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Subject: End the NonSence....
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 10:48:56
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                       Free Service

We are a Company that specializes in teaching people how to reduce their
mortgage and build faster Equity WITHOUT refinancing and WITHOUT
increasing your payments.
You Can build your Equity 300% Faster!
You Can Shave 10-19 years off your mortgage!
You DO NOT Ever double your payments!
I am sorry to say all people and mortgages do NOT qualify.
Credit-Banks-Mortgage Lenders-Amount left on mortgage-Amount of mortgages.
None of those Make a difference with the program.
We will Run a FREE Mortgage Analysis For you.
You are under NO Obligation for anything.
The Analysis Will tell you exactly how many yrs you can take off
your Mortgage.
And how much equity you can build and in what period of time.
Just Return an email With These Questions Completed
and your Free Analysis will be E-mailed to you within 5 business
What was the Original Mortgage Amount Financed for?
What Year and Month did you close on the Mortgage?
What is the Mortgage term?...ex.  10,20 or 30 yrs
What is The interest amount?...ex 8%,10% ect...
Is the Interest Amount fixed or Variable?
What is Monthly payment?--(Includes taxes and Insurance)
Do you have a second mortgage?
If yes all the above info is needed for second mortgage.
Name Address Phone #.
Any and all information is kept confidential.
No Names-Addresses-Phone # -E-mail addresses or
any information will be sold or traded with any parties
at any time.
Again the Mortgage Analysis is a Free Service.