Source: music21/webmidi.js

 * music21j -- Javascript reimplementation of Core music21p features.
 * music21/webmidi -- webmidi or wrapper around the Jazz Plugin
 * For non webmidi --  Uses the cross-platform, cross-browser plugin from
 * P.S. by the standards of divinity of most major religions, Sema Kachalo is a god.
 * Copyright (c) 2014-18, Michael Scott Cuthbert and cuthbertLab
 * Based on music21 (=music21p), Copyright (c) 2006–18, Michael Scott Cuthbert and cuthbertLab
 * webmidi -- for connecting with external midi devices
 * Uses either the webmidi API or the Jazz plugin
 * See {@link music21.webmidi}
 * @namespace music21.webmidi
 * @memberof music21
 * @requires music21/miditools
 * @requires jQuery
 * @exports music21/webmidi
 * @example smallest usage of the webmidi toolkit.  see testHTML/midiInRequire.html

    <title>MIDI In/Jazz Test for Music21j</title>
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
MIDI Input: <div id="putMidiSelectHere" />
<div id="svgDiv">
<script src='music21j.js'></script>
    s = new;

    function displayStream(midiEvent) {
        if (midiEvent.noteOn) {
            var m21n = midiEvent.music21Note();
            if (s.length > 7) {
                s.elements = s.elements.slice(1)
            var $svgDiv = $("#svgDiv");
            var svgDiv = s.appendNewDOM($svgDiv);
    music21.miditools.callBacks.general = displayStream;


import * as $ from 'jquery';
import { debug } from './debug.js';

import * as common from './common.js';
import * as miditools from './miditools.js';

 * @typedef {Object} Jazz
 * @extends HTMLObjectElement
 * @property {boolean} isJazz
 * @property {function} MidiInOpen
 * @property {function} MidiInClose
 * @property {function} MidiInList

 * @type {
 *     {
 *     selectedInputPort: *,
 *     access: *,
 *     jazzDownloadUrl: string,
 *     selectedOutputPort: *,
 *     storedPlugin: *,
 *     selectedJazzInterface: *,
 *     $select: jQuery|undefined
 *     }
 * }
export const webmidi = {
    selectedOutputPort: undefined,
    selectedInputPort: undefined,

    access: undefined,
    $select: undefined,

    jazzDownloadUrl: '',
    storedPlugin: undefined,
    selectedJazzInterface: undefined, // not the same as "" etc. uses last selected interface by default.

 * Called by Jazz MIDI plugin when an event arrives.
 * Shim to convert the data into WebMIDI API format and then call the WebMIDI API midiInArrived
 * See the MIDI spec for information on parameters
 * @memberof music21.webmidi
 * @param {byte} t - timing information
 * @param {byte} a - data 1
 * @param {byte} b - data 2
 * @param {byte} c - data 3
export function jazzMidiInArrived(t, a, b, c) {
    const webmidiEvent = {
        timestamp: t,
        data: [a, b, c],
    return midiInArrived(webmidiEvent);

 * Called directly when a MIDI event arrives from the WebMIDI API, or via a Shim (jazzMidiInArrived)
 * when MIDI information comes from JazzMIDI
 * Calls the 'raw' and 'general callbacks when a raw midi event (four bytes)
 * arrives.
 * See the MIDI spec for information on the contents of the three parameters.
 * midiMessageEvent should be an object with two keys: timeStamp (int) and data (array of three int values)
 * @memberof music21.webmidi
 * @param {Object} midiMessageEvent - midi Information
export function midiInArrived(midiMessageEvent) {
    const t = midiMessageEvent.timeStamp;
    const a =[0];
    const b =[1];
    const c =[2];
    const eventObject = miditools.callBacks.raw(t, a, b, c);
    if (miditools.callBacks.general instanceof Array) {
        return miditools.callBacks.general.forEach((el, index, array) => {
    } else if (miditools.callBacks.general !== undefined) {
        return miditools.callBacks.general(eventObject);
    } else {
        return undefined;

 * Create a hidden tiny, &lt;object&gt; tag in the DOM with the
 * proper classid (`CLSID:1ACE1618-1C7D-4561-AEE1-34842AA85E90`) to
 * load the Jazz plugin.
 * It will return the plugin if it can or undefined if it cannot. Caches it in webmidi.storedPlugin.
 * @function music21.webmidi.createPlugin
 * @param {Node} [appendElement=document.body] - where to place this hidden object (does not really matter)
 * @param {Boolean} [override=false] - if this method has been called successfully before return the storedPlugin unless override is true.
 * @returns {Jazz|undefined} Jazz MIDI plugin object
export function createPlugin(appendElement, override) {
    if (webmidi.storedPlugin && override !== true) {
        return webmidi.storedPlugin;
    if (typeof appendElement === 'undefined') {
        appendElement = $('body')[0];
    const obj = document.createElement('object');
    obj.classid = 'CLSID:1ACE1618-1C7D-4561-AEE1-34842AA85E90';
    if (!obj.isJazz) {
        obj.type = 'audio/x-jazz';
    } = 'hidden'; = '0px'; = '0px';

    if (obj.isJazz) {
        webmidi.storedPlugin = obj;
        return obj;
    } else {
            'Cannot use jazz plugin; install at ' + webmidi.jazzDownloadUrl
        return undefined;

 * Creates a &lt;select&gt; object for selecting among the MIDI choices in Jazz
 * @function music21.webmidi.createJazzSelector
 * @param {jQuery|HTMLElement} [$newSelect=document.body] - object to append the select to
 * @param {Object} [options] - see createSelector for details
 * @returns {HTMLElement|undefined} DOM object containing the select tag, or undefined if Jazz cannot be loaded.
export function createJazzSelector($newSelect, options) {
    const params = {};
    common.merge(params, options);

    const Jazz = createPlugin();
    if (Jazz === undefined) {
        return undefined;

    $newSelect.change(() => {
        const selectedInput = $('#midiInSelect option:selected').text();
        if (selectedInput !== 'None selected') {
            webmidi.selectedJazzInterface = Jazz.MidiInOpen(
        } else {
        if (debug) {
                'current input changed to: ' + webmidi.selectedInterface
    const midiOptions = Jazz.MidiInList();
    const noneAppendOption = $("<option value='None'>None selected</option>");

    let anySelected = false;
    const allAppendOptions = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < midiOptions.length; i++) {
        const $appendOption = $(
            "<option value='"
                + midiOptions[i]
                + "'>"
                + midiOptions[i]
                + '</option>'
        if (midiOptions[i] === webmidi.selectedJazzInterface) {
            $appendOption.attr('selected', true);
            anySelected = true;
        // console.log(appendOption);
    if (anySelected === false && midiOptions.length > 0) {
        allAppendOptions[0].attr('selected', true);
        webmidi.selectedJazzInterface = Jazz.MidiInOpen(
        anySelected = true;
    } else {
        noneAppendOption.attr('selected', true);
    if (params.onsuccess !== undefined) {
    if (anySelected === true && params.oninputsuccess !== undefined) {
    } else if (anySelected === false && params.oninputempty !== undefined) {
    return $newSelect;

 * Function to be called if the webmidi-api selection changes. (not jazz)
export function selectionChanged() {
    const selectedInput = webmidi.$select.val();
    if (selectedInput === webmidi.selectedInputPort) {
        return false;
    const storedStateChange = webmidi.access.onstatechange; // port.close() fires onstatechange, so turn off for a moment.
    webmidi.access.onstatechange = () => {};
    if (debug) {
        console.log('current input changed to: ' + selectedInput);
    webmidi.selectedInputPort = selectedInput;

    webmidi.access.inputs.forEach(port => {
        if ( === selectedInput) {
            port.onmidimessage = midiInArrived;
        } else {
    webmidi.access.onstatechange = storedStateChange;
    return false;

 * Creates a &lt;select&gt; object for selecting among the MIDI choices in Jazz
 * The options object has several parameters:
 * @function music21.webmidi.createSelector
 * @param {jQuery|HTMLElement} [midiSelectDiv=$('body')] - object to append the select to
 * @param {Object} [options] - see above.
 * @param {boolean} options.autoupdate -- should this auto update?
 * @param {function} options.onsuccess -- function to call on all successful port queries
 * @param {function} options.oninputsuccess -- function to call if successful and at least one input device is found
 * @param {function} options.oninputempty -- function to call if successful but no input devices are found.
 * @param {boolean} options.existingMidiSelect -- is there already a select tag for MIDI?
 * @returns {jQuery|undefined} DOM object containing the select tag, or undefined if Jazz cannot be loaded.
export function createSelector(midiSelectDiv, options) {
    const params = {
        autoUpdate: true,
        existingMidiSelect: false,
    common.merge(params, options);

     * @type {jQuery}
    let $midiSelectDiv;
    if (typeof $midiSelectDiv === 'undefined') {
        $midiSelectDiv = $('body');
    } else if (!(midiSelectDiv instanceof $)) {
        $midiSelectDiv = $(midiSelectDiv);
    } else {
        $midiSelectDiv = midiSelectDiv;
    let $newSelect;
    const foundMidiSelects = $midiSelectDiv.find('select#midiInSelect');
    if (foundMidiSelects.length > 0) {
        $newSelect = foundMidiSelects[0];
        params.existingMidiSelect = true;
    } else {
        $newSelect = $('<select>').attr('id', 'midiInSelect');
    webmidi.$select = $newSelect;

    if (navigator.requestMIDIAccess === undefined) {
        createJazzSelector($newSelect, params);
    } else {
        if (params.existingMidiSelect !== true) {
            access => {
                webmidi.access = access;
                if (params.autoUpdate) {
                    access.onstatechange = populateSelect;
                if (params.onsuccess !== undefined) {
                if (
                    webmidi.selectedInputPort !== 'None'
                    && params.oninputsuccess !== undefined
                ) {
                } else if (
                    webmidi.selectedInputPort === 'None'
                    && params.oninputempty !== undefined
                ) {
            e => {
    miditools.clearOldChords(); // starts the chord checking process.
    return $newSelect;

export function populateSelect() {
    const inputs = webmidi.access.inputs;

    const $noneAppendOption = $("<option value='None'>None selected</option>");

    const allAppendOptions = [];
    const midiOptions = [];
    let i = 0;
    inputs.forEach(port => {
        const $appendOption = $(
            "<option value='" + + "'>" + + '</option>'
        // console.log(appendOption);
        i += 1;

    if (allAppendOptions.length > 0) {
        allAppendOptions[0].attr('selected', true);
    } else {
        $noneAppendOption.attr('selected', true);
Music21j, Copyright © 2013-2021 Michael Scott Asato Cuthbert.
Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.6.3 on Wed Jul 31st 2019 using the DocStrap template.