Prep. School...

Since I didn't go to the International School in Thailand, I need to get a grade in US. system by spending one more year in prep. school. I went to the Hotchkiss School loacted in the middle of nowhere, actually somewhere in CT near the NY-CT border. Everytime I went shopping, I had to cross the State border to NY state... Quite sad, huh? It was quite a big difference from the easy orientation program to real American prep. school. I had to adjust a lot esp. in term of the amount of workload. :(

Even though I entered the school in the senior year, I still have some friends like

From left to right, me, Eddie and Ian

Even though my school is kind of in the middle of nowhere, I didn't spend my entire year only inside hotchkiss. Like during the winter break when I have to do all the application for colleges... One month of hell? Close enough. Yet, I can still have fun celebrating Christmas with all my other Thai Scholars friends and Mr. & Mrs. Rorkes.

We did all the decorations!

And here came the most exciting part of the Christmas Celebration.

Look at how elated everyone is :)

After all the applications were done, Spring Break seemed to be the most relaxing time of the year since it's senior spring. Anyway, my friends and I made a visit at Planet Hollywood in Washington DC. It was a very interesting experience.
