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Date: Sun, 3 Jan 1999 23:34:10 +0200
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To: < omitted @MIT.EDU >
Subject: A New Year's Dream


In December 1992 my brother left South Africa to build a future in the U.S.A. 
He managed to find a job, married an American girl, built himself a house, he fulfilled the great American dream! 
Meanwhile South Africa got a new government that started to plunder what 
was once a great country. What was not plundered by government, was taken by
My brother urged me to come to America as all hope for a decent and safe future 
in South Africa faded over the horizon. It was easier said than done because the 
local currency lost value against the dollar at the speed of sound and the price of 
going to the States became astronomical.
In February 1998 my brother phoned me to tell me that he has secured a job for me
and a work permit. (Green card) I sold my little business and all our furniture
to purchase a plane ticket to the U.S.A.
When I got there, I found out that he has lied to me in order to get me to the States
so that he could show off his new car and house and other "toys."
I could not secure a job because I did not have the necessary work permit.
Sadly I had to return to South Africa with no more money left. A friend lent us his old
trailer to live in and we are battling to make a living.
We have two teenage children and our wish is for them to be able to go to America and get a decent upbringing. As things stand now, there is no hope that we can
get our kids out of this hell-hole that they call South Africa without outside help.
We would like to appeal for any help you are able to give or any small donation 
(even if it is only $5) so that we can secure the future of our precious children.
Please deposit your donation in MASTER CARD account number 541193163339015
in the name of:

Mrs. L. E. du Toit, 
P. O. Box 4494, 
Northern Province
Republic of South Africa

Your help is greatly appreciated.
God Bless!!

Pieter and family.