label variable dcl 4-9 gtss_ext_$com_reg external static structure level 1 dcl 4-45 gtss_ext_$db external static bit(1) array unaligned dcl 4-10 gtss_ext_$deferred_catalogs_ptr external static pointer dcl 4-11 gtss_ext_$dispose_of_drl external static label variable dcl 4-12 gtss_ext_$drl_rtrn external static label variable array dcl 4-13 gtss_ext_$drm_path external static char(168) unaligned dcl 4-14 gtss_ext_$event_channel external static fixed bin(71,0) dcl 4-16 gtss_ext_$fast_lib external static structure level 1 dcl 4-98 gtss_ext_$finished external static label variable dcl 4-17 gtss_ext_$flags external static structure level 1 dcl 4-60 gtss_ext_$gdb_name external static char(8) unaligned dcl 4-18 gtss_ext_$get_line external static entry variable dcl 4-19 gtss_ext_$gtss_slave_area_seg external static pointer array dcl 4-20 gtss_ext_$hcs_work_area_ptr external static pointer dcl 4-21 gtss_ext_$homedir external static char(64) unaligned dcl 4-22 gtss_ext_$last_k_was_out external static bit(1) dcl 4-23 gtss_ext_$mcfc external static structure level 1 dcl 4-109 gtss_ext_$pdir external static varying char(168) dcl 4-24 gtss_ext_$popup_from_pi external static label variable dcl 4-25 gtss_ext_$ppt external static pointer dcl 4-94 gtss_ext_$put_chars external static entry variable dcl 4-27 gtss_ext_$restart_from_pi external static label variable dcl 4-28 gtss_ext_$restart_seg_ptr external static pointer dcl 4-29 gtss_ext_$sig_ptr external static pointer dcl 4-30 gtss_ext_$stack_level_ external static fixed bin(17,0) dcl 4-31 gtss_ext_$statistics external static structure level 1 dcl 4-72 gtss_ext_$suspended_process external static bit(1) unaligned dcl 4-32 gtss_ext_$user_id external static varying char(26) dcl 4-34 gtss_ext_$work_area_ptr external static pointer dcl 4-35 gtss_fault_processor_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-109 gtss_fault_processor_$timer_runout 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-111 gtss_filact_error_status_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-112 gtss_filact_funct02_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-113 gtss_filact_funct03_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-114 gtss_filact_funct04_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-115 gtss_filact_funct05_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-116 gtss_filact_funct08_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-117 gtss_filact_funct10_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-118 gtss_filact_funct11_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-119 gtss_filact_funct14_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-120 gtss_filact_funct18_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-121 gtss_filact_funct19_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-122 gtss_filact_funct21_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-123 gtss_filact_funct22_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-124 gtss_find_cond_frame_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-110 gtss_interp_prim_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-126 gtss_interp_prim_$callss 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-127 gtss_interp_prim_$sysret 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-128 gtss_interp_prim_$t_goto 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-129 gtss_ios_change_size_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-130 gtss_ios_close_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-131 gtss_ios_exchange_names_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-132 gtss_ios_initialize_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-133 gtss_ios_io_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-134 gtss_ios_open_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-135 gtss_ios_position_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-136 gtss_mcfc_$close 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-139 gtss_mcfc_$delete 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-137 gtss_mcfc_$open 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-138 gtss_mcfc_empty 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-106 gtss_mcfc_init_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-125 gtss_read_starCFP_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-140 gtss_run_subsystem_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-142 gtss_run_subsystem_$finish 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-143 gtss_run_subsystem_$restor 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-144 gtss_run_subsystem_$restor_perm 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-145 gtss_set_slave_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-146 gtss_set_slave_$load_bar 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-147 gtss_update_safe_store_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-148 gtss_verify_access_ 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-149 gtss_verify_access_$check_forced_access 000000 constant entry external dcl 5-150 string_2 based char(1) array unaligned dcl 433 NAMES DECLARED BY EXPLICIT CONTEXT. dsd_brk 001107 constant entry internal dcl 76 ref 447 dsd_build 000747 constant entry internal dcl 54 ref 447 dsd_copy 001124 constant entry internal dcl 89 ref 447 dsd_dele 001321 constant entry internal dcl 118 ref 447 dsd_error 000736 constant entry internal dcl 42 ref 447 dsd_exec 001513 constant entry internal dcl 145 ref 447 dsd_file 001653 constant entry internal dcl 166 ref 447 dsd_lbl 001665 constant entry internal dcl 174 ref 447 dsd_mark 001734 constant entry internal dcl 182 ref 447 dsd_nbuild 002117 constant entry internal dcl 209 ref 447 dsd_nexec 002257 constant entry internal dcl 232 ref 447 dsd_nsys 002420 constant entry internal dcl 254 ref 447 dsd_null 002427 constant entry internal dcl 261 ref 447 dsd_quit 002556 constant entry internal dcl 279 ref 447 dsd_rem 003171 constant entry internal dcl 330 ref 447 dsd_system 003241 constant entry internal dcl 338 ref 447 dsd_talk 003257 constant entry internal dcl 346 ref 447 dsd_trap 003574 constant entry internal dcl 394 ref 447 dsd_user 003250 constant entry internal dcl 346 ref 447 finish 000733 constant label dcl 482 gtss_dsd_process_ 000371 constant entry external dcl 9 THERE WERE NO NAMES DECLARED BY CONTEXT OR IMPLICATION. STORAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS PROGRAM. Object Text Link Symbol Defs Static Start 0 0 4572 4642 4173 4602 Length 5222 4173 50 344 376 0 BLOCK NAME STACK SIZE TYPE WHY NONQUICK/WHO SHARES STACK FRAME gtss_dsd_process_ 230 external procedure is an external procedure. dsd_error 64 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. dsd_build 108 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. dsd_brk 70 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. dsd_copy 108 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. dsd_dele 108 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. dsd_exec 126 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. dsd_file 64 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. dsd_lbl 100 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. dsd_mark 110 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. dsd_nbuild 108 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. dsd_nexec 126 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. dsd_nsys 64 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. dsd_null 108 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. dsd_quit 136 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. dsd_rem 100 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. dsd_system 64 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. dsd_user 110 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. dsd_trap 108 internal procedure is assigned to an entry variable. STORAGE FOR AUTOMATIC VARIABLES. STACK FRAME LOC IDENTIFIER BLOCK NAME gtss_dsd_process_ 000100 rls gtss_dsd_process_ 000200 sp2 gtss_dsd_process_ 000202 cs gtss_dsd_process_ 000205 save_cs gtss_dsd_process_ 000210 rll gtss_dsd_process_ 000211 cp gtss_dsd_process_ 000212 type gtss_dsd_process_ 000213 i gtss_dsd_process_ 000214 bl gtss_dsd_process_ 000215 code gtss_dsd_process_ 000216 proper_rtn gtss_dsd_process_ 000222 rtn_table gtss_dsd_process_ THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL OPERATORS ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. alloc_cs call_var call_ext_out_desc call_ext_out return signal shorten_stack ext_entry int_entry set_cs_eis index_cs_eis THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL ENTRIES ARE CALLED BY THIS PROGRAM. com_err_ gtss_CFP_input_ gtss_abandon_CFP_ gtss_abort_subsystem_ gtss_dsd_lookup_ gtss_read_starCFP_$last_os gtss_write_starCFP_ iox_$get_line iox_$put_chars THE FOLLOWING EXTERNAL VARIABLES ARE USED BY THIS PROGRAM. gtss_ext_$CFP_bits gtss_ext_$drun_jid gtss_ext_$process_type gtss_starCF_$FILE gtss_ust_ext_$ust iox_$user_input iox_$user_output LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC LINE LOC 9 000364 435 000376 439 000400 447 000401 20 000565 21 000570 23 000572 24 000601 25 000616 26 000624 27 000646 28 000656 29 000663 30 000670 32 000706 33 000717 34 000720 36 000721 37 000727 482 000733 483 000734 42 000735 48 000743 50 000745 54 000746 56 000754 57 000757 58 000775 65 001047 73 001105 76 001106 81 001114 82 001117 84 001122 89 001123 91 001131 93 001134 94 001146 102 001213 103 001220 104 001240 105 001262 106 001265 108 001301 109 001305 110 001306 111 001312 112 001313 114 001317 118 001320 120 001326 121 001340 129 001405 130 001412 131 001432 132 001454 133 001457 135 001473 136 001477 137 001500 138 001504 139 001505 141 001511 145 001512 147 001520 148 001524 149 001542 156 001613 164 001651 166 001652 168 001660 170 001663 174 001664 176 001672 179 001732 182 001733 186 001741 187 001745 188 001747 189 001755 191 001760 193 001765 197 002024 198 002043 206 002115 209 002116 211 002124 212 002127 213 002145 220 002217 228 002255 232 002256 234 002264 235 002270 236 002306 243 002360 251 002416 254 002417 258 002425 261 002426 263 002434 264 002442 265 002453 267 002477 274 002551 276 002554 279 002555 282 002563 283 002566 284 002570 285 002574 286 002600 287 002602 291 002603 292 002632 293 002635 294 002654 295 002661 296 002663 297 002677 305 002751 306 002756 307 002776 313 003040 314 003057 321 003131 322 003134 323 003140 324 003144 325 003164 327 003167 330 003170 332 003176 335 003237 338 003240 342 003246 346 003247 348 003264 350 003267 352 003277 353 003325 354 003330 355 003347 356 003354 358 003355 360 003360 361 003376 367 003441 371 003443 372 003453 373 003455 374 003473 383 003535 384 003542 385 003544 386 003564 387 003570 390 003572 394 003573 397 003601 398 003613 406 003660 407 003665 408 003705 409 003727 410 003732 412 003746 413 003752 414 003753 415 003757 416 003760 418 003764 ----------------------------------------------------------- Historical Background This edition of the Multics software materials and documentation is provided and donated to Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Group BULL including BULL HN Information Systems Inc. as a contribution to computer science knowledge. This donation is made also to give evidence of the common contributions of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, General Electric, Honeywell Information Systems Inc., Honeywell BULL Inc., Groupe BULL and BULL HN Information Systems Inc. to the development of this operating system. Multics development was initiated by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Project MAC (1963-1970), renamed the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence in the mid 1970s, under the leadership of Professor Fernando Jose Corbato. Users consider that Multics provided the best software architecture for managing computer hardware properly and for executing programs. Many subsequent operating systems incorporated Multics principles. Multics was distributed in 1975 to 2000 by Group Bull in Europe , and in the U.S. by Bull HN Information Systems Inc., as successor in interest by change in name only to Honeywell Bull Inc. and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. . ----------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute these programs and their documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,provided that the below copyright notice and historical background appear in all copies and that both the copyright notice and historical background and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of MIT, HIS, BULL or BULL HN not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the programs without specific prior written permission. Copyright 1972 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Honeywell Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by BULL HN Information Systems Inc. Copyright 2006 by Bull SAS All Rights Reserved