.. _usersGuide_56_searching2: .. WARNING: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE: AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED. PLEASE EDIT THE .py FILE DIRECTLY. User’s Guide, Chapter 56: Segmented and Approximate Search ========================================================== Previously we have looked at ways of finding passages of notes within a single score, but what if we want to search across scores, or find only approximate matches? The :ref:`music21.search ` and :ref:`music21.search.segment ` modules have tools for making this possible. Let’s load up a piece by Palestrina to start: .. code:: ipython3 from music21 import * pal = corpus.parse('palestrina/Agnus_0') pal.measures(0, 7).show() .. image:: usersGuide_56_searching2_1_0.png :width: 748px :height: 441px It looks like the opening motive in the first part (let’s call it “Cantus” even though it’s unlabeled) will reoccur in the Tenor, and maybe elsewhere in the piece. Let’s divide the score up into four-note segments: