Ian H. Hutchinson

Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering

Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
Plasma Science and Fusion Center
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts,
USA. Email: ihutch@mit.edu

Short Biography

Atop the tokamak photo

My book (2018)

Can a scientist believe in miracles?
An MIT professor answers questions on God and science.

Published by Intervarsity Press

and available at amazon.com

Addresses more than 200 questions I have been asked by university audiences on all aspects of God and science.


My book about solving physical problems by computer

Based on my course 22.15 at MIT

Published by Cambridge University Press

and available at amazon.com

A Student's Guide to Numerical Methods            My book Monopolizing Knowledge

is an exploration and repudiation of Scientism,
the erroneous belief that all real knowledge is science. Available at Amazon.

Science interests:
Other intellectual interests:

Relationship between science and Christianity various talks and presentations
The Faith of Great Scientists, Occasional MIT IAP Discussion Seminar.
Nuclear Energy. I am a frequent commentator in the media and universities.
The Veritas Forum engaging students and faculty in discussions about life's hardest questions and the modern relevance of Jesus Christ.

Personal Home Page.

File of public key: http://silas.psfc.mit.edu/ihutch.asc Download and use with gpg to send me securely encrypted mail, or verify signed documents I sent you. (Alternatively ask a keyserver such as pgp.mit.edu for "Ian H Hutchinson".)
