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With nature's secret weapon.... Pheromones

Invisible, odorless, and undetectable, when unknowingly inhaled by any
adult woman, Androstenone Pheromone Concentrate unblocks all restraints
and releases her raw animal sex drive!

Scientists have isolated the natural Human male Pheromone attractants
and they are NOW available to YOU, legally, in the U.S.!

The power of Androstenone has been featured on Hardcopy, 20/20,
Dateline, and in articles in Penthouse, Playboy, Chic, Swank, Vogue,
Omni, Discovery and numerous medical journals, television shows and
newspapers from the N.Y. Times to the L.A. Times.

For the last five years, we have been researching and marketing
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Every time you wear Androstenone Pheromone Concentrate, it will send
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Pheromones will miraculously increase your sexual attractiveness with
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Androstenone is the only known true Male Human Pheromone tested
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For a limited time, we are offering one bottle of Androstenone
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If you would like to be permanently removed from our mailing list,
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