Financial Assistance
The Financial Assistance section outlines different organizations that can help you when your financial situation is difficult. In this section you will read about AHCCCS, Cash Assistance, DES Child Care Programs, Kid's Care, SEACAP, and Nogales Community Development Corporation.

AHCCCS is Arizona’s Medicaid health care program; it provides medical insurance to low-income families. If you qualify you can receive most of your health care at little or no cost. There are several documents that you need to bring when you are applying:
  • An ID and a social security card for each family member
  • Verification of family relationships
  • Proof of residency
  • Proof of US citizenship
  • Proof of all household monthly income
  • Bank statements
  • Information about property and vehicles you own or recently sold
  • Receipts for alimony or child support.
  • Medical bills from the past year
For an application or more information contact the DES.

Contact Information:
1843 N State Drive
Nogales, AZ 85621
(520) 281-2634

Cash Assistance
This program provides cash benefits to needy dependent children under the age of 18 and their caretaker, parent, or relative. Cash assistance is received on a debit card called the EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) Card. Money can be drawn from this card at participating stores and banks. An unwed minor parent may be eligible for Cash Assistance if the applicant has no living or locatable legal guardian, or if the applicant and their child’s health or safety would be jeopardized if they reside with the adult legal guardian. If the applicant lives with their parents, the entire household must meet Cash Assistance requirements. Cash Assistance is a TEMPORARY program. The client is responsible for achieving self-sufficiency. To qualify an applicant must:
  • Be a resident of Arizona and a US citizen or legal non-citizen
  • Actively seek employment or participate in DES approved work activities
  • Have their children immunized and enrolled in a school program
  • Meet income guidelines
  • Sign a Personal Responsibility Agreement
There are several limits and sanctions for receiving Cash Assistance. For more information and to apply, call the DES and schedule an appointment.

Contact Information:
1843 N State Drive
Nogales, AZ 85621
(520) 281-2634

DES Child Care Programs
The DES administers childcare programs that help eligible families with the cost of childcare to enable parents to participate in employment and specific education and training activities related to employment. To receive childcare assistance contact the DES Child Care office, fill out an application, and inform the childcare specialist of your DES-contracted provider choice. Eligibility is based on income and on the activities and needs of the parents. Examples of eligible activities include:
  • Employment
  • Jobs Program participation
  • High school or GED classes for teen parents
  • Physical, emotional, or mental disability

Contact Information:
1843 N State Drive
Nogales, AZ 85621
(520) 761-4321
Fax: (520) 761-3046

Kid's Care
Kids Care is Arizona’s health insurance program for qualified children at little or no cost to the family. Eligible children must be under 19 years of age, a resident of Arizona, a citizen or qualified immigrant, provide a social security number, and have a qualifying family income. The child cannot be eligible if she already has insurance coverage through another program. A baby qualifies for AHCCCS automatically if the mother was on Kids Care when she was pregnant. The income eligibility for Kids Care is more lenient than the one for AHCCCS. To apply make an appointment at the DES.

Contact Information:
1843 N State Drive
Nogales, AZ 85621
(520) 281-2634
Or call 1-877-764-5437 to request an application and mail it to:
Kids Care
1209 E Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Fax: (602) 417-5098

Southeastern Arizona Community Action Program (SEACAP)
SEACAP provides services such as preventing eviction and utility shut off, moving assistance, minor home repair, and homeless shelter. Homeless shelter means that they will rent a motel room for a few days while the client finds a more stable living environment. Clients must be at 150% of the federal poverty line to be eligible for services. Some services require proof of citizenship. Appointments are made on the first day of every month on a first-come first-serve basis. Stop by the office as early as possible on the first of the month to secure an appointment.

Contact Information:
490 N Chenoweth Avenue
Nogales, AZ 85621
(520) 287-5066

Nogales Community Development Corporation
Nogales CDC offers Individual Development Accounts (IDA), special types of savings accounts that allow people to save money toward a home, business, or educational goal. Once a commitment to save each month is made, Nogales CDC matches funds at a two-to-one rate. For every dollar invested by the client, CDC adds two dollars for a total of up to $4000. In order to qualify a person must meet income guidelines, agree to save monthly for a minimum of 6 months, and be willing to attend financial and assets trainings. Clients gain information on basic money management and are assigned a case manager.

Contact Information:
124 B. North Terrace Avenue
Nogales, AZ 85621
(520) 397-9219
Fax: (520) 397-9217
