.. _notebook_show_tests: .. WARNING: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE: AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. PLEASE EDIT THE .py FILE DIRECTLY. Tests of .show() of music21 within Notebooks ============================================ ``Music21`` checks to see if its environment is a Notebook (Jupyter/Colab/JupyterLab) and uses different file formats for show() w/ MuseScore and MIDI (w/ music21j/midicube) This file contains tests that currently work. .. code:: ipython3 from music21 import * .. code:: ipython3 c = corpus.parse('bwv269') c.show() .. image:: notebook_show_tests_2_0.png :width: 787px :height: 716px .. raw:: html


.. image:: notebook_show_tests_2_2.png :width: 787px :height: 280px .. code:: ipython3 c.show('midi') .. raw:: html