Required readings are on reserve in the Rotch Library (books) or on Stellar
14 September. Introduction to Ecological Urbanism
Required: Anne Whiston Spirn, "Ecological Urbanism," written for Resilience in Ecology and Urban Design, Pickett, et al. (Springer, 2013).
Further Reading: Randolph T. Hester, Design for Ecological Democracy (MIT Press, 2007); S.T. A. Pickett, M. L. Cadenasso, and Brian McGrath, eds., Resilience in Ecology and Urban Design (Springer, 2013); Mohsen Mostafavi and Gareth Doherty, eds., Ecological Urbanism (Lars Müller, 2010); Charles Waldheim, ed. Landscape Urbanism Reader (Princeton Architectural Press, 2006); Chris Reed and Nina Marie Lister, eds., Projective Ecologies (Actar, 2014); Raymond Williams, "Ideas of Nature," in Problems in Materialism and Culture (Verso, 1980), pp. 67-85; Raymond Williams, Keywords (Oxford, 1983); Kevin Lynch, Good City Form (MIT, 1981); Anne Whiston Spirn, "The Authority of Nature: Conflict, Confusion, and Renewal in Design, Planning, and Ecology,"; in Ecology and Design, Bart Johnson and Kristina Hill, eds. (Island Press); Daniel Botkin, Discordant Harmonies: A New Ecology for the Twenty-first Century (Oxford, 1990); Donald Worster, Nature's Economy: The Roots of Ecology (Sierra Club, 1979); W. L. Thomas, ed., Man’s Role in Changing the Face of the Earth (Illinois, 1956).
21 September. Ecological Urbanism: Practice, Theory, and Tradition I
Required: Spirn, The Granite Garden: Urban Nature and City Design (Basic Books, 1984).
Further Reading: Spirn, "The Granite Garden: Where Do We Stand Today?" (forthcoming 2016); Timothy Beatley, Biophilic Cities: Integrating Nature into Urban Design and Planning (Island Press, 2010); Matthew Gandy, Concrete and Clay: Reworking Nature in New York City (MIT Press, 2002); Michael Hough, Cities and Natural Process (Routledge, 1995); Kristina Hill, "Urban Ecological Design and Urban Ecology," in Vladimir Novotny and Paul Brown, eds., Cities of the Future, (IWA Publishing, 2007); Elizabeth Meyer, “Sustaining Beauty,” Journal of Landscape Architecture (Spring 2008): 6-23; Spirn, "The Poetics of City and Nature: Toward a New Aesthetic For Urban Design," Landscape Journal (Fall 1988); Spirn, "Reclaiming Common Ground: Water, Neighborhoods, and Public Spaces," in Robert Fishman, ed., The American Planning Tradition (Woodrow Wilson Press and Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000); Spirn, "Urban Nature and Human Design: Renewing the Great Tradition," Jay Stein, ed., Classic Readings in Urban Planning (McGraw-Hill, 1995); Spirn, "Constructing Nature: The Legacy of Frederick Law Olmsted,” in William Cronon, ed., Uncommon Ground (Norton, 1995); Patrick Geddes, Cities in Evolution (Williams and Norgate, 1915); Lewis Mumford, Urban Prospect (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1968); Ian McHarg, Design with Nature (Natural History Press, 1969); Narendra Juneja and Spirn, Environmental Resources of the Toronto Central Waterfront, (WMRT, 1976); Nancy Seasholes, Gaining Ground: A History of Landmaking in Boston, (MIT, 2003); William Cronon, Nature’s Metropolis (Norton, 1991); Andrew Hurley, ed., Common Fields: An Environmental History of St. Louis (Missouri Historical Society, 1997); Mike Davis, Ecology of Fear (Holt, 1998); Matthew Klingle, Emerald City: An Environmental History of Seattle (Yale University Press, 2007).
28 September. Ecological Urbanism: Practice, Theory, and Tradition II
Required: Spirn, "The Nature of Mill Creek: Landscape Literacy and Design for Ecological Democracy" and The Mill Creek Project. Spirn, The West Philadelphia Landscape Plan: A Framework for Action (WPLP, 1991); West Philadelphia Landscape Project website, see especially: Timeline and Stories.
Further Reading: Spirn, Language of Landscape (Yale, 1998); Spirn, "Reclaiming Common Ground: Water, Neighborhoods, and Public Spaces," in Robert Fishman, ed., The American Planning Tradition (Woodrow Wilson Press and Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000); Spirn and Michele Pollio, Vacant Land: A Resource for Reshaping Urban Neighborhoods (WPLP, 1991); Spirn and Pollio, "This Garden Is a Town" (WPLP, 1990); Spirn and Mark Campbell, Shaping the Block (WPLP, 1991); Spirn and Daniel Marcucci Models of Success: Landscape Improvements and Community Development (WPLP, 1991); Spirn and Robert Cheetham, The Digital Database: Atlas and Guide (WPLP, 1996); Randolph T. Hester, Design for Ecological Democracy (MIT Press, 2007); Ian McHarg, "An Ecological Method for Landscape Architecture," Landscape Architecture (1967); Kevin Lynch, “Environmental Adaptability (1958),” in Banerjee and Southworth, eds., City Sense and City Design (MIT, 1990); Lynch, Good City Form (MIT, 1981); John Jakle and David Wilson, Derelict Landscapes: The Wasting of America’s Built Environment (Rowman and Littlefield, 1992); Bunyan Bryant, ed., Environmental Justice (Island, 1995); Sam Bass Warner, To Dwell Is to Garden (Northeastern, 1987).
5 October. Ecological Urbanism: "The Power of Example"
Required: Bent Flyvbjerg, "The Power of Example," in Making Social Science Matter (Cambridge University Press, 2001), plus Philadelphia Water Department, Long-term Combined Sewer Overflow Program: Program Summary; Sarah Madden, Choosing Green Over Gray: Philadelphia's Innovative Stormwater Infrastructure Plan (MIT MCP Thesis, 2010). Browse PWD website.
Further Reading: Philadelphia Water Department, Stormwater Management Guidance Manual, Version 2.1 (2011); Spirn and Daniel Marcucci, Models of Success: Landscape Improvements and Community Development (WPLP, 1991); Donald Schön, The Reflective Practitioner (Basic Books, 1983); Dolores Hayden, The Power of Place: Urban Landscape as Public History (MIT, 1995); Lawrence Vale and Thomas Campanella, eds., The Resilient City (Oxford, 2005); Elizabeth Meyer, “Sustaining Beauty,” Journal of Landscape Architecture (Spring 2008): 6-23; Anne Whiston Spirn, "Constructing Nature: The Legacy of Frederick Law Olmsted," in Uncommon Ground, edited by William Cronon (WW Norton, 1995), 91-113; Spirn, "Ian McHarg, Environmentalism, and Landscape Architecture: Ideas and Methods in Context," in Environmentalism in Landscape Architecture, edited by Michel Conan (Dumbarton Oaks, 2000), 97-114; Ian McHarg, Design with Nature (Natural History Press, 1969).
9-12 October. Field Trip to Philadelphia
13 October. Green Infrastructure
Required: Philadelphia Water Department, Long-term Combined Sewer Overflow Program: Program Summary; Sarah Madden, Choosing Green Over Gray: Philadelphia's Innovative Stormwater Infrastructure Plan (MIT MCP Thesis, 2010).
Further Reading: M. A. Benedict and E. T. McMahon, Green Infrastructure: Linking Landscapes and Communities (Island Press, 2006); Thomas Dunne and Luna Leopold, Water in Environmental Planning (Freeman, 1978); Herbert Dreiseitl and Dieter Grau, eds., Recent Waterscapes: Planning, Building and Designing with Water (Birkhauser, 2009); National Research Council, Urban Stormwater Management in the United States (National Academies Press, 2009); Civic Federation, "Managing Urban Stormwater with Green Infrastructure: Case Studies of Five U.S. Local Governments" (2007); James Wescoat, "Waterscapes and Water-conserving Design." LA!: Journal of Indian Landscape Architecture (2009); Alan Berger and C. Brown, "A New Systemic Nature for Mussolini's Landscape Urbanism," VIA: DIRT (September 2009); Vladimir Novotny, Jack Ahern, and Paul Brown, Water-centric Sustainable Communities (Wiley, 2010); Tree People ("Rainwater as a Resource", in particular); Martin Melosi, The Sanitary City: Urban Infrastructure in America from Colonial Times to the Present (Johns Hopkins, 2000); Joel Tarr, Infrastructure and Urban Growth in the Nineteenth Century (Public Works Hist. Soc., 1985).
19 October. Green Schools
Required: Robin Moore, Natural Learning: The Life History of an Environmental Schoolyard (Mig Communitcations, 1997); Sharon Gamson Danks, Asphalt to Ecosystems (New Village Press, 2010); Community Design Collaborative and PWD, Transforming Philadelphia's Schoolyards(Community Design Guides, 2015); Green Schools Program (Philadelphia Water Department); Green Schoolyard Network website; Boston Schoolyard Initiative website, including videos; Boston Green Schools website.
Further Reading: Learning Landscapes website; Getting Started: A Guide for Creating School Gardens as Outdoor Classrooms (Center for Ecoliteracy, 2007); International Schoolgrounds Alliance website; "Grounds for Learning" (Evergreen, 2001); Sharon Stine, Landscapes for Learning; (Wiley, 1997); .
26 October. Environmental Literacy, Landscape Literacy, and Place-Based Education
Required: Spirn, "The Nature of Mill Creek: Landscape Literacy and Design for Ecological Democracy"; David Sobel, Place-Based Eucation (Orion Society, 2004); Doreen Nelson, Design-Based Learning; Charles Roth, Benchmarks on the Way to Environmental Literacy K-12 (Massachusetts Secretary's Advisory Group on Environmental Education, 1996) .
Further Reading: Massachusetts Environmental Education Plan (1999); Ursula August, "Environmental Literacy in Massachusetts" (case for 11.308, 2014); Miles Horton and Paolo Freire, We Make the World by Walking: Conversations on Education and Social Change (Temple University Press, 1990); Paolo Freier and Donaldo Macedo, Literacy: Reading the Word and the World (Bergin & Garvey, 1987); Spirn, The Language of Landscape (Yale, 1998); Randolph T. Hester, Design for Ecological Democracy (MIT Press, 2007); Gerald Lieberman and Linda Hoody, Closing the Achievement Gap: Using the Environment as an Integrating Context for Learning (Science Wizards, 2002); David M. Callejo Perez et al., Pedagogy of Place: Seeing Space as Cultural Education (Peter Lang, 2004); J. Mark Fly, "A Place-Based Model for K-12 Education in Tennessee"; National Environmental Education Foundation website; Environmental Literacy Council website; North American Association for Environmental Education website.
2 November. Community Schools: Education, Youth, and Neighborhood Transformation
Required: Lee Benson, Ira Harkavy, and John Puckett, Dewey's Dream: Universities and Democracies in an Age of Education Reform, Civil Society, Public Schools, and Democratic Citizenship (Temple University Press, 2007); Coalition for Community Schools website.
Further Reading: Dale Russakoff, The Prize: Who's in Charge of America's Schools (Houghton Mifflin, 2015); Ira Harkavy and Matthew Hartley, University-School-Community Partnerships for Youth Development and Democratic Renewal, New Directions for Youth Development, 2009 (Summer): 122; Matthew Calvert, et al., Youth Programs,as Builders of Social Capital, New Directions for Youth Development. 2013 (Summer): 138; Michael Johanek and John Puckett, Leonard Covello and the Making of Benjamin Franklin High School: Education as if Citizenship Mattered (Temple University Press, 2006).
9 November. Environment, Schools, and Neighborhood Transformation: Making Connections
16 November. Environment, Schools, and Neighborhood Transformation: Envisioning a Model Program
23 November. Environment, Schools, and Neighborhood Transformation: Planning, Design, Implementation
Recommended Reading: Community Design Collaborative and PWD, Transforming Philadelphia's Schoolyards (Community Design Guides, 2015); PWD, Stormwater Incentives Grant Manual.
30 November. Environment, Schools, and Neighborhood Transformation: Presentations and Discussion
7 December. Reflections and Next Steps
Recommended Reading: Donald Schön, The Reflective Practitioner (Basic Books, 1983); John W. Kingdon, Agendas, Alernatives, and Public Policies (Harper Collins, 1995); Spirn and Daniel Marcucci, Models of Success: Landscape Improvements and Community Development (WPLP, 1991).