

"Rolling Stones"
(invited talk) ESF Meeting, San Felliu de Guixols, March 29th-April 3rd 2003. 

"Self-propelling slugs in capillary tubes "
(invited talk) ASME Conference, New Orleans, November 17-22, 2002.

"Rolling, sliding and adhesion on a viscous wall "
(oral presentation) APS Division of Fluids Dynamics Meeting, Dallas, November 24-26, 2002.
(poster) Gordon Conference, Science of Adhesion, Trenton, August 11-15, 2002.

"Viscoelastic Free Surface Instabilities During Exponential Stretching
(poster) Society of Rheology annual metting, Bethesda, October 21-25, 2001. 
(vidéo) APS Division of Fluids Dynamics Meeting, San Diego, November 18-20, 2001.

"Wetting (or non wetting) of textured surfaces " (poster 650Ko)
TRI Workshop on Nanocapillarity, Princeton, June 4-6, 2001.

"Mouillage et imprégnation de surfaces texturées" (oral presentation) 
La Matière Désordonnée, Rencontres de Carry-le-Rouet, France, May 15-17, 2000.

"Fabrication de pointes" (oral presentation)
20th Rencontres de physique statistique, ESPCI, Paris, January 27-28, 2000.

"Spontaneous motion of a slug in a tube" (poster)
4th EPS Liquid Matter Conference, Grenada, Spain, July 3-7, 1999. 

"Statique du mouillage nul" (oral presentation)
19th Rencontres de physique statistique, ESPCI, Paris, January 28-29, 1999.

"Bigouttes filantes" (oral presentation) 
Les MIAMS 20 ans, Rencontres de Carry-le-Rouet, France, September 2-4, 1998.

"Free Running Double Droplets" (poster)
17th EPS Conference of the Condensed Matter Division, Grenoble, France, August 25-29, 1998. 

Invited seminars

"Like a Rolling Stone?",
Computation in science seminars, Chicago University, November 6th, 2002 and HML Seminars, MIT, October 29th, 2002.

"Viscoelastic Instabilities in Stretched Liquids",
Squishy Physics, Harvard University, March 27th, 2002 and Brown bag seminars, Department of Mathematics, MIT, April 5th, 2002.

"Liquides étirés", CRPP, Bordeaux, puis LPMC, Nice et IMFT, Toulouse, November 2001. "Liquid trains in a tube", Seminars in Fluid Mechanics and Material Processing, MIT, April 6th, 2001

"Gouttes automotrices et mouillage dynamique en strates", FAST, Orsay, France, May 10th, 2000.

 "Bigouttes filantes, films de bigouttes et bigouttes fileuses", IRPHE, Marseille, France, March 29th, 2000 and PCT, ESPCI, Paris, March 14th, 2000.

"Trains de gouttes", Rhodia, Lyon, France, March 7th, 2000.