During the third and final part of the course, students will apply the lessons learned from readings, fieldwork, and cases to the task of proposing a model program for Philadelphia, which integrates stormwater management and environmental restoration with neighborhood transformation and with education and empowerment of youth. Students may choose to work individually or in a group.

Your proposal should construct an argument for the approach you have taken. It should describe the programmatic features that connect environmental restoration, education, and neighbohood transformation. It should analyze the opportunities and obstacles and describe strategies for resolving these issues.

We will proceed toward this goal in a series of work sessions, culminating in a presentation and discussion in the penultimate class meeting, followed by reflection on the semester in the final class. To make the most of the three work sessions, it is imperative to come to class prepared to discuss your work-in-progress.

Mami Hara will be at MIT for the final presentation and will also be available for consultation via Skype throughout this final phase of the course.

November 9. Environment, Schools, and Neighborhood Transformation: Making Connections

During this class session, we will chart the potential connections among stormwater management and environmental restoration, neighborhood transformation, and education and empowerment of youth.

November 16. Environment, Schools, and Neighborhood Transformation: Envisioning a Model Program

Come to this class with your proposal for a model program. We will discuss during class.

November 23. Environment, Schools, and Neighborhood Transformation: Planning, Design, Implementation

Come to this class with your plan for the design and implementation of your proposal for a model program.

November 30. Environment, Schools, and Neighborhood Transformation: Presentation and Discussion

Class presentation may be in Powerpoint or from a pdf. The file must be posted online by Sunday, Nocember 30 at 10PM. The final submission of your proposal is due as a pdf one week after the presentation in class in order to provide time to incorporate suggestions and critique during and after the presentation.

December 7. Reflections and Next Steps

All assignments are due at times and dates indicated above. Late projects will receive a reduction in grade. There will be no extensions without prior, written, consent of the instructor. The presentation and documentation of the proposal represent 30% of the final grade.