Class: Lyric

.note. Lyric

new Lyric(text, number, syllabic, applyRaw, identifier)

Class for a single Lyric attached to a music21.note.GeneralNote

Name Type Default Description
text string

the text of the lyric

number number 1

the lyric number

syllabic string

placement of the syllable ('begin', 'middle', 'end', 'single'); undefined = interpret from text

applyRaw boolean false

true = display the text exactly as it is or, false = use "-" etc. to determine syllabic

identifier string

identifier for the lyric.

Name Type Default Description
lyricConnector string '-'

what to place between two lyrics that are syllabic.

text string

the text of the lyric syllable.

syllabic string

see above

applyRaw boolean

see above

identifier string

see above; gets .number if undefined

number number

see above

rawText string

text + any connectors



Music21j, Copyright © 2013-2021 Michael Scott Asato Cuthbert.
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